Assasstence examples of cases with solutions for sales. ASSESSMENT CENTER as a method for assessing personnel in the organization. Collective interaction

Any major company ever faces the problem of assessing their staff. Such monitoring is necessary to find out the level of efficiency (or, in other words, efficiency) labor activity employees.

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Methods and techniques for determining the fruitfulness of work a lot. And among them, not the last place is occupied by the Assessment Center's integrated assessment method.

What it is?

Assasstence Center (AC) is the most accurate and reliable of all frame estimation method.

With it, it is possible not only to know the employee deeply - its psychological qualities, advantages and disadvantages, - but also reveal:

  • as far as it corresponds to the post, which occupies (or maybe, is going to occupy);
  • what professional features possesses.

And also find out its potential as a specialist.

This appraisal reception is a kind of key to the successful functioning of the company.

The history of the emergence of the center

The AC was originally developed for the selection of officers in the Army of Germany and the United Kingdom. It was in the 1930s of the XX century. Then the method has not yet wore such a name, and with the present crossed only by its essence.

It was in those years that the assessment of the actions of the military in modeled situations was first used. This was done to study the skills of officers and their combat training, in order to unequivocally know how this man will behave if a similar situation occurs in reality. It became the base for the basis of the Assessment Center.

Further development method received during World War II. Over time, such experiments smoothly switched to a business environment. In organizations, he began to be used since 1956.

AT & T - the largest american company - then built a building designed specifically for evaluating and analyzing workers. The name of the institution received just assessment center, and later the name passed on the methods itself.

The method gradually began to spread and already in the 60s and 1970s was used in the industrial companies in the United States and the United Kingdom. In Russia, he appeared in the 90s, when old methods ceased to give results.

Currently, the AC is considered to be one of the best estimated techniques.

Objectives and objectives of the estimated method

Acute shortage of talented managers at all levels of management - Problem number 1 in any large company. It is this situation that pushes leaders to finding such employees who will bring an enterprise to advanced, and not tightened to the bottom.

Detection of competent capable managers among managers and ordinary workers and is the main purpose of Assessment Center.

The objectives of the method are as follows:

  • Ensure the organization by competent personnel (in the case when the method is used when receiving work).
  • Diagnose company employees in terms of their needs for learning and development. Encourage staff to self-development.
  • Make the most accurate assessment professional Qualities managers and other specialists.
  • Optimize the management function of the organization.
  • Shape a personnel reserve. Find those people among employees who are able to become leaders. Determine for them a program of further development and promotion.

AC will make the right placement and "castling" among the company's frames.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Assessment Center

This technique has its pros and cons.

Dignity disadvantages
AC gives employees an understanding of the company's strategy in which they want to work or already work. Conducting staff assessment in this way will cost much more than an ordinary interview or internal testing of workers.
AC is a 100% objective assessment. Only with this reception can be so comprehensively and deeply examine the frames. Time. If the interview or test can be carried out outside work, the AC is possible only in working time and take an on average a day and a half.
The method identifies employees who want and will develop. And this allows the company more appropriate to invest in personnel training. For a full-fledged AC, it is necessary to prepare observers who are recruited from people working in the organization. For training it is necessary to allocate three days.
The program is easily perceived by the estimated. Her results are completely understandable.
The procedure is already in itself a certain stage of development. The resulting assessment causes confidence from employees.
Feedback motivates staff to self-improvement.


Several types of ACs are distinguished:

  • Traditional - diagnosis of personnel competences.
  • Strategic - forecast of the organization's development, determination of the strategy of further actions and the direction of the company's work.
  • Comradian - Such a speakers unites in one team leaders of different links and specialists.
  • Developing - ASSESSMENT CENTER of this type creates conditions for the development of personnel.
  • Individual - Comprehensive evaluation of the head.

The assessment center, as a way of evaluating personnel, has its own principles and rules.


The assessment must be:

  • complex;
  • independent;
  • unambiguous.

All participants are required to have equal opportunities To demonstrate their abilities and talents and be at the same time at the same conditions.

Evaluation is only the apparent behavior of the subjects, without a study of internal reasons. This allows you to understand exactly what you need for the right object analysis: As an employee comes in one or another situation that has established at work, and how much of its efficiency is its coefficient.

Method rules

  • It is necessary to eliminate the factors that can affect the outcome of the test.
  • It should be minimized by the participants to specifically behave in such a way as to like the expert, predicting his expectations.
  • Be sure all the exercises and tests must contain a clear instruction, including: Procedure; rules of behavior.
  • It is impossible to stop the subjects under the task in the process to make some other.

Stages of the AC.

ASSESSMENT CENTER consists of several stages.


Drawing up a successful profile required for a particular position.

At this stage, experts are discussed with leaders, which competences should have an employee.

For example, for managing midline is:

  • influence on personnel;
  • self-organization;
  • the ability to make decisions, etc.

All competencies (this is the ability to solve professional tasks) in the assessment are a scale describing.

For each position there is a certain level of competencies, which must have an employee to be in this place. The stage allows you to determine which the phase of development is located each of the necessary abilities from the subject.


The evaluation process.

Here are several techniques:

  • business game;
  • interview;
  • testing.

Business game is just the simulated situations that are the basis of the AC.

Such conditions for the assessment may be, for example: negotiations, work on attracting clients, leadership, etc. The game is carried out in front of observers specially trained.

Example of the game:

The company's director has encouraged its award staff and appointed her issuance for a certain period. But at the time of receipt money It turned out less than expected. Task: You need to choose among the workers to give a reward, and who can refuse. And explain your verdict to those who remained without a bonus.

Managers of one company, where a similar game was held, explained their decision like this: either said those who remained without a premium that they did not earn it, or that they (managers) did everything possible, but her higher leader ordered in his own way.

The test and interviews after the imitation of business cases allow you to combine in a single assessment, and the resulting result is particularly accurate.



After playing working situation Completed, the observers for the game derive the participant to the evaluation on all necessary competencies.

This forms the profile of each subject, in which the measure of the development of its abilities is clearly described. Everything is entered into the report for the head.

It is worth saying about feedback. All results are brought to the attention of the participants. Displays are indicated and recommendations for improving skills are given. It strengthens the company's motivation to self-development.

Professional ability diagnostics methodology

It is clear that from two candidates with the same functional professional skills on the management position, the most competences are at a high level. Because the skills are easy to learn, especially if the applicant for the position is quickly learning, but it is not so easy to develop the competence to the desired level.

This is the minimum of 1.5-2 years:

  • efforts sent to improving certain ability;
  • regular trainings;
  • practical activity in this direction.

So, the diagnosis consists of three points:

  • Model competencies.
  • Evaluation tools.
  • Combining instruments with practice.

Evaluation tools

Assessment for ACs are divided into 2 types: stateing and promoting.

Subject Tools:

  • diagnostics;
  • control measurements;
  • business characteristic;
  • recommendations for promotion.

Promoting Tools:

  • rating;
  • expert selection;
  • public consolidation of models of competencies;
  • stratification;
  • rotation.

The use of data tools with AC allows to give the most objective assessment to employees.

What is evaluated in the course of the speakers?

Although for each leadership There is a "success profile", in most cases the following criteria are estimated on a five-point scale:

  • intellectual;
  • emotional;
  • communication;
  • self-esteem;
  • leadership skills.

Scale indicators:

  • Absolute incompetence - An employee is irresponsible, and does not feel wishes to change, and even more so to develop.
  • Temporary incompetence - Competence can be developed.
  • Average - The employee is reliable in ordinary situations.
  • High competence - The specialist is characterized by special reliability, even in non-standard cases.
  • Leader indicator - Participant of the AU is distinguished by tranquility at force majeure and is able to control any number of subordinates in the most difficult situations.

The results of the Assessment Center are compiled as a report on each program participant.

Assasstence Center is the most effective way to assess the potential of frames. And its results are not only the identification of a possible managerial, but also a great achievement for participants regardless of the test outcome.

Because each of them, with the help of feedback, necessarily recognizes its main mistakes and receives recommendations for working on themselves.

Applications and calls are accepted around the clock and seven days a week..

Assasstence Center - Successful Western Personal Assessment Methodology is becoming increasingly distributed in Russian enterprises. The technology implies verification of business skills and skills, as well as the personal characteristics of the employee necessary to solve the tasks corresponding to a specific position.

Historical excursion

For the first time, the technologies currently referred to as the assessment center were applied in the British army. In the 40s of the 20th century, young officers were asked to solve combat missions in the exercises imitating the fight. Later on this technique began to prepare intelligence officers of the US Central Intelligence Administration.

Modeling the business tasks of the first start by American Telephone and Telegraph. To prepare employees AT & T built a special building. It is this building that gave the name of the most successful technology of working with the staff of the 21st century. "The Assessment Center" - such name was the historical structure.

For dozens of years, the Assessment methodology has proven itself as the most efficient. The conclusions obtained as a result of the use of technology are most close to the real results. According to research by the British psychological society, the reliability of the results of the estimation center 65-70%. For comparison, the results of a regular interview with the candidate are estimated at the level of 5-19%.

Application area

Translated into Russian, the word assessment is evaluated. In the Russian version, the frequently found method of the methodology is the assessment center. Initially, the technique was used to select candidates for responsible positions. In the future, the scope of use of the method has expanded significantly. Currently, the assessment center is practiced:

  • to assess the compliance of the competencies of the employee of the ideal model of competencies in the relevant position;
  • to identify the ability of employees to career growth;
  • for formation personnel reserve companies;
  • to compile individual advanced training programs for employees.

Under the competence, a set of qualities (skills, skills, motifs), contributing to the achievement of goals at a particular workplace. The feature of the verification of the employee's conformity by the method of the assessment center is to identify potential human capabilities, and not the evaluation of past merit.

The essence of the method

Assasstence Center is a set of estimated events that reveal the success of a person in professional activity. The criteria are laid by the competency model. Test exercises are made in the form of individual classes, business games, discussions and other tasks.

The complete procedure in the classic version takes 1-2 days. There are several employees or applicants for the position of equal conditions. Specially prepared experts are watching the behavior of the participants. To control the results it is possible to record the passage of tasks.

According to the Russian Standard of the Assessment Center, the modeling exercise contains no more than 5 competence. In the optimal version - 3 competences on the task. According to the results of observation, experts affix the assessments to the participants. The final results are issued after discussion and harmonization of observer opinions.

The components of the assessment center are formed on the basis of the company's requests, as well as temporary and financial resources.

Business game

The main component of the assessment center methods is a business game. It simulates business situations characteristic of the positional functional whose competence is subject to evaluation. For business games are characteristic:

  • the vitality of the situation;
  • repetition of tasks and procedures that are the essence of the game;
  • the presence of a conflict;
  • the existence of hidden reserves.

Business cases reveal a person's ability to work in a team, the ability to smooth conflict situations and occupy the role that appropriate knowledge and skills.

The leadership qualities of the participants are evaluated, as well as the compliance of the target results of the game. Checked the ability to distribute time at the task stages.

The basis of the business game is the assumption of similar behavioral characteristics in various situations. That is, it is assumed that the behavior of a person in the game will be the same as in reality. A business game can be used both to assess the qualities of a person and for the training and development of certain competencies.

Other group exercises in the assessment center

The development of technology led to the emergence of a large number of new exercises, allowing to evaluate certain competencies of candidates or employees. Consider some of them.

"Group discussion." A team of several people is offered a problem situation. For the prescribed period, it is necessary to discuss the situation, identify possible development options and develop a solution to the problem.

"Brainstorm". You need to find as many task solutions as possible. In addition to obvious options, it is necessary to identify implicit answers. With a brainstorming, the criticism of other participants is not allowed.

"Mailbox". The team offers materials in the form of official papers, letters, notes. It is necessary to analyze the information contained in them and offer the solution set out.

Like business games, group exercises show the behavioral characteristics of a person in the team, his ability to work with other people and a dealing role. In addition to assessing the competencies of candidates, collective tasks can be used to identify qualities in need of development in order to improve the success of the work, as well as for training employees.

Individual tasks

Along with group exercises, individual tasks are offered at the candidates assessment center. Like collective tasks, they must detect the level of competencies required for profession or position. Individual exercises can prevail classes in groups or used simultaneously with them.

"Testing". The candidate answers a large number of questions. The test results will show how much the participant is ready to solve the business situations.

"Report". The participant is preparing a speech on a given topic. Then the "report" is represented by listeners. At the end of the speech, the speaker answers questions on the topic.

"Presentation". The candidate is preparing a small speech about himself, trying to show the desired quality by the firm. Listeners can ask additional questions.

"Data analysis". The participant independently analyzes the information provided and offers a decision.

Additionally, checking can conduct interviews, consultations, surveying participants.


The competence of employees is entitled to evaluate specialists who have trained. It can be workers personnel service Companies or invited experts. Own appraisers are among major organizations, financial resources which allow you to keep the staff of observers. Managers who do not plan to invest in the preparation of internal experts invite consultants from. When preparing the desired amount of appraisers, it should be borne in mind that during the assessment center, one expert can observe no more than three participants.

Assasstence Center involves different roles of appraisers:

  1. observer;
  2. leading;
  3. program designer;
  4. administrator;
  5. job developer;
  6. role player.

In practice, one person can perform different roles.

Stages of the assessment center

Assessment center is a long comprehensive process. In it, you can select the following steps:

  • preparation of the center-evaluation;
  • conducting evaluation measures;
  • reporting;
  • feedback on the results of the assessment center.

Evaluation activities were reviewed in detail earlier in the article. Let us dwell on the preparation for the assessment center and the final stages.

Preparatory stage

The results of the assessment directly depend on the preparation of the event. The preparatory process can take a period of two weeks to 3 months. At the first stage, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the assessment, develop models of competencies or update existing ones.

The competency profile is preparing for the example of successful employees of the company, as well as the accumulated experience of experts.

In accordance with the ideal model, exercises are developed, to identify and evaluate competencies. Then the assessment center script is being developed. At the preparatory stage, appraisers are trained from the employees of the employer. Most often, the company's head, personnel managers, direct supervisors of the evaluated employees are performed.

Reports and feedback

After the Assessment Center, experts prepare reports on each participant. Strong strong I. weak sides candidates. Depending on the purpose of assessment, recommendations are prepared to the customer.

The results are discussed both with the customer of the assessment and with all participants. Candidates are granted the results of the assessment by which they can determine the directions of further development for developing necessary competencies. The assessment center is a powerful stimulating factor in the training of employees. An individual approach guarantees the interest of participants in advanced training. The expert shows an employee of the growth zone and hidden reserves.

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It is not easy to find a suitable leader. The candidate must be not only a professional, but also the leader. It is not always convenient to take a person from the outside, it's easier to put it out of the team. This will help the assessment center or the center for evaluating managers.

From the materials of this article you will learn:

What is the assessment center

Centreestimates or assasstence -Centre (English. Assessment Center is often mistaken as "assistant") - one of the most efficient and popular staff assessment methods today. It consists of various techniques, the proper use of which allows to give an objective assessment by the professional and personal qualities of workers.

The main difference between the assessment center from other methods of assessment is that the expert commission puts its assessments during the business games. That is, the assessment center is not aimed at training personnel (as similar business training), but to identify business qualities of workers. In the course of modeling work situations, the team of competent specialists is observed for participants and gives an assessment of their real behavior.

It is worth noting that the conclusions about the competence of employees are made not only on the basis of the behavior that participants demonstrated during the business games. The calculation of the information received during the interviews, as well as the results of professional testing or surveying. A comprehensive approach avoids subjective assessments and get the most reliable results.

Assasstence Center: Basic Estimation Objectives

The main difference between the assessment center from other methods of personnel certification is that the Competent Commission evaluates employees in the process of business games. Unlike so popular business trainings, the assessment centers are designed to not educate the staff, do not develop right qualities employees, and reveal them. Experts are watching the participants of the event, evaluate their real behavior.

Note that the conclusions for each employee must be made not only on the basis of studying behavior in business games. Experts analyze the interviews of the assessment participants, study the results of testing and business simulations, view the questionnaires, that is, an integrated approach is used. It avoids subjectivity in the assessment of the company's personnel.

To properly evaluate the results of the assessment center, experts can take advantage of:

  • the Russian standard of the assessment center, which was created by the Federation Evaluation Federation in 2013;
  • international standards for the assessment center;
  • national standards of economically developed countries.

The key goal of estimated activities is to identify the potential of each employee, especially when it comes to top and middle managers. Based on the received Data Department personal Policy will be able to make informed solutions about the rotation of the personnel.

To carry out the assessment activities to be perceived in the team with understanding, it is necessary to convey to the employees of the goal of the Organization of the Center for Evaluation and explain what prospects will open before employees after the assessment (increase in position, increase wages). If the company has a "position of assessing staff", it should be fixed in which an assessment center can be carried out for which categories of employees and how it will be an assessment.

Who makes an assessment

The study of the results of the assessment center should be attributed by experts who have passed special training. Assistors (appraisers) should be able to monitor the behavior of employees, to interpret it correctly, to know the behavioral classification and be able to conduct an assessment on competencies.

If the company cannot afford to train its own assessors from among employees of the Department of Personnel Policy, you should use the services of third-party specialists. This approach to the organization of the assessment centers has an indisputable advantage - to influence the opinion of independent appraisers is almost impossible, so the initiator of the assessment (the company's head) can be confident in the objectivity of the information received.

How to organize an assessment center

When creating an assessment center, the individual features of the company and the goals that it pursues when conducting evaluation events should be taken into account.

The basic version of the assessment center consists of 3 main estimated blocks:

  1. Business game (modeling of work situations);
  2. Testing and / or survey;
  3. Interviewing.

Under business games, it is meant to recreate working situations: modeling a negotiation process, group discussions, an individual presentation of employees.

It is the presence of business games distinguishing the assessment center from other classical estimated techniques. The expert commission evaluates all the actions of the participants of the game, the degree of their interaction with colleagues, the psychological state, the success of performing actions in modeling certain situations. Testing (survey) and interviewing are secondary importance and only complement the opinion of experts on certain participants.

Assasstence Center: Examples of Cases

We present to your attention examples of assessment-cases to evaluate managers.

Case number 1.

Let the assessment center participants consider the following situation:

The manager (conditional name) operates in the company's sales department for 2 years. According to the legend, he is a responsible worker, not only with his direct responsibilities, but also with the activities of the company as a whole. It is characterized as a non-conflict person who supports friendly relations with all members of the working team. The main disadvantage of this manager is the minimum allowable level of sales and lack of initiative. At the same time, he takes an active part in the life of the collective (helps to organize corporate events) and is engaged in public operation.

Case number 2.

Invite the assessment-center participants to analyze the business correspondence and on the basis of the data obtained, to identify the most effective officer of the department.

Case number 3.

The assessment center participants are invited to consider the situation:

3 managers occupy the same position in the company and regularly receive award. At the same time, the size of the promotion suits only two of them, and the third constantly expresses its discontent.

The task: Conduct a conversation with all three managers and find out why two employees are satisfied with the amount of payments, but the third is not. Invent the ways of intangible motivation for the Third Manager.

Assasstence Center: Examples of tests

Tests for the assessment center may be different. The test selection depends on the preferences of the assessors. It can be tests aimed at clarifying the decision-making speed or tests to help identify hidden abilities and talents. Projective tests make it possible to identify the vitality and principles of employees.

Assasstence Center is suitable not only for competent implementation personnel permutations. It can serve as a tool for assessing the effectiveness of the management system of the company conducted.

This material presents some successful management cases and tasks to evaluate managers (Cases on management skills). Including tasks for evaluating sales department managers.

1. In your department there is an employee who passed all the stages of career development. At the moment, no one is better than he, does not know the specifics of the activities of the division. However, you understand that after a while he will become boring to work here. What do you suggest him?

2. The specialist came to discuss the situation: he was offered to go to another department, it is interesting for him, he sees prospects, but he understands that the situation in the labor market is difficult and finding him a replacement for even the quarter is not the problem. What do you do?

3. After learning that you spent, it became clear that one of the subordinates could not apply the material in practice. Find a way to tell him about it.

4. Your subordinate is a lady aged, so much she prefers to make a powerively and with the arrangement, which, in your opinion, does not always correspond to the rhythm of the company's activities. How do you tell her about it?

The answer to the first 4 case:

Such cases allow managers in detail to consider frequently found in management Practice Sophisticated situations:
. associated with the formation of motivation or employee career management (Situation 1);
. concerning solving issues of the deduction of a specialist in the company for a long time (i.e., working with counter-assimits) or for the reconnaissance period (situation 2);
. Participating method for transmitting information and the choice of data perception channel (Situation 3);
. Require a clear allocation of the problem and providing a subordinate feedback manager (situation 4).

5. Appearance.

The secretary comes to work in the too short skirt and with bright makeup. Do you understand that appearance The subordinate does not correspond to the dress code of the company. Your actions?

Answer:Desired answers: "I will make an oral remark", "I will ask you to re-read the requirements for the dress code in the company." After answering the first question, you can ask the following: "What will you do if the subordinate does not respond to your remark?". Desired answer options: "I will re-remark", "using disciplinary penalty". But the answer will "come to the higher management" should alert, he may indicate the absence of managerial and communicative skills. "

6. Delegation of powers.

We invite you to consider the case of the case, with which you will appreciate the ability of the head to delegate the authority, the skill of the work organization and the ability to use working hours.

Fabul.The head of the design department went to the decret. In her place appointed Victoria D. In her duties, among other things, included verification of reports and settlements of the department. In addition, she had to submit a statement for the payment of premiums every month. By the nature of Victoria was very responsible and scrupulous. She thoroughly checked all reports and employee calculations to the point. And even knowing that some of them do not make mistakes, they still studied in detail all the data. It took a lot of time, she did not have time to fulfill other duties and often remained late. The leading specialist suggested that she to give part of reports to check him, and the calculations and drawings of the chief engineer. But Victoria did not agree. As a result, several times in a row, she did not compile a statement and staff did not receive a prize, which worsened the atmosphere in the team.

The task.Do you need such scrupulous checks of employees? How to organize Victoria work in the department?

Options for answers


It believes that it is necessary to check the work of subordinates, it is necessary to carefully and trust such a nobody, since the boss is responsible for the results of the department's work. And that Victoria has time to do everything, employees need to not allow mistakes and earlier to pass reports and calculations

Such a response shows that, on the one hand, a person correctly determines the need to check the work of subordinates, and on the other, it does not know how to trust the colleagues and delegate authority, believes that only it can better fulfill the task. He also does not take into account that if you cut the time of preparation of reports, the staff will hurry and begin to make mistakes that only increase the check time. Thus, a person is focused on the process, and not on the result

Offers Victoria from office if she does not cope with her duties. This is normal, because it brings a whole team, because of her people do not receive award

The answer shows that a person does not analyze the situation and immediately offers cardinal measures, although the solution requires logical and consistent actions. Yes, and in the situation it is shown that Victoria has problems only in organizing their working time, and this is not a reason for dismissal

It believes that the work of subordinates may need to be checked, but do not fall in extremes. Invites Victoria after all to learn to trust employees and delegate their powers, especially since subordinate to her willing to help

This answer shows that a person adequately appreciates the need to check the work of subordinates. Inclined to delegate the authority to optimize the workflow and trust your subordinate

7. Interaction in the team.

An example of a case that will help you assess the skill of interaction in the team and conflictial communication, as well as the ability to discuss the problem.

Case "annoying newcomer"

Fabul. A new employee Irina M. The head of the department acquired her with his colleagues, conducted a tour of the office, showed where you can take samples of documents, set the tasks for the week. After some time, the girl turned to the employee of the department of Yulia D., which explained in detail all the nuances. A few hours later, Irina asked again about what Julia had already told her in detail. But despite this, Julia calmly repeated everything said, explained once again where to take the necessary documents. A few days later, the requests to clarify something repeatedly, and then it came to the fact that Irina began to pull Julia on any very minor issue. Once, Julia did not stand and heaven a new employee, and Irina complained to her to the head that she did not help her adapt.

The task.How should the leader do in this situation? What did Julia need to be made when Irina began to get her permanent questions?

Interpretation of answers to Case "Annoy-old newcomer"

Options for answers


Accuses Julia in the richness and absence of excerpt. It was necessary to enter the novice position, help him adapt, and not to be sad. Offers the head to talk with Julia and read it for such an act. So she only disrupts the atmosphere and does not build relations in the team

Such a response shows that a person unilaterally analyzes the situation, inclined to accept someone's party. Does not know how to find a compromise, categorical in judgment

It believes that Yulia's guilt is no, anyone could have come so. The whole problem is in Irina, which cannot understand its duties. It suggests once again to study its competences, it may not be taken by the person. And if Irina does not cope, you need to part with it

By this answer, it can be judged that a person analyzes the act from different sides, but at the same time also inclined to adopt a one-sided solution. Does not accept impulsive solutions, first trying to figure out the situation

Invites the head to talk with Julia to find out what happened in fact, to what questions she had to answer and how often. Asking it to be restrained. And also to talk to Irina for what it is not clear to her. Suggested to appoint Irina mentor who will enter it into the case

Such a response shows that a person analyzes the situation from different parties. Attempts to find the points of rapprochement of both sides, trying to prevent conflict and calmly discuss the situation. Does not accept someone else, knows how to abide by neutrality

8. Focus on career growth.

The case of a case, with which you can evaluate whether an employee is aimed at career growth, his willingness to fulfill more difficult work if the circumstances will require the ability to take responsibility and operational.

Case "deserve a boost"

Fabul.Olga F. For several years now worked in the marketing department. Recently, she began to feel that dissatisfaction with labor is intensifying and that it is ready to perform more difficult work. She realized that it could well take the position above, and turned to the head with a request to consider its enhancement. The boss proposed her for three months to perform the work of the leading specialist together with his duties. The salary will remain the same, but she is charged a premium based on the results of work. After three months, it will be decided to increase it.

Interpretation of answers to Keys "deserve a boost"

Options for answers


Such an answer may mean that a person is not ready to take extra responsibility. His interest in position is higher than to work itself. Head decisions do not trust

I agree with the decision of the head, but it believes that Olga needs to clarify the criteria for assessing the result of its work in order to know exactly what to strive for, as well as find out the period and size of the award in the event of good results

Such an answer shows that a person is ready to take responsibility, interest in professional development is higher than the need to take a higher position. Able to evaluate your strength and the tasks set before him. Will be able to work independently

Fully agrees with the decision of the chief. It believes that Olga is given a good chance to show himself. And for the sake of this you can even work without premium

Such an answer or is very similar to socially desirable, that is, a person does not reveal his true attitude towards the situation, or he cannot imagine himself in a similar situation. In addition, a similar answer shows that a person is ready to submit to the head, but in reality will oppose

9. Honesty.

And this case will help you assess such personal qualities as financial decency, honesty, lack of a tendency to roll back.

Case "Personal Remuneration"

Fabul. Inna - Head of the Secretariat large Holding. In addition to other duties, she was engaged in finding suppliers to ensure the life of the office. The company's head was not pleased with the previous supplier of the stationery and asked Inna to find the best replacement. She learned the needs of the divisions, approved the budget. Based on the demand and allocated funds chose two companies - "P ..." and "K ..". They had a similar range and comparable prices. The organization "P ..." suggested Inna personal reward. As a result, she opted for this company. After the first delivery, she conducted a survey, which showed that all units are satisfied with the quality of the stationery. A few months later she made an order again. But this time the quality was worse. The discontent came to the head. Inna made a remark and asked to change the supplier. She fell into a difficult situation, as it has already taken a reward and for the third order.

Interpretation of answers to Case "Personal Remuneration"

Options for answers


It believes that nothing bad Inna did. The reality is that many get rollbacks from deliveries. This is a way to get additional income. It is necessary to pay competitive salary to employees, and then there will be no such situations. Offers Inn to return the money taken for the third order and change the supplier

Such an answer may say that a person has no financial decency and at any convenient case it can do the same as Case heroine. He does not even try to a little condemn the actions of Inna, on the contrary, supports it and offers how she gets dry out of water

Condemns the actions of Inna, says that she needs to be confessed to the head and return all the money she took from the supplier. And the boss advises to carefully select the staff to such posts and not trust Inna choose suppliers

Such an answer is more like socially desired. And it can also be that the quality of "honesty" is too prevailing in humans and then there is a danger that, for anyone, he will complain to the head, as soon as notice that, in his opinion, someone comes out dishonoraly

Says - the reality is such that such cases are often in companies. And if Inna decided to take a reward, she had to think what consequences could be if someone finds out about it. Is it worth risking, because it is so possible to lose a good position, losing the credibility of the head and subsequently have bad recommendations

Such a response shows that a person admits that such situations happen, and it is possible, and he could also do. But at the same time, a person appreciates the confidence of the head and will not risk to get a rollback. It is important for him to have good recommendations, and he also cares about what people will say

10. Communicative skills.

To identify communication skills in the management process, the following competencies are estimated:
- self-confidence, the ability to independently solve work tasks;
- the ability to exercise flexibility and avoid unnecessary conflicts;
- The ability to take a rational decision and act in an unusual, stressful situation.
Case (management skills):
The head of the small company asked the personnel manager to take a daughter of one very important for a partner. The daughter of the partner has never worked anywhere and wanted to be more among people. No ambitions about the career in the company did not show. The main goal was that the girl felt in demand. HR Manager did not offer her candidacy for linear units and took the girl to his head of personnel. She was suggested to master the simplest features and perform them as far as possible. As a result, the main, most high-quality skills, which she acquired during adaptation, became: receiving incoming documents, making account, packaging on folders of corporate documentation. For several months, everyone was satisfied, and the work was carried out by their cat. Six months, the place of the leading specialist in document flow was released. While they decided to find a person from the side or choose from their own, the director summoned the head of the personnel department with a proposal to increase the recently adopted daughter of the partner, at his request. Knowing that in the department there are employees who are more suitable for the position of leading specialist, the personnel manager could not give this position to the new employee, but she could not put in an inconvenient position before the partner.

How, in your opinion, should the head of the personnel department in this situation?
Was it possible to avoid such a problem?
How will it affect the team to increase the daughter of a partner if the Director-General lies on this decision and the head of the personnel department will have to do this order?
Task to Case: Offer your solutions to the problem.

Options for answers

1. The applicant takes the side of the Director-General and explains this by the fact that all the same in the company all who are lower than the company's head, do not decide anything. How to tell the manual, so everything is done. It was impossible to avoid such a situation.

2. The search player adheres to the opinion that it would be fair to think about those who have long been working in the team and offer a partner's daughter an alternative solution. For example, it suggests that you can increase someone from the team, and her (daughter) is not in place of the leading specialist, but to the place of a simple specialist who was transferred. It was unlikely could be avoided, as it is impossible to predict how events will develop.

3. The developer assumes that the establishment for refusal may be the rules of the selection policy prohibiting the employment of relatives of the founders or partners of the company. But now, when the head of the department has already encountered this problem, she needs to make a decision taking into account all sides and increase someone from more qualified, and a partner's daughter to offer something else. Otherwise, the decision in favor of only one party can spoil the relationship between the team and the leader.

After the answers are formulated, you need to interpret them and draw conclusions how appropriate expectations.

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