Reflection of turnover in the accounting model. Reflection of turnover in the accounting model How to make the movement of goods in 1 s

Let's consider the possibilities of the typical configuration “Trade Management ed. 10.3 "on the movement of goods between warehouses within the same organization in the following example.

  • On February 10, 2012, the following samples of the equipment sold were transferred from the electrical goods warehouse to the showroom: 1 Jiponic fan (Taiwan), 1 desktop fan and 1 Moulinex combine.
  • On February 10, the showroom placed an internal order for 1 Binatone mixer and 1 Jacobs coffee machine on February 11. The goods have been reserved at the main warehouse.
  • On February 11, the mixer and coffee maker were transferred to the showroom.
  • On February 12, the Binatone kitchen harvester was transferred from the main warehouse to the exhibition hall, and the delivery from the warehouse and the reception to the exhibition hall were registered separately using the incoming and outgoing warehouse orders.
Preparation for the movement of goods: registration of samples in the showroom

To be able to keep track of goods in the showroom, you must register it in the program as a warehouse.

Menu: Directories - Enterprise - Warehouses (storage locations)

Let's add a new warehouse and name it "Showroom".

Since we are not going to sell samples through the showroom, we indicate the type of warehouse: wholesale, we do not fill in the price type. (If such sales were carried out, it would be necessary to indicate the type of warehouse "retail" and then register sales from it as from a retail outlet).

Important: the type of warehouse can only be changed as long as there has been no operation for this warehouse. After at least one operation on a warehouse, it will become impossible to change the type of this warehouse!

Fields "Responsible person" and "Department" are optional, but they can be used when filling out printed forms and generating reports.

Save and close with the OK button.

Moving goods without prior internal ordering

Transfer of goods from one warehouse to another is documented by the document "Transfer of goods". Let's use it to reflect the transfer of samples to the showroom.

Menu: Documents - Inventory (warehouse) - Goods movements

Let's add a new document dated 02/10/12. We indicate the sending warehouse - Warehouse for electrical goods, the receiving warehouse - Showroom.

We fill in the tabular part with the goods that were transferred to the showroom.

We carry out the document on the button "Actions - Conduct" or with the help of "OK". The transfer of goods to the showroom is reflected in the program.

Using the "Print" button at the bottom of the document, we look at the printable forms: "Moving goods", TORG-13, M-4 and others.

If necessary, you can customize the default printable: click "Print", select a printable from the list, click "Default", close. Now the printable is displayed by default on the button next to "Print", by clicking this button it will be generated.

Now let's check the correctness of goods movement using the report "List of goods in warehouses".

Menu: Reports - Stocks (warehouse) - List of goods in warehouses

We will form it in one day - 02/10/2012. The report reflects the arrival of two fans and a combine in the showroom and the consumption in the warehouse of electrical goods:

Preparing to Move Items Using Internal Orders and Reserving Items

The program allows you to place internal orders for the transfer of goods from one warehouse to another, while the automatic reservation of goods occurs. This means that this product will be saved for a specific recipient and no one else but him will be able to receive it. We will issue an internal order for receiving goods by the showroom.

Menu: Documents - Inventory (warehouse) - Internal orders

Let's add a document dated 02/10/12. Date of shipment - 11.02.12. Customer - to the warehouse - Showroom.

In the tabular section, we indicate the required goods and their quantity. The column "Placement" indicates a warehouse or order for placing our order and reserving goods. It can be filled in manually, but it can also be done automatically - the program itself will analyze which warehouse the necessary goods are in stock and place an order at this warehouse.

Let's take advantage of this. Press the button "Fill and post" at the top of the document. The form that appears should contain flags for placement, reservations, and the placement strategy - "first in warehouses then in orders to suppliers". Click "Fill and submit".

The document is posted. At the same time, in each line in the "Placement" column, a warehouse appeared where the program found this product - in our example, this is the main warehouse. Now, these products are reserved for the showroom in this warehouse.

The document has a printable "Internal order".

Important: in the case of manually filling in the "Placement" column, you must first, by clicking on the "T" button, select the type of placement (in a warehouse, in an order to a supplier, in an internal order), and only then specify a specific warehouse or order:

Item reservations can be analyzed. Click the Analysis button at the top of our Internal Order document. The report "Analysis of internal order" has been generated, from which it is clear that the order has not been completed yet.

This report can be generated separately.

In addition, you can see the reserved items in the "Items in reserve in warehouses" report:

Menu: Reports - Inventory (warehouse) - Goods in reserve in warehouses

Let's form on 02/11/12:

The goods in reserve and the reservation document are reflected.

Moving goods by internal order

The movement of goods under an internal order can be reflected in the program in two ways:

Based on the document "Internal order". Create manually and auto-complete.

Let's try the second option.

Let's create a new document "Goods movement" dated 02/11/12. Shipping warehouse: main warehouse, recipient: showroom. In the field "Internal order" we select our order dated 02/10/12

Important: the program "sees" only internal orders corresponding to the warehouses specified in the document. Therefore, if the warehouses are specified incorrectly, internal orders will not be reflected in the list. If warehouses are not specified at all, the list will show all orders.

For automatic filling press the button "Fill - Fill by internal order". The tabular part was filled with the goods specified in the order.

We post the document as usual. The movement of goods to the showroom is registered in the program.

The movement of goods from the main warehouse to the showroom is reflected in the report "List of goods in warehouses":

Internal order fulfillment is reflected in the report "Analysis of internal orders".

Menu: Reports - Inventory (warehouse) - Analysis of internal orders

Let's form for February:

Remaining to complete: 0 - means that the internal order has been completed.

Phased movement of goods with registration of orders for goods

If it is necessary to separately record the fact that the goods have been issued from one warehouse and the fact that they have been received at another warehouse, in the program, in addition to the document "Transfer of goods", the documents "Consignment note for goods" and "Incoming warrant for goods" are drawn up.

Let us reflect the issue of the Binatone combine from the main warehouse and its acceptance into the showroom according to orders.

First, let's create a document "Goods movement" dated 02/12/12.

It is necessary to change the type of document operation: click on the "Operation" button and select "Goods by orders" (the type of operation is displayed in the header). Now the document "Goods movement" will not register the very fact of movement, this will require orders.

We fill out the document and conduct it as usual.

We will generate a report "List of goods in warehouses" for 12.02.12. Moving the combine from the main warehouse to the showroom is not yet reflected:

To issue a combine harvester from the main warehouse, you need a document "Consignment note for goods". Let's enter it on the basis of "Goods movement" (in the "Goods movement" document, click Actions - Based on - Goods receipt order). A completed document with the "Move" operation type has been created. Date 12.02.12.

The document has a printable form "Consignment note", as well as other printable forms available by clicking the "Print" button. We draw and close the document.

We will generate a report "List of goods in warehouses" for 12.02.12. The issue of the combine from the main warehouse is reflected:

Now it is necessary to register the receipt of the combine in the showroom using the document "Receipt order for goods". We will also introduce it on the basis of "Movement of goods". A completed document with the "transfer" operation type has been created. Date 12.02.12.

The document has a printed form "Receipt order", as well as others. We draw and close the document.

We will generate a report "List of goods in warehouses" for 12.02.12. Now, both the issuance of the combine from the main warehouse and the arrival at the showroom are reflected:

You can find the incoming and outgoing orders that we entered based on the movement of goods through the menu.

Menu: Documents - Stocks (warehouse) - Receipt orders for goods

Menu: Documents - Inventory (warehouse) - Goods issue notes

In addition, all warehouse documents are displayed in the corresponding thematic journal.

Menu: Documents - Stocks (warehouse) - Warehouse documents magazine:

Moving exhibition samples from the showroom back to the organization's warehouses is made out with similar documents.

Each trading or manufacturing company has a warehouse where goods and materials are stored, and it often happens that control and accounting in this warehouse leaves much to be desired.

The director once again summons a programmer, database operator and storekeeper and tries to understand why no one in the company knows the warehouse balances. The manager looks at the reports on warehouse balances, generated in the database, and realizes that they are not true. The storekeeper takes an inventory and confirms this unfortunate discrepancy. A familiar situation - isn't it? The leader must understand who is to blame - the people or the program. By posing the question in this way, we are already making a mistake. The truth, as always, is somewhere in between.

So, consider the methodology warehouse accounting, requirements for accounting systems, as well as the interaction of company employees with each other and the accounting program. Let's try to figure out how a program should look like, which would correctly reflect the state of the warehouse and allow us to see the company's turnover. For completeness of coverage of the picture, we present options for conducting warehouse accounting in companies of different levels.

The first and easiest option is when we have a small warehouse in a small company with a limited assortment of about 100 items. At the same time, we make the assumption that goods arrive and depart from the warehouse only with accompanying documents - receipts and invoices. In this case, we have the following accounting model (Fig. 1). The receipt of goods at the warehouse is accompanied by invoices, which are accepted and checked by the logistician. The sales manager conducts trade according to warehouse balances, generating invoices for sales.

Figure: 1. Model of simplified warehouse accounting

In this case, automation of a warehouse section, as a rule, does not require significant efforts - it is enough to correctly register primary documents for receipt and write-off by a logistician and a sales manager. You can use any program that has an incoming and outgoing invoice and a mechanism that allows you to calculate warehouse balances. In addition, it would be nice to provide documents that allow fixing deviations between the actual balances in the warehouse and the balances reflected in the database, i.e. once a week or month, recount the goods in the warehouse and record discrepancies, if any. To bring the data in the database in accordance with the reality, the surplus of goods is credited and the shortage is written off:

  • inventory allows you to fix the discrepancy between the credentials and the fact;
  • posting provides accounting for the surplus of goods found in the warehouse;
  • when writing off, a shortage is recorded.

So, we have dealt with the documents by which the movement of goods is recorded. The quantity of goods can always be counted and discrepancies corrected if necessary. All data on the turnover in the warehouse can be summarized in table. one.

Table 1. Accounting for goods

Summing up the "Quantity" column for each product, we will receive its remainder.

However, the considered model is too simplified. For example, we are interested not only in the quantity of a product, but also in its cost. This is necessary at least in order not to trade at a loss, i.e. it is necessary to store information about how much the goods are stored in the warehouse and at what cost we sell them. Let's add the column "Amount" to the table. 1 (Table 2).

table 2

In the "Amount" column, upon receipt, the cost of the entire batch of the accepted goods should be recorded, and not the price per unit, otherwise it will be difficult to obtain the correct total amount for this column. Thus, the column "Amount" can be used to determine how much the goods are stored in the warehouse. But in order to calculate the cost of goods in the warehouse, when writing off, you need to set the amount by which its total balance is reduced, and for this you can use one of three methods: FIFO, LIFO or "by average". Let's consider them.

To calculate the cost of goods shipped using the "average" method, at the time of shipment, you must determine the remainder of the goods in the "Quantity" and "Amount" columns. The cost of the written off product is calculated using the formula:

In our case, for product T1, the “average” prime cost will be (Table 3):

The FIFO and LIFO methods use the principle of batch accounting. Each receipt of goods is considered a batch. Cost accounting is kept for each batch. At the time of sale of the goods, the cost is written off in the context of parties.

The FIFO (First Input First Output) method implies that the earliest goods receipt is written off first (Table 4). Let's add the column "Batch" to the table. 3 and calculate.

Table 4

The LIFO method (Last Input First Output - the last in the first out) assumes that the later receipt of the goods is written off first (Table 5).

Table 5

As you can see, the quantity of the item being written off is the same in all examples, but the cost price is different. However, in all cases when all the goods received at the warehouse will be written off, its value will also be zero. The methods allow you to simply regulate the method of writing off the cost of goods from the warehouse, but if you do not use them, then we will never know what real profit was received.

So, for a small company, you should choose a ready-made software product that would ensure the maintenance of the accounting model described above and the accompanying workflow and calculation of the cost.

These requirements can satisfy following programs family "1C: Enterprise": "1C: Enterprise 7.7. Aspect "," 1C: Enterprise 7.7. Trade and warehouse "," 1C: Accounting 7.7 "," 1C: Enterprise 7.7. Production + Services + Accounting "," 1C: Enterprise 7.7. Complex configuration "," 1C: Accounting 8.0 ". However, it should be noted that "1C: Accounting 7.7" makes it possible to calculate the cost only "on average".

Over time, the company expands, and the manager begins to understand with each inventory that the discrepancy between the inventory and the actual number of goods in the warehouse is prohibitive. It got to the point that the manager can no longer rely on the report on warehouse balances in the database in his transactions. The question arises: why the warehouse accounting model and the program that implements it do not work.

There may be several reasons: firstly, the receipt of goods at the warehouse without accompanying documents, and secondly, the discrepancy between the accompanying documents for the receipt - implementation and actual shipments. For example, a supplier can deliver goods in several batches at intervals of several days and issue one general invoice for it. The manager can issue one invoice for the goods, which will be picked up from the warehouse in several stages, due to its shortage in the warehouse. At the same time, he is forced to write out one invoice for all goods at once in order to satisfy the client's requirements and close the mutual settlements in the accounting statements.

In fact, waybills cease to be accompanying documents and become documents for the transfer of ownership. In this case, additional internal warehouse documents are introduced to correctly reflect the turnover, i.e. all operations of receipt and release from the warehouse are accompanied by orders for the receipt and consumption of goods. The inventory control model will look as shown in Fig. 2.

Figure: 2. Model of order warehouse accounting

In this model, the warehouse is included in the company's document flow and forms its own documents. It follows from this that it is necessary to automate accounting in the warehouse.

Warehouse order documents should be simple and linked to the rest of the company's workflow.

  • receipt from the supplier;
  • return from the buyer;
  • receipt as a result of a transfer from another warehouse.
  • shipment to the buyer;
  • receipts from the accountable person (in the case when an employee of the company buys something for cash);
  • return to supplier;
  • write-off as a result of moving to another warehouse.

In addition to these documents, it is necessary to take into account which waybills for the shipment did not write off all the goods and which receipts were not issued with accompanying documents. For this, the system must have appropriate reports.

Firm "1C" has developed the following solutions to keep order records in the warehouse: "1C: Enterprise 8.0. Trade Management "and" 1C: Enterprise 8.0. Control manufacturing enterprise". Manufacturing Enterprise Management is a more complex solution that includes all the functionality of Trade Management.

If the company has grown to such a size that the knowledge that the goods are in the warehouse becomes irrelevant, since the warehouse itself occupies a large area in several hangars, in such a situation, the search for goods can take quite long time, and inventory becomes simply impossible. The storekeeper is not able to quickly find the desired product. In this case, a decision should be made to maintain warehouse logistics, since it is necessary to track the movement of goods between bins inside the warehouse. To reduce the time spent on moving it, you need to optimize storage in the warehouse, i.e. most hot commodity place in closer cells.

In this case, the accounting system does not become much more complicated, additional tables are simply added that must store information about the location of the goods in the warehouse in a certain cell and about its movement through the warehouse. To reflect the turnover within the warehouse, the following internal documents will be required (Fig. 3):

  • application for the acceptance of goods;
  • a task for placing goods with a route containing a list of storage bins;
  • intra-warehouse movement to reflect the movement of goods in the warehouse;
  • a task for the selection of goods, containing a list of bins from which to take it for shipment;
  • assembly of goods for shipment;
  • packing the goods before shipping.

Figure: 3. Model of detailed warehouse logistics

Assembling the goods should also include the function of optimizing its movement through the warehouse and possibly picking by lot of receipts.

Warehouse inventory becomes a daily routine that is carried out in the course of work. It is impossible to stop its work for recalculation, as it was possible in previous cases, therefore the inventory is carried out in the following variants:

recalculation of only one commodity item in the warehouse (shipment for it at this moment is blocked);

inventory within one warehouse storage area (turnover in this area is blocked for this time);

inventory of empty bins (bins with no goods are recorded).

In order for the system to be used by warehouse workers, it must have a simple interface, the ability to connect shop equipment... The requirements set out in this model are implemented in software product "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management", which is easily integrated into typical solutions “1C: Enterprise 8.0. Trade Management "and" 1C: Enterprise 8.0. Manufacturing Enterprise Management ".

Thus, we examined three models of warehouse accounting in terms of the degree of increasing complexity (Fig. 4).

Figure: 4. Three models of warehouse accounting

Based on the analysis of these models, we can conclude that the greater the turnover in the company, the more intermediate stages and states arise in seemingly simple operations of receipt and write-off of goods in the warehouse. For correct tracking of the status of receipts and shipments and the history of goods turnover, specialized internal documents should be entered. To increase the speed of work, it is logical to form these documents in the database and display them for company employees in the most accessible form.

Automation of models will reduce the time of communication between company employees and warehouse workers, and increase labor productivity. However, when automating accounting, some restrictions are imposed on the sequence of actions of employees. How fully possible warehouse situations are reflected in the system model and how accurately the company's employees follow the instructions, so accurately the system “reflects” warehouse balances.

Therefore, for competent warehouse automation, it is necessary to understand how often situations arise that are omitted, simplified in this accounting model. If a simplified model ceases to work, then it is necessary either to change the model towards a more complex one, or to more severely restrict the actions of employees in order for these actions to fit into the rules and assumptions accounting model.

Limiting the choice of actions, of course, makes the company less flexible, however, it avoids the destructive process of thinking of employees over the question "what to do?" If the model and instructions of the employees are thought out in advance, then you can always have accurate data on the state of the warehouse.

A. Okunev
Softeka company

A product in an organization can move between any warehouses: from wholesale to retail, from wholesale to wholesale, from retail to wholesale, and so on. In 1C, the movement of goods must be recorded in order to have up-to-date information about balances in warehouses and conduct analytics. Let's consider how to arrange the movement of goods, and what are the nuances when moving goods between warehouses. To reflect the movement of goods in 1C 8.3, the document "Movement of goods" is provided, which is located in the "Warehouse" menu in the section of the same name:

When you go to the section, a list of goods movements opens. To register a new move, you need to use the "Create" button:

A new transfer document is opened, where by default the date, document number and the organization within which the goods are moved are already filled in. If you work with several organizations, then you need to choose the right one. Further, in the header of the document, the sending warehouse and the receiving warehouse are indicated:

This is the easiest way to move. For example, between wholesalers. In this case, the account remains unchanged, only the analytics for this account changes. For this operation, in the header of the document, the wholesale warehouse-sender and the wholesale warehouse-recipient are indicated. Further, in the tabular section, a product is selected (by clicking the "Add" button), its quantity is indicated. But the accounts of the sender and the recipient remain the same:

Coz this document recorded, verified and conducted. In 1C, transactions for the movement of goods are as follows:

As you can see, the accounting account has not changed, only the warehouse has changed.

before moving the goods, it is necessary to check its availability in the sending warehouse. If you carry out the transfer at least a second before the goods arrive at the sending warehouse, 1C will not be able to fill in the transfer amount.

This is also true when an organization uses 1C in the cloud and at the same time several people can perform the operation of moving the same product. When carrying out a transfer from a warehouse, where the balance of this item is not enough, this item will be reflected in accounting with a negative quantity.

Moving goods with changing accounts and prices

For example, from a wholesale warehouse, goods are sent to a retail store for the purpose of subsequent sale to end customers. In this situation, the price of the product changes - as usually when retail sales there is a surcharge. Also, the goods can be turned into material, for this, in the tabular section of the document, you need to change the accounting account at the recipient's warehouse. Let's continue with the example of sending goods to retail.

To move an item in this case, the same document "Transfer of goods" is used, its header is filled in the same way as described above. The required retail warehouse is specified as the recipient.

But the type of prices for this warehouse is set by the document "Setting item prices". Thus, for each warehouse that is used in the organization, you can specify its own price type.

As a result, the goods will go to the retail warehouse with prices at which retail sales will be conducted in the future.

6.1. Formation of reports on goods movements

With the help of the report "Statement of inventory balances", you can monitor information about the movement of goods and materials in a specific warehouse, for a specific company. You can also check information about the movement of goods and materials in the context of various analytical features management accounting... Using filters in the report, you can display information only on the movement of goods and materials in a specific warehouse (or in several warehouses using a multiple filter). This report is entered from the item "Statement of inventory balances" of the main menu of the "Reports" program.

The data in the report can be presented in both base and base units. In the event that the base units of measurement are set for the report, you can display quantitative totals for each of the groups of goods and materials in the report. To do this, you need to set the "Total by groups" flag. To get a more complete picture of the movement of goods and materials, you can set the flag "Show balances from commission agents" and get information not only about the movement of your own goods and materials in warehouses, but also about the transfer of goods and materials for sale to commission agents. On the "Multiple filter" tab, the user can set special filter parameters for generating the report - By item, By warehouse, By item properties, By company, By legal entity. persons, By management analytics. In this case, in the window of the report form "List of selected elements" it is possible to select specific values \u200b\u200bor a list of values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to the selected type of filter. It should be noted that both catalog elements and groups of elements can be used as values \u200b\u200bof the selected elements.

- Company / Warehouse / Nomenclature property / Nomenclature / movement documents - information about the warehouse and the item. If the appropriate detail is set, then information about the company, the property of the item and the document of the movement, according to which the goods and materials were moved through the warehouses, are displayed.

- Initial balance - inventory balance at the beginning of the reporting period.

- Receipt - the amount of goods and materials received (purchased or moved from another warehouse) to the warehouse for the reporting period.

- Consumption - the amount of goods and materials written off (sold or moved to another warehouse) from the warehouse during the reporting period.

- Final balance - inventory balance at the end of the reporting period.

- Final reserve - the balance of the inventory reserve at the end of the reporting period.

In the report "Inventory balances" you can display data on inventory balances with distribution by warehouses. This report is entered from the item "Remains of goods and materials" of the main menu of the "Reports" program. The report presents both quantitative and total indicators of goods and materials. The price and the cost of stock in warehouses is calculated based on the price value specified in the report settings: cost price with VAT, cost price without VAT, price from the price reference book. For retail warehouses, the report can show the price at which goods and materials are stored in the retail warehouse and the amount. In this case, you must select the value of the "Price" column: selling price (only retail). When you select the value of the column "Price": "from the price reference book" an additional window opens, in which you must select the type of price from the drop-down list. The list displays all types of prices specified in the corresponding lookup (Purchase, Small-scale, Wholesale, Retail). The price and cost of goods and materials when choosing a price from the directory is displayed in the currency that is specified for this type of prices in the directory. In the event that it is necessary to control only quantitative balances, for the "Price" column, you can select the value "do not show". In this report, you can set a filter for inventory balances in the warehouse. For wholesalers, you can set a filter for the availability of goods and materials, taking into account the reserved goods and materials. In this case, in the "Balances" field, you must set the value "minus reserves". With the help of this report, you can control the information on the inventory balances in a specific warehouse, for a specific company. You can also monitor information on inventory balances in the context of various analytical features of management accounting. To get a more complete picture of the movement of goods and materials, you can set the flag in the field "Show balances from commission agents" and get information not only about the balances of your own inventory holdings in warehouses, but also about the balances of goods and materials transferred to commission agents for sale.

Information that is generated in the report:

- Goods and materials - a group of goods and materials, the full name of goods and materials or a group of goods and materials.

- Price - this column appears if the price display setting is set (any value is selected except "do not show"). Prices will be shown in the currency that is defined for the given price type in the reference book.

- The cost price and the selling price (sales price) for retail are shown in currency accounting... In the event that goods and materials are stored in a retail warehouse at different prices, then the balances of goods and materials will be shown for each price at which there are balances of goods and materials in the retail warehouse.

- Warehouse name (commission agent) - quantity and amount of goods and materials in warehouses as of the date of the report.

By button<Инвентаризация> the user can generate a document "Inventory by warehouse" based on the data obtained from the report.

The report "Bulletin by consignments of goods and materials" presents not only quantitative, but also total indicators of goods and materials. This report is entered from the item "List of consignments of goods and materials" of the main menu of the "Reports" program. With the help of this report, you can find out how much goods and materials are listed for a certain material person, find out from which supplier the goods and materials have been received, for what amount at cost price goods and materials were used for a certain period, etc. The amounts in the report can be calculated in the currency of management accounting ( Control. Accounting) or in the accounting currency (accounting.). In the event that the amounts are calculated in the accounting currency, then they can be shown with or without VAT (Accounting (with VAT) or Accounting (without VAT)). You can select various data in the report using filters. You can select information on purchased goods and materials, accepted for the sale of goods and materials, as well as information on various materials, products, services, semi-finished products or containers (parameter "Batch status"). You can select information on one financially responsible person or an arbitrary list of financially responsible persons (parameter "MOL"). It is possible to generate data on transactions registered at one firm, which is a part of the company (Firm), on transactions executed by a legal entity (Legal entity) or on transactions that have a certain analytical feature (Management analytics). You can get a variety of information using drill-down and grouping in a report. For example, if you set the detailing Supplier - Nomenclature - Movement documents, you can get information about which goods and materials were purchased from the supplier and which documents were drawn up at the same time. If you set the detailed MOL - Nomenclature, and set a filter by groups of goods and materials, or by an arbitrarily selected list (on the "Multiple filter" tab), then you can get information on how much in the currency of management accounting the data of goods and materials is registered for financially responsible persons. To obtain more visual information in reports, it is not recommended to set drill-down by a large number of parameters, this will lead to cumbersome presentation of data in the report, i.e., it will be difficult to analyze information from the generated report. If you check the box "Detail by operations", then you can get more detailed information on all operations that were performed during the reporting period. For example, in this case, the "Arrival" column will be detailed to the level of specific transactions for the receipt of goods and materials, the transfer of goods and materials at retail, assembling sets, posting goods and materials, etc. In the corresponding columns, the amounts will be presented in accordance with the selected accounting currency ("Management accounting "," Accounting with VAT "," Accounting without VAT ") for each operation. If the details are specified for movement documents, then the corresponding amounts will be displayed for each document. Quantitative characteristics in this report are displayed if any parameters of the batch are set, for example, a certain batch status is selected, detailing by batch status is set, detail is set by batch properties.

In this report, it is also possible to drill down by the properties of a batch of goods and materials - by size, color, shelf life, etc. To obtain this kind of information, it is necessary to set the detail of the report on the properties of the batch. In this case, if upon receipt of goods and materials, a certain property was assigned, then a grouping will be made by it in the report.

Information that is generated in the report:

- Initial balance - information about the initial balance of goods and materials as of the date of the report generation in quantitative and total terms;

- Arrival - information on how many goods and materials received in quantitative and total terms during the period of the report generation;

- Consumption - information on how much goods and materials were consumed during the reporting period;

- Final balance - information on how many inventory items in quantitative and total terms remained at the end of the report.

"Report on sales of goods and materials" is used in the system to obtain information about the sales of goods and materials by users. This report is entered from the item “Report on sales of goods and materials” of the main menu of the “Reports” program. From the report, the user can obtain complete information about the purchase and sale prices of goods and materials, profits and turnover received from the sale of goods. This report also displays information about discounts provided for the sale of goods, about the amount of VAT paid on receipt and sale of goods. With the help of report settings, you can select and group the report parameters in various ways.

In the report, you can select information on specific goods and materials, groups of goods and materials, goods and materials with certain properties, as well as on an arbitrary list of goods and materials, groups of goods and materials and properties of goods (on the “Multiple filter” tab). You can select by specific buyers (suppliers), a group of buyers (suppliers), or by an arbitrary list of buyers (suppliers) by selecting values \u200b\u200bon the "Multiple filter" tab. The user can select according to the status of the goods and materials being sold: "all", "purchased", "accepted" (selection from the list of the "Type of goods" parameter). In the event that the flag "For accepted goods and materials to withdraw commission" is set, the commission will be shown as profit for goods and materials accepted for sale. In this case, the report can be generated only in the accounting currency and only for those goods and materials accepted for sale, for which the company has already reported to the consignor (the document "Report to the consignor" is drawn up). When decoding the amount of profit, a list of those committers' reports is shown, as a result of which the commission was charged. The selection can be made by the type of sale: "any", "wholesale", "retail". It should be borne in mind that: "wholesale sale" is a sale executed using the documents "Sale of goods and materials (purchase and sale)", "Commission agent's report", and "retail sale" is a sale drawn up by documents retail ("KKM Report", "Sales (retail)"). Return of goods from the buyer is displayed in the "Sales" column with a minus sign. In the event that the goods returned by the buyer were then sold, then a new batch of goods is formed, created by the return document.

The configuration provides the ability to drill down the report by various parameters. In addition, you can change the order in which the data is presented in the report. The order of data presentation is changed in the "Report drill-down" settings window on the "Main" tab using the control buttons (up, down). By placing the cursor on the desired position, you can use the control buttons to move it to the desired location. By changing the level of detail and order of data presentation, you can get a wide variety of information in the sales report. So, for example, by setting the detail parameters "Nomenclature" - "Delivery documents" - "Sales documents", you can get information about the profit from the sale of goods by suppliers and compare the profit received from the sale of goods by several suppliers. By setting the detailing parameters: "Nomenclature" - "Sales documents" - "Delivery documents", you can get information about which supplier's goods were sold to the buyer.

The report "Inventories reserves" is intended to display information on the reserves of goods and materials. This report is entered from the item "Inventory reserves" of the main menu of the "Reports" program. The report generates a complete or partial (if a certain filter is installed) list of reserved goods and materials. Reservation of goods and materials is made at a specific warehouse or as a whole for the company. The report can display information about how much inventory is reserved in a particular warehouse. With the help of the multiple filter (the “Multiple filter” tab), you can display a report on the reservation of goods and materials in several, arbitrarily selected warehouses.

In addition, you can display information on the reserve of specific goods and materials in the report. The selection of goods and materials is carried out using appropriate filters: goods and materials, groups of goods and materials, properties of goods and materials. Selection by properties of commodities and materials is carried out on the "Multiple filter" tab. In the report, you can also get information about for which of the buyers goods and materials are reserved. To do this, set the "By customers" flag in the report details. If you need to see how many goods and materials are reserved for a specific buyer, then you must select it in the "Buyer" field. The report can be detailed by warehouses, customers for which goods and materials are reserved, contracts and movement documents. If you set the flag "Totals by groups", then the report will display the groups of goods and materials and the total number of goods and materials reserved for this group. Group totals can be displayed only if the information in the report is displayed in base units.

Information that is generated in the report:

- Warehouse / Nomenclature / Buyer / Traffic documents - information about goods and materials (goods and materials group), full name of goods and materials (goods and materials group). If the appropriate detail is set, then information is displayed about the warehouse, which has reserved goods and materials, about which buyer the goods and materials were reserved for, under which contract the reservation was made. It also displays information about the document which made the reservation and withdrawal of the stock in the warehouse. It should be noted that if the reservation was made not for a specific warehouse, but for the entire company as a whole, then the line "not selected" is displayed in the report.

- Initial reserve - how many goods and materials were reserved as of the start date of the report.

- Reserved - how many goods and materials are reserved for the entire period of report generation. Reservation of goods and materials is carried out when drawing up the documents "Application for a warehouse", "Application for supply". Automatic reservation of goods and materials is also performed if the end-to-end accounting mode is used. In this case, the receipt document issued on the basis of the "Order to the supplier" reserves goods and materials at the warehouse indicated in it for the buyer to whom this order was distributed.

- Withdrawn from reserve - information on how many inventory items have been withdrawn from reserve. The withdrawal of the reserve is made when the goods and materials are shipped at the buyer's request (document “Sale of goods and materials). Manual withdrawal of the reserve is carried out using the document “Corr. Buyer Application”. This document is issued on the basis of an existing application and adjusts the amount of goods and materials reserved for the application.

- Final reserve - how many goods and materials remained reserved for the date of the end of the report.

By button<Снятие резерва> the user can generate a document "Withdrawal of the reserve by the company" or "Withdrawal of the reserve by the warehouse" based on the data presented in the report.

With the help of the report "Card of quantitative and total accounting" in the configuration "Trade + Warehouse", you can generate a printed form of the card of quantitative and total accounting, approved by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 25.12.98 No. 132 (form according to OKUD 0330228). At the same time, it is possible to select a stock item, storage warehouse and type of accounting price. For warehouses with the characteristic of a retail warehouse, the parameter for selecting the valuation price type becomes inactive. It should be taken into account that the card number in the report is automatically set to one higher than the previously entered one. This report is entered from the item "Quantity and sum accounting" of the main menu of the "Reports" program. In the field "Legal entity for printing" the user can set entity, which should fall into the header of the card of the quantitative and total accounting. It is important to keep in mind that all fields on the card must be filled in to generate a report.

The "Projects report" form is used in the system to obtain information on the fulfillment of buyers' orders, control over the fulfillment of orders by suppliers, as well as on the movement of inventories grouped by projects. This report is entered from the "Project report" item of the main menu of the "Reports" program. In the project report, you can generate data using various filters. With the help of the group of settings "Report drill-down" you can set a different order of data presentation in the report. To get more visual information in reports, it is not recommended to set drill-down for a large number of parameters, this will lead to cumbersome presentation of data in the report and create additional problems in their analysis. It should be noted that the report on projects does not analyze the documents "Receipt of services, etc.", "Implementation of fixed assets, intangible assets". The project report also does not analyze documents that record the movement of inventory items and money... In the project report, only the document “Line of the advance report (payment to the supplier)” is analyzed, all other documents on settlement with accountants are not analyzed in the report.

Let's consider several options for using this report. One of the options for using projects may be the ability to distribute documents to responsible persons (for example, managers) responsible for the purchase and sale of goods and materials. In this case, when drawing up the document, the name of the manager responsible for carrying out this operation is entered in the "Project" field. In order for the user in the project report to be able to receive information about the fulfillment of buyers' orders (orders by suppliers) by managers, it is necessary to set the flags in the "Display information" group - "About buyers orders", "About supplier orders", and in the "Detail report" group establish the following order of grouping "Project" - "Authors of documents" - "Traffic documents". In this report, you can also get information about which of the managers is responsible for the fulfillment of a specific buyer's request, which of the employees completed the documents within the framework of the project, according to which documents were shipped (or received) goods and materials. The amounts in the report are given in the currency of the contract of the counterparty, according to which the documents of the buyer's application or the order to the supplier are drawn up. Setting the detail "On cash flows" will also allow the user to receive information about payments made by counterparties - suppliers and buyers. Another example of the use of projects is the ability to track the effectiveness of a marketing company. When drawing up a document in the project field, you can specify additional information how the user learned about the products sold by the company (from advertisements in a newspaper, from information on a billboard or from printed materials published by the company itself). You can then compare product sales figures in the report and determine which of the company's marketing campaigns was more effective. In this case, in the report, in the “Display information” group, set the flag “About movements of goods and materials”. In the group of settings "Report detailing" you should set the following grouping order - "Projects" - "Nomenclature". Information in the report can be displayed in the currency of accounting or management accounting. The number of goods and materials can be displayed in basic or basic units. The data in the "Arrival" column is formed on the basis of the documents of receipt of goods and materials, and the data in the "Consumption" column on the basis of the shipping documents. If you set the additional detailing "Documents of movement", then you can control what documents were used for the receipt and shipment of goods and materials.

The "Commodity report" report is designed to generate a printed form of the commodity report, approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 98 No. 132 (TORG-29). The product report can be generated for a specific company or legal entity. For a legal entity, a commodity report is generated if the company has several firms that have the same legal entity, but different analytical features of management accounting. The number of the product report is set in the settings before generating the report.

The report "Accompanying register" is intended for compiling accompanying registers when accounting for goods at purchase prices, when maintaining varietal, batch accounting of goods. This report is entered from the "Accompanying Register" item of the main menu of the "Reports" program. It can be formed only for one specific firm or for one legal entity. A report on a legal entity is drawn up in the event that in the configuration, there are several firms that have the same legal entity, but different analytical features of management accounting. The accompanying registry number is specified in the report settings. When entering a new accompanying register, its number is automatically set to one more than the previously entered number. The user can create an accompanying register for a specific warehouse.

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If you have more than one warehouse in your company, then almost certainly you will need operations to move goods between warehouses. Let's consider how such operations of goods transfer from one warehouse to another warehouse are reflected in the management of the 1C Trade Management version 11.2 program.

Transfer documents are in the section "Warehouse and delivery"... There are two magazines: "Internal movement of goods" and "Movement of goods"... In essence, they are one and the same magazine. We can verify this by opening both log data. The only thing in the magazine "Movement of goods", - the operation type has already been selected " movement of goods " and set the appropriate title. We can also set all the necessary flags here and we will immediately see a set of documents that is available to us in the magazine "Internal goods movement".

Both of these magazines have a tab "For registration", which contains documents-bases, documents-orders for registration of the relevant operations. Such order documents are usually orders - for example, transfer orders. This document in its structure resembles the transfer document itself, but, unlike it, it does not directly move goods through warehouses, but is a document that plans the operation of moving goods from one warehouse to another.

In document "Transfer order" statuses can be used - for example, statuses "To ensure", "to fulfill"... Depending on the status, the document will act as the basis for certain operations. Capable of "To ensure" the sender will plan the demand for the warehouse to provide the given quantity. By status "For implementation" the document will be the basis, the order document for registration of operations for the movement of goods.

In the tab "Products" the item is filled in, its quantity that needs to be moved.

In the tab "Additionally" the department that prepared this document is indicated.

In the tab "Comment" a field for an arbitrary comment is available to us.

And the main two props are "Sender's warehouse" and "Consignee's warehouse"... These are two warehouses, from one of which the goods will be transferred to another warehouse.

In order to see how these operations are reflected, we will first create two additional warehouses. To do this, we will go to the section "Regulatory reference information and administration"... Find a hyperlink here "Warehouses and shops" and create 2 retail stores.

The first one will be called “ Shopping room". This will retail store... The accounting type of prices here will be retail. Retail prices will also be retail. In addition, we will not set any flags. Flag "Control collateral" we already have it installed. Let's write down such a store.

Let's create another retail store. It will be called the "Retail Store". He will also have registration prices - retail prices. In the tab "Order Scheme and Structure" we will establish that we will use an order scheme when goods arrive at this warehouse. The cells will not be used. In the tab "Main" also check that the flag is set "Control collateral"... Let's write down such a store.

Now we have prepared two stores, and we can consider the operations of transferring inventory items of goods to these warehouses, to these stores.

Order for the movement of goods in the program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2

We will start the operations for moving goods by creating a transfer order. To do this, we go to the section "Warehouse and delivery"... Opening the magazine "Goods Transfer Orders" and create the first order. The sending warehouse will have an "order warehouse", the receiving warehouse - a "retail store".

In the tab "Products" add the nomenclature. Let it be "kitchen table", characteristic "mahogany". Let's set today's date to start shipping. Set the quantity to "1 pc." The end of admission will also be today's date.

The shipping start and receipt end dates are used to plan the movement of goods to the respective warehouses.

Let's add one more position. Let it be our table in "dark wood" color. The dates will also be today, and the quantity is "1 piece". Let's add one more position. This time we will have a table, color "mahogany", today's date, quantity "2 pcs." and the end of admission is today's date.

In the tab "additionally" we have a full division.

In the tab "comment" you can leave nothing.

We will transfer such an order to the state "For implementation", let's hold and close.

Document "Movement of goods" in the program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2

Now this order can be the basis for creating a transfer document. In order to create such a document, we go to the section "Warehouse and delivery", to the log "Movement of goods" and go to the tab "For registration"... We do not have here order documents for processing the movement of goods. There can be only one reason - we do not have registered documents in the program in the status "For implementation" with filled tabular sections "products"for which it is indicated that the goods must be shipped.

Let's go back to our order. Since we are status "For implementation" put, but the action that must be performed with the product, we still have "To ensure"... I have not installed collateral "For shipment"... Select all lines and use the command "fill the collateral"... Here we will be interested in the team "Ship"... Actions on these headings are now with us "Ship"... Let's make such a buyer's order and go to the magazine again "Moving goods".

Now we have goods for the movement of goods as documents-orders. Select this position and issue a command "Will place on orders"... 1C Trade Management 11.2 created a document for us "Movement of goods"... The basis indicates that the transfer document was generated from a transfer order. In this case, the shipping warehouse is an order warehouse. The receiving warehouse is a retail store. Organization - trading house "Wholesaler".

In the tab "Products" matches our headings, along with specifications, and appears on the "Transfer Order". Set the status "Shipped", and we carry out such a document.

Now, based on this transfer order and the transfer itself, it is necessary to create, firstly, an expense note for the sending warehouse, and, secondly, a receipt note for the receiving warehouse, since in a retail store we have a scheme when goods arrive ...

To do this, we go first to the section "Warehouse and delivery"... In Group "Order warehouse" we will be interested in the magazine "Shipment"... We see what we have here "Transfer order"... The recipient is a retail store, and for this movement we see the item that needs to be collected and shipped. Having selected the corresponding position, we create an order. The program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 asks whether to create an order for the selected order, or you can use the "create for all" flag.

An issue slip has been created. We can open it, look at it and make sure that the order has been shipped from the warehouse, the recipient - "retail store", by order, the corresponding commodity items were shipped - two tables of different colors and two chairs.

Now our movement needs to be transferred to the status "received", and optionally create a purchase slip at the retail store. To do this, we go to the section "Warehouse and delivery"... In Group "Order warehouses" we will be interested in - the magazine « workplace acceptance "... Let's select the warehouse we need here. In this case, it will not be an order warehouse, but a retail store. And we see that here our "transfer order" acts as a base document, according to which our 3 positions appear - 2 tables of different colors and a chair. On the basis of such an order, you can create a credit slip.

The 1C Trade Management program version 11.2 filled in all the necessary details. It is noted that the order is "transfer order", warehouse "retail store". The commodity items are also filled. Additionally, at the top of the document, you can indicate the number and date of the incoming document, on the basis of which this receipt order was drawn up. We will run and close this document, and proceed to transfer orders.

This order has been fully processed, namely, it has been shipped from one order warehouse and accepted at the second order warehouse. After I updated the log, I see that the 1C Trade Management 11.2 program has already set the status of this order in the state "Closed"... In this way, goods are moved to order warehouses.

Moving goods through ordinary warehouses (not order) is somewhat easier. It is not required to additionally create warehouse orders. In this case, I will conduct the transfer without using "transfer orders".

For this in the magazine "Moving goods" I will manually create displacements. I will indicate that the sending warehouse will be the main warehouse, the receiving warehouse will be a "trading floor".

In the tab "Products" I will additionally indicate that I have a Panasonic TV in the amount of 1 piece, and a Sony TV in the amount of 1 piece. Document status can be set immediately "received", and such a document can be posted and closed. Thus, I have just reflected the operation of moving goods from the main warehouse to the "Trading floor" warehouse. In these warehouses, the order scheme is not used, so there is no need to additionally create warehouse orders.


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