How can you find a sponsor for starting a business. Financial "guardian angel". How and where to find sponsors for your business? How to get venture capital investments


Before looking for sponsors, calculate exactly how much money you need to implement the project. In the event that you assume a small budget, then cooperation with only one potential stream of funding will be quite enough for you. If your project is grandiose in its idea, then take care to create an offer that will be interesting to several sponsors at once.

And in fact, and in another case, you should interest people who can help you in the implementation of your idea. In order to do this, you need, at least, when presenting your project, to correspond to the image that you create. Try to offer different sponsors different ideas for the implementation of your project, it will certainly interest them.

It is necessary to invite such an audience to the presentation of your project, which by its parameters would overlap by 90-95% with the audience interested in the sponsor's products. In particular, if you hold an event dedicated to expensive and elite varieties of cheese, it will certainly arouse the interest of their producers. Most importantly, the audience you are counting on as buyers must intersect with the audience that the sponsor is counting on.

There are a huge number of sponsorship packages on the Internet that you can use as samples when working on your project. Take away Special attention the formulation of your goals, clarity and structure of the presentation of the essence of the project and a point in which you will need to clearly spell out the benefits that the sponsor can receive in the event of a successful outcome of the case.

There are two types of sponsors. Some have money to invest, but do not have sufficient experience in project appraisal. They invest and lose money. Other sponsors set high demands on projects and carefully select them. But if you pass the initial conditions, then with such a sponsor you are practically doomed to success. Such people competently control the project and warn you against mistakes. Consider preparing for a meeting with a type 2 sponsor.


Analyze the result and make adjustments to the plan. In fact, something may not go exactly as it seemed. Now you can really make up good plan because they have experienced all the difficulties.

Create a second growth point. Now things will go differently. Your task is to work out the nuances so that the plan becomes a real step-by-step guide.

Write a business plan based on the numbers you get. It's time to make a plan for the sponsor. It will differ from the standard plans drawn up by theorists. After all, you do not take numbers from the ceiling. This is what makes the plan attractive to good investors.

Show the plan to a potential sponsor. You can turn to anyone with money. If a sponsor of the second type meets, he will not give a "turn from the gate" due to unreasonable and unproven figures.

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This approach takes time, patience, and some expense. But when you go to a sponsor, you will have confidence based on the results you get. Amazing courage will emerge.

Helpful advice

Don't be afraid that someone will borrow your idea. There are many ideas in the world, but implementation requires a dedicated person. No one can handle your idea better than you.


  • Lack of sponsors can be disastrous


Not only companies and, but also people (, athletes) need sponsorship support, even many young people are looking for a sponsor. Important role playing information. If you have the necessary information about where to look for a sponsor in the first place and you know what this or that company is, then the search will not drag on for a long time.

An important point is right choice sponsor, it should fit you. For example, a sponsor who makes engines for cars is not suitable for beauty, and hygiene products for women for a football match. The sponsor must have the funds, suit your occupation and have at least one person who can work with the media.

Once you've found a company that's right for you, contact its director or PR manager. Large companies must have a sponsorship or product promotion manager. Moreover, such companies sometimes have special departments dealing with this issue.

The next step is to attract attention to yourself. After all, potential sponsors are attracted by bright and creative projects that will help create an interesting image of their company or brand. Demonstrate the full potential of your industry or society. Athletes, for example, can take part in various kinds of competitions. This will help boost their popularity, but again, this will require a sponsor. Prepare an interesting offer that can interest you.

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Helpful advice

If you do everything right, you are guaranteed sponsorship.

Sport is a serious business, especially if you approach it from a financial point of view. It happens that a very talented and capable athlete remains unnoticed by society, and against the background of the fact that he has to work somewhere in order to earn his livelihood, sports potential remains unused.


For solutions financial issue both in sports and in many other areas of life, there is sponsorship. If you are a talented athlete who wants to build sports, live for hobby and get carried away for the sake of life, then first of all show yourself in society, reveal your talent in public, do so that as many people as possible know about you. Take part in various sports competitions in your city. Also try to get to the regional and regional. Make every effort to do this.

Visit special sites where athletes are looking for their sponsors, register your account and actively promote it, adding various information about your sports success and achievements. Add to your portfolio more often.

In the event that you have found a potential sponsor for yourself, correctly introduce yourself or contact the director of the company or the director of public relations, if there is one in the company.

Make the appeal in 4 parts: - justification. In it, write your resume correctly, describe your plans for the future; - advantages. Describe here what advantages the sponsoring company will have when working with you; -. At this point, touch upon issues related to various bonuses from the company, such as, for example, cash bonuses for certain achievements, product bonuses, trips, and so on; - opportunities. Provide a few ideas that will help expand the popularity of your product or trade using the specifics of your collaboration with the company.

At the final stage, carefully study the terms of the contract offered to you by the sponsoring company. In the terms of the contract, certain plans of the company are concluded, which can be realized faster from working with you. Do everything to ensure that these plans lead to the expected results.


  • sponsors for athletes

Government funding educational institutions far from always satisfies all their needs and requirements. Modern equipment, good repair, high-quality furniture, bright holidays - all this becomes impossible due to the lack of funds at the school. Finding sponsorship is a good way out of the situation.

You will need

  • - the Internet;
  • - telephone;
  • - a document on the purpose of assistance.


Draw up a clear document in which all expense items will be spelled out. Get money without a specific purpose will be extremely difficult. Try to make the reasons really weighty, for example, repairing a leaking roof or buying sports equipment.

Build a social and social image. Participate in contests and competitions, create a well-filled school website, publish a newspaper. Promote your most talented students. Sponsors will be much more willing to provide funds to support young talents and the development of the school than for the everyday needs of the school.

Talk to your parents at the meeting. Prepare a short speech with strong arguments to convince the parents that sponsorship is needed. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to count on what will be found directly at the meeting. It is quite possible that one of them will turn to the management of the enterprise in which he works

Any business requires money. When you start your business, the first thing you need to do is decide the issue of financing. One way to do this is to find a sponsor. This form of cooperation is mutually beneficial - you get money and develop your business as planned, and sponsors have a profit in the form of powerful advertising for their brand.

In this article, you will read:

  • Who are "sponsors" and why are they needed
  • Where to find a sponsor
  • How to attract a sponsor to your project
  • What documents must be provided to the sponsor
  • What the sponsor wants to get from working with you

Where to find a sponsor: the most "fishy" places

What is a sponsor? This is an individual or company that helps financially specific company or an entrepreneur, and receives certain benefits for this. Assistance can be expressed in the provision of finance, materials, industrial premises, inventory.

Check your partners urgently!

Do you know that when checking, tax authorities can cling to any suspicious fact about the counterparty? Therefore, it is very important to check those with whom you work. Today, you can get information about the past checks of your partner for free, and most importantly, get a list of revealed violations!

An enterprise that enters into a partnership with a sponsor correlates itself with his business image, advertises for him and gives him access to its own target audience.

How to find a sponsor for a business is the main question of concern to aspiring entrepreneurs. Due to the lack of information, they do not know exactly who can act in this role and how to find the right contacts. A popular way to solve problems is to contact special organizations that are professionally looking for sponsors for small and medium-sized businesses: business incubators, technology parks, investment funds.

If you decide to go down this path, you need to know that it is very important to correctly design your presentation in order to "hook" potential sponsors. Therefore, you need to write about what may interest them, for example, pay attention not to the details of the product manufacturing process, but tell more about the end result and benefits of your project.

It is necessary to present your project as attractive and indicate that cooperation as a sponsor with you on it will be mutually beneficial.

In business circles, events are now very popular, the holding of which is grouped into separate industries - exhibitions, seminars, forums. They can also meet potential sponsors.

The Internet space offers many portals, sites and services in social networks dedicated to the topic of business. It is enough to enter queries like “find a sponsor in Moscow”, “find a sponsor website”, etc. The Internet is a convenient meeting place for potential sponsors and partners, where each party provides information about themselves and their projects. To find the right sponsorship options for your business, find in the list of those who work in your area, read the summary for each of them.

Sometimes money for starting a business and its development is given by relatives, relatives or friends. But this kind of friendly sponsorship is possible only when a novice entrepreneur does not need very large sums.

When choosing an investor firm, find out if it works as a sponsor for other companies. If she has no experience previous work on similar projects, most likely, the company is just starting activities in this area and does not have a large baggage of knowledge and skills in investing.

If you want to be a sponsor

Victor Novochenko, Marketing Director of ZIL Trading House, Moscow

If you want to be a sponsor, make sure you are given the opportunity to work directly with the customers of your interest. It is imperative to request information about the target audience from the organizers of the project and analyze it. Failure to do so can distort sponsorship and waste time and money. For a serious business, such miscalculations are unacceptable.

How to find a sponsor and get what you want: step by step instructions

Step one: start negotiations

If you decide to find a sponsor for starting a business, select a suitable company and arrange negotiations with it. For the event to have a result, it is better to conduct them with the head or his deputy for marketing (or PR), if the hierarchy of the company provides for such positions. Firms that are actively working as sponsors usually have dedicated managers in this area.

Step two: presentation

First of all, future sponsors need to be interested in their project. To do this, tell them how supporting your business will allow them to expand their customer base and advertise the product or service to a large new audience of consumers.

Give sponsors a full description to demonstrate transparency in the relationship. future work... Tell us about all the nuances associated with the development of your project, about the future results and the prospects that investment in your company gives. The more information you provide, the more you will inspire confidence on the part of sponsors.

A rather difficult situation when you want to find a sponsor for an area in which you yourself do not yet have much experience (you are going to manufacture and sell something that you have not encountered before). Future patrons need to show that their participation in the project is guaranteed to be profitable, investing money in your project is safe and reasonable, and the advantages in the long term are unconditional. To gain the trust of sponsors and achieve the desired effect in the negotiations, demonstrate self-confidence and the company's success. This is where presentation and persuasion skills come in very handy.

Step three: "Defense"

If you offer an investor cooperation, do not expect that he will immediately agree to joint work... Your "I want to find a sponsor" will come across many arguments from his side, explaining the motives for unwillingness to cooperate. It is advisable to analyze the possible reasons for the refusal and think over explanations, provide for possible options for the development of the conversation, calculate what pros and cons the sponsor will see in your project and use this - in short, you need to be flexible and agile in negotiations. In addition, you will need excellent public speaking skills and equipment.

Step four: escort

How can you discreetly ensure that the potential sponsor has fully considered your cooperation offer, and find out about his further intentions in this direction? Face-to-face meetings will be most effective, rather than formal e-mails and phone calls.

What the sponsor pays attention to first of all

Investors usually do not ask literally all the details of the project they are going to invest in, but there are several questions that are of interest to most sponsors of small and medium-sized businesses.

Field of activity. Those who want to invest in your company, of course, want to know what exactly you are doing. Many sponsors have great intuition and are able to quickly understand how successful an investment in a certain area will be. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the possibilities of the niche in which you plan to work.

Persons involved. Your motto should be: "I want to find a sponsor - I provide myself with the best personnel." Future investors may ask what kind of specialists will work for you, since small and medium-sized businesses have to be flexible, make sometimes ambiguous and unusual decisions, the advantage will be that among your employees there are qualified people with awards and experience. The chances of getting agreement that a potential sponsor will sign a cooperation agreement will increase if you attract as employees and partners those people whose names are popular in the required field.

Timeline for Net Profit - It is clear that sponsors want to recoup their investment as early as possible. Few of them will agree to fund an event that will only make a profit after a few years. Therefore, you should hurry up to get the first income from your project.

Why does the sponsor need you too?

The sponsor needs you to:

1) Form a positive public opinion. If you are thinking about how to find a sponsor and what benefits of your cooperation should be outlined in negotiations with him, give the following argument: by agreeing to participate in sponsorship activities, the sponsoring company demonstrates to the audience that it is of interest social issues and the solution social problems, organization of events, city events.

2) Advertise your products and services. Sponsorship agreements stipulate that the company receiving it must advertise the sponsor. This type of advertising is often more effective than traditional media placement.

3) Expand markets and stimulate sales. How to find sponsors and convince them of the need for cooperation? Explain that well-designed advertising can persuade attendees to sponsor the event's products and services. Another argument: sponsorship allows a broad presentation of the company's new product.

4) Attract Western investors. If a company wants to be attractive to Western investors, it should pay attention to vigorous activity in social sphere... This can be done by sponsoring community events.

5) Establish communications. You can find a sponsor by telling a potential philanthropist about the benefits of sponsoring participation in various events to create a positive image of the company at all levels - from local to international. At the same time, external communications contribute to the establishment of contacts with the public, government services, partners and clients.

This is important: documents for the sponsor

A company that is concerned about where to find a sponsor for a business should have a prepared sponsorship package. In it, on the one hand, they describe the requirements for the investor, on the other hand, they reflect the advantages for him. To increase the chances of success, make a high-quality presentation folder - this will be yours " business card»In the procedure for finding sponsors.

The contract must clearly indicate the goals for which the funds will be spent. It is necessary to discuss the possibility of force majeure and provide guarantees of return Money for cases like this. This is especially true for holding any social events for which you need to find a sponsor (concerts, show programs, sports, exhibitions, etc.). It is important to indicate where exactly the money should be transferred - to the account of the sponsored company or to the intermediary.

What is included in the sponsorship package:

    Name of the project for which sponsorship is required;

    List of those who are the organizer and initiator of the project;

    Description of the project support;

    General description of the project;

    Program Description(includes a script, a list of activities, a plan);

    Budget and calculation of the required funds;

    Description of the opportunities and rights of individual groups of sponsors (gradation);

    Demonstration of benefits (calculation of the effect) - how the sponsor's advertising will affect his target audience;

    Typical form of the contract.

What's included in the presentation folder:

The folder is a good tool for finding a sponsor. It should contain basic information, concise and attractive:

    A copy of the certificate state registration;

    Extract from the charter - information about the founders, goals and objectives;

    On the right about the activities of the enterprise;

    List of enterprises and individuals providing support to the company;

    Data on publications in the media after the events previously held by the company;

    Photos of events held by your company;

    Information about the management of the company and key employees.

We use sponsors to help associate the brand with family values

Irina Pankratova, Head of the Representative Office of ZAO Yoshkar-Olinsky Meat Processing Plant in the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan

The marketing tactics of the company is aimed at drawing attention to TM "Yola". Positioning ourselves as a manufacturer of delicious products of excellent quality, we expect that customers associate the brand with family values, well-being, and healthy children. Therefore, we welcome organizers who are considering where to find a sponsor for their sports, youth celebrations and other events that support children's and family health and sports. In addition, the company finances projects to support family values and traditions, for example, the traditional "Day of the Plow" (Tatarstan). A few more actions are sponsorship of the Russian Aerobics Championship and the Youth Fashion Theater. Finally, the mill sponsored the Miss Yola nomination at the beauty pageant.

Remember the main thing, even if there is only a week left until the start date of the events or the financing time of your enterprise, be confident in yourself and do not lose confidence that negotiations with potential sponsors and investors will be positive. Your motto should be: "I will definitely find a sponsor."

Remember that any kind of sponsorship is beneficial to your finances. When negotiating conditions sponsorship project, if you are leading them on behalf of your company, make sure that you can contact own leader... In addition, you need to have legal evidence to prove that the sponsor has agreed to fund your project. As a guarantee of partnership, it is better to require ½ funding before the event or project, which the sponsor has agreed to pay, is carried out.

Information about the author and company

Vera Ivanova, general manager company "Maisky Zhuk", Perm. Advertising group "May beetle". Field of activity: development promotional materials, organization of advertising and PR-campaigns, event-events. Number of staff: 10. Participation in professional associations: member of the Association communication agencies Russia. Achievements: one of the three leaders among advertising agencies of the Perm Territory (according to the company's own estimates), winner of the advertising festival "Yellow Tomato".

Irina Pankratova, Head of the representative office of ZAO Yoshkar-Olinsky Meat Processing Plant in the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan. ZAO Yoshkar-Ola Meat Processing Plant produces 300 types of meat products. It supplies products to 56 cities of Russia, cooperates with leading retail chains. It has its own retail network of 32 stores in Yoshkar-Ola. The number of employees is a thousand people. In 2007, the company's turnover exceeded 1 billion rubles.

Irina Zenina, Head of Marketing and Advertising Department, Pelikan-Auto, Moscow. The Pelican-Auto company is an official dealer of the Nissan and Skoda brands. The main activities: trade in cars and spare parts, the provision of car repair services. The company sells more than 400 vehicles of both brands monthly, on average service maintenance more than three thousand car owners come to "Pelican-Auto" a month. The company employs over 500 people.

Victor Novochenko, Marketing Director of ZIL Trading House, Moscow. AMO "ZIL" produces cargo and cars, buses. For 90 years of operation, ZIL has contributed to the creation of about ten independent factories. Today the holding includes: the head plant in Moscow (more than 13 thousand employees), Mosavtotest, Penza (Penza), PZA (Petrovsk), RAAZ (Yaroslavl), RZAA (Ryazan), SAAZ (Smolensk), trading house ZIL, Centrolit (Kashira).

Lack of funds should not become an obstacle to the organization own business... If there is complete confidence that business will "go" and will bring consistently high incomes in the future, it is worth trying to find an investor who will invest required amount money for the development of activities. You can place an ad "Looking for a sponsor for business" and wait for responses from interested financial companies... But the process will speed up significantly if you start active searches... Finding sources of financial investment for starting a business is not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing is to know the main nuances of such transactions, since there are many fraudsters in this area.

Where can I find a sponsor?

As an investor, it can act as whole company and individual person... It is very difficult to say unequivocally which option is better. Since a lot depends on the specifics of the business being opened and the required initial capital.
In order not to waste your time deciding where to find a sponsor for starting a business, you can entrust this matter to a specialized company that provides such services. These are technoparks, investment funds, business incubators. If this option is unacceptable, you should start attending various events that are dedicated to business topics. These are now being held in many regions of the country.

See the ad, be sure to go:

  • lectures and seminars,
  • professional exhibitions and presentations.

Business events are always attended by representatives of at least several companies that can become a sponsor of the business. It is quite possible to present your project in absentia, thereby trying to interest investors. Who knows - maybe they will invite a novice entrepreneur to their office for further discussion of the issue.

Having started looking for an interested investor, you should not discount the Internet. Register on forums and special sites. Here, sponsors themselves often publish their proposals for cooperation, and entrepreneurs create their personal accounts with a description of the project that requires cash injections.

How to choose a reliable sponsor?

It is better to start looking for sponsors for small businesses in your region, since the distance from the investor can cause some difficulties in business development. And you should not gladly accept the first offer you come across from an investment company - you should approach business with great caution. What rules should be taken into account here?

It is great if the sponsor of the business is the person or company who is well versed in business processes. It is rather difficult to check this, but one can take into account the period and the success of the company in the market.

Having seen the announcement "I will become a sponsor for business", it is worth asking the investor if he worked with any other investment projects- if so, with which ones. A business partner's experience in investing can help good service in the process of establishing a business.

It would be nice to cooperate with a large company that has extensive well-developed connections in the market.

Many large companies have specialists on staff who are involved in investments. With them, then, most likely, you will have to lead in further negotiations... But at least at the final stage of negotiations, you should meet with the director.

Of course, even extensive experience of an investor will not guarantee 100% success of the planned business. And here you need to understand that money is given for a reason - it, as in the case of a bank loan, will need to be returned!

How to get a sponsor interested?

Have you already posted an ad “Looking for a sponsor to open your business” on all specialized sites? Fine! But the desire to get the necessary funds alone will not be enough. As investors, I am people who are well versed in the business, and they will never be imbued with an idea, the prospects of which are not confirmed by numbers. This means we are preparing a clear business plan for presentations.

A business plan is half the battle. And only by presenting your project to the sponsor, you can enlist his support. A competently drawn up business plan, an attractive video presentation - this is what you need to negotiate with an investor.

Private sponsors for the opening and development of a business must pay attention to the following points of the business plan:

  • Costs for starting a business, confirmed by estimates.
  • Those are the prospects that both the entrepreneur and the investor receive in the end.
  • Terms of cooperation (interest of the investor, his share of shares in the company).

At the stage of negotiations, some points of the project can be adjusted. As a rule, this concerns the terms of cooperation. Investors are mostly entrepreneurial people, and therefore, they will never miss their benefits.

Knowing how to find a sponsor for a business, you can quickly find the funds required to start a business. But alluring prospects should not be dizzy - at all stages of the transaction, you need to carefully study all the documents. Especially it concerns big business, which is scheduled for launch. The numbers in the cooperation agreement will be impressive, and therefore, everything should be double-checked.

If you urgently need a sponsor to open a business in Russia, and there is no time to understand the legal nuances, it is better to invite a lawyer to consult - at least at the time of signing the contract. And this is very important, since it is quite common practice when unscrupulous investors then “take” the business from an entrepreneur - and all because of the very nuances that went unnoticed when concluding a cooperation agreement. And then you will not prove anything in court, since the document itself is drawn up perfectly.

To open your own business, you often need to attract outside capital. Most aspiring entrepreneurs think about how to find a sponsor - in order to create a profitable and promising business and, at the same time, minimize the influence of the wealthy investor on the activities of the new company.

Search material assistance also necessary for work in the field of charity - organizing a sports team, kindergarten, fund or other development not commercial activities... To search for investment capital, you need to apply to a bank or credit organization, or try to find a person who wants to invest their free capital in a profitable business.

In order to find an investor who will invest in your new business project, it is necessary, first of all, to prepare a detailed business plan - with a market analysis, organizational plan, recruiting a personnel team, calculating technical and economic indicators, risk assessments, etc. Such a document can be prepared independently or you can resort to the help of specialists. You can attract money to any type of business - wholesale or retail, production, travel, organization sporting events, opening a catering establishment, a private kindergarten, a beauty salon or a mini-hotel, etc.

When searching financial aid you need to take into account the following features:

  • The amount of capital required. The larger the amount of initial investment that will need to be attracted, the higher the requirements of the potential sponsor (team of sponsors) to the business project in which the money will be invested. To create a company in the service sector (travel and tourism, design development or marketing campaigns, accounting and many others) will require 10-15 000 USD. For the organization trading business costs can vary from 25,000 USD, when starting a production it may be required from 100,000 to several million USD.
  • Availability of collateral. Such an object can be real estate, vehicle, other assets of the borrower. In most banks and other financial institutions, a loan for business development is issued only if there is a developed business project and a subject of material support. When issuing a loan for the organization of commercial activities in the provision of services - organizing travel, providing sports services or sponsoring a team of business coaches - the availability of the collateral becomes especially important.
  • Profitability of the project. The higher the projected profit, the more interesting the proposed business plan for the sponsor. When calculating the feasibility study of the project, several indicators of the planned profit should be taken into account - optimistic, real and pessimistic.

How to find a sponsor for your business - search activities:

  • Submitting an application to a bank or credit organization. To financial institution considered your application, it is necessary to conduct market analysis activities, as well as develop a business project - according to the template required by this particular institution.
  • Posting information that you are looking for a wealthy investor in local business and entrepreneurial associations. Very often in such teams there are many people who are looking for where to invest money to make a profit. To get help from such investors, you will also need to provide technical economic justification project. There are such business associations in every major city.
  • Visiting investment and business forums. Information about such events can be searched for via the Internet or on specialized on-line forums.
  • Contacting venture capital companies. Such applications should be submitted only if you want to bring to the market an innovative product that has no analogues on the market. New technologies that you want to bring to market with a venture capital firm must be patented - this way you can prove your authorship and increase the confidence of potential sponsors.
  • If you are wondering where to find a sponsor, you can also place your ad in business publications (print or electronic) targeted at investors, top managers or business owners.

Benefits of starting a business with borrowed funds

There are a number of advantages in starting a commercial activity with the attraction of borrowed capital:

  • The possibility of organizing a medium or large business. For example, in order to organize industrial enterprise, transport company, a retail or entertainment network, you will need help - attracting large capital. Often own funds entrepreneur is sufficient only to organize a company in the service sector (travel agency, advertising agency, legal or accounting services, etc.), and the creation of a production company or a distribution network will require the attraction of significant investments.
  • Consolidation of monetary assets, knowledge and connections of team members, which makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of the new company.

How to find a sponsor for a charity project

In order to implement a charitable project, you need a sponsor, a wealthy businessman, an owner large company or a politician who plans to run for office local government soon. These business ideas include various non-profit events - the organization of a teenage football team or another sport; patronage of the kindergarten - fundraising for the purchase of clothes, gifts and travel vouchers; organization of free sports clubs and sections; a free consultation center to help socially vulnerable people, etc.

In order to convince a person to invest in your unprofitable project, you need to think over the arguments and benefits that he will receive from the investment (intangible). These benefits include increased reputation and increased visibility of the company or individual. Often, events such as supporting charitable projects and helping people allow the company to focus on its social orientation, which, as a result, allows it to attract new customers, partners and, as a result, increase the company's profit and the value of its assets. Participation in charity and sports projects also helps to raise the team spirit of the company.

How to calculate the cost of opening a project

If you need a sponsor for organizing a business, the first step is to prepare a business plan - a detailed document describing the essence of the activity, organization activities, production and organizational plan, recruiting a team of personnel, economic feasibility study, etc. For a non-commercial event, you also need to draw up a document describing the concept, the main organizational measures, the costs of opening and development.

When calculating a business plan for a commercial activity, you need to provide a future rich investor with data such as:

  • primary costs (purchase of premises and equipment, software products, registration cost legal entity etc.);
  • monthly income and expenses (sales plan, expenses for wages, purchase of raw materials and materials, promotional events, etc.);
  • average profitability (calculated as the arithmetic mean for all items of the product range or services);
  • payback period of the project.

In order to increase the attractiveness of the offer for the investor, it is imperative to provide a section with a risk assessment for the project, as well as a development plan this direction(with economic calculations).

Lecturer-expert of applied socio-economic programs of the Educational Center "Specialist" at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman

Any non-profit project or organization is interested in the question: how to find a sponsor? In order to answer it, it is necessary to understand why sponsors give money. As soon as we understand the goals and objectives of the sponsor, we will be able to outline the circle of potential sponsors: whose interests our project will be able to satisfy. So, why sponsors give money, what tasks do sponsors solve at the expense of sponsored objects.

How to find a sponsor and why they give money


In the photo, pupils of the social rehabilitation center of the Peschanokopsky district of the Rostov region. With the financial support of sponsors, children attend the Rostov Philharmonic, the Ice Show, the Octopus water park, the zoo and other events. The picture was taken against the background of the banner of the sponsor "Pure Vision", trademark contact lenses. Unfortunately, the information on the Center's website is not dated and it is difficult to analyze the reasons for the sponsorship. At the same time, on the official website of the lens manufacturer - I managed to find out that within the framework of the corporate social responsibility the company provides material support to medical communities, and participates in the policy of healthier regions where Bausch & Lomb has major financial transactions. It is likely that the sponsoring of the events of the Social Rehabilitation Center in the Rostov Region was carried out within the framework of the decision of the following marketing tasks: stimulating demand and expanding the sales market.


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