An interactive social Christmas festival. Festival-fair of social projects of active aging "Active aging - a new quality of life"

23:55 19.04.17

Festival-fair social projects active longevity "Active longevity - a new quality of life"

On April 21, 2017, the Banquet Hall of the city of Ivanovo will host the Open Interregional Festival-Fair of Social Projects for Active Aging "" and the Conference "".
The events are held within the framework of a socially significant project "" supported by the All-Russian public organization "League of the Health of the Nation".
The organizers of the events are the non-profit organization Fund of Youth
and social programs ", Committee of Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the Administration of the city of Ivanov, IOOOOO" Russian Union Youth ", with the support of the Ivanovo regional branch of the All-Russian political party" United Russia ".
At the festival-fair " Active aging - a new quality of life"it is planned to exchange experience of the best practices in the implementation of programs and projects that contribute to the creation of conditions for active longevity, to present the infrastructure of active longevity that exists in the regions of the Central federal district, to consider the possibility of developing the infrastructure for active aging.
Representatives of government bodies will participate in the Festival-Fair
and local government regions of the Central Federal District, public organizations and associations that implement social policy in the field of active aging, representatives of the business community who support social projects in the field of active aging of people of the third age.
Within the framework of the conference " Social health of the older generation (third age citizens)"participants will be able to present the best conservation practices
and ensuring social health of the older generation, present and exchange experience in the implementation of regional strategies for active aging, get acquainted with the results sociological research held within the framework of a socially significant project " Barometer of social health of the older generation and infrastructure for active aging in the regions of the Central Federal District".
The Conference will be attended by representatives of the expert and scientific community, authorities and local self-government of the regions of the Central Federal District, municipal enterprises, educational and medical organizations, commercial structures and public organizations participating in the implementation of the state strategy of action in the interests of citizens of the older generation.
During the events, an interesting experience of organizations will be presented Ivanovo region on the development of programs that contribute to the development of active longevity, measures aimed at the formation of a single community of conductors of projects for active longevity in the territory of the Central Federal District.
Also, within the framework of the events, it is assumed that the presentation of programs and projects of Russian foundations and organizations that support projects for active longevity, the organization of an exhibition and summing up the results of the competition for the best tourist route among travel organizations and agencies.
Based on the results of the events, the experience will be summarized and the best practices of active aging that can be applied on the territory of the Central Federal District will be determined.

Open interregional festival-fair of social projects " Active aging - a new quality of life"and conferences
"Social health of the older generation (third age citizens)"
Date: April 21, 2017
Location: Ivanovo, st. Baturina, 4 ("Banquet Hall" halls).
Time: 10:30 - 17:30
10.30-11.00 Registration of participants. Venue: Premier Hall.
10.30-11.00 Welcome coffee: coffee break with the possibility of communication
and dating. Venue: Premier Hall.
11.00-11.50 Work of interactive and stage platforms.
12.00-12.50 Opening of the Festival-Fair " Active aging - a new quality of life", plenary session and panel discussion.
Venue: "Versailles" hall.
Speeches at the plenary session:
? Greetings to the participants of the Festival-Fair and Conference.
? Speeches by Study Leaders " Barometer of social health of the older generation and infrastructure for active aging in the regions of the Central Federal District".
? Speeches by representatives Charitable foundation assistance to the elderly and disabled "Old age is a joy".
? Speech by representatives of the Resource Center "MENTORI" of the Fund Acceleration institute economic development(Rybakov Foundation)".
? Speech by representatives of the Kind City Petersburg Charitable Foundation.

13.00-15.30 Conference " Social health of the older generation"
Location: to be specified (meeting room of the Ivanovo Regional Duma or the Regional Geriatric Center of the Ivanovo Clinical Hospital named after the Kuvaevs).
13.00-15.30 Sections - discussion platforms of the festival-fair
Section 1: " Active aging projects and technologies".
Venue: Premier Hall (section moderator T.A. Kuznetsova).
Within the section there will be a presentation projects and technologies for active aging of the participants of the festival-fair from the Central Federal District and a facilitation session on the topic "Silver Volunteering". The section is organized for representatives of NGOs, foundations and centers social service population working with people of the third age.
Section 2: " Development domestic tourism for citizens of the third age".
Venue: "Loft" hall (section moderator V.S.Netkacheva).
The section is held for travel companies, government agencies and NGOs from the regions of the Central Federal District and municipalities Ivanovo region, implementing projects in the field of domestic tourism, the creation and implementation of tourist routes for citizens of the third age.
Section 3: Master class " Project possibilities"Alphabet of the Internet" on organizing computer literacy courses for the older generation. Options for training programs. Project development".
Venue: Hall "Versailles" (section moderators Shushlina N.Yu., Koshurina L.V.).
The section is held for tutors and organizers of projects to train third-age citizens in computer literacy. In addition to the master class, the section will host a presentation of the "Alphabet of the Internet" program.
15.30-16.30 Lunch
16.30-17.30 Summing up the results of the Festival-Fair and Conference: presentation of diplomas, presentation of the best practices.
17.30-18.30 Cultural program for guests and participants of events:
visit to the Ivanovo State Museum of History and Local Lore named after D. G. Burylin.
From 18.30 Transfer of participants to train stations and to the hotel.

Higher pedagogical education, in 2011 she underwent retraining under the program "State and municipal government". Work experience 41 years. I have been working as director of the ECSO "Zhuravushka" since 2007. Priority areas in my work are the development and implementation of innovative methods of work that contribute to an increase in the quality and efficiency of social services, expand the range and volume of services provided, professional growth social worker.

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Governor of the Moscow Region "Our Moscow Region"

Retro-festival "Culture of old age"



Project theme:

Healthy lifestyle


Organization of leisure of the population
- Working with veterans
- Creative self-expression


Yegoryevsk g.o.

Description of the project:

Stage of the project:

The project is underway

Objective of the project:

Promotion of active longevity and the formation of aesthetics and the image of positive old age among citizens of the older generation of the Moscow region.

Project objectives:

Demonstration of the achievements of older citizens in the development and mastery of knowledge, skills at the faculties of the "University of the Third Age"
- dissemination of the most effective, innovative socio-cultural forms of work with citizens of the older generation;
- involvement of the maximum possible number of citizens of the older generation to actively participate in social and cultural life;
- creating a comfortable environment for the realization of socially positive interests, opportunities for creative self-realization, intellectual development, formation healthy way life of citizens mature age Moscow region.
- active involvement of volunteers in the organization and conduct of events, including "Silver Volunteers".

Achieved results:

Project start in 2017

Social significance of the project:

Successful, cultural aging implies maintaining social ties and supporting leisure, social, educational and educational activities. This project“The Retro Festival“ Culture of Old Age ”allows to present to the attention of a wide range of citizens of the older generation all the diversity of socio-cultural, educational, training work, socially significant programs and other opportunities intended for citizens of the older generation, implemented in semi-permanent institutions of the Moscow region, within the framework of social technology“ University of the Third Age ”, with the aim of involving them in active work and developing a course for positive old age.
The implementation of this project is a relay race of retro festivals that can involve the older generation of the Moscow region in active activities, emphasize and accentuate the role of active citizens from various public organizations, primarily social institutions conducting active work on teaching older people at the "University of the Third Age, demonstrating their success among the population and involving an increasing number of people in active activities, forming in them the concept of" Culture of old age "of a modern citizen of the Moscow region.
This form of conduct creates, on the one hand, a festive atmosphere, as well as a spirit of competition, which largely activates and gives unforgettable emotions, unites older people, provides them with the opportunity to find friends and say goodbye to loneliness and negativity, to make sure that the changes taking place in society are positive. , in the fact that old age can be positive and warm, that in many respects it depends on the person himself - his active position and a positive attitude towards others, his culture.

Activities carried out within the framework of the project:

A bright event of the coming summer was the holding of the first regional retro-festival "Culture of old age" on June 09, 2017 in the Yegoryevsky CSO "Zhuravushka". More than 100 recipients of services from social institutions from Yegoryevsk, Voskresensk and Orekhovo-Zuev took part in it. The registration of the age of the festival participants emphasized the importance of the event, as the average age of the team of the Yegoryevsk center "Zhuravushka" is 82 years old, Orekhovo-Zuev is 81 years old and Voskresensk is 71 years old. It is worth noting that the oldest participant in the event is 92 years old. This proves that age is not a hindrance to a person, but a time of wide opportunities and new discoveries.
The festival combines the most different directions works: from sports and recreational activities to leisure. The opening of the holiday began with a large-scale bike ride on trikes, Nordic walking, warm-up and an incendiary, positive flash mob social workers center "Zhuravushka", which was joined by all the participants of the festival.
Warm atmosphere, comfort and good mood each person allowed the festival to become truly unique. Large exhibition of paintings by recipients social services, the photo exhibition “A smile never gets old” and the photo zones where the Silver Volunteer photographers worked, added positive colors to the festival. Its participants took an active part in the work of interactive platforms. Interesting master classes - Intuitive Painting Studio, Ebru, sand therapy, the twisting allowed the creative talents of the assembled older citizens to be revealed.
All this suggests that for people of silver age there are no barriers and every day brings new bright moments of life. The most important thing is, regardless of age, without fear to look into tomorrow, into the future, the appearance of which depends on ourselves. A distinctive feature of the festival is that older citizens were not only participants, but also organizers of the event. The activists of the School of Silver Volunteers, created in the Yegoryevsk CSO "Zhuravushka", acted as photographers, consultants, participants in cultural and leisure activities, together with the head of the center, they opened and closed the event.
On the summer concert stage, a real competition in the skills of the participants of the "University of the Third Age" program took place: vocal, choral, dance and fitness groups, circus acts, masters of artistic expression.
The show soap bubbles, which made it possible to remember the brightest moments of childhood. At the end of the event, all participants were awarded diplomas and valuable gifts. As the organizers of the meeting say: "The art of revealing one's talents is subject at any age." The first festival became truly bright and emotional, and also emphasized that regardless of age, old age can be happy, full of worries and interesting events for an elderly person. In August it is planned to hold the II regional retro-festival "Culture of old age" and now this relay race will take place in a wave throughout the Moscow region!

Project coverage:

Residents of the municipalities of the Moscow region in which the retro festival is held, recipients of services from social institutions, representatives of municipal public organizations, veteran associations (Council of Veterans, Women's Council, associations of disabled people, etc.), volunteer organizations, including youth and " Silver Volunteers ".

Resources expended:

The project is being implemented on the basis of GAUSO MO "Zhuravushka" Center for Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens. older people, disabled people, children and adolescents with disabilities The project uses the technical capabilities of the Yegoryevskiy TsSO "Zhuravushka" - premises, territory, office equipment, transport.

Project start date:

Golovushkina Lidia Vladimirovna author

Lisutina Marina Viktorovna Alifirenko Irina Nikolaevna


On December 15, 2017, a bright event will take place in the Eastern Administrative District - the Christmas social festival, timed to the start of the project “Active Longevity. "Energy of Life": from the Center for Social Services to the Center for Social Activity ".
The relevance of the development of the project “Active longevity. "Energy of life" is due to the extremely low activity of the population, the formed image of institutions of the social protection system, conservatism in working with the population and a low level of motivation among specialists social sphere.
Working in search of a new format that meets the requirements of the time, the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow made an attempt to create new system work with the population in the district.
The goal of the project “Active longevity. "Energy of life" - the socialization of citizens of the older generation using the resources of the citizen himself (and his relatives) and society (institutions of the social sphere, non-profit organizations and business).

The following tasks will be solved within the framework of the project:
* creation of conditions for effective self-realization of older citizens;
* creation of conditions for satisfying all requests of pensioners;
* maximum use of the resources of the territory, NGOs and socially responsible business.
The main request (about 49%) is the need to organize cultural and leisure activities (including the need to visit museums, theaters, cinemas, organizing excursion programs), about 26% are interested in wellness practices, including those who have expressed a desire to visit swimming pools, gyms), 17% need to receive educational services(today, on the basis of the TTSSO, the project "University of the Third Age" is being implemented, and since November 2017, together with the Moscow State Pedagogical University, with the support of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Moscow City, the project "Silver University" has become popular), more than 4% want to go in for sports.

Project “Active Longevity. "Energy of Life" is the creation of a platform that unites the resources available in the districts of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, which will become the center of attraction for the population.
The Christmas social festival will be the starting event for the population and potential contractors of the project.
The mission of the festival is to create an opportunity for pensioners to touch the “palette of projects” that allow any person to become a part of public life, overcome physical and psychological problems, “believe that aging is easy bad habit"And just be happy.

Within the framework of the festival, each participant will take an interactive journey through the venues, each of which will offer an exciting action. Sports, physical activity, dancing, testing in cancer of the project "Business Incubator", collage "Social journey", music lounge "At the Gramophone", school of volunteers, master class from the leading artist, student of Vyacheslav Zaitsev on creating accessories, master class on make-up from a large cosmetic company, a master class on decorating a New Year's table - everyone will find something to their liking. The fair-sale of New Year's gifts created by the hands of the residents of the district will become a pleasant decoration of the festival.

Based on the results of a dynamic journey, all participants will be able to evaluate the project that seemed to them the most interesting and in which they would like to take part.

And a real gift for everyone will be a win-win New Year's lottery, within which more than 350 prizes and souvenirs will be drawn.

For project counterparties - representatives of government authorities, including municipal level, specialists in the field of culture, leisure, education, sports, NGOs and business will be organized a strategic session in the technology "culture of group self-organization", in which the participants will try to give practical assessment project, predict risks, develop operating procedures for all suppliers of the territory's resource.

O.E. Gracheva, Deputy Head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, Deputy Prefect of Vostochny administrative district Moscow A.A. Belyaev, Head of the Center for Social Communications O. K. Ritter, Director of the State Agrarian University of Moscow “Institute of Additional vocational education workers of the social sphere ”EI Kholostova, deputy heads of the district administrations of the Eastern Administrative District, heads of municipal districts, representatives of public organizations, NGOs and socially responsible business.

The event will take place on the territory of the Kosyrev State Budgetary Educational Institution of Education at 60, 5th Parkovaya Street.


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