List of used literature. Students and Schoolchildren - Books Nuclear Reactors Technical Literature on Nuclear Energy


Given the results of existing predictions for exhaustion by the middle - the end of the next century of oil reserves, natural Gas. and other traditional energy resources, as well as reducing the consumption of coal (which, according to the calculations, should be enough for 300 years) due to harmful emissions into the atmosphere, as well as the use of nuclear fuel, which, subject to intensive development of multiplayer reactors, is enough for at least 1000 It can be assumed that at this stage of the development of science and technology, thermal, atomic and hydroelectric sources will prevail over the other electricity sources for a long time. It has already begun the rise in price, therefore thermal power plants on this fuel will be ousted by stations on the corner.

Some scientists and environmentalists in the late 1990s. They talked about the immediate banning by the states of Western Europe of nuclear power plants. But based on modern analyzes the commodity market and the needs of society in electrical EnergyThese statements look inappropriate.


Makarov A. A., Volkova E. A., Borylov V.P. Long-term forecast of the development of the TEK of Russia and the place of nuclear energy in it. Report on the X Conference of the Nuclear Society of Russia "from the world's first nuclear power plant to the nuclear power industry in the XXI century." Obninsk, June 1999

MARGULOVA T. KH., FAL''SHKO L. A. Atomic electric stations. - Textbook for technical schools. - M.: Energoisdat, 1982. - 264 p., Il.

Dementiev B. A. Nuclear power reactors: Textbook for universities - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1984. - 280 s., Il.

Atomic electric stations / ed. L. M. Voronin. M.: Energy, 1977.

Sterman L. S., etc. Thermal and atomic electrical stations: a textbook for universities / L. S. Sterman, V. M. Ladygin, S. G. Tishin. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1995 - 416 p., Il.

Kataev V. P. Nuclear Energy Installations: Tutorial For universities. - MN: See. Shk., 1989. - 223 C.: Il.

Rabotnov N. S., Ganev I. Kh., Lopatkin A. V. Nuclear initiative of the President of Russia (an attempt to analyze and detail). - Atomic energy, 2001, T.90, vol. 4, p.320-323.

Batov V.V., Koryakin Yu. I. Economics of nuclear energy. M.: Atomizdat, 1969.

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1. Abramov A. I., Ilchenko A. T., Kaekin V. S. Heat leave from the 1st contour of the VVER reactors to cover the peak thermal load of ATC: Sat. Articles // Improving the reliability and effectiveness of the TPP and NPP. M.: Ed. MEI, 1980. P. 66-77.
2. Akkerman G., Hampel R. Operation of nuclear power plants with a water reactor during the extension of the campaign when working on a powerful effect // Heat and power engineering. 1982. No. 7. P. 71-73.
3. Alpatov A.M. Module "CRISIS of heat exchange" - a subroutine for determining the conditions for the crisis of heat transfer at boiling in channels of the active zone of the VVER reactor with stationary and transient modes // Preprint IEE them. I. V. Kurchatova No. * 9-2475. M.: Ed. IEE them. I. V. Kurchatova, 1975. P. 37.
4. Andryzhenko A. I., Aminov R. 3. Optimization of operating modes and parameters of thermal power plants. M.: high school, 1983. P. 255.
5. Andryzhenko A. I., Lapshov V.N. Pockezal installations of power plants. M.: Energy, 1965.
6. Aminov R. 3. Distribution of loads between energy exercises by vector programming method // Mathematical models of processes and structures of energy turbomachisha in systems of their automatic design / IP MASHA HSSR, Kharkov: ed. Academy of Sciences NSR, 1982. P. 35-38.
7. Aminov R. 3., Goudim A. A., Aminov V. 3. The principle of integrated optimization of the parameters energy Installations // Izv. universities. Ser. Energy. 1983. No. 2. P. 50-53.
8. Aminov R. 3. The use of nuclear power plants to work in variable modes based on thermal accumulation // ibid. 1984. No. 9. P. 53.
9. Aminov R. 3., Khrustalev V. A., Redko L. S. Calculation on the ELVM of the load charts of power systems // Electric stations. 1971. No. 11. P. 6-9.
10. Aminov R. 3., Khrustalev V. A. Optimization of the initial parameters of condensation blocks with regard to regime factors // Scientific summary. Saratov: ed. SPE, 1971. Issue 4. P. 109.
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29. Boldrev V. M., Starostenko V. I., Starostenko?. N. Thermal batteries of the phase transition and the prospects of their use in the NPP schemes to cover the variable part of the loading of power systems // Atomic electrical stations. M.: Energoatomizdat, 1982. Vol. 5. P. 64-63.
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33. Invaluation control of energy distribution in reactors / a. N. Kamyshan, A. M. Luzhnov, V. V. Martynov et al. // Atomic technique abroad. 1986. No. 9. P. 3-8.
34. The effect of the water regime of the second circuit of the VVER-440 blocks on the ability to increase the power of the reactor / a. P. Volkov, B. A. Trofimov, E. I. Ignatenko et al. // Heat and power engineering. 1979. №8. P. 41-42.
35. The influence of iron oxide formations on heat transfer in the direct-flow parogery of the NPP / V. P. Glebov, V. A. Taratuta, V. M. Trubachev, N. B. Eskin // Heat and Power Engineering. 1983. No. 4. P. 19-23.
36. Issues of accounting for reliability when choosing the number of turbines in power units with VVER / R Nuclear power plants. 3. Aminov, V. A. Khrustalev, M. S. Doronin et al. // Power engineering. 1985. No. 7. P. 22-24.
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46. \u200b\u200bDoronin L. S., Khrustalev V. A. On the issue of combining GTU and NPP // Izv. universities. Ser. Energy. 1985. No. 8. P. 93-96.
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55. On the issue of regulating the load of turbogenerators of nuclear power plants / r. Z. Aminov, V. A. Khrustalev, O. I. Demidov, E. V. Radchenko // Izv. universities. Ser. Energy. 1979. No. 5. P. 114-116.
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63. Malyshchenko S. P., Nazarov O. V., Sarumov B. A. Thermodynamic aspects of the use of hydrogen to solve some energy tasks // Heat and power engineering. 1986. No. 10. P. 43-47.
64. Margulova T. X. On improving the separation characteristics of nuclear power plants with VVER // Heat and power engineering. 1984. No. 11. P. 6-7.
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68. Methods and models of coordination of hierarchical solutions / Ed. A. A. Makarova. M.: Economy, 1983.
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70. Justification of the integrated water regime of steam generators of two-circuit NPPs / a. S. Monakhov, V. A. Zverev, V. G. Lukkin et al. // Heat and power engineering. 1984. No. 12. P. 41-43.
71. On the efficiency of obtaining additional power on power units of NPP with VVER / R. Z. Aminov et al. // Atomic Energy. 1986. Vol. 6. No. 12. P. 397-401.
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73. On the use of a sliding pressure of fresh steam to regulate the power of power units of NPP / b. A. Arkadyev, V. A. Paley, V. Yu. Ioffe // Heat and Power Engineering. 1977. No. 1. P. 39-42.
74. Platonov P, A. Questions of the healthy elements based on uranium dioxide in the zirconium shell // Heat and power engineering. 1976. No. 3. P. 89-93.
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77. Capillakov V.N. Increased maneuverable characteristics of nuclear power plants // Atomic technique abroad. 1986. No. 10. P. 10-14.
78. Development of basic technical solutions According to the power unit with a capacity of 1500 MW / l. P. Safonov, M. I. Greenman, P. A. Kruglikov, V. I. Nishkevich // TR. CKTI. M.: Ed. Tskti, 1985. P. 3-9.
79. Expansion of the adjusting range of atomic power units with water reactors / a. P. Volkov, B. A. Trofimov, V. V. Zverkov et al. // Problems of energy of the Murmansk region and neighboring areas of the USSR. Apatity, 1980. P. 28-39.
80. Roshychin N. G., Zarantsyan A. V. Selection of parameters when developing a semi-touch power unit of nuclear power plants with VVER // Heat and power engineering. 1979. No. 7. P. 62-63.
81. Expansion of the adjusting range of power units with VVER / B reactors. A. Dementiev, V. A. Petrov, A. G. Proskuryakov, V. V. Puchkov // Heat and Power Engineering. 1984. №2. P. 9-11.
82. Reactive installation of the AST-500 / F thermal supply atomic plant. M. Mitenkov, E. V. Kulikov, V. A. Sidorenko et al. // Atomic energy. 1985. T. 58. Vol. five.
83. Reactive installation of VVER-1000 - project features, results of starting the fifth block of the Novovoronezh NPP and the path to further improvement of the installation / Yu. V. Vikhorev, V. A. Voznesensky, V. P. Denisov et al. // Atomic Energy. 1981. T. 50. Issue 2. P. 87-94.
84. Savchenko V. A., Speaker S. N. Termination of the operation of nuclear power plants after the service life // Nuclear power industry. Results of science and technology. M.: Ed. Viniti, 1986. Issue four.
85. Separation devices NPP / a. G. Ageev, V. B. Karasev, I. T. Serov, V. F. Titov. M.: Energoisdat, 1982.
86. Svistunov E. P. The study of the actual steam distribution in the VVER-1000 reactor reactor steam generator // Power engineering. 1986. No. 5. P. 32-35.
87. Sigal M. V., Semenov V.V. Evaluation economic feasibility The time to extend the campaign of water-water reactors of nuclear power plants // Atomic electrical stations. M.: Energy, 1980. Vol. 4. P. 157-162.
88. Sidorenko V. A. Safe operation of nuclear power plants // Heat and power engineering. 1984. No. 11. P. 2-6.
89. Simonov V.D. Using French NPPs to regulate the load // Heat and power engineering. 1986. No. 3. P. 73-75.
90. Blue?. M. Nuclear Energy Economics. M.: Energoatomizdat, 1987.
91. Skvortsov S. A., Defensei A.S. On the possibility of creating a cabinet energy reactor with a capacity of 2000 MW // Heat and power engineering. 1976. No. 3.
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92. Solerenko V.N. Distillation desalination plants. M.: Energy, 1980.
93. Improving criteria for assessing the efficiency of the operation of nuclear power plants with VVER / A. A. Abagyan, A. A. Matveyev, E. I. Ignatenko, T. V. Pshetenkov // Electric stations. 1983. No. 10. P. 15-18.
94. A comparative analysis of the reliability and efficiency of NPP units with one and two turbo units / and. Ya. Emelyanov, A. I. Klelein, Yu. I. Karyakin et al. // Atomic Energy. 1982. T. 53. Vol. 2. P. 67-70.
95. Tatarnikov V. P. NPP Safety Systems with Type Reactor VVER-1000II Heat Power Engineering. 1980. No. 10. P. 5-8.
96. Tbab V. V., Yudkevich M. S. A generalized subgroup approach to the calculation of resonant absorption // Atomic energy. 1985. T. 59. Vol. 2. P. 96.
97. A typical algorithm for calculating technical and economic indicators of condensation power units with a capacity of 300, 500, 800 and 1200 MW / a. G. Azhikin, P. A. Berezinets ,?. N. Borisov et al.; Ed. .. F. Komarova. M.: Service of Experience and Information Soyucehenergo, 1978.
98. Thermal tests of the turbine installation of HTZ K-500-60 / 1500 / g. M. Konovalov, V. D. Khanaev, F. M. Sukhorev et al. // Heat and Power Engineering. 1984. No. 4. P. 4-9.
99. Trojanovsky B. M. On the choice of a type of steam distribution for a saturated vapor turbine // Heat and power engineering. 1983. No. 11. P. 28-32.
100. Energy distribution and safety of VVER-1000 when
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101. Khrustalev V.A. To the question of the optimal extension of the campaign of powerful blocks of nuclear power plants with VVER in the power system // Izv. universities. Ser. Energy. 1987. No. 8.
102. Khrustalev V. A., Danilov P.V. To the question of regulating the capacity of the turbine establishment of two-circuit nuclear power plants // Izv. universities. Ser. Energy. 1981. No. 3. P. 111 - 112.
103. Khrustalev V. A., Defensei A. S., Osadchy A.I. On new structures with improved energy supply // Atomic technique abroad. 1986. No. 11. P. 17-20.
104. Khrustalev V. A., Serbintsev A. A. On one of the ways to produce additional power on the turbines of the NPP: Interdava. Scientific Sat Art. // Improving efficiency and technical and economic optimization of nuclear power plants. Saratov, ed. SP, 1984. P. 67-72.
105. Khrustalev V. A., Petin S. M. On a method of forcing steam-turbine blocks of NPP // Izv. universities. Ser. Energy. 1981. No. 7. P. 106-108.
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108. CHAKHOVSKIY B. M. Heat batteries at nuclear power plants // Atomic energy. 1984. T. 56. Vol. 6. P. 389-396.
109. Chernya G. A. Daily charts of the load of combined power systems and issues of increasing the maneuverability of energy equipment // Heat and power engineering. 1975. No. 11. P. 23-27.
110. Shevelev Ya. V. Application of discounted costs to assess the effectiveness of economic activities in nuclear power // Economics and mathematical methods. 1984. T. 20. No. 6. P. 1103 - 1112.
111. Spielhrein E. E., Malyshenko S. P., Kuleshov G. G. Introduction to the hydrogen energy. M.: Energoatomizdat, 1984.
112. Ovchinnikov F. Ya., Semenov V. V. Operational regimes of water-water energy reactors. M.: Energoatomizdat, 1988.
113. Operational regimes of water-water reactors / ed. F. Ya. Ovchinnikova. M.: Atomizdat, 1980.
114. Guesdon V. L "Adaptation Des Reacteurs Nucleates A CAN Pressurisee Ar Suivi de Reseav // La Technical Moderne. 1985. Mars-Avril. P. 19-23.
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116. ATWS PARAMETER ATUDIES FOR A TIGHT-LATTICE PWR / H. Amm, G. Frei, M. Dalle-Donn, I. M. Kallfelr, H. Histers // Anticipated and Abuormal Plant Traunsieut Light-Water Reactor. Proc. Amer. NUCL. SOC. Top. Meet., Jackson. WYO. 26-29 sept., 1983. Vol. 1. N.Y. Lond., 1984. P. 667.
117. Zeggel W., Berger H. D., Oldekop W. Fundamental Asperts of High Converting Pressured Water Reactors // Trans. Amer. NUCL. SOC. 1982. yol. 40. P. 202-207 ..
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119. Kucrera B. The Advanced Pressurired Water Reactor: A Compledenary System to the closed Fuel Cycle // Trans. Amer. NUCL. SOC. 1984. Yol. 47. P. 307-309.
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126. Oplatka G., Schmidt C. Deckung der LastSpitzen Mit Termisch GespeicHerter Energie // Brown Boveri Mitt. 1980. BD 8. P. 457-464.
127. Watts M. G. Enhancing Pwr Operating Flexibility Through Variations in Moderator Temperature // Trans. Amer. NUCL. SOC. 1979. Vol. 31. P.115-116.
128. Winokur M., Tepper L. Extansion of Load Follow Capability of Pwr Reactor by Optimal Control // IEEE TRANS. SCI. 1984. Vol. 31, NO 2. P.932-939.

Selected Works. Volume 1. Optics. Solid physics. Acoustics. Nuclear energy. Memories

Dmitry Blochintsev Physics Absent

DI Blokhintsev (1908-1979) is an outstanding physicist scientist with encyclopedic latitude of interests, the author of numerous monographs and a classic textbook on quantum mechanics, a supervisor to create the first nuclear power plant in the world, the organizer and the first Director of the Joint Nuclear Research Institute in Dubna, Hero of Socialist Labor, Cavalier of many of the highest orders of the USSR, Laureate of Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences and a member of a number of foreign academies.

In the first volume, a brief report on the scientific and social activities of DI Blokhintsev, an expanded abstract of scientific works, compiled by the author himself, articles on optics, solid physics, acoustics and nuclear power engineering, is published. In addition, there were autobiographical materials, basic dates of life and activity, a complete bibliography of work, as well as memories of those who were lucky to work and communicate with Dmitry Ivanovich.

In the second volume of chosen works by D. I. Blochintsev included works on the fundamental issues of quantum mechanics, on quantum field theory and theory of elementary particles, as well as performances on general issues of science. The book is designed for scientists - physicists-theorists, specialists in nuclear power, graduate students and students of senior university courses.

Information about properties, technologies for obtaining and using promising nuclear fuel - nitrides and carbonitrides are given. The methods for obtaining nitrides and carbonitrides are considered. The results of a large number of works on uranium monofide, uranium-plutonium nitrides and carbonitrine compositions are analyzed.

Workers and engineers working in the field of research and use of nitride nuclear fuel.

Dispersion nuclear fuel

S. V. Alekseev Technical literature Absent

The book provides information on the role of dispersion fuel in nuclear power. Briefly consider data on the use of dispersion nuclear fuel in reactors of various purposes. The data on the properties and technology of obtaining dispersion nuclear fuel, including for the "burning" of excess plutonium, are summarized.

The book is intended for scientific workers and engineers working in the field of research and use of nuclear fuel.

Nuclear power. Perspectives for Belarus

A. A. Mikhalevich Technical literature Absent

The monograph presents the main problems associated with the development of atomic energy: the stocks of fuel and energy resources, the basics of the safety of atomic reactors, the treatment of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste, the economy of the atomic energy, the attitude towards it from various layers of the population, etc.

Some sections (for example, the physical foundations of nuclear power) are set forth in a popular form. Designed for specialists in the field of energy, students, undergraduates and graduate students of the relevant profile, as well as for a wide range of readers.

Study of the dynamics of NPP operation indicators (on the example of US atomic energy)

L. E. Warsawsky Economy Applied econometric. Science articles

The article analyzes external and internal factors that contributed to a significant increase in the efficiency of exploitation of nuclear power units in the United States in the 1990s. Approaches to modeling the dynamics of NPP operation indicators are considered. A comparative analysis of the dynamics of the coefficient of power utilization and collective doses of irradiation of the staff of the power units of NPP of various generations is carried out.

It is estimated to assess the speed of processes to improve the performance of the power of the US nuclear power units of various generations.

All leap!

Vladimir Frolov Adventure: Other No data

The author of this book is an engineer, a veteran of labor in nuclear energy, for many years worked abroad, participant in the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP. In the manifold of his life path, interests and observations there is an alternation of a cheerful and sad, poetic and tragic, it is all the "sticking" of a person's relationship in society.

The author is a participant in Russian television shows "What, where, when" and the "field of miracles". Much attention is paid to the professional aspects of the development of nuclear energy and the reasons for the catastrophe at the IV-M block of the Chernobyl NPP and the Japanese "Fukushima Daichi". The book also contains the poetic section.

Evaluation of the environmental impact of nuclear energy objects

Yu. G. Zharkova Technical literature Absent

The procedure for assessing the environmental impact (EIA) includes: Conducting environmental research (studies) and based on their scientifically based forecast of the consequences of the planned activities on the environment, as well as an environmental and economic assessment of the consequences of the public and the environment.

Despite the reduction in the powers of state environmental impact assessment in terms of consideration of the EIA materials on the planned economic activitiesIn atomic energy, this procedure has been preserved in full. At the same time, under this moment, there was no generalizing guidelines for the conduct of EIA in nuclear energy, taking into account its specifics.

The methodological manual provides recommendations for the Procedure for conducting an EIA in the design of nuclear energy objects, which are developed in accordance with international nuclear security conventions on the basis of legislative and other regulations of the Russian Federation.

The publication is prepared as a guide ( methodical manual) Based on the regulatory and technical documents of different levels. The stated EIA approaches can be used not only in nuclear power, but also in the development of project documentation of any industrial structures.

Designed students of construction and environmental specialties, engineers of project institutes, officials of environmental expertise, lawyers in the field of environmental protection.

Physical material science. Part 3. Materials of energy and energy saving

Alexander Fedotov Tutorial University. Students of higher educational institutions

In the third part, the main types of materials used in nuclear, thermal, renewable and alternative energy, as well as in order to improve energy efficiency and energy saving. The main attention is paid to the presentation of the basic principles of giving the materials of special functional properties and the preservation of the latter under the influence of thermal, mechanical and radiation influences.

The first part "Physical Materials Science. Physics of a solid "reached in 2010, the second part" Physical Materials Science. Phase transformations in metals and alloys "- in 2012 for students of institutions higher education in the specialty "Physics (nuclear physics and technology)."

It will be useful graduate students, undergraduates, engineers and researchers working in the field of physical research and control of the properties of special materials.

Tasks of preserving knowledge in the field of atomic science and technology

S. A. Emelyanov Database

Currently, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the countries participating in this international body launched the problem of the need to preserve accumulated knowledge and experience in the field of nuclear power in developed countries. This is necessary in order to maintain the safe and efficient functioning of the NPP and the development of the relevant fuel infrastructure in the world.

The urgency is proclaimed adequate and possible to complete these knowledge of developing countries in order to ensure further progressive development of nuclear science and technology in the world, the development of innovative and safe nuclear technologies. The Nuclear Information System Inside the IAEA has been developing a description of the subject area for 35 years: dictionaries, thesaurus of the nuclear area, rubricators.

Currently, the Inis database contains the most complete description of the subject area. Development tools The preservation of nuclear knowledge should go through the maximum use of knowledge focused in the thesaurus of the IAEA.

Radiation and environmental safety of atomic energy

Jan Markhotsky Tutorial Absent

Information about the elements of nuclear physics, natural sources of radiation, the action of ionizing radiation on the human body, hygienic aspects of radiation safety, nuclear fuel, environmental problems of energy, radiation safety of the nuclear fuel cycle enterprises are presented.

For students of higher educational institutions, students of secondary special and general educational institutions, a wide range of readers.

Modeling the professional competencies of the atomic industry workers

Yu. N. Seleznev Programs Applied Informatics. Science articles

Currently, a new sector of economics has been formed - nuclear instrument making and measuring and information technology of the nuclear industry. The author of the article pays attention to the fact that significant attention must be paid not only to the development of technical and software for the management of nuclear power plants, but also to preparing users who are designed to play a leading role in the Man-Machine Tandem and carry, for its part, Responsibility for the result.

Thus, the relevance of the task of improving the qualifications of operational personnel as users of modern automated control complexes of nuclear facilities is difficult to overestimate. The procedure proposed in this article can be effectively used as part of solving this problem.

According to the author, the specifics of the nuclear industry and energy associated with the provision of nuclear safety, nominates the socio-psychological effect of training. The article discusses the approach to the development of an employee's competence model in the system of advanced training of the atomic industry personnel and energy using the mathematical apparatus of probability theory.

UN reform

Alexander Novikov Politics, political science Absent

In the book are analyzed modern condition world politics, as well as related international and global problems. An innovative approach to their resolution, called the author as the UN Reform Project, is proposed. The essence, features and possibilities of implementing this approach are demonstrated, including in such areas as international Security, nuclear problem, global energy, etc.

The book is one of the first systematized research on the topic "UN Reform". It is recommended for a wide range of politicians, lawyers, economists and all interested in the issues of international relations.

All books can be downloaded for free and without registration.

Nuclear power plant In Biblis (Germany).

NEW. Rybalchenko A.P., Pimenov MK and others. Deep burial of liquid radioactive waste. 1994. 256 p. Djvu. 4.1 MB.
For the first time in the last thirty years, the study, the creation and introduction of deep burials of liquid radioactive waste into underground reservoirs at factories and Russian research and development centers are highlighted. Underground burial of radiation waste in the scales is unique all over the world. It played a huge role in comprehensive protection against the destructive action of radioactivity per person in some parts of the country. The results presented in the book will be interesting for the introduction of the burials of cured radioactive waste, using the subsoil with the goal of environmental protection.
The deep burial of liquid radioactive waste is considered one of the most debabled problems in discussions on the consequences of the activities of military enterprises of the nuclear industry. It, in some cases, receives unreasonable negative estimates from the standpoint of a number of public and environmental movements, the media, the structures of the legislative bodies, government representatives. As a result, there may be failed solutions for future activities of factories, exploitation and preservation of polygons that may entail material losses in Russia. Also excluded and unpredictable budget expenditures, worsening the quality of the environment, etc.


NEW. ABOUT. Samoilov, G. B. Usaren, A.M. Bakmetyev. Safety of nuclear power plants. Tutorial. 1989. 280 pdf. 12.0 MB.
The principles of security, features of JaEU as technical objects of increased complexity are considered. The main classes are described emergency situations, deterministic and probabilistic analysis methods. Security systems are presented, methods for ensuring their reliability. The problems of the human factor, multiple equipment failures, accident experience at nuclear power plants are considered.
For students of universities. It may be useful to the operational staff of the NPP.

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The author is not. Industrial Ural. Atomic technologies and habitats. 2004. 35 pp. PDF .. 1.8 MB.
The publication is addressed to the specialists of the legislative and executive bodies and local self-government of the Ural region, activists of public environmental movements, teachers and university students, as well as all who are interested in the problems of sustainable development of Russia.
The publication was prepared as part of the work funded by the US Department of Energy.

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