Job description of the operator of multiplying machines. Operator of copiers and duplicating machines of the 1st category Job description. Job description of the operator of copiers

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RESOLUTION of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 10-11-92 31 (as amended on 04-02-97) ON APPROVAL OF TARIFF AND QUALIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS FOR ... Relevant in 2018


2nd category

Characteristics of works. Copying an original onto paper or a form plate on copiers and duplicating electrographic machines and machines of various systems and designs. Setting the copy mode, enlarging copies, reproducing them from plate or film, checking copy quality. Disassembly and alignment of printed sheets with the original, stitching the set on a wire stitcher. Preparation of equipment and materials for work, adjustment of equipment during operation and its cleaning. Maintaining established documentation.

Must know: types of copiers and duplicating electrographic machines, the principle of operation and the rules for their operation; rules for establishing copy mode; device and rules for the operation of sheet collating and wire stitching machines; documentation rules.

When performing copy work on a color copy supercomplex - 3rd category.

Tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession "Operator of copiers and duplicators" are required to determine the types of work, tariff rate and assignment of categories according to the Russian Federation.

Based on the specified characteristics of the work performed and the requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a job description for an operator of copiers and duplicators, as well as personnel documents, including those for interviewing and testing when applying for a job, is drawn up.

When compiling work (job) instructions, it is necessary to take into account the general provisions and recommendations for release, if there is not enough information, refer to the search for a profession through alphabetically.

1. Operator of copiers and duplicating machines 2nd category

Characteristics of works. Copying an original onto paper or a form plate on copiers and duplicating electrographic machines and machines of various systems and designs. Setting the copy mode, enlarging copies, reproducing them from plate or film, checking copy quality. Disassembly and alignment of printed sheets with the original, stitching the set on a wire stitcher. Preparation of equipment and materials for work, adjustment of equipment during operation and its cleaning. Maintaining established documentation.

Must know: types of copying and multiplying electrographic machines, the principle of operation and rules for their operation; rules for establishing copy mode; device and rules for the operation of sheet collating and wire stitching machines; documentation rules.

2. Operator of copiers and duplicating machines 3rd category

When performing copy work on a color copy supercomplex.

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. Document approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic check this document produced at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Operator of copiers and duplicating machines of the 1st category" belongs to the category "Technical employees".

1.2. Qualifications- complete general secondary education and vocational education or complete general secondary education and vocational training at work. Work experience by profession as an operator of copiers and duplicating machines of category II - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies:
- types of copying and multiplying electrographic machines, the principle of operation and the rules for their operation;
- rules for establishing copying mode;
- device and operating rules for sheet-gathering and wire sewing machines;
- Documentation rules.

1.4. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines of category I is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The operator of copiers and multiplying machines of category I reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines of the 1st category directs the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines of category I during the absence is replaced by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Performs copying of the original onto paper or a form plate on copiers and duplicating electrographic machines and machines of various systems and designs.

2.2. Sets the copy mode, enlarges copies, replicates them from plates or films, checks the copy quality.

2.3. Disassembles and aligns the printed sheets with the original, sews the set on a wire stitcher.

2.4. Prepares equipment and materials for work, adjusts equipment during operation and cleans it.

2.5. Maintains established documentation.

2.6. Performs copying work on a color copying supercomplex.

2.7. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.8. Knows and fulfills the requirements of regulatory acts on labor and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The operator of category I copiers and duplicators has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate the occurrence of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines of category I has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines of category I has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and exercise of rights.

3.4. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines of category I has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines of category I has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The operator of copiers and duplicators of category I has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of their duties and orders of the management.

3.7. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines of category I has the right to improve their professional qualifications.

3.8. The operator of copiers and duplicators of category I has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of its activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The operator of copiers and duplicators of category I has the right to get acquainted with the documents defining the rights and obligations for the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The operator of copiers and duplicators of the 1st category is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the rights granted.

4.2. The operator of copiers and duplicators of category I is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The operator of copiers and duplicators of category I is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise/institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines of category I is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal normative documents organizations (enterprises/institutions) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines of category I is responsible for offenses committed in the course of its activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines of category I is responsible for causing material damage organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The operator of copiers and duplicators of category I is responsible for the misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

Job description copier operator

1. General provisions

1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Operator of copiers and duplicators.
1.2. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.
1.3. The operator of copiers and duplicating machines reports directly to ____________________.
1.4. During the period of temporary absence of the Operator of copiers and duplicators, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.

2nd category

Qualification requirements: Basic or incomplete basic general secondary education. Obtaining a profession directly in production. No work experience requirements.

The operator of copiers and duplicating machines must know:
- types of copying and multiplying electrographic machines, the principle of operation and the rules for their operation;
- rules for establishing copying mode;
- device and rules for the operation of collating and wire sewing machines;
- Documentation rules.

Functional responsibilities:
1. Performs copying of the original onto paper or a form plate on copiers and duplicating electrographic machines and machines of various systems and designs.
2.Strengthens the mode of copying, enlarging copies, replicates them from form plates or films, checks the quality of copying.
3. Parses and compares the printed letters with the original, sews the set on a wire sewing machine.
4. Prepares equipment and materials for work, adjusts equipment during operation and cleans it.
5. Maintains established documentation

3rd category
- in case of performing copying works on a color copying supercomplex.

Qualification requirements: Complete or basic general secondary education. Vocational education without requirements for work experience or obtaining a profession directly at work, advanced training and work experience in the profession of the 2nd category - at least 1 year.

5. Rights
The operator of copiers and duplicating machines has the right:
5.1. Report to the management about all identified deficiencies within their competence.
5.2. Make suggestions for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.

6. Responsibility
The operator of copiers and duplicators is responsible for:
6.1. The quality and timeliness of the performance of the duties assigned to him by this job description.
6.2. Compliance with the internal labor regulations of the enterprise.
6.3. Compliance with instructions on labor protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

7. Other terms

This Job Description is communicated to the Operator of copiers and duplicators against receipt. One copy of the Instruction is kept in the employee's personal file.

Added to site:

Explanatory note

for the preparation of workers for the 2nd category, as well as examination tickets.

The duration of training for new workers is set at 5 months in accordance with the current List of Occupations for vocational training workers (Order of the Ministry of Education No. 3477 of 10/29/01).

Training can be carried out both in group and individual methods.

The qualification characteristic is compiled in accordance with the ETKS of works and the profession of workers in 1998, issue 1.

Changes and additions can be made to the thematic plans of the subject under study, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, within the hours set by the program.

Industrial training is carried out at the workplaces of the enterprise divisions.

The master (instructor) of industrial training must train workers in the effective safe organization of labor, the use of new equipment and advanced technologies in the workplace, consider in detail with them ways to increase labor productivity and measures to save materials and energy.

In the process of studying Special attention should be drawn to the need for a solid assimilation and implementation of all labor safety requirements. For this purpose, the teacher of theoretical and master (instructor) of industrial training, in addition to studying the general labor safety requirements that must be observed in each specific case, draws attention to compliance with safety rules when working on specific equipment.

By the end of the training, each trainee should be able to independently perform all the work provided for qualification characteristic, technical conditions and norms established at the enterprise.

Students are allowed to work independently only after passing the qualification exam.

Qualification exams are held in accordance with STP 37.371.09012-03.

Updating the technical and technological base modern production requires the systematic inclusion in the existing programs of educational material on new technology and technology, saving materials, improving product quality, eliminating outdated educational material, terms and standards. Programs should also be supplemented with information on a specific economy.

The number of hours allotted for the study of individual topics of the program, the sequence of their study, if necessary, may be changed, provided that the programs are completed in full in terms of content and total number of hours.

Qualification characteristic.

Profession: machines.

Characteristics of works. Copying the original onto paper on copiers of various systems and designs. Setting the copy mode, enlarging copies, reproducing them from paper originals or films, checking the quality of copying. Collation of copies, stitching the set with a stapler. Preparation of equipment and materials for work, adjustment of equipment during operation and its cleaning. Maintaining established documentation.

Must know: Types of copiers and duplicating electrographic machines, the principle of operation and the rules for their operation; rules for establishing copy mode; documentation rules.

Academic plan

for professional training of workers by profession

"Operator of copiers and duplicating machines."

The term of study is 5 months.

No. Courses. Items. Clock


1 Theoretical training .................................................................. .........................296

1.1 Economic course ............................................................... .......................4

1.2 Course: Quality Management System (QMS) ............................... 4

1.3 General technical course ............................................... ..................thirty

1.3.1 Electrical engineering.............................................. ................10

1.3.2 Materials science............................................... ............eight

1.3.3 General information about technical mechanics ..............................6

1.3.4 General requirements labor protection: .............................. 6

1.4 Special course .......................................................... ....................258

1.4.1 Equipment and technology for performing work ........ 252

1.4.2 Occupational safety requirements when conducting work .............................. 4

1.4.3 .............................................2

2 Hands-on training .................................................................. ...............................494

3 Consultations................................................... .............................................12

4 Reserve of study time............................................................... ...........................twenty

5 Qualification exam .................................................................. ........................eight


Note: when training a worker in an adjacent (second) profession, it is allowed to train only in the subject "Special Course" with "Practical Training" and with the addition of separate topics for theoretical training, for which the worker was not trained in the main profession.

Theoretical training

1.1 Economic course

Thematic plan and program of the economic course

Thematic plan

No. Subject Clock


1 The main articles of labor legislation .............................................................. ............. one

2 Labor rationing. Progressive forms of organization

and incentives .................................................................................. ............................................... 1.5

Economic course program

Topic 1. Main articles of labor legislation.

General provisions. Collective agreement, labor contract, work time, rest time, guarantees and compensations, labor discipline.

Topic 2. Labor rationing.

Progressive forms of organization and stimulation of labor. Rationing of labor (basic concepts and provisions). Elimination of loss of working time, certification of workplaces, their rationalization, expansion of service areas and combination of professions.

Forms of remuneration, material and moral incentives.

Principles of organization of production teams, the main directions of their improvement. Brigade and individual forms of labor organization at the plant. Regulations on the production team, team council. Organization planning production activities self-supporting brigades, KTU.

Main directions scientific organization labor.

Labor discipline and its role in the organization of labor processes.

Topic 3. Economic categories, criteria, indicators.

Increasing the efficiency of production is the main direction of the enterprise. labor productivity as main indicator production efficiency.

Fixed and circulating assets of the enterprise, capital productivity.

The cost of production, as a synthetic generalizing indicator that characterizes all aspects of the enterprise.

Increasing profits is the ultimate goal of reducing the cost of production. The profitability of the company's products.

The concept of price. The right price level, as an opportunity to recover costs and receive a certain profit.

The essence of the concept of "inflation".

Joint stock company, share and share price, management bodies joint stock company, dividends.

Brief analysis economic activity enterprises.

1.2 Course: Quality Management System (QMS)

1.2.1 Thematic plan and program of the course "Quality Management System" (QMS)

Thematic plan

No. Subject Clock


1 International systems quality. History of origin,

targets and goals............................................... ................................................. 0.5

2 Requirements for the quality management system established

GOST R ISO 9001-2001....................................... ................................................0.5

3 Process approach is the basis of the QMS .............................................. ................ 0.5

4 Principles of quality management............................................................... ..............0.5

5 Mandatory documented QMS procedures ..................................................0.5

6 Quality manual............................................................... .............................. 0.5

7 Quality policy and commitments of the administration............... 0.5

8 Certified QMS -

continuous improvement, development perspective .............................................0 ,5


1.3 General technical course

1.3.1 The program of the subject "Electrical Engineering"

The use of electricity in production and at home. The concept of electric current. Thermal effect of current. Short circuit and protective measures. Electrical devices used in the work. Classification of electrical devices and premises according to the degree of electrical safety and safe voltage.

1.3.2 The program of the subject "Materials Science".

Ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Materials from wood, flax, hemp, jute. Types of papers, copy paper, films, self-adhesive films. Paper storage. Toners, developers (carriers). Synthetic materials. Rezino -technical materials and products. Fuels and lubricants. Aggressive and toxic substances, liquids, gases.

1.3.3. General information about technical mechanics

Basic laws of dynamics. The force of inertia. The concept of the impact of solid bodies. Gear, worm and chain drives, their design and applications. The principle of operation of friction and belt drives.

1.3.4. General labor protection requirements

Electrical safety, fire safety, occupational health, industrial sanitation, injury prevention, first aid.

Training on this topic is carried out in accordance with the training program for workers "", "First Aid".

1.4. Special Course

1.4.1. Equipment and technology for performing work

Thematic plan

No. Subject Clock


1. Introductory lesson ............................................... ...............................................2

2. Areas of application for copiers...............................................2

3. Basic information about production and organization of the workplace ....... 4

4. a brief description of types of copy-multiple. production.........4

5. The principle of operation of blueprint and electrocopy machines ..232

6. Procedure for conducting work ............................................... ....................................eight

Topic 1. Introductory lesson

What is copying for?

Familiarization with the purpose and objectives of training, with the requirements for operators of copiers and copying equipment, organization educational process, qualification characteristic. The procedure for performing trial work and conducting a qualifying exam.

Topic 2. Applications of copiers

Copying the original onto paper, enlarging copies, duplicating them from paper originals and films.

Topic 3. Basic information about the production and organization of the worker

The composition of the divisions of the plant.

Safe organization of the workplace for the operator of copiers and duplicators. Inspection before starting work of the workplace: sufficiency of lighting, availability of fire extinguishing equipment, absence of foreign objects that may interfere with work. Occupational safety requirements when working on specific equipment.

Topic 4. Brief description of the types of copying and duplicating


Blueprinting. Purpose, Solved tasks and scope.

electrostatic copying. Purpose, Solved tasks and scope.

Copy using tools computer science. Problems to be solved and scope.

Reproduction of printed material on rotoprinters.

Topic 5. Principles of operation of photocopiers

and electrocopy machines

Physical basis of blueprinting. The principle of operation of photocopiers. Properties of photosensitive materials and applied chemical reagents. The process of obtaining a blueprint. The device of photocopying machines.

Physical bases of creation of photocopies. The principle of operation of electrocopy machines, their device. The device of the optical image transmission path from the original to the photosensitive drum. Materials used for coating drums. Methods for applying toner to the drum after exposure. Transferring the image to paper and recharging the drum surface. Fixing the image on paper. Automatic paper feeders, their types, and the paper requirements of these devices.

Changing the scale of the image of the document, methods and tools that allow you to change the contrast and exposure of the image.

Topic 6 Work order

Responsibilities of service personnel

Checking by external inspection the health of copiers and duplicating machines, the absence of bare ends of the electrical wiring, the presence and reliability of grounding connections. Requirements before inclusion of KMA.

Preparing the equipment, turning on the KMA, its preliminary configuration, test operation.

Preparation of materials for work, obtaining copies of images and documents, adjusting equipment in the process of work, establishing a mode in the process of work, establishing copies, reproduction, checking the quality of copying. Collation of copies, stapling sets of documents, cleaning equipment.

1.4.2 Occupational safety requirements during work

Thematic plan

No. Subject Clock


1. Dangerous and harmful production factors affecting

workers ................................................................ ................................................. ........0.5

2. Hygiene requirements to production facilities.

Hygienic requirements for the microclimate, for the organization of lighting

industrial premises and workplaces, heating requirements,

ventilation and indoor air .............................................................. .......1.5

3. Hygienic requirements for technological equipment.

Requirements for limiting the harmful effects of noise and vibration.

Hygiene requirements for limiting exposure

ultraviolet and laser radiation, tension

electrostatic field………………………………………………………………………………………………. .............1.5

4. Medical and preventive maintenance of workers and carrying out

medical examinations .................................................................. ..............................0.5


1. The main causes of injuries when working on copiers and duplicating machines. Rules for the safe operation of copiers (KMA). Familiarization with safe methods and techniques for performing work, with passport characteristics, hazardous areas of equipment, safety signs and grounding of KMA.

2. Dangerous and harmful production factors at the workplace of the operator of copiers and duplicators: illumination level, microclimate parameters (heating, ventilation, air environment) in industrial premises and in the workplace, personal protective equipment.

3. Requirements for KMA: limiting the level of noise and vibration, static electricity, the voltage level in the electrical network, the release of chemicals during the operation of KMA (ozone, nitrogen oxide, toner), (soot, which is part of the toner, has carcinogenic properties; nitrogen oxide has effects on the nervous system, etc.), requirements to limit exposure to harmful ultraviolet and laser radiation, to elevated temperatures in some parts of the KMA.

4. Medical examinations operators of copiers and duplicators, medical and preventive care, work permits, personal hygiene rules.

1.4.3. Environmental protection.

Ecological rights and obligations of citizens of Russia.

Administrative and legal responsibility of production managers and citizens for violations in the field of rational nature management and environmental protection.

Sources and types of environmental pollution. Creation of a normal ecological state of the environment.

Personal opportunities and responsibility of workers of this profession in environmental protection.

Requirements to ensure the protection of atmospheric air from pollutants by ventilation installations.

Standards for maximum allowable concentrations (MPC) of pollutants in the air.

Measures to reduce the dust content of the emitted air.

The procedure for collecting production waste.


2.1. Thematic plan and program of industrial training.

Thematic plan.

Introductory lesson

Labor protection requirements during work

Characteristics of types of copying. Purpose, scope.

The principle of operation of photocopying and electrocopying machines: familiarization with the control system, device.

Preparation of copiers and duplicators for work.

Consumption rates of materials required for the operation of KMA.

Work order at the regular place

Maintaining supporting documentation

qualifying exam


Topic 1. Introductory lesson.

Introduction to the workplace. Interrelation with other departments, internal labor regulations, working conditions for the operator of copiers and duplicating machines, forms of labor organization, work and rest schedule.

Instructions on labor protection and fire safety. Training in the use of personal protective equipment and fire fighting equipment, familiarization with the Rules of conduct during a fire and provision. First aid.

Topic 2. Requirements for labor protection during work.

Topic 3 - Topic 4. Industrial training.

Topic 5. Preparation of copiers and duplicators for work.

General characteristics of the device. Appointment. Principle of operation. Requirements for toner and paper. Requirements for the premises and the electrical network. The device and operation of the copier: preparation for work, the location of components, the assignment of buttons and indications, copying. Daily service. Determining the total number of copies. Possible malfunctions and methods for their elimination: diagnostics of malfunctions, removal of paper jams.

Topic 6. Consumption rates of materials needed

during the operation of the KMA.

Changing norms. Kinds and types of papers, toners. Dimensions, GOSTs, requirements for them. Determining the total number of copies.

Topic 7. The order of work in a regular place.

Requirements before inclusion of KMA. KMA launch. Seal. Trial original. Stop. Making copies. Check whether copies match the original. Performance of works stipulated by the qualification characteristic, in accordance with technical requirements. Mastering production standards while maintaining quality indicators.

All work is carried out by the student independently under the supervision of an industrial training instructor.

Topic 8. Maintaining accompanying documentation.

Reception and registration of copied documents in the register, their issuance. Proper logging.


Examination tickets for testing knowledge in the profession "Operator of copiers and duplicating machines"


copy and multiply operator

What is accreditation?

What types of papers do you use in your work?

What is the difference between blueprint and electrocopy machines?

How is an image formed on the drum of an electrocopier?

Hazardous properties of waste.

Who is allowed to work on copiers (KMA).

What is an insurance policy?


copy and multiply operator

1. Certification of the quality management system (basic concepts).

2. What is electric current?

3. What is used as an emitter in a blueprint machine?

4.What is exposure?

5. Assignment of hazardous waste to hazard classes for the environment.

6. What are the dangerous and harmful factors are present at the workplace of the KMA operator?

7. What is the profitability of the enterprise, the profitability of products?


copy and multiply operator

1. The system of five zeros of the Japanese quality management model.

2. Copy paper. Its storage.

3. What is a DEVELOPER? Toner Properties

5. Environmental damage during waste management.

6. What occupational safety briefings does an operator of copiers and duplicators take, how often?

7. What is productivity and labor productivity?


copy and multiply operator

1. Define the terms: product identification and traceability.

2. What kind of synthetic materials do you know?

3. How is the latent image formed on the drum of an electrocopier?

5. General requirements for handling hazardous waste.

6. Labor protection requirements before starting work.

7. What is profit?


copy and multiply operator

1. Who in the quality management system is responsible for performing work that affects quality?

2. Thermal effect of current.

4. How is the image transferred from the original to the photosensitive drum?

5. Basic principles of state policy in the field of production and consumption waste management.

6. Labor protection requirements during work.

7. What is a technological map?


copy and multiply operator

1. What does the quality manual state?

2. Toners, their purpose and application.

3. What is the developing agent when creating a blueprint?

4. The procedure for preparing the electrocopy machine for work.

5. Control over activities and responsibility in the field of environmental protection.

6. Requirements of labor protection in emergency situations.

7. What are fixed assets, funds?


copy and multiply operator

1. Basic documents of the quality management system.

3. What are the possibilities of reproduction of documents using a computer?

4. What is a cartridge?

5. The main federal legislation in the field of waste management.

6. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work.

7. What is working capital?


copy and multiply operator

1. Basic requirements for a quality management system,
developed on the basis of GOST R ISO 9001-2001.

2. What is ozone and how is it different from oxygen?

4. Computer programs that allow editing a document.

5. Danger of waste for the natural environment (ecotoxicity).

6. Labor protection of adolescents and youth.

7. What is a closed joint stock company?


copy and multiply operator

1. What sections does GOST R ISO 9001-2001 include?

2. Synthetic materials used in mechanical engineering.

3. By what means can I get copies of paper documents?; tracing paper?; film?

4. Materials used to cover photosensitive drums, their advantages and disadvantages.

5. Environmental rights and obligations of Russian citizens.

6. Labor protection for women.

7. What is an employment contract?


copier and copy machine operator

1. The main differences between the quality management system (QMS) of international standards and the previously existing quality system (QS).

2. Rubber materials and products used in mechanical engineering.

3. Organization of the workplace of the operator of multiplying equipment.

4. How to increase the contrast of a copy from a poorly designed primary document?

5. Administrative and legal responsibility of citizens for violations in the field of rational nature management and environmental protection.

6. How carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are arranged and work.

7. What is a collective agreement?


copy and multiply operator

2. What is a "short circuit"? protection measures.

3. The device of photocopying machines.

4. How is the image transferred from the copier drum to paper?

5. Sources and types of environmental pollution.

6. Chemical fire extinguishers and rules for their use.

7. What is a dividend?


copy and multiply operator

1. What document establishes the requirements for the quality management system?

2. What non-ferrous and ferrous metals do you know?

3. Properties of photosensitive materials and chemical reagents used for blueprinting.

4. The device of a color electrocopier.

5. Personal opportunities and responsibility of workers of this profession in the field of environmental protection.

6. What is subject to grounding on the equipment, what are the requirements for it, how often is grounding checked, by whom?

7. What is inflation, hyperinflation?


copy and multiply operator

2. Requirements for paper for photocopying.

4. Light sources for photocopiers.

5. Requirements to ensure the protection of atmospheric air from pollutants by ventilation installations.

6. Means of protection against electric shock, causes of damage.

7. What is a joint stock company?


copy and multiply operator

2. Materials used for the production of copying equipment.

3. What is a rotoprint and what is it used for?

4. What is drum reloading? At what stage is it produced and for what?

5. Norms of maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of pollutants in the air.

6. Methods of artificial respiration, indirect heart massage.

7. What is a share, share price?


copy and multiply operator

1. What is the primary focus of the quality management system?

2. Scope of copying equipment.

3. The principle underlying the receipt of a blueprint.

4. Methods for applying toner to the drum after exposure.

5. The procedure for collecting production waste.

6. Rules of conduct on the territory of the plant, in the shop. Where are these requirements reflected?

7. What is automation, production automation, control automation?


copy and multiply operator

1. Define the term "Quality Management System" (QMS).

2. Preparation of the workplace for work.

3. The principle underlying the receipt of a blueprint.

4. How an image is formed on the drum of an electrocopier

5. Environment and public health.

6. Legislative requirements for training on labor protection.

7. What is the production efficiency?


copy and multiply operator

1. Define the term "quality".

2. Aggressive and poisonous substances, liquids, gases.

3. What is the "contact" printing method?

4. Automatic paper feeder

5. Water resources: rational use and composition.

6. Obligations of the employee in the field of labor protection.

7.What is economy mode?


copy and multiply operator

1. Who is a manager?

2. Gear, worm, chain and belt drives. Application area.

3. Methods for applying toner to the drum after exposure.

4. What is image contrast?

5. Sources of air pollution.

6. Means of extinguishing fires in case of ignition of electrical installations.

7. What is a production culture?


copy and multiply operator

1. What is management?

2. In what cases is the original document computer processed before copying?

3. What is exposure?

4. What is the difference between blueprint and electrocopy machines?

5. Legislation in the field of environmental protection.

6. Define the concepts: harmful and dangerous production factor, safe working conditions.

7. What is the wage fund?


copy and multiply operator

1. What is the primary focus of the quality management system?

2. What is static electricity?

3. What is the "contact" printing method?

4. The principle underlying the production of an electrostatic copy?

5. Protection of bowels and soil.

6. Responsibility for violation of the legislation and other normative acts on labor protection.

7. What is the production cost?


« Economic theory» ed. A.I. Dobrynin. Publishing house "Peter" 2002

"Theoretical Electrical Engineering" ed. V.S. Popov "Energoatomizdat" 1990

"Materials Science" ed. Yu.A. Geller. M. Metallurgy, 1989

Instruction No. 37.371.55373 on labor protection.

Operating manual for copying and duplicating equipment from the manufacturer or supplier


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