Put the coffee machine to work. Business - coffee machines (reviews). How long does it take to pay off, do I need to issue an IP? Coffee vending machines, models for sale

Of course, coffee machines are in the greatest demand, perhaps the first of all automated systems appearing on Russian market... The constant interest with him is dictated by the love of Russians for this drink. A cup of delicious aromatic coffee can serve as an excellent start to the working day, as well as a minute of pleasure in the hustle and bustle of daily chores, which is why coffee machines are so in demand in office buildings and shopping centers... Moreover, it should be noted that the quality of coffee made by a modern machine is sometimes in no way inferior to coffee brewed by a barista.

If you are going to buy a coffee machine on credit, we recommend that you first use the service of our partner - bankir, where you can individually assess the chances of getting it (an individual credit rating is calculated free of charge).

Coffee vending machines, models for sale

Price (new): RUB 100,000

An excellent budget coffee machine from the Korean company Samsung. Due to its reliability, ease of use, low price and very high capacity for coffee and glasses, it is in demand.

The most popular models of Unicum machines on sale

The best models of Saeko machines on sale

Popular models of Jofemar coffee machines

Types of devices

Modern machines assume the use of coffee beans, ground immediately before the preparation of the drink. Moreover, depending on the functions of the machine, it is even possible to set the grind size. In addition, the coffee machine itself can control the water pressure, which makes it possible to brew a drink at an optimal 15 bar. Coffee machines offer a wide range of up to 16 types of different drinks. It can be different kinds coffee: espresso, latte, americano, cappuccino, moccachino, vanilla cappuccino, etc., as well as other beverage options. For example, a modern coffee machine makes hot chocolate, milk, fruit tea. These drinks are great for children, women, or those who control their blood pressure, which coffee is known to increase.


The good thing about coffee machines is that the very procedure for buying freshly brewed coffee or other drink is quite simple and is scheduled step by step. All machines are equipped with a coin and bill acceptor. Some modern models have a touch screen and a number of additional options, such as the ability to pay for various services (for example, cellular, the Internet). Maintenance of a quality coffee machine is not difficult. Modern machines imply a USB port for setting and taking statistics using a regular flash card, in addition, you can connect full online control and monitoring. The loading of quality ingredients depends on the quantity of products sold. Many machines can be loaded with up to 600 cups and two twenty liters of water.

Loading coffee machines with goods

Of course, it is better to entrust the purchase to a professional vending company that has a reputation in the market for these services. There are many models of coffee machines with variations in price categories, depending on the availability of functions and the manufacturer. In addition, the market of vending machines in large cities, especially Moscow, involves the sale of used equipment, the price of which is significantly lower than the new one. In addition, vending companies specialize in the sale of quality vending machine ingredients and service, which is important for modern fully automated systems.

Coffee machines are just the kind of business that gives the user of services positive emotions and delight in taste.

Vending is trading using vending machines. The use of vending machines proved to be such a profitable business that more and more products began to be sold in this way. True, as it turned out, not all products, despite the low costs, pay off. The most profitable direction of vending has become a coffee machine.

Selling coffee and tea using coffee machines is so profitable that in public places, even in small towns, you can see several of these machines at once. Vending trade has a number of advantages over other types of trade:

  • low entry threshold. Even a small capital within 100 thousand rubles is enough to start;
  • the coffee machine takes up a small area. There is enough space for installation of 1 sq. m. The coffee machine can be installed even in a small corridor. This makes it possible to significantly save on rent;
  • no need to hire salespeople and pay them a salary. The whole process of preparation and serving is carried out by an automatic machine;
  • saving on advertising;
  • the coffee machine can be rearranged to any other place if the previous location turned out to be unprofitable;
  • high profitability and fast return on investment.

Vending coffee machines have one significant drawback. They can be hacked. More often than not, it is the fear of losing revenue from the actions of malefactors that prevents many entrepreneurs from starting this type of business. But if you install them in a guarded room, then there will be no cause for concern.

The profit from an installed coffee machine largely depends on its location. In uncrowded places, in buildings with little traffic, the revenue will be very small. It will hardly be enough to pay rent, tax deductions and purchase of fillers (coffee, tea, cream, etc.). Therefore, the choice of a trading place should be treated with particular scrupulousness. At the planning stage, they study statistical data, use personal experience and observations. The most advantageous places for installing coffee machines are:

  • airports and train stations and railway stations;
  • polyclinics;
  • higher and secondary specialized educational institutions;
  • shopping centers and shops;
  • office centers;
  • parking lots and parking lots;
  • bazaars;
  • gas stations;
  • any premises in which there is a large turnover or congestion of people.

At all of the above facilities, conditions of fierce competition have already developed. To get the maximum profit, just putting the machine on with coffee is not enough. It should have a lot of features for the buyer to choose from, and a user-friendly control panel. You can try to squeeze out competitors by installing several coffee vending machines at a profitable site, but for this you need to have more funds than a novice businessman can afford.

Coffee and snack machine

How to influence work efficiency

It is profitable to sell coffee on vending machines, but only on condition that economic factors were taken into account when starting a business. The level of entrepreneurial risk was determined. The analysis of competitors' work was carried out. The break-even level and the minimum price per unit of goods were calculated. The market volume was determined.

Despite some peculiarities, this is the same business as any other. The problems that an entrepreneur will face are exactly the same as in regular sales behind the counter. Only it will not depend on the behavior of the seller, but on the state of technology. If the device does not work, it runs out of materials, then the businessman will suffer losses due to repairs and downtime. To prevent this from happening, you should check the condition of the coffee machine at least once every 2-3 days.

Timely checking and price comparison will help to increase competitiveness. If competitors have cut prices, then the only way to hold the market is to set the same, even lower, provided that this step does not lead to a loss. If you cannot do this, you should change the location of the device.

You can put a table and / or bench next to the coffee machine. In some cases, this improves efficiency better than lowering prices, but only works when the competitor's machine is much further away.

Choosing a vending machine

For a novice businessman, the main selection criterion is most often the price. The price depends not only on the functionality of the device, but also on the brand, country of origin and date of manufacture. A novice entrepreneur can purchase a used coffee machine for a business, which costs less than a new one. This is often an outdated model, but it might work for a start. But if funds allow, it is better to buy a new one. When buying, consider the following factors:

  • is there a service center in your city or region for the maintenance of the selected coffee machine for business;
  • how staffed. Is there an anti-burglary system installed on it and, accordingly, can it be installed on the street or is it suitable only for protected premises;
  • availability of warranty and post-warranty service;
  • functionality. A wide range of drinks and prices will help meet the preferences of different buyers, thereby increasing the efficiency of the machine;
  • maximum possible load of the machine: the number of cups of coffee can be dispensed by the selected machine without refueling.

Buying a new and expensive coffee machine for business is often more profitable than buying an old but cheap one. The new one performs more functions, works faster and without interruptions. There is practically no risk of downtime due to breakage. This means he can sell more drinks per day.

Fillers for coffee machines

The coffee vending machine is installed in a building that is visited every day by the same people. The main task of the entrepreneur is to make them his regular customers. If coffee from one machine is tasty, and from another it is not, then people will buy more often from the first. Therefore, coffee for vending machines and other products must be of high quality. Before signing a supply agreement, try drinks made from the supplier's ingredients, but not from samples. You can try drinks from competitors. If the taste suits you, feel free to draw up a contract.

For filling, use such components as:

  • powdered coffee (instant or grain);
  • tea drinks;
  • filtered water.
  • cocoa;
  • powdered milk and cream.

These components differ in shape and processing technology from the usual ones. For vending machines, coffee is roasted and ground in such a way that during the entire storage period, grains of sand or granules could not cake, lose their taste and aroma. In addition to fillers, you will also need paper or plastic cups and stirring sticks made specifically for vending machines.

Company registration

It is possible to start a business on coffee machines only after registering as individual entrepreneur... During registration, a businessman will be offered several taxation options to choose from. It is more profitable to use STS or UTII. Accounting for such systems is easier, taxes are lower.

A license to operate a coffee machine business is not required. But there must be quality certificates. In case Rospotrebnadzor employees or buyers demand to show these documents. Certificates are available from suppliers of coffee machine fillings.

Expenses and income

First, you need to find out how much the vending machine costs and calculate the approximate costs of fillers, materials and maintenance. On average, the price of coffee machines for business ranges from 90 to 350 thousand rubles and depends on many factors. You can buy a used machine for 40-60 thousand rubles. Although such devices are cheaper, they can be expensive to maintain. For obvious reasons, it is better not to take them. Usually they have already exhausted their resource and often fail. The coffee machine is idle for several hours and days. As a result, the businessman receives less profit.

Therefore, it is better to buy new vending machines. Business from this will not become less profitable. The payback period may only increase, but it will last longer, and the cost of repair and maintenance will be minimal. It costs an average of about 150-160 thousand.

How profitable coffee machines are as a business can be assessed only after the calculations of costs and receipts have been made:

  1. the price for a cup of coffee for the buyer is 26-35 rubles;
  2. consumption per unit of production - 6-15 rubles;
  3. profit from the sale of a unit of production on average - 15-20 rubles;
  4. the average number of units sold per day is 55-100 pcs. (depending on the location);
  5. Accordingly, the gross profit per day is from 800 to 2000 rubles, or from 23,000 to 60,000 rubles. per month.

In addition to the costs of purchasing components, i.e. variable costs, there are also constants, let's make a calculation:

  • payment for electricity - 2-3 thousand rubles per month;
  • payment of rent for the premises - from 2000 to 25000 rubles. (it all depends on the region and district) per month;
  • depreciation - 8000-30000 rubles. per year (500-600 rubles per month).

From the given expense, it can be seen that the profitability will average 23,000-25,000 rubles per month. This level can be achieved with the right choice space and low-cost rent, which is rarely the case on the first try. It may be necessary to change the location of the device several times.

The coffee machine does not require much space

Payback of the coffee machine

The payback period for a vending machine usually occurs within 1-2 years, depending on how well the location was selected, the level of competition and the cost of purchasing equipment and materials. At the same time, the coffee machine gives a profit per month from about 20 to 120 thousand rubles. The income will be stable for a number of years. As you can see, coffee vending machines are a profitable business.

The main source of risks, oddly enough, may be the manager of a public building or the owner of the store where the coffee machine is located. Since a lot depends on the right place, it is highly likely that the owner point of sale wants to install the coffee machine for business himself, and not rent out the place.

Selling coffee with coffee machines is a profitable, fast payback business that does not require a large initial investment.


Every novice vendor - and this is not surprising - is interested in the profitability of coffee machines. And in order to raise interest in themselves, many companies are cunning, overestimating the numbers, and sometimes they just frankly take them from the ceiling.

We conducted a survey of SuperVending customers and partners and developed real benchmarks for finding out how much profit a coffee machine can bring.

Factor one - location

First of all, the profit from the coffee machine depends on the chosen point. Where you plan to deliver trade software there must be at least 50 permanent staff + waiting or gathering places.

If there is a choice between a large "flowing" passability or small, but with a waiting place, you need to choose the second option.

For example, in a shopping center, the profit from a coffee machine will be higher in the technical area where employees communicate / smoke / drink coffee than at the exit. The chances that a store visitor will stop for coffee is always lower than the chance that a person working here will take at least a portion of the drink in a day.

If you find a point near a waiting area where more than 50 people work, in 80% of cases the place will be profitable. It needs to be tested!

Factor two - testing

At first glance, no one can determine what profit from coffee machines will be at one point or another - not even a seasoned pro. Testing is always needed. So your success, first of all, depends on your perseverance, and not on luck, as many people think.

How to test a site with the lowest cost and maximum accuracy?

To determine the profit from the vending machine, you should not take the exact equipment that you, after all, plan to install. If the point turns out to be a "failure", you will only be wasting money. Take any small machine that can be disassembled into two parts and can be easily transported on a regular machine.

Install the vending machine at the outlet and fix the counter of sales of drinks and receipts. This option is now available on any machine.

For example, let's say you sell about 40 glasses a day. This means that the profit will be 40/2 = 20 thousand rubles per month.

How to calculate the net profit in the vending business?

Average number of drinks sold * average price of a drink * number of days per month = revenue

For example, if the building has only 1 day off per month (that is, it turns out 26 days when the vending machine is used), the average number of glasses per day is 40, and the average cost of a drink is 35, you get the following equation

40 * 35 * 26 = 36 400 rubles per month

Now we subtract from this amount the cost of coffee and powders (this is 25% of the proceeds), the rental cost (usually 10% of the proceeds), 1000 rubles for gasoline and 500 rubles for other expenses

It will turn out to be about 22,000 rubles a month.

Naturally, it is impossible to predict the exact figure. Vending machines cannot bring the same profit every month. Sometime there will be more, sometime less. But for the average result, this formula is accurate enough.

What is important to pay attention to?

There are nuances that will help you develop your vending business faster and raise profits.

  • Seasonality
  • Ingredient quality
  • The appearance of the machine

If you have a dirty or heavily scratched, crumpled coffee machine, you can not expect a good profit. Such a "monster" will only scare away customers.

  • Rentals

Adequate rental cost of the point - 10 - 15% of the proceeds. If they ask for more, then this is a robbery. If less, most likely, there is something wrong with the place. For example, there is a high risk of vandalism, which the owner of the premises is silent about, enticing you with a favorable rental price.

A successful businessman does not hang in the clouds - he calculates both the possible revenue and the possible loss. Yes, in vending, the risk of losing is much less than in any other business area. Especially if you work on used equipment.

According to the statistics of SuperVending clients, the maximum loss is 20 - 30% of the initial investment. And this amount is possible in case successful development beat back in just a month. And yet, thinking about risks is important too. If you get discouraged, you might be missing out on something important.

Let's summarize

Calculating the estimated monthly profit from a coffee machine requires a comprehensive assessment in all respects. We have listed only the basic factors. But there are a number of other secrets - for example, when newbies contact SuperVending, we help to choose a specific model of the machine, depending on the plans, opportunities, the chosen point, development plans and even a bunch of parameters.

Sometimes entrepreneurship can be built on things that simply don't come to mind from the very beginning for some reason. For example, a business on coffee machines: how long it takes to pay off, reviews from others by an entrepreneur in this case, what are the risks and disadvantages of the business, as well as other aspects of such a project you are probably interested in.

Coffee is a popular drink, on par with tea and hot chocolate, because its sale is one of the most profitable. Well, the coffee machine allows you to do it without the participation of a person directly. Let's take a closer look at the coffee project.


The undoubted advantages of this project are:

  1. Relatively small investment to start from scratch.
  2. Possibility of opening in a small retail space.
  3. Lack of working personnel as such, the case can be managed independently.
  4. No costs for marketing campaign, the coffee machine will become popular almost anywhere.
  5. The ability to move the machine to another location.
  6. Extremely high profitability of the project.

There are some disadvantages to coffee machines as a main source of income. The most obvious of these is intense competition. Vending machines of this type are located almost everywhere, so it is difficult to find a room where you should put your own. The problem is that the most profitable, from a commercial point of view, places are occupied, and in order for the project to pay off, it is important to look for a suitable premises for a long time.

The second extremely unpleasant minus is the activity of vandals. Of course, recently such people are already extremely rare, although in the regions there are still a sufficient number of them able to open the device without a key. Therefore, it is important that the installation is located in a protected room or in the field of view of surveillance cameras.

We register a business

For legalization, it is enough to register you as an Individual Entrepreneur. This is done with the help of the tax office, where it is also necessary to choose a tax system: UTII or STS.

Personally, as a budding entrepreneur, you should turn to the first system. You don't have to license anything, you just need a quality guarantee for fillers, obtained from suppliers.

The following documentation will be required:

  • Agreement with local government bodies, obtained by any vending machine.
  • SES permission.
  • Fire department permission.
  • Space lease agreement.

We select a suitable place

As mentioned above, before opening, it is important to find a suitable commercial location. The most suitable premises for such a trade can be confidently called the following traditional places:

  1. Train stations, bus stations and other stations of the routes.
  2. Airports.
  3. Hospitals and clinics.
  4. Others state institutions, for example, centers social services, tax inspections, departments of the state road inspection, etc.
  5. Banks.
  6. Educational institutions - schools, universities, colleges, etc.
  7. Cinemas, theaters and similar recreation centers.
  8. Trade fair centers, markets, large supermarkets and more.
  9. Business business centers.

Unfortunately, each of these places probably already have their own vending coffee sold, so the search will be quite difficult. Of course, some of the entrepreneurs decide to compete with an already existing machine, and this is also the right approach with proper strategy planning.

Try experimenting: if the vending machine in a given location is inferior in profit to a similar competitor, try to change the product delivery or move the coffee machine to another location.

The lowest prices will almost always be in educational institutions and shops. You can also agree to pay the landlord not a fixed rent, but a percentage of sales, which is extremely beneficial for a novice owner of a coffee machine.

Choosing the model of the machine

It is important to find a device that does its job well, but not too expensive. It will be possible to purchase both a domestic version and a foreign brand, it is always difficult to understand which model will eventually cope better.

It may be worth spending money on a more expensive model that has a good reputation and performs more functions, such as green tea or mulled wine, in order to quickly recoup the business and make more profit in the future.

Try to track the quality of the models located in different places in your city. Some are more efficient and offer more services. Be sure to read reviews on online forums about the model that you want to purchase. Don't get hung up on expensive options and pay attention to the following signs:

  • Are there service centers of this company in your city.
  • Is it important for you to overpay for the anti-vandal protection of the device?
  • How long are the warranty periods.
  • How much will the device and its maintenance cost.
  • Is your chosen model widespread in the market and how long has its specific production been around.
  • Which varieties, ground or instant coffee, are used in the manufacture of drinks.
  • How many servings of drink the coffee machine is ready to dispense before the next refueling.
  • How strong specifications has a machine for its price.


It is recommended to top up the machine once every three days. In the beginning, it is better to ensure its work with a frequent presence, because, unfortunately, it is impossible to assume how well the machine will work. Specifically, the first days affect the further reputation of the place.

Keep the machine clean, for sure there will be dirty coffee smudges or just unpleasant stains. Dirt may well scare off the client, so it is necessary to wipe the device and clean up next to it. From time to time you need to collect the proceeds of the machine.

Also, sometimes you will have to fix all sorts of problems with the manufacturer's company, it is them who should be contacted to eliminate breakdowns. It is for the availability of such services that it is important to buy a new, not a used device.

Internal filling

It is important to find really tasty coffee that would be in demand among customers. Therefore, it is worth testing each option yourself. Those working in the vending coffee market have long understood that the varieties that are classic and have been sold on the market for a long time will become better paying off. Remember to purchase the following products:

  1. Grain or ground coffee of a couple of varieties.
  2. Black and green teas, as well as fruit-flavored teas.
  3. Hot chocolate.
  4. Cocoa.
  5. Filtered water.
  6. Powdered milk powder for additives or hot milk.
  7. Powdered cream.

You will also need disposable cups and stirring spoons. We also need our own fillers, which differ from the store options. Such ingredients are stored longer, have a non-sticky consistency, are able not to absorb foreign odors, do not absorb moisture, and dissolve much faster than standard ones.

We select a staff

For a ready-made business, you will need only two employees, and it makes sense to carry out the work of both independently at first. The first vacancy is a manager responsible for the purchase of fillers and other goods, relations with suppliers and the like organizational issues... He must follow the business project, plan its work, identify what is most profitable at the moment, and also keep track of the documentation and money.

You can be in this position permanently. In addition, an employee is needed to maintain the coffee machine itself. He must have a driver's license, it is also important to have knowledge of the city in order to move to different machines.

We calculate expenses

Expense line Cost amount, thousand rubles
1 Renting an area 2
2 Advanced coffee machine 200 x 2
3 Delivery of the device to the place and its installation 2
4 Utilities 1
5 Paperwork 3
6 Purchase of fillers for drinks, sugar and water 5
7 Purchase of cups and other equipment 2
8 Service employee salary 10
9 Tax 3,5
10 Unexpected expenses 10
Total: 436,5

It is not necessary to buy two machines at once, and in this case the amount of expenses will be only 236 thousand, which is really not enough for a business project. Remember besides start-up capital you will have to invest monthly, paying taxes, rent and utilities, as well as purchasing some materials and paying salaries.

What is the profitability?

Calculations show that, on average, the cost of one portion of a coffee drink should be 35 rubles, tea - 25 rubles, but cocoa or hot chocolate about 30 rubles per glass.

It may seem that the prices are quite low, but a vending machine in a place with a large flow of people will sell 70-100 portions each, making a monthly profit of 50-120 thousand rubles. The smallest income after paying the costs will bring about 30 thousand rubles of profit. An increase in the number of machines will bring greater profitability, but even one machine can pay off in 7-8 months.

Video: coffee machines as a business.

In this material:

Coffee is one of the most popular soft drinks in the world. Russia was also not spared by this statistics, which is observed in the colossal growth of the vending business. Going to a cafeteria or even buying a hot drink on the street is no longer as relevant as getting the same portion in a coffee machine. It's tastier, faster and more profitable. A business plan for the installation of coffee machines is a multi-level process that includes an analysis of the market, target audience, location and organizational measures.

Description, relevance and benefits of vending business

Vending - sale of goods different directions through the machines. Recently, this business, especially in the coffee sector, has been gaining immense popularity for a number of reasons:

  • low investments - the entrepreneur only needs to purchase equipment and products, and the machine will do the rest by itself;
  • round-the-clock work - in fact, coffee machines work 24 hours a day without interruption, but you should take into account the location of the machine. If this is a shopping and entertainment center with a 10: 00-23: 00 operating mode, then you cannot count on night profits;
  • lack of staff - 30% of income in almost any business is spent on paying salaries. Vending excludes this moment;
  • high margin - the cost of a cup of coffee is equal to 6 rubles, including a glass, and for the buyer the price is set from 25-30 rubles for an inexpensive type of drink;
  • simple business registration - an entrepreneur does not need to buy a license or issue special permits to install multiple vending machines.

There are also disadvantages in the vending business, but they are not so serious, and their number fluctuates within 3 points:

  • service - any technique requires careful attitude and timely service. This includes both checking the operability of the mechanisms as a whole, and controlling the volume of ingredients. To do this, you need to hire an employee or perform actions yourself;
  • system failures - unforeseen breakdowns mean no profit for the period of system recovery. If the malfunctions are not eliminated in time, then the entrepreneur will incur serious losses;
  • vandalism - by placing the machine outside the premises with round-the-clock access, it can be attacked with the aim of confiscating Money or for hooligan reasons.

Help: modern coffee machines are equipped with GSM-modules, allowing owners to control the stock of ingredients in real time and receive information about the state of the equipment. The option solves problems related to unauthorized access and timely repairs.

The relevance of vending is simply explained - the devices can be installed in various places with high traffic of people, be it a shopping center, supermarket, market or train station. Coffee from a vending machine does not differ in price from drinks in a cafe or snack bar, but at the same time it is made from natural beans, and not from instant powder. In addition, the coffee machine provides in its assortment from 12 types of drinks, which no catering can boast of.

Fresh, hot coffee, prepared according to an impeccable recipe, is in daily demand among various segments of the population. Someone did not have time to have breakfast at home, someone regularly drinks coffee during the day, and the third category of people is just walking or waiting for someone. There can be many reasons for an invigorating drink. The main thing is that there is demand, which means that the vending business in terms of coffee is flourishing.

Market and Competition Analysis

Despite the fact that coffee machines appeared in the country relatively recently, the competition in this business is already enormous. Each shopping center has at least one hot drinks machine.

Before starting a business, it is necessary to carry out some analytical actions to determine the level of competition in different areas of the city, as well as in specific places.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Selection of one or more areas settlement for comparative analysis.
  2. Determination of the most visited places - shops, entertainment centers, cinemas.
  3. Identification of working coffee machines in each place, taking into account the number of equipment per area of ​​the room and the estimated attendance of people.
  4. Comparison of data for selected areas of the city.

Based on the information obtained, it is possible to identify potentially advantageous locations for the placement of machines.

It should be taken into account that the presence of 1-2 devices in a large shopping and entertainment center does not mean the presence of competition at all. In this case, your own equipment can be placed both next to working machines, because people are already accustomed to the location of their favorite drinks, and in another place, if it corresponds to the high traffic of potential customers.

Potential business risks

There are not many risks in the vending business, but they are:

  • vandalism - typical for machines operating at night;
  • frequent breakdowns of the device - typical for equipment purchased in second-hand condition or from unverified buyers;
  • lack of profit - the situation is relevant in the case of an incorrectly chosen location or unreasonably high prices for products.

Organizational plan

Registration of a type of activity, taxation system

To organize a vending business based on coffee machines, it is best to register as an individual entrepreneur. The pros are obvious:

  1. The minimum package of documents for registration of activities.
  2. Saving on state fees - for individual entrepreneurs 800 rubles, and for LLC - 4,000 rubles.
  3. Simple reporting.

As a taxation system, either a fixed form (UTII) or a simplified one (STS) is chosen, the amount of deductions of which depends on profit.

Vmenenka is good because the amount of tax payments is determined in advance based on the scale of the future business. This is true with a stable income that does not depend on seasonality.

"Simplified" should be chosen by those entrepreneurs who have a floating income level. For example, the devices are installed in educational institutions. In this case, in the summer and partly winter periods, the profit will be significantly lower.

Installation of coffee machines does not require a license. An entrepreneur only needs to conclude a lease agreement for a place and request a product quality certificate from suppliers. With these documents, you must contact the SES to obtain permission to start a business.

Purchase of coffee machines and equipment characteristics

There are 2 main classes of devices - A and B.

  • power - 1 300 W;
  • number of servings - 600;
  • dimensions - 1800х700х600 mm;
  • diagonal of the touch monitor - 22 inches;
  • preparation and sale of soft drinks;
  • sale of snacks;
  • the possibility of cashless payment.
  • power - 1 800 W;
  • number of servings - 500;
  • dimensions - 1600x600x750 mm;
  • number of types of drinks - 13.

Class B is a cheaper and more budgetary variant of the devices. Also, each machine is equipped with a tank and separate tanks for hot and cold water, sections for loading ingredients, a bill and coin acceptor. The system works on the basis of computer support.

Coffee machines can be purchased both new and used, as well as leased or borrowed, depending on the preferences and capabilities of the entrepreneur.

Note: if new devices provide a 1-2 year warranty, then you should be extremely careful when buying used equipment. The best option is that the service life of the machine has not exceeded the warranty period, otherwise, after the purchase, the equipment may break down, and this is an expensive repair or lost funds.

Where to locate the vending machines?

The main condition for placing coffee machines is a crowded place. The following options are suitable for this:

  • supermarkets;
  • cinemas;
  • entertainment complexes;
  • amusement parks;
  • educational establishments;
  • budgetary institutions (clinics, hospitals, government agencies);
  • business centers;
  • banks and 24/7 ATM facilities;
  • points near taxi stands;
  • train stations.


Coffee machines require regular service and maintenance. The frequency depends on the speed of product sales, but on average, the equipment needs to be visited once every 2 days.

What you need to do:

  • fill the vending machine with ingredients;
  • fill containers with water;
  • clean the main components of the equipment;
  • carry out cash collection;
  • timely prevent and eliminate breakdowns;
  • support appearance technology.


For the full functioning of the coffee machine, it is necessary to regularly purchase:

  • coffee - grain or ground;
  • tea, chocolate or cocoa;
  • powdered milk or cream;
  • water;
  • dishes.

Materials are purchased as they are spent. Finding suppliers is easy, because in most cases, initial stage the seller of the device supplies the buyer consumables offering further cooperation... The entrepreneur independently decides from which supplier to buy the ingredients.


If the number of coffee machines does not imply a large number (up to 10 units), then a businessman can deal with all issues on his own. Visiting 4-5 vending machines a day is not a problem.

Another question is the necessary skills and abilities for equipment maintenance. Not everyone can cope with this.

In any case, an individual entrepreneur is personally involved in all organizational and procurement matters, and 1-2 people can be hired as a technician, which again depends on the number of installed coffee machines.

Advertising and marketing

The sale of hot drinks is a local business, the target audience of which is employees and visitors of the institution where the machines are located. In this case, a minor advertising campaign is provided:

  • a sign or poster on the facade of the building, symbolizing the presence of a coffee machine in the room;
  • pavement signs on the way to the point of sale;
  • signs - especially important in large shopping and entertainment centers and business centers;
  • indoor posters that grab the attention of customers.

Financial calculations

The financial part of the business plan is based on the fact that the entrepreneur purchases new coffee machines in the amount of 10 units.

Investment in the project

Start costs (in rubles):

  • 10,000 - registration of individual entrepreneurs and additional documents;
  • 50,000 - rent of a place for 10 machines;
  • 1,200,000 - purchase of equipment;
  • 100,000 - consumables.

Result: 1,360,000 rubles.

Installation of one machine will require 130-150 thousand rubles, depending on the cost of the equipment.

Running costs

Regular expenses include (in rubles):

  • 100,000 - purchase of consumables;
  • 40,000 - payment utilities(electricity);
  • 25 000 – wage technique.

Result: 165,000 rubles a month.

Income and calculation of profit and profitability

Revenues from vending machines are quite variable and depend on location and customer demand.

On average, 1 vending machine sells 50-60 cups of coffee a day. The cost of one serving is 30 rubles. Income per day - 1,500 rubles, and per month - 45,000.

Considering that there are 10 such machines, the monthly salary is 450,000 rubles.

Net income - mandatory expenses are deducted from the received amount.

450,000-165,000 = 285,000 rubles.

Profitability is the ratio of net income to dirty income multiplied by 100%.

R = 285,000 / 450,000 * 100 = 63%

The payback of the vending business is 5-6 months.

These calculations are rather crude, because they do not take into account specific models of coffee machines and their cost, as well as location and purchasing power. Individual calculations of the financial part of a business plan will always differ.

The coffee vending business can be partly called passive income... Having installed even one device, it will in any case be profitable without the need for a constant presence of the entrepreneur in the workplace. Having paid off the investment in a few months, you can safely start expanding the business, working only as a plus.

Order a business plan

Investments: Investments 700,000 - 1,000,000 rubles

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