EAIST 1.0 EDS login. Eaist "electronic store. Formation of arbitrary specifications

The supplier portal is a subsystem of the Unified Automated information system bidding in Moscow (EAIST), where suppliers can place their proposals for government customers. In the article, we will analyze what opportunities it provides this system supplier, and consider step by step how registration in EAIST goes.

What is the EAIST supplier portal

The portal of the suppliers of the EAIST system (the abbreviation stands for Unified Automated Trading Information System) on the website www.zakupki.mos.ru was created by the Government of Moscow to automate the procurement procedure for small volumes of Moscow state customers and attract small and medium-sized businesses to such purchases. This service is also called the EAIST electronic store.

The operation of the portal is regulated by the Regulations for maintaining a supplier portal, approved by the Order of the Moscow Department for Competition Policy dated September 25, 2014 No. 70-01-149 / 14.

In accordance with the changes that have occurred in the regulatory framework for the implementation of public procurement from a single supplier, namely:

    from "01" November 2013 by decree of the Government of Moscow No. 480-PP dated 23.07.2013 all state customers of Moscow (organizations and institutions of Moscow financed from the budget of the subject Russian Federation) the obligation to use the subsystem of the "Unified automated information system of bidding" (hereinafter referred to as the EAIST subsystem) is imposed when purchasing goods from a single supplier.

    this procedure takes place through Personal Area state customer, located at the address - eaist.mos.r, in the EAIST subsystem by searching for offers (proposals to make a deal for one or another product) with the subsequent conclusion of a government contract on the "Supplier Portal" (the site is located at the email address - market.zakupki. mos.ru), if the proposed product meets the functional and quality needs of the state customer and does not exceed the maximum amount when purchased from a single supplier.

    the maximum amounts for purchases from a single supplier from January 01, 2014 (with the latest amendments as of 06/04/2014) are set in article 93 Federal law Of the Russian Federation No. 44-FZ dated 05.04.2013, namely:

    • all government customers (except for institutions with the type of activity: education, cultural institutions) can purchase goods from a single supplier for an amount not exceeding 100 thousand rubles (without quarterly restrictions on the timing and number of contracts concluded with sole supplier during the year) and not exceeding 2 million rubles or 5% of the total annual volume of purchases of the state customer and should not exceed fifty million rubles (clause 4 of article 93. 44-FZ);
    • government customers (only educational institutions, cultural institutions) can purchase goods from a single supplier for an amount not exceeding 400 thousand rubles (without restrictions on the terms and number of contracts concluded with a single supplier during the year) and not exceeding 50% of the total annual volume of purchases the state customer and should not be more than twenty million rubles (clause 5 of article 93. 44-FZ).

The OFFISMAG company places it on the Supplier Portal and constantly replenishes its product range with new products (over 13,000 items). Over the past 2013, OFFISMAG entered into and fulfilled its obligations under more than 2,500 contracts with government customers in Moscow. In the first six months of 2014, OFFISMAG has already concluded and executed more than 1,500 contracts with government customers in Moscow. The goods presented in OFISMAG are distinguished by high quality, competitive market prices, a wide range of products in various product categories, which makes it possible to satisfy any requests, requirements and needs of Moscow state customers, which is reflected in the highest ratings received on the Supplier Portal from state customers, according to the results of executed contracts.

OFISMAG is constantly improving its interaction with its partners, therefore, based on all of the above, improvements have been prepared related to simplifying the process of ordering goods in the EAIST subsystem "Electronic store", on the "Supplier Portal" and which are detailed in this manual, which we ask everyone to read state customers in Moscow.

The OFFISMAG company offers a choice of Moscow state customers to order goods in our OFFISMAG.RF online store with subsequent registration in the EAIST "Electronic store" subsystem according to the following options:

I. Placing an order for goods through single offers

1.1. The employee responsible for purchases from the state customer must initially select the required product and its quantity in the "Basket", using the existing product selection tools, assessing the quality, detailed properties and characteristics of the product, the availability of the product, considering current promotions/ specials / gifts as shown in the following picture. At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that each product has a register offer number in the form of a sign corresponding to the offer number on the "Supplier Portal":

1.2. Having picked up the assortment of goods of interest, you must press the "Checkout" button, thereby making the transition to the "Basket" with the selected goods:

In the "Basket" each product selected for the order has an offer number, which is located next to the product code. This means that these commodity items are also available on the "Supplier Portal" according to these offer numbers. You can, through your personal account in the EAIST "Electronic store" subsystem, according to these offers, send our specialists to conclude a draft agreement / contract in order to comply with all procedures in accordance with FZ-44 as indicated in Chapter III of this instruction.

To receive a full set of offers for the order made, you need to click in the "Basket" in the upper right corner on the "Print order" button and in the window that opens, click on the "Print" button. That will allow you to easily find and issue a contract for offers from the printed order form through the "Search parameters" in the EAIST subsystem "Electronic store".

1.3. When you click on the "Place an order" button, you will be taken to a page with an order, in which you must specify the contact information for the correct execution of the transaction, and also if you plan to place this order in the future through the EAIST "Electronic store" subsystem, then for so that our specialists involved in the registration of purchases on the "Supplier Portal" could in as soon as possible to contact you to complete the purchase, you need to raise the flag on the phrase "Make an offer on the supplier portal", as shown in the following figure:

1.4. If you need to refer to the order or re-print the offer numbers for a certain already completed order, for example, to draw up a contract in the EAIST "Electronic Store" subsystem, you need to go to "My Account - My Orders - Completed Orders", where you can:

  • by button "Print order" re-print printed form order with offer numbers;

    add all products from a specific order to the "Basket" for re-placing a similar order after a certain period of time.

1.5. In the event that the goods selected for the order do not have an offer number, the specialists of our company during the current day or the next working day from the date of placing the order in the OFISMAG.RF online store will contact you and send you to email information with missing register numbers of offers, or with all numbers of offers for your order. After contacting you with our specialists, you can also independently, according to the actions set forth in clause 1.4 of this manual, view and print a printed order form with offer numbers in completed orders for subsequent ordering in the EAIST "Electronic store" subsystem.

II. Placing an order for goods through a single (complex) offer

2.1. To issue a single (complex) offer, you need to complete all the actions specified in clause "I. Placing an order for goods through single offers ", while as indicated in clause 1.3. it is necessary on the page "Checkout", in addition to the items indicated there, to add a message for our specialists to the "Comment to the order" field, by which it can be determined that ordering will be carried out in the EAIST subsystem with a single (complex) offer. Example of a message: “We will place an order through the EAIST subsystem with a single (complex) offer. We look forward to hearing from you the number of a single offer for the entire order. " Having filled in all the necessary information on the "Checkout" page, in the end, you must click the "Confirm order" button:

2.2. The specialists of OFFISMAG will contact you during the current day or on the next working day from the date of placing the order and send you by e-mail information with the register number of the offer (that is, one offer with a list of the goods that was ordered in) with the specification attached to it, which will indicate the commodity items and their value. Thus, you can already find the offer sent by our specialists in the EAIST "Electronic Store" subsystem and send us a draft contract for its further conclusion. In any case, the specialists of the OFFISMAG company will be constantly in touch on the next one for operational assistance and resolving issues on your order.

III. Placing an order in the EAIST "Electronic store" subsystem

To place an order in the EAIST "Electronic Store" subsystem according to the available offer numbers from the Supplier Portal for a previously placed order in, you must perform the following procedure:

3.1. An employee of a state customer who has access to the EAIST "Electronic store" subsystem must log in to the EAIST "Electronic store" subsystem and go to the "Offer search" tab, where in the table "Search parameters"> field "Offer registry number" / "SKU" it is necessary to enter there the register numbers of offers / article received earlier from our specialists according to the generated order. In the field "Supplier" enter OFFICE(the choice can be made by TIN of the company OFFISMAG 5009062762) and press the button. Repeat the operation with each existing offer register number / article number.

3.2. In the table "Searching results" set the flag in the line with the offer and press the button to simultaneously add to the "Basket" goods, the offer for which you want to issue a single contract, and form a draft contract. This will open the screen form for viewing and editing the information of the draft agreement, in which you need to fill in the fields of the tab « General information» (data for filling must be taken from your accounting department):

3.3. By filling in the required fields on the page "Information about the agreement / contract" in the bookmark "General information", on the bookmark "Subject of the agreement / contract" place the cursor on the line with the item and click the button , in order to edit the quantity of the supplied goods. Enter the required quantity of goods in the field "Quantity under the contract" and go to the table "Delivery schedule", in which you must fill in all the specified fields. If you need to deliver goods to several addresses, use the button. Repeat the operation for each article.

3.5. On a bookmark "Conclusion" click on the button, then attach the file with the draft agreement in the field "Draft agreement", and also attach the file with the specification in the field "Documents under the contract." In field "Set the maximum response time for the supplier"- check the box and select the time and date from the built-in calendar from the drop-down list using the button (it is recommended to set 3-5 days from the current date for timely clarification of working moments). Next, fill in the remaining fields in the window "Direction of the draft agreement" and then press the button.

3.6. After receiving the contract signed by OFFISMAG, you will need to go to the “Agreements” tab, find and open the required agreement in the “Conclusion” status, in the opened screen form for entering information about the agreement, go to the edit mode, select the line with the answer received from us and click on the button "Sign an agreement". After that, the "Conclusion of the contract" window will drop out, where you, if necessary, are given the right to leave any comment (for example, "To ship the goods after full payment"). Next, you need to click the "Send to supplier" button. After that, the contract is considered concluded and the status "Concluded" is assigned to it.

In case of any difficulties and questions when placing orders in the OFISMAG.RF online store and in the EAIST "Electronic Store" subsystem, our specialists will be happy to help you!

The program is an Excel file. Works with Microsoft Excel 2003 and higher. It does not have any special requirements for the hardware. The program is designed to create files for importing "json" specifications into EAIST 2.0.

When working with an order unloaded from the EKIS (service of the Moscow Department of Education), the formation takes place in semi-automatic- You only need to press buttons and enjoy the process. Also, specification files can be created on the basis of an arbitrary order, while it will be necessary to put down the names of the SPGZ, the number of addresses and the price per unit.

Specification files can be uploaded both to create detailed objects for each address, as well as general specifications (if you will attach the order as a separate file in the documentation).

After generating the files, the program will sort the order or specification taking into account the logic of the EAIST 2.0 import, which will allow you to enter price data without hesitation, moving down the positions. Also, if at some addresses, the number of positions exceeds 75 items, the program will offer to split the specifications into 50 items in a file, for the step-by-step creation of a DOZ, in order to exclude the loss of all information in the event of EAIST malfunctions.

At the same time, after the formation of files, on the "table" tab, you can visually see the amounts by addresses, which allows you to avoid errors when saving and approving dosages.

The SPGZ-KPGZ databases are replenished weekly. When you start the program, you only need to press one button to get the update data from the server.

The program has a functional for calculating the specification based on the results of trading, the algorithm for "bringing" the contract price to the price "is implemented trading platform"by the method of increasing / decreasing the price per unit of production by no more than 1 kopeck.

2. Action of buttons.

2.1. Generate table

When you click on the "Generate table" button, the program searches in the same folder for a file named "Razn-Zakaz * .xls *" or "Specific * .xls *" and places its contents on the "razn" sheet. If there are several sheets in the file, the content of the first sheet is imported into the program.

After that, the names of the delivery addresses are shortened to the generally accepted ones.

2.2. Form the order

When you click on the "Generate order" button, a per-address vertical order is formed on the "razn" sheet for visually more convenient formation of detailed objects.

Next, the tables are sorted:

On the "razn" sheet, first sorting by the column with the EKIS names in alphabetical order takes place, then a similar sorting by the column with the SPGZ values, after that the values ​​are sorted again by the SPGZ column, taking into account the logic of loading into EAIST (duplicate SPGZ values ​​are transferred to the end of the list).

On the sheet "table", the table is sorted in the same way, except for the transfer of duplicate values.

After that, the sum column is formatted on the "razn" sheet - it is changed to divide the fractional part with a comma by a dot (for convenient copying of these values ​​into EAIST).

If the number was not entered for one or several addresses on the "table" sheet, the program will inform you about this with an indication of the number of such addresses.

If at any address or the total number of product names exceeds 75, then the columns with that number are colored.

After the formation of tables, if the number of items in the specification exceeds 75, a proposal is displayed to split the specification in blocks of 50 items for the possibility of stage-by-stage import of specifications into the detailed object.

2.3. Check SPGZ

This button appears only after the formation of the table or order. When you press the button, the SPGZ names are checked on the "table" sheet with the SPGZ database available in the program. If a match is found, the line number of this name from the database is returned to the SPGZ column. When reconciling, spaces and punctuation marks are not taken into account in the SPGZ values.

If the program could not find all the SPGZ in the database, a corresponding notification is displayed with the line numbers for which the SPGZ value was not found. Also, cells with such SPGZ will be highlighted in color.

If the program cannot find all SPGZs, it is necessary to update the SPGZ-KPGZ database by clicking the appropriate button, then clear the column with the found SPGZs and repeat the check again. If after that, the program still cannot find all the SPGZ, it is required to check the values ​​with the reference book of the NSI EAIST.

If the program has found all the SPGZ in the database, a message appears about the transition to the next stage - entering information about the terms and conditions of delivery.

2.4. Generate json file (s)

This button appears only after successful completion of the SPGZ check. When you click on the button, a form appears for entering information about the terms and conditions of delivery.

After entering all the information, you must select the method of generating files: by address or as a single file.

The next time you run the form, the fields will be filled with the last entered values.

2.5. Calculate a contract

This button appears only after the formation of the table or order. By clicking on the button, the focus is transferred to the cells in which it is necessary to enter information about the NMC of the joint lot, as well as the price offer of the winner, and then click on the button "Calculate".

2.6. Make a calculation

This button appears only after clicking on the "Calculate contract" button. When you click on the button, prices are calculated per unit of goods, taking into account the tender reduction, then the amounts for items and the total amount are calculated.

If the calculation amount does not coincide with the price calculated by the site, the program will try to adjust the unit prices within one kopeck to get the total amount equal to the "site price". In this case, the positions for which the changes have occurred will be highlighted in color.

If the program fails to find a solution, a corresponding message will be displayed.

3. Description of functions.

3.1. Formation of specifications using the Procurement and Technosphere services of the Moscow Department of Education

To generate specifications using the "Procurement" and "Technosphere" services, you need to place the downloaded Order / Specifications file (Razn-Zakaz * .xls * / Specif * .xls *) in the same folder with the program, and then click the "Generate Table" button ...

After the formation of the table, it is necessary to start the SPGZ check by pressing the corresponding button.

The generated files will be located in the same folder as the program itself.

3.2. Formation of arbitrary specifications

For the formation of arbitrary specifications, on initial stage you must specify the number of delivery addresses.

After that, the program generates an initial table, into which you need to enter the following data:

Auction name - a short unique name of the product (may coincide with the name of the SPGZ, if it, in turn, is also unique within a specific purchase), which is planned to be used in the preparation of the TOR and the Draft contract;
- The name of the SPGZ - is selected from the reference book of the NSI EAIST;
- The number of goods by address;
- Unit price.
Optionally instead of Address1, Address2, etc. enter real addresses - in this case, these addresses will be included in the generated ordering table.

After entering all the necessary information, you need to click the "Generate order" button.

In case of a successful check of the SPGZ, the program itself will open a form for entering information about the terms and conditions of delivery. After filling in all the fields, you need to select the method for generating the specification files and click the "Generate file (s)" button.

The generated files will be located in the same folder as the program itself.

Reading 6 min.

Electronic Supplier Portal

The Vendor Portal is a regulated marketplace for consumers to purchase a variety of retail products.

Outwardly, such a portal resembles a large store, which houses various departments with a wide variety of assortments.

To create the appearance of honest transparent relations between the buyer and the seller, a special agreement is drawn up, which obliges to deliver the selected product within a certain time frame.

There is a constant increase in users electronic portals suppliers... The number of customers and suppliers is gradually increasing. Many entrepreneurs nowadays prefer to run their business in this way.

What is an e-shop supplier portal?

The e-shop is an integral part of the supplier portal.

The e-shop of the supplier portal was created specifically to simplify the procedure for regulating activities related to public procurement.

In 2013, a law was passed stating that all government purchases must be made exactly through the electronic store.

If in any budgetary organization there is a need to purchase a certain product or service, then she must do this by resorting to the help of electronic stores.

The basis for such a government decision is the transparency of the relationship between the supplier and the customer.

Through the use of the e-shop system:

  1. The opportunity to purchase products is provided in small bulk quantities.
  2. Competitiveness is increasing individual suppliers.
  3. Provides the opportunity for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, due to the implementation of public procurement from this category of entrepreneurs and firms.
  4. Information about the specific cost of the object is freely available to anyone categories of service participants, thereby making it possible to assess the honesty and conscientiousness of the participants in the transaction.

EAIST-portal of suppliers

EAIST is an electronic tracking service and stands for Unified Automated Trading Information System. EAIST is focused on working with Moscow users.

All performers are united in the service under a common tab on the site - "suppliers". This section includes all business participants who, ever since 2013, have provided appropriate services for the purchase and sale of a certain type of product to customers of any status.

This list includes all business structures, even those not registered in the service.

Many suppliers working with customers, while not registering with EAIST, are forced to abandon contractual agreements precisely because they are not registered in the service.

Supplier e-shop - offer

The principle of the online store is:

  1. Registration in the service supplier;
  2. Placement of an offer which is the provided product or service;
  3. For owners large stores it is necessary to place an offer for each offered product;
  4. Creation of a personal account by the customer in an electronic store;
  5. Search by the customer for the required product or services;
  6. Conclusion of a contract with a supplier in in electronic format ... It is allowed to use electronic digital signatures... The contract must contain the payment details of both the supplier and the customer;
  7. Sending a contract to the supplier for approval. If the parties are satisfied with all the clauses of the contract, then the contract gains force from the moment it is signed by the supplier and the customer. If one of the parties wants to make changes to the agreement, then a additional document called a contention protocol.

It is necessary to produce correct design offers, taking into account:

  1. Categorization products;
  2. Name;
  3. Unit of measure;
  4. Unit specifics measurements;
  5. Currency with which it is possible carrying out mutual settlements;
  6. Unit cost in a specific currency;
  7. Availability discounts;
  8. Terms of provision discounts;
  9. Value added tax rate... It can be different for different types product categories;
  10. Minimum and maximum possible quantity goods for purchase;
  11. Delivery times and maximum time delivery;
  12. Additional intelligence;
  13. It is necessary to attach a file with registration documents and contract form.

After filling in all the points and agreeing to the user agreement of the service, each offer is provided with a number. In this case, the last number after the dash indicates the year of the offer creation.

Registration on the supplier portal

  • Before registering on the supplier portal, you must obtain an electronic digital signature. It is needed to formalize the contractual relationship with the customer.
  • Recommended to increase your rating and level of trust customers to be accredited on several portals. In some situations, this service can be performed together with the receipt of an electronic - digital signature.
  • Pay for the registration service. The amount on each supplier portal is different and may change over time.
  • If you have all of the above documentation, registration on the portal is simple and consists in filling in personal business data and payment details.

Why is it so important to save time when placing an offer on the Supplier Portal?

As you know, time is a limited phenomenon, it is especially important for successful business participants. This category needs to have time to complete many cases concerning commercial development Affairs.

A lot of time is spent on carrying out "paperwork" associated with the registration of certain events, reports.

Therefore, creating a supplier portal is just a godsend to save time and promote business development.

Also, to save time, you can use:

  • services providing services by self-registration of an account;
  • services of companies processing information in the supplier's office;
  • business compilation services spectacular offer.

Benefits of using an e-shop to conclude transactions

Thanks to the functioning of the electronic store, the user is provided with unique opportunities associated with the ability to:

  • market assessment and analysis sales of certain products;
  • free or at a fixed cost, depending on the status of the supplier, the provision of goods and services for the consideration of the customer;
  • partner selection on business;
  • electronic accounting of goods turnover, which makes it possible to simplify the preparation and submission to the relevant authorities, reports;
  • free advertising their products;
  • increasing the rating... When making each purchase of a product or service, the supplier is awarded a certain number of points, which are an indicator of the rating, and, as a result, the popularity of the performer;
  • creating your personal competitive environment, the meaning of which may lie not only in the amount of the cost of products, but also in the unique conditions of delivery, registration and many other related factors.

Assistance in making offers on the supplier portal

Making offers is an important moment in promoting your products, because the success of a business participant depends precisely on the way the source of information is presented.

The description of the product itself plays an even greater role in improving the implementation process than the quality and other characteristics of the product.

Therefore, before filling out, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for working with offers.

This can be done in several ways:

  1. Using the YouTube service. In the search box, you must enter the query "Rules for making an offer".
  2. Using the Internet using search engines browsers.

In the absence of time to understand the intricacies and nuances of registration procedures, you can use specialized companies that provide services of a similar type.

These companies can be found in the e-shop of the same supplier portal with which you plan to cooperate.

Respectable partners!

Ordering through the EAIST system will give you the opportunity to choose the best price offers and conclude contracts in electronic form.

The procurement system of the city of Moscow is being reformed, the Moscow Government has issued Resolution 480-PP from 23.07.2013, according to which all government customers must switch to the use of the Unified Automated Information System of Bidding "Supplier Portal".

1. Search for the offer number in the Komus online store

1.1. Find the product you are interested in in any way (catalog, search bar, etc.):

1.2. The product card contains the offer number of the supplier's portal, which you can use when searching for this product in the EAIST electronic store.

1.3. If you could not find the offer number for the required product, you can send a request immediately on the product card or use section 3 of this manual.

1.4. Submitting a request to create an offer on a PP in the Komus online store.

1.4.1. Before submitting a request to create an offer, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a wide range of office goods c. Here you can familiarize yourself with the parameters of the required product, a detailed description and image of the product.

1.4.2. To submit a request to create an offer on a PP, use the Feedback service of the Komus online store.

1.4.3. Select a feedback topic "Request for offers on the Supplier Portal"

1.4.4. In field "Making an offer" list (in a column) all the SKUs of the goods for which you need to issue offers (example below). Click to send "Send".

1.4.5. After the successful submission of the application, you will see the corresponding information message. You will receive confirmation of receipt of the request to the specified e-mail.


  • When placing a request for an offer, sent until 13-00, the offer will be created the next day after the request is sent.
  • When placing a request for the establishment of an offer on the PP, sent after 13-00, the offer will be created one day after the request is sent.


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