Course work: technology of production of marmalade. Customers and business development. How many personnel need to work

Types of Marmalades

Depending on the raw material, which is used in the production of marmalade, the following types of these confectionery are distinguished: fruit-berry (based on gelling fruit-berry puree), jelly (based on studders), jelly-fruit (using student agents in combination with fruit Berry puree) marmalade.

From what method is made by marmalade, its organoleptic properties depend. In particular, fruit-berry products that are manufactured with the addition of pectins obtained from fruits and berries as a structure-forming component, have a gentle and a little bitty texture. If manufacturers want to get a firm and transparent marmalade, they use agar, carrageenas or gelatin as a student agent.

For fruit-berry, jelly and jelly-fruit marmalad, GOST 6442-89 is valid, which defines the requirements for raw materials, quality and appearance of products.

There is also a classification of marmalade depending on the method of its molding: mold (marmalade mass is molded into rigid forms), the plastic (the mass is molded immediately into the container) and the cutting (cast mass is cut into separate pieces).

Market structure

Today on russian market You can find both marmalade products of domestic production and products that are supplied to our country. foreign companies From the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Italy, Turkey. As a rule, foreign enterprises supply chewing marmalade to Russia, and they come out on buyers both directly and through distributors.

It would be quite logical to assume that the supply of marmalade from European states in connection with the introduction of an embargo on a number of foreign goods in August in August, and the Russian manufacturers will have the opportunity to take a free niche. However, the question affected the restrictions on the import of a number of goods to Russia from abroad, russian companiesWorking with Eurowel suppliers from the European Union countries responded that they receive products from their foreign partners in the same amount in which they received it before the imposition of sanctions.

Nevertheless, experts believe that the production of marmalade is enough profitable business. Moreover, marmalade products can be successfully produced both large and small enterprises, because the equipment for their production is inexpensive, and the production technology is quite simple.

In any case, the marmalade products of domestic production on this market prevails. This is connected not only with high transport costs and limited storage of products, but also with great customer confidence in domestic brands.

For the manufacture of marmalade, our confectionery factories are used both Russian and imported raw materials (mainly agar and pectin). Like a paradoxically, the raw materials brought from abroad, until recently, it often happened even cheaper than domestic, but with the growth of the dollar and the euro, the situation has changed somewhat, and now the Russian suppliers of ingredients for the production of marmalade have a good opportunity to expand their client base.

Technological nuances

A lines for the production of marmalade enters a marmalaelical machine, steam cooking boilers (for cooking marmalade mass of various colors), steam generator for steam generation, a temperature machine, a cooling cabinet, a cutting plant, a drying unit - a chamber, conveyor or cabinet, a packing machine. Depending on the complexity of products manufactured, the line may include a knocker, filling stations, etc.

Depending on the gelasting component used, a certain production technology is used. Technological features Production different species Marmalade directly affect the cost of products. So, figure marmalade is more expensive than the jelly-shaped, which does not prevent him from becoming very popular among consumers.

"The technology of production of marmalade is a series of raw material processing stages and a special Keyland of confectionery factories. In stores it is most often you can meet three main types of marmalade: fruit-berry, jelly and jelly-fruit. Manufacturers of marmalade use various methods The manufacture of each species of sweetness "- notes Svetlana Gorelov, analyst of the marketing department of the group of companies" Sweet Fairy Tale ".

You can produce marmalad both in large volumes and small batches. In the first case, confectionery enterprises are established automatic lines. Their productivity is on average 2-2.5, and sometimes 5 tons per hour. However, many bakeries and confectionery enterprises, marmalade is produced in small volumes. As a rule, in these cases, high-tech equipment is not used for its manufacture: syrup is boiled in a saucepan, mix it with other ingredients and bottled in forms.

Alexander Panikarov, Head of the Confectionery at the Bakery Department of the Russian Trapez, will tell more about the production technology of Marmalade.

The first stage of the process of production of marmalade is weighing ingredients. This uses weight tank. Then the syrup is prepared, the base of which is sugar and water. Sometimes there may be a mood or fruit puree in it (for muddy varieties jelly). On the large enterprises Syrup is cooked, as a rule, in a cooking column, and not in the boiler, since the cooking in the column receives a more stable product quality. The minimum cooking performance in the column is 35 kg per hour, the maximum, as a rule, 2 tons per hour.

The finished syrup enters the consumable container where additional ingredients are added to it. Since in most cases, marmalade should be transparent, only clarified juices are added to syrup.

The casting of the finished product is carried out in different ways. For a long time, the sugar mixed with glycerin was popular for casting, however, this technology is very expensive: to define marmalade, it takes about three tons of sugar per performance in 5 kg, while after connecting to glycerin sugar it is impossible to use.

Therefore, the product casting is more popular today in starch. By itself, starch is neagressive and does not enter into bindings with the product.

After casting, the product goes to the latch, during which it is gel. Then marmalade is fought or covered with sugar to prevent gluing products with each other when packing. The final stage is the packaging of finished products.


The traditional jelly and jelly-fruit marmalade is still in demand among Russian consumers, but manufacturers offer the market all new types of products, in particular the lean version of marmalade, products on fructose, marmalade with "fashionable" tastes, such as green tea, mojito, and also Products with various fillers. The latter, by the way, enjoy more and higher demand in the market.

Marmalade products with fillings are usually drawn up as candy, the most famous of which are the "mad bee" of the trademark of the Ukrainian Roshen Corporation, products are manufactured in the territory of the Lipetsk region, however, as the media reports, the demand for enterprise products has greatly fallen. The management of production sites even accounted for September 15 to stop the production of products from almost a month due to the soldering of the company's warehouses caused by the refusal of trading networks and the population of the region to buy products produced in Lipetsk. The fact is that Roshen is associated with the name of the President of Ukraine Peter Poroshenko. Roshen Corporation acquired shares of the Lipetsk Confectionery Factory in 21. It is not known how the fate of the enterprise's assets will be solved in the near future, however, it can be assumed that if Russian manufacturers will appear on the market, who will be able to make marmalade candies with filling, in terms of quality and taste not inferior products of the brand "mad bee", then rather In total, they will enjoy high demand and make serious competition to the well-known brand, the manufacturer of which is associated with the conflict in Ukraine.

By the way, some domestic enterprises Already manufactured by marmalade products, similar in composition and recipe with a "mad bee". Among them - Candy "Bee Zhu-Zhuk" (Confectionery Factory "Globus", Ulyanovsk), "Lengish bee" (B & B, Moscow region), jelly candies with filling "Lean Sweets" (CJSC "Conti-Rus") and etc.

However, in order to produce such marmalade products with filling, high-tech equipment is necessary, which most factories are not yet able to afford. But even enterprises that cannot acquire new equipment find ways to expand the range of products by introducing marmalade to it with unusual tastes or products containing instead of sugar stevia, fructose or other sweeteners of natural origin, offering useful sweets to consumers leading healthy image Life. By the way, they are becoming more and more.

Thus, if we talk about consumer preferences in the Marmalade segment, how experts themselves and the manufacturers themselves say, buyers from large cities of Russia give preference to more expensive products with the addition of natural juices, in high-quality packaging, and commodity marmalade from inexpensive raw materials is popular in cities , villages and low-income villages per capita.


A relatively high level of competition in this confectionery segment causes manufacturers to fight for their place in the market and take into account all factors forcing consumers to make a purchase: the cost of products, the appearance of the packaging, the quality of marmalade, a wide range, unusual tastes, etc.

It is noteworthy that most Russian confectionery factories producing marmalade do not pay enough attention to the positioning of their brand, as this requires serious marketing support, and therefore an impressive budget.

However, some enterprises are suitable for the promotion of Marmalade very seriously. Among them - the confectionery factory "Red Food", for which recently marketing agency Fabula Branding has conducted a comprehensive development of the Marmalade brand.

A new trademark was decided to create in the classic European spirit that not only would remove it from competitors, but also allocated an enterprise among its own range. As a basis, they took a vintage style with its conciseness, sophistication and aristocracy.

The name Bonmelade was created by merging the recognizable foundations BON ("Beautiful, good") and Marmalad. It turned out a fantasy name, which directly indicates the product category TM and has a positive evaluation color. In addition, there is a ringing, the sought of the name of the name advantageously envelops the product by Fler's French romance and charm.

In the development of the concept design of the project, a typographical approach was used today. Bright, juicy tones in combination with vintage fonts, illustrations and dies are created by an image that combines and fall of antiquity, and modern test. Plastic dies and vignettes emphasize contrast fonts - handwritten and set, and figure cutting repeats smooth lines of the main dice. For detailed products for each SKU (Stock Keeping Unit, literally - unit warehouse accounting) A color scheme has been developed and a unique author's vintage illustration.

According to experts, the best way promotion of marmalade, like almost any food products - the presence in all major trading networks (provided affordable price and good quality goods), however get to the shelves network stores - A rather complicated task, especially for companies that do not have a wide range or cannot provide the necessary supply volumes. In such situations, it is worth considering small sales channel grocery stores Step-by-step accessibility or pastry multi-brand stores. You can also try to work with networks through intermediaries - distributors that can offer retailers from several products. trademarks in the desired volume and assortment. Profit with such cooperation may be less than when working with procurers directly, but marmalade manufacturers will not need to spend time negotiating with networks and think about transport costs.

Weighting products are packaged in closed corrugated corrugations or in cardboard boxes, closed on top of a transparent film. Retail sellers prefer the latest packaging type, which acts as a showcase, allowing the buyer to look good goods well, unlike fully closed boxes.

For a packaged marmalade, a transparent package that attracts the attention of buyers is used. The lower part of the marmalade packaging is often closed with a pattern so that no sugar suggestion can be seen. For packing more expensive products used cardboard packaging With a transparent "window" from the film so that buyers can see products inside.

Marmalade is not only a tasty, but also useful delicacy. Sweet tooths love him for the taste, and those who follow the figure for low calorie. How and from what is it produced? About this in the material site

What is called marmalade in different countries?

Marmalade is a confectionery product of a jelly-like structure, an elastic consistency with a sour-sweet taste. The word "marmalade" comes from the Portuguese "Marmelada" and means "jam from quince."

In Russia, Marmalade is customary to call a piece of product, which, like candy, can be taken in hand. Marmalade in the European representation is a jelly-like mass that is flashed to toast. The historic Motherland of Marmalade is the Middle East and the East Mediterranean, where the juice and fruit and berries began to boil the juice and fruit, so that the collected crop did not disappear. Western Europe before the times of crusades did not know any types of jam, since it did not buy sugar. Only in the XVI century, when the stream of cheap American sugar rushed to Europe, the preparation of fruit confectionery began.

In English-speaking countries, jams have appeared, and in novel-speaking confitures. In France, developed a more subtle type of cooking "non-accomplishing, solid, candy-shaped jam", also called "Marmalad".
The thick jam from oranges became popular in the UK, and in Germany the word "Marmelade" began to call all kinds of jams.

In Russia, marmalade in the form of candy began to produce from the last century, and the original recipe of these confectionery products is the merit of Russian confectioners.
The recipe for chewing marmalade adopted from Western manufacturers, but was adapted to the tastes of Russian consumers. In the West, Hummyiabik is often used for its production, and in Russia - gelatin.

How and what makes marmalade?

Marmalade is made on the basis of gelling substances. For ordinary marmalade is agar-agar and pectin, for chewing - gelatin or gumiarabic. Marmalade is produced by roaring the rubbish fruit-berry puree or patterns with sugar and pectin, agar or gelatin.

After cooling, additives are introduced into the mass: flavoring and aromatic substances, essences, food colorings and acid. The resulting mass is molded on the marmeladen - casting machine, cooled at room temperature. After that, the products are removed from the forms, dried, cooled, if necessary, covered with sugar or icing and package.

What is important to know when choosing a marmalade?


Choose marmalade in a transparent package to see the goods before buying. Inside the pack should not be moisture: marmalade should be dry, uniformly sprinkled with sugar. Lacking sugar suggests that moisture hit the packaging, but already absorbed.
If the product is solid, it means that it was incorrectly stored, and he dry.

If you read the composition of any product, remember the principle: the further the component is on the list, the less it is in the product itself. Apple puree in marmalade should be on the second or at least in third place. It is desirable that in the composition of natural dyes: chlorophyll, anthocyanas, curcumin, carotene (and dye, and vitamin). Often, the dyes are indicated incomprehensible to the buyer with abbreviations. But the responsible manufacturer decrypts its code.

Exterior of the product

Marmalade should not be wet. Pieces should be sprinkled with sugar sand, or have a uniform glossy surface.

What marmalade is more useful?

Marmalade is called the most useful sweetness. The main useful qualities of this product are associated with the content of gelling substances (agar-agar, pectin, gelatin), each of which is useful. Pectin absorbs the salts of heavy metals, removes toxins, improves the intestinal operation. Agar-Agar swells in the intestines and contributes to the purification of the body. Gelatin is a natural squirrel. It is useful for the growth of nails and hair.

More useful marmalade is not bright, but a brownish color, made with the addition of natural dyes.

Marmalades called confectioneryMade of fruit puree with sugar and having a jelly-like consistency.

To give the product of a certain color, taste and aroma in the manufacture of marmalade, food dyes, essential oils, vanillin, organic acids (lemon, wine-eyed, apple, milk) are used. Basically, apple marmalade is produced, in the production of which to the apple puree is sometimes added puree from other types of fruits to improve taste. Marmalade, which is the basis of a puree from apricots, draining renclodes, dogwood and other fruits or berries (except apples), is called "Pat".

To obtain a good gelling consistency of marmalade, the initial puree must have a relative viscosity of not lower than 2.8 and pH 3.2.

The formulation of mold marmalade includes a molasses. Due to the content of dextrins, the patterns has a significant viscosity and contributes to the production of a more dense consistency.

Good results are adding to a mixture of sugar and puree sodium salts of lemon or lactic acids in an amount of 0.2-0.3% (relative to the mixture). Due to the buffer properties of these salts, the concentration of the appo-sugar mixture increases, at which it flashes. This makes it possible to remove the bulk of moisture by evaporation, dramatically reducing the length of the drying of the products. In addition, the jelly is more durable.

In the case of recycling, a pectin or a pectin-containing concentrate obtained from apple refillaments should be introduced into the formulation of marmalade.

The puree entered the processing is passed through the finisher, and the sugar is sieved and exposed to magnetic separation.

Garpery of the marmalade mass is carried out in vacuum devices equipped with stirrers. Welding is performed with a gradually increasing vacuo - the pressure drops from 67 to 34 kN / m 2 (the vacuum increases from 250 to 500 mm Hg. Art.). Cooking lasts no more than 20 minutes, after which the mouse is added to the mass, heated to 50 ° C and expanded through sieve. The marmalade mass containing 62-68% of dry substances is discharged from the vacuum apparatus and mix with dyes and essences.

When unloading the marmalade mass, the sample is taken to check the fastening speed and the quality of the resulting jelly. If the sample comes slowly, sugar is added to the product. If the flavor is going fast, but the formed jelly is not enough durable, pectin and acid are introduced into the product.

In continuously acting cooking devices, a mixture of a puree with sugar having a concentration of 55-57%, with the help of a plunger pump via coils. Welding in coils is carried out under atmospheric pressure and lasts 1-2 minutes. From the coil welded mass, having a temperature of 106-108 ° C, enters the receiving cone, which serves as a separator. Here, the product is separated by the juice pairs and its concentration reaches 67-79%.

Depending on the degree of drying and the nature of the further processing of the marmalade mass, the following types of fruit-berry marmalade are distinguished.

Plastic Marmalade.. To obtain this product, the hot marmelade mass is packaged into plywood boxes, which inside lined with moistureproof (parchment) paper. The drawers with the product to packaging are kept 12-24 hours in a dry, well ventilated indoor room formation. The outer layer of the product dries and forms a crust of the fine-crystal structure. After that, the surface of the product is closed with moisture-proof paper and boxes are packaged.

Plastic marmalade has a humidity of 29-33%. The total sugar content in it is 68%, including about 40% of the reduced sugars.

Piece of marmalade. The piece of marmalade consists of separate pieces (pieces) of one or another form. Marmalade of this type is distinguished by formal or carved.

To obtain mold marmalade, hot marmalade mass is bottled in forms from of stainless steel or ceramics. The product incoming to bottling contains 30-31% moisture and has a temperature of 80-85 ° C. After flavoring, marmalade is removed from the forms.

The frozen marmalade mass is dried with heated air. The drying temperature at the beginning of the process is 35-40 ° C, at the end - 55-65 ° C. In the first period of drying, the air temperature should be low, so that the crust prevents the evaporation of moisture.

In the process of drying moisture moisture, located on the product surface, evaporates relatively easy. In its place of the inner layers of the product comes a capillary moisture, which is also quickly removed. However, as the viscosity of the product increases, which makes it difficult to move moisture from the inner layers outside.

At the beginning of the drying, the capillary moisture prevails and the process goes at constant speed. When connected water begins to evaporate, drying speed drops significantly.

Drying speed is the greater, the higher the humidity gradient, which contributes to the transition of moisture from the inner layers to the outside. A significant temperature gradient delays drying, as it is under the influence of the moisture thermal conductivity, it rushes from the outer layers to the center.

Due to the difficulty of removing moisture, the drying process, despite the small size of the piece of marmalade, is long and is 6-10 hours.

During drying on the surface of the product, a thin crust is formed, covering the product with a solid layer.

The dried marmalade is cooled in well-ventilated chambers with relative air humidity not more than 70% and a temperature of 15-20 ° C.

Chilled marmalade is packaged in cardboard boxes laid out inside paraffinated paper. Paper is also labeled between the rows of marmalade to avoid his sticking.

The mass of each piece of molding marmalade is 10-25 g. The finished product contains 22-24% moisture with a total of 75% sugars, including 20-32% reduced sugars.

To obtain a carved marmalade, a hot marmalade mass is poured into a wooden box with a layer of 1.5-2 cm. After the mass of the mass, the resulting marmalade reservoir is cut into the bars weighing up to 20 g, and then dried to a moisture content of 18-20%. The carved marmalade is sprinkled with sugar powder and packaged similarly to mold marmalade.

This group of confectionery products include marmalade ,! Fasting and marshmallow. According to the structure of marmalade products representing! A jackets and grasses and marshmallows are confectionery foams. ;

Marmalade, depending on the method of molding, divide NAJ formal, carved and plastic. Depending on the type of raw material, "which is a study-forming basis, marmalade will share fruit-berry, jelly and fruit-jelly.!

The studder for fruit-berry marmalade is pectin contained in fruit puree (usually yab-; lyrine). On the basis of the apricot and plum puree prepare ^ Pata. In the manufacture of jelly marmalade, agar, agaring, pectin, etc. are used as the student of the inractor.

Fastille is produced in the form of adhesive, in which agar or pectin, and a custard, in which a fruit-berry marmalade mass is used as a strudneforming base. The glueful grazing is divided into carved (rectangular sections) and the taming (marshmallow); The custard pasteille is produced in the form of a carved (rectangular sechennya) and a plastic (reservoir, roll, loaf).

The main process in the marmelade-shell products is the studio formation due to the properties of pectin and other gelasting substances. Pectic substances belong to the polysaccharides of the complex structure and are part of almost all vegetable tissues, especially fruits, berries, root, and other pectin swelling in cold water, and during heating dissolves and goes into a viscous colloidal solution. The formation of a jelly from Pectin's solution is possible only at the concentration of pectin 0.8-1.2%, the concentration of sugar is 60% and pH 2.8-3.2, depending on the gelling ability of pectin. Sugar is necessary because it has a large dehydrating ability and the solubility of pectin in the sugar solution decreases. When adding an acid, the pH of the pectin solution decreases, which contributes to the formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonds, increases the study-forming ■ the ability of the pectin solution and improves the quality of the jelly.

In addition to pectin, agar and agard-like substances are used as gelling substances (Agaraid, Furcellaran, etc.), obtained from some seaweed. They also belong to the polysaccharides of the complex composition, dissolve in hot water and the solutions are cooled to form students. Durable students are obtained at the concentration of agar 0.3-1% or agaroid - 0.8-3% by the mass of the jelly. The presence of sugar is not necessary, he plays only the role of taste additive. The presence of an acid adversely affects the study-forming ability of agar and agaroid, since their hydrolysis occurs. To reduce the hydrolyzing action of the acid, buffer salts (sodium lactate or phosphate ditrium) are added.

Production of fruit-berry marmalade. The process of obtaining fruit-beetroy marmalade consists of the following stages: preparation of raw materials, preparation of the prescription mixture, the rooting of the marmalade mass, cutting, casting, drying, closer, packaging.

Different parties apple puree depending on high-quality indicators (study-forming ability, acidity, chromaticity, dry matter content, etc.) mix (bathe) to produce homogeneous masses of masses. The resulting mixture is wiping through the sieve.

The recipe mixture is obtained by mixing the prepared apple puree with sand sugar and a pattern in the ratio of 1: 1. In the manufacture of berry marmalade species, a berry puree is added to the apple in accordance with the recipe. Since the study-forming ability of the puree is determined largely by the quality and amount of pectin contained in it, then the optimal ratio of the main components of the formulation is specified by conducting test vans.

Salts are also introduced into the recipe mixture - modifiers, or buffer salts (sodium lactate or phosphate diodrium). The introduction of these salts determine the decrease in the velocity and temperature of the flavoring of the marmalade mass, its viscosity, which allows the mass to be boosted to a higher dry matter content and reduce the process of drying the marmalade. The amount of salts administered depends on the acidity of the puree.

The recipe mixture is obtained in the mixers of the periodic "action and then fed to the vacuum-devices of a periodic action or into continuous coils - seeding machines. In the cooking devices, heating pairs of 300-400 kPa pressure are used. Mass is welded to the dry matter content 68-74%.

At the cutting stage, the welded mass is cooled in tanks equipped with a stirrer to a temperature of 5-7 ° C above the temperature of the studio formation and aromatic and flavoring substances are introduced, the dyes are stirred and fed to the cast.

Casting is performed on marmalaelo-solid machines performing the following operations: dosing and casting of the marmalade mass in the form; shaking (for uniform distribution of marmalade in forms); Exploration in a special chamber at 15-25 ° C. During standings, the process of studies is underway with a duration of 20 to 45 minutes (the duration of studies depends on the quality of puree and the formulation of the marmalade mass); Selection of marmalade from forms. The sample is made by pushing the marmalade from the forms of compressed air supplied through the holes in the forms with a diameter of 0.2 mm. Such an intense method for extracting marmalade is caused by the fact that during the flavoring, the linear dimensions of the mass do not change and the marmeladium weight adhesions to the material of the forms.

The marmalade extracted from the forms has a sticky wet surface and is directed to drying, as a result of which the dry matter content in it rises to 76-80%. In the process of drying on the surface of the marmalade, some sugar is crystallized and a small crystalline crust is formed, which protects marmalands from wetting and gives it an attractive appearance. The drying process is carried out so that the removal of moisture passes with a speed above the rate of crystallization of sugar, otherwise the premature formation of the crust reduces moisture production. Therefore, the drying process is carried out in several stages, and in the dryers there are several zones with different temperature modes. The drying of marmalade is produced in chamber, cabinet and conveyor dryers. The dried marmalade has a temperature of 60 ° C, so it is cooled either in special chambers, or in the placement of the workshop. Cooling duration from 45-55 minutes to 1.5-2 hours, depending on the time of year. Chilled marmalade is placed in boxes or trays, and then in the boxes.

Production of jelly marmalade. The jelly marmalade is produced by three species: shaped, carved (three-layer, lemon and orange slices) and figured. As a jelly - an educator uses agar, agaroid or other studios - translated substances. The introduction of various essences, foods and dyes is simulated taste, aroma and color of natural fruits.

The recipe of jelly marmalade depends on the type and gelling features of the studders. On average, it should include 0.8-1% agar (or 1 -1.5% pectin, or 2.5-3% of Agaroi - yes), 50-65% sugar, 20-25, to form a sufficiently strong jelly into the recipe. % molasses, 23-24% water. 1 -1.5% of food acid is added to create a pleasant acid taste.

Obtaining a jelly marmalade is produced according to the following scheme: preparation of raw materials, obtaining jelly mass, molding, filling, drying and packaging.

When using an agar, it is washed in cold running water for 1-3 hours; As a result, he swells, then make a dissolution of agar in water and sugar and a molasses are introduced. The resulting sugar-intic-agieth syrup is boosted to a dry matter content of 73-74%. Wired mass is cooled in tempering machines up to 50-60 ° C.

The technology and parameters of the process of preparation of jelly marmalade on agaroid differ from the preparation on agar, the guck as Agaraid has a lower gelling ability, a higher flavoring point and is largely susceptible to hydrolysis in an acidic environment, which dramatically reduces the study-forming ability of the agaride. In this regard, the syrup on Agaron is boil to the content of dry substance 70-72%, cooled the weight of up to 74-78 ° C, and for the inhibition of hydrolytic decomposition of agaroid in an acidic medium, modifiers are injected.

Wired jelly mass is molded in various ways on the molding conveyor. The mold marmalade is obtained by casting in metallic forms, followed by a malfunction for 10-90 minutes, depending on the type of jelly - an educator. To facilitate the sample of marmalade from forms, the surface of the molded products is heated. The aglerance of the jelly marmalade is necessary for drying the surface of the products.

After the facet of marmalade, sprinkle with sugar sand from all sides and served on drying. Marmalade cooked on agaroid is dried at 38-40 ° C, and on agar at 50-55 ° C. Duration of drying 6-8 hours. The marmalade is cooled and packaged.

Marmalade "Orange and lemon slices" is molded on a mechanized stream line as follows. The jelly mass for the first layer with a temperature of 55-60 ° C is smeared on the tape of the conveyor. The study formation of the first layer is carried out in the closet at an air temperature of 10 ° C for 10 minutes. Then, on this layer, the smelting layer is applied with a cross-grazing layer. After the studiovation of the second layer, the two-layer tape is cut by disc knives to the strips, which are stacked into the longitudinal gutter of the semicircular section, located on the conveyor. Dosing. The mechanism of the casting machine is filling the grooves with a jelly mass. The resulting three-layer blanks (bactons) come to cool, during which studies occurs. Then the bactons in the inverted form are coming to a ribbon conveyor, where they are covered with a layer of sand sugar and come to the next conveyor for final studies. The duration of the distress is 60 min. Then the workpieces go to the cutting machine, cut into separate slices and are sprinkled with sand sugar. Salz fitted on trays and come to dry. Duration of drying 6-8 h at a temperature of 45 ° C. Ready slices with a dry matter content of 81% fit into boxes, packages, trays.

Production of pastes. Fastille is made by knocking up a mixture of fruit puree with sugar and egg squirrel. In order to fix the foam structure to a shot down mass, hot sugar-agaro-patch syrup (glue) or hot fruit-berry marmalade mass is added. When using AGA-* pove syrup, the resulting mass is called adhesive, and in the case of adding a marmalade mass .- Zavodnaya.

The process of producing adhesive pasteles consists of the following operations: Preparation of raw materials, preparation of an apple-saccine mixture, obtaining adhesive syrup, knocking, molding, drying, laying and packaging. ^

Apple puree used in the production of pastily, must "but have a high study-forming ability and humidity of no more than 88%. Such a puree is obtained at enterprises by boating under vacuum to dry matter content 15- 17% - various parties of the compacted puree then subjected to blending for The preparation of a puree with a certain gelling ability. Then the compacted puree is mixed with eaha \u003d - rum in the mixers of the periodic OL continuous action. To obtain a lush foaming mass, the dry matter content in the sugar-apple mixture should be a level 57-59%, which is achieved by mixing. Sugar and mashed potatoes in a 1: 1 ratio.

Sakharo-Agaro-Caper Syrup is obtained by dissolving in water when the swollen agar is heated, followed by the introduction of prescription quantity of sugar and molasses into the solution. The mixture is stirred to completely dissolve sugar and boils to a dry matter content of about 79% in the coating devices of continuous action or in vacuum devices of periodic action.

In large enterprises, the sheets are obtained by knocking in continuous aggregates. The unit consists of four cylinders located horizontally one over the other. Two of them are mixers, and in two others a knockout is carried out. Apple puree and continuously fed to the upper mixer and granulated sugar. When the blade shaft rotates, the mixture is stirred and dissolved sugar. The sugar-appal mixture flows into the next cylinder in which the egg protein is supplied, and the mass is moved. Next, the mass enters the third cylinder, where the process of knocking down. When driving, the mass is saturated with air, its density decreases significantly, and the volume increases almost twice. The shot mass enters the fourth cylinder, which is mixed with hot saharo-agar-damp syrup (the temperature of the syrup 80-85 ° C), essence, food acid and dye.

The ready-made rubber mass, having a temperature of about 40 ° C, comes in a molding machine. The molded reservoir enters the cooling zone where the process of studies occurs. The mass acquires strength and elasticity, which prevents the release of air bubbles from it. The reservoir enters the chamber with infrared heating, in which dross and the formation of small-crystalline crusts from sucrose occurs, which also increases strength. The drunken layer is cooled with air, covered with a layer of powdered sugar and enters the inverted form a cordable machine. The reservoir is cut on the 70x21x20 mm branches. Bruks are sent to drying into continuously - acting or chamber dryers.

Drying process lead in two stages with different regime. The air temperature in the first stage is 40-45 ° C, the relative humidity of air 40-45%, the duration of 2.5-3 hours. The second stage lasts 2 hours and is carried out with a more hard mode: temperature 50-55 ° C and relative air humidity 20 - 25%. Fastille, dried to humidity 17-19%, is cooled, sprinkled with sugar powder and served on the package and laying. Fastil can be packaged in cellophane packages, cardboard boxes, corrugated cardboard boxes or boxes.

Marshmaking production. In contrast to the shell in the formulation of the marshmallow, there is less apple puree and more agar; Sakharo-Agaro-Path syrup is boiled to greater dry matter content (84-85%), egg proteins are 3 times more than in the rubber mass, and the knocking is carried out to a smaller mass density.

Marshmallowing is made on excessive pressure units of continuous operation, which allows you to drastically reduce the duration of the knocking. The marshmallow paging machine is molded, and since the marshmallow mass has a greater viscosity than the rubbish, then during the swelling (extrusion through the metal tip), it retains the shape bold and does not spread.

The molded portions of the marshmallow in the form of a hemisphere are sent to the filling and dross. Fitting is carried out in a special chamber or indoors of the workshop for 5 hours, after which the marshmallows are dried to the dry matter content of 77-

80%. At the same time, fine-crystalline sugar crust is formed on the surface. Then half of the marshmallows are sprinkled by the CA-I with a roof powder and manually fold (glue) the parnight by lower, non-crust with surfaces. The marshmalls of the marshmallow of the marshmallow are headed for drying to dry matter content 80-84% and are fed to laying in boxes] Packages, cardboard or plywood boxes.

Sheet products are stored in clean, dry, ventilated; warehouses at a temperature not more than 18 ° C and relative moisture | Air air 75-80%. Warranty shelf life while complaining! Denia of these conditions for adhesive paste and marshmallow 1.5 months, for "custard pastes - 3 months.

Even even in the period economic crisis Confectionery market "will see". On the contrary - experts say today even some increase in consumer activity in this niche. What to talk about holidays ( New Year, March 8), when any sweets are simply sweeping from the shopping shelves. And if so, why pull? It's time to open your own confectionery production. But choose such a product here, which will require the nominee and specific knowledge of the native entrepreneur. What we are looking for - marmalade. The production of marmalade at home, as well as the organization of a full-fledged workshop, can bring steadily high sales income.

Benefits are quite clear - low investments and a large market market. But the production of fruit-berry marmalade carries in itself and some difficulties that the novice entrepreneur will probably face, in particular - high competition. There are already many enterprises, large and smaller enterprises throughout the country, for the release of this confectionery product. And then you have to either lower the prices for produced sweets, or work only under the order, implementing them into small shops or familiar.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments - from 1200,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The complexity of the opening of the business is 6/10.

Expand the range of products

Whatever business development option would be chosen, home production or a full-fledged plant, it is important to offer potential buyers a full range of products. And the manufacture and sale of marmalade as a business is not limited to the release of all familiar fruit-berry products, there are other options that are in demand today in the market:

  • jelly marmalade
  • chewing marmalade.

And depending on the form of finished marmalade products, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Curving marmalade. One-piece marmalade mass is cut into separate parts.
  • Plastic marmalade. Sweet weight in the manufacturing process is immediately cast in one or another container.
  • Form marmalade. The mass is bottled in forms.

The production technology of marmalade variatives, and therefore the entrepreneur has the ability to change the original composition of the marmalade mixture, which will allow it to produce different products in composition, thereby expanding the range.

Before introducing a certain technological chain in the manufacturing workshop, it is important to analyze the market, realizing which one of the types of marmalade uses in a specific region in demand, and how much the population is ready to pay for sweets.

The process of obtaining the finished product


From whether technological modes are observed in the production process, the quality of the finished product will depend on. In general, if you do not take into account differences in the composition, the technological scheme of the manufacture of marmalade looks like this:

  • Washing and soaking with gelling substances.
  • Preparation of sweet syrup based on sugar, molasses and agar.
  • Welding jelly mass.
  • Cooling mass.
  • Mass casting in forms.
  • Seeing finished products.
  • Outflow of marmalade sugar powder.
  • Packaging of marmalade.

Technology, due to the use of different raw materials or obtain some other types of marmalade, can be modified. That is why, in order to produce high-quality confectionery products, it is important to invite to the production of an experienced technologist, which would have thought out technology, set up equipment under it, and in the future it would control the production process. If it is planned to produce a jelly marmalade at home, then you will have to choose a formulation on your own samples and errors.

As for raw materials, the main components for obtaining marmalade - agar (he also pectin) and sugar. As flavoring additives, both artificial components (dyes, taste amplifiers) and natural (syrups, berries, juices) can be used. And the production of chewing marmalad is generally impossible without special preservatives that give it a special density and "drig" properties.

Natural raw materials are more expensive, and therefore, ultimately the product itself will be sold at a higher price. In production shops to reduce the cost of buying all the necessary components, artificial components are used. But the home business is more often built on the use of only natural ingredients.

But whatever raw materials do not recycled the production line for marmalade, natural or artificial, to the ingredients supplied in the workshop need to be exhibited by strict quality requirements.

What equipment will need to buy for a finished product?


The next thing to do the entrepreneur is to buy equipment for the production of marmalade. Due to the popularity of the direction itself, the lines are presented in the modern market in a wide range. They differ not only by the brand, but also capacity, the degree of automation and a complete set. So everyone can, weighing their capabilities, equip the workshop.

The standard line consists of the following machines and devices:

  • Machines for dosing.
  • Tank for cooking syrup.
  • Camping machine.
  • Cooling machine.
  • Dryer.
  • Intermediate containers.

Most likely, you have to retrieve the line with a packaging machine so that it is possible to pack the resulting products.

If speak about home business, then full-fledged production lineOf course, it will not be necessary. You can make marmalade using a reservoir inventory (saucepan, candy molds).

The price of equipment for the production of marmalade fluctuates in a wide range. The simplest semi-automatic line of the domestic brand with a capacity of up to 300 kg / h can be purchased for 500,000-900,000 rubles. But if we talk about high-power lines with a capacity of ≈500 kg / h, then investments in the amount of at least 2000,000 rubles will be required to equip the workshop.

Supported lines for the manufacture of marmalade can be bought for 300000-500000 rubles. This is a great way to save, running your own business.

What can be profit from the sale of marmalade?

Business will begin to bring high profitsWhen all manufactured products will immediately ship customers. And for this, all the forces are thrown on the search for wholesale buyers. The young enterprise here is waiting for certain difficulties, since large chains of stores with reluctance go to cooperate with small business representatives.

For the absence of wholesale buyers, at first it is possible to make a ready-made product in private confectionery shops and market pavilions. As an option - opening your own trading point or online store.

To calculate the possible profit that the production of marmalade on pectin will bring, it is important to estimate the investment. If we talk about the mini-shop with low-power equipment, the entrepreneur here will require at least 1200,000 rubles. And the main cost of expenses, in addition to equipping, will be the preparation of the premises to work, because we are talking about a food company, where it is necessary to comply with all the requirements and standards of the SES.

Practice shows, with minimal volumes of the release of marmalade (≈150 kg / h) and the prices established now finished products, Revenue can be about 800000-1000000 rubles / month.


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