Farewell speech to colleagues upon retirement. Farewell letters. Congratulations on quitting work in prose

A farewell letter to colleagues has been increasingly used lately. Composing a letter is an attribute of large modern companies and indicates a high level of business culture. It is in such large organizations that close attention is paid to the rules of corporate ethics. At the same time, writing such a letter not only serves as a standard of modern business style, but also pursues some narrower goals.

Reasons and purposes of writing a farewell letter

Farewell letters are usually written to make parting with colleagues from the old work collective look dignified. People quit for various reasons, among which there are more often than others:

  1. Retirement.
  2. Transfer to another job in the same organization with a promotion or just a change of position.
  3. Transfer to work in a higher organization.
  4. Dismissal from work on the initiative of the management.
  5. Care by on their own.
  6. Moving to another region.

Of course, not in any instructions, and even more so in Labor Code, there can be no indication of the need to write a farewell letter. Its compilation is a purely voluntary matter.

Nevertheless, in some cases, leaving the position without writing a farewell letter in the team can be regarded from a negative point of view. Ignoring this moment by an official, on the one hand, can adversely affect further relationships with former colleagues, and on the other hand, worsen his career advancement. Composing a letter in large companies is the most convenient way to say goodbye to absolutely all team members.

Even the shortest letter to former colleagues is a sign of attention

Although the official reason is to be fired or transferred to another job, the purpose of the letter can be much broader. The following list of principal goals can be given:

  • notification of the very fact of leaving work;
  • expression of gratitude to colleagues for joint activities in the company;
  • informing about a new person taking the place of the outgoing person;
  • leaving your details for further communication;
  • transfer of contact information to your successor;
  • expression of gratitude to the bosses and the director for the useful experience gained in the process of working under their leadership.

In practice, writing a letter pursues the full range of these goals. Moreover, employment and further career growth also to some extent depend on the very presence of a farewell letter and its execution. For the selection of new employees, large companies often resort to the services of special recruiting agencies, as well as in their HR departments (HR departments) create hiring sectors. They carefully check the employee's work history, checking the data provided to them with the characteristics of colleagues and management from previous jobs. A farewell letter in this situation will help to leave a favorable impression of yourself in your old place of work and earn more favorable characteristics from former colleagues and bosses.

It is also important to write a farewell letter to maintain business connections, especially when moving to another job in the same organization. There are three options here:

  1. Promotion.
  2. Transfer to an equivalent position.
  3. Demotion.

When promoting or moving to an equivalent position in another unit, maintaining working contacts allows you to turn to former colleagues for help. And this sometimes helps to adapt to a new place and gives a feeling of confidence.

In case of demotion, a farewell letter contributes to further rehabilitation and restoration at the previous place of work. If new vacancies arise at the previous place of work, then managers can more quickly recall and find the employee who left the letter after leaving. A bad impression can fade, and a well-written letter will always come in handy.

Letter design rules

Of course, there is no standard form for composing a farewell letter. It is written in free form, and its content depends on the accompanying circumstances and the individual qualities of the author. However, reinventing the wheel is not worth it. In the business world, there has long been a generally accepted structure for writing such a letter, which must comply with the rules of corporate ethics.

The principles for preparing a farewell letter should be considered:

  • benevolent tone;
  • ease of perception;
  • brevity.

As with most other documents, the structure of the farewell letter is divided into three parts:

  1. Preamble.
  2. Text.
  3. Signature.

The addressee is indicated at the beginning. In this case, these are employees at work or the head of the enterprise. When referring to former employees usually they write "dear colleagues", and the head is addressed by name and patronymic. After the appeal, the name, patronymic and surname of the compiler of the letter, as well as his position and workplace In the organisation.

The text of the letter is logically divided into five sections:

  1. The reason for writing the letter is called: dismissal, retirement, transfer to another position, and the like.
  2. The reasons for the decision to dismiss are indicated: reaching retirement age, family circumstances, deteriorating health, the desire to show their abilities at a new level, the desire to bring more benefits to another position, hobby in another field of activity, etc.
  3. Work experience and new professional skills are reported. You can briefly say positively about the high level of organization of production, modern equipment, favorable working conditions. It is preferable here to avoid negative statements. If you still want to make some comments, then they must be expressed in the form of one or two sentences, which, in the author's opinion, could contribute successful development enterprises.
  4. In a positive way, information about the successor is given, including his contact details.
  5. Wishes are made to colleagues for further successful work and prosperity of the company. A desire is expressed to maintain friendly and business ties.

The transmission of a farewell letter can be done in several ways:

  • on the company's website;
  • by sending emails;
  • in person in printed form;
  • at the stand for public materials in the company's office.

If possible and desired, you can combine several of these methods or even apply them all at once.

Examples of farewell letters

Depending on the circumstances and nature of the relationship, the types of farewell letters can be divided by style into the following main categories:

  • official;
  • with humor;
  • emotional (in prose or poetry).

A purely official approach implies formal adherence to the traditions of a farewell letter. It is composed because it is required by tradition corporate etiquette... The author does not express any or almost no personal feelings. This style is inherent in the most large companieswhen simple friendly relations with the predominant part of the team are impossible, and only business relations prevail.

A business-style farewell letter is written short and restrained.

Letters written with humor are inherent in more closely-knit and narrow teams, when the author has friendly relations with most of his now former colleagues. When composing such letters, care must be taken to ensure that the jokes do not go beyond the bounds of decency. Humor in the letter should not be sarcastic, but friendly and warm.

Dear Colleagues! Friends!

I, Voloshina Nina Andreevna, Deputy Chief Accountant of the Factory confectionery "Caramel", I'm leaving for the long-awaited maternity leave... A new specialist has already been taken in my place. Her name is Elena Alekseevna Tomilina. I hope you work well with her and become friends. I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for working alongside me and enduring my character for five whole years! You taught me how to deal with all the difficulties. With your support, we have never received reports from tax officeand we have never delayed charging wages... Even in my current position, you played a special role: you believed that happiness was possible for me, and my dream came true! I wish you all to be as happy as I am. Do not quarrel with your boss and each other. May the salary be high and life as sweet as our products. I am always glad to see you at home. I look forward to congratulations! If you forget my phone, you can always restore it in the accounting department.

Your Nina Andreevna or simply Nina.

Emotional writing is usually suitable for creative teams. Such letters can be drawn up both in poetry and in prose. The very specificity of the farewell letter prohibits the use of over-emotional, expressive expressions. Only a positive and calm tone is appropriate here.

In poetry, it is advisable to avoid simplified and boring rhymes. And also one should not abuse too complex and "abstruse" expressions.

In poetry, it is advisable to avoid too simple or, on the contrary, too sophisticated expressions

Farewell letter to the head

The reasons and goals for writing a farewell letter addressed to the head of the company are dictated by the same circumstances as the design of a letter to colleagues. However, some accents still need to be placed.

The fact is that not every employee who quits is ethically comfortable writing a farewell letter addressed to the manager. Indeed, the appeal of an ordinary engineer to the director of an enterprise with a team of several hundred or even thousands of people looks inappropriate. And at the same time, the execution of such a farewell letter, for example, by the head of the personnel department or the chief specialist is the norm of business corporate ethics.

The next feature of the letter design is the possibility of its influence on the opinion of the head. The director of an enterprise sometimes, missing some details or being influenced by the immediate environment, can make a wrong idea about his subordinate and, as a result, demote him or fire him. It is in the farewell letter that such an employee can explain his actions and thereby force the boss to change his mind. Therefore, the form of a letter to the head in such a situation can radically differ from the usual formal style, approaching rather the form of a memo.

Dear Ivan Vasilievich!

I, Pavlenko Igor Petrovich, deputy head of workshop No. 2, want to say goodbye to you in connection with my dismissal. Perhaps you will remember me, because before your transition to the position of deputy general director we got together for technical meetings many times. I remember that you have always been distinguished by scrupulousness and thoroughness in planning production tasks. Unfortunately, your successor, VN Sidorov, unlike you, is planning rather superficially.

So, a week ago, instead of preparing in advance the blanks for the release of the 4/15 product, he did not make a corresponding request to workshop No. 1, which led to a delay in the execution of an important order. This was the reason for my dismissal of my own free will, since VN Sidorov blamed all the blame for the failure of the order on me.

However, having to leave a very interesting job for me, I will always remember our joint and productive work in the shop.

Sincerely yours, Pavlenko Igor Petrovich.

My contact phone number is 99 999 99 99.

In any case, in a farewell letter to the head must be addressed with the word "respected" and by name and patronymic, thereby emphasizing your respect for him. Conciseness and clear logical structure of presentation are especially encouraged.

Reply to a farewell letter

The response to the farewell letter is not provided for by the rules of corporate ethics, which makes it optional. But, of course, no one will condemn an \u200b\u200bemployee for the fact that, in response to a farewell letter, he would thank his former colleague for the kind words expressed and wish him health and good luck in his new job.

A message to a leaving colleague can be written regardless of whether he left a farewell letter

But with such a response to the letter, you need to make sure, for example, that the colleague did not switch to a competing enterprise or did not commit gross disciplinary offenses at his work. A warm response can be perceived as encouragement.

Writing a goodbye letter when leaving or moving to another job is now the rule rather than the exception for many large organizations. A farewell letter to colleagues and superiors indicates a certain level of business ethics. Not the last attention is paid to the correct design of such a letter.

At our work, staff reductions are in full swing. And many write farewell letters. I wonder if it is necessary to write them at all, or is it better to leave silently in English? Although the letters received are positive:

1 Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

Today I am spending my last working day in the Delta ...
During the time spent in this friendly team I have learned a lot, found new friends, acquired invaluable professional skills.
I think that in the future I will hardly find such close-knit and sympathetic people. That is why working at Delta was pleasant for me. He came to work and finished it with a smile.
I wish the company and all employees well-being and prosperity. I will be proud to work with you.

Best wishes.
2 Dear friends, beloved colleagues!

Today is my last working day at Delta Telecom CJSC ... Literally 20 minutes ago, I signed my last contract for connection and served my last client ...

Somehow this "last moment" reminded me of October 2007, when I was preparing and reading my latest news release on the air of the radio station "Love Radio". Then it seemed to me that something broke inside me, abruptly ceased to exist ...

But as time and recent events in my life have shown, everything and everything comes back: your colleagues, who have become best friends, old contacts and connections that have turned during their absence into new exciting prospects in your life, good deeds that have returned to you and have become for you a real gift of Life.

Friends, I am grateful to you for the experience and the lessons that I learned from communicating with each of you, during the time we were together, for the work that we did together, for the holidays that we organized together! I am convinced that no economic crisis can be compared with an intangible, spiritual crisis - after all, the inner emptiness of a person is much more tragic than a slightly empty wallet ...

I wish you to love and be loved, sincerely do good deeds and receive only good in return, believe in your dream and not give up. In a word, be and remain happy people! And about the economy, one thing can be said: "It will not always be this way!"

I am glad to have worked alongside you and, honestly, I will miss you! See you soon!

With sincere goodbyes

3 Dear Colleagues ...

My last day at the Delta has come to an end.

Thank you for the warm welcome when I first came.
Thank you for the friendly and warm atmosphere during work, understanding and Respect.

It was a great pleasure for me to work in our company and in your society.

I believe, regardless of the vicissitudes of life, Luck will always accompany you. Let it be.

Once again, THANKS for EVERYTHING!

4 Dear friends!
There is very little time left before the completion of my work at Delta Telecom. These happy years I spent surrounded by professionals in their field, with a feeling of family warmth and gratitude in my heart.
Working in the Delta Telecom team was a great honor for me.
I would also like to thank: Svetlana Kashtanova for her trust and the opportunity to work in a company that is a leader in the telecommunications market; Ekaterina Komkova for her understanding and participation in solving employee problems; Mikhail Gulyaev for creating a trusting climate in the team; Svetlana Zholobova for polls, statistics and grapes; Tatyana Vaschenkova for her favorite contracts; Larisa Marutkina for her contribution to the development of my professional personality. I also want to acknowledge everyone with whom fate brought me together at Delta Telecom.
Thank you very much for your understanding, support, for an excellent joint work!
Delta Telecom will remain forever in my heart as an important part of my life. I am leaving the company, but I remain in the team. Now as a reliable client.
I wish the company prosperity, and all of you - professional, career growth, new successes, family well-being, personal happiness and harmony!

5 Goodbye Delta!

dear Colleagues, Dear friends!

My last day at Skylink is over. I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for your support, understanding and cooperation! It was a pleasure for me to work together with a team of real professionals in their field, people with a capital letter and, as it turned out, with real friends!

It sometimes happens that life's paths diverge, with someone for a while, with someone forever. But I am sure that friends always walk with you through life, every minute, regardless of whether they are with you now or not.

I want to wish you all good luck, health, prosperity and loyal friends! Let all desires turn into goals, and the correctly set goals, as you know, are always achieved!

I say to each of you: "Goodbye!"

6. Dear colleagues!

My last working day, or rather the night, has come to an end.

I want to say goodbye and express my sincere gratitude to everyone with whom I had to work and communicate, for the invariably friendly attitude, constant willingness to help, patience and delicacy.

I wish our (now yours) company prosperity, and health to all of you and each of you,
always good mood and "come true of all dreams"!

Good luck to you!

Soon I will probably write the same letter.

They are not yet as widespread in Russia as in the West, where they have become an integral part of corporate culture. Their writing has not yet become general rule, and you certainly don't have to. And yet they are becoming more widespread.

Depending on the situation, a farewell letter is composed in different ways: relations with colleagues can be of varying degrees of intimacy, and, in addition to dismissal, the reason for writing is sometimes a transfer to another department within the company, and so on. In order to compose a letter correctly, let's get acquainted with how to do it, what the form and content of such a letter can be, who should be sent to.

To some, this practice may seem unusual and dubious. This is not surprising, because in our country it is a novelty, and in general corporate culture we are just developing, and it seems strange to send a letter to such a large number of people when at work we usually communicate with only a small part of them.

Of course, no one will make it compose, because it is not necessary, but still it becomes important rule good form. Therefore, for a corporate employee who wants to support high opinion people around you, it is important to be able to properly leave work, especially since recommendations may be required in the future. And writing a farewell letter is becoming an increasingly important part of leaving.

Psychologists also recommend writing farewell letters: they will help you summarize your inner work, draw conclusions and streamline your thoughts, and then approach the next challenges that have already been updated. This will help you once again remember what kind of relationship you have developed with colleagues and bosses, what you did right and what did not, and not make mistakes at the next job. In addition, in any case, stress, and sending letters will be an additional guarantee against getting into an awkward situation with a personal goodbye. After all, not everyone wants to communicate.

At the same time, the message, in addition to the above, also has purely utilitarian tasks - it conveys information about your dismissal and new place of work, which can help in maintaining business contacts in the future. If you are familiar with someone who comes to your place and want to recommend him - it is also worth doing that.

How to write a farewell letter: form and content

Regardless of the form in which the message is composed, it is important to structure it so that it is easy to understand and can be read quickly.

Simplicity and clarity of text are top priorities, and the content should communicate yours.

This can then be followed by a story of motives and a successor. But neither is necessary.

Although the reason is informing colleagues about the dismissal, the most important part of the letter is undoubtedly the words of gratitude, which will help to leave a pleasant impression of yourself. This means that thoughts should be expressed positively and not get carried away with analyzing the reasons for leaving and criticizing the company. And what absolutely absolutely cannot be done is to state conjectures and get personal. You should not allow negative emotions to splash out into the text of the letter, otherwise the effect will be exactly the opposite of the intended one, and you will make yourself look not in the best light among colleagues.

Help make a good impression as easy good wishes both parting words and their expression in a creative form - it is often customary to design such messages with humor so that colleagues can laugh at last, irony, especially self-irony, is welcome. Although no one forces you to invent something special, and a farewell letter upon dismissal can be drawn up in a standard style. And even if it is delivered in an informal or humorous manner, you should still refrain from being rude to colleagues - even if they seem friendly to you, it is worth remembering that the message is addressed to the team, and its members may interpret some of the wording in different ways.

The style can also depend on. So, if you still want to express your dissatisfaction, it is permissible to do it in a farewell message - as psychologists point out, this is one of the ways to reduce stress. And yet it is important not to slip into insults, but to clothe the negative in a clear constructive form and, with all efforts to express carefully, it is unlikely in this case that one should count on good relations with ex-colleagues in the future. This farewell letter is no longer intended for the team, but for the quitting employee himself. However, if you do not find the strength in yourself to write a positive message that could cheer you up, or do not consider it necessary to do so, it is better to limit yourself to standard writing or even its abbreviated form - without emotions.

Should you send a farewell letter to your boss?

A separate letter can be written for the boss.

If you set about composing a letter for colleagues, then it is highly desirable to draw up a separate message to your boss, because this will emphasize respectful attitude, even if in fact you had a conflict with him. Moreover, a farewell letter is an appropriate way to admit mistakes and resolve a conflict, and thus leave more positive memories about yourself than they would have been without it. Who knows - what if this will play a role in the future?

Of course, it is easier to write a farewell message to colleagues than to a boss, especially if the relationship with them was not cloudless, and even more so if the dismissal was somehow connected with him. However, it is an important way to emphasize professionalism and should not be neglected.

A letter to the boss should differ from a message to colleagues in terms of content: for example, if there are many different ways to address colleagues, including informal ones, but in a letter to the boss it is still important to clearly maintain the chain of command and write it in a strict style. As a rule, the text expresses gratitude for the assistance and all kinds of support, help in improving skills: even if in fact you do not feel it and do not think that your boss helped you, you should maintain the most friendly tone. If you can illustrate the words of support specific example, it is worth doing this, so the letter will become more significant.

It should also be emphasized that you have learned a lot and become more experienced thanks to his leadership, list the merits and positive qualities that you would also like to have. The application form is personal, sending the same letter to the boss as to the rest of the colleagues is a mistake.

Examples of farewell letters to colleagues

Of course, there is no strict, clearly established and officially approved sample - after all, the letter itself is unofficial. Nevertheless, general rules can be identified and examples can be given.

First, we briefly outline the main parts of the letter and summarize the rules for their writing:

  • The form of addressing colleagues should be polite, for example, “dear colleagues”. However, as will be shown in the examples, sometimes it is possible to retreat from this - with the appropriate atmosphere in the team.
  • After contacting them, you need to inform them about the fact of your departure from work - if a successor is known, then his name is also indicated here. You can talk about the reasons for the dismissal - but not necessarily.
  • This is followed by thanks to colleagues and wishes to them - usually work-related.
  • Also, there can be suggestions for the future to improve teamwork - but this is rarely done, and, of course, in the most gentle and friendly manner. Still, a farewell letter is not a very appropriate place for criticism.

Records 1 - 20 of 59

You are leaving the friendly team today.
Let your departure mean "to a new breakthrough"!
Let your career only go up.
And let the salary grow with it, too!

Let new colleagues meet well
So that it would be easy to work with them.
We will often remember you
Let's face it: we will miss you!

More interesting there is no concern
Than quitting work altogether.
There is only a white sheet ahead
So thrillingly clean.

Don't forget about us,
Sometimes at least visit.
We wish you all the best.
Change is a good sign.

How fate will go is a mystery.
The anticipation is so sweet.
We wish you luck
On an upcoming adventure.

Leave your post today,
But we are definitely not warmer from this message.
After all, many will think again:
Why doesn't time turn back?

We worked well, no doubt,
And how we will now - that's the secret.
Are used to you and seem to have grown
The whole team, whatever one may say.

So may you always be lucky in everything
And the black cat will bypass your road.
And if you want to return to us,
Then boldly open the door and enter!

Everyone has moments in their lives
When we are ready to experiment.
And, apparently, your turn has also come,
Leaving work took us by surprise.

Well, since I decided, we wish you success,
So that this decision does not become a hindrance
For new achievements and new heights,
You always strive only forward!

It all ends sometime
A new step in life!
May luck be near
And will open the door to happiness.

Let everything work out as it should
Let interest not fade away
Let success be a reward
And the path is woven of miracles!

It was very nice working with you:
Yes, sometimes it's serious, and sometimes it's funny.
You did your job well,
And they all carried out their plans.

The working day started with a smile
And we were also urged to work.
You worked, of course, not being lazy,
Sharing your energy with us.

We wish you to rest happily now,
Well-being so that it is well-deserved.
Clear sun and blue skies
Love, luck, joy, miracles!

Are you leaving work? No reason to be sad.
Let your soul let this place go
So that with a new dream and a new desire
To find understanding in another place.

Find friends there, gain respect,
And achievements are not far off.
Let this step be the right step
Let the time for happiness come in your life.

We part, and goodbye
There is so much to tell me
Wish you good luck, prosperity,
Remember everything, don't forget about us!

May you be appreciated and loved
They cherish you as we always do.
They will take it right away, even take a sip,
They never scold at all.

Let there be in the new team
Close, dear soul -
The girl is smart, kind, beautiful,
To make life with her good!

We want you to always know
For us you are a star of joy.
We appreciate and respect you,
We let go of work with sadness.

We wish you new achievements,
In all success and achievements.
To make all dreams come true
And there is a lot of beauty in life.

You part with work,
It has already been decided in earnest.
We held you in high esteem,
It's a pity to part to tears.

We wish you success
Don't know any problems
And so that there is no interference
Visit us sometimes.

In a word, do not forget us,
We hope and wait.
Reach your goals
And - good luck to you in everything!

So sorry to part with a man
That in the team he became his own, family.
But we wish you success now
And achievements, new perspectives!

Leaving work is a new step:
Let everything be as fate will command.
Let fate open the door
For happiness, health and goodness!

It's a pity that you are leaving work,
That you will not return to the team,
After all, new worries await you,
There is a reason for it!

We wish you success in everything,
To make everything work out for you ...
We accompany you with all our hearts,
Don't forget only us!

Congratulations on leaving work!
Everything will be cool and cool now
There will be other things and worries
Everything in this life is for the better, believe me!

Fate has opened new doors
Rejoice in the world, dream, have fun!
Old in the past, what was - what was,
Now a new life begins!

Mix in one glass
We are joy and sorrow
You quit work
And we are immensely sorry.

Labor book for you
Solemnly handing over
Saying goodbye today
The team is with you.

We wish you happiness
And long - long years
More than once we will
Ask you for advice.

Today the team is suffering
And the filing cabinet became thinner.
After all, we see off today
The most beautiful person.

You are an employee - well, just a miracle:
They are smart, responsive, everyone is welcome.
And let it be in a new place
You have the right job.

So that a lot of money and success,
Well, nice employees,
More joyful laughter.
Suddenly, we are always waiting back.

Quitting work is not easy
After all, with her with all your heart you have long been related
But, since you change the place you have acquired,
It must be outdated!

Go ahead, dare, new peaks await
And new victories are ahead!
Life is adorned with new initiatives
You can find happiness in them!

With leaving work!
To hell with her!
Income, expenses,
All these reports

I'm so tired
And there is not a minute.
The weeks flew by
Minutes and days.

Freedom now
After all, it will become more.
Leaving work
You will sleep longer!

An employee who changes jobs, regardless of the reason, often faces the task of saying goodbye to the entire team, thereby leaving a favorable impression of himself. This will allow you to keep your own reputation and established partnerships with possible perspective development of the latter on new position... A farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal can have a positive effect on the subsequent device in new company, therefore, you should not neglect this rule of corporate ethics.

Relevance of the message

With a small work collective, there is no difficulty in personally saying goodbye to each of the colleagues. But in large corporations, where the number of employees exceeds a hundred, an individual approach is practically impossible, and in some cases even inappropriate, since at large enterprises, an employee usually communicates mainly with colleagues in the shop, and knows the rest only "noddingly" ...

In this situation, a farewell message sent through the company's internal e-mail is the best opportunity to express respect to each of the colleagues, avoiding the awkwardness of personal contact.

Writing a letter is relevant if an employee leaves a position due to:

  1. Transfer to another position in a new team.
  2. Dismissals from the firm.
  3. Retirement.
  4. Temporary maternity leave.

Farewell to the work collective is not a prerequisite leaving the post. Such a procedure is initiated directly by the leaving employee at his own request in order to maintain friendly or partnership relations with former colleagues. Therefore, if it is not written, you should not condemn the resigned employee.

Depending on the mood of the author, the letter can carry a positive or negative message. The latter is extremely undesirable, but if the resigning person has a need to express dissatisfaction, this should be done in an extremely tactful and veiled manner. Otherwise, the message can ruin the author's reputation and turn a large number of people against him.

Regardless of the form of writing the text, such a document contains:

  • Full name of the sender, his position;
  • range of main responsibilities in the company;
  • information about leaving the post;
  • contact information of the sender (if necessary).

When there is information about the employee, on whom the responsibilities of the departing are shifted, it will be useful to mention this in the letter, leaving the contacts of your successor (with the consent of the latter).

If desired, the farewell speech can be continued by indicating the reason for your departure. If the reason is unseemly or the employee does not intend to name it, it is better not to touch on this moment, even in passing.

A well-written letter should leave a positive impression after reading it. The main goal of the author is to convey to colleagues a benevolent attitude, to establish himself as a tactful person with an adequate perception of reality.

The text of the message will be most complete when adding parting wishes to colleagues, as well as words of regret for leaving the team. A farewell message will have a positive response from recipients if the author formalizes the letter in his own words, avoiding official stamps.

There is no need to unnecessarily dramatize the situation and write hysterical long messages. They will only tire the recipient and will not have the desired effect.

Since the parting words of the departing employee are not the responsibility of the latter, there is no fixed form of writing a letter. The message can be:

  • standard;
  • with friendly notes;
  • in a comic form;
  • in verse.

Which option to choose will be prompted by the imagination and creativity of the resigning person.

A standard message might look like this:

“I, Smirnova Lyubov Valerievna, worked for five years as an administrator trading floor at the Stella company. Now I have to leave former place work in connection with the transfer to another position in a new enterprise. From 17.02.2018 my duties will be performed by Antonova Anastasia Yurievna. You can contact her by e-mail.

I express my gratitude to all colleagues for the years of joint work in the friendly team of our organization, the human attitude and help in solving labor issues... I have gained invaluable professional experience, which will be very useful to me in the future.

I wish you great success in labor activity and hope to maintain business relationship further.

Respectfully yours, L.V. Smirnova the administrator of the trading floor of the Stella company.

If an employee has worked for a long time in a small enterprise and knows his colleagues well enough, it is optimal to add friendly notes to the format of the farewell letter or write it with a humorous tinge:

"My dear friends!

The head of the confectionery department is writing to you, Voronova Olga Afanasyevna. I hasten to inform you of my departure. My solution:

  • well thought out;
  • balanced.

So you shouldn't yell at my office door in the hope that I'll change my mind.

Working with you is the best thing that happened to me in the labor field, but I have to leave the company in connection with the transfer to a higher position in another company.

An excellent person, a professional in his field, is taking my place, so I ask you to accept him as a family and not go "beeches". I hope you will develop a good relationship with him.

Thank you, my dears, for the excellent teamwork, support in difficult situations. Together we were able to achieve incredible success and increase productivity at times. You are a great team of professionals, each of whom deserves a career path. I sincerely wish you this.

Respectfully yours, O. A. Voronova. "

A creative employee can go further and write an interesting farewell message to his colleagues not in prose, but in verse. If you give the poetic form a humorous shade, then the farewell letter will be remembered by all colleagues for a long time and will give good mood to both the author and the recipients.

It happens when an employee has to leave the organization not of his own free will. There may be a lot of reasons for this, but this is not a reason to violate corporate ethics and leave without saying goodbye.

If you want to express your dissatisfaction with the team in a farewell message, then this must be done skillfully in order to maintain neutral relations with former colleagues. Why you shouldn't burn bridges - it's simple. At a new place of work, they may require recommendations from former colleagues.

Therefore, maintaining tact and neutrality in the farewell message will recommend the resigning person as a person:

  • balanced;
  • sane.

How to write a message with a note of discontent more correctly:

"Dear Colleagues!

I am forced to leave my position as an account manager due to an unacceptable work schedule for me. The need to often stay in non-working hours was not agreed upon when hiring the company. At the same time, extracurricular hours are devoted to performing functions that are not within the scope of my duties and are in no way supported materially.

I am moving to a similar position at the Omega organization. If you have any questions of a professional nature, I will be glad to help you. You know my phone number.

Best regards, Anna Anikina. "

Corporate ethics calls for farewell:

  1. With ordinary colleagues.
  2. With his own boss, regardless of the relationship with him.

It is better to write a farewell letter to the manager upon dismissal in a separate message. Since the reputation of the leaving employee in the eyes of the new employer often depends on the previous management, it is not advisable to express your claims to the director about final stage cooperation.

For example, take the following text:

“Dear Oleg Leonidovich!

The sales manager Anton Viktorovich Sidorov is addressing you. Due to the move to another city, I am forced to leave my post.

I express my deep gratitude to you for the fruitful joint activity. Working under the supervision of such a qualified specialist is an excellent opportunity to acquire professional skills. I am sure that your advice will be useful to me more than once in my work in a new place.

Special thanks for the human attitude and support in difficult situations.

I wish your company prosperity, and you personally, success in any endeavors.

Best regards, Sidorov A. V. "

Even in difficult relations with the boss, an individual letter of resignation sent to his email address can correct the negative mood of the head and treat the resigner loyally.

If the employee's field of activity involves working with clients, it will be useful to send them a message about own dismissal... This is done not only for ethical reasons, but also in order to close current production issues. When negotiating with debtor companies, offer to pay off existing debts or leave information about the person who will take office after the current employee leaves.

The letter to partners suggests:

  • official language;
  • obligatory indication of contact details of the assignee.

In this case, it is possible to register a message in the course of office work in order to avoid moments when the partner informs that he did not know anything about the new employee and did not have any contact information to communicate with him.

A farewell message to clients is necessary not only in case of dismissal of an employee, but also at the moment of transfer of the latter to another position, in which direct work with partners is not expected.


Regardless of the reason for dismissal, leaving an employee from his usual place is a morally difficult process and not always pleasant. Often an employee needs:

  1. Support from colleagues.
  2. Encouraging words.
  3. Good wishes.

Leaving a team is always difficult.

It is especially difficult when a person who has worked half of his life at an enterprise is forced to retire due to retirement age. In the latter case, management often rewards a valuable employee. Thank you letter upon retirement, an employee is given, as a rule, in front of the entire team and is accompanied by oral wishes.

In other situations, colleagues, impressed by the message of a leaving co-worker, can send a response by e-mail with words of support and approval of his choice or regret about his dismissal.

The resignation announcement is a beautiful closing gesture of the resigner. But the written words cannot fully convey the sender's emotional state. Therefore, if there are no obstacles to saying goodbye to each of the colleagues personally, then it is better not to avoid this.


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