The reason for the dismissal in the autobiography what to write. What reason for dismissal to write in the resume, do employers need the truth? List of wordings that are better not to be indicated in the resume

What is better to write about the reason for dismissal in the resume so that the candidate is more likely to be approved? And what circumstances of termination of the contract is better not to mention if it is not required?

General rules for filling out this column in the questionnaire

First of all, you need to remember that any manager can check the reason for dismissal by simply calling the person's old job. However, it so happens that the circumstances of termination of the contract were not very good, and you want to get a new place, what should you do in this case? The most important thing in this situation is to tell the truth and not embellish events. In case the circumstances are unsightly, you do not have to write the reason for dismissal in the questionnaire, even if it is required in it. But then it is imperative to tell the boss at the interview why they were stopped with the previous employer labor Relations... If a personal conversation is not provided, then it is better to write what the actual reason was and not lie. It is likely that after reading the questionnaire, the employer himself decides to personally talk to the candidate for the position. It will be much worse if the boss calls the person's previous place of work and finds out everything himself.

And what to write about the reason for the dismissal in the resume if the subordinate left for on their own? In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, you need to clearly and briefly state the circumstances that prompted the resigning person to leave.

Advice! If a person left of their own free will, the manager can still ask why the employee terminated the contract. In this case, there is no need to speak badly about the past leadership, even if it really did the wrong thing. If you wish, you can lie a little here - you were not satisfied with the long journey to work, or your salary was reduced. Here you can also mention that the person wanted to take another position at the previous job, but there were no vacancies.

Least of all questions are raised by withdrawal by agreement of the parties, since this wording means that there was a conflict between the employer and the subordinate, but it has been exhausted and at the moment they have no claims to each other.

Successful options

You can compose an answer to the questionnaire by first looking at examples that are more likely to not raise unpleasant questions from the employer.

Reasons for dismissal, which you can not be afraid to indicate in the questionnaire:

  • no conditions for career growth(or improving as a professional);
  • closure of the enterprise;
  • past work was not morally satisfying;
  • termination of the contract;
  • change of residence (moving to another city);
  • desire to work in a prestigious company.

The above options will help increase the likelihood of registration employment contract, but this does not mean that the boss will not have any questions at all, so you need to prepare for the interview as best you can.

Advice! In a personal conversation with an employer, it is important not to over praise the company, otherwise he will think that the person is hiding something.

It is also better to avoid financial question because the director may think that if a person is offered a place with a higher salary, then he will immediately leave.

What is better not to mention?

In addition to reasons that hardly raise any questions, there are those that can convince the boss not to hire a person. If the resume does not have to indicate the circumstances of leaving, then it is better to take advantage of this and not write them.

List of reasons why it is better to remain silent:

  • reduction of posts;
  • through the fault of the former boss (or colleagues);
  • too high demands from the management (often sent to study, and so on);
  • inconvenient working hours;
  • heavily loaded with tasks;
  • the need to care for a child (and other close relative).

The last point is one of the most problematic, since most employers prefer not to hire people who have small children. Termination of a staff reduction contract is also not very good a good option, since the manager may think that the subordinate was not a valuable person, and therefore the labor relationship with him was terminated. You can clarify the situation during the interview or briefly add that the person has not entered the privileged category of workers, with whom they do not have the right to stop the contract when the staff is reduced.

Advice! You should not indicate in the questionnaire the reasons for leaving because of the crisis, and even more so, you should not write "it happened so" or "because of insurmountable disagreements with the authorities." All these options will not only confuse the director, but also form a not very good opinion of the candidate.

Reasons for leaving work in the resume - an optional item. But some HR professionals need to know what motivates the job seeker. If you do not register them, they will surely ask such a question during the interview. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance and correctly formulate this point at the initial stage.

Reason for looking for a job in a resume: what to write and what not

Sometimes they try to solve this issue the most. simple way- rewrite the wording from the work book. But it is not informative at all. For example, you can leave at will because of:

  • content inconsistencies labor activity expectations;
  • inability to develop professionally;
  • low wages;
  • uncomfortable conditions;
  • conflicts in the team or with the leadership.

But not every reason for changing jobs on a resume will make a good impression on a recruiter. Therefore, it is better to stick to neutral statements, without criticizing the previous employer.

Reason for dismissal in resume: what to write (examples)

Everyone has their own motives, but all their diversity can be reduced to several large categories. Let's take a closer look at what is the best way to indicate the reasons for dismissal from work for a resume: examples are taken from real life and the experience of HR specialists.

Reasons for leaving work for a resume: examples

Doesn't fit


Tired of the monotony

1. Lack of career prospects.

2. Desire to expand the range of tasks to be solved.

3. The desire to explore a new direction of activity.

Conflicts with management

The management did not approve of my ideas for the development of the company (department, introduction of a new product).

I didn't like that the office was far from home

Transport inaccessibility did not allow me to get to the office on time and maintain discipline, and this is contrary to my life principles.

Low salary

1. Massive reduction in the salaries of company employees.

2. The company lacks resources for material incentives for initiatives.

I got cut

1. The company underwent a reorganization, and part of the rates (including mine) was abolished

2. Due to staff reductions, my position was eliminated.

Dishonesty of the boss

The company did not fulfill its obligations for n months.

Forbidden words

Any negative about the preceding place, leadership, conditions is unacceptable. And in no case should the facts of violation of labor or even criminal legislation be disclosed. Not worth mentioning:

  • conflicts with colleagues;
  • personal insults from your boss;
  • dirty office;
  • overtime or weekend calls;
  • the obligation to improve qualifications;
  • family circumstances;
  • "Black" salary;
  • tax avoidance.

The reason for dismissal in the resume is an example of the fact that you are able to adequately assess the situation, learn a lesson from past experience and correctly present even unpleasant information. Therefore, even the most negative reason, formulated gracefully, fades and elevates the applicant in the eyes of a personnel officer.

While compiling a resume, everyone has long been "ate the dog," but still, some columns raise doubts even among sophisticated applicants, for example, whether to write the reason for dismissal, and if so, what exactly to indicate. Some believe that it is always worth reporting truthful information about yourself, while others are more cunning.

How to write a resume, what reason should be indicated in it?

The reason for dismissal in the text of the resume, as a rule, is not indicated, but in any case, you need to be prepared that at the interview the recruiting manager will most likely take an interest in the motives of leaving the previous workplace.

Some employers offer to fill out an atypical resume form, and the column "reason for dismissal" is mandatory in it. What, then, to write? You should not invent anything that would contradict the entry in work book... In addition, if the recruiter is confused by something, he can easily call the old workplace the applicant and find out everything.

Advice! If it is nevertheless necessary to fill in the motive for leaving in the questionnaire, it is better to do it as briefly as possible.

Some reasons for leaving work for a resume and do not require writing long opuses, for example:

  • in connection with the closure of the enterprise;
  • in connection with the termination of a fixed-term employment contract;
  • by agreement of the parties;
  • at will.

If the recruiter's profile interests him, he will be able to find out all the details at a personal meeting.

But how to correctly indicate the reason for leaving, if it is such that it makes this personal meeting a big question? For example, if the following factors are the reason:

  1. Unsatisfactory test result at hiring.
  2. Inappropriate position due to insufficient qualifications.

In such a situation, it can be indicated that the specialist held a higher position that did not correspond to his skills, but subsequently completed refresher courses, while eliminating the existing gaps. It is better to attach a photocopy of the certificate or diploma of completion of the courses to the resume.

What are the harmless reasons for dismissal?

Labor Code Russian Federation establishes an extensive list of grounds for terminating an employment contract. Well-known grounds for dismissal:

  • at the initiative of the chief;
  • expiration of the term of the employment contract.

In addition, there are reasons when an employee may refuse to continue working (and the law grants him such a right):

  • due to a change of ownership;
  • changes in the terms of the contract;
  • transfer to another job for health reasons;
  • the company moves to another location.

The law provides that withdrawal can also be on grounds beyond the control of the parties:

  • not being elected to office;
  • condemnation to punishment;
  • recognition of an employee as incapable of work;
  • other reasons.

The contract can be terminated if the rules for its conclusion have been violated.

All these reasons for leaving the previous job can be painlessly described by applying for a new position.

Do not point out, difficult cases

There are reasons for leaving, which under no circumstances can be indicated in the questionnaire:

  • embezzlement;
  • absenteeism;
  • drunken appearance at the enterprise;
  • disclosure of state, commercial secrets;
  • gross violation of labor duties and other reasons that do not paint the applicant.

It is better to leave the required column blank, and try to explain the current situation at an interview or by phone, for example, a misunderstanding with the previous management. It is important to convince the recruiter that this will not happen again in the future.

How to present the resignation from work on reduction?

Sometimes, even such a seemingly harmless reason for dismissal as the staff reduction indicated in the application form can play a cruel joke with the applicant.

The recruiting manager may decide that valuable talent is not being cut and refuse employment. In this case, again, it is better not to write anything in the questionnaire, but to explain in an interview that they were forced to leave the service as a single mother, whom they simply did not have the right to cut, but good specialist(candidate for new job) was fired.

How to beat leaving as you wish?

If a person resigned of his own free will, the recruiter may have a reasonable question, and in connection with what such a desire arose. In this case, you should not write about a conflict with colleagues or try to blame the tyrant boss. Since this will indicate an inability to get along with people, lack of loyalty and intemperance of the applicant.

In addition, it is better not to write about such reasons as a gray or low salary, because in fact no employer wants to overpay his subordinates, while demanding high labor productivity. Well, if this fact became the reason for the resignation, then it is better to indicate that the salary was below average and did not correspond to the skills, labor duties and responsibilities assigned to the resigning person.

An irregular working day or a large amount of work can also become a reason for leaving, but you do not need to write such a reason in the questionnaire, the recruiting manager may decide that the applicant is simply lazy and does not want to work.

Advice! When leaving at will, it is better to emphasize that the old job did not give an opportunity to realize their talents, but the new one, which the person now pretends to, gives.

If new vacancy provides for business trips, then you should not write that it was they who served as the reason for leaving the previous workplace.

In the questionnaire, you must mark your strengths, therefore, it is better to indicate the appropriate reasons for leaving:

  1. By writing that there was no opportunity for career and professional growth at the enterprise, the candidate will show his dedication and readiness to work for the result.
  2. Pointing out that the previous duty station did not allow the full realization of qualifications and skills, the applicant will emphasize his high competence. The main thing is to confirm your importance later in the process of work.

You can indicate neutral motives, which may not characterize the applicant as an active person, but will not harm. For example, to report that the management of the enterprise has changed, and, accordingly, the team of specialists came "their own", while the old ones were asked to leave in an amicable way.

For reference! Another good reason for a resume is that the place of residence or office location has changed, it has become far, inconvenient, long or impossible to travel (any suitable option).

Literacy and information content

Sample resume.

The resume must be written without errors or corrections. An untidy, misspelling questionnaire is unlikely to interest a recruiting manager who wants to find a highly qualified specialist.

The questionnaire should be as informative as possible, but not overloaded with unnecessary information. It is necessary to indicate only those information that is important specifically for a given profession, position or employer. No need to start the story with school successes. The same applies to the reasons for resignation, as a rule, the recruiter is interested in the last job.

Clarity of wording, no lies

If the motive for leaving is not disagreeable, you should not play around and hide it behind general vague phrases, for example, "we did not agree with the previous leadership." Such phrases, most likely, will induce the recruiter to call the applicant's previous place of work and find out the truth. And if a person quit with a scandal, then one can imagine what they will say about him. Maximum honesty and openness, perhaps, will help to gain sympathy and trust of potential bosses.

And you shouldn't allow yourself any offensive attacks against the former management and colleagues.

Important! The main thing to remember is that in the century information technologies any information can be verified in just a couple of minutes. Therefore, you can and should embellish information about yourself, but in no case should you lie.

Opinion about the applicant for vacant post potential employers most often make up only after interviewing him. But whether this interview takes place or not depends largely on the resume. It is " business card»Of a job seeker, and the final result often depends on the literacy of its preparation.

Even if you do not include in your resume the reasons for dismissal from previous place, then this may be asked at the interview. Therefore, the answer to this question must be thought out in advance. You can also see an example: the reasons for dismissal from work for a resume can be suitable for several positions at once.

Possible options

Speaking about the reasons for dismissal, it is advisable to be extremely frank. After all, the future employer may think that you were simply asked to leave "in an amicable way." Some of the most common wording that applicants indicate are as follows:

  • due to the prevailing circumstances;
  • did not agree with the leadership;
  • low level wages;
  • due to job cuts;
  • problems in the team.

But such descriptions make it difficult for the recruiter to understand why the person decided to quit. Therefore, the reason for dismissal in the resume should be indicated more specifically:

  • the company does not have the opportunity for career growth due to the specifics of production;
  • I want to study new directions of activity, in the old place of work there are no opportunities for professional growth;
  • my ideas on increasing labor productivity did not find a response, further work began to take place in conditions of misunderstanding;
  • mass layoffs, closure of the department in which he worked, complete liquidation of the enterprise, reduction of positions due to a change in the specifics of the company's work;
  • Despite the pleasant general atmosphere, the work did not meet my expectations, although it was interesting.

But keep in mind, if you quit with a scandal, then the future employer can find out by making just 1 call. Therefore, you should not take any example from the proposed options, it is better to wait for the interview and try to explain everything orally.

Change of activity

Sometimes job seekers want to radically change the scope of their work or change the specifics. In this case, it is better to formulate the reasons for dismissal as follows.

  • I want to change the direction of my activity. The company in which I work now is exclusively engaged in trade, and I would like to try to apply my knowledge in production.
  • Change of the type of work, team, direction of the company. Doing the same thing for 10 years, even with a gradual expansion of responsibilities, leads to the automatic performance of the assigned functions. Because of this, there are no prospects for professional and personal development.
  • Professional and career growth. At the current place of employment, there is no prospect of changing the direction of activity and the possibility of career growth.
  • Expansion of professional responsibilities. I want to apply my experience, skills and knowledge not as a narrow specialist, but as a professional with a wide profile.

Perhaps the recruiter will want to clarify and ask you to tell, for example, what kind of professional responsibilities you have grown beyond.

Forbidden moves

There are a number of reasons that it is best not to include it on your resume. Of course, when talking at an interview, this will have to be remembered. But in a conversation, you will always have the opportunity to say that you understood your mistakes and made conclusions.

You should not indicate the following as reasons for dismissal:

  • did not get along with colleagues;
  • did not fit the requirements of the management;
  • I couldn't work with unpleasant people;
  • the company requires regular refresher courses;
  • uncomfortable working conditions, irregular working hours;
  • lack of the possibility of increasing wages;
  • I have not worked in the same company for more than 3 years;
  • the company takes refuge from taxes and pays salaries "in envelopes";
  • termination dismissal probationary period;
  • I was laid off, although I am a good specialist;
  • the crisis in the country was the reason for my dismissal.

Of course, these are likely to be the real reasons for your departure. But the employer will see at the same time a conflicted person who cannot get accustomed to the team, did not deserve a wage increase, is too picky and can give out commercial secrets.

Fundamental rules

Before figuring out what to write in your resume about the reasons for dismissal, think about whether it is really necessary in your case. As a rule, this question is asked in an interview, where you can talk in detail about what made you look for a new job.

If you change jobs every year, the recruiter may consider you a "flyer" and won't even invite you for an interview.

In this case, you can specify:

  • I have versatile experience in many areas, which allows me to quickly adapt and delve into the specifics of the work;
  • the Angelica company was liquidated;
  • the commercial department of the company "Aura" was closed due to the reorganization of production.

In some cases, many records in the labor book appear not because of the restlessness of the employee, but because of the change in the form of ownership of the company. In this case, you do not need to indicate the reasons for dismissal, and in the work experience column you can do this:

Lead Manager, PKF "Glad"

Reasons for leaving the previous job: what to say at the interview and write in the resume

Dismissal: what reason to indicate?

It is rare to meet a person who has worked in one place of work all his life, without changing anything in his life until retirement. Much more common are people who change their occupation or organization frequently and regularly. At the same time, the reason for dismissal from the previous job can say a lot about a person and his attitude to life. This question is often asked in interviews and is often mentioned in the resume.

It is believed that by answering the question about the reasons for dismissal, one can add not only a psychological portrait of a person, but also understand whether he will be able to work in the next company. To some extent, this point of view is fair, but there are situations that the employee can neither foresee nor prevent.

The main reasons for changing jobs

Reasons for changing jobs

Most frequent objective reason dismissal from a previous job is a low salary. In conditions of constant competition, firms and organizations are trying to hire good qualified specialists, so they can be lured away by a high level of wages. And man is a being who is always looking for where it will be better for him.

But there is one caveat. If an employee leaves because of low wages. he will definitely move to another place of work. Even with little money. to go "nowhere" is stupid and unreasonable.

Another common option for making a decision to dismiss is the lack of opportunities for further growth, both professional and career. Young professionals who are ready to adapt to changing business and production conditions want to know more, do more and grow in their profession. If the organization does not have such an opportunity, an ambitious and purposeful employee has the right to seek better job with perspectives.

Other most significant reasons for dismissal include:

  • Misunderstandings with the leader or team. The human factor often even affects business relationship therefore, it becomes uncomfortable for individual employees to work in this atmosphere. But here actual question is the fault of the misunderstanding.
  • Moving to another area of ​​the city or outside of it. A change of residence is often accompanied by a change of place of work. especially if the current company cannot offer options for compensating for such inconvenience: paying for transport, changing the work schedule, raising wages.
  • Changes in the nature of work. For example, adding new responsibilities without raising salaries or changing the schedule. In modern conditions, the absence of change is impossible, but it must always be accompanied by additional circumstances and actions. And when this does not happen, a person may begin to look for other uses for their skills and abilities.
  • Reduction of the workplace. This reason does not depend on the employee, and often does not even depend on the employer himself. But if the organization is downsizing. even valuable and important employees may be out of work.

There are also many other reasons why a person leaves the previous job and looks for another, but these are less common.

A special group is the reasons when the dismissal occurs at the initiative of the management: incompetence, violation of discipline, offenses committed in the course of activities. If a corresponding entry is made in the employee's work book, then find Good work will be more difficult.

Thus, the reasons for dismissal from the previous job can be completely different, and they should be discussed during further interviews, but how exactly to submit information is a serious question. To communicate with a specialist of the personnel department in potential company need to prepare.

How to answer interview questions about a previous layoff

Employees of the personnel department of the company, where a person has to get a job, be sure to ask about the reasons for dismissal from the previous job. Especially if the entry in the work book is laconic and can say little about the real prerequisites for dismissal.

To feel confident in the interview and correctly answer all the questions, it is worth remembering two simple rules:

  1. You need to tell the truth. In the personnel reception department there are specialists and professionals in their field who ask many questions and draw conclusions based on all the information received. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to hide anything. And if it works out, the employee of the personnel department will see that the applicant is hiding something. In this regard, there is a second rule.
  2. The truth can be told in different ways. When answering questions about dismissal from a previous job, the truth must be presented in a light that suits you. This is often not difficult. If the reason for the dismissal is a low salary or lack of opportunities for further growth, the person shows himself on the good side in his desire to achieve something more. But if there was a conflict at the previous place of work, you will have to think about how best to explain this.

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The manager who conducts the interview, based on any story or explanation, draws conclusions about the character of the person and the possibility of his further infusion into new team... The first step in any interview is to determine the psychological and moral relevance of the new company, potential manager and colleagues. Only after that will the examination of professional skills and knowledge begin. Although it may not start if the first stage is not passed. It is easier and more profitable for an organization to hire an inexperienced newcomer and train him, who will be loyal, purposeful, flexible and sociable than a conflicted and principled professional.

Thus, communication with a specialist in the HR department should be as sincere and frank as possible, but it is important to prepare for questions and carefully think about the wording of your own thoughts. Especially if the declared vacancy is the desired place for the applicant.

What to write on the resume about the reasons for dismissal

Reason for dismissal in resume

A completed resume is the first and most important opportunity to interest an employer in your candidacy. That is why job seekers are so careful about the information that is placed on the resume. Sometimes it is better not to indicate the reasons for dismissal from the previous job at all, after waiting for the interview and then taking the opportunity to explain everything in person.

On the other hand, based on this information in the resume, the HR specialist can also draw certain conclusions, so sometimes these reasons can still be voiced. However, here you need to be even more careful and careful in the wording and explanations. After all, if at a personal interview you can explain everything for a long time and clearly, adding emotions, facial expressions and personal charm to your words, then on a piece of paper there is no such opportunity. And each person can perceive the same text in different ways.

The most loyal and streamlined formulations of the reasons for dismissal from the previous job can be called:

  • Impossibility of further growth and advancement, whereas I feel that I can do more.
  • The low level of salary, which does not depend on the performance of my work, and which I cannot influence by my actions.
  • My ideas and suggestions do not find a response from the management, and further communication takes place with a tinge of misunderstanding.
  • The complete inadequacy of the working conditions to my skills, skills and specialization, which is why I cannot fully realize my potential.
  • Mass layoff of staff, termination of the company.

Explaining these reasons and taking into account other information specified by the applicant in the resume will give the HR employee full information to continue further communication about filling a vacancy or, conversely, about not having to spend time on an interview if a person is obviously not suitable.

The reason for dismissal from the previous job is an important question when looking for a new type of activity. However, this is not a difficult question, if you prepare for it and correctly formulate your own thoughts and judgments.

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Reason for dismissal in resume. What to write in the column "Reason for dismissal"

October 28, 2014

A job seeker who is looking for a job must first think about his resume. After all, this document is a business card, which briefly and clearly tells about the positions held, previous jobs, existing skills and merits.

What is a resume?

In order to attract the attention of a personnel officer or a manager, it is important to write a resume correctly. To do this, you should exclude the presence of common mistakes made when writing it. In addition, the reason for dismissal in the resume should be described correctly enough so as not to arouse increased interest of the employer.

Errors in resume writing

1. Grammatical and stylistic mistakes are simply unacceptable in a resume. This is because a document that has such shortcomings is usually not read to the end, and even more often it is simply thrown into the trash. After all, the literacy of a new employee of the company is quite an important point.

2. The text should be formatted and easy to read. A document without paragraphs, clarifications and highlights is difficult to perceive. That is why it is necessary to use bold highlights, as well as underlines in paragraphs and headings. Decorating with markers, using a different font is unacceptable, because a resume is, first of all, an official document.

3. Today on the Internet you can find a resume, an example of which will serve good template for the applicant. It is important to take into account the fact that it is impossible to write completely with a carbon copy. First of all, the questionnaire must be unique.

4. When writing information about previous jobs, you must correctly indicate the date of the start of the activity, its end, as well as the reasons for dismissal of your own free will. This is because the vagueness of such information will indicate the lack of collection of the applicant.

5. Your business card should indicate the purpose of its preparation. The answer to this question should be based on the structure of the resume. Even if several professions are considered in different companies, it is necessary to draw up its own document for each vacancy.

6. A resume that has a lot of unnecessary information about the applicant's personal life, hobbies, hobbies and habits looks overwhelmed. Therefore, such a mistake simply cannot be made.

Is the accuracy of the information important?

When presenting information about himself, the applicant must avoid lying. After all, information about a person is checked by security services. That is why there is no point in assuming nonexistent experience or skills, as well as distorting the data with regards to the date of birth, surname, marital status... Especially important is the indicated reason for dismissal in the resume, to which personnel officers often turn their attention. Here you need reliable information, presented by the applicant in the correct way. It is about this that it is important to talk in more detail.

Reasons for dismissal: what not to talk about

For many job seekers, the important question is what to write in the reason for dismissal. It is important to understand here that it is impossible to evade a direct answer. The phrase "In connection with the current circumstances" will certainly arouse suspicion. The recruiter or employer may assume the worst. Therefore, the answer for the resume and further interview must be prepared in advance.

The most common version of the reason for changing jobs, offered by the jobseeker to the HR officer, is the circumstances caused by the crisis. When the employer receives certain information about the applicant, he will conclude that he is an irresponsible person. In addition, during a crisis, companies are freed from ballast, so the value of such an employee will be in question.

Major mistakes

A big disadvantage of the applicant will be criticism directed at the previous employer. It doesn't matter that it is well deserved, because the interviewer will draw his own conclusions about the incorrectness and disloyalty of such an employee to the authorities. Such specialists are practically not in demand, so there may be big problems with employment.

In addition, it is undesirable to refer to the low level of wages. Otherwise, the employer will decide that the applicant is only interested in money.

Moreover, it would be a huge mistake to talk about dismissal without explanation. This can raise a lot of questions, as well as unnecessary suspicion regarding the applicant.

How to correctly answer the question about the reason for dismissal

An applicant for a vacant position, when answering the question about his dismissal, must show his loyalty to the employer. It is important to give the impression of an employee who is interested in the efficient operation of the company, who knows how to cope with his affairs and insist on his opinion.

Of course, we can say that there was no career growth at the previous place of work. It is important for an applicant, as a professional, to be in a company where you can work profitably and use your experience and accumulated knowledge.

It is worth considering that a characterization may be required from the previous place of work. This has become a common practice today, so it is better to leave without scandals. If you inform a new employer that the direction in which you worked has closed, you need to be prepared to confirm this information. Also, getting positive feedback from the previous place of work is a big plus when applying for a new company.

You can talk about disagreements with the former management over business development and about the decision disperse peacefully. Moreover, it is important to clarify that the reasons for dismissal at the interview will be explained in more detail. In addition, you need to be sure that former leader will confirm this information. In this case, the reason for dismissal in the resume must be specified exactly.

Yes, no one forbids coming up with a more convincing reason, but it is worth noting that such information is checked very carefully. Therefore, any lie will immediately come out. At the same time, in a new place, you may be required to characterize from your previous place of work, where you should be assessed as an employee and a specialist in general.

When filling out the questionnaire, the reasons for dismissal must be indicated approximately as follows:

1. There was no career growth at the previous place of work. In this connection, the applicant wants to find a job in a company where you can prove yourself by showing your knowledge.

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2. You can think of another reason for dismissal. However, do not forget that information about you may be requested from your former employer. Therefore, it is important to leave work of your own free will without scandals.

After reviewing the resume by the employer, the next step is the interview. This is where it is important to explain the reasons for your dismissal.

1. When applying for a new job, it is important to give a positive assessment to your former management. You can not show any grievances and talk about all the scandalous moments.

2. The dismissal that occurred after the probationary period can be explained by the failure of the company to fulfill its promises. This may be a lower level of wages or the presence of other job responsibilities not specified in the employment contract.

3. If there were ill-wishers at the previous place of work, then it is worth warning the new management that they did not want to let you go. That is why it will be impossible to get an adequate recommendation.

What if the applicant has worked for one month?

In the event that the applicant has worked for only a month, the reason for dismissal in the resume may not be indicated. When clarifying these circumstances, you can explain the situation by the fact that there was a reorganization of the company, as a result of which your responsibilities changed. It can also be said that not all agreements have been complied with. The main thing is to speak loyally and with restraint about the former leadership.

Employment record

It should be noted that in the work book, an entry is preferable that speaks of the termination of the contract by agreement of the parties, rather than of their own free will. After all, the first option reports a civilized dismissal. In the second case, the employee could be asked to leave, or the management was confronted with the fact that the employee left the company.

It is important that the reasons for dismissal of their own free will or any other information are subsequently explained by the applicant. Otherwise, the employer may have unnecessary questions.

It is necessary to prepare in advance the answers regarding your departure from the previous place of work. Otherwise, even if the applicant gets to the interview, and then cannot explain the situation related to his dismissal, he may simply be denied employment.

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What is the best reason for dismissal to indicate on the resume?

I am glad to welcome you, dear friend!

The question from the title arises when you are asked to fill out a resume form, where there is a column about the reasons for the dismissals. This does not happen often, however, we will briefly analyze this situation. So, what reason for dismissal should you include on your resume?

No and no trial

Usually there is no column on the reasons for dismissal in the resume. At least - on the most popular Internet portals. Accordingly, you do not need to write anything.

Likewise, if you are writing your resume yourself, in text editor... The reason for leaving is not an issue on which you can earn any dividends. Minuses are easy, but pluses are unlikely.

Therefore, the reasons for your leaving should not be emphasized.

Your task is to think it over. that you will talk about the reasons for dismissal in a telephone or face-to-face interview. More on this below.

What reason should I give?

If there is that rare case when you are asked to fill out a resume template that contains a line about the reasons for dismissal, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Indicate the reasons that are in the work book. You don't need to write anything else. Explain the real reason for the layoffs at the interview.
  2. Think about how to explain the real reasons for leaving. Leaving on the initiative of the employee (of his own free will) or by agreement of the parties always has a background.
  3. What to do if your labor record has a “criminal” record. For example ". in connection with an unsatisfactory test result ”.

In this case, there are two options.

a) By default, - write as is, see item 1... Try to find a reasonable explanation and put it in cover letter... Or by phone.

Usually, the appearance of criminal records in a work book is a consequence of a conflict on the one hand, on the other, an inability or unwillingness to come to an agreement.

Step 1: Present the situation not as a conflict, but as a mutual misunderstanding, which has grown into an emotional plane. Got excited, in short. This happens.

Step 2: Voice your lesson from this story. You understand that you should have acted more carefully and deliberately, but ... what happened happened. No one is immune from mistakes. You acknowledge them openly and do not try to hide anything.

Your reasonable candor can compensate for the negative.

b) Write another reason, different from the entry in the labor... For example, by agreement of the parties.

With the expectation that they will not notice or, if they notice, it will be possible to somehow explain why it was not possible to agree and “leave on our own”.

The strategy is risky. Will only work if they don't notice. Which is unlikely.

The most unpleasant thing will be when you have passed an interview with a recruiter and a manager, but when applying for a job, the “personnel officer” will pay attention (and he will definitely pay attention) and then it will be a bummer. You will not be able to explain anything - they will not listen to you.

Think about the real reasons

Drawing up a resume - it's time to think that you will talk about the real reasons for the dismissals "on your own" and by agreement of the parties. And you have to talk. This is one of the most popular interview questions.

Doubtful reasons

  • I understand the desire to tell the truth about my former bosses. Or some other nasty thing :). And I know that everyone who is not lazy warns applicants against this.

Nevertheless, it often happens that the “ostapes” have suffered. Apparently hurt. Alas, it is important to control yourself. It is advisable not to talk badly about anyone at all.

  • Unfulfilled hopes for higher wages and promotions - also push back until better times. For there are a dime a dozen of those who want to become a boss, and money in the eyes of an employer is not the best incentive to work.
  • Also not worth talking about overtime work, busy schedule, excessive workload. I suppose it is unnecessary to explain why.

Good reasons

  1. Barriers in professional growth... At the same time, I recommend that you think about the trajectory of your career, because the question is, how do you see it. will be a logical continuation.
  2. Change of team. A new leader has been appointed, he is dragging his people. And they say to you: “Of course, it's a pity, you are a good worker, but. you yourself understand. ".
  3. Reorganization. The situation should be presented in such a way that the management did not have a choice of who to offer to stay and who to “ask”. Otherwise, the question is logical: there are the best, and you are not included in their number?

The company is restructuring. The position that you occupied (or your entire department, even better) goes into oblivion. Some kind of work is offered for you, but it does not fit in any way with your professional plans and you leave. Quite civilized. No scandals of mutual claims.

"Artistic speculation"

Reasons for layoffs are not the case when you need to “cut the truth”.

There is such a concept: “artistic speculation”. Somewhat from a different opera, but also in our case: why not?

You are not lying, but interpreting the situation as you see it.

By the way, recruiters are also well aware that often you will lie :). Therefore, do not forget that your “ex” can get a call.

However, they will not call often. Why? The answer is not for this article. Just take our word for it.

In short, light “fictional speculation” is preferable to truth from among the reasons we have labeled “dubious”.

  1. When compiling a resume, we write the reasons for dismissals only when the template contains such a column that must be filled out.
  2. We write the wording of the reasons for the dismissals in the same way as the entries in the work book. Comments in your cover letter and interview.
  3. We choose “valid” reasons for face-to-face and telephone meetings. We decide what exactly we will say.

Every person engaged in labor activity sooner or later is faced with the need to change jobs. The reason for dismissal can be both dissatisfaction with the position held and conflicts with the company's administration. According to psychologists, the study of the reasons for dismissal allows one to draw conclusions about the personal and professional qualities of an applicant for a vacant position. That is why, this issue is given increased attention during the interview. Many personnel officers say that the answer to the question about the reasons for the termination of the employment contract allows you to create a psychological portrait of the applicant and draw conclusions about his attitude to his labor duties. In this article, we propose to discuss the question of what to say at the interview about the reason for the dismissal.

Even if you do not indicate in your resume the reasons for dismissal from the previous place, then this may be asked at an interview

Why do you need a resume for employment

Before approving one of the applicants for a vacant position, the employer must carefully study his personal and professional quality... It is for this purpose that a document such as a resume is used. The main purpose of this document is to provide important information about the employee. Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the resume is a kind of business card that is used for "advertising" best qualities employee. This document provides information about the level of education, professional skills and personal qualities Oh.

A well-written resume can significantly increase the chances of getting a position.

A fully completed form must necessarily contain information about the level of professionalism of the applicant. Despite the absence of regulations governing the procedure for compiling a resume, there are a number of strict requirements for the content of the form. As a rule, the document in question contains the personal information of the applicant for the position and information about the level of education. In this section, you need to provide information about the place of residence, marital status, and also list all educational institutions.

The next section provides a description of professional skills, core competencies, and work experience. It is very important here to list all the successes achieved over the years labor practice... As a rule, the reasons for changing jobs are indicated in the same section. In a separate paragraph, you can make links to recommendations from the former management. In order for the new employer to be able to verify the veracity of the specified information, it is imperative to record the contact details of the former management.

The main mistakes when writing a resume

A well-written resume can significantly increase the chances of getting the desired position. However, most of our compatriots make various mistakes while filling out this document. The presence of grammatical and "technical" errors in a fully formed act expose the candidate in a negative light. In order to prevent such oversights, it is imperative to study the list of mistakes that are often made when writing a resume.

The first line of this kind of rating is occupied by grammatical and punctuation errors. Also, many candidates often send out questionnaires in which there is practically no information important for the employer. Another common mistake is using a literary style to describe your work results. You need to understand that this document should be as laconic as possible and contain only basic information. When filling out the form, you should not exaggerate the facts or mislead the potential employer. It should be remembered that all information provided by the applicant for the position will be verified.

The text of the document should be easy to read by the reader. To do this, the form is divided into paragraphs, clarifications and highlights are provided. Many job seekers, trying to highlight one of the important facts, use different fonts and other ways to decorate the text. Many clerical experts do not recommend using such methods, since the resume is classified as an official document. In order to highlight a part of the text or a specific phrase, you need to use italics or underlined text.

Quite often, many people looking for a new job are involved in bulk resumes mailing. In such a situation, a single copy of the form is drawn up, which is sent to potential employers. This mailing method is also incorrect. In this case, it is necessary to draw up several different forms, taking into account the characteristics of each vacancy.

A resume is a short questionnaire in which the future employee reflects general data about himself and his work activity

What is better to indicate in the column "reasons for dismissal"

Many people who are looking for work do not specifically indicate the reasons for dismissal on their resume. You need to understand that the interviewer conducting the interview will ask this question... This means that before going to the interview, it is very important to think over your own behavior strategy in advance and come up with answers to such questions.

List of suitable reasons

HR managers recommend that job seekers answer the question related to the reason for dismissal as candidly as possible. Attempting to hide this information may cast the applicant in a negative light. As a rule, most questionnaires contain the following wording:

  • due to personal circumstances;
  • disagreements with the team or the management of the company;
  • due to staff reduction;
  • dissatisfaction with wages.

Such reasons for dismissal of their own free will can be called generalized, since they do not reveal the true motives of a person. This means that when drawing up the document, it is necessary to indicate the reason for dismissal in more detail. An excellent option is to indicate the lack of career growth, which is explained by the specifics of the company's work. This answer is unlikely to cause surprise or displeasure with the employer. Also, in the list of neutral answers, you can include the applicant's desire to improve their professional skills by changing jobs. Conflicts with the team can be played up with the words that the ideas of the applicant related to the optimization of the work process led to misunderstandings and became the main reason for the termination of the employment contract.

You need to understand that it is enough for a potential employer to make a few calls in order to identify the true motives for dismissal. Many experts recommend that you do not indicate the reasons for dismissal in the document and try to put all the facts in the right light when you meet with the recruiter in person.

What should not be indicated

The reason for dismissal in the application form when applying for a job, indicated by the applicant, will be studied without fail. A thorough analysis of the behavior of a potential employee allows us to draw up his psychological profile and identify the level of professional compliance with the proposed position. There is also a whole list of motives for dismissal, which is better not to indicate in the document. However, many interviewers conducting interviews ask the applicant for the position in detail about the reasons for the dismissal.

To make up good summary and increase your chances of success in obtaining the desired vacancy, you must indicate the "correct" reasons for dismissal from previous work

The list of reasons that should not be disclosed includes such wording as:

  1. Difficulty with colleagues and open dislike.
  2. Non-compliance with the requirements of the management and uncomfortable working conditions.
  3. Low wages, “black” salaries or reductions.

Some applicants cite reasons such as the need for regular continuing education courses, the impact economic crisis and other motives that cast a candidate in a negative light. It should be understood that the indication of such reasons indicates a high level of conflict potential of a potential employee, inability to restrain emotions and resist stress.

Neutral reasons for layoffs

The list of neutral motives for changing jobs includes many different wordings that allow an applicant for a vacant position to competently emphasize their merits. One of these formulations is “lack of professional development prospects”. This wording suggests that this person is aimed at constant progress in career ladder, by improving their professional skills and personal qualities. This wording is an excellent substitute for reasons such as lack of wages and conflicts with the former management.

Another neutral motive is the desire to change the scope of one's professional activity... The desire to improve their own qualifications, and gain new knowledge, puts the applicant in the best light. Not every company can afford staff training and career advancement. Such factors can have a profound effect on an employee's willingness to change jobs. Typically, this wording is used as a substitute for “voluntary dismissal”.

The list of neutral reasons is headed by layoffs due to staff layoffs. This fact is explained by the fact that this motive does not depend on both the employee himself and former employer... Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the indication of such a reason does not have a negative impact on the assessment of the applicant. Neutral reasons for leaving your job for a resume, examples:

  1. The desire to improve their own qualifications.
  2. Change in the nature of work due to the reorganization of the company.
  3. Relocation of an employee or the company itself.
  4. Financial motives.

A resume is not a mandatory document that is submitted for employment

How to correctly state the reason for dismissal during an interview

Labor books contain only concise information about the reasons for terminating an employment contract. In order to find out the true motives of the employee, the personnel officers conducting the interview need to prepare a number of questions for the applicant for a vacant position. These questions allow you to compose a psychological portrait of a person with maximum accuracy, find out his positive and negative qualities, and also identify the level of professional skills.

The very behavior of the person undergoing the interview and the chosen manner of speech can give the interviewer room for thought. Many HR managers recommend that workers looking for a new job tell the truth about their reasons for firing. You need to understand that real specialists are selected for the interview, for whom there is no difficulty in compiling a psychological portrait of the future employee. However, it is important to understand that the truth can be told in different ways. By revealing the motives of his behavior, the applicant can present himself in a favorable light due to correctly selected formulations. The indication of low wages and the lack of prospects for moving up the career ladder indicates a person's desire for constant self-improvement.

The main task of the HR manager is to identify the level of communication skills of a potential employee. Future relationships in the team depend on this quality. One of the main stages of the interview is to determine the moral and psychological compliance of the potential employee with the employer's requirements. The next step is to check the theoretical and vocational training... In some cases large companies make a choice in favor of people without professional skills, taking into account the compliance of personal qualities with the requirements of the company itself.

Is the reliability of such information important?

When talking about your own professional skills and some aspects of work, you need to tell only the truth. Many large companies have a security service on their staff that checks every applicant without fail. All the data specified in the resume, starting from the full name and ending with work experience, will be checked by the employees of this department. More often than not, HR managers pay Special attention an issue related to the motives for terminating the employment contract with the former employer.

When filling out this section of the resume, you should choose in advance a competent wording that will reflect the true events. It is very important that the chosen motive presents the applicant in a positive light.

The resume is filled in by the employee personally

What to do if you quit a month later

The situation when an employee applies for dismissal after just one month is quite common. You need to understand that such an entry in the labor book can scare off a potential employer and become a reason for refusal to accept for a position. In order to reduce the risk of such a situation, it is best not to indicate the reason for the termination of the employment relationship.

You can try to explain the true motives for changing jobs during the interview. As a rule, such people talk about reorganizing the company or changing job responsibilities after passing the probationary period. Talking about the motives for dismissal, you need to mention the former management as correctly and discreetly as possible.

The reason for dismissal in the resume, what to write to a person who wants to get a new job? The questionnaire of a person looking for a new job should correctly emphasize his best qualities. When filling out a resume, you should focus on your own professionalism and theoretical knowledge. It is quite important to reveal as truthfully as possible your own motives, which became the reason for changing the place of work. Such reasons may be, as the lack of the possibility of moving up the career ladder, as well as difficulties with the implementation of their own professional skills.

The indication of the above grounds for termination of the employment contract emphasizes the applicant's dedication to the position and a high level of professionalism. However, such an employee must constantly prove his worth to the new employer. Some psychologists recommend choosing neutral motives when writing a resume that will not harm the employee's status. This category includes a change in leadership, new rules in the team and a reorganization of the company. It should be noted that moving the company to another part of the city is also a good reason for terminating the employment contract.

Conclusions (+ video)

In order to form a final opinion about a candidate for a vacant position, the employer needs to hold a face-to-face meeting with the job seeker. However, this meeting may not take place due to an incorrectly written summary. It must be remembered that this document is a kind of business card that demonstrates all the key qualities of a person.

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