GOST 1 29 training in labor protection. On approval of the procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations

to the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation

and Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

training on labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations

I. General provisions

1.1. The procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) has been developed to provide preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases and establishes general provisions compulsory education on labor protection and checking the knowledge of labor protection requirements of all employees, including managers.

1.2. The procedure is obligatory for execution by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of subjects Russian Federation, organs local government, employers of organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, employers - individuals, as well as employees who have concluded an employment contract with the employer.

1.3. On the basis of the Procedure, federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments may establish additional requirements for organizing and conducting labor protection training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of their subordinate organizations that do not contradict the requirements of the Procedure.

1.4. The procedure does not replace the special requirements for training, briefing and testing the knowledge of employees established by state supervision and control bodies.

Simultaneously with training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, carried out in accordance with the Procedure, training and certification of employees of organizations in other areas of labor safety can be carried out, organized by state supervision and control bodies and federal executive authorities in the manner approved by them upon agreement with the Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation.

1.5. All employees of the organization, including its head, are subject to training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements in accordance with the Procedure.

1.6. Employees with the qualification of an engineer (specialist) for safety technological processes and production or labor protection, as well as employees of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, state supervision and control, teaching staff educational institutions teaching the discipline "labor protection", having continuous experience work in the field of labor protection for at least five years, within a year after starting work, they may not undergo training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements.

1.7. Responsibility for the organization and timeliness of training in labor protection and verification of knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations lies with the employer in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. The order of training in labor protection

2.1. Conducting training on labor protection

2.1.1. For all persons hired, as well as for employees transferred to another job, the employer (or a person authorized by him) is obliged to instruct on labor protection.

2.1.2. All persons hired, as well as employees seconded to the organization and employees of third-party organizations performing work in a dedicated area, students of educational institutions of the appropriate levels, undergoing internships in the organization, and other persons participating in the production activities of the organization, undergo introductory briefing, which is carried out by a labor protection specialist or an employee who, by order of the employer (or a person authorized by him), is entrusted with these duties.

An introductory briefing on labor protection is carried out according to a program developed on the basis of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of the organization's activities and approved in the prescribed manner by the employer (or a person authorized by him).

2.1.3. In addition to introductory briefing on labor protection, primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out.

Primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out by the immediate supervisor (manufacturer) of the work (foreman, foreman, teacher, and so on), who has undergone training in labor protection in the prescribed manner and tested knowledge of labor protection requirements.

Conducting labor safety briefings includes familiarizing employees with the existing dangerous or harmful production factors, studying the requirements of labor protection contained in the local regulations of the organization, instructions for labor protection, technical, operational documentation, as well as the use of safe methods and techniques for performing work.

The briefing on labor protection ends with an oral test of the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee of safe working practices by the person who conducted the briefing.

Conducting all types of briefings is recorded in the relevant journals for conducting briefings (in established cases - in the work permit) indicating the signature of the instructed and the signature of the instructing person, as well as the date of the briefing.

2.1.4. Initial briefing at the workplace is carried out before the start of independent work:

with all newly hired employees, including employees performing work on the terms of an employment contract concluded for a period of up to two months or for the period of seasonal work, in their free time from their main work (part-time workers), as well as at home (home workers) using materials of tools and mechanisms allocated by the employer or acquired by them at their own expense;

with employees of the organization transferred in the prescribed manner from another structural unit, or employees who are entrusted with the performance of new work for them;

with seconded employees of third-party organizations, students of educational institutions of the corresponding levels, undergoing work experience ( workshops), and other persons involved in production activities organizations.

Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out by managers structural divisions organizations according to programs developed and approved in the prescribed manner in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, local regulations of the organization, instructions on labor protection, technical and operational documentation.

Employees who are not involved in the operation, maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of electrified or other tools, the storage and use of raw materials and materials, may be exempted from undergoing primary briefing at the workplace. The list of professions and positions of employees exempted from primary briefing at the workplace is approved by the employer.

2.1.5. All employees listed in the . of this Procedure, at least once every six months according to the programs developed for conducting primary briefing at the workplace.

2.1.6. Unscheduled briefing is carried out:

when new or amended legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements, as well as instructions on labor protection, are put into effect;

when changing technological processes, replacing or upgrading equipment, fixtures, tools and other factors affecting labor safety;

in case of violation by employees of labor protection requirements, if these violations created real threat the onset of serious consequences (accident at work, accident, etc.);

at the request of officials of state supervision and control bodies;

during breaks in work (for work with harmful and (or) dangerous conditions - more than 30 calendar days, and for other works - more than two months);

by decision of the employer (or a person authorized by him).

2.1.7. Targeted briefing is carried out during the performance of one-time work, in the aftermath of accidents, natural disasters and work for which a work permit, permit or other special documents are issued, as well as when mass events are held in the organization.

2.1.8. The specific procedure, conditions, terms and frequency of conducting all types of labor protection briefings for employees of individual industries and organizations are regulated by the relevant industry and intersectoral regulatory legal acts on labor safety and protection.

2.2. Training of blue-collar workers

2.2.1. The employer (or a person authorized by him) is obliged to organize, within a month after hiring, training in safe methods and techniques for performing work for all persons entering work, as well as persons transferred to another job.

Occupational safety training is carried out in the course of training workers in working professions, retraining and training them in other working professions.

2.2.2. The employer (or a person authorized by him) provides training for persons hired with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, safe methods and techniques for performing work with internships at the workplace and passing exams, and in the course of work - conducting periodic security training labor and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. Workers of blue-collar professions who first entered the said works or having a break in work by profession (type of work) for more than a year, undergo training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements within the first month after being assigned to these jobs.

2.2.3. The procedure, form, frequency and duration of training in labor protection and testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements for blue-collar workers are established by the employer (or a person authorized by him) in accordance with regulatory legal acts regulating the safety of specific types of work.

2.2.4. The employer (or a person authorized by him) organizes periodic, at least once a year, training of blue-collar workers in providing first aid to victims. Newly hired persons are trained in providing first aid to victims within the time limits established by the employer (or a person authorized by him), but no later than one month after being hired.

2.3. Training of managers and specialists

2.3.1. Managers and specialists of organizations undergo special training in labor protection in the amount of official duties upon admission to work during the first month, then - as needed, but at least once every three years.

The newly appointed managers and specialists of the organization are allowed to independent activities after they are familiarized by the employer (or a person authorized by him) with their official duties, including labor protection, with local regulations in force in the organization. regulations regulating the procedure for organizing work on labor protection, working conditions at the facilities entrusted to them (structural divisions of the organization).

2.3.2. Training on labor protection for managers and specialists is carried out according to the relevant labor protection programs directly by the organization itself or by educational institutions vocational education, training centers and other institutions and organizations engaged in educational activities (hereinafter - training organizations), if they have a license for the right to conduct educational activities, teaching staff specializing in the field of labor protection, and the corresponding material and technical base.

Occupational safety training is provided by:

heads of organizations, deputy heads of organizations in charge of labor protection issues, deputy chief engineers for labor protection, employers - individuals, other persons involved in entrepreneurial activity; managers, specialists, engineering and technical workers who organize, manage and carry out work at workplaces and in production departments, as well as control and technical supervision of the work; teaching staff of educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational, postgraduate vocational education and additional professional education - teachers of the disciplines "labor protection", "life safety", "safety of technological processes and production", as well as organizers and managers industrial practice students - in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

specialists of labor protection services, employees who are entrusted by the employer with the responsibility of organizing work on labor protection, members of committees (commissions) on labor protection, authorized (trusted) persons on labor protection trade unions and other representative bodies authorized by employees - in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

specialists of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection - in training organizations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation;

specialists of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, members of commissions for testing knowledge of the labor protection requirements of training organizations - in training organizations of federal executive authorities;

specialists of local governments in the field of labor protection - in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

members of commissions for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of organizations - in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

members of commissions to test knowledge of labor protection requirements of training organizations that train specialists and heads of federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection - in training organizations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Managers and specialists of the organization can be trained in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements in the organization itself, which has a commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements.

2.3.3. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of training in labor protection under the relevant programs by training organizations are developed and approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

2.3.4. The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation develops and approves exemplary curricula and training programs on labor protection, including the study of intersectoral rules and standard instructions on labor protection, other normative legal acts containing labor protection requirements.

Learning organizations based on exemplary curricula and training programs on labor protection develop and approve working curricula and training programs on labor protection in coordination with the relevant federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection.

Labor protection training for managers and specialists in the organization is carried out according to labor protection training programs developed on the basis of exemplary curricula and labor protection training programs approved by the employer.

2.3.5. In the process of training on labor protection for managers and specialists, lectures, seminars, interviews, individual or group consultations, business games, etc., elements of self-study of the labor protection program, modular and computer programs and distance learning.

2.3.6. Training on labor protection for managers and specialists is carried out by teachers of educational institutions teaching the disciplines "labor protection", "life safety", "safety of technological processes and production", heads and specialists of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of protection labor, state supervision and control bodies, as well as employees of labor protection services of organizations with appropriate qualifications and experience in the field of labor protection.

Training organizations should have full-time teachers.

Training on labor protection for managers and specialists of organizations is carried out with the improvement of their qualifications in their specialty.

III. Checking knowledge of labor protection requirements

3.1. Checking the theoretical knowledge of labor protection requirements and practical skills of safe work of blue-collar workers is carried out by the direct supervisors of work in the amount of knowledge of the requirements of the rules and instructions for labor protection, and, if necessary, in the amount of knowledge of additional special safety and labor protection requirements.

3.2. Managers and specialists of organizations undergo regular testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements at least once every three years.

3.3. An extraordinary test of knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations, regardless of the period of the previous test, is carried out:

when introducing new or introducing changes and additions to existing legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements. At the same time, knowledge of only these legislative and regulatory legal acts is checked;

when commissioning new equipment and changing technological processes that require additional knowledge on labor protection of employees. In this case, knowledge of the labor protection requirements associated with the relevant changes is checked;

when appointing or transferring employees to another job, if new duties require additional knowledge of labor protection (before they begin to perform their official duties);

at the request of officials of the federal labor inspectorate, other bodies of state supervision and control, as well as federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, local governments, as well as the employer (or a person authorized by him) when establishing violations of the requirements labor protection and insufficient knowledge of labor safety and labor protection requirements;

after accidents and accidents that have occurred, as well as in case of detection of repeated violations by employees of the organization of the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection;

when there is a break in work in this position for more than one year.

The volume and procedure for the procedure for an extraordinary examination of knowledge of labor protection requirements is determined by the party initiating it.

3.4. In order to test the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees in organizations, by order (instruction) of the employer (manager), a commission is created to test the knowledge of labor protection requirements, consisting of at least three people who have been trained in labor protection and tested knowledge of labor protection requirements in the prescribed manner.

The composition of the commissions for checking the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of organizations includes the heads of organizations and their structural divisions, specialists of labor protection services, chief specialists (technologist, mechanic, power engineer, etc.). Representatives of an elected trade union body representing the interests of employees of this organization, including authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions, may take part in the work of the commission.

The composition of the commissions for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of training organizations includes heads and full-time teachers of these organizations and, as agreed, heads and specialists of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, state supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation, local self-government bodies, trade union bodies or other representative bodies authorized by employees.

The commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements consists of the chairman, deputy (deputy) chairman, secretary and members of the commission.

3.5. Checking the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees, including managers, organizations is carried out in accordance with the regulatory legal acts on labor protection, ensuring and complying with the requirements of which is their responsibility, taking into account their job duties, the nature of production activities.

3.6. The results of checking the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of the employees of the organization are drawn up in a protocol in the form in accordance with to Order.

3.7. An employee who has successfully passed the test of knowledge of labor protection requirements is issued a certificate signed by the chairman of the commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, certified by the seal of the organization (if any) that conducted training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, in the form according to to Order.

3.8. An employee who has not passed the test of knowledge of labor protection requirements during training is obliged to undergo a re-test of knowledge no later than one month after that.

3.9. Training organizations can test the knowledge of labor protection requirements only for those employees who have been trained in labor protection in them.

IV. Final provisions

4.1. On the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the organization of training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements is coordinated by federal authorities executive authority and the executive authority for labor of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which forms a data bank of all training organizations located on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

4.2. Responsibility for the quality of training in labor protection and the implementation of approved programs for labor protection lies with the training organization and the employer of the organization in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. Control over the timely testing of knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees, including managers, organizations, is carried out by the bodies of the federal labor inspectorate.

Application No. 1

totraining in labor protection and

checking knowledge of labor protection requirements

employees of organizations, approved

Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Protocol No. _______

meetings of the commission for checking knowledge of security requirements

labor workers

(full name of organization)

"__" ___________ 20__

In accordance with the order (instruction) of the employer (manager)

organizations dated "__" _________ 20__ No. ____ commission consisting of:

Chairman __________________________________________________________________

(full name, position)

members: _____________________________________________________________________________

(full name, position)


executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ____________________

(full name, position)

local authorities ________________________________________________

(full name, position)

state labor inspectorate of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation ___________________

(full name, position)

conducted a test of knowledge of the requirements of labor protection of employees in


(name of the occupational safety training program)

in volume ___________________________

(number of hours)

No. p / p


Job title

Name of the subdivision (workshop, section, department, laboratory, workshop, etc.)

The result of the knowledge test passed / did not pass) No. of the issued certificate

Reason for checking knowledge (regular, extraordinary, etc.)

Signature of the verified

Chairman of the Commission ________________________________________________________________

(full name, signature)

Commission members: ________________________________________________________________

(full name, signature)


executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation _____________________

(full name, signature)

local self-government bodies _________________________________________________

(Front side)


on testing knowledge of labor protection requirements


(full name of organization)

Certificate No. _____

Issued by _____________________________________________________________________________


The knowledge of labor protection requirements was tested according to ____________________________

In volume _________________

(name of the occupational safety training program) (hours)

Minutes No. ______ of the meeting of the commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements

employees ________________________________________________________________________

(name of company)

dated "____" _______________ 20__ No. _________

Chairman of the Commission ______________________

(full name, signature)

the date


(Right side)

Information about repeated examinations of knowledge of labor protection requirements

FULL NAME. ___________________________________________________________________________

Place of work _________________________________________________________________

Job title ____________________________________________________________________

The knowledge of labor protection requirements was tested according to ____________________________

In volume ______________

(name of the occupational safety training program) (hours)

Minutes No. of the meeting of the commission for checking the knowledge of the requirements of labor protection of workers

from "____" _________ 20__

Chairman of the Commission ______________________

(full name, signature)

the date


Decree 1/29 of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2003
"On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations"

In order to implement the norms Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, N 1, (part 1), art. 3), federal law"On the fundamentals of labor protection in the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1999, N 29, art. 3702), the Federal Law "On mandatory social insurance from accidents at work and occupational diseases" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1998, N 31, art. 3803) and in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2001 N 919 "On Amendments to the Regulations on the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 1, Article 40) The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation decide:

Approve the attached Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations.

Registration N 4209


to Decree 1 29 of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation

and Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

The procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations

I. General provisions

1.1. The procedure for training on labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees of organizations (hereinafter referred to as Resolution 1 29) was developed to provide preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases and establishes general provisions for mandatory training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for all employees, including leaders.

1.2. Decree 1 29 of the Ministry of Labor is mandatory for execution by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, employers of organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, employers - individuals, as well as employees who have concluded an employment contract with an employer .

1.3. On the basis of Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation 1 29, federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments may establish additional requirements for organizing and conducting labor protection training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations subordinate to them that do not contradict the requirements of the Order.

1.4. The Decree of the Ministry of Labor 1 29 does not replace the special requirements for the training, instruction and testing of the knowledge of employees established by the state supervision and control bodies.

Simultaneously with training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, carried out in accordance with Decree 1 29 of 13.01.2003, training and certification of employees of organizations in other areas of labor safety, organized by state supervision and control bodies and federal executive authorities in the procedure approved by them in agreement with the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

1.5. All employees of the organization, including its head, are subject to training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements in accordance with Decree 1 29.

1.6. Employees qualified as an engineer (specialist) in the safety of technological processes and production or in labor protection, as well as employees of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, state supervision and control, teaching staff of educational institutions engaged in teaching disciplines "labor protection", having a continuous work experience in the field of labor protection for at least five years, within a year after starting work, they may not undergo training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements.

1.7. The employer is responsible for the organization and timeliness of training on labor protection and testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees of organizations in the manner established by law Russian Federation.

II. The procedure for training in labor protection (Decree of 13.01.2003 1 29)

2.1. Conducting training on labor protection

2.1.1. For all persons hired, as well as for employees transferred to another job, the employer (or a person authorized by him) is obliged to instruct on labor protection.

2.1.2. All persons hired, as well as employees seconded to the organization and employees of third-party organizations performing work in a dedicated area, students of educational institutions of the appropriate levels, undergoing internships in the organization, and other persons participating in the production activities of the organization, pass in the prescribed manner induction training which is carried out by a labor protection specialist or an employee who is assigned these duties by order of the employer (or a person authorized by him).

Induction training on labor protection is carried out according to a program developed on the basis of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of the organization's activities and approved in the prescribed manner by the employer (or a person authorized by him).

2.1.3. In addition to introductory briefing on labor protection, primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out.

Primary briefing at work, repeated, unscheduled and target briefings is carried out by the immediate supervisor (manufacturer) of the work (foreman, foreman, teacher, and so on), who has undergone training in labor protection in the prescribed manner and tested knowledge of labor protection requirements.

Conducting labor protection briefings includes familiarizing employees with the existing hazardous or harmful production factors, studying the labor protection requirements contained in the organization's local regulations, labor protection instructions, technical, operational documentation, as well as the use of safe methods and techniques for performing work.

The briefing on labor protection ends with an oral test of the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee of safe working practices by the person who conducted the briefing.

Conducting all types of briefings is recorded in the relevant journals for conducting briefings (in established cases - in the work permit) indicating the signature of the instructed and the signature of the instructing person, as well as the date of the briefing.

2.1.4. Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out before the start of independent work:

with all newly hired employees, including employees performing work on the terms employment contract concluded for a period of up to two months or for the period of seasonal work, in their free time from their main work (part-time workers), as well as at home (homeworkers) using materials, tools and mechanisms allocated by the employer or purchased by them at their own expense;

with employees of the organization transferred in the prescribed manner from another structural unit, or employees who are entrusted with the performance of new work for them;

with seconded employees of third-party organizations, students of educational institutions of the corresponding levels, undergoing work practice (practical classes), and other persons participating in the production activities of the organization.

Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out by the heads of structural divisions of the organization according to programs developed and approved in the prescribed manner in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, local regulations of the organization, instructions on labor protection, technical and operational documentation.

Employees who are not involved in the operation, maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of electrified or other tools, the storage and use of raw materials and materials, may be exempted from undergoing primary briefing at the workplace. The list of professions and positions of employees exempted from primary briefing at the workplace is approved by the employer.

2.1.5. Re-briefing all employees specified in clause 2.1.4 pass. of this Decree 1 29, at least once every six months according to programs developed for conducting initial briefings at the workplace.

2.1.6. Unscheduled briefing is carried out:

when new or amended legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements, as well as instructions on labor protection, are put into effect;

when changing technological processes, replacing or upgrading equipment, fixtures, tools and other factors affecting labor safety;

in case of violation by employees of labor protection requirements, if these violations created a real threat of serious consequences (accident at work, accident, etc.);

at the request of officials of state supervision and control bodies;

during breaks in work (for work with harmful and (or) dangerous conditions - more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - more than two months);

by decision of the employer (or a person authorized by him).

2.1.7. Targeted briefing is carried out during the performance of one-time work, in the aftermath of accidents, natural disasters and work for which a work permit, permit or other special documents are issued, as well as when mass events are held in the organization.

2.1.8. The specific procedure, conditions, terms and frequency of conducting all types of labor protection briefings for employees of individual industries and organizations are regulated by the relevant industry and intersectoral regulatory legal acts on labor safety and protection.

2.2. Training of blue-collar workers

2.2.1. The employer (or a person authorized by him) is obliged to organize, within a month after hiring, training in safe methods and techniques for performing work for all persons entering work, as well as persons transferred to another job.

Occupational safety training is carried out in the course of training workers in working professions, retraining and training them in other working professions.

2.2.2. The employer (or a person authorized by him) provides training for persons hired with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, safe methods and techniques for performing work with internships at the workplace and passing exams, and in the process labor activity- conducting periodic training on labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. Workers of blue-collar professions who first entered the specified jobs or who have a break in work by profession (type of work) for more than a year undergo training and testing their knowledge of labor protection requirements within the first month after being assigned to these jobs.

2.2.3. The procedure, form, frequency and duration of training in labor protection and testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements for blue-collar workers are established by the employer (or a person authorized by him) in accordance with regulatory legal acts regulating the safety of specific types of work.

2.2.4. The employer (or a person authorized by him) organizes periodic, at least once a year, training of blue-collar workers in providing first aid to victims. Newly hired persons are trained in providing first aid to victims within the time limits established by the employer (or a person authorized by him), but no later than one month after being hired.

2.3. Training of managers and specialists

2.3.1. Managers and specialists of organizations undergo special training on labor protection in the scope of their job duties during the first month, then as needed, but at least once every three years.

The newly appointed managers and specialists of the organization are allowed to work independently after they are familiarized by the employer (or a person authorized by him) with official duties, including labor protection, with the local regulations in force in the organization that regulate the procedure for organizing work on labor protection, conditions labor at the objects entrusted to them (structural divisions of the organization).

2.3.2. Training on labor protection for managers and specialists is carried out according to the relevant training programs on labor protection directly by the organization itself or educational institutions of vocational education, training centers and other institutions and organizations engaged in educational activities (hereinafter referred to as training organizations), if they have a license for the right to conduct educational activities, teaching staff specializing in the field of labor protection, and the corresponding material and technical base.

Occupational safety training is provided by:

heads of organizations, deputy heads of organizations in charge of labor protection issues, deputy chief engineers for labor protection, employers - individuals, other persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities; managers, specialists, engineering and technical workers who organize, manage and carry out work at workplaces and in production units, as well as control and technical supervision over the work; pedagogical workers of educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational, postgraduate vocational education and additional professional education - teachers of the disciplines "labor protection", "life safety", "safety of technological processes and production", as well as organizers and leaders of the industrial practice of students - in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

specialists of labor protection services, employees who are entrusted by the employer with the responsibility of organizing work on labor protection, members of committees (commissions) on labor protection, authorized (trusted) persons on labor protection of trade unions and other representative bodies authorized by employees - in training organizations of federal executive bodies authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

specialists of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection - in training organizations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation;

specialists of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, members of commissions for testing knowledge of the labor protection requirements of training organizations - in training organizations of federal executive authorities;

specialists of local governments in the field of labor protection - in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

members of commissions for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of organizations - in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

members of commissions to test knowledge of labor protection requirements of training organizations that train specialists and heads of federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection - in training organizations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Managers and specialists of the organization can be trained in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements in the organization itself, which has a commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements.

2.3.3. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of training in labor protection under the relevant programs by training organizations are developed and approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

2.3.4. The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation develops and approves exemplary curricula and training programs on labor protection, including the study of intersectoral rules and standard instructions on labor protection, other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements.

Training organizations, on the basis of exemplary curricula and training programs on labor protection, develop and approve working curricula and training programs on labor protection in coordination with the relevant federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection.

Labor protection training for managers and specialists in the organization is carried out according to labor protection training programs developed on the basis of exemplary curricula and labor protection training programs approved by the employer.

2.3.5. Lectures, seminars, interviews, individual or group consultations, business games, etc. are held in the process of training on labor protection for managers and specialists, elements of self-study of the labor protection program, modular and computer programs, as well as distance learning can be used.

2.3.6. Training on labor protection for managers and specialists is carried out by teachers of educational institutions teaching the disciplines "labor protection", "life safety", "safety of technological processes and production", heads and specialists of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of protection labor, state supervision and control bodies, as well as employees of labor protection services of organizations with appropriate qualifications and experience in the field of labor protection.

Training organizations should have full-time teachers.

Training on labor protection for managers and specialists of organizations is carried out with the improvement of their qualifications in their specialty.

III. Checking knowledge of labor protection requirements

3.1. Checking the theoretical knowledge of labor protection requirements and practical skills of safe work of blue-collar workers is carried out by the direct supervisors of work in the amount of knowledge of the requirements of the rules and instructions for labor protection, and, if necessary, in the amount of knowledge of additional special safety and labor protection requirements.

3.2. Managers and specialists of organizations undergo regular testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements at least once every three years.

3.3. An extraordinary test of knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations, regardless of the period of the previous test, is carried out:

when introducing new or introducing changes and additions to existing legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements. At the same time, knowledge of only these legislative and regulatory legal acts is checked;

when commissioning new equipment and changing technological processes that require additional knowledge on labor protection of employees. In this case, knowledge of the labor protection requirements associated with the relevant changes is checked;

when appointing or transferring employees to another job, if new duties require additional knowledge of labor protection (before they begin to perform their official duties);

at the request of officials of the federal labor inspectorate, other bodies of state supervision and control, as well as federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, local governments, as well as the employer (or a person authorized by him) when establishing violations of the requirements labor protection and insufficient knowledge of labor safety and labor protection requirements;

after accidents and accidents that have occurred, as well as in case of detection of repeated violations by employees of the organization of the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection;

when there is a break in work in this position for more than one year.

The volume and procedure for the procedure for an extraordinary examination of knowledge of labor protection requirements is determined by the party initiating it.

3.4. In order to test the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees in organizations, by order (instruction) of the employer (manager), a commission is created to test the knowledge of labor protection requirements, consisting of at least three people who have been trained in labor protection and tested knowledge of labor protection requirements in the prescribed manner.

The composition of the commissions for checking the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of organizations includes the heads of organizations and their structural divisions, specialists of labor protection services, chief specialists (technologist, mechanic, power engineer, etc.). Representatives of an elected trade union body representing the interests of employees of this organization, including authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions, may take part in the work of the commission.

The composition of the commissions for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of training organizations includes heads and full-time teachers of these organizations and, as agreed, heads and specialists of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, state supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation, local self-government bodies, trade union bodies or other representative bodies authorized by employees.

The commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements consists of the chairman, deputy (deputy) chairman, secretary and members of the commission.

3.5. Checking the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees, including managers, organizations is carried out in accordance with the regulatory legal acts on labor protection, ensuring and complying with the requirements of which is their responsibility, taking into account their job duties, the nature of production activities.

3.6. The results of testing the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of the employees of the organization are drawn up in a protocol in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Procedure.

3.7. An employee who has successfully passed the test of knowledge of labor protection requirements is issued a certificate signed by the chairman of the commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, certified by the seal of the organization that conducted the training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to the Procedure.

3.8. An employee who has not passed the test of knowledge of labor protection requirements during training is obliged to undergo a re-test of knowledge no later than one month after that.

3.9. Training organizations can test the knowledge of labor protection requirements only for those employees who have been trained in labor protection in them.

IV. Final provisions

4.1. On the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation, the organization of training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements is coordinated by the federal executive authorities and the executive authority for labor of the subject of the Russian Federation, which forms a data bank of all training organizations located on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation.

4.2. Responsibility for the quality of training in labor protection and the implementation of approved programs for labor protection lies with the training organization and the employer of the organization in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. Control over the timely testing of knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees, including managers, organizations, is carried out by the bodies of the federal labor inspectorate.

"On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations"

Edition of 11/30/2016 - Valid from 12/30/2016

Show changes

N 1

N 29

January 13, 2003


from 11/30/2016)

In order to implement the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Sobranie Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, N 1 (Part I), Art. 3), the Federal Law "On the Basics of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 29 , Art. 3702), the Federal Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 31, Art. 3803) and in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2001 No. 919 "On Amendments to the Regulations on the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, No. 1, Art. 40) The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation decide:

Approve the attached Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations.

Minister of Labor
and social development
Russian Federation

Minister of education
Russian Federation

to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia
and Ministry of Education of Russia
of January 13, 2003 N 1/29


(As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation N 697n, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation N 1490 dated November 30, 2016)

I. General provisions

1.1. The procedure for training on labor protection and testing knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was developed to provide preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases and establishes general provisions for mandatory training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for all employees, including the number of leaders.

1.2. The procedure is mandatory for execution by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, employers of organizations regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, employers - individuals, as well as employees who have concluded an employment contract with the employer.

1.3. On the basis of the Procedure, federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments may establish additional requirements for organizing and conducting labor protection training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of their subordinate organizations that do not contradict the requirements of the Procedure.

1.4. The procedure does not replace the special requirements for training, briefing and testing the knowledge of employees established by state supervision and control bodies.

Simultaneously with training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, carried out in accordance with the Procedure, training and certification of employees of organizations in other areas of labor safety can be carried out, organized by state supervision and control bodies and federal executive authorities in the manner approved by them upon agreement with the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

1.5. All employees of the organization, including its head, are subject to training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements in accordance with the Procedure.

1.6. Employees qualified as an engineer (specialist) in the safety of technological processes and production or in labor protection, as well as employees of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, state supervision and control, teaching staff of educational institutions engaged in teaching disciplines "labor protection", having a continuous work experience in the field of labor protection for at least five years, within a year after starting work, they may not undergo training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements.

1.7. Responsibility for the organization and timeliness of training in labor protection and verification of knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations lies with the employer in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. The order of training in labor protection

2.1. Conducting training on labor protection

2.1.1. For all persons hired, as well as for employees transferred to another job, the employer (or a person authorized by him) is obliged to instruct on labor protection.

2.1.2. All persons hired, as well as employees seconded to the organization and employees of third-party organizations performing work in a dedicated area, students of educational institutions of the appropriate levels, undergoing internships in the organization, and other persons participating in the production activities of the organization, undergo introductory briefing, which is carried out by a labor protection specialist or an employee who, by order of the employer (or a person authorized by him), is entrusted with these duties.

An introductory briefing on labor protection is carried out according to a program developed on the basis of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of the organization's activities and approved in the prescribed manner by the employer (or a person authorized by him).

2.1.3. In addition to introductory briefing on labor protection, primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out.

Primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out by the immediate supervisor (manufacturer) of the work (foreman, foreman, teacher, and so on), who has undergone training in labor protection in the prescribed manner and tested knowledge of labor protection requirements.

Conducting labor protection briefings includes familiarizing employees with the existing hazardous or harmful production factors, studying the labor protection requirements contained in the organization's local regulations, labor protection instructions, technical, operational documentation, as well as the use of safe methods and techniques for performing work.

The briefing on labor protection ends with an oral test of the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee of safe working practices by the person who conducted the briefing.

Conducting all types of briefings is recorded in the relevant journals for conducting briefings (in established cases - in the work permit) indicating the signature of the instructed and the signature of the instructing person, as well as the date of the briefing.

2.1.4. Initial briefing at the workplace is carried out before the start of independent work:

with all newly hired employees, including employees performing work on the terms of an employment contract concluded for a period of up to two months or for the period of seasonal work, in their free time from their main work (part-time workers), as well as at home (home workers) using materials of tools and mechanisms allocated by the employer or acquired by them at their own expense;

with employees of the organization transferred in the prescribed manner from another structural unit, or employees who are entrusted with the performance of new work for them;

with seconded employees of third-party organizations, students of educational institutions of the corresponding levels, undergoing work practice (practical classes), and other persons participating in the production activities of the organization.

Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out by the heads of structural divisions of the organization according to programs developed and approved in the prescribed manner in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, local regulations of the organization, instructions on labor protection, technical and operational documentation.

Employees who are not involved in the operation, maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of electrified or other tools, the storage and use of raw materials and materials, may be exempted from undergoing primary briefing at the workplace. The list of professions and positions of employees exempted from primary briefing at the workplace is approved by the employer.

2.1.5. All employees specified in clause 2.1.4 of this Procedure undergo repeated briefing at least once every six months according to programs developed for conducting primary briefing at the workplace.

2.1.6. Unscheduled briefing is carried out:

when new or amended legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements, as well as instructions on labor protection, are put into effect;

when changing technological processes, replacing or upgrading equipment, fixtures, tools and other factors affecting labor safety;

in case of violation by employees of labor protection requirements, if these violations created a real threat of serious consequences (accident at work, accident, etc.);

at the request of officials of state supervision and control bodies;

during breaks in work (for work with harmful and (or) dangerous conditions - more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - more than two months);

by decision of the employer (or a person authorized by him).

2.1.7. Targeted briefing is carried out when performing one-time work, when eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and work for which a work permit, permit or other special documents are issued, as well as when mass events are held in the organization.

2.1.8. The specific procedure, conditions, terms and frequency of conducting all types of labor protection briefings for employees of individual industries and organizations are regulated by the relevant industry and intersectoral regulatory legal acts on labor safety and protection.

2.2. Training of blue-collar workers

2.2.1. The employer (or a person authorized by him) is obliged to organize, within a month after hiring, training in safe methods and techniques for performing work for all persons entering work, as well as persons transferred to another job.

Occupational safety training is carried out in the course of training workers in working professions, retraining and training them in other working professions.

2.2.2. The employer (or a person authorized by him) provides training for persons hired with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, safe methods and techniques for performing work with internships at the workplace and passing exams, and in the course of work - conducting periodic security training labor and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. Workers of blue-collar professions who first entered the specified jobs or who have a break in work by profession (type of work) for more than a year undergo training and testing their knowledge of labor protection requirements within the first month after being assigned to these jobs.

2.2.3. The procedure, form, frequency and duration of training in labor protection and testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements for blue-collar workers are established by the employer (or a person authorized by him) in accordance with regulatory legal acts regulating the safety of specific types of work.

2.2.4. The employer (or a person authorized by him) organizes periodic, at least once a year, training of blue-collar workers in providing first aid to victims. Newly hired persons are trained in providing first aid to victims within the time limits established by the employer (or a person authorized by him), but no later than one month after being hired.

2.3. Training of managers and specialists

2.3.1. Managers and specialists of organizations undergo special training on labor protection in the scope of their job duties during the first month, then as needed, but at least once every three years.

The newly appointed managers and specialists of the organization are allowed to work independently after they are familiarized by the employer (or a person authorized by him) with official duties, including labor protection, with the local regulations in force in the organization that regulate the procedure for organizing work on labor protection, conditions labor at the objects entrusted to them (structural divisions of the organization).

2.3.2. Labor protection training for managers and specialists is carried out according to the relevant labor protection programs directly by the organization itself or by educational institutions of vocational education, training centers and other institutions and organizations engaged in educational activities (hereinafter referred to as training organizations), if they have a license for the right to conduct educational activities, teaching staff specializing in the field of labor protection, and the corresponding material and technical base.

Occupational safety training is provided by:

heads of organizations, deputy heads of organizations in charge of labor protection issues, deputy chief engineers for labor protection, employers - individuals, other persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities; managers, specialists, engineering and technical workers who organize, manage and carry out work at workplaces and in production units, as well as control and technical supervision over the work; pedagogical workers of educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational, postgraduate vocational education and additional professional education - teachers of the disciplines "labor protection", "life safety", "safety of technological processes and production", as well as organizers and leaders of the industrial practice of students - in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

specialists of labor protection services, employees who are entrusted by the employer with the responsibility of organizing work on labor protection, members of committees (commissions) on labor protection, authorized (trusted) persons on labor protection of trade unions and other representative bodies authorized by employees - in training organizations of federal executive bodies authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

specialists of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection - in training organizations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation;

specialists of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, members of commissions for testing knowledge of the labor protection requirements of training organizations - in training organizations of federal executive authorities;

specialists of local governments in the field of labor protection - in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

members of commissions for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of organizations - in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

members of commissions to test knowledge of labor protection requirements of training organizations that train specialists and heads of federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection - in training organizations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Managers and specialists of the organization can be trained in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements in the organization itself, which has a commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements.

2.3.3. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of training in labor protection under the relevant programs by training organizations are developed and approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

2.3.4. The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation develops and approves exemplary curricula and training programs on labor protection, including the study of intersectoral rules and standard instructions on labor protection, other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements.

Training organizations, on the basis of exemplary curricula and training programs on labor protection, develop and approve working curricula and training programs on labor protection in coordination with the relevant federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection.

Labor protection training for managers and specialists in the organization is carried out according to labor protection training programs developed on the basis of exemplary curricula and labor protection training programs approved by the employer.

2.3.5. Lectures, seminars, interviews, individual or group consultations, business games, etc. are held in the process of training on labor protection for managers and specialists, elements of self-study of the labor protection program, modular and computer programs, as well as distance learning can be used.

2.3.6. Training on labor protection for managers and specialists is carried out by teachers of educational institutions teaching the disciplines "labor protection", "life safety", "safety of technological processes and production", heads and specialists of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of protection labor, state supervision and control bodies, as well as employees of labor protection services of organizations with appropriate qualifications and experience in the field of labor protection.

Training organizations should have full-time teachers.

Training on labor protection for managers and specialists of organizations is carried out with the improvement of their qualifications in their specialty.

III. Checking knowledge of labor protection requirements

3.1. Checking the theoretical knowledge of labor protection requirements and practical skills of safe work of blue-collar workers is carried out by the direct supervisors of work in the amount of knowledge of the requirements of the rules and instructions for labor protection, and, if necessary, in the amount of knowledge of additional special safety and labor protection requirements.

3.2. Managers and specialists of organizations undergo regular testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements at least once every three years.

3.3. An extraordinary test of knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations, regardless of the period of the previous test, is carried out:

when introducing new or introducing changes and additions to existing legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements. At the same time, knowledge of only these legislative and regulatory legal acts is checked;

when commissioning new equipment and changing technological processes that require additional knowledge on labor protection of employees. In this case, knowledge of the labor protection requirements associated with the relevant changes is checked;

when appointing or transferring employees to another job, if new duties require additional knowledge of labor protection (before they begin to perform their official duties);

at the request of officials of the federal labor inspectorate, other bodies of state supervision and control, as well as federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, local governments, as well as the employer (or a person authorized by him) when establishing violations of the requirements labor protection and insufficient knowledge of labor safety and labor protection requirements;

after accidents and accidents that have occurred, as well as in case of detection of repeated violations by employees of the organization of the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection;

when there is a break in work in this position for more than one year.

The volume and procedure for the procedure for an extraordinary examination of knowledge of labor protection requirements is determined by the party initiating it.

3.4. In order to test the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees in organizations, by order (instruction) of the employer (manager), a commission is created to test the knowledge of labor protection requirements, consisting of at least three people who have been trained in labor protection and tested knowledge of labor protection requirements in the prescribed manner.

The composition of the commissions for checking the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of organizations includes the heads of organizations and their structural divisions, specialists of labor protection services, chief specialists (technologist, mechanic, power engineer, etc.). Representatives of an elected trade union body representing the interests of employees of this organization, including authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions, may take part in the work of the commission.

The composition of the commissions for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of training organizations includes heads and full-time teachers of these organizations and, as agreed, heads and specialists of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, state supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation, local self-government bodies, trade union bodies or other representative bodies authorized by employees.

The commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements consists of the chairman, deputy (deputy) chairman, secretary and members of the commission.

3.5. Checking the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees, including managers, organizations is carried out in accordance with the regulatory legal acts on labor protection, ensuring and complying with the requirements of which is their responsibility, taking into account their job duties, the nature of production activities.

3.6. The results of testing the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of the employees of the organization are drawn up in a protocol in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Procedure.

3.7. An employee who has successfully passed the test of knowledge of labor protection requirements is issued a certificate signed by the chairman of the commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, certified by the seal of the organization (if any) that conducted training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, in the form according to Appendix No. 2 to Order. (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation N 697n, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation N 1490 dated November 30, 2016)

3.8. An employee who has not passed the test of knowledge of labor protection requirements during training is obliged to undergo a re-test of knowledge no later than one month after that.

3.9. Training organizations can test the knowledge of labor protection requirements only for those employees who have been trained in labor protection in them.

The article is about order 1 29, which regulates the procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge. They should be guided by the employer when organizing training events for employees and about the changes that the Ministry of Labor intends to make.

Read in the article:

What establishes 1 29 the procedure for training in labor protection

The training procedure No. 1/29 has been in force since January 13, 2003 and is the main regulatory legal act regulating the process of training employees in labor protection. This document establishes how to train managers and specialists, as well as blue-collar workers, and where exactly each category of personnel should be trained.

The order of training determines the frequency of training only for specialists, and not for workers. The term is set by industry rules on labor protection.

The duration of the briefings is specified as a maximum of 6 months. But many rules contain requirements for re-briefing every three months. Consequently, Order No. 1/29 establishes minimum requirements for training, and their specification is the task of the employer.

Conducting training and testing knowledge takes a lot of time. Using the service "Labor Protection 360. Automated workplace on labor protection, you can quickly create training schedules and knowledge tests, taking into account the latest legal requirements. The service will save a labor protection specialist from routine work and will allow him to devote more time to analyzing the state of labor protection, identifying hazards, assessing the magnitude of risks and developing corrective measures. Get free demo access now!

Changes to order 1 29 on labor protection

Many new concepts are being introduced, such as "risk assessment", " independent evaluation qualifications”, etc.

Our programs

How to conduct OSH training in an organization

Each employer decides for himself how to organize the training of workers in labor protection - in accordance with GOST or other standards, including international ones. However, the application of Decree 1/29 is a priority, because this regulatory legal act has been registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia, it is mandatory for all employers in the Russian Federation, in contrast to state and safety standards.

An OT regulation developed by an employer may contain recommendations, but such a reference may have adverse consequences for the employer, since it will oblige you to strictly follow its requirements.

In this case, the inspector has the right to hold liable for violation of both Order 1/29 and GOST. This will lead to an increase in the comments from the inspector, as well as to an increase in the volume of regulatory documentation on OT.

Violation of the requirements of the Procedure for training employees in labor protection

Responsibility for violation of the requirements of Order No. 1/29 is established in. For failure to conduct training, the employer is involved under part three of this article, and for conducting it in violation of it - under part one.

Violations of Decree No. 1/29 are among the most frequent in the practice of GIT inspectors, and can not only ruin the employer, but also lead to his liquidation or disqualification. With the beginning of checks on checklists, the number of such cases has increased significantly.

The most common mistake that practitioners make is to train all employees in the training center, although those related to working professions can be trained in their organization. If the enterprise does not have its own, there is no opportunity for the organization educational process, this will be recognized as a violation of the requirements of the resolution on conducting training in OT and threatens with a fine under the first part of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

There are violations of Order 1/29, which may result in the threat of closing the enterprise or a huge fine:

1. Failure to conduct training on labor protection for certain categories of workers

Despite the fact that the Order has been in force for more than fifteen years, some OSH specialists still do not know that for workers in blue-collar occupations it is necessary to draw up separate training programs for each specialty.

Many employers are not aware that OSH training should be provided not only for production staff, but also for office staff. It is widely believed that, and knowledge testing should not be carried out at all. Often, entire departments are exempted from briefing, but this is not formalized by a local regulatory act.

Many believe that for this it is enough to invite a teacher from a medical school to work. However, this is only possible if the medical school has a license to train first aid instructors, that is, to implement additional professional education programs.

Active Edition from 01.01.1970

Document nameDECISION of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation N 1, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation N 29 dated 13.01.2003 "ON APPROVAL OF THE PROCEDURE FOR TRAINING ON LABOR SAFETY AND TESTING THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF LABOR PROTECTION OF WORKERS OF ORGANIZATIONS"
Type of documentorder, order
Host bodyMinistry of Labor of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
Document Number1
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date01.01.1970
Registration number in the Ministry of Justice4209
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice12.02.2003
  • "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", N 35, 22.02.2003
  • "Bulletin of the Ministry of Labor of Russia", N 3, 2003
  • "Bulletin of Normative Acts of Federal Executive Bodies", N 17, 04/28/2003
  • "Bulletin of the Ministry of Education of Russia", N 5, 2003

DECISION of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation N 1, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation N 29 dated 13.01.2003 "ON APPROVAL OF THE PROCEDURE FOR TRAINING ON LABOR SAFETY AND TESTING THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF LABOR PROTECTION OF WORKERS OF ORGANIZATIONS"


In order to implement the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Sobranie Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, N 1 (Part I), Art. 3), the Federal Law "On the Basics of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 29 , Art. 3702), the Federal Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 31, Art. 3803) and in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2001 No. 919 "On Amendments to the Regulations on the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, No. 1, Art. 40) The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation decide:

Approve the attached Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations.

Minister of Labor
and social development
Russian Federation

Minister of education
Russian Federation

to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia
and Ministry of Education of Russia
of January 13, 2003 N 1/29


1.1. The procedure for training on labor protection and testing knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was developed to provide preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases and establishes general provisions for mandatory training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for all employees, including the number of leaders.

1.2. The procedure is mandatory for execution by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, employers of organizations regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, employers - individuals, as well as employees who have concluded an employment contract with the employer.

1.3. On the basis of the Procedure, federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments may establish additional requirements for organizing and conducting labor protection training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of their subordinate organizations that do not contradict the requirements of the Procedure.

1.4. The procedure does not replace the special requirements for training, briefing and testing the knowledge of employees established by state supervision and control bodies.

Simultaneously with training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, carried out in accordance with the Procedure, training and certification of employees of organizations in other areas of labor safety can be carried out, organized by state supervision and control bodies and federal executive authorities in the manner approved by them upon agreement with the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

1.5. All employees of the organization, including its head, are subject to training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements in accordance with the Procedure.

1.6. Employees qualified as an engineer (specialist) in the safety of technological processes and production or in labor protection, as well as employees of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, state supervision and control, teaching staff of educational institutions engaged in teaching disciplines "labor protection", having a continuous work experience in the field of labor protection for at least five years, within a year after starting work, they may not undergo training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements.

1.7. Responsibility for the organization and timeliness of training in labor protection and verification of knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations lies with the employer in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. The order of training in labor protection 2.1. Conducting training on labor protection

2.1.1. For all persons hired, as well as for employees transferred to another job, the employer (or a person authorized by him) is obliged to instruct on labor protection.

2.1.2. All persons hired, as well as employees seconded to the organization and employees of third-party organizations performing work in a dedicated area, students of educational institutions of the appropriate levels, undergoing internships in the organization, and other persons participating in the production activities of the organization, undergo introductory briefing, which is carried out by a labor protection specialist or an employee who, by order of the employer (or a person authorized by him), is entrusted with these duties.

An introductory briefing on labor protection is carried out according to a program developed on the basis of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of the organization's activities and approved in the prescribed manner by the employer (or a person authorized by him).

2.1.3. In addition to introductory briefing on labor protection, primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out.

Primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out by the immediate supervisor (manufacturer) of the work (foreman, foreman, teacher, and so on), who has undergone training in labor protection in the prescribed manner and tested knowledge of labor protection requirements.

Conducting labor protection briefings includes familiarizing employees with the existing hazardous or harmful production factors, studying the labor protection requirements contained in the organization's local regulations, labor protection instructions, technical, operational documentation, as well as the use of safe methods and techniques for performing work.

The briefing on labor protection ends with an oral test of the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee of safe working practices by the person who conducted the briefing.

Conducting all types of briefings is recorded in the relevant journals for conducting briefings (in established cases - in the work permit) indicating the signature of the instructed and the signature of the instructing person, as well as the date of the briefing.

2.1.4. Initial briefing at the workplace is carried out before the start of independent work:

with all newly hired employees, including employees performing work on the terms of an employment contract concluded for a period of up to two months or for the period of seasonal work, in their free time from their main work (part-time workers), as well as at home (home workers) using materials of tools and mechanisms allocated by the employer or acquired by them at their own expense;

with employees of the organization transferred in the prescribed manner from another structural unit, or employees who are entrusted with the performance of new work for them;

with seconded employees of third-party organizations, students of educational institutions of the corresponding levels, undergoing work practice (practical classes), and other persons participating in the production activities of the organization.

Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out by the heads of structural divisions of the organization according to programs developed and approved in the prescribed manner in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, local regulations of the organization, instructions on labor protection, technical and operational documentation.

Employees who are not involved in the operation, maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of electrified or other tools, the storage and use of raw materials and materials, may be exempted from undergoing primary briefing at the workplace. The list of professions and positions of employees exempted from primary briefing at the workplace is approved by the employer.

2.1.5. All employees specified in clause 2.1.4 of this Procedure undergo repeated briefing at least once every six months according to programs developed for conducting primary briefing at the workplace.

2.1.6. Unscheduled briefing is carried out:

when new or amended legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements, as well as instructions on labor protection, are put into effect;

when changing technological processes, replacing or upgrading equipment, fixtures, tools and other factors affecting labor safety;

in case of violation by employees of labor protection requirements, if these violations created a real threat of serious consequences (accident at work, accident, etc.);

at the request of officials of state supervision and control bodies;

during breaks in work (for work with harmful and (or) dangerous conditions - more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - more than two months);

by decision of the employer (or a person authorized by him).

2.1.7. Targeted briefing is carried out when performing one-time work, when eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and work for which a work permit, permit or other special documents are issued, as well as when mass events are held in the organization.

2.1.8. The specific procedure, conditions, terms and frequency of conducting all types of labor protection briefings for employees of individual industries and organizations are regulated by the relevant industry and intersectoral regulatory legal acts on labor safety and protection.

2.2. Training of blue-collar workers

2.2.1. The employer (or a person authorized by him) is obliged to organize, within a month after hiring, training in safe methods and techniques for performing work for all persons entering work, as well as persons transferred to another job.

Occupational safety training is carried out in the course of training workers in working professions, retraining and training them in other working professions.

2.2.2. The employer (or a person authorized by him) provides training for persons hired with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, safe methods and techniques for performing work with internships at the workplace and passing exams, and in the course of work - conducting periodic security training labor and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. Workers of blue-collar professions who first entered the specified jobs or who have a break in work by profession (type of work) for more than a year undergo training and testing their knowledge of labor protection requirements within the first month after being assigned to these jobs.

2.2.3. The procedure, form, frequency and duration of training in labor protection and testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements for blue-collar workers are established by the employer (or a person authorized by him) in accordance with regulatory legal acts regulating the safety of specific types of work.

2.2.4. The employer (or a person authorized by him) organizes periodic, at least once a year, training of blue-collar workers in providing first aid to victims. Newly hired persons are trained in providing first aid to victims within the time limits established by the employer (or a person authorized by him), but no later than one month after being hired.

2.3. Training of managers and specialists

2.3.1. Managers and specialists of organizations undergo special training on labor protection in the scope of their job duties during the first month, then as needed, but at least once every three years.

The newly appointed managers and specialists of the organization are allowed to work independently after they are familiarized by the employer (or a person authorized by him) with official duties, including labor protection, with the local regulations in force in the organization that regulate the procedure for organizing work on labor protection, conditions labor at the objects entrusted to them (structural divisions of the organization).

2.3.2. Labor protection training for managers and specialists is carried out according to the relevant labor protection programs directly by the organization itself or by educational institutions of vocational education, training centers and other institutions and organizations engaged in educational activities (hereinafter referred to as training organizations), if they have a license for the right to conduct educational activities, teaching staff specializing in the field of labor protection, and the corresponding material and technical base.

Occupational safety training is provided by:

heads of organizations, deputy heads of organizations in charge of labor protection issues, deputy chief engineers for labor protection, employers - individuals, other persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities; managers, specialists, engineering and technical workers who organize, manage and carry out work at workplaces and in production units, as well as control and technical supervision over the work; pedagogical workers of educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational, postgraduate vocational education and additional professional education - teachers of the disciplines "labor protection", "life safety", "safety of technological processes and production", as well as organizers and leaders of the industrial practice of students - in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

specialists of labor protection services, employees who are entrusted by the employer with the responsibility of organizing work on labor protection, members of committees (commissions) on labor protection, authorized (trusted) persons on labor protection of trade unions and other representative bodies authorized by employees - in training organizations of federal executive bodies authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

specialists of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection - in training organizations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation;

specialists of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, members of commissions for testing knowledge of the labor protection requirements of training organizations - in training organizations of federal executive authorities;

specialists of local governments in the field of labor protection - in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

members of commissions for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of organizations - in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

members of commissions to test knowledge of labor protection requirements of training organizations that train specialists and heads of federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection - in training organizations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Managers and specialists of the organization can be trained in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements in the organization itself, which has a commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements.

2.3.3. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of training in labor protection under the relevant programs by training organizations are developed and approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

2.3.4. The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation develops and approves exemplary curricula and training programs on labor protection, including the study of intersectoral rules and standard instructions on labor protection, other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements.

Training organizations, on the basis of exemplary curricula and training programs on labor protection, develop and approve working curricula and training programs on labor protection in coordination with the relevant federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection.

Labor protection training for managers and specialists in the organization is carried out according to labor protection training programs developed on the basis of exemplary curricula and labor protection training programs approved by the employer.

2.3.5. Lectures, seminars, interviews, individual or group consultations, business games, etc. are held in the process of training on labor protection for managers and specialists, elements of self-study of the labor protection program, modular and computer programs, as well as distance learning can be used.

2.3.6. Training on labor protection for managers and specialists is carried out by teachers of educational institutions teaching the disciplines "labor protection", "life safety", "safety of technological processes and production", heads and specialists of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of protection labor, state supervision and control bodies, as well as employees of labor protection services of organizations with appropriate qualifications and experience in the field of labor protection.

Training organizations should have full-time teachers.

Training on labor protection for managers and specialists of organizations is carried out with the improvement of their qualifications in their specialty.

III. Checking knowledge of labor protection requirements

3.1. Checking the theoretical knowledge of labor protection requirements and practical skills of safe work of blue-collar workers is carried out by the direct supervisors of work in the amount of knowledge of the requirements of the rules and instructions for labor protection, and, if necessary, in the amount of knowledge of additional special safety and labor protection requirements.

3.2. Managers and specialists of organizations undergo regular testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements at least once every three years.

3.3. An extraordinary test of knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations, regardless of the period of the previous test, is carried out:

when introducing new or introducing changes and additions to existing legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements. At the same time, knowledge of only these legislative and regulatory legal acts is checked;

when commissioning new equipment and changing technological processes that require additional knowledge on labor protection of employees. In this case, knowledge of the labor protection requirements associated with the relevant changes is checked;

when appointing or transferring employees to another job, if new duties require additional knowledge of labor protection (before they begin to perform their official duties);

at the request of officials of the federal labor inspectorate, other bodies of state supervision and control, as well as federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, local governments, as well as the employer (or a person authorized by him) when establishing violations of the requirements labor protection and insufficient knowledge of labor safety and labor protection requirements;

after accidents and accidents that have occurred, as well as in case of detection of repeated violations by employees of the organization of the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection;

when there is a break in work in this position for more than one year.

The volume and procedure for the procedure for an extraordinary examination of knowledge of labor protection requirements is determined by the party initiating it.

3.4. In order to test the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees in organizations, by order (instruction) of the employer (manager), a commission is created to test the knowledge of labor protection requirements, consisting of at least three people who have been trained in labor protection and tested knowledge of labor protection requirements in the prescribed manner.

The composition of the commissions for checking the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of organizations includes the heads of organizations and their structural divisions, specialists of labor protection services, chief specialists (technologist, mechanic, power engineer, etc.). Representatives of an elected trade union body representing the interests of employees of this organization, including authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions, may take part in the work of the commission.

The composition of the commissions for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of training organizations includes heads and full-time teachers of these organizations and, as agreed, heads and specialists of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, state supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation, local self-government bodies, trade union bodies or other representative bodies authorized by employees.

The commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements consists of the chairman, deputy (deputy) chairman, secretary and members of the commission.

3.5. Checking the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees, including managers, organizations is carried out in accordance with the regulatory legal acts on labor protection, ensuring and complying with the requirements of which is their responsibility, taking into account their job duties, the nature of production activities.

3.6. The results of testing the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of the employees of the organization are drawn up in a protocol in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Procedure.

3.7. An employee who has successfully passed the test of knowledge of labor protection requirements is issued a certificate signed by the chairman of the commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, certified by the seal of the organization that conducted the training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to the Procedure.

3.8. An employee who has not passed the test of knowledge of labor protection requirements during training is obliged to undergo a re-test of knowledge no later than one month after that.

3.9. Training organizations can test the knowledge of labor protection requirements only for those employees who have been trained in labor protection in them.

IV. Final provisions

4.1. On the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation, the organization of training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements is coordinated by the federal executive authorities and the executive authority for labor of the subject of the Russian Federation, which forms a data bank of all training organizations located on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation.

4.2. Responsibility for the quality of training in labor protection and the implementation of approved programs for labor protection lies with the training organization and the employer of the organization in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the order (instruction) of the employer \r\n (head) of the organization dated "__" ___________ 20__ N _____ \r\ncommission consisting of: \r\n chairman _____________________________________________________ \r\n (full name , position) \r\nmembers: ________________________________________________________________ \r\n (full name, position) \r\nrepresentatives<*>: \r\nexecutive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n (full name, position) \r\nlocal government bodies __________________________________ \r\n (full name, position) \ r\n of the State Labor Inspectorate of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation \r\n_________________________________________________________________ \r\n (full name, position) \r\ntested the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees according to \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n (name of the training program on labor protection) \r\nin the amount of ____________________ \r\n (number of hours) \r\n

(Full name) \r\nPlace of work _____________________________________________________ \r\nPosition __________________________________________________ \r\nChecked knowledge of labor protection requirements on \r\n____________________________________________ in the amount of ____________ \r\n (name of the training program (hours) \r\ n on labor protection) \r\nMinutes N of the meeting of the commission for testing knowledge of the requirements of labor protection \r\n workers _________________________________________________ \r\n __________________________________________________________________ \r\n (name of organization) \r\n dated "__" ___________ 20__ N ___ \r\n \r\n Chairman of the Commission __________________________ \r\n (full name, signature) \r\n Date \r\n \r\n M.P. \r\n \r\n (Right side) \r\n \r\n INFORMATION ON REPEATED CHECKS OF KNOWLEDGE \r\n LABOR SAFETY REQUIREMENTS \r\n \r\n Full name ___________________________________________________________ \r\n Place of work ___________________________________________________________ \r\nPosition __________________________________________________________ \r\nChecked knowledge of labor protection requirements on \r\n____________________________________________ in the amount of ____________ \r\n (name of the training program (hours) \r\n on labor protection) \ r\nMinutes of the N meeting of the commission for checking knowledge of the requirements for the protection \r\nof workers' labor from "__" ___________ 20__ \r\n \r\n Chairman of the commission __________________________ \r\n (Full name, signature) \ r\n Date \r\n \r\n M.P. \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n \r\nFull name ___________________________________________________________ \r\nPlace of work ___________________________________________________________ \r\nPosition ______________________________________________________________ \r\nChecked knowledge of labor protection requirements on \r\n____________________________________________ in the amount of ____________ \r\n (name of the training program (hours) \r\n on labor protection) \r \nMinutes of the N meeting of the commission for checking knowledge of the requirements for the protection \r\nof workers' labor dated "__" ___________ 20__ \r\n \r\n Chairman of the commission ____________________ \r\n (Full name, signature) \r \n Date \r\n \r\n M.P. \r\n

The website "Zakonbase" presents the DECISION of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation N 1, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation N 29 dated 13.01.2003 "ON APPROVAL OF THE PROCEDURE FOR LABOR SAFETY TRAINING AND VERIFICATION OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF LABOR PROTECTION OF WORKERS OF ORGANIZATIONS" in the most recent edition. It is easy to comply with all legal requirements if you familiarize yourself with the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To search for the necessary legislative acts on a topic of interest, you should use convenient navigation or advanced search.

On the website "Zakonbase" you will find the DECISION of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation N 1, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation N 29 dated 01/13/2003 "ON APPROVAL OF THE PROCEDURE FOR LABOR SAFETY TRAINING AND VERIFICATION OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF LABOR PROTECTION OF WORKERS OF ORGANIZATIONS" in a fresh and complete version, in which all changes and amendments. This guarantees the relevance and reliability of the information.

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