Job description director cafes. Sample of a typical job director of the restaurant. Product at the exit

Job description

Director ____________________________________________________

This Property Registry is developed and approved on the basis of labor contract with the director _____________________________________ in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulatory acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

  1. General provisions

The director in its activities is guided by the statute of the enterprise, this official instruction and subordinate to the Director-General of the enterprise GK

The director refers to the category of managers.

The director is doing business on behalf of General Director

The position of the director is appointed a person having a higher professional education and work experience in the system catering At least 3 years or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty in the system of catering at least 5 years.

The appointment for the position of director and liberation from her is made by the order of the General Director of the CIT.

The director should know:

- Resolutions, orders, orders, other guidance and regulatory documents of higher and local controlsconcerning public catering enterprise;

- rules for the production and sale of products (services) of catering;

- organization of production and management of public catering;

- advanced domestic and foreign experience public catering and visitors' service;

- economy of catering;

- pricing procedure;

- organization of payment and stimulating labor;

- legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation;

- Internal rules labor routine;

- rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation, fire protection and personal hygiene;

1.6. During the absence of the director (sickness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties performs the deputy (in the absence of such - the person appointed in the prescribed manner), which acquires relevant rights and is responsible for the proper execution of duties assigned to it.

  1. Official duties

Director of the catering staff:

Regulates the documents necessary for the implementation of activities on the organization of catering.

Provides providing customers with necessary and reliable information about the services provided.

Provides for each party food products, incl. The raw materials used for the preparation of public catering products, a document containing information about the manufacturer and quality of the product (certificate of conformity, hygienic conclusion, etc.)

Carries out the organization, planning and coordination of activities.

Provides high level production efficiencyintroduction new technique and technology, progressive forms of service and organization of labor.

Monitors the rational use of material, financial and labor resources, evaluation of results production activities And customer service quality.

Examines the demand of consumption for products ______________________________________.

He is negotiating and concludes contracts for the supply of food products, semi-finished products and raw materials, ensures their timely receipt, controls the timeline, the range, the amount of proceeds and the sale of products. Do not go to the first number of months. The balance of raw materials must be absolutely equal to debt suppliers. Follow prices and the quality of the received raw materials.

Carries out the organization of accounting production work, presentation of reporting on production activities by the Director General of the GC.

Represents interests ___________________________ and acts on his behalf.

Provides information related to the production of catering authorities.

It establishes official responsibilities for the workers subordinates and takes measures to ensure their execution. Improves and monitors changeable - daily task.

2.13. Makes decisions on the appointment, movement and exemption from employed posts, applies measures to encourage distinguished workers, imposes penalties for violators of production and labor discipline, having coordinated with the CEO. Personnel policy Directors should be carried out in the interests of the enterprise. In every way to encourage professional growth specialists and employees. Conduct certification or re-certification of employees. Do prevent possible situations, not to deal with the consequences. Proper attention to the personal life of employees and, if necessary, has a timely manner providing moral support, conducts a conversation. It does not disregard the anniversary of the staff and significant production dates (work experience, enterprise anniversary, etc.)

Controls the observance by employees of rules and safety standards and safety sanitary requirements and the rules of personal hygiene, industrial and labor discipline, the rules of the internal labor regulation.

Provides passage by employees associated with the production, storage and sale of food, medical examination in the time limits established by the sanitary supervisory authority.

The director undertakes to strictly maintain all the information relating to technological, financial, personnel and other issues of the Group of Companies.

The director must holy adhere to the rules:

- case when director, not director

- cook everything, always and all as for yourself and your child

- It is more important than quality only quality. In no case do not take "conditionally" quality

- The client is always right, even when he is wrong!

2.18. Theft or connivance to theft in some form is excluded: "Patty or elephant does not matter."

2.19 pays special attention, and carry out strict control in working with spices and greens. Spices and greens should be good quality. Strictly traces the spices and greens are added to culinary products in proportions that do not interrupt the taste of the basic products used in culinary products.

2.20. Rigidly monitor compliance with rules internal regulations, control over the work of the protection. Strictly control the timely removal and removal of garbage.

2.22. Do not smoke, try to conceive people from harmful habit. If possible, take on the work of non-smoking chefs and confectioners. It is strictly forbidden to celebrate any holidays with drinking alcoholic beverages.

2.23. Track for the prohibition of using a mobile phone in the workplace to all employees of the enterprise. Mobile phone employees of the enterprise can use with the permission of the director.

Require from the head producing the approved weekly menu for employees of the enterprise. Power must be high-quality, low at the cost of the raw material set. What the staff feeds, the Director of the Enterprise.

2.24. Strictly monitor the level of sales prices for manufactured products (price tags, price tag).

2.25. Control over the safety of equipment, inventory, for its rational use, for technically - in good condition.

2.26. Developed, together with an accountant and head. Manufacturing officials personally, for each employee (specialist) of the enterprise. And periodically monitor the compliance of the work performed job description worker.

2.27. The director of the enterprise, and in his absence, the acting director should be 24 hours a day in touch.

2.28. In the event that immediately, after the start of work, in the team, conflicts begins, confrontation between the team, traditions, etc., the Director-General decides on the disposal of the contract unilaterally.

2.29. Every day, carefully check all the remnants of products. In the production, no refrigerator, nor the place behind the refrigerator, no light bulb, no regiment should be ignored.

3. Rights

The director has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the Director-General regarding activities.

3.2. Participate in the discussion of issues concerning executable official duties.

3.3. Subject to the Director General of the proposal to improve activities and improve the quality of manufactured products and services provided.

3.4. Subscribe and sight documents within your competence.

3.5. Require from the Director General to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

3.6. In the event of productive products, an independent objective solution is made (to recover from the guilty salaries, write off, put in the menu to employees ...).

3.7. Enjoy mobile phone in production.

4. Responsibility

The Director is responsible:

4.1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of their official duties, provided for in this official instruction, within the limits defined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities, within the administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.

4.4. For all organizational, technical, technological processesNone of the product can be released on the counter or distribution without claiming.

4.5. The director is responsible for:

- results and efficiency of activity

- ensuring your execution functional duties, as well as staff

- The accuracy of the information provided to the Director-General.

- Timely fulfillment of orders, orders and orders of the Director General.

- to organize the work of the enterprise in removably - daily task and strictly track.

I argue ___________________________________ (surname, initials) (the name of the organization, pre-________________________ reception, etc., his organization- (director or other must legal form ) Wool person, authorized to approve the required instruction) "" ____________ 20__. MP Official instruction of the director of the restaurant ______________________________________________ (Name of the organization, enterprises, etc.) "" ____________ 20__. N__________ This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and in accordance with the compiled true job description) provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation. 1. General provisions 1.1. The director of the restaurant refers to the category of executives. 1.2. The director of the restaurant is doing business on behalf of the founder (owner). 1.3. The position of the director of the restaurant is appointed a person with a higher professional education and experience in the specialty in the system of catering at least 3 years or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty in the system of catering at least 5 years. 1.4. The appointment for the position of director of the restaurant and exemption from it is made by the order of the founder of the enterprise (owner). 1.5. The director of the restaurant should know: - Decisions, orders, orders, other guidelines and regulatory documents of higher and local governing bodies concerning the catering enterprise; - rules for the production and sale of products (services) of catering; - organization of production and management of the restaurant, tasks and functions of its divisions; - advanced domestic and foreign experience in organizing catering and servicing visitors; - economy of catering; - pricing procedure; - organization of payment and stimulating labor; - legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation; - rules of the internal labor regulation; - Rules and norms of labor protection, safety, sanitation, fire protection and personal hygiene; - _________________________________________________________________. 1.6. The director of the restaurant in its activities is guided by the statute of the enterprise, this official instruction and submits directly to the founder (owner) of the enterprise. 1.7. During the absence of the director of the restaurant (illness, vacation, business trip, etc. ) His responsibilities performs the deputy (in the absence of this - the person appointed in the prescribed manner), which acquires relevant rights and is responsible for the proper execution of duties assigned to it. 1.8. __________________________________________________________. 2. Official duties Restaurant director: 2.1. Regulates the documents necessary for the implementation of catering services. 2.2. Provides providing customers with necessary and reliable information about the services provided. 2.3. Provides availability for each batch of food products, incl. The raw materials used for the preparation of public catering products, a document containing information about the manufacturer and quality of the product (certificate of conformity, hygienic conclusion, etc.). 2.4. Carries out the organization, planning and coordination of the activity of the restaurant. 2.5. Provides a high level of production efficiency, the introduction of new equipment and technology, progressive forms of service and organization of labor. 2.6. Carries out control over the rational use of material, financial and labor resources, assessing the results of production activities and customer service. 2.7. Examines consumer demand for restaurant products. 2.8. He negotiates and concludes contracts for the supply of food products, semi-finished products and raw materials, ensures their timely receipt, controls the timing, range, quantity and quality of receipt and sales of products. 2.9. Carries out the organization of accounting works and services, reporting on production activities, incl. Restaurant owner. 2.10. Represents the interests of the restaurant and acts on his behalf. 2.11. Provides information related to the provision of catering services to the authorities. 2.12. It establishes official responsibilities for the workers subordinates and takes measures to ensure their execution. 2.13. Makes decisions on the appointment, movement and exemption from the posts of workers of the restaurant; Applies measures to encourage distinguished employees, imposes recovery on violators of industrial and labor discipline. 2.14. He controls observance by employees of rules and safety standards and safety, sanitary requirements and rules of personal hygiene, industrial and labor discipline, the rules of the internal labor regulation. 2.15. Provides passage by employees of a restaurant related to the production, storage and sale of food, medical examination in terms of the duration established by the sanitary supervision. 2.16. Manager restaurant workers. 2.17. ________________________________________________________. 3. Rights director of the restaurant has the right: 3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the founder of the enterprise (owner) concerning the activity of the restaurant. 3.2. Participate in the discussion of issues relating to their official duties. 3.3. Submit proposals for the founder of the enterprise (owner) to improve the activity of the restaurant and improving the quality of the services provided. 3.4. Subscribe and sight documents within your competence. 3.5. Require from the founder of the enterprise (owner) to assist in the performance of their duties and rights. 3.6. __________________________________________________________. 4. Responsibility Director of the restaurant is responsible: 4.1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of their official duties, provided for in this official instruction, within the limits defined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. For offenses committed in the process of carrying out its activities, within the limits defined by the administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation. 4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the Labor and Civil Law of the Russian Federation. 4.4. __________________________________________________________. The job instruction is designed in accordance with ________________ (name, _____________________________. Number and date of the document) Head structural unit (initials, surname) _________________________ (signature) "" _____________ 20__. Coordinated: Head of the Legal Department (initials, surname) _____________________________ (signature) "" ________________ 20__g. Introducted with the instruction: (initials, surname) _________________________ (signature) "" _____________ 20__

Typical sample


___________________________________ (surname, initials)
(organization name, pre-________________________
acceptance, etc., his organizational and director or other
legal form) wengest person authorized
To approve must

"" ____________ 20__g.

Job description
Restaurant directors
(Name of the organization, enterprises, etc.)

"" ____________ 20__g. N__________

This job description has been developed and approved on
The basis of an employment contract with __________________________________________
(Name of the position of the person on whom
__________________________________________________ and in accordance with
Compiled this job description)
provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory
Acts regulating labor legal relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions
1.1. The director of the restaurant refers to the category of executives.
1.2. The director of the restaurant is doing business on behalf of the founder (owner).
1.3. The position of the director of the restaurant is assigned a person having
Higher professional education and work experience in the specialty in
Public catering system for at least 3 years or secondary professional
Education and work experience in the specialty in the system of public
Nutrition for at least 5 years.
1.4. Appointment to the position of director of the restaurant and exemption from
It is made by the order of the founder of the enterprise (owner).
1.5. The director of the restaurant should know:
- decisions, orders, orders, other guidelines and
Regulatory documents of higher and local governments,
relating to catering catering;
- rules for the production and sale of products (services) of public
- organization of production and management of restaurant, tasks and functions
its divisions;
- advanced domestic and foreign experience of the organization
catering and customer service;
- economy of catering;
- pricing procedure;
- organization of payment and stimulating labor;
- legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation;
- rules of the internal labor regulation;
- Rules and norms of labor protection, safety,
industrial sanitation, fire protection and personal hygiene;
- _________________________________________________________________.
1.6. The director of the restaurant in its activities is guided by the Charter
Enterprises, this official instruction and subordinate
Directly founder (owner) of the enterprise.
1.7. During the absence of the director of the restaurant (illness, vacation,
A business trip, etc.) his duties performs the substituent (in the absence of
such - the person appointed in the prescribed manner), which
acquires relevant rights and is responsible for proper
The execution of duties assigned to it.
1.8. ______________________________________________________________.

2. Official duties
Restaurant director:
2.1. Draws up documents required for activities
For the provision of catering services.
2.2. Provides providing customers with necessary and reliable
Information about the services provided.
2.3. Provides for each batch of food
goods, incl. Raw materials used for cooking
catering, a document containing information about the manufacturer and
quality product (certificate of conformity, hygienic conclusion,
2.4. Carries out the organization, planning and coordination
Restaurant activities.
2.5. Provides a high level of production efficiency,
introduction of new equipment and technologies, progressive forms of service and
Labor organization.
2.6. Monitors rational use
Material, financial and labor resources, assessment of results
Production activities and quality customer service.
2.7. Examines consumer demand for restaurant products.
2.8. Negotiating and concludes supply contracts
food products, semi-finished products and raw materials, ensures them
timely receipt, controls the timing, assortment, quantity and
Quality of receipt and sales of products.
2.9. Carries out the organization of accounting works and services,
Representations of reporting on production activities, incl.
Restaurant owner.
2.10. Represents the interests of the restaurant and acts on his behalf.
2.11. Provides information related to the provision of services
Food controlling authorities.
2.12. Sets employees for his subordinates to him
Responsibilities and takes measures to ensure their execution.
2.13. Makes decisions on appointment, movement and release from
occupied posts of workers restaurant; Apply measures to encourage
distinguished employees, imposes recovery on violators
Production and labor discipline.
2.14. Controls observance by employees of rules and labor protection standards
and safety, sanitary requirements and personal hygiene rules,
production and labor discipline, the rules of internal labor
2.15. Provides passage of restaurant workers related to
Production, storage and sale of food, medical
Surveys in the timing established by the sanitary supervision authority.
2.16. Manager restaurant workers.
2.17. _____________________________________________________________.

3. Rights
The director of the restaurant has the right:
3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the founder of the enterprise
(owner) concerning the activity of the restaurant.
3.2. Participate in the discussion of issues concerning executable
Official duties.
3.3. Subject to the founder of the enterprise (owner)
Proposals for the improvement of the activity of the restaurant and quality improvement
Services provided.
3.4. Sign and sight documents within its
3.5. Require from the founder of the enterprise (owner)
Assistance in the performance of their job responsibilities and rights.
3.6. ______________________________________________________________.

4. Responsibility
The director of the restaurant is responsible:
4.1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of their official
responsibilities provided for in this official instruction in
limits defined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For offenses committed in the process of their implementation
activity - within the limits defined by the administrative, criminal and
civil law of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage - within certain
Labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.
4.4. ______________________________________________________________.

The job instruction is designed in accordance with ________________
Document number and date)

Head of the Structural Division (initials, surname)

"" _____________ 20__g.


Head of the legal department

(initials, surname)

"" ________________ 20__.

Instructions are familiar with: (initials, surname)

Job description

head of Café.

Position:head of Cafe.

Position profile (requirements for employment):Man or woman 28-50 years old. Higher education. Excellent specialist (experience of at least three years). Has good organizational abilities and leadership skills (experience on leadership Not less than 1 year). Stress-resistant. Customer-oriented (experience with clients). Communicable. Proper and competent speech.

Common goal of position:

Lead in accordance with current legislation The production and economic activity of the institution is fully responsible for the consequences of decisions made. Control the work of the institution in order to provide qualitative services, permanent increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of the production of products and the expansion of the client base, as well as ensuring the safety of inventory and control over the observance of workers in labor protection rules.

Functional responsibilities

Product at the exit

Product quality indicator

1. Control the process of servicing guests and buyers in accordance with service standards

Satisfied guest and buyer

Maximum amount

2. Strictly monitor compliance with cooking technology

No facts for the presence of defective products on the counters of the institution

No complaints from buyers

3. Implement control over the compliance of the rules of operation of equipment

No breakdown equipment

Minimal amount

4. Fill out the necessary documentation

1. Turning report. Daily transfer it to accounting through the driver

Timely and daily

2. Day fence sheet. Daily transfer it to accounting through the driver

Timely and daily

3. Notebook detail of the consumption of raw materials (stored at the director).

Correspondence of data with a commodity report

5. Allow conflict situations within the team

Justice and validity of the decision

Satisfaction of the Party

6. Control compliance with employees of labor and production discipline

Compliance with employees of labor and production discipline

Minimum number of violations

7. Control compliance with employees of labor protection and safety regulations

Compliance with safety officers and labor protection rules

The elimination of the facts of obtaining injuries to institutions in the performance of their official duties

8. Control compliance with employees of the requirements sanitary hygiene And the passage of the medical examination every six months.

Performance by employees of sanitary and personal hygiene requirements

Conformity external view Personnel according to the requirements described in "Visitors Service Standards"



10. Organize new products promotion

Handling guests to new

Manifestation of interest in newcomers by buyers;

Increase sales

11. Control the execution of applications, deadlines for the implementation and availability of accompanying documents for deliveries

Execution by the provider of requirements for shipments, transportation conditions and availability of necessary documentation

Minimum quantity of torn supplies for some reason

12. Control compliance with the principle of FIFO when laying out dishes and goods on display cases

13. To bear responsibility for the facts of sales of products with an expiratory storage period.

Material and criminal liability

Complete elimination of products for the sale of products with an expired storage period

14. Implement and motivate personnel alignment

Competent and favorable for employees

Maximum efficient personnel

15. Promote professional development of employees

Getting employees of additional knowledge, skills and skills necessary for work


16. Carry full responsibility for the work of the institution

Reimbursement of losses incurred by the head of the director


Full volume of compensation

17. Perform monitoring compliance commercial mystery His subordinates

Confidentiality of information

Inaccessibility of information for unauthorized persons

18. To familiarize employees with their job descriptions and issue instructions to familiarize themselves under the painting.

Familiar with job descriptions employee; Signature of the employee in the job description

Maximum examination depth

Making proposals and additions

must know:

  1. Resolutions, orders, orders and other regulatory documents regarding the provision of services in the field of catering.
  2. The law on the protection of consumer rights dated 07.02.1992 №2301-1.
  3. Rules for sale separate species goods. (Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55).
  4. Sanpin

Qualification requirements:

  1. Special knowledge and skills:

Higher education, additional education (in the field of catering)

Experience leadership for at least 3 years

Experience in profile at least 3 years

Knowledge of graphics and requirements for document flow

Knowledge of the steering documents of its functional division (establishment)

Knowledge of services for the provision of services in the field of catering

Knowledge of the range of products sold (composition, timing and conditions of storage, etc.)

Knowledge of the principles of merchandising

  1. Management and skills:

Knowledge and skills practical application Forecasting and planning methods

Ability to organize work and delegate tasks, powers and responsibility

Knowledge and skills of practical application of personnel motivation methods

Knowledge and skills of practical application Meeting, assessment and analysis techniques

Knowledge of legislative and regulatory acts regulating the financial and economic activities of the institution as a whole

  1. General knowledge and skills:

Knowledge of ethics business communication and ownership of negotiation skills

Time Management and Skills

Computer skills at user level


Direct: to the Director-General.


In the straight: all staff of the institution.


subordination immediately

network Director

submission direct

All employees of the institution

subordination of indirect


In relation to the direct supervisor

Make proposals to improve the efficiency of your work and the work of the institution.

Get acquainted with the draft management decisions regarding its activities and make proposals for changing project data.

To inform the leadership of all the shortcomings identified in the process of fulfilling their official duties and make proposals for their elimination.

Require assistance in the performance of their official rights and responsibilities.

With regard to subordinates

Require qualitative fulfillment by subordinates of their official duties.

Make suggestions about the imposition of penalties and bonuses individual workers establishments.

If necessary, adjust the work plans of immediate subordinates - add, delete, change the priority of work.

For employees of other departments

Request for the activities of the institution and the corresponding access to its level of access and documents of representatives of other units and achieve the implementation of reasonable requests.

Make decisions

As part of its functions listed in the job description

Other rights

The right to participate in seminars and trainings related to professional activity employee



For the inconsistency of the results of the establishment of the establishment of the established performance and efficiency criteria

For losses incurred by the organization, the fault of the director of the institution

For a malfunction or inconsistency of the condition and / or configuration of equipment in the workplace in the director's own fault

For commodity and material values, refrigeration plants, furnaces and other fixed assets of the institution (director of the institution is a materially responsible person)


For inaccurate information on the status of plans for the work of the institution

For non-fulfillment of their official duties

For non-compliance with legislative and regulations relating to employee and institution activities


For non-compliance with the provisions of the Guidelines (rules, orders, instructions, regulations and other regulatory documents)

For inconsistency of the workplace, labor protection standards, safety, sanitary and hygienic, ergonomic and other standards and requirements

For non-compliance with the labor and executive discipline by subordinate personnel and the leader himself, including the rules of labor regulations

For non-compliance with commercial and service secrets

Standards of work:

  1. Comes to work, it puts on a uniform, attaches a badge. Shoes should be with a closed nose, on a comfortable heel and approach shaped. The form must be clean and smooth.
  2. Carries around production.
  3. Conducts food products in quantity and quality. Checks the documentation (parish invoices). Controls the execution of applications and compliance with the deadlines.
  4. Makes a report.
  5. Check out the dish. Conducts the place of finished dishes.
  6. Checks compliance with sanitary and technological standards.
  7. Controls the work of production, distribution, administration and waiters.
  8. Allows conflict situations arising in the process of servicing guests. Carefully listens to the complaints and offers of guests and takes all the necessary measures.
  9. Leads the table.

Working conditions:

1 Abnormal working day.

2 The possibility of travel.

With the instructions are familiar with:

Name Signature Date

____________________________ ________________ _______

Name Signature Date

The "delicious" industry is one of the most incredible and interesting ways by which you can go in your life. Restaurants, cafes, confectionery, bakeries, squints are actively developing around the world: from Paris to Tokyo. Every day there are more and more non-standard approaches To feed dishes, kitchens, interior design and location. therefore catering business Opens a lot of opportunities for managers, chefs, confectioners and sommelier. A special role in the restaurant is played by the manager who is responsible for the work of the entire team, the overall concept of the institution and the served dishes.

The manager is the main person in the restaurant, from his professionalism, personal qualities and experience depends on the success of the entire company. And this is not an exaggeration. At the opening stage, he is responsible for the recruitment of the personnel, the design of intenteriers, participates in the development of a general concept, menu and a wine card. In the future, the task of the restaurant manager includes financial statements, promotion, marketing, communication with suppliers, visitors, organization of the work of the team. It is a complex, but interesting work requiring complete return. To become a truly experienced manager, you need to try yourself in a wide variety of positions in the restaurant, it will give an opportunity to better understand "how everything is arranged" and not be cut off from the real situation.

Quality manager restaurant

This profession is not suitable for all to become a manager of the restaurant, you must have a number of qualities:

  • Communicability
  • Organizational abilities
  • Stress tolerance
  • Loyalty and flexibility
  • Analytic mind
  • Learning abilities and desire for self-improvement
  • Punctuality
  • Social openness
  • Be able to work in multitasking mode
  • Responsibility

Responsibilities of a restaurant manager

The responsibility of the restaurant manager includes a huge number of tasks. As mentioned above, he is responsible for the opening, and for the work of the company. It lies with the responsibility for the adoption of the most important solutions from the selection of a restaurant site until the menu design is coordinated. Consider a Read more:

  • Personnel Management. It is engaged in the search staff, constitutes the regulations of the work, holds meetings, forms a system of financial incentives, provides the right communication between the departments, is engaged in organizing staff training, conducts safety instructions.
  • Financial management. Controls the pricing policy of the institution leads financial statements, Calculates payments to employees, signs accounts, controls the income and expenses of the company.
  • Organization and control of all departments of the company: kitchens, bar, purchases, accounting, waiters, security services, marketing unit.

Training in the restaurant manager

What should the restaurant manager know? Almost everything: what is the work of each team member, industry trends, features of culinary art, marketing and promotional moves, methods for calculating the cost of dishes and much more. All these knowledge and skills can be obtained in campuses.

If you want to go, but do not know where to start, what university and the program to choose, please contact Studies & Careers consultant.


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