Causes of the February Revolution 1917 presentation. Presentation February Revolution. Speech by General L.G. Cornilova

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Storm of 1917. Who manages political weather? Teacher history MBOU "Lyceum №34. Social I. information technologies"Maykop. Cupina Oleg Petrovich

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Colored revolutions

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Russia at the beginning ofXX.
Conspiracy or chance?

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Revolution backgrounds
Rasputina, 2. Unhappy participation of Russia in the First World War, accompanied by defeats on the fronts, disorganization of the life of the rear 3. The ideological decomposition of the masses, which ceased to believe and the king, and churches, and local superiors 4. Dissatisfaction with the king's policies by representatives of large bourgeoisie and even his Nearest relatives 5. Heavy economic crisis

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Causes of the February Revolution
Economic social political
Agrarian question was not solved. The peasants suffered from poverty and small-earth hunger, destruction, queues, defeats on the fronts, the death of millions on the battlefield falling the authority of the royal power
The lack of working legislation aggravated the relationship between workers and entrepreneurs Lack of measures for social Protection population strengthening discontent with government
Disproportion in the development of the economy Lack of bourgeoisie
Rising prices, inflation, economic destruction caused by war

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Power crowd
In 1917, the newspaper "" New life I wrote: "... The one who does not want radical reforms, he receives a revolution."

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Petrograd. February 1917.

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Main events

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From the diary of Emperor Nicholas II
March 2nd. Thursday. In the morning, Ruzsky came and read his longest conversation on the apparatus with Rodzianko. According to him, the situation in Petrograd is such that now the ministry of the Duma is something powerless to do, as Social Democracy is fighting. Party represented by the working committee. I need my renunciation. Ruzsky conveyed this conversation in the bet, and Alekseev to all the commander in chief. By 2 o'clock came the answers from all. The essence of the one that in the name of the salvation of Russia and holding the army on the front in calm need to decide on this step. I agreed. From the bet were sent a project of manifest. In the evening, Guccs and Shulgin arrived from Petrograd, with whom I talked and handed over to them the signed and converted manifesto. At the hour of the morning he left Pskov with a heavy sense of experience. Creamen, and cowardice, and deception.

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From Manifest about renunciation from the throne of Nicholas II
"In the days of the Great Fighting with an external enemy, seeking almost three years to enslave our homeland, God has pleased to send a new grievous test. The beginning of the internal folk unrest threaten poorly reflected in the further conduct of a stubborn war. Russian fate, honor of the heroic army, the benefit of the people, the whole future of the expensive of our fatherland requires the import of war by all means to the victorious end ... In these decisive days, in Russia, we have so much duty of conscience to relieve the people to our such unity and cohesion of all the forces of folk for The speedy achievement of victory and, in harmony with the State Duma, was recognized for the benefit of the Russian state of the Russian and add up the supreme power. Not wanting to part with our beloved Son, we hand over our brother to our great prince Mikhail Alexandrovich and bless him for the entry into the throne of the Russian state. We are in suspended by our brother to rule the affairs of public in full and unrealistic unity with representatives of the people ... on the principles, koi will be installed ... May the Lord will help them. Nikolai, Pskov, March 2, 15 hours 5 minutes 1917 "

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February Revolution of 1917
Tips for workers and soldiers deputies (Menshevik N.S. Cheidze)
Temporary Government (Prince G.E. Lvov)
Webness of the 2nd flows of the February Revolution and 2 branches of power
Revolutionary socialist
Menshevik esters
Cadets Octobrists Esters Mensheviki
Bolsheviks "Power Soviets!" "No support to the temporary government!"

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Presentation on the topic:

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Causes: 1.Samworkavia, though limited creation Legislative State Duma 2. landowner land tenure and mallet peasants 3. High degree of exploitation of workers 4.Napolete and violation of the power of democratic freedoms 5. Inequality of the peoples of Russia, National (Russiform) Government policy: 1. Construction and establishment democratic Republic 2. Decision of the agrarian-peasant question and endowment of the peasants of the Earth 3. Legislative consolidation of an eight-hour working day 4. Guaranteeing the fulfillment by the authorities of democratic freedoms 5, the provision of independence or equality to the peoples of Russia in Russia

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Conditions that accelerating the offensive of the revolution: Economic crisis (fuel, transport, food, financial - inflation) deterioration material status Workers due to rising prices, shortages of products and goods 1. Defeats of Russia at the front, significant human losses, fatigue of the population from the war. 2. The crisis of the power of the "Ministerial Checkhard", the fall of the authority of the king ("Rosetinshchina"), the opposition of the State Duma and the government, the strengthening of the strike and anti-war movement, the opposition of liberals, the agitation of the left parties is the destruction of the socio-political basis of the state.

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The course of the February Revolution: February 18 - a strike of 90 thousand workers Petrograd demanding increased wages Due to the growth of the high cost of February 20 - the announcement of the closure administration (locaut) of the Putilov plant on February 22 - finally universal strikes of Petrograd workers on February 23 (March 8) - the anti-war demonstration in the capital of workers in International Women's Day - the beginning of the revolution on February 26 - the beginning of the transition of the troops of the capital The garrison on the side of the strikers on February 27 is the process of universal strikes into an armed uprising: the capture of arsenal, bridges, stations, government buildings - the victory of the revolution.

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The results of the revolution: February 27 - elections at factories and military units: the Petrogradsky Council of Workers and Soldier Deputies was created to maintain the procedure and supply of food. March 1 - the publication of the "Order No. 1" on the democratization of the army and subordinate to the Petrograd garrison Petrosovet on February 27 - a meeting of the leaders of the Duma factions: a temporary committee of the State Duma for recovery was formed state order and the creation of a new government on March 2 - as a result of the negotiations of the executive committee of the PS and the Interim Committee of the State Duma, the temporary government was formed. Division of autocracy on March 2, the emperor signed a manifesto about renunciation from the throne for himself and son in favor of the brother of Grand Prince Mikhail on March 3, Mikhail renounced the throne: the decision on the future The state structure of Russia was postponed before the convening of the Constituent Assembly

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Deloevillation - a modern implementation of two political areas: a liberal-democratic (temporary government - in Petrograd and its representatives in the field) of the revolutionary-democratic (skills of workers, soldiers and peasant deputies - in Petrograd, on the ground and on the front)

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Temporary Government Name Time Actions Party Composition Chairman Provisional Government March 2 - May 5 Cadets, Okabristov, Progressors, Esters, Non-Partisian Prince G.E. Lvov (Cadet) 1st Coalition Government 5-6m. -23 July Cadets, Esers, Mensheviks Prince G.E. Lviv (Cadet) 2nd Coalition Government June 24-26 - September 24 Cadets, Esers, Mensheviks A.F. Jarensky (ECER) 3rd Coalition Government September 25 - October 25 Cadets, Esers, Mensheviks A.F. KERENSKY (ECER)

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Tips for workers, soldiers and peasant deputies Date of event Party composition Position, main slogan February 27 EDUCATIONS Education Suns, Mensheviks, Bolsheviks Support for the temporary government All power advice! Spring 1917 Education Councils in places of esters, Mensheviks, Harvesters, Bolsheviks Support for the temporary government Mirny Transfer of power to the Soviets! 3-24 JUNE 1 Congress of the Soviets under the influence of Serc and Mensheviks The resolution on the support of the 1st Coalition Government on August 5, September 5, Petrosovet, Council in Moscow under the influence of the Bolsheviks and the pressure of the MASS Resolution "On Power" with the requirement to take power by the All-Russian Soviets of Workers and Soldiers Deputies 25-27 October 2 Congress of Soviets under the influence of the Bolsheviks and Left Socialists Therapist "Workers, Soldiers and Peasants!" On the establishment of power of advice, making decrees about the world and land of the Created Government

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Internal and foreign policy of the temporary government of the goal is to organize management in the country, to carry out broad democratic transformations, reach " class Mira", Overcome economic destruction, preserve loyalty to allied obligations

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Internal Policy Program: Election Organs local governments on the same principles. Freedom of speech, printing, unions, meetings and strikes. Cancellation of all thesis, reserved and national restrictions. The replacement of the police folk militia with the electoral authorities subordinate to local governments.

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Foreign policy: March 4 - Foreign Minister P.N. Milyukov informed allies through Russian ambassadors about the intention of the new government to maintain loyalty to previously taken obligations and continue the war. April 18 - On the published note by the allies of P.N. Milyukov on behalf of the Provisional Government confirmed Russia's readiness to continue the war to the victorious end

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Political process in Russia in the spring-in autumn of 1917 the first period - the period of dvoevsty (March- principle of July) 1. Relief political crisis rallies and protest demonstration against the notes of PN Milyukova Resignation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Military Minister 2. June Political Crisis Looking for a demonstration appointed by 1 congress of advice in support of the Provisional Government, and conducting an anti-government demonstration under the slogans: "All power advice!" "Down with the war!", "Down with 10 ministers -Capitalists" 3. The July political crisis of the failure of the June occurrence at the front armed demonstrations of workers and soldiers under the slogan "All Power to Soviets!": Attempt to capture power to the extremist part of the Bolsheviks. In response, the government shot a demonstration, disarmed workers, arrested many of the leaders of the Bolsheviks

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The third period (September-October 25) is a period of weakening the power of the temporary government and the Bolshevization of Soviets. September 1 - Russia's proclamation on September 3 - the creation of a directory - the new government led by the Minister of Chairman A.F. Kerensky September 14 - holding the All-Russian Democratic Meeting of Political Parties in Petrograd and public organizations To weaken the influence of the Brewerized Soviets. 14 Creating a Temporary Council Russian Republic - Prepaired. September 25 - the creation of the 3rd coalition government. October 24 - the beginning of an armed uprising in Petrograd on October 25-25. The arrest of the Ministers of the Interim Government.

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Revolution 1917 Prepared: Teacher of the history of gymnasium No. 118 G. Rostov-on-Don Novolodsky A.S. 2017.

Revolution 1917



Revolution 1917

The reasons

The crisis of "tops"

  • Military lesions
  • Frequent changeability of ministers
  • "Rasputina"

The crisis of "bottoms"

  • Strengthen strike and anti-war movement
  • Food crisis in the winter of 1917

Revolution as a result of the nationwide crisis and the inability of the Supreme Power to cope with the urgent problems

First World War, aggravated all the problems and accelerating the revolution


February 22 - locaut on Putilovsky factory. The administration refused to increase the rates by 50%.

February 23 - Manifestation of workers in Petrograd. Strike workers. Slogans: "Bread", "Down with War", "Down Self-Again".

February 25 - a universal strike in Petrograd. Police arrested to 100 members of various left parties. Nicholas II dismissed the Duma for two months. Workers captured Arsenal.

February 26 - by order of General Habalov's troops fired in demonstrators. Clash troops with police. The first group of soldiers moved to the side of the demonstrators.

February 27 - the number of rebels soldiers amounted to 60 thousand people. Captured key points cities.

February 28 - the rebels seized the Admiralty, the Winter Palace, Petropavlovsk Fortress. The Government of Prince Golitsyn broke out. Two power center are formed.

Chairman - N. Chchidze

Chairman - M. Rodzianko

Petrogradskaya Council.

At the head of Menshevik

N.S. Cheyidze


Temporary government.

Chairman -

prince G.E. Lviv


Nikolai Semenovich Chcheidze

Georgy Evgenievich Lviv

2nd of March- Negotiations in Pskov State Duma deputies G. Guccov, V. Shulgin with Nikolai II.

Mikhail motivated his refusal to the condition: "I adopted a firm decision in the opinion of only the case to perceive the Supreme Power, if such is the will of our great people, expressed by the Constituent Assembly."

From the manifesto about the renunciation of Nicholas II

In the days of the Great Fighting with an external enemy, seeking for almost three years to enslave our homeland, the Lord God has pleased to send Russia a new grievous test. The beginning of the internal folk unrest threaten poorly reflected in the further conduct of a stubborn war. Russian fate ... The whole future of the expensive of our Fatherland requires the management of the war by all means before the victorious end ... In these decisive days in Russia's life, we have so much duty of conscience to facilitate our close unity and cohesion of all the forces of folk for the speedy achievement of victory and in agreement with We recognized the state duma for the benefit from the throne of the Russian state and add up the supreme power.




Revolution 1917

  • The actual elimination of the monarchy
  • Open the way for the democratic development of the country
  • The formation of dvoevlastia

Demonstration of Putilov Plant

in the early days of the February Revolution


In the conditions of dwellestia (March - July 1917)

Order No. 1.- Democratization of the army (taken under pressure from Petrosoveta): Cleaning the command composition; Liquidation of military field courts.

The real power in the army focuses in the hands of the soldiers' committees (unite up to 300 thousand people.)

The main events of the Provisional Government:

Political rights and freedoms were proclaimed, national and religious restrictions were lifted, the death penalty was abolished, the censorship was abolished, political amnesty was carried out, Nicholas II and his ministers were arrested, an emergency commission was created to investigate the illegal actions of the Tsarist Administration.

To combat the food crisis in March 1917, a decree on the state trading monopoly on bread was published. In April, the government legalized the factory-factory committees that arose at the enterprises that carried out the "working control" on production. Laws on expanding the rights of land institutions were published. In addition to the county and provinces, the volosts were introduced, which should have replaced old volost government. In the election, all citizens living in a given location could participate.

The government proclaimed warfare to the victorious end and fulfillment of all international circumstances.

He made a preservation of the unity of the Russian state on the basis of the country of equal civil rights and freedoms to all residents of the country.

Major political parties after February 1917

Cadets - In 1917 (70-100 thousand people) - P. Milyukov.

Esers (up to 1 million people) - V. Chernov, I. Avksentyev.

Mensheviki (up to 200 thousand) - P. Axelrod.

Bolsheviks(up to 25 thousand people in March 1917) - V.I. Lenin.

In April theses, he spoke of a peaceful transition to the second stage of the revolution:

  • power advice;
  • exit from the war, revolutionary defense - a lie;
  • nationalization of land;
  • control of advice on production and distribution.

1st prison crisis

April crisis


note P. Milyukov Allies:

new Russia undertakes to lead the war to the victorious end

From the note of the temporary government

Penetrated by this new spirit of the liberated democracy of the statement of a temporary government, of course, cannot file the slightest occasion to think that the coup rescued the weakening of the role of Russia in the overall allied struggle. Absolutely on the contrary, the nationwide desire to bring the world war to a decisive victory only increased due to the consciousness of the overall responsibility of all and everyone.

Temporary government

Prince G.E. Lviv

Cadets, Octobrists, progressors, non-partisan

Note N.P. Milyukova Allies

regarding the continuation of Russia's participation in the war

Prince G.E. Lviv

Cadets, Suns, Mensheviki

Coalition Government- Government formed from representatives of various parties.

2nd Crisis of the Provisional Government

June crisis

June 3-24, 1917- I All-Russian Congress of Councils of Workers and Soldiers Deputies (290 Mensheviks, 285 Socialists, 105 Bolsheviks), which was from the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Councils of Workers and Soldiers' Deputies.

         

  • The congress spoke in favor of cooperation with bourgeois parties and issued a resolution of confidence in the temporary government.
  • The congress banned the anti-war demonstration before the residence of the Provisional Government on June 10.
  • The congress was scheduled for June 18 a unarmed demonstration, which was to express support for the decisions of the Congress of the workers of Petrograd.

June 18, 1917.- 500-thousand demonstration in Petrograd. Slogans - "All Power Soviets", "Down War", "Down of 10 Capitalist Ministers"

The government tried to get out of the June crisis, starting a long-standing attack on the front. Military success was designed to bring off the wave of discontent.

Outcome - 60 thousand killed and wounded. The demoralization of the army is growing.

Failing an offensive at the front became one of the reasons for the new

the most serious political crisis in Russia - July.

  • July 2Ministerial Cadets, dissatisfied with the activities of the Military and Maritime Minister A. F. Kerensky, are resigned in negotiations on the issue of providing independence to Ukraine.
  • July 3-4- Mass demonstration (500 thousand people). "All the power of the Soviets" - began the soldiers of the 1st machine gun shelf, they were supported by 25 parts of the garrison, workers.
  • 5'th of July- The temporary government, with the support of the executive committee of the Petrograd Council, took the situation under its control. Military units from the front arrived in the city. The demonstrators were scattered. The Bolsheviks were accused of an attempt to armed overthrew power and in relations with the German headquarters. The publication of the order of Arrest V. I. Lenin and G. E. Zinoviev, the closure of the Bolshevik newspaper "Pravda", the Bolshevik party is proclaimed outside the law.
  • July 7.- the resignation of the chapter of the temporary government G. E. Lviv. A. F. Kerensky is becoming the minister.

3rd crisis of the temporary government. July crisis

1st Coalition Temporary Government

Prince G.E. Lviv

Cadets, Suns, Mensheviki

Disagreements in the government.

Unsuccessful offensive on the front.

July events in Petrograd

2nd coalition temporary government

A.F. Kerensky

Cadets, Suns, Mensheviki

Since most posts in it occupied the esters and Mensheviks,

this actually turned the drooping into fiction.

July 26 - August 3- VI Congress of the RSDDP (b) in Petrograd: a course for the preparation of an armed uprising is taken. Temporarily removed the slogan "All Power Soviets!"

August 12-15- In Moscow, a state meeting was held in which representatives of the main political parties, councils, commercial and industrial circles, military participation took part. Bolsheviks, counting the meeting of counter-revolutionary, boycotted. At the State Meeting, the generals ultimitively demanded harsh measures to guide order in the rear and on the front.

A group of participants in the State Meeting in August 1917 in Moscow.

In the center sits A.F. Kerensky, next to him (in military uniform) - L.G. Cornilov

Cornilovsky rebellion


  • Establishment of military dictatorship
  • Suppression of the revolutionary movement
  • Bringing war to the victorious end
  • Conclusion of the country from the crisis
  • L.G. Kornilov as the Supreme Commander shot troops from the front and sent them to Petrograd

    Against Kornilov made all the left parties. A significant part of the army and the Petrograd garrison remained faithful to the Government and the Council. Educated Committee of People's Defense. At the factories, the detachments of the Red Guard (up to 40 thousand people) was created. The rebellion was eliminated by:

  • agitational Mer.
  • revolutionary sabotage Railwaymen
  • partial hostilities

The consequences of the Cornilovsky meant

  • Deepening the socio-economic and political crisis in the country
  • Strengthening the position of the Bolsheviks and the beginning of the Bolshevization of Soviets
  • Paralysis

         

Tasks -

develop the principles of the country management before the convening of the Constituent Assembly.

         

Prepaired (20 / ix - 25 / x) is formed to finalize the issue of government.

         

The 3rd coalition temporary government was formed (25.09 - 25.10 1917)

3rd coalition temporary government

A.F. Kerensky

Cadets, Suns, Mensheviki

Deepening socio-economic

and political crisis in the country

4th coalition temporary government

A.F. Kerensky

Cadets, Suns, Mensheviki

Military expenditures reach 86% of the budget. Hyperinflation (from January 1914 to January 1917, prices rose 194%, from January 1917 to December 1917 - by 426%). The national debt of Russia reached 49 billion gold rubles.

Political instability led to a reduction in production (decreased by 35%). Real revenues of workers fell up to 40% of pre-war. The food problem in cities is exacerbated. Cash trading displaces the exchange of goods

Chronicle of the October Revolution

On the night of the 25th of October- The rebels occupy the Nikolaev and Baltic railway stations, a central power plant.

the 25th of Octoberat 10 o'clock - the appeal of VRK "To citizens of Russia" on the deposit of the Provisional Government.

  • Most were the Bolsheviks and the left esters that supported the plan of the armed uprising.
  • Mensheviks and right-wing esters have sharply condemned the actions of the Bolsheviks and demanded from the congress to start negotiations with the Provisional Government about Education of the new Cabinet of MinistersBased on all layers of society.
  •        
  • Without receiving the approval of the Congress, the Menshevik and the righterovsk faction left the meeting.

           

    They deprived themselves the opportunity to take part in the formation of new authorities, and therefore, they could not adjust the actions of the Bolsheviks "from the inside".

II All-Russian Congress of Soviets

Decree of power -

The appeal of "workers, soldiers and peasants!"

Transfer of power to the advice of workers, soldiers and peasant deputies

The emergence of the new form of the state - the Republic of Tips

All-Russian Congress of Soviets

All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTCI)

Composition: Left esters, Mensheviki-Internationalists, Bolsheviks, etc.

Composition: Bolsheviks. Chairman: V. I. Lenin

Council of People's Commissar

(Sovnarka or SNK).

Folk Commissariats (People's Commissars)

The layer of the old state apparatus and the creation of a new

  • Education of new senior authorities: Congress of Soviets - Supreme Legislative Body, between Congresses - VTCIK; SNK - Higher executive agency; Drug addicts - executive bodies.
  • November 22, 1917 - Decree on Court: The main court is local courts. Local courts and revolutionary tribunates are elected by advice.
  • On December 7, 1917, the establishment of the All-Russian emergency commission to combat counter-revolution and sabotage (HCHK) (Chapter - F. E. Dzerzhinsky).
  • January 15, 1918. Decree on the creation of the workers' and peasant red army.
  • January 29, 1918 - Decree on the creation of the working and peasant Red Fleet.

Decree on the world

Offer to warring countries and their governments:

  • conclude a democratic world without annexes (captures) and contributions;
  • cancel secret diplomacy;
  • respect the sovereignty (independence) of large and small nations

Russia received a chance to exit the First World War. An attempt to combine the revolution in Russia with the world revolution.

December 2, 1917- Signing a truce in Brest Litovsk between the Soviet delegation (head of the People's Commissar of L. D. Trotsky) and representatives of Germany and the beginning-negotiations on the separatic world.

March 3, 1918- Signing the Brest World by the Soviet delegation (Chapter - G. Ya. Sokolnikov) with Germany:

  • occupation by the German troops of the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, Northern Black Sea region. Refusal to Russia from these territories;
  • bringing Russia's armies from Finland, Ukraine, conclusion from the last separate world;
  • transfer of Turkey part of the Transcaucasia;
  • payment by Russia Contribution of Germany (6 billion grades).

March 14, 1918- IV Emergency All-Russian Congress of Soviets in the New Capital - Moscow: Ratification (approval) of the Brest World.

Intrapolitical consequences of the signing of the Brest World:

  • strengthening in-party struggle;
  • the aggravation of the relations of the Bolsheviks with other socialist parties: Left esters came out of SNK  The bipartisan Soviet government stopped its existence. But representatives of the left esserov remained in the DVIK and the councils of all levels.
  • the growth of discontent of the political opponents of the Bolsheviks by signing the robber world.

Very sharply responded to the Brest world, right-wing esters and Mensheviks.

  • VIII The PSR Council in May 1918 demanded to cancel the contract and stated that the elimination of the Soviet power "is the next and urgent task of all democracy", that is, the party rose on the path of armed struggle with the Bolsheviks.
  • SNA resignation demanded the leader of the Mensheviks of Martov at the IV Congress.
  • The Bolsheviks have taken response.

  • In June 1918, the Central Executive Committee eliminated representatives of the right-wing esices and Mensheviks from its composition and offered the advice of all levels to remove them from their environment.
  •       
  • In fact, this meant the ban of the parties of the Mensheviks and the right-wing esices.

Decree on land

Based on 242 local peasant punishments about Earth, put forward by the parties of Social University:

  • confiscation of landlocker and church lands;
  • cancellation of private ownership of land;
  • transfer by the state of high cultural farms;
  • prevention of wage on earth;
  • equal land use.

The answer to the age-old aspirations of the peasantry. The use of the Bolsheviks of the Agrarian Program of the ESEROV Party to attract the peasants to their side.

May 9 and 27, 1918- Decreements that establish food dictatorship - a system of emergency measures for the supply of workers and army products: the state monopoly of bread trading, solid bread prices, centralization of blanks and distribution of products;

May 1918- direction to the village of workers' prosperity for seizures;

June 11, 1918. - the creation of the Poor Committees (Combedov) (acted until November 1918).  Objective - seizure and redistribution of bread reserves; The weakening of the influence of wealthy peasants (fists) constituting the majority in local rural councils.

  • national equality and sovereigna of all nations and nationalities;
  • the right of peoples for free self-determination up to separation and education of an independent state  Branch from Russia Finland, Poland, Turkish Armenia
  • IN november 1917 Decree on the destruction of classes and civilian officialsthe division of society on the nobility, merchants, peasants, meshmen, was abolished, the princely, graphic and other titles, civil ranks were abolished. For the entire population, one name was established - a citizen of the Russian Soviet Republic. Were equalized in civil rights men and women.

    January 20, 1918has been approved Decree on the separation of the church from the state and school from the church.

Nationalization of banks:

December 14, 1917- Decree on the nationalization of private banks  All banking operations are a monopoly of the state.

Nationalization of enterprises:

November 14, 1917- Decree on working control  Factory-factory committees received the right to control the process of managing enterprises;

November 17, 1917- Decree on the nationalization of Lykinskaya manufactory (near Orekhovo-Zuyevo), water and railway transport;

December 2, 1917- Decree on the creation of the Supreme Council of the National Economy (HTV) (chapter - V. V. Osipas, from February 1918, - A. I. Rykov) -\u003e Purpose - to ensure the transition from working control at the enterprise after nationalization to centralized management;

July 28, 1918- Decree on the transfer of management of all nationalized enterprises of the EMD.

January 10-18, 1918 - III All-Russian Congress of Soviets in Petrograd(during his work there was a merger of the councils of workers and soldiers' deputies with the advice of peasant deputies)

Refusal to civil peace and

Democratic development of the country

January 10-18, 1918 -III All-Russian Congress of Soviets in Petrograd (during his work there was a merger of the Councils of Workers and Soldier Deputies with the Council of Peasant Deputies):

  • the adoption of the "Declaration of the Rights of the Worker and Exploited People" as the Constitution: Russia was proclaimed by the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (RSFSR), the Government (SNK) cease to be called temporary;
  • approval of all decrees of the Soviet power and the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly;
  • deciding on the need to prepare the Constitution of the RSFSR.

July 4-10, 1918- V All-Russian Congress of Soviets in Moscow: adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR.

  • a new form of statehood is legalized - the dictatorship of the proletariat in the form of Soviet power;
  • democratic rights and freedoms are guaranteed, which could not be used to the detriment of the conquests of the Socialist Revolution;
  • the voting rights are provided only by the working people (workers and peasants); All those who used work worked, as well as former police and priests, are deprived of these rights;
  • an unequal representation of the citizens and the villagers in the councils is established - approximately 1: 5.

V Course approved the flag and coat of arms of RFSR.

In the Constitution of the RSFSR (1918, section 6, ch. XVII, § 90) next description Flag: "Trade, marine and military flag of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic consists of a red (scarlet) color, in the left corner of which - one of the options of the Flag of the RSFSR in 1918. The RSFSR gold letters are placed at the top, and the inscription "Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic".

In the Constitution of the RSFSR (Chapter XVII, Section 6, § 89): "The emblem of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic consists of images on a red background in the rays of the sun gold sickle and hammer placed in the cross-cross-arms of the book, surrounded by a crown from ears and with the inscription:

a) Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic

b) the proletaries of all countries, connect! ".

Formation of a single-party system

July 6, 1918- Attempt by Left Socialists (Leaders: M. A. Spiridonova, B. D. Komkov, M. A. Natanson, etc.) to make a coup in Moscow for the purpose of capturing the authorities: the murder of the left ester Ya. Blumikin and N. Andreev German ambassador of the graph V. von Mirbach; Arrest F. E. Dzerzhinsky.

July 9-11, 1918 -armed performance against Soviet power in Simbirsk, organized by the East Front Commander by Left Ester M. A. Muravyov. The main slogan of the left ECOMOV: Renewal of the war with Germany

Suppression of the speech of the left esservation


Establishment in the country of a single-party system

  • The lack of legal opposition made it possible to avoid disagreements and government crises in the context of the civil war.
  • The transition of the opposition (left speakers, Left Mensheviks, etc.) in the camp of opponents of the Bolsheviks led to the extremely fierce and protracted nature of the civil war.
  • The absence of the opposition led to the formation of a "cleaned" intellectual atmosphere around the power, which in such conditions could be easily resorted to the extremes


  • Levandowsky A.A. The history of Russia, XX - the beginning of the XXI century. Grade 11. Basic level .. 7 ed. M.: Enlightenment, 2013.
  • Katsva L.A. The history of homeland. Directory for high school students and entering universities .. 7 ed. M: AST press, 2012.
  • Kirillov V.V. National history In schemes and tables .. M.: Eksmo, 2010.
  • Baranov PA History of Russia in Tables: 6-11 th cl.: Ref. Materials. M.: Ast Rail, 2011.

February Revolution 1917

Causes of the revolution:
Deterioration of the position of the people.
National issues.
contradictions caused by long and
Gloover war.
Universal dissatisfaction with the tsarism policy.


Chronicle of revolutionary events

February 23, 1917 - the beginning of the revolution, strike
in Hungry Petrograd ("Bread!", "The World!", "Down
February 26, 1917 - Universal strike in the capital (80%
Workers' cities), shooting demonstration for troops.
February 27, 1917 - Military garrison transition
capital Cities
On the side of the workers, the arrest of the royal
Governments, victory of revolutionary forces.
Demonstration on Nevsky Prospect

From the message of Empress

run and shout that they have
no bread, just in order
excitement - and workers
which interfere with others
work. If the weather
was very cold, they
Everyone would probably sit
at home".

Messages sent at the rate on February 25 - 26, 1917

Protopopova: "Movement wears
spontaneous nature along with
Properties that are tuned by places
Soldier's demonstration in Petrograd
In February days. 1917

Messages sent at the rate on February 25 - 26, 1917

State Duma M.V. Rodzianko:
"The situation is serious. In the capital -
anarchy. The government is paralyzed.
Food and Fuel Transport
Came to full disorder. On the
shooting. Parts of the troops shoot a friend in
Country confidence, make a new
It is impossible.
Any delay in death is like.
I pray God to at this hour
a responsibility
on the

Nicholas II renunciation

Nicholas II: "In these decisive
days in the life of Russia so much we
people our close unity
and cohesion of all the forces of folk
For speedy achievement
recognized us for the benefit to renounce
Russian and folded
Supreme Power. "
March 2, 1917, Pskov -
Subject of Nicholas II.

New authorities. February 27, 1917

Petrogradskaya Council
Workers and soldiers
Temporary Committee.

Establishment of dvoevlasty

In the course of revolutionary events in Petrograd
At the same time, two authorities arose:
Temporary government based on
Petrogradsky Council leisured on
Workers and soldiers of the capital garrison.
The presence of two authorities was called
IN AND. Lenin dubewings.

Causes and essence of dvoevsty
Weave two flows of the February Revolution and two
branches of power after her victory
Revolutionary cyalist
Power of the Council of Workers,
soldier and peasantic
Power temporary
Menshevikinoli Semenovich Chkheidze
February 27, 1917 representatives
Left Parties announced the creation
revolutionary authority -
Petrograd council workers and
Soldier deputies.
Most seats in Petrograd
Council received Mensheviks and
Committee of the Petrograd Council was
Elected Menshevik N.S. Cheidze.
At the meeting on March 2, 1917 by the Executive Committee
Decision on the transfer of state
authorities to the temporary government.
Opening of the first meeting of Petrogradsky
Council of Workers and Soldier Deputies in
Tauride Palace. March 2, 1917

The reasons why Petrogradsky Council voluntarily transferred power to the temporary government

The views of Serc and Mensheviks on
The revolution occurred as bourgeoisodemocratic.
Fears of rampant anarchy revolutionary
Elements in the country.
Desire to have a state authority
authorities whose legitimacy would be
recognized by all the Russian layers
Societies and allied powers. Pressure on the Provisional Government with
Democratic transformations.
Control of temporary activities
Promoting the temporary government in
solving some issues.

Circumstances of the creation of a temporary government

February 27, 1917 by deputies of IV state
Duma was created temporary committee of members
State Duma, who declared himself a carrier of the Supreme
power in the country.
March 2, 1917 as agreed with Petrograd
The Council of the Interim Committee was transformed into
Temporary government.
The temporary government became the carrier of the highest
legislative and executive.
It was
Conduct the country to convene
Constituent assembly.

Temporary government from March 2 to October 25, 1917

Government and It
Uniform, Prince G.E.
March 2 - May 2
May 3 - 4, 1917
I coalition
Government, Prince G.E.
May 5 - July 2
July 3 - 23, 1917
II coalition, A.F.
July 24 - August 26
August 26 - 24
III coalition, A.F.
September 25 - 25

The composition of the temporary government

First chapter temporary
Government, Prince Georgy Evgenievich Lvov
In its composition temporary
The government was a liberal bourgeois (11 ministers).
Representatives of parties entered it
Cadets and Octobrists.
Chairman and Minister of Internal
Affairs - Prince Georgy Evgenievich
Foreign Secretary
PN Milyukov.
Military Minister - A.I. Huchkov.
The only one
Socialist destination was
Minister of Justice A.F. Kerensky
(hard drive)

Poster (1917) with portraits of members
temporary government
Session of the first composition of temporary

The political program of the temporary government was
set out on March 3, 1917 in the temporary declaration
Governments that included the following provisions:
Amnesty for political and religious affairs.
Freedom of speech, press, unions, meetings.
Liquidation of national, religious and estate
Replacing the Police of People's Militia.
Convening the Constituent Assembly.
The solution of the main issues of the revolution was postponed to
The convening of the Constituent Assembly:
About political strict.
About agricultural reform.
On the self-determination of peoples.

Political Program of the Provisional Government

It was necessary to solve the founding assembly.
However, the difficulties of elections in conditions
who covered the country of chaos, as well as concerns,
that they will end the victory of the left parties,
encouraged the temporary government to pull with
His convocation.
As a result, it was it that supported his ECEROMENESHIR TIPS in the eyes of the masses
The culprits of the aggravation of the country's problems.

Activity of temporary government

The introduction of democratic
rights and freedoms.
Destruction political
Canceling the death penalty for
Political activities.
Course implementation by
(September 1
Russia in the First World War
Agrarian question.
Selection of elections B.
Constituent Assembly.
Restoration of death
execution in the military zone
military-revolutionary courts.

Considered the revolution of bourgeois-democratic and
Perfect for transfer state power
Liberal bourgeoisie.
Performed for the continuation of the war.
(landlocker) lands and solving an agricultural issue
After the end of the war.
They advocated the introduction of broad political freedoms.

Comparative analysis of the position of the temporary government and the Petrograd Council

Temporary government
Petrogradskaya Council
Believed that the question of
Future form of board
Constituent Assembly.
Played for war to
Posted for saving
principle uniqueness B.
Reducing the working day in
War times.
He played for revolutionary
war for defense from
Democratization of the army I.
Introduction of the electoral principle.
Admitted for the establishment
8-hour working day. The main decision of Petrogradsky
Council was Order No. 1 in Petrograd
garrison OT
March 2, which contained
The following provisions:
Garrisona Petrogradsky Council
Introduction of elected soldiers' committees,
controlled the actions of officers (cancellation
The principle of uniqueness in the army)
Equalization in civil rights soldiers with
officers, the introduction of the election of commanders
Political resolution
activity B.

The consequences of the order number 1

Democratization of the army.
Retracting into the revolution of the army
(Expansion of the Social Base of Revolution
due to multimillion soldier
Transformation of the Petrograd Council in
Real political power.
The fall
The combat capability of the army (the collapse of the army).

Political results of February 1917

Renunciation of the king. Liquidation of the monarchy B.
Perspective of democratic development
The emergence of dwellers.

Powers about the continuation
Wars to the victorious end.
Protest with demand
Resigns PN Milyukova.
Protest demonstration against notes

April Provisional Government Crisis

Substitution P.N. Milyukov from fasting minister
Foreign affairs.
Standing A.I. Guccov from the post of military minister.
The formation of the I coalition government;
Entry to the Prime Minister
representatives of socialist parties (Socialist Party (Social
Trudovikov, Mensheviks) - 10 ministerial liberals
Ministerial Socialists.
Chairman - G.E. Lviv.
Military Minister became A.F. Kerensky,
Minister of Agriculture - the leader of the SEROWS V.M.

April Provisional Government Crisis

The role of Serc and Mensheviks in temporary
The government has increased significantly.
they are
conflicting position. Speaking by
The speedy conclusion of a peace treaty, they
did not propose specific measures on this
Continuation of hostilities from
Russia they justified the transformation
Wars in the revolutionary and domestic.

Lenin and his colleagues at the station
April 3, 1917 Lenin
Returned to Petrograd.
At night, he performed on
Petrogradsky meeting
Bolsheviks with a report
"On the tasks of the proletariat
In this revolution. "
Theses of the report were
Published in "Pravda"
and entered the story as
"April theses".

"April theses" V.I. Lenina

In theses, the task of transition to
the second stage of the revolution, which
must pass the power of the proletariat and
the poorest peasantry.
In contrast to the requirement of "pressure"
on the
put forward
Support! ".
Lenin insisted on the transition of the whole
authorities to the councils, considering that without them
Support temporary government
At the same time
is he
fight for the conquest of most
Councils, considering that power can be taken
in peaceful way.
"All power advice!"
"No support
Government! "

On June 3, 1917, I opened in Petrograd, the congress of the Soviets.
A significant majority at the congress belonged
Esramen and Mensheviks.
Congress spoke in favor of cooperation with bourgeois
Party and issued a temporary confidence resolution
On June 18, 1917, the unarmed demonstration was outlined,
which should have expressed support for solutions
Congress by workers Petrograd. However, on the demonstrations
Anti-war slogans and prizes for transmission prevailed
Power advice.

June Crisis of the Provisional Government

contributed to the news of the beginning
offensive on the southwestern front,
which failed.
The results of the crisis:
The temporary government begins to lose
Support for people.
The composition of the temporary government remained

Events July 3-4
In Petrograd
Attempting the Bolsheviks to capture
"Down with
Government "and" All
Power to Sovie
Riots in the city and
order temporary
Provocation temporary
Governments with a target
Discredits Bolsheviks
Repressions against

The July Crisis of the Provisional Government

July 24, 1917 - Education II
coalition government in
Chapter with A.F. Kerensky (Cadets,
Esers, Mensheviks)
July 26 - August 3, 1917 -
VI party congress
Course on armed

Speech by General L.G. Cornilova

Wanting to strengthen the central authority and
put an end anarchy, government
the only organized force on
which could still count on, - to
general and personnel officers.
August 12-15, 1917 - State
Meeting in Moscow.
on the
The meeting was outlined by General L.G.
He demanded the introduction of death
on the
restoration of the combat capability of the army,
continue war to victorious
Demonstration of the Bolshoi Theater on the Day of Opening
State meeting. August 1917

Lavr Georgievich Kornilov
Bringing war to victorious
The conclusion of the country from the crisis.
L.G. Kornilov like Verkhovna
stripped off
troops from the front and sent them
on Petrograd.

Cornilovsky rebellion on August 25-31, 1917

eliminated the insurgency with help:
Agitational Mer.
Revolutionary sabotage Railwaymen
Partial hostilities
L.G. Cornilov and his associates were arrested.
political crisis in the country.
Strengthening the position of the Bolsheviks and the beginning
Bolshevysius councils.

Political situation in September 1917

Countering Petrosovet A.F. Kerensky
Formed on September 1, 1917, a new authority -
Directory ("Council of Five"), which proclaimed
Russia is a republic.
September 14, 1917, the All-Russian
Democratic meeting with the participation of all
political parties that should have solved
The question of power. Bolsheviks him demonstratively
September 25, 1917 - the creation of the third
coalition government (esters,
Mensheviks, cadets, non-partisan).
Chairman - A.F. Kerensky.
Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky

Russia in the fall of 1917

In the fall of 1917 in the country aggravated
economic crisis.
worked agriculture It was
Transport worked nertramically, in
The country began inflation, were
Food in the city.
Demonstration in support
The government often resorted to
administrative measures
introduced bread monopoly and
But it did not improve the situation. On the
man per day accounted for 200 g
Bread, prices rose 20-30 times.
Under these conditions with a special force
Red Guards on the streets of Petrograd

Preparation of an armed uprising

Military technical
Articles V.I. Lenina
"Marxism I.
uprising "," Tips
"Bolsheviks must
Take power "and others.
October 12, 1917. Creating a military-revolutionary
Committee (VRK) when
Petrogradsky Counter
as headquarters
Preparation of the uprising.
VRK was under
October 10, October 16
1917 - meetings of the Central Committee
RSDRP (b), decision on
Taking power.
Organization of detachments
Red Guard.
Commissioners VRK B.
Military parts
garrison to side
VRK and Petrosovta.
Circulation of VRK to workers

Armed uprising in Petrograd and the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks

October 24, 1917 - Capture of red detachments
Guard strategic points of the city.
October 25, 1917 - the rebels occupied
Stations, Gosbank, Telegraph, Telephone
Power plant.
Opening in Smolny II All-Russian
Congress of tips.
Night from 25 to October 26, 1917 - assault

Female shock battalion on
Square in front of the Winter Palace
Storming of the Winter Palace. Frame is
Art Film "October", 1927
Cruiser Aurora"
Junker in the halls of the Winter Palace
Prepare for defense
Armored Armor "Lieutenant Schmidt",
captured by the Red Guards
Junkers. Petrograd, October 25, 1917

Alternatives to Public Development 1917

Military dictatorship
Power temporary
Anarchic riot I.
Decay Cement II All-Russian Congress
Soviets in Smolny. October 25, 1917
Most at the congress
Massed Bolsheviks I.
Left esters.
The rest are right
Esers, Mensheviks, etc.
- left the congress in the sign
Bolsheviks. The congress took the appeal "workers, soldiers and
peasants! ", proclaiming a temporary
governments and taking power into their hands.
The congress received the first decrees of Soviet power:
Decree of the earth and decree on the world.
In the decree of the world was offered to all warring countries
Immediately conclude a world without annexation and
The basis of the decree on Earth was laid 242 local
peasant orders I congress of tips. Canceled
Private property on the ground was established
equalization land use with periodic
Redone the Earth (the program of the ECOMOV). In addition, the first one was elected at the congress.
Soviet Government - Council of People's
Commissioners (SNK) led by V.I. Lenin. It
Consisted only from the Bolsheviks.
Sovnarkom was accountable to the congress of the Soviets and
All-Russian central executive
Committee (VTCIK), most of which
belonged to the Bolsheviks and Left Esera.
LB Chairman was elected
Kamenev, in November 1917 I changed him.
  • Causes, character, driving forces
  • The main events of the revolution
  • Education of temporary government

Slide 2.

Slide 3.

World War I exacerbated all in society contradiction

  • Slide 4.

    The need to eliminate feudal-serfs, restraining the development of the country.

    Slide 5.

    Contradictions between landowners and peasants

  • Slide 6.

    Contradictions between workers and bourgeoisie.

  • Slide 7.

    Contradictions between the center and the outskirts

    • Kiev 1917
    • Yakutsk 1917
    • Tomsk 1917
    • Central Asia 1917
  • Slide 8.

    Contradictions between power and society

    • Duma dissolution
    • Duma dissolution
    • Grigory Rasputin
    • Political strike in the Caucasus
  • Slide 9.

    Fill in a table: "The events of the February Revolution of 1917".

  • Slide 10.

    The beginning of the first unrest was the strike of the workers of the Putil Plant on February 17, whose workers demanded an increase in rates by 50% and receiving the work of dismissed workers.
    The administration did not satisfy the stated requirements. In solidarity with Putilovsky workers, many enterprises of Petrograd were heating. The support for them was provided by the workers of the Narva forehead and the Vyborg side. Thousands of random people joined the workers' crowds: adolescents, students, minor employees, intellectuals. On February 23, the manifestation of female workers Petrograd took place.
    February 18 - the support of them was supported by the workers of Narva, and the Vyborg side.

    Slide 11.

    According to calculations, the number of tagged was about 300 thousand! In fact, it was a universal strike. The main slogans of these events were: "Down with autocracy!", "Down with the war!", "Down with the king!", "Down of Nicholas!", "Bread and the world!".

    Slide 12.

    February 25: Universal political strike. Slogans: "Down with a tsarism!", "Down with autocracy!", "Down with the War!".
    On the evening of February 25, Nicholas II gave an order to stop riots in the capital. The State Duma was dissolved.

    Slide 13.

    February 26: Political strike develops into an uprising

    On the night of February 26-27, the workers were joined by the rebels soldiers, in the morning 27 was burned by the district court and the preliminary detention was seized, prisoners were released from prison, among which there were many members of the revolutionary parties arrested in the last days. On February 27, Arsenal and the Winter Palace were captured. The autocracy was overthrown.

    Slide 14.

    Arsenal and the Winter Palace were captured. The autocracy was overthrown. On the same day, the Executive Committee of the Council of Workers and Soldiers Deputies of Petrograd was formed, and members of the progressive bloc created the Temporary Committee of the Duma, which took the initiative of the "restoration of state and public order".

    • Ruge Arsenal
    • Winter Palace
  • Slide 15.

    March 2 - Signing by Nikolai II Act on renunciation from the throne.

  • Slide 16.

    March 3, 1917 a temporary government was created

    Temporary Government (3 (16) March 1917 - October 26 (November 8) 1917) - the highest legislative and executive body of state power in Russia in the period between the February and October revolutions.
    Prince Lviv G.E. Chairman of the government.

    Slide 17.

    Negative results of falling autocrat

    The main negative results of the overthrow of the autocracy of the February Revolution in Russia can be considered:

    1. The transition from the evolutionary development of society to the development of a revolutionary path, which inevitably led to an increase in the number of violent crimes against the personality and encroachment on ownership of society.
    2. Significant weakening of the army (as a result of revolutionary campaigning in the army and order number 1), the fall in its combat capability and as a result of its ineffective further struggle on the fronts of the First World War.
    3. Destabilization of the Company, which led to the deep split of the existing civil society in Russia. As a result, a sharp strengthening of class contradictions in society occurred, the growing increase during 1917 led to the transition of power into the hands of radical forces, which ultimately led to the civil war in Russia.
  • Slide 18.

    Positive results of falling autocracy

    1. One of the biggest remnants of feudalism was eliminated, seriously the inhibited development of the country - autocracy.
    2. Conditions were created for the real development of society for the democratic path.
    3. A short-term consolidation has occurred due to the adoption of a number of democratic laws acts a real chance for a society based on this consolidation to resolve many solar contradictions public Development countries.

    However, as previous events showed, led to the Bloody Civil War, the leaders of the country who came to power as a result of the February Revolution, could not take advantage of these real, although extremely small (including Russia's finding at that moment in the war) chances on this.

    View all slides


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