Your talents and hobbies what to write. What hobbies should you include on your resume? What the extreme hobby will tell you about

Here are examples of filling in the "interests" column in the resume. We remind you that the options listed below are foreign. People put them on their resume for a purpose that may not be the same as your own. For the sake of which it is possible to write this or that type of interests, it is described in the article "Interests in the resume"... Some variants of auxiliary questions for their definition are given in the same place. If you only need other people's examples, do not forget to link to the source. And now, in fact, the examples themselves.

1. Examples of private interests (hobbies outside of working hours)

  • professional photography
  • choral singing (I practice in a folklore ensemble, I have experience of participating in various competitions)
  • passionate car enthusiast
  • i like to organize holiday events
  • alpine skiing, snowboarding, outdoor recreation (I know everything about the bases, holiday homes, etc. within a radius of 300 km, where a company of 5 to 30 people can actively and cheerfully spend the weekend)
  • volleyball (candidate for master of sports)

Even without reading the article explaining the reasons why in some cases it is beneficial to indicate such hobbies, it becomes clear for what purpose the specialists provided just such information to a potential employer. It remains only to clarify that in all the cases presented in the resume there was a qualitatively formulated purpose of employment.

2. Examples of personal interests at work

  • a stable salary, the presence of planned norms, payments for exceeding the established plan (piece-rates, bonuses, etc.)
  • the latest developments in orthopedics (medical technology)
  • raising professional competence (additional education, seminars, conferences)
  • impeccable performance of duties, the prospect of taking the position of chief accountant
  • defense of a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences
  • business trips (available l / a)
  • clear criteria effective work within the position, the ability to make independent decisions about options for successfully achieving the customer's goal
  • work in an enterprise for the production of mining equipment

If you are already familiar with the main materials of the site, then you do not need to explain for a long time why these examples fell into the category of personal interests. Note that some of the listed options were compiled by candidates specifically for job sites, where the requirement was put forward in the "purpose of the resume" column to indicate only the name of the vacancy of interest. We say this so that you can use every chance of finding the right job, even if the opportunities for this are limited by someone. It makes no difference, deliberately set limits or just thoughtlessly.
Suppose you want to declare your personal interests in professional activities in the "interests" column. And on our site for the first time. To figure out how best to write your interest, we recommend reading the articles:
"Personal problems when applying for a job" ,
"How to Distinguish Personal from Professional" ,
"Interests in resume" .
After that, you will have no obstacles to effective designation of interests.

3. Examples of professional interests

  • adaptation of first graders to school
  • technology for the production of dry building mixtures
  • methods of motivating staff to properly fulfill job descriptions
  • search for manufacturers and suppliers of high-quality alcoholic beverages
  • ensuring company relations with the public
  • reduction of costs for the production of low-voltage equipment
  • chemical analysis of industrial waste samples

also options for professional interests can be viewed as part of some professional goals (for example, on this page)

The column "interests" differs from the column "purpose" in that there is no strict need to provide information in the language of specific figures and facts. In "interesting" graphs, much more freedom is allowed. For example, you can list different interests separated by commas - it is not at all necessary to collect them in one sentence. You can write more interests than is usually stated in the goal. For example, indicate not 1-2 of the most important options, but 3-4 (depending on the purpose for which you are doing it). Moreover, such options may belong to one, or two, and immediately to all three categories of interests. If you think it necessary to do it, do it. In this column, you have such an opportunity.

Understanding why you indicate this or that interest, it remains only to observe general rules filling out the resume. For example, if you decide to state 3-4 interests, they should be presented like all other information - short and clear. If you decide to leave this box for a detailed explanation of one of your fundamental interests, make sure that the wording used does not allow for free interpretation of your words. And most importantly: if you want the employer to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200byou after reading the "interests" column, write a maximum of 3-4 of the most significant options of interests. Otherwise, there will be no concrete impression.

If you do not have clear goals for finding a job, or you are deeply indifferent to what impression the employer will have, you can write anything in this column - at least about your love for the starry night sky.
It is not joke. If there is no goal, there is no point in bothering yourself over and over filling this column.

If you have noticed, any goal of the applicant is based on his interests - personal or professional, or both at the same time. Therefore, when you can't clearly articulate your own passions, it is not very fun. And in addition to goals, they sometimes ask to write interests. What to do in this case? In fact, it’s not so difficult to fill in the “interests” column. Here we will analyze the questions about why to indicate interests in, what interests are and how to define them.

What can you write in the "interests" column?

Most applicants believe that when filling out the column about interests, you need to write about your hobbies outside work time... This is true, but only partially. The column "interests", just like all other columns of the resume, should contain information that clearly works for the purpose with which you are starting your job search. Therefore, the information indicated in it may relate not only to your hobbies in your free time from work.

In the column "interests" you can write a lot, since the interests are different. However, it is desirable that, on the one hand, what is written clearly works to achieve the purpose of your employment, and on the other hand, it corresponded to the information that interests the employer.

In the resume section of the same name, the employer is looking for information about:

  • what interests you as a person (what are you fond of in non-working hours);
  • what interests you as an employee (which can convince you to do a trusted job with good or even excellent quality);
  • what interests you as a specialist (what exactly do you most want to do).

In the first case, we are talking about private interests, in the second - about personal interests in professional activities. In the third - about real professional interests. As you can see, the candidate's hobbies in his free time are just a special case. needed by the employer information. To make it easier for you to navigate which interests are better to write in your resume, we will tell you a little more about each option listed.

Private interests in resume

Private interest information serves as a link between corporate culture organizations and you. If the organization is well-developed, close-knit, with a rich tradition, it may be interested in your sports, artistic, technical or some other hobbies. Such hobbies may be completely unrelated to your professional activities, but will be useful to colleagues in their free time. For example, in the process of carrying out some kind of corporate or intersectoral events.

Information about private interests works more successfully if the resume is sent to a company whose traditions you are familiar with and know for sure that such employee hobbies are really appreciated there.

It is also possible to inform the employer about your private hobbies if they indirectly indicate personal qualities that can influence the growth of your productivity. Although we must warn you: it is not a fact that the employer will share your confidence in the potential connection of the declared hobbies with the quality of the work ahead.

Private interests you can determineeg,answering this question: "What fascinates me (what I like to do) in my free time from work?" Among all the answers for a resume, you need to choose options that can interest the organization - something that you could do after hours with pleasure for yourself and for the joy of colleagues.

If you want to write about interests that testify to your personal qualities, you can look for an answer to this question: “ Which of my hobbies outside of work hours can help me cope better than others?". In this case, you must clearly understand what kind of work you intend to do.

Personal interests in resume

In this case, information serves as a link between the organization's resource and your personal goals in work or expectations from work. By talking about your personal interests in your resume, you provide the potential employer with information about how he can thank, reward or reward you for a job well done.

Interested in increasing your income? Remarkably, the job offered just involves piecework wages.

Interested in perspective career growth or professional self-development? Excellent - the company has programs for capacity development and staff promotion. If you find yourself among reliable or distinguished employees, then the opportunity to improve professional skills and satisfy career ambitions is guaranteed to you.

The meaning of the statement of personal interests in a resume can be expressed as follows: a person who directly speaks about his vital personal interests gets a real opportunity to satisfy them with the help of an organization interested in him.

Our dear experts, we would like to remind you that if you have not only healthy ambitions, but also an unclouded mind, never confuse your personal interests with professional ones. You can ignore the article on how to distinguish the personal from the professional at work. But always remember that a well-filled column "interests", and even more so "personal interests" - is a chance to find a job that is more likely to give what you expect from it.

Personal interests (in other articles we call them "") can be determined by answering oneself, for example, to the following question: "On what conditions will I agree to do another (as an option - completely uninteresting for me) work?"

Professional interests in resume

Professional interest information serves as a link between your specific (professional) resource and corporate goals and objectives. Unlike the two previous options, this one has an immediate attitude to the activities of the organization... Therefore, the statement of your professional interests can cause potential employers to show direct interest in you as a specialist. What matters here is not what you know how to do, what skills you possess, etc., but what kind of work you are most and irresistibly attracted to. It is this “craving”, sometimes difficult to explain from the point of view of a person's abilities or the experience he has acquired, that turns a mere graduate into an enthusiastic professional who, in spite of everything, persistently achieves the desired results in his work. Unlike others, he does his job not because he is “paid well”, “respected”, “promised a promotion”, etc. for it, but because he just likes it.

If you have such a craving, be sure to write about it in your resume using the column called "professional interests". If there is no such line in the proposed resume form, write about it in the column "interests" or "about yourself", or " additional Information". As a last resort (if your interest is so persistent that it more reflects the desire to achieve specific results), you can include this information in your professional goal or purpose of their professional activity and declare a resume in the section of the same name. Well, if you have no expressed professional interests, then you don't need to invent them. As the saying goes, "no, and no trial."

Professional interest can be determined by answering oneself, for example, to the following question: “What kind of work will I agree to do on less profitable(as an option - on completely unprofitable)conditions? " It is possible in another way: “What work will I do for free and for my own pleasure, because I love doing it because sheto me like.

Information for those who managed to come across such a wording: "What content of the work are you interested in?" Apparently, the guys were a little too clever and would hardly have answered such a question themselves. In more humane language, it goes something like this: "What kind of work do you enjoy doing?" We say "about" because we suspect that they wanted to, but could not, ask four questions at the same time:

  • what professional tasks (problems) are you most attracted to?
  • which means and methods of solving professional problems are more preferable for you?
  • the achievement of what result of solving professional problems can fill your heart with joy, and work everyday life with meaning?
  • which group (category) of people would you most like to help as a result of solving your professional tasks?

These four questions relate to all meaningful facets of a specialist's work. They allow you to get information about all his real professional interests. There is no need to be smart with these questions. Use it. But competently. And do not forget to put links to the source ...

Rules and meaning of filling in the column "interests"


If you want information about your interests to work “for sure”, then follow a few rules.

  • Write only truthful information in your resume.
  • List interests that are of fundamental importance to yourself.
  • State your interests briefly, clearly, and specifically.
  • Always distinguish and separate your personal and professional interests.
  • Enter professional and personal interests in the columns strictly corresponding to them (filling in the column with the short name "interests" this rule can be ignored).


Understanding the true purpose of their employment (or purpose of the resume) and by purposefully informing a potential employer about your passions, you can:

  1. get a job that you like (the ability to perform specific functions, work on solving specific problems, help a certain group of people, etc. - i.e. in this case we are talking about professional interests that are directly related to your work activity);
  2. give indirect information about your personal qualities and potential opportunities that will help you better cope with the proposed job;
  3. get the opportunity to solve your personal problems, satisfy personal ambitions, realize own plans etc. (in this case we are talking about personal interests in professional activities);
  4. increase the chances of getting workplace in a particular organization, if at the final stages of selection you have competitors whose professional qualifications are approximately equal to yours (information about hobbies in your free time can help out).

And the last thing. If you have an interest that falls into one of the three categories listed above, if you really pursue it, and not "slightly nourish", then be sure to write about it on your resume. Remember, false humility is the first step towards oblivion. Love yourself, respect your interests, declare them and know that among the huge number of employers there is always someone who shares them, welcomes or purposefully seeks them.

If you want you can watch examples of filling in the "interests" column.... Or find out how interests affect and manifest goals at work.

  • What interests and intentions are most often reflected for personal purposes of modern specialists ?
  • What are the goals that consist of professional interests and intentions ?
  • For what purpose are both professional and personal interests and intentions get along peacefully ?

When writing a resume, many people think: is it really necessary to indicate your hobbies? In a modern resume, it is not as relevant to indicate your hobbies, hobbies and interests as it used to be. Overall, it can help the recruiter to build an impression of you not only as an employee, but also as a person in advance. If you nevertheless decide to reveal the various sides of your personality, we offer examples of hobbies and hobbies, as well as explanations to them.

Examples of interests and hobbies for a resume

From the statistics, it becomes clear that employers respond best to positive hobbies and interests. You should not write in your resume: "In my free time I am fond of dissecting frogs" - this will say about you not at all what you would like. Examples of resume hobbies that will definitely inspire confidence in you include:

Such hobbies can be safely considered universal. They are equally suitable for both men and women, and do not depend on the age of the applicant. If you decide to indicate examples of your interests in your resume more specifically, then be prepared for the fact that an attentive recruiter may ask you to tell about your hobby in more detail. Therefore, you should not write, for example, "compiling your own computer programs." If you are poorly versed in this issue, then you may not be up to par.

Controversial examples of hobbies in the resume

There are also such hobbies and hobbies that you need to indicate carefully in your resume.
For example, such a hobby loved by many as computer games. There is nothing wrong with the toys themselves, but many employees have already got burned by the fact that they did not work at the computer during working hours, but played. Another unwanted example of a hobby on a resume is chatting in social networks... Despite the fact that today almost every person familiar with the possibilities of the Internet has accounts in social networks, it is not worth indicating such a hobby in the resume.

How to present your candidacy on your resume in the most favorable light?

Our specialists will help you with this. We have an impressive background in resume writing for job seekers seeking quality results.

Many job seekers have their own hobbies, without which life seems insipid, but at the same time, which do not need to be indicated. These hobbies include:

  • gambling;
  • participation in auto racing;
  • adherence to religious movements;
  • tattoos;
  • fascination with subcultures.

In your free time, you can do whatever your heart desires. However, the employer must be sure that you will not scare off clients with your non-standard appearance, you will not start engaging in religious propaganda and will not disappear for a few days, because you have the next stage of the competition. Therefore, it is better not to indicate a hobby in the resume, examples of which are given above.

Examples of hobbies in a resume for girls

When applying for a job, many girls try to indicate in their resume hobbies that, as they think, will most fully reveal their creative nature. However, even in this situation, the list of interests in the resume must be approached carefully. Ideal examples of interests in a resume would be:

  • hand-made;
  • modeling of clothes;
  • photographing;
  • patchwork;
  • playing any musical instrument.

If you have pets (dog or cat), you can mention this on your resume, but it is best not to emphasize this circumstance. Otherwise, the recruiter may become wary and think that you will run away from work ahead of time to feed the animal and take a walk with it.


When filling out a resume or a questionnaire, many job seekers overlook such an item as "Hobbies and hobbies". Of course, it won't be a big mistake to ignore this section. However, there are many employers for whom it is still important.

Why it is necessary to indicate a hobby

Therefore, the search for examples of interests and hobbies often becomes relevant for those who want to find high-paying position... Even if the employer does not look at this column directly in the questionnaire, he can ask a question about a hobby at the interview itself. Of course, this section should not exceed the description of the job seeker's work experience, otherwise the employer may decide that the candidate spends too much time outside of work. This means that it is unlikely that such an applicant will give all the best during working hours.

Therefore, it is best to indicate a couple of hobbies. If specifying a favorite activity is difficult for the applicant, you can use the described examples to select options. Interests, hobbies and hobbies for a resume should serve the main goal of finding the right job. After all, if you openly tell the employer about yourself, this can become an obstacle on the way. Therefore, job seekers often decide to hide unnecessary information about themselves and choose the hobby that is more suitable for the desired vacancy.

However, a candidate who indicates an unusual occupation in his application form should study these examples of interests and hobbies in his resume in advance. Photos on the topic "Hobbies" will help the applicant prepare for tricky questions about the specified hobby. For example, in the following photo you can see an album made by a scrapbook lover:

What is worth and not worth mentioning

It is important for the employer to show that free time activities are a source of additional energy for the candidate, which will allow him to work with even greater dedication. It is desirable that hobbies highlight the skills that will be useful in the position. If a person is applying for the position of head of a department, it is much more useful to indicate that he was the captain of a volleyball team in high school than to write about a passion for astrology or breeding of garden asters. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh well all the pros and cons before indicating certain examples of hobbies in the resume. What interests are best suited for the purpose of job search, we will consider further.

Matching hobbies and qualities required from the applicant

For example, if a woman is looking for a job that requires perseverance, she can indicate the following activities in the “hobbies” column:

  • Modeling or sewing clothes.
  • Creation of a designer doll or toy.
  • Knitting.
  • Satin stitch or cross stitch embroidery.
  • Decoupage.
  • Study of computer programs.

If it is necessary to demonstrate creative inclinations, you can indicate:

  • The photo.
  • Writing poems, stories.
  • Drawing lesson.

When a job seeker needs to demonstrate teamwork, it is helpful to talk about these hobbies:

  • Psychological research.
  • Participation in various volunteer programs.
  • Team games.

In the event that a candidate should hint at his purposefulness, you can indicate the following hobbies:

  • Sports, fitness.
  • Active rest (however, here it is required to indicate that this hobby does not interfere with work).

What is better to keep silent

There are quite a few fairly specific examples of interests and hobbies. It is not worth mentioning them in the resume. By writing that he is a member of a subculture, the candidate risks being rejected. Perhaps the applicant who indicates his belonging to the Gothic subculture is just collecting silver jewelry and various decorative woodwork. But the employer may think that a potential employee of the firm will one day show up to work in full gothic attire - in black clothes, with a bleached face, in metal jewelry. Therefore, it is better to keep silent about what concerns subcultures, love for extreme sports, or, for example, hobbies for computer games.

Unusual hobbies - is it worth specifying

As for the more approved but slightly unusual hobbies, the candidate is also better off sticking to the principle of "measure seven times, cut once." This concerns the indication of extreme examples of interests and hobbies. It is better to write in the resume what the employer wants to see - after all, it will be easier to get the desired position this way. Of course, a climber or parachuting enthusiast can be distinguished by attentiveness, ability to clearly plan a situation, and responsibility.

However, many employers prefer to beware of such individuals. Why it happens? The fact is that extreme sports are always fraught with injuries - with all the professionalism of an athlete, such an option cannot be ruled out. The employer fears that soon the newly minted employee will be in a hospital bed - and then he will not benefit the company, but additional costs.

What the extreme hobby will tell you about

In addition, risk-averse people often underestimate the potential for failure at work as well. They make decisions quickly and therefore make mistakes in their work. Also, engaging in extreme sports is always accompanied by a surge of adrenaline - which means that the applicant can be an aggressive or irritable person.

Of course, the indication of a hobby and hobby is not critical when selecting a candidate for a vacancy. However, quite often it can become that “decisive straw” that will determine whether this applicant is suitable, or whether it is better to opt for another.

A categorical prohibition

The worst thing that can be specified in the "Hobby" column is watching TV series or going to the cinema. After all, those people whose leisure is reduced to a passive pastime appear in the eyes of the employer as lazy, lacking initiative, and generally useless people.

Ideal - neutral interests and hobbies in the resume. Examples of when an applicant was rejected due to an unusual hobby are numerous. For example, one job seeker was asked how he feels about football. He replied that he was positive, and even rooting for the Moscow Spartak. He was denied a job, since the manager himself was a fan of Zenit, and justified his refusal by the fact that he could not trust a St. Petersburg resident who was rooting for the Moscow team.

Neutral hobbies

If the employer wants to see a specific person as his subordinate, why not satisfy this requirement? You can choose any neutral hobby (or even two or three) and include these examples on your resume. Your hobbies, interests, hobbies are in fact of interest to the employer insofar as they can influence the work. Therefore, you can not focus on this point of attention, but indicate what is acceptable for the employer. This will be the best strategy for getting the position you want. Consider a few neutral examples of interests and hobbies in a job resume.

  • Scrapbooking, or compilation of family and other photo albums.
  • Clay crafting.
  • Floristics - the creation of flower bouquets, works of art.
  • Girls can also indicate such a hobby as making cosmetics at home.
  • Men talk about their love for collecting or creating models of ships in a bottle.

It is important to remember one thing - in finding a job, the main factor is professional qualifications and work experience. If the applicant meets these points, he has every chance of getting a job. Indicating hobbies and hobbies is useful for beginners in one field or another. After all, if there is no work experience, the description of the hobby will help the employer form the correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe candidate.

Knitting, embroidery, reading, drawing, equestrian sports, blogging on the Internet - every person has hobbies. But does it make sense to inform a potential employer about them? German experts recommend caution.

Short and concise

"Information about what the applicant for a vacancy likes to do in his free time is not a criterion for selecting future employees of the company. But the survey results show that when checking the applicant's documents, most recruiters of German companies always pay attention to what is indicated in the column" Hobbies ", - notes Jens Jannasch, a Berlin business coach and career consultant, in an interview with Deutsche Welle.

This is understandable: every employer seeks to get a complete picture not only of the level of professionalism of a potential employee, but also of his character. After all, such information can give additional information about the abilities and skills of the applicant.

"An applicant for a vacancy is not at all obliged to report his hobbies in his resume. But if he decided to do this, then he should list his hobbies briefly and concisely, and indicate no more than four or five. Otherwise, the employer will ask the question: do you have enough time for work? " - emphasizes the expert.

What will benefit

According to Jens Jannasch, all hobbies mentioned in the resume should be compatible with professional activity and emphasize strengths candidate. For example, regular reading of computer magazines is a point in favor of a programmer, hobby for cutting and sewing is a plus for a designer, chess is for a mathematician, and comprehension of foreign languages \u200b\u200bin free time will increase the rating of any specialist.

"For an applicant for leadership position an additional guarantee of success will be his voluntary and gratuitous participation in socially significant projects, the presidency in charitable foundation... It will be a big plus if he is the captain of an amateur football or volleyball team, "the expert gives an example.

Things to Avoid

Jens Jannasch advises not to forget that certain types of leisure activities can alert a potential employer. So, he does not recommend mentioning in his autobiography about hobbies for extreme sports, especially mountaineering, rock climbing, parachuting, cave diving, base jumping, motorcycle racing.

"The fact is that extreme sports are fraught with serious injuries and injuries. And where is the guarantee that the hired amateur climber will not end up in a hospital bed soon?" - says the business coach.

Research results also show that risk-takers tend to be reluctant to avoid failure and often make mistakes at work. In addition, a surge of adrenaline is often accompanied by bouts of aggressiveness, and people with a heavy disposition and quarrelsome character only create unnecessary problems for others and do not know how to work in a team. And it is difficult to imagine an employer who will like an employee with such qualities.

“A job seeker who positions himself as a fan of dangerous sports needs to be prepared for the fact that at the interview with the employer he will have to answer“ uncomfortable ”questions and look for very convincing arguments in favor of his candidacy,” says Jens Jannasch.

Bold minus

But it is even worse if, filling in the "Hobby" column, you indicate "watching TV" or "going to the movies". People whose leisure is reduced to passive pastime are often lazy, inert, lack of initiative and do not like to work in a team. In the eyes of the employer, this is a fat minus.

According to Jens Jannasch, it's not even worth mentioning the passion for computer games. Despite the fact that many of them develop strategic thinking, and they often play in the so-called "guilds", in groups, such a hobby is usually discouraged: it is commonly believed that gambling addicts are limited people who avoid social contacts.

Coming up with a hobby is an absolute taboo. A job seeker who wants to embellish his resume in this way can be very embarrassed. So it’s better not to play with fire, the business coach warns and gives an example: “One candidate for the vacancy indicated in his resume that he was engaged in snakeboarding in his free time. And when he was asked what it was at an interview, he could not give an exact answer resulting in a very bad impression. "


Never dive into the story of your leisure time if you are not asked to, warns Jens Jannasch and recalls another case from his practice. “An applicant for a position vacated in a Berlin company wrote on his resume that he was fond of ballroom dancing. And during the interview he was so carried away by narrating about his achievements in tournaments that he forgot about the main thing. he had a suitable one. "

The expert recommends to indicate their hobbies in the resume to beginners who have no work experience, who find it very difficult to interest the employer. "If you are not new to the profession and have high qualifications, then you already have enough reason to apply for a vacancy," - this is the opinion of the Berlin business coach and career consultant Jens Jannasch.


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