How to organize staff training. Employee training is the employer's concern. Mandatory employee training

Before formulating which modern methods of personnel training are the most effective and popular, let us recall that the employer must pay close attention to the professional training of employees. Often new technologies appear at enterprises, innovative equipment is introduced. All this requires the employee to have appropriate qualifications. A team with the necessary skills stimulates the development of the company, so that it is profitable for the employer to invest in the education of workers. Also, according to Art. 197 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee has the right to receive training and additional vocational education, pass independent assessment qualifications. For this, an appropriate contract is concluded between the employer and the employee.

Before giving new knowledge to its employees, the employer should conduct a qualitative analysis of personnel training methods and choose the most effective and suitable one.

The main types and methods of personnel training

A distinction should be made between the following types of training for personnel in an organization:

  • personnel training is the systematic mastering by employees of a set of knowledge and skills that are mandatory for the implementation of certain functions;
  • improving the qualifications of personnel - this is how it is customary to call the improvement by employees of their skills and abilities in connection with the growth of requirements for the professional level or in the case of promotion;
  • retraining of personnel - retraining of personnel in order to acquire a new baggage of knowledge, skills, skills in connection with obtaining new profession or changed requirements for the content and results of work.

The main criterion for learning is efficiency. For the training of employees to be such, it is important to choose the most convenient forms and methods of training for employees of the organization.

Forms and methods of personnel training

Let's consider in more detail the most popular methods, forms and types of personnel training. The most commonly used forms are:

  • on-the-job preparation. In this case, teachers are invited to the organization, and employees are trained in the workplace, using the documentation, materials and equipment used in this organization. Also, employees have time to do some of their normal work. This method is very effective, since students have the opportunity to repeat and consolidate the knowledge gained in practice. But he does not always allow the student to reach his full potential;
  • out of production. In this case, training takes place outside the enterprise (employees are sent to training centers). Let's note the following disadvantages: this form of study is quite costly for the employer. Also, during the period of study with a break from work, the worker is released from the performance of his professional duties;
  • distance training is carried out on the basis of information support. Suitable for individual study, testing and self-testing, control.

The choice of the form of vocational training depends on what teaching methods will be used.

Methods for effective staff training

Let us list what methods of training personnel outside the workplace are used. For example:

  • lectures, seminars, conferences. In the process of studying, students receive theoretical knowledge, communicate with colleagues, hold discussions, learn different ways of solving problems;
  • modern business coaches often use such a method of bringing knowledge to the audience as business games. During business games, participants simulate and “play” real situations;
  • also, employers often send employees to trainings or create working groups. In this case, students not only participate in educational process but also in the development of specific proposals to improve the quality of work.

Now let's talk about the methods of training staff in the workplace. The most commonly used:

  • production briefings, during which employees are introduced to the specialty and are introduced to the main labor functions;
  • it is worth noting mentoring as a method of staff training. In this case, the beginner adopts the experience of the mentor. The student monitors his actions, and then, under the guidance of the mentor, does the work himself;
  • work rotation, when a worker gradually masters all facets of activity, moving from one area of ​​work to another within the enterprise;
  • delegation of authority - the employee is transferred part of the responsibility for making decisions.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of vocational training

How to assess how effective was the professional development of personnel (types and forms of training)? This is done using methods such as:

  • testing at the end of classes;
  • monitoring the work of a trained employee at the workplace;
  • monitoring the reaction of the student worker in the learning process;
  • assessment of effectiveness in the form of a questionnaire.

The assessment criteria must be communicated to the worker prior to training. After its completion, the results of the attestation are reported to the personnel management service.

V modern world more and more often there is a problem of adaptation of organizations and workers to changes in technologies, equipment, production of goods. All this requires new skills, knowledge and skills from employees, so you need to train employees in your organization. It is also worth recalling the professions for which advanced training is mandatory.

The main goals of staff training are:

  • Increasing the level of productivity
  • Providing employees with professional knowledge and skills
  • Increased staff motivation
  • Reduced staff turnover
  • Acceleration of adaptation of new employees

First of all, training is internal and external. Let's take a look at the features of each.

1. In-house (corporate) training

As a rule, these training programs are created for a specific company, i.e. the content of the training and its timing are consistent with the needs of the organization. Listeners perform practical work that are aimed at solving the problems facing the organization. Also, the training uses the equipment and technologies of this company. Unlike external training, training of a large number of employees is provided. It can also be noted that this method helps to maintain team spirit and team cohesion in the organization.

However, in-house training also has its drawbacks.

First, the management has to take on additional workload, because they act as teachers. But this problem does not always arise, since the organization can attract a specialist from a third-party training company or training center, while the focus on the goals of the organization will remain.

Secondly, there is no exchange of experience and the influx of fresh ideas from outside.

2. External training

External training is carried out thanks to a special organization that trains personnel. This will require significant costs on the part of your company. The problem with this method is that the training does not take into account the goals and needs of the organization. In addition, during the training process, employees will not be able to fulfill their duties, which will affect the profit of the organization.

It is fashionable to attribute to the advantages the fact that the personnel will be trained by professionals. Employees will have the opportunity to exchange experiences with colleagues from other organizations and make useful business contacts.

Teaching methods

When the company has decided on the form of training, the training method is chosen.

The in-house form includes:

  • Briefing - general information about the work is transferred to the new employee.
  • Mentoring - a more experienced one is assigned to the new employee, who helps to adapt to the new team, answers emerging questions and monitors the performance of the work.
  • Rotation - temporary transfer employee to another place of work, in order to gain new experience and improve qualifications.
  • Shadowing - this method is actively used in companies in the West. This method is interesting in that senior students can observe the work of a specialist for several days. Thanks to this, the student can understand whether he really likes this position and what difficulties he may encounter during work.

TO external form relate:

  • Trainings - the format of this method is aimed at assimilating new material and gaining new experience, theory and practice are combined, which favorably affects the effectiveness of training. However, trainings are expensive.
  • Seminars - this method is good in that they conduct joint discussions of the material received, which implies the possibility of discussions and exchange of experience.
  • Business game - consideration of the real working situation in the form of a collective game, where each participant is assigned a specific role.
  • Self-study is the simplest teaching method, because neither a teacher nor a special room is required. An employee can study when it is convenient for him and where it is convenient, but this requires the student's desire to master new knowledge.

Can an employee take the initiative to improve his qualifications and undergo training on his own?

The issue of the need for training and advanced training of the employee must be decided by the employer and create conditions for its safe passage. If an employee decides to undergo training on his own, then he must pay for it himself. At the same time, training should not interfere with working time, since release from work or combination with it is organized by the employer only when there is an obvious need for this training.

However, an interested manager can go to a meeting and encourage the employee's desire to improve professional skills by fully or partially offsetting his training costs.

In any case, everything depends on the internal procedures of the company and the atmosphere in the team.

Mandatory employee training

In addition to the overdue subjective need for personnel training, there is also a legislative obligation for a number of professions and areas.

For example, regular training on the fire-technical minimum and labor protection is mandatory. Also, professional development is mandatory for medical worker ov.

If the organization has on its balance sheet vehicles, it is impossible to do without annual training of drivers and those responsible for transport safety.

Thus, personnel training is necessary process, at which the mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities of students is achieved. Personnel training is effective when the spent training costs have paid off, and labor productivity has increased.

In this article, we will cover the following issues:

  • Personnel training methods
  • Communication with training and staff motivation
  • Examples of staff training from our practice

Training employees means developing their professional knowledge, skills and abilities that will help the company achieve its goals.

Why waste time, effort and money on staff training, if universities are already producing trained employees?

The knowledge gained by a person even in a narrowly focused educational institution, often do not allow him to perform high-quality work in the organization due to lack of experience. Especially if the company is engaged in the provision of specific services that require an in-depth study of the topic. If an organization thinks about its well-being and prosperity, it is ready to invest in training and in the management of personnel development.

The experience of Eastern companies, where they prefer to "raise" an employee for themselves, shows that such a strategy bears excellent results. The employee is considered the more valuable, the longer he works in one enterprise. Today, people in Russia are also coming to understand the importance of continuous employee training.

Increasing the level of knowledge, working out the mechanism of action in emergency situations or training teamwork ultimately brings only advantages to both the employer and employees. Personnel training in a crisis can improve work efficiency and reduce the costs of the work process. It is easier to manage a well-trained team, while an employee increases his competitiveness both within the company itself and in the labor market as a whole.

Types and forms of personnel training

Do you need people to perform their tasks more efficiently than before? In this case, you need to decide what type of courses you need. Whether it will be training newly hired employees (and, perhaps, job seekers in general) or retraining an employee to work in a new direction, it all depends on your goals.

So, the main types of personnel training:

  1. Personnel training,
  2. Retraining of personnel,
  3. Professional development of personnel.

We decide on the form of employee training: short-term or long-term, group or individual.

The short-term form has its advantages - cost and time savings. However, at the same time, the result may not always be impressive.

Long-term employee training is much more labor intensive, but often more rewarding.

Individual training allows you to focus on each employee personally and convey maximum information, focusing on personal needs.

Group training provides an opportunity to practice teamwork.

Personnel training methods

To date, there are a great variety of personnel training methods. They can be divided into active and passive.

Passive teaching methods include lectures and seminars. They do not imply a response from the student, therefore, the perception of information largely depends on the desire and motivation of the employee himself.

At the same time, an active method of personnel training presupposes the active participation of each respondent. A business game, brainstorming requires maximum concentration. However, there is no strict division, since some teaching methods are transitional options that combine independent perception of the material with subsequent active use in a group.

Different methodologies involve the possibility of on-the-job training or on-the-job training, in or out of the workplace. These forms are not mutually exclusive. For example, the process can be organized in a separate office of the company with a break from production. However, today the most popular distance learning for employees is on-the-job.

On-the-job training often helps to solidify the material in practice. Out-of-office activities allow you to go beyond thinking and teach you how to act in non-standard situations.

Consider the most common teaching methods

Lecture is the most optimal way to convey a large amount of information to short term and at the same time reach a large number of people at once. However, it should be taken into account that there is no "feedback" with the listeners; it is difficult to make any adjustments during the lesson if the material is not assimilated. For the employer, the advantages of the lecture method of training employees also lie in the financial component.

The great activity of students involves seminar... The dialogue allows you to find out if the theoretical material is fixed. The effectiveness of training employees in this case largely depends on what kind of environment the teacher will create, whether he will be able to induce his students to think. However, seminars limit the number of participants, if thousands of people can listen to a lecture, then it is hardly possible to communicate fully with such a huge audience.

More modern method training is considered video lessons... They are very simple and profitable to use for training personnel in an organization. This method most often, it does not require a search for a teacher or a special room. Employees can study at a convenient time and in any place convenient for them. Scientists have long proven that human vision and visual memory always prevail in human perception of the surrounding world. That is why visual aids and video tutorials are very effective. However, they have a number of disadvantages. They do not allow taking into account the individual characteristics of the student, and also make it impossible to discuss details with the lesson designer.

Recently, it has been very popular distance learning... It involves the use of the Internet, through which the student receives material for study and assignments. The level of assimilation of information is then determined by control and tests. The whole group can study together, in the office or at home, at any convenient time... However, for this form of training, the employee must have a high level of self-organization.

For effective teaching staff can be used case study... It consists in considering practical situations(cases) in which a group of employees analyzes and discusses a real or possible situation related to their direct activities. This approach allows you to nudge people towards alternative, non-standard thinking. Each participant here has the right to express his own opinion and correlate it with the opinion of others. However, in this case, a very highly qualified teacher is needed, which makes training more expensive.

Often used as on-the-job training production instruction... Coming to a new place of work, or getting acquainted with innovations, employees receive general information about the upcoming work.

Helpful for staff temporary rotation- one employee replaces another. So he gets an idea of ​​the versatility of the company's activities, in some cases, understanding one process gives an impetus to improve his own activities.

Some companies use mentoring method where a more experienced employee oversees the work. The sense of responsibility of the "elder" for the "younger" and practical advice make such a partnership very effective.

Much attention is paid to the practical processing of the material during trainings. High-quality corporate training tailored to the needs of the organization can yield tangible results. At the same time, one should not expect serious results in one lesson. You can consolidate the knowledge gained only with the help constant practice and repetition.

Business games it is a training method in which employees gain new information by “acting out” certain situations. In such conditions, knowledge is acquired as quickly as possible, skills are developed, which are then applied in real conditions. Usually, after the actual game is played, there is a "debriefing" that helps to identify and correct mistakes.

Collecting as many different ideas as possible helps brainstorm... One of its main principles is to offer as many options as possible in a short time. Under stress, the brain tends to frantically generate ideas, albeit not in all, but many ideas may contain a rational grain. The method helps to liberate even the most indecisive employees, to teach people to listen to other people's opinions.

Great for onboarding new employees storytelling(from the English. Story Telling - "storytelling"). Through stories, the employee is introduced to the traditions and atmosphere of the company. One of the most popular and effective ways on-the-job training for managers daily work became the technology of learning by action - "action learning". A group of key employees of the company becomes the basis of this action. Participants do not work with exercises and simulated situations, but with real problems.

Staff training and motivation

When done right, training can motivate employees, keep them from moving to another company, and attract new employees. At the same time, the enterprise solves the problem of insufficient personnel literacy. Today everyone understands that each employee has his own " market value», Which depends on his education, knowledge and skills. And the desire to raise your own price at the expense of the organization can act as an excellent non-material motivation for an employee.

You can read more about staff motivation in the article "".

Personnel training assessment system

After training, the stage of evaluating the effectiveness will become a completely logical stage. Experts recommend that this procedure be carried out in several stages.

First of all, it is necessary to assess the reaction of students immediately after the completion of the training program (the quality of the organization of training, compliance with the needs of the company). The second stage will be to assess the level of qualifications of personnel before the start of training and after the completion of the course. Then, after some time, it is recommended to pay attention to the change in the employee's behavior. Has the employee started to apply the acquired knowledge in practice? And, finally, you can summarize and evaluate the results by adding up all the indicators obtained and observing the situation for two to three months, no less.

A positive assessment of training only by participants cannot serve as a sufficient basis for recognizing it as successful, because there is no guarantee that new knowledge will be applied in practice, even if the teacher was a very charismatic person.

I would like to note once again that the development of any organization depends on the qualifications of its personnel, so you should not save money, but the main thing is to teach people how to learn!

Examples of staff training

As examples of use distance learning based on our platform, we have selected 3 large and different companies that solve a different set of tasks using Teachbase tools.

Teachbase and Invitro

In 20 years on the medical services market, INVITRO has gone from a small private laboratory to large network... Today the company is represented by 700 medical laboratories in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus. The company employs more than 5,000 professionals and has been using eLearning for their training for five years. INVITRO's experience in online learning is interesting, diverse and presented in almost all possible formats. The head of the Higher Medical School, Irina Koroleva, shared with us the intricacies of distance learning in one of the largest network of medical institutions in Russia.

We strive to ensure that each member of our team of many thousands shared the values ​​of our company, to act in accordance with our ideology. For us, the personality of the employee is in the first place, and INVITRO is a company that consists of a variety of personality, united by a single idea.

Our selection service employs true professionals who, using special techniques and projective issues already at the entrance, people are clearly selected who correspond to the value level of the company. For us, the principle is relevant: there are no bad or good employees, there are suitable or unsuitable for us. And we try to do correct choices, and then our work begins with them in all areas: trainings, games, conferences, other events - both professional and personal growth person.

The company's values ​​are based on the principle “We value and respect people”. Each person is valuable to us, whether he is a client, a partner of a company or an employee. When working with personnel, we try to find strengths everyone to help them reach their potential. It turns out mutually beneficial cooperation: the employee - professional development, INVITRO - the result. And we see that this approach allows us to increase staff engagement, efficiency, and conscientious attitude to work.

Today we have more than 700 medical offices in different parts of our country, as well as in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The growth rates are very high, and of course, in order to maintain and improve the high level of service and the quality of services, we need a system of personnel training and effective tools allowing to train employees of geographically scattered medical offices in a uniform standard.

First of all, we make high demands on ourselves, and therefore each new medical worker undergoes compulsory training in the standards of work in the company, and in a short time employees are forced to acquire a large amount of knowledge. For this purpose, training specialists work in each of the large regions where there are INVITRO technological complexes.

For hard-to-reach regions, we actively use online training, and in this Teachbase is our faithful assistant, we have been working since 2010. And first of all, eLearning is relevant for us for personnel assessment.

Also [we use] two directions: webinars and ready-made online courses.

We connect webinars when you need to convey general information to a large number of people. For example, when appeared new program loyalty, promotion starts or exited new test etc. Who can watch it online, the rest use the recordings of the webinars.

We also use online courses, although we have not fully mastered this option, and we still have to refine it - the process of creating courses is laborious. Now we embed video materials into courses - presentations, recorded webinars - and assign the course to specific employees, after which we test them and check how much knowledge has been mastered.

Teachbase and Siberian Health

"Siberian Health" sells goods by network marketing, and training of personnel for the company is an urgent daily need. For over a year the company has been working on the Teachbase platform, on the "Advanced" tariff. Head of department remote control"Siberian Health" Larisa Soboleva spoke about the successes and difficulties in eLearning and gave practical advice on its effective implementation.

I do not represent the network part of the business, but the corporate one: I am responsible for training and maintaining a high level of service in our service centers. And for over a year we have been training our in-house managers remotely. Ultimately, the goal of this training is to improve the quality of our service.

Now the staff - managers of service centers, 3 logistics centers and the production itself - about 1,000 people. There are already hundreds of thousands of representatives who are engaged in direct sales around the world.

There are two administrators: me and my assistant. There are about 400 registered students, with about 250 active users: those who regularly use it every month e-courses and tests.

We started with an adaptation course for beginners, which is badly needed for us. Siberian Health service centers are scattered all over the world: from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, plus overseas centers. Keeping a special trainer who travels and teaches is costly and ineffective, given our object of training - technical nuances. The existing mentoring system also does not always work, i.e. it is not always possible to send a mentor on request to the right place.

The electronic introductory course has become a convenient and cost-effective alternative. With its help, an employee quickly and in a simple form gains knowledge about the specifics of a new company for him, he forms the right expectations from our cooperation, etc. Distance course gives answers to many questions, and at the same time does not expose the beginner to stress and great stress.

[As a result] people began to adapt faster, more intensely imbued with the spirit of the company, share corporate values... We measure the engagement of our employees every year, and since the beginning of e-learning, this indicator has grown significantly, as evidenced by the results of in-house research, measurements, etc.

The duration of the presence of people in the company began to lengthen, the costs of mentoring significantly decreased, and even, as a result, the number of positive feedback from customers - we also track feedback very carefully. That is, the initial goal - to improve the level of service, has definitely been achieved.

Teachbase and Mascotte

The shoe brand Mascotte is one of the most mysterious on the Russian market: there is little open business information about it. The company has been successfully operating for the second decade already, and a large network of its own and franchised salons requires intensive training of employees who are involved in sales.

We learned from Mascotte business coach Irina Praksina how the company uses eLearning in its corporate training, and what she sees as the pros and cons of this work format.

The quality of service is one of the first places for us. Competition is tough, and now, in times of crisis, this is especially important. I can confidently say that the Mascotte sellers are distinguished by their benevolence and tact. In our store, people will always come up to you to say hello, tell you about the product, present new items in the collection, etc. The company pays great attention to personnel training.

We do not have many training managers who do direct training. And there was a need for global training, in which absolutely all employees can be involved. Initially, we created a training product for our own regional retail, but since there is an opportunity to connect franchising to this, we took advantage of it.

At the moment, many Russian companies do not pay due attention to the adaptation of new personnel. As a rule, this process is neglected due to the desire to save company funds or lack of time and other resources. Not surprisingly, the cost of adaptation is significant.

But, as practice shows, the savings on the adaptation of new employees translate into significantly greater financial losses, and most of the layoffs occur just during this period of time.

This raises the question: how can managers achieve their goals if they constantly lack human resources?

Today I would like to reduce adaptation to very simple concepts, under the auspices: everyone can do it. In this article, we will look at how to reduce the adaptation period and costs without neglecting quality.

Stages of adaptation of a new employee

Personnel onboarding can be broken down into 3 main stages:

1. The stage of acquaintance.
At this time, the employee compares his goals with the goals of the company, assesses how the expectations converge with reality and, as a rule, by the end of the familiarization stage, the employee understands whether the proposed is suitable for him. workplace.

The management, in turn, makes a conclusion about the capabilities and potential of the employee, determines the level and volume of further development costs (time, money). As a rule, dots are placed over the "i" just at the stage of the internship or probationary period, the period of which, most often, coincides with the familiarization stage.

2. The stage of adaptation.
The period of adaptation of a beginner can last up to a year, the period depends on the influence on the team. An employee learns standards, rules, adapts to colleagues. The faster you manage to fit into the team, the faster the process ends.

3. Stage of assimilation.
At this stage, it can be assumed that the specialist has adapted to the team and functionality, is oriented in the tasks and can perform them, and accepts the established values. Typically, these employees are already considered full team members.

The main goal of the adaptation process is to reduce the costs of the organization due to the following factors:

1. Acceleration of the process of entering a new employee into the position:
achievement required efficiency work in the shortest possible time;
reducing the number of possible downtime and errors associated with mastering functional responsibilities.

2. Reducing staff turnover:
reduction in the number of employees who have not passed the probationary period;
decrease in the number of employees who left the company during the first year of work.

3. Saving time and resources of personnel involved in adaptation.

4. Create a positive attitude towards work, company and job satisfaction.

The TOP-5 reasons for the departure of a beginner during the adaptation period can be distinguished:
1. Does not understand what exactly they want from him (there are no clear tasks).
2. Does not receive prompt clarifications on work, does not know business processes and communication channels.
3. Does not believe in the reality of achieving goals: there are not enough tools to achieve them or simply does not know how to achieve them.
4. Too long and complicated training, or complex functionality.
5. Believes that the desired financial level is not attainable.

Knowing the main reasons, the manager is left to influence them in order to eliminate or reduce the risk of the employee leaving. As a rule, the first and fifth reasons are identified at adaptation meetings and closed there, it remains only to carry them out in a timely manner. We will analyze how you can influence the other reasons in the article below.

When attracting new employees, as a result of staff turnover or expansion, each new employee brings losses instead of the expected profit until he achieves positive results. A lot of time and energy of managers and mentors is devoted to staff training, which could be used to achieve targets... In this case, accelerating the adaptation program and minimizing the participation of a living person in the adaptation and learning process is one of the ways to optimize the costs of the adaptation process.

Ways to accelerate and reduce the cost of adaptation

How to train personnel, bring newcomers into battle faster, but not waste a lot of resources?

There are 2 ways to reduce these costs:

1. Reducing the time for assimilation and memorization of information.
2. Reducing the time the company spends on training.

Let's look at each of them and start with the first path.

7 ways to speed up the memorization process

There are simple and basic things, by implementing which, you can get a 2-fold improvement in the memorization of new information.

1. Infographics and flowcharts.

When perceiving information, a person puts it on the shelves, creating a structure or a semantic map. This takes a lot of resources, so it is advisable for the educator to prepare colorful flowcharts in the form of infographics in advance.

Such preparation will allow you to immediately lay out all the perceived material on the necessary shelves. A text structured in flowcharts saves a beginner's brain resources to build them independently. This approach greatly speeds up the memorization of new information, makes it simpler. This is because a picture is attached to each semantic unit, which activates associative memory.

2. Video materials.

It is not for nothing that YouTube has become the second search engine in the world after Google. People perceive information better through video, because it affects a greater number of channels of perception: there is a picture and sound at the same time, and if subtitles are embedded, a person can also read. Thus, all attention is completely immersed in the process of perception and it is difficult for extraneous thoughts to interfere with memorization. For example, if a manager is training new employees for 2 hours, video training can reduce this investment to 20 minutes.

3. Cards instead of long texts.

When a company develops rapidly, new technologies and regulations constantly appear, which need to be trained and implemented as soon as possible. Most often, especially if the enterprise is large, multi-page instructions are used. The information in them is important, but how is a large amount of text perceived? Typically, these instructions do not work. If you can't get away from long instructions and regulations, you need to make simple, short and informative cards out of them, containing only the essence of the question.

The cards can be at hand, you can quickly find them, look at them and remember the forgotten nuance. This allows you to avoid mistakes, saving the company money on their elimination. Trainees are not intimidated by short and capacious cards, unlike multivolume regulations, and this reduces turnover during induction.

4. Non-standard questions that need to be answered.

Which training manual will be better remembered: in which you need to find the answer to the question asked, or which you just need to read and remember? Knowledge gained on your own is better remembered. It is very effective to give a specialist a list of questions and material in which he must find an answer, ask them to write down the answers briefly, for example, as on Twitter, no more than 144 characters. As practice shows, if a beginner reads a large amount of information, more often than not, he comes back with an empty head. And if you give a list of questions, then the information is perceived more consciously, since he lives the answer. So you can eliminate the need for training: give material, a list of questions and designate time to prepare a written answer. Questions can be improved, for example, by giving a task to find an answer to a client's objection.

5. Knowledge base.

The manager can prepare simple and concise answers to frequently asked questions in advance. This will save mentors time and eliminate the deaf phone effect. Often, mentors deliver the answers to the beginner's questions or convey information to them through the prism of their consciousness, and the result is a deaf phone.

The knowledge base allows you to eliminate such an error and provides an opportunity to refer to it whenever there is a need to study a topic, a specialist will only need to go to the appropriate folder.

6. Stories.

In the stories from the company's practice, the rules of efficiency are defended: how you can do it, and how you can not. It's easy to incorporate nuances from corporate culture, morality, valuable data. After all, it is through stories that people easily and effortlessly remember everything you need. You can tell a story about a client with whom there was a problem due to the lack of knowledge of any rule; talk about how much time and money the manager lost due to an error.

It is very effective to attach videos to teaching material in which colleagues tell their personal stories from life or professional development, then explain how to act based on the mistakes that were made. Thanks to stories, newbies don't have to explain why they should do it this way and not the other way. With the help of this method, the trainee seems to live the given stories himself, as if they become his personal experience.

7. Step-by-step learning, when you need to memorize a large volume.

When it is necessary to teach a large amount of information, it must be divided into 3-4 stages and each should be given at its own time, and not all at once. Often, in order to fully work in some positions, you need to know a lot of details and specifics. Learning such a volume in one go is a very difficult task.

As practice shows, in order to start work (in the first 2-5 days), an employee does not need all the information, but about 10-20%. Those. the most important and important. Further, when he has already got used to it, he can be given the main part, i.e. another 50% of the information that will fall on the actions already made by the beginner, mistakes and skills worked out in practice.

The remaining 20% ​​of the information is subtle details that do not come in handy very often, they can be given at the third stage of training, for example, after 2-3 weeks of work. Thus, the employee starts working in the first days of training and remembers much better. Often 8-12% of applicants reach the end of the training, using this method it is possible to increase this number to 46-50% and more.

3 best practices to accelerate learning

1. Chatbots in Telegram.

This is a robot that has prepared commands and reactions to them. There are online constructors to organize and customize the bot, it is enough to put the necessary information in the required order. It's as easy as making a PowerPoint presentation. In the telegram bot, you can write a step-by-step path for the entire internship for each beginner. Thus, the role of a mentor can be played by the telegram bot itself, which will guide the beginner through all the necessary stages, receive reports for each day and give answers from the bank of frequently asked questions. In fact, having come to the company, the newcomer receives tasks from the chatbot, walks around the company and learns new things, which is also included in the adaptation.

2. Test benches with real user cases and their solution.

Often, beginners are taught only in theory and are not allowed to real tasks since they can break wood. This makes training not only ineffective, but also not interesting, which affects the overall result. With the help of the stand, trainees will be able to solve problems that current employees actually faced. These can be user questions, cases, problems, compiled from the most frequently encountered. The trainee needs to solve them in a certain time. With this method, work adaptation can be reduced by 40%. After all, each block of theory can be consolidated with practice, passing the test with typical real questions on this topic from clients.

3. Quests in training - training in a game format.

The quest is a complex of riddles, solving one, you get the next. Thus, you can sew the entire training system into one big quest. To pass it, the employee will need to find answers to non-standard questions, pass tests, and complete a number of case studies. Once you have thought through the mechanics of the quest in detail, you will be able to adapt it to each position.

How to exclude human participation from the employee training process

1. Distance learning

Distance learning systems LMS, allow you to control the viewing of the required material and guide the beginner through the desired scenario the entire learning process. LMS is easy to implement in companies of all sizes and can significantly reduce the cost of mass training. They help withstand, especially in distributed structures.

2. Step by step plan.

It is necessary to schedule all the steps in advance, as if creating a map of the treasure island, which the trainee will walk through on their own. Often, newcomers have to babysit because they do not have a clear map of actions, scheduled for hours and minutes. It is important to write where he will find a knowledge base, answers to frequently asked questions and an expert to whom he can turn in a pinch, etc. It's important to take the time to do step by step plan intern, which he can receive in the morning and reports on him in the evening. Such a map will eliminate the need to invest time in explanations that you can get yourself. Those. will reduce the time of mastering job duties.

3. Do not hire those who are not capable of rapid learning.

To initially choose more when selecting, you should pay attention to:
- analytic skills;
- striving for self-development;
- a responsibility.

The most important thing in this case is analytical skills, they most influence the learning outcome and are the easiest to assess. With developed numerical and verbal abilities, as a rule, the employee quickly grasps the material and delves into details. You can also assess this before the interview, for example, using tests (such as CAT) or trial assignments. This allows you to select the cool, most intelligent children and not waste time on interviews with those who cannot work in the desired rhythm. reverse side medals can become the effect of an overflowing cup when we hear: “I already know everything.” With such an attitude, it is difficult to build effective work. Well, responsibility is important because the tasks given out must really be done, moreover, in the allotted time.

It is sad that the consequences of the lack of a competent training system are not obvious, they manifest themselves over a long distance, they are difficult to track if you have not concentrated on it in advance.

If you do not solve this problem now, then losses arise:
- for the company in the form of a decrease in profitability, the lost profit grows;
- for top managers in the form of deterioration of relations with the owners, who begin to have questions about the effectiveness of their work - they begin to reduce positions, invite anti-crisis consultants who create their own rules in the company;
- for the HR service in the form of lower budgets, higher requirements for candidates and lower salaries.

By working to improve the efficiency of the onboarding process, you will significantly save company costs and increase the profitability of the departments entrusted to it.
Of course, ideally, it is necessary to apply all the described methods in combination, but even a separately implemented tool increases efficiency significantly.

Did you know that effective work any company without exception is impossible without such procedures as the introduction and adaptation of new employees? If the leader ignores this fact, he can be disappointed. It would seem that before this, the person showed excellent results. And in your new place of work, after two weeks, everything will not get used to it and is more of a hindrance than of any benefit.

Why does this happen? Any manager should understand that even the most promising newcomer employee cannot know all the subtleties and regulations adopted at a new place of work. When he starts working, he proceeds from own ideas and existing experience, which is not always suitable.

Tell him about the company

First of all, a new employee from the very beginning must be confident in the reliability of the company, its value for customers and himself as an employee. He certainly needs to be introduced to the main goals and history of the development of the organization. The manifestation of genuine interest of the listener in this case is a good indicator.

It should be made clear that new job suggests a good perspective for development and professional growth. Possible career prospects and the actions required to achieve them. It is advisable to train new employees with the help of introductory materials. They can be presented in the form of information brochures, presentations or videos containing information about working in your company. Ideally, training materials should be preceded by a greeting and a message from the manager to newcomers.

Knowledge of the assortment of those services and goods that the organization offers on the market will significantly speed up the introduction of new employees into the working rhythm. Availability of reference materials in their hands in printed or in electronic format- a guarantee that the employee will not distract you by solving many small issues.

More specifics

It is very important to outline to the newcomer what concrete results are expected from his activities. His presentation on this issue should not disagree with the opinion of the management. Don't assume that the person will by default understand things that are obvious to you. Any details should be clarified.

A clear job description for each employee is an indispensable condition for the activities of any company. You can evaluate a specific work result using clearly formulated criteria, with which the beginner should also be introduced.

At the initial stage, he should be given a very specific task with a result measurable in specific numbers or other indicators. It should be realistically feasible on the basis of the knowledge and skills that a person possesses without additional training.

Since the assimilation of a large amount of new information is not an easy task, a mentor for an employee is not only desirable, but also necessary. One is chosen from among the most competent employees. Set aside time to discuss objectives and outcomes with your mentor.

Human factor

On the very first day of work, the adaptation of a new employee to the team begins. It should be presented to colleagues about what to actually do during general meeting or by bypassing everyone in the office one by one. Separately, pay attention to the newcomer to those people with whom he will constantly interact on the duty of his duties.

Explain what communication methods are adopted in the company. If you have a Skype conversation between colleagues, do not forget to add the newcomer to the general chat and provide all the contacts you need at work. The same applies to using a corporate phone with a list of service numbers. In general, a list on paper or electronic media of the names of colleagues with an indication of positions and the range of duties performed is an indispensable thing for any beginner.

A tour of the office won't hurt either. At first, a "fresh" employee may hesitate to ask about some little things. By suggesting where what lies, how to make coffee, etc., you will make the person feel that they care about their comfort.

Each company usually has its own corporate code of conduct. The induction and adaptation of new employees means, among other things, getting to know them as well. This may relate to a certain dress code, a ban on the use of mobile phones on personal matters during working hours or the need for employees to register in a special journal in the morning. It is necessary to inform the beginner about these rules immediately in order to avoid misunderstandings.

Introduction to the position and adaptation of new employees - the main milestones of the path

Let's look at what stages should be broken down the procedure for onboarding a new employee. There are several such periods, and each has its own activities and adaptation methods. The first of them begins even before a new employee joins the team. Another - introductory - lasts during his first working day.

In the first working week, the process of familiarization and general orientation of the beginner takes place. It is about an introduction to the organization as a whole and to its specific subdivision. Then he has to enter the position. The subsequent stages are designated as effective adaptation of personnel to full-fledged functioning.

The whole process ends with an assessment of the results achieved and the adoption by the management of a positive or negative decision on the employee's further stay in his position.

And now - in full detail

The organization of adaptation of new employees begins with finding out at what level of preparedness each of them is. Based on this, a set of adaptation measures is selected (in each case individually). The workplace should be prepared for the first arrival of the employee. When it comes to production activities, it is required to ensure the availability of the necessary tools and kit work clothes(its size can be indicated in the application form when applying for a job). If the new job is of an office nature, a completely free table with a chair, a computer and other necessary equipment is organized.

When a workplace needs to be supplemented with any new equipment, the need for this must be reflected in advance in a special application sent to the administrative department.

An approximate plan for entering the work rhythm should be sketched out by the manager in advance or exist in the form of a standard "Personnel adaptation" blank for the main range of available positions. This document should not exceed a page in length.

A mentor must be identified for a beginner, and the issue of passing a medical examination must be clarified with him. The team is informed about the arrival of a new colleague. If a candidate for leadership position, as a rule, he is invited to get acquainted with future subordinates before going to work.

What happens on the first day of work

On the very first day of the employee's appearance at the new workplace, registration should be made in the personnel department and familiarized with all necessary documents... Their list usually includes job description and a list of required local regulations. Must be signed at the same time labor contract and studied the internal regulations.

An introductory conversation with a newcomer held on the same day consists of mandatory points - the main points of instruction on safety are discussed, labor remuneration with clarification of information about bonuses and bonuses, as well as the conditions under which revisions or changes are possible wages... Clarifies all possible questions regarding the work schedule, the provision of vacations and sick pay.

The newcomer is duly informed about fines and penalties, as well as about the obligations under the probationary period and the requirements imposed during it. It is imperative to explain to him which of the parameters will be subject to special control, and who to contact with any questions that arise.

If there is a "newbie kit" (collection of information materials), as well as a fresh issue of the corporate newspaper, they must be handed over to the new employee.

On the same day, a small excursion to the unit and acquaintance with colleagues should be organized. Particular attention should be paid to the conversation with the leader and mentor, containing explanations on the points of the plan, according to which you will enter the position. An important issue is the organization of conditions for the implementation of information corporate system with the creation of a separate email address.

Acquaintance with the organization of the enterprise

The first work week considered a stage of familiarization and general orientation. At this time, the employee gets to know the company as such, adopted in it corporate rules, work schedule, as well as its traditions, history and unspoken norms and attitudes. If a beginner has experience in similar structures, the adaptation period will pass quickly and painlessly, but in any case, the situation will be to one degree or another unfamiliar to him in connection with the specifics of a particular activity.

What organizational arrangements should be foreseen for this period? It is necessary to arrange for the participation of a newcomer in an introductory corporate training, consisting of a detailed tour of the entire enterprise, watching an information video or a film, visiting (if any) a corporate museum. The employee is introduced to the management of other departments and the necessary documentation is handed over to him for study.

On how well it was carried out this stage depends on the degree of involvement of the future colleague in the system of values ​​and attitudes approved by the organization. During this time, the seeds of commitment and loyalty are laid. The employee receives a lot of new information about the number of departments and the order of work in each of them, their location and features of their activities. He assimilates himself the management policy regarding personnel, the content of the discipline requirements, the availability of opportunities career growth and available benefits.

In the mind of the newcomer, the necessary information is deposited down to the smallest detail - the organization of dinners, smoke breaks, the accepted style of communication between colleagues and other everyday details. The induction and adaptation of new employees with regard to these little things can be entrusted to the HR manager.

In its department

The procedure for introducing into the unit is the formation of the attitude to work in a team. The new employee should be familiar with everyone with whom he will communicate in the course of business. He should be aware of the internal rules of his department. With a mentor - a fruitful cooperation has been established, and the replacement of the latter is possible with the transition to new stage adaptation.

In the early days, the group manager or one of the most experienced staff... Ideally, when the head of the department can carve out some of his own working time to perform such duties. Usually, the immediate supervisor is in charge of theoretical questions... At the stage of development and practical activity, the beginner is accompanied by an instructor-mentor. Most often this applies to the sales department and joint visits to clients.

We continue to get used to

At the second stage, which implies entering the position, relationships with colleagues are established and the basic functions of both the unit and the employee himself, as well as the basic rules and procedures, are learned. This continues as usual for the first three working months. The mentor or immediate supervisor issues a newcomer with documentation containing the main points needed in the work.

An employee gets used to a new workplace, clarifies where certain documents are stored, masters office equipment(copier, fax, own work computer). The skills necessary to carry out work in this position are specified and concretized.

At this stage, the mentor should outline those goals and objectives, the result of the achievement of which will be assessed at the end of the probationary period. The employee needs to be properly informed about the criteria by which his work is to be judged. He should be familiar with the frequency of reporting, as well as its forms. It is necessary in every possible way to maintain feedback with the employee to clarify individual issues and adjust mutual expectations.

Changing the status

The stage of effective orientation consists in the gradual entry of a newcomer into a new status and establishing interpersonal relationships with colleagues. Within its framework, the employee should be encouraged to actively act in a variety of areas of activity, checking and clarifying how information is absorbed. Here, as never before, it is important to support him as much as possible with an assessment of the effectiveness of certain actions.

Upon completion, his employee enters the stage of full-fledged functioning. It is characterized by the completion of overcoming problems, both production and interpersonal, with the transition to a state of stable work. With the proper effectiveness of the adaptation process, this is possible after only a few months from the date of admission. This shortening of the entry period helps the organization reap significant financial benefits, especially when hiring new staff in large numbers.

At all stages of adaptation, it is very important to ensure effective interaction with the one who is assigned to the role of the mentor, monitor compliance with the planned, monitor the employee's participation in training programs and ensure that any necessary materials and tools.

Summing up

At the final stage, an analysis of the success of the adaptation process and its individual elements should be made. Usually this stage is timed to coincide with the end of the probationary period. Two weeks before the scheduled date, the manager should be reminded of the upcoming procedure and provide him, together with the mentor and the employee himself, with forms to evaluate the work of the latter during the trial period. No later than three days before the date of completion of the deadline, control over the completion of such assessment forms should be carried out, the results of adaptation should be discussed and the necessary results should be summed up.

If decision will be negative, the employee is asked to either new position(translation), or he is notified of the dismissal. When a positive decision is made, congratulations on the successful completion of the probationary period follow and a conversation is held, the content of which is the setting of key tasks for the next working year and the development of an individual development plan.

And further...

At each of the stages, difficulties are possible, called adaptation crises, which are fraught with a state of anxiety and stress.

If (as is often the case in our time) employees are moved between divisions of the company in different regions, the personnel service should work out in advance all organizational and other issues related to such rearrangements. It would not hurt any company to have the necessary statistics regarding the average duration of the adaptation period for newcomers, which will make it possible to organize the work of newly hired personnel as successfully as possible.

The adaptation process can be considered fully completed when the employee finally joins the team and ceases to be a beginner.


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