Download the presentation by whom I want to become. Presentation on the topic of my future profession. Programmer. Presentation on the topic

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Lawyer (counseling). Types of responsibility: consulting; proposal of legal procedures; Forecasting the consequences of the application of legal norms; preparation of contracts, testaments, lawsuits, etc.; interpretation of clients legal norms; negotiating contracts; Communication with customers and courts; possession of a personal computer; Work in the office. A description of the types of work: lawyers are sometimes called conceaving and pedants, because they have to scrupulously, in accordance with the spirit and letter of the right to interpret specific articles of laws and codes, situations and documents. However, the daily work of the lawyer is much more diverse: rereading volumetric folders with documents, putting contracting contracts and lawsuits, processing information on a computer, consulting, study of legal materials, negotiations with clients, partners, firms, etc. In the premises of the bodies of justice, a lawyer holds no more than one tenth of his time. More and more time lawyers today pay issues legal regulation Business: the legitimacy of the dismissal of the employee, preparation of a lease agreement with the company, a contract with the working union, the presence of a business negotiation, registration of a patent application, a lawsuit, business proposal, etc. etc. All this is included in the competence of the company's lawyer. Sometimes a specialist consultant is invited to fulfill individual specialized works. As a rule, lawyers specialize in a particular area of \u200b\u200blaw, since the legislation is generally voltage, very difficult, and to be quite a qualified expert in all its industries is almost impossible. Large legal offices have about two hundred partners and several employees. Such firms work around the world and open offices in many capitals of the world. As a rule, the working day of the lawyer lasts 10-12 hours. Successfully working lawyers work and more. Young lawyers earn a little, but as the accumulation of successful experience increases and income increases.

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Orient students on right choice The future profession taking into account their abilities and psychological features. Lower the algorithm for choosing a profession and identify those errors that can meet when choosing a profession.

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Anagram are professionals.

Task: Rearrange the letters in the proposed words so that the names of the professions are. -rvach - in .... (Medical worker); nozzle - p ... (diplomatic representative); Tyrka -a .... (Theatrical and cinematic profession); FIKER - F ... (Magic Circus Profession); Yurka - K ... (North Transport Profession); Decor - d ... (port worker); Marley -M .. ("Multicolored" worker); Alkov -K .. (master of hand forging); Avdotka -a .. (legal profession).

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Answer the questions:

1. What do you want to become in the future? 2. How do you prepare to the selected profession? 3. Do you have a spare option to choose a profession? What can prevent you in achieving the goal? 5. Do your parents approve of your choice? 6.Vash The level of claims and self-esteem is an important human behavior regulator, including career planning.

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Three positions when choosing a profession:

"I want" - these are your interests, inclinations, the desire to engage in the business you are interested in; "I can" - the level of your preparedness, the level of knowledge, the presence of abilities to the chosen activity; "It is necessary" - the demand for the profession, the need for society. Factors influencing the choice of profession: prestige profession. Wage system. Location.

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Five major groups of professions.

1.Group - "Man - Man" here includes the most humane professions based on communicating and mutual understanding. For example, teacher, doctor, lawyer, notary, lawyer, manager, administrator, dispatcher, seller, waiter, hairdresser, conductor, cook, stewardess, guide and others. Goodwill, sympathy, empathy, interest in others - qualities that should be present in these professionals. In addition, they must have an increased self-control, resistant to stress. The whole variety of professions of the group "Man - Man" can be divided into several directions: upbringing and training; Health care; Organization and management; Legal protection; Trade - service; Cultural - educational work.

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The second group "Man is a sign system"

For the production of any product, three components are needed: substance, energy and information. Signs are a means of information that people exchange in the process of vital activity. Conditionally, the group of professions "Man - a sign system" can be divided into the following directions. Work with words, texts, books associated with language (corrector, linguist). This work requires adequacy, the ability to clearly express their thoughts. Work with numbers, formulas, signs (physicist, accountant, pharmacist). For them, such qualities are needed as patience, accuracy, organization, tendency to perform routine operations and at the same time, the ability to make non-standard solutions. Work with images, schemes, cards (dispatcher). This profession is associated with the preparation or use of geographic maps, graphs, drawings. Here you need the ability to transfer the conditional signs into the images of real objects and vice versa. For these workers, observation is needed, attention to the most minor changes. If you like items such as geometry, geography, drawing, then this work is for you. Work with computer, information systemson the Internet (PC operator, programmer). The circle of professions for which the knowledge of the computer is needed is constantly expanding. If you are interested in the lessons of mathematics and computer science and you know that the computer is not only a device for games, and you still have experience in the Internet, then these professions may interest you.

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Third group "Man -Hellic image"

This group includes professions associated with art, creativity, inspiration. Labor item for people of these professions is artistic image, The goal is to achieve aesthetics in the surrounding world. Among this group, the following areas can be distinguished: organizational (director, balletmaster); Actually creative, constructive (writer, painter, actor, composer); Performing (confectioner, tailor); Research (art historian, theater, restorer).

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Fourth Group - "Man - Nature"

Choosing a profession associated with the conversion of nature, its use, a person takes responsibility for the future of what surrounds us, for the life of this and subsequent generations. In such professions, more often than in others requires such qualities as foresight and prediction of results, willingness to work in adverse weather conditions. This category includes professions: physiologist, microbiologist, gardener, flowers, decorator, veterinarian, geologist, ecologist, technologist food Industry, farmer, zoologist, meteorologist.

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Fifth group "Man - Technique".

These are professions that are focused on the creation, use and maintenance of various technical devices. Technique is an all variety of machines and mechanisms that use a person to facilitate and accelerate their activities. Choosing a technical specialty, it is necessary to remember the alleged features of the character of a person working with equipment, such as developed spatial and concrete thinking, accuracy and accuracy, good vision. This type includes professions: driver, driver, locksmith, installer, technician, designer engineer and many working specialties.

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Algorithm for choosing a profession.

1. knowledge of professions, labor market. 2. Parents, family, friends. 3.Position of teachers, psychologists, doctors. 4. Testament and self-esteem. 5.Many professional plan (career plan). 6. Supply, health. 7. Flications, interests. 8. View literature.

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Errors when choosing a profession:

1. Relationship to the profession as unchanged. Do not be afraid of changing activities - any experience is useful. 2. The presentings on the prestige of profession. The prestige of the profession should be taken into account, but after taking into account your interests and abilities. 3. Selection of the profession under the influence of comrades (for the company to keep up). 4. Abyship to a person, a representative of a profession, to the profession itself. When choosing a profession, it is necessary to consider first of all the features of this type of activity, and not choose a profession just because you like or do not like a person who is engaged in this type of activity. 5. At least (reluctance) to understand their personal qualities (inclinations, abilities). 6.Nesting (underestimation) of its physical characteristics, disadvantages, significant when choosing a profession. There are professions that may be contraindicated to you since they may worsen your health status.

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Quotes about professions.

"The most unhappy of the people the one for whom the world has not been to work." (T.Qorel). "If a person does not know what pier he holds the way, no wind will not be passing for him." (Seneca). "All works are good, choose to taste." (V.V. Mayakovsky). Listening to the Soviets, it is important to remember that the choice of profession is yours and only your personal choice.

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"Middle School of General education 2 r. p. Dergachi "

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Cherkis Valery

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Goat Vera Vladimirovna

2015-2016 academic year


"Profession is kind labor activity, classes requiring special theoretical knowledge and practical skills. "

Beautiful professions in the world do not consider.

And every profession of glory and honor.

Today you are a schoolboy, and tomorrow worker,

Artist, scientist, sailor or architect.

For each needed, there is

Who since childhood seriously takes care.

Some time will pass and before each of us will have a question about further vocational training. But in order to work for someone, you must first learn this profession. There are many different professions in the world, and they are all important and honorable. It is very important that every person choose a matter of soul. The happy is the man who is engaged in a favorite thing who chose a profession correctly. About such a person they say that he is in his place or that he has golden hands.

When choosing your way, you need to be guided, first of all, with your aspirations, what you pull, what would you like to do and benefit yourself and society. The second rule, when choosing a profession, is the accounting of its capabilities, features of temperament, character and health status.

There are many professions in the world, but I have one that I really like. This is the profession of a scientist. But I understand that not everyone can be scientists, for this profession you need a mind, patience and knowledge.

Covering yourself "Is this good profession?" Is it good for me? "I decided to conduct a study to learn more about this profession, answer the questions exciting me.

Project passport

The purpose of my project:

  1. Learn to make a choice
  2. Learn to analyze the profession
  3. Analyze your personal qualities
  4. Make a conclusion about your compliance of this profession,
  5. Know how to get this profession And how can you develop in it.

Project work tasks:

1. Select a profession or professional sphere.

2. Analyze the chosen profession.

3. Examine your personal qualities and requirements of the chosen profession.

4. Confirm that the professional selection already made is faithful.

5. Find out how and where you can get this profession.

Project Features:

The work expands knowledge about the profession of "scientist", which will be chosen by me in the future, helps to understand what is necessary in order to be successful in it.

The first question: "Who would I like to become?"

Problem issues: "Is this a good profession?"

"Is it suitable for me?"

Who is a scientist?

Scientist "This is not just a representative of the scientific world, a specialist in any area, and an expert of his case, which has made a real contribution to the scientific industry and received well-deserved recognition. Scientist should have a scientific degree (doctor or candidate of science), mined by unbearable mental labor, protect the appropriate dissertation. In addition to high intellectual abilities, you need to have a good patient, because the process is rare scientific activity It is dynamic (unless you are going to experience your own experimental developments). In any case, the true scientist gets moral pleasure from his painstaking work.

The history of the occurrence of the profession.

The rapid development of progress begins in the 19th century. The first research equipment appears. The profession "scientist" is also allocated. These are people who have a higher level of knowledge than simple experts in the same industry. Their discoveries are recognized by the community and are considered useful. The 20th century is considered to be the era of technological progress and prosperity.

Scientists receive new data that has become available through the use of high-precision equipment. Opening appear one after another. Modern Century - The era of prosperity. Scientists play crucial role And are the key to human survival as a species.

Great scientists

Russia has always been famous for its inventors and scientists. Now I will tell you a little about some great scientists of our country.

It is impossible not to remember the outstanding scientist, our compatriot - Lion Davidovich Landau.

This man did a lot for the development of domestic and world science. He is the founder of the Scientific School, Academician Academy of Sciences (since 1946), as well as the hero of socialist labor. His scientific works are known in the field of magnetism, atomic and thermonuclear physics, quantum electromechanics, astrophysics, and he also had to work and describe 1 superfluidity and superconductivity of various elements. Together with the physicist E. M. Lifshitz, he publishes the book "Theoritic course of physics." This scientist is a laureate of the USSR Laurea (in 1946, 1949, 1953), as well as the Nobel laureate in 1962.

Alexander Stepanovich Popov -russian physicist and electrical engineering, professor, inventor, Stat Advisor (1901), Honorary Electric Engineer (1899).

Born on March 4, 1859 (March 16, 1859) of the year in the Urals in the village of Trician mines of the Verkhtursky district of Permian province. (1877) Alexander successfully passed the entrance exams at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University. In 1882 he defended his thesis on the topic "On the principles of DC magneto- and dynamoelectric machines". In1890, he received an invitation to the post of physics teacher to the technical department of the Maritime Department in the Kontadte Fair. In 1899, he was awarded the title of Honorary Engineer-El since 1901 Popov - Professor of Physics of the Electrotechnical Institute of Emperor Alexander III. Also Popov was an honorary electrician engineer (1899) and an honorary member of the Russian Technical Society (1901). In 1901, Popov was assigned civil (Stat) CHin V class Stat adviser.

A modern man should know the names of the Great Russian inventors and the subject of their inventions.

Below is only small part of them:

1) P.N. Apple and A.N. Lododagin - the world's first light bulb
2) A.S. Popov - Radio
3) V.K. Zavorkin (the world's first electronic microscope, TV and television)
4) A.F. Mozhaisky - the inventor of the world's first aircraft
5) I.I. Sikorsky - the Great Aircraft Design, created the world's first helicopter, the world's first bomber
6) A.M. Understood - the world's first video recorder
7) S.P. Korolev - the first ballistic rocket in the world, spaceship, first satellite

8) S. V. Kovalevskaya (the first woman in the world - Professor)
9) S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky - the world's first color photo

10) F.A. Pyroatsky - the world's first electric tram
11) F.A. Blinov - the world's first tracked tractor
12) V.A. Oldevich - Surround-multiplication cinema
13) E.M. Artamonov - invented the world's first bike with pedals, steering wheel with a rotating wheel
14) V.P. Mutalin - the world's first hinged building combine
15) A. R. Vlasenko - the world's first combustive machine
16) V.P. Demikhov - the first in the world carried the lung transplant and the first created model of artificial heart

17) D.I. Iveleev - opened the periodic law of chemical elements, the creator of the table of the same name

18) K.E. Tsiolkovsky - the founder of astronautics

Who comes up with this profession?

This profession is suitable for attentive, neat and inclined to routine sitting people. They always seek to perform to the end. The scientist is always in the search. After all, finding the subject for research is quite difficult. Also these specialists have almost phenomenal memory and analytical warehouse of the mind.

Oratoric art is another necessary quality of the scientist, because most of them work as teachers in universities. It is important to be able to convey the depth of your thoughts to the audience.


Working on the topic of research, I learned that it may not be a scientist. For this you need attentiveness and accuracy.

I learned a lot of great people like:

PN Apple and A.N. Lododagin - the world's first light bulb
A.S. Popov - Radio
VK. Zavorkin (the world's first electronic microscope, TV and television)
A.F. Mozhaisky - the inventor of the world's first aircraft
And this is not all scientists, which I called in my story.

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GBOU School №35, St. Petersburg I want to become a designer Presentation prepared a student 6A Class Kiselev Alexander

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I want to be a designer. This is my favorite profession. I like to draw, create different sketches. I have a lot of interesting drawings. On television, there are such programs as the "apartment question", the "country question" and others. I look at them. There are famous designers who create very beautiful interiors. They are also very interesting to draw up summer cottages in country houses. This is a very exciting profession and I really like it.

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What do I already know about this profession? Design - from the English "Design" - a project, a plan, drawing - a term denoting a variety of artistic and project activities covering the creation of an objective environment (machines, things, interiors). Designer - Creator of the surrounding world. He seeks to cover all spheres of life modern man. There are about 10 directions of design and as many specializations in each of them. Get acquainted with some of them.

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Industrial design is divided into the design of labor instruments, household appliances, furniture, transport design and even design mechanisms.

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Wednesday design. With the design of the environment, everyone faces daily. Our homes and apartments in which we live, shops, hypermarkets, exhibition stands, office space, shop windows, walls, facades of buildings - all this and much more - field of activity for designer.

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Graphic design- This is an industrial graphics (labels, packaging of goods, postcards, envelopes), various designer visual fonts.

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The graphic design also refers to the development of graphic style institutions and graphic advertising of products.

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Graphic design - a wide field of work not only for the designers themselves, but also for artists and designers who at one time made a bid for study newest technologies. Today they are on horseback, which can be judged by the level of wages and the development of the sphere of graphic design itself.

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The most promising to date the area "volumetric" computer designIn which you can already work and earn - it is 3d, 4d, 5d animation, presentation and interior design (layouts). Many specialists consider this area the most promising.

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Landscape design Includes the work of a specialist both on a computer and directly on Earth. Main areas of activity where landscape designers are in demand and apply - this is the creation of artificial and living, as well as the reconstruction of the destroyed landscapes, landscaping ambient and residential premises, floristry.

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Landscape design is both the science and art of creating comfortable, harmonious gardening ensembles.

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Clothing design. Man always wanted to look good. Ancient man Animal skins put on himself and hanged beads and stones on the neck. Everything that came to hand: bark, leaves, straw, feathers - a man turned into clothes.

"Typology of professions" - Money Career Creativity. Repair of equipment: Mechanic, Electrician ... Man - Technique. Training and Education: Teacher, Coach ... Household Service: Seller, Explorer, Waiter ... Texts: Corrector, Town, Librarian, Translator ... Operation technical means: Driver, seamstress ... Sound signals: telephonist, radist ...

"Choosing a profession in a person's life" - Classroom hour. Especially today, when our society has entered market relations. Can. Epigraph: Man is an artistic image. Man is a sign system. So, with the choice, we seemed a little cleared the situation. There are more than 50 thousand professions in the world.

"Vocational education" - colleges of the southern district of Moscow. Types of professions. Preparation for GIA and EGE. Working with PC "Effecton Studio: Psychology in School." Professional plan - ways to build a plan. There is a directory of illustrations to each profession included in the database. Types of temperament. Medium professional educational establishments Southern District of Moscow.

"How to choose a profession" - understand the content of different professions. What awaits me in the future, behind the school threshold? How to choose a profession? AT modern world There are more than 40,000 professions. Achieve material well-being Economic independence. Information about professions the opportunity to receive the selected specialty (learning) of employment opportunities.

"Professional choice of profession" is a profession-technologist of food production. Programmer 18. Profession comes from the Latin word Professio, meaning a "public performance". It is necessary. Profession - auditor. Insurance agent 12. Engineer-technologist 13. Professional interests, inclinations. Profession designer. Educator 19. I want.

"Calling" - but the choice remains for you! Who should I become in the future? Self prestigious professions According to Russians. The occupation of various cases enriches us with knowledge and skills, folding which we get unique abilities that allow us to live in the context of competition. Whatever the mother and grandmother say, you are stiffering the fanatic textbooks in chemistry or biology, or attend the "Young Physician" circle and imagine well what you will do at the end of the school ...


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