What should be in the arsenal of an assistant driver. Helpful reminder to help. What personal qualities should an assistant driver have?

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1. General provisions

1.1. This instruction defines the procedure for the training and appointment of assistant drivers to work on diesel locomotives, the main duties and rights of assistant drivers of diesel locomotives, as well as the procedure for organizing their work.

1.2. Assistant drivers of diesel locomotives are employees of locomotive crews.

1.3. Employees of locomotive crews are guided in their activities by legislative and other regulations Russian Federation, normative documents Russian Railways, as well as this Instruction.

2. Appointment (dismissal) to the position of assistant

locomotive driver

2.1. A person who has documents of the established form confirming the assignment of the profession of an assistant driver of a diesel locomotive and who has successfully passed verification tests in the commission of the operating locomotive depot may be appointed as an assistant driver of a diesel locomotive.

2.2. Before being appointed to the position of an assistant driver of a locomotive, a candidate for an assistant driver passes a preliminary medical checkup and professional selection.

2.3. Appointment (release) to the position of an assistant locomotive driver is made by the head of the operational locomotive depot on the proposal of the instructor driver and agreement with the deputy head of the locomotive depot for operation.

3. Preparation of an assistant locomotive driver for independent work as an assistant locomotive driver

3.1. To be appointed to the position of assistant locomotive driver, a candidate for assistant locomotive driver must:

- have a certificate of an assistant driver of a diesel locomotive of the established sample;

– to pass in accordance with the established procedure a preliminary medical examination, professional selection and certification;

- have a certificate of testing when appointed to the position of an assistant driver.

3.2. During the practical training of a candidate for assistant driver, the driver-instructor for the preparation and training of employees of locomotive crews, and in his absence, the driver-instructor of the attached column of locomotive crews, conducts a study with the candidate for assistant driver of regulatory documentation, technical and administrative acts of stations served by sections, procedures in emergency situations, design features of the locomotive.

Training is carried out according to a special program and according to the schedule, which are developed in each operational locomotive depot, taking into account local conditions.

3.3. The driver-instructor, after completing the practical training and training of the candidate for assistant driver, conducts an interview with him in the presence of the driver who conducted with him practical training, based on the results of which it issues a written recommendation to the candidate for assistant machinists.

3.4. If there is a written application from a candidate for an assistant driver, a psychologist’s conclusion, a positive recommendation from the driver who conducted practical training for a candidate for an assistant driver, and a positive recommendation from the driver-instructor for the training and education of workers of locomotive crews, and in his absence, the driver-instructor, the candidate for assistants to the driver are allowed to pass tests in the commission of the locomotive depot.

The test results are recorded in the test report.

3.5. The driver-instructor introduces a candidate for assistant driver, who has undergone practical training and tests in the commission of the operational locomotive depot, to the deputy head of the operational locomotive depot for an interview.

Based on the results of the interview, the head of the operational locomotive depot, in agreement with the deputy head of the locomotive depot for operation, issues an order to appoint a candidate for assistant driver to the position of assistant driver of a diesel locomotive.

4. The procedure for the formation of locomotive brigades
and organization of work of assistant locomotive drivers

4.1. The quantitative composition of locomotive crews and the procedure for servicing diesel locomotives by them are established by the head of the railway, depending on the availability of series of diesel locomotives and local conditions, based on the methods of servicing diesel locomotives approved by Russian Railways.

4.2. Compound locomotive brigade in order to ensure the safety of train traffic and clear interaction of its employees in the process labor activity should be permanent.

4.3. The personnel of the locomotive crews is adjusted twice a year (for the summer and winter train schedules) taking into account business and moral qualities, psychological compatibility of workers, psychologist's recommendations and is approved on the proposal of the head of the operating locomotive depot by order of the head of the railway department, and in the absence of railway departments - deputy head of the railway for locomotive facilities.

4.4. Copies of the lists of the personnel of the locomotive brigades must be kept by the head of the locomotive brigades (senior contractor), the duty officer for the operational locomotive depot and contractors.

4.5. Changes to the personnel of locomotive crews are allowed:

- by order of the head of the operational locomotive depot in preparation for a new schedule;

- as an exception, under forced circumstances (dismissal, transfer to another job, illness of one of the crew members) as an instructor driver in agreement with a psychologist with the permission of the head of the operating locomotive depot or the deputy head of the locomotive depot for operation in the daytime with the issuance of the order of the head operational locomotive depot on the formation of locomotive crews.

4.6. The heads of the operational locomotive depot are obliged to personally conduct a pre-trip briefing for the newly formed locomotive crew before its first joint trip in accordance with the program approved by the head of the operational locomotive depot. The formation of a locomotive brigade at night is allowed only if it is possible to conduct a pre-trip briefing or if such a briefing was carried out in advance.

4.7. In operating locomotive depots serving exclusively passenger traffic, with the permission of the deputy head of the railway for locomotive facilities, diesel locomotive drivers who do not have the first or second class of qualification may be allowed to work in passenger traffic. In this case, the locomotive crew may be formed from a diesel locomotive driver who has a third qualification class or does not have a qualification class and an assistant driver who has at least two years of work experience.

Assistant drivers of diesel locomotives who do not have a certificate for the right to drive a diesel locomotive are allowed to work with passenger trains as part of a locomotive crew with a driver of the first or second qualification class.

5. Duties of an assistant locomotive driver

5.1. The locomotive driver's assistant must:

- know and follow the rules technical operation railways, instructions for signaling, train traffic and shunting work on railways, other regulations of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, regulations of Russian Railways on issues related to the duties of employees of locomotive crews, as well as the requirements of rules and instructions for labor protection during operation, repair of diesel locomotives, fire safety and this Instruction;

- improve your skills and technical knowledge on the issues of maintenance of diesel locomotives, when working as an assistant driver of a diesel locomotive without obtaining a certificate for the right to drive a diesel locomotive for more than three years, the commission of the operational locomotive depot considers the issue of professional suitability this employee;

- to come to work on time, determined by the work schedule or on call of the duty officer for the operational locomotive depot;

- in case of clarification of the circumstances that prevent the attendance at work by the deadline, immediately, but no later than three hours in advance, inform the duty officer of the operating locomotive depot;

- to pass in accordance with the established procedure a pre-trip medical examination, as well as a periodic medical examination, safety briefing; before each entry to work, get acquainted with newly received documents on issues related to the duties of employees of locomotive crews, and be instructed on the safety of train traffic.

5.2. While doing official duties have with you:

- service certificate, and if you have the right to drive a locomotive, with a record certified by an employee of the personnel department on the delivery of a certificate for the right to drive;

– certificate of admission to work on electrical installations;

- service and technical forms of the assistant driver;

- warning card;

- extracts on the established speeds of trains.

5.3. Follow the operational instructions of the duty officers at the operational locomotive depot, shift points and turnout of locomotive crews, driver-instructors of operational locomotive depots serving this section, the driver.

5.4. When accepting and handing over a diesel locomotive, as well as during stops along the way, carry out its maintenance, strictly observing the established requirements of regulatory documents and orders.

5.5. When driving a train and performing shunting work, an assistant locomotive driver must:

- be guided by the legislative and other regulatory acts of the Russian Federation in the field of traffic safety, the regulatory documents of Russian Railways, as well as this Instruction;

– participate in compliance with the established train driving regimes, while ensuring the implementation of the train schedule and traffic safety requirements;

- control in the prescribed manner the operation of safety devices, radio communications, units and assemblies of a diesel locomotive, check their condition, including the serviceability of fire extinguishing equipment;

- if a malfunction is detected on a diesel locomotive or as part of a train, take all necessary measures to eliminate it as soon as possible, and if it is impossible to eliminate it at the set time, to free the haul, avoiding a failure in the train schedule;

- prevent interference with the operation of safety devices and systems installed on the locomotive;

- do not leave the control cabin of the locomotive when following a prohibiting traffic signal, when following a station, when passing places of speed limits and in all other cases specified by regulatory documents;

- keep records and economically use fuel and energy resources, lubricants and other materials, maintain inventory, tools and personal protective equipment in good condition.

All malfunctions of the diesel locomotive identified during its operation should be recorded in the log form TU-152 at the direction of the driver.

5.6. After the trip (shift) is completed, the assistant locomotive driver is obliged to hand over to the duty officer of the operating locomotive depot in the prescribed manner the service form, as well as the tools and inventory to be handed over;

6. Rights of an assistant locomotive driver

6.1. The assistant locomotive driver has the right to:

- use the regulatory and technical documentation available in the operational locomotive depot on issues within the scope of his duties;

- use the official telephone, telegraph, electronic communication to inform the managers involved about the identified shortcomings in ensuring the schedule and safety of train traffic;

- speak to officials Russian Railways JSC with proposals for improving work.

7. Responsibility of the assistant locomotive driver

7.1. After the acceptance of the locomotive, the assistant driver of the locomotive is responsible for its maintenance and compliance with the rules for its operation, the safety of inventory, tools and equipment of the locomotive.

The railway is a complex infrastructure facility. It requires vigilant supervision and responsibility. And the most difficult duties are for those who drive trains. That is, the drivers of the rolling stock (locomotives). They have many responsibilities and not everyone can cope with them alone. That is why on railway there is a position of assistant driver.

Responsibilities of an assistant locomotive driver

By law, each driver can drive any one type of locomotive: electric or diesel. Individual drivers also drive electric trains or rolling stock in the subway. However, there are individual specialists with great experience and experience who have all the permits and are able to drive any type of transport. However, they are relatively few.

The same narrow specialization and assistant driver. In fact, he controls the locomotive on a par with the driver himself and must thoroughly understand the design of the equipment. Therefore, the duties of the assistant driver are the same as those listed in the regulatory and production documentation of the locomotive driver:

    maintenance of electric locomotive mechanisms (brake system, electrical equipment, etc.);

    lubrication of units and parts of the locomotive, preparation for the flight;

    coupling and uncoupling of the locomotive;

    assistance to the driver in shunting work;

    monitoring of instruments and the situation on the tracks while driving;

    giving the established signals, fulfilling the orders of the dispatchers along the course of the train;

    work on troubleshooting and breakdowns of the electric locomotive during the journey.

In fact, an electric locomotive driver's assistant is a full-fledged and irreplaceable member of the team, without which work on train management is simply impossible. Not all machinists are qualified to operate an electric locomotive on their own. These are very trained and experienced workers with great experience, there are very few of them on the railway.

Conditions of work as an assistant locomotive driver

The duties of an assistant driver of an electric locomotive, as we see, are extremely diverse. At the same time, the work itself is characterized by extreme tension and harsh working conditions.

The change of the crew of an electric locomotive begins with the acceptance of the rolling stock. The driver and his assistant must inspect the machine for serviceability, sign the acceptance certificate from the previous shift and prepare it for work.

Then the locomotive leaves for the route, catches the train and leaves along the route. The most difficult part of the job is to move according to the schedule, following the instructions of the dispatcher, and at the same time monitor the situation on the tracks in order to prevent an accident.

As assistants to the electric locomotive driver note, work in the crew is extremely ungrateful and nervous. You need to fill out a lot of papers and forms, strictly follow all job descriptions, regularly attend security courses and trainings. In addition, it is you who are personally responsible for the condition of the train.

Working on an electric locomotive is bad for health. in number harmful factors include:

  • electromagnetic influence from the engine, contact lines;
  • busy schedule (12-hour shift, constant overtime);

    heavy labor process (a lot of physical work on maintenance and repair of the locomotive).

What you need to get a job as an assistant electric locomotive driver

It is clear that with such requirements, very stringent requirements are imposed on applicants for the position of assistant driver. First of all, he must:

  1. be fit for health reasons, pass a medical examination and receive a positive conclusion. Subsequently, you will have to undergo regular medical examinations, including by a psychiatrist;
  2. complete the course at educational institution SPO (college, technical school) and pass a qualifying exam. A certificate of an assistant driver of an electric locomotive is required;

    pass the industrial practice specializing as a mechanic-repairman of electric locomotives;

    complete a mandatory internship (usually 14 days);

    have a Group V electrical safety approval.

With regard to skills and personal qualities, discipline, impeccable observance of the rules on the railway, commitment, endurance and diligence are required from an assistant electric locomotive driver. An assistant locomotive driver must also be well versed in technology and be generally technically savvy. He is required to have knowledge of technical documentation, regulations for the management of rolling stock, instructions for signaling on the railway and many other skills.

Electric locomotive driver assistant vacancies and salary level

The specialty of an assistant driver of an electric locomotive is quite in demand in the labor market, however, the level of salaries leaves much to be desired. A qualified worker can count on 30-36 thousand rubles at best, subject to at least two years of work experience. Also, work on the railway involves bonus payments, but they are not issued every month (as a rule, once a quarter).

Pros and cons of working as an assistant locomotive driver

This profession has its pros:

    stable salary and formal employment;

    free medical care at the expense of Russian Railways;

    early retirement;

    benefits for rail travel.

But minuses much more significant:

  • low level wages;
  • absence career development(you can only retrain as a driver);

    harmful and difficult working conditions;

    busy work schedule, constant processing;

    high responsibility;

    high production risks (injuries and accidents when working with machinery, road accidents).

Have you decided to train as an assistant driver or as a driver in the future? Then this article is for you. Here is given comprehensive information about who is taken into this area, what types of rolling stock are available.

We will analyze the main points regarding the profession of "assistant driver":

  • education;
  • professional selection;
  • medical board;
  • types of locomotives;
  • field of activity;
  • responsibilities;
  • errors;
  • average salary;
  • schedule.

Let's stop at each point and consider everything in detail. But still, let's better start with what kind of profession it is and whether they will take you.

Medical Board

Why did we suddenly decide to start with her? And because it will be so: first you will be sent to the clinic for its passage. Below we give the most common diseases, due to which, unfortunately, they do not take on as assistant drivers. Ten years ago, I studied at the railway college. Today the education system is completely different. But even then, before the young man handed over, he passed a medical commission. At present, in almost any depot, a newly hired future assistant driver is first sent to the clinic. So, which doctors are the main ones? Let's list:

  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • neurologist;
  • surgeon.

Not all specialists are listed. In addition, you will be sent to the district clinic for a card, to a neuropsychiatric and narcological dispensary. It is very important that you are not registered there.

The therapist listens to you, asks if there are any complaints about anything. Next, your blood pressure will be measured. It should be normal. Do not take any drugs to feign good condition. Remember that accidents to transport workers happen for this very reason: silence about illness.

At the lore you have to check your hearing, nose, throat, mouth. Slightly reduced hearing in one ear is already a reason to write in the conclusion: "Not fit." Therefore, if you have problems in this area, or at least regular ringing in your ears, you will not be allowed to become an assistant driver.

Your vision must be 100%. There should be no deviations in color perception. The optometrist examines your eyes very carefully. If you wear contact lenses or have had laser correction, you will not be able to hide it. In any case, you will not pass the medical examination.

The cardiologist should see only ideal cardiometry on the ECG without any deviations.

The surgeon examines you to make sure that all your limbs are intact and that there are no abnormalities in your posture. Movement coordination is also important.

professional selection

Congratulations if you passed the medical board! Do you think that now you can count on the future position of "assistant driver"? You will not study tomorrow, believe me. You still need to pass the selection process. If you have successfully passed all the doctors, then the psychologist, unfortunately, can lose.

You will be seated at the monitor, you must be able to find the dot that has just appeared on the screen with dexterity. If you have an excellent reaction and increased attention, then you will succeed, it is important not to be distracted.

You may also need to take other types of testing. It all depends on the enterprise: metro or Russian Railways. And also the type of locomotive plays a big role.

Field of activity

Choose in advance where you want to work: in the subway or on the railway. Although it is planned to soon completely abandon the work of two persons in the Moscow metro, that is, an assistant driver is not needed. Training is currently being conducted with a bias that you will then work only as a machinist. In other subways, it is possible that they are working in two people, but not everywhere.

On the railroad, by contrast, both are required. The assistant driver of an electric train of Russian Railways is trained at the training and production center and directly from the driver to whom he is assigned.

Types of locomotives, electric trains and learning features

In the subway there are electric trains, locomotives and railcars (utility trains). Whom to study for, you choose. You need to contact the electric depot, which is closest to your home.

There are more types of locomotives on Russian Railways:

  • motor-car rolling stock (commuter trains);
  • electric locomotive (passenger or freight);
  • diesel locomotive (passenger, freight, main/shunting);
  • economic trains and recovery equipment.

Almost all (except shunting) work is carried out in two persons.

electric train

The train driver assistant training takes about 3-4 months. During this time, he must learn all the basics regarding duties, the structure of cars, learn about possible malfunctions and how to identify them.

electric locomotive

Do not want to work on electric trains, are you more attracted to an electric locomotive? Then you need to go not to the multiple unit (locomotive) depot, but to the electric depot. Training an assistant locomotive driver is much easier. It is worth noting that many railway universities and technical schools send students (volunteers) to work for Russian Railways for summer practice. Time will be spent only on passing the medical examination. Then, if you pass it (and the psychologist too), they put you understudy. That is, there will be three of you in the cab: the driver, the assistant driver and you. Your task is to observe, ask questions on the topic, learn. If you successfully pass the exam / test to the instructor, then you are allowed to work.


Approximately the same training system on a diesel locomotive. But I want to warn you that working on this type of locomotive is much more harmful, since there is an emission from diesel fuel in atmosphere. Many diesel locomotives who have worked for ten years suffer from diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. The assistant driver of a diesel locomotive is trained in the same way as an electric locomotive.

Duties and Mistakes

It doesn’t matter which type of locomotive you choose, metro or Russian Railways, you must learn the three most important books:

You can be asked any question from these books. Therefore, on the very first day of work, purchase them and start reading and studying. In principle, training for an assistant driver (RZD) comes down to three tasks:

  • cherished books: PTE, ISI, IDP;
  • basics for the device and repair of the locomotive (including coupler and uncoupler);
  • attentiveness.

Your task during the movement of the train is to monitor the free path, traffic lights, speed. You must control the actions of the driver, including checking whether he exceeds the speed limit where it is not necessary to do so. In emergency situations, the assistant must break the stop crane if the driver does not take any action.

Mistakes of assistant machinists: Russian "maybe" and "nothing will happen." Unfortunately, due to the distraction of locomotive crews, major accidents happen on Russian Railways. Quite often the turnouts on duty mistakenly translate arrows not on the route. The task of the assistant is to keep track of how the arrow is located.

Salary and work schedule

The average salary of an assistant driver at Russian Railways is about 20,000 rubles. Everything will depend on the region, work experience. On the Moscow road, the payment is much higher.

As for the schedule, the main machinists and assistants do not have a stable one. They are given a regulated inter-shift break (from 16 hours), as well as a monthly norm of hours. When they next call, the locomotive crew may not know. Therefore, if you are a free person in every sense, then feel free to choose this profession. In conclusion, it is worth recalling: the assistant train driver of the Russian Railways is trained in training center while receiving a scholarship.

So we have studied the profession of an assistant driver, considered all the nuances. And you just have to answer your own questions: do I have good health and do I have a desire?

24.1 Acceptance of the locomotive.

When accepting a locomotive, the driver's assistant is obliged to make sure that the locomotive is braked and cannot spontaneously start moving. Familiarize yourself with the entries in the logbook TU152, which records the observed shortcomings and malfunctions identified during the operation of the locomotive.

Inspect the undercarriage of the locomotive. Remove condensate from the main tanks, moisture collectors. When inspecting wheel sets, pay attention to the absence of sliders, flange undercuts, pointed rolling, cracks and chips in any part of the wheel, axle of the wheel set. When inspecting the spring suspension, make sure that there are no cracks or breaks in the springs, springs. Check integrity of threaded connections. Check the condition and heating to the touch of the axle box. The bolts on the covers must be all tightened and secured with wire. There should be no traces of grease leaking from under the covers. Lubricate axle jaws if necessary.

Check the serviceability of the brake equipment, sound and light signals, lighting, the presence and amount of sand, cooling water, lubricants, fuel. The presence of oil in the compressor, distribution gearbox, bevel gearbox. Add if necessary.

Check the condition of the diesel generator set. Before starting the diesel engine, it is necessary to make sure that the diesel generator set is available in the locomotive, and that it has not been dismantled, that all equipment is in good condition and complete. That no work is being done by repair teams.

Check the serviceability of instrumentation and signal lamps.

Availability and serviceability of tools, fire-fighting equipment, as well as the presence of cleaning and lubricants.

Report all comments and shortcomings to the driver.

After starting the diesel engine, check the operation of the diesel generator set, pay attention to the presence of extraneous noise and increased vibration.

On the acceptance and delivery of the locomotive, the locomotive crew is obliged to sign in the journal technical condition locomotive TU-152, write down the amount of delivered fuel and the identified shortcomings and malfunctions.

On the way.

Timely and accurately fulfill the instructions of the driver for the care of the locomotive and its maintenance, securing the locomotive (train) from spontaneous departure. Monitor the correct preparation of the itinerary.

When following a prohibiting traffic signal, standing next to the driver, periodically remind the driver of the signal indication, the position of the controller, the amount of air pressure in the brake line, and the permitted speed. In the absence of action on the part of the driver, take measures to stop the train yourself.

Remind the driver about the set speeds, available speed limit warnings. Established places for testing auto brakes.

In the event of a sudden loss by the driver of the ability to control the locomotive, stop the train, fix it in the prescribed manner, transmit via radio communication, or other possible ways about the incident to the person on duty at the nearest station, the train dispatcher.

Ensure traffic safety on the basis of strict compliance with the requirements of the PTE, ISI, IDP and other instructions and instructions.

Comply with established negotiation rules.

Delivery of the locomotive.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to turn off the diesel engine, brake the locomotive with pneumatic and hand brakes. Close the oil tank tap, close the blinds, turn off the battery switch. Measure the amount of fuel and record the result in the TU-152 log. Inspect the condition of the locomotive: diesel engine, mechanical transmissions, undercarriage. All noticed shortcomings in the operation of the locomotive should also be recorded in a log. Clean the diesel room, diesel engine and cabins from oil and dirt. Close hatches, windows, doors.

Appendix No. 20
to the Driving Instructions
trains and shunting work
on the railway transport
Russian Federation


I. General provisions

On the way to departure

Registered order

Order No. ... time ... (hours, minutes). I allow train No. ... to depart from ... the track along ... the main track and proceed to the station (checkpoint) .... The run is free. Chipboard ... (surname).

Return of the train to the railway station of departure by pulling back the lead locomotive

When the train is on the haul

Registered order

Order No. ... time ... (hours, minutes). The haul ... (or ... the path of the haul ...) is closed for the movement of all trains. Train No. ... is allowed to stop until the entrance signal (or the signal sign "Station boundary"). Chipboard ... (surname).

If the train stops without clearing the first block

Indication (permission)

Train driver No. ... I allow the train to stop until the input signal (or the signal sign "Station Border"). Chipboard ... (surname).

Note. Acceptance of trains returning from the haul to the railway station is carried out at an open input traffic light or at a prohibitive indication in the manner prescribed in this Instruction. The text of the order is in accordance with paragraph 4.1 of this table.

Messages from the EAF station to the driver about the actuation of the derailment control devices are transmitted in accordance with the operating instructions for these devices. Messages from the train driver about the occurrence of an emergency and dangerous situation, including the forced stop of the train on the haul, should begin with the words: “Attention, everyone!”.

VII. Regulations for negotiating chipboard stations, drivers (TCHM) and train compiler during shunting work

41. The rules of negotiation of the chipboard station, drivers (TCHM) and the compiler of trains during shunting work are given in table No. 3.

Table 3

Regulations for negotiating chipboard stations, drivers (TCHM) and train compiler during shunting work

Who is transmitting

To whom

When (where), in what cases transfers

What transmits (name of the transmitted text)

The form of text transmission (commands, instructions, messages) and actions of employees

Transfer of wagons from railroad track to railroad track


According to the readiness of the composition for shunting movement

DSP request for preparation of routes for shunting movements

"On duty, from the 5th to the 12th track 10 cars."


Confirmation of acceptance of the originator's request

“It’s clear that there are 10 wagons from the 5th to the 12th track.” Prepares a route from the 5th track to the hood and opens passing shunting traffic lights (the first half-way is the traction).


After the opening of the shunting traffic light for the exit from the 5th track

Command to move

"The driver ... (last name or locomotive number), let's go forward to the hood for M22, H5 is white." If the compiler does not see the signal (located on the tail car), he gives the command to move, and the driver reports to him the indication of the traffic light.


After persuading the traffic light to open

"It's clear, I'm going to the hood for M22, H5 white." Gives one long whistle, sets the train in motion.


After the arrival of the tail behind the traffic light M22

Stop command


At the command of the compiler

Prepares a route from the hood to track 12, opens passing shunting traffic lights (the second half-flight is reincarnation).


After the opening of traffic light M22 for reverse movement composition

The command to move the wagons forward

“The driver ... (last name or locomotive number), drove back to track 12 to the cars. M22 is white, I'm on the footboard on the right."


Upon receipt of the compiler's command

Confirmation of the perception of the drafter's command

“It’s clear, I’m backing down on the 12th way to the wagons, the M22 is white.” Gives two long whistles, starts the movement of the wagons forward.


After passing by the head of the traffic light M22 (the first one in the direction of travel)

"Machinist ... (last name or locomotive number), M24 white."


Perception confirmation

"Understood, the M24 is white."


After passing by the head of the traffic light M24

Message about the position of the next passing shunting traffic light

"Machinist ... (last name or locomotive number), M26 white."


Immediately upon receipt of the originator's message

Perception confirmation

"Understood, the M26 is white."


When the head of the train enters the destination path


"The driver ... (surname or number of the locomotive), we call on track 12, places for 20 cars."


Immediately upon receipt of the originator's message

Perception confirmation

“We are going to track 12, places for 20 cars.”


When reducing the distance to standing wagons


"Machinist ... (last name or locomotive number), places for 10 cars."


Immediately upon receipt of the originator's message

Perception confirmation

"Places for 10 cars."


When approaching standing wagons


"Machinist ... (last name or locomotive number), places for 5 cars, quieter."


Immediately upon receipt of the originator's message

Perception confirmation

"Places for 5 cars." Gives two short whistles, reduces the speed to 3 km/h.


Immediately before the connection of the wagons

"Machinist ... (last name or locomotive number), stop."


Immediately upon receipt of the originator's message

Perception confirmation

Gives three short whistles, stops the composition.

Departure of the shunting train from the railway track at a prohibitory indication of a traffic light

TCHM, compiler

When leaving the track of the shunting train with a prohibitory indication of a traffic light


Prepares a route for leaving the track in the manner established by the TPA of the station or instructions on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on non-public railway tracks, up to the first passing traffic light, then opens subsequent passing shunting signals. Upon the readiness of the route, he transmits an instruction: “The driver ..., the compiler ..., I allow you to leave the 5th path with the forbidding H5 to M28, then - on signals. The route is ready. Chipboard ... (surname) ".

chipboard station

Upon receipt of the chipboard station instructions

“Machinist ... (gives his last name). You are allowed to leave the 5th path with the forbidding H5 to M28, then - according to the signals, the route is ready.


chipboard station

After confirming the perception of the instruction by the driver

Confirmation of perception of the indication of the DSP station

"Right. Compiler ... ”(or a complete repetition of the indication of the chipboard station).

TCHM, compiler

After listening to the repetition of his instructions by the machinist and compiler

Instruction Confirmation

"That's right, do it."


After the DSP station confirms its instructions

Command to move

“The driver ... (surname or number of the locomotive), we went forward to the hood under the forbidding H5 to M28 - with the permission of the duty officer, then - according to the signals.”


Upon receipt of the compiler's command to move

Confirmation of the perception and execution of the command

“It’s clear, I’m going to the hood under the forbidding H5 to M28 - with the permission of the duty officer, then - according to the signals.” Gives one long whistle, sets the train in motion.

Movement along a route not prepared for the entire shunting semi-flight (cars ahead)

TCHM, compiler

Until the opening of the first traffic light along the way to start moving


“The driver ..., the compiler ..., I open the traffic light M22 to M24 for you, from the 10th track I release the diesel locomotive. M24 blue. Chipboard ... (surname) ".


Upon receipt of the chipboard station warning

Perception confirmation

“Understood, open the traffic light M22 to M24 with a blue light. From the 10th track you release the diesel locomotive. Compiled by ... (surname)."


Warning confirmation

"Right. Chipboard ... (surname) ". Opens traffic lights M22 to M24.


After the traffic light opens to start moving

Command to move

“The driver ... (last name or locomotive number), drove back to the traffic light M24 forbidding, M22 is white, I’m on the footboard on the right.”


Upon receipt of the command to move

Command repetition and execution

"It's clear, I'm going back to M24 forbidding, wagons ahead, M22 is white." Gives two long whistles, sets the train in motion by cars forward.


When the head car of the train approaches the traffic light M24

Stop command

"Machinist ... (last name or locomotive number), stop."


Upon receipt of a command to stop

Confirmation of the perception of the command and its execution

Gives three short whistles, stops the composition.

Termination of maneuvers before the reception or departure of the train

TCHM, compiler

Before the opening of the train signal


“The driver ..., compiler ..., on the 5th track, stop maneuvering, on the 6th track I accept the train. Chipboard ... (surname) ".


Immediately upon receipt of the order from the chipboard station

"Machinist ... (last name or locomotive number), stop."

Compiled and TSM

After stopping the shunting train

Cessation Maneuvers Report

"Duty! On the 5th path, the maneuvers are stopped, we are standing. Compiled by ... (surname)." “On the 5th path, the maneuvers have been stopped, we are standing. Machinist ... (surname) ".

Note. In the process of shunting work, negotiations on shunting radio communications can also be conducted on other issues in an unregulated form.
In order to prevent collisions when shunting trains are pushed forward by wagons onto busy railway tracks, in accordance with this Instruction in the annex to the TPA station or the instruction on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on non-public railway tracks, the “Regulations for Radio Communication Negotiations during Shunting Operation” must the following sequence of maneuvers must be followed:
1. When entering a busy railway track, the head of maneuvers following on the front in the direction of travel a special footboard (transition platform, vestibule, cistern stairs) of the first car in the direction of travel or on foot along the intertrack (roadside of the railway track) is obliged:
1) when the first car enters the railway track, immediately inform the driver of the shunting locomotive by radio communication indicating the remaining distance to the cars standing on this railway track. In the absence of such a message, the driver is obliged to call the compiler of the trains by radio, and in the absence of a response, immediately stop the train;
2) in the process of approaching the train with standing cars at time intervals, depending on the distance remaining to them and the speed of movement, inform the driver, indicating the distance in the cars, for example: “Places for 10 cars”, and then give commands: “Quiet” and, directly before joining the wagons, "Stop!";
3) the driver of the shunting locomotive is obliged to repeat the messages of the leader of the maneuvers and adjust accordingly the speed of the train settling down, and after receiving the “Hush” command, reduce the speed to 3 km/h. In the absence of such a command, independently reduce the speed to 3 km / h and request the leader of the maneuvers by radio, if there is no answer, immediately stop the train.
2. The head of maneuvers in case of non-confirmation by the driver of the perception of the message (command) at any stage of the movement is obliged to take measures to stop the train: by radio communication through the DSP station; hand signals with the involvement of workers on the railway tracks; while in the vestibule passenger car apply a stopcock; if there is a threat of a collision, get off the car in the safest place, enter the visibility zone of the locomotive crew and give a stop signal.

VIII. Rules of negotiations when performing operations to secure railway rolling stock on station railway tracks

42. The rules of negotiations when performing operations to secure railway rolling stock on the station railway tracks are given in table No. 4.

Table 4

Rules of negotiations when performing operations to secure railway rolling stock on station railway tracks

Indication of the chipboard station on the fixing of the railway rolling stock, the removal of brake shoes. Confirmation of correct perception and execution

Confirmation of the perception of the order by the executor and a report on the execution

TCHM report on the attachment of a locomotive to a train (cars)

The message of the TFM about the made fixing and the transfer of permission to uncouple the locomotive

Securing the railway rolling stock and uncoupling the locomotive

“The compiler ... (or another employee in accordance with the TRA station or instructions on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on non-public railway tracks), on ... the track, secure the train (... wagons) ... with brake shoes from the side .... Chipboard ... (last name) "

“It is clear, on ... the way to fix the train (... wagons) ... with shoes from the side .... Compiler (or other employee) ... (surname)".

"That's right, do it"

“The officer on duty, on ... the way, the train (... of wagons) secured ... with shoes from the side .... Compiler (or other employee) ... (surname)".

“It is clear that on ... the way the train (... of wagons) is fixed ... with shoes from the side .... Chipboard ... (surname) ".

Chipboard: “The driver ... (of the train) the composition (... of the wagons) is fixed ... with shoes from ... the side. Unhook (during maneuvers, the compiler says: “I allow you to unhook the locomotive”). Driver: “Understood you, the train (... of the wagons) is fixed ... with shoes from the side ..., I unhook (during maneuvers it says:“ Allow me to unhook) ”. The compiler during the maneuvers: "It's clear, I'm unhooking the locomotive (... wagons)."

Trailering a locomotive and removing the brake shoes

“The duty officer (during train work, the name of the station is indicated) on ... the track (during train work, the number of the locomotive is also indicated) clung to the train (cars), auto brakes are on. Machinist ... (surname) ".

Chipboard station: “It’s clear, on ... the way to the train (cars) they hitched, the auto brakes were on, the driver ... (surname).” “The compiler ... (or other worker). On the ... way, remove ... the shoe(s) from the ... side. Chipboard ... (surname) ".

“It is clear, on ... the way to remove ... the shoe (s) from the side .... Compiler (or other employee) ... (surname)".

"That's right, do it"

“On duty, on ... the way ... the shoe (s) from the side ... have been removed. Compiler (or other employee) ... (surname)".

“It is clear that on ... the path ... the shoe (s) from the side ... have been removed. Chipboard ... (last name) "

Note. When fixing railway rolling stock (cars) with rolling wheels on the brake shoes or laying brake shoes under certain cars (in accordance with this Instruction), the following words are added to the content of the instruction and the response of the performer: “with rolling” or, respectively: “lay shoes (stacked ) for wagons ... "(indicate the inventory or serial number of the wagon).
Detailed regulations for negotiations on securing on station railway tracks are established in the “Regulations for the implementation of operations for securing railway rolling stock on station tracks”, which is a mandatory annex to the station TPA or instructions on the maintenance and organization of traffic on non-public railway tracks.

IX. An indicative list of regulations for negotiations on the preparation of routes

43. Orders on the preparation of routes for the reception and departure of trains, as well as reports on the implementation of these orders, must be clear and precise. Chipboard stations and turnouts on duty must comply with the rules of negotiations in accordance with the attached approximate list.
In cases not covered by this list, chipboard stations and turnouts on duty must also clearly and clearly negotiate the preparation of routes for the reception and departure of trains.
Before transmitting any order related to the preparation of the route for the reception or departure of the train, as well as before receiving a report on the implementation of such an order, the DSP station must make sure that all those persons who have the right to listen to it or report to it. It is forbidden to transmit the indicated orders or receive reports on their implementation from persons who do not have the right to do so.

44. An approximate list of rules for negotiating the preparation of routes is given in Table No. 5.

Table 5

An indicative list of regulations for negotiations on the preparation of routes

Form of negotiation

chipboard station

turnouts on duty

Order of the chipboard station on the preparation of the route

"Prepare the route for receiving train No. ... from Aleksandrov to the 3rd track."

“3rd post. Prepare a route for receiving train No. ... from Aleksandrov to the 3rd track.

a) to receive a train

The order is transmitted simultaneously to all turnout posts involved in the preparation of the route

Repeats one of the turnouts on duty at the direction of the chipboard station. All the rest confirm with the words: "post number ... - right."

If the train follows with a pushing locomotive, then the chipboard of the station and the switch post on duty, repeating the order, add the words: “with the pusher”.

b) for the departure of the train

"Prepare the route of departure of train No. ..., the route of departure from track 1 to Nevskaya." The order is transmitted simultaneously to all turnouts involved in the preparation of the route.

“2nd post. Prepare a route for the departure of train No. ... from track 1 to Nevskaya. Repeats one of the turnouts on duty at the direction of the chipboard station. All the rest confirm with the words: "post number ... - right."

If the train leaves with a pushing locomotive, then the station's chipboard and the switch post on duty, repeating the order, add the words: "with a pusher."

c) to pass the train

"Prepare the route for the reception and departure of train No. ... from Aleksandrov to Nevskaya along the 2nd track." The order is transmitted simultaneously to all turnout posts involved in the preparation of the pass route.

“1st post. Prepare a route for the reception and departure of train No. ... from Aleksandrov to Nevskaya along the 2nd track. Repeats one of the turnouts on duty (input and output) at the direction of the chipboard station. All the rest confirm with the words: "post number ... - right."

Report of the on-duty turnout posts of the chipboard station: a) on the readiness of the reception route

The chipboard of the station listens to the report in the presence of all turnouts on duty at the telephone, participating in the preparation of the route.

“3rd post. The route for receiving train No. ... from Aleksandrov to the 3rd track is ready, the track is free. The attendants of all turnout posts involved in the preparation of the route report.

b) about the readiness of the departure route

The chipboard of the station listens to a report about the presence at the telephone of all turnouts on duty at the same time, participating in the preparation of the route.

“2nd post. The route of departure of train No. ... from track 1 to Nevskaya is ready. The attendants of all turnout posts involved in the preparation of the route report.

c) about the readiness of the route for the passage of the train

The chipboard station listens to the report in the presence of all turnouts on duty at the telephone, participating in the preparation of the route of reception and departure.

“1st post. The route for receiving train No. ... from Aleksandrov to the 2nd track is ready, the track is free. “2nd post. The route of departure of train No. ... from track 2 to Nevskaya is ready, the track is free. The attendants of all turnouts participating in the preparation of the through pass route report.

d) the arrival of the train

“5th post. Train number ... from Aleksandrov on the 3rd track arrived completely. There are aisles." If the train arrived with a pushing locomotive, then the words "with a pusher" are added.

e) about the departure of the train

“2nd post. Train number ... from the 1st track to the Neva left completely. If the departure of the train was carried out with a pushing locomotive, then the words are added: “with a pusher”.


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