Computer operator profession description. Introduction to the profession “Computer operator. Computer operator: digits

Profession computer operator

The work of a computer operator or, as they often say, a PC operator is directly related to the input of various data into a computer. It can be both textual and graphical information. The operator is instructed to compile tables, group information into catalogs and not only - the complexity of the work and the range of responsibilities depend on the requirements of a particular company.

The profession has gained relevance recently. Before the advent of computers, it was not necessary. Then all the information was stored in folders, recorded in notebooks, and complex calculations were carried out by scientists. Now no one bothers familiar professors to calculate any formulas - there are computers and computer operators. ...

The profession of a computer operator is not taken seriously by many. Although the benefits of the work of this professional are sometimes more significant than from the managerial link. Managers do not know how to repair equipment, work with "tricky" software products. They use the information provided by the operator in in electronic format, when making important business decisions - for example, reports or diagrams.

The PC operator must know where to look for the necessary information in local network, also accounting programs, Word, Excel, the basics of document management, be able to type blindly. He has to work with office equipment- Scanner, printer, fax and fix light damage. It is not enough to be able to quickly type texts, you need to be able to build complex graphs and tables, work with databases.

This profession has several significant disadvantages - vision deteriorates from prolonged work at the computer, and the curvature of the spine threatens. It is required to be constantly focused and attentive when entering data, since one incorrectly entered digit can lead to unpleasant consequences. Such work is suitable for those whose working capacity and attentiveness do not fall even from monotonous work within 8 working hours.

The specialty "PC Operator" can be obtained at the school. But employers do not require a diploma, but knowledge. A diploma is not yet an indicator of knowledge in the field information technologies, you can be with a computer on "you" without it. There are also numerous courses for operators, where you can get basic knowledge of MS Office programs, the Internet.

Computer's operator- a specialist in the input and processing of information using a computer. The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Another name for the profession is a digital information processing master.

The information this employee works with can be in a variety of formats. And it can work with both text and audio, video and graphic editors, programs for viewing and playing, Internet information resources, etc. You can also enter information into a computer in different ways: type text on a computer, scan (t i.e. digitize) text or image, transfer ready-made materials from another medium (disk, flash drive, etc.).

The field of activity of the computer operator depends on the place of work. One of the work options is to enter data into the electronic database of goods in trade organization. This is a very responsible duty, albeit a rather routine one.

More creative work for employees of publishing houses, editorial offices of print and Internet projects. There, duties can vary from simple typing, to processing audio and video files, slide show creation etc. for posting on the site.

The profession of a computer operator can be classified as a starting one. Firstly, to master it, it is enough to get an initial vocational education. Secondly, a digital information processor is a PC user who owns several programs at a professional level, the basics of building information systems. This good base for further education in this area.


A computer operator can work in banks, insurance companies, trade and industrial firms, call centers, publishing houses, companies involved in the development and maintenance of websites, archives, etc., etc.

Important qualities

The profession of a computer operator implies such qualities as responsibility, diligence, perseverance, the ability to work concentratedly, and sociability.

Knowledge and skills

The operator must be able to work with office software packages (Microsoft Office and, use the Internet, email. Knowledge of graphics programs (Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, etc.). The ability to print quickly and competently (preferably blindly) is considered a great advantage. In addition, the operator must confidently handle the scanner, printer, and other peripherals. Understand the principles of building computer networks.

The work associated with this position may include the most various directions professional skills and education requirements of the vacancy applicant.


Regardless of which company you apply for the position of a computer operator, there are some general provisions and requirements that are typical for organizations working in absolutely any area of ​​production. They can be separated into a separate group.

  • monitoring the state of computer and copy equipment;
  • timely execution of assignments and tasks;
  • informing the authorities about the need to purchase consumables;
  • assisting colleagues at work with the tasks assigned to them;
  • monitoring the safety of trusted property;
  • storage of commercial and;
  • knowledge and compliance with safety regulations when working with computer equipment;
  • compliance with the internal work schedule.

Of course, such requirements can be applied to any vacancy, but in any case, the job description should also include them. The computer operator, when applying for this position, will meet them in one hundred percent of cases. General provisions must be included in any labor contract concluded between the employer and the applicant.


As already mentioned, the computer operator is working with vague standards. IN general case this vacancy implies only one thing - work with a personal computer, otherwise the managing organization can come up with absolutely any tasks for the employee.

One of the most common duties of computer operators is to maintain an enterprise database. What would the job description require in this case? The computer operator is obliged:

  • work with e-mail;
  • exchange information with;
  • print and organize documents.

As you can see this work not burdened by the technical component. The computer operator, whose duties we have just described, must be careful when working with the database, and also provide the necessary data on time at the request of his colleagues.

Underwater rocks

Sometimes not entirely conscientious organizations can advertise looking for a computer operator, but when a person comes for an interview or practice, it turns out that his duties include not only standing at the administrator's desk and entering clients into the database or answering calls, as the job description indicates . The computer operator in such firms must also look for new customers by calling numbers and annoying poor housewives.

And here is another case. The well-known Russian Post periodically recruits operators. It seems that it could be simpler and clearer? It is necessary to enter the data from the parcels into the computer and register them. However, in practice, it turns out that these vacancies involve the dragging of heavy bags and boxes, up to 30 kilograms inclusive. After all, there are no vacancies for loaders at local post offices.

Based on the foregoing, before submitting a resume for the vacancy of a PC operator, find out well about the organization and your future job responsibilities. The computer operator is a rather vague formulation that has many subtle nuances.


According to the qualification handbook and federal standards (since 2014), the profession "computer operator" does not exist. However, the presence of the same skills implies the specialty "Master in Digital Information Processing".

If you are going to apply for a vacancy (computer), you should know that there are usually no special requirements for education. They will check the speed of working at a computer and mastering programs, skills in handling office products, and that’s all. Most enterprises use unique applications developed by programmers, which you still have to learn to work with on the spot.

In order to get a job in this vacancy, even just a five in computer science at school will do. good bonus will be a vocational school graduate in any computer specialty.

Additional education

A computer operator is a specialty that is quite in demand on the labor market, but low-paid. In essence, this work can become a starting point for future specialists.

For example, to work as a PC operator in a pharmacy, pharmaceutical knowledge can be useful. Such work can be a good practice for 3rd year students of medical faculties at universities.

In addition to practice, the position of a PC operator in large companies, requiring special knowledge, may be the first job of a newly minted specialist. Having received an engineering degree in information security and some theoretical knowledge in the field of technical security and signaling, and then getting a job in a company that installs and sells security systems, you will get to know the market, popular models and configurations of equipment. This will make young specialist first step up the career ladder.

In some cases, even employers confuse a PC operator with a database operator. Then the applicant is required to know PHP or 1C. In this case, it is not necessary to graduate from universities. It is enough to attend special courses and receive a diploma of their completion. But here the prestige and quality of education already play a role.

Other responsibilities

And finally, let's look at what other items the job description may contain. Computer's operator:

  • prepares the documentation necessary for the operation of the company;
  • performs copying of documents;
  • observes spelling and punctuation;
  • reprint documents electronically.

And this is not all that a computer operator should do. Responsibilities vary depending on the imagination of the employer. If, in his opinion, the employee works too little or too fast, some of the duties or tasks of other employees of the company or enterprise may be shifted to you.

A striking example is the Russian army. Chiefs of staff or unit commanders often take as their assistants the so-called "staff" - conscripts with higher education. In fact, these are the same PC operators - their tasks include working at a computer (printing out documents, working with colleagues' data, preparing materials for classes). However, sometimes, when the boss is too lazy to perform any actions on his own, he can shift more responsible work to an incompetent conscript, such as filling out officers' personal files or preparing reports.

We hope our article helped you and you understood the above analogies. You shouldn't have any questions about official duties PC operators.

Electronic computers have firmly entered our lives. Not a single sphere of human life can do without them. In a matter of minutes, they perform operations that would have taken many years under previous methods.

In 1641, B. Pascal invented a mechanical machine for arithmetic calculations. The idea of ​​creating the first computer belongs to the English mathematician C. Babbage, who invented and designed in 1833 the world's first model of a mechanical "analytical" machine.

The first computer, the main elements of which were vacuum tubes, was released only in 1946.

The idea of ​​creating digital computers belongs to the American mathematician von Neumann. These were the first generation machines, which were distinguished by their huge size. With the advent of each new generation, their resources, capabilities (memory capacity, performance) grew, dimensions decreased, and maintenance was simplified.

A special group is made up of personal computers (PCs). In foreign, and since the 1980s in domestic literature, the term " Personal Computer". Perhaps no other area is subject to such rapid changes as computer technology. One generation of computers is being replaced at an incredible speed by another, more advanced one. Therefore, the requirements for the operator of a computer (PC - personal computer) are increasingly increasing every year.

The work of a computer operator or, as they often say, a PC operator is directly related to the input of various data into a computer. It can be both textual and graphical information. The operator is instructed to compile tables, group information into catalogs and not only - the complexity of the work and the range of duties depends on the requirements of a particular company.

The profession of a computer operator has gained relevance recently. Before the advent of computers, it was not necessary. Then all the information was stored in folders, recorded in notebooks, and complex calculations were carried out by scientists. Now no one bothers familiar professors to calculate any formulas - there are computers and computer operators. ...

The profession of a computer operator is not taken seriously by many. Although the benefits of the work of this professional are sometimes more significant than from the managerial link. Managers do not know how to repair equipment, work with "tricky" software products. They use the information provided by the operator electronically to make important business decisions, such as reports or diagrams.

The PC operator must know where to look for the necessary information on the local network, as well as accounting programs, Word, Excel, the basics of document management, and be able to type blindly. He will have to work with office equipment - a scanner, printer, fax and fix light breakdowns. It is not enough to be able to quickly type texts, you need to be able to build complex graphs and tables, work with databases.

This profession has several significant disadvantages - vision deteriorates from prolonged work at the computer, and a curvature of the spine threatens. It is required to be constantly focused and attentive when entering data, since one incorrectly entered digit can lead to unpleasant consequences. Such work is suitable for those whose working capacity and attentiveness do not fall even from monotonous work within 8 working hours.

The specialty "PC Operator" can be obtained at the school. But employers do not require a diploma, but knowledge. A diploma is not yet an indicator of knowledge in the field of information technology, you can be with a computer on "you" even without it. There are also numerous courses for operators, where you can get basic knowledge of MS Office programs, the Internet.

Profession names

Related professions

Occupation classification

Description of the profession

Medical contraindications

Working conditions

Professional risks

Required professional education

Educational institutions


Listen to the description of the profession

History of the profession

Sample daily schedule

Profession names

Computer's operator

SPO specialties:

  • "Automated systems for information processing and management" (230103);
  • « Information Systems» (230401);
  • "Computers, complexes, systems and networks" (230101);
  • "Computer systems and complexes" (230113).

Related professions

System administrator, secretary, accountant, accountant.

Spheres professional activity

Information Technology

Occupation classification

Type of profession by subject of work: the work of a computer operator is associated with numbers and codes, this allows us to attribute it to the type of "Man - Sign System".

Occupation type by purpose: gnostic.

Type of profession by means of labor: profession associated with the use of automated and automatic systems.

Type of profession according to working conditions: work in "room" conditions.

Profession class: performing (according to the nature of work, the profession of a computer operator involves the implementation of the same type of procedures, the performance of standard tasks according to a given model, with strict observance of established rules, regulations, instructions).

Description of the profession

Computer's operator- a specialist who enters into a computer and processes scientific, technical, sociological, economic and other information.

To the main duties of a computer operator relate:

  • information processing on a computer;
  • input of information into a computer from technical media and communication channels and its output from the machine;
  • transmission via communication channels of the calculated data received on the machines for subsequent operations;
  • preparation of technical data carriers on data preparation devices;
  • recording, reading and rewriting information from media of one type to another;
  • control of technical information carriers;
  • ensuring the conduct of the computing process in accordance with the work programs;
  • monitoring the operation of the computer;
  • establishing the causes of failures in the process of information processing;
  • a record of the use of machine time and noticed defects in the operation of machines in the journal for recording machine time;
  • presentation of the results of the work performed.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

Specialist in the field digital processing information should have such personal qualities as accuracy, attentiveness, responsibility, patience, perseverance, perseverance.

To the professionally important qualities of a computer operator relate:

  • high performance;
  • analytic skills;
  • good RAM;
  • a high level of development of concentration, distribution and switching of attention;
  • sociability;
  • tendency to monotonous work;
  • high level of development of technical abilities.

Medical contraindications

To medical contraindications that prevent the work of a computer operator, include: diseases of the nervous system, organs of vision, immune system; mental disorders; attention disorders.

Requirements to vocational training

A specialist in the field of digital information processing should know well computer device, work operating systems, methods of working with various programs, the basics of programming, methods of working with office equipment.

The computer operator must be able to: perform input of information into a computer from various media and output information; write, read, copy and overwrite information from media of one type to another; establish the causes of malfunctions in the operation of the computer; fix small problems at work software and computer; work with databases; draw up the results of the work; comply with labor protection and fire safety requirements.

Application area

To date, the profession of a computer operator is one of the most sought after. Specialists this profile required in every enterprise. In particular, specialists in the field of digital information processing are extremely in demand by cultural organizations (libraries, museums, archives), as well as firms involved in the digitization of the funds of these enterprises.

Working conditions

The computer operator can work both independently and in a team consisting of several specialists. The worker spends all day indoors, mostly sitting.

The computer operator can perform work at home. This method of work is widely used in the employment of persons with disabilities.

In his work, the computer operator uses a personal computer with the ability to access the Internet. Workplace should be well lit; regular ventilation must be provided.

Working conditions in the workplace of specialists with disabilities must comply with the individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person, developed by the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (in the presence of a disability). The design of all elements of production equipment and the organization of the workplace must comply with the anthropometric, physiological and psychological characteristics and limited capabilities of working disabled people.


A feature of the profession of a computer operator is the need for constant professional development. Computer Operator Career associated with higher vocational education either in the field of IT-technologies, or according to the profile of the enterprise. Professional growth may be associated with a managerial career. In this case, it is recommended to receive additional education in the management field, for example, in the specialty "Manager".


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