Technology manufacturing inflatable boats, seaming seams. Technology production of PVC boats Production of boats from PVC inflatable fabric

Many fishermen have preparations for the season consists in purchasing the necessary gear, trips to specialized stores in search of the desired costumes, equipment. Although there are those who think about buying a boat or even its own manufacturer.

Purchase or self gluing

Of course, many trust only in eminent manufacturers who have established excellent Equipment for the production of PVC boats, experienced specialists work, and they are already known in their sphere for more than a dozen years. True, others prefer to acquire products from private craftsmen, who personally reject details, glue them, pass and check each seam. Such manufacturers are responsible for the quality of their products.

Also there are craftsmen who buy a cut of PVC material, various components from which the boat consists, and collect the finished product. True, to independently understand the production of these products, only units. Therefore, it is much better to manufacture inflatable boats to entrust professionals who know all the nuances of the correct cutting material, its checks and processing.

Start of production

If you have a certain experience with polyvinyl chloride materials, you know how boats are manufactured, then you can think about your business. First of all, it is necessary to choose the equipment for the production of PVC boats and specialists who can correctly pick up the material, cut the details, connect them and, of course, test the finished product. Of course, all processes are better to automatize the maximum, leaving a person only to control the process.

But the selection of material for such products should be carried out with special care. According to established state standards, a PVC fabric with a density of 640 g / m 2 can be used for a conventional rowing of an inflatable boat. However, experienced manufacturers prefer to make more durable products. Some for cylinders acquire a material with a density of 850, and for the bottom - 1100 g / m 2.

Cutting and options for connecting parts

By purchasing equipment for the production of PVC boats, pay attention to special devices for working with patterns. With a laser, the cutting is made up to a millimeter. This completely eliminates possible problems When building a finished product. If the pattern was done correctly, the connection of the parts will not cause any difficulties. However, during operation, not only the correct form of a boat without obvious deformations is important, special attention It should be paid to the quality of the seams.

Currently, there are two options for assembling boats from PVC materials. Some manufacturers prefer to glue them. At the same time, such seams often turn out to be more bursting than the material itself. True, for a reliable connection, it is necessary to use special glue made on a polyurethane basis.

Others acquire special equipment for the production of PVC boats, designed for welding parts. This is considered more modern method. Also parts can be connected by vulcanization method using ultrasonic welding or hot air treatment.

How to cut boats

Before starting work, a cut of PVC tissue of the required density is selected. In this case, its quality must be previously verified. On the material with the help of special patterns, parts of the sides and the bottom of the future boat are drawn.

Marking can be performed manually or special stencils. If there are special equipment in production, then the cutting can be executed automatically. With this method, up to 20 identical parts are simultaneously manufactured. To do this, a special laser and a cooling water jet are used, their combination ensures that smooth and clear edges are obtained.

After that, trained people are already beginning to deal with the processing of parts - they note the places of their compounds and the borders to which the material is underway. For proper preparation At the docking stage, no problems will arise. Initially, it is customary to connect the details of the side of the future boat and only after that put the bottom.

Collect details

In addition to the right lecturers and high-quality cutting, the production of PVC boats is also important. Bonding on the seams using glue you can make a mustache or jack. In the latter case, the compounds are enhanced by special tapes. Bilateral overlap of all joints allows maximum strength.

However, manufacturers of high-quality boats do not stop on this. After gluing, the seams are exposed to high temperature processing. After such a break, the details of the boat can be only in the event that it is intentionally to tear the PVC material layer from its base.

And other manufacturers prefer to weld the details. For this, of course, special expensive equipment is necessary - high frequency current settings. With the help of them, smooth long seams are created, because they provide uniform heating of the material along the entire length of the compound location. At the same time, only areas of joints are exposed to the temperature effects, and the edges of the material remain cold, and due to this they are not deformed. As a result, smooth hermetic seams are obtained at the exit, which are practically not visible.

Combination of quality and price

If you adhere to all stages, which should pass the production of boats, choose an exceptionally high-quality material for work and purchase good equipment, it becomes clear that the price of such products cannot be low. However, if the buyer wants to buy a boat for one year, then it is better to spend a little and buy a better product.

Of course, the market is now easy to find Chinese-made boats. They can be 2-3 times cheaper than similar domestic products. This stops many manufacturers, because after counting the possible value of products, they understand that they will not be able to compete with chinese goods. Although it is worth remembering that fishermen perfectly understand why they pay, and many of them will prefer a qualitative domestic boat, the cheaper analog.

Fishing always remains a popular view of the rest, despite the emergence of all new and new types of entertainment. It is possible to spend time in the fresh air, and even on the reservoir, and you can also get fish using the PVC boat. In addition, having a boat, you can also study other outdoor activities.

For many years popular, practicality and reliability, and recently, due to the development of technologies - accessibility is different inflatable boat From PVC - polyvinyl chloride. Such vessels differ very good side qualitiesIn addition, they are very convenient for use. They are not a gift for extreme sports. And for ordinary fishing boat PVC is an incomparable option.

In this article we will see how it is possible to make an inflatable boat with their own hands. The process of manufacturing a boat from PVC with their own hands in this case is good because you can control each step of production, and the maximum "fit it for yourself." If you approach creatively to solving this task, you can create an ideal swimming agent for you.

We will remind, earlier we have already described how to glue, but this boat is not inflatable.

PVC boat with her own hands: Packed, work work

Inflatable boat with their own hands requires the drawings of the pattern for the pattern.

1 ) It is necessary to choose the segment of the PVC cloth, the density is 640-850 g / l.;
2 ) on it to mark the marking of the cuts for the sides and the bottom;
3 ) Cut patterns - preferably using devices that cut the cloth with a laser, which provides millimeter accuracy of the cut line;
4 ) patterns glue and cook with each other with a polyurethane glue; welding to make a method of vulcanization, ultrasonic welding or a stream of hot air using a construction hairdryer;
5 ) Mandatory point - boat testing.
It is very good if you first simulate the future of the plassermate on the computer in a three-dimensional editor. Such a program allows you to analyze all the steps of work, and prevent possible errors.

Glue boat PVC do it yourself

1 ) Connection places are degreased by acetone;
2 ) Both surfaces with a glue for PVC, including a hardener, after which the product is to postpone for 20-30 minutes;
3 ) Both surfaces warming up the construction hairdryer, and connect each other;
4 ) Rolling the roller for rolling coatings from polyvinyl chloride.

When the case is ready, you should glue all the necessary parts - for example, an inflatable neck, attachments for seats, trauma and other design elements of our water vehicle. Here, only our fantasy and design features are the restrictions. It is important to observe symmetry, since it will be expelled expensive. If you do everything gradually and neatly, you will get a very valuable inflatable boat.

Before testing the vessel, check it under load. For this, the boat needs to inflate and resemble in its sides. After that, the swimming agent should never start passing the air in general - in this case, we can assume that the sizing has passed successfully, and move to tests on an open reservoir. However, when leaving the first time on the boat, you should not sail away from the coast. And then - practical tests - put forward directly to fishing.

The drawing pattern shows a simple model with which it is recommended to start making a boat with your own hands. After purchasing the necessary skills and experience, you can proceed to create more complex models:

Here you can download

Already a popular production of PVC boats as a business. The profitability of such a project in certain seasons reaches good indicators, and the reviews of the shop owners and customers themselves talk about the permanent demand for products.

Is it worth opening such production and what is needed for this? Many questions initially frighten entrepreneurs, especially newbies. But with all the nuances you can figure out gradually. Especially since this process is slow. The main thing is to withstand the quality of the products produced at a decent level.

Business features

This field of entrepreneurship may seem too busy. There are really high competition among well-known domestic and foreign manufacturers. But individual groups of tourists, fishermen and other individuals sometimes prefer a local manufacturer who personally monitors the quality of each product produced. Especially since such entrepreneurs can be purchased at an affordable price.

But there are certain difficulties that must be taken into account the novice businessman:

  1. Such a thing as the manufacture and sale of boat-PVC can only be engaged in a person familiar with technological process firsthand. After all, even if there are automated equipment, you need to have experience in the selection of material, know how devices work, orient to their settings and be able to test the finished products.
  2. The process itself takes a long period. Boat-PVC is not the goods that are produced in mass quantities. Depending on the type variety, it takes from 2 to 6 months. Although in the presence of powerful equipment and a significant staff, this process can be accelerated.
  3. Serious competition scares a novice entrepreneur. Boats-PVC are manufactured by the famous brands and are sold in all tourist and fishing stores, which makes customer searching for a particularly difficult task.
  4. In this area there is a strict dependence on the season. Expand the goods only from the middle of the spring before the beginning of the autumn. During the rest of the time, the products will mostly stand in the shelves or in stock.

Varieties of boats

Humanity has already invented a lot of breeding versions for moving along the water surface. Among them, ordinary wooden and inflatable were among them. For a tourist or an amateur fisherman, the second are more interesting, as a folded form takes up little space, and they can be transported with them to any selected recreation area. Therefore, boats-PVC as a business is considered a promising direction.

Among inflatable varieties are distinguished:

  • Motor - characterized by the presence of the engine, which is attached to the hard-tank. Thanks to the power of the motor, the boat is gaining high speeds And it gives the opportunity to people move in a short time in the right place. When they are manufactured at the factory adhered to certain guests.
  • Rowers are more interesting for a private entrepreneur, as they are completely from inflatable elements. Their operation is also distinguished by ease, simplicity and safety. Borf is usually divided into several compartments, which does not give the floating-free to drown even if one of them is damaged.

Both in the first and second version of the bottom of the boat can be different - semi-rigid (made of plastic or plywood) or rigid, for the manufacture of which light alloys are used. Sometimes for greater strength and convenience between sides, a bench is also fixed.

Raw materials for manufacture

Today, various materials are used for the production of inflatable boats:

  1. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - it is reinforced and unarmed. The first option is more common, as it has good strength, resistant to pollution and ultraviolet. Such material can be easily repaired if necessary, though it is quite difficult to repaint. The composition contains a dense synthetic woven and polyurethane coating. Such a combination provides the best performance characteristics of the product. The unmarked PVC is more often chosen as the basis of foreign manufacturers, but is less durable and unreliable.
  2. The rubberized fabric is unstable to the effects of sunlight, and the strength characteristics are much lower. But such materials are valued for their availability and low cost. True, a boat from such a fabric has for a short time Services.
  3. Hiplon and Neoprene - relatively new raw materials for inflatable boats. Differs high cost, but also has the highest quality during operation. The finished product from such a material will serve not one year.
  4. Polyurethane - rarely applied as the only element. It is usually combined with polyvinyl chloride and applied to the tissue basis.

Please note that for the manufacture of boats to order or for sale, you will have to accommodately approach the selection of material. In state standards and requirements for the finished product, PVC tissue density is indicated in 640 g / m2. But manufacturers who care about the quality of the goods produced are trying to reinforce and stop their choice on the density of 850 g / m2 for the onboard part and 1100 - for the bottom.

This provides greater reliability when operating.


The entire process of creating an inflatable boat takes place such steps:

  • Selection of the highest quality material. It should be done personally, therefore a person engaged in similar businessmust have a certain experience.
  • The cutting of parts according to the desired form and size of the finished product. Here uses a pattern made on a special device or standard stencils. If you use a laser machine for this, then each detail will accurately correspond to the specified parameters, and its edges will be perfectly smooth.
  • Build a boat that can occur in two ways - sizing or welding. In each case, special equipment is needed. For the first embodiment of parts, a special adhesive composition is used on a polyurethane basis. And to avoid risks of the break, make the layering of parts between themselves. Welding is a more reliable way to connect elements, which is performed using ultrasonic installation and hot air.

At the end of the work, the product is necessarily tested to make sure of its quality, strength and reliability during operation.

Equipment for the production of

To maximize the automation of all stages, you need to purchase modern techniques:

  1. The device for creating the pattern of parts - today it is used to use high-precision laser equipment, due to which any defects are avoided.
  2. Special machine for gluing elements or for welding, depending on the selected manufacturer.
  3. You should also purchase additional tools, the table for the wizard, consumables, pumps, etc.

Such equipment is featured convenience and fully automated process, which permits minimize personnel costs. Since this line of expenses in the business plan will be too high, beginners should be parted on domestic apparatus or to purchase applications.

Sales products

Most of the difficulties may arise at the sales stage finished products. Since there is a high competition among family brands and manufacturers on the market, it is worth thinking how to implement your own product. To do this, you can use different channels:

  • Case an agreement with specialized shops (tourist and fishing orientation).
  • Place ads on the Internet, social groups, Create your website and communicate with people on the forums.
  • You can promote your own brand at the expense of standard advertising platforms - media, transport, billboards.
  • Communicate Personally potential customers And describe the benefits and benefits of the purchase of goods from you (careful check of product quality, your own operating experience, cheap rates).

Video: How do PVC boats do?

Inflatable boat russian production and the production of other countries is made, as a rule, either from elastomers, such as rubber, neoprene, or from plastomers, such as polyvinyl chloride. Rubber fabric has a number of significant drawbacks. It is not sufficiently strong, unstable to the effects of ultraviolet rays, petroleum products, abrasion. Such boats are usually cheap, and are very short-lived. Polyvinyl chloride materials are divided into plastomers intended for welding seams, and plastomers for manual gluing seams. At the same time, the manufacturers of inflatable boats proved that welding is always much more preferable in the manufacture of an inflatable boat, because Such seam will be more durable and reliable.

Polyvinyl chloride boats have wear resistance, durability, abrasion resistance, seawater, petroleum products, ultraviolet radiation, and the probability of peeling of PVC from Cord is excluded. Therefore, in our time, a high-quality PVC cloth is much more preferable, which is many times superior to rubber and tent fabric for operational properties. Now for the production of inflatable boats, high-strength five-layer fabric is used, which consists of two sealing, two protective layers, as well as one reinforcing layer.

The most progressive and modern method of welding PVC or materials, which contain more than 30 percent PVC, is the welding current of high frequency. TWH machines provide high-quality durable smooth long seams per cycle of work. The advantage of high-frequency welding current is that with such a welding method, a quick and uniform heating of the welded materials is provided throughout the thickness at the welding place. The outer edges of the materials remain the same temperature, which allows not to deform the seam. As a result, sealed seams are obtained that are practically invisible.

The inflatable boat made on a high-frequency welding machine has excellent specifications and indicators. Buying machines for the production of boats in our company, you get guaranteed quality devices, wear resistance, performing any, even the most complex tasks associated with welding.

Technology manufacturing boats

To start making an inflatable boat housing roll off the PVC fabric roll, which passed all the degrees of testing for strength and quality. Then there are part of the sides and bottoms using templates. The markup is carried out either manually, with the help of pencils and chalk, or automatically, using stencils to obtain parts of the part. Details are placed on the fabric in such a way that the waste is minimal, for which special cutting cards are used. Reusable details in different ways, with the most effective way Cutting is automatic, which is used with the mass production of inflatable boats. With this method, the cutting is cut out 15-20 identical details at the same time. The most convenient tools for cutting are laser beam and water jet. The edges of the parts are obtained smooth and clear.

On the details, there are places intended for welding among themselves, as well as the boundaries of the material overlay. Welding materials will pass well if all the details were well prepared for work. All surfaces should be smooth, smooth, and the high frequency current provides high-quality welding of seams without wrinkles and bubbles. When using TDC machines in the manufacture of inflatable boats, you do not have to further improve the quality of the seam, due to the blasting of the glue layer, or flashing the surface with threads and processing edges with special ribbons.

First, on the markup collect boats, then apply the bottom. TWH machines, presented on our website, have several advantages due to the fact that the electrodes on the machines can be of different sizes, depending on the result that they want to achieve. The product can be placed under electrodes in almost any position, which ensures fast and high-quality welding and lack of defective parts.

The possibility of programming the machine allows to facilitate the work of welder specialists and minimize their participation in the process. After time, after welding of all parts, the boat is subjected to careful checking and testing. Next, it is equipped with all the necessary accessories for inflatable boats: seats, orals, covers, pump, sets of spare parts, tools and accessories.

Inflatable boats in Moscow

The boats were popular at all times, and the demand for them never falls. They are resistant to water and safe, and thanks to a small sediment it is convenient to use them in shallow water. The boat is easy to store, it does not take up a lot of space in the folded form, and a regular car can be used for transportation. Its weight is much smaller than usual, therefore, there is no need to acquire very powerful motors. For rest in nature, boats are simply indispensable. Inflatable boats are used for fishing and hunting, water tourism, river alloys. Inflatable boats play an invaluable role as spare rescue swimming agents on large ships and yachts, as patrol vessels. Exist different types Inflatable boats: motor and rowing, single and double boats.

Sale of inflatable boats

Many companies are selling inexpensive inflatable boats of production of Ukraine, Russia (St. Petersburg, Moscow, etc.), accessories for boats (for example, compact, but reliable anchors for inflatable boats, etc.). Lovers make homemade inflatable boats. Among the large range of boats, choose and buy high-quality and reliable very difficult. In addition to technical characteristicsThe prices for PVC rubber boats with an inflatable bottom also differ significantly. However, many advantages make inflatable boats in demand, as well as attractive in terms of creation. own business For the production and sale of PVC inflatable boats.

And also for:

  • manufacture of awning;
  • manufacture of tourist equipment;
  • for the production of trading tents;
  • for production workwear;
  • for the manufacture of banners;
  • for the manufacture of two-bed mattresses;
  • for the manufacture of rubber boats and kayak;
  • for the manufacture of car salon elements;
  • for the manufacture of products for medical and laboratory industries.

PVC boat production technology Relatively stable for several decades has undergone some changes and upgrades. Changes in production occur as in the materials used - the structure of the PVC (polyvinyl chloride)and in the technology of working with it. become stronger and more resistant to external influences.

Materials for the manufacture of PVC inflatable boats

Not so long ago, a rubberized fabric was used in production, but gradually this material gave way to tissues with PVC coating.
Material PVCused in production is a cloth with PVC coating. PVC It can be both one-layer and multi-layer, which affects its strength and stretching. Domestic standard material PVC It is limited only in resistance to temperature - from 5 to 60 degrees and resistance to sea water contaminated with petroleum products. European standards are more detailed and regulate strength PVC fabrics On the gap and resistance to abrasion.
The basis for pVC material Serves wicker thread. The weaving of the woven base varies by the number of threads in the beam (usually 1 or 2) and the density between adjacent parallel threads. The amount of threads in weaving is indicated in the name of the PVC material (1/1 - intersect together on one thread, 2/2 - the pairs of threads are intersect, 1/2 - one thread with a pair of threads intersect).
The following important fabric parameter for production is the density of the finished material. It is usually expressed in grams per square meter. Some manufacturers pVC fabrics Indicate this parameter in the title of the material.
Also, PVC fabrics are characterized by an effort on the gap and degree of adhesion. Effort attached to rupture pVC fabricsmay consist of two digits showing the necessary power when tissue breaking along weaving and across it. The degree of adhesion also shows the necessary effort required for separation PVC from the basis.
The vast majority of manufacturers pVC boats Use imported materials for the construction of their ships. Among the most famous brands PVC Materials: VinyPlan, Scanplan, Heytex, Valmex, Plastel, Mirasol, Unisol. There are other brands of these materials, but almost all of them have the same characteristics.
Choosing a PVC boat, the buyer wants to get reliability, but it should be borne in mind that modern PVC Materials the harder the stronger. Therefore, manufacturers have determined a compromise in this matter and many use PVC fabriccorresponding to the requirements of standards.
Another type of material for the production of inflatable boats is haipolon. Boats from this material are more expensive (due to the greater value of the material and complications of working with Hypolone). At the same time, Haipolone is stronger PVC And practically does not let the air. In addition boats from Hypolona Serve longer. Usually, the choice in favor boats from Hypolona Do those who need redundant reliability, the possibility of constant storage in the open air and the constant readiness of the boat to operate. For ordinary infrequent tourist and fishing purposes in the middle lane, Russia is quite declaring.


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