The value of the company in the market. How to develop a system of corporate values \u200b\u200bfor an organization. What are the company's values

Corporate values: the organization's value system.

Is your company seriously thinking about the formulation and implementation of corporate values? Do you want the values \u200b\u200byou created to be accepted by employees and used by them in their work? Vision Trainings provides full consulting support in the creation, formulation and implementation of values \u200b\u200bin the corporate culture of the organization.

How important are corporate values \u200b\u200bin organizations? Where does corporate culture come from? Many young companies, at the stage of their rapid growth, were faced with the fact that either they take control of the formation corporate culture into their own hands, or the culture is formed by itself, just as informal values \u200b\u200bappear in any collective, which everyone adheres to.

What are corporate values?

There is the following definition of the concept of "Corporate values": these are the rules and principles adopted and shared by all members of the organization that determine the relationship of employees of the organization, both among themselves and with external environment (its customers, suppliers, partners, media and government). Corporate values \u200b\u200bare created on the basis of the Strategic Vision of the organization, and are designed to help the company and its staff to concentrate all efforts on the realization of their mission and on the realization of their Mission.

The corporate values \u200b\u200bof the company are fundamental and immutable (created over a long period of time), and are more permanent than the strategy of the organization, or its organizational structure... Of course, everything in life can change. But if a company abandons its Mission and corporate values, then most often this means the disappearance or complete transformation of the organization. (“We realized that we had chosen the wrong Mission….” Or “We now share other corporate values” - such fundamental features of the organization cannot be changed overnight). While the organization's strategy can be adjusted and revised much more often, in the event that managers have found a better way to achieve the strategic goals of the organization (for example, to achieve the same, but in a different way).

How do corporate values \u200b\u200bwork?

When a company has a clear Strategic Vision of its own future, which is shared by all managers and employees, then it becomes necessary to be able to be focused on a common cause, even in a situation when it seems that neighboring divisions are engaged in some unknown other tasks. ... Each unit in the organization is accountable for its own contribution to making the Strategic Vision a reality.

Imagine that some employees work with full dedication, while others pursue only their local goals. This kind of internal sabotage can often be found in companies with low corporate culture. But when you want to be firmly convinced that having done your work with the highest quality, you can count on the same result from another department, then you cannot do without some common value that would help you unite your interests. Such a corporate value, in some companies, is Trust!

Employees of the company who share this value will never cover the actions of those employees who did something contrary to generally accepted corporate values. And on the other hand, relying on Trust as a corporate value, they will openly share information and provide colleagues with all the necessary support, because they understand and realize that “we are all in the same boat”. Corporate values \u200b\u200bwork where and when it is necessary to make important decisions, allocate company resources, hire or fire employees, resolve disputes with customers and suppliers.

All situations cannot be registered in job descriptions, and in the provisions on interaction between departments. Therefore, it is corporate values \u200b\u200bthat are the yardstick that can be taken as the basis for a decision. If the decision you are about to make is in line with the corporate values \u200b\u200bof your company, if it brings your organization closer to achieving its Strategic Vision, then you are doing everything right. Otherwise, decisions that run counter to corporate values \u200b\u200bwill sooner or later lead to negative results that affect the work of all other employees.

“It is values \u200b\u200bthat order people,

and encourage them to act together,

in the name of common interests ",

K. Blanchard. "Value Management"

A set of corporate values \u200b\u200bdefines the culture and character of the organization itself. And just as the Vision and Mission of the company are unique, the corporate values \u200b\u200bof companies cannot be the same. The existing corporate culture allows suitable employees to immediately feel at home, "at ease", in a group of enthusiastic like-minded people. And on the contrary, no matter how valuable an employee is, if he is not close or does not like the existing values \u200b\u200band principles of the company, then he will be tormented by internal contradictions, and will not be able to realize his talent in this organization by 100%.

The organizations of the future will be radically different from the companies that exist in the markets today. In the same way that the steel industry in England differs from, for example, the British office google... Attitude towards people functional responsibilities, jobs, management principles, all this is being transformed thanks to new technologies, and new approaches of modern management.

Linear structures will split and disappear, and will be replaced by matrix teams, mobile offices, project teams and communities of people united by common interests and common corporate values. Values \u200b\u200band ideology are already coming to the fore! Employees don't want only money, they want to participate in creating something Great! And at the same time, they want to work in an organization that would attract them with their corporate values, to which they are ready to subscribe, as if they were their own! Either the organization offers people worthy corporate values, or it finds itself in extinction, turnover of the best personnel, and ultimately to death! This will be the world of the future! Its signs are already beginning to emerge, and Vision Trainings' mission is to facilitate its early advance! Be with us!

Diagnostics of corporate values

Many of our clients ask questions: “What if we have formal corporate values \u200b\u200bin the company, but no one follows them?”, “What if we do not have and have never formulated corporate values?”, “Can we change existing corporate values? " Each of these tasks requires a different approach. Indeed, even if corporate values \u200b\u200bin a company exist only on paper, in fact, every day many employees have to be guided by some principles that help to unite common efforts to achieve a common result. The corporate values \u200b\u200bof an organization are of two types: formal and informal.

If formal corporate values \u200b\u200bare not accepted by the majority of employees (for example, such values \u200b\u200bas: Proactivity, Open relationships, Mutual respect), then informal corporate values \u200b\u200bcome to the fore (for example, such as Visibility of work, Closure, Internal corporate struggle, Competition for resources).

Very often, the presence of informal values \u200b\u200bin an organization is a big revelation for the top management of the company. After all, looking at an organization from the top level, it is often simply not clear what values \u200b\u200band principles are guided by the middle management, and even more so by ordinary employees. To detect such gaps, there are special tools for strategic diagnostics of the organization's corporate values, which help to understand what principles are actually guided by employees and to identify their main patterns. After the current situation becomes extremely clear and the management has a complete picture of the actual corporate values, you can proceed to the next stage of work, namely the creation (renewal), the formulation of new corporate values \u200b\u200bof your company.

Algorithm for creating corporate value

To effectively create corporate values \u200b\u200bof an organization, it is necessary to complete the following stages of work (independently or with the help of business consultants), and only after going through all the points of the algorithm for creating corporate values, you can be firmly convinced that the new values \u200b\u200bof the company will work and will not be forgotten in two weeks.

Stage 1. Diagnostics of current corporate values

Stage 2. Analysis of the strategic vision and Mission of the company

Stage 3. Analysis of the company's strategic goals

Stage 4. Analysis and assessment of the company's key competencies

Stage 5. Creation of an extended list of possible corporate values \u200b\u200bbased on the Vision, Mission, Strategic goals and Key competencies of the company.

Stage 6. Attracting staff from different levels to work with a list of possible values.

Stage 7. Strategic session to form the final list of corporate values.

Stage 8. Transfer of each corporate value to the level of behavior (What exactly needs to be done in order to be, for example, “Customer-oriented”? What actions should be taken to be Proactive in your work? And so on)

Stage 9. Approval of the final list of corporate values, decomposed into the level of behavior.

Stage 10. The longest and most difficult - Involvement of the company's personnel in the awareness, acceptance and adherence to the corporate values \u200b\u200bof the organization. What is most difficult to take root is what is presented to people from outside. If you have small organization, then it is better to involve as many employees as possible in the work on corporate values. If the scale of the organization is more than 50-100 people, representatives of all levels of the organization should be involved in this work, and rely on the most experienced staffwho are "opinion leaders" for their colleagues

Vision Trainings provides services for the application of the algorithm for creating corporate values, both as a whole and within individual stages. If top management representatives want it, and with the support of HR experts, many of these steps can be done independently, and consultants can be involved only when the list of corporate values \u200b\u200bis finalized.

Application of corporate values \u200b\u200bin business

What is the primary goal or value? If the company's goals are at the forefront, is it worth achieving them at any cost? Or are there values \u200b\u200bthat are more important to you than achieving goals? Is making a million dollars more important than leaving consumers more satisfied? Each company itself answers this question.

Some declare beautiful values, and easily sacrifice them for the sake of their profit. Such companies are doomed in the long run! Remember, consumers are vindictive! Others are better off sacrificing part of the profits, but in disputable situations with clients, they will make a decision based on their values. And to such organizations, clients will return again and again!

Therefore, we cannot say that corporate values \u200b\u200bshould be fully based on corporate goals, because values \u200b\u200bare the link between the Vision and Mission of the company, and its strategy. If the company's mission is to deceive consumers, then any list of beautiful values \u200b\u200bthat they will not follow anyway is enough for them.

Of course, no organization will write that “Our Mission and the reason for our existence is to deceive consumers in the most sophisticated ways, and improve this key competence,” but in fact there are a lot of such companies, and their actions in relation to consumers , especially their terms of service - they show they are doing just that!

When developing corporate values, it is important to remember that they should be directed both inside the organization and outward (they should affect what is inside and what is outside), namely: the values \u200b\u200bof the company itself, the principles of its work with partners, its relationship to customers and personnel, its principles of development. Therefore, while working on the list of corporate values, it is necessary to look at us from different angles, trying on the positions of certain leaders and employees of the organization, and also ask questions:

Why and why should we follow these values?

Why is it beneficial for me as an employee to follow these values?

What happens if you don't follow these values?

How will this or that value be taken into account when making decisions?

How should one behave in accordance with this or that value?

In many companies, employees are motivated materially and non-materially only for achieving a result (sales volume, volume of work, number of orders processed). In the case of introducing a system of corporate values, it is also necessary to apply motivation methods to those employees who, by their behavior, have demonstrated adherence to any of the corporate values \u200b\u200bof the company (for example, they did more for the client than they should have, prevented a possible conflict, in case of a critical situation they took responsibility and found a solution, etc.)

Teaching employees how to use a corporate values \u200b\u200borientation in their work is best done with the best examples of corporate values. Such examples need to be found from life, and to raise the experience of resolving various situations, conflicts, or, on the contrary, achieving victories and beyond results (to find thanks to what values \u200b\u200bit was possible). To compare the viability of your corporate values, we post examples for you of how values \u200b\u200bare spelled out in well-known organizations.

And remember, the introduction of corporate values \u200b\u200binto the consciousness of employees, and their consolidation at the level of behavior is possible only through an engagement mechanism, through group work, or through training on corporate values, which you can order from our company.

Do you have questions about corporate values? Do you want to work with the corporate values \u200b\u200bof your company? Ask us a question or contact our experts!

Have a question about Values?

Example 1: Adidas corporate values:

Mission of the company Adidas (Adidas): Our mission is to be the leader among the world's sports brands. We achieve leadership by building on our vision - our passion for sports makes the world a better place. All our work is inspired by the passion for sports that drives us, allowing us to improve ourselves and the world around us. Our values \u200b\u200bare the principles by which every employee of the company works and lives.

Adidas corporate values:

1) Be open

We speak our mind openly and listen to the opinions of others. We welcome non-standard ideas and approaches and are open to everything new.

2) Rely on facts

We use only reliable information and rely on facts when making a decision or taking an action.

3) don't play political games

We act honestly and openly and are always guided by the interests of the company and principles corporate ethics in their work.

4) interact

We work in one team, show partnership and are always ready to provide support to colleagues.

5) be effective

We do our best to achieve maximum results. We do not stop at what has been achieved and always strive for more.

Example 2: ZAPPOS Corporate Values

ZAPPOS Mission: Living with "Wow - feeling and delivering it to customers.

As we grow as a company, it becomes more and more important to clearly define the core values \u200b\u200bof Zappos, on the basis of which we develop our corporate culture, brand and business strategy. The company is growing, more and more new employees come to it, so we need to make sure that they are all like-minded people, acting in accordance with our idea of \u200b\u200bwhat Zappos should be.

Gradually, we will build our employee performance assessment so that it is largely based on the alignment of their decisions with Zappos' core values.

Although there are many aspects of these core values, we have highlighted the most important for us in the following ten points.

1. Call "Wow!" - the feeling of our service.

2. Accept and encourage change.

3. Create a fun and slightly unusual atmosphere.

4. Love adventures, think creatively and unconventionally.

5. Encourage growth and learning.

6. Build open and honest relationships through information exchange.

7. Create a positive team spirit and family environment.

8. Do more with less.

9. Be passionate and determined.

10. Be humble.

Ideally, we want all ten core values \u200b\u200bto be reflected in everything we do, including our interactions with each other, with customers, with suppliers and business partners. There is a lot of work ahead of us, and it will take some time before these ten values \u200b\u200btruly manifest in the way we think, how we act, and how we communicate. As you grow, the procedures and strategy may change, but we would like the values \u200b\u200bto remain the same. They should always be the framework that guides all our decisions.

Example 3:

Corporate values \u200b\u200bof the Russian Railways company (Russian railways)

The mission of Russian Railways (Russian Railways) is to satisfy market demand on transportation, increasing the efficiency of activities, quality of services and deep integration into the Euro-Asian transport system... Russian Railways brand mission: We are an essential part of the global system of movement of people, goods and technologies. We work for clients, promote the unification of peoples, integrate Russia into a single economic space. Our solutions are based on a unique infrastructure, the skill of a team of high-level professionals and innovative technologies.

Russian Railways brand values:

Craftsmanship - the continuity of traditions allows us to pass our knowledge from generation to generation. Precision, safety and reliability in everything we do is the result continuous development and improving our skills and abilities. Our dedication turns knowledge and experience into true craftsmanship.

Integrity - understanding your role and following a common duty, proactive life position and work for a better future has been our support at all times. Guided by common goals, we are solely responsible for the results of our work and the decisions we make.

Updating - constant search and implementation of the most advanced solutions and technologies into daily practice - is the key to our leadership and striving for excellence We know how to live in a constantly changing world, we are open to the opportunities presented and we realize them.

The ethical principles of JSC "Russian Railways" are a set of daily rules, following which employees of JSC "Russian Railways" implement in practice the requirements of corporate competencies.

Ten main ethical principles JSC Russian Railways:

1. Work conscientiously.

2. Be proud of the title of an employee of Russian Railways.

3. Build on skill.

4. Focus on results.

5. Make informed decisions.

6. Perceive yourself as part of the whole.

7. Putting the person first.

8. Observe the commercial interests of Russian Railways.

9. Be a leader.

10. Strive for something new.

Example 4: Sakhalin Energy Corporate Values

Mission: Sakhalin Energy strives to be a leading energy producer in the global market. We build our business on the basis of efficient, reliable and safe production, responsible attitude to social and environmental problems. "

Vision: "To be the leading energy source for the Asia-Pacific region."

We are convinced that the key principles of the team should be trust, openness, professionalism, team spirit and pride in what we do.

Sakhalin Energy's personnel share the core values \u200b\u200bof the company:

1) Honesty and integrity;

2) Respect and care for people;

3) Individual responsibility with the support of the team;

4) Professionalism and continuous improvement.

These values \u200b\u200bare reflected in the following Sakhalin Energy standards and guidelines:

· Regulation on general principles activities;

· Code of Business Conduct;

· Sustainable development policy;

· Human rights policy;

· Complaints / Whistleblower Procedure;

· Procedure for resolving conflicts of interest;

· Procedure for compliance with anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws.

We have reviewed with you four examples of describing corporate values \u200b\u200bof well-known companies with a long history (two foreign and two russian companies). What unites them? If you look closely at their values, you will find a lot in common, and on the other hand, each of the examples of corporate values \u200b\u200bshows the uniqueness and inimitable character of each company.

The core values \u200b\u200band life plans of the company's employees can be largely realized through increased efficiency, growth and business development.

Therefore, the prospects for our business are the prospects for each of us.

To the extent that the Company is successful, the qualifications, income, career, satisfaction with their work and the atmosphere in the team will grow among employees. In other words, the interests of our people are directly related to the goals of the Company.

Below is an example of the values \u200b\u200bof a real commercial company.

1. The structure of the Company's values

The development of the Company's divisions is based on two groups of corporate values:

  1. Basic, the orientation to which provides the required level of firm efficiency;
  2. Higher, the orientation to which gives the firm the energy of breakthrough, advancement, market leadership.

Each group includes values \u200b\u200b- one leader (highlighted) and supporters.

Basic values:

  • Controllability
  • Achievability
  • Commanding
  • Pace (value of time)

Highest values:

  • Proactivity
  • Innovativeness
  • Clientele
  • Competitiveness

2. Basic values \u200b\u200bof the Company


- timely achievement of the set goals, consistency of goals and actions of employees.

  • The goals and priorities of the Company are communicated to each department in relation to the specifics of its position.
  • All managers and employees are assessed according to their specific contribution to the results of the Company's work.
  • Fewer tasks - more rules... This means that more orders and orders must be replaced by streamlining business processes, functions, goals, evaluation criteria, etc.
  • Do not give tasks, do not encourage or punish the employee over the head of his immediate supervisor.
  • As the goals and working conditions of the Company change, the functions and motivation of employees change.
  • When setting a task, the manager has the right to count on meeting the deadlines on the first presentation. No reminders. No intermediate control. In the event of unforeseen circumstances affecting the deadline for completing the task, the employee must immediately notify the manager and, if necessary, other participants in the business process.
  • An employee who provokes step-by-step control in relation to himself is considered costly.


- ensuring real results, increasing efficiency at every workplace.

  • We report by results, not activities.
  • We evaluate and reward not so much for experience as for achievements.
  • In the definition of each employee function, the criteria for assessing its performance are indicated.
  • The right to make a mistake: the mistake is not a crash, but experience. We learn lessons from every mistake.
  • We do not repeat mistakes.


- consistency of goals and actions of employees in a friendly atmosphere.

Motto: we are all clients here.

  • Interchangeability: if someone is absent, the others take over his functions.
  • We build relationships between a leader and a subordinate not according to the "Parent - Child" principle, but according to the "Adult - Adult" principle.
  • If you have information of interest to another employee, pass it on to him immediately.
  • Do not pass on to someone else what is your responsibility.
  • We do not refuse to help others.
  • We overcome disagreements without conflicts.
  • Wrong - we'll figure it out, deceived - let's disperse.
  • In our country, rewards significantly prevail over punishments.
  • The principle of mutual responsibility for damages is applied between the company and its employees.
  • We hire employees not so much for a position as for a company. If a valuable employee a specific position is not suitable, we will find him a worthy place in the Company.
  • The manager plans both official and non-official careers of his subordinates.
  • Do not frighten our "white crows" (we take non-standard judgments constructively).
  • We criticize not a person, but actions.
  • We each have something like a "giraffe" (we expect and recognize the individual superiority of each in some way).
  • Mutual obligation of everyone and in everything.
  • Instead of "You misunderstood me," say "I said incomprehensibly."

Pace (value of time)

- the speed of implementation of the necessary changes, saving your own and general time.

Motto: we are stingy with time - not renewable
and always a scarce resource.

  • Deadlines are met without reminders. An employee who has to be reminded of a deadline is considered too expensive.
  • There are no tasks without deadlines.
  • The appointed dates, hours, minutes are understood literally, not roughly. Failure to comply with them is a blow to prestige.
  • The implementation of large-scale works is staged in time with the corresponding dates.
  • Setting priorities for urgency.
  • Loss of time has a monetary equivalent and can be assessed as concrete damage to the case.
  • The pace should not be achieved at the expense of quality.
  • We compare and synchronize the rates of development of the market, the company, the division, the employee.

3. The highest values \u200b\u200bof the Company


- proactive impact on the market, the ability to suppress unwanted trends and accelerate desirable ones. Don't follow demand - be ahead of it.

  • The most important sign of a leader's qualifications is the ability to foresee. It is being evaluated.
  • Best \u003d Proactive.
  • Periodically evaluate yourself from the future. What are we going to laugh about today? What will we regret not done today?
  • Each creative employee has a personal VISION (the image of the desired future in the Company).
  • The most important criterion for recruiting new employees is proactive inclinations.


- openness and willingness to change, the success of innovations.

Motto: there is nothing that cannot be improved.

  • We regularly replenish the Company's innovative bank.
  • Promising innovations are implemented through the mechanism of temporary target groups.
  • We encourage new ideas.
  • Every idea has an author.
  • By accepting an employee's innovative proposal, the Company assumes the risks of its implementation.
  • Innovation is a sign of a creative employee and a criterion for evaluation.


- the ability to expand and develop priority customer groups.

  • All sales departments have criteria for prioritizing their customers.
  • We turn an increasing number of priority clients into our adherents.
  • The loss of a priority client is an extraordinary event that is under investigation.
  • We carry out certification of priority clients.
  • The departure of an employee does not mean the loss of a client.
  • Not saying no to the client, but suggesting options.
  • If an employee caused a loss to the Company, we will figure it out, but if he damaged the reputation of the Company, we will not forgive.


- the ability to create competitive advantages in the markets of customers, suppliers and labor.

Motto: respect, know and surpass your competitor.

  • The Company's divisions regularly conduct comparisons with competitors.
  • Sales and procurement divisions, personnel service constantly assess the focus of competition in the markets of customers, suppliers and labor, respectively.
  • These divisions are regularly assessed for the creation and development of competitive advantages.
  • Once a quarter we collectively answer the questions: - what and why are we lagging behind the strongest? - which of our competitors is now a beacon for us and in what?

Compliance with this Code is mandatory for all employees of the Company. Evaluation of the employee's performance also includes compliance with the values \u200b\u200band rules named here.

This text of the Ideology and Code of the Company is subject to periodic updating and development.

Case based on materials by A.I. Prigogine prepared

My observations of the functioning and development of organizations led me to believe that a business organization has three core values \u200b\u200b(Fig. 2), which are interconnected as follows:

Figure: 2.The ratio of management values \u200b\u200bof the organization

They are general in the sense that all other management values \u200b\u200bof an organization are covered by these three. Let's take a closer look.

I. Manageability means a certain measure in the ratio of the managing and controlled subsystems of the organization, the degree of control that the first of them can extend to the second, cover it (see the section "Measuring the manageability of the organization").

Controllability can be assessed by two main parameters.

1.1. The consistency of the goals and actions of the departments and employees of the organization, which, in turn, is determined by:

1.1.1. the quality of goals (the quality of goals is understood as their clarity, non-inconsistency, consistency, attainability):

    higher, strategic goals of the organization (image of the desired future, ideology, mission, strategy, special policies);

    long-term goals of the organization;

    operational goals of the organization (service functions of units and employees);

    the degree of staff motivation to achieve these goals;

    the quality of the organizational order (business technologies, horizontal connections, work rules, etc.);

    the level of corporate culture (teamwork, everyone's interest in the organization's goals).

1.2. Feasibility of solutions(see the section "Measuring the manageability of an organization" about this).

II. Innovativenessthere is the ability of an organization to innovate and innovate. To some extent, it is the opposite of controllability, since innovations often reduce controllability (for some time), but even without them controllability becomes dysfunctional.

The innovativeness of the organization is manifested:

    openness to changes (thinking, behavior, product, etc.);

    proactivity of management, that is, orientation not so much to following the demand as to the impact on demand; not just sensitivity to market signals, but the production of new signals for it;

    the quality of managerial will, that is, in the ability of the leader to bring innovative processes to full completion.

III. Clientelethe organization is its compliance with the needs, market trends, the attractiveness of its products for the clientele (see about this further in the section "Development of client orientation of the company").

All three management values \u200b\u200bare interconnected, although contradictory. For example, the feasibility of decisions (p. 1.2) actually coincides with the quality of managerial will (p. 2.3), and the quality of goals (p. 1.1.1) - with proactive management (p. 2.2), but each of them has its own independence.

For practical leaders, these three values \u200b\u200bare not equal. Manageability for most is more important than the other two. There is even a cult of manageability in our business culture. The fear of her loss and even decline overpowers everything. How many times have I seen large, heavy organizational systems that have grown over the years, requiring urgent restructuring, despite the fact that their creators are almost terrified of renewal, radical changes. They agree that such cumbersome structures are ineffective, they even participate in the development of options for their transformations and nevertheless endlessly postpone innovations, freeze in front of them. The reason is the same. Innovation is needed, but control is more important. Although this concept means, first of all, they have control, the retention of all elements under personal supervision. The thirst to know everything about his organization, the fear of at least losing sight of something. Chapter large company -almost 4 thousand people - requires all dismissals and appointments, even in small and auxiliary units, to coordinate with him.

In my experience, clientele is now the second most important of these three core values. And what about innovation? It appears mainly when and to the extent that and to what extent it is required to follow two other values. If controllability is deeply embedded in the subconscious of a leader, an entrepreneur, and clientele is in his preconsciousness, then Innovation is realized only by reason, less often - by reason, and then with hesitation and increased prudence.

I was convinced that the very presentation of this relationship of management values \u200b\u200bto the client arouses his interest: “Is this what)“ does it all come down to? ”And from here you can build lines of cooperation with him: let'sassess the state of the organization for each of these parameters and finddem development opportunities, improvements, appropriate receivedestimates. And what is more developed in your organization, maybe

which of these parameters is undeveloped and why? How sbalance them in the future?

This is especially useful when working on a firm's strategy. The diagram of the relationship between these values \u200b\u200bprovides very specific guidelines for developing goals.

It is a good idea to refer to the same scheme when defining job functions, motivation, etc. In general, there are opportunities for the development of the client and the organization.

The values \u200b\u200bof any company are a basic element of its corporate culture. It is the values \u200b\u200bthat largely determine the rules and norms of behavior, the principles of work performance and interaction with colleagues and clients, which means that the performance of the entire team depends on the values. Therefore, the formulation, description and further implementation of values \u200b\u200bis an important matter. Moreover, given the really working values, the corporate culture of the company can even become its competitive advantage: employees (real and potential) will dream of working in such a company, and clients and partners - to work with it.

The theme of corporate culture is closely related to the employer's brand. That is why we decided to review the values \u200b\u200bof the best employing companies included in russian rating Universum-2017 (business and engineering ratings for professionals and students). There were 127 such companies in total, but in official sources in the public domain (corporate websites of companies, their non-financial reports), we managed to find values \u200b\u200bfor only 111 companies, which were used in the analysis.

An important observation is that values \u200b\u200bhave practically ceased to be written and published on sites "for show": most companies, including Russian ones, really work with their values, develop original and interesting formulations and descriptions. Another question is to what extent these values \u200b\u200bare actually observed within companies (but that's a completely different story).

It is interesting that not all international companies have information on values \u200b\u200bon their Russian-language pages, while such data are most often presented on global sites. In such cases, the analysis used English language formulations and value descriptions.

A review of the values \u200b\u200bof the best employing companies showed that usually companies publish information about 3-7 of their core values, and this number seems optimal: so many values \u200b\u200bare easy to remember, and they can really embrace and convey the culture of the company. We also met companies with one value and more than ten. Sometimes only value statements are present, but more often they are accompanied by brief description, the content of the value is revealed. A common interpretation is necessary: \u200b\u200bsometimes there is a different meaning behind the same value statement in different companies. For example, for mercedes the professionalism of employees lies in their development (" The desire and desire of the employee to develop "," Supporting the company by organizing training"), For McKinsey & Company - in compliance with professional standards, and for Gazprom - in development, discipline, and knowledge (" Deep knowledge of your specialty, timely and high-quality performance of tasks, continuous improvement of knowledge and skillsth»).

Another option for the publication of values \u200b\u200bis the absence of a concise wording in the presence of an extensive description. The downside is obvious - it's hard to remember quickly. In our opinion, the best option is when a short, easy-to-remember formulation of values \u200b\u200bis revealed with the help of a small description, thanks to which unity of understanding is achieved. It is best if this wording is truly unique (that is, not just, for example, “cultural diversity”, which is used by several well-known companies, but “Open to different ideas and cultures” (HSBC company)).

Having collected a fairly extensive array of data on company values, we tried to group them by meaning, as well as highlight the most popular ones. Here are the TOP 10 most popular values:


Number of original values \u200b\u200bin the group

People - employees of the company

Professionalism, quality of work and responsibility to clients

Customers and consumers

Honesty and fairness

Corporate and social responsibility

Efficiency and effectiveness of work


Challenges and development


Leadership and excellence

Sometimes one company devoted several of its values \u200b\u200bto one topic at once, and therefore the number of original values \u200b\u200bin the group often exceeds the number of companies from the rating that appealed to them.

Interestingly, the companies that occupy the top positions in the ratings of the best Universum employers often place unusual values \u200b\u200bin their lists of values \u200b\u200bthat are not included in the TOP-10 most popular ones, and which really distinguish them well from other competitors in the labor market. ... For example, PepsiCo with the value “ Balance short and long term plans»: « We strive to strike a balance between short-term and long-term risks and benefits for the company in every decision. This helps us create the foundation for sustainable business growth and ensure that our ideas and solutions are relevant today and in the future.", Or Danone with the value" Closeness»: « To be closer means to understand better. And understanding is at its core the key to agreement.».

At the same time, there are companies, all of whose values \u200b\u200bare reduced to the ten topics highlighted above, and they are usually located in the middle or bottom of the ratings of the best employers.

The first three most popular groups of values \u200b\u200bwill be discussed in detail below.

1. People - employees of the company

The slogan “people are the most valuable” fits well with the ideology of the best companies-employers (or maybe that's why they are included in the list of the best?), Since the topic of people and employees is far ahead of all other topics in popularity. It is even impossible to determine in which industry companies it is more popular - this value is used everywhere. In addition, this topic is the winner in terms of how many companies have dedicated two, three, or even five (like Goldman Sachs) of their core values \u200b\u200bto it.

More often than not, the values \u200b\u200bof this topic describe either the rules of interaction in the company, or how the company wants to see its employees. The meaning, of course, remains the same, just a different presentation, and, accordingly, a slightly different perception. In addition, you can immediately assess which audience the description of values \u200b\u200bis mainly aimed at - candidates, current employees, or even, for example, real and potential partners of the company.

Companies that use this topic as one of their core values \u200b\u200busually try to convey the following meanings:

Importance teamwork, cohesion, mutual assistance... For example, in Rosatom, the value of “One Team”: “ We are all Rosatom. We have common goals... Working in a team of like-minded people allows you to achieve unique results. Together we are stronger and we can achieve the highest goals. The success of the employees is the success of the company».

- Mutual respect in the company (between employees, and from management to employees). An example is' Respect Each Other and Prosper Together '- the value of PepsiCo:' Our common success depends on mutual respect within and outside the company. We must work together as a team and find common ground with each other easily. We value the individual achievements of each employee, but at the same time we recognize the importance of teamwork to achieve common goals».

- Taking care of peopleand them development... Samsung: " The company is, first of all, the people who work for it. At Samsung, we create empowering people to reach their full potential».

- Confidence... P&G: " We respect our P&G colleagues, customers and consumers, and treat them the way we would like other people to treat us. We are confident in each other's abilities and intentions. We believe people perform better when their relationships are based on trust.».

2. Professionalism, quality of work and responsibility to clients

It turned out that the second most important topic among the values \u200b\u200bfor companies was their professionalism and the quality of the product that they put on the market. This is quite logical - after all, their reputation and the desire of partners to work with them depend on it, and, therefore, the revenue of the business.

In this case, it is also difficult to say that the value of high-quality performance of work prevails in some type of company by type of activity, since a variety of companies appeal to it - automotive, oil and gas, financial, telecom, and many others. However, it can be noted that absolutely all audit and consulting companies that were present in the first hundred of the Universum rating singled out this parameter as one of their key values.

Here are some of the meanings that have been combined in the value of professionalism and quality work:

- Discipline (compliance with deadlines and standards, ethical standards). Deutsche Bank: " We work by adhering to the rules that oblige us to keep the promises we made to our clients - no excuses are accepted. We achieve high production efficiency by getting it right the first time».

- Perfectionism (doing the job flawlessly), and an example from Samsung: “Flawless” - “ Everything Samsung creates is driven by a commitment to excellence and a commitment to deliver superior quality products and services to the market.».

- Decisions based on data and analysis (the main point is that all decisions must be truly justified). Adidas: "Be Factual": " We use only reliable information and rely on facts, making a decision or taking action».

- Employee development (which enables them to do their job better and improve their professional level) - in RaiffeisenBank, professionalism is also revealed through the following meaning: “ We have extensive experience and are constantly improving the knowledge and skills of our employees».

3. Customers and consumers

In third place in popularity was the customer's value and well-being. Again, everything is quite logical: the inherent value of the client leads to the fact that the company's employees serve him better and try to please in everything, and a satisfied client is the key to the success of any company: he himself will return again, and can help with recommendations, and all this will have a positive effect on both reputation and financial success.

Different companies that talk about customer and consumer value have the following meanings of value:

- Client interests (for example, Sberbank - "Everything is for the client": " All our activities are built around and for the sake of clients' interests. We want to surprise and delight customers with the quality of services and attitude. We exceed customer expectations»).

- Value creation (BCG - "Value Creation": " We strive to create value for our customers that is many times greater than the initial investment. We make tangible positive change, not just generate presentations or ideas»).

- Customer confidence (VTB - " We work in order to preserve our greatest value - customer confidence»).

- Knowledge and understanding of customers (Sibur - "Customer Knowledge": "We pride ourselves on knowing the needs of our client in detail. This knowledge allows us to always be one step ahead, to offer the client solutions, anticipating the need for them."

At first glance, it may seem that this group of values \u200b\u200bcan be combined with the previous one, but they have a fundamental difference. When a quality product is at the forefront, the main emphasis is on simply presenting a good product to the client, upon request. But when the focus shifts from the product to the client, the interests of the client come to the fore: not just provide him with what he wants, but identify his needs and requirements, make sure that with the help of the product he really achieves more, perhaps even offer him a decision he himself had never thought of before.

Key findings from the study

1. Most of the values \u200b\u200bof leading companies-employers can be summarized in a list of about twenty topics ().

2. There is practically no correlation between the field of activity of companies and the specific values \u200b\u200bthat they position as key (with the exception of the already mentioned value of quality of work, which is especially important in consulting, as well as ecology - companies that produce harmful to health or environment products (automobile and tobacco companies), or harmful to the environment during production and extraction (energy sector, furniture production). In addition, virtually all automotive companies in the Universum ranking cite safety and speed as their values.

3. It is worth noting that there is no pronounced "regional" specificity in the choice of values \u200b\u200b- Russian companies use exactly the same values \u200b\u200bas international companiesoperating on russian market... The only exception is values \u200b\u200bthat describe cultural diversity and discrimination: apparently, Russian companies are rarely faced with such topics, and therefore do not include them in their core values, as international companies do.

Registration of valuables

The solution looks original when all values \u200b\u200bare combined into a single concept. For example, it is hardly a secret for anyone that MTS in its communications (not only as a company-employer, but also as a provider of services to the population) appeals to the word “simple”. As a result, they also formulated their corporate values \u200b\u200bin this vein:

A similar solution and pharmaceutical company Bayer, however, it is not fully adapted to Russia. Thus, the company's values \u200b\u200bare based on the value of life, and therefore the culture was based on the following values: leadership, integrity, flexibility, efficiency, which ultimately add up to the English word LIFE - life.

Another interesting solution, which, however, is more suitable for broadcasting values \u200b\u200bto an internal audience, is the connection of values \u200b\u200bwith what is understandable only to people who are well acquainted with the company, or the use of concepts that reflect the local culture and in other languages are used. For example, Uniqlo, a Japanese clothing brand, named two of its four core values \u200b\u200bJapanese concepts without translating them into other languages: "Shin Zen Bi" (" True, virtue, beauty. Search for authenticity and perfection"), And" Zen in Keiei "(" Be the main players in the company at any level»).

I also really liked it when values \u200b\u200bare accompanied by some kind of visual content. For example, Mars accompanied its values \u200b\u200bwith videos (albeit only on english language. Sample video for the value "Quality".

Rosbank has accompanied its core values \u200b\u200bwith images:

- Team spirit

- Innovation

- Engagement

- Reliability and responsibility

Values \u200b\u200bdesigned in this way are easier to remember. Accordingly, the learned values \u200b\u200bbegin to reflect on the behavior of employees, and as a result, they are quickly implemented and change the culture of the company in the necessary direction.

Find out why company values \u200b\u200bare needed and what they are. The algorithm will allow you to develop corporate values \u200b\u200bin a month. A unique "Book of Values" will help to implement them in the company.

From the article you will learn:

Useful materials on the topic:

Why are company values \u200b\u200bneeded?

Company values \u200b\u200bare a set of business and ethical principles shared by all employees. Usually they are formulated in the form of concepts or statements, which both the ordinary employee and the head of the company are ready to subscribe to.

Compare the values \u200b\u200bof two large companies:

The question arises, what are the values \u200b\u200bof the company for? Let's give a simple example that clearly shows that understanding the values \u200b\u200bof the team helps to make competent management decisions.

As you articulate company values, remember that they make the firm attractive to potential employees, customers, and investors. This is part of the company's image and its external brand. If the values \u200b\u200bof the company are correct, this gives the manager an opportunity to reduce control over personnel, and therefore devote more time to strategic tasks.

But employees are not always ready to follow corporate values. In this case, the main reason is that they are written only on paper.

What are the company's values

Each company has its own unique set of values. This is what sets it apart from the competition. This is what attracts new employees to the company and retains experienced employees in it.

In the literature on company values, there are about 50 values, from global “strategic profitability” to specific “responsibility” and “frugality”. To make it easier to understand the values \u200b\u200band choose the right ones for your company, it is customary to distinguish four types of values:

1. Basic values provide the required level of company efficiency. This is the basic law of the firm, it cannot be violated for economic gain.

An example of core values

  • controllability means "fewer tasks - more rules", i.e. a large number of orders are replaced by a system of streamlined business procedures;
  • achievability embodied in the rules "we report results, not activities", "it is not experience that matters, but achievements."
  • commanding: "If someone is absent, the rest take over his functions", "we build relationships according to the principle" Adult - Adult ", and not" Parent - Child ", etc.
  • pace: value of time - “no tasks without deadlines”.

2. Higher valuesfocused on the future, this is what the company strives for. Without these values, the company stops developing. These are “desirable” values.

For example, in a newly created company where all employees are like-minded and ready to work day and night, such value as "balance of personal life and work" will not be basic. It will be “desirable,” this is what needs to be achieved.

An example of higher values:

  • proactivity, i.e. the ability to anticipate and act ahead of the curve. Explain to employees that being proactive is about taking action, not talking about the future. For example, a subordinate may come to a manager every day with new ideas on how to complete a project faster and more successfully, instead of doing at least something. This will cause discontent in the manager. But the subordinate may claim to be acting according to the value of "proactivity";
  • innovativeness expressed by the motto: "There is nothing that cannot be improved";
  • clientele: “Don't say no to the client, but offer options”;
  • competitiveness: "Respect, know and surpass your competitor."

The list of activities and tasks for the implementation of corporate culture in the organization

3 .Professional values - these are the values \u200b\u200bthat are sought in candidates for the position. These are the traits and characteristics without which a new employee cannot take root in the company. These are some values \u200b\u200bthat will be a priori common to everyone who starts working in the company. The most common are "Responsibility" and "Sociability".

Examples of corporate values:

  • create a good work environment and treats each other with respect and dignity (Starbucks coffee chain).
  • complete (Live) Mission (Airbnb)
  • be adventurous, creative and open to everything
  • (Zappos is an online clothing and footwear store);
  • team commitment (consulting firm Bain & Company).

4. Unique valuesnot all companies have it. According to their management, they fundamentally distinguish the company from competitors and attract non-standard employees.

Examples of unique values:

  • live the spirit of adventure (Airbnb value);
  • don't take each other too seriously (consulting firm Bain & Company)
  • sport is the foundation of everything we do (adidas) ;
  • call "Wow" thanks to the service (online store of clothes and shoes Zappos).

« Book of values»Will help to identify and implement corporate values

The development will help increase the engagement index, improve the psychological climate

How to develop company values

We suggest using an algorithm that will allow you to develop and implement corporate values \u200b\u200bin a month.

Experts advise documenting corporate values \u200b\u200bif an organization changes ownership or strategy, for example, a business expands.

Step 2. Describe the corporate values \u200b\u200bby the team.

Form a team that will be 80 percent executives and 20 percent key people with the most seniority in the company.

Step 3. Present your values \u200b\u200bin groups of up to 50 people.

Staff will not follow values \u200b\u200bjust because you post them on an internal portal or send them out to everyone by corporate mail. It will be safer to spend interactive presentation... To do this, instruct the business coach to develop value reinforcement games.

Step 4. Obtain a set of rules from the working group.

Suggest working group process the rules according to the same principle as values: group similar ideas, translate negativity into positive, check with the strategy and remove unnecessary things.

Step 5. Broadcast company values \u200b\u200band policies to the entire state.

So that staff in all your branches learn about corporate values, train managers, implement interactive competitions, hire only like-minded people to the team, remind staff of values, and review these guidelines once a year.


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