Erp system comparison with 1c. The main differences between "1C: UPP" and "1C: Accounting. What is an ERP system

This article discusses the main distinctive features of accounting for fixed assets in 1C: ERP in comparison with 1C: UPP, links to a more complete description for each section of accounting are provided.

Two options for equipment accounting

In 1C: UPP, the purchased equipment is recorded on accounts 08.04 "Purchase of fixed assets" and 07 "Equipment for installation", the analytics of which are the reference books "Nomenclature" and "Warehouse". Thus, the purchased equipment is first entered into the "Nomenclature" directory, and then, upon acceptance for accounting, a new fixed asset is created in the "Fixed assets" directory.

In 1C: ERP, there are two options for equipment accounting:

  1. Accounting for equipment on account 08.04.1 "Components of fixed assets". In this case, the receipt of equipment is reflected in the same way as 1C: UPP. Analytics of account 08.04.1 are also the directories "Nomenclature" and "Warehouse". Before taking into account equipment from account 08.04.1 “Components of fixed assets” must be debited to account 08.04.2 “Preparation for commissioning.” Further, the acceptance of fixed assets for accounting is reflected.
  2. Accounting for equipment on account 08.04.2 "Preparation for commissioning". In this case, the equipment received is immediately reflected on account 08.04.2, the analytics of which are the directories "Objects of operation" (analogue of the directory "Fixed assets" in 1C: UPP) and " Expenditure items. ”When using this option, the equipment is not entered into the“ Nomenclature ”directory, but is immediately reflected with analytics for that fixed asset, as or as part of which it will later be taken into account.

Availability of specialized documents for accounting for leased fixed assets and fixed assets leased

Unlike 1C: UPP, where all operations on leased fixed assets were reflected in the Operation (accounting and tax accounting) document, 1C: ERP provides for special documents to reflect operations on leased fixed assets.

Also, 1C: ERP provides for special documents to reflect transactions on fixed assets leased out. It is possible to lease fixed assets own organization or to a third party counterparty. In the case of the transfer of fixed assets to lease to their own organization, the transfer documents form movements simultaneously for the organization - the lessor, and for the organization - the lessee. You do not need to enter a mirrored document.

Availability of specialized documents for accounting for fixed assets leasing

1C: ERP provides special documents to reflect operations on leasing fixed assets. For accounting of lease agreements, a separate reference book "Leasing agreements" is used. The lease agreement specifies on whose balance sheet the leased property is registered and whether the leased asset is supposed to be redeemed at the end of the lease term.

Receipt of the leased asset, both in the case of accounting for the balance sheet, and in the case of accounting on the balance sheet, is reflected in the document "Receipt of leased items". In this case, automatically, depending on the selected agreement, the leased asset is credited either to account 001 "Leased fixed assets" or to account 08.04 "Purchase of equipment" with further acceptance for accounting on account 01 "Fixed assets".

With both options for accounting for property (on the balance sheet / off balance sheet), the document "Receipt of leasing services" is entered every month at the end of the month. Under lease agreements with the “Beyond the Balance” property accounting option, this document reflects the receipt of leasing services. Leasing services are reflected according to the expense item selected in the document. Under leasing agreements with the property accounting option "On the balance sheet", this document reflects leasing services and the offset of the security deposit. Monthly recognition of lease payments in NU is carried out by a routine operation generated automatically in the "Close of the month" processing.

Redemption of property leased under a leasing scheme, accounting for which was kept on an off-balance sheet account, if the redemption is provided for by the terms of the agreement, takes place under a separate agreement for the acquisition of future fixed assets, standard documents for working with non-current assets are used to process transactions.

Accounting for precious metals

1C: ERP implements accounting for the content of precious metals in fixed assets. Data on the precious metals contained in the fixed asset are recorded in the card of the fixed asset on the “Precious materials” tab. Precious materials are selected from the “Precious Materials and Stones” directory. For precious stones, the location of the precious stone is additionally indicated, the variants of which are presented in the figure below.

The presence of precious materials in fixed assets is reflected in the printed forms of documents for accepting fixed assets for accounting (forms OS-1, OS-1a, OS-1b), an inventory card (form OS-6), documents for writing off fixed assets (forms OS-4 , OS-4a, OS-4b).

Revaluation of OS

Unlike 1C: UPP, where there was no specialized document for the revaluation of fixed assets and therefore had to manually adjust the registers, 1C: ERP provides for the document “Revaluation of fixed assets”. This document is certainly not ideal - it does not have the ability to download from Excel and the ability to specify the revaluation factor, but the very fact of having of this document - this is already a big plus, since it moves all the necessary ledgers for accounting for fixed assets. And the loading of fixed assets from an Excel file, as a rule, provided by appraisers that revalue fixed assets, is not difficult to modify if desired.


So where do we start? Let's start with how both solutions describe the economic model of the enterprise.

In 1C: UPP we have parallel independent management and regulated accounting. To do this, in the documents, we indicate the compliance of the management unit and the organization's units, as well as with the "Reflect in" flags, we regulate in what kind of accounting the documents should be reflected. Thus, a synchronous parallel reflection of data in different types of accounting is performed.

The principle of construction in the 1C: ERP configuration is different. All economic activities are reflected in the framework of operational accounting. The concept of economic activity and the principle of its financial assessment are clearly separated. Wherein financial appraisal can be given according to any standards (RAS, IFRS or any accepted internal standards of the enterprise). Moreover, this financial assessment is made using the deferred method.

How does this affect the structure of the enterprise? First of all, the divisions and divisions of organizations are divided according to the tasks to be solved. Organizational structure organizations are reflected in the list of "Divisions", this directory solves the problem of exclusively personnel records.

The structure of the enterprise is used for the operational reflection of accounting documents in the system and for maintaining cost accounting for both managerial and accounting... The composition of such units is determined by the goals of management, therefore, in a sense, operational and management units form a single whole.

All transactions are reflected in operational accounting. This allows you to manage the enterprise and make decisions based on the analysis of all data. If a certain transaction needs to be reflected only for the purposes of regulated accounting, for this, certain transactions are provided for documents, which are indicated in them, and the document is reflected only for regulated accounting. As a result, information on such documents will not affect operational management data.

1C: ERP is advisable to use for those enterprises where accounting principles for management and regulated accounting correlate with each other.

Reflection of trading activities

An important issue for any company is the reflection of trading activities.

What are the main differences?

In 1C: UPP, trading activities with counterparties are carried out within the framework of the counterparty, contract. Mutual settlements can be detailed before an order, invoice for payment or settlement document.

1C: ERP introduces the concept of a Partner (new reference book). It is a directory of holding units or group of companies. The directory Counterparties is actually a directory of Yur. Persons. For each partner, you can define one or more counterparties. By partners, you can track settlements.

The main tool of 1C: UPP is the buyer's order. Within an order, you can use reports to track the volume of deliveries and the amount owed. And when calculating according to settlement documents - the number of days of debt.

In 1C: ERP, it is possible to track orders by status: agreed, approved, for shipment, etc. And what is important, there are business processes for order approval. The mechanisms for visualizing the status of an order in the list of orders have been expanded (icons reflecting the importance of orders, color markers, receiving transcripts for orders by pressing one button), which allows the user to quickly assess the situation. Convenient mechanisms for prompting for work with an order have appeared: if an order provides for a mandatory advance, it cannot be transferred to execution until the payment is registered, therefore, this order will not be reflected in the work place of generating sales. All this reduces the erroneous formation of documents without observing the terms of delivery.

In 1C: UPP, to track the conditions under the contract (the obligation to sell certain products or make a sale for the amount), the setting of conditions is performed by the document "Conditions under contracts", and control is carried out by the corresponding report. There is no automatic tracking of compliance of a specific implementation with conditions or an order in the functionality.

New tools have been added to 1C: ERP - standard and individual agreement. For partners, one condition of sale can be assigned, uniform discounts / markups, which is fixed by a standard agreement. And these indicators will apply to all legal entities (contractors) included in the holding or group of companies.

For an individual counterparty, a separate individual agreement can be established.

Implemented a mechanism for monitoring compliance of the implementation or delivery with an agreement defined for a partner or counterparty. Control is carried out according to the scope of delivery, price and conditions (advance payment, assigned discounts, etc.)

In 1C: UPP, the assignment of discounts and markups can be made for a counterparty, for an item, or a price group of an item, for volume, for periods.

In 1C: ERP, the mechanism for assigning and calculating discounts / markups, conditions for assigning discounts / markups using the crowding-out mechanism has been significantly expanded (one discount / markup replaces another if a condition for its application occurs).

Also, many users find it very convenient that 1C: ERP has a mechanism for loading prices from Excel.

Inventory control

In 1C: UPP, warehouses are a mandatory accounting aspect. The need for accounting for characteristics and series is set for each item. You can maintain an order warehouse (use an incoming and outgoing warehouse order, where the storekeeper indicates only the counterparty, the incoming / outgoing item and quantity, while price indicators are drawn up by the accounting department). Whether or not the order warehouse will be used is determined routinely at the enterprise. In addition, the decision to issue or not to issue orders is made on a case-by-case basis, thus the systemic control that after the implementation an order is needed or upon receipt the storekeeper created an order - no.

In 1C: ERP management warehouse accounting included optionally. Thus, if warehouses are not allocated in a small enterprise (a single warehouse), there is no need to divide by storage areas, then warehouse accounting can be disabled. This does not mean that reports on warehouse balances cannot be obtained - they are generated in a regular way. They only have no information on which warehouse this balance is, since warehouses are not important.

Maintaining by characteristics and series is preserved, but these parameters are set for the item type. For series, accounting can be conducted informatively (for reference, only for document excerpt) or fully (with the receipt of balances for each series).

Maintenance of an order scheme in 1C: ERP is included optionally for each warehouse. In addition, you can define for which operations orders are required - for example, only when writing off from the warehouse. At the storekeeper, the written out sales document is an order to issue an order, which is reflected in his system desktop.

The operations of shipment from one warehouse and acceptance to another warehouse are also divided. This is convenient when the warehouses are remote from each other and you need to understand that goods and materials have already been shipped from one warehouse, but they have not yet arrived at another warehouse.

A cellular warehouse is implemented in 1C: ERP. You can keep records within the warehouse by premises and work areas.

You can store goods in bins in 2 ways:

  • by the method of reference placement - in this case, the goods are taken into account in the context of the warehouse (premises), the remains of goods in each cell are not controlled, only the specific place of storage of the goods is determined.
  • by way of address storage - in this case, goods are taken into account in the context of bins, goods are controlled in bins.

The first method allows you to simply quickly find the goods upon shipment, and the cell upon arrival. The second method is aimed specifically at automating and optimizing the processes of placing and selecting goods, taking into account various strategies, it allows you to control weight, volume, cell filling, and other parameters.

Organization of operational management in production

Since ERP-class systems are designed primarily to solve the problems of industrial enterprises, then issues related to the organization operational management in production are of the greatest interest. What are the main differences between 1C: UPP and 1C: ERP?

In 1C: UPP, all processes are based on the product structure. To use the planning mechanisms, it is necessary to specify the BOM for the manufactured products in the system. Because of this, the system makes very high demands on the detailing of the reference data, right down to each technological operation performed at each technological work center. This approach ensures only strictly consistent execution of the order: first, we must complete the complete development of technological documentation, and only then proceed with the manufacture of the products of interest to us.

In 1C: ERP, the approach is different. In fact, the emphasis is on the management of production processes. A two-level control is presented, i.e. interdepartmental planning and management within the shop.

Interdepartmental planning is the definition and planning of the execution of production stages, at this point it is enough to describe the products by the stages performed. For each stage, you can specify the output products, materials and services that will be required at this stage, as well as the labor costs that are required to complete it. This is a description of the production process. When describing it, you can take into account those factors that are not explicitly indicated in the technological documentation, and indicate the most realistic in terms of duration the execution period.

And the direct execution within the stage of each operation is delegated to the level of the shop and detailed technological documentation for the implementation of each stage can be issued to the beginning of its implementation. This allows you to organize parallel work on the product, from the start of the production process to finalize the technological documentation for the subsequent stages.

For control at the workshop level, a tool appeared - a route sheet (for production accounting mode 2.1) or a production stage (for production accounting mode 2.2), in which, within the execution stage, specific operations performed are determined.

The production schedule in 1C: UPP is an operational production schedule that is planned on a continuous time axis. When it is created, the availability of work centers is evaluated. Such a schedule is very sensitive to deviations that may occur during its actual execution, and high requirements are imposed on the efficiency of feedback for organizing replanning.

In the 1C: ERP applied solution, the production schedule is built by intervals. Those. planning is performed on a discrete time axis, which is divided into planning intervals that are set individually for each department. Availability control during scheduling is performed for work centers and material resources. This approach means initially introduced temporary redundancy. However, in conjunction with the operational reflection of the execution of route sheets / production stages, where deviations are recorded during the execution of stages, it allows to reduce the number of cases when replanning is required. The freedom play of the local dispatcher allows the program to be executed in the planned period.


You can find significant differences between "1C: UPP" and "1C: Accounting" during use. Let's look at some of them:

  • Differences in the design of the types of reports (accounting reports in the UPP have a more modest design compared to reports in the BP, which are equipped with a bright header and many additional settings);
  • The difference in the design of the journals of documents (the names and composition of the journals will be rather unusual for accountants in comparison with the BP);
  • Additional search fields have been implemented on document journal forms.

Let's look at the differences "1C: UPP" and "1c accounting" at the technical level, to technical featuresthat can affect accounting. Consider also the alternative means offered by 1C: UPP.

The most fundamental difference is observed in the principles of accounting in the UPP and BP for an accountant: there is a limitation in the reflection of business transactions with “Accounting certificates”. Some companies base their accounting on the use of "Operations" - this is because UPP uses accounting registers, in addition to accounting registers. In the UPP, specialized documents are used for operations.

For example, to reflect the interest on the loan issued, accountants refer to the operation and indicate the correspondence Dt91 Kt76, however, with this approach, the register of mutual settlements with counterparties in 1C: UPP will not be used, the document for the sale of goods and services will be used.

It should be noted that the transaction document can be used, but only in conjunction with the register adjustment document, which can become a problem for an unprepared user.

There are also some differences in how subconto is accounted for for certain accounting accounts, and the required information cannot be obtained in the usual way.

For example, account 60 does not contain the third sub-account "Settlement documents with counterparties", which is reflected in the BP as a registrar, therefore, these documents will not be reflected in the standard balance sheet. As a way out of this situation, you can use the report "Statement of settlements with counterparties."

Some accounts are missing in 1C: UPP, for example, an MC account. The accounting of materials in operation in the BP is carried out using the account of the MC. In the SCP, you can get information about the materials transferred into operation in the register "Materials in operation" and in the report "List of materials in operation".

There is no month-closing procedure, which is understandable for most accountants. Month-closing can be performed using the “Month-closing procedure” business process in conjunction with the “Month-closing setting” reference book element.

There are also special cases, for example, the use of the document "Moving OS". Usually, accounting indicates the path of movement of fixed assets, and in the UPP only the final destination. The location of the object at the moment can be determined by the register entry.

This article will focus on the ERP-system "Manufacturing Enterprise Management". When automating manufacturing companies, this product often turns out to be the optimal solution, and I have more than once been involved in the implementation of 1C SCP for different organizations.

In the process of work, I drew attention to the fact that there are practically no reviews of this software product. There is technical documentation, some advice to programmers on solving specific problems in this system, training courses. But for users there is no clear description of the entire system. And very often I have to explain the features, advantages and disadvantages of "Management manufacturing enterprises"Almost" on the fingers ".

Even on Habré in the ERP section there was still no information about this system. It was this gap that I decided to fill. In addition, I hope that my article will help entrepreneurs and IT specialists at the stage of choosing software for automating a manufacturing enterprise and prepare them for the features that need to be taken into account when implementing this system.

In this review, I want to tell you what the UPR rev system is. 1.3, so that the one who decides to buy and implement it is more aware and more consciously approaching the choice of this expensive product. I will try to give an objective assessment of the system based on my experience with it and the experience of my clients. This review will help someone make a positive decision regarding the purchase of the program, and someone - the decision to abandon it.

In order to understand the features of the software product, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the system, what tasks are assigned to it.
  2. To what extent this system is capable of performing the assigned tasks.
  3. Identify the pros and cons of the system.
The first thing that is very important to understand: 1C. Manufacturing enterprise management is not just an accounting system; modern methods enterprise management, and therefore this product is offered for use, including as an ERP system. Further, from the name it follows that this particular product is intended for the operation of industrial enterprises. It is from this point of view that I intend to consider the 1C UPP software product.

What is an ERP system?

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is a corporate information system, which is designed to control, account and analyze all types of business processes and solving business problems across the enterprise.

Simply put, the ERP system combines all types of accounting that are present in the company. With the use of ERP systems, information is exchanged and interaction is carried out between different departments, etc. In the case of the ERP-system "Manufacturing Enterprise Management", the software product offers the implementation of all these functions for a manufacturing company.

When implementing the product "Manufacturing Enterprise Management", the developers tried to combine the maximum possible list of functions in the system. If you look at the documents, you can count as many as 15 subsystems. The fact is that in 1C documents are grouped by subsystems:

  • Production Management
  • Cost management
  • Procurement management
  • Planning
  • Tax and accounting
  • Wage
  • Personnel accounting, etc.
Those. they tried to include in this system all the functions that may be required for the operation of a manufacturing enterprise. This is exactly how 1C is positioning its ERP system: it already has everything you need to automate any processes without using other software products.

The screenshot I made clearly shows that a very small part of the documents relates directly to production. All other documents are additional subsystems designed to make "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" a universal solution for the work of all departments. I see no point in examining all these possibilities in detail, but it is important that each of the subsystems works efficiently and fully and can solve the needs of a particular business. In this article we will dwell in detail on the block that distinguishes SCP from other 1c solutions - Production Management.

1C UPP: more about the product

1C Company positions "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" as one of the flagship products. This is a typical configuration from 1C, i.e. the software product is completely produced by 1C itself, and any modifications to the system must be made by the official partners of 1C. UPP is one of the configurations that is constantly supported by 1C, updates are released to it, etc.

For this typical configuration, a lot of modified, so-called, industry versions have been created: 1C. Mechanical engineering, 1C. Meat processing plant, 1C. Furniture production, 1C. Polygraphy, etc.

Industry solutions are created by 1C partner companies based on the basic configuration. Typically, this happens as follows: for a specific customer, modifications are made, after which a new version is “assembled” from them, intended for the selected industry. The revised configuration is named after the industry for which it was written and sold as a "boxed solution".

Product cost

In order to work with this configuration, you need to buy the product itself. The recommended price from 1C is 186,000 rubles. And the licensing of this software product is made according to a common feature for 1C, i.e. users of other 1C products may not buy any separate licenses for this system.
Any license, for example, from 1C Accounting or from 1C Trade and warehouse will fit this system. Naturally, the cost of licenses for these products is the same.

It is important to understand: for industry solutions from 1C partner companies, their own separate licenses may be required. And here the price may differ from the basic version.

As with other products, licensing is carried out according to one of the options adopted in 1C: for a computer (device) and for a user (connection from any device). I will not dwell here in detail, since all the information is on the 1C website. You can get acquainted with it at the link:

A lot has been written about the 1C program itself. I have also written about this platform, for example, in the article "Why 1C is bad and why 1C programmers are so disliked". Taking into account the fact that the "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" system works on the basis of 1C. Enterprises 8.3, all the advantages and disadvantages of the underlying software are also present in it.

Let's consider the configuration in more detail

In the book "Production and Operations Management" by R.B. Chase, F.R. Jacobs, N.J. Aquilano, I liked the list of tasks that are posed to ERP systems for a manufacturing enterprise:
  1. Keep a record of new orders and promptly inform the production department about them.
  2. Provide an opportunity for the sales department to see at any time the status of a customer's order.
  3. Provide the purchasing department at any time with the ability to see the production demand for materials.
  4. Provide the state with data on the company's work in a timely manner, i.e. keep accounting and tax records.
Let's take a closer look at each of these points. For clarity, as an example, I will cite one of my clients - a sewing company that uses the SCP system and is a classic and visual production model. This enterprise has many different departments: design, design, production, storage of fabrics and accessories, storage of finished products, management.

Accounting for new orders in the sales department

Accounting for orders is an integral part of the work of any sales department. Any order consists of several parts:
  1. Customer accounting (to whom the sale is carried out);
  2. Accounting for goods (what will be sold to the customer).
Buyers (clients) are entered into the directory of Contractors. Clients can be like individualsand legal. In the counterparty card, you can specify all bank details companies, phone numbers, delivery address and other information required for paperwork and sale.

And detailed information about all goods that can be sold is stored in the Nomenclature reference book.

A nomenclature is a directory that is designed to store information about goods and services that can be provided to the buyer. And in this system, the nomenclature is one of the most complex reference books.

Here can be stored:

  • Product Name
  • Series
  • Photos
  • Technical documentation files
  • Description and almost any other information about the product.
Using these directories, an employee of the sales department creates a Sales Order document, where he specifies a counterparty and a list of items with prices.

For example garment production work on an order is divided into the following stages:

  1. Accept the order and fix the client's need.
  2. If necessary, purchase material for the order.
  3. Cutting and then sewing products.
  4. Check (quality control) goods.
  5. Transfer to finished products to the warehouse.
  6. Carry out shipment or delivery to the buyer.
So, the first stage of work has been completed: a Buyer's order document has been created, which reflects the client's data and the goods that he needs. Now you need to transfer information to production.

Notify production of new orders

Manufacturing should see new orders as soon as they arrive. The 1C UPP configuration, in general, copes with this task. But a counter task arises: production should see only those orders that need to be produced. Those. if the order document specifies goods that are already in the warehouse, such an order is not interesting for production, and its appearance in the list of documents available for production can add additional confusion.
Production should see orders immediately after they are received, but at the same time only that part of the orders for which products need to be produced.

In order to avoid such problems, the developers of 1C offer the following solution: based on the Buyer's Order, the sales manager must create a new document - Production Order, in which the commodity items that need to be produced will be listed.

But this option cannot be called very convenient, since there is another step in the work, which is completely dependent on the human factor. Those. after creating an order, a manager may forget to create a production order, make a mistake, and so on. As a result, the required goods will not be delivered on time. production planand the customer will not receive the ordered products on time. Naturally, with full automation of the enterprise, such situations are unacceptable. On the other hand, this problem is quite solvable by creating additional processing.

For a sewing company, we have created the following solution. An additional plug-in was written that creates a production order automatically, based on a certain list of different conditions.

This processing determined whether the desired items were in stock. If not, then the next step was the analysis of free items in production. If there are no such items or they are planned for a date later than specified in the order, a production order is automatically generated.

Output: the system has everything you need to store information about products and customers. It is possible to create an order and transfer it to production. But to fully automate the work, it will still require refinement for the needs of a particular enterprise.

The status of an order in production

As already mentioned, after the order has entered production, it is necessary to provide the sales department with the opportunity to monitor in real time the status of the order. It is important for the sales manager to know at what stage the work is: whether the ordered product has already entered the work, when it is planned to be completed, etc.

This is implemented in one of two ways:

  1. The sales manager can keep track of which technological stage work on the order is in progress: planned, entered into work, under quality control, etc. Thus, the sales specialist can constantly monitor the work on each of the orders and notify the client about the deadlines.
  2. The sale period is set for the goods, i.e. the date when the list of the required nomenclature will be manufactured, checked and ready for shipment.
To implement the first option, the necessary tools are not provided in the system. The reports that are available only reflect the status of orders and goods in stock. For production, if necessary, implement a phased notification, improvements will be needed.
Unfortunately, in the second case, there are no ready-made tools for cases when production can change the date of order completion. Only the sales department can make any changes to the date of shipment, and, moreover, in the direction of increase. Usually, the manager can postpone the shipment to a later date, but production will have to manually notify about the possibility of changing the timing of goods creation. Also, production, if necessary, cannot postpone the shipment date, even if it became possible to fulfill the order faster.
In the basic configuration, any changes in the timing and determination of the stage of order fulfillment are carried out by employees manually, as a result an unpredictable human factor is included in the work. But here, improvements will help resolve the issue.

So, for the garment industry, we created a consolidated report that showed: which batch of goods (of which orders) is in production, including the report shows which batch is in cutting, which is in sewing, and so on. Those. we shared production processes the stages, and the report displayed the overall picture - which goods from which orders are at which stages of production, which are in the queue (indicating the start date of work), which are under quality control, which are sent to the warehouse.

Initially, this report was created for production workers, so that they can monitor their work and make adjustments if necessary. But in the future, we opened the same report to the sales department so that managers could also see the state of this or that order.

Output:the configuration does not provide for automatic data exchange between the sales department and production after the transfer of the order to work. However, it is possible to implement such solutions based on this configuration by creating additional reports and processing.

Communication between production and purchasing

A very important point is the provision of production with the necessary materials. At the same time, for correct operation, it is necessary to provide production with everything necessary to fulfill orders and create goods for free sale from the warehouse, and on the other hand, it is necessary that surplus materials do not accumulate in the warehouse. Therefore, the supply department must have access to current information on the quantity of materials in the warehouse and current production requirements, including a list of materials for orders that are only planned for production.

How this work should proceed:

  1. A list of needs is being formed.
  2. Based on this list and product specifications, a list of materials required for the production of products is formed.
  3. Based on the list received, a procurement plan is formed.
  4. In accordance with the procurement plan, the system generates orders to suppliers.
An important flaw in the system:the purchasing department is not able to see which materials, from which suppliers and at what prices should be purchased. Those. only the general current production requirements are visible in the reports, and additional improvements are required to obtain more detailed information.
There is a document in the system called Purchase Plan. It collects information about needs, i.e. what needs to be purchased to ensure production and in what quantity, as it should be in the classic MRP system.

MRP (Material Requirements Planning)- this is automated planning the needs of the enterprise in raw materials and materials for production. Planning is done based on specifications.

Bill of Material Is a reference book that describes all the parameters of a particular material, its quality, features, tolerances. For a finished product or "semi-finished product", the BOM indicates what the product consists of.

For the production of each product, certain materials and semi-finished products are required. Materials can be ordered immediately based on specifications. For semi-finished products, it is necessary to take the next step - to figure out what materials, in turn, this or that semi-finished product consists of. And also add the necessary materials to the order.

Thus, each ready product automatically breaks down into materials in a few steps. For example:

The suit consists of trousers, a jacket and a package (package). Trousers and a jacket are semi-finished products that need to be decomposed in the next step; to create a package, the material can be immediately added to purchases. At the second step, the trousers are "divided" into different types of fabric, threads, zipper, buttons. Likewise, the jacket also consists of different types fabrics, threads and buttons. All these materials are added to the procurement plan.

Now you can go to the selection of a supplier for each of the materials and create an order. All of the above steps in the UPP system are not automated, and therefore some improvements will be required to solve the problem. At the same time, the configuration provides the ability to store all requirements, it is also possible to collect information about purchases. But in the basic version, they all require human participation, which reduces the level of convenience and reliability. Therefore, external processing will also be very useful here, especially since all data and access to them are available in the system.

For the sewing industry, we have solved the issue as follows. Based on the report developed for production, as well as order information, the demand for necessary materials... Further, materials stored in the warehouse were subtracted from this list, and a report was created with which it was possible to make purchases. Suppliers then report how quickly they can deliver the materials. And already manually this information is entered into the system, on the basis of which sellers will be able to notify customers about the timing of order production.

Accounting and tax reporting in a "box solution"

The typical configuration of "Manufacturing Enterprise Management", as conceived by the developers, should collect all the information necessary for accounting and tax reporting and create all the reports necessary for the accounting department.
And here this configuration has a very large Achilles' heel. The fact is that in each document there are three checkmarks:
  • UU - document go through management accounting;
  • BU - the document goes through accounting;
  • OU - the document is passed for tax accounting.

Since the documents are not divided into different systems, the human factor comes into force. For example, an employee of the purchasing department or a storekeeper, after receiving the materials, posts the receipt document. The material is registered. But if at the same time he did not tick the BU, then the accountant does not see the document, and he posts the receipt on the basis of the tax invoice received by him. As a result, the document is revised twice by different authors. And in the event of any errors, it will be very difficult to identify the culprit.

How this problem is solved in different cases, I do not know. So far, I've come across options where management agreed with this flaw and preferred to rely on employees. The only method of protection against human error that has been implemented is setting the default checkboxes. Basically, in small and medium-sized businesses that I usually work with, this is really enough.

Integration with other software products and systems

Integration is an important stage that is necessary when automating the work of any company, including production. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that integration is an expensive process that takes a significant amount of time and effort. Since we are talking about a complex multifunctional ERP system, for high-quality automation of processes, it will be necessary to obtain a large amount of various data from different sources.

If you look from the point of view of production, then you will definitely need to load data on the timing of production, on semi-finished products and materials into the system. The purchasing department loads invoices and other receipts into the system. The sales department has to upload order information and so on. In addition, different situations are possible in production, and it is very important that the system timely receives information about material consumption, percentage of rejects, postponement of production due to some difficulties that have arisen in the process of work, etc.

For example, an integration with a cutting machine was carried out at a sewing enterprise. It is also often required to integrate with any CAD, with the website of the enterprise, with other solutions. And this stage of work often takes up to 30% of the budget.
At the same time, without such complex solutions, the use of the EPR system will not be effective, you will not be able to reach a new level of control and automation of the enterprise. This is very important to understand.

Any system is as effective as its weakest link. And if, during implementation, you refuse to integrate in one case or another, and rely on the human factor, errors will surely accumulate, and the entire system will become unstable.
For example, if we are talking about designing a new product, then all project documentation should be downloaded from the CAD system to the ERP system automatically. And then, in the event of any questions and difficulties, it will always be possible to understand which particular product is being discussed. And the designers will be able to make the necessary changes quickly and without errors.

If we are talking about production, it is very important to timely and without errors receive information about incoming orders (for example, from the website or from a special order form) that need to be made, as well as timely and without errors transmit information about the materials actually used, which will allow you to continue working no downtime.

Above, I have already mentioned that at the sewing enterprise it was necessary to integrate with a cutting machine, which cut 36 layers of fabric at the same time, it was necessary to obtain information about scraps, the number of scrap, and distribute this scrap to the cost of the entire batch of products. Accordingly, a superstructure was required that was directly integrated with the machine, so that the system understood the data that came out of it, and sent data to the machine in a format that it understands. In addition, processing was required for the data received from the machine to calculate the marriage and the cost of products.

Also, in many other cases, it is unacceptable to rely on the human factor, since errors, inaccuracies in the system, and untimely input of information lead to disruptions in work. Therefore, integration is, of course, not a quick and expensive process, but necessary to improve the quality of work.

Industry solutions

In addition to the basic configuration of 1C. SCP there are a significant number of industry solutions. They are created by 1C partner companies based on the basic configuration. Most often, such solutions appear as a result of the introduction of 1C. UPP for a production enterprise. After that, the modified version of the configuration for a particular industry is slightly improved and offered as a ready-made industry solution to customers.

Now on the 1C website you can find such configurations for almost any industry. But it is very important to understand the following points:

  1. The configuration was finalized for the needs of a particular enterprise. And there is no guarantee that this approach will work for your company. For example, dairy production can be engaged in the creation of cottage cheese and sour cream, or can pack these products in certain containers. It can produce milk, kefir and fermented baked milk, or it can specialize in yoghurts and desserts. Each of these cases will require different modifications. And it's not a fact that the ones offered in the basic version from partners will suit you.
  2. Industry configurations are performed by partner companies based on the main one, while significant changes are made to the configuration itself. That is why updates for the basic version of 1C. Soft starters for industry configuration are not suitable. Users will have to wait while the 1C partner company also updates the industry version.

A few words about 1C. SCP ERP 2.0

There is also a separate 1C configuration. SCP ERP 2.0, in which significant improvements and additions were made necessary to automate the management of a manufacturing enterprise. Those. this configuration is positioned not just as an integrated solution, but as a universal solution for a manufacturing enterprise, which includes a full-fledged ERP system.

This system was also created on the basis of 1C, the configuration is also complex, not modular. And therefore, all the features of 1C products in principle, as well as the problems that are encountered when implementing complex 1C configurations, are also inherent in this system.

On the one hand, version 1C. SCP ERP 2.0 is really distinguished by an expanded set of functions, primarily related to issues of automation and control. But this software product was created relatively recently. And I believe that it is too early to switch to this version due to the fact that it has not yet been fully finalized.

Updates with new features, new directories, documents, reports are constantly being released to it, in contrast to 1C. UPP, to which the updates include only fixes of identified bugs and updates to accounting and tax reporting related to changes in legislation.

In addition, the 1C system. SCP ERP 2.0 is much more expensive than the 1C configuration. UPP.

Pros and cons of the 1C UPP system

The system is indeed complex and, with appropriate refinement, it can perform the functions of managing a certain type of manufacturing enterprise. It is also important to understand that each industry will require different improvements. If the system was designed for sewing clothes, it would be unusable in a dairy business. Of course, you can also use industry solutions, but I personally do not recommend using such solutions.

Simply because if a typical Manufacturing Enterprise configuration isn't right for you in many ways, then industry solutions won't do either. In this case, it will be easier to choose another product or actually order an individual solution. And if the typical configuration suits you for the most part, then the number of improvements and settings for the specifics of a particular business for standard solution and industry-specific will differ little.

An important disadvantage of the system is the lack of modularity. Those. to solve certain problems, you can create certain processing or reports, "add-ins" over the system. They will work, but the underlying solutions will remain intact. But if for some purpose you need to make changes to the work of documents or reference books, you will need to make edits to all subsystems that exist in the configuration.

Due to the lack of modularity in this system, it is impossible to make any significant adjustments to the accounting department or, for example, to the work of warehouse accounting without significant changes to documents and directories intended for other departments. They are all connected and work with the same reference books and documents. However, this feature is widely known, as it is inherent in all software products from 1C.

That is why no one usually makes significant improvements in this system; they try to get by with external processing, reports and other add-ons. Industry solutions are most often just a kind of add-on set that was created for a specific enterprise in a specified area. And you still need some modifications, the cost of which is not much different from the finalization of the basic configuration. And the reliability of a typical solution is always higher than that of products from partner companies.

Output.If you are satisfied with the basic system configuration, it is best to buy and install it. But at the same time, it is very important that experienced specialists are involved in the implementation of the system, who will be able to not only configure software, but they will also make all the improvements, reports, necessary for your business, integrate with other software products and systems.

With a competent approach, the 1C Management system of a manufacturing enterprise becomes an excellent tool that will allow you to get a high level of automation of business processes and coordination of the work of different departments of the company.

As a conclusion, I want to give some advice to those who have decided to purchase and implement the program "1c: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 edition 1.3":
1. Choose a strategy
UPP is a complex and large product that claims to be versatile. The product is expensive, and I am talking here not only about the acquisition cost, but also about the cost of ownership of the program - qualified specialists are expensive, and there are very few of them. Choose a strategy and determine why you are buying this particular program and how you will use it, what you are going to do with it next.

What are the strategies? One client of mine chose this configuration because “it is the only system that has everything”. This enterprise worked in several systems: 1c, Excel, etc. - they decided to take one system for accounting consolidation.

Another company that was developing production wanted to control work in progress - they were worried about accounting for materials in production. This is also a strategy.

2. Consider integration
Integration needs to be thought out initially in order to assess what financial and time resources will be spent on its implementation. An objective assessment of this fact can influence the decision whether to purchase this program or give preference to another product.
3. Assess the need for SCP in terms of company size
SCP is not suitable for every company. I saw a company that employed 15 people. They somehow inherited the SCP system, but at the same time the implementation and revision cost big moneyand they never made the transition to SCP. You have to understand that if your company is not ready enough to work with such a complex product, then there will be no effect from it. I do not recommend this configuration for a small company.
4. Assess the need for SCP from an industry perspective
Although 1c writes that SCP is a universal solution, one must understand that it is only suitable for assembly production, which involves the assembly of several parts of one whole product. For release, for example building materials, mixtures, this configuration did not fit.

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On November 12, 2012, there was good news - an introductory version of the long-awaited version of the 1C-Enterprise line flagship - UPP (Manufacturing Enterprise Management), version 2.0 was released.

Among specialists in 1C 8.3, a wave of rumors has already gone about the imminent release of a new version of the UPP 2.0 configuration. The new configuration has nothing to do with its predecessor -. If we compare ERP and SCP, then it can be noted that the methodology has changed a lot. System settings have become more flexible, allowing more companies to work with the program out of the box, without major system modifications.

Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0

The new configuration was named "", judging by the demo version, it is a symbiosis of Trade Department 11, Salary and HR 3.0 and Enterprise Accounting 3.0. However, the configuration contains a large number of innovations in terms of production, planning and budgeting. SCP 2.0 is absolutely nothing like its older brother, version 1C SCP 1.3.

This is a truly new, phenomenal product. Very soon this program will easily push competitors in the market of corporate products - SAP, Axapta and others. Philosophy 2.0 is in line with the modern trend - “ IT costs are not costs, they are investments«.

To the features of the new configuration, Enterprise management, can be attributed:

  • application of the Theory of Constraints (drum buffer rope) in the production module of the SCP program;
  • iFRS modules and STS accounting are not yet available;
  • implemented exchanges with portable devices (PDA, mobile);
  • the budgeting block has been significantly redone and deserves attention;
  • in the new UPP so far the Z / P block has been cut - there is no concept of management accounting;
  • the cost is now calculated according to a new methodology, which is a cross between RAUZ and batch accounting


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