Testing for Sberbank consultants. How to pass an interview at Sberbank. Stages of interview at Sberbank

If you are interested in how to pass an interview at Sberbank, it means that you are already eager to work in the largest financial institution in the country. What qualities are important for a future employee of this company to have? Is it difficult to get a job at Sberbank? Is it good to work there? How does the interview usually go? We will try to answer these questions in detail.

Why do many specialists strive to get a position at Sberbank?

IN financial corporation Today there are more than 260 thousand employees. Several million specialists worked at Sberbank previously. Nowadays, many applicants for the positions of cashiers, cashiers, credit inspectors, managers, and lawyers are knocking on the doors of personnel services. And students of economic universities who have not yet received a diploma higher education, and specialists with solid experience in commercial organizations I'm worried about how to get a job at Sberbank. Why?

There are serious reasons for this:

1. Sberbank has a fairly high level of remuneration.

The starting salary during the probationary period will most likely be low. But the longer you work in this company, the more bonuses, bonuses and benefits you receive. Therefore, qualified employees stay at Sberbank for long time. When asking questions to the employer, ask how much your salary will be for initial stage, and what are the prospects for increasing monthly income in 1-2 years.

2. Largest bank country complies with labor laws.

The salary is official, credited to a plastic card. Sick leave, vacations, health insurance, and pension contributions are fully paid. Bonuses are calculated using an algorithm known to each employee.

3. Work operations are clearly regulated.

Sberbank has developed detailed instructions, what steps an employee should take in any situation. Customer service standards, action algorithms for banking operations, and rules for cooperation between departments are clearly defined.

4. Each Sberbank employee is responsible only for his own area.

You will perform exclusively those duties that are specified in the job description and internal work regulations.

5. The largest bank in Russia has a strong system of internal corporate training.

Seminars and trainings for employees are regularly held. Before obtaining the right to perform certain operations, it is mandatory to pass tests.

In the labor market, Sberbank is deservedly called “a talent forge.” Many employees of the company came to work for it from their student days and turned into highly qualified specialists. Once upon a time, they, like you, were wondering how to pass an interview at Sberbank.

Corporate culture

When describing the advantages that working at Sberbank provides, it is worth talking separately about what code of communication is accepted among employees. The company's employees consider themselves one big family. Sberbank often hosts holidays, beauty contests, Mind games, creative evenings, KVN. Special groups of responsible employees are preparing activities aimed at encouraging healthy image life.

One of the most famous social projects bank is a “Green Marathon”. Every spring, more than 30 thousand Sber employees, as well as city residents who are fans of sports and a healthy lifestyle, gather to run a 4.2 km race. The bank's management encourages informal relationships between employees, thanks to which the team becomes more united. Most likely, you will be able to make many useful connections among the employees of the organization.

What are the employees of the country's largest financial institution dissatisfied with?

  1. The amount of work is very large and, as a rule, does not fit into the framework of an 8-hour day. Most employees holding responsible positions work 10-12 hours a day. Many come to work on legal days off.
  2. Sberbank cannot be called a democratic organization. Management's demands are not discussed or challenged. Employees are treated strictly: they criticize and punish much more often than they praise and encourage. Not everyone can withstand a large number of “jabs and slaps.”
  3. Working at Sberbank, as a rule, is not to your liking creative individuals. Stacks of papers the size of a person and endless columns of numbers bore many people. More often here you have to do what you are ordered, and not what you think is necessary.
  4. Working in the largest bank in the country requires wear and tear, often in emergency mode. Many operations are carried out in a hurry. Often employees are required to perform multiple tasks at the same time.
  5. The level of responsibility is very high. Since Sberbank is the country's key financial institution, the scale of its activities is enormous. You will be responsible for large sums of money and serious corporate transactions. Any wrong step can be very costly.
  6. IN real life It is quite difficult to comply with all the rules and constantly changing requirements of Sberbank. Many people think that you need to be a robot to do this.
  7. The company has a very strict dress code. If you're applying for a position in a customer-facing department, be prepared to dress in a black-on-white-on-top style every day.

What qualities are especially important for a Sberbank employee?

To interview for a job at the largest financial organization country, it is important to discover in yourself and demonstrate to interviewers the following qualities:

  1. Workaholism. For a job seeker at Sberbank, work should come first. You need to be ready and love to work hard. At the largest bank in the country, it is not customary to demonstrate that family or leisure time is more important to you than the interests of the corporation.
  2. Stress resistance. The requirements for Sberbank employees are very high. You need to absorb large amounts of information in short periods of time, keep long to-do lists in your head for the day, week and month. Working at Sberbank is quite difficult. During the interview, it is important to prove to the employer that you feel calm and confident in difficult situations.
  3. Skill to work in team. In Sberbank, many sectors and departments are interconnected through “chains” and depend on each other. For example, an operator will not make a large payment without the participation of a controller. And the credit officer, before issuing a loan to the client, is obliged to agree on an agreement with the legal service and the security department. To perform any operation, the participation of at least three to four specialists will be required. Therefore, the interview with the employer will be structured in such a way as to test your ability to negotiate, clearly plan your actions and be ready to adapt to clients and colleagues.
  4. Accuracy. Working at Sberbank, you will deal with large volumes of documents. In order not to get lost in the abundance of papers and computer files, it will be necessary to clearly systematize their flow. If you are pedantic and are used to maintaining order in documents and things, then working with information in a bank will not be difficult for you.
  5. Customer focus. Does the potential position involve interacting with operating room visitors? In this case, you must be able to serve them. For many clients, it is still quite difficult to work with Sberbank. Some transactions are slow and require a lot of paperwork. Clients are anxious and concerned. They need to be able to support, reassure, and competently inform about the current situation.
  6. Energy. At Sberbank, it’s good to work with “fast” employees. You must be able to walk quickly, easily switch from one activity to another, quickly prepare documents, and also master techniques that speed up the work process.

How to successfully pass a job interview at Sberbank?

  1. Find reputable people who can recommend you. It is quite possible that they will be found among the current employees of Sberbank. Maybe one of the company’s regular customers will “put in a good word” about you. Letters of recommendation from former employers. If a well-known person vouches for your professional competence and integrity, you will no longer be a candidate “from the street”.
  2. Pay serious attention to the dress code. Give preference to a strict, plain business suit and neat closed-toe shoes. The “white top, black bottom” style would be ideal for an interview. By choosing this image, you will become a little “one of us” for the interviewers.
  3. Bring a plain notebook and pen with you. You will be able to write down important information and also demonstrate a professional approach to such a task as an interview with an employer.
  4. Pre-read all available materials teaching how to pass an interview at Sberbank. This will help you feel more confident.
  5. Try to eliminate slang words from your speech if you are used to using them. Also avoid diminutive forms of nouns.
  6. Use politeness formulas such as “thank you”, “please”, “nice to meet you” more often. Address the interviewing staff by their first and patronymic names.

The corporate culture of Sberbank places special demands on women's business style. Therefore, ladies going for an interview should pay attention to the following details of appearance:

  • Choose a strict and straight skirt. Its length should be no lower and no higher than 10 cm from the knee.
  • The face should be refreshed with light “natural” makeup that hides skin imperfections.
  • It is better to wear stockings on your feet even in the hot season.
  • You can add elegance to your look with two or three jewelry or jewelry items. They should be small, discreet and elegant. Ideally, small earrings, one ring and a watch are suitable for an interview at Sberbank.
  • It is important to treat your nails and varnish them in a natural shade.
  • It is better to style your hair in a neat hairstyle that matches your business style.

Conducting an interview: what questions are asked?

As you achieve your goal, you will pass several “entrance exams.” Each applicant goes through an interview when he comes to Sberbank. The questions vary depending on which employee is conducting the interview.

Stage 1. Interview with a representative of the personnel service.

The recruiter will assess your compliance with the stated requirements of the vacancy and ask questions about your education and existing work experience. Be prepared to also tell why you want to work at Sberbank and for what reason you are going to leave your previous place of employment. On at this stage It is important to emphasize that you have long dreamed of becoming a full member of the team of the largest financial organization in the country. Make it clear to the interviewer that you have heard a lot about Sberbank from friends, read publications in the media, and therefore are well acquainted with the company’s mission and its values. Explain that in your opinion this is where you can realize your potential and seriously grow in professionally. Confirm that you plan to work at Sberbank for at least 10 years and would like to gradually occupy the position of head of a sector or department.

Stage 2. Psychological testing.

Most likely, you will be asked to answer a series of questions in writing. As you prepare for this stage of the interview, try to recognize yourself in advance as a person who is endlessly dedicated to the task. Sberbank interviewers will definitely check your ability to communicate with clients and resolve conflicts. Many questions will concern honesty and a positive attitude towards problems.

Stage 3. Interview with the head of the relevant department.

At this stage, Sberbank will evaluate your professional knowledge and skills. Thus, those applying for the position of accountant will be asked questions about accounting. Credit analyst candidates will have to demonstrate their ability to collect information about potential borrowers, “read” financial statements enterprises, check the solvency of clients. If the head of the department likes you, then high degree chances are you will be accepted.

Stage 4. Interview with the security service.

Be prepared for a lot of “personal” questions. The interviewers will ask where your spouse, parents, and siblings live and what they do. You may have to provide information about the family’s property status: what valuables do you own, where do you live, do you have a car? Be prepared to answer honestly and in as much detail as possible. Most likely, you will be asked to sign a consent to the processing of personal data before the interview. Candidates with a dubious reputation cannot be trusted to handle Sberbank money and information - the danger of financial scams is too high. Therefore, it is important for the security service to make sure that you are a conscientious employee, have clean hands, and do not have a criminal record.

Final approval of the candidacy by the personnel commission

To fill some positions, you will need to undergo an interview with key managers of the branch where you plan to get a job. Many questions will be repeated here. If you have already successfully completed an interview with the head of the relevant department, this collective interview will be a formality.

Registration for work

Most likely, after the “entrance tests”, you will not be invited to immediately begin service. Formalities will take some time (up to one month). Get ready to call various responsible Sberbank employees and arrange a meeting time. At the end of each conversation or briefing, you will receive another signature on the “walk-through sheet.” Be patient. Only when the “bypass sheet” is completely filled out, personnel service will prepare a package of documents for employment.


We tried to answer as fully as possible the question of how to pass an interview at Sberbank. What else is important to mention? Although the labor market primarily values ​​specialists with work experience, Sberbank is perhaps one of those organizations that can forgive applicants for the lack of any experience. Many students of economic universities who undergo internships here become full members of the team without yet receiving a higher education diploma.

Working at Sberbank, you can gain valuable professional skills and significantly expand your horizons. Even one year spent in this corporation becomes a big step towards new heights for competent careerists. Sberbank instills hard work and dedication in its employees.

Sberbank is a large and serious bank that constantly requires specialists. Working there is a tempting offer for both students and graduates, as well as those with experience in the banking sector. To be hired, you need to pass an interview at Sberbank. How the interview goes and how to prepare – this will be discussed further.

How to pass an interview for a consultant at Sberbank

The most vacant position at Sberbank remains a consultant position. This First level. Next, you can get into sales managers. The bank monitors its reputation - it needs real professionals in their field, which requires serious selection.

The interview at Sberbank for a consultant and subsequent hiring takes place in several stages:

  • Interview with the HR manager. It often takes place in a group format and ends with testing, which eliminates most of the applicants.
  • Interview with a specialist.
  • Completing an internship for training.
  • Actually, the beginning of real work for the “survivors”.

Not everyone will be able to go through this difficult path, but let's start from the very beginning. Before you have an interview at Sberbank as a consultant, you should be well prepared, otherwise you can ruin everything at the very beginning. It seems that working as a consultant is easy - it is not. It is necessary to have sufficient knowledge, patience, and the ability to communicate with the most different types of people. To prepare, it is better to know in advance how the interview at Sberbank is going, what questions will be asked, and what future responsibilities will be.

The first stage of a career at Sberbank

Before being interviewed at Sberbank as a consultant, the applicant fills out a questionnaire and provides a resume. Then he will have to complete all of the above steps. The HR manager usually asks superficial questions during an interview at Sberbank, allowing you to determine how self-confident and purposeful you are. After this, testing will be required.

How is the selection of specialists carried out?

Testing - popular modern way identifying unsuitable candidates. How to pass an interview at Sberbank using the test? Look for similar tests online on the Internet - many banking companies use them to determine the sufficient intelligence, mathematical skills and erudition of a future employee.

Interview questions at Sberbank in the tests are of a psychological nature, tests of the ability to understand instructions and solve numerical examples.

Mass interviews at Sberbank have also become permanent, because there are a lot of people who want to get a job. In this case, first everyone introduces themselves, then they can show some situation and ask to solve it. How to complete such a task? It is important to show goodwill, sociability with the highest respect for the client.

Questions asked during an interview and their answers

An interview with a specialist is an even more serious stage.

Questions asked during an interview at Sberbank when communicating with a specialist may be of a personal or professional nature:

  • What is leasing, liquidity, shares, bills, bonds?
  • If the ruble falls – is it good or bad?
  • Why do you want to get a job at Sberbank? Plans for the future (career growth)?

Answers at an interview at Sberbank should be clear, concise, and to the point. If you are a specialist in your field (even if you are a student), searching for answers will not be special labor. Of course, knowing what questions will be asked during an interview at Sberbank will make it easier to pass.

It is often suggested to play role-playing game, for example, selling a deposit to an imaginary client. You need to be prepared for this too.

It is impossible to predict all the questions and answers during an interview at Sberbank - they can differ significantly, depending on who is conducting it and what position they hold. If you want to get a job as a consultant at a bank, usually especially financial definitions do not load. It is more important for such a candidate to pass the test and be able to show goodwill and customer focus.

Feedback on the interview

Before going through an interview at Sberbank, you can search for reviews about it on the Internet. They are very different, because they also depend on the interviewer. But it’s better to be prepared for anything - studying them will come in handy. There are also descriptions online of how an interview at a Sberbank for a consultant takes place in the first person.

Today we are going to find out what working at Sberbank is like. Reviews about this employer, as a rule, fill specialized pages with employer ratings. Many opinions cannot give an accurate answer to our today's question about integrity. Therefore, we have to study a lot of written and published messages. In truth, it cannot be said unequivocally that Sberbank is a great place to make money. But some are silent and keep this fact secret. And so we will try to understand how to get a job at Sberbank and what awaits us ahead.

Why do they strive?

The first thing you have to find out is the reasons for seeking employment in a bank. Not everyone receives specialized education to work in the banking sector. But everyone wants to get into Sberbank. And there are often certain motives for this. Which?

Firstly, our current employer is a prestigious and popular company throughout Russia. How many people do you think want to work in an ordinary bank or a place that no one knows about?

Secondly, we are promised career growth and good wages. This is what attracts most potential employees. Start from the bottom and work your way up career ladder in the banking industry is what many desire. Just don’t think that you will succeed quickly.

In principle, the two listed reasons are the main ones. Now it’s worth looking at the opinions of employees about our current employer. Is he as good as is commonly believed?


Sberbank is hiring for several vacancies. And depending on them, many opinions about the employer appear. After all, each position has its own working conditions, as well as the recruitment process.

As a rule, Sberbank usually requires operators, as well as tellers and cashiers. Far from being the most prestigious places you can find, but in a bank.

Many people want to immediately get a job as an accountant or someone else with a higher status at work. Only such positions are usually not recruited. After all, managers are appointed by management. And it is very difficult to get there. Let's figure out what awaits us on the way to work at Sberbank, as well as what people think about finding employment in this place.


So, if you decide to find out from your own experience what it is like to work at Sberbank, reviews will help you make your final decision. And the first thing that awaits you is an interview. Next, tests will follow. They are small, but some are not satisfied. Why? Let's figure it out.

Employees are not happy about interviews in general. There are a lot of people, it takes a very long time to receive each person. But before that, you will have to go through the first part of the conversation with the hiring manager, that is, the group interview. On it you will be given special tests to solve. They are required when applying for a job at a bank. What remains to be done? A little school-level math and fill out a special form. And then wait for the call.

The second stage is a personal interview. There is a very long queue for him. They accept one person per hour, so you will have to stand for a very long time. If you manage to get an interview, then be prepared for the fact that you will be given a special questionnaire to fill out. Sberbank will not hire you for a job without it. It is somewhat reminiscent of the one you filled out during group testing. Only this option is more advanced. You submit the completed application form, answer the hiring manager’s questions and wait for a response. Have you been accepted? Take your time to rejoice. After all, it is important to know what awaits you ahead.


Pre-employment tests are far from the worst thing that can happen on the way to employment at Sberbank. Next, you will have two weeks of practice, or even more. Depending on what vacancy you applied for.

Working at Sberbank does not receive the best feedback from employees regarding training and practice. For example, you are promised a good team, but most likely an evil aunt will intern you, and at the very beginning working day burdened with different responsibilities. Next comes the demands to do your job perfectly, no matter that you are an intern.

In truth, you don't even need a resume here. Everyone is currently being accepted to work at Sberbank. Most departments don't care what education you have, where you worked, and so on. As they say, they will teach you everything. The main thing is to create a minimal resume that will at least somehow create an impression of you. What is all this for? Moreover, during the internship, your mentor will not care how old you are or what kind of education you have. Often subordinates are much more developed than their superiors. Sberbank is no exception. This fact does not please the employees at all.

Work schedule

Let's assume that you were able to cope with probationary period. It is at this moment that many simply drop out, so to speak, cannot withstand the load. And now it is important to know what the work schedule at Sberbank is. After all, from the very beginning they promise to make it loyal, convenient and almost flexible. But is it possible to imagine this in such a large company?

Working at Sberbank receives terrible reviews regarding the work schedule. Why? The thing is that regardless of your position (if it is not at the top), you will have to constantly be at your workplace and perform a lot of tasks. Sometimes the load is simply not real. And this, of course, does not make the employees happy.

Plus, you will be forced to work on weekends, and you will have a break only once a week - 1 day. And then again to Sberbank for workplace. So, if you don’t have a particularly strong grip and weak nerves, you shouldn’t get a job here.


Now let’s digress a little and talk about the features of some of the most popular vacancies. For example, a teller in a bank. This position is constantly empty in Sberbanks in all regions. Why?

If you do not take into account the difficult work schedule and trials during employment, then you can notice the fact that as an operator you will be busier than you can imagine. Plus, you will often be given additional responsibilities. This is usually done by management - you will do their job. Not very nice.

And yet, a bank teller must communicate with clients. And they, as you know, are different and often not the most friendly, or simply do not know how to formulate their questions: they just make trouble and ask to call management. Such cases usually occur with older people. Do you need this? Therefore, many employees claim that working at Sberbank (Moscow or other regions) is a huge job. Especially if you decide to become an operator.


Working as a consultant at Sberbank is another very popular vacancy. It has become extremely widespread with the advent of such a miracle of technology as special terminals for paying bills. And this place receives a lot of different reviews. What do they say?

The thing is that the consultant at Sberbank plays very important role. He must help clients deal with bill payments and sometimes provide great support in this process. Reviews about such tasks are not the best. Especially considering the fact that this vacancy forces you to stand on your feet all day, without even a minute to sit down.

Working as a consultant in a Sberbank branch does not receive particularly good reviews. For example, many such employees emphasize that they often have to suffer with clients. Why? The thing is that most people don't understand what they are being told. And even more so, they are not able to carry out this or that operation on their own, no matter how much the consultant helps them. This often affects older people.

Plus, working at Sberbank also gets terrible reviews from consultants because of the tense environment. Probably, each of us has encountered queues at payment terminals in banks; they are annoying. Mainly when the one who slows down the process takes an extremely long time to figure out what is required of him. And all the negativity of visitors spills over onto the assistant consultant. And this fact does not suit everyone.


For many, the deciding factor in employment is salary. Sometimes people are ready to work hard from dawn to dusk just to be paid well. And here work at Sberbank also receives far from positive reviews. Why?

The thing is that all employees of any department will have to work a lot, and overtime. And under such conditions you will not be paid a normal salary. It can be said that responsibility and reward for completed tasks are not comparable to each other. At Sberbank, employees will have to spin like a squirrel in a wheel. And all this for a pittance, although initially they promised normal wages.

Perhaps, good feedback at this moment they are received only from management. So to speak, from the top of this company. They can shift their responsibilities to their subordinates, and even receive good wages for it. In principle, this moment is no different from most companies.


For many employees, the team at work plays an important role. And on this issue, Sberbank receives quite ambiguous answers. The thing is that in different regions the situation with people is different. In some places they are more friendly, in others not so much.

But overall everything is more or less positive. The team, consisting of ordinary employees, is usually quite friendly. True, you shouldn’t hope that you will be replaced on this or that day, but if it comes to collective complaints against the authorities, then everyone will go there.

In general, working at Sberbank receives reviews of the relative collective composition exactly the same as any other bank (or prestigious place of work). All this is because as soon as competition and career opportunities appear, everyone in the team will become each other’s enemies. And if you don’t succeed in growing up at work, then everyone will turn out to be friends again. In principle, it is thanks to a close-knit team that people cope with the difficulties of the probationary period.

Attitude towards employees

Also very important is the attitude of management towards their subordinates. This factor often makes you think 20 times before applying for a job. What can we say about Sberbank?

To be honest, the promises you are given during an interview are very different from reality. For example, everyone around you assures you that normal management awaits you, treating its subordinates with loyalty and dignity. But in reality it turns out a little differently.

What's happening? There will be a prejudiced attitude towards you; some will not consider you as a person. In principle, it is a quite common phenomenon among subordinates and managers. New employees will be burdened with someone else's work more than already trained comrades. Plus, you may hear that no one is keeping you at work. This phenomenon is not uncommon, so you will have to try hard to cope with the tension from management.


Work at Sberbank (Moscow and other cities), as a rule, appears to employees as an excellent place to build their own career. Moreover, this is the banking sector. But is this really so?

To be honest, not really. During interviews and in advertisements, you will be told that you can quickly climb the career ladder and then take a high position. Only it's not like that. A fairly popular technique that employers use, and quite successfully.

There is propaganda at Sberbank that all employees are required to work like horses in order to develop and earn a living. But in reality, it turns out that you will work hard, but you will not develop and receive decent pay. Therefore, reviews of Sberbank regarding careers are actually not very good.

Upon dismissal

The process of leaving the organization also plays a big role. Especially if your company has a huge staff turnover, and Sberbank here gives its employees a lot of troubles and problems. Therefore, after dismissal, employees leave far from the best opinions about the employer.

The first thing you will have to deal with is working off (2 weeks according to the law). And during this period you will be so loaded that you will regret that you decided to leave. But this is far from the worst thing that can happen when you quit.

More troubles arise with paperwork. Sberbank does not issue income certificates to its former employees To get it, you will have to fight with the entire department. Be prepared that you won’t be able to quit so easily.

"Black list"

No matter how strange it may sound, Sberbank on the Internet is on the so-called “black list” of employers. Not with regard to the scam, but with regard to the credibility of employment promises.

Despite the fact that Sberbank is a very good bank, it is not worth working there. Especially if you are an emotional and fair person who does not tolerate rudeness towards you. Many people think that they can work a little at a bank to gain experience and practice, but employees assure that there is always a chance to find a quieter place for this venture.

Sberbank is one of the leading banks in the world not only in terms of capitalization, it adheres to the same corporate rules, as others international companies. For applicants, this means that they need to fill out a questionnaire, attach a resume, and if the data suits HR managers, the candidate will move on to the testing stage, and then there will be one or more interviews.

While our fellow citizens are already accustomed to interviews and various “tricky” questions, tests at Sberbank when applying for a job cause certain difficulties. It is important that the main “screening” of applicants occurs with the help of tests, and then, to the interview stage, no more than a third of the candidates pass. Interviews are also not an easy “walk”, but first you need to confirm your intelligence, erudition, mathematical skills, etc.

Tests: what to prepare for?

The tests at Sberbank are not very difficult; more precisely, they are no more difficult than the tasks used by Big 4 companies and other transnational corporations. In recent years, Sberbank HR specialists have been evaluating candidates using psychological tests, and to test general and specialized knowledge they use numerical examples and tests for understanding instructions.

Tests for working at Sberbank may change, or rather, their creators may change, but the direction itself remains the same. If there are problems in mathematics, then the candidate does not care who created them, he needs to prepare, remember basic mathematical functions and operations.

You can and should prepare for mathematics and professional tests, but what about psychological testing? The experts themselves say that it is better to answer truthfully, since insincerity will manifest itself anyway, especially when you need to draw geometric shapes, “recognize” some images in blurry spots, and understanding exactly how to answer is problematic for a non-specialist.

It’s not only possible to take numerical, professional tests, you need to prepare, otherwise the result will most likely be unsatisfactory. Sberbank does not overcomplicate the testing itself, but the main problem is lack of time. They give more than thirty tasks to solve, the time limit is fifteen minutes, that is, less than half a minute to answer. The same conditions apply to passing professional tests.

Examples of Sberbank test questions

The testing tasks are not very difficult for an educated person, but they will have to be solved in your head or calculated very quickly on a piece of paper or a calculator. Twenty seconds to answer is enough for simple example, but not enough for long thinking, sorting through memories from school textbooks, etc.

For example, there is a problem where it says that for five days the courier was allocated 66 dollars, one trip costs six dollars. Question: How many trips did he make per day on average? Also included are five possible answers that are close in value, so simply choosing a number will not work. In general, the task is very simple, because you just need to divide 66 by five, and the resulting figure by six more. Can you answer in 20 seconds? It is possible, but if you count without hesitation, then there will still be some reserve left for other questions.

Other tests for hiring at Sberbank are called tests for understanding instructions, and this name hides common foreign companies mixed with understanding actual instructions for office equipment, computers, etc.

So, in one task it is said that checking text using computer programs does not allow you to avoid all errors, since the program corrects possible typos inappropriately, although it is undoubtedly useful. After using the computer, you should double-check the text yourself. Question: why is re-checking necessary? The answer options indicate that the program may miss an error, may change the word to another, or this is a new “crude” technology. The answer is quite simple if you carefully read the text and answer options. Verbal tests from SHL or Talent Q are more difficult, since each statement there must be assessed as “true”, “false” or “little data”.

It’s not worth talking about the fact that you need to know mathematical operations (fractions, percentages, simple equations) - this is understandable. It is also clear that you need to have a good command of the subject of your specialization, based on the open vacancy.

It must be said that even with an “A” in higher mathematics, it is better to practice solving numerical examples, focusing on time. That is, at home you should set the time one example less or as much as in a real test, then the level of both the tests and the applicant’s abilities will become clear.

Separately, you should search the Internet for available numerical and verbal tests, perhaps tasks in your specialty. Practiced skills in practice tests will make you a leader at the Sberbank testing stage.

The question of how to pass an interview at Sberbank is asked by every applicant whose resume is of interest to potential employers. Sberbank is a prestigious and reliable company, it provides for its employees social guarantees, incentives and career growth. You can beat all your competitors and present yourself in the best light by preparing in advance.

Before going to an interview with Sberbank as a consultant, you must formulate answers to the following questions:

  1. What attracts me to this organization?
  2. Why should I be approved for this position?
  3. What can I offer the company?

The question “Why did you choose our organization” is relevant in all companies, Sberbank is no exception. The result of the answer will help the employer understand your motives for employment (money, career, stability, realization of your own capabilities).

Identify your strengths as an employee and as a person. A consultant position requires constant communication with people. The following qualities are valued in an employee:

  • friendliness;
  • activity;
  • sociability;
  • hard work;
  • desire to help.

The employee must be able to:

  1. Work in stressful situations.
  2. Solve several issues at the same time.
  3. Understand the company's products and services.
  4. Quickly remember information.
  5. Find an approach to all clients.

Last frequently asked question- this “What can you offer us” stumps many potential employees. There is no need to philosophize and talk again about your qualities. Employers want to receive experienced employee, with their own methods of approaching people. Experience, education in management or personal ambitions (“I can offer to work 6 days a week”).

Before the interview, it is advisable to look for information about Sberbank. In what year was it created, where is the main branch, look at income and expenses. Question “In which of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation do you think there is no Sberbank branch?” actually asked (but no one answered).

Cloth. Business style will look better against the background of denim shorts and multi-colored T-shirts.

Appearance should be neat and discreet

How is the interview going?

All invited candidates are asked to come to the office. First, they tell the story of Sberbank, the advantages of working there. They talk about individuals who rose from consultant to director of a department or branch.

At the same time, they hand out forms, pieces of paper and pens. To lighten the situation, the employee asks detached questions, “Did you know...” and talks about interesting facts work of Sberbank. They show a presentation explaining the structure of the bank, its main directions, smoothly moving on to a description of the position.

  1. Salary.
  2. Schedule.
  3. Social guarantees.
  4. Career prospects.
  5. Conditions and place of work.

Having completed the introductory stage. The interview begins. Several employees sit at the table in front of the candidates: a recruiter, a deputy. Head of department, senior consultant.

Candidates are asked to fill out questionnaires (standard for Sberbank - desired specialty, expected salary). If you need to make a plan for your speech, then there will be a self-presentation. Among the necessary data, during the speech they are asked to mention:

  1. Age.
  2. Family status.
  3. Experience and previous places work.
  4. Reason for dismissal.
  5. Education.
  6. Have you completed your studies at the moment?
  7. Personal qualities.
  8. What attracts Sberbank and the “consultant” vacancy?

15-20 minutes are given for preparation. After the time has elapsed, candidates own initiative come out in front of those present and begin to talk about themselves.

What questions are asked

Potential employers may ask questions during the story. For example:

  • tell us about your hobby;
  • What did you like or dislike most about your previous job?
  • where do you see yourself in 5 years;
  • do you consider this position as permanent job or temporary;
  • what kind of employer you want your employer to be (responsible, strict, generous);
  • how will you act in a situation...(gives an example).

Other candidates may also ask questions to the speaker. Speaking in public takes no more than ten minutes, on average 5-7 minutes. During the performance, the jury (composed of current employees) deliberates and takes notes.

There may also be personal questions:

  1. Having children.
  2. How the candidate will combine work and childcare.
  3. Are there any plans to move, etc.

The jury, after listening to all the candidates, thanks them and informs them that after a few days they will be called back.

During the interview, you need to convince the employer that you are the best suited for this position.

A sociable, bright candidate is needed for the position of consultant. You can pass an interview and receive a job offer if you present yourself well.

Here are a few ingredients for success:

  1. Don’t be shy (communicate, answer questions, ask them).
  2. The ability to properly establish yourself (Talk about your strengths, abilities, skills, experience).
  3. Smile (a smile always captivates, creates the impression of a pleasant interlocutor).

This is about personal qualities. If you have work experience, be sure to voice it. Courses, trainings, knowledge foreign languages will always be a plus.

Focus on qualities such as:

  1. Stress resistance.
  2. Skill to work in team.
  3. Responsiveness.

Responsiveness is an important criterion, because... work involves communication, assistance potential clients. There will definitely be a question: “What will you do if several people contact you at once?” There is no point in trying to solve everyone’s problems at once; hire one person and point the rest to free consultants.

A very tricky question from employers: “What do you consider the main achievement in life.” The ideal working answer would be: “Gone out.” best employee for a year (month)” or “Promoted after a few months of employment.” The answer must have a financial, operational or material basis. The answer - “I earned money for a car (apartment) on my own” will be welcome.

The key word here is “earned.” A candidate who is active, purposeful, and sociable is more likely to be accepted for the position of consultant than a person who is modest but knowledgeable about the company’s services.

Before you go for an interview, rehearse it. Ask your loved ones to listen to you, and let them ask sample questions. A smile and inspiration are already half the success.

Professional training

It would be useful to know the meaning of the following terms:

  1. Bill.
  2. Bond.
  3. Promotion.
  4. Economic growth (recession).
  5. Consumer loan.
  6. Installment plan.
  7. Mortgage.
  8. Securities.
  9. Peni.

All of its services are presented on the official website of Sberbank. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with them, look up the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Attention! They will definitely ask you about the meaning of one or two terms, so pay close attention to your preparation.

What is asked during the communication process:

  1. Who does Sberbank cooperate with?
  2. At what percentage is the loan (mortgage) issued?
  3. Innovations of the organization.

See the Federal Law “On the Central Bank” for additional information.

An economics background would be a huge plus, but if you don't have one, knowledge of economic terms will help you rise above other candidates.

You must demonstrate professional skills at the interview

Filling out forms

Before the interview, applicants are given questionnaires. They contain questions about education, personal data, prospects, etc.

Fill out the form as honestly as possible; you will be asked questions based on what you have written. You must answer all questions on the form in writing.

It is important! All questionnaires contain an interesting item: “Do your relatives or friends work in our company?” It is exaggerated, but the meaning of the question does not change. List everyone you know who works or has worked for the company.

If the information is confirmed that Sberbank employees know you, you will have a better chance of getting a job. It's time to remember all distant relatives and acquaintances. Such candidates are a priority - they can vouch for you.

After the interview, the questionnaires are studied again, if you are suitable, you will be invited again for a personal conversation and further employment.


The first thing employers pay attention to when the candidate has not yet had time to say anything is his appearance. Street style, torn pants, provocative clothing will give the impression of an unreliable and frivolous person.

Business casual, white shirt and clean shoes (for men). A skirt, shirt and non-high-heeled shoes for women would be appropriate.

Suitable clothing would be:

  • plain shirts;
  • trousers (dark);
  • dresses (no more than 20cm above the knee);
  • classic shoes (boots, shoes, ballet flats).

With absence business clothes Dark jeans and plain T-shirts are suitable. Not welcome sport style.
Lack of taste is forgivable - business trousers, shirt, vest and sneakers. But obvious disdain appearance, will not be a plus for the candidate (sweatpants, bright T-shirt).


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