Specialties related to languages ​​list. Professions related to a foreign language. Spies and special agents

About a billion people on the planet, or 20% of the world's population, speak English. English is the most important language for international communication. It is the language of politics, diplomacy, business, science, sports. 80% of the world's information is stored in English.

Today, knowledge of English is necessary for any educated person. “He who does not know a foreign language,” said the great Goethe, “understands nothing in his native language.” English will help you master a computer, read English-language books in the original, make new friends, get interesting profession. With him, finally, you can freely travel the world.

We offer a small list of professions related to the English language.

2. Teacher

An extremely demanded profession due to the boom in language learning in Russia. English is needed not only in schools. Language courses, kindergartens and development centers, educational establishments vocational education All of them need talented teachers. Reputable companies interested in highly qualified personnel organize courses and English trainings for employees. A huge field of activity is spread out for tutors. To pull up lagging students, prepare for exams, correct pronunciation - these problems are more often solved by private teachers. English classes via Skype are another front of work for private tutors.


  • higher specialized education;
  • sociability;
  • endless patience;
  • creative imagination.


  • The need for regular professional growth. This specialty cannot be learned once and for all. There are no uniform teaching methods. With each new group, with each student, a unique method has to be created.

3. International flight attendant

A specialist who performs work on an aircraft engaged in international flights. The main task of flight attendants is to ensure maximum comfort for all participants in the flight.


  • spoken foreign language;
  • excellent health;
  • age up to 29 years;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • fluent speech;
  • sociability, emotional restraint;
  • pleasant timbre of voice;
  • possession related professions: medical worker, teacher, cook, bartender.

The stewardess is the face of the airline. The recognition of an airline in the market often depends on its performance. Therefore, reputable companies are picky about the choice of candidates.


  • Unfavorable working conditions: change of climatic zones, regular violation of sleep, nutrition.
  • Emotional stress. Serving picky passengers is hard work.
  • Early retirement (45 years).

4. Guide - tour guide

interesting creative profession demanded in the world. Tourist groups from all over the world regularly come to Russia, are interested in Russian culture and use the services of guides.

English-speaking guides are also needed outside the country. Russian tourists constantly visit remote corners of the planet, get to know the world with the help of Russian guides.


  • Excellent knowledge of the language;
  • the ability to interest the client;
  • broad outlook;
  • articulate speech;
  • organizational skills;
  • love for art;
  • friendly attitude towards people.

5. Web designer

A relatively young profession, the same age as the first web browser. create web pages: develop graphic concepts and web applications; come up with Flash-rollers, logos, banners, icons; photos are processed.

Web designers work both in large marketing companies and in small design studios, but the majority of them work on freelance, without tying themselves to permanent labor relations with any organization. So a web designer is a free but responsible profession.

Talented designers have a high income.


  • technical English;
  • good artistic taste;
  • knowledge of the basics of painting;
  • knowledge of programming languages;
  • logical thinking;
  • diligence;
  • good memory;
  • self-discipline;
  • creativity.


  • the complexity of mastering the profession;
  • significant visual impact.

For the acquisition of professions related to the English language, the list of which we have listed, just a good knowledge of English is not enough. You need to be able to do a lot, learn additional specialties, be sociable, inquisitive, constantly expand your horizons. This is not an easy path for the gifted and hardworking.

If you are young, strong in spirit, talented - go for it!

For some reason, many believe that if a person chooses a foreign language as his main specialty at a university, then he wants to be either a translator or a teacher of this language. But there are many other professions related to languages. The most popular in the world foreign language there is English, as it is spoken by more than half of all mankind.


The profession of an interpreter combines different specializations. There are no "universal" translators, because most specialists in this field improve in one direction. It must be said that all translators are divided into two large groups: interpreters and translators. Therefore, the skills needed here are also different. Interpreters specialize in simultaneous or consecutive translation. And translators are mainly engaged in technical or literary translation. Moreover, technical translation includes any translation that requires special knowledge, for example, legal, technical, medical, etc.


teachers in English can teach not only in schools and universities, but also conduct courses, prepare their students to pass special foreign exams. Teachers have several career options.


If you are interested in science, then after graduating from university with a degree in English, you can take up linguistics at a professional level. This is a fairly broad area of ​​knowledge, which has an extensive practical use even contrary to all common stereotypes. The use of linguistic knowledge and skills in practice is carried out by such a science as applied linguistics. Applied linguistics is a science that specializes in solving problems practical tasks and the use of language theories in other areas of life (machine translation, the creation of dictionaries, character recognition systems, linguistic expertise, corpus linguistics, computational linguistics, etc.). By the way, computational linguistics is a direction that, together with modern computer technology develops very quickly.

Tour guide or guide-interpreter

The tourism sector is a great opportunity to practice English and travel. There are also several options here. You can try yourself as the leader of a tourist group and accompany domestic tourists on trips abroad or conduct excursions for foreign tourists. Of course, not only excellent knowledge of English is important here, but also good diction, sociability, the ability to learn as soon as possible new information, it is interesting to state it to listeners.

Other features

Naturally, knowing English will help you a lot. It is necessary for any positions that involve communication with foreigners: an employee of the international relations department, a personnel manager, a stewardess and much more. Today, specialists with a high knowledge of English in the field of creating websites are in great demand. You will always have the opportunity to work abroad. There are a huge number of special programs that allow you to find temporary work abroad, but usually they are designed for students and young people under 30 years old. If you decide to connect your life with the English language, remember that you will either need to study the language perfectly or receive another education in parallel in order to work at the intersection of these areas and specialties.

Professions related to a foreign language are very interesting and diverse. This is a decipherer, lexicographer, literary critic, editor, font designer, tour guide, diplomat and.

The profession of translator is modern world one of the most popular and sought after.

A diploma of a linguist-translator has a person with the appropriate education and who speaks at least two foreign languages. In addition, the translator must be able to communicate with people and discuss competently, it is enough to understand politics, culture, and art. ().

It is also important not only to translate speech literally, but to convey its essence to a person. The decoder is engaged in writing text from an audio file into a text file.

Often, such activities involve the translation of audio tracks, which in turn requires perfect knowledge of a foreign language.

The profession of a lexicographer is directly related to languages. Specialists this profile deal with issues related to the compilation and study of dictionaries.

Lexicography is aimed at analyzing and studying the origin and structure of words, their features and meanings. Lexicographers have a high level of knowledge in the field of linguistics, have patience and love painstaking work.

The activity of a literary critic is to study the theory foreign literature. Experts in this field explore literary works, artistic texts, analyze them and highlight their advantages and disadvantages.

Literary critics are constantly in the world of literature, they visit book exhibitions, communicate with people of this circle and know all the literary novelties, write thematic articles.

The profession of an editor is associated with the media. This is a creative work aimed at increasing the popularity of the publishing house. Therefore, the editor has a huge responsibility in this matter. He selects and processes information before submitting it to the pages of the publication.

The editor-translator is engaged in direct work with textual information in a foreign language and translates it into accordance with the language of the publisher.

The font designer recycles old types of fonts and creates new ones. Often this activity is associated with the expansion of the font library of foreign languages.

Some languages ​​and language groups have many different font options, while others have only a few. Designers of this direction create new interpretations of the font, modify it or make a decorative version of the text typeface.

Another profession that requires knowledge of foreign languages ​​is the profession of a guide. He conducts tours for foreign tourists.

The guide can also accompany domestic travelers on foreign tourist trips. To do this, he needs to be sociable, be able to competently and interestingly provide information to listeners, have good diction and, of course, ideally know a foreign language.

In addition, diplomats and teachers have knowledge of a foreign language.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is undoubtedly a useful skill. It expands not only the horizons of a person, but also his possibilities in professional activity. Such an item in the resume as knowledge of one or more foreign languages ​​will clearly be a plus for the applicant for any serious position.

Knowledge of a foreign language is the basis, for example, for such professions as a translator, a foreign language teacher, a diplomat, a tour guide, an international journalist, and for all specialists whose training at a university or college is given Special attention namely the study of languages.

On the other hand, you can earn money as a translator without even having a special education. For an interpreter, it is enough to be confident in the language and speak it fluently. A specialist engaged in written translation should be well versed in the special terminology inherent in one or another type of text (technical, medical, engineering, etc.).

However, in many other professions that are not directly related to knowledge of languages, a foreign language can be very useful. First of all, this is due to the direction of the company. If an organization is focused on working with foreign partners, conducts foreign business or is a representative office of an international company, knowledge of languages ​​will be mandatory for most of its employees. Confident knowledge of a foreign language is important for account managers (in international companies), employees of international relations departments, flight attendants, programmers who maintain websites, developers software and mobile applications. In any case, knowledge of a foreign language for these professionals is a guarantee of great career opportunities.

The most popular foreign language is English. In general, today it is the most demanded language in the field of business. However, depending on the area, the situation may vary. For example, on the territory of Western Siberia there are many enterprises doing business with Germany. in Eastern Siberia and Far East there are many companies that have ties with China, due to the territorial proximity to this country. This means that it is beneficial to know German and Chinese on the territory of these Russian regions. And, for example, in the USA (especially in the southern states), Spanish is considered to be in demand.

Knowledge of foreign languages, of course, facilitates the search for work abroad, if necessary. Large companies, mainly working in the field of tourism, recreation and entertainment, always have vacancies for animators, educators, dancers and singers, cooks, kitchen workers, bartenders , waiters , maids , etc. The team of such tourist ocean liners is usually international.

With the introduction of the unified state exam, more and more graduates began to choose a profession based on those subjects in which they do well at school and have a chance to get the highest scores. In this regard, there are more and more questions about what subjects must be passed for admission to a particular specialty, as well as how to decide on the direction.

Knowledge of languages ​​​​and the ability to easily learn them is, undoubtedly, the talent that can be applied in various directions. Professions related to foreign languages ​​are varied and interesting. For one job, knowledge of one language may be useful, while for another it is necessary to learn at least two or even more. Also, you don't have to be a translator or a teacher. Let's take a look at the top 10 most popular professions related to languages.

Main professions

1) Teacher

One of the most sought-after professions in the field of teaching is. Almost all paths in the field of education are open to this specialist - from preschool to expensive courses. A foreign language teacher is able to professionally, with knowledge of his business, select an individual training program. This is done to simplify the study of grammatical rules and to fill gaps in knowledge. The teacher will easily explain all the subtleties of the pronunciation of foreign speech, teach writing and much more.

2) Translator

Popular and demanded in the modern market. A diploma of a linguist-translator is available to people who have received the appropriate education and who know more than one foreign language. Also, a specialist in the field of translations must have high knowledge about culture, politics, art. Should be able to establish communication with people and competently participate in discussions.

The work of a translator includes several types of translation:

  • oral;
  • writing.

Interpreting involves working at business (sometimes in a homely atmosphere) meetings, conferences. There are two types of interpretation: simultaneous and consecutive.

  • Synchronous is the following: the interpreter sits in a separate room, he is wearing headphones, he translates the speech of the delegates into the microphone. The work of a simultaneous interpreter can be performed by one or several specialists at the same time. This type of translation is used during large meetings and conferences.
  • Consecutive translation is carried out at meetings during discussion processes between delegates, journalists, businessmen, politicians, etc. In addition, this type of translation is used in the halls court sessions and in medical institutions. Usually the interpreter is in close proximity to the person he is interpreting. Translation is carried out in several directions (from foreign into Russian, from Russian into foreign).

3) Tour guide

A professional in this field should have such qualities as communication skills, stress resistance, the ability to competently and interestingly present information to listeners. A good guide has excellent diction and speaks foreign languages ​​at the highest level.

Many tour guides start their careers as tour group leaders. They conduct excursions for foreign tourists in their own country, and accompany domestic travelers abroad. Working in the tourism industry, you can not only practice your spoken foreign language skills, but also travel the planet.

4) Editor

Translation and editing of text documents from foreign languages ​​is carried out by an editor-translator. The profession is in demand in print media and requires knowledge of foreign languages, corresponding to publishing companies.

The editor, before putting information on the pages of a magazine, newspaper, book, conducts a thorough study of it. He selects the necessary and removes the meaningless. This profession requires a creative approach from a specialist. The main task of the editor is to increase the popularity of the publication.

5) Literary critic

Holders of the profession of literary criticism study the theoretical foundations of foreign languages, conduct research on literary and artistic works written by foreign and domestic authors, compare, analyze them, and highlight positive and negative sides.

Visiting book exhibitions, communicating with fellow literary critics, knowledge of novelties in modern literature, writing feature articles and reviews - all this is inherent in a literary specialist.

6) Lexicographer

A lexicographer specializes in the study, research and creation of dictionaries. Without knowledge of foreign languages, the owner of this profession simply will not be able to work in their specialty. Lexicography involves the study of the following tasks: the study of the origin of words, the features of their structure. Professional lexicographers must have patience, perseverance, and have an idea about the linguistic sphere. This profession is experiencing new life with the advent of electronic dictionaries.

7) Font designer

A graphic designer develops new types of fonts or improves outdated ones. Usually the profession involves working with fonts in a foreign language. Designers are developing new variants of the font line, making the text individual, interesting and accessible to perception. You can’t do without design courses, but the main education may well be linguistic, because. knowledge of the history and traditions of the language is equally important.

8) Decoder

The owner of the profession of transcriber transfers text from audio recordings to sheets of paper. The main task is to convey the essence of speech to people in a clear and accessible way. Usually, a transcriber translates audio tracks in order not to get a literal, incomprehensible translation, a specialist in this field must be fluent in the necessary foreign languages. In addition, this profession may be related to cryptography, which in itself requires reaching a new level.

9) Diplomat

Specialty diplomat - a profession intended for the elite. These are wealthy people who have business connections in their own country and abroad. Diplomats work in embassies, ministries of foreign affairs, international and interstate organizations, and missions. Knowing foreign languages ​​is part of their direct duties. The owners of this profession are erudite, inquisitive. Well-informed in the field of finance, psychology, ethics, history and international relations.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​helps to open up great opportunities for a person: he can easily communicate with foreigners, work abroad and travel, learning about the world.


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