Professions related to the French language. Occupations that require English. Programmers, testers, web designers

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is undoubtedly a useful skill. It expands not only the horizons of a person, but also his possibilities in professional activity. Such an item in the resume as knowledge of one or more foreign languages ​​will clearly be a plus for the applicant for any serious position.

Knowledge foreign language is the basis, for example, for such professions as a translator, a foreign language teacher, a diplomat, a tour guide, an international journalist, and for all specialists whose training at a university or college is given Special attention namely the study of languages.

On the other hand, you can earn money as a translator without even having a special education. For an interpreter, it is enough to be confident in the language and speak it fluently. A specialist engaged in written translation should be well versed in the special terminology inherent in one or another type of text (technical, medical, engineering, etc.).

However, in many other professions that are not directly related to knowledge of languages, a foreign language can be very useful. First of all, this is due to the direction of the company. If an organization is focused on working with foreign partners, conducts foreign business or is a representative office of an international company, knowledge of languages ​​will be mandatory for most of its employees. Confident knowledge of a foreign language is important for account managers (in international companies), employees of international relations departments, flight attendants, programmers who maintain websites, developers software and mobile applications. In any case, knowledge of a foreign language for these professionals is a guarantee of great career opportunities.

The most popular foreign language is English. In general, today it is the most demanded language in the field of business. However, depending on the area, the situation may vary. For example, on the territory of Western Siberia there are many enterprises doing business with Germany. in Eastern Siberia and Far East there are many companies that have ties with China, due to the territorial proximity to this country. This means that it is beneficial to know German and Chinese on the territory of these Russian regions. And, for example, in the USA (especially in the southern states), Spanish is considered to be in demand.

Knowledge of foreign languages, of course, facilitates the search for work abroad, if necessary. Large companies, mainly working in the field of tourism, recreation and entertainment, always have vacancies for animators, educators, dancers and singers, cooks, kitchen workers, bartenders , waiters , maids , etc. The team of such tourist ocean liners is usually international.

Choosing a profession related to the study of languages ​​is quite difficult. It is worth evaluating career opportunities, deciding what salary you need, and deciding on your interests. We hope that our list will help you in this matter.

Name Overall profession rating Medium wage*
Philologist 50 0
sign language interpreter 48 28 400
Writer 61 50 000
Simultaneous interpreter 58 35 000
Translator 69 27 000
Linguist 54 25 000

* - according to Federal Service state statistics for 2017.

** - expert assessment of the portal editors on a scale from 0 to 100. Where 100 is the most in demand, the least competitive, with a low entry barrier in terms of knowledge and accessibility of obtaining it, and the most promising, and 0 vice versa.

Many school graduates often think about what professions they can choose, which of them are related to their favorite subject at school. Choosing a profession is a very difficult task, but every person must face it. Before choosing, it is important to evaluate different professions, pluses and minuses of each of them.

Useful materials

The main criteria for choosing a profession

For every person, especially a school graduate, it is important to answer a few questions in order to find suitable profession. First of all, there are certain selection rules:

  • interest;
  • opportunity to develop skills and talents;
  • wage;
  • professional quality;
  • demand in the labor market.

Do not forget about interest, it must be. If you are fluent in foreign languages ​​and focus on professions related to it, then decide for yourself whether you are interested in the work of an editor or a teacher. These areas are completely different and have their own nuances, they are inactive, associated with the constant updating of their knowledge. Perhaps the profession of an interpreter or a flight attendant would be suitable, opening up more opportunities to travel.

For many people, it is important to develop in their profession, so you should focus on this criterion. However, one of the main parameters is wages. If the salary is low, then you will have to look for a part-time job, and this will take strength, you will not have time for your family and personal life. Decide how much money you want to receive initial stage and then start looking for a suitable profession. However, don't forget about career growth. Some types of work can provide easy money, but it will be impossible to take a more worthy position. Some professions, for example, a manager, a bank employee, initially do not give high earnings, but every year you will improve your professionalism, and, consequently, your salary will also increase.

If you know foreign languages ​​very well, that they are easy for you, then be guided by these qualities when choosing a job. You should not choose the profession of an accountant if you do not like numbers and monotonous work. The main thing is to determine what exactly you are capable of.

People who know exactly what they're good at can navigate the wide variety of professions faster.

It is also important to focus on the demand in the labor market. Take an interest in what specialties applicants often enter, it is worth evaluating the number of graduates of economic faculties and understand that it will be difficult for such a number of specialists to find work in the future.

Basic Mistakes

Many still make mistakes. Don't follow fashion trends too much, that is, if it's fashionable now to be a lawyer, then this is not necessarily what you need. Some choose a profession, following their romance, that is, it is possible to become an actor or a singer, but it is very difficult to succeed in this area, it is even more difficult to earn good money.

You should not get hung up on the labor dynasty in the family, not every family member may have the ability to become a doctor or a military man, so you should focus only on your own abilities and preferences.

Employment is one of the hottest topics that concerns young professionals who have graduated from universities. Not everyone manages to quickly find a prestigious and well-paid job. The list of requirements for recruiters includes not only specialized knowledge, responsibility and diligence. One of the top points is often English proficiency. And this applies not only to the professions of a translator, an English teacher. Modern world speaks English en masse, it is studied in millions of schools and universities around the world. This language is a communicative thread for linking business relations between countries. If you want to become a sought-after specialist, learn English.

12 professions that need english

IT product testers, programmers, web developers. These specialists need English like air, it becomes their professional language. Without knowledge of the terms, the result cannot be achieved. Especially if you plan to work in an international company headquartered in Europe. That is, you will not only have to learn the technical language, but also colloquial - in order to communicate freely with foreign colleagues. Another important point on which your pro future depends. The IT-sphere is developing abroad, it reaches Russia mainly by echo.

If you want to keep up with the times - attend specialized conferences, forums, seminars, study abroad. To become a sought-after IT specialist, you need to have a hefty stack of profile reboot diplomas. A capacious knowledge base, fluency in the language and self-confidence will open the doors of such corporations as Microsoft, Siemens, Google.

Correspondents, journalists. This profession is also in demand in Russia, but in order to make good money, you have to turn around. As a rule, correspondents of print publications write for several newspapers and magazines at once. Income consists of a salary (which, by the way, is not great) and a fee. Yes, you can get a job in a prestigious glossy magazine and take a warm place in a bright office. An orchid in a glass pot, a family photo in a frame, a corporate subscription to the pool, free meals and business trips abroad. You can enter the pool of TV journalists and cover high-profile events in the city, interview top officials, comfortably drive a company car and receive bonuses for your VIP status.

Can you become a photojournalist? international class, attend the most iconic events of the planet, take pictures with famous politicians, writers, show business stars. Each such photo is worth as much as three monthly salaries of a full-time journalist. But in order to reach a high level, you will need not only talent, but also knowledge of the English language - moreover, at a fluent level of proficiency. The slightest misunderstanding of the interlocutor can become an irreparable mistake.

Managers of federal and international companies. It is a mistake to think that employers give preference to specialists with experience, students are weeded out as soon as they find out that they are students. There are exceptions here. If on the scales of the recruiter there is a university graduate with an impeccable knowledge of English and a professional who speaks the language with the help of a dictionary, the advantage will be in the direction of a young (and promising) applicant. Especially when applying for a job in a company that has entered the international market. Presenting products and services, building strategic relationships with suppliers and distributors, finding new customers abroad - all this requires perfect English. foreign business trips, corporate holiday, business tours - become a member of the most interesting and important for professional growth activities.

Engineers. Specialization can be anything: from residential construction to astronautics. The profession itself implies constant improvement. To achieve a result, to make an innovative development, knowledge is required, which is often not enough at home. Pros participate in international conferences, seminars, go to study abroad. To carry an interpreter with you - he has to pay for it (and a lot). Auto-translation through headphones will not be enough to delve into all the nuances of the topic. Engineers need English - both colloquial and technical.

Recruiters. Yes. For recruiters themselves, the skill of a foreign language is also very important. Not only Russians are looking for work in the domestic labor market. Often, foreigners come to interviews with whom they have to speak in English. Foreign specialists are in demand in various fields. Their experience and knowledge are very important for building new business schemes and launching production processes.

Most of the factories are being built on the basis of Italian, Japanese, German technologies. Foreign engineers become consultants at the stages of equipment launch, train colleagues to work with new technology. An HR specialist becomes a link, helps to integrate into the process, to adapt in the team.

Accountants. Calculator, 1C and high stacks of papers - that's it, workplace ordinary office accountant. But the image is crumbling. A modern accountant is an ace of modern accounting programs and applications, a master of numbers in its broadest sense. English is needed for a specialist to quickly master new work methods, which significantly speed up the process, which is very important for the financial turnover of any company. And, of course, communication with colleagues from foreign offices, communication with which should be as transparent as possible.

Marketers and PR-managers. Marketing and Public Relations came to us from the English language. The science of selling beautifully and building effective public relations are essential elements of any business process. To stay afloat and stay ahead of your competitors, marketing and PR become indispensable assistants. To become a good marketer and PR manager, it is not enough to have a college degree, even with A's. Here it is important to understand your profession, to be creative and improve your knowledge. The sphere of marketing and PR does not stand still.

Every year, new techniques and tools appear, without which the client base will lose weight, companies with more agile and progressive marketers will become leaders. If you want to be one step ahead - learn from foreign colleagues. Those marketing innovations that are used abroad today, we will have tomorrow. Learn English and move on.

Businessmen. Knowledge of English is required not only for representatives big business, but also for start-up entrepreneurs who are looking for suppliers and manufacturers in China. Even for small purchases, the language barrier will become a stumbling block. You will not be able to explain in detail what product you are interested in, agree on a discount, discuss delivery terms and other important points on which you can save a lot.

In global business, English becomes an opportunity to find strategic partners and investors, vendors and distributors, expand product markets and reach a new level. You will be able to freely visit exhibitions and specialized forums, to which different countries the people you need are coming. Each acquaintance can be decisive.

Economists, financiers, analysts. Finance is the basis of any business activity. All cash injections must be strictly ordered. In large international companies, specialists work with programs and methods that make it possible to monitor the financial policy of the company as transparently as possible, analyze the results and plan expenses. Pros who work for the entire network often travel abroad with reports and presentations. English is indispensable here.

Designers. This is one of the most creative professions that requires creativity, a sense of style and artistic taste. Proficiency in English becomes a fat plus for modern pros. Why does a designer need it, who communicates mainly with a computer or laptop monitor? Just for this, it is needed. Specialists work in programs that are not always adapted to the Russian language.

  1. Without knowledge of English, it will be difficult for a beginner to understand the toolbar, and it will take a lot of time to translate with a dictionary. This time.
  2. Two - you will have opportunities to find work in international companies, the fees of which are much higher than domestic ones.
  3. Three - you can publish your portfolio in online banks for designers, on international freelance sites. Knowledge of English will help to compose a beautiful and tempting text about yourself, with a lively dialogue, freely communicate and discuss all the important aspects of employment.

Referent translators. The translator is one of the most highly paid professions associated with a foreign language. But in order to become a sought-after specialist, you need to constantly improve your knowledge, adapt to the profile of the company in which you got a job. The most prestigious direction is the state order.

Copywriters. Commercial writer, wordsmith with a business focus. This is how you can describe the essence of the profession. Philologists, journalists, physicists and chemists who are in love with the Russian language become copywriters. Education doesn't matter. Here it is important to have a sense of the word, literacy and the ability to structure the text beautifully and tasty. English-speaking copywriters earn three times as much. For comparison: the average prices for Russian texts are 150 rubles per 1000 characters without spaces, for foreign companies, in technical task which includes translation from English into Russian - 500 rubles for the same volume. Want to earn more - learn English language.

Summing up

Without English today anywhere. The sooner you start learning a language, the better. This will save you time in the future. Having graduated from the university as a ready-made specialist with a confident base of English, you will become a worthy candidate for a profile vacancy. Good luck in your endeavors!

About a billion people on the planet, or 20% of the world's population, speak English. English is the most important language for international communication. It is the language of politics, diplomacy, business, science, sports. 80% of the world's information is stored in English.

Today, knowledge of English is necessary for any educated person. “He who does not know a foreign language,” said the great Goethe, “understands nothing in his native language.” English will help you master a computer, read English-language books in the original, make new friends, get interesting profession. With him, finally, you can freely travel the world.

We offer a small list of professions related to the English language.

2. Teacher

An extremely demanded profession due to the boom in language learning in Russia. English is needed not only in schools. Language courses, kindergartens and development centers, educational establishments vocational education All of them need talented teachers. Reputable companies interested in highly qualified personnel organize courses and English trainings for employees. A huge field of activity is spread out for tutors. To pull up lagging students, prepare for exams, correct pronunciation - these problems are more often solved by private teachers. English classes via Skype are another front of work for private tutors.


  • higher specialized education;
  • sociability;
  • endless patience;
  • creative imagination.


  • The need for regular professional growth. This specialty cannot be learned once and for all. There are no uniform teaching methods. With each new group, with each student, a unique method has to be created.

3. International flight attendant

A specialist who performs work on an aircraft engaged in international flights. The main task of flight attendants is to ensure maximum comfort for all participants in the flight.


  • spoken foreign language;
  • excellent health;
  • age up to 29 years;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • fluent speech;
  • sociability, emotional restraint;
  • pleasant timbre of voice;
  • possession related professions: medical worker, teacher, cook, bartender.

The stewardess is the face of the airline. The recognition of an airline in the market often depends on its performance. Therefore, reputable companies are picky about the choice of candidates.


  • Unfavorable working conditions: change of climatic zones, regular violation of sleep, nutrition.
  • Emotional stress. Serving picky passengers is hard work.
  • Early retirement (45 years).

4. Guide - tour guide

interesting creative profession demanded in the world. Tourist groups from all over the world regularly come to Russia, are interested in Russian culture and use the services of guides.

English-speaking guides are also needed outside the country. Russian tourists constantly visit remote corners of the planet, get to know the world with the help of Russian guides.


  • Excellent knowledge of the language;
  • the ability to interest the client;
  • broad outlook;
  • articulate speech;
  • organizational skills;
  • love for art;
  • friendly attitude towards people.

5. Web designer

A relatively young profession, the same age as the first web browser. create web pages: develop graphic concepts and web applications; come up with Flash-rollers, logos, banners, icons; photos are processed.

Web designers work both in large marketing companies and in small design studios, but the majority of them work as freelancers, without tying themselves to permanent ones. labor relations with any organization. So a web designer is a free but responsible profession.

Talented designers have a high income.


  • technical English;
  • good artistic taste;
  • knowledge of the basics of painting;
  • knowledge of programming languages;
  • logical thinking;
  • diligence;
  • good memory;
  • self-discipline;
  • creativity.


  • the complexity of mastering the profession;
  • significant visual impact.

For the acquisition of professions related to the English language, the list of which we have listed, just a good knowledge of English is not enough. You need to be able to do a lot, learn additional specialties, be sociable, inquisitive, constantly expand your horizons. This is not an easy path for the gifted and hardworking.

If you are young, strong in spirit, talented - go for it!

About a billion people on the planet, or 20% of the world's population, speak English. English is the most important language for international communication. It is the language of politics, diplomacy, business, science, sports. 80% of the world's information is stored in English.

Today, knowledge of English is necessary for any educated person. “He who does not know a foreign language,” said the great Goethe, “understands nothing in his native language.” English will help you master a computer, read English-language books in the original, make new friends, get an interesting profession. With him, finally, you can freely travel the world.

We offer a small list of professions related to the English language.

2. Teacher

An extremely demanded profession due to the boom in language learning in Russia. English is needed not only in schools. Language courses, kindergartens and development centers, vocational education institutions - they all need talented teachers. Reputable companies interested in highly qualified personnel organize courses and English trainings for employees. A huge field of activity is spread out for tutors. To pull up lagging students, prepare for exams, correct pronunciation - these problems are more often solved by private teachers. English classes via Skype are another front of work for private tutors.


  • higher specialized education;
  • sociability;
  • endless patience;
  • creative imagination.


  • The need for regular professional growth. This specialty cannot be learned once and for all. There are no uniform teaching methods. With each new group, with each student, a unique method has to be created.

3. International flight attendant

A specialist who performs work on an aircraft engaged in international flights. The main task of flight attendants is to ensure maximum comfort for all participants in the flight.


  • spoken foreign language;
  • excellent health;
  • age up to 29 years;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • fluent speech;
  • sociability, emotional restraint;
  • pleasant timbre of voice;
  • possession of related professions: medical worker, teacher, cook, bartender.

The stewardess is the face of the airline. The recognition of an airline in the market often depends on its performance. Therefore, reputable companies are picky about the choice of candidates.


  • Unfavorable working conditions: change of climatic zones, regular violation of sleep, nutrition.
  • Emotional stress. Serving picky passengers is hard work.
  • Early retirement (45 years).

4. Guide - tour guide

An interesting creative profession, in demand in the world. Tourist groups from all over the world regularly come to Russia, are interested in Russian culture and use the services of guides.

English-speaking guides are also needed outside the country. Russian tourists constantly visit remote corners of the planet, get to know the world with the help of Russian guides.


  • Excellent knowledge of the language;
  • the ability to interest the client;
  • broad outlook;
  • articulate speech;
  • organizational skills;
  • love for art;
  • friendly attitude towards people.

5. Web designer

A relatively young profession, the same age as the first web browser. create web pages: develop graphic concepts and web applications; come up with Flash-rollers, logos, banners, icons; photos are processed.

Web designers work both in large marketing companies and in small design studios, but the majority of them work as freelancers without permanent labor relations with any organization. So a web designer is a free but responsible profession.

Talented designers have a high income.


  • technical English;
  • good artistic taste;
  • knowledge of the basics of painting;
  • knowledge of programming languages;
  • logical thinking;
  • diligence;
  • good memory;
  • self-discipline;
  • creativity.


  • the complexity of mastering the profession;
  • significant visual impact.

For the acquisition of professions related to the English language, the list of which we have listed, just a good knowledge of English is not enough. You need to be able to do a lot, learn additional specialties, be sociable, inquisitive, constantly expand your horizons. This is not an easy path for the gifted and hardworking.

If you are young, strong in spirit, talented - go for it!


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