Business planning unido. UNIDO Business Plan Methodology. According to the main characteristics of the market for your product

The main goal of the UNIDO organization is to achieve universal high development, support countries with developing and transitional economies.

This support is expressed in the provision of assistance aimed at increasing the adaptation of the economies of these states to the changing conditions of the world market and integration into the world economic space. Organization UNIDO accumulates advanced economic knowledge and makes it available to countries in need, thus contributing to the competitiveness of their economies.

1. Resume

The summary is a summary of the main provisions of the business plan: information about the business idea and its goals. This section identifies potential business opportunities, the importance of the enterprise for the development of a given region, the volume of necessary financial resources, sources of their receipt and the expected return period.

The summary should clearly define the main goal of the business itself and the purpose of the business plan.

In the summary, an interested investor should find answers to the most important questions for him - what kind of business, what investments are needed for its implementation, what are the terms and guarantees of their return.

2. Description of the company (organization) and industry

The section contains basic information about the company itself and its scope of activity. The main reason for the emergence of a business idea is called, as well as the problems facing the enterprise at the present time. It is important to give an actual assessment of the position of the enterprise in the market environment, to indicate the prospects for its development.

It is necessary to briefly state the history of the enterprise, determine the types of activities that are supposed to be carried out, and name the goods (services) that will be produced.

This section describes the strengths and weak sides in the location of the organization, the main factors are highlighted that, under certain conditions, may affect the company's activities.

Briefly characterized personnel potential enterprises and management structure.

A description of the industry as a whole is given.

3. Characteristics of products (services)

The section provides a description of the products planned for release, from the point of view of the consumer. First, the full name of the product is given, its purpose and area of ​​\u200b\u200bpossible use are indicated.

The purpose of products is determined by the types of needs that can be satisfied by customers with its help. Therefore, this section specifies functional features products, as well as the factors of its attractiveness for buyers: price, quality, brand, shape, packaging, compliance with environmental standards and standardization standards, warranty obligations and service, operating conditions and other properties.

If quality indicators have a numerical or any other assessment, they must be indicated in the business plan. It is mandatory to note the presence of a certificate, as well as a license or the need to obtain it. They are called patent rights or copyrights.

The section gives an assessment of the competitiveness of products. The differences of this product from the products of competitors are named, the main reserves for its improvement are determined.

The main purpose of the entire section is to show investors the uniqueness and necessity of the company's products (services).

4. Sales and marketing plan

The section contains an analysis of the business environment and competition. A significant part of the section is devoted to the characteristics of potential consumers of products (services). Their priorities and compliance of products with these priorities are determined.

An assessment is made of the size and capacity of the market for the company's products. When making the assessment, various factors are taken into account: the population in the region, its age composition, income level and expenditure structure, etc.

This section contains information about marketing strategy enterprises, ways of selling goods and ways to increase sales.

It is indicated how the price of the goods will be determined, what profitability will be laid down. Brief information about promotions, about the strategy of forming a positive image of the company or product. Separately, the amount of expenses for marketing activities is indicated.

As a result, this section should give the investor a clear idea of ​​who, why and how much of this product can buy, and how these sales will be secured.

5. Production plan

The section is drawn up if the enterprise plans to engage in production. Depending on the features technological process is given short description production. The following data are indicated: the required production areas, the need for personnel, the planned volume of output, the environmental protection system, the cost of acquiring the necessary raw materials and materials, labor costs, current production costs.

The main purpose of this section is to show that the enterprise is able to produce a certain amount of products for a specific period.

6. Organizational plan.

The section provides the structure of enterprise management and characterizes personnel policy. Information is provided on the functions of the main divisions, on the management structure, on the organization of interaction between all its levels, on the applied automatic systems management.

7. Financial plan

The section lists the main financial calculations, giving an idea of ​​the efficiency of the use of material resources. The settlement system should reflect the expected results from financial and economic activities.

The section should contain: profit and loss statement, costing of the preparatory period, calculation of cash receipts, calculation of costs for servicing a loan or loan, calculation of tax payments, balance-forecasts.

The main purpose of this section is to show how much profit you can count on and assess the solvency of the enterprise.

8. Risk assessment and company guarantees

The section indicates all types of business risks, an assessment of the likelihood of their occurrence and an assessment of their significance. An assessment of the losses possible in case of manifestation of these risks is given. Guarantees for the payback of the entire project as a whole and guarantees for the return of borrowed resources are negotiated.

9. Applications

In the attachments to the business plan, you can include all the information that is not included in its main part, but which has a certain value for forming an idea about the project. These can be tables, graphs, diagrams, photographs, analytical materials, normative documentation and excerpts from legislative acts.

The UNIDO business plan standard is the most detailed of all. Therefore, it can be used by novice businessmen.

UNIDO - generally accepted international standards for the preparation of business projects. Use this technique recommended at the request of the investor or the bank.

In addition to standard sections, the UNIDO business plan includes:

    a reasonable description of the choice of location of the company or site for construction;

    assessment of the state of the infrastructure;

    analysis of the impact of the proposed business on environment;

    detailed consideration of production and technical issues.

Nuances of preparing a business plan for UNIDO

A business plan for UNIDO is a more laborious and lengthy process. But such projects have advantages over standard ones. In addition, there is an opportunity to win the trust of foreign banks, funds and investors.

Features of the business plan according to the UNIDO methodology are as follows:

    the project consists of three phases: pre-investment, investment and operational;

    The development of a business plan involves several stages:

      sales market assessment;

      planning marketing and project implementation;

      the financial analysis;

      economic efficiency;

      risk assessment;

The business plan should be described and executed not only according to UNIDO standards, but also attract additional financial investments from investors.

The main requirements for writing a business model are:

    a summary of information, conveying the essence;

    reliable data;

    description possible risks and ways to minimize them;

    accurate financial and economic calculations.

Reasons for contacting Prorektor

Our experts will help you develop a business plan according to UNIDO standards as efficiently as possible, applying the following principles of work:

    use of up-to-date data of the region where the project is planned to be implemented;

    Market analysis is carried out using a number of sources:

      data from Rosstat and the Ministry of Economic Development;

      annual reports leading companies in the field of activity in which it is planned to open a business;

      information from official websites of federal and regional authorities;

    equipment cost forecast and construction works based on the proposals of suppliers and contractors;

    description of the financial model, taking into account market changes.

Why we are trusted

The main advantages of our company are:

    9 years of experience in business plan development;

    no project was denied a loan to open own business;

    over the years of work, 25 billion rubles were attracted. investments and loans;

    600 completed projects.


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Of course, the structure and composition of the business plan for each specific project will have its own individual characteristics. But in order not to “reinvent the wheel” every time, various methods have been developed that, to a certain extent, standardize the content of business plans. One of the most professional programs is the UNIDO methodology. It's about how to compose business plan on UNIDO and will be discussed in today's article.

What is a business plan for UNIDO (UNIDO)

First, let's explain what UNIDO is. The abbreviation UNIDO stands for United Nations Industrial Development Organization, which in English means the United Nations industrial development. Thus, the compilation methodology business plan on UNIDO is a list of recommendations for compiling a business plan for enterprises in the industrial sector.

Create compilation guides UNIDO business plans became a perfectly justified action. The reason for the creation of the methodology was that there were no clear instructions for evaluating investment projects. This problem was especially acute when it came to investment in developing countries.

Like any other business plan on UNIDO requires professional qualifications and the ability to understand such areas of project planning as market research, market analysis and competitive advantage similar enterprises, study of the resource base (financial, personnel, temporary, etc.), identification of consumer preferences, investment and financial planning.

Before starting to independently draw up a business plan in accordance with the requirements of UNIDO, we advise you to use ready sample such a document developed by professionals. This recommendation is related to the fact that investors / investment funds that evaluate business plans according to standards UNIDO- These are quite serious and reputable organizations that have significant investment resources, but also require the appropriate fulfillment of all the requirements prescribed in the methodology. Therefore, in our opinion, it is better to “spend money” on the help of specialists in business planning and get financing than to lose the confidence of investors by allowing violations of UNIDO requirements.

What does a UNIDO business plan consist of?

Business plan according to the methodology UNIDO includes the following sections:

  • Cycle investment project;
  • Preliminary (pre-investment) studies;
  • Marketing (market) research and sales planning;
  • Analysis of the raw material base and suppliers;
  • Characteristics of the geographical location of the enterprise, natural and climatic conditions and the construction site;
  • Description of the production-technological complex;
  • Planning of overhead costs;
  • Organizational and managerial section;
  • Personnel planning;
  • Schedule and timing of the project;
  • Financial and investment analysis;
  • Payback assessment and financial solvency project;
  • Evaluation of return on investment and economic efficiency project;

It is clear that within the framework of one article it is simply impossible to teach how to compose business plan on UNIDO or even just reveal the content of each section. And therefore it is better to turn to professional developers of such business plans. In the following sections, we will try to highlight only some of the important points that need to be paid attention to when compiling the document in question.

Brief description of the structure of the unido business plan

business plan on UNIDO must necessarily begin with a presentation, the so-called life cycle project, which includes three main phases - pre-investment, investment and operational. But each stage, in turn, can be subdivided into several more stages.

For example, the pre-investment phase contains steps such as:

  1. planning investment opportunities;
  2. drawing up alternative project options;
  3. analysis of production possibilities;
  4. preparing an investment decision.

The main peak of efforts falls on the stage of development and evaluation of the project. Here you will have to very carefully prescribe each item of investment, as well as justify the need for the total cost.

After the decision on investments in the project is made, the main stage begins - the investment, which in turn is also divided into stages:

  • negotiations and signing of contracts;
  • technical development and design;
  • construction and installation works;
  • selection and training of employees;
  • commissioning works.

The result of the investment phase is the formation of the company's assets and the initial launch of production. Starting with the commissioning of the main equipment and the formation of assets, the third stage of the development of the investment project begins - the operational phase.

The operational phase is directly related to the start of production of products or the provision of services. Also, the operational phase involves the receipt of the first income, but also the need for costs. The duration of the operational phase affects the performance of the project: the further the closing phase of the project is carried in time, the greater the total amount of income will be.

Every business plan has a summary. , you can find out from the relevant section.

UNIDO Core Standards for Business Plan Development

Requirements UNIDO for business plans, on the one hand, do not represent something supernatural and, in fact, are mandatory for most business plans. But, on the other hand, compiling unido business plan associated with many subtleties and “pitfalls” that you may not notice if you are doing such business planning for the first time.

For example, when indicating the goals of the project, one should also mention their contextual connection with the economic situation, legal support, etc. In a marketing research, it is necessary to provide the most complete list of information about sales prospects, competitive environment, planning sales, the range of products sold, pricing strategy, the time period for selling products, etc.

Further, special attention should be paid to cost planning. Special attention give calculation material costs on the operating activities, on forecasting prices and factors affecting the terms of supply of raw materials (especially if the company is actively interacting with foreign suppliers). Usually in unido business plans industrial enterprises most of the costs will depend on energy costs.

Another feature business plans on unido— a detailed description of the geological and climatic conditions of the place where the main production will be located. Also, when describing the region of doing business, it will be necessary to describe the social context, perhaps even provide statistical data, for example, on the age and sex structure of the population.

The main part of the errors in independent planning occurs in the planning of the design section. And that's okay. Therefore, it is better to contact a professional in the technical and investment field. For example, when presenting business plan on UNIDO it will be necessary to present not only one production technology, but also to substantiate the advantages of this option over alternatives. The following is a detailed description of the equipment and the condition of its delivery, delivery time. After all, based on these terms, a schedule for the implementation of the project and the commissioning will be formed. In the same section, you need to correctly draw up all the design documentation.

Also, in our opinion, it is important to pay attention to organizational issues and possible related overhead costs. Typically, these costs are associated with all aspects of the sale of products (management, marketing and distribution). Also pay attention to the terms of the lease or the choice of depreciation method in the case of the acquisition of premises or capital construction.

The success of any project largely depends on what kind of people are involved in its implementation. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the selection and training of staff. AT unido business plan you can even give a brief plan of the required categories of personnel, their competencies.

And, of course, the deadlines for the implementation of the project should be specified as accurately as possible - you need to specify the construction time, the timing of installation and commissioning. In the commercial component of the business plan, everything should be objective, the most optimal option should be calculated, so that, as they say, you can answer for every figure.

In the field, it can also be developed according to the UNIDO methodology. You can choose any of the projects in this industry and start building your new business.


At the end of the article, I would like to draw some conclusions. We think it became clear that the compilation business plan according to the methodology UNIDO is not as easy as writing a typical business plan. But UNIDO standards are world-famous; leading experts in the field of industrial investment worked on their compilation. Therefore, it is very useful to focus on them. In order to make the correct business plan according to requirements UNIDO We advise you to focus on ready-made versions of such documents. But you can also turn to business planners to develop an individual document for your project.

organizational plan The success of the project directly depends on the top management of the company. This section describes the organization of the management team and key professionals organizational structure enterprises and the timing of the project, ways to motivate the management team. 7. Financial plan It is necessary to describe the main financial calculations and costs, conduct a cost estimate and describe the cost estimate for the project. Also, describe the sources of funds, provide a table of expenses and income and describe the cash flow. Structure of this part:

  • Lead-up costs
  • Core period costs
  • Income calculation
  • Loan servicing costs
  • Tax payments
  • Other income and payments
  • Report about incomes and material losses
  • real money flow
  • Forecast balance


It is necessary to provide evidence of the solvency of the enterprise that will implement the business plan. It is necessary to stipulate guarantees for the return of borrowed funds in the event of unforeseen, force majeure circumstances. For example, one of these guarantees may be the availability of equipment, machines, buildings, structures on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

You can also provide insurance for a business project in case of loss. A number of projects (if they are, for example, of high social significance) may receive municipal or state guarantees. 10. Appendix The Appendix contains information that is inappropriate to be given in the main part of a business plan implemented using the UNIDO methodology.
The annex to the business plan according to the UNIDO methodology is designed to relieve its main part from excessive detail, while containing evidence and justification.

How to make a business plan according to the unido standard?


One of the organizations that offers standards for business planning is UNIDO, an organization fighting for global prosperity by supporting the industrial development of developing countries and countries with economies in transition ( UNIDO provides various assistance to countries with economies in transition and developing countries in adapting and developing in the context of the globalization of the economy and the world as a whole. The organization collects knowledge, information, experience and technologies, transfers them to countries in need and thereby promotes the development of a competitive economy and increased employment.

UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO) - a division of the United Nations aimed at combating poverty through increased productivity. Founded in 1966.

Business plan according to the Unido standard

You should also indicate the costs of subcontractors and contracts concluded with them. If the business plan according to the UNIDO methodology is not devoted to the production of goods, but to trade or the provision of services, this production plan should contain a description of the processes for purchasing goods, storing, distributing, stock control, etc. 6. Organizational plan The section provides for the disclosure of issues related to the organization of the management team, staff motivation, the timing of the project implementation within the framework of the business plan.

This section provides a description of the organization for the implementation of a business idea: legal support is given, management staff is considered, key specialists (detailed track records of personnel should be present in the application). The faces behind them should also be described.

The unido methodology: some questions about preparing a business plan

Founded in 1966. The structure of the business plan according to UNIDO standards:

  • summary
  • industry and company description
  • description of services (goods)
  • sales and marketing
  • production plan
  • organizational plan
  • financial plan
  • project performance evaluation
  • guarantees and risks of the company
  • applications
  1. Summary The section contains general information about the business plan. According to the summary, they give an impression of the whole project, so it is always viewed by potential investors. The summary should contain concise but understandable information and give answers to questions that concern investors - what is the volume of investments, loan terms, return guarantees, volume own funds And so on.

Business plan of the unido standard: what are its features

In this section, you must show the investor that this market exists. Potential buyers are divided into end users and wholesale buyers. If the consumer is an enterprise, then it is characterized by the location and the industry in which you work.
If the consumer is the population, then it is characterized by standard socio-demographic characteristics - gender, age, social status, And so on. Also, it is worth describing consumer properties goods - price, service life of the product, appearance and others. Structure of this part:

  • 1. The requirements that the consumer makes to products of this type and your ability to meet them
  • 2. Analysis and description of competitors, what strengths and weaknesses you will have
  • 3. Marketing research, description of the market and its development prospects

The right decision

  • sales - from packaging and storage to direct sales at points of sale and warranty service
  • attracting consumers - in what ways (marketing tools), analysis of demand elasticity by price
  • Production plan Calculation of fixed and variable production costs, production and sales volumes, calculation of production costs and general information about the capabilities of the enterprise. The structure of this part: - geographical location of the enterprise, transport routes, availability of communications - technology and skill level of personnel - need for space - staffing - environmental friendliness of production and safety of workers - production volume - wages and other expenses for personnel - costs for raw materials and materials - current production costs - variable costs - fixed costs 6.

unido standards business plan

Structure production plan within the framework of the UNIDO methodology can be as follows:

  1. Geographical location of the enterprise, transport routes, availability of communications
  2. Technology
  3. Personnel qualification level, composition and structure labor resources, their qualifications, wages (plus accruals on it, for example - social payments)
  4. Required production areas, equipment
  5. Depreciation
  6. Volume of production
  7. The cost of raw materials, energy, components, materials
  8. Current production costs (summary calculation)
  9. Variable, fixed costs
  10. Environmental friendliness and production safety

When manufacturing process partially or completely is supposed to be transferred to subcontractors, it is necessary to make a description of all subcontractors, indicating their location, as well as justify their choice.
This section should demonstrate to the investor the fact that the project is sufficiently resistant to changes in external conditions. This is a kind of financial and economic guarantee that the project will still bring an acceptable profit, even if external conditions are relatively unfavorable. For example, if with an increase in the cost of raw materials or wages by only 15%, the total profit is reduced by as much as 50% - then it will immediately become clear to a competent investor that it is better not to get involved with such a project at all, because there is big risk lose all the funds invested in it.


After all, an investor invests in a business project AT YOUR OWN RISK. 9. Guarantees and risks of a business idea This section analyzes the main risks, return guarantees. Risk analysis depends to a large extent on the type of investor.

Indeed, for each investor, the most dangerous can be, generally speaking, different risks.

Unido business plan standard

A UNIDO business plan is developed if an entrepreneur does not use borrowed funds Sberbank and Rosselkhozbank, but wants to use the services of other investors or other banks. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO has adopted standards to promote industrial international development business and cooperation. To strengthen their positions in the Russian or international market, it is necessary to clearly know the principles and rules established by law. Great knowledge in the field of law, economic and market structure, as well as pricing will be required. For many years, the specialists of our company have been actively involved in the development and preparation of UNIDO business plans.

Unido business plan standard in brief

In this case, you can use all available visualization tools, for example, graphic editors, and even 3D technologies. Briefly (for more details, see marketing plan) lists the main consumers, the scope and characteristics of the product (patentability and copyright, license and quality certificate (if necessary), cost, price, competitiveness, ergonomics, environmental friendliness, safety, delivery terms (including packaging), warranties and service , features of product operation, as well as disposal.It is clear that this list depends on the specifics of the business.
It is preferable if this section contains a photo of the product or service.


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