Presentation on the theme of commercial equipment. Presentation on the topic: "Trading measuring equipment" presentation for a lesson on the topic. The principle of operation of the MRM


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REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT MDK 01.01 Fundamentals of product range management O.O. Goldin

The use of cold in trade allows you to: create stocks of perishable products; increase the duration of their storage; transport to any distance; sell seasonally produced goods evenly throughout the year; reduce product losses; to introduce progressive forms of sale of goods; meet the needs of the population in benign food products; ensure a high level trade service And sanitary condition trade enterprises and etc.

A continuous refrigeration chain is a set of refrigeration facilities and measures that ensure the maintenance of an optimal temperature regime along the entire path of movement of perishable products from their places of production and preparation to retail and catering enterprises.

Cold Chain Links Procurement Refrigerators wholesalers, refrigeration equipment retail trade enterprises, household refrigerators.

The connection between the links of the refrigeration chain is carried out by refrigeration transport: ships, wagons, trains, refrigerator cars.

Types of refrigerated warehouses The first type is ordinary refrigerated warehouses, which actually represent freezers big size. The second type is refrigerated warehouses for storing dairy products, sausage products, vegetables, fruits, flowers, some medicines.

The third type is refrigerated warehouses for cooling meat and meat products. The fourth type is warehouses for shock freezing of products.

Classification By type: Chambers Cabinets Showcases Showcases-counters Slides by Larry Bonetta

2. According to the temperature regime: Medium temperature Low temperature 3. According to the nature of air movement: Natural Forced

4. According to the degree of tightness of the cooled volume: Closed Open 5. According to the location of the refrigeration unit: Built-in Remote

6. According to the degree of refrigeration: Individual Centralized 7. According to climatic zones of application: For southern regions For regions with a temperate climate

Conditional alphanumeric indices: K - chambers, W - cabinets, P - counters, V - showcases, PV - display cases, X - refrigerated, C - medium temperature, H - low temperature.

The numbers after the hyphen indicate the location of the refrigeration unit: 1 - built-in, 2 - remote, After the second hyphen, the internal or useful cooled volume (in m3). Subsequent letters indicate the ways of laying out goods: P - on the shelves of equipment, K - in containers or equipment containers), Further, the degree of tightness of the equipment З - closed, О - open.

KHS-1-8,OK means a medium-temperature refrigerating chamber with a built-in refrigerating machine, with an internal refrigerated volume of 8 m3, designed for storing goods in containers.

Requirements: technical, commercial and operational, economic, sanitary.

The main conditions for the uninterrupted operation of refrigeration equipment are as follows: high quality installation, qualified maintenance; compliance with all operating rules by store personnel.

Refrigeration equipment must provide: the specified temperature regime for the storage of goods; permissible noise standards for trading floors of stores; appearance corresponding to the interior of the store; ease of use for buyers and sellers; low thermal conductivity; convenience for sanitation and maintenance, etc.

When operating refrigeration equipment, it is prohibited to: allow unauthorized persons to inspect, repair the refrigeration machine and adjust automation devices, as well as perform these works on their own; touch the moving parts of the refrigeration unit during operation; remove frost from the evaporator mechanically using scrapers, knives, etc.); clutter up the refrigeration unit and passages with foreign objects,

Rules for the operation of refrigeration equipment: the equipment should be loaded with products only after reaching the normal temperature regime; the number of loaded products should not exceed the allowable rate of one-time loading of equipment; stack or hang the goods loosely among themselves at a distance from the walls of 8 - 10 cm; it is forbidden to store products on evaporators, to cover lattice shelves and products with paper, cellophane, etc. it is not allowed to store foreign objects in the refrigerated equipment;

commodity neighborhood should be observed; closed doors should be tightly pressed against the body, they should be opened as rarely as possible and on short term. there should be no frost on the evaporator, cold air should circulate freely between its fins.

For trade workers, a special introductory briefing on safety rules, operation of automatic freon refrigeration units, electrical safety and first aid in case of an accident should be carried out. At least once every 6 months. on-the-job training should take place.

Types of refrigeration equipment

Freezer cabinets



Shock freezers (shock freezers)

Polybox cabinets

CHAMBER Refrigeration


For storing coats

For flowers







Rational use of inventory contributes to: acceleration of the trading and operational process; improving the culture of customer service; improvement of working conditions of trade workers; reduction of distribution costs, etc. Rational use of inventory contributes to: acceleration of the trading and operational process; improving the culture of customer service; improvement of working conditions of trade workers; reduction of distribution costs, etc.

Inventory for opening containers and packaging Scissors, a nail puller, a hammer, pincers, as well as combined devices are intended for opening wooden boxes: hammer-nail puller, scissors-nail puller, hammer-nail puller-scissors, hammer-axe-nail puller. To open soft and semi-soft containers, a sickle-shaped knife with a thickening at the end of the blade is used.

Inventory for determining the quality of goods. These include samplers for taking samples of goods; ovoscopes and wine scopes, with the help of which the quality of eggs and wines is checked through the light, as well as measuring instruments. This group of inventory includes fixtures and devices for testing electrical goods, electric lamps, electric batteries, the accuracy of clocks, and an antenna device for testing the operation of television receivers.

Inventory for preparation for sale and sale of goods To prepare goods for sale, decks and cutting boards are used. Cutting tools are designed for manual cutting, cutting and cutting food products. The most common type of cutting tools are knives. Trading blades. Trading forks. Tongs trade. Scoops.

Auxiliary inventory Auxiliary inventory includes devices for pointing, straightening and storing knives, roller shovels for potatoes, a pump for pumping liquid, stepladders, ice-creams and plastic seals, baskets for customers, trolleys for customers.

Counting inventory Counting inventory is required when settling accounts with buyers. It includes: sponges for cashiers, coin boxes various kinds used to receive money from customers and give them change, office or trade accounts, microcalculators, tattoos for checks, additional cash desks.

Inventory for storing a working stock of goods As a container for storing a working stock of goods, inventory containers are used, in which the goods enter the store: containers for transporting bottles and tetra-packs are made of polyethylene and others.

Commercial non-mechanical equipment To perform various operations related to the acceptance, storage, preparation for sale, display and sale of goods, non-mechanical technological equipment(furniture for commercial premises). One of the main functions of commercial non-mechanical equipment is to ensure the technological process at a commercial enterprise.

Rationally organize trade - technological process; - to mechanize heavy and labor-intensive operations; - expand the range of goods; - maximize the use of the area and volume of retail and storage facilities; - reduce product losses; - to introduce progressive forms of sale; - to increase the level of trade services, the productivity of trade workers, the efficiency of the TP; - improve the aesthetic design of retail premises.

For displaying goods (showcases, stands), - for displaying and selling goods (hills, hangers, counters), - for displaying, transporting, temporarily storing and selling goods (containers - equipment), - for settlements with customers (checkout counters), - for the storage of goods (racks, pedestals), - for quality control and preparation of goods for sale (tables for grading goods, packaging of goods), - for providing additional services customers (fitting cabins, tables for packing goods, counters for sorting baskets and shopping bags, bedside tables for control scales), etc.

Metal, wooden, combined, using metal, wood, glass, plastics and other materials. Metal parts of furniture are made from pipes of round and rectangular sections, rod, wire, angle steel, sheet steel, aluminum. To finish their surfaces, zinc, enamel and other coatings are used. Lumber, chipboard and fibreboard, plywood are spent on wooden parts;

Non-separable - collapsible - collapsible, - collapsible, - collapsible - collapsible, - sectional, - universal - collapsible. Non-separable furniture consists of parts interconnected by permanent connections. Details of prefabricated furniture are connected using bolts, screws, brackets, hooks and other detachable connections. Foldable and collapsible - folding furniture has parts with hinged joints that allow them to be folded, thereby reducing the size of the furniture and the volume it occupies. Sectional furniture consists of separate sections. The section is ready product, equipped necessary details: shelves, drawers, brackets, etc. Sections are installed separately or connected to other sections. In this case, blocks or lines of any length are formed. When connecting sections in a line, fewer support posts are required, which reduces the weight of furniture, the cost of its purchase and installation. Universal - prefabricated furniture consists of unified legal, from which you can assemble furniture of various functional purposes and sizes. Using a combination of various parts, as well as a combination of various devices for displaying goods, you can create a wide variety of types of furniture for organizing trade in all groups of food and beverages. non-food items;

There can be both piece products and furniture sets. Commercial equipment factories produce as separate products on orders trade organizations and furniture sets. Sets are a group of products with different functional purposes with the same architectural and artistic design;

Economic requirements. The design of furniture for a trade enterprise should be simple, economical in production and operation. Profitability of production is determined by the laboriousness of the use of advanced production technology, and the economy of operation is determined by the degree of convenience for customers and store employees, reliability, and functional expediency. Furniture should not take up much space, but at the same time it should be capacious enough to provide layout and storage. required amount goods. ergonomic requirements. The optimal dimensional ratios of furniture for trade enterprises (length, width, height, distance between shelves, etc.) are determined during its design, taking into account anthropological data - average height and proportions of a human figure. This provides free access to goods, good visibility for customers and minimal fatigue for staff when filling furniture with goods. aesthetic requirements. The shape, proportion and color of the furniture must correspond to its functional purpose and the architectural and artistic design of the interior of the trading floor, emphasizing the unity of the ensemble of the interior of the store, the device commercial furniture should not play an independent role. Sanitary - hygiene requirements. The design of the furniture of trade enterprises should not make it difficult to clean the premises and the furniture itself. For finishing furniture, materials should be used from which dirt can be easily removed. The surface of the furniture should be smooth, without protrusions, sharp corners, gaps and cracks. To protect goods from dust and pollution, visors, canopies, covers should be arranged.

Convenience for visual display, demonstration and selection of goods by customers; - sufficient capacity; - the possibility of prompt replenishment of stocks of goods; - compliance of the design with the requirements for optimal use of the area of ​​the trading floor; - standard sizes and collapsible design; - ensuring the safety of goods and the possibility of using the most rational methods of their layout and placement; - sufficient strength.

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The importance of refrigeration equipment The use of cold in trade allows: - to create stocks of perishable goods in a wide range; - to increase the duration of their storage; - to transport goods over any distance; - to sell seasonal goods evenly throughout the year; - to reduce commodity losses; - to meet the population's need for good quality goods. Classification of refrigeration equipment According to the terms of use - for stores with a traditional method of sale; - for self-service stores. By appointment - equipment for the storage of perishable goods; - equipment for the demonstration and sale of goods; - demonstration (only for display). According to the mode of storage - medium temperature (from 0 to 8 ° C, intended for the storage of chilled products); - low temperature (from -12 to -23 ° C, intended for the storage of frozen products and ice cream). By the nature of the air movement in the cooled volume - with natural air movement; - with forced air movement (air is blown by an electric fan through the evaporator). According to the degree of tightness of the refrigerated volume - closed (has doors that tightly cover the refrigerated volume; used in self-service stores and traditional forms of service); - open (the refrigerated volume is blocked by a cold air curtain, used in self-service stores). According to the location of the unit - with a built-in unit; - with a free-standing unit; According to the climatic zones of application - for a temperate climate (outside air temperature up to 32 ° C); - southern version (outside air temperature up to 40 ° C). Designated "Yu". According to the refrigeration system - with individual refrigeration supply (each unit of refrigeration equipment is serviced by a separate refrigeration unit). - with centralized refrigeration supply (a group of showcases, counters and other equipment is connected to one refrigeration unit; the unit is located in the utility room). By type - cabinets; - showcases; - counters; - counters - showcases; - bonnets; - lari; - refrigerated slides; - refrigerating chambers. To designate commercial refrigeration equipment, special symbols have been adopted: P-counter; B-showcase; PV-counter-showcase; W-cabinet; X-refrigeration; C-medium temperature; H-low temperature; South-southern version; - the figure after the hyphen indicates the location of the refrigeration unit (1-built-in, 2-remote); - the figure after the second hyphen indicates the internal volume or useful cooled volume (in m3). for example: PCN - 1 - 0.15 (refrigerated counter, low-temperature, with built-in refrigeration machine, internal volume - 0.15 m3). Refrigerating cases are intended for short-term storage of the cooled and frozen products before sale. They are used in stores with a traditional method of sale and in self-service stores. Refrigerating cabinets are produced with a capacity of 0.40; 0.65; 0.71; 0.81; 1.12; 1.40 m3. The temperature in the refrigerated cabinets is maintained automatically within the range of 1 to 10°C. They are equipped with a built-in refrigeration unit. Lattice shelves are installed in the cooled chamber. Refrigerating cases can be with the top and bottom arrangement of the refrigerating unit, one - and two-door. Doors can be either metal or glass. In self-service stores, refrigerated cabinets with glass doors are used so that the buyer can see the entire assortment. Cabinets can be: - with hinged doors - with sliding - closet - compartment (with self-closing sliding doors, which are equipped with an anti-fogging device). In stores with a traditional method of service, refrigerated cabinets are installed at the workplaces of sellers and in utility rooms. They have a panel-frame design. Inner and outer surfaces lined sheet metal. Lattice shelves are installed in the cooled chamber. Refrigerating show-windows are intended for demonstration, short-term storage and sale of goods. Showcases of two types ВХН and ВХС are produced. Dimensions (mm): length - 1100 - 1700; width - 800 - 1100; height – 1200 – 1300.-showcase with straight glass-showcase with curved glass Refrigerated counters – showcases (calculated counters) are designed for storage, demonstration and sale of goods. They consist of a refrigeration unit built into the body, a panel with straight or curved glass, and also have a countertop for cash registers and scales. Dimensions (mm): length - 1300 -1880; width - 1100; height - 1200. Lari - horizontal refrigerators with a lid. The lid can be transparent, made of special glass, or opaque (deaf) - from the same material as the side walls. In supermarkets, low-temperature chests are mainly used, operating in the range from -10 to -24 ° C. The chest with a blind cover is not intended for installation in the trading floor and can be used in the back room of the store. The chest with a glass cover (counter) is intended for use in a trading floor. The cover can be of different shapes: - straight horizontal; - straight inclined; - convex inclined - improves the overview of the contents of the chest and attracts the buyer. Bonettes are open island showcases. They have a large storage capacity and a large display area, which allows you to expand your view. They can be low-temperature, medium-temperature and combined. Dimensions (mm): length - 1920 - 2520; width - 1000 - 1048; height - 870. Refrigerated cabinets are designed for laying out various goods. Especially suitable for self-service shops. The design of the rack allows you to lay out the goods in such a way that the entire assortment is clearly visible. The range of products that can be stored and displayed in refrigerated cabinets is very wide. It includes meat and dairy gastronomy, canned meat, fish and vegetables, fresh vegetables and fruits. Some types of slides provide food storage not in one, but in different temperature conditions, which is very convenient for storage different types goods. The slide is equipped with a night blind, which allows you to significantly save electricity at night. From the inside, the slide is equipped with halogen lighting. The dimensions of the slides (mm.): length - 1260 - 2060, height - 1930. Prefabricated refrigerators are designed to store chilled and frozen products for no more than five days in small trade enterprises, where it is impractical to install stationary cameras. They are assembled from separate unified shields. Two types of prefabricated chambers are produced: KKhN and KKhS. Refrigerators are installed in utility rooms. Dimensions (mm): length - 1960 - 5560; width - 1360 - 2560; height - 2200 - 2720. Rules for the operation of refrigeration equipment Refrigeration equipment is installed in dry, well-ventilated rooms at a distance of at least 1 m from heating appliances. Passages are left near the equipment, convenient for loading goods, selecting them by customers, as well as for maintenance. Commercial equipment must be kept clean. The outer parts are periodically wiped with a damp cloth and wiped dry. The internal parts are washed at least once a week with warm water and soap, then with clean water and wiped dry. Persons who have undergone special training and instructions on safe working conditions are allowed to operate the refrigeration equipment. The sales employee to whom the equipment is assigned is fully responsible for it, monitors its correct operation and maintains it in proper order. During operation, it is prohibited to: Start the refrigeration unit in operation in the absence of grounding or malfunctions; Load equipment over the allowable rate specified in the passport; Keep the doors open for a long time; Put hot and warm foods; Remove frost from the evaporator mechanically; Smoke indoors, where is the refrigeration unit

Vega (brandford) Island-type refrigerated display case Vega manufactured by Brandford (Russia) Vega low-temperature hinged display case is designed for sale of frozen products in self-service stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets at a temperature of -18°С. Bonnet consists of one-sided modules 2500 and 3750 mm long, connected into "islands" using end and front connection kits. Additionally, it can be completed with an end element, as well as a superstructure with two or three illuminated shelves (double-sided for a hinged showcase and one-sided for a one-sided module). A high (300 mm) triple single panoramic glass unit has high heat-shielding characteristics and makes the display of products in the showcase as accessible as possible to the attention of customers. A set of additional accessories includes: Night blinds, longitudinal and transverse wire dividers. The Vega low-temperature island showcase is equipped with a base light that creates a feeling of lightness. The show-window is completed with panels of standard colors or additional colors from the RAL catalog by the special order. The Vega showcase is equipped with a control unit based on the Eliwell 985 electronic controller, programmable in master or slave mode, as well as supporting the Televis refrigeration telemetry system protocol. Freezer boxes. Trade equipment for shops

Name Quantity Cost per unit REFRIGERATORY BONETS «Brandford» 1. Island with remote unit 1cl. VEGA 250 red, with right hand side, assembly kit, night blind, superstructure remote unit 1kl.VEGA 250 red, from the left hand side, assembly kit, night blind, superstructure /- 18С,2500*1280*1390/,88 , assembly kit, night blind, superstructure /- 18С,3750*1280*1390/,69 *1280*1390/ ,69 5. Island with remote unit 1 class VEGA 375 B/W red, assembly kit, night blind, superstructure /- 18С,3750*1280*1390/ ,09 6. Separator for VEGA island wire, 43 CENTRAL. REFRIGERATION STATIONS 1. Refrigeration unit 6G-40.2Y x3/SHVH 152H/V low temperature,51 Freezer islands. Trade equipment for stores Vega Brandford freezer cabinets are used as equipment for supermarket and hypermarket format stores. The design assumes one-sided modules 2500 and 3750 mm for placement in the wall version. When connecting "back to back", you can create "islands", incl. with end pieces. This allows you to present a wider range of products and rationally place the island on the trading floor. A high panoramic double-glazed window along the island perimeter allows increasing the attention of buyers to the products being sold. The equipment is equipped with base lighting, which gives it an elegant look. Additionally, the island can be equipped with an uncooled superstructure for additional display with illuminated shelves for both wall and island versions.

Orion model: ventilated refrigeration equipment with connection to an external refrigeration system, modifications: gastronomic, fruit, meat. This refrigerated cabinet combines technical reliability, modern design and compliance with European standards. The ideal equipment for shops of average and big areas. The refrigerating hill is issued in height of 2080 mm., depth of shelves is 500 mm. Refrigerated slides. Commercial equipment for stores Refrigerated display cabinets (refrigerated racks) are commercial equipment used for demonstration and short-term storage of a fairly wide range of products. This type of commercial equipment is suitable for packaged sausages, dairy products, meat products, cheeses, preserves, as well as vegetables and fruits and confectionery. Refrigerated cabinets, unlike other types of refrigeration equipment (refrigerated cabinets, refrigerated cabinets, refrigerated display cases), provide a large exposition area and usable volume, while occupying an insignificant part of the trading floor. In addition, thanks to the vertical display, refrigerated cabinets allow you to present a larger assortment and a greater overview of products. The temperature regime of the refrigerated cabinets ranges from 0 to +10°C. Depending on this, as well as on the design features of commercial equipment, many manufacturers of equipment for stores classify the range of refrigerated display cabinets offered as follows: gastronomic refrigerated display cabinets - designed to store dairy products and gastronomy. This is refrigeration equipment with a temperature regime of +1 ... + 7 ° С. meat refrigerated cabinets (refrigerated racks) - designed for storing packaged meat products, fish, preserves. Such refrigeration equipment with a temperature regime of 0 ... + 2 ° С. fruit refrigerated cabinets - designed for storing vegetables and fruits. Temperature regime of refrigeration equipment +4…+10°С. Such a refrigerated cabinet has a number of design features: as a rule, these are 2 rows of hinged shelves located at an angle and a hinged mirror for a more effective display of vegetables and fruits. container refrigerated cabinets - such a modification of commercial equipment implies the absence of lower shelves, which allows loading goods in containers. According to the type of location, refrigeration equipment is classified as follows: island refrigerated cabinets (refrigerated racks) - installed in the middle part of the sales area. wall-mounted refrigerated cabinets (cooled racks) - located along the walls of the room. Also, commercial refrigeration equipment with a wall-mounted type of location suggests the possibility of installation in island ones, by connecting "back-to-back", incl. using end modules.

NameQuantityPrice per unit WALL COOLED SLIDES «Brandford» 1.Slide with remote unit FV ORION 250 red, on the right hand side, assembly kit, night blind /from +3C to +10C,2500*1025*2082/,52 2.Slide with remote unit FV ORION 250 B/B red, night blind, /s +3C to +10C, 2500*1025*2082/,22 night blind /s +3С to +10C,3750*1025*2082/ ,04 5. Slide with remote unit SL ORION 190 red, with b/p, night blind / from +1C to +7C, 1875*1025*2082/,32 6. Slide with remote unit SL ORION 250 red, with right b/p , assembly kit, night blind /s +1C to +7C, 2500*1025*2082/ ,73 7C,2500*1025*2082/,73 /s +1C to +7C,2500*1025*2082/ ,71 2082/ ,81 9. Slide with remote unit SL ORION 375 red, from the left side, assembly kit, night blind / from +1C to +7C, 3750*1025*2082/ ,81 9. Slide with remote unit SL ORION 375 B/W red, assembly kit, night blind /from +1C to +7C,3750*1025*2082/,68 CENTRAL. REFRIGERATION STATIONS 1. Refrigeration unit 6G-40..2Y x3/ЕHV 90F 4V medium temperature,28 Refrigerated slides. Trade equipment for shops

cash boxes Rasec Cash boxes Rasec are produced entirely from imported components at a factory located in Russia, which ensures a short production time and more low prices while maintaining the high quality of the equipment. These cash boxes are optimally suited for medium and big stores self-service of various profiles. More detailed information You can find out by contacting our experts. Razek-Vostok is one of the leaders in the production of commercial equipment for food stores (supermarkets, hypermarkets, convenience stores, specialized stores and Cash&Carry stores). The activities of this manufacturer: cash boxes, entrance groups, equipment for the checkout area, chippers, demo stands and paternosters, as well as office partitions. Cash boxes and their features Russian market a wide variety of different cash boxes are presented, especially from domestic manufacturers. This is due to the fact that the organization of the production of this type of commercial equipment does not require large investments, and most manufacturers of commercial and refrigeration equipment for stores include this product in their product line. Nevertheless, almost all Russian developments are copies from world brands, and not the best ones. This is due to the fact that everyone copies the form of the cash box, often not understanding the features of its functioning, which leads to the use of completely relevant materials or simplifications. Thus, almost any cash box will be inferior to imported in terms of performance, and its only advantage will be the price. It is important to understand that the work of the cash register of domestic stores has some differences from foreign ones, and in this case, direct thoughtless copying is not effective. The priority offer of Russian manufacturers of cash boxes can be those models that are time-tested and take into account the features of our stores.

Name Quantity Cost per unit CASH BOXES 1. Cash box C1 TP. SATURN ROUL М200 pr.ser, 07 2. Cash register C1 TP. SATURN ROUL М200 lev.ser, 07 ACCESSORIES 4. Product divider RASEC for storage, 57 5. Product divider RASEC next. customer38 350.68 6. ​​RASEC lamp 2 colors,53 7. RASEC stainless steel coin holder,38 8. RASEC bag holder under the conveyor,93 EQUIPMENT 9. Trolley bumper corner 90*, Trolley bumper, finishing element44 779, Trolley bumper , intermediate element 180* , Fender from carts, corner element 90*4 1061, Fender from carts, pipe lL-1.2 m,69

Showcases «Galaxy». Ventilated refrigeration equipment with connection to an external cooling system. Equipment for self-service stores. Laying depth 900 mm. Modifications: gastronomic, self, low glass, thermal, corner modules and freezer display. Refrigerated showcases can be mounted in a single line. Refrigerated showcases (refrigerated counters) are an integral part of almost every modern grocery store as a counter form of trade, and self-service. The scope of refrigerated counters (showcases) are almost all counter shops and many self-service stores. Modern refrigerated sales counters allow you to demonstrate, carry out short-term storage and sell a wide variety of goods. Today, this commercial equipment has a fairly wide range of models, both in terms of the variety of variations of universal refrigerated display cases (for various product groups), and specialized ones, for example, confectionery. The main differences between refrigerated retail counters (showcases) are the depth of display, the presence of a drive, the ability to connect external cold, the method of opening the front glass (loading goods), the specifics of the goods issue, the geometry of the refrigerated display cases themselves (straight, corner sections, etc.), well and of course the design. The model range includes a refrigeration section, a freezer section, a fish-on-ice display case, as well as corner sections. The Brandford factory has been producing the Galaxy refrigerated display case for more than a year, and for the entire period of operation of this equipment there was practically not a single complaint. The Galaxy series does not differ in the lowest price, but unlike other models, it is made of higher quality materials.

NameQuantityPrice per unit REFRIGERATING SHOWERS «Brandford» 1. Gastronomic counter with remote unit GALAXY 125 GV, right hand side, red /s +1C to +5C, vent., off 900 mm, 1250*1210*1169/,72 2. Gastronomic counter with remote unit GALAXY 125 GV, OPEN, with right hand side, assembly kit, red / from +1C to +5C, vent., off 900 mm, 1250*1210*865/,72 3. Gastronomic counter with remote unit GALAXY 125 GV, OPEN, from the left hand side, assembly kit, red / from +1C to +5C, vent., off 900 mm, 1250*1210*865/,72 4. Counter with remote gastronomic unit GALAXY 250 GV, with left hand side, assembly kit, red / from +1C to +5C, vent., off 900 mm, 2500*1210*1170/,24 5. Counter with remote gastronomic unit GALAXY 250 GV, right hand side, assembly kit, red /s +1C to +5C, vent., off 900 mm, 2500*1210*1170/,24 , assembly kit, red / from +1C to +5C, vent., off. 900 mm, 2500*1210*1170/ ,42 7. Gastronomic counter with remote unit GALAXY 250 GV, OPEN, right hand side, assembly kit, red / from +1C to +5C, vent., off 900 mm , 2500*1210*900/ ,59 8. Gastronomic counter with remote unit GALAXY 250 GV, OPEN, from the left hand side, assembly kit, red / from +1C to +5C, vent., off 900 mm, 2500 *1210*900/ ,59 9. Gastronomic counter with remote unit GALAXY 375 GV, B/W, OPEN, assembly kit, red / from +1C to +5C, vent., off 900 mm, 3750*1210*900 / , Gastronomic counter with remote unit GALAXY GV, angle. Ext. 90 B/W OPEN, red /s +1C to +5C, vent., off 900 mm, 2500*1210*900/ , Fish counter with remote unit GALAXY 250 GV, OPEN, assembly kit, red /s + 1C to +5C, vent., off 900 mm, 2500*1210*885/ , Calculated counter ECLIPSE BORDEAUX / individual order/ , Counter divider GALAXY GV low, glass,63

Sensormatic Acoustic magnetic anti-theft system Sensormatic Ultra Lane Single - anti-theft systems of the store The latest generation acoustic magnetic anti-theft system from the world leader - Sensormatic. Specifications Gate material Plastic Operating frequency (standard) 58 kHz Guaranteed detection distance (maximum distance between gates) Each antenna equipped with an electronics unit allows a protection distance of 90 cm on both sides of the antenna. See Dimensions Antenna x 36.4 x 3.6 cm Electronics box 37.3 x 27.8 x 13.4 cm Installation Installation by a qualified technician. Other absence of false positives; various mounting options; the ability to block 4 passes with a single control unit, which reduces the total cost of the project; ideal for installation, both in cash aisles and at the exit of stores Power consumption 100 watts Acousto-magnetic anti-theft system for supermarkets, hypermarkets. Checkout protection. 1. The most optimal variant of the anti-theft system. Ultra Lane Anti-Theft System The Ultra Lane system is an AM technology system that provides one pedestal per pass. This system allows blocking up to 8 passes using one controller. The system is designed specifically for supermarkets, hypermarkets, as well as other stores where aisle protection is required. The Ultra Lane system ensures reliable operation without interfering with grocery carts or obstructing visibility. The main advantages of the Ultra Lane anti-theft system are: Durability and design: The Ultra Lane antenna is constructed from a durable material that prevents damage, especially by shopping carts in narrow aisles. Slim antenna provides good review and free passage of carts. The solid bottom section of the antenna prevents children from climbing on it, while the open top section does not disrupt the design of the store or obscure the counters. Mounting: The Ultra Lane antenna is mounted in various ways. It can be fixed from the side of the cash desk or fixed on a round rod using special fasteners. Since it is possible to fix it on the cash table, it is not required to drill additional holes in the floor. If the configuration includes ranger antennas, they can be attached to the opposite side of the table. One antenna of the Ultra Lane anti-theft system allows you to protect two passages 0.8 + 0.8 m for hard and adhesive tags. Fastens on a protection between passes or on a counter. Sensormatic

UltraLane Single Dual antenna AM system, 58 kHz, antenna 121.3 x 36.4 x 3.6 cm, 10.4 kg, controller 37.3 x 27.8 x 13.414 cm, 3.34 kg, four aisle width 0.8/0.7 m, 220V. Sensormatic AM single antenna system, 58 kHz, antennas 121.3 x 36.4 x 3.6 cm, 5.2 kg, controller 37.3 x 27.8 x 13.414 cm, 3.34 kg, aisle width 0.8/ 0.7 m, 220V For double aislesRack met. for UltraLane, diameter mm SensormaticTag for SUPERTAG/ULTRAGATOR tags, 210mm, 100 pcs. in a package SensormaticMK225 Remover for hard tags SUPERTAG, manual with lock SensormaticContact deactivator, ZK252XPE, 286x127x7mm Sensormatic Non-contact deactivator AM, AMB-2010, up to 10cm 210x160x40mm Sensormatic Non-contact deactivator AM, Scan-Tru, up to 20cm, 305x318x140 mm Tag hard, PensilTag with clip AM 46x12.5mm Sensormatic

Name Quantity Unit cost + 1 controller + 1 pole mount,48 3. Metal pole /Russia/,87 4. Power Pad Pro Dual deactivator /USA/ 2 deactivation antennas + 1 controller,26 5. Power Pad Pro Singl deactivator /USA/ 1 deactivation antenna + 1 controller Detector / for detecting theft / portable hand-held for acoustic magnetic labels,17 7. Consumables12 857.12 8. Acoustic magnetic sensor. rigid bottle Bottle Tag /USA/,29 9. Acoustomag. Flexible double-circuit 44*1 0DR /USA/ , Acoustic magnet sensor Rigid Micro Pencil Tag 45mm /USA/ , Cable "Tail" for rigid sensors /USA/2000 8,8

Sensormatic Ultra Lane anti-theft system Sensormatic Ultra Lane anti-theft system New generation system Price: 4,500.00 rub. The Supertag MK225 puller is designed for manual removal of rigid SuperTag sensors. The model is compact, has a convenient angle of inclination for work, does not require power supply. The puller is securely attached to the cash register with a cable. The developers of the model took care of its protection: a sensor is built into the puller, to which anti-theft systems react if someone tries to take the equipment out of the store. Supertag MK225 Manual Tag Remover Sensormatic AMB 2010 Deactivator Start of Form End of Form RF Bottle Tag The reusable bottle sensor is specially designed to protect bottles.


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