Competitiveness improvement program on the example of the dhow. Dhow Competitiveness Enhancement System. Assessment of segments by the criterion "attractiveness"

Image of a preschool educational institution as a means of increasing competitiveness in the market educational services.
There is no side of upbringing that the situation is not
would have an impact, there is no ability that would not be directly dependent on the concrete world immediately surrounding the child ...
Anyone who succeeds in creating such an environment will facilitate his work to the highest degree. Among her, the child will live - develop his own self-sufficient life, his spiritual growth will improve from himself, from nature ...
E. I. Tikheeva
Everyone has it preschool your face. It is important which kindergarten parents choose for their child, and it is not at all indifferent to be a more attractive institution for potential employees. Today, it is important to remember that all new requirements are presented to educational institutions and an important role is played by the reputation and image of a preschool institution. To create a positive image, everything is important from the threshold of a preschool institution to the attitude of the leader and educators to parents and their children. What is image kindergarten?

Image is not a new phenomenon, but actual and its result is determined by all members of the team. Therefore, each employee understands and shares responsibility for his work of the individual components of the image that are in his competence. The image of a DOE is an emotionally colored image educational institution, often deliberately formed, possessing purposefully given characteristics and designed to exert a psychological influence of a certain orientation on specific groups of society. Five years ago, the combination of the words "kindergarten image" sounded at least unusual. And now more and more leaders of preschool educational institutions are thinking about purposeful work in this direction. The topic is relevant today for many institutions. Every year, competition is increasing between preschool educational institutions not only in our region, but also in the microdistrict, located, as a rule, at a small distance from each other. Currently, many kindergartens are forced to think about what is their advantage over others. And parents have the opportunity to choose the institution that meets all their needs. In these circumstances, the creation of a positive image of the kindergarten seems to be a necessary element of increasing its competitiveness.
Specifically for our institution, image, reputation are very important. Working in an innovative mode, our kindergarten gradually formed its own form style preschool institution. Each employee is considered as the "face" of the institution, by which the preschool educational institution as a whole is judged. Each member of the team has its own professional image, and at the same time, everyone - both managers, teachers, and junior service personnel - is united by a common image: appearance, culture of communication, intelligence, friendly smile, attractive demeanor, pride in their institution and pupils. The desire to cooperate with him or the institution largely depends on the employee's image (in particular, the professionalism of the head of the preschool educational institution, personal authority, his leadership style, charm).
I believe that the main subject of the formation of the image is precisely the leader and the pedagogical team formed by him, as well as, due to feedback, various social groups interested in providing educational services. These groups include children and their parents; employees of competitive institutions, employees of education authorities and municipal authorities authorities, local residents. The main reason why much attention should be paid to the image of the leader is that it is with him that the institution is personified, both by employees and its clients. Consequently, a lot in the perception of others of the organization depends on the leader.
So how do we understand the image of the head of a preschool educational institution? In Dahl's dictionary, the word “in charge” is described as follows. “To be in charge (what), to know (what), that is, to manage, to keep in your department, is akin to the word to lead - to show the way, or to lead as a boss. To manage - to rule, giving a course, direction, to dispose of, to be the owner, the manager of what ”. The manager is defined in the concept of people as the "face" of the preschool educational institution.
The modern leader of a preschool educational institution must have high professionalism, competence, organizational qualities, efficiency, political culture, high morality, personal authority, strive for a democratic style of leadership. (A high reputation of a leader requires an individual leadership style.) The leader must find a common language with young and old, children and parents, employees different professions, people of different education, marital status, qualifications, to speak simply, correctly, in an accessible way, to be able not only to speak, but also to listen. An important component of a leader's image is self-presentation. What matters is a special sparkle in the eyes, a smile, a peculiar intonation of a voice, an attractive demeanor. Special attention is given to a smile that conveys a lot of positive emotions. The main thing is that the image of the leader is attractive to the widest layers of the population.
The main reason why much attention should be paid to the image of the leader is that it is with him that the institution is personified, both by employees and its clients. Consequently, a lot in the perception of others of the organization depends on the leader.
All the listed components of the leader's image are also suitable for the teacher. High demands have always been made to his personality, since it is he who creates the culture of subsequent generations, brings up children and parents, educates and teaches with his behavior, attitude towards people, and appearance.
Children are like tender buds. They need a kind-faced gardener. Only a morally exalted person who is fluent in the art of “tuning souls”. As studies by the medical scientist V.F. Bazarny show, a child's illness is largely due to the aggressive behavior of teachers. The image of a teacher should create the illusion of a major, while hiding weakness, etc. It is useful to study this. Unimportant health, bad mood, your inner discomfort must be able to hide from outside sight, to be always in "shape".
You should remember the advice of Leo Tolstoy: try not to get irritated, to achieve your own peace, because in a calm state things are settled by themselves. Falling in love with children is the main condition for pedagogical activity. In love with children and passionate about his work, the teacher intuitively and consciously chooses those behavioral models that are most adaptable to the dignity of children and their actual needs. The image of such a teacher is impeccable. For a child, he is like a spiritual shepherd, a reliable elder friend, a confidential interlocutor. His image remains in their memory for a long time, and often forever, as an eternal example to follow. Every family needs cooperation with such a teacher. They are called upon to be consultants to parents, jointly remove the story of the individual development of each child.
“Many thousands of years ago GOD saw that the vices of people were multiplying and decided to help them. He created Spirits and said: “People have lost their way. How to be? " One of the Spirits suggested casting a prophetic dream on people, another - to send manna from heaven, the third - water from God. And only the fourth, the High Spirit, uttered: "Invest in every person the thirst for knowledge and give them a teacher." God sent to earth teachers Moses, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Muhammad. And then he gathered the bright angels and ordered them to be teachers for the children. Since those time immemorial on earth, angels are born as ordinary children, grow up and rush to children. These are the teachers! " An educator is the first, after a mother, a teacher who meets children on the path of life. And the joyful living of childhood as a child, his whole future life depends on how much he is able to give his heart to children. For the most part, teachers are special people: non-silversmiths, not thirsting for any honors or awards from fate. But what about the desire to be significant, respected, in demand? And for this they need to be in the center of events, to know and understand a lot, to remain restless, not indifferent, to strive for self-improvement. An educator is a "runner", "jumper", "perpetual motion machine", because children want to be healthy. The teacher is a singer, musician, magician, because children love to listen to and act out fairy tales, lullabies before bedtime. An educator is a guide, researcher, experimenter, encyclopedist, because children are happy to walk, observe, experiment and love to ask questions. An educator is an architect, designer, artist, sculptor, because children are always ready to create.
As the leader, the teacher, and each kindergarten has its own "face". The individuality of our kindergarten is manifested:
In the established stable, creative pedagogical team of like-minded people. Most of the teachers of the institution have been working in our kindergarten for more than 10 years, 50% of the teachers have the highest qualification category.
In creating comfortable conditions, an original developmental environment for a kindergarten. Our kindergarten is the Flower Garden: each age group has its own flower. These are: "Lily of the valley", "Forget-me-not", "Rose", "Poppy", "Chamomile", "Astra", "Carnation", "Narcissus", "Tulip", "Peony" "Cornflower" ". Each age group has developed its own style of interior design, which takes into account the main characteristics to create a developing subject-spatial environment:
- comfort and safety of the environment;
- providing a wealth of sensory experiences;
- provision of independent individual activity;
- providing opportunities for research.
The hallmark of our kindergarten is information stand in the form of a flower.
Our kindergarten is wonderful
There are countless flowers in it:
Narcissus and carnation
Aster and peony,
Chamomile and forget-me-not
Tulip and poppy flaunt
And the lily of the valley is so good!
In the bouquet of our garden
And you will find a rose.
In the tradition of kindergarten, among which:
Celebrating Mother's Day;
Celebrating Maslenitsa with pancakes, round dances and burning a scarecrow.
Conducting subbotniks to clean the territory of the institution together with parents, the result of which is not only cleanliness and order, but also a joint tea drinking in the air;
Conducting Open Doors days for parents of future kindergarten pupils;
Conducting thematic weeks: Space Week, Book Week, Weeks - fairy tales from a basket, Weeks - your favorite cartoon, etc.
Publishing a newspaper jointly with parents "My favorite area", "Favorite city - clean city";
Carrying out sports events, Small winter and summer Olympiads on the territory of the preschool educational institution;
Kindergarten interior decoration with children's creative work.
Annals of the kindergarten, a book of reviews for parents and guests of the preschool educational institution;
Respectful attitude towards each guest.
The results of the activities of the preschool educational institution are covered in the local press, concerts of kindergarten pupils, not only in the music hall of the institution, but also on various other stages (gala concert of the winners of the regional music competition "Golden Key", performance at the health festival "For a bright future of the country"). Parents are questioned, counseling, parenting meetings... Underway active work with nearby schools, a library, health care institutions, a palace for children and youth creativity. In the office of the head of the institution there is a place of honor for the achievements of the preschool educational institution (diplomas, letters, letters of thanks).
After 15 years of activity as the head of a preschool educational institution, it is clear to me that in order to create a positive corporate image, the following is necessary: ​​the desire to see your institution very necessary and attractive, the ability to unite a team (not only pedagogical, but in general). Kindergarten should become not only for the child, but also for the entire staff of the kindergarten, parents - a territory of joy.

Attached files

The activities of MBDOU "Kindergarten" No. 86 are greatly influenced by the external and internal environment.

External environment MBDOU "Kindergarten" No. 86:

Proximity educational institutions(schools);


Theatre of Drama;

Historical and Art Museum;

School of Music;

Museum of Book Culture.

The connection of the preschool institution with the theater, library, music school and museums helps to familiarize preschoolers with the history and culture of society. The joint work of a preschool institution and schools ensures high-quality preparation of children for schooling.

Management in a preschool institution is carried out on the basis of the principles of one-man management and self-government. The general management of the institution is carried out by the Pedagogical Council, which includes all teachers. He resolves issues of his activities at meetings that are held at least 1 time in 2 months.

The direct management of the institution is carried out by the head figure 1. The staff of MBDOU is 32 people. The structure by categories of employees is represented by the following data:

Management staff - 3 people

Teachers - 17 people

Technical staff - 12 people.

Picture 1 - Organizational structure MBDOU "Kindergarten number 48 Solnechny Zaychik"

Personnel teachers work in MBDOU figure 2: deputy head for educational and methodological work, physical education instructor, music director, six educators have the highest category (45%); the head, six educators are certified for the first category (35%); compliance with the category of four teachers (20%).

Figure 2 - Personnel certification of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 48 Solnechny Zaychik"

The largest number of employees have higher education. This is shown schematically in Figure 3. The data shown in Figure 3 indicate that in MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 48 Solnechny Zaychik" the staff has a sufficient level of education. The largest number of employees (62%) have higher education, and only 39% of the personnel are specialized secondary. There are no employees in the institution without any education.

Figure 3 - Personnel structure by education level

Table 4 - Age composition of employees

The data shown in table 4 show that the institution has the largest number of employees - from 35 to 45 years old, this age group has the largest specific gravity tons in this structure - 35.6%.

The second place in terms of the age structure of the personnel is occupied by employees over 45 years old. With a small margin - only 2.4%, the third place is taken by the age group of employees from 25 to 35 years old. The smallest share in the age structure is occupied by employees under 25 years of age. Depending on the total length of service and the length of service, employees are distributed as follows:

The data given in Table 5 show that the largest share in this personnel structure is occupied by employees with an experience of 5 to 10 years (32.4%), In second place in this personnel structure are employees with an experience of 10 to 20 years (25, 6%).

The third place is taken by workers with 20 to 30 years of service (15.1%). Employees with work experience from 2 to 5 years have a small share - only 12.5%. Not at all experienced and young specialists occupy a small share in this structure - only 8%. The smallest share of the group of employees with more than 30 years of experience. Their share was 6.4%.

Table 5 - Work experience of employees

In general, based on the analysis, we can say that in MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 48 Solnechny Zaichik" there is a close-knit team, the average age of which is 40 years, with experience from 10 to 20 years.

Porter's five-factor model table 6. The goods are preschool educational services. Consumers are families of the city with middle and high income levels.

1. Threat of invasion of new participants (opening of kindergartens).

Barriers to entry:

Obtaining a license. This industry is one of those industries where obtaining a license is a big problem, a costly problem. In order to obtain a license for the provision of preschool educational services, it is necessary to collect the following documents: the charter of the organization, confirming the statement with the tax authorities; premises lease or owner agreement; the conclusion of the SES and firefighters that the room has followed the rules necessary for maintaining educational activities; educational program; a document confirming the availability of a material and technical base and educational and methodological literature; information about the composition of the teaching staff, the number of children.

A high degree of responsibility. All responsibility for the life and health of children is borne by the kindergarten, so the security system must be thought out to the smallest detail.

Attracting highly qualified personnel. It is not easy to find experienced teachers who are proficient in various advanced methods of upbringing and education, and even with recommendations. Even if such a teacher has been allocated, in order to attract him to work, it is necessary to provide him with a decent wages, provide non-monetary incentives. In addition to educators and methodologists, the kindergarten needs cooks, nannies, music and physical education teachers, and security guards.

City administration support. Today, the administration is interested in the creation and reconstruction of kindergartens, and offers an assistance program for the opening of kindergartens on the basis of a municipal order.

2. Power of suppliers.

The lessor is the state. The conclusion of an agreement with the state ensures the stability of the functioning of the institution.

Number of suppliers. A small number of universities specializing in the provision of qualified teachers.

3. Consumer Power.

The number of consumers. A large number of consumers provide a high level of demand for preschool educational services. Due to the lack of places in kindergartens, when a new one appears, consumers tend to make every effort to get their child there.

Uniformity of services provided. The uniformity of the services provided will not adversely affect any children's institution since today demand is many times higher than supply.

4. Substitute products.

Home gardens. The fact is that in addition to legal kindergartens, officially registered according to all the rules, there are home kindergartens that do not appear in statistics in any way, for the reason that they work semi-legally. This view business has existed for a long time and is in demand, because in kindergartens there are no places for everyone, I send children to kindergartens - apartments. This type of business will continue to exist, since consumers provide demand for preschool education services.

Babysitting. Not many parents can afford to invite a nanny. as a rule, the payment is hourly, but all the time and attention is paid to one child.

5. Competition in the industry. When considering only homogeneous kindergartens, it can be noted that there is no competition in the industry.

The only competitor "Kindergarten No. 57" of a recreational type (of the corresponding specificity) has been operating in the represented industry for a long time and has established itself on the market.

If we consider not only homogeneous, but also other kindergartens, we can say that the level of competition will not be very high. There is no struggle for the consumer - the client is absent, the clients themselves find the kindergarten they need.

Table 6 - Influence of factors on the company's competitiveness in the industry

Weighted score

1. The invasion of new players


Capital investments

High degree of responsibility

Qualified staff

State policy

Reaction from existing players

2. Power of suppliers

Landlord - state

Number of suppliers

3. Consumer Power

Number of consumers

Uniformity of products

4. Products - substitutes

Home kindergartens

Industry competition

Uniform kindergartens

Other kindergartens

The dominant factor that has the greatest impact on the competitiveness of companies is the availability of substitute goods, the weighted estimate of which is -0.9. The factor "the invasion of new players into the industry" has a positive effect on competitiveness, hinders the entry of new players and provides opportunities for the development of existing ones.

SWOT - analysis of the activities of the institution

S - Strengths

1. Professional competence of employees ensures the growth of the general professional level of teachers, in addition, ensures the absence of personnel instability. Comprehensive competence is an essential ingredient in every child's all-round development.

2. A small number of children in a group provides an individual approach to each child.

3. Organization of social events: holidays, exhibitions, competitions.

4. Additional services.

W - Weaknesses.

1. Unstable state support in the field of financing.

2. High degree of responsibility.

O - Opportunities.

1. The innovation process in the system preschool education will increase the competitiveness of the company.

2. Diversification. The possibility of opening a larger number of additional paid services in the kindergarten.

3. Lack of strong competition in the industry.

4. High demand for preschool educational services.

Table 7 - SWOT analysis of the institution's activities

SiV - The main mechanism of a developing preschool institution is the search and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the work of a preschool institution.

The main area of ​​innovation is the implementation educational program... Using innovations, not only educators work in our kindergarten, but first of all educators - teachers. It is on the innovative processes in preschool educational services that the main emphasis should be placed in the further development of the company. Using such an opportunity as diversification, there will be an opportunity relying on additional services. It will bring additional income... Such a strong point as the professional competence of the staff, which provides an almost individual approach to each child, and the lack of strong competition will allow us to take one of the leading positions in the market and create certain barriers for competitors.

CiU - Such strengths as the professional competence of personnel, the use of innovative processes, a small number of children in groups, the organization of social events, an additional list of services will allow us to defend our market share when new competitors appear.

СлВ - Such an opportunity as diversification, namely the opening of various circles on the basis of a kindergarten, will make it possible to extract great profits. Innovative processes will allow you to take a leading position in the market.

SLU - The industry of preschool educational services assumes a high degree of responsibility, the state regulates the activities of each company in this industry.

The SWOT analysis indicates the directions for the development of the company's activities that need to be developed to strengthen weaknesses and reducing the impact of threats:

1. The main focus is to highlight innovation activity educational program, development and implementation of a personnel training system.

2. Differentiation. It is the opening of circles, sections that will stabilize financial position companies, due to the fact that this will provide an additional inflow of finance.

3. Active marketing policy. Receiving grants. Income from the lease of unused utility premises.

SWOT analysis made it possible to highlight the strategic tasks facing the kindergarten: providing equal starting opportunities for all children preschool age; creating an educational environment that meets social needs; carrying out its activities on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Thompson - Strickland matrix. To analyze the company's competitiveness using the Thompson-Strickland matrix, we have identified the main competitors today: kindergarten No. 57 of a recreational type (of the corresponding direction).

I would like to clarify each key success factor for kindergarten:

1. Consumer confidence (image).

2. Interaction with the administration. The city administration provides an opportunity to take a certain share in the preschool educational services industry by providing support.

3. Additional services. In addition to standard educational services, the kindergarten offers additional services.

4. Location. Advantageous location in the city center.

Table 8 - Thompson - Strickland matrix

After analyzing the table, we can conclude that kindergarten 57 is influential in the market, but this is due to the lack of competitors. Kindergarten 48 does not lag behind its main competitor, and keeps pace with it in the industry, and given the weight factors, it can be concluded that kindergarten 48 has prospects.

This type of service is in the growth stage, in order to maximize the growth stage, the institution may resort to the following strategies:

1. Expand the range of additional services provided.

2. Diversification will allow the company to receive additional income (participation in grant programs of city enterprises, leasing of unused utility buildings).

After analyzing competitive environment Having identified the target segment, we can highlight the estimated market capacity, the demand for preschool educational services allows filling all production capacities at the time of the functioning of the kindergarten.

This article reveals the problem of kindergarten image. What is a kindergarten image? Who are the subjects of the formation of the image of the preschool educational institution? How is the individuality of a particular kindergarten manifested? the answers to these questions are covered in this article.



The image of a preschool educational institution as a means of increasing competitiveness in the educational services market.

There is no side of upbringing that the situation is not

would have an impact, there is no ability that would not be directly dependent on the concrete world immediately surrounding the child ...

Anyone who succeeds in creating such an environment will facilitate his work to the highest degree. Among her, the child will live - develop his own self-sufficient life, his spiritual growth will improve from himself, from nature ...

E. I. Tikheeva

Each preschool has its own face. It is important which kindergarten parents choose for their child, and it is not at all indifferent to be a more attractive institution for potential employees. Today, it is important to remember that all new requirements are presented to educational institutions and an important role is played by the reputation and image of a preschool institution. To create a positive image, everything is important from the threshold of a preschool institution to the attitude of the leader and educators to parents and their children. What is the image of a kindergarten?

Image is not a new phenomenon, but actual and its result is determined by all members of the team. Therefore, each employee understands and shares responsibility for his work of the individual components of the image that are in his competence.The image of a preschool educational institution is an emotionally colored image of an educational institution, often deliberately formed, possessing purposefully set characteristics and designed to exert a psychological influence of a certain orientation on specific groups of society.Five years ago, the combination of the words "kindergarten image" sounded at least unusual. And now more and more leaders of preschool educational institutions are thinking about purposeful work in this direction. The topic is relevant today for many institutions. Every year, competition is increasing between preschool educational institutions not only in our region, but also in the microdistrict, located, as a rule, at a small distance from each other. Currently, many kindergartens are forced to think about what is their advantage over others. And parents have the opportunity to choose the institution that meets all their needs. In these circumstances, the creation of a positive image of the kindergarten seems to be a necessary element of increasing its competitiveness.

Specifically for our institution, image, reputation are very important. Working in an innovative mode, our kindergarten has gradually formed its own corporate identity of the preschool institution. Each employee is considered as the "face" of the institution, by which the preschool educational institution as a whole is judged. Each member of the team has its own professional image, and at the same time, everyone - managers, teachers, and junior service personnel - is united by a common image: appearance, communication culture, intelligence, a friendly smile, attractive demeanor, pride in their institution and pupils. The desire to cooperate with him or the institution largely depends on the employee's image (in particular, the professionalism of the head of the preschool educational institution, personal authority, his leadership style, charm).

I believe that the main subject of image formation is precisely the leader and the pedagogical team formed by him, as well as, due to feedback, various social groups interested in providing educational services. These groups include children and their parents; employees of competitive institutions, employees of education authorities and municipal authorities, local residents. The main reason why much attention should be paid to the image of the leader is that it is with him that the institution is personified, both by employees and its clients. Consequently, a lot in the perception of others of the organization depends on the leader.

So how do we understand the image of the head of a preschool educational institution? In Dahl's dictionary, the word “in charge” is described as follows. “To be in charge (what), to know (what), that is, to manage, to keep in your department, is akin to the word to lead - to show the way, or to lead as a boss. To manage - to rule, giving a course, direction, to dispose of, to be the owner, the manager of what ”. The manager is defined in the concept of people as the "face" of the preschool educational institution.

The modern leader of a preschool educational institution must have high professionalism, competence, organizational qualities, efficiency, political culture, high morality, personal authority, strive for a democratic style of leadership. (A high reputation of a leader requires an individual leadership style.) A leader must find a common language with young and old, children and parents, workers of different professions, people of different education, marital status, qualifications, speak simply, correctly, accessible, be able not only to speak, but and listen. An important component of a leader's image is self-presentation. What matters is a special sparkle in the eyes, a smile, a peculiar intonation of a voice, an attractive demeanor. Particular attention is paid to the smile, which conveys a lot of positive emotions. The main thing is that the image of the leader is attractive to the widest layers of the population.

The main reason why much attention should be paid to the image of the leader is that it is with him that the institution is personified, both by employees and its clients. Consequently, a lot in the perception of others of the organization depends on the leader.

All the listed components of the leader's image are also suitable for the teacher. High demands have always been made to his personality, since it is he who creates the culture of subsequent generations, brings up children and parents, educates and teaches with his behavior, attitude towards people, and appearance.

Children are like tender buds. They need a kind-faced gardener. Only a morally exalted person who is fluent in the art of “tuning souls”. As studies by the medical scientist V.F. Bazarny show, a child's illness is largely due to the aggressive behavior of teachers. The image of a teacher should create the illusion of a major, while hiding weakness, etc. It is useful to study this. Unimportant health, bad mood, your inner discomfort must be able to hide from outside sight, to be always in "shape".

You should remember the advice of Leo Tolstoy: try not to get irritated, to achieve your own peace, because in a calm state things are settled by themselves. Falling in love with children is the main condition for pedagogical activity. In love with children and passionate about his work, the teacher intuitively and consciously chooses those behavioral models that are most adaptable to the dignity of children and their actual needs. The image of such a teacher is impeccable. For a child, he is like a spiritual shepherd, a reliable elder friend, a confidential interlocutor. His image remains in their memory for a long time, and often forever, as an eternal example to follow. Every family needs cooperation with such a teacher. They are called upon to be consultants to parents, jointly remove the story of the individual development of each child.

“Many thousands of years ago GOD saw that the vices of people were multiplying and decided to help them. He created Spirits and said: “People have lost their way. How to be? " One of the Spirits suggested casting a prophetic dream on people, another - to send manna from heaven, the third - water from God. And only the fourth, the High Spirit, uttered: "Invest in every person the thirst for knowledge and give them a teacher." God sent to earth teachers Moses, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Muhammad. And then he gathered the bright angels and ordered them to be teachers for the children. Since those time immemorial on earth, angels are born as ordinary children, grow up and rush to children. These are the teachers! " An educator is the first, after a mother, a teacher who meets children on the path of life. And the joyful living of childhood as a child, his whole future life depends on how much he is able to give his heart to children. For the most part, teachers are special people: non-silversmiths, not thirsting for any honors or awards from fate. But what about the desire to be significant, respected, in demand? And for this they need to be in the center of events, to know and understand a lot, to remain restless, not indifferent, to strive for self-improvement. An educator is a "runner", "jumper", "perpetual motion machine", because children want to be healthy. The teacher is a singer, musician, magician, because children love to listen to and act out fairy tales, lullabies before going to bed. An educator is a guide, researcher, experimenter, encyclopedist, because children are happy to walk, observe, experiment and love to ask questions. An educator is an architect, designer, artist, sculptor, because children are always ready to create.

As the leader, the teacher, and each kindergarten has its own "face". The individuality of our kindergarten is manifested:

  1. In the established stable, creative pedagogical team of like-minded people. Most of the teachers of the institution have been working in our kindergarten for more than 10 years, 50% of the teachers have the highest qualification category.
  2. In creating comfortable conditions, an original developmental environment for a kindergarten. Our kindergarten is"Flower garden" : each age group is named with its own flower. These are: "Lily of the valley", "Forget-me-not", "Rose", "Poppy", "Chamomile", "Astra", "Carnation", "Narcissus", "Tulip", "Peony" "Cornflower" ". Each age group has developed its own style of interior design, wherethe main characteristics are taken into account to create a developing subject-spatial environment:

Comfort and safety of the environment;

Providing a wealth of sensory experiences;

Providing independent individual activities;

Providing research opportunities.

The hallmark of our kindergarten is the information stand in the shape of a flower.

Our kindergarten is wonderful

There are countless flowers in it:

Narcissus and carnation

Aster and peony,

Chamomile and forget-me-not

Tulip and poppy flaunt

And the lily of the valley is so good!

In the bouquet of our garden

And you will find a rose.

  1. In the tradition of kindergarten, among which:
  • Celebrating Mother's Day;
  • Celebrating Maslenitsa with pancakes, round dances and burning a scarecrow.
  • Conducting subbotniks to clean the territory of the institution together with parents, the result of which is not only cleanliness and order, but also a joint tea drinking in the air;
  • Conducting Open Doors days for parents of future kindergarten pupils;
  • Conducting thematic weeks: Space Week, Book Week, Weeks - fairy tales from a basket, Weeks - your favorite cartoon, etc.
  • Publishing a newspaper jointly with parents "My favorite area", "Favorite city - clean city";
  • Conducting sports events, Small winter and summer Olympiads on the territory of the preschool educational institution;
  • Kindergarten interior decoration with children's creative work.
  • Annals of the kindergarten, a book of reviews for parents and guests of the preschool educational institution;
  1. Respectful attitude towards each guest.

The results of the activities of the preschool educational institution are covered in the local press, concerts of kindergarten pupils, not only in the music hall of the institution, but also on various other stages (gala concert of the winners of the regional music competition "Golden Key", performance at the health festival "For a bright future of the country"). Questioning of parents, counseling, parenting meetings are carried out. Active work is underway with nearby schools, a library, health care institutions, a palace for children and youth creativity. In the office of the head of the institution there is a place of honor for the achievements of the preschool educational institution (diplomas, letters, letters of thanks).

After 15 years of activity as the head of a preschool educational institution, it is clear to me that in order to create a positive corporate image, the following is necessary: ​​the desire to see your institution very necessary and attractive, the ability to unite a team (not only pedagogical, but in general). Kindergarten should become not only for the child, but also for the entire staff of the kindergarten, parents - a territory of joy.

Olga Khvostikova
Increasing the competitiveness of preschool educational institutions


Olga Khvostikova,

head of the municipal

budgetary preschool

educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 79",


Sverdlovsk region

Increases every year competition between preschool educational institutions. In the near future, many kindergartens will have to think about what is their advantage over others. And parents will have the opportunity to choose the institution that meets all their needs.

In the same time the rise the social status of preschool education is one of the goals of the Federal State Educational Standard. According to this standard, the creation of an educational environment should ensure the openness of preschool education. In these circumstances, creating a positive image of the kindergarten seems to be a necessary element. increasing its competitiveness.

The main advantage of the image is the created perception of the kindergarten as a successful, prestigious, comfortable institution that influences not only external environment, but also on the inside.

It is for this purpose that our institution has developed corporate project image promotion "Territory of childhood".

Objective of the project: the formation of a unified pedagogical space and a positive attitude towards kindergarten.

Project objectives:

maintaining the stable quality of educational services, while tracking consumer requests and product quality competitors;

creation of a system of individuality of an educational institution through the development of educational requests;

broadcasting information about innovative kindergarten events in the media;

ensuring a stable position in the target segment of the educational services market, forming the necessary communications;

presentation to the consumer of the value system of the preschool educational institution.

The structural components of the image of Kindergarten No. 79 are presented in the following slide:

The external image is symbols that in the minds of others are associated with a kindergarten. In our garden this is:

The emblem of the preschool educational institution, which reflects the name of the kindergarten;

Chronicle of the kindergarten, i.e. a book of reviews for parents and guests of the preschool educational institution,

photo albums;

Employee badge;

PR events: organization of open days, presentations, participation in specialized exhibitions;

Business etiquette, professional ethics;

Presentation films;

Improvement of the territory of the preschool educational institution.

The internal image is a look at the Kindergarten through the eyes of employees, as well as through the eyes of parents and children when communicating with them. It manifests itself in the attitude of employees to work, the leader and parents, their enthusiasm, dedication to kindergarten.

The corporate culture of a preschool educational institution, which is understood as a set of beliefs, attitudes, norms and principles of behavior, traditions common to

all employees.

Stages of project implementation

I. Organization of events by the kindergarten itself.

The purpose of such events is to form a positive attitude towards the educational institution. They are aimed at both internal and external target audiences.

At events of this kind, the transfer of its positioned product to the target segment is carried out with the help of marketing communications: press releases, PR-actions (slide presentations, special promotions(open events with the involvement of parents, kindergarten graduates, labor veterans and retirees of preschool educational institutions, etc., presentation of projects.

II. Participation in joint activities with interested partners.

At this level, the positive image of the preschool educational institution was promoted through marketing activities. They are aimed at external target audiences and are carried out in order to satisfy the interest in the preschool educational institution and its educational services. Information is transmitted through various channels for free basis: exhibitions of children's art at bus stops public transport, photo gallery on the site of the kindergarten. The result of indirect stimulation of consumers of educational services should be the creation of a favorable public opinion.

It is important to involve the media (television, print, generalization of experience, attracted for "publicity"... A certain role is played by the deputy of the district, who lobbies for the interests of the preschool educational institution in the authorities and forms a positive public opinion. (provision of sponsorship).

III. Participation in events of third parties

The purpose of participation in events of this level is to position the preschool educational institution through different kinds communications. By participating in the events of third-party organizations, the educational institution declared the degree of importance of its educational requests, monitored the monitoring of the educational services market and developed a promising list of educational services, taking into account requests that are significant not only for its market segment.

The main components of the project can be carry:

Creation of a subject-developing environment on the territory of the preschool educational institution (sections of the kindergarten are equipped with both standard and non-standard equipment, a project is under development "Path of health");

Creation of visual media, the Internet (stands, newspaper and kindergarten website, which serves as a means of self-presentation: teachers have the opportunity to present here their pedagogical findings and publish the fruits of their creativity);

Cooperation with the media (media coverage of innovative events);

Participation in competitions at all levels(city, regional, all-Russian);

PR - events;

Broadcasting of pedagogical experience (internships for the urban pedagogical community and methodological associations for novice teachers).

To increase the number and enhancements the quality of the services provided in the kindergarten, a forecast plan is being developed for the organization of studio - circle educational services, taking into account the needs of parents and the desires of pupils, which is also an incentive for a healthy competition among the teachers themselves.

Thanks to the implementation of this project kindergarten pupils and staff are increasingly becoming prize-winners of both city and all-Russian contests.

We can say with confidence that the success of an educational institution today is determined by the adequacy and speed of the kindergarten's response to changes in the external environment.


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