Contribution of Peter Drucker to International Management. Contribution and role of Peter Drucker to Modern Management Theory Management for Goals

Description: This already classical management book was created and was tested for more than thirty years. This is the result of teaching the author of science management at universities and within specialized programs and seminars for managers, as well as the result of its close and fruitful cooperation with practitioners: during the years of its activities, he was a consultant of a number of business companies, government organizations, hospitals and schools. . Drucker describes in his book tools and methods of effective management, which have proven its effectiveness, and makes it a clear and affordable language.

In this book, the author tried to describe everything that we had managed to learn about management at the moment, but its goal is much wider. It presents both areas that we have learned did not have time, but which are vital for us. The purpose of the book is also the development of approaches to solving problems, the answers to which we have not yet found; It explores politics, principles and practical techniques that will help managers to solve specific management tasks. This book is an attempt to arm a modern manager with understanding, a way of thinking, knowledge and skills necessary to work in the organization today and tomorrow.

This book is focused on the manager as a person; On how people act and what they reach. But it is constantly attempting to tie the tasks with people who are performed.

Tasks by nature are objective and impersonal. The tasks are executed by managers, i.e. It is they who work in order and work on their achievement. Management How work provides for the presence and use of specific skills, tools and methods. Many of them are stated in this book, and some are quite detailed.

The revised edition of the "Management" is the quintessence and synthesis of the works of Peter F. Kradoquer on management and society issues, while the emphasis is on its published and unpublished work for the period from 1973, when the first edition of the book "Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practice has been published (MZOP) ", up to his death on November 11, 2005 during this time he had more publications than in 1954-1973, i.e. From the publication of the book "Practice of Management" (1954) and "MZOP".

The legacy of Peter Drucera

Introduction to the recycled publication of the book Management

Chapter 1. Introduction: The concept of management and managers

Chapter 2. Management as Social Function and Liberal Art

Chapter 3. Management Criteria

Part I. New Realities of Management

Chapter 4. Knowledge is all

Chapter 5. Demographic Changes

Chapter 6. Future Corporation

Chapter 7. New Management Paradigm

Part II. Business efficiency

Chapter 8. Business Theory

Chapter 9. The purpose and objectives of the business

Chapter 10. The future begins today

Chapter 11. Strategic planning: Business Skill

Part III. Efficiency of the Institute of Service

Chapter 12. Management of service institutions in the society of organizations

Chapter 13. What can a business learn from successful non-commercial organizations

Chapter 14. School Responsibility

Chapter 15. A new understanding of the reflashing of the government

Chapter 16. Entrepreneurship in public service institutions

Part IV. Productive work and an employee focused on achievement

Chapter 17. How to make labor productive and orient an employee to achieve

Chapter 18. Management of work and an employee of physical labor

Chapter 19. Management of work and employee of mental labor

Part V. Social Impacts and Social Responsibility

Chapter 20. Social Impact and Social Problems

Chapter 21. New pluralism: how to balance the special purpose of the institute with a common blessing

Part VI. Work and working jobs manager

Chapter 22. Why managers?

Chapter 23. Structure and content management tasks

Chapter 24. Development of management and managers

Chapter 25. Target management and self-control

Chapter 26. From the Middle Service Management to organizations based on information

Chapter 27. Spirit

Part VII. Management skills

Chapter 28. Elements of effective decision making

Chapter 29. How to Take Personnel Solutions

Chapter 30. Management Communications

Chapter 31. Control mechanisms, control and management

Chapter 32. Independent and budget

Chapter 33. Information Tools and Concepts

Part VIII. Innovation and entrepreneurship

Chapter 34. Business Business

Chapter 35. New Enterprise

Chapter 36. Business Strategies

Chapter 37. Systematic innovation with the help of opportunities

Part IX. Management organization

Chapter 38. Strategies and Structures

Chapter 39. Scheme based on work and task

Chapter 40. Three types of teams

Chapter 41. Scheme aimed at the result and relationship

Chapter 42. Alliances

Chapter 43. Executive Director new millennium

Chapter 44. Influence pension funds on corporate governance

Part X. New Requirements for Man

Chapter 45. Control

Chapter 46. Boss Management

Chapter 47. Perestroika himself: seven cases from personal experience

Chapter 48. Educated Man

The main works of Peter Drucker

The main works of Peter Drucker in Russian

Conclusion. Tomorrow's manager


Subject index

Archive size 39.1 mV

Peter F. Drucker.


Published with permission of Joan D. Winstein, Co-Trustee of the Drucker 1996 Literary Works Trust and Literary Agency Andrew Nurnberg

Scientific editor Nina Nasikan

Legal support for publisher provides the law firm "Vegas Lex"

© Peter F. Drucker, 1954, 1986

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2015

This book complements this book:

Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker, Joseph Makyarello

Bill George and Peter Sims


Before entering the light in 1954, other books on management were written and published and published, although relatively little. In 1946, I published my first book on this topic Concept of the Corporation ("Corporation's Concept"). A few years earlier, in 1938, the book of Chester Barnard "Functions of the Head" appeared. Articles on the management belonging to Peru Mary Follett and written in the 1920s - early 1930s, in 1941 were collected together and published in the collection called Dynamic Administration ("Dynamic Management"). Australia Elton Mayo, Professor Harvard University, published two small books about work and employee: The Human Problems of An Industrial Civilization ("Human Problems of Industrial Civilization") and The Social Problems of An Industrial Civilization ("Human Problems of Industrial Civilization") - In 1933 and 1945, respectively. Translation into English for the work of the French theorist and the practice of management of Henri Fayol Industrial and General Administration ("General and industrial Governance"), First published in Paris in 1916, appeared in 1930; And the book of Frederick Taylor "Principles of Scientific Management" was published even earlier, in 1911, and since then many times reprinted.

Each of these books still enjoys great and well-deserved popularity. Each of them at one time was a major achievement and laid the durable and long-term basis of scientific management. Moreover, these works are still unsurpassed in the relevant area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. Until now, readers have not been proposed for the best guidelines on issues that we now call organizational psychology and organizational developmentthan barnard works and Mary Follett. When we talk about the "quality circles" and "the participation of workers in management", then only repeating the Mao forty and fifty years ago written by Elton. Henri Fayol sets out the material by several old-fashioned language, but its ideas about the functioning and management of management are still original and relevant. For all these years, there are little new features and policies of the highest leaders compared to what I wrote in my book "Corporation's Concept". To understand the nature of the work of qualified specialists in the field of analyzing and processing information, that is, specialists in the field of knowledge, and learn how to increase the productivity of such work, we have to go to the heritage of Taylor today.

Nevertheless, the "practice of management" was the first present Book about management. In it, this science was first considered as a whole and an attempt was made to submit management as an independent function, control - as a special type of work, and execution by the manager of its functions - as a special kind of activity. All previous books on this topic were devoted to a particular aspect of management, such as communications (as a Book of Barnard "Functions of the Head") or senior managers, organizational structure and corporate policy (as my own book "Corporation Concept"). In the "Management Practice" describes the business management (Part I), managers managers (part II), employee and work management (part IV). It also refers to the management structure (part III) and decision-making (part V, chapter 28). We are talking about the nature of the management, its roles, tasks and problems; Also referred to managers of both people who perform managerial work and accounting positions: their qualifications, self-improvement, official duties, values. In Chapter 13, under the title "Spirit of the Organization", the reader will find everything that is now determined (and described) as a corporate culture. The "practice practice" was the first book, in which, discussing the goals of the organization, we formulated the definition of the area of \u200b\u200bkey results. It shows how to set goals and use them to select the direction of business and assess its activities. In essence, the term "goals" first appeared in this book - at least I could not find it in earlier literature. Finally, in the "practice of management" for the first time discussed both the management of the already existing business and the introduction of progressive changes, on the basis of which the business of tomorrow.

Perhaps the most important thing - and, undoubtedly, more innovative - the fact that in this book a commercial enterprise was first considered as a whole. In all previous books On the subject of management, and even in most modern books, one or another aspect of the enterprise is considered. Moreover, only an internal dimension is usually studied in them: an organization, politics, relations between people inside the organization, powerful powers and other aspects of the company's vital activity. "Management Practice" considers the organization in a three-dimensional dimension: firstly, as a business that is an institution, whose task is to obtain certain economic results outside of itself, in the market or for customers; secondly, like human and social organizationwhich gives people a job, designed to improve them, is obliged to pay them for labor, to organize them to ensure productive work and which, therefore, requires management, as embodies certain values \u200b\u200band forms relations and responsibility; Third, like some social Institutebuilt into society and local community and, accordingly, affected by public interest. In addition, social responsibilities of the business are discussed - this term was practically unknown during the publication of this book.

Thus, about thirty years ago, the book "Practice of Management" created the fact that today it is customary to call discipline management. It was neither an accident nor good luck - the author set the author when writing a book.

When I wrote the "Management Practice", I already had a ten-year experience of successful consulting work, although my starting point was neither business nor management. True, I had to work much earlier in banks - no more than one year in Germany and three years in England. But I became a writer and a journalist and, in addition, I taught the theory government controlled and political science. Thus, I came to management almost by chance. In 1942, I published the book of Future Of Industrial Man ("The Future of the Industrial Epoch"), which argued that very many social tasks performed in earlier societies of the local community and family subsequently took over organizations and, in particular, commercial Companies. This book attracted the attention of one of the leaders of the highest level of the world's largest production company General Motors, and late in 1943 he suggested an in-depth study of the highest management personnel of this company, its structures and basic policies. The result of this work was the book "Corporation Concept", which was completed in 1945 and published in 1946.

Description: This already classical management book was created and was tested for more than thirty years. This is the result of teaching the author of science management at universities and within specialized programs and seminars for managers, as well as the result of its close and fruitful cooperation with practitioners: during the years of its activities, he was a consultant of a number of business companies, government organizations, hospitals and schools. . Drucker describes in his book tools and methods of effective management, which have proven its effectiveness, and makes it a clear and affordable language.

In this book, the author tried to describe everything that we had managed to learn about management at the moment, but its goal is much wider. It presents both areas that we have learned did not have time, but which are vital for us. The purpose of the book is also the development of approaches to solving problems, the answers to which we have not yet found; It explores politics, principles and practical techniques that will help managers to solve specific management tasks. This book is an attempt to arm a modern manager with understanding, a way of thinking, knowledge and skills necessary to work in the organization today and tomorrow.

This book is focused on the manager as a person; On how people act and what they reach. But it is constantly attempting to tie the tasks with people who are performed.

Tasks by nature are objective and impersonal. The tasks are executed by managers, i.e. It is they who work in order and work on their achievement. Management How work provides for the presence and use of specific skills, tools and methods. Many of them are stated in this book, and some are quite detailed.

The revised edition of the "Management" is the quintessence and synthesis of the works of Peter F. Kradoquer on management and society issues, while the emphasis is on its published and unpublished work for the period from 1973, when the first edition of the book "Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practice has been published (MZOP) ", up to his death on November 11, 2005 during this time he had more publications than in 1954-1973, i.e. From the publication of the book "Practice of Management" (1954) and "MZOP".

The legacy of Peter Drucera

Introduction to the recycled publication of the book Management

Chapter 1. Introduction: The concept of management and managers

Chapter 2. Management as Social Function and Liberal Art

Chapter 3. Management Criteria

Part I. New Realities of Management

Chapter 4. Knowledge is all

Chapter 5. Demographic Changes

Chapter 6. Future Corporation

Chapter 7. New Management Paradigm

Part II. Business efficiency

Chapter 8. Business Theory

Chapter 9. The purpose and objectives of the business

Chapter 10. The future begins today

Chapter 11. Strategic Planning: Entrepreneurial Skill

Part III. Efficiency of the Institute of Service

Chapter 12. Management of service institutions in the society of organizations

Chapter 13. What can a business learn from successful non-commercial organizations

Chapter 14. School Responsibility

Chapter 15. A new understanding of the reflashing of the government

Chapter 16. Entrepreneurship in public service institutions

Part IV. Productive work and an employee focused on achievement

Chapter 17. How to make labor productive and orient an employee to achieve

Chapter 18. Management of work and an employee of physical labor

Chapter 19. Management of work and employee of mental labor

Part V. Social Impacts and Social Responsibility

Chapter 20. Social Impact and Social Problems

Chapter 21. New pluralism: how to balance the special purpose of the institute with a common blessing

Part VI. Work and working jobs manager

Chapter 22. Why managers?

Chapter 23. Structure and content management tasks

Chapter 24. Development of management and managers

Chapter 25. Target management and self-control

Chapter 26. From the Middle Service Management to organizations based on information

Chapter 27. Spirit

Part VII. Management skills

Chapter 28. Elements of effective decision making

Chapter 29. How to Take Personnel Solutions

Chapter 30. Management Communications

Chapter 31. Control mechanisms, control and management

Chapter 32. Independent and budget

Chapter 33. Information Tools and Concepts

Part VIII. Innovation and entrepreneurship

Chapter 34. Business Business

Chapter 35. New Enterprise

Chapter 36. Business Strategies

Chapter 37. Systematic innovation with the help of opportunities

Part IX. Management organization

Chapter 38. Strategies and Structures

Chapter 39. Scheme based on work and task

Chapter 40. Three types of teams

Chapter 41. Scheme aimed at the result and relationship

Chapter 42. Alliances

Chapter 43. Executive Director of the New Millennium

Chapter 44. Influence of Pension Funds for Corporate Governance

Part X. New Requirements for Man

Chapter 45. Control

Chapter 46. Boss Management

Chapter 47. Perestroika himself: seven cases from personal experience

Chapter 48. Educated Man

The main works of Peter Drucker

The main works of Peter Drucker in Russian

Conclusion. Tomorrow's manager


Subject index

Archive size 39.1 mV

1. Value 3.

2. Basic and concepts developed by P. Drucker 4

2.1. Flowers 6.

2.2. Concept of business society 7

2.3. Knowledge Community 11.

2.4.Toriyabusiness 13.

2.5. Effectiveness 15.

3. Transcue 18.

4.PishColiterates 20.

1. Introduction

Peterferdinand Drucker PETER FERDINAND DRUCKER) is one of the most famous scientists in the field of management and the author of many books on the problem management. His works are widely known in the world. Peter F. Drucker was born in 1909 in Vienna (Austria). The future guru was educated in his homeland and enjoyed, after which he worked as a reporter of the newspaper in Frankfurt (Germany), in parallel, preparing for the protection of the doctoral thesis. Later, the branch of one of the major international banks in the London branch of one of the major international banks, and in 1937 he moved to the United States. In America, in the Bennington College of Ivior School of Business of the New York University, he began to be a teaching officer. On June 21, 2002, Peter Drucker received a medal of freedom from the United States of George Bush. He was a laureate of honorary doctoral degree of universities around the world. The last years of the life of Peter Drucker Worth Clermont, California. Out of active activity, he, the fact, continued to advise. On November 11, 2005, Peter Drucker died, without surviving eight days before his 96th anniversary.

Peter Ferdinanddruker-Notable writer, consultant and theoretics in the field of management. It consultants were treated by the leaders of the world's largest corporations, non-commercial organizations, government structures. Dr. wrote 31bnigu, which were translated into more than two dozen languages. Thirteen of them are devoted to economics, politics, public life, and fifteen-billion management. He also published two stories and autobiography, was a book on Japanese painting. The main contribution of the scientist is systematization of knowledge on the problems of management and the allocation of management awarded science. Modern society today from the industrial is becoming a "governing society", since it is this category of workers in the primary prosition. It is a phenomenon of management that can be explained why the work of highly qualified workers is more and more on enterprises. Nor the same society social system Previously, they could not afford it. And it is precisely the Office able to use constantly deepening separation of the separation conduit, to combine employees of different specialties and lead them to achieving the goals. The role of control is in that and consists in order to turn knowledge and educational directly productive strength of society, in what is called the TrueCaptation of any economy. Almost 150 years ago, the concept of "management", the control officer was unknown. Since then, according to a document, the controlradecally changed the entire system of socio-economic relations in high developed countries World. In his works, the Drucker traces the whole path of this transformation, showing how the management created world economy, Established economic order. It stops on analyzing those problems that are faced and will meet in the future managers of developing and scattered countries, making focus on those principles of management that will be able to create successful enterprises around the world.

2. Basic ideas and concepts developed by Peter Drucker.

Living and working in London, Peter Drucker releases his prevailing books (1939 and 1942): "End of Economic Man" and "Future Industrial Man." The ideas expressed by the Drucus in these works were interested in one of the leaders of General Motors, which invited Issress the study of the highest management link Companies and fundamentipes of its operation. Based this study And the experience of the opening projects performed for other major corporations ("General Electric", "Saras, Robak") Drucker released two more works: in 1946 - the book "Corporation Concept", and in 1954 - "Management Practice". Inclusive of conclusions based on these works, the author has determined the lack of expansion of management as professions: managers do not realize what they perform
A set of manager functions. Druch believed that: « The ability to take right solutions - the most important skill for all-level management» . Drucker also allocated 3-standing manager functions:

1) business management;

2) management managers;

3) Management of employees.

The third important conclusion was the definition of business, as firms, including 3 concepts. FirstlyAs "business", that is, the economic institution formed to create products, satisfying the records of the market, customers of the company. Secondly, as a humanitarian and social "organization", hiring people and casual to pay them for labor. ThirdlyAs a "social institution" integrated into society and therefore susceptible to influenceous interests. The main in the first books of the Drucera is to try to put the management in the form of a systematized value of knowledge, that is, a new scoring discipline. Drucker concluded that the success of the world's leading corporations with the use of the same techniques effective guidance. To them, the scientist attributed to the decentralization of the adoption of operational solutions, optimizing the number of management personnel, "enrichment" of labor, clearly conscious affiliation to a specific business. The most significant deposited in the theory of management is considered to be the analysis of the most important of such methods, which allowed it to develop the concept of "management by goals".

2.1. Management for goals.

The central idea of \u200b\u200bthis concept is in the multiplicity of the organization (not only the traditional profit maximization, but inexpensively for long-term success). The task of the rational manager consists of the balance of various objectives of the organization. The determination of goals for each management activity allows: firstly, explain the welfare of economic phenomena in several generalizing wording; secondly, to check these judgments in practice; third, predict the behaviors; fourth, check the rationality of solutions in the process of their adoption, and not after their implementation; fifth, improve future activities based on past experience. The use of a management mechanism for purposes as methods of performance of the organization's effectiveness allows us to combine planning and controlling, increase the involvement of managers of all levels in the process of developing and stimulates feedback processes. Another important advantage of this confusion is the combination of tasks facing a separate manager, collective goals of the company. Management by goals, thus, implies that the factory organization is the function of a group of managers, and an inexperienced privilege of one person. Since the integral part of the goals is widely involved in the lower employees, the highest managers must support cooperation with them and their participation of significant decisions. Drucker identified a set of targets defining long-term, which includes the improvement of the Company's position in the market, labor productivity, profitability indicators, innovation activity, physical financial resources, activities of managers and the development of their abilities, activity workers and their relationship to work,
Company responsibility to society.

2.2. Concept of entrepreneurial society.

Peterdruber in 1984 publishes a book called "Market: how to go into leaders. Practice and principles." In this work, the Drucker introduces the term "revolution of the DRAID", implying innovative activities to the innovative activity. The author writes that they (innovative activity of the And-delimitation) help to achieve those changes that they tried to achieve the help of various historical revolutions, but only without bloodshed, civil war, concentration camps and economic failures. Expressive functions innovative activity and are entrepreneurs with focus, certainty and controllability. Druckovoritis about the need for a business society, in which, in which, and entrepreneurship would be a sustainable, normal affectionate. From the heads of all institutions, it is required that innovative and entrepreneurship in a normal, continuous, everyday activity in practice personal work And the work of their organization. In a way, the manager goes to the first role, and the concept of "manager-entrepreneur" arises. Drucker notes that entrepreneurship is more than a qualitative character, and the entrepreneur considers the one who creates principal products or services. In addition, the Drucker treats the field of entrepreneurship: small business, intra-profit entrepreneurship (technological, organizational), entrepreneurship in social sphere (New approaches to labor motivation). Whether the work of Peter Drucker also distinguishes the conditions for the formation and existence of a visit. The priority of the state policy of measures that must be carried out in business society will credit the definition of refusal areas, that is, those directions in which innovative and business activities Do not bring descensions. So, in his opinion, planning in the traditional understanding is incompatible with entrepreneurial society and entrepreneurial economy. Around the essence, innovative activities should be decentralized, operational, specifics should be microeconomic. It is best to make it so that they will gradually be flexible and efficient. The author also provides that it is not worth considering innovations only the development of high technology. The most likely result of a policy that is promoted by the entire high technology may be the next expensive Fiasco. Prematurity, high technology is only one of the areas of innovative and-delimitative activities, but is not the only one. Major Massifiations falls on other areas. Drucker determines the two plots in which entrepreneurial society requires an innovative eventful nature. First section - politicsaimed at the social protection of the backup labor. The absolute number of people who do not have work is small. But the fact is that production workers engaged in traditional industry are concentrated in very few places. They have a limited bearing of freedom, that is, limited to the change of work, place of residence, etc. Onin have a sufficient education, nor high qualifications, a nomocial competence, nor confidence in their own forces. This category for workers in developed countries forms that layer, the level of education and the community of which has not undergone radical changes in this century. But the erasemaid is the highest paid group in the industrial society. If
The Company will not take care of their employment - even if we give the email of highly paid jobs, they will turn into a purely negative. This problem is solvable, subject to the transformation of the economy from all overview. New enterprises opened in the framework of entrepreneurship economics create new jobs. But even if the entrepreneurious economy creates new jobs, organizational behavisors on the preparation and employment of released from traditional industrial workers are needed. Alone they will not be able to do this. If not to take the same meter, the released industrial labor will have an increase in the absence of everything new, including the means of their own salvation. Another nominal social innovation is characterized by its radicality, complexity complexity. It lies in the organization of systematic replacement of the outbreak of social policy and outdated service structures, sinceactive period of social policy
It is very limited, and a period of efficient operation of service institutions is limited. In addition to these two innovative social events, a brukvytometals as one of the most important conditions for the functioning of the entrepreneurial tax policy. It is important both as a tool that means the behavioral norms of economic agents, and as a symbol of values \u200b\u200bof the society and the society. Currently, in developed countries, the deliverance of the oppreomal irrationalities of the past is severely punished with an existing allegation system. An equally important tool than the tax ibuity-fiscal policy aimed at promoting entrepreneurship (or at least without restraining it) is the protection of new enterprises of the need to carry out government assignments of a bureaucratic nature (reporting, references, etc.). These costs are expressed not only in the financial exemptions related to under-use the most qualified personnel, its
working time and strength. These costs are invisible because it is not directly
appear in government budgets, and hidden, for example, in the doctor's accounts,
A medical sister who spends the good half of its working time on the completion of the formal reporting.

Peter Drucker identified the primary task facing the members of the entrepreneurial society and refer to which such a favorable opportunity for its own growth: continuous training and retraining. For personal growth and professional career, it motivates individualized entrepreneurial society, increasingly take into direct accountability for their continuous training and retraining. They can not more more to be the idea that knowledge gained in
childhood and in the youth will serve them "foundation" for the rest of his life. The knowledge provided in the early years should be viewed as the "starting platform" for running out, takeoff, and not as a base for the construction of a building in which they gather all his life. 8 people should Be prepared to independently for yourself directions for your activities.
The intensity of updating knowledge and skills depends on the level of initial preparation of how much of them professional career associated with
Entrepreneurship. In this regard, the area is of great importance
activities of employees. For example, the skills received by a carpenter during the years
teachings, can serve him faithfully without significant changes of years forty, that is, almost until the end of its economically active life. As for doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyers, managers, etc., they must proceed because knowledge acquired by them, skills and skills are obsolete in fifteen. The specialists of this level should be prepared for the fact that in a tenthone After the development of knowledge and skills at the present level, they actually decide to solve completely different problems, there will be different goals in front of them, and in many cases their professional "career" can go in the engineering. From these reasoning, the following concept of Peter Drucera - the concept of "knowledge society" follows.

2.3. Society of Knowledge

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of knowledge of knowledge is expression
Peter Drucker: "In the society, knowledge managers should be ready to refuse everything they know." In such a society, knowledge is a primary resource and a comprehensive resource and for individuals, and for the economy as a whole. Takey-traditional production factors, such as land, work and capital, do not disappear, turn into the background. They can be purchased and fairly easy to acquire times with the help of specialized knowledge. According to this concept, a new type of employee appears - a knowledge-owning worker (KnowledgeWorker). Drucker highlights two categories of workers: managers and specialists (managerial levels, consultants, programmers, programmatic consultancy users, etc.).

Users and programmers can work as soon as possible and in
Companies. The main difference between their activities is that they create a product of their own systems without using the company's funds. There is a fair question: to encourage such employees? Responding to this question, the Drucker reviewed the TRIPP of the teams:

· Steam tennis characterized by high interdependence
partners, the need to link their strengths and weak Parties and lack of mind;

· Baseball, Gdemesto and the functions of each player are strictly defined and clearly formulated;

· AmericanFootball with a much greater degree of freedom, by
The game of the game, any player can take the initiative on itself and perform various features.

Drucker believes that the structure and type of work of most of the organization can be compared with one or another category of sports teams to read
The appropriate style of working with staff. Drucker also notes that the dynamics clearly prescribes managers that each organization should build management on its own own systemClose of this organization. From the same direction, it means that each organization should be ready to fail the disappearance that it
Makes. Managers should learn through a certain amount of time.
Regarding each process, each product, each procedure and policies to periodically be a question: "If we are not doing this, whether it should be done, knowing that we now know?" If this question is a negative answer, the following question will be: "So what should we do now?" And the organization is made something for the permission of this problem, and not calling the holding of another study. The organization should be able to refuse a doubt of non-prospective and disadvantageous activities, and not to struggle the life of some successful product for today. There is a similar strategy to bring great benefits than the last one.
On the other hand, the holy debt of each organization devote themselves to creating something tone. For this idea, the assertion is characterized that each management of its entry should use three basic principles. FirstlyThe process called by the Japanese Caisen, which implies the continuation of the company's product. Caisen's goal This manifests the product or service to see two to three years that they are really excellent (from "different") product or service. SecondlyEach organization should learn to use their knowledge for the development of the development and further use of it, and not just to rest over the net. Thirdly, each organization should learn innovative activity systematic process. Excluding these three principles, the organization based on the appointment is very soon outreach, having lost its productivity and with it the opportunity to attract and hold the professionals with specialized knowledge, on which productivity and depends.

2.4. Business business.

Another concept designed by Peter Drucker is the concept of business theory. It is built on trying to answer the question, for the famous firms in the 80-90 years. The author analyzed the causes of chrisisis of large corporations (for example, "General Motors" and "IBM") and made appropriate. For the "General Motors", the main problem was the loss of understanding of self-interest, and for IBM - its product, that is, the company could not adapt the business theory to modern conditions. The main development of droverstal three elements from which business theory consists. First element -End organization of the Organization: society and its structure, market, consumer and technology. Second element - an idea of \u200b\u200bthe specific (special) mission of the organization. Third element - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe keylessness of the company or the rod competence - the set of opportunities determining competitive advantages and necessary to fulfill the mission-organization. The author notes that these three points are deceptively simple. Usually on the developmental, full and efficient business theory, years of intensive, reflections and experiments are leaving. To achieve success, the organization should have been on wear and develop in its own path. To the theory of the BUSINESSA was effective, four important points should be taken into account:

1. Performances on the environment, organization mission and rod
Competences must be relevant. That is necessary
Consider the changes occurring in society, its structure, and accordingly, the urgency and capabilities of consumers, and already, based on this, to somehow dramatically and change their business.
2. Presentations on these three elements must match each other.
Friend. Perhaps it was the strongest side of "General Motors",
Determining the dominant position of the company for decades. In the company, a wonderful combination of the presentation of the market and the optimal process industry. In the mid-20s, the company decided that she was also needed new, unknown key opportunities: the financial control of the production process and the theory of capital distribution. The result is a modern accounting of costs and the first rational process distribution of capital.
3. All employees of the organization should know and understand its business theory.
It's just to carry out on initial stage organization activities. However, the gradual becoming gradual becoming and coming to success is increasingly and more manifestation to consider the theory of business something of granted. Then a certain negligence appears in the work, it starts to "cut corners". The company is to do what seems appropriate, and by no means what is. She stops thinking, wondering questions. She remembers, but forgets to ask questions. Business theory becomes culture. However, the culture is not a substitute for discipline, and business theory is preserved discipline.
4. Business theory should be constantly checked. It is not engraved on
Stone. It consists of assumptions about things in constant
Dynamics, motion - society, markets, consumers, technologies. Thus, business samateeory must assume the possibility of its change.

2.5. Efficiency.

In 1966, Peter Drucker released a book called "Effective
manager". Interestingly, in this work the scientist spoke not only by the theorist, but also as a practice that gives specific advice. Autographs that efficiency cannot be taught, but you can and you need to learn yourself. Therefore, the managers who are not able to direct their activities are an effective bed, unlikely to be able to properly manage their colleagues with themselves. Managing, which do not know how to effectively organize the ownership process, show a bad example for others. In advance to work, still not enough to be hardworking, well informed possess high intellectual abilities. Efficiency is an independent and special. However, in order to be effective, it is not necessary to have special abilities, inclinations or acquisitions. The effectiveness of the manager is expressed in its ability to fulfill, simple enough - tasks. Efficiency is composed of expressive practical components. Drucker highlights the five main elements of improving the efficiency of the work of the management worker. FirstlyEffective managers should know what they spend their time. It is a most important element of productive work. This step is purely methodical: registration of time, loose-corrected entries with its measurements. It makes the worker more attentive to where he spends his time, on its activities and goals, which will influence the level and quality of work performed. SecondlyEffective managers should be concentrated on the achievements of the fault of their organization. They should be aimed at the performance of the workshop, but to the end result. A good manager before starting to perform one or another task, ask yourself a question: "What results are younger to achieve?" The work process itself and its methods depart for him to the second plane. The manager tends to analyze its role in the organization and definctly contribute to its activities. Answers to the questions raised should lead to the reflection of the requirements for themselves, to reflections on their own and objectives of the organization, as well as to define values. Most importantly, questions should be pushing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to increase the performance indicators. They stimulate the managing on behalf of alone and the refusal of the role of the subordinate person, for which everything is good that suits the bosses. In other words, concentrating on its own contribution, the manager tends to navigate not to the means as such as such, but lusions. ThirdlyEffective managers should build persecution on preferential, strong qualities, as their own, so icaders, colleagues and subordinates, and are also obliged to find positiveness in specific situations. It is impossible to start working with the solution of an unreal naughty moment of tasks. Activation strong Parties Character finds its reflection behavior. This is respect for the personality of both its own and others. Ethosystem of values \u200b\u200band action. But this is again the teaching in the process of performing the work of self-development in practice. Accentuing strong qualities, managing the union-mindedness of the organization and the needs of the organization, individual abilities of the results of the organization, individual achievements and opportunities. FourthEffective managers concentrate their attention to several most important areas in which the execution of the tasks of the tasks bring more tangible results. They must learn to establish priority of work and not deviate in their implementation. Empty waste of forces and time to the most negative results. The center of attention at this stage is a functional indicators of the managing and organization.
It is not analyzed by what is happening, but what I want to happen in the surrounding conditions. Development in this case is not information, but in nature: prudency, confidence in their forces, courage. In other words, it develops leadership based on the dedication, the determination of it. AND fifthEffective managers must have additional decisions. And this is, first of all, the question of systemism, that is, the process of reference must be held in the desired sequence. It is always necessary to imagine that an effective solution is always a judgment based, rather than an overview of opinions than on consistency in facts. Excessive assistance in incorrect decisions. Decisions should be a bit, but all of the onwards to be fundamental. In making decisions, you need to be guided by the loophoregy, and not momentary tactical considerations. The author is the most Breeding day pays to the self-development of the manager who plays a huge role in making as effective employee. He must acquire the corresponding and skills. He must learn a lot of new skills for merinies. But any skills and knowledge do not make any skills to the head, if it does not develop yourself at an angle of view of efficiency. The self-development of manageing goals of increasing its own effectiveness is a central link in the development of the organization. To the extent that the managers tend to bring concrete use, they raise the functional level of the organization in which they work. As a result, the organization not only becomes capable of more productiveness, it acquires the opportunity to perform a variety of functions and seek the most different goals.

3. Conclusion.

The main contribution of Peter Drucera in modern theorymanagement is that he was able to assemble and systematize knowledge of infectious about the problems of management, having highlight it in separate science. It's a huge role to play our own development of a scientist, it is a possessing gift to formulate ideas, which then became the postulate exchange rates associated with concretization and explanation processes that occur marching on the way to improving its structure, productivity to the uudesmaking of the needs of consumers. Considering that today national-enforce-climatic wealth is increasingly losing their former importance and forconomic growth, and for the cultural development of any country, after reading the development of the Drucera, you begin to understand better
Just the importance of management factor in modern societyBut the transformation of EGG chief, the decisive factor of the progress of human civilization.
According to the Druce, you can select the following principles:

1. Management is an integral part of human being. Without him
No joint activity of people is impossible. Management allows you to make strong people with effective people, and weaknesses are no meaning.
2. The Office deeply entered the culture of any country. And here is great
Feedback: Impact of cultural and historical traditions management.

3. The management task is to establish in the organization such system and
simple goals and values \u200b\u200bthat would make all employees allies in their miscarriage.

4. The management task also includes: Provision to the enterprise and
Everyone his employee is able to grow and develop. Continuous preparation of imperipers should enter the flesh and blood of any organization at all levels.

5. Performing work by each employee should be personal
responsibility for the entrusted business. Everyone should clearly present his duties to be able to evaluate your personal contribution to the common cause.

6. Controls also depends on all parameters.
organization activities.

7. Finally, it should always be remembered that the main finite-present activity of the enterprise is to satisfy the consumer.

4. References.

1. Katkalo V.S. Peter Drucker I. modern management // Bulletin
SPbSU.1995. Series 5, Issue.3 (No. 19).

2. Peter F.Druker. Market: how to go to the leaders. Practice Iprinciples.
Moscow, 1992.

3. Peter F.Druker. Effective Managing - Moscow: BCI, 1994.

4. Michael Meson. Fundamentals of management. Michael Mesacon, Mayclalbert, Franklin Hedoury, Moscow, ed. Case, 1996.

Official duties. Under the leadership of the leading (senior) engineer, the responsible performer or the head of the topic (tasks) participates in scientific research or execution technical developments. Develops work plans and programs for conducting individual stages of work. Collect, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific and technical information on the topic (task). Designs kinematic, electrical, assembly and other schemes for various purposes, calculates the necessary parameters and values. Makes up the descriptions of the device and the principles of the projected products, objects, as well as the justification of the accepted technical solutions. Designs of testing and control, snap, laboratory layouts, controls their manufacture. Takes part in the stands and industrial tests of prototype (parties) of the designed products, installation and commissioning of equipment during research and experiments. Performs the setting and adjustment of the complex and accurate equipment, monitors its condition and correct use. Worst for the operation of the equipment, conducts complex experiments and measurements, conducts records on the experiments conducted, performs the necessary calculations, analyzes and summarizes the results, and the technical reports and operational information. Prepares the initial data to compile plans, estimates, applications for materials, equipment, etc. Develops project and working technical documentation, issues completed research and design work. Participates in the introduction of developed technical solutions and projects, in the provision of technical assistance and the implementation of the author's supervision in the manufacture, installation, commissioning, testing and commissioning of designed products, objects. Summarizes the experience of implementing research results and developed technical solutions. He studies special literature and other scientific and technical information, achieving domestic and foreign science and technology on research or development. Prepares information reviews, as well as reviews, reviews and conclusions for technical documentation. Participates in the examination of scientific works, in the work of seminars, conferences, scientific and technical societies. This is the sections of scientific and technical reports on the work performed. Takes part in preparing publications, drawing up applications for inventions and discoveries.

Must know: methods of research, design and experimental work; Special scientific and technical and patent literature on the subject of research and development; the procedure for using abstract and reference and information publications, as well as other sources of scientific and technical information; production technology of the relevant industry of the economy; appointment, composition, design, principle of operation, conditions of installation and technical operation of projected products, objects; Equipment unit of the institution (organization), features of its operation; standards technical conditions and other guidelines for the development and design of technical documentation; Methods and means of performing technical calculations and computing; domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology in the relevant area of \u200b\u200bknowledge; Requirements for the organization of labor in design; Basics of the economy, labor organization and organization of production; Basics of labor legislation; Rules and norms of labor protection.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education Without the presentation of the work on experience.


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