ETKS drilling. ETKS. Drinsher of operational and exploration drilling of wells for oil and gas. Driller of operational and exploration drilling of wells for oil and gas

Unified Tariff Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2019
Issue No. 6 ETKS
The issue was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and social Development Russian Federation from 14.11.2000 N 81

Driller of operational and exploration drilling of wells for oil and gas

ยง 1. Driller of operational and exploration drilling of wells for oil and gas

Characteristic of work. Guide to the work of the watch. Execution of preparatory work before the start of drilling. Maintenance technological process Drilling wells for oil, gas, thermal, iodobromic waters and other minerals of deep drilling places and all related work in accordance with the geological and technological order, or technological regulations. Laying and assembly of the drill tool. Perform the extension-lifting operations using automatic mechanisms. Performing work on oriented drilling. Management work on cooking, weighing and chemical processing drilling solutions. Control over the observance of the parameters of the drilling fluid and the operation of the drilling fluid cleaning system during drilling process. Equipment for the mouth of the wells by anti-empty equipment, the use of anti-voice equipment in case emergency situation. Performance of work on the joy of gasodonephtheyment, sealing the mouth of the well. Office of the well for gas impexodocams. Operational control by technical condition terrestrial and underground drilling equipment. Checking the operation of control and measuring instruments, automata and safety devices, the state of anti-voice equipment. Preparation of wells for geophysical research and participation in their implementation. Liquidation of complications and accidents during drilling wells. Preparation of the well to the descent of test tests and participation in the work on the test of the formation. Core selection in a given mode by all types of cerno-plants. Preparation of wells and equipment for the descent of casing. Management of work on laying and template of casing, the descent of casing in the well. Participation in the work on cementing casing, the installation of cement bridges, testing columns on tightness. Performance of work on the development of operational wells, testing exploration wells. Performing final work on the well. Preparation of drilling equipment for transportation. Participation in the prophylactic repair of drilling equipment, installation, disassembly, transportation of the drilling rig when driving a brigade with its machine. Maintaining primary documentation for drilling mode and drilling fluid parameters. When posting sea wells with floating drilling rigs (PBU) Participation in the installation and operation of a complex of underwater anti-voice equipment (PFS): Preparation Before launching a complex of PPVA or before the descent of the PFS on the mouth of the well - hydraulic installation with the main control panel; Driller control pair; console remote control; Multichannel hose drum control panels; Drum control board of auxiliary hose; Control panel with fitting manifold; The remote control of the throttle; ship block of an emergency acoustic control system of preventer; Block of the wellhead connector; anti-empty equipment OP540x210, OP350x700 sea riser tensioning system; guide rope management systems; Divertor. Participation in testing for the tightness of the components of the PFP, when it is on the testing stands, when it passes on the sashs of the mine opening; In the crimping PPO at the stand on the working pressure, the functional test of the PPO on the stand: I Stage - checking the triggering of all functions on both control systems from the remote control of the driller, stage II - from the auxiliary console in the room of the drilling wizard, III stage - from the control panels of multichannel drums hose with the control of the conformity of triggered functions on the preventer block; IV Stage - Checking all the functions of the emergency acoustic control system of the preventer from the ship control unit of the acoustic system and portable sensor. The descent of PFPs at the mouth of the wells. Participation in hydraulic testing of PPVS after docking the preventer with a column head, after cementing the casing. Monthly checking of the position of the valves of the fitting manifold and adjustable fittings, the remote control of the throttle, as well as checking on the control paougher control paougher remover of the lines of the lines of jigging and throttling, preventers, control of the charge pressure of batteries, air pressure, pilot pressure and pressure control and universal preventors, Control pressure of telescopic compensator, light and sound alarm. Disconnecting from the mouth of the well in extreme situations (hydrometeorological, technical): Preparation of the open part of the barrel to a long-term dump (conservation); Liberation of the mouth of the well from drill pipes; preparation of sea riser tension systems to disconnect from the mouth of the well; Dismantling of the noverant, telescopic marine riser compensator. Disconnecting from the mouth of the well anxiety "Alarm unchange". Preparation of wells for geophysical research and participation in their implementation. Monitoring the position of PBU over well well and communication with dynamic positioning service. Monitoring the technology of wiring relatively project documentation, the actions of the Watch member on the "Emissary" alarm, the fulfillment by members of the Watch indication when directly eliminating gas impexodoproitations (SOVP), maintaining PFP and the corresponding devices in constant readiness. Performing the requirements of the geological and technical control service (GTC) on the removal of the technological parameters required to calculate the fueling of the well, and the adoption of measures to seal the mouth of the well when the SOVP is detected and when notifying the geological and technical control service. After each storm sludge of the drilling vessel, participation in the prophylactic inspection of the drilling rig. Control over the development of tall rope.

Must know: existing rules and instructions on technology, technology and organization of production; Basic information on geology of deposits and oil production, gas, thermal, uodobromic waters and other minerals; geological and technical outfit and modest-technological map; Geological incision of the unfriendly area, information about the design of wells; modes of drilling operations in marine conditions; Purpose, device and specifications drilling and power equipment, PPS, automatic mechanisms, safety devices; device of electrical equipment and turbobers; Methods for eliminating possible malfunctions of turbo-car, electrical scourge and current lead; the device and purpose of the applied tool and devices, the methods of descent and orientation of pipes, electrical workers and turboburobuers with rejoints with inclined and directional and horizontal drilling wells; device used adaptations of small mechanization, control and measuring instruments, drilling system cleaning systems; the physicochemical properties of drilling fluids and chemical reagents for the preparation and processing of drilling fluids, methods of its preparation, restoration and reuse; Ways to control parameters and ways to reduce weight consumption and chemical reagents; sizes and principles of rational use of applicable chisels; causes of accidents and complications when drilling wells, measures to prevent and eliminate them; Allowable loads on the equipment used; design, appointment and use of fishing tools; type, dimensions, thread marking, strength characteristics of casing, drill and pump-compressor pipes; Requirements for the preparation of wells to the descent of casing and cementing; methods and means of protecting the productive horizon from contamination during drilling process and when cementing columns; well cementing technology and conditions ensuring the quality of cementing and tightness of casing columns; standards of consumption of materials used; appointment, device of test tests, packers of various designs; technical requirements to the preparation of wells to the descent of the tests of the reservoirs and the conduct of geophysical studies; Schemes of strapping and design of sealing devices; technology and methods of work on the development of operational and testing of exploration wells; device and the use of terrestrial equipment of fountain and pumping wells; surface and underwater equipment, measures taken in the event of storms in working conditions in water areas; rules for the rejection of the working tools used by control and measuring instruments and safety devices; special rules safety when working in fields containing hydrogen sulfide; orders, orders and other guidance documents that ensure labor safety when drilling wells; Charter service on maritime courts.

Required average professional education.

When drilling wells with a depth of 1500 m inclusive - 5th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of more than 1500 m and up to 4000 m inclusive, as well as when drilling obliquely directed wells with a depth of 1500 m inclusive - 6th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of more than 4000 m and up to 5000 m inclusive, horizontal wells to 2000 meters inclusive, tilted wells with a depth of more than 1500 m with complicated geological conditions, during the drilling process of which technical measures are used to prevent the absorption fluid absorption, breed collapse, narrowing Borehole trunk, gas impexodoproitations, subject to the use of a weighty drilling fluid with a density of 1.6 g / cube. cm and above - the 7th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of more than 5000 m, horizontal wells in a depth of over 2000 m or when drilling wells with PBU - 8th category.

Characteristic of work. Drilling with manual and column perforators, electrolovers, Points, manual boots. Control of self-propelled drilling rigs during the feeding and drilling of the bore, movement and install them into the slaughter. Control of hydraulic, adjustment and configuration of the automatic feeder. Preparation of drill mechanisms and drilling rigs to work. Participation in the lathe mountain production. Marking of the arrangement of the tears in accordance with the passport of drilling work. Ground check. Attaching the drill mechanisms to the energy network. Purge, flushing disc, shift of drills and crowns during drilling. Selection of boils, chisels, crowns. Billet and driving plugs in bored bored bore. Difference device, installation of pneumatic and other supporting devices. Inspection of the place of work, its content in a safe condition, participation in the ruffle of the sides and roof. Installing temporary crepe. Detection and troubleshooting in the work of the drill mechanisms and drilling rigs. Technical care for drilling mechanisms and installations, lubrication of their rubbing nodes. Participation in building pneumatic highways, water supply and ventilation systems.

Must know: device serviced drill mechanisms and drilling rigs; Principle of operation of the hydraulic system of drives, gearboxes, pneumatic motors, diesel engines and other nodes of serviced drilling rigs, the order of their disassembly and assembly; rules for transportation of drilling rigs for mining workings; Schemes of the rational arrangement of the tapes and their depth; content and procedure for filling the passport of drilling work; Requirements made to the quality of drilling tools refueling depending on the properties of drum rocks; order and techniques of work at sharpening crowns; properties of rocks and the nature of their location; Name and location of mining workings; External signs that distinguish the minerals from a blank breed; Measures to combat dust formation during drilling; System of lubrication and varieties of used oils for engines, chassis and hydraulic pipelines; Rules for replacing and care for the drilling instrument; Ventilation schemes and supply of workplace with compressed air and water; device and energy network scheme; Basic information on electrical engineering, geology, exploration of mineral deposit; methods of liquidation of leaks in power grids; Methods for installing temporary fixing and troubleshooting in the work of the drill mechanisms and drilling rigs; Rules and ways of conducting explosive work.

When drilling a hole manually - 3rd category;

when drilling with screws with manual and column perforators and electric distributors weighing up to 35 kg (the mass is indicated along with pneumatic support) in open operations - 4th category;

when drilling: tapes with manual and column perforators and electric vessels weighing over 35 kg in open operations and up to 35 kg in underground workings, galley, shurts; Drilling tights, except equipped with diesel engines - 5th category;

when drilling: tapes with manual and column perforators and electric vessels weighing over 35 kg in underground workings, gallery, shurts; Spurs with self-propelled drilling rigs with diesel engine; Screws on underwater work - 6th category;

when drilling in special grooves and wells with perforators, drilling rigs, electrolovers and mining machine with jackhammers for measuring the power of the productive reservoir of the useful mineral, testing of rocks on the drilling, deposit and to determine the optimal parameters of drilling operations - 7th category.

Requires a medium vocational education for the 7th discharge burst.


The assistants of the burstars of the tears in the presence of the rights of the burst of the burst are charged by one discharge below the bursts of the tips with which they work, in the absence of rights - by two discharge.

State Committee of the USSR
According to I. social issues and VDSPS
dated January 16, 1986 N 13 / 2-36

Unified Tariff Qualification Directory
Works and professions workers

Issue 6.


The issue was approved by Resolution of the State Committee of the USSR for Labor and Social Affairs and the WCSPS of January 16, 1986 N 13 / 2-36.
Sections of this issue are reworked by the Ministry of Oil Industry in conjunction with the Ministry gas industry and the central office of labor standards.
These sections add-ons and changes to the content of most tariff qualification characteristics and names of occupations. From the release excluded and unified in the appropriate professions placed inside and in other ETKS issues, 10 professions, for example: "drigger of mechanical rotational drilling of wells", "Drinsher mechanical shock drilling of wells", "Hand drilling drilling of wells" and their helpers and tons d.
Two new professions include: "Machine system for servicing oil and gas equipment" and "Operator of the control panel in the extraction of oil and gas".
These sections of the ETKS contain 46 names of occupations instead of valid 54.
Tariff-qualification characteristics are mandatory when tariffing work and assignment. qualification discharges Workers in enterprises, organizations and institutions of all sectors of the national economy regardless of the departmental subordination, where there are those specified in these sections of production or types of work, except for especially agreed cases.


Sections "Drilling of wells", "Oil and gas production" of a single tariff-qualification reference book of works and professions of workers (ETKS) revised, taking into account further improvement in the organization, rationing and stimulating labor. The sections carried out to improve the tariffing of similar works, refined the tariff qualification characteristics of the workers' professions in connection with the change in labor content under the influence of scientific and technological progress, increased product quality, qualifications, knowledge, general education and special preparation of workers.
A single tariff qualification guide contains tariff-qualification characteristics grouped into sections in production and types of work, regardless of whether these production organizations or types of work are available at the enterprises (in organizations).
These sections include workers' professions specific to this production or type of work.
The professions of workers who are not specific to any particular production or type of work are placed in the section "Workers' professions, common to all sectors of the national economy."
The tariff qualification characteristics of workers professions are developed in relation to the six-digit tariff grid. The discharge of work is established by their complexity, as a rule, without taking into account working conditions.
The sections "I must know" tariff qualification characteristics in all professions should keep in mind the need for knowledge of safety regulations and fire safetySecurity measures ambient and subsoil; In professions where it is necessary to control a car or tractor, workers must have appropriate rights.
Under the section "Drilling of wells", work and workers employed on the operational and exploration drilling of wells for oil and gas and other minerals are charged; Drilling of exploration, structural-search, hydrogeological, pattern and seismic wells, drilling wells for explosive work, for fixing the soil and rock (cementation, silicotization, freezing, etc.), water supply (bu

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Unified Tariff Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2019
Issue No. 6 ETKS
The issue was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 14.11.2000 N 81

Section "Drilling of Wells"
Driller of operational and exploration drilling of wells for oil and gas
Laboratory manifold
Machinist of drilling rigs on oil and gas
Motorist cementing aggregate
Motorist cement-sandmark mixing unit
Camera Motorist Cement Control Station
Operator for Testing (Test) Wells
Well cement operator
Crossover pipe
Assistant Driller of Operational and Exploratory Drilling of Wells and Gas (First)
Assistant drill of operational and exploration drilling of wells for oil and gas (second)
Assistant Driller Operational and Exploration Drilling of Wells
A cooker of drilling solutions
Maintenance of drilling
Installer of drill locks
Drilling Maintenance Electrical

Section "Oil and Gas Mining"
Capital Repair Drillers
Player of a floating drill unit in the sea
Dieselist of a floating drill unit in the sea
Frozer flower disbets
Oil and gas equipment machinery machinery
Machinist pumping station for downloading the working agent in the reservoir
Steam Mobile Deparaffinization Machine
Machine steam generator installation pair injection in oil layers
Mobile compressor driver
Driver lift
Machinist of washing aggregate
Dehydrating and desalting installation operator
Hydraulic rupture operator
Oil and gas production operator
Well-study operator
Operator for the preparation of wells to capital and underground repairs
Operator to maintain reservoir pressure
Underground Repair Operator
Gas collection operator
Operator of the control panel in the extraction of oil and gas
Well-processing operator
High-ended well-repair drill assistant
Assistant of the driller of a floating drill unit in the sea
Fitter for installation and repair of the bases of marine drilling and overpass


This issue of a single tariff-qualification reference book of works and professions of workers (ETKS) was developed on the basis of the previous ETKS, Issue 6, approved by the State Protection District of the USSR State Protection and the Secretariat of January 16, 1986 N 13 / 2-36. Its development is caused by the change in production technology, an increase in the role of scientific and technological progress in production activities, increasing the level of qualifications, general education and special training of workers, quality, competitiveness of products in the domestic and foreign markets, as well as a change in labor content.

The discharges of work are established by their difficulty without taking into account the conditions of labor (with the exception of extreme cases affecting the level of labor complexity and improving the qualifications of the contractor).

The tariff qualification characteristics of each profession has two sections.
The "Work Feature" section contains a description of the work that the worker should be able to perform.
The section "Must know" contains the basic requirements for working on special knowledge, as well as knowledge of provisions, instructions and other guidelines, methods and means that the worker should apply.

The tariff qualification characteristics contains a list of works that are most typical of this discharge of the working profession. This list does not exhaust all the works that may have to perform a worker. The administration of the Organization may develop and approve upon coordination with the trade union committee or other authorized employees with a representative body, an additional list of works corresponding to the complexity of their implementation, which are contained in the tariff qualification characteristics of professions of workers' relevant discharges.

In addition to the work provided for in the section "Characteristics of work", the worker must perform work on acceptance and delivery of a shift, cleaning the workplace, devices, tools, as well as content in proper condition, maintaining established technical documentation.

Along with the requirements for theoretical and practical knowledge contained in the section "Must know", the worker should know: Rules and norms on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety; Terms of use of individual protection; Requirements for the quality of work performed (services); types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate; production signaling; Requirements for the rational organization of labor in the workplace.

These sections include workers' professions specific to the production of well drilling work and oil and gas production, providing for knowledge of environmental protection rules and subsoil. Workers whose professions include driving a car, tractor or other transport, must have appropriate documents.

The working higher qualification, in addition to the work listed in its tariff-qualification characteristic, should be able to carry out the work provided for by the tariff-qualification characteristics of working lower qualifications, as well as lead the work of lower discharges of the same profession. In this regard, the work given in the tariff qualification characteristics of lower discharges in the characteristics of higher discharges, as a rule, are not given.

When filling labor book worker, as well as when changing tariff discharge The name of his profession is recorded in accordance with the ETKS.

Characteristic of work. Guide to the work of the watch. Execution of preparatory work before the start of drilling. Maintaining the technological process of drilling wells on oil, gas, thermal, uodobromic water and other minerals with deep drilling plants and all the works related to it according to the geological and technical order, a production card and technological regulations. Laying and assembly of the drill tool. Perform the extension-lifting operations using automatic mechanisms. Performing work on oriented drilling. Guidelines for the preparation, weighing and chemical treatment of drilling solutions. Control over the observance of the parameters of the drilling fluid and the operation of the drilling fluid cleaning system during drilling process. Equipment of the mouth of the wells by anti-voice equipment, the use of anti-imaging equipment in the event of an emergency. Performance of work on the joy of gasodonephtheyment, sealing the mouth of the well. Office of the well for gas impexodocams. Operational control Behind the technical condition of ground and underground drilling equipment. Checking the operation of control and measuring instruments, automata and safety devices, the state of anti-voice equipment. Preparation of wells for geophysical research and participation in their implementation. Liquidation of complications and accidents during drilling wells. Preparation of the well to the descent of test tests and participation in the work on the test of the formation. Core selection in a given mode by all types of cerno-plants. Preparation of wells and equipment for the descent of casing. Management of work on laying and template of casing, the descent of casing in the well. Participation in the work on cementing casing, the installation of cement bridges, testing columns on tightness. Performance of work on the development of operational wells, testing exploration wells. Performing final work on the well. Preparation of drilling equipment for transportation. Participation in the prophylactic repair of drilling equipment, installation, disassembly, transportation of the drilling rig when driving a brigade with its machine. Maintaining primary documentation for drilling mode and drilling fluid parameters. When posting sea wells with floating drilling rigs (PBU) Participation in the installation and operation of a complex of underwater anti-voice equipment (PFS): Preparation Before launching a complex of PPVA or before the descent of the PFS on the mouth of the well - hydraulic installation with the main control panel; Driller control pair; remote control; Multichannel hose drum control panels; Drum control board of auxiliary hose; Control panel with fitting manifold; The remote control of the throttle; ship block of an emergency acoustic control system of preventer; Block of the wellhead connector; anti-empty equipment OP540x210, OP350x700 sea riser tensioning system; guide rope management systems; Divertor. Participation in testing for the tightness of the components of the PFP, when it is on the testing stands, when it passes on the sashs of the mine opening; In the crimping PPO at the stand on the working pressure, the functional test of the PPO on the stand: I Stage - checking the triggering of all functions on both control systems from the remote control of the driller, stage II - from the auxiliary console in the room of the drilling wizard, III stage - from the control panels of multichannel drums hose with the control of the conformity of triggered functions on the preventer block; IV Stage - Checking all the functions of the emergency acoustic control system of the preventer from the ship control unit of the acoustic system and portable sensor. The descent of PFPs at the mouth of the wells. Participation in hydraulic testing of PPVS after docking the preventer with a column head, after cementing the casing. Monthly checking of the position of the valves of the fitting manifold and adjustable fittings, the remote control of the throttle, as well as checking on the control paougher control paougher remover of the lines of the lines of jigging and throttling, preventers, control of the charge pressure of batteries, air pressure, pilot pressure and pressure control and universal preventors, Control pressure of telescopic compensator, light and sound alarm. Disconnecting from the mouth of the well in extreme situations (hydrometeorological, technical): Preparation of the open part of the barrel to a long-term dump (conservation); Liberation of the mouth of the well from drill pipes; preparation of sea riser tension systems to disconnect from the mouth of the well; Dismantling of the noverant, telescopic marine riser compensator. Disconnecting from the mouth of the well anxiety "Alarm unchange". Preparation of wells for geophysical research and participation in their implementation. Monitoring the position of PBU over well well and communication with dynamic positioning service. Control over the technology of wiring relative to the project documentation, the actions of the Emissary Museum on the Emission Alert, the implementation of the indications of the indications during the direct elimination of gas imaging (SOVB), maintaining PFP and the corresponding devices in constant readiness. Implementation of the requirements of the Geological and Technical Control Service (GTC) for removal technological parametersnecessary to calculate the fueling of the well, and the adoption of measures to seal the mouth of the well when the SOVP is detected and when alerting the geological and technical monitoring service. After each storm sludge of the drilling vessel, participation in the prophylactic inspection of the drilling rig. Control over the development of tall rope.

Must know: existing rules and instructions on technology, technology and organization of production; Basic information on geology of deposits and oil production, gas, thermal, uodobromic waters and other minerals; geological and technical outfit and modest-technological map; Geological incision of the unfriendly area, information about the design of wells; modes of drilling operations in marine conditions; appointment, device and specifications of drilling and power equipment, PFP, automatic mechanisms, safety devices; device of electrical equipment and turbobers; Methods for eliminating possible malfunctions of turbo-car, electrical scourge and current lead; device and appointment of applied tools and devices, methods of descent and orientation of pipes, electrical workers and turboburis with rejoints with inclined and horizontal drilling of wells; device used adaptations of small mechanization, control and measuring instruments, drilling system cleaning systems; the physicochemical properties of drilling fluids and chemical reagents for the preparation and processing of drilling fluids, methods of its preparation, restoration and reuse; Ways to control parameters and ways to reduce weight consumption and chemical reagents; sizes and principles of rational use of applicable chisels; causes of accidents and complications when drilling wells, measures to prevent and eliminate them; Allowable loads on the equipment used; design, appointment and use of fishing tools; type, dimensions, thread marking, strength characteristics of casing, drill and pump-compressor pipes; Requirements for the preparation of wells to the descent of casing and cementing; methods and means of protecting the productive horizon from contamination during drilling process and when cementing columns; well cementing technology and conditions ensuring the quality of cementing and tightness of casing columns; standards of consumption of materials used; appointment, device of test tests, packers of various designs; Technical requirements for the preparation of wells to the descent of test tests and geophysical studies; Schemes of strapping and design of sealing devices; technology and methods of work on the development of operational and testing of exploration wells; device and the use of terrestrial equipment of fountain and pumping wells; surface and underwater equipment, measures taken in the event of storms in working conditions in water areas; rules for the rejection of the working tools used by control and measuring instruments and safety devices; Special safety rules when working at deposits containing hydrogen sulfide; orders, orders and other guidance documents that ensure labor safety when drilling wells; Charter service on maritime courts.

Requires secondary vocational education.

When drilling wells with a depth of 1500 m inclusive - 5th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of more than 1500 m and up to 4000 m inclusive, as well as when drilling obliquely directed wells with a depth of 1500 m inclusive - 6th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of more than 4000 m and up to 5000 m inclusive, horizontal wells to 2000 meters inclusive, tilted wells with a depth of more than 1500 m with complicated geological conditions, during the drilling process of which technical measures are used to prevent the absorption fluid absorption, breed collapse, narrowing Borehole trunk, gas impexodoproitations, subject to the use of a weighty drilling fluid with a density of 1.6 g / cube. cm and above - the 7th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of more than 5000 m, horizontal wells in a depth of over 2000 m or when drilling wells with PBU - 8th category.


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