Cultivation of champignon mushrooms as a business. Profitable, quick payback investment. When and how to "sow" mycelium. What initial investments are needed

Or quickly payback is the dream of many people. For those who love to plant and harvest crops on their personal plots, there is a great opportunity to "grow" a profitable enterprise that gives fixed income... This is mushroom cultivation as a business (at home).

Year-round business

Mushrooms are a year-round product in demand. Delicious dishes are prepared from them both by housewives in their kitchens and by chefs in restaurants of any level. For most people, mushrooms are a tasty and healthy product for which they are willing to pay money. For others, growing mushrooms as a business is a source of income.

The very process of running a mushroom business is not burdensome, and you can start making profits in two months. The main thing is to decide on the place and volume of the enterprise.

Mushroom business conditions

Like any profitable business, growing champignon mushrooms as a business requires the preparation of certain conditions and calculations.

The choice of location can be determined by the following criteria:

  • For year-round business, you can equip a greenhouse.
  • If you have a cellar, shed or basement, you can equip them for a mushroom enterprise.
  • Seasonal mushroom cultivation is like a business for the spring-summer period: under fruit trees in the open field.

The simplest of them is seasonal cultivation, as it does not require special equipment.

The benefits of the mushroom business

The launch of any enterprise should begin with calculations for investment, payback periods and profits. The acquisition of mycelium today is not difficult, as is the search for a market for the sale of mushrooms, therefore clear advantages this case is evident:

  • Getting the first profit in the third month after laying the mycelium.
  • The possibility of obtaining a permanent year-round income.
  • A simple activity that is accessible even to a beginner.
  • Use of any utility rooms.

A mushroom growing business plan should start with finding and equipping a suitable location.

Greenhouse business

Many gardeners choose to use their greenhouses for a double benefit. From September to February they pick mushrooms in them, and then start planting early vegetables. This approach gives the maximum profit, since a higher demand for mushrooms is observed in the autumn-winter period, and for early vegetables in the spring.

Growing champignons as a business, reviews of entrepreneurs confirm this, it is better to conduct it from autumn to spring, since with the advent of vegetables, the demand for mushrooms decreases somewhat.

Greenhouse arrangement

For champignons, you can adapt an ordinary film greenhouse or tinker and build it according to Grachev's principle. Glass coatings are also suitable. The main thing is that in such rooms it will not be difficult to create the required temperature and humidity, the conditions so necessary for mushrooms.

A greenhouse made of film or polycarbonate is the simplest option for a room, so that growing mushrooms as a business is less of a hassle and brings in more money.

Stages of arranging a greenhouse:

  • First of all, you should provide the room with heat. It can be heating with gas or electricity. It is also important to ensure good ventilation, as the compost on which the mushrooms grow gives off carbon dioxide and must be removed regularly. Enterprising farmers have adapted to plant cucumbers, squash and pumpkin in mushroom greenhouses. This makes it possible to spend less time on maintaining the microclimate, since the plants complement each other and coexist perfectly side by side.
  • Growing champignons as a business gives profitability quickly due to the use of shelves. This Dutch method maximizes the use of space while leaving room for crops to be harvested comfortably and quickly. If you can invest in containers, it will make it easier to care for your mushrooms. Containers can be plastic or wooden crates that are treated with anti-mildew agent.
  • Soil preparation.

You should invest money in arranging a greenhouse if you organize a business all year round. If you correctly draw up and implement a business plan, growing mushrooms in specialized premises provides a quick return on investment and a constant income.

Champignons in the basement

To keep the investment in the business minimal, if you have a basement or cellar, you can use their area. Suitable room criteria:

  • The best option would be a high-quality cemented floor to make it easier to keep it clean and not to expose mycelium to mold.
  • In order for the cultivation of champignons as a business (reviews, photos of those who are already making a profit, this is confirmed) give a high income and a bountiful harvest, it is better to equip the room with racks. They save space and allow to plant myceliums with different ripening periods on each tier, which puts the process on stream.
  • Mushrooms do not need lighting, so you can equip light enough for the convenience of those who care for them and harvest them.

Basement equipment for a mushroom farm

  • Ventilation should be of high quality, insect-proof, for which a fine-mesh mesh is used. In this case, it is important that there are no drafts, therefore, in addition to hoods, it is appropriate to use fans over the beds or filters to clean the air.
  • Growing mushrooms as a business also requires constant regulation of air humidity and temperature. It is necessary to equip the room with a hygrometer and a thermometer. To increase the humidity, it is enough to spray the beds and the floor, and to lower it, ventilate or turn on the heating.
  • If the room is large enough, then it can be divided into a zone for growing mycelium and a department for growing mushrooms, which will significantly increase the yield, and, consequently, profit.
  • Disinfection of the premises is required before starting work. It can be whitewash with lime mixed with copper sulfate, spraying with 4% formalin solution or fumigation Mushrooms are sensitive to mold and pathogens, therefore, the crop should be checked, and diseased specimens should be put in a separate container and destroyed.

Growing champignons as a business (reviews on how to grow, from other gardeners - this is confirmation) is a case in which it is recommended to use any room, even not quite suitable at first glance. The main thing is to protect it from drafts, heat, ventilate and protect it from pests and mold. Plants will be thanked with a high yield.

Compost preparation

The purchase of mycelium and preparation of the nutrient medium included in the business plan "Growing mushrooms" are the most important points in it. The highest yield is obtained if applied to compost. But if this is not possible, then cow or bird droppings will do.

Ingredients for creating a substrate:

  • horse dung;
  • straw;
  • urea;
  • ammonium sulfate;
  • superphosphate, chalk or alabaster.

To make good compost, all layers should be laid. Straw soaked during the day is laid in a lower layer, then manure, again swollen straw and manure. There should be 6-8 such layers. When laying, each layer must be watered with warm water.

After 3-4 days, all layers need to be mixed, add urea and superphosphate to them. After another 3-4 days, mix again and add the rest of the ingredients, and so 4-5 times, and only in the last batch is gypsum added to the nutrient medium.

Planting mycelium

After the compost is "ripe", it is necessary to add mushroom "seeds" to it to get the mycelium. For 1 m 2 of the nutrient medium, there are 500 g of compost mycelium or 400 g of grain spores.

They sow the substrate, for which they make indentations with a finger at a distance of 20-25 cm, in which the seed is placed. If spores are used for sowing, then it is enough to sprinkle them on the nutrient medium.

The air temperature for the incubation of mycelium should be +20 ... +27 degrees. When the mycelium begins to grow actively after 10-12 days, it should be sprinkled with a mixture of peat, earth and limestone in proportions of 5: 4: 1 and periodically sprayed, not allowing the nutrient medium to dry out.


The "mushroom" farmer will be able to harvest his first harvest in 35-50 days, given that the maturation of compost is 20-25 days. Depending on where the ripening takes place and how well the environment has been prepared, yields can be either very high or mediocre.

Growing champignons as a business, reviews of experienced mushroom pickers confirm this, is a very profitable business, since the fruiting cycle can be made year-round.

The air temperature before mushroom ripening should be +22 ... +26 degrees. If it gets hotter, then the mushrooms will climb up very quickly and will have a small hat with a long stem. Such a product will not be marketed. At a temperature of +12 degrees, the mycelium will cease to bear fruit. Therefore, as soon as the caps appear and the mushroom smell is felt, the temperature should be reduced to +15 ... +16 degrees.

Picking mushrooms should be done carefully so as not to damage their base. To do this, you need to hold the bottom of the leg and the ground with the fingers of one hand, and separate it from the mycelium with the other with a slight twist. It is necessary to harvest all fruits, even small ones, because if you cut only large mushrooms, the rest stop growing and begin to rot.

It should be borne in mind that with the right approach, you can collect from 5 kg of mushrooms from 1m 2 for several cycles. Therefore, when calculating the scale of a business, you should immediately think about what area to use for it.

Harvest storage

To preserve the harvested crop from a large plantation, when it is difficult to manage in one day, you need to think about refrigerators in advance. Their capacity is calculated from the number of kilograms of the finished product from 1 m 2. So, in a room of 30 m 2, this will average from 150 kg per day.

Picking up mushrooms is a delicate process, and it does not tolerate haste. In addition, the harvested crop should be sorted by quality and size.

Before placing the mushrooms in the refrigerator, they should be slightly cooled in a room with an artificially low temperature.

If for some reason the cap of the champignon is covered with brown or gray spots, and the leg is bent, it means that you urgently need to remove the diseased mushroom from the mycelium together with its nearby "relatives". The lesion should be sprinkled with table salt. If you do not take these measures, then you can infect the entire plantation, and you will have to start the business from the beginning.

When a disease is detected, it is required to find the source and neutralize it. This can be caused by mold and can be easily removed. It is advisable to burn rotten mushrooms, and then thoroughly disinfect clothes and hands.

In no case should you use chemicals or poisons from pests. After using them, champignons will become hazardous to health and must be destroyed. It is better to lose mycelium or several than to risk someone's life.

Mushrooms are not too capricious, so careful enough to avoid mold and insects to get a thriving and profitable business.

Champignons are an essential ingredient for many dishes. That is why these mushrooms occupy a leading position in terms of the number of sales among the entire mushroom family. Growing champignon mushrooms as a business is a profitable investment that pays off after making the first profit. But how much needs to be invested here in order for the business to bring decent money? Read more about growing mushrooms in the article:

Growing champignon mushrooms as a business
Initial investment

A place

The area for growing champignons should be humid but ventilated. For this, a shed, basement, garage frame with a ventilation system or a cellar are suitable. On a hill or directly on the floor, you can scatter soil in which the mushrooms will grow.

The soil

To grow mushrooms, the soil must be composed of waste Agriculture mixed with straw in a 1: 1 ratio. Due to the low cost of champignons, it makes no sense to start a business from small areas. We recommend starting with at least 50m2.


Mushroom "seeds", or mycelium, can be purchased at any specialty store. One bag of mycelium costs 85 rubles. For our area of ​​50m2, we need about 15 packages of mycelium. It must be carefully mixed with the soil so as not to damage the structure of the mycelium.

So, the costs for 50m2 of champignons:
Soil - 10,000 rubles
Mycelium - 1,275 rubles
Since after each cycle the soil becomes unsuitable for subsequent cultivation, the whole procedure will have to be repeated over and over again. Therefore, these 11,275 rubles will need to be invested at the end of each cycle (2-4 months).
It is worth mentioning the disputes that are secreted by mushrooms. Use a respirator mask to avoid decay in your health. The purchase of such a mask will cost an average of 2.5 thousand rubles.

Productivity and income calculation

The yield of champignons is about 10 kg of mushrooms per square meter for the entire cycle. Mushrooms grow in about 3 months. That is, every 90 days you can cut about 500 kg from an area of ​​50m2. Price retail champignons is about 120 rubles.
It turns out that your income for 3 months will be 60,000 rubles, and your profit will be 48,725 rubles.
As you can see, growing mushrooms as a business is not costly. But due to the low price, you will definitely need a large area for seeding. So, having increased the area six times - up to 300m2 - you will receive about 97,450 rubles a month.

Sale of champignons

Since this business only makes sense for large volumes, you will need to think about distribution channels in advance. These mushrooms spoil rather quickly, so it is important to find regular wholesale buyers. Most often, people who grow mushrooms at home cooperate directly with establishments. Catering and shops.

Of course, there is another way to sell a large batch of goods in short time... To do this, you can hire people to sell your mushrooms in the market. Since the consignment is quite large, several workers will be needed in different markets.
In parallel, you can attract other sales methods by combining all suitable ones at once. The less often your product spoils and disappears, the more your profit will be.


The cultivation of champignons has become a popular business in Russia relatively recently. The growing popularity of this business owes its low cost and time costs. But, as you have seen, it is worth cultivating mushrooms only if it is possible to work with large volumes of goods.

Growing a turkey. Profitable business with minimal investment! Growing potatoes for sale. Profitable seasonal business.

Choosing mushroom cultivation as a business, you are on the path of organizing your own profitable business. It will take a little effort from the owner to understand the basics of the technology of this production. What you need to know to open a mushroom business, we will tell you in this article.

general information

Growing champignons as a business is a good opportunity to earn extra money. There are several advantages to such a business idea:

  • The cultivation of this product does not require constant attention and presence. Your employment will be part-time.
  • In most cases, growing oyster mushrooms and champignons does not require special knowledge and skills.
  • Most of the materials required to organize production are fairly simple. Anything that may cause difficulty in manufacturing is recommended to be purchased ready-made.

Growing champignons as a business is a chance to start earning extra money. Here the word "additional" is the main one. Since it is quite difficult to turn mushroom production into an independent source of income. Those who are just thinking about how to do this type of business should know a few of the main difficulties that will have to be faced.

Where to begin?

The first step is to determine the sales markets. To produce large volumes, you need to find a buyer for them, and preferably more than one. This will require the conclusion of contracts with large firms, factories, store chains. This in itself is quite problematic.

Let's talk in detail about how to grow mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. Perhaps some tips will help you understand this topic a little better.

Oyster mushroom growing technology

Oyster mushrooms are considered one of the popular types of mushrooms for production. This is due to the fact that the technology of growing oyster mushrooms is one of the simplest. The fungus grows both outdoors and indoors. If you plan to use the second option, then the harvest can be obtained all year round. For business, this method works best.

Equipment and materials

First you need to decide on the choice of premises. This can be a greenhouse, a special room, a shed, a basement. The place must be dry and clean. Walls and floors are recommended to be treated with bleach solution. This is necessary to disinfect the space. After that, ventilate the room well. One room is needed for the germination of the mycelium, the other for the growth stage of the mushrooms.

After preparing the room, you need to make a substrate. For this, straw, sunflower husks, sawdust of non-coniferous trees or a mixture of any of the listed materials are perfect. They need to be well crushed (into dust) and pasteurized (that is, steamed with hot water and cooled).

Now the substrate needs to be placed in bags (polyethylene) in layers. Between them, the mycelium of the fungus is laid, which is acquired in specialized stores... Make holes in the bags, the diameter of which will be about 1.5-2 cm.Place them every 15-20 cm.

Climatic conditions

Place the bags in a closed, dark room. The air temperature in it should be about 22-25 degrees, humidity - about 95%. After 25-30 days, transfer the plastic bags to the second room, the temperature in which should be an order of magnitude lower - about 12-18 degrees.

The technology of growing oyster mushrooms requires that the room in which the bags will be located for the second half of the time is constantly ventilated and humidified. This is necessary so that carbon dioxide does not accumulate in the room. In order not to resort to complex technologies, you can use a simple method. It is enough to put a few buckets of water in the room and force the air to circulate using a conventional fan.

As indicated above, the air temperature should not exceed 18 degrees. Maintain humidity at 95%. The room must have lighting that would work for 12 hours a day. Fluorescent lamps are suitable for this.

Important! Wear a gauze bandage or respirator when working in a room with sprouting fungi. This is necessary to prevent the oyster mushroom spores from entering the respiratory tract. They can cause severe coughing or allergic reactions. If you are engaged in the production of oyster mushrooms on a large scale, then the use of such protective equipment is a must!

Approximate calculations

You can use the guidelines provided to create a production business plan. Oyster mushrooms are collected at the rate of 3 kg from 10 kg of substrate. You can get 1-2 crops from one bag, after which its contents must be replaced. The substrate is renewed about 4-5 times a year, that is, once every 2-3 months.

Experts say that one square meter of such a "plantation" can bring from 80 to 100 kg of mushrooms per year. As you can see, growing mushrooms like this at home is a simple and uncomplicated business. By starting small and having a permanent sales market, you can increase the size of your production.

Technology for growing mushrooms at home

Excellent taste and the ability to grow champignon at home made it the most famous and widely used in the world. It is enough to get acquainted with the technology of its production in order to get a harvest of fresh, selected and environmentally friendly mushrooms several times a year.

Where to begin?

First, you need to determine the room where you plan to grow mushrooms. For this, a barn, a greenhouse, a basement, a garage and even a balcony may be suitable. Like oyster mushrooms, champignons love high humidity, good ventilation and moderate temperatures. Light is essential, but not essential. The best for the growth of the mushroom is a temperature of 12 to 20 degrees and an air humidity in the range of 50-55%. For production, you need racks, plastic planting boxes, fans and thermometers to monitor the temperature of the substrate and air.


Experts recommend starting with composting mushrooms at home. Unlike oyster mushrooms, additional materials are required here. Relate to this issue responsibly, because nutritious soil for mushrooms is a guarantee of a high yield. If it is prepared correctly, then you will receive mushrooms in the amount of 20% of the compost volume.

The constituents

There are many formulas for preparing nutritious soil. But there are components that must be present in the compost. All mixtures are made from manure. Horse manure is considered the best, but manure from pigs, cows, birds and sheep will also be effective. The second required component is straw or hay. They should be fresh and unripe.

In addition to these materials, various fertilizers are put into the compost: beet or potato tops, sunflower husks, brewer's grains or other organic waste. In addition, a good mixture requires the presence of nitrogen-containing components. For example, urea or ammonium sulfate.

Additives such as bone meal, cotton processing waste, and bran will also be useful. The presence of mineral elements is mandatory - gypsum, chalk or superphosphate. Here is one of the most common formulas: for 100 kg of horse manure, you need 2.5 kg of gypsum, 50 kg of winter straw (chopped) and 15 kg of dried droppings.

Manufacturing process

During the production of nutritious soil, it is necessary to pasteurize it. First, mix the manure with the milled straw and leave to ferment. During it, the mixture will be heated to 50-60 degrees. As soon as the desired temperature is reached, and this will take 4-6 days, it is necessary to interrupt. This involves mixing the mixture thoroughly and adding nutrients to it.

It takes about 5-6 interruptions with a break of 2-5 days between them. All stages take about 20-25 days, after which a ready-made substrate for mushrooms is obtained. After the last mixing, the compost should be allowed to warm up to 60 degrees, and after the ammonia smell ceases to emanate from it, put it in specially prepared boxes for mushrooms. As soon as the temperature of the compost drops to 24-25 degrees, the mycelium is placed in it. The sowing depth should not be more than 10 cm.

Climatic conditions

During the germination period, it is important to maintain sufficient air humidity and substrate temperature, which should not exceed 30 degrees. After planting the mycelium, cover the compost with newsprint or plastic wrap. Regular moistening of the substrate is the basis for the full growth of fungi. But it does not need to be watered, but sprayed. In addition, do not forget to constantly humidify the walls and floor of the room in order to increase the humidity in the air.


The production of champignons is divided into several stages: preparation of the substrate, planting of mycelium and grubbing. The latter consists in pouring a layer of soil onto the compost, the thickness of which should not exceed 3-4 cm. It should be relatively loose, poor and have a neutral reaction. A mixture of peat and chalk or loamy soil is best. During this period, the substrate temperature should be in the range of 20-22 degrees, and the air temperature - 13-16 degrees.


Somewhere in 20 days after the last stage (cutting) it is time to harvest. It lasts from 1 month to two. Mushrooms appear in "waves", after each compost must be watered. Champignons are harvested without a knife, by hand. To do this, the mushroom must be carefully twisted. Harvest the crop completely, no leftovers. This will quickly cause a new "wave" of growth and save new fungi from the attack of pests.

After harvesting is over, the compost should be removed and the racks and crates disinfected. In addition, throughout the entire stage of growing mushrooms, periodically treat the room with bleach or potassium permanganate solution. Pests and diseases love a humid environment and tend to multiply in it with a vengeance, and this will be detrimental to future mushrooms.

Business costs

According to various sources, the profitability of the mushroom and oyster mushroom growing business ranges from 30 to 50%. This difference is explained by differences in production volumes, microclimatic parameters of the premises, transport costs, energy costs, as well as in labor and material resources.

Before tackling similar business on a large scale, estimate the level of spending. Direct costs of organizing own production for growing mushrooms, you can include the costs of purchasing manure, chicken droppings, straw, mineral additives (or the purchase of ready-made compost).

This also includes purchase costs. Supplies: containers, plastic wrap, seed mycelium. In addition, you need to take into account the cost of fuels and lubricants, rent, electricity, utilities and payroll to employees. This is not a complete list of expenses. Therefore on initial stages you can limit yourself to small volumes, the production of which is easy to set up at home.


Choosing mushroom cultivation as a business, you need to understand that this is a process that will require time and knowledge from you. But it is enough to do the procedure once in a small volume in order to understand the technique and gain experience. In the future, you will not think about how to grow mushrooms.

Business will allow you not only to earn extra money, but also to enjoy the production process itself. With the right approach, you can get from 10 to 15 kg of mushrooms from 1 square meter of substrate. It is profitable to sell champignons and oyster mushrooms in winter and spring, when the demand for this product is especially high.

In nature, champignon grows in open meadows. However, this mushroom also thrives in artificial conditions. In this article we will talk about what is remarkable about the industrial cultivation of mushrooms.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for the industrial cultivation of mushrooms. To do this, first, the sanitary norms and rules are studied, the recommendations of the authorized government agencies and, of course, growing technology. When all the necessary information has been collected and analyzed, you can search for a room. Here you need to decide on the volumes. For example, 2-3 tons of products per year are grown from an area of ​​100 sq. m. The best way- construction, but you can also use a rented space.

The next thing you need to grow mushrooms at home is mycelium, that is, soil with mushroom pores. Don't rush to cheap questionable offers. Buy only from sellers who have real positive reviews clients. Alternatively, you can order compost in Belarus.

If you are going to grow mushrooms on an industrial scale, then you still have to take care of advertising. A harvest of more than 100 kg will be difficult to realize on your own. Therefore, you can give the mushrooms to dealers, offer grocery stores... True, in the second case, more special documents will be required.

The profitability of this business can be calculated by analyzing the market situation. Long time on Russian market imported products dominated. Polish champignons have never been stale on the counter. Demand exceeded supply. Now domestic producers are entering the arena, why don't you become one of them?

What can be encountered when growing

Breeding champignons has its own risks. Beginners with no experience should not immediately deploy large volumes. Growing mushrooms is a simple process only at first glance; without experience, production can be ruined at the start. The culture can be infected with bacteria or diseases. This can only be prevented by maintaining optimal conditions in the nursery. Market analysis should not be neglected either. By itself, this business is quite profitable, but in countryside this product may not be required.

Harvesting and marketing of products

It is also necessary to harvest correctly: the mushroom does not break out, does not cut, but twists out. It is better to store mushrooms in 3-4 kg containers. The harvest is stored for up to 12 days at temperatures from 0 to -4 ° C.

Profitability also depends on the sale of products. If you have become an excellent mushroom grower, but have not been able to sell your products, then you will not receive any profit from your business. There are different sales options. You can sell on the market yourself or give it to small wholesalers. It is more profitable to sell mushrooms through Network shops, supply to catering. You need to look for a client already while waiting for the harvest.

Of course, champignons can be sold not only fresh, but, for example, pickled, canned, in the form of salting. Freezing and drying is a costly business, but it is also a way out of the situation, which makes it possible to preserve the harvest.

How much money does it take to get started

To answer the question whether it is profitable to engage in the production of champignons, you need to decide on the financial investment. For small business 30-40 thousand rubles is enough to start. But if we are talking about an industrial scale, then you should have at least half a million investments. Expenditure items are approximately as follows: business registration, equipment, purchase of a car and mycelium, advertising costs and unforeseen expenses.

Choosing equipment

If you want to grow champignons, then you need to purchase special equipment or rent / buy a room that already has everything you need. Do not grow mushrooms without:

  • good ventilation system;
  • lighting systems;
  • steam generator and water heating boiler.

Refrigerating chambers will be needed to store the grown mushrooms.

How to register a business and what documents will be required

To legalize business, production will have to be registered. You must have the following documentation:

  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • owner's passport data;
  • application for opening an enterprise;
  • a document confirming the payment of the state duty.

Choosing a taxation system for registration

For those who consider growing mushrooms as a business, the taxation system is suitable, where a single tax is used.

Do I need permission to open

Permission to open is required and this is perhaps the most problematic side of this business. So, the following documents are needed:

  • declaration confirming compliance with GOST;
  • special instructions for storing mushrooms and transporting them;
  • phytosanitary service certificate;
  • a document that confirms that the radiological control has been passed.

Video "The process of growing mushrooms"

From this view, you will learn about how mushrooms are grown and whether it is possible to make money on it.

Today more and more people are trying to start their own business, but the modern market offers such an abundance of services that it is very difficult to choose a simple but profitable business. One of the new, but very promising areas is the cultivation of mushrooms. Champignon is rightfully considered the most widespread mushroom in the world. It is used in the cuisine of different nationalities and the masterpieces of the best culinary dishes.

The history of mushroom cultivation as a business

There is a lot of controversy about who started cultivating champignons first, but there is no unanimous opinion. However, it is mentioned that 1000 years ago, the first cultivated mushroom species originated in the Italian province. Later, the French began to cultivate them in the 17th century, which is why champignons received the nickname "mushrooms of Paris". Since the end of the 17th century, it has been noticed that mushrooms adapt well to greenhouses, basements and semi-basements on compost. In 1731, the French cultivation technique became widespread in Great Britain. A few years later, the British amicably shared this information with the States. From about the middle of the 18th century, the French mushroom industry spread throughout the world, including the technology came to Russia.

The history of growing and cultivating mushrooms in our country has existed for more than two hundred years. An article by our compatriot, agronomist A.T. Bolotov is mentioned in the publication "Economic Store" in 1780. "Something about champignons." At that time, these mushrooms were cultivated in the open field and in special mushrooms. From the middle of the nineteenth century, the Russian gardener E.A. Grachev was engaged in the industrial cultivation of mushrooms. During this time, the breeding and cultivation technology has been constantly improved. In those days, fertilizer or compost from waste ridges overgrown with mycelium was used as a planting element. This method of growing mushrooms caused many diseases and the yield was low. Over time, a pure culture of mycelium was obtained.

Currently, champignon is cultivated on all continents of the planet, except for Antarctica. Russia is lagging behind the developed powers and is starting to take the first steps in the mushroom industry.

Positive and negative aspects of growing mushrooms as a business

Like any business, mushroom cultivation has its own secrets and subtleties. The indisputable merits of the case include:

  • Low startup;
  • The possibility of import substitution, due to low-quality supplied goods from other countries;
  • The raw material base for cultivation is inexpensive, since they are agricultural waste;
  • Climatic unpretentiousness, the ability to grow in apartments, basements, mines;
  • Under certain conditions, the crop can be harvested all year round;
  • High production profitability. The profit will begin in 2-3 months.
  • The need to search for sales markets for manufactured products. Especially irrelevant in small towns.

Basic cultivation and breeding technologies

To date, there are several methods for growing mushrooms.

In briquettes

The most popular way. The compost is compacted and formed in block tanks, which are convenient for transportation. The result is the ease of use of the design and high speed growth of mushrooms.

On the ridges

The mycelium is brought into the ground, in addition to polyethylene. This method is ancient and the most famous, but little demanded by gardeners. Special advantageous indicators: there is no need to purchase special tanks, the cheapness of the method. Cons: Application manual labor, which lowers the profitability of production, makes harvesting more difficult and increases the possibility of fungal disease.

On shelves

A promising technique has become widespread in Holland, therefore it is often called Dutch. The process is similar to breeding on ridges and differs only in the correct use of space.

In container installations

The soil is poured into containers and mycelium are planted. This method reduces the risk of disease and simplifies the growth process, but is expensive for reservoirs. In Russia, the method is almost never used.

In plastic bags

The composition is poured into special bags and placed, suspended in a convenient place. The change house is being used correctly and well-stocked, and business investment is markedly reduced. When ailments appear, the focus is localized only by a removed bag. The soil is based on specially prepared compost or substrate. Self-preparation of the soil is not recommended, there are many risks.

Advertising company and market search

The sale of products can be carried out:

  • Cooperation with retail chains and supermarkets. The wholesale price of products will slightly reduce profitability, but will ensure constant sales of products;
  • Delivery to restaurants and cafes. The best marketing option, since mushrooms are often used in cooking;
  • Selling products on the market.

Do not forget that having entered into an agreement with an organization for the supply of products, you need to take care of delivery to the destination.

There are various, if properly implemented, they will quickly make a profit.

Many business ideas from America are still new in our country. you can find out about the most interesting ones.

To start your business from scratch, carefully read the article and the recommendations provided in it.

Production business planning

The conjuncture of law

For the economy as a business to be legitimate, it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneurship. Variation of personal subsidiary plots- it will not work". Conditions are tough. Classification in the tax base - agricultural producer (А.01.12.31.). Taxation is carried out under a single agricultural tax (ESHN), 6% of net profitable funds.

Implementation of the sale of products

To sell finished products, the following list of documents is required:

  • Form corresponding to GOST (State All-Union Standard);
  • Phytosanitary Service Certification Documents;
  • Protocols of documents proving radiological studies;
  • Guidance document for the storage and transportation of fresh produce.

Where to cultivate mushrooms?

Variations of the sea. Basements, country houses, outbuildings, abandoned buildings and even your own apartment are well suited for breeding. It is not difficult to create the required climate and conditions. The thermal component in the room should vary from + 12 ° C to + 25 ° C. The humidity characteristic of the air must be at least 85%. To all climatic conditions the premises located in the basements are perfect.

Required: electricity supply, water supply and drainage, ventilation system and heating. When found a change house - should be done renovation work and install ventilation and heating systems. It is desirable to make the floor of concrete, and whitewash the walls. The size of the change house should be from 15 squares, where block structures with a substrate can be placed in tiers.

Soil for mushrooms

Typically, the substrate is used as a substrate: hay, husk, agricultural waste materials. There is also a ready-made composition produced by domestic and foreign companies. Self-preparation of the substrate is undesirable.


The sowing element is mycelium. Buying this sowing element, you must familiarize yourself with the license manufacturing enterprise... The mycelium must be of excellent quality, free from defects.

The technological process of growing

The composition with the mycelium is mixed and placed in reservoir containers, as a rule, in ethylene bags - it is cheap. From the bottom we fake the slots - a drain of excess liquid. The mycelium grows through the substrate (compost).

The temperature is maintained at 21-23 ° C and the air humidity is approximately 65%. The shed requires darkness and excellent ventilation. After three days, we make undercuts in bags - it promotes the germination of champignons.

In a couple of weeks, mycelium will appear and it will be necessary to transfer the bags to another change house with less heating, but the highest humidity. This stage is characterized by prolonged illumination and is not less than half a day. Fluorescent lamps are used whenever possible. Fruiting of mushrooms goes through a three-phase cycle. Each phase of mushroom growth lasts up to 7 days, then the bag is disposed of and replaced with a new one.

Settlement business organization

Business organization is closely related to the concept of spending money. Depends on many factors: the size of production areas, heating systems, pricing of components.

Consider the income and expenditure components of the mushroom business in one cycle (2 months).

Expenditure part:

  • Thirty tons of substrate - 20,000 rubles;
  • Costs for the purchase of mycelium - 10,000 rubles;
  • Heating and pasteurization costs - 50,000 rubles;
  • Payment to working personnel - 60,000 rubles;
  • In total - 140,000 rubles of spent funds.

Income part:

  • A ton of substrate is equivalent to 200 kilograms of mushrooms;
  • For a kilogram of mushrooms, they give 100 rubles;
  • We determine that from 30 tons of substrate we receive 600,000 rubles in revenue, and income from the sale of 460,000 rubles (excluding tax and utilities).

But arithmetic does not take into account the initial capital. Ideally, to start a profitable production cycle, you need to have:

  • Change house for pasteurization. Here it is necessary to have steam boilers and an automated steam supply system;
  • Climatically warm room for mycelium germination: with heating, ventilation and irrigation systems;
  • Cold shed for growing champignons with good lighting, heating and ventilation system;
  • Transport component.

These are rough estimates for mid-range mushroom farming. The rest depends on the desire and capabilities of the capital. Before going into the business of growing mushrooms on a large scale, you first need to focus on small production. You need to avoid mistakes and take a good confident start, which will subsequently lead to pleasant financial prosperity.

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