Creating a brand from scratch is an example. The main ingredients for creating a legendary brand. Stages of brand creation

The concept of “personal brand” is in many ways similar to the term “reputation”. What does it mean? If we talk in simple words, then this is how people perceive you as a person, an entrepreneur, a representative social movement or a specific organization, the bearer of any goals. Are you an expert? Genius? Can you be trusted? What ideas do you promote? Who do you represent? What associations and thoughts do people have when they pronounce your name? If you have a personal brand, then everyone will recognize you. People are aware of what you offer and what you are working on. In this article we will find out how to create a personal brand.

Work on the image. Popularity at any cost

Sometimes overcoming an unpleasant situation can give you a reputation as a strong person. But in most cases it will end with a destroyed image. You should always remember that people should take you seriously, and a “stained” reputation will greatly hinder this. Don't do bad things just to get attention. This will not help make your personal brand successful. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then take all necessary measures to correct it. As practice shows, when the consequences of bad fame were leveled, people only gained a greater reserve of trust.

Core Values

In the process of creating a personal brand, it is important to decide how you want your clients and customers to perceive you. Think through every detail. After all, a person’s personal brand is a collection of emotions, words and thoughts of other people that form your final image in their heads. And here everything will depend on how you present yourself in society. Well, this process is easy to control. Just choose an image and act in accordance with its behavioral patterns. The most basic thing that can be conveyed to people is moral values. Therefore, it is worth starting with them.

Become the best

If you sell expensive paintings, then you need to be someone who is recognized as having the right to explain all the nuances to clients this direction. If you provide design services, then you need to present yourself as a talented specialist. Any good brand implies professionalism and experience. Thus, the Nike company positions itself as an expert in the field of creating fashionable and high-quality sportswear. Good example personal brand - Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear host). He knows a lot about cars. Even if you have no plans to promote and advertise your own services, you still need to create the impression of expertise.

Constantly learn and monitor changes in your chosen field. Especially if you work on the Internet. No area is developing as quickly as this one. Therefore, if you stop developing and take a break for several months, you will lose your competence.

Unique look

At its core, personal branding is selling people your identity. Therefore, it is very important to think carefully about how you present yourself. It is necessary to model a recognizable image that would be easily remembered even by strangers. At the same time, its uniqueness is important. But that doesn't mean you need to gather a team and brainstorm how to stand out from the crowd. Just be yourself, don’t copy others, and everything will work out automatically, and the promotion of your personal brand will go faster.

Communications with people. Communicate constantly and be open

In our age high technology It’s worth taking social networks into account. Let people peek into your life. Even if these are not the main methods of communication. But you will give them the opportunity to be closer to you. Just use the same name everywhere. This will make it easier for people to find you. Well, tell us in detail about your skills and interests.

Personal site

This is a great way to tell people about you and your projects. They will read the biography and evaluate the quality of the work by looking at the portfolio. This way you can develop your personal brand. Therefore, you need to make a presentable website and update it regularly. Make sure every aspect is thoroughly considered. Be sure to add a section about latest projects and works, about the services provided and the results achieved.


Some people start building a personal brand by opening one. Blogging is one of the most popular ways used in the professional world to make a name for yourself. It's very easy to set up. There are many free hosting sites for opening blogs, and the most popular of them is There are other platforms on which you can open your page without investing money. For example, "".

But it’s not enough to just run your own page. In order for the promotion of a personal brand to proceed at a rapid pace, you need the active participation of readers and their proposal of various ideas for improving it. This will help in attracting even more visitors. Well, be active yourself. Invite readers to discuss new topics and participate in discussions. Your responses should be professional so that users understand the seriousness and relevance of the blog.

Make friends regularly

Do this every day. Try to meet as many people as possible. It's also worth thinking about what new friends can do for you, and what you can do for them. Just make friends who are really worth something. And when you need the help of a professional, then the right person will already be at hand.

It is necessary to find out as much as possible about people: biographical details, full names, etc. Thanks to this, they will see you as a friendly, caring and serious person. Also, the more you remember about specific people, the more you impress them when personal communication. Your good friends with whom you are in close contact will definitely tell their friends about you. This way you can significantly strengthen your personal brand.

Find "allies"

These can be public people, public figures, stars, etc. In general, media persons whose audience is similar to yours. You need to get into their social circle. Follow the pages of media persons on social networks, comment on publications, and if necessary, be sure to offer help. If one of them runs a blog, then write a guest post (but it must be sincere and really good!). You can learn a lot from these people. In addition, they can give a great recommendation to you or your product simply by reposting it. This way thousands of people will know about you.

But moderation is also important in this matter. Do not bother or ask for more service if you have provided a small one. Don’t go too far and be useful, then your “allies” will definitely remember you. But it is worth considering this process as a long-term one. In a couple of weeks, few people can make friends with famous people. As a rule, this process lasts months, or even years. The communication itself should be non-aggressive. On blogs of “allies” you should not write things that require an answer in the comments. There is Twitter and email for this.

Communicate without direct contact

If you are physically unable to respond to all the messages you receive from your audience, then it is worth mentioning this on your home page (along with an apology). After all, the surest way to cause negativity in people is to disappoint them. Well, if you explained everything in advance and apologized, then they will have no reason to be offended. To avoid answering the same type of questions over and over again, you should create a FAQ on your website and give a link to it to everyone who writes.

Take photos and videos

A person needs to feel as if he has known you for a long time. This is especially true for online businesses. This impression is created only when a person can see you. This can be realized using video and photos. Put the most successful photo on the avatar of your social media profiles. It would be a good idea to get some help professional photographer. Post a video on YouTube where you share your future plans or talk about the nuances professional activity. Thus, you will enter the personal space of your own viewers.

Success in the long term. Content Creation

A strong personal brand cannot be used one hundred percent unless it is supplemented with something interesting: a useful application, an interesting blog, high-quality services, etc. But creating such content will take about the same amount of time as establishing friendships with media figures.

Offer original ideas

You must be active in your chosen field. You need to be innovative, make a contribution, constantly change. If you don’t do this, your personal brand will eventually sink into oblivion. Find out what can be changed in your chosen area in better side. But there is an important point here. This must be an innovation.


You need to take advantage of every opportunity to speak out publicly. Show initiative in various meetings and discussions. Feel free to express your own opinion. After all, people want to not only see you, but also hear you. Actively participate in the events that happen in your life and in the world. At the same time, it is worth listening to and respecting the opinions of other people. Then they will feel involved in your success.

Keep your brand relevant

It's unlikely that any media person would want people to think of him as repetitive, boring, disposable and outdated. And it doesn’t matter how good his content is at the moment. If you don’t work on the quality of the material, don’t add something modern, don’t take on new challenges, then audience interest will gradually fade away. It is impossible to use the same idea over and over again. Regularly add new layers to your image.

Aim for the Long Range

It is worth considering building a personal brand as a long-term investment. It is quite possible that he will live longer than his owner. While your business projects fade or become profitable, a personal brand always exists and adds additional value to any endeavor. If people feel involved in it, they will always follow your activities. That is, a personal brand provides some guarantee that in the event of a crisis you will not have to start from scratch.

To succeed, you don't have to be the best at everything at once. There are top bloggers and people who have a rather weak personal brand (in terms of the number of their own audience). The most common reasons for this are an arrogant manner of communication and the transparency of their motives (an open desire to make money from viewers). On the other hand, there are many people with strong brand, which is several times higher in level than their own projects. However, the audience may be quite small. In this case, a personal brand will be an excellent launching pad for growth and development.


You should never be a hypocrite. Avoid actions that run counter to your values ​​and your image. Don't advertise your professional failures. Failures in other areas are normal. After all, there you do not claim to be an expert. And here it is worth thinking in advance which failures can be shared and which cannot. An exception may be an error that becomes public knowledge. If this happens, there is no need to avoid responding. This can make you seem like a liar. It’s best to tell everything honestly to your audience. Let people learn about the error from you, not from hostile third parties.

When presenting yourself, avoid exaggeration. Don't be intrusive and vain. Remember: it is not you who should praise yourself, but other people. Promoting your personal brand should be slow and steady. Excessive assertiveness and aggressiveness can make you appear selfish and not beneficial. There is a very fine line between self-promotion and bragging; you shouldn’t cross it.

How to create your own brand - choosing a name and logo, registration stages. Get 7 tips on how to open your own clothing brand + 4 ideas for successful advertising.

By opening a brand, an entrepreneur patents not only his company’s logo, its slogan and product features.

A brand is something more: all the emotions, associations, customer feelings associated with a product or service, positive and negative reviews, happy and disappointed consumers.

How to open your own clothing brand?

This is the question that this article will answer.

You will learn all the intricacies of the birth process trademark, how to come up with a brand name and register your creation with Rospatent.

How to come up with a brand name?

Brand development begins with the task of coming up with a brand name.

The consumer evaluates not only the graphic design of the company logo.

He is also interested in the semantic content contained in the title.

An entrepreneur must be creative.

The brand name is reflected in the success of all marketing operations!

How to come up with a unique name for a brand?

"In any project the most important factor is belief in success. Without faith, success is impossible.”
William James

Think about what will be special about the product being produced, determine competitive advantages products.

Let us remember again that the target audience– young people who buy absolutely everything on the Internet.

By following these marketing steps, your clothing will very soon become a market leader.

The following video tells how a young girl created her own clothing brand.

Watch and be inspired:

How much money does it take to open your own clothing brand?

Let's move on to dry, precise calculations.

Entrepreneurship in any form does not tolerate financial mistakes.

For the convenience of arithmetic operations, let’s take the monthly production of a batch of 1,000 units of product by your enterprise as a sample.

The cost of producing one unit is 450 rubles. (fabric + tailoring), selling price – 700 rubles.

Let's start by calculating the initial investment in production:

Monthly investment:

Monthly income from the sale of branded clothing will be 700,000 rubles.

With such indicators, the payback of a successful enterprise selling branded clothing will be 1 month.

Do you want to test yourself as a designer and entrepreneur?

Your own clothing brand is the ideal solution.

The business quickly pays for itself and brings a stable income.

If after reading the article you still have a question: how to create your own clothing brand, all that remains is to personally try it in practice to understand all the intricacies of entrepreneurship.

All that is required to implement the project is persistence and belief in one’s abilities.

Are you ready to pay this price for success?

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Trademark “trade mark” and brand “brand” are not identical concepts. Before talking about how a brand is created, you need to decide what exactly this word means.

Brand concept and structure

The basis of the brand is information presented in symbolic form, associated with certain products or services and of particular value to the target audience (TA). The brand becomes unique thanks to the comprehensive development of such elements as:

  • Name;
  • design solution (from logo, color and fonts to branded clothing);
  • corporate culture and behavior (norms and values ​​common to all employees; the company anthem and the so-called “musical logo”; uniform);
  • corporate communications (PR and advertising events);
  • tactile component (materials used to produce the product itself and its packaging);
  • specific aromas (perfumery or just the smell of packaging).

Key brand functions

Why do you need to create a brand? We have identified the following functions and tasks:

  • capturing a certain niche in the market for goods and services;
  • establishing a clearly traceable associative connection between the manufacturing company and its products;
  • ensuring company recognition;
  • guaranteeing the quality of goods and services;
  • formation of a reasonable pricing policy;
  • creating a basis for increasing sales volume;
  • establishing sales of goods and searching for permanent business partners.

Brand and trademark: what is the difference

Many entrepreneurs do not see the difference between these terms. But it is there. A brand is an original verbal, visual or combined representation of a company and the goods it produces. The concept of a brand is narrower. It implies not only the uniqueness of the presentation of information about a specific company and product, but also high degree recognition for clients.

Thus, it turns out that every brand is a trademark. However, a brand is only a trademark that the target audience knows well.

Only if the strongest, trusting relationship between customers and the company is established, does a trademark have a chance of gaining brand status.

Stages of brand creation

The brand development procedure includes many stages.

  1. 1. It starts with studying the activities of competitors.
  2. 2. At the next stage, customer needs are determined. To do this, you need to conduct surveys of the target audience, find out the opinions of its representatives about similar companies: in particular, about what is missing in competitors’ products, and about what consumers like about them.
  3. 3. Then the company should take a certain position in the market (it should be unique, making it possible to consolidate the positive image of the company in the minds of the consumer).
  4. 4. After this, it’s time to work on the concept. At this stage they are born original name, motto, legend, advertising texts, logo and other visual components.
  5. 5. Brand creation ends with development advertising campaign. Methods of brand promotion are selected based on financial opportunities companies.

Brand promotion

Currently, the owner of a trademark has many tools to help increase its popularity and recognition. Here are the most common ones:

  • advertising banners and billboards;
  • videos broadcast on TV;
  • radio advertising;
  • branded products;
  • official site;
  • organization of business meetings and training events;
  • "viral" promotions;
  • shocking the public;
  • activity within social networks;
  • organization of a specialized community;
  • launching socially significant projects;
  • hiring “straw ducks” to disseminate information about the trademark (brand).

An original name and an expressive logo are of great importance for brand recognition. It is these two elements that the consumer focuses on when considering the possibility of purchasing a service or product.

They also serve to form a general image of the company in the mind potential client. This is why, when creating a brand, it is necessary to special attention approach the issue of choosing a name and logo.

Naming development

Not every name contributes to the popularity and recognition of a brand. To promote as quickly as possible, the name should be:

  1. 1. Simple (to avoid wrong associations).
  2. 2. Laconic (a short combination of words is easier to remember).
  3. 3. Truthful (otherwise customers will be disappointed in the product and will not support it).
  4. 4. Easy to pronounce (will always be heard and remembered faster).
  5. 5. Positive (positive emotions that arise when a brand is mentioned is a guarantee of loyalty to it).
  6. 6. Euphonious.
  7. 7. Unique (otherwise it cannot be patented).
  8. 8. Graphic (since clear writing contributes to better recognition).
  9. 9. Polysemantic (causing interesting associations and, as a result, distinguishing a company (product) from a number of similar ones).
  10. 10. Protectable (since to ensure the desired reputation it will be necessary to carry out legal protection of the name).

How a logo is developed

A logo is a guarantee of company recognition. It allows the consumer to distinguish its products from numerous analogues produced by competitors. The logo indicates the high quality of the product and its aesthetic merits. It is another tool for brand advertising.

But not any logo will be able to fulfill its mission, but only one that was developed taking into account all the rules of marketing. In other words, the logo should be:

  • effective (memorable);
  • relevant (that is, corresponding to the target audience’s ideas about the beautiful and right);
  • unique (to ensure maximum differences from competitors);
  • harmonious in color (an abundance of shades and details harms the logo);
  • able to express the company's ideas without compromising it and creating a positive image;
  • associative (so that the consumer correctly perceives the company’s values ​​displayed in symbolic form).

Not every brand, even an old and respected one, turns into a brand. Increasing your status requires serious financial investments. To create a brand, the brand owner must have outstanding entrepreneurial skills.

Successful branding will help you outshine your competitors and create a superior reputation for your product or services. Luck in this issue nothing to do with it, because the key to victory is due diligence, creative thinking, observing competitors, understanding the core principles of the business, its mission and culture, and a strong desire to collaborate with the people who work with you to create your company's success. Next comes developing a logo and tagline that represents the unique spirit of your company and promoting your brand to the best of your ability. Read below about how to take the first step towards creating a thriving brand.


Part 1

Create a truthful, lively and sincere image

    Define your mission precisely. What qualities, values ​​and experiences do you offer to your clients? For your brand to work effectively, it is necessary to project a true image of what your company strives to provide to consumers. But first you need to formulate the mission of your company so that it becomes clear how you differ from your competitors. Consider the following questions:

    • Why are you doing this particular business?
    • What are your goals?
    • Who is your target segment?
    • What makes your company special in this area?
  1. How you want to be seen. You need to make your customers think of your brand as a living, breathing person they can trust. When walking through a supermarket or leafing through a telephone directory, they should be looking specifically for your product or services. Considering your company's mission, decide what type of relationship you want to establish. What are you going to base your mission on?

    • Maybe you want your product to be perceived as an adventure, a ticket to new life or a second chance. This approach is often used by large food companies that sell products such as goji berry juice or sprouted cereal bars.
    • Or maybe you want to present your brand as smart and modern. Does your product make you feel cool, like you're in a private club? Urban Outfitters and Apple use this approach.
    • Another approach would be to offer your clients a reliable option that they can fully trust and will never let them down. This is a good approach if you are selling a product that will never fail, such as tires or legal services.
    • You can also rely on nostalgia when building a brand. People feel connected to things that remind them of childhood and carefree times.
  2. Think like your client thinks. When you buy a product, think about why you are buying it? What makes you choose a particular brand? Try to use your answers to imagine how your own brand will be perceived. Find out what your customers crave to feel and let them feel it through your brand. Do they want to feel strong? Responsible? Conscientious? Smart? Unique? Your brand should evoke these feelings through its appearance, marketing and design. Evoke these feelings not only with language, but also with color and product design.

  3. Engage your employees. Communicate to your employees the importance of your brand and explain how and why you came to this brand. You will need their support for the success of your new branding.

    • Remember that the customer will see your business through your brand. This also includes appearance and the behavior of your employees.
    • Your employees will have their own unique vision of your business and how to achieve your goals, so each of them will bring an invaluable contribution to the development of your business. Ask employees how your product has been received in the market, and don't ignore their opinions.

    Part 2

    Earn customer trust
    1. Your product must match your message about it. If your message sounds good but you don't deliver on your promises, your customers will go elsewhere and your brand won't stick. But if your business delivers what your branding promises, you are rewarded with the trust of your customers. Soon, they will begin to spread the word about the quality of your service, and your brand's reputation will speak for itself.

      • Also make sure that the associations your brand evokes in your customers are consistent with what you offer. For example, if you promise that your margarita-flavored lemonade is the most refreshing drink on the market, but your customers routinely complain that after taking a sip they are unpleasantly surprised by the lack of tequila in the drink, then something is wrong with the drink. how you present the product to potential consumers. You may need to rename your drink so that customers don't feel disappointed every time they try the product.
      • Transparency in doing business is also important. Trust is a very important part of brand recognition as your customers need to feel like they know your brand like an old friend. Let your clients see your real priorities, how you work and where your money goes. If the information is not always the best, it should at least be truthful and presented in the best possible light.
    2. Swipe marketing research to find out who you serve. What are the age and demographic groups of your primary customer base? The answers may surprise you, so it's important to do some research to find out who is interested in the products you offer and how they respond to your branding.

      • Consider setting up a focus group as an opportunity to test how different demographic segments react to your product. Ask them to describe their perception of your product before and after they tried it.
      • Targeting a specific demographic segment is often a more effective strategy than trying to make a product appeal to everyone. You can narrow down your target group after you identify who buys your product. For example, if you discover that teenagers are the most likely target group interested in your breakfast cereal, you can change your branding strategy to make your product even more attractive to this group.
    3. Do a comparative analysis. Do your research to find out what other companies offer and find your differences from those companies. Your branding should focus on what's different, what makes your product better than the rest. Finding something special that sets you apart from other companies is very important because your customers have so many options that they may never know your product exists unless you make it special.

      • You may find that a certain company has already chosen a specific market segment, but this does not mean that your product will not be attractive to a slightly different audience.
      • If the market is saturated great products, consider turning in a different direction. Change either your branding approach or your product configurations.

In this issue we will talk abouthow to create a brandin 10 steps. It doesn’t matter whether you build a brand yourself or entrust this work to professionals, these 10 simple basicswill help you build a really cool brand that will bring good dividends over time.

Below we will look at how to create your brand in 10 steps. Everyone knows the saying “the devil is in the details”; this saying can be safely applied in this case. Sometimes details that seem insignificant at first glance play a key role in the success of a brand.

A successful brand must have everything perfect, from a well-defined company mission to beautiful branded packaging. We will try to go through the most important details in creating a brand that must be taken into account.

Step No. 1 " Marketing research"

It is very important to study the market you are planning to enter. Analyze all possible competitors. Survey the target audience.

Step No. 2 "

Brand positioning- this is an idea that will distinguish your brand from hundreds of others. Positioning is often called “the company’s mission.” Let's look at examples of brand positioning using the auto business as an example.

Examples of positioning famous car brands:

Mercedes– prestige;

Ferrari- speed;

Volvo- safety.

It is also worth understanding that these are not just beautiful mottos in order to stand out from the general background. These criteria are the main ones when creating cars for each of these companies. Accordingly, when a buyer chooses one of these companies, he knows in advance what he will receive upon purchase.

Step No. 3" Title development»

At first glance it may seem that there is nothing simpler than writing a few tens suitable options and choose the best one. But not everything is so simple! You need to understand that the name must evoke the necessary emotions in the client, it must sound good (after all, it will be used in advertising slogans, etc.), and it must reflect the “mission” of the company. As in the example above with car brands.

Step No. 4 " Trade registration brand"

To register a trademark, you will need to contact federal body executive power for intellectual matters, or rather at FIPS. After this you will need to fill out everything Required documents, fill out an application for trademark registration and send the necessary documents to the patent office (FIPS).

The registration amount can range from 12,000 to 16,0000 rubles, depending on the class of the ICGS. There are also companies that, for a fee, will help do most of the work for you, help you draw up paperwork, etc.

Step No. 5 “Logo development”

At this stage, you need to come up with a type of logo for your brand. Here you can go in 2 ways: 1) do everything yourself, 2) involve a third-party company or freelancer. If this is a serious company, of course you can’t do it without the help of a studio or freelancer and professional designer. When creating a brand from scratch, there is no need to rush, because the logo will be the face of the company and will be on all advertising brochures and other information related to the company.

The amount for logo development can be completely different. Sometimes on large forums you can see a thread with the task: “Develop a logo for a company,” naturally with a prize fund for the winner. And people send in their sketches on this topic, and at the end of the month the owner chooses the best option and makes it the logo for his new company. This is certainly not a standard approach to creating a logo, but many companies use this method.

Step No. 6 “Choosing a corporate identity”

Corporate style is needed to highlight the company’s features and highlight its individuality. Today, corporate symbols are an integral part of the image for a company of any level. A correctly chosen style helps a product or brand to be recognizable, inspires confidence in the buyer, etc., etc. But this is the essence of creating a brand.

Step No. 7 “Creating a Brand Character”

Everything here is ambiguous, many successful companies know their character, but there are hundreds of other companies that do not use them. It all depends on the company and its vision for marketing the company. Therefore, each company decides for itself whether to use characters in creating a brand or not.

Famous brand characters:

  • Nestle– a brown rabbit named Quickie;
  • Marlboro- cowboy.

In addition, each character has its own feature, for example, Marlboro cowboy (heroic character), Kwiki the rabbit (Nestle) friend character. This approach has worked quite well, because we know many brands precisely by their characters.

Step No. 8 “Creating packaging”

Each brand must have its own unique packaging with the brand logo, corporate colors and all other attributes.Many especially foreign brands manage to make such packaging that after purchasing the product, the box or packagingI don’t even want to cut it, they make it that good.

It might seem like a trifle, but such things create additional sympathy for the brand. Of course, no one will buy your products just because of one box, but high-quality packaging will be a definite plus for the client’s relationship with the brand.

Step No. 9 “Brand Promotion”

In brand promotion or promotion, there is no ideal formula that would work in all cases. After all, every niche has its own most profitable ways promotion. In addition, a lot depends on your financial capabilities, the level of competition, etc., etc.

Therefore, if you do not have skills in brand promotion, it is better to hire professionals who do this every day. They will make you rough plan promotions depending on your budget, will give useful tips etc.

Step No. 10 “Development of an advertising concept”

This step is closely related to the previous one. Typically, an advertising concept is developed at the promotion stage or before it begins. For these purposes, again, you should turn to professionals who will do all the work for you.

Advantages and disadvantages of creating a brand

Brand development has both its pros and cons. Of course, there are many more advantages, but the disadvantages also need to be taken into account. Because it's easier said than done. And if a brand does not keep its word, such a brand will never be in demand among customers.



    The ability to attract new customers (by standing out from competitors);

    Increased cost of production;

    Customers for life (if the buyer likes your product, he will always prefer your products to those of your competitors).

    All products must be consistent with the brand image. Otherwise, it will have a very negative impact on the brand as a whole. If your motto is quality, all goods should be best quality than competitors, etc.

Now you know the basics of how to create a brand and what steps you need to take to do this. Remember that knowledge is worthless if it is not put into practice. Therefore, if you have long wanted to create a brand, but never dared to go for it, why not do it today.

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