Prospects for development with. X. science. Abstract: Trends in the development of agriculture in the global economy Problems and prospects for agricultural production in the Russian Federation

The economy has art to satisfy infinite needs with limited resources.
Laurence Peter, teacher.

Will the formation of locomotive for the village? Our eyes offer a new page in the history of the Russian agro-industrial complex. President Vladimir Putin launched a state position: agriculture, our food security and independence is the most important priority for the country and Russians. The course for import substitution was entertained by Agriana. Domestic agricultural producers are excited: will they be able to take the liberated market niches? Assessment by specialists of the potential volume of substitution of imported products in the medium term is quite optimistic: cattle meat is $ 2.5 billion, fish and fish products - $ 2.5 billion, dairy products (oil, cheeses, milk) - $ 1 billion, apples and pears - by 1 billion dollars.

But for the state, questions sound more acutely and deeply: what is needed in order to further avoid dependence on the unfriendly actions of the countries of partners, whether the agriculture of Russia is able to provide food security of the country and the main thing - who will do it? Today, the village, like no other industry, is poorly staffed by specialists, and therefore one of the most important positions requiring attention is the personnel component of the agricultural cluster. It should have a quality education that meets the highest requirements for modern production.

Real statistics

The territory of Russia exceeds 17 million square meters. kilometers, of which 400 million hectares, or 23.4 percent, are agricultural land. Demographic resources of rural areas make up 38 million people - 27 percent total number population, including labor resources - 23.6 million
Low population density - 2.3 people per 1 square meter. kilometer. Settlement potential has 155.3 thousand rural settlements, of which 142.2 thousand have permanent residents. In rural settlement, finely dispersed - 72 percent of settlements have a number of less than 200 people, and settlements with a number of over 2 thousand inhabitants amount to 2 percent.

According to the collection "Russia in numbers".

Agricultural educational institutions are one of the oldest in Russia who have accumulated rich heritage. Over the past two hundred years in agricultural education, traditions appeared, which are historically established ideas, practical actions that are transmitted from generation to generation and contribute to the effective implementation of the country's primary tasks. For two centuries, educational institutions trained more than a million specialists for the Russian village.

Today, working personnel for APK are preparing professional schools and lyceums of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Specialists of secondary and highest levels produce 59 universities, 25 agencies of additional professional education and 162 institutions of secondary vocational education, subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. In them, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, approximately 460 thousand people study. More than 87 percent of the total number of students receive specialty agricultural profile, the remaining specialty necessary for the development of rural areas and their infrastructure. But at the same time, the Russian apk lacks about 80 thousand professionals with higher education. It would seem what is the problem: graduates should have enough industries with interest? However, the real picture is far from statistical: youth does not go to the village.

Today, the Earth employs mainly semi-professional personnel, which received skills and skills in the workplace, which have no foundations of scientific knowledge by profession. This is especially true of personal subsidiary farms where the "trial and error" method is most common. In practice, only a third of university graduates and technical schools comes to work in agricultural organizations. Stay at the village and less: in different specialties from 2 to 18 percent of the studied at the expense of the federal budget. In the meantime, the need for domestic enterprises in the senior specialists is such: to replace the positions of managers of organizations - 8.6 thousand people, the main agrons - 9.7 thousand, the main zootechnics - 10.1 thousand, main branches - 10.4 thousand. The main engineers - 13.8 thousand, the main economists - 6.2 thousand, the main accountants - 13.2 thousand. A high need for middle-service specialists and people who own workers professions.

The current personnel composition of the agricultural industry is agricultural. In recent years, a significant part of employees of mass professions has entered the pre-expenditure age, including those engaged in manual labor in crop production, animal husbandry and other fields of activity. Released places are unattractive for young people. There are many factors that are disabled in young professionals the desire to live and work on the village. Heavy work is one of the reasons. Not in vain the editor and the novelist Edgar However remarked: "The peasant, even if he decided to overturn, gets up with roosters to start this case early." Rural labor is considered immune also due to seasonality of work and low payment. Earnings depends OT realized productsAlthough labor costs and investments can be different with the same product volumes. As confirmed by the data of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, in 2013 the average monthly salary in agriculture slightly exceeded 14.5 thousand rubles, which is two times less than the average for all sectors of the economy.

The gap between the city and the village in terms of income is increasing. Poverty, destroying the labor and genetic potential of the village, remains a massive phenomenon. It can be said that poverty focuses on rural areas, which account for 42 percent of the entire poor (on disposable resources) of the Russian population, while the share of the rural population accounts for 27 percent of the total population of the country.

By the way, the fact that universities are focused mainly in large cities - an important circumstance that becomes an obstacle to graduates of schools from rural depths, whose "Starting Capital" is less. It is extremely difficult to enter your studies. That is, a rather significant part of students make up citizens who are unlikely after graduation will go to work on the village. Yes, and the level of overall optimism from rural young people aged 14 to 24 years old when entering an independent life, according to the results of sociological research, is small - 48.8 percent, and it is based on moving from rural areas to the city. Half of student graduation classes of rural schools today is not interested in labor preparation for the agricultural profile, only 15 percent express the desire to be highly qualified specialists and only 9 percent seek to obtain an agricultural profession.

Scares young slightness of perspectives in both career and social plans. As a result, in the sectoral number of busy population, the proportion of rural, forestry and fish farms decreased from 48 percent in 1992 to 27 percent in 2009. Experts note that the strategic objectives of agrarian education should be closely linked to the problems of solving social problems of rural areas. Another hundred years ago, our well-known economist Alexander Chayanov stressed that agriculture in Russia cannot be considered only as an activity that brings income and food to those who do it. This is a lifestyle, and if he is under the influence of any factors begins to change, it will directly affect the efficiency of the industry as a whole.

The attractiveness of labor for youth is constrained by investment - technological factors. Modern production on the village is rather an exception than the rule, from here and a low level of labor productivity in the industry: according to various estimates, five to ten times less than in the most developed countries in the world, and two times lower than on average in the domestic economy. According to experts, the situation requires cardinal measures to not pass the point of non-return. Already today, almost the fourth part of agricultural land, including about 30 percent of the pashnya, is susceptible to water and wind erosion. Every year as a result of Nessel economic activity About 50 thousand hectares of lands are destroyed, and the scale of these destruction exceeds the area of \u200b\u200brecited territories. There is a degradation of the country's forest fund, which is associated not only with its irrational use, but also the frequent fires that are happening more than 18 thousand per year.

Meanwhile, 9 percent of the global farming is concentrated in Russia. As the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Russia, Alexander Petrikov, emphasized:

The country with such potential to determine is obliged to have advanced agricultural production, education and science. Otherwise, dependence on foreign supplies is increasing, including technologies. Given the growing need for world agri-food markets in products, the growth of the global population and the potential to involve our huge land riches in the economic turnover, the tasks of the development of agricultural education in Russia are gaining global.

Tangle problems

It should be noted, Russian educational institutions today have a highly qualified faculty, experienced professionals with scientific knowledge and durable business relations with enterprises and agroholding. But science has not yet recovered from the crisis of the 90s. Then the level of budget allocations for the Russian Agricultural Academy did not exceed 30 percent of the need. As a result, only for 1992-1997, the number of research personnel decreased from 30 to 14 thousand people. Especially significant was the outflow of young qualified specialists. The dynamics of these indicators makes it possible to talk about the three-time reduction in the scientific and technical potential of the domestic agricultural sector.

These years turned out to be hard for the agriculture, which experienced an unprecedented for peaceful time a drop in production volumes by 40-50 percent. In the Soviet Union, this was recorded only as a result of the Great Patriotic War, when the best agricultural areas of the country were subjected to ruin. Even in the victims of the crushing defeat of Germany and Japan, despite the widespread destruction, the decline in agricultural production was only about 30 percent. In the critical years of collectivization, agricultural production in the USSR decreased by only 14 percent, but the 90th caused the country a strongest blow. The data of the State Statistics Committee of Russia indicate that in the period between the population census (1989-2002), about 179 thousand rural settlements were detected.

Only after 2001 there were first tangible signs of stabilization and revival of the agrarian economy. However, now the majority of agricultural enterprises remain unprofitable, incapable of not only the introduction of innovation, but also to maintaining a normal reproduction process. In the educational and scientific activity, changes were more noticeable and significant - large-scale modernization began. Today, the focus is on the study of market economies and entrepreneurship issues, innovative and foreign economic activity, management, legal support of the agro-industrial complex, taxation and lending, learning and creating modern resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies. Educational institutions master new educational technologies. But there are still many problems that negatively affect the quality of training, retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists, personnel of mass professions, in general, on personnel support of the agro-industrial complex. The question of issues - morally obsolete and weakly updated material and technical funds. The industries require a solid technical re-equipment of the educational process with the simultaneous use of new educational technologies.

Insufficiently strong communication of educational institutions with agricultural enterprises, and the content of education does not fully comply with the requirements of employers today to the level of professional competence of graduates. Students are experiencing difficulties with the passage of practice. Formerly, the production base for students and specialists undergoing retraining were educational and experienced households of higher educational institutions. Today, as a result of agrarian reforms conducted in the country, some of the institutions have lost their status, and most separated from universities and became independent state unitary enterprises. But since the amount of state support fell, production became unprofitable. In this regard, many farms have sharply reduced sowing areas and livestock. Curriculums reduced the database of practice for students of universities, and the departments of higher educational institutions reduced the number of experiments and experiments conducted on fields and farms' farms. As a result, the introduction of new varieties of agricultural plants in the production of new varieties of agricultural plants, breeds of livestock, modern high-infusion technologies has decreased. In Russian agrarian science, there are studies close to world counterparts or even the global levels in the individual scientific directions. The practical effectiveness of these studies is extremely low: according to different estimates, they remain unclaimed by agricultural production to 40-50 percent of the completed scientific and technical developments. This is due to the lack of an effective organizational and economic mechanism for managing innovation activities, an encouraging developer to create innovative projects, and consumers are used and low-oriented science for the needs of practice.

We must not forget that education is not only higher educational institutions. In the agricultural sphere, moreover, continuity is very important if we want the Russian village to be empty. Today in the industry there is no systematic work on the organization of continuous training, coordination of advanced training and retraining of personnel. Despite the arrival of innovation and globalization of modern society, many traditional technologies are preserved on the village, which require specialists at the level of primary vocational education. It is necessary to raise the prestige of peasant work, which holds the agrarian economy of any state. Experts believe that to preserve continuity, it is necessary to ensure the coordination of educational institutions of educational institutions of all levels. A rural school should fit into the structure. And of course, Ideally, no link of this chain should be disadvantaged. It is also possible to state that there is a significant difference in financing.

Rural schools and technical schools overtook the crisis, which did not allow to update their material base and conduct a computerization in a timely manner, "explains the director of Kamensk-Ural agro-industrial technical school, a corresponding member of the Academy of Vocational Education Sergey Nekrasov. - Most of us are learning on the technique of twenty-five years ago, we have not visible models for a long time, no visual benefits (most likely they simply stopped producing). In addition, if earlier there were surrender collective farms and state farms, able to assist in improving the material base, adopt students to production practice, pay additional address scholarships, now around some farmers who are simply not able to provide professional education . And this is despite the fact that each rural school or technical school serves three or four district, and the agro-industrial complex still continues to be the basis of a slightly diversified rural economy.

The standard of living of educational institutions workers remains low, while teachers noted, labor payment in the agricultural education system is lower than in other educational institutions. That is, to work in this area, you have to be a big enthusiast. The outflow of pedagogical frames slows down the above-mentioning system.

In agricultural education, according to many specialists, there are obvious contradictions. Educational organizations are financed from various sources - local, regional, federal, which makes it difficult to the concentration of funds for the preparation of the most important personnel conditions. In addition, there is no information on the needs of workers in various levels of qualifications: masters, specialists, bachelorists, employees with secondary special and primary professional education - mechanisters and livestock breeders. The fact that educational institutions are managed by two ministries, experts also consider a minus. And this is not all pain issued in the industry.

What is the ranking?

According to experts, education can be the locomotive, which is able to pull the Russian village from the protracted systemic crisis. But with the current state of affairs in the agricultural industry and the demographic decline, there is a completely logical question: where will the productive forces come from, which, having received education, will provide promotion of agrarian science and economy?

The situation is understood at the highest level. The state pays more attention to the agrarian sector of the economy, supporting the village of national projects and financed programs. Agricultural enterprises began to motivate specialists: the youth, which remains to live and work on the village, encourage housing, grants, surcharges to the salary. The Government of the country approved the concept of sustainable development of rural territories Russian Federation For the period up to 2020, which identifies the main objectives of the state agrarian policy and the development of the fisheries complex in the long run. The document defines key problems and financial and economic, legal and organizational measures to bring rural areas to a qualitatively new level of development, providing a comprehensive balanced solution to economic, social and environmental problems while maintaining the natural and historical and cultural potential of the countryside. The main goal is to raise the level and quality of life. russian villageMake it more attractive. Among the measures are called scientific and personnel provision of the village.

In principle, the system of higher agrarian education to this is ready. The Ministry of Agriculture continues to work on its optimization. According to specialists of the department, the positive experience of the reorganization of universities in the form of union is currently accumulated. For example, on the basis of agricultural and veterinary institutions in Omsk in 1994, the Omsk State Agrarian University was created. P.A. Stolypin, in Saratov to the Saratov State Agrarian University. N.I. Vavilov in 1998 included the Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Agricultural Academy and Agro-Generation University. Today, these joint universities are among the largest and most efficiently functioning educational institutions, subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. In addition, 22 technical schools, 41 Institute for advanced training, 1 Research Institute for the last ten years are attached to agricultural universities. For several years, the issue of an association of sectoral higher educational institutions located in one subject of the Russian Federation is discussed in order to create large multidisciplinary agrotechnological universities, which will ensure the complexity of the solution of educational and scientific tasks set by the realities of time.

There are prerequisites for this. According to the assessment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which conducted the monitoring of the activities of the Federal public institutions The highest vocational education in 2012, 46 percent of agrarian universities are classified as "having signs of ineffectiveness". But it should be noted that these educational institutions have a number of features due to sectoral specifics. First, all agrarian universities have lower EGE indicators. This is not explained by their ineffectiveness, but the lowest prestige of agricultural professions. In agrarian universities, there are mainly graduates of rural schools - more than 60 percent, in which the average score of the EE is lower than that of urban schoolchildren. Secondly, agricultural educational institutions have lower indicators for some financial criteria, which is associated with historically prevailing underfunding. In particular, on average, one student product from the federal budget is spent by 25-30 percent of financial resources less than in other universities, and the low yield of agricultural organizations does not allow you to involve their funds for research.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation conducted its sectoral monitoring among the subordinate universities. According to the results of the sectoral assessment, it was recognized that 14 universities need optimization. Therefore, the planned enlargement of educational institutions continues. As you assured the ministry, this entails an increase in the volume of financing of educational and scientific processes, an increase in the average wage of scientific and pedagogical workers, the elimination of duplication of the same directions of training, an increase in the economic efficiency of universities. It is necessary to update the material and technical base of educational institutions, since the physical wear of the equipment is about 70 percent. According to the specialists of the ministry, the directions of educational, scientific and other activities carried out by each university, after the union will continue and will receive further development in the newly created universities. It is supposed to create student campuses (institutions) with specialized training. Of course, the deep historical traditions and the uniqueness of each educational institution will be taken into account. Scientific tips, faculties and departments of reorganized universities are invited to develop the concept of the Joint University.

But the agrarian universities require not only structural changes. Depth modernization of agricultural education is needed to meet the realities of today. The lack of qualified young frames in the agro-industrial complex is half of the trouble. Today I need a worker who has the most modern knowledge. Competent specialists are the key to efficient work, additional profit and stability of the organization. Especially professionals are important in the face of improving technologies in modern industries. It should be borne in mind that the demand of most employers is aimed at receiving a ready-made highly qualified, experienced specialist. This puts new tasks before universities.


The modernization that began in education is designed to relieve the acute problems or eliminate them at all. The topic of this multifaceted and relevant will be long. The main directions of modernization of agricultural education are to ensure the availability of education for rural youth, the preparation of qualified personnel of the relevant level and the profile, competitive in the labor market, capable of ensuring efficient management of the agro-industrial complex. The modern concept of education includes the need to develop a horizon covering the entire network relationship system between different components of the agrosphere.

Modernization must be considered as a comprehensive innovative process, which includes solving the problems of improving the quality of education and its effective organization, a significant increase in the level of educational and methodical work, the material and information process. The largest changes occurred in higher education, where the transition to the level system, including undergraduate and magistracy, was formally completed. Students should have new motivations to receive professional and general cultural competencies. This is facilitated by new training technologies, the use of active and interactive methods, attracting employers' educational programs. Universities will have to debug interaction with employers and their associations not only in the development and implementation of basic and additional programs, but also in assessing the competencies of graduates. Another referral in the complex of modernization measures is to increase the status of several agrarian universities. On a competitive basis, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation identified four innovative universities - RGAU-MSC them. K.A. Timiryazev, Kuban State Agrarian University, Orlovsky Gau and Stavropol GAU, - which are provided with government funding to create an innovative educational environment.

The creation of a model of interaction of agricultural educational institutions, business and state will allow an innovative component in research activities to provide the development of direct relations with organizations of the agro-industrial complex, "said Lyudmila Koruzhiy, Dean of the Account and Finance Faculty of RGAU-MSH. K.A. Timiryazeva, - First of all, with strategic partners from among the largest companies, agroholdings for the production and processing of agricultural products. As a result, competitive fundamental studies will develop, and breakthrough applied developments will be implemented on their basis, with subsequent commercialization, which will ensure further strengthening of agrarian universities.

Rectors of many agricultural universities of Russia allocate the following basis moments of the platform for the development of agricultural education in Russia: the education system should be built on an active combination of practices with theory, with universities - to become the centers for the development and implementation of various innovative methods of organizing and managing production. Student learning using newest technologiesmay become a good specialist only in the case when the theory will be supported by high-quality industrial experience. Thus, the question of preservation in the structure of educational institutions of educational and experienced farms and the organization of other forms of practical training is conserved. Each educational institution has its approaches. In particular, the rector of the Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy Alexander Samodelkin says:

The task is tasked with the task - to teach students to be not only narrow specialists in their field, but also to have an idea of \u200b\u200brelated processes so that they can start with a new business, develop production, be competitive. We are planning to give these knowledge in the form of both the main course of lectures, and practical exercises, and additional education, and in the form of weekly open thematic conferences. Obviously, without highly qualified personnel in modern conditions, it is not necessary. Thanks to regional and federal programs, as well as the coming of private investors, agriculture is developing, and young professionals have good prospects for self-realization. Representatives of major farms that would like to choose qualified personnel, and approximately the third year, students can already be focused on a particular enterprise and work there. The leaders are interested in knowing young people, therefore provide the possibility of practitioners during training, sometimes exercise scholarship support.

The most important aspect of the modernization of agrarian education in Russia, according to experts, its international component can be. In the last decade, a number of steps have been taken on a significant modernization of vocational education, improving its quality, the integration of Russian education into an international educational space. First of all, we are talking about Russia's entry into the Bologna process, increasing the flexibility of educational programs, overcoming the early narrow specialization, the introduction of federal state educational standards of vocational education. Domestic educational institutions should not be passive, and the most active participants in the process of internationalization of education, increase the export of educational services and build a balanced relationship system with foreign partners, which would reflect the interests of Russia.

It should be remembered that historically Russia has always been an agrarian country, and its welfare depended on the effective development of agriculture. The main task of the country's development as the largest world power is to arrange the territories in which the key role belongs to agricultural education. At the beginning of the XXI century, when the agro-industrial complex of Russia entered into a new period of its development, the qualifications and competence of specialists largely depends on the decision of the country's food security issues, the preservation and revival of the Russian village.

Department of "Economic Theory, National and World Economy"


By discipline

On the topic:
Trends in the development of agriculture in the global economy

Introduction ..................................................................................3

1.1 The concept of agriculture and its structure .................................... 5

1.2 The main features of the development of agriculture ........................ ..8

1.3 The role of agriculture in the modern world economy ............ ... 12

2.1 Problems of the development of agriculture .........................................15

2.2 Trends in the development of agriculture ........................................18

3.1 Prospects for the development of agriculture in the world ........................... 21

3.2 Prospects for the development of agriculture in Russia ........................ .25

Conclusion ........................................................................ ... 27

List of references used ........................... ... 29

The relevance of this work is determined by a number of factors. Agriculture is not only the most ancient and most dependent industry in the economy, but also the lifestyle of the majority of the population of the globe, this is the most extensive vital industry of the national economy, which determines the standard of living of people.

Under these conditions, the further trends in the development of global agriculture becomes more relevant, in which half of the world's population is occupied.

The object of this course is a global agriculture representing a system consisting of agricultural industries of all countries that differ in the enormous variety of agricultural relations, various volume of agricultural products, various compositions of commodity and gross production, methods and methods of agriculture and animal husbandry.

Agriculture creates food for the population, raw materials for many industries (food, animal, textile, pharmaceutical, perfume, etc.), reproduces lively power (horse breeding, reindeer herding, etc.), includes industry agriculture (field growing, vegetable growing , fruit growing, viticulture, etc.) and animal husbandry (cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep, poultry farming, etc.), the correct combination of which ensures the rational use of material and labor resources.

And, finally, in this industry there is a direct interaction of a person with nature, from which human health is largely dependent, its psychological, nervous, emotional state and the like.

Purpose of this term paper Reveal the current trends in the development of world agriculture. Based on the purpose, the following tasks must be solved:

Explore the concept of agriculture and the main features of its development;

Reflect current trends and prospects for the development of agriculture.
Chapter 1. Agriculture and its role in the global economy

1.1. The concept of agriculture and its structure

Agriculture is the most important branch of the world economy. Its main purpose is to ensure the population of food, and the lung and food industry - raw materials.

Agriculture is the only industry of material production, which depends on natural conditions, such as climate, the environment and water availability. Economic factors, such as market prices and the cost of production, as well as the country's policy including targeted subsidies to grow (or, on the contrary, do not grow to avoid overproduction) certain cultures are important.

Main branches of agriculture:

1. Livestock is spread almost everywhere. The placement of its industries depends primarily from the feed base. Three leading branches of animal husbandry: cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep.

Cattle breeding - Cattle breeding (CRS), Foreign Asia and Latin America has the largest livestock of cattle.

In cattle breeding distinguish three main directions:

Dairy (characteristic of the densely populated areas of Europe, North America);

Meat and dairy (distributed in the forest and forest-steppe zone);

Meat (arid areas of a moderate and subtropical belt). The largest livestock of cattle possess: India, Argentina, Brazil, USA, China, Russia.

Pigs are common everywhere regardless of natural conditions. It is to densely populated areas, large cities, to the areas of intensive potatoes. The leader is China (almost half of world livestock), behind him USA, Russia, Germany, Brazil.

Sheepading prevails in countries and areas with extensive pastures. The greatest livestock of sheep in Australia, China, New Zealand, Russia, India, Turkey, Kazakhstan.

Leadership in the production of livestock products belongs to economically developed countries and is distributed like this:

Meat production - USA, China, Russia;

Oil production - Russia, Germany, France;

Milk production - USA, India, Russia.

Main exporters of animal products:

Poultry meat - France, USA, Netherlands;

Lamb - New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom;

Pork - Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Canada;

Beef - Australia, Germany, France;

Oil - Netherlands, Finland, Germany;

Wool - Australia, New Zealand, Argentina.

2. Crop production is the most important industry in the world. It is developing almost everywhere, with the exception of the tundra, Arctic deserts and highly.

Due to the large variety of crops, the composition of crop production is quite complicated. In crop production allocated:

Grain economy;  Production of industrial crops;

Vegetable growing;  Horticulture;

Production of forage crops, etc.

Grain crops include wheat, rye, barley, buckwheat, oats, etc. leading among them are wheat, corn and rice, which accounts for 4/5 gross collection of all cereals. The main manufacturers of three major grain crops are:

Wheat - China, USA, Russia, France, Canada, Ukraine;

Rice - China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh;

Corn - USA, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina.

Among the main exporters can be called - USA, Canada, Australia (Wheat), Thailand, United States (Figs), Argentina, USA (Corn). Imports grain mainly Japan and Russia. Among other food crops are distinguished:

Oilseeds - soy, sunflower, peanuts, rapeseed, sesame, kleschevin, as well as olive tree, oilseeds and coconut palm trees. Main manufacturers of oilseeds - USA (Soya), Russia (sunflower), China (RAPS), Brazil (peanuts).

Clubwood cultures - potatoes. The greatest collection of potatoes in Europe, India, China and the United States.

Sugaroneos - sugar cane, sugar beet. Main manufacturers of sugar cane - Brazil, India, Cuba; Sugar beet - Ukraine, France, Russia, Poland.

Vegetable cultures. Distributed in all countries of the world.

Toning cultures - tea, coffee, cocoa. Chief exporter of tea - India, coffee - Brazil, Cocoa - Côte d-Ivoire.

Among the non-food fibrous cultures (cotton, luna, sisal, jute), natural rubber, tobacco.

Main Cotton Exporters - USA, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, China, India, Egypt.

The largest producer of tobacco is China, in much smaller volumes produce its India, Brazil, Italy, Bulgaria, Turkey, Cuba, Japan.

3. Fisheries belongs the smallest part of agriculture.
1.2 Main features of agriculture in different countries of the world

The role of agriculture in the economy of different countries and districts is much different. The geography of agriculture is characterized by an exceptional variety of forms of production and agricultural relations. At the same time, all its types can be combined into two groups:

1. Commercial agriculture - distinguished by high productivity, development intensity, high level of specialization. The commodity agriculture includes both intensive farming and animal husbandry, gardening and gardening and extensive agriculture of steam and deputy type and pasture animal husbandry;

2. Consumer agriculture - is characterized by low productivity, extensive development, lack of specialization. Consumer agriculture includes more retarded Plume and Moth agriculture, pasture animal husbandry, nomadic cattle breeding, as well as gathering, hunting and fisheries.

In developed countries, high-discovered, deeply specialized agriculture prevails. It has reached the maximum level of mechanization and chemicalization. The average yield in these countries is 35-40 c with ha. The agro-industrial complex in them acquired the form of agribusiness, which gives the industry industrial character.

In developing countries, traditional minor (consumer) economy with the average grain yield 15-20 c with the GA and below are dominated. The small-scale sector is represented by small and smallest farms growing consumer cultures; Along with this, there is a high-discovered farm represented by large and well-organized plantations (banana plantations in Central America, coffee in Brazil).

Commodity agriculture

Consumer agriculture

Is different:

Is different:

High productivity

Low productivity

Development intensity

Esttenision Development

High levels

Specialization of farms

Lack of specialization


Intense farming animal husbandry with a large volume of blanks

Backstop plow and hoe agriculture

Gardening and vegetable growing

Pasture animal husbandry

Pasture animal husbandry

Nomadic and semi-oxide cattle breeding

Extensive agriculture of steam and underlying type

Gathering, hunting and fisheries
Table 1. The main differences in commodity agriculture from consumer.

Agriculture of developed countries is distinguished by a sharp predominance of commodity agriculture. It develops on the basis of mechanization, chemicalization of production, the use of biotechnology, the latest selection methods.

Technical re-equipment and intensification of production led to an increase in the share of large farms with a narrow specialization. At the same time, agriculture is industrial, since it is included in a single agro-industrial complex with processing, storage, transportation and sales of products, as well as the production of fertilizers and technology (the so-called agribusiness).

Agriculture of developing countries is more inhomogeneously and includes:

\u003e Traditional sector - consumer agriculture predominantly cropped direction with small peasant farms providing themselves with food;

\u003e The modern sector is a commodity agriculture with well-organized plantations and farms, using the best lands and hired labor, with the use of modern equipment, fertilizers, the main products of which are focused on the external market.

The high proportion of the traditional sector in agriculture of developing countries determines their essential lag in the development of this industry.

As a branch of farming, agriculture has the following main features:

1. The economic process of reproduction is intertwined with the natural process of growth and the development of living organisms developing on the basis of biological laws.

2. The cyclic process of natural growth and development of plants and animals led to the seasonality of agricultural labor.

3. Unlike industry, the technological process in agriculture is closely associated with nature, where the land acts as a main means of production.

FAO specialists noted that 78% of the earth's surface experience serious natural restrictions for agriculture development, 13% of areas are distinguished by low productivity, 6% of the average and 3% high. Currently, there are about 11% of all sushi, 24% is used for pastures. Several thermal belts are distinguished, each of which is characterized by a peculiar set of branches of plant and animal husbandry:

Cold belt occupies extensive spaces in the north of Eurasia and North America. Agriculture is limited to a lack of heat and a long-term Marzlot. The crop production here is only possible in the conditions of closed soil, and reindeer herding develops at low-product pastures.

Cool belt covers extensive territories of Eurasia and North America, as well as a narrow strip in the south of the Andes in South America. Minor heat resources limit the set of crops that can be grown here (early cultures - gray bread, vegetables, some root, early potatoes).

Moderate belt in the southern hemisphere is presented in Patagonia, on the coast of Chile, Tasmania Islands and New Zealand, and in the north it takes almost all of Europe (except for the southern Peninsula, South Siberia and Far East, Mongolia, Tibet, Northeast China, South Canada, Northeastern United States. This is a mass farming belt. Pares are engaged in almost all suitable territories, its specific area comes to 60-70%. Here is a wide range of grown crops: wheat, barley, rye, oats, flax, potatoes, vegetables. In the southern part of the belt grows corn, sunflower, rice, grapes, fruit and fruit trees. Pastures on the square are limited, they dominate in the mountains and arid zones, where distant animal husbandry and camels are developed.

The warm belt corresponds to the subtropical geographical belt and is presented at all continents, except Antarctica: it covers the Mediterranean, most of the territory of the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, South Africa and Australia, South China. Two harvests are grown in a year: in winter - the culture of a moderate belt (grain, vegetables), in the summer - tropical annuals (cotton) or perennials (olive tree, citrus, tea, walnut, figs, etc.). Low-productive, strongly degraded from the uncontrolled grazing grazing are dominated here.

The hot belt occupies extensive spaces of Africa, South America, North and Central Australia, Malay Archipelago, Arabian Peninsula, South Asia. Coffee and chocolate trees are grown, palm tree palm, butt, maniacs, etc.

1.3 The role of agriculture in the modern world economy

Agriculture is not only the most ancient and most affected sector of the economy, but also the lifestyle of the majority of the world's population.

Agriculture is the most extensive vital industry of the national economy, which determines the standard of living of people.

The economy of agriculture is studying technological (agriculture, crop production, agrochemistry, amelioration, mechanization and electrification, girlfriend, storage and processing of agricultural products and others) and economic (mathematics, political science, labor protection, accounting) science.

The economy of the C / C gives the base for the study of disciplines: the organization of agricultural production, analysis of economic activities, financing and lending, agricultural management, international economic ties, agricultural risks and others.

The study of science is based on a dialectical method, which involves the study of the development process in a state of continuous movement of change. To analyze economic material use various methods Economic Research: Statistical (correlation, dispersion, index, regression), monographic, economic and mathematical, graphic and others.

Agriculture is a donor for other sectors of the economy, a source of replenishment of national income to solve the country's urgent tasks. The main national economic proportions, the growth of the economy of the whole country, largely depend on the state and pace of development of agriculture.

In the early stages of the economic history of mankind, a decisive role in the formation of local peculiarities of agricultural production (set of cultivated cultures, domestic animals, agricultural receptions), had natural conditions of the territory - climate, relief, soil fertility.

The economic skills of the population, the achieved level of socio-economic development, the conditions of international trade only subsequently turned out to be decisive for the formation of local socio-economic differences in the territories involved in the global economy.

The role of agriculture in the economy of the country or region shows its structure and level of development. As indicators of agriculture, the share of economically active population in agriculture is used, as well as the share of agriculture in the GDP structure. These indicators are quite high in most developing countries, where more than half of the EAN are employed in agriculture. Agriculture there goes on an extensive path of development, that is, the increase in products is achieved by the expansion of sowing areas, an increase in livestock livestock, an increase in the number of people employed in agriculture. In such countries, the economies of which relate to the type of agrarian, low indicators of mechanization, chemicalization, land reclamation, etc.

The highest level has reached the agriculture of developed countries in Europe and North America, who joined the post-industrial stage. In agriculture, 2-6% EAN occupied there. In these countries, the "green revolution" occurred in the middle of the 20th century, agriculture is characterized by a scientifically informed organization, an increase in productivity, the use of new technologies, systems of agricultural machinery, pesticides and mineral fertilizers, using genetic engineering and biotechnology, robotics and electronics, that is, develops By intensive path.

Such progressive changes occur in countries related to the type of industrial, but the level of intensification in them is even much lower, and the share of those employed in agriculture is higher than in post-industrial.

At the same time, in developed countries, a crisis of overproduction of food is observed, and in agrarian, on the contrary, one of the most accelerated problems is a food problem (the problem of malnutrition and hunger).

About 1.1 billion economically active population (EAN) is currently employed in world agriculture. And agricultural branches provide products of billions of people. Agriculture is not only the most ancient and most independent sector of the economy, this is the most extensive vital industry of the national economy, which determines the standard of living of people.
Chapter 2. The main trends in the development of agriculture in the global economy

2.1 Problems of Agriculture Development

First of all, it is necessary to describe the general features inherent in the modern stage of the development of agriculture of developing countries.

Scientific selection, the creation of high-yielding hybrid grains led to an increase in agricultural production in a number of developing countries. This was also facilitated by other factors of the Green Revolution (some increase in the use of fertilizers, expanding irrigation work, an increase in mechanization, an increase in the qualifications of part of the working force used, etc.). But they covered only a small part of the territories of the states participating in the Green Revolution.

The main cause of the difficulties of these countries in the development of agriculture is the backwardness of their agricultural relations. Thus, for a number of states of Latin America, a latifundy is characterized by extensive private land ownerships that constitute the basis of landlord farms. In most countries in Asia and Africa, along with large farms owned by local and foreign capital, the farms of feudal and semi-pefe type are widespread, in a number of countries, even with the remnants of a tribal relationship. Special mention in this regard deserves community land tenure, leaving its roots in deep antiquity.

The motley and backward character of agrarian relations are combined with remnants in the field of society organization, the enormous influence of the institution of tribal and intergovernmental leaders, the wide distribution of animism and other diverse beliefs. Many social and psychological characteristics of the local population should also be taken into account, in particular the widespread consumer dissemination, unproductive mentality. The remnants of the colonial past many of these states affect.

Features of the agricultural building and other factors led to the fact that agriculture of many developing countries cannot satisfy their food needs. To date, the proportion of the population that does not receive the necessary nutrition remains very large.

And although the absolute and relative number of people suffering from malnutrition has decreased, the total number of starving remains huge. According to different estimates, their number in the world is about 1 billion people. Only from malnutrition in developing countries, 20 million die every year.

Traditional diet in a number of countries do not contain enough calories, often do not have the necessary amount of proteins and fats. Their shortage affects the health of people and quality of labor. Especially acute these trends are manifested in the countries of South and East Asia.

A severe situation with the development of agriculture and food security is determined for many developing countries to the problem of food security. Under the latter it refers to the constant consumption of a sufficient amount of food to maintain the active life of people. The minimum level of food security experts from the UN Specialized Organization FAO consider world reserves from the past harvest equal to 17% of world consumption or sufficient to meet the needs for about two months.

UN expert calculations have shown that a significant part of developing countries has a very low self-sufficiency coefficient. Very low level of food security had 24 states, of which 22 are African. The aggravation of the situation in a number of developing countries caused the need to take measures aimed at mitigating a food problem. An important tool for reducing the problem of hunger was food assistance, i.e., the transfer of resources on the conditions of preferential loans or in the form of gratuitous gifts.

The main supply of food assistance goes to the least developed countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. The main supplier are USA. In recent years, the role of EU countries has been increasing, especially with respect to the least developed African and Asian states.
2.2 Agricultural Development Trends

The above data indicate large achievements of world agriculture and at the same time about considerable difficulties and contradictions in its modern development. According to the calculations of Russian specialists, agrarian production in the world has grown from $ 415 billion in 1900 to 580 billion in 1929, 645 - in 1938, 760 - in 1950 and $ 2475 billion in 2000 The hierarchy of agricultural producers among developed countries in 2000 looked as follows: in the first place were the United States with a volume of agricultural products $ 175 billion, on the second - France - 76.5, on the third - Italy - 56.0, on the third Fourth - Germany - $ 52.5 billion

Although now in the world more food is produced than ever, approximately 1 billion people, as already noted, are constantly starving.

Humanity is looking for an optimal solution to a food problem. If you focus on the current level of the US inheritance, the food resources in 2030 will only be enough for 2.5 billion people, and the population of the Earth by this time will be; range approximately 8.9 billion. And if you take the average standards of consumption of the beginning of the XXI century, then by this time the modern level of India will be reached (450 g of grain per day per person). The redistribution of food resources can turn into political conflicts.

Economists rightly consider unacceptable spontaneity of the development of relations in the field of production, consumption and redistribution of food. The agreed actions and development of an international development strategy are needed. In its content, four main directions can be distinguished.

The first is the expansion of the Land Fund. At the present stage, humanity uses effectively by an average of about 0.34 hectares of Pashnya per person. But there are considerable reserves and theoretically one of the earthlings accounts for 4.69 hectares of land. Due to this reserve, the Square used in agriculture can indeed be increased. But, first, the reserves are still limited, and secondly, part of the earth's surface with difficulty can be used or simply unsuitable for agricultural treatment. And besides, a lot of funds will be required to carry out an increase in space.

As a result, the second direction acquires much greater importance - an increase in economic opportunities by increasing the effectiveness of agrarian production. Scientists calculated that if all the areas used now, advanced technologies were used, then at the present time, agriculture could come to at least 12 billion people. But the reserves of achievable effectiveness could continue to increase, in particular through the use of various biotechnology and further progress in the development of genetics.

But the real way to enhance economic efficiency can be only subject to the expansion of social opportunities. This is the third direction of development strategy, the main task of which is to carry out deep and consistent agrarian reforms in developing countries, taking into account the characteristics of the conditions in each of them. The purpose of the reform consists in overcoming the backwardness of the existing agricultural structures. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the elimination of negative consequences related to the wide distribution of primitive community relations in a number of Africa countries, latifundism in the Latin American and fragmentation of small-bedish farms in Asian states.

When carrying out agrarian reforms, it is advisable to expediently use the positive experience gained in developed countries, in particular to improve the role of the state in the development of agriculture, especially by subsidizing the use of the latest technologies, diverse support for small and medium-sized farms, and others. Of great attention deserves the problem of cooperation when providing its voluntary character, diversity of forms and material stimulation of participants.

One of the tasks of social reforms in combination with measures to improve economic efficiency is the weakening of the gap in the levels of consumption between different groups of countries.

Obviously, the improvement of state activities affects the sphere of reproduction of the population whose growth can be more regulated using a wide variety of means.

And finally, the fourth direction can be international cooperation and the help of developed countries least developed. The purpose of this cooperation is not only in solving the most acute problems of food shortages, but also in stimulating the internal capabilities of developing states. And for this they need comprehensive assistance in the development of not only the economy, but also the areas of education, health care, various industries of science and culture.
Chapter 3. Opportunities and priorities for the development of world agriculture

3.1 Prospects for the development of agriculture in the world

Looking at the future, we want to understand: faces mankind - in a close or remote future - mass hunger, if now from him, according to the UN, is one billion people suffer? Is there enough land, water and other natural resources to agriculture to satisfy the food needs of each planet in at least 2700 kcal per day? Are innovations in agriculture be able to resist dangerous changes in climate and nature whims? Finally, what agrarian policy will have to work out the world community and each country to provide highly efficient, sustainable agriculture?

Calculations of long-term forecasts, developed jointly by the specialists of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and FAO, give an assessment of the markets of major agricultural products 10 years ahead. If we take as a hypothesis that in a longer run, the same trends and the degree of influence of various factors on each other will be maintained, you can build a scenario for the development of the situation in world agriculture based on existing forecasts.

There are several options for forecasting the development of world and Russian agriculture for the period up to 2050. Four hypotheses were put forward as prerequisites for this forecast.

First. Sowing areas under the main agricultural crops (wheat, corn, rice) will not be reduced, and they will even increase. This is one of the main lessons that should endure all countries as a result of the food crisis in 2007-2009. Otherwise, many countries and humanity generally observe themselves to constantly repeat this kind of crisis.

Second. In all countries, more and more resources will be spent on the introduction of scientific and technological progress in agriculture, which will increase the efficiency of resource use, primarily the Earth and Water.

Third. Developing countries of many regions will increase proteins consumption due to meat and dairy products. It follows from this that the increasing proportion of grown plant resources will be used for feed.

Fourth. Most countries will continue the trend of the use of agricultural resources primarily for food purposes. Exceptions will be only those countries where there are special natural and political conditions that allow them to effectively use land resources for the production of biofuels. These countries include primarily the United States (ethanol from corn), Brazil (ethanol from sugar cane) and in perspective - a number of countries in Southeast Asia, which will be able to master the effective production of palm oil biodiesel.

What and how much humanity will eat. Wheat production is projected by 2020 in the amount of 806 million tons (increase of 18% by 2008), and in 2050 - 950 million tons, (increase of 40% of 2008) for the same period, according to UN forecasts, The population will increase by about 30-35%. Consequently, the average grain security in the wheat segment can be somewhat increasing.

In developing countries, it is possible to expect an increase in the share of imports in the general consumption of wheat from 24-26% to 30% due to the growing use of wheat in animal husbandry. The highest growth rates are projected in the least developed countries (2.8 times in 2050 compared to 2008). Only in this case, they will be able to reduce import dependence from 60% to 50%. However, this level cannot be recognized normal. Certain actions are needed by developed countries that could contribute to an increase in wheat production directly in this group of states.

Now we will give some results of predicting the development of the dairy and meat industry. It is estimated that milk production in the world will increase the rates higher than the growth of the population. By 2050, global milk production can reach 1222 million tons, which is almost 80% higher than in 2008. Developing countries in which production will increase almost 2.25 times should be made in the greatest contribution to this increase. However, even in a distant future, a significant gap in the productivity of dairy farming between developed and developing civilizations will remain. Developed countries should make certain efforts to accelerate the introduction of technological progress in the dairy economy of developing countries. In developing countries, we can expect some reduction in the livestock of cows with a significant increase in their productivity. This will solve two problems: increase production of plant food resources available for the population, and increase the share of milk protein in the food diet of the poor.

The most acute and challenging problem remains the production of meat, which is the main factor in improving the nutrition of the world's population.

Forecast calculations show that the production and consumption of beef can increase by 2050 by more than 60%, pork - by 77%, poultry meat - 2.15 times. The growth rate of meat production can exceed the growth rate of the population. The possibility of a leading growth of the meat industry in developing countries, which can satisfy internal demand due to own production. In the least developed countries, under these premises, it can be predicted that a significant part of the demand for beef and pork will be satisfied due to internal production, while 40% of the poultry meat consumption will be covered due to imports.

The presented forecasts for the production of basic types of agricultural products suggest that subject to the transfer of agriculture to an innovative, resource-saving trajectory of development during the foreseeable 40-year period can be significantly reduced by the threat of a protracted world food crisis. An even more urgent problem of the global community is to overcome the terrible threat of hunger.

Various options for food consumption forecasts in the world indicate an increase in its level per capita. However, the pace of such growth will slow down. For 30 years (from 1970 to 2000), food consumption in the world (in the energy equivalent) has grown from 2411 to 2789 kcal per person per day, i.e. The increase was 16% or 0.48% on average per year. According to the forecast for 2001-2005, consumption will increase to 2950 kcal, but the increase in 30 years will be only 9% or 0.28% on average per year.

By 2050, an increase in consumption is predicted to the level of 3130 kcal per person per day, and the increase in 20 years will be 3% or 0.15% per year. At the same time, developing countries will increase consumption 5-6 times faster than developed countries. Thanks to this dynamics, the difference in food consumption between different civilizations will be reduced, which should be the basis for a more harmonious and social and stable development of humanity.

Currently, only half of the population is provided with the possibility of full nutrition. 30 years ago in this category included only 4% of the population. By the middle of the century, about 90% of the world's population will be able to consume food at the level of more than 2,700 kcal per day per day.

The achievement of such production parameters is ultra-conceit for world agriculture, given that the transition to an innovative development path is associated with high costs and risks.
3.2 Prospects for the development of agriculture in Russia

According to the dynamics of markets for the main types of food, settlements were carried out for Russia. All the forecast indicators were calculated for the Ten-year horizon from 2009 to 2018. A feature of this forecast is that it used macroeconomic prerequisites that were calculated by the World Bank for all countries of the world.

In the preparation of the forecast, the hypothesis was used that in the next 10 years, GDP growth rates in Russia will be at the level of 4.5%. (The global crisis has already made its adjustments to these and other macroeconomic assessments. Nevertheless, the presented prognosis indicates the objective potential of the Russian agricultural sector).

In accordance with the calculations on the basic forecast, the production of wheat in Russia will gradually increase and reaches 54 million tons by 2018. Such an assessment is largely related to the hypothesis about low yield growth rates (20 c / ha by 2018). At the same time, the average export volumes in the first half of the forecast period will decrease to 8 million tons, and then increase to 12 million in 2018. However, according to the estimates of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and many Russian experts, the growth of yield will occur in a faster pace, which will ensure Large volumes of wheat production and its exports.

The increase in the production of all types of meat is predicted. By 2018, the total meat production will grow to 8.5 million tons (in slaughter weight), including: beef - 2.0 million tons, porks -3.2 million tons, poultry meat - 3.4 million . t. In connection with the growth of production, a decrease in imports in all types of meat is predicted. The greatest reduction is estimated at pork, where the import value by 2018 will be only 130 thousand tons. Imports of beef will decrease to 480 thousand tons, and in poultry meat - up to 1100 thousand. It should be noted that this forecast was developed before the adoption of new quotas on Import meat. Currently, there are already expert assessments in Russia, which suggest the absence of the need to import pork and poultry meat after 2012

The forecasts of the development of the dairy sector are based on the hypothesis on the preservation of existing conservative trends. By 2018, milk production will increase only to the level of 40 million tons. At the same time, the population of dairy cows will grow slightly (up to 10 million goals), Nadodi will make up about 3900 kg from one cow per year. Russian experts believe that the implementation of government programs aimed at supporting the dairy sector will be able to change the situation in this industry, which will achieve higher indicators.

These are some results of predicting the dynamics and structural changes in the agricultural sector of the Russian Federation. Russia has a powerful competitive advantage: extensive land, including the most fertile chernozem, the provision of water resources, the diversity of natural climatic zones and agracaffes from the north to south and from the west to the East. The main problems of the agricultural sector of the country's economy technological lag in many industries and regions; chronic dispensation of prices for agricultural products and means for its production; The undeveloped social infrastructure of the village, which leads to the outflow of the rural population in many regions of the Russian Federation. However, according to the estimates of international and Russian scientific centers, in the near future, it is the agricultural sector of Russia to become one of the main locomotives of the economy due to the modernization of agriculture and its transition to the innovative path of development.

Agriculture remains one of the leading industries in the world economy. On the territory of Sushi, the quality of productive lands varies significantly. Soil fertility depends on many natural factors. The survey conducted by FAO found that the prevailing part of the sushi natural factors limit the possibility of agriculture.

The globalization of the economy with all its contradictions and skews has the potential for the development of ecological protection and cost-effective agriculture. It is able to soften the world food crisis and prevent its terrible form - mass hunger with multi-million-dollar human victims. This requires the development of long-term forecasts of food support of the world's population, as well as the development programs of the agro-industrial complex and food markets for countries and regions. Of particular importance in these programs should belong to the development and development of resource-saving technologies in all spheres related to food support of the population.

In Russia, the path of large-scale modernization of food production with the use of resource-saving technologies, the ecologization of the agricultural sector, using the total potential of selection and genetic studies, as well as ensuring the sustainable development of rural areas. A sufficiently high level of security of the agricultural sector natural resources becomes a strategic competitive advantage of Russia in the medium term.

In the meantime, on the basis of an assessment of agricultural potential, it can be concluded that in general in the countries of the third world, with a low level of investments, 1 hectare may contact - 0.61 people, at an intermediate level - 2.1 people, at a high level - 5.05.

If there is a low level of capital investment in agriculture, then in the coming years, from 117 developing countries, 64 states will be attributed to the category of critical, i.e. Their population will not be provided with food according to FAO and WHO standards.

A serious danger to humanity also lies in the depletion of natural gene pool. This is due to the reduction of cultivated species and varieties used in p. x. and preferential breeding of the most productive and resistant to any negative influence of plants and animals. But the stability of natural biocenoses is primarily in their biodiversity, therefore, in some countries, banks of genes are created, where the breeding of various breeds of livestock and plant species is maintained.

As it turned out, one of the most dangerous for environmental equilibrium effects is also associated with agriculture. Introduction of new species (for example, the fauna of Australia suffered a lot from the import of sheep, rabbits, etc.).

It should also be noted that the active implementation of the newest achievements of biotechnology into the practice of the newest achievements of biotechnology - genetically changed species of plants and animals is not yet the end investigated and the harm to the global economic community.
List of used literature

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at the course "Basics of the economy"

on the topic: "Agriculture - problems and development prospects"


1. State of domestic agriculture

2. Ways to overcome the crisis of APK

3. Trends in the development of world agriculture at the beginning of the XXI century




The relevance of the work is explained by the urgent need to revive Russian agriculture after the destructive reforms of the transition period and the globalization of the problems of world agriculture.

Agriculture is one of the system-forming sectors of the economy of any country. Regardless of soil-climatic conditions, even the most developed industrial countries invest in very large funds in the development of domestic agriculture. Land available in the country are free of this nature with great productive power.

The crisis in agriculture and the decline of its production immediately makes a heavy blow throughout the economy, because it leads to the loss of a huge number of free natural resources, and these losses have to pay for food.

The purpose of this work to identify problems and try to identify the prospects for the development of Russian and world agricultural.

1. State of domestic agriculture

Agriculture is an important part of the Russian economy. It contains 13% of the main production assets, 14% of labor resources, produced about 6% of GDP.

Despite the problems associated with the planned management of the national economy, Russia on the eve of the reform was among the world's largest producers of agricultural products. Her agrarian-industrial complex (AIC) was relatively developed and played a large role in the country's economy.

Most of the territory of Russia lies in the zone of risky agriculture. On large spaces, yields strongly fluctuate depending on weather conditions. Nevertheless, up to the radical reform, begun in 1988, the RSFSR agriculture developed with a high and stable pace. There are objective indicators that are independent of ideological assessments. The population of Russia in relation to the world community did not reach 3%, but the agricultural sector of Russia produced 5.7% of the global volume of meat and grain, 10.3% of milk, 7.6% of eggs. At the same time, Russia was ahead of many countries not only in terms of production, but also on the most objective indicator - the production of products per capita. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in no very best 1990, domestic agriculture, who has not yet entered the reform period, made per capita grain more than in EU countries 1.7 times, potatoes - in 1 , 6 times, milk - 1.2 times, eggs - 2.3 times. Only on meat, production per capita was lower by 17% and in vegetables - 2 times. In terms of growth of food production, the country exceeded many developed states. For example, in three decades (1960-1990) for each 1% population growth accounted for 3% of food growth.

However, due to the weakness of the most important and necessary component - the sphere of processing, storage, transportation and implementation, annually producing a huge amount of products in the state farms and collective farms, the country in the chain "Field-Counseling" lost to 30% of the grain, 60% of potatoes, 10% meat , 15% milk. Consequently, the main reasons for food difficulties were mainly outside the agricultural production itself.

Nevertheless, numerous studies and evaluations showed that in the 1970-1980s. The APC of Russia has become increasingly lagging behind the forefront of the world.

The reforms led to the hardest crisis of all agriculture - and crop production, and animal husbandry.

Reforms meant a revolutionary change in the organization of agricultural production and its relations with related industries, consumers and the state. The reforms changed the social system of Russia in the agriculture and the entire livelihood of the Russian village.

The resulting transition to the market economy led to the need for a complete revision of the principles, methods and forms of state intervention in the agrosphere in order to create conditions in this sector of the economy for the development of entrepreneurial activities, improving the population of food and the growth of its living standards.

In 1990, an exceptional state ownership monopoly on Earth, introduced in 1917 ceased to exist. However, in their consequences, the reforms of the 90s turned out to be significantly radical and destructive to the Russian APK, which was the desire of a democratic government in 1917. It was not so much economic how many political tasks, not so much the construction of some new economic structures and mechanisms how much layer and eliminate existing ones. As the priority goals of agrarian reform, the reorganization of collective farms and state farms, the development of entrepreneurship, creating conditions for attracting foreign investment in the agricultural sector was put forward.

It is characteristic that the transition from exclusively state-cooperative property to the land, which existed until 1991, was carried out to new diverse forms by severe legislative instructions. The priority in the development of the agrarian complex was unquestionedly given to small-handed production, and large farms (collective farms and state farms), which produced most of the commercial products, were practically "outlawed."

Land transformations were carried out under conditions of constantly changing and controversial legislation. The content of reforms changed several times, a lot of real and highly efficient measures were assumed not only in the sphere of agricultural production, but also in the neighboring, which were served or depended on the agricultural sector. However, they remained only with good intentions.

A characteristic feature of agrarian transformations in the transition economy was that the content of the software documents was transformed in practice in the opposite way.

As a result, there were obvious signs of destabilization of the agricultural sector, related mainly to:

· Liberalization of prices, which led to the exacerbation of the disparity of inter-sectoral economic relations and the withdrawal of huge funds from agriculture;

· Privatization of processing and service enterprises and organizations instead of creating conditions for the development of cooperation and agro-industrial integration;

· The orientation into small private production, which did not lead to the formation of more efficient organizational structures;

· Unification of a loan policy that does not take into account the specifics of agriculture, cyclicity of production production, deceleration of capital turnover;

· Forced transition to market relations without the minimum necessary infrastructure, which led to the ousting of the main part of rural producers from the market, the transfer of the distribution function of products to intermediaries, strengthening the monopolized position in the market of processing and trading organizations.

When privatization, it was implied that subsequently the mechanisms of transition of primary distributed property in the hands of effective users will be established. Such mechanisms were not created, therefore, a significant part of the land and fixed assets without any use was practically ceasing their normal functioning of farms. From positive transformations, it can be noted that joint-stock companies were created on the basis of reorganized collective farms and state farms, partnerships with limited liability, agricultural production cooperatives, association of peasant (farmer) farms, collective agricultural enterprises. It was formed in the infancy of the farm sector.

By the beginning of the XXI century, the following problems were marked:

· About 30 million hectares of land were derived from agricultural turnover;

· The removal of nutrients from the soil significantly exceeded their application with fertilizers;

· The arrival of decay of landlocative systems;

· The growth of the area of \u200b\u200bpopulated soils;

· Technical degradation of the agricultural sector;

The provision of enterprises in agricultural machinery decreased by 40-60%. Wear technology reached 75%. The rate of its annual disposal is 3-4 times ahead of the pace of the upgrade. When saving such a tendency in a few years there will have nothing to do mechanized work.

Debts of agricultural enterprises exceed the annual revenue from the sale of all products of agriculture. 55% of agricultural enterprises remained unprofitable. Over the years of reforms, government capital investments decreased by 20 times.

The formation of a market agrarian structure based on the reorganization of collective farms and state farms was primarily a political task and could not help in solving economic difficulties. The growth of the number of farms and the creation on the basis of collective farms and state farms of new forms of business could not neutralize the destructive actions of the dispensation of prices, market elements, self-sustaining from the implementation of many objectively necessary control functions.

The very idea of \u200b\u200bfarming as a political and ideological counterweight is the former socialist structure itself, and not as the usual attribute of the market economy and the means of replenishing the country's food fund and the revenues of the rural population. The idea of \u200b\u200bfarming as the only acceptable and most effective form of agrarian production for Russia was not just an erroneous, but also a detrimental.

Experts even at the beginning of this political economic experiment warned about the lack of small farming prospects in the era of large-scale production, the concentration and specialization of production become the main factors of the spraying of the Earth and Capital in the period when the main factors of improving the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex are concentration and specialization of production. Crushing a large producer on a variety of small, destroys production and its technology. Each new formation is economically weaker than the whole, and small commercial production does not allow economically growing in a short period of time. The practice of Russia confirmed that without the creation of relevant conditions and infrastructure, the idea of \u200b\u200b"fermerization" of agriculture is doomed to failure.

The lack of a scientifically based program began transformations that relevant reform mechanisms created a threat to agricultural transformations in Russia. Currently, the APK of Russia is experiencing a crisis due to the general socio-economic crisis in the country, subjective mistakes in agri-food policies and the inevitable consequences of its implementation.

The agricultural crisis has greatly influenced the factors of macroeconomic policies of the last almost two decades.

The most important of them were:

· Elimination of the USSR and a violation of perennial interregional and intersectoral economic relations;

· Building drug disparistics for production facilities and realized products;

· Liberalization of prices, and, above all, energy;

· Significant reduction in the investment activity of the state and loss of monetary control;

· Ambulance, unprepared and ill-conceived privatization, not taking into account the territorial and sectoral specifics of the national economy, especially in agriculture;

· The destruction of the existing management system of the national economy without creating its new forms, adequate to the requirements of the development of market relations, including those who contribute to the implementation of agricultural reform.

Objective difficulties of reforming, the established macroeconomic situation and subjective errors in conducting reforms led to a significant decline in the production and consumption of food. The volume of agricultural production decreased over the past years almost twice. The import of food, especially meat and vegetable oil has increased dramatically. In recent years, the shower consumption of products has fallen almost 2 times, and the total caloric content of food decreased by a third.

The estimated reform results were not achieved mainly due to the fact that they were directed mainly on the legal reorganization of enterprises, and not to the institutional transformation of the market and the organization of its infrastructure, the market regulation system was also not created.

Modern institutional transformations should be aimed at improving the forms of management, the creation of optimal market production structures, the most competitive in market conditions and ensuring maximum implementation of participants' capabilities in their economic activities.

In the transition period, when an imperfect market mechanism still does not provide self-regulating reproduction processes, but it is not able to even stabilize the situation and prevent the further collapse of the agricultural economy, which is necessary to comply with the principle of the combination of indicativity (recommendations) and policy maker. However, the most effective means of impact on rural enterprise are methods of economic support, when instead of appeals or prescriptions for the private sector, the conditions for obtaining greater profits are created (mainly at the expense of budgetary funds).

The most important principles of state regulation, acquiring special importance in the conditions of the crisis economy, are:

· Material support for agricultural producers;

· Agrarian protectionism;

· Combination of economic and social goals.

In Russia, state support measures for rural entrepreneurship should not be limited to budget subsidies and compensation. The most important role is played by the provision of starting assistance to rural entrepreneurs, including guarantees of newly created farms, as well as supporting the formation of industrial infrastructure, promoting the formation and development of reformed agricultural enterprises.

If we consider the structure of the economy of agriculture from the point of view of the proportions of various ownership models, then private farms are owned by the actual entities of the economic relations of the capitalist type, which demonstrated not only the ability to survive, but also to succeed in harsh market conditions. Such farms producers today give about 45% of the total volume of agricultural products. These include: agroholdings and equity enterprises, farms, commodity houses Sellian, as well as small business in rural areas in a wide variety of forms: private flour and bakeries, oil refrigeration, repair shops, etc. The presence of agroholdes in the economy of agriculture testifies to the invasion Industrial principles of production into the system traditionally aimed at the implementation of patriarchal ways to work on Earth. It is about the preservation, promotion and development of a special connection of the worker with its land, on the presence of a significant personal point in economic processes, which has always gave convincing results of economical, careful and profitable management.

Meanwhile, agricultural holdings are held in the economy of agriculture, which are powerful vertically integrated structures, including both production and processing, and sales of products. Naturally, all this requires large means. They come to the countryside as investors interested in cycle closure by closing the processes of processing and implementing agricultural products with its production. And this activity of agroholding is decisive in their assessment. The development of any type of agricultural household needs to be careful patronization by the state. It is necessary to restore not only the agricultural system of household type, but also lost during the years of Soviet power the psychology of the land owner, which, of course, requires considerable time and effort.

Nevertheless, despite all the difficulties of the transition period, large agricultural producers continue to exist. We are indisputable that at the end of the twentieth century. About 90% of them were unprofitable, but even during this period are known, although quite rare, examples of well-being and even prosperity. Nevertheless, it is possible to state a significant improvement in the situation of large manufacturers in the institutional plan. In many indicators of economic activities, representatives of this type of farms have already ceased to be monopolists. In addition, large farms are no longer the basis of social life and life in rural areas. And finally, they turned into land users from the landowners.

2 . Ways to overcome the crisis of the APK

The development of agriculture is one of the few sectoral expert areas in the activities of the Center for Special Development (CSR). The inclusion of it in the list of developments of the Center is due to a number of reasons allocate agriculture from the entire list of industries. First of all, this is a sector that provides the country's population with essential essential goods - food. Secondly, Russia, by virtue of huge areas suitable for agriculture, objectively has all the possibilities for the development of the agri-coherent competitive in the world markets. Thirdly, the problem of poverty is closely connected with agriculture - in the village, the proportion of poor people significantly exceeds the figures for cities.

Based on this understanding, the CCR was organized working group to develop and consolidate the legislation of new principles of state policy on the village. The first law was devoted to the formulation of tasks, principles and tools of state agri-food policy, the second contained specific programs for supporting the agri-food sector. Such a division as a whole corresponds to world practice.

In recent years, the current government of the Russian Federation tried to take into account and rethink errors made in the first years of the transition period. Now agriculture in our country develops within the framework of the national project "Development of the APK".

The priority directions of development of this project is:

· Accelerated animal development;

· Stimulating the development of small forms of management;

· Providing an affordable housing of young families and young professionals on the village.

The main goal of the project is the forced development of animal husbandry and an increase in the production of meat and milk for the gradual replacement of imported meat and dairy products. Within the framework of the whole of Russia, the task was raised to increase the production of milk by 4.5%, meat - by 7%.

The implementation of the first direction of the national project will increase the profitability of animal husbandry, to conduct a technical re-equipment of existing livestock complexes (farms) and put into operation new capacities.

This will be possible due to:

· Improving the availability of long-term loans attracted for up to 8 years;

· Growth supplies according to the system of federal leasing of breeding livestock, technology and equipment for animal husbandry;

· Improving customs and tariff regulation measures;

The second direction of the National Project is aimed at an increase in the volume of production produced by peasant (farmer) farms and citizens leading personal subsidiary farm.

It is intended to be achieved by:

· Cheaper the credit resources attracted by small forms of managing APK;

· Development of small-scale service infrastructure in the APK - network of agricultural consumer cooperatives (procurement, supply, sales, processing, credit).

The implementation of the third direction will ensure the available housing of young specialists (or their families) on the village, will create conditions for the formation of effective personnel potential of the agro-industrial complex.

The most organically fit into the global agricultural market will help Russia's accession to the World Trade organization (WTO).

To date, negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO are completed with all participating countries, except Vietnam, Georgia and Cambodia. Support for Russian agriculture was one of the most important topics of these negotiations. Already achieved agreement on access to the Russian market for agricultural products. All products produced in Russia (all types of meat, milk, oil, sugar) customs tariffs will remain unchanged after joining the WTO. The goods that are not produced in our country, the Russian side made concessions on tariffs. In signed documents, the basic indicator of state support for agriculture was taken for 1993-1995 and is approximately 9 billion US dollars, and in the next 2 years there will be no increase in import quotas. In general, speaking about the consequences of the WTO entry for the economy and for agriculture of Russia in particular, on the calculations of economists, the negative impact on the agricultural sphere is not expected from this step.

At the moment there is a non-marketing of the agricultural sector of the market. Wholesale prices for agricultural products are reduced, and retailers increase, including due to an increase in the import of these goods from abroad.

In our opinion, when joining the WTO, the federal authorities should reduce imported quotas for these goods, eliminate the neulty of deliveries in time and stop illegal food supply channels to Russia.

Only with state support of Russian agriculture, it will be able to produce competitive products in the WTO.

In the formation of a strategy for the development of agriculture, it will not take into account the experience of leading developed countries.

For example, in the US, the state provides subsidies from the federal budget in the event of a decrease in market prices for agricultural products below the guaranteed price level. A special government organization for guaranteed prices takes deposit from producers agricultural products and in case the market prices exceed the mortgage, the manufacturer redeems its product and sells it in the market. If the prices are below mortgage rates, the goods are owned by a government organization. Thus, the United States, being the largest exporter Agrindroduks, by supporting its own manufacturers, takes effective measures to preserve such a global gap, as a result of which the own manufacturer does not remain in the loss, and the level of world prices remain under control. Agriculture Crisis Commodity Produce

The mechanism of pricing in the EU, developed for each type of agricultural product and for each region. Several price categories are established - indicative prices defined by communities as desirable, minimum import prices or thresholds, minimum selling prices guaranteed by the manufacturer of interventions, official organizations. The existence of the threshold price protects the market from imports, the price of intervention guarantees the minimum income to manufacturers. Thus, protectionism at the EU borders protects manufacturers from sharp jolts of the global market. The thoughtful EU agriculture allowed for 10-15 years to pass the way from the importer of agricultural products to the position of close to the self-sufficiency and the second world exporter.

3. Trends in the development of global ruralFarms at the beginning of the twentieth century

According to economists by 2010 in developed countries, a relatively low increase in food consumption is expected: 2-2.5%. In the developing countries, a sharp increase in consumption volumes is expected. This is primarily concerning the countries of the Asian region and some countries of Latin America. Also expected growth in consumption of products in countries former USSR, Central countries and of Eastern Europe.

The scientific press published a lot of forecasts of agricultural development in the 21st century. All futurologists and practices converge on the fact that revolutionary changes are coming. As progress in the agrotechnology, food needs will change, it will become more, and it will cost it less. In the late 1960s of the XX century, about a third of their income, Americans spent on food. Now they have only 10% for them. People can afford much more. So, about half the need for food Americans satisfy out at home - in cafes, restaurants, in the enterprise system fast food. Rising income will lead to consumers will want not only delicious, but also healthy foods. Food of the new type will simultaneously contain vaccines from diseases, and have a number of other positive qualities. The increase in the population of the planet must contribute to the development of agriculture, since it will be necessary to satisfy not only the urgent needs, but also the tastes of people of various nationalities and ages. Rural producers need to constantly improve their products, offer new types of healthier food. Only in this case they will have a cloudless future.

Agriculture will be forced to adapt to market conditions of increasingly globalized world economy, since a tough financial policy does not allow maintaining the necessary market measures. In farms, the trend towards economic growth will continue. First of all, you will have to reduce production costs by efficient use of agricultural machinery. Production and sale of specific regional products, as well as environmentally friendly products, becomes one of the substantial sources of income. In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, there are exceptionally favorable conditions for the effective competitive production of wheat, rapeseed or pork, the dynamic development of production is ensured, achievements are used in the development of biology and technology, integration production activities and public assessment of peasant labor. In the past 25 years, labor costs have decreased by three-quarters, the trend towards their decrease by 50% is projected by 2010. Despite the population growth, the level of food prices in world markets will mainly be maintained at the present level due to the lack of solvent Demand in developing countries. Losses can be coated partly by the results of technical development and lower prices for material and technical means. Disputes in environmental issues are increasingly acquiring an objective nature. Cooperation and multi-sectoral production will help reduce the pressure on cost reduction. The efficiency of large farms will continue at a high level. The agricultural economy will continue the concentration of capital. The role of agrarian production will be much more multilateral. Technical development will lead to the fact that the role of information and communication technology in the organization of production and markets will grow. Economic ability to use biology and gene technology will increase. The latter applies in animal husbandry more slowly than in crop production. It is not a problem increase in the production or preservation of the harvest assembled. It is important to improve product quality, favorable formation of the structure of proteins, improving the quality of sugars and vegetable oils. The solution of these tasks requires significant fundamental research, which will allow you to create new varieties of crops and animal breeds providing high-quality and quantitative growth in production. The need for a growing population in food will have to satisfy with smaller areas, when spending a smaller amount of water and in a worsening environment.

In many countries, food production is subsidized. Financial support in the calculation of 1 hectares of agricultural land in the EU countries is 500 dollars, in the USA - about 100, in Russia - only $ 2, although in the 80s we had more subsidies for 1 hectares than In the US (approximately $ 150-200). With an existing economic situation in Russia, count in the near future at subsidies of more than $ 20 / hectare is simply unrealistic. Today they can be no more than 10% of the cost of agricultural products, and this is practically the requirement of self-sufficiency. These are the real conditions. Therefore, in order to ensure self-sufficiency of agriculture and at the same time preserve the conditions of reproduction, it is necessary to increase at least 2 times the efficiency of grain production. This must be done both by reducing material and financial costs and by increasing yields.

According to FAO, the reality is that food production in the coming years can be provided by massive investments in the water distribution system. The reason is that 70% of fresh water goes to the needs of agriculture. Already mentioned the limited water resources. In addition, they are struggling and from other sectors of the economy. Therefore, agriculture turns out to be in a difficult situation - it is necessary to produce more food and better quality with less use of water and without prejudice to ecology. Sustainable economic growth in most developing countries can be provided only through powerful agriculture. For growth of agrarian production, significant private and government investments in infrastructure, technology, the water use system of peasants need to be carried out. According to FAO specialists, the locomotive of agricultural production growth is the improvement of the water use system.

One of the global problems of modern agriculture is the redistribution of agricultural production products - food. The main problem of humanity is to distribute food. Despite the unprecedented increase in the level of prosperity in the world, then in one, in another region there is hunger. In some countries of Asia and especially Africa, there is a particularly catastrophic situation with food due to civil conflicts and a huge number of refugees and displaced persons. If highly developed states experiencing excess food want to maintain their standard of living, they should help developing countries. Because the semi-wild population will not stop the Mediterranean Sea, nor the Atlantic Ocean. Hungry will rush to where there is food and well-being.

The most important prerequisite for the adequate reaction of the world community for hunger is to develop an appropriate understanding of the economy of a food problem. In Africa, for example, there are plenty of opportunities to expand food production, but this requires a relevant economic policy (including research work in the agricultural sector, institutional reforms and changes in relative prices). Modern agriculture also places high hopes for biotechnology, "Genna Revolution".


Agriculture is an essential element of world economy, providing the population of the Earth with food products. Russian agriculture after staying under stagnation in the 70-80s. The XX century, when the outlines of the upcoming crisis have already emerged, has been destructive exposed to the reforms of the 90s.

The transformation was carried out under conditions of constantly changing and controversial legislation and spontaneous price liberalization. The head of the corner was not set not to create something new, but the destruction of the old one. This led to the emergence of numerous problems to the beginning of the 20th century: the removal of huge areas from agricultural turnover, land degradation, agricultural machinery, processing sector (which did not work very well during socialism).

To exit the crisis, the Government has developed a number of measures in recent years, within the framework of the national project "Development of the APK". The leading directions of this project are the accelerated development of animal husbandry, stimulating the development of small forms of management, ensuring the affordable housing of young families and young professionals in the village.

As the capitalist trends are implemented in the economy, the capitalist trends began to belong to private forms of agricultural production (up to 45%). Support for the state is also needed in this direction.

For Russia, it is obvious that success is possible only when state regulation and agrarian policies take into account the value orientations of the rural population, the behavior of its various groups, socio-psychological and national characteristics in many decades.

In recent years, there has been a number of problems in the globalizing system of world economy. This is the problem of uneven redistribution of the products of the agricultural sector, which planning water resources that are of paramount importance in agriculture. In general, in developed countries (US, EU), agriculture develops quite successfully, withdrawing these countries in leading exporters of agricultural products, new technologies in the field of biochemistry and genetics are being introduced.

There are hopes that Russia as a result of a more thoughtful holding of economic policy and the likely accession to the WTO, will be able to take a worthy place in the system of world agriculture.


1. Dobrynin V.P. On the concept of the development of agriculture of Russia. - M.: MCS, 2006.

2. Kara-Murza S.G. Economic reforms in Russia 1999-2001 - M.: Algorithm 2002.

3. The course of the transition economy // Ed. L.I. Abalkin. - M.: Finstatinform, 2007.

4. Course economic theory: Tutorial // Ed. A.V. Sidorovich. - M.: Dis, 2001

5. P. P. P.A. New problems of world agriculture. // "Peasant Vedomosti", 2007, №10

6. Sergeev D.V. Institutional Features of Agriculture in post-Personal Russia - M.: 2003.

7. Serov E.V. Agricultural economy. - M.: GU HSE, 1999.

8. The theory of the transition economy: textbook // Ed. I.P. Nikolaova. - M.: Prospekt, 2001.

9. Transition Economy // Ed. V.V. Radaeva, A.V. Buzgar. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2005.

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The development of the agricultural (and food) production of Russia occurs against the background of a favorable global situation and improving the economic conditions in the agrarian sphere through the implementation of the priority national project "Development of the APK".

Measures adopted in recent years aimed at improving the socio-economic situation in the agrarian sphere have made it possible to form a tendency to increase product production and improve the efficiency of agricultural production. The average annual growth rate in five years from 2003 to 2007 amounted to 102.7 percent.

Significant changes occurred in macroeconomic policies. Credit resources were more accessible to agricultural producers, investment activity in agriculture increased. The average annual growth rate of investments in the five-year period amounted to 122.5 percent.

The factors that limit the development were the low level of energy and stock, chemicalization, insufficient level of agrotechnical culture, a shortage of qualified specialists, the underdevelopment of the infrastructure of the domestic market (elevators, slaughter, etc.).

Among the factors that potentially contribute to the successful development of the sector in the Middle-term perspective, it should be noted:

Expansion of demand, including technological, for feed crops, significantly increases the commercial prospects for domestic agriculture, as poor quality cultures are significantly more suitable for growing risky agriculture in areas that make up the bulk of the land reserve;

Price growth in world markets increases the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products and gives financial opportunities for mass technological modernization of the agro-industrial complex;

The lack of restrictions on sowing grounds - significant sowing areas in the eastern part of the country have not yet been developed, which gives additional resources in the event of a growing demand for food.

The search for new technologies for the production of biofuels (both the first and subsequent generations) gives research and in the field of energy, and in the field of agrotechnology in Russia an additional commercial incentive;

The food industry over the past five years has also demonstrated a stable growth dynamics supported by the increasing consumer demand, the investment attractiveness of the sector, the expansion of the export capabilities and the development of the raw material base. The average annual growth rate of food production for 2003-2007 amounted to 105.4 percent. As in agriculture, individual segments of the industry showed different dynamics. The acceleration of growth rates, especially in 2005-2006, was observed in the development of the beetral sector, the oil and fat, meat segment of food.

The most characteristic trends in development food industry First of all, associated with the consolidation of assets, the formation of large companies (for example, the oil and fat sector), as well as the continuing formation of vertically-integrated links and shocks on world agri-food markets.

The structure of Russian exports of food decreased the share of oil separation exports in the expansion of exports of sunflower oil. The volume of exports of flour confectionery, chocolate and products containing cocoa increased.

Despite the fact that the increase in agri-food exports overtook the growth of imports, Russia still retains the traditional position of the net importer of food products. Meat supplies are still the main article of the entire agri-food import.

The limited capabilities of domestic manufacturers can not fully satisfy the growing domestic demand due to the growth of money incomes of the population, which can lead to the conservation of relatively high growth rates of food imports.

In this regard, the main goals of state policy in the long run are:

ensuring the needs of the population by agricultural products and food through domestic production;

increase the competitiveness of the domestic agricultural complex, effective importation in the market of livestock products and creating a developed export potential (especially in crop production);

improvement and increase in productivity used in agricultural production of land and other natural resources.

In 2020, in relation to 2007, the level of food production will increase by 1.9 times.

Gross grain collection in 2020 can reach at least 120-125 million tons as a result of a yield growth with 19.8 c / ha in 2007 to at least 26-28 c / ha in 2020 and expanding their sowing areas . At the same time, the potential level of grain production based on the use of intensive technologies and high agrotechnical culture will allow Russia to turn into one of the leading exporters on the global grain market.

By 2020, Russia can reach the level of shower consumption of meat, milk, corresponding to the recommended rational norm. Meat production will increase 1.7 times, milk - by 27%. The share of imports in meat resources will decrease from 34% in 2007 to 12% in 2020, the share of milk imports in resources - from 17% to 12%, respectively. Meat consumption will be almost completely satisfied due to its own production.

Restrictions on the development of food production are related to:

the imperfection of the mechanism of state and, above all, the customs tariff regulation of the food market;

underdeveloped product production infrastructure, especially in the meat and making sector;

dependence on import supplies of raw materials and fluctuations in world prices;

the insufficient development of the raw material base and the conservation of the supply of high-quality raw materials for processing;

incomplete work on the development of technical regulations.

In particular, the main limitations of the development of the fishery complex are: the technological backwardness of production, the high degree of depreciation of fixed assets Low investment attractiveness of the fishing industry, the imperfection of the legislation on water bioresurs, a high level of poaching.

The competitive advantages of the food industry include:

fast and steady growth of markets and their big scales, as the essential factors of the investment attractiveness of the industry;

update on average in the industry over half of production facilities;

dynamic development of auxiliary and serving industries (containers and packaging, logistics and marketing services).

Depending on the completeness and sequence of agricultural policy measures, the level of state support for agricultural producers, the rates of technological renewal of agricultural production and the level of material and technical support for the development of agriculture, internal and external demand for agricultural products are possible to predict two variants of development.

Table 47 - Factors defining agricultural development


Rost factors

(inertial option)

Additional growth factors

(innovative option)


Improving the efficiency of the use of potential existing in agricultural production.

Continuation of state support for agricultural producers at the prevailing level.

The growing demand for agricultural products of reroying enterprises and the consumer market.

Continuation of institutional and land transformations.

Attracting qualified personnel in the village.

Development and improving the markets for agricultural products and logistical resources.

Accelerating the pace of mastering new technologies relevant to world standards, the completion of the renewal of the farm equipment and equipment in crop production and animal husbandry.

Increased investment in fixed assets.

Completeness and sequence of agricultural policy measures, increasing the level of state support for agricultural producers.

Favorable global conjuncture.

The inertial version of the development of agriculture is characterized by a slow transition from extensive forms of agricultural production to intensive technologies.

By 2020, the growth of produced products was predicted at 120-125% compared to 2007. The indicated production growth rate will be achieved in conditions of not enough high growth rates of investment opportunities of agriculture and, accordingly, insufficient growth in the material and technical equipment of agricultural production and the development of progressive resource-saving technologies and solving social problems of the village.

According to the innovation option, it is planned to implement a full amount of measures defined by the state program for the development of agriculture and regulating the markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2008-2012.

Increased investment in agriculture due to improving the availability of loans, development institutions that will implement major projects on the principles of project financing, the active involvement of financial institutions (Rosagroleasing, Rosselkhozbank, etc.), lending on the security of acquired equipment and equipment, tribal products, objects improved construction and other mechanisms that simplify investment attracting. For the period from 2008 to 2012, the volume of credit resources aimed at technical and technological upgrades may exceed 250 billion rubles.

Investments in fixed assets at the expense of all sources of funding by 2020 will increase compared with 2007 5 times. In the structure of investments in agriculture on major and secondary organizations in 2020, about 30%, animal husbandry - 50 percent, will account for crop production. By 2020, the volume of investments at their own funds may increase to 925 billion rubles against 85.3 billion rubles in 2007. Attracted funds in 2020 may exceed 1900 billion rubles against 148.2 billion rubles in 2007. The acquisition of machinery and equipment will account for about 46% of the total investments, the construction of buildings (except for residential) and facilities - 30-35 percent. The share of investments to acquire breeding cattle from 11% in 2007 to 17-20% in 2020 will increase.

The implementation of measures to intensify crop and animal husbandry, reducing material and labor costs will significantly improve the economic indicators of agricultural development.

Table 48 - Food Industry Development Factors


Production growth factors

(inertial option)

Additional growth factors

(innovative option)

Production food products, including drinks, and tobacco

Attracting investment funds

Population demand for food

Development of raw materials

Implementation of customs and tariff regulation measures

Large-scale application of innovative technologies

Acceleration of the development and application of technical regulations for the food industry

Expansion of the range of products

The emergence or further development of new food industry markets

Intensive dynamics of agricultural production

Improving the quality characteristics of raw materials

Favorable global conjuncture

The inertial version of the food market is characterized by an increase in consumer demand for food, a low level of competitiveness of domestic products, an average level of investment activity and a relatively high degree of dependence of the Russian food market from imports.

The production of food products in 2020 will grow to the level of 2007 1.6 times.

By 2020, more than 900 billion rubles of investment funds will be brought to the industry (1.9 times higher than the 2007 level), of which more than 500 billion rubles will be sent to technological modernization.

The innovative development scenario is focused on the sustainable consumer demand for food, the formation of a new consumption culture, a large-scale investment, aimed at the technological modernization of production.

According to estimates, the dynamics of food imports are constrained by the sufficiently strong competitive positions of Russian manufacturers supported by the active investment policy, which will lead to a greater orientation of domestic demand for domestic goods and a slowdown in import growth (import substitution).

The level of food production in 2020 in relation to 2007 will increase by 1.9 times.

By 2020, the industry will be attracted to the industry about 1150 billion rubles (2.9 times to 2007), of which more than 640 billion rubles will be directed to technological upgrades. The level of use of production facilities will reach 85% against 70% in 2007.

Improving the raw material base and the use of modern technologies will be influenced by the growth of meat products. The saturation of the domestic market with domestic raw materials (pork and bird) will affect the decline in the share of pork imports in resources in 2020 to 7-10% against 24.9% in 2007, birds, respectively - 14% and 39.5 percent. As a result of rapid upgrades and capacity building in effective poultry household companies, Russia will be able to qualify for the role of a noticeable exporter of poultry meat.

The growth of internal and external demand, the projected rise in prices for dairy products will have a stimulating effect on the dairy sector. The export of dairy products will increase by 2 times. Promising prospects for producers of dairy products are opened in part of its exports to the markets of Southeast Asia, experiencing restriction in their own resources for milk production.

By 2020, Russia may reach the level of shower consumption of meat and milk corresponding to the recommended rational norm.

High prices for sunflower seeds in 2007, caused by low yield of 2007 against the background of the growing capacity of Russian oil extraction plants, stimulated manufacturers to significantly expand in 2008 sowing areas under this culture. The growth trend of sunflower production and, as a result, sunflower oil will continue in 2009-2020.

The tendency to increase the production of rapeseed oil against the background of the development of the market for alternative energy sources is formed. Further prospects for the development of the domestic rapeseed market and rapeseed oil will directly depend on the policy of the European Union's policies regarding the increase or decrease in the production of biofuels and possible changes in the export duty on rapeseed seeds.

Given the high demand for vegetable oils, in the aggregate, the production of vegetable oils in 2020 compared with 2007 will grow by 29 percent.

The sugar sector provides for a further reduction in raw sugar processing (in 2020 by 2007 - about 64%) and, accordingly, a significant increase in the production of domestic beet sugar (about 129%). The share of sugar imports in resources will be reduced from 39% in 2007 to 20% in 2020.

The predicted growth of flour production is characterized by the moderate development of the market and is determined by the demand of bakery and confectionery enterprises, catering and retailers. Expansion of external demand can be a factor that ensures the growth of the fleet industry. A new trend is already being formed - the export of flour to Central Asia.

Table 49 - Production of the main types of food


2020 g by 2007,%

2020 g by 2010,%

Food production, including drinks, and tobacco,%

Meat, including sub-products 1 categories, thousand tons

Oil animal, thousand tons

Fat cheeses (including cheese), thousand tons

Sugar sand - total, thousand tons

from it Sugar Sugar Sugar. Beets, thousand tons

Oil vegetable, thousand tons

Flour, million tons

Crupes, thousand tons

Table 50 - Indicators of Development of APK


2007 report

by 2007 in%

UD. Weight import in product resources,%:

Meat and meat products

Milk and milk products

Sugar sand

Export grains, million tons.

Consumption per capita, kg:

Meat and meat products

Milk and milk products

The main challenges and risks of the favorable sector development are associated with the action of the following factors:

Significant growth in domestic food prices. Restoration of parity at prices for traded food and through them - on nuppie food - a natural process, which in the long run will end in the parity of the internal and external prices for food. The risk here is excessive growth for the case when the production of biofuels or other competing use of agricultural land becomes in the short term more profitable than the cultivation of food;

The rise in prices in world markets increases the price competitiveness of domestic agricultural products, that is, with financial opportunities significantly reduces the incentives of the technological modernization of the agro-industrial complex.

An overly extensive way to expand agricultural production in the conditions of state policy, not aimed at intensifying production, is delayed and significantly slows down the growth of labor productivity, and therefore income of the population.

The need for mass technological and, as a result, structural (reduction of excessive employment) modernization of agriculture. If this risk is implemented, Russian agriculture will not be able to increase the issue when global demand will exist on its products, and may remain uncompetitive in the long run.

In the medium term, the development of the AIC will be determined by the following factors:

preservation and maintenance of soil fertility;

creating economic conditions to agricultural producers for investing in modernization and technical re-equipment of production;

state support for agriculture, improving state support forms;

increasing the financial stability of agriculture and solvency of agricultural producers;

improving the organization of production and labor, raising the level of employment, motivation and remuneration;

creation of a system of state information support in the field of agriculture;

settlement of land relations;

improving the mechanisms for regulating the markets for the agricultural market, raw materials and food.

In the long term, the development of the AIC will be determined by:

improvement of the zonal agriculture system and an increase in the volume of making mineral fertilizers (110-117 kg / ha);

essential (up to 35-40 percent of the seed area) by expanding the seed areas of high-yielding crops;

improvement of the breed composition of livestock, the expansion of a network of tribal farms;

implementation of measures to stimulate accelerated restoration of cattle livestock;

improving the structure of concentrated feeds used in animal husbandry by increasing the share of balented in all components of the feed and raising the return on feed on this basis;

an increase in the development of modern automated livestock and poultry technologies, which will ensure the growth of their productivity to the level approximated to the indicators of the world's leading manufacturers of livestock products, increase its competitiveness and implement import substitution in projected volume;

the active implementation of social programs on the village.

Further development of food markets is viewed in the context of the growth of solvent supply of the population, the trends of the world market and the possible strengthening of positions in the foreign market, mainly due to the CIS countries. There is a possibility of growth of value added not due to the growth of physical volumes, but due to shifts in the structure of production towards more expensive goods.

Significant food industry growth opportunities supported by the forced development of agricultural production will allow Russia to take their own niche of the global market in such types of products such as sunflower oil, milk powder, an animal oil, poultry meat.

The implementation of the unique natural-economic potential of the country, the intensification of agricultural production will allow Russia to enter into the number of world market leaders in such types of products, such as grain, flabbling and products of "environmental agriculture".

At the same time, in the long run, it is possible to strengthen the role of large and medium-sized agricultural organizations that have great opportunities to concentrate the production and use of resource-saving technologies than in personal subsidiary farms of the population.

Our country is huge. The climate on its territory is different. Diversified animal and vegetable world, geographic conditions and soils. And everywhere, people pay themselves to the benefit of the natural features of their edge, it is better to worry better, treat the Earth and its wealth to the land and cities, carry out roads and power lines, brave the river dams ...

But, like hundreds of years ago, did not go to the back of the care of bread, care for the crop. True, she acquired a new sound today. Miners and metallurgists, chemists and technologists, designers and meteorologists came to the aid of farmers who created powerful modern agrarian industrial complexes.

Nowadays, the country is able to invest new funds into agricultural production, and she waits from the workers to the village of greater return. The grand prospects for the development of agriculture are not easy for the coming years, but for a longer perspective. Without such a real estimate of the future, the continued progress of the entire national economy of the country is unthinkable. But, in turn, the implementation of these plans is impossible without comprehensive scientific work in various fields, in one way or another contacting with agricultural production.

The fact that the center of attention is as before, the production of grain production remains quite natural. The cultivation of bread crops - wheat, corn, rice, barley, rye, oats, - many cereal and leguminous crops are carried out on huge areas, the attention of the multi-millionth army of the workers of the village was aimed at growing bread, with its production, the solution of many other issues of national economy is associated with its production.

It took the time when these issues could be solved within the framework of purely agrarian sciences, as some of the agrobiologists have repeated not so long ago. Now, when the level of yields sharply increased, simple agricultural techniques are no longer able to provide the amount of grain we need. Output from this position one: an in-depth study of the vital activity of organisms, clarifying patterns that determine the complex of economic valuable signs of plants.

Today, little to give agricultures good varieties. We still need to learn to implement this potential in practice. And for this, it should be equally comprehensively examined by the physiology and biochemistry of developing plants, find out how to create the best conditions for their growth, harvesting, how to "feed" cultures, how to treat crops. It follows that agricultural science should rise to a qualitatively different level - become complex. The activities of specialists of some disciplines must be agreed with the possibilities and plans of others. This entails increasing the role of planning the upcoming scientific developments, the role of coordination of the efforts of scientists of different branches of science.

There is another factor that determines the increase in the role of fundamental science in the development of agriculture. Today we can no longer satisfy a simple increase in yield. Since now the problems of agricultural productivity are put forward to the fore. It is necessary that in a unit of production, and above all in the grain, contained the required number of certain types of molecules - proteins, fats, carbohydrates ... so that the proteins carry the optimal amount of amino acids so that the fats contain the oil we need.

Thus, the problems of crop and production of grain can be solved today only with the registration of new requirements. In our society, the challenge has long been outdated: feed people. Another problem has become on the agenda - to give full-fledged food and fodder products, best satisfying the biological needs of man and animals. It is also necessary to know how to know how to treat collected agricultural products in order not to lose the necessary substances.

A huge role is given to the introduction of achievements of molecular biology in agriculture. Without them, it is already unthinkable to solve the urgent tasks set in front of the agrarian sector of our economy. Molecular biology already now gives a lot to raise the production of grain and, in particular, to develop methods for improving its quality. Theoretical surveys in this area, which led to outstanding discoveries, changed the face of all modern biology. New knowledge is already applied in practice, because only on this path of comprehensive study of the finest patterns of metabolism in cells can be hoped to find real approaches to a further increase in the productivity of agriculture and obtaining high-quality products. All this changed the usual ideas about many sciences, and above all about the selection of plants, which is experiencing the second birth in our days.

But not only by the success of the selection receives a man plant food and bread. Botanists are looking for in nature such plants that could expand the set of cultivated species, biochemists develop the best ways to extract useful substances. Microbiologists create a cheap "microbial" protein. Those who are trying to get plant food, not inferior, and sometimes superior in their nutritional, utility, taste, traditional types of food products are coming in various ways. Introducing new technological operations, scientists eliminate protein losses when processing grain in a croup and flour. Using enzymatic transformations, protein concentrates are obtained. This constant struggle for food sources for people and feed for livestock is permeated with the search for keys to the disclosure of the secrets of the genetic cipher, the molecular device of various cellular structures and formations. Thus, reflections of scientists on the issue of reserves of food receptions are closed with the efforts of those who seek to grow large crops, give the varieties of new properties, improve the quality of the grain.

Mortified our idea of \u200b\u200bbread. This is not only grain in the covers, not only a baked bunch, or fragrant porridge, or a fodder concentrate in animal feeders. This is the most important product used in the food industry, and raw materials for many other industries. Each of these types of raw materials need its own grain - high-protein or, on the contrary, enriched with starch or oils. Therefore, it is so different, differentiated scientists working on these problems.


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