PC for plumbing norm. Choose clothes for Plumbing and Master for home repairs. Quality special clothing from a proven manufacturer

On the shoulders of locksmith often the need to fulfill a number of working tasks. Throughout the work time, the mechanic should be protected from a variety of threats - mechanical shocks, excessive humidity, hypothermia and others. When choosing special clothes, its own set itself can differ much and depends on the specific working conditions.

Special clothing set

    A set of special locksmith clothing can consist immediately from several main elements:
  • Overalls;
  • Boots;
  • Jacket.

The composition of the kit may vary, depending on which industry is doing a locksmith. The kit can be complemented by helmet, respirators, protective glasses and other elements. Depending on the scope of work, tissue requirements are also changing. In particular, when working in a car service, an employee must be well insured against sparks, oil and various kinds of combustible substances. For plumbing locks, the main requirement for a set of clothing is to protect against moisture and condensate.

A high-quality set of clothing must certainly be filled with a durable, comfortable fabric. Overalls for locksmiths sews in such a way as to be as comfortable as possible in the sock and not to stance movements.

Quality special clothing from a proven manufacturer

Our company offers its customers high-quality, durable and durable special clothing for locksmiths. Sewing overalls is carried out by professional professionals with the choice of optimal tissues adapted specifically for employees of the selected industry. In the catalog is represented as

Traditionally, the client component of electricity production has not attracted much attention to themselves. Modern customers use solar energy on the roof, wind energy for residential buildings, fuel cells, microturbines, solar energy for the population and many other energy sources

Underwater network

On the seabed for thousands of kilometers there are underwater power cables, so why not attach there and electrical network? Such an idea occurs periodically for many years, when oil rigs, gas platforms and wind power plants appeared on the shelf.

Too much SES and WES increase the cost of the power system

If solar panels and wind turbines continue to be cheaper, why build something else?
As the number increases solar batteries and wind power plants, their overall performance decreases. The cost of a separate solar panel is low, but when there are many of them, then the cost of the entire system is quite high.

US switchgear market

Since the global electricity market was adopted by a variable system, rather than direct current to transfer and distribute electricity, switchgear serve as the basis of electrical networks.

Decarbonization by renewable gas

One of the methods of disrupting the electrical network is the use of renewable hydrogen, that is, hydrogen derived from renewable energy sources. The process is the use of wind and sun energy in the period for creating hydrogen by electrolysis, and then burning renewable hydrogen in gas turbinesWhen the energy is required.

DER platform supports building energy storage

Integration of the enhanced Sunverge platform with LG energy storage system will provide progressive consumer and network services for customers and utilities.

Network Management Flexibility: Batteries

With a significant uncertainty regarding the role that batteries will play in the management of the power system, as network operators and utilities should position themselves to respond to changes in the market?

Energy supplying enterprises accelerate the transition to the cloud

Improving the quality of customer service was noted as a key factor in an increase in investment in cloud technologies.

That we do not hear the media about global climatic blows

Since 1990, greenhouse gas emissions in the electricity and industrial sectors decreased, and emissions in the transport and residential sectors increased.

Hydrogen, important step to independence from fossil fuels

With hydrogen produced from renewable sources, such as wind energy, one can avoid a significant part of today's carbon emissions associated with industry, transport and heating.

How energy can manage risks

Heads of electric power companies should pay time and resources to improving their digital risk management practices.

Switching and durability of low-voltage switches

The factors of the durability of low-voltage switching operations are considered (how much time will withstand contacts) due to shutdown operations.

Cross stitching effect

SPE is a recognized reduction for cross-linked polyethylene. This, and other synthetic materials with cross-stroke, of which the most noticeable example is ethylenepropylene rubber (ERP), are increasingly used to insulate cables in a wide range of stresses.

When the consumer complains that the equipment was damaged due to voltage deviation

While the voltage deviations and instantaneous power supply disabilities cause the most common problems due to the quality of electricity, there are other reasons for the withdrawal of equipment and violations in its work.

Electrical Maintenance Manage 4

Based on the evaluation of various factors discussed earlier, and evaluating other factors, if there are a decision on the implementation of maintenance based on the monitoring of the state. How exactly, you can practically implement this program, is considered below.

The impact of any equipment maintenance initiatives, including monitoring of the state, must be predictable and measurable, as well as to be associated with the performance and reliability of the production unit. In addition, it should be remembered that monitoring systems, especially fully integrated technologies, and are affected by refusing and failures, and require maintenance.

Electrical Maintenance Manage 2

The diagnostic service management program is a service program created for electrical equipment based on regular monitoring of its actual physical condition, operating parameters, operational efficiency and other indicators. The service monitoring program based on the state monitoring consists of methods that are trying to "predict" or diagnose problems in electrical equipment based on the analysis of the data obtained.

Electrical Maintenance Manage 1

Over the past two dozen years, the concept of equipment service has acquired various dimensions, and has changed largely, perhaps more than any other discipline of management. Electrical equipment with a rather complex design requires new methods of service, and changes to the views on the organization of service and responsibility associated with it.

What you need to consider when choosing a place for a substation

At the stage of selection of space under the electric substation, it is necessary to determine the place that the future electric power substation will occupy, including the placement of its main equipment.

The role of medium voltage distribution equipment

Since it uses different levels of high voltage for its regional distribution to transmit electricity, then, due to a wide variety of requirements and tasks of distribution equipment and substations, the term "average voltage" began to be used.

Since the beginning of 2017, the payers in the FSS will be able to compensate for the cost of buying specials, workwear and other personal protective equipment (PPE) at the expense of injury contributions.

Moreover, the reimbursement is subject to only the cost of overalls produced in Russia and from Russian materials.

Legislative acts

Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation №201N dated 04.29.2016

The order makes changes to another order, No. 580H dated 10.12.2012, on financial security measures to reduce injuries and tradeboles. Data data, in addition to PPE, regulated the procedure for addressing the allocation of funds to other similar objectives:

  • providing employed medical and prophylactic nutrition (milk);
  • providing advantages to sanatorium-resort treatment for such employees;
  • carrying out;
  • purchase of aidhechki, and for transport enterprises - tachographs and alkotesters;
  • training and retraining of specialists of software;
  • assessment of working conditions and;
  • other similar events.

PPCs are reimbursed only if it is compliance with the issuance of standard standards and free provision to employees.

The insured will need to prove:

  • compliance of certified jobs working places and professions for which the provision of PPEs is laid;
  • matching SIZ Tehreglamate Customs Union "On Security SIZ" №878 of 09.12.2011;
  • compliance with all SIZ issuing standards.
The provisions of the SIZ, the requirements for their acquisition, extradition, storage, care are contained in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 290n of 01.06.2009.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development №290n of 01.06.2009

The order contains general inter-sectoral rules that apply to all employers, as well as the definition of PPMs - strictly individual means of protection that are intended:

  • to protect against contamination or temperature conditions;
  • to reduce the degree of impact on working harmful factors.

The employer is obliged to provide the appropriate PPE for free, in accordance with the personal features of the employee and as often as providing for the norms.

Permissible registration of the lease agreement and temporary use. Products must be certified. The employee must be notified of the norm applied to his position.

Priority in the provision, according to the order, belongs to the industry standards according to the type of activity of the enterprise, and for workers through professions that exist on a variety of enterprises - on the norms of work.

Cell-to-end professions and general issuing criteria

Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 997n dated 09.12.2014, the norms of extradition for the year for a list of 195 through occupations were established.

In addition to the list of professions, a list of production conditions is provided, in which all employees are subject to protection, and the deadlines of the workwear depending on the climatic belt of operation.

Drivers of trucks, tractors and autocrantes are laid:

Gas welder, electric gas welder, electric welder, welder of reinforcement, plastics:

  • suit protecting against splashing molten metal;
  • two pairs of leather boots protecting against sparks and elevated temperatures;
  • two pairs of leather boots protecting against sparks and elevated temperatures;
  • dielectric Gloves, bots, rugs;
  • 6 pairs of polymer coating gloves, 12 gloves with protection against splashing molten, gloves with point spraying as wear;
  • protective heat-resistant shield (welder mask) with a light filter or glasses with similar characteristics;
  • protective glasses, respirator - before wear.

Storers and sellers non-food products issued under normal conditions, without affecting hazardous substances:

  • two apron with a bib;
  • monthly - gloves.

Veterinary doctor, animal breeder, grains are provided:

  • suit or bathrobe with trousers to protect against contamination;
  • apron with a bib;
  • pair of rubber boots;
  • once a quarter - gloves.

Janitor or territory cleaners get:

  • suit for protection against pollution;
  • two apron with a bib;
  • rubber boots;
  • once every two months - gloves.

In addition to through occupations, typical norms provide for the provision of employees of all industries:

  1. climate adapted workwear and shoes (Resolution of Mintrud No. 70 dated December 31, 1997);
  2. special reflective and signaling clothes (order of the Ministry of Summer №297 dated 20.04.2006).

In Russia, 4th grade of protection of the upper workwear and specialobuvi allocate, depending on the natural climatic features of the region (belt).

So, the clothing is designed for comfortable on the outside of the premises during the winter months within two hours at medium negative temperatures and the average wind speed:

  • 4 Class of protection operates for the districts of the North and Polar region (special belt), with a winter temperature -25 ° C and a wind of 6.8 m / s;
  • Grade 3 (Central Siberia, North of the European part of the country, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands) with temperatures from -41 ° C;
  • Grade 2 (South Far East, Middle and South Ural, South Siberia, Udmurtia, Tatarstan, Karelia, Kirov region) Temperature from -18 ° С, Wind 3.6 m / s;
  • Grade 1 (southern and middle European part of the Russian Federation) Temperature from -9,7 ° C, wind 5.6 m / s.

For a special climatic belt, for example, issuance is provided:

  • the costume protective on the insulation lining (similarly - protective suits from
  • acids, fire, sparks) - for a year and a half;
  • the jacket is protective on the insulation lining, insulated pants - for a year and a half;
  • handwood and hat-Ushanka - for three years;
  • moisture-resistant boots and fur mittens - for two years;
  • boots and boots - for a year.

When dismissing employees, the employer must publish an order. The form on which it is filled, you will find.

Industry standards and rules

Specialists in labor protection, which know the specifics of production in each industry, have developed a whole list of Norms to ensure separate species Activities and even Holding (Gazprom, Surgutneftegaz). All the rules are approved by the orders and regulations of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. In total, such documents are approved to date about 70:

  • №416N dated 12.08.2008 - agriculture, water management;
  • №68 dated December 29, 1997 - Fish and forestry, pulp and paper production, microbiology, pharmaceuticals;
  • №341n of 02.08.2013 - coal mines;
  • №61 dated 08.12.1997 - peat harvesting, woodworking;
  • №906n dated 11.08.2011 - Himprom;
  • №652N of 01.11.2013 - Metallurgy;
  • №1104N dated December 14, 2010 - Mechanical Engineering
  • №357N dated 06.22.2009 - Motor transport and road device.
  • According to order No. 1104 of 14.12.2010, the regulations of the PPE for machine tools were determined.

Tokar, Pour, Grinding, Milling:

  • suit for protection against pollution;
  • leather shoes with protective feet;
  • mittens or gloves (for working with crane-beam);
  • anti-aerosol respirator (when processing cast iron).

Order No. 357N dated 06.22.2009 The regulations of the SIZ for road workers were identified:

Asphalt concrete room (except for the winter season):

  • suit or jumpsuit signal;
  • leather boots or shoes with a protective feet;
  • protective glasses and helmet with a credit card;
  • tarpaulin mittens or knitted gloves;
  • knee pads;
  • headphones or earplugs;
  • respirator.

In winter, additionally:

  • costume on the insulation lining signal;
  • waterproof signaling raincoat;
  • heated leather boots or felt boots.

For road works:

  • signal vest.

SIZ, issued to everyone specific employee, Must correspond to its floor, growth, size.

The worker is obliged to apply the PPC correctly. In case the employee refuses to use overalls and protective equipment Employer has the right to remove a person from work and impose

In addition to clothing, shoes and protection items, regulations set the provision of disinfecting and fluttering liquids (soap), protective creams for hands. The issuance of all PEES is fixed in the employee card, the card in in electronic format Confirm the reference to the document containing the signature of the received.

Caring for the health and security of an employee in the process of work is not right, but the duty established by the state legally. In common interest, to prevent, as far as possible, accidents and proceedings in production.


1. A summer crew that performs the flight work on passenger aircraft 1 and 2 class in a special climatic area, free is issued special clothing, Special shoes and other personal protective equipment in accordance with these standards.

2. The commander of the aviation detachment and the Deputy Commander of the Aviation Detachment, the head of the airline, the commander of the aviation detachment, combined with the airport, and their flights for the flight service, which is inconsistently performing aviation and chemical work on the processing of areas with the use of pesticides, special clothing, special shoes and other means Individual protection is issued with an increase in socks by 30%.

3. Head and Deputy Head, Chief Specialist, a leading specialist of the Territorial Department of the Special Authorized Authority in the field of civil aviation, is inconsistently performing control and verification and training flights at aviation and chemicals on the processing of areas with the use of pesticides, special clothing, special shoes and other means Individual protection is issued with an increase in socks by 40%.

4. The semi-mask with replaceable cartridges is completed with interchangeable cartridges, the brand of which is determined by the results of the workplace certification under labor conditions.

Notes To subsection 1 of section I:

1. Commands of aviation detachments, aviation detachment commanders, combined with airport, airlock managers and their flights under the flight service, command-summer and flight inspection of territorial departments and the central office of a special authorized body in the field of civil aviation Special clothing, special shoes and others Individual protection products are issued in the presence of existing certificates for the right to operate aircraft and their equipment and when they perform flight work on checking the piloting techniques and practical work Specialists in the air:

on cargo turbojet, turboprop aircraft and 3 class passenger aircraft - in accordance with these standards with an increase in socks, 30%;

on aircraft grade 4 and helicopters - in accordance with these standards with an increase in socks 40%.

2. When performing time flight work in various climatic areas, the flight and cabin crews during operation are provided by duty specialty, special shoes and other means of individual protection on the norms of the corresponding climatic area regardless of the place of permanent base.

The flight crew of passenger turboprop and turbojet aircraft when flying to a special climatic area is also provided by duty specialty, special shoes and other personal protective equipment for the standards provided for and present norms for a special climatic area.

At the end of the temporary work, special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment are refundable.

3. The flight crew that performs the flight work on passenger aircraft 1 and 2 classes in a special climatic area is provided by special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment in accordance with these norms.

4. The term of socks of special clothing and special shoes stipulated for the Bordistist, the older bornemaker and the older flight engineer of the aviation detachment, the navigator, the navigator of the aviation squadron and the older navigator of the aviation detachment increases by 30%.

5. When performing aviation work on the waters of the seas and oceans, as well as when performing flights on marine drilling rigs, each member of flight and catering crews are issued to additional wetsuit, a set of underwear cotton linen, a set of underwear insulated with dates of socks, respectively:

- "to wear";

1 set for 1 year;

1 set for 2 years.

This labor protection instruction for locksmith-sanitary equipment is available for free viewing and downloading.

Instructions for labor protection for locksmith-sanitary equipment prepared on the basis of SP 12-135-2003 "Labor safety in construction. Industry typical instructions for labor protection "containing industry model Instruction For labor protection - TI 130-2002, taking into account the requirements of existing legislative and regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection specified in Appendix 1 and is intended for a locksmith-sanitary engineering in the performance of work according to profession and qualifications.


1.1 To fulfill the duties of the locksmith-sanitary engineering, occupied on the work on the repair and maintenance of sewage and water supply systems and structures, persons are not under the age of 18 years old, who have passed:
- induction training;
- Instructing in fire safety;
- primary instruction in the workplace;
- training in safe methods and techniques of labor at least 10 hour program (for work to which increased security requirements are placed - the 20 hour program);
- Instructions for electrical safety in the workplace and checking the assimilation of its content.
1.2. The plumbing stop should take:
- Re-instructing on the safety of labor in the workplace is no less often than every three months;
- internship;
- unscheduled and target instructions: when changing technological process or rules for labor protection, replacement or modernization of production equipment, fixtures and tools, changes in the conditions and organization of labor, in violation of the instructions for labor protection, interruptions in more than 60 calendar days (for the work to which increased security requirements are presented - 30 calendar days);
- dispensary medical checkup.
1.3. Plumber is obliged:
- to comply with the rules of the internal labor regulation established at the enterprise;
- comply with the requirements of this Instruction, Instructions on Fire Safety Measures, Electrical Safety Instructions;
- comply with the requirements for the operation of equipment;
- Use for its intended purpose and carefully refer to the issued means of individual protection.
1.4. The plumbing stop must:
- to be able to provide the first (prefiguration) assistance to the victim during an accident;
- know the location of the means of rendering a prefigure assistance, primary means of fire extinguishing, main and spare outlets, evacuation routes in the event of an accident or fire;
- Perform only entrusted work and not to transmit it to others without the permission of the master or head of the workshop;
- while working to be attentive, not distracted and not distract others, not allow workplace persons who are not related to work;
- contain workplace clean and order.
1.5. The plumbing mechanic should know and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Each food, smoking, resting only in specially designated rooms and places. Drink water only from specially intended for this installations.
1.6. When malfunctions of equipment, fixtures, tools and other disadvantages or hazards in the workplace immediately inform the master or head of the workshop, it is possible to start work only with their permission after eliminating all flaws.
1.7. When shooting or in case of fire:
- disable equipment;
- Report in fire protection and administration;
- Start a fire extinguishing in the workshop by primary fire extinguishing tools in accordance with the fire safety instructions.
In the threat of life - leave the room.
1.8. With an accident to provide the victim first (prefigible) assistance, immediately report on the wizard or head of the workshop, take measures to preserve the situation of the incident (the state of the equipment), if it does not create hazards for others.
1.9. For non-compliance with the safety requirements set out in this Instruction, the worker is responsible according to existing legislation.
1.10. According to typical industry standards Free issuance of working and employees of special clothing and special footwear and other personal protective equipment, the following SIZ should use the following SIZ in his work:
- Tarp costume - 18 months socks
- Rubber boots - 12 months,
- Combined mittens - 2 months,
- rubber gloves - duty,
- gas mask hose - duty.
Outdoor works in winter additionally:
- Cotton jacket on the insulation laying - 30 months,
- Cotton trousers on the insulation laying - 30 months.
Store special clothes and shoes follows in the cabinets, and the warm clothing in the summer period is to keep storage to the warehouse. All overalls and shoes should be put in the prescribed manner and take it in washing and repair.
1.11. The main dangerous production factors under certain circumstances can be:
- faulty plumbing tool;
- stairs and staples for lifting and descent to the well;
- Apply random items to open the lids of the wells;
- electricals in case of damage to the power grid in the execution of earthworks to open the pipelines of the sewage and water supply network;
- falling random items, parts workpiece and tools;
- flammable and gas-air mixtures and poisoning substances (methane, light gas, hydrogen sulfide, sulfurian anhydride, ammonia, chlorine, etc.);
- a malfunction of the tool and equipment for the workpiece of pipes, bits, couplings and other parts, the lack of safety and protective equipment at the locksmith, poor lighting and clusterness of the workplace.

2. Requirements for labor protection before work

2.1. The plumbing mechanic should know that the production of works on the repair, inspection and prevention of sewage and plumbing wells, holes, tanks and structures are the works of increased danger, and therefore they should be carried out by a brigade of workers of at least 3 people after receiving the instruction on labor protection and Dressing-tolerance for the production of work.
2.2. Before the production of work in the wells, the locksmith should wear a good workwear and shoes, a protective hard hat, as well as obtain safety belts with a rope, which in length should be 2 meters long the depth of the well, along the entire length at a distance of 250-300 mm have nodes and verified on Loading 200 kg, Get gas analyzers or gas indicators, rechargeable lamp 12 volts, manual fan, fences, posters of the installed sample, hooks and breaks for opening covers and hatches of wells, buckets, tools. All obtained tools for work must be checked for their health.
2.3. Install from open wells, the necessary fences, warning posters and road signs. In the dark day on the racks of signal signs, hang lanterns with red lenses.
2.4. Check in the well, the serviceability of the bracket or stairs, for 6-8 hours before the start of work, open the lids of the hatches of two adjacent and working wells for their ventilation.
2.5. Take steps to disconnect pipelines supplying to sewer devices and post-out posters with an inscription: "Do not include - people work!"
2.6. With the help of a gas analyzer or gas indicator, check and make sure that there are no gases at the bottom of the well (methane, carbon dioxide, sulfur, etc.).
2.7. Prepare a tool, as well as billets of pipes, Signs, couplings necessary for work.
2.8. Check the tool and devices you need and make sure of their serviceability:
2.9. Hand tools handles must be smooth and have an oval shape, files, rashpille, etc. With a pointed working end, it should be fixed in a smooth, smoothly stripped handle, pulled from both ends with metal bandage rings, chisel, Crazzames should not have damage on the working part in the form of sharp edges in the seizure of hand, cracks and burrs in the occipital part, used spanners Keys must match the sizes of bolts and nuts. It is not allowed to lengthen the wrench by the gas pipes or the second key extensions, the verses must be with strictly parallel sponges and are equipped with soft metal strips (copper, brass, etc.).

3. Requirements for labor protection during work

3.1. When working on a sharpening machine on the workpiece and processing of pipes, Signs, couplings, etc. To ensure that the distance between the edge of the girlfriend and the working surface of the abrasive circle was no more than 3 mm, the machine must be equipped with a protective screen.
3.2. Installation and maintenance of pipes and instruments of sanitary systems at an altitude of more than 1.5 meters are resolved from the forests and lobes installed on a solid foundation. Installing the scaffolding on random supports (barrels, bricks, pipes, heating appliances, etc.) is not permitted. After mounting and repairing systems, check the density of threaded and bolted connections.
3.3. In the manufacture of work together with the electric welder, the locksmith must wear protective equipment (dark-color glasses, mittens).
3.4. Billets of pipes and other products should be laid so that they do not clutch the passages and did not interfere with work.
3.5. Work in wells, pits should be made by a brigade of locksters from 3 people, one of which is inside the well, the other on the surface, and the third must perform work observing the employee who is inside the well and in the case of its poor condition to provide the necessary assistance. Having observing by any work before the worker, located in the well, tank, the construction will not be on the surface, is prohibited.
3.6. Omit to the well and raise any items, tool, construction Materials It follows in a bucket with the use of rope, cable. A worker located at this time in the well must move aside. All tools and other items must be removed from the hatch of the well.
3.7. While working in a well or channel, the gas indicator, according to which the presence of gas is determined, should be near the worker in the incoming pipe and in the case of admission to the gas well, work should be stopped, and the working climb to the surface.
3.8. Lighting the place of work should be made by battery lamps or portable lamps no higher than 12 volts. The lamp must be protected by a metal grid.
3.9. When working inside the sewage network, it is forbidden to use open fire, smoke, apply matches, lighters, etc. All this can lead to an explosion.
3.10. In cases where it is necessary to produce, and the gas from the well for any reason cannot be completely removed or its arrival is underway, the mechanic should work in a well in an insulating gas mask with a hose leaving on the surface of the well (camera). The duration of work in this case without a break should not exceed more than 10 minutes.

4. Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of emergency and other situations (the sudden appearance of gas in the well, heavy rain, signs of weakness at the worker, etc.) Work in the well should be discontinued, and the worker will immediately raise on the surface, in the event of a loss of consciousness, he must be provided with medical care .

5. Requirements for labor protection at the end of work

5.1. Create an workplace in order, close the sunroof the sewer well, the pit, remove the fences and warning signs.
5.2. Remove the tool and all devices in the place allotted for them.
5.3. Remove overalls and shoes, remove the place in the place allotted for them.
5.4. Wash face and hand with water with soap or, if necessary, take a shower.

For this instruction on labor protection, thank Sergey 😉


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