Stories of practitioners about astral travel - Application, technician and recommendations. Stories about astral travel history of astral travel

Tensegriti, meditation, reading mantras and priming affirmations, yoga - What do you choose for yourself? I always chose astral travel. Through them, I came to understanding the process of meditation and the need to spiritually develop.

There was an experience of calling the Spirit of My Father, who died in 2006. That fatal spirit session in 2008 instantly revealed my paranormal abilities.

Once in the blog I told the story about the spiritual session. You can read:

I'm cancer and the ability to astral travel in my blood

If the zodiac is cancer, then you know what it means to be very sensitive and thin in kind. Mystic in our blood. Some of us in childhood were familiar with Lunatism. We, crayfish, very impressionable and capable of occult.

Astral travels were obtained from childhood, but I did not know that this phenomenon had such a name. Books in the house with the name "How to go to the astral?" we did not have.

I was strange to wake up several times, go to the bathroom and again, and reside some moments again. I saw them. I was not clear, and adults said deja. Grandma dragged into the church when I told that at night, "in the dream" communicated with the late relatives.

Now it is funny to remember how the father said: "It's all from the devil. Just let him pray. "

There are people of legends that there are normal father. Really spiritual people. They know a lot and understand. But I did not meet such. Write in the comments, did you meet?

One mother understood me a little. She was in his youth on exit trainings on the disclosure of supernormalities. He learned to read the thoughts of other people and leave the body. He said that she became scary when she separated half and saw herself from above his body.

Children's astral travel

Remember how in childhood we fly in dreams?

We are told: "If you fly in a dream, then growing."

Logic here is not enough. And when we are already adults and grown, but fly in a dream - what does this mean? Still grow? Funny, is not it.

In childhood, we first come across our astral body. We start to master it gradually. The thin body grows with you: resentment, joys, vivid impressions and daily emotions.

You will know emotions and reveal your feelings. At the same time, the astral body develops and forms you.

I was formed good books, music and surrounding people. I have always been overdoor. I let in my world a few and not all.

Once I fell asleep, I saw how separated from the body and went to walk to the street. Woke a friend Kolon and we flew to the street - to our yard. And then I hear the mother's voice: "Julia, Association, get up. Wake up. " I did not understand how to wake up if I was no longer sleeping. I was 6 years old.

When I woke up, I breathed sharply. In the chest felt a light vibration. The state is as if I rolled on the swings.

I still remember my first astral travel. They are very bright.

Do you remember your? Write below.

Friendly Deaders in Astral

There were many of them. They did not scare me. Dead relatives, whom I did not know during life. Neighbors. Classmate who died in an accident. Some actors. Writers who died in the 19th and early 20th century.

They told me that the time would come and I would write about them. I did not know how right they are, because I wanted to become a lawyer.

Deaders during my astral travel asked for help. Someone did not have time to do something, and someone stuck between the levels on the other side.

I gradually begin to bother me. More and less often I began to get out of the body.

But in 2008, after the new year, the ability to astrally projections resumed. Spiritic session worked as a starting mechanism. Every night several times I went to the astral.

P.S. Continuation will be the next time. He wrote a lot. It's time to stop. Wait for a new post. It will continue in it.

Have you been interested? Specify questions. I will answer them.

The method of astral visions has a solid theoretical basis, although this theory may seem anti-scientific one. Her supporters (mainly the theosophists and the occultists) argue that outside the material world there is a "astral plan", "ether" or "Akasha", where the subcometant projections of all terrestrial bodies are contained ("essential" or "astral" body). In this world there is no time and space, the movement in it requires special skills, but the one who will master these skills will be able to easily receive any information about everything that happens in the material world - in the present, which has passed or the future.
It is not known how much this theory corresponds to reality. But practices performed on its basis usually give good results. In particular, Edgar Case already mentioned unconditionally believed in the existence of an astral plan and successfully used him in his work. Similarly, many famous mystics of India and Tibet, including celebrity such as Ramakrishna and Sri Aurobindo, were received. All the techniques of "climbing plans" have Indian origin, but in our conditions they can hardly use "in its pure form". The European consciousness is more pragmatically and skeptical, while all Indian leaders are designed for people of sootimy and unconditionally believers in the "astral" theories. Therefore, leading European mystics adapted these guides for use in their cultural environment. One of the most distinct adaptations belongs to the outstanding Magu and the famine Aleraver Crowley. It makes sense to quote it entirely, because from the point of view of practice here "neither subscribe nor add."

1. Let the student take one of the prescribed poses (in this case, in addition to the specific Crawlian Asan, the yogic asians are allowed, and a simple posture sitting on a chair, hands on the knees), washing and dressed in properly (the requirements here are the same as technique a close view mentioned earlier). Let it workplace will be free from all too much; Let it make all the preliminary cleansings, expulsion and appeal and, finally, will light incense.

2. The path he will imagine, as his own figure (in the appropriate magic robe and with proper magical instruments) clothe all of his body or stands right in front of him at a fairly close distance.

3. Now let him take his consciousness into this imaginary figure, so that it seemed that he sees her eyes and hears her ears. This element of the operation is usually quite difficult to perform.

4. Now let him force this imaginary figure to rise into the air, high enough above the ground.

5. Here, let him stop and looks around (sometimes it is difficult to open your eyes).

6. Most likely, he will see the shapes approaching it or aware of what is in some landscape. Let him speak with these figures and persistently achieve their response, using the appropriate pentagram and sigila (magical signs).

7. If he wishes, it can move in this space, using the manual of the figures, or without their leadership.

9. But let it be careful and carefully checks how true those with whom he says is, for it is waiting for thousands of the cunning attacks and sophisticated deceptions. In particular, hostile beings are often in the robes of glory; But the corresponding pentagram makes them cringe or crumble.

10. Practice will make a student extremely careful in these issues.

11. Return to the body usually manages quite easily, but sometimes some difficulties may arise here. The key to their resolution, again the practice that makes our imagination more fruitful. For example, a student can create a fiery chariot in his thoughts, shaped with white horses, and order the wheel to enter inward. It is dangerous to go too far and stop too long, because fatigue is unacceptable. It can entail weakness, obsession, loss of memory or other mental abilities.

12. And finally, let the student make his imaginary body, in which he traveled, coincide with the physical body; Let him tense the muscles, put into himself the air and put an index finger to her lips. Then he must, applying a completely defined volitional act, "wake up", and then - seriously and gently describe everything that happened to him.

Here it should be added that this experiment, with all its apparent complexity, is performed quite easily. Still, the first "journey" is best done in the presence of a person who is sufficiently knowledgeable in these issues. Two or three experiments usually happen enough for the student to be mastered with this exercise and even acquired some experience.
Questions about magical weapons, spells, signs and rituals are considered in extensive literature on magic and occultism (in particular, in the works of the same Crowley). All of them are purely individual and their use depends on the time of year, the phases of the moon and the common goal of the ritual. Astral journey is not so safe as it may seem at first glance, therefore, a beginner clairming (in order to avoid problems), it is necessary to enlist the support of a more experienced comrade, who has already conducted such experiments.

Astral travels are very often preceded by a hypnosis or self-hypnosis session. The fact is that in hypnotic sleep we are much easier to "go to the astral" and at the same time we can communicate those present about everything that we see. There is no need to describe numerous hypnosis techniques: they are quite complex and require long-term special training. In addition, hypnotized mediums are not too reliable assistants in a complex matter of clairvoyance. Often, they see what the hypnotist wants to see, thus, genuine visions are replaced by imaginary paintings, which, besides, they arise under the influence of hypnosis.
Quite another thing - self-hypanosis. It can and should serve as a help in astral travel. There are examples of access to open space, thanks to the use of an ancient Indian method of self-hypnosis: you need to fix a look at the tip of your nose and repeat the "Ohm Mani PadME Hum" mantra until "exit to the astral" takes place. That's just those who wanted to make such an experiment should be prevented about the possibility of experienceing the very uncomfortable sensations described by one of the experimenters: "The feeling of cold and infinity was so obvious and terrible that I never decided to repeat this experience."
It is possible to reduce your eyes to the nose, but in this case the usual sleep may come much earlier than the vision will come. Carlos Castaneda recommends rotating pupils or hesitate; In ancient Indian manuals, it is recommended to look at a brilliant ball suspended on a thread. You can achieve a self-hypnosis and using an ordinary autogenous workout: This condition is somewhat different from hypnotic sleep, but also very favorably for astral travel.

Another painful and the most difficult method of clairvoyance is based on a very scientific fact: some intense bodily inconveniences are upset by the highest nervous activity man and make it predisposed to visions. True, doctors call these visions by "hallucinations", but no one can deny the fact that there are often future in such hallucinations. Many cases of clairvoyance were associated with peculiar "death of the flesh."
Clauds of the East have special ways to achieve such a state. For example, Sufi dervishes apply a long rotation around their axis with the shine of the sacred names of Allah. In order for the visions to be brighter and more distinct, they drink very strong coffee or smoke Hashish: these drugs themselves do not contribute to clairvoyance, but in combination with physical exercises often give the desired effect. Something similar (but not with rotation, but with swinging) can be observed at the prayer meetings of shakers, or Pentecostal. And the German writer Hans-Gainz Evers describes a sectarian experiment with a dance. The stimulant here served ordinary wine, but the effect of the group dance was so strong that the expressed heavens and angels saw all those present simultaneously.
Indian wise men know about the magical power of the dance, but prefer to use another tool. Durable breathing delays lead to oxygen starvation of the brain and also allow you to achieve visions. Extremely contributes to this and long stay in one pose (yogic asana) in combination with mantra, breathing exercises and the concentration of view. And the teachers of many tantric sect prefer long sex without ejaculation: the "Erosomatous clarity" also "reveals heaven" also "reveals" and allows you to see the invisible.
The traditional European remedy is a long starvation (full or partial, i.e. "Long-term" diet without proteins and sweets). Christian saints, famous for their clairvoyance, preferred to starve without cleansing enema, which contributed to additional intoxication of the brain. In combination with long prayers and meditations, configuring the mind on religious booms, starvation allows you to survive the authentic sacred ecstasy. The same can be said about self-suming, very common in the Middle Ages, and about the pillarism (long-term standing under the scorching sun and the rain in a stationary position), and about the vigils (continuous wakefulness for several days), and about the inquisitorial torture.
All of the above methods are good in that it is quite easy to open the door of clairvoyance even the most unprepared people. The lack of them is that they are often accompanied by fear, ecstasy and other strong feelings. The visions obtained in this way are distinguished by excessive emotional filler: they cause either horror, or delight, and the visiting can not focus on their predictive meaning. In addition, many "killing flesh" procedures are able to bring irreversible harm to the physical and spiritual health of clairvoyant!

Sensory starvation is extremely popular in Buddhist monasteries of Tibet and Himalayas. Its essence lies in the fact that a person for a long time (at least for several months) is placed in a dark room without windows (sometimes just into the pit, covered with a lid). The strongest stress, soon coming in such conditions, can either destroy the psyche of the voluntary prisoner, or to give it the gift of clairvoyance. In the language of local mystics, this is called "open the third eye." Sometimes sensory starvation is accompanied by additional procedures that fasten the "spiritual vision" forever. The adept treated in such a way can become not only a prunerator or diagnostic, but also acquire the ability to telepathy, levitation and visible projecting of its visions.

Sensory overload is a way that is directly opposite to the previous one: long-term exposure to loud rhythmic sounds, flashing light, monotonous shouts. This method is known to all the primitive people and underlies the so-called "Shaman's Ecstasy", allowing Shaman to perform "spiritual travel to other worlds."
"At night in the presence of those who want to have answers from demons, the shaman begins to pronounce his spells and, holding a tambourine, hits them with the power of the Earth. Finally, he begins to be laughing, and it is starting to knit. Then the daemon is in the darkness, and the shaman gives him meat, and he gives any answers. " This quotation is at least 700 years old - it is taken from the memoirs of the gilome of Rubrukka, who visited Mugu-Khan's bet in the middle of the XIII century. But the shamanic ritual has not changed since then, and even on the contrary: it has gained popularity among white people, they have accustomed to shamanic culture. In addition, "new shamans" have recently appeared, which are trying to translate the "Shaman's way" into the language of modern concepts. One of the foundations of this movement was the work of Michael Harner, the former member of the new Institute Social studieswho got a shaman dedication in the Amazonian tribe Kunibo and was able to exclusively successfully translate the basic elements of the shamanic reality in the language modern science. In the course of the initiation, he was given the vision, which people usually arise from death on the verge of death.
In the Harnish seminars, you can often hear the sounds of a large leather tambourine, which is used by shamans as vehicle For traveling to the mythical world. The participants of the seminar are sitting in relaxed poses in the dark (or closing their eyes) and imagine the world tree, spent high in heaven and deep into the ground. They enter the door at the foot of the tree and move down the main root. The root turns into a tunnel, at the end of which the light is visible. Seddlary Bubne Beating, they enter this glowing mist and name of the conductor (Animal, Spirit or mythical character) So that he helped them explore the area, which is about to spread in front of them. Travel usually lasts about twenty minutes, although sometimes it happens longer. Then the tambourine changes the rhythm, convening travelers back; Returning, they try as much as possible to remember and write out everything that happened to them.
Another method of sensory overload is the close contemplation of flashing light or fast rotating items. IN Ancient Greece For this purpose, a potted circle was used with a piece of clay; Modern researchers are used by a stroboscope (special flasher lamp) or a film projector with an empty rusted film. This method is quite dangerous: after all, a person who is predisposed to epilepsy, he can cause a sufficiently strong fit. However, there is information that ancient experts would consider such an outcome to the most successful: because the visions preceding seizures often differ in unusual clarity and carry a lot of predictive information.
Indigenous inhabitants of Africa prefer to be subjected to all varieties of sensory overloads at the same time; In addition, they also dance to fall, and in addition, they take various psychostimulating or toxic drugs. Rituals of this kind are extremely effective. But a person who participates in them too often, risks to lose the line between real and imaginary and confuse reality with vision. All this would have to know and visitors of current discos, which largely copy African rituals.

Nature offers a person a lot of toxic and narcotic substances capable of causing vision. However, not all hallucinogenic drugs contribute to clairvoyance. For example, pseudogalucinations arising under the influence of hashish, opium and large doses of cocaine, do not carry any predictive information. Yes, and other substances create a lot of difficulties: First of all, work with them requires the presence of an assistant (since it is very difficult to write down their visions in this state); In addition, they make it difficult to self-control and "draw" the picture of the visions in their own way, often distorting their meaning; Finally, many of them deal unconditional harm to human health.
Since in certain circles, "prophetic potions" have a reputation as the fastest and easy way to genuine clairvoyance, here is a detailed information about what actually happens to people after their reception. Describing the impact of certain substances by certain considerations, it was decided to exclude the exact medical names of drugs that have pronounced narcotic effects, and limit themselves only mentioning their foundations.

1. The drug, the active substance of which is Belen, BelaDonna and some other wild plants. Incication by this drug causes the expansion of pupils, dry mouth, sometimes nausea and headache. At a certain concentration in the blood, a person may have visions. Most often he sees missing friends or enemies, unfamiliar people or animals; Often a familiar area seems to be mysterious and fabulous landscape, and familiar people acquire other appearance and behave completely differently than in fact. In most cases, hallucinations under the influence of this drug have a frightening and threatening character and seeing trying to drop or run away from illusory creatures. Experiments with him can not be carried out in closed rooms, because at intoxication there may be an attack of claustrophobia. To each person who acceded this drug must be for at least one assistant, since under the influence of this drug, many are prone to unmotivated aggression and destructive actions. After breaking, a person, as a rule, does not remember either his visions or actions.
In medieval sources, it is often mentioned that this drug was part of the "flying ointment", which European witches were used for flights to the Sabbath. According to the descriptions, this ointment gives rise to a sense of flight and clear visions. which are perceived as real events. However, there is no reliable information on the use of "flying ointment" in modern conditions.

2. Organic solvents. Inhalation of steams of these substances with low oxygen access provides bright and varied hallucinations that are visible with closed eyes, and rather resemble dreams or films than genuine visions. These onjune effects are most often visualization of various fantasies of the seeing; Often they are erotic or echoed with movies seen on the eve. It is clear that the predictive value of such visions is very doubtful. In addition, the pairs of organic solvents are extremely toxic, and with regular use very quickly destroy the lungs, liver and other organs involved in their assimilation and elimination.

3. Hallucinogenic substance contained in the Canary Canary, as well as in the cortex of some types of acacia (mostly Australian and Latin American). When inhalation of a finely crushed powder of this substance, there are extremely intense vision of unusual landscapes and creatures that continue for 15-20 minutes, and then disappear without trace. Winned to reproduce and write down the memory. The substance is extremely quickly destroyed in human organismHowever, there is a way to extend its action. This oral administration together with substances that block the effect of monoaminoxidase - the enzyme, which destroys the halucinogenic substance. Such a combination is called Ayahua and has long been used by indigenous residents of the Amazon basin. The reception of it first causes vomiting or diarrhea, then abundant visions, who do not have anything in common with the fantasies of the seeing, nor with his personal experience begin. Example: "I was thrown into a space in which everything no matter how no sense. Vision with closed eyes were absolutely not from the world of this, free in the form flowing from one scene to another. I walked through huge traveling doors, flew in spacecraft, I saw unimaginable complex and insane roads and high-speed tracks, sailed through the space that I could never describe as it should. There were creatures, gray stuffs in a yellow strip, like small rodents, and some other snake-shaped items. And especially - eyes. They looked from every bend of the road, from each snake, from under the door. But it did not scare me. I was just wondering that they are all doing here and what they see. My field has also changed very much. In the normal state, I have time to consider only one thing, and here my field of view was the whole half aster, and my body (or rather, all my creature) was a point in this strange universe. The point did not have a body, she just swam in this virtual brain space. I could receive messages from this virtual hemisphere, but I could not even completely comprehend it. It was too fast, complex and intense. " So describes his hallucinations, one young American who took Ayausk just for the experiment. He did not think over the meaning of visions and did not try to figure them out; However, it should be said here that the indigenous inhabitants of Amazonia consider vision of a kind of "side effect" and especially appreciate the state of extraordinary spiritual clarity, coming after the completion of visions. It is in this state that an experienced Ayauskero acquires the ability to solve any complex problems, read other people's thoughts, search for hidden items, diagnose diseases and predict the future.
Production, storage and distribution of this narcotic substance is prohibited by the laws of most countries of the world. However, the plants containing it in legislation are not mentioned.

4. Injection preparation commonly used for anesthesia for gynecological and dental operations. It has a peculiar "side effect": after injection, a person can see his body from the side, and then for the entire duration of the anesthesia, it falls into the world of bizarre hallucinations, practically not related to its earthly experience. Vision is well remembered and can be recorded, but their meaning (including predictive) is not interpreted. These are geometric patterns, fantastic landscapes and cars, unearthly creatures, etc. It is not known whether someone was trying to use such a drug for clairvoyance or communicating with spirits, but such use seems to be lowered, since all hallucinations are sufficiently similar and, apparently, represent only one of the many plans of the astral world. To stop hallucinations, doctors usually introduce this preparation in a mixture with barbiturates.

5. Alkaloid ardor, strong hallucinogen. In Western culture, since the 60s, it has the fame of the drug, "expanding consciousness". Aldos Huxley, one of the pioneers scientific research This drug indicates that the mechanism of its action is similar to the mechanism of classical methods of "killing flesh". The drug dramatically reduces the sugar content in the brain; This, according to Huxley, allows you to open a "reduced valve", which filters the reality, perceived by the brain, and protects our consciousness from "irrational phenomena".
Another prominent researcher Timothy Liri compares the state of "psychedelic experience" with a classic description of the posthumous way of soul in the "Tibetan Book of the Dead". In his opinion, parallels are so obvious here that the "Book of the Dead" can serve as the best textbook for anyone who wishes to experiment with this drug and other psychedelices. However, it should be noted here that the experience of perception of the drug in any case is individual and depends on the set of factors. In some cases, the subject does not observe any hallucinations or sees something like dreams; In other cases, hallucinations are so bright that the reality compared to them looks like "puppet" and fake.
However, hallucinations have nothing to do with clairvoyance. As in the case of Ayahua, the enlightened and clairvandal state comes after the end of hallucinations, and not all. The attacks of spontaneous clairvoyance can occur within two weeks after taking this drug. It is considered extremely dangerous for the psyche: it is noted that it often serves as the first attack of schizophrenia or severe psychotic reactions. Production, storage and distribution of this drug is prohibited by the laws of most countries of the world.

6. Active element of the Mexican cactus of Payote. As listed above, belongs to prohibited drugs. It is long used by the shamans of Central America to achieve clairvandal states. According to the hallucinogenic action, it is weaker than others described here, but the enlightened state of the spirit arises earlier and is kept longer than among the above-mentioned drugs. From side effects there is a strong nausea (especially when taking dried peyos), an increase in blood pressure and dry mouth.

7. Heating gas used in gas stoves. Currently, it is practically not used, but in history there are cases when intoxication by this gas was used to achieve spherical states. This, in particular, the famous Delphic Oracle. It is known that the Apollo Temple was built on the fault, from which gas was left, and it was intoxicating this gas that forced the Pythies to prophesy. Side effects of gas poisoning are known to everyone - severe headache, lethargy, recess, nausea. Gas does not have a hallucinogenic effect and does not give rise to enlightened states. After breaking, a person, as a rule, does not remember either his visions or actions.

8. Active agent of amansor and some other fungi. It is known that the Amanitors served as a favorite means of intoxication from the northern peoples and were actively used by shamans. This gave rise to a lot of legends about the "incomparable" psychedelic action of amansor; In particular, the well-known American Mikogol R.Uuson argued that one of them was preparing for a sacred drink of Vedic India. In fact, the drug acts like a number 1. Nausea when taking mushrooms is pronounced and continues about half an hour, then the stimulation phase occurs, but rarely occurs (the most common form is "flying" before your eyes). At large doses, the attacks of unrestrained chatty, convulsive and ridiculous movements, anonymous laughter, the desire for energetic (and often meaningless) activity. Disorder of vision is maintained (depending on the dose) a few days after reception. It is possible that those who are predisposed to epilepsy, this drug is able to cause convulsive seizures (along with the visions related to them). However, this hypothesis requires an additional check.

9. Hallucinogenic substances contained in some psyloocybe genus mushrooms. According to the action almost similar to the number 5, but much softer. "Psilocybin" states are easier to manage and control; "Enlightenment" prevails in intoxication, and hallucinations happen much less often. "Magic mushrooms" PsyloCybe was used by the magicians and clairvoyant in different parts of the Earth. Many marked their property to create "dialogue" with supernatural beings that are either inside our consciousness, or outside visible world. Often, during such a dialogue, you can get important predictions, useful advice and original information on mysticism and occult. However, these phenomena can be attributed rather to the region of spiritualism and necromancy, rather than clairvoyance. The information received is well remembered and can be recorded both after a session of intoxication and directly during the session. The side effects of here are the same as in the case of the number 5. In addition, the frequent reception of mushrooms (especially in the raw form) is able to cause liver dysfunction and non-infectious hepatitis. The collection, storage and distribution of mushrooms containing the active substance is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In many other countries, the ban contes only active substances, but does not apply to the mushrooms themselves.

As can be seen from the report, intoxication rarely creates favorable conditions for clairvoyance. "By itself, the dose of drug does not lead to psychedelic discoveries," writes Timothy Liri. "The drug works as a" chemical key "- it opens consciousness, frees the nervous system from ordinary templates and structures." This can be added that it is often such a discovery leads to a complete loss of interest in the future, so the need for predictive arts disappears by itself.

In the second Saturday, a lot of fishermen are going on the shore of Up to celebrate the beginning of the summer fishing season. Even despite the fact that this year Spring was cold. Many people gathered on the river. I and my friends also did not violate traditions. We, making the symbolic cast in muddy waters, burned the fire. Just like most people gathered here. Heading plenty about what happened. My comrades were going to go back to the houses when the warrior of the Wine Circle was driving up to the river. He pulled out a new fishing rod from the trunk and, making the traditional cast, headed for his friends.
_ Everywhere crisis. Where do people take money? _ escaped from the sorcerer of the warlock rhetorical question.
_ Earns on tournaments, _ answered him Nikolai _ avid fisherman.
_ On what tournaments? _ I asked.
_ Koldovsky, _ calmly pronounced Rybak. After these words, sitting by the fire, sent their views on Nikolai. He realized that he says a, it was necessary to talk both, and began his story, _ It was a year for a year two or three years ago, but I remember well that in the middle of summer. I was hollowed then.
_ What does it mean? _ asked the sorcerer.
_ You do not understand this. I _ Astral traveler. Do you know what an astral is? _ asked an avid fisherman. The warlock shook his head negatively.
_ Astral _ This is a drug that is worth trying only once, and it will be to pull until the end of life, _ explained the astral traveler and continued on, _ that day, I went to the abandoned cottage. People do not go there, so that you can not be afraid that someone will clean the pockets while I walk outside the body. Yes, and besides, he embedded in the country a few homeless cats. They, as you know, the worst enemies of energy entities. So, no astral monster can be climbed into my body. Having treated the fish of homeless animals, sat in a chair, which has repeatedly used for astral pretties. As usual raised a call on the phone for two hours. This is enough for plenty to feed, but at the same time, to bring down the OKOMIN. A few minutes later, and I saw myself sleeping on a chair. The first thing looked at the clock, they showed five evenings. This meant that I would have to look into the future. Let it be in the near, but still, the future. He began to reflect where to go, but the cats felt the energy of the soul. They accepted her for astral entity. They began to plow loudly, and one of them raising the tail of the pipe, prepared for the attack.
_ And what cat can make your soul? _ I asked.
_ Soul nothing. But then, when I return to the body. Scars may appear from cat paws, _ answering my question, Nikolai continued the story, _ I did not tempt fate and quickly got away. Shared there, where the eyes look. Legs led to the cottage village. I had already remained meters of a hundred to the nearest home, how did not take it, the shower ticker appeared Tilik. With whom, with whom, and I did not want to meet with him. After all, he is very sensitive and could take my soul for a disembodied entity. And with representatives of the astral world in Tilik, a conversation one energy blow. For me, this is nothing good. At best, it will hit the way back to the body for a couple of days to seek, and at worst _ coma. If you add to it that my body is in an abandoned house, they will not find soon, but this means only one death. I, how little hidden over the tree. Hoping that the soul catcher will not notice, but my hopes did not justify. Tilik felt me \u200b\u200bfor him. The only thing that happened to the head was rushing to the Wine sorcerer. There is definitely no shower catcher. Since, everyone knows that the sorcerer does not digest Tilik organically. The catcher did not calm down and gathered to go into the courtyard, but at that moment, wines appeared on the porch at home, dressed in a suede cloak and with a long stick in his hand. Seeing the owner of the house, Tilik retired from sin away. The sorcerer laid a stick in the trunk, sat in the car. I immediately realized that the wines were dressed up in order to conclus. How the warriors of the circle sang, I did not even see, for this reason I decided to trace him. And honestly, to do that, I still have nothing to do. To do this of great difficulty It was not, because without a bodily shell I can move with the speed of the car. Wait came to a huge boulder. There he drew a circle on the stone and disappeared in it. I understood perfectly well that the sorcerer went to the parallel world. There is much more dangerous to go there, even than a meeting with a soul catcher. After all, there if you get lost, then back the road, you will not find exactly. Eternally will have to wander in an unfamiliar world. Even knowing about this danger. The desire, at least to visit the parallel world, did their job. I followed the sorcerer. Stone gates passed without any problems. On the other side was in the dense forest. To visit the parallel world and see only high trees, for me it seemed a little. True and to raise one by an unfamiliar area was afraid, for this reason followed the sorcerer. After five minutes later, I brought me to the edge of the forest, for which a huge valley extended. On it was a plot of fenced palico. There are already a tens of three people smashed, just like a warrior of a wines, sat on long benches, around a huge circle. There is afraid to approach. After all, you never know among them those who feel the energy of the soul. True, it should not approach close, since everything could be seen from the edge. When all the shops became filled with people. The center of the circle came out the gray-rough giant. He opened a small chest and showed present.
_ And there was a lot of money in it? _ asked the Warlock.
_ You, for all my life, do not earn, _ answered the question Nikolai and continued the story, _ after that I began to call two people in a circle. They made magic movements with long sticks, until someone turned out to be on Earth. After that, the next pair was called. After about half an hour, it came to the wine, he got a high sorcerer. Something did not go from the warrior of the circle, and he was on earth. I saw his dead eyes and dismissed from horror. Someone felt my presence. Immediately several people rushed after me. How the persecutors were not in a hurry, but still, I managed to arrive for the stone and go back home. It was worth only to be in his world, as the phone call rang. I opened my eyes and immediately hurried to the guilt to convince him to abandon the competition.
_ And how do you determine that it was not a dream, but a way out of the body? _ The Warlock asked, _ can you dreamed so?
_ Maybe. To not seem, I check the pulse. He is not when he does not deceive, _ answered Nikolai.
_ You think he continues? _ I asked.
_ Humpback, only the grave will correct, _ Pronounced the Astral Traveler, heading towards his car.

From the story of the practice of astral travel, you can draw your conclusions. Oleg 25 years hit the astral after long attempts. Next about the astral world, what this will be told from his face.

"I tried for a long time to get out of the body, but all attempts were vain. Now I understand that this happened from a lack of knowledge.

Getting Early in the morning without alarm clock I was hanged by the apartment for some time. When I lay down on the bed, all the muscles were as relaxed as much as possible. After a couple of minutes, I began to see the images, various pictures flashed in front of me, but I kept for the mind my best and tried not to fall asleep. During one of the images, I decided to get up. It turned out hard to rise, I seemed to revealed forward.

I started feeling everything around. I was struck by the reality of feelings. After that, I woke up. But now I understood that everything is real, and continued my practices. It turns out not every time, a certain predisposition of the mind is needed.

Now I sometimes travel in my favorite places, I spend this time to think about certain situations. It helps me in everyday life to remain more balanced and sometimes see what is the end of this or that situation. I think with practice, I can stay there for a longer period. Need a big concentration to stay in the astral world "

Astral world What is it?

The theme is quite confusing, there is a lot of versions and sources. Astral is an existing place, it is not a dream and not a fantasy of a person. If two individuals come out at the same time, they will meet each other. In the Astral, you can move to any point of the planet and in any time segment. There you can meet the highest and lower creatures, dead relatives.

You can get into the future and see what will happen in a certain period of life. But it is impossible to change something or affect events.

There are often cases when a person loses interest in life, after astral travel. It is worth understanding that the astral is simply the projection of the entire information field, it is impossible to live there its life.

Astral journey is a branch of the soul from the body, accompanied by a hum in the ears, severity and other unpleasant sensations. Both when leaving the body, and in the most journey, there will be an unpleasant feeling of fear or anxiety. Often, people who go to the astral do not leave the limits of their room, due to the feeling of anxiety.

Astral body

A trip to third-party worlds is not a soul, but an astral body. As a famous person consists not only of soul and physical shell. It contains 7 tel: physical, essential, astral, mental, casual, buddhous and atmic. To the astral body at the moment, science approached the closest. Perhaps in the near future, new opportunities will open for all.

Therefore, you should not be afraid not to return or sleep the morning. The body fully continues its work and after waking up the astral body returns to its place.

If the body will die on time, because of the disease or someone will kill you in reality while you sleep, then the astral body will not be able to go back. Therefore, a person in old age or with weak health cannot be engaged in similar practices.

Evidence of the Astral Mira

The astral world exists in the same way as the astral body. There are many facts of clinical death, after which people told about their travels on otherworldly worlds.

In the film of the Air Force on clinical death, you can see the story of one woman, which was made of a complex brain operation. During the operation it was necessary to kill, that is, introduce into clinical death. But even the death of the brain, a woman, separated from the body heard and saw everything that happens. Tolding the doctor about the dialogues that were heard, he confirmed that everything was exactly what happened.

Many esoterics in their books confirmed the presence of an astral and have been there themselves, whether they should believe, each decision.

But the best proof will personal experiencewhich can get everyone by attaching some efforts.

Astral world and mental world

The astral world is the display of images, and mental - thoughts. They are very easy to confuse. As images differ from thoughts and these worlds differ from each other.

The mental world is considered a higher level. To get there will have to work on yourself. The highest astral is a mental dimension. There is an entrance to only spiritually developed people with high concentration.

It is believed that the highest astral or mental is a paradise.

Since the astral world is a kind of projection of our world, it is very similar to our planet. There may be identical cities, countries, may be small or huge differences. At the bottom of the Astral, you can change the shapes with the effort of the will, so describe specifically this place is quite difficult. One thing is clear - it is very similar to our world.

The lowest astral can appear in front of a person as the fruit of his imagination. In the lower Astral, you can modify the forms of objects, create something new and in every way to play with your imagination.

Going out to the astral you can move to any point in the world with the help of one thought, all that will need this concentration.

Often you can hear eyewitnesses about how they saw our planet from the side, being in the astral. The destination when leaving the astral depends on the level of human spiritual development and its desires. He can wake up in his room, in a place from children's memories, anywhere in the planet.

3 ways to see the astral world

The thin world is interesting to almost everyone, everyone sees dreams and want to learn about the otherworldly world a little more.

There are several exit techniques.

First method

Walk in an uncomfortable position for you. If you sleep on your back, lie on the stomach, or vice versa. The state should be calm, not excited. The mood must be indifferent. If you cling to the idea of \u200b\u200bexit, it will never get to truly get out of the body.

Closing your eyes, you need to start peering into the bottomless emptiness. It is necessary to do this until images or pictures arise. After them, vibration will appear in the body.

At this moment you need to immediately rise. Do not think how to do it, the main action. If it is impossible to get up can be pulled out from the bed to the floor, it is easier to roll many. This is an important point!

At the same time, people often confuse reality and astral. Waking up in the astral, they believe that they just got out of bed and go back. After that, already wake up in reality with a sense of missed moment.

If you miss the vibration and do nothing, you will get into sleepy paralysis, and this condition is very unpleasant.

Second way

In the evening, it is in bed. It is necessary to relax and close your eyes. Next, falling asleep, in a halfway it is necessary to raise your hands and see them. In reality, the muscles will be absolutely relaxed, and the real hand does not move anywhere, the eyes are closed.

When the fuzzy image arises, it is necessary to rub hands from all over the strength. When the image is clear, you will have to roll out from the physical body.

Third way

Crash around your axis. Falling asleep must be represented as your body makes an infinite number of revolutions in one direction or another. The faster the better. The more turns will be, the easier it will get rid of the shell. You can alternate all three ways while falling asleep with a clock in 15 seconds to achieve the best effect.

Syon Palsy

Paralysis arises during the exit from the body in the event that a person could not jump out of the shell in time and stuck in it.

The body will be paralyzed, fear will arise due to the feeling of uncontrollability by the body. Outdoor sounds will appear and maybe even images. Sometimes a feeling of choking and a terrible fear appears. At such a moment you can not panic, it will only aggravate the situation, you should relax and simply wait until the body wakes up.

Sleepy paralysis is a rather common phenomenon. There are many legends from different peoples about demons or witches, which in the midst of the nights sit on the chest and scare people trying to strangle them. In fact, this is explained by the fact that the person woke up during sleep. When we sleep, we have such a state as a muscular atony, it prevents television and paralyzes the body while we sleep. When we wake up during sleep, it turns out such a sleepy paralysis. This condition lasts from a few seconds to a pair of minutes.

Is the astral world dangerous

When the astral body travels through other dimensions, no essence can harm her. Provided that a person has a strong psyche and is not afraid, seeing one entity.

Guests from the lower layers exist in real world. It is invisible for us they are attracted to the places of cluster envy, lust, maliciousness. Gradually, they begin to influence people, making some of them slaves of earthly pleasures and vices. It is worth understanding that the subtle world is always present in the everyday life of a person. The fact that we do not see it does not mean that it is not.

At the lowest level of the astral there are essences of the same level of development as a person. It is impossible to destroy anything in that world or try to harm the essences, the consequences can go even into everyday life.

Contact with astral world

After hitting the lowest level, you can find different entities from myths and legends. Starting from vampires and ending with theft. Also there are bad souls, which in lifetime could severely heat. The same travelers as you are. Also, there you can meet various magicians who travel through the worlds to study abilities.

In the astral there are their laws, but each person sees him a little in his own way. This is due to the features of the perception of the world. In our daily life, we also see the world in different ways.

Feelings and contacts are absolutely real, the fact that the world is invisible, does not mean that it is not.

If the astral body hits the highest level, it can be said that it fell into paradise. But the path to the top is open only the very bright and wise souls, a small number of people visited there.

Astral world of cats and dogs

Everyone heard stories about animals that came to the owner through thousands of kilometers. Or even after death visited him. It's not fiction. Animals often travel around the astral worlds and feel there much more confident of people.

After death, the animals also fall on the astral plan and continue to dwell. No wonder the cat is considered a conductor in the otherworldly world.

Animals can be your companions on a trip to the subtle world. To make it enough to call the astral body of an animal to himself while traveling. As a rule, it happens easily and without a chandelier.

Safety in operation and travel in the astral world

The defense in the small world will be strong faith man, and its moral principles. Gradually, when a person is strengthened, its strength will increase, and entities will not have such an influence on his soul.

To avoid consequences, follow safety techniques:

  1. Do not go to the astral for a long time, until the practice becomes something familiar.
  2. Do not attack essentially, do not tear the place of stay and not torture yourself great. You are just a guest.
  3. Going out to the astral stands to people with strong mental health.
  4. It is impossible to scare. Fear - the only way Through which perfumes can harm.
  5. Each entity can directly ask for whom it is. Since the appearance can be deceptive. It does not have the right to lie, but can escape or simply hide.


Many people do not work linger in the astral or just get there. Do not be upset in such a situation, the astral does not allow mentally weak people, as well as unprepared. In order to get there it is necessary to have a strong psyche and moral readiness. The consequences of staying there can easily affect everyday life. This is a serious and responsible journey, where two worlds face.

There are only those who really want it, who can break through the wall and force themselves, not be afraid and can survive all the experiences.

Therefore, if the thirst for travel burns in the heart, then you will succeed, the question is only in practice and the regularity of it.

And your grandmother, she told something about his youth times? - I asked, hoping to find out about the events of the nineteenth century.
- Yes, a lot of things told, but it is not interesting for you. Babier is all more.
- Was some great war?
- No, we did not have anything special before Vakhlakov. In different ways it was. And death came, the disease happened, the kids were also dying, but so that everything was crazy, never happened. The mind in the isa has turned, and the undead began to catch and plant in the shelters.
- Like this? For what?
- Well, because before the invasion, the patchhatto could all be heard in the mind, and these voices showed how to do it in this or however. But voices heard not all. There were those who did not hear them, and from that Lyuto hated those who heard. Then the Vaclats scored themselves into assistants of those who do not hear, and those are happy to try, declared hearing that they are all evident, and they began to heal. Each town has a hospital. In them, they were overwhelming all hearing. And those who did not want to do in the hospital, pretended by hearing. Like this!

- How does all this reminds the fight with dissent ... when "wrong" thoughts, some others put in prisons and mental hospitals, and often even killed.
"Well, I walked around Izuva, let me hear me." Come on, tell me who hears that they are just normal. These are psychos only voices hear.

I do not remember what else was, but something was exactly. Because after the end of the conversation with Darya, I returned to my carcass still after a while. It is impossible to determine it, who knows, he knows that there is no one's own body of time.

So, I fulfill the request of my new familiar Daria, and I have a hurry to calm those who hear foreign voices in the head. You are not schizophrenics! You are normal. Disabled just those who do not hear anything. Neither votes in the head, nor interlocutors in ordinary life.

V. - What else is it caught in the eye, what is different either from our experience, or from what idea was previously about Kievan Rus?
O. - Kiev Rus usually describe already during periods of decline, it also appeared when different principalities merged, and before that there was no such centralization of power. There were free cities, people settled around them. The prince did not usurp the power. It was just that were some military organizations who had to protect against attacks. And when the degradation began, degeneration, the ability of people was lost and had a rigid organization in order to reflect. There were still people who saw, but they did not live in these cities, it was not comfortable. Well, then the Christianity of them destroyed them. Some remained, but they are so encrypted, not in Ukraine, they are deep there, in Russia. And they carry these knowledge, just people are not ready for them yet.

V.- But here is the number of these "nonhumans"?
O.- There are few of them.
V.- But they enjoy what they know who is who, and people do not know?
Oh yeah. They can create their hierarchies and put on the right places of their people, so they lead.
V.- And what do they differ from people? What they eat, how much do they live?
O. - Also eat, just, I know little about them. They are watching local as the eccentrics some, as on aliens. They traded the forest.

V. - Forest traded?
O.- No, some technologies, I can not understand what exactly it is. Those on which these carts and work

V.- Walking?
Oh yeah.
V.- It turns out, the carts only on these pieces work or still have those with horses?
O.- No, of course, with horses most. They do not reveal all secrets how technology work.

V.- And the largest building that you see, what does it represent?
O. - five floors, wooden led.

V. - that is all of the tree?
O.- From bricks only quite small buildings build. It is believed that it is worse for the energy. Small buildings, type Khlev. He is more durable, less rotates, but it is less comfortable to live in it. Therefore, they are trying to do, they are so comfortable.

V.- Can we move a thousand years ahead? We are interested in the period of Tartaria, are you up to date about Tartaria?
Oh yeah
V.- The period when they destroyed the victims, you can see why they left? Who destroyed them and for what reasons?
O.-Princess, along with a foreign army. There was a kind of army, which was in the service of the princes, it was from mercenaries, many foreigners, because their people are their own .. and plus scumbags were recruited. It was the type of prince's army. And they the authorities of the prince destroyed those who did not conquer. Destroyed still edition. Those who have seen thin bodies and could still tell that it is generally invaders, it is "inhumans"

B.- This is still talking about 500 N. eh?
O.- No, it's later. The victims destroyed for a long time. Centuries. They needed to calculate. They are less and less. From the territory of Ukraine, they are all left, and in Russia, there, in depth, still remained in the eminent places. They just allowed themselves to kill. They were better to die than to integrate, this hierarchy will conquer. It was important to preserve the purity of your soul.

As you can see, in ancient times, people preferred to leave the earthly plan, rather than to reduce their vibrations.

V.- And was there any ritual defined, which was used to murder or they just kill?
O. - they simply concentrated and allowed to do it. And also their children were killed and women, they did not resist.
V.- No, meant, for example, the Inquisition had a whole closure ritual Ajna. I stumbled into it something like a corkscrew, especially to close it on many embodiments ahead.

O.- I do not see this. It was easier for them or to allow themselves to kill, and if they were trying to capture, they resisted to kill them. Perhaps only units were captured. They needed that they were killed, they themselves could not kill themselves, this is the worst option was considered

Let's make a lyrical retreat and remember the Atlanta in similar scenarios, for everything is fractal and like:

Why did the Atlanta decide not to destroy the small planet? (It is about the fact that Atlanta knew about the upcoming cataclysm in the form of a fall of the cosmic body, could prevent destruction, but decided not to do this, thereby sacrificing the majority from their contemporaries )

After all, they firmly believed that most of them would die for a loud ringing of the crowded planets. The fact is that in the trance time, people have invested extrasensory abilities. And they were directly related to their soul - sustainedness. Atlant remembered all his outwear, large from fatigue, life on earth, knew the purpose and meaning of each birth and death. He remembered her happy Lives In the subtle worlds after violent death in the valley of crying and suffering. Clean and free life outside the physical body appeared at the Atlanta Raya, where the soul, rebaring the coffin of the body, felt at home at home.

But to leave voluntarily in this paradise he could never, as suicide was always considered the most worthless sin. A person who did not learn the lessons at the Earth's school, who did not pass the exams for the current physical life, was against his supremeness, which sent him here with his definite task. For suicide, Atlant was punished with reusable suffering on astral, mental and physical terms. All the supremeness of the Atlantov tried to grow and get into higher worlds outside the mind, time and forms. For an accelerated set of experience on Earth, they embodied their fragments immediately in the eight and twelve bodies of people of various destinies and specialties and led them like puppets. Simultaneously with these physical dolls, each soul had another 13 puppets in the subtle worlds. These puppets live beautifully and work hard in the thin worlds, go to visit each other in order to patiently help the lagging fragments of their entity to fulfill the tasks.

And another excerpt of the session of the new hypnologist:

The original is taken by W. ruslan_35 in dirty paris.

I suggest moving to ancient times, to travel so to speak, a small sketch of last Life Operator. At the beginning of the session appeared in Celi. Table, Feather and Book ...

Q: What kind of cells and how does she treat you?

O. Studying information, studies, Middle Ages, we are closer to Europe.

Q. What are the years?

O. 1500th 1st Half.

Q. Is there a way out of the Celi?

Oh yeah.

V. Let's come out of the Celi, and you describe your feelings.

O. Vintage city, dirt everywhere.

Q. What is the city?

O. Central Europe, United Empire.

Q. Catch anyone, see who looks at you, meet his name?

Oh .. Alexandros.

V. Alexandros, what year now?

Oh. 1536

Q. We are lost, what is this city?

A. This is a stinky Paris. (Laughs). (Paris grew up at the place of settlement Lutection, Lat. Lutum - What does Latin mean "dirt")

V. Alexandros, tell me why so dirty? Paris was a beautiful city.

O. He dives, he himself in this system and he likes everything.

V. Alexandros, tell you how old?

Oh. 36, looks old.

V. Alexandros, what are you doing in Paris?

O. Pots traded.

Q. Does your civilization fight with someone?

O. His drum. Do not know.

Q. And who rules Paris?

O. Francisi.

Q. Does he recognize the operator?

Oh. Stranger. Well, came up, and approached talk.

In .. What do you look like?

A. I have a light gray bathrobe, leather belt, on the legs along the type of Russian flanks on the skin only. I'm a little in gray, brewer.

Q. What did you do in the inside what I wrote?

O. Memoirs, the Diary writes.

V. Alexandros Thank you, we will go, take a walk. Please move to the point of this space, where you will start banging by name.

O. yell a novel! Novel!

Q. Who screams you?

A. Woman, my worker.

B. What is her girl's name.

O. Arinda.

V. Arinda, tell me what you do in Paris?

A. It goes helps, sometimes childbirth takes, working hands. She washes, people serve as tech.

V. Arind say, why is it so dirty in Paris?

O. Laughs, says, everyone is shy, the sewage is destroyed, did not rule out.

Q. When was Paris built? Does your population built it?

O. Dried, then came, something restored.

Q. And as before the arrival of the people of your population, this place was called?

A. It hurts it does not need it, she's closer to earthly, knows that people say, rumors are different.

V. Arinda, with whom we better talk to learn the story of this city? Where to go to us?

O. Go to the library to the dropmeyster.

V. Let it show, and quickly move there. Thank you.

A. Reached, a man writes to a barn book record.

V. Kappelmeister paid us a couple of minutes of attention, answer our questions?

O. Yes, come on.

Q. What was the name of the city before you came here? Who cost this city?

O. thought. They came, and we are glad that they have.

V. City built your civilization of people?

O. Ours built, but it was a long time ago.

Q. Is there any knowledge who destroyed this city?

A. Information of global destruction, there the infrastructure has been preserved almost, and there are no carcasses, not what you left, but as a styashka, the boom and everything is not.

Q. Why to fasten the city so? Is it possible to support order?

Oh so I went, there is no laws, so it goes.

V. Kappelmeyster, what are you doing in this city?

O. As treasurer, debts, receipt.

B. This city is part of the state?


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