Evaluation of final qualifying work in points. Criteria for estimating final qualifying work. The logicality and structure of the text of the work

Protection of work is the final stage of the state final certification. It is carried out at a meeting of the State Examination Commission for Protecting WRC.

WCR is a learned (several students together) work, demonstrating graduate preparedness to self professional activity.

Independent professional activity of graduates is determined by section "3. Characteristics of the professional activities of graduates who have mastered the undergraduate program "and the corresponding partitions of the OKU.

Section 3 has the following subsections:

3.1. Area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity

3.2. Objects of professional activities of graduates;

3.3. The type of professional activity to which graduates are preparing;

3.4. Tasks of professional activity

In accordance with these basic indicators and criteria for assessing the content of WRCs, members of the State Examination Commission for the protection of work are:

The indicator is a field of professional activity, reflected in WRC. The criterion - corresponds to (not corresponding) GEF in.

The indicator is an object of professional activity, reflected in WRC. The criterion - corresponds to (not corresponding) GEF in.

The indicator is a type of professional activity inherent in WRC. Criterion - the type of professional activity corresponds to (not) GEF in.

The indicator is the preparedness of the graduate to solve professional tasks corresponding to the type of professional activity. The criterion - the problem-solved in WRC corresponds to (not corresponding) GEF in.

As an additional main indicators are offered the following indicators And their criteria:

Compliance with WRCs professional standard (if available). Criterion - yes (no).

The relevance of the subject of work. Criterion - the topic of WRC is relevant (not relevant).

The correctness of the task is correct. Criterion - the task is delivered correctly (not correctly).

The correctness of the use of research methods, techniques, technologies and models. Criterion - used research methods, techniques, technologies and models are correct (not correct).

Originality and novelty of the results obtained, scientific or production and technological solutions. Criterion - used research methods, techniques, technologies and models have originality and novelty (do not possess originality and novelty).

The ability to use the results of work in practice. Criterion - Using the results of work in practice is possible (not possible).

The scale of assessment of protection WRC - "excellent", "good", "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory."

In general, the level of graduate preparedness to independent professional activity is estimated by the State Examination Commission:

On the " excellent non-standard Situations in original Algorithm without errors;

On the " oK"- when readiness (abilities) of a graduate to solve the tasks of professional activity in non-standard Situations in known Algorithm without errors;

On the " satisfactorily", If a graduate in the course of protection of WRC demonstrates a complex of knowledge and skills, indicating his readiness (ability) to solve the tasks of professional activities in typical Situations in known Algorithm without errors of principled nature.

With a positive assessment of WRC, the State Examination Commission makes a decision to assign a graduate of the qualification specified in the University license.

Failure to comply with the above criteria means the inconsistency of the level of preparedness of the graduate to independent professional activities to the requirements of the GEF in what entails an assessment "Unsatisfactory" And not assigning a qualification corresponding to this educational program.

Structure of final qualifying work

Excedural qualifying work has the following structure:

1. Future sheet.

2. The situation on the WRC.

4. Entering.

5. Home.


7. Search used sources.

8. Prints, including an illustration.

The above sections of thesis should follow in a strictly indicated order.

The topics of WRC should be relevant, match modern state and the prospects for the development of science, orient the student to the effective solution of tasks in the field of finance and loan.

The formulation of the topic of work must comply with the content, objectives and tasks of WRC;

Research and analytical nature of work;

The specificity of the work tasks;

Practical significance;

Application modern methodology and scientific research methods;

Justification of the results of work in its content.

Research of research and analytical direction of work This means that exhaust qualifying work should not have a descriptive character, or represent the retelling of existing publications under the stated topic. According to the chosen student, the topic of WRCs should be analyzed the current state of the problem, causal relationships are established, the necessary explanations are given, trends and patterns have been identified, conclusions have been made, specific tasks are made and recommendations are made.

In addition to deep theoretical knowledge in the work, the student must show the ability to independently create practical issues in the field of finance and loan, taking into account the latest legislative and regulatory acts, instructions, provisions and methods on the problem under study.

The requirement of practical significance of work It comes down to the fact that work should be carried out on the basis of concrete materials collected by the student during the practice. Based on the collected materials, the student must be analyzed on the problem under consideration, the calculations were carried out to solve their tasks, and conclusions were made, concrete recommendations are substantiated, relevant for the topic under consideration.

Application of modern methodology and scientific research methods It means that the basis of the work should be a modern scientific methodology (i.e., the system of categories, principles, laws and methods) of the study.

When exposing the WRC material, the logical sequence should be observed and a correct representation, taking into account the terminology adopted in the subject area.

Title page It is the first WRC page and serves as a source of information required for processing and searching for a document. The title leaf template is given in Appendix 1.

Task on WRC Contains its topic approved by the order of the rector. An example of registration of tasks for WRC is given in Appendix 2.

At the same time, headlines, their heading indexes and specified numbers Pages must be shown in strict accordance with the text.. Indices numbered only the main chapters and subsections of the thesis. Introduction, conclusion, a list of used sources and applications as independent sections of thesis are not numbered.

Below is the conditional version of the design of the diploma work:

Introduction ......................................................................................... ..
Chapter 1. Theoretical and legal foundations of the formation of income and the expenditure of the local budget ... ..................................... ............
1.1. Local budget as economic foundation local governments …………………………………..........................................
1.2. Formation of income of local budgets in the Russian Federation ................
1.3. The procedure for the expenditure of the local budget ......... ...
Chapter 2. Analysis of the formation and execution of the budget of the municipality "Rzhevsky district of the Tver region" .......................................... .......
2.1. general characteristics municipal Education Rzhevsky District .................................................................. ....
2.2. Analysis of the revenues of the local budget of the Rzhevsky district in 2012-2014. .................................................. .................................................. .......
2.3. Analysis of the expenditure part of the Rzhevsky district budget in 2012-2014. .................................................. .................................................. .......
2.4. Problems of the formation of income and the expenditures of the budget of the Rzhevsky district and the ways to solve them ..................................... ......
Conclusion ............................................................... ...........................................
List of sources used ..................................
Applications ................................................. ...........................................

Introduction (2-4 p.) Must contain:

Justification of the choice of the topic of WRCs, determining it relevance, practical significance for organizing finances on micro and macro levels;

Wording object and subject Research. The object of the study is the direction of settlement and economic or analytical activities (in the case of the generalory topic of work) or the real economic entity, on the example of which thesis was made (in the case of applied theme). The subject of research is directly related to the title and purpose of a specific final qualifying work and characterizes communication, dependence, relationships reflecting the subject of the study. For example, the object of the study is LLC "XXX", and the subject of the study - financial relations arising in the process of formation and use financial resources In this organization.

Wording goal and tasks Research. The purpose of the graduation work in brief form (one or two sentences) sets out content future work. The tasks of the graduation work details the goal, formulated in accordance with the work plan, and also serve as a reference point for the assessment of the completeness and integrity of the study.

- Scientific and Information Base WRC, which reflects the status of the work of the work topic and contains a brief list of the main regulatory acts regulating the topic of thesis, as well as FULL NAME 4-5 of the authors from the list of sources used, whose works are devoted to the topic under study.

Survey Description of the chapters of the WRC (the structure of the thesis, indicating the technical annotation, the following content: "Thesis consists of introducing, two chapters, conclusion, a list of sources used, applications (if any)". It should also briefly state the content of the chandomation of thesis (descriptions of descriptions - One, two paragraphs on chapter). Next is the phrase of the following content: "The main part of the work (without applications) is * pages, includes * drawings, * tables. The list of sources used contains * items. Application volume - * Pages. Total work - * Pages. "

The structure of the introduction must comply with the above order. It also needs to be allocated in the text. consissive font Named keywords.

Main part Works should contain materials reflecting the essence and results of the study. This part is recommended to be divided into 2 chapters. In turn, each chapter may include 2-5 sections. Increase the number of sections is not recommended, as this can lead to a significant exceeding VRR. Do not partitioning work on lower-level subsections. However, in the text of the work, it is possible to reflect the logical structure of individual issues of the narrative, leading non-measured indexes headlines in the first sentence of paragraph or in a separate line, highlighting them with a font (for example, as it is done in this paragraph). Such subtitles are not included in the main content of the work.

The bulk of the main part of the thesis should be within 50 to 60 pages. In this case, it should be evenly distributed to the amount of work between paragraphs, adhering to the range of 5 to 10 pages for them.

In the first chapter are considered theoretical The foundations of the problem under study, the main (general) trends in the development of the studied phenomenon (process), i.e. A theoretical substantiation is done on the main issues and research methods. For example, an analysis of basic concepts and terms, review and systematization of literature is carried out, regulatory legal regulation, financial and economic and economic and statistical apparatus, etc.

A description of all issues of methodological support for the chosen topic of work should also be given, it is possible to consider international experience in the study area.

As an example, the name of the first chapter of work can offer the following: "Theoretical and legal basis Analysis of the probability of bankruptcy of the enterprise in the Russian Federation. "

The volume of the first chapter, as a rule, should not exceed 40% of the total WRC.

In the second chaptermust disclose the practical issues of the research conducted in WRC. If the work is performed on the example of a particular enterprise to emphasize the applied aspect of the chapter, it should be clearly indicated in its name the name of the research object, for example, "Analysis of the probability of bankruptcy LLC" XXX ". In this case, in the first paragraph of the chapter, it is necessary to give a brief organizational and economic characteristics of the object under study (enterprise). However, the content of the second chapter should not contain the consideration of the issues of a general economic nature, the specifics of legal and regulatory regulation applied by the analysis techniques. This chapter provides direct results of the study by the example of the enterprise or organization under consideration. The material of the second chapter must contain the main volume of examples, calculated indicators, tabular and illustrative material.

In the last paragraph of the second chapter, the problem identified as a result of analysis and consider improving the organization of finances at the subject of research, formulate the basic recommendations and proposals for solving identified problems.

When writing the heads of the main part of the thesis, special attention should be paid to the stylistically and grammatically correct design of the text, the use of professional vocabulary and special terms. The graduation material must be in a large amount accompanied by a tabular and illustrative material. A sufficient number of drawings and tables may later significantly simplify the preparation of presentation materials for the protection of thesis.

The volume of the second chapter should not exceed 40% of the total WRC.

In custody To the graduation work, volume of 3-4 pages, summarize the results of the study. Using the results of the main part of the work, it is necessary to provide a justification for solving the tasks. This should not repeat the previously numerous number of calculations or a detailed description of methodological recommendations. Just to emphasize the basic positions of conclusions and identify the values \u200b\u200bof the most important indicators. The conclusion should not contain patterns, formulas and tables.

List of sources used Must include a numbered list of all prints and electronic information resources, materials that are used in the graduation work. When using the results of executed term papers (Projects), the latter are also included in the list of sources for manuscripts. Bringing the source in the list is possible only if you have at least one link to it in the text of the work. Falsification of references in the graduation work is not allowed. The rules for designing links and a list of sources are shown in the next section.

Illustrating certain positions of the thesis with numerical data from reference books, textbooks, monographs and other sources, as well as by quoting or fluently retelling the principal provisions of other authors, it is necessary to make references to the relevant sources. The presence of such references not only does not diminish the merit of the student, but also emphasizes his scientific conscientiousness, gives the work more convincing. Unified borrowing of thoughts of other authors reduce the quality of work, turn it out of the form of creativity into the compilation product.

Special attention In the preparation of the thesis should be paid to the relevance of the legislative and regulatory framework of the study. All codes mentioned in the work, laws, decisions of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as other regulatory documents should be given to the date of adoption and date of the last editorial and sources of publication.

It is necessary to properly approach the inclusion of materials from the literature in the text of the thesis. It is not necessary to excessively expand the list of used sources due to individual appeals to non-referring publications directly to the topic. The optimal size of the source list is 30 - 40 items. At the same time, the list includes educational literature and articles from periodicals, published over the past five years before the date of protection of thesis. It is possible to use materials from monographs and other scientific publications at an earlier issue of the publication if their content is mentioned in a historical or general theoretical context.

The illustrative part of the thesis is issued in accordance with the requirements of the relevant standards.

An illustration is allowed in the formats A2, A3, A4 when using appropriate scales.

Protection of work

Protection is carried out at the open meeting of the State attestation Commission. The protection procedure is established by the Chairman of the GAK in coordination with the members of the Commission and, as a rule, contains the following steps:

graduate report (up to 10 minutes);

speech by the head (or the announcement of the head of the head);

speech of the reviewer (or announcement of the text of the review);

graduate answers to comments and wishes contained in the recall and review;

performances present on protection;

final word graduate.

In the report, the student must call the topic of work, justify its relevance, formulate the purpose and objectives of the work, to characterize the object and the subject of work, the sources that make up the work base, disclose the main content of the work: its theoretical, methodological and practical components, set out the results and substantiate their practical Value to formulate the main conclusions (the approximate structure of the report is given in Appendix N). During the report, demonstration materials are used to increase the amount of information about WRC and confirm the validity of the generalizations made, conclusions and recommendations.

In order for the speech to be successful, the report should be pre-rehearse. Check whether it is stacked at the set time, select the relevant pace and speech volume, allocate the most important fragments of the report with the help of intonation and logical pauses. On the defense, the graduate must identify the content of the work freely and confidently, it is also necessary to show your ability to conduct a scientific discussion and answer questions. When entering into a scientific dialogue with members of the Commission or a reviewer, you need to try to accurately formulate your thoughts, speak only essentially, to reinforce your facilities, examples, references to authoritative opinions and the content of your work.

In the final word, a graduate can thank members of the GAK and persons present on the defense (teachers, students, etc.), for the attention manifested, the supervisor and the reviewer - for the help related to the preparation and promotion of WRC.

Major evaluation criteria WRC:

sufficient scientific level and the degree of illumination of issues of the topic;

the correctness of the description of the description and solving the problem chosen by the student;

depth of material development;

correctness and completeness of using sources;

creative approach to the development of the topic;

correctness and validity of the conclusions;

registration of work in accordance with the requirements of the requirements;

Protection of final qualifying work ends with an assessment.


the work is a research character, contains a competently outlined theoretical base, meaningful analysis of practical material; characterized by logical, presentation of material with appropriate conclusions and reasonable proposals;

when protecting the work, the student shows the deep knowledge of the subjects of the topic, freely operates the research data, makes informed recommendations, and during the report uses high-quality demonstration material; Free and fully responds to the questions posed;

available to work positive reviews Scientific and Reviewer.

"Okay" Exhibited for the following WRC:

WRCs is a research character, contains a competently outlined theoretical base, enough detailed analysis Practical material. It is characterized in general by the consistent presentation of the material. The conclusions for work are proper, but not quite detailed;

WRC is positively characterized by the supervisor and is assessed as "good" in the review;

when defending the student as a whole shows the knowledge of issues of the topic, knows how to attract data from its research, makes recommendations; During the report, a demonstration material that does not contain gross mistakes is used, a student without any special difficulty answers questions.

"Satisfactorily" Exhibited for the following WRC:

wears a research character, contains the theoretical chapter and is based on practical material, but is distinguished by superficial analysis and not enough critical analysis. The work shows inconsistency of the presentation of the material, there are insufficiently reasonable statements;

reviews of the head and reviewer are comments on the maintenance of work and methods of analysis;

when defending, the student shows uncertainty, shows the weak knowledge of the questions of the topic, does not give a complete, reasoned response to the questions asked.

"Unsatisfactory" Exhibited for the following graduation qualifying work:

it does not carry a research nature, does not contain analysis and practical analysis; does not meet the requirements set out in methodical instructions university;

does not have conclusions either they are declarative;

in the review of the unsatisfactory estimate;

when defending, the student finds it difficult to respond to the questions raised on the topic, does not know the theory of the issue, when the response allows significant errors.

A student who has received an unsatisfactory assessment on Protection, has the right to submit the same work to re-protection with the relevant refinement determined by the State Attestation Commission, or to develop new topicwhich must be determined by the publishing department after the first protection.

According to the results of protection, the decision of the State Attestation Commission, the student can be recommended in the graduate school of RGSU for further in-depth work on the topic of research.

Name of parameter Value
Theme of article: Evaluation Criteria WRC
Rubric (thematic category) Management

The criteria for estimating final qualifying work, as well as the process of its open protection before the GAK are based on the full list of requirements for a graduate established by the current state educational standard of the highest vocational education In the direction of preparation of 08.02.00 - management, and taking into account the requirements of FGBOU VPO Mami (the Humanitarian and Economic Institute named after V.S. Chernomyrdin).

The assessment of WRCs, as well as the procedures for its protection in the GAK are performed:

Head of the graduate student to prepare his WRC;


Members of the GAK participating in the meeting on which WRCs are protected.

To obtain an assessment in points, the student must demonstrate:

Perfectly well. The relevance of the topic of WRC is substantiated. The content of the work fully discloses the declared topic. The structure of the work logically discloses the methods to achieve the goal and the sequence of solving the tasks. The recommendations offered in the work are formulated by the author personally, and reflect the requirements of the existing regulatory documents, contain modern methods solutions. The current requirements for registration of WRCs established by FGBOU VPO Mami (Humanitarian and Economics named after V.S. Chernomyrdin) are fully compliance with the current requirements for registration of WRCs. The bibliographic list is decorated in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard and corresponds to the topic of research.

The report of the WRC provisions is high. The author demonstrated an understanding of the problem, the ownership of the modern computing apparatus, the ability to promptly respond to questions from members of the GAK.

On well. Disadvantages were revealed in justifying the relevance of the topic of WRC. The content of the work sufficiently discloses the declared topic of work, the structure of work is logical, goals and objectives are justified. The text of the work discloses the sequence of solving the tasks. The recommendations offered in the work are formulated with the direct participation of the author (for example, jointly with WRC supervisor), and reflect the requirements of existing regulatory documents, contain modern decision methods. The work is fully compliance with the current requirements for the design of WRCs established by FGBOU VPO Mami (Humanitarian and Economic Institute named after V.S. Chernomyrdin). The list of references is decorated in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard and corresponds to the topic of research.

The provisions report of WRCs are performed at a good level. The author demonstrated an understanding of the problem, possession of the basics of the modern computing apparatus, managed to quickly respond to most opponent questions.

On satisfactory. In justifying the relevance of the topic of WRCs, there are references to outdated norms. The content of the work as a whole discloses the declared topic, however, the description of some issues is missing or not fully fully. The structure of the work has a logical connection of sections, however, to the disclosure of methods to achieve the goal and the sequence of solving the tasks, there are significant comments. The proposals considered in the work, the author are not formulated (for example, the ideas described in periodicals) are used, and not only meet the requirements of existing regulatory documents. Methods for solving the tasks set in WRCs are not relevant in modern conditions. The current requirements for registration of WRCs established by FGBOU VPO Mami (Humanitarian and Economics named after V.S. Chernomyrdin) are fully compliance with the current requirements for registration of WRCs. The list of references is decorated in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard and corresponds to the topic of research.

The report of WRCs is performed at a satisfactory level. The author has not demonstrated a fully understanding of the problem. Showed possession of the basics of the modern computing apparatus͵ and also managed to answer most of the members of the GAK members.

unsatisfactory - The content of the work does not disclose the declared topic of WRC or does not meet the goals and tasks. The text of the work is compiler, there are no conclusions for work or not justified sufficiently, the work is not provided to the deadlines established by the Department.

Below the threshold value, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ in the current score system does not correspond to the estimation of 3 points, lies the area of \u200b\u200binconsistency in the level of graduate preparation by the requirements of the State HPP in the direction of preparation 08.02.00 - management that entails not assigning a bachelor's degree.

The evaluation criteria for members of the GAK are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 - Evaluation Criteria for BR Members Guck

The formation of the final estimation of BR by each member of the GAC is carried out according to the scheme shown in Table 4:

Table 4 - Methodology for determining the evaluation in the protocol of the member of the gas

At the end of the protection of GAK at a closed meeting, the results of protection are discussed. The final assessment for the BR is exposed on the basis of the determination of the average-parent estimation of the GAK members and, taking into account the student's academic performance during training in the university. In the case of the disagreements of the members of the GAK, the decision on the final estimation of the BR is achieved by a simple voting by a majority vote, and it should be borne in mind that the members of the GAK have one vote, the chairman of the GAK is two voices.

The final score for the BR is set in the protocol. Members of the gas may noted: the degree of development of the problem, scientific novelty and practical value of work, the availability of independent development of the author, etc.

According to the results of protection BR GAK can:

The results of the meeting of the GAK are announced publicly. GAK decides to assign appropriate qualifications to graduates.

If the student does not agree with the solution of the GAK, it is within 3 hours after the end of the protection procedure may appeal the name of the chairman of the GAK in the form of a statement in writingin which the causes of disagreement should be set out and reasonable arguments are given. Gak on an unscheduled meeting should consider this application within 24 hours and make a decision on it. The decision of the appeal is brought to the student in writing.

WRC evaluation criteria are concepts and types. Classification and features of the category "WRC evaluation criteria" 2017, 2018.

According to the general and comparative historical linguistics

Selection of final qualifying theme

The topic of graduation qualifying work The graduate selected from the exemplary list of topics of graduation qualifying workexisting on the released department. The student can also independently offer the topic of work as part of its specialty or direction of training.

The topic of graduation qualifying work reflects the actual problems and aspects of the overall and private theory of translation and their practical confirmation.

The topic of work is assigned to a graduate student on his personal written statement to the head of the heading department.

Preparation for writing

Final qualifying work

After approval at a meeting of the department of final qualifying work and the appointment of the supervisor, the student receives a task from the supervisor (see Appendix 1), and after 2 weeks, together with the supervisor, the schedule is a schedule for the entire period of the final qualifying work (see Appendix 2). The task and schedule is drawn up in two copies, both copies are signed by the supervisor and the student. One copy is kept by the supervisor, the other is the student.

Structure of final qualifying work

Graduation qualifying work (WRC) consists of introduction, main part, conclusion, bibliography (literature of the literature) and applications.

The introduction explains the choice of the topic, formulates the purpose of the study and the task that the student sets itself to achieve the goal determines the relevance of the topic, research methods, the object of research and the subject of the research, contains a description of the work structure.

The main part consists of two (or three) chapters depending on the theme and the number of problems analyzed in the work. Chapter 1 (theoretical) is devoted to a review of theoretical works of domestic and foreign works within the framework of the issues under consideration, generalization and comparison (and / or contrasting, if there is no unity of opinion) points of view, the history of the issue, etc. Any theoretical research and views cited in WRC are accompanied by a mandatory indication of the author and source. At the end of the first chapter, on the basis of the stated material, the author of the work leads to the procedure for consideration of problems and formulates conclusions. The work should demonstrate an independent theoretical training of a student, the ability to select the necessary literature on issues, to summarize the knowledge gained, and not just compile the data presented in theoretical literature, textbooks, on Internet resources.

Chapter 2 (practical) examples illustrate theoretical justifications and conclusions to which the author of WRR at the end of the first chapter comes with the corresponding linguistic comments. The second chapter also contains conclusions and generalizations due to the work done.

In the bibliography (list of references) include all sources, Internet resources and dictionaries in alphabetical order. At the same time, the list of references consists of three relevant parts: a list of all used theoretical sources, except for Internet resources, a list of used theoretical Internet resources, a list of used dictionaries.

Applications include the source language material, tables and graphs, the statistical material required due to the topic of work. If the theoretical chapter (chapter 1) is saturated with terminological units within the framework of the studied issues, it is advisable to provide work and glossary with a brief explanation of the corresponding terms. Applications are drawn up by the type of dictionary article of an intelligent dictionary and, if possible, are accompanied by an indication of pages in WRC.

Registration of final qualifying work

The text is printed on paper A4 format on one side of the sheet, font TimesNewRoman, Kehal 12, 1.5 PT flat interval. The text of the application of the application is allowed to print the following fields: field size: left 30 mm, right 20 mm, upper - 20 mm, low - 20 mm. The main text of the work is located with width alignment, headlines - with alignment in the center.

The total exhaust qualification work should be at least 50 pages (from the first page of introducing to the last page of the list of references). The numbering of pages through and begins with the introduction (page 3); The title page and the content sheet are not numbered. Page numbers are affixed at the top of the center.

The text of the final qualifying work is divided into chapters, and chapters are divided into paragraphs. In this case, the name of each chapter and each paragraph is denoted by Arabic numbers (for example, Chapter 1, paragraph 1.1, etc.), after the figure before the title of the chapter or paragraph, the point is put.

The title leaf of the final qualifying work is drawn up according to the sample (see Appendix 1).

Introduction, each chapter, conclusion, the list of used literature begins with a new sheet. The name of each chapter is printed by a large font, after the name there is a space in one interval. The names of chapters and paragraphs are submitted to the table of contents indicating their first page.

Completed final qualifying work signed by a student. Signature, the signature decoding and the date is set on the last page of the list of used literature.

Preparation of final qualifying work for protection

The examination of the final qualifying work is carried out by a supervisor responsible for the quality of the final qualifying work, and the reviewer.

Qualifying work seems to be at the department no later than 2 weeks before defense, the scientific officer is sent on the same time; The reviewer must submit a review 5 days before protection.

Approximate procedure for the protection of the graduation work

The word for a graduate student's report provides the chairman of the examination committee. The student is given 7-10 minutes for a brief oral presentation of the topic, the relevance of work, results, conclusions and their rationale. The student must make a report without reading the written text. Permissions allowed handout material With examples, which is distributed to members of the Commission and the audience, or support by the presentation PowerPoint With the removal of slides on the screen.

At the end of the message, the student responds to questions of members of the gas and those present, after which the review of the supervisor and review is read. The author of the final qualifying work commented on comments made.

Criteria for estimating final qualifying work

Members of the State Examination Commission on a collegial basis, taking into account the compliance of the content of the declared topic, the depth of its disclosure, the compliance of the registration of adopted standards manifested during the protection of the student's ability to demonstrate their own vision of the problem and the ability to motivate it to defend, possession of theoretical material, The ability to competently express it and is argued to respond to the questions posed. Estimates of final qualifying work are given by members of the examination commission at a closed meeting and are announced to graduate students on the same day after the signing of the relevant protocol of the Commission's meeting.

Qualitatively performed final qualifying work should indicate a student's skill:

● clearly formulate the problem and evaluate its relevance;

● justify the selected methods for solving the tasks;

● work independently with necessary quantity domestic and foreign literature and other information and reference materials;

● Select the necessary information, analyze them, interpret and submit in graphical or other illustrative form;

● Make reasonable conclusions.

The final qualifying work, translation in its direction and methods of analysis, can be devoted to any meaningful area of \u200b\u200btransient science and / or practice. In general, work should be aimed at achieving the goals formulated in its introduction.

Graduation qualifying work should have a research or applied character. Overview or pure theoretical work before protection is not allowed.

Graduation qualifying work should indicate the independence of this kind of research, to summarize the studied theoretical literature and practical skills obtained during the training and contain appropriate conclusions.

Material must be made correctly. Exhaust qualifying work must be adjusted, logically structured, and the distribution of the material must correspond to the structure; There should be no errors and typos. Graduation qualifying work should contain current ideas and novelty to research.

Unlike coursework, demonstrating the results of work during one school year, graduation qualifying work is the systematization of diverse knowledge and skills received by the student for the entire period of study at the university, checking the ability to use research techniques, as well as the degree of graduate preparedness to the fulfillment of professional duties. Specialist translator.

Evaluation "Excellent" is placed if:

● Work deeply and fully covers the stated topic, i.e. All studies on issues are presented in the paper, theoretical substantiation of conclusions and generalizations designated in the subject of final qualifying work are given;

● The work contains a logical, consistently presentation of material with reasonable conclusions;

● The work is made independently;

● The design of the work complies with the requirements;

  • there are positive reviews of the supervisor and reviewer;

● Oral protection was carried out at a high level.

Estimates "Good" or "satisfactory" are set if the indicators mentioned above are not fully represented.

The evaluation "unsatisfactory" is placed in the case when the student's incompetence is obvious or the facts of explicit plagiarism are.

Protected graduation qualifications are handed over to the dean, and then to the university archive, where it is stored for 5 years, after which they are destroyed in the prescribed manner.

Application. Title List

Moscow State University

Named after M. V. Lomonosov

Faculty Faculty

Department of General and Comparative Historical Linguistics

Means of expression of some grammatical values \u200b\u200bin .... and ... Languages


students V Kursa.

Ivanovo Anna Ivanovna

scientific adviser

ph.D., Doc. Petrov V. P.


ph.D., prof. Sidorov B.V.

WRC estimate is carried out in two stages.

Stage 1. Pre-assessment of WRC.

Pre-estimation is carried out by a reviewer. The reviewer based on the criteria specified in Section 1. Tables 3.1, sets the estimate of 4 levels:

    excellent - all criteria are fully observed;

    good - almost all criteria are observed;

    satisfactory - the criteria are not fully observed;

    unsatisfactory - criteria are not observed.

Table -3.1 Estimation Criteria

Name and description of evaluation criteria

Codes of competences checked with the help of the criterion

(see Syllabus)

SECTION 1 . Criteria for estimating the implementation of WRC

The reasonableness of choosing the theme and the accuracy of the wording of the target and tasks

the validity of the topic selection, the accuracy of the wording of the target and tasks of work; the relevance and completeness of the disclosure of the stated topic; Compliance of the name of the work, the stated goals and objectives of the maintenance of work.

The logicality and structure of the text of the work

the logic of writing and the presence of all structural parts of the work; The relationship between structural parts of work, theoretical and practical content.

Quality of analysis and solving the task

the ability to formulate and competently state the task of WRC and suggest options for its solution; Completeness of the task.

Quality of selection and descriptions of information used

quality of selection of research tools; the accuracy of the data and their adequacy to the toolkit used; Completeness and relevance of the literature.


an independent approach to solving the problem / task; Development of its own approach to solving the standard / non-standard task.

Practical orientation of WRC

the relationship of the theoretical provisions considered in work, with international and / or Russian practice; Development of practical recommendations, justification and interpretation of the resulting empirical / practical results.

Quality of work design

registration of work in accordance with the requirements set out above ( proper design individual text elements - paragraphs of text, headlines, formulas, tables, drawings - and references to them; compliance with the levels of headlines and subtitles; The presence in the text of references to work and sources specified in the literature list and other).

Section 2. Criteria for estimating WRC

Presentation of work

the ability to submit work, setting out the main tasks and the results obtained.

Fullness and accuracy of answers to questions

Stage 2. WRC estimate state Examination Commission (GEC).

Members of the State Examination Commission on a collegial basis, taking into account the compliance of the content of the declared topic, the depth of its disclosure, the compliance of the registration of adopted standards manifested during the protection of the student's ability to demonstrate their own vision of the problem and the ability to motivate it to defend, possession of theoretical material, The ability to competently express it and reasonably respond to the questions issued, based on the criteria specified in Section 1 (criteria for evaluating the implementation of WRCs) and Section 2 (criteria for estimating WRC protection) Tables 3.1. GEC places a single assessment agreed by all members of the Commission, 4 levels. The final assessment is exhibited taking into account the evaluation of the reviewer.

Estimates of final qualifying work are given by members of the examination commission at a closed meeting and are announced to graduate students on the same day after the signing of the relevant protocol of the Commission's meeting.


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