A program to improve the originality of a document. How to increase the uniqueness of the text - tips for rewriters. Possible mistakes when increasing originality

Continuing with the question of how increase the originality of the text, let's focus on the second group of such methods, which we designated as "technical" (the first group - "honest" ways to increase the originality of the text is described here).

Everything technical ways bypassing the Anti-plagiarism system can be divided into 2 groups. The first is the deception of the text verification system itself, the second is the deception of the script that sends the text for verification.

Let's take a closer look at these methods.

  1. 1. Probably, the very first way to bypass the Anti-Plagiarism system is to replace Russian (Cyrillic) letters with other letters similar in spelling (Latin). The most common letters to replace were the letters: a, o, m, p, k, x, i, s. The author in Word chose the replacement of characters throughout the document and received, although not readable in the normal sense, the text “looking” is quite acceptable. An important feature was the need to disable spell checking in the entire document, since for a text editor the text contained a lot of errors. Approximately 2 years after the launch of the Anti-plagiarism system this feature the developers have fixed it. Although it is worth noting that until now, some services for checking the uniqueness of the text can be get around thus.
  2. 2. The second stage in the development of technical methods was the search for and replacement of Russian letters with Greek and others similar in spelling. For example, the letters "O" in Cyrillic and "Omega" in the Greek alphabet are very similar in spelling. For a while, this method also worked.
  3. 3. In addition to replacing letters, methods related to inserting special characters invisible to the Antiplagiarism system, ranging from a space to various hieroglyphs in other calculus systems, were often used.
  4. 4. After the main site check student work Anti-plagiarism - www.Antiplagiat.ru introduced a system for checking spelling and highlighting all words containing errors, as well as marking the entire document with a red exclamation mark, this method, in principle, has ceased to be relevant. Although the presence of an exclamation mark does not indicate the use of technical methods to bypass anti-plagiarism, it only recommends that the teacher read the report in more detail, since such a mark is possible in many scientific fields. For example, this foreign languages, computer science, mathematics, etc.
  5. 5. The simplest and at the same time, the most affordable way that is currently used is the way adding original text to a document. And so that this text is not visible, it is hidden in the "Inscriptions", taken out of the visibility of the screen, made white, set the size to 1 point size. Most services on the Internet do just that. Of course, all teachers know about this method and try to identify text in the report that does not correspond to the content of the work. It is much more promising to insert not any text into the work, but blocks from the same work that are original and it will be much more difficult for the teacher to see the catch.
  6. 6. Another technical way bypassing the Anti-plagiarism system is a substitution of the content of the text that is visible on the screen, is not sent correctly for verification. The simplest illustration of this method is to insert pictures instead of letters - everything is visible in Word normally, but when checking for originality, these letters (numbers) disappear. Replacing individual letters will not give an effect, since in this way the spelling of the text worsens significantly. It makes sense to change the words entirely and bring them to a form that is not perceived by the Antiplagiarism service. For example, you can replace some character that is lost when checking for some word, and make changes to the font of the document itself so that it understands the whole word as this character. It is not so difficult to identify such a method of technical increase in originality - you just need to copy the document to any text editor, it is better to notepad and see if symbols, letters, words, etc. have disappeared. It is necessary to verify the identity of the text being checked and the text contained in the work, since this will still be visible in the extended report of the Antiplagiarism-VUZ system.

Of course, there are other technical ways. increase the originality of the text, but the most The best way, this is of course a copyright, well, in extreme cases, a rewrite.

Students performing diploma, term papers, essays often encounter such a concept as the originality (uniqueness) of the text. After all, it is always easier to download an already finished work on the network and increase this very originality than to do it from scratch. But how to quickly increase originality in anti-plagiarism? On this page you will find 10 working ways to increase the originality of the text in anti-plagiarism. Most of the tips are also suitable for copywriters and rewriters.

First, let's take a look at how any anti-plagiarism system works. There are two important indicators: originality (uniqueness) and borrowings (non-unique, copied). These are mutually exclusive concepts, the lower the originality, the higher the borrowing rate, and vice versa.

To check the uniqueness, various services are used: eTXT anti-plagiarism, Advego Plagiatus, text.ru, antiplagiat.ru and others. Universities can use their own programs to check diploma and term papers. Such services are developed taking into account the characteristics of a particular educational institution. There are paid and free services, online and desktop applications. Each program has its own algorithm. Often the same text can have different indicators depending on the service through which you are checking. For example, an article with a uniqueness of 90% on etxt.ru, in Advego Plagiatus will receive only 68%. To demonstrate examples, we will use the site text.ru, as it gives the most accurate results.

Thousands of new texts appear daily. Often, it is a rewrite of a rewrite, and has already been repeatedly uniqueized. Anti-plagiarism developers improve algorithms and it becomes more difficult to achieve uniqueness every day. Students have to work hard when adapting ready-made term papers and theses, but there is always a way out. In this article, we have prepared for you a series of tips that will help increase the originality of your work, and those that will definitely not help you to do this.

#1: The Shingle Rule

Some anti-plagiarists check the work in small fragments of several words (shingle). A single is a highlighted sequence of words in a sentence. The length of the sequence in the shingle can be from 1 to 9, depending on the program settings for checking. But shingle 3 is most often used. In rare cases, 4 is allowed. This means that the text will be analyzed and compared with others, based on small fragments of 3 words. Shing 1 is not used, because in almost every article the program will find matches for one word and the uniqueness will be zero. Shing 9 is also not used, since the indicators during such a check will increase sharply and unreasonably. The chance of finding the same 9-word sentence anywhere on the web is virtually zero. Shing 3 is considered the optimal value.

For example, let's take the sentence: “There are many different misconceptions about such a way of obtaining monetary profit as running your own business”.

If part of the offer is "method of earning money" will be found in other sources, then you will not get high uniqueness. However, if you replace the first or the last word in this phrase, the shing will immediately become original. Please note that it is not always possible to replace every fourth word with a relevant synonym. In this case, nothing prevents you from counting back one or two words yourself, replacing it and then continuing the countdown to replace the next fourth word from the place of the last edit. Moreover, if you can’t find a suitable synonym, you can simply insert a new word or some kind of preposition. The main thing is not to make a mistake later with the calculation of each subsequent fourth word.

Now let's try to make this sentence unique according to the shingle rule. To do this, I first check our example on text.ru.

Now we replace “delusions” with “prejudices”, “method” with “option”, “income” with “profits” and “occupation” with “development”. Naturally, we also change the ending in the word “money”. Let's see what happened.

As you can see, the method works. It is possible that even after rewriting according to the shingle rule, your sentence will still remain non-unique, since someone has remade the same sentence in a similar way, but this is rare and most often occurs on texts of small volume.

#2: Using Synonymizers

This is an online service or program where the user uploads non-unique material, clicks the "Process" button, and in a matter of seconds receives a text in which most of the words are replaced by synonyms. These words are similar in meaning but different in spelling.

Here are examples of online synonymizers:

  • http://www.raskruty.ru/tools/synonymizer
  • http://online-sinonim.ru
  • http://usyn.ru/online.php
  • https://textorobot.ru/sinonymizer.html

The program does not recognize the context, so at the output we get a completely terrible set of words in the style of descriptions of product cards from Aliexpress, translated into Russian. This way of uniqueizing work should be used carefully. If you know that your work will be read, then we recommend that you perform synonymization in small fragments, choosing synonyms wisely and controlling the process. According to the shingle rule, it is not necessary to change every word, it is enough to change every 3-4 words to get the original work.

A non-unique fragment before processing in the synonymizer program:

#3: The Magic Word "Directly"

Strange but true! Sometimes the absolutely amazing word “directly” helps to get out of a difficult situation with low uniqueness. And if it’s not possible to uniqueize the material at all, try using this adverb and others like it. But very carefully. No need to try to cram it into every sentence. It will be enough no more than 2 times for every thousand characters. As a rule, if you use such words very carefully, you can increase the uniqueness a little without paying attention to such tricks.

Video: How to increase originality in Antiplagiarism 2018

No. 4: Translation from foreign sources

Anti-plagiarism programs look for matches in Russian, so you can use foreign sources and works on your topic as a source, simply translating them into Russian. With a high degree of probability, you will receive a work with high originality. The main thing is that the translation is of high quality, otherwise your work risks turning into unreadable gibberish if you use automatic services for these purposes. To do this, you must have at least basic knowledge of English or any other language in which the source article is written. Although technical texts Google Translate translates very well, with high readability.

#5: Using non-search engine indexed content

There are resources on the network with information that is closed from indexing. These are closed forums, specialized and highly specialized sites. Getting there just like that, without registration, will not work. Therefore, search engines do not index this material. But we can take advantage of this opportunity, find similar closed areas and manually copy the unique text, of course, finalizing it.

#6: Deep text processing

High-quality rewriting is a deep processing of published materials. The study of information from a large number of sources and its complete processing, with your thoughts, ideas. Without replacing words with synonyms, and rearranging them in places while maintaining the main essence.

#7: Retelling in Your Own Words

This method is a rewrite from one or two or three sources. As in school, when we wrote the presentation, here the student retells in his own words. He may omit some minor details or add his thoughts. How good such a retelling will turn out depends only on the vocabulary. How well the student speaks Russian and is able to process the source data.

No. 8: Using epithets to dilute the text

Not only the replacement of non-unique or frequently repeated words with synonyms helps to make the article unique. Depending on the task, you can skillfully use a variety of epithets. Thus, the work can be made more lively, colorful, interesting. But here, too, you need to know the measure, so as not to turn a technical text into a work of art. You can pick up epithets using the wonderful Spelling Service in the "Beauty" section.

No. 9: Replacing Russian letters with Greek

Some letters of the Greek alphabet are similar to Russian ones and there is a temptation to replace some letters in non-unique words and fragments with Greek ones. Visually, they are indistinguishable from Russians and the verification service does not recognize them. If with the Latin alphabet, anti-plagiarism programs have already learned to determine the replacement, then the developers have not yet reached the Greek alphabet. The check will give 100% uniqueness. But if a student decides to unify an article in this way, he is playing with fire. The same spelling service or text.ru will point to the replaced characters and after correction, the indicators will drop. Checking the diploma in anti-plagiarism will be excellent, but when your supervisor opens the work in Word and finds underscores in place of the changed characters, you will find yourself in a rather delicate situation, because in fact you wanted to deceive the teacher.

As you can see from the example, text.ru simply removed the replaced Greek letters. The uniqueness has become a little higher, but such text is simply impossible to read. Other programs for checking may not replace anything, you need to try this method for each specific anti-plagiarism checker.

#10: Reworking the sentence from the end

This is not about simple sentences, but about complex ones, where the second part is subordinate to the first. If you manage to swap parts of a complex sentence without losing meaning and readability, then the percentage of uniqueness will increase. Do not do this at the expense of readability. It is important to give out not only the original work, but also that it can be easily read. And if the teacher stumbles on every second sentence, no uniqueness will help.

Ways that will NOT help to uniqueize text

In addition to the correct, honest and more or less acceptable ways to uniqueize the material, there are those from which the work will only suffer. But not only work will suffer, the student will not be thanked for such tricks either. Or you are wasting your time on non-working methods.

Rearranging sentences and paragraphs

The same goes for rearranging paragraphs and whole sentences. As they say - from a change in the places of the terms, the amount does not change. We remember this rule in mathematics from childhood. So this applies to testing as well. How not to change offers in places for uniqueness, this will not affect in any way.

Latin letters instead of Russian

Inexperienced students try to cheat anti-plagiarism by replacing some letters of the Russian alphabet with Latin ones. But this is a waste of time. The program will instantly detect words that have such a replacement and highlight them as an error or a replacement of characters. Some verification systems automatically correct the “error”, that is, characters specially replaced with Russian ones, and start the verification again after the correction.

Breaking or gluing sentences

It is considered good form to write a text in which sentences have different lengths: short and long, complex and complex. But for the anti-plagiarism program it doesn't matter. The plagiarism checker does not “see” punctuation marks, it doesn’t matter if you put a dot or a dash, a comma, split a sentence, or glued one long one out of two short ones. Anti-plagiarism analyzes adjacent words. Therefore, this method is a waste of time.

Dots instead of spaces, replacing dots with commas and vice versa

The same situation as in the previous paragraph. Anti-plagiarism simply does not respond to punctuation marks. But when the teacher discovers that all the spaces in the document have been replaced with dots, it shocks him, to put it mildly.

Filling the font with white

As we know the work environment we work in, be it Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or another program for creating and working with documents, makes it possible to format our text as we like: paint over the background, or change the font color. But when you check, when you copy the text into the AP window, it "loses" all the formatting. That is, no matter how hard we try to deceive the anti-plagiarist, the number will not work. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​painting in white is doomed to failure from the outset.

Hidden text out of view

Any plagiarism checker will detect in your work what should not be there and what is not visible to the naked eye. Do not try to fool the anti-plagiarist. Nothing good will come of it. You are just wasting your time.

Using programs to increase uniqueness

No matter how much you want to make your work easier, quickly and easily uniqueize the material using various tricks or programs, you still won’t find simple and effective ways. But, with a high degree of probability, you will run into scammers or get a Trojan on your computer. As a rule, programs with the help of which you can allegedly increase uniqueness give one run for free (or one sheet of work in the .doc format), then the service is paid. Or, for downloading such a program to a computer, you will have to pay a certain amount of your hard-earned money. And what will we get as a result - 5 thousand invisible characters will be added to the text for 2 thousand, for dilution. But such a trick does not work, the material will remain non-unique. The promises of such services to make changes to the code without changing the work itself is just a way to extort money from naive students.


How many different subtleties and nuances that students have to face in the process of completing diploma, term papers, essays and other tasks. You should not try to deceive someone. Such tricks will not bring you a good mark or knowledge. If you are doing such work on a task, if you are doing a rewrite - do not be too lazy to look for more information, pass it through yourself. Research supervisors will appreciate your original work, if, of course, it is done with soul and a deep understanding of the topic, and not unique gibberish, only for the anti-plagiarist to give out a greater percentage of originality. But in certain cases, this is quite a working approach that will help to pass the work.

Hello fellow readers and writers! I am with you, Elena Melnikova. Increasing the uniqueness of the text is sometimes not an easy task. To make it easier for you, in this article I have summarized as many ways as possible how this can be done.

Repeatedly copywriters, rewriters and other writing fraternity are faced with the need to increase the uniqueness of the text written based on Internet sources.

And this is not surprising, because the originality of a creative work is a requirement not only of the author's conscience, but also common sense inspector.

And since January 1, 2016, in accordance with the "Procedure for conducting the state final certification for educational programs higher education- Bachelor's degree programs, specialist's programs and master's programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 29, 2015 No. 636, all diplomas and term papers must be checked for anti-plagiarism. So students, who until recently lived happily from session to session, trusting Google with all their worries, are forced to take care of the uniqueness of their research.

You can raise uniqueness in several ways:

Automatic synonymizers and "helper" sites

Online resources that allow you to process text in order to increase uniqueness.

Pros: gets the job done quickly.
Minuses: in the synonymizer, the result turns out to be so clumsy that the text has to be not only processed more carefully than before synonymization, but also translated into Russian. Although it adds originality to your work, to be sure.

For example, I processed one of the texts from this blog in the USyn synonymizer and this is what I got ...

Then I copied the result into the uniqueness determinant text.ru that I'm used to using. So, no matter how much this site frightened by the unhindered recognition of automatic synonymization, it defined this text as completely unique.

As for various sites, such as AntiplagiatFOX, they will also ask you for money. At the same time, your work will be processed automatically in a matter of seconds, which means that you should not expect anything good: automatic increase in uniqueness is a myth. Paying for filling the article with hidden characters and other “miracles of technology” is definitely not worth it.

Special programs

In an attempt to increase the uniqueness, craftsmen thought of replacing all Russian letters that have the same spelling in Latin with their foreign counterparts. So, a, c, e, o, y, p, x are successfully changed to exactly the same letters in the English register.

Previously, this technique was used manually, changing the name on the resume in order to hide it from the real employer. Now that the amount of editable information has increased, you can use programs to increase the uniqueness of the text. The original text is inserted into the clipboard and with a slight movement of the hand turns into an invisible alphabetical gibberish. Is there any benefit from this?

Having thus replaced almost all possible letters in the first sentence from “ dog heart” M. Bulgakov, I checked the result on text.ru and got 1.84% uniqueness, a lot of red underlines and 31 character replacement errors.

content watch rated this work at less than 10% uniqueness and easily found all sources for publishing the original. So it is unlikely that you will be able to deceive anti-plagiarism in this way. And if you succeed, then you should understand that knowledgeable people who evaluate your work will still find a source of borrowing.

Manual processing

By trial and error, we come to the conclusion that it is best to work out the uniqueness of the text on your own. This is how a high-quality rewrite is created, pleasant to read. The same goes for the abstract. This is not only a compilation, but first of all a work written for people.

When remixing a song, the DJ takes the main theme, changes the arrangement, and adds his own melodies and rhythms. We all recognize a familiar composition in a new work, but if the result is successful, we will appreciate the novelty at its true worth. Isn't that what you should do with an abstract?

But even here there are many seductively easy ways, such as rearranging sentences, changing cases and tenses. These measures only work in conjunction with others, not on their own. And when rearranging text fragments, do not forget about the meaning of the phrase.

Adding extra words to someone else's content often clogs the text and does not bring the desired result. In addition, the customer is not ready to pay for epithets and pronouns that no one needs (and what else can you easily “stuff” an article with?)

Another semi-technical, semi-creative find: if the anti-plagiarism program with which you have to check the text works using the shingles method (I talked about them in the article about), you can, on the advice of some fans, replace every fourth word with a synonym. For by default, most often the length of the shingle is taken equal to four words.

I will say right away that it will not work to change exactly every fourth word, because it may turn out to be a necessary pretext or conjunction, term, geographical name, keyword, or not have synonyms at all. Therefore, one way or another, the replacement will be built according to a slightly different scenario. And often at a loss for style.

Here are the results of a rather painstaking work: text.ru easily recognizes an excerpt from “Heart of a Dog” in a text fragment that has lost its attractiveness, gives out 25.36% uniqueness and highlights almost the entire text (except for my not always synonyms) as copy-paste.

Etxt more supportive: it turns out I composed by as much as 72 percent. But it is obvious that, no matter how hard I try, I cannot cover up the author's melody of the phrase, and therefore admirers of Mikhail Afanasyevich will definitely point to the source and even accuse me of barbaric treatment of the story.

Of course, in Everyday life we are not dealing with artistic creation, but this example shows well how the principle itself works. Replacing every fourth word is not always justified, and even more so is not self-sufficient.

So how can you achieve higher uniqueness without changing the essence of the text? Several simple ways already described in the article talking about. Let's add more.

Creative processing - aerobatics

Before you start reshaping the text in your own way, try to state its main idea in your own words and sketch out a brief summary (of course, also not in the “original language”). If this turned out to be easy, then perhaps you will also be able to retell everything required in your own words without difficulty. It's like writing a summary at school, only the motivation is higher. Factual information and the main course of the author's thought is quite acceptable to peep in the original source. Although, if you are doing a deep rewrite, the latter can also be changed.

Do not forget that the highest goal of your work is not to replace words and phrases, but to create new, interesting, attractive content that will win over readers and customers. So, if your customer is not set up very formally, it is quite acceptable to be original and play with the text.

Therefore, feel free to add colors to the essay (the appropriate name of your work, isn't it?): emotions, humor, suitable facts or quotes. Of course, quotes are borrowed from the Internet and reduce the overall uniqueness, but give originality to your text, compared to the original source.

Use your own imagery. Let Krasnaya Polyana be called Russian Switzerland in 15 texts - exclude this cliché and use a couple of vivid metaphors to describe nature. Epithets, animation - everything that you went through at school, analyzing poems - get it from memory chests or poetic drafts. The main thing is not to overdo it and not present to the public "a reasonable thermometer that boldly measures the temperature, like a brave traveler approaching the mouth of a fire-breathing volcano."

Do you know foreign languages? Are you able to write a request in English? Turn to foreign sources of information - due to translated texts (if they have not been “rewritten” before you), uniqueness will increase. If the translation of a foreign-language article is difficult for you, use a translator program: at the very least, it will convey the content, and you just have to formulate the phrase beautifully and insert it into your own text. By the way, it will be especially big plus in work on the diploma and dissertation.

Another creative tip, more suitable for authors of their own blogs: if you want to decorate an article with a quote, but are afraid of losing uniqueness or blurryness, insert it as an image using this a simple program, how Microsoft PowerPoint. Create a slide, choose a design, insert quote text, and then save. It looks like this.

And now let's move on to the less optimistic and creative, but no less time-consuming part.

Technique of change

In texts that are complex in subject matter, saturated with information or special terms, it is not so easy to get by with a flight of fancy - you have to be closer to the original. Therefore, we call for help with some tricks that can increase uniqueness without sacrificing content.

  • You can give originality to the text by slightly changing its structure.

If a phenomenon is written about at the beginning of the source article, you can always move the description closer to the end. Following this, new phrases will appear, and the logic of the narrative.

  • Simplify your storytelling style.

Often, texts, especially on scientific topics, are replete with complex sentences of three or more simple parts and chains of genitive cases such as “increasing the rate of natural population growth”. You have to get away from this!

Replace the verbal noun with a verb, and generally think about how to translate a cumbersome clerical phrase into human language. Most of the time you write articles for ordinary people, who do not want to scatter verbal heaps to get to the bottom of necessary information. But even doctors of science appreciate the ease and elegance of the story.

  • Quite often, tables and numbered lists are inserted into articles - nothing will stop you from describing them as plain text (the marker can be replaced with the constructions “first”, “second”, etc.) And, conversely, solid text can be represented in the form of tables and lists, which will increase not only the uniqueness, but also the quality of the material.
  • Divide your article into new paragraphs and subheadings.

This way the structure of the shingle is broken, the information is better structured, and the result is perceived.

  • Don't forget about synonyms.

This applies not only to the replacement Red on the scarlet, but Okay on the not bad. Instead of one word, several words can be used and vice versa. To optimize the process, you can use helpers such as synonym dictionary online, - of course, taking into account the fact that not all selected synonyms can be substituted for a word that has set the teeth on edge or reduces the uniqueness.

This is especially true of phraseological constructions, among which, by the way, there are many synonymous ones. The classic example is exactly the same And one-to-one. It is not for nothing that these expressions were “rewritten” even on television, proving to the whole world that sometimes the novelty of the form is more important than the original content. But seriously, a lot of phraseological units can be found on the site Cut off.RU, which is interesting to read and without practical application.

Replaced all possible words with synonyms, redrawn the source, and the uniqueness is still below the required one?

First, different resources for checking uniqueness will show different results, so initially discuss with the customer which one you will use.

Secondly, if you check the text with quality programs and good sites, matches with the source are highlighted on the screen. After looking closely at them, pay attention to the most highlighted areas. It is here that the most thorough processing of the material will take place.

In the end, there are such words and constructions that are found in most texts and are used as clichés, but are not always highlighted in the uniqueness determinant - according to news agency, made a statement, studies show etc. Getting rid of the familiar is quite difficult, but possible. Especially if you convert scientific to popular science and popular science to colloquial.

Morphological tricks

And finally, morphology comes in handy here and there. Often, by changing morphological categories, we change the text quite significantly. Take, for example, bail. “The text is written by the author for readers” and “the author writes the text for readers” are different sentences. And we will also replace the verb with a synonym, and the verbal noun with a gerund, and we will get “the author creates the text, counting on the readers.” Next, add epithets to taste.

As for the tenses of the verb, by itself it will not bring a significant effect. Therefore, experiment with voice, word order and parts of a complex sentence, and change the time depending on the context.

Changing cases for a good rewriter will not be a goal, but a means, but you should not forget about it either.

How do I make my own rewrite

Rewriting is a more ungrateful genre than writing independent texts. Although in areas where there is not enough own knowledge and experience, one cannot do without the other.

For me, any text, whether it is rewriting or copyright, is, first of all, artistic creativity, to which I give myself without a trace, otherwise there will be neither meaning nor result. Therefore, any article must go through the brain, heart and soul. The topic is not interesting - I do not agree.

So, starting to write an article, I read what has already been written before me (the more sources, the better). Not always for the purpose of borrowing (and not everything from the network should be recounted), but most often for familiarization with interesting facts, the degree of development of the topic and the course of thought of the article that you especially liked.

After that, I think you need to take a break, because, firstly, the work turns out to be painstaking and requires rest, and secondly, it takes time to “digest” everything, forget the unnecessary, comprehend what you like and look for ideas.

Then I think I can return to my favorite sources, mark them strengths, reread and sketch with the delayed retelling method. At the same time, the main thing is to understand what the previous articles lack. For example, there may be a lack of systematization, especially if the content was created a long time ago, when there was little information on this topic. The more carefully it is necessary to think over how to arrange the material and how to make transitions between semantic segments.

Everything I create should fill in the gaps in the texts I read - at least from my point of view. My article must occupy a certain niche, otherwise why is it born into the world?

In this case, of course, one must take into account the same target audience, the mention of which has already set the teeth on edge. If you are rewriting for a customer and cannot determine who he is counting on, ask him - it will also be useful for him to think about it.

For example, I am creating this article for beginners in copywriting, so I consider it important to use simple language, moderate humor and, most importantly, as much logical order as possible, so that not only readers, but I myself can in a large number of words more or less navigate.

Summarizing and systematizing someone else's experience, I can add something from myself. If the information is interesting and the advice is good, it adds value to the text. Sometimes the “gag” takes up a lot of space, but it can be separated into a separate paragraph with a subtitle so that those who wish can skip the unnecessary.

Actually, they can miss not only the subjective experience of the author, but also information with which they do not have to come into contact. For this, a clear organization of the article is needed. A well-structured publication is a reference book that readers will return to periodically.

After the course of thought is outlined, the main vector of the article is determined, the retold passages and own examples are placed there in the order that corresponds to the idea. At the very end, I write a conclusion, as a rule, repeating once more main idea. But an introduction, especially a short one, can be done at the beginning, because it often announces the content of the article, and this is a hint not only to the reader what to read about, but also to me what to write about.

Of course, everything is repeatedly edited, swapped and deleted - the usual creative process. And at the end it is checked by me for general readability and semantic unity, and by the program - for uniqueness. Well, Vasily - for suitability.

My method cannot be called high-speed, but it is not universal. I wish you to develop your own way of creating a rewrite and increasing the uniqueness of the text. Creative success!

Details Created: 03/21/2017 11:01 Updated: 11/26/2019 13:53 Published: 03/21/2017 11:01

How to increase the uniqueness of the text for free in anti-plagiarism: tips and secrets

“Everything new is a well-forgotten old.” So it was, is and will be. All works of the world are mostly non-unique, repetitive. But evil teachers (or customers) force them to hand over their work with 100% result. For this, special anti-plagiarism checkers are used, which, fortunately, can be bypassed. But, you see, there is not always time or desire to retell someone else's thoughts, this will not benefit anyone. And on the Internet there are a lot of ways to increase the uniqueness of the text, and they will be discussed in the article.

In what cases it may be necessary to increase anti-plagiarism:

  • It is necessary to increase the uniqueness of the abstract;
  • It is necessary to increase the uniqueness of the coursework;
  • It is necessary to increase the originality of the diploma;
  • Increase the uniqueness of your own text for delivery to the customer;
  • Raise uniqueness in word documents in formats: docx, doc, rtf or pdf.

Of course, there are other options when you want to increase uniqueness, but these are the most basic ones.

The main programs for checking for anti-plagiarism and uniqueness

The most popular copywriting service in Runet. It has its own verification module, tougher than all the others, which notices rewriting quite strongly (we will talk about it a little later). The text is considered unique at 100% on this service.

Advego Plagiatus

The toughest program to find anti-plagiarism. It's pretty hard to get around. The program is downloaded to a computer and checks every sentence of the text on the Internet. Antivirus often swears at it. The uniqueness of the text is considered high with more than 90% anti-plagiarism.

Antiplagiat.ru - a service that allows you to check for free

The main program for checking for anti-plagiarism in universities. It is on it that all term papers and dissertations will be checked. Has the ability to connect everything scientific work from the Elibrary.ru library. Finds many similarities, and therefore a percentage greater than 70% is considered good.

Etxt - Anti-plagiarism

According to the principle of action, it is similar to Advego Plagiatus. However, it has a more improved interface and an extended set of functions that improve checks. The uniqueness of the text is considered high when it reaches 100%.

Ways to increase the originality of the text

To date, there are the following ways to increase the uniqueness of the text online:

    • Rewriting;
    • Special programs that increase anti-plagiarism;
    • specialized sites;
    • Own retelling of the work so that the file has a high percentage.

These are all methods so far, but in the future, most likely, there will be new ones.

Rewriting - as an effective method of increasing the originality of the text

For some, this is a form of making money on the Internet, while for others it is a great opportunity to increase the uniqueness of the text. The essence of this work is that the performer rewrites fragments of the text, replacing words with synonyms and similar in meaning. Of course, this service is not free. The price for one thousand characters averages 25-40 rubles, depending on the professionalism of the performer. You can find performers on the popular Text.ru, Etxt and Advego exchanges in Runet.

+ Unique article, document;

+ Fully preserved meaning;

+ Pretty low pay.

- Payment is still there;

- Estimated time order fulfillment - 2 days.

Programs specializing in increasing the uniqueness of the text

There are options for both programs that allow you to increase the uniqueness of the text for free, and paid versions that work a little better. The essence of these programs is to replace words with synonyms, add words to sentences, replace Russian characters with English ones, thereby trying to increase the percentage of document originality. All this affects the increase and increases originality, however, some programs notice the substitution of letters. When downloading such programs, you need to be as careful as possible, you can quite easily catch a virus.

However, their job is to use special online algorithms that are easily found by the program and it is no longer possible to deceive anti-plagiarism. Therefore, it is impossible to increase the uniqueness of the text online; their use is best suited for weak anti-plagiarists, and not such powerful sharks of this business as presented above.

The two most common anti-plagiarism programs are:

Antiplagiat Killer

Pros and cons of this option to increase anti-plagiarism:

+ The cheapest option of all;

+ Speed ​​of work, everything happens online;

- Their work is easily found by anti-plagiarists;

- There is a possibility to pick up viruses

Sites that will help increase originality

There are also sites on the Internet that specialize in increasing the uniqueness of text online. There are a sufficient number of such sites, make sure that it is not created by scammers. Usually they take money and don't do the work. Use only proven services and understand how to increase uniqueness.

There are usually two algorithms for the operation of sites:

      • The use of programs that increase text originality;
      • Rewrite.

The programs of such sites are different from those that are in the public domain. They use their own, special algorithms in programs that the checker cannot usually find, and they can easily help increase originality.

Sites that use rewriting are somewhat similar to exchanges. They usually have their own staff of rewriters who rewrite the uniqueness of the text and can increase the originality by 100%.

The most popular and reliable online service that will help:

Of course, you can find a bunch of other services that increase originality in the search engine, but this time-tested and user-tested one can check the work on it and immediately send it to increase uniqueness, if necessary. Often scammers earn easy money on naive people. Don't fall for tricks.

These sites provide an opportunity to increase the uniqueness of the text online for free, but only for the first time trial. Usually the first use is limited to 2000 characters. Then you have to pay money. Approximate price - 150 rubles. for the document. In addition, large sites quickly fulfill orders, maximum - in a day. This can be handy when you are pressed for time.

Pros and cons of this method:

+ High originality;

+ Speed ​​of work;

- Not for free;

- It is possible to stumble upon scammers.

Self-improvement originality

Usually teachers want you to increase the originality of the text yourself, remake several sources. This should help the assimilation of the material, expand your knowledge, etc. Well, if you have free time, you can do it yourself. So you will acquire knowledge, do not spend money and, perhaps, enjoy your work. And the tips below will help you increase originality.

Shingle's rule

Are you ready to get a unique text in 30 minutes?


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