Who approves the management of the work of a cadastral engineer. Job description of a cadastral engineer. Who is a cadastral engineer

/ from

Cadastral engineer

(name of company)
(Job title)
_________ ___________________
(signature) (initials, surname)
Cadastral engineer 00.00.0000

1. General Provisions

1.1. The cadastral engineer belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or a secondary professional (technical) education and at least 3 years of work experience is accepted for the position of a cadastral engineer.
1.3. The cadastral engineer must know:
– legislation regulating the maintenance of the state real estate cadastre and the implementation of state cadastral registration;
- forms of organization of cadastral activities;
- the procedure for providing information entered into the state real estate cadastre;
- the procedure for the implementation of state cadastral registration of real estate;
– state geodetic network, reference boundary networks;
state system coordinates, local coordinate systems;
- land management, town planning, forest management and other documentation used in the performance of cadastral works;
- measuring instruments;
– methods for processing measurement results;
- objects of land management and other objects, information about the boundaries of which are subject to inclusion in the state real estate cadastre;
– grounds for performing cadastral works;
– technical regulations, national standards, specifications, provisions and instructions for the preparation and execution of technical documentation;
– achievements of science and technology, advanced domestic and foreign experience in the relevant field of activity;
– fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production and management;
– fundamentals of labor legislation;
– Internal rules work schedule;
– rules of labor protection and fire safety;
1.4. The cadastral engineer in his work is guided by:
– Regulations on _____________________________________________
(name of the structural unit)
- this job description;
– ________________________________________________________.
(other acts and documents directly related to labor
function of a cadastral engineer)
1.5. Cadastral Engineer reports directly
(name of the position of the head)
1.6. During the absence of a cadastral engineer (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by an employee appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.
1.7. ______________________________________________________.

2. Functions

2.1. Implementation of complex cadastral works.
2.2. Ensuring compliance with established requirements, rules and regulations.

3. Job responsibilities

The land surveyor has the following responsibilities:
3.1. Performs complex cadastral works.
3.2. Restores on the ground the boundaries of land plots and the contours of buildings, structures, objects of construction in progress on land plots according to the coordinates of the characteristic points of such boundaries and contours.
3.3. Determines the coordinates of the characteristic points of the boundaries of land plots, the contours of buildings, structures, objects of construction in progress on land plots.
3.4. Provides civil liability insurance.
3.5. Determines the area of ​​real estate objects.
3.6. Eliminates inconsistencies in the location of the boundaries of land.
3.7. Coordinates the location of the boundaries of land.
3.8. Identifies the location of a room within a floor of a building or structure, or within a building or structure, or within the relevant part of a building or structure.
3.9. Conducts cadastral registration of land plots, buildings, structures, premises, objects of construction in progress.
3.10. Provides information interaction in the conduct of the state real estate cadastre.
3.11. Responsible for disclosure of information constituting a state secret.
3.12. ______________________________________________.
(other duties)

4. Rights

The cadastral engineer has the right:
4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management.
4.2. In coordination with the immediate supervisor, involve other employees in solving the tasks assigned to him.
4.3. Request and receive from employees of others structural divisions necessary information and documents.
4.4. Participate in the discussion of issues related to executable official duties.
4.5. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of official duties.
4.6. _______________________________________________.
(other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The Cadastral Engineer is responsible for:
- for improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation Russian Federation;
- for offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
- for causing material damage- in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.2. _______________________________________________.

6. Final provisions

6.1. Familiarization of the employee with this job description is carried out upon employment (before signing employment contract).
Familiarization of the employee with this job description
confirmed by _____________________________.
(signed on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of
of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with official
instructions); in a copy of the job description,
held by the employer; otherwise)
6.2. _______________________________________________.

The profession of a cadastral engineer appeared relatively recently. Despite the fact that the provisions on the status of such specialists were officially introduced into the legislation only in 2011, today they have a wide range of powers. The cadastral engineer, whose duties are not only to carry out certain special works, but also to ensure a certain degree of legality in this area, is one of the key figures in the procedure for accounting and registering real estate.

The main activity of a cadastral specialist is carrying out measuring work on land plots, as well as formalizing the results in the form of delimitation plans established by law. All final documents are sent to the authorized bodies of the state for the purpose of entering into the database. Thus, a lot depends on the accuracy of the engineer’s work, as well as on the reliability of the information reflected in his documents.

For this reason, not everyone can become such a specialist. Basically, people with a special education work as a cadastral engineer. But education is not the main criterion. The main thing is to pass certification in the Self-Regulatory Organization.

In addition to working with individual plots by order of individuals, cadastral specialists are often involved in geodetic work on request. government agencies. For example, when determining the coordinates of geodetic networks or clarifying the boundaries of cadastral blocks.

Engineers help individuals to collect the necessary documentation for submission to various authorities. Of course, their services are not free, and some of them are quite expensive.

Land surveyors are responsible for:
  • for the accuracy of the information provided;
  • behind correct design documentation;
  • for timely submission to government agencies.

Their responsibility is high, since the work of such specialists has not only private legal, but also public significance.

Despite the breadth of powers, cadastral specialists have a rather shortened list of rights.

Their status is regulated federal law“On Cadastral Activities”, Article 29.1 of which states that cadastral engineers have the right to:

  1. Require the owners of land plots to have access to the specified plots, as well as a list of documentation specified by law for the implementation of cadastral work.
  2. Refuse the contract with the customer of cadastral work in cases where the customer violates the rules established by the agreement.
  3. In cases where he acts as the leader of trainee engineers, he may waive this responsibility if there are circumstances that prevent the exercise of leadership.

In addition to the powers specified in the law, cadastral engineers may also have other rights defined in job descriptions established by a private employer or SRO (self-regulatory organization) of the relevant region.

A cadastral engineer has all the rights that are assigned to an employee in accordance with labor law.

Under current legislation, the rights and obligations of a cadastral engineer are not at all equivalent.

The above norm of legislation also fixes the list of duties of representatives of this profession:
  1. Conduct our activities in accordance with the law and ensure that our work meets established standards.
  2. The engineer is obliged to cancel the agreement on the performance of work if the site specified in the contract does not correspond to the allotment presented to him, as well as if the information from the documents submitted by the customer does not correspond to reality.
  3. The engineer is obliged to withdraw from the contract in cases where the documents submitted to him by the customer do not comply with the form prescribed by law for this type of documentation.
  4. The engineer is obliged to notify the customer of the impossibility of performing work for reasons precisely indicated in the notice within three days from the day such reasons were identified.
  5. To formalize your activities by obtaining a certificate, a seal of the established form indicating an imprint of your data, and also provide all necessary information about its legal status at the request of the customer.
  6. Collect, store and submit to the authorized body all plans drawn up by it in the course of cadastral work within the period established by law, or at the request of the authorized body.
  7. Once every three years, pass a special program for advanced training.
  8. Timely provide information to the SRO about the organizations with which the engineer concludes labor agreements.
  9. Provide the SRO with all documentation on the course of their professional activities in order to verify it.
  10. Other duties that are determined by law or by agreement between the engineer and the customer, other legal acts.

In addition, when carrying out certain types cadastral work, such a specialist must also perform other duties due to the specifics of the work or the standards specially established for this type of work.

The internal rules of the enterprise where he conducts his labor activity engineer, other obligations may be established that do not contradict the norms of labor legislation.

As already mentioned, the main condition to become an engineer is a certificate. The authority to certify cadastral specialists belongs to a special commission, which is established at each regional SRO. The composition of this commission includes only the most qualified and experienced specialists, who evaluate the candidates.

However, before this, young specialists will have to undergo a two-year internship. But this is not necessary if the specialist has already worked such an amount of time in other specialties, for example, in the cadastral service. As soon as the candidate has sufficient experience, he needs to become a member of a professional association and pass a qualifying exam.

I.e necessary conditions is an:
  • education;
  • experience;
  • membership in the SRO.

The main condition for the implementation of the activity of an engineer is insurance. Without a contract of compulsory insurance of activities, no specialist should be allowed to carry out work.

In the above normative act, which regulates the activities of such specialists, a list of documentation is indicated that the engineer is authorized to draw up and submit:

  • site demarcation plan;
  • technical planning;
  • documents necessary for deregistration of the construction object;
  • descriptive documents on the removal of delimitation of plots;
  • project for reconciliation of the site plan with the development plan;
  • evidence required for submission by participants in litigation.

For each of these documents, the legislation establishes a special form in which they must be drawn up. Documentation that does not comply with the specified form is not legally binding.

The fact of compliance of the drawn up documents with the established form is checked by the specialist himself, as well as by the employees of the bodies to which they are submitted. In case of discrepancy, the document is sent back to the engineer for correction of errors.

However, this does not mean that cadastral engineers have the right to make mistakes. More than 10 mistakes made can lead to liability, up to deprivation of the right to engage in this activity.

Each document drawn up must have the signature and seal of the specialist who compiled it. This serves as a confirmation of the responsibility of the engineer for the work done by him. Without the specified details, the document is also considered invalid.

Because modern technologies allow you to send correspondence to in electronic format, then the engineers are also required to have electronic sample signatures. Such a sample is issued to them by a specially authorized body. A prerequisite is the protection of the signature from outside interference with the help of special computer technology.

Most may come to the conclusion that having the appropriate education and permission is enough for the cadastral engineer to freely carry out his professional activities. However, it is not. Each specialist, in addition to obtaining qualification documents, must conduct work in accordance with the requirements of the law. Otherwise, he will lose his place very quickly.

Since the main activity of an engineer is the implementation of measurements, the main requirements are imposed precisely on these processes.

To do this, the engineer needs to have tools specially designed for such purposes, which:
  • comply with state standards;
  • passed the certification procedure in the prescribed manner.

Unfortunately, not all experts adhere to this rule. Many of them, in order to lighten their burden and speed up the work process, instead of taking measurements using the specified equipment, they use other methods: they copy already existing plans, use calculations for certain points. This attitude towards work is considered unacceptable.

Each land plot, regardless of the availability of previous versions of plans, must be re-measured when an order is received.

This procedure is called the clarification of the boundaries of land holdings. The use of previous versions of plans is allowed, but only as a comparative basis for new measurements.

The lack of special equipment for an engineer deprives him of the opportunity to engage in activities. After all, an examination of the engineer's tools is carried out annually, and if malfunctions in the equipment or the absence of such are found, then all the work done by the engineer during this period will be called into question and, possibly, invalidated.

As already mentioned, specialists are responsible for mistakes made in the course of their work. Responsibility is individual. That is, regardless of whether the specialist works in any private office or is an individual engineer, he himself will be responsible.

The responsibility of an engineer may be of the following nature:
  • administrative;
  • professional;
  • property.

The administrative responsibility of an engineer is determined according to the norms strictly established in the legislation. In this case, the specialist may be subject to a penalty in the form of a fine.

Professional responsibility is described in the SRO documents. The issue of bringing engineers to such responsibility is decided by the qualification commission.

As a sanction, an engineer may be deprived of the right to engage in professional activity both for a fixed period and indefinitely.

Concerning property liability, then this question decided in private legal order. In most cases, the damage caused by a cadastral specialist is compensated by an insurance payment under a compulsory insurance contract.

Since the expected damage as a result of a specialist's mistake can be huge, up to millions of rubles, the total amount of insurance payment cannot be less than 2.5 million. The engineer himself bears all expenses for the implementation of insurance.

In this way, given profession not only attractive due to its profitability, but also somewhat repulsive due to its complexity and the magnitude of the responsibility. Such work requires not only professionalism, but also attentiveness to your work, the ability to plan your working day.

) are required legal grounds which are based on:

  • for filing an application by the owner or other right holder;
  • verification of the legal capacity of the applicant;
  • correspondence of information about the memory to cadastral records.

Therefore, the procedure for surveying a land plot is determined from the moment the application is submitted, with an appendix. Further actions associated with the acceptance of the application after checking the legal capacity of the package of documents.

Having accepted the application and prepayment (read more about the cost of land surveying), unless otherwise provided by the provisions of the contract, the parties agree on the provision and acceptance of land surveying services - these are cadastral works.

Learn how land surveying is done. Land surveying and cadastral works are carried out in three stages:

  • preparatory work for land surveying;
  • field work;
  • chamber work.

In general, they are focused on the purpose of identifying reliable information about the specifics of the location of the site and its parameters. And also - making the received entries in the State Property Committee in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law on the State Property Committee No. 221-FZ, dated July 24, 2007.

Specifics of preparatory work

The implementation of cadastral work begins immediately after the application is submitted to the geodetic company. They are carried out by the cadastral engineer in his interaction with the registration authority.

First, the documentation is checked and the legal capacity of the applicant and his authority to carry out work on surveying the land plot are confirmed.

On the basis of the concluded agreement, an application is submitted to Rosreestr to obtain a detailed extract on the characteristics and exact location of the memory. The extract indicates by which such is determined on the ground. In accordance with the indicated coordinates, information about the allotment was entered into the State Property Committee.

Having received an extract within 5 working days, the specialist analyzes the information received and draws up a preliminary one that meets the objectives of the application. Survey goals are tied to:

  • the request of the applicant;

Types and examples of boundary plans for the intended use of land can be viewed.

If the site is intended for development with residential or industrial buildings and structures, attention is drawn to locality(you can read the instructions for filling the GPZU). The site is brought into the context of the existing development concisely, with the allocation of development and taking into account the zoning of the territory.

At the first stage, which is characterized by preparatory work,:

  1. Planning in accordance with the information of the State Property Committee.
  2. Compiled technical task to be carried out on the ground.

At the second stage, land surveying works are carried out directly at the location of the storage facility. For their implementation, the time of arrival at the site of the geodesic group and the holders of the memory who have submitted the application is coordinated.

The listed and other types of work are required to be included in the process of land surveying, when drawing up an agreement with a geodetic company. Services not listed in the contract are not subject to the requirement.

The cadastral engineer is obliged to verify the standards for land surveying, the established regulations, focused on the requirements of SNiP and Orders of the Ministry of Economic Development:

The technical report submitted to Rosreestr is executed in electronic form and is certified by a special electronic seal.

If it appears in court, the cadastral engineer is obliged to testify the accuracy of the calculations and measurements carried out, acting on the side of the customer of the boundary plan.

Now you know how it is carried out. Cadastral work during land surveying is the normative and legislative basis of the entire procedure. On its basis, the information obtained is entered into the land cadastre of the Russian Federation.

Law Project

Federal Law "On State Registration of Rights to

real estate"

(new edition)

Chapter 7. Cadastral activity

Article 49. Cadastral engineer

Cadastral engineer - an individual who has a valid qualification certificate of a cadastral engineer, who is a member of a self-regulatory organization of cadastral engineers, who has insured the risk of his professional liability in accordance with the legislation on property insurance, taking into account the features established by this federal law and is authorized to carry out cadastral activities in accordance with this Federal Law .

A cadastral engineer shall carry out the professional activities regulated by this law by private practice. A cadastral engineer is not an entrepreneur acting without the formation of a legal entity. A cadastral engineer has the right to engage in other professional activities regulated by the state in cases and in the manner established by the regulatory body in the field of state registration of rights.

The basis for the admission of a cadastral engineer to professional activities within the registration district is the inclusion by his authority for state registration of rights in the state register of cadastral engineers operating in the registration district, if he has a qualification certificate on the basis of the provision of the following documents:

1) the original extract from the register of the self-regulatory organization at the place of its activity, of which he is a member;

2) applications of the cadastral engineer for his inclusion in the unified state register of cadastral engineers;

3) current contract about insurance of their property liability.

For inclusion in the state register of cadastral engineers, a state fee is charged in the amount and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

The cadastral engineer has a seal depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, location, name of the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member and the identification number of his qualification certificate.

A cadastral engineer engaged in private practice has the right to have premises for professional activities, open current and other accounts in any bank, hire and fire employees, dispose of income received, act in court, arbitration court on his own behalf and perform other actions in accordance with the law Russian Federation.

Cadastral engineers have the right to combine their technical and organizational resources in order to create a bureau of cadastral engineers, which is not legal entity. The cadastral engineers united in the bureau carry out their activities on the basis of a joint activity agreement .

Article 50. Qualification certificate of a cadastral engineer

1. Individual, applying for a qualification certificate of a cadastral engineer, must meet the following requirements:

1) be a citizen of the Russian Federation and permanently reside in the territory of the Russian Federation;

2) be at least twenty-five years of age;

The principle of territoriality should be discussed separately

The main problem of the current version of the article is in the powers of the subject of the Russian Federation. If done correctly, then the subject can give authority to carry out activities only within the district, within the limit, the territory of the subject. Then he cancels. If the subject is given the authority to issue a certificate valid throughout the Russian Federation, then formally any subject can revoke it, since violations can occur on the territory of any subject of the Russian Federation and this must be said directly. Contradictions can be eliminated if we write that the certificate issues federal agency- Rosreestr. And in general, it’s more correct, since it is Rosreestr, and not the subject, that controls the activities of cadastral engineers. But there are no formal problems in limiting the territory of activity of a cadastral engineer, since he is not an entrepreneur. Such restrictions must be introduced, and this is correct, since cadastral engineers actually operate in a certain area. As noted above, in case of detection of errors by cadastral engineers, the contradictions between them are resolved by the relevant self-regulatory organization. And if cadastral engineers are in different organizations, the dispute resolution mechanism will not work.

A compromise option is proposed here so that there is no one Chechnya. Certification is general, and we build regulation and control by subjects (more precisely, by registration districts).

Due to the fact that the activities of cadastral engineers are public, necessary for the formation State Register rights, it is necessary to ensure the direct submission of documents by cadastral engineers to the registration authorities. Then we minimize errors and possible forgeries. But while the system is only taking shape, you can leave the alternative, in addition, for applicants, these documents may be important. In addition, one should take into account the fact that the registration of rights is a declarative procedure. It should be noted that in the absence of an application for state registration rights, documents approved by the cadastral engineer have independent significance and should be taken into account when deciding on the registration of rights to other (primarily related) objects. These issues will need to be regulated by by-laws.

Regarding the regulation of the size of the board, various solutions are possible. This issue requires further discussion. Fee limits can be given the right to regulate subjects. You can give the right to subjects to set lowering (increasing) coefficients.

(It seems that the amount of insurance compensation should correspond to the average value of the registered property. It is important to understand that insurance is a mandatory requirement for admission to the profession, so its minimum amount should be the same in the territory of the Russian Federation).

Taking into account the negative experience of notaries, a minimum fee should be established in the law. We must consult.

The activity of a cadastral engineer is not legal, but engineering.


I wonder how cadastral engineers determine the timing? Given that their activities are engineering, they cannot assess the prescription. They only describe the fact.

It is necessary to return to the provisions of this paragraph again so that it stimulates the elimination of errors in determining the location of the boundaries of the land.

It is not right. The tenant cannot make decisions on the reduction of his land plot for the owner.

Here it is necessary to answer the question - can there be a room in a structure, or only in a building, since by allowing rooms in a structure, we, thereby, allow the emergence of common ownership of the common property of the structure (for example, the metro).

Doesn't fit anywhere. The cadastral engineer takes measurements of the property. It does not evaluate normative legal acts and non-normative acts. Moreover, practice has shown that project documentation do not correspond to the characteristics of the constructed building or structure. This paragraph should be reworded as follows:

It seems that the premises cannot perish, just as a share in the right to common property cannot perish. Because of this, in the event of the destruction of the premises, the owner retains the right to demand restoration from other co-owners common property building and recreating the boundaries of its premises. The destruction of the building will preserve the right of the owners of the premises to the land plot, this should be explicitly written in this law, that in the event of the death of the building, the right to the land plot is restored, due to the fact that it then becomes an object of law.

Today, in all matters related to land relations, a cadastral engineer is involved, whose powers have been significantly expanded compared to surveyors of previous years. The responsibility for people in this profession has also increased.

A cadastral engineer is a natural person who has a mandatory membership in one of the self-regulatory organizations. It is permissible to be a member of only one of them at a time. The prerequisites for obtaining membership are:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • appropriate education (higher or secondary special);
  • two years of work experience as an assistant cadastral engineer;
  • passing a qualifying exam and obtaining a certificate.

Only after that a person receives the status of an engineer and the so-called crust. He begins to engage in professional activities and can perform the following types of work:

  • land surveying with the definition and clarification of the boundaries of the plots by installing boundary marks;
  • definition legal status lands;
  • drawing up boundary and technical plans with binding of real estate to the area;
  • separation of independent allotments from common property;
  • formation of new land areas with registration of documentation;
  • participation in examinations, including judicial ones;
  • preparation of survey reports.

In order to clarify the configuration and dimensions of the site, you need to call a cadastral engineer. Before proceeding with the coordination of the location of the boundaries between the properties of several owners, appropriate announcements are given in the local and regional newspapers. The printed material contains a list of the work carried out and the data of the specialist who conducts them. After completion of the work, all documents are transferred to the state cadastre and the cadastral chamber - this is the responsibility of the cadastral engineer. In accordance with the law, they are stamped with information about the performer and his signature. After that, the papers become a legally significant document.

These services are in demand, especially among the owners of private houses, cottages, owners of cottages, garages and agricultural buildings. It is not news that title documents for real estate not executed in the prescribed manner entail a refusal to register transactions with it. Since 2016, the Certificate of Ownership no longer applies to such documents. Full details are now contained in extracts from the State Register.

When working with large land plots, engineers work in tandem with surveyors. For the latter, a license is required, which can only be obtained by a specialized engineering enterprise or research institute, but not by an individual. Surveyors work at such enterprises as employees. This significantly distinguishes them from engineers who provide services like individual entrepreneurs, owners of their companies or employees of specialized organizations.

Rosreestr for engineers

Specialists are listed in Rosreestr. It contains information about each specific person. This is a kind of state control over the workers employed in this area, for whom licenses are not required by law. The register includes:

  • registration number;
  • data on membership in the SRO;
  • personal information;
  • qualification;
  • work experience;
  • certificate results;
  • information about violations, if any;
  • insurance pension number;
  • information about disqualification;
  • expunged conviction.

The information is publicly available on the website. Customers have the option to choose a good specialist, evaluate his qualifications without asking for an additional resume and without calling them to carry out the work they need. This site is very functional.

Requirements for applicants, knowledge and skills

They are quite high and are presented not only to education, but also to the personality of the applicant. For example, persons with an outstanding criminal record are not allowed to take exams and, therefore, cannot obtain the status of a cadastral engineer. All information about the criminal past of such a specialist is contained in the register.

Though attestation document issued indefinitely, the law obliges people of this profession once every three years to pass extra education in order to improve skills and get acquainted with new instructions, changes in legislative acts and the legal framework.


Before being allowed to take a professional exam, you must complete an internship, namely, work for at least 2 years as an assistant cadastral engineer.

The theoretical examination is conducted by a commission specially formed for this purpose. It is created and approved by the National Association of Cadastral Engineers. There are high requirements for the examinee. List exam questions reaches nine hundred.

Responsibility of the cadastral engineer

An individual is responsible (including under criminal procedure) for their activities. For entering deliberately incorrect information, the Criminal Code provides for a sentence of up to two years or a fine of one hundred thousand to three hundred rubles. This is provided for acts that are committed by a group of persons.

For lesser offenses, there are:

  • corrected work up to one year;
  • mandatory work up to 360 hours;
  • a ban on the profession for up to three years.

As a rule, intentional offenses are allowed under the following points:

  • underestimation of the size of the areas in comparison with the real ones;
  • an indication of a building that has not yet been fully erected;
  • removal from the plan of an object that is available and is present in the surveyed area.

And the duties of cadastral engineers include, among other things, providing the registers with truthful and correct information. It is on their specified information that the title documentation for property owners is formed.

Since membership in self-regulatory organizations has been mandatory since 2016, exclusion can be considered as one of the types of punishment. After expulsion, work in the specialty will not work. Grounds for exclusion:

  1. Establishing the facts of submission of false documents upon admission to the organization.
  2. Violation mandatory conditions membership in the SRO.
  3. Over the past 3 years, registration services have issued 10 or more decisions demanding that the cadastral engineer correct the errors that he made in the land survey plan, technical plan or on the map plan. And also with errors made when establishing the location of the boundaries of land plots or the location of buildings, unfinished objects, and other premises.
  4. Suspension of professional activities for a period of 3 years.

Federal Law N221 provides for compulsory insurance for this type of activity. In the event of damage to the customer due to the fault of the engineer, the damage caused is covered by the sums insured.

Upon receipt of complaints about the activities of SROs, the latter may be subject to unscheduled inspections, which are carried out territorial bodies Rosreestr. Information about all identified violations is sent to the central body of the State Register.


The cadastral specialist has the right not to undertake the task set by the client if:

  • there are no documents confirming the right of ownership of the object by the customer;
  • there is no possibility to enter the object in respect of which work is being carried out;
  • the customer violates the terms of the contract;
  • does not provide the required information.

Disputable issues arising from the terms of contracts are resolved by the parties in accordance with the norms of the Civil Code and specific legislation relating to the contract. As a rule, this is a contract for the performance of a certain range of work.

The cost of services of a cadastral engineer

The price depends on the area where the work is required and the time required for this. All conditions are negotiated by the parties in advance, after which they conclude an agreement. It specifies:

  • duties of the parties;
  • turnaround time;
  • payment terms (one-time or in stages).

To reduce the risk of claims, it is advisable to clearly indicate in the contract what the customer should receive as a result, and what the contractor should do. Draw up a kind of job description for him with a clear indication of the functions for a specific land plot or an object.

To find standing samples such a plan of contracts is possible. But it should be understood that they are all tied to a specific project.

survey prices

As can be seen from the above data, these types of services are not very cheap. Inhabitants countryside and small towns are not physically able to bear such expenses. Engineers will not work for free. And the old households will remain unformed. For the same reason, former collective farmers and their heirs do not allocate in kind plots from land shares. Such work can cost up to 100 thousand rubles. Even working citizens who receive a salary cannot afford such expenses, especially for pensioners.

In some regions, the local administration sent out a notification to the owners of unallocated shares to issue a division and begin to cultivate agricultural land. An attempt was made to oblige citizens to re-register their allotments. But it didn't lead to anything. The administrations themselves received a demand from the state to register the unallocated land shares as the property of the municipalities.

But before starting such a re-registration, a land survey is required. The question is sent to the cadastral engineers. But how much will it cost the administration? Mostly local authorities the authorities do not have sufficient funds, and specialists do not work without pay.

Where can I study to become a cadastral engineer

The prestige of this profession is growing. Many began to wonder how it is possible to become a cadastral engineer.

The requirements for the level of education of persons in this profession came into force in the summer of 2016. They are contained in the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development under the number 413.

Profile education is obtained at those universities and institutes that teach the following disciplines and specializations:

  • land management;
  • real estate cadastre;
  • city ​​cadastre.

The cost of education in Moscow and St. Petersburg is higher than in the country and ranges from 20 to 260 thousand rubles a year.

Upon admission to educational institution exams are given:

  • maths;
  • Russian;
  • physics;
  • geography.

Higher education can be obtained:

  • State University for Land Management (city cadastre, real estate cadastre, land management);
  • University of Railway Transport;
  • Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography;
  • MFUA;
  • Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev.

Advanced training is available remotely.

What will help in the work of a cadastral engineer

First of all:

  • good orientation on the ground;
  • availability of cards;
  • joint coordinated actions with all authorities of a particular area;
  • constant updating of knowledge in the field of legislation applicable in the work.

Not every district has its own specialist. Sometimes in some areas there is only one engineer for several areas, which creates queues among customers.

Citizens are forced to call engineers from other regions and even regions. But this is not always the right decision. In addition to ignorance of the area, visiting engineers face difficulties in submitting the documents they have prepared to the registration authorities. The latter often refuse to accept them, pointing out the admitted shortcomings.

Thus, supporting local cadastral engineers.

In addition, the cost of services for visitors is significantly higher. Since they include transportation and travel expenses in the price of the services provided.


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