Open a state of emergency in Poland. How to open your own business in Poland? Fast food outlets

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Duty removal and euro integration processes allow Ukrainian entrepreneurs to enter the European market. Ukraine got the opportunity to declare itself as a country that not only knows how to carry out revolutions, export cheap labor, but also has interesting business ideas, great managers, successful entrepreneurs and high-quality goods.

These tips may come in handy for Ukrainian businessmen who aspire to discover the Polish market.

Remember the difference between the Polish and Ukrainian markets

These two markets are different. The main reason is that Poland started to build earlier market economy. We are still catching up with capitalist relations. The market in this country is more saturated, corporations compete aggressively for the consumer. In Ukraine, from the point of view of competition, it is more free. If you have an idea, then breaking through all the thorns of bureaucracy and other obstacles, you can implement it. In my opinion, Ukraine is a very promising market. Despite the events that are currently taking place. You just need to feel it and then you can achieve great success. If we consider and put on Poland, then we must remember that one of its main characteristics is a lot of competition. In the Polish restaurant business, the main place is occupied by McDonald's, KFC, Subway.

Our people also love McDonald's, but there is not such a big dominance of these international brands, which, in the end, clean up the market and destroy local entrepreneurs. Also in Poland, the consumer surprised me with his rationality, which often borders on stinginess.

Conquer with uniqueness and innovation

This rarely happens in Poland. A simple example: I sit in and wonder if they have some kind of their own liqueur, their own compote or something else. No, they have coca-cola, juice in glass jar, Zubrowka vodka - all branded, factory. And I want to try something of them - unique, national.

I always try to order zhurek (traditional Polish soup - ed.) there, but in fact, a good homemade one rarely happens. Mostly it is very technologically advanced and cheap: sausage, sausage, egg, dressing - it's all not very tasty. In our country, on the contrary, people constantly regenerate ideas, come up with tinctures - sunichvka, khrenivka, mead. In my opinion, the Poles are somewhat lacking in this sincere business, those emotions that we have. Ukrainian has a soul, hospitality, they know how to create wow-effects of emotionality, and this is exactly how you can work and achieve success.

In Poland, there are fewer risks in doing business and less earnings

Entrepreneurs who want to do business in Poland need to understand that there are fewer risks, but there are also less relative earnings. In Ukraine, it is exactly the opposite: big earnings, but also big risks. There you move into the category when everything is clear to you, all procedures are transparent. But, on the other hand, there is more competition, which will always give less earnings.

Professionals for not too much money will open a turnkey company. Your core competence as a businessman - to do business, to understand what to do and with whom to compete. And things like accounting, lawyers, architects - hire professionals in the local market, pay them money and do not waste time on this. Put these costs into the investment budget and have a quality product and a quality service. These things will not bring much added value, it does creative idea brought to life.

You submit reports on time, pay taxes - you don’t know and don’t see the tax inspector

Taxes in Poland are no less than ours: payroll taxes, income taxes - they all exist, they are not small, but if you pay them, submit reports on time, then there are no problems. In Poland, in general, you may not know who your tax inspector is. You just don't see it and don't know it - it's high. With VAT there is also a good story. For example, you spent a million zlotys on an object, your VAT amounted to 200,000 and they are actually returned to you. No need to go around, ask, decide - just see that you spent this money, check if there is confirmation and that's it. In Ukraine, I hope, this will also happen sometime.

Legalize the work of Ukrainian workers

Take the locals and Ukrainians. Here, too, you need to remember the legal subtleties, because you need a work permit, a residence permit, a residence card, according to which you can work legally. These things must be done. Otherwise, there are many different sanctions for illegal employment - they can even be deported.

Opening a business in Poland is more expensive, but not by much

In Ukraine, everything is already so expensive that I can’t say: “It’s more expensive to open a business in Poland.” Building materials are definitely cheaper there than in our country - this is due to competition. Trite, but there is IKEA, which is still not in Ukraine. I so-so think that the new government needs to make a national project - to bring IKEA to the Ukrainian market.

You walk into this hypermarket and you leave with everything you need. Renting premises is quite expensive - somewhere at the level of Ukraine. Builders are more expensive, but they work according to plan, everything is predictable.

Take it and do it

I will advise this: if there are some interesting interesting ideas, then you need to take and do. Do your homework, prepare for business professionally, be purposeful and go all the way. Do not give up, although there will be many obstacles, holes, ditches that need to be passed, but you cannot give up.


In fact, you need to study, education is your capital, which in life no one will ever take away from you. There may be different situations in the country, in the world, in something else, but what you have learned is yours. If you manage to use it successfully, then you will become a successful person.

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Options ready business in Poland

Opening a business in Poland is not difficult, and there are few restrictions from a legislative point of view. But not every business will appeal to the Poles. How to establish a commercially successful entrepreneurial activity, this article will tell.

Is it profitable to open a business in Poland?

Despite the fact that the country welcomes foreign entrepreneurs with open arms, not every business in Poland will bring real profit. Given the specifics of this country, it is better to immediately say “no” to such areas as:

  • Retail. Firstly, the Poles are well-known conservatives and tend to opt for places and manufacturers that have been proven over the years. Secondly, the strongest competition: there are plenty of networks in Poland, and simply big stores various products, and opening something like that would require too many investments of a very different nature.
  • Building. Poles in general prefer companies with many years of experience and good reviews, especially when it comes to construction, because they need confidence in the durability of the results of the purchased services. It is unlikely that they will trust only the opened company.
  • Sphere of entertainment. As a rule, such a business is seasonal, which means making a profit not on an ongoing basis, but several times a year (at best).

However, there is also a niche profitable species businesses, the risks of opening which are minimal:

  • Grocery stores. Though retail is not profitable business in Poland, however, middle-class stores located in residential areas selling products and/or alcoholic products can be quite profitable.
  • Shops like "Second-hand". Many note that goods in stock stores in Poland are worse than in similar stores in Russia. What is the reason for this is unknown, but the need for used clothing in Poland is quite high.
  • Fast food restaurants. Opening catering, for example, national cuisine is a good idea.
  • Provision of services. In Poland, a service business is always in demand: training, cleaning, and so on - all this can find its buyer.

Advantages and disadvantages

To the number benefits opening a business in Poland include the following provisions:

  • Poland carefully documented and recorded all the processes of doing business by a foreigner;
  • to start a business in Poland, you will need significantly less funds than, perhaps, for any other state in the European Union;
  • the funds of the statutory fund can always be converted into assets;
  • opening a business (in particular, registering a company) gives legal basis for temporary residence (residence permit) in Poland, not only for the founder, but also for the immediate members of his family;
  • Polish banks are famous for their stability and reliability, there are no restrictions on transactions in foreign currencies;
  • well-developed infrastructure allows you to quickly and efficiently organize a business;
  • tax rates are low;
  • VAT is refunded in cases of overpayment and export;
  • European market;
  • favorable geographical position of the state;
  • work force in Poland is cheaper than in other countries European Union, while the quality is at the level;
  • the social state package provided to foreign entrepreneurs is comparable in terms of benefits with the package for citizens;
  • the possibility of purchasing a car and registering it with a company;
  • Poland has no territorial restrictions for business - you can work throughout the country;
  • enough in Poland low prices real estate, which is also important.

Poland is a stable state and all risks can be known in advance. The main thing is to analyze the market well in order to avoid surprises.

However, a number shortcomings opening a business in Poland is also available:

  • it is not known what changes may be made to the foreign business policy;
  • the creator of the business is forced to pay taxes twice: both the tax on and the tax on dividends;
  • given that the business will be located in Poland, and the founder in Russia, feedback from the accounting department, bank, suppliers, and so on will take a long time.

Forms of entrepreneurship

In Poland, the following forms are common:

  • partnership with limited liability- a type of entrepreneurship in which all partners are fully jointly and severally liable for both the invested capital and their property;
  • limited partnership- an organization created for the purpose of making a profit, in which there are two categories of partners: general partners and limited partners;
  • - an organization established by one or more participants who are liable only for their capital;
  • joint-stock company - a form of entrepreneurship in which the entire authorized capital is divided into a percentage of a certain number of shares;
  • subsidiaries of foreign firms - an organization created by another organization (founder) by transferring part of its funds to it;
  • branch - an independent subordinate branch of a company;
  • representation - an organization representing the interests of other persons;
  • sole proprietor - a sole proprietor business manager and responsible.

Business Features and Limitations

All forms of business in Poland can be:

  • persons who have received a residence permit;
  • foreigners from countries that are members of the European Union and the European Free Trade Association;
  • refugees;
  • persons under protection in the territory of the country.

Any other foreigners can conduct business activities that have the following forms:

  • limited liability company;
  • joint-stock company;
  • limited society.

A person can start a business from the age of 18, with a passport valid for at least 18 months. A certificate of no criminal record is also a necessary element for starting your own business in Poland.

A limited liability company can conduct almost any type of activity in this country, except:

  • central banking system;
  • life insurance;
  • other personal and property insurance;
  • reinsurance;
  • pension funds;
  • financial market management.

The main type of activity in Poland can be indicated only one, but related - up to nine.

A lot of attention is paid to contracts: if in Russia it is possible to combine the processes of bureaucracy and production, in Poland this is impossible: until every comma and full stop is checked and agreed upon, no one will undertake anything.

Difficulties and risks

The first thing an entrepreneur from the Russian Federation who decides to open his own business in Poland may encounter is a conservative European consumer spoiled by choice and assortment. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is quite difficult to surprise and impress them, therefore, if no exclusivity is offered, or the entrepreneur does not gain confidence, he may go bankrupt at any time.

In addition, many entrepreneurs have come to the conclusion that sometimes it would be easier, more affordable and more profitable to think about. original production and implementation do not always justify themselves in the state in question.

In addition, there are also barriers to starting a business in Poland. Including:

  • legal barriers - it is difficult to study the legislation of a completely different state from scratch;
  • customs barriers - there are restrictions on the import and export of things outside of Poland, and this should also be taken into account;
  • lack of knowledge on distribution channels - without spending a lot of time in the country, it is impossible to reliably find out what and to whom it will be profitable to sell (what services to provide, at what price, and so on);
  • saturation of the market with goods from Western Europe - great competition with goods and services of European quality.

Business registration, required documents and cost

Registering a business in Poland does not require much time and money compared to others European states: The duration of the procedure rarely takes more than one month.

To open your business in Poland, you will need the following procedures and documents (relevant for opening a company with any form of entrepreneurship):

  1. Formation authorized capital. The minimum authorized capital is 1,200 euros, and the contribution of any founder must be at least 15. There are no limits in the authorized capital; in the future, taxes and further registration fees will depend on it.
  2. Notary visit. Meeting of founders and notarization of the fact of founding a company (similarly for sole proprietorship). Filling out the agreement of the founders, confirmation of the contribution of finances to the authorized capital, certification of signatures of managers. It will cost 100 euros with a minimum authorized capital.

Please note that prices are approximate and may vary by region and other factors.

  1. Registration in State Register court decisions. Documents certified by a notary at the previous stage, as well as a corresponding application, are submitted to the State Register. As a result of registration, this fact will be published in the Judicial and Economic Gazette, including the company will receive a statistical unique identificator legal entity - REGON. The cost is 350 euros.
  2. Tax. An application for registration is submitted to the local tax authority. The application must be accompanied by a receipt for payment of the state fee. As a result, the firm receives a NIP, a taxpayer identification number. 40 euros for services.
  3. Registration in government bodies social insurance. It is necessary to attach an application for registration of a new payer received at the previous stage.


There are two main types of tax in Poland: income tax and value added tax.

income tax happens for individuals and for organizations. Respectively:

  1. Corporate income tax in Poland is 19%. Relevant for entrepreneurs with legal address or registered in the country. Firms whose main activity is agriculture and forestry are exempt from income taxes.
  2. Income tax for individuals applicable to natural persons-entrepreneurs only in cases where the annual income of the entrepreneur does not exceed 735 euros. With an annual income not exceeding 20,340 euros, the rate is 18%. Over - 32%.

Polish value added tax includes several rates that depend on the types of goods and services:

  • 23% - base tax rate;
  • 8% - services, pharmacology, etc.;
  • 5% - mainly food, etc.;
  • 0% - goods received as a result of export, socially necessary services, etc.

There are also other taxes common in Poland:

  1. Tax on dividends. Refers to legal entities and individuals who are founders. It is 20%, however, in the event of the abolition of double taxation, it may be 5-15%.
  2. Real estate tax. The rate is specified by the local communities.
  3. Excise. Included in the price of goods and services, the consumer pays for it at the time of purchase. Refers to the following types of products: cars, tobacco, alcohol, and so on.

Poland is an excellent choice of a country where you can open a business outside the Russian Federation: many opportunities, European quality, an excellent sales market, and at the same time very low prices to start. There are also disadvantages, but the advantages far outweigh them.

Recently, more and more Russians and Ukrainians are thinking about opening their own business in the expanses of the European Union. The EU is famous for its stable economy and very good prospects for business development. Among many, often people prefer Poland. Poland is a country that in just 16 years managed to become the 16th republic in the ranking of the most developed economies in the world.

Both residents of this country and citizens of other states can open a company in Poland. A foreign resident may register an enterprise of such legal regulations, how:

  • Individual entrepreneur "Jednoosobowa działalność gospodarcza".
  • Community of entrepreneurs based on the civil contract "Spółka cywilna".

To open a company in Poland, foreign citizens will need to collect the necessary package of papers and go through several simple procedures for registering a company. But it is worth remembering that there are some requirements for a potential businessman from Poland.

The main requirements are:

  1. The age of majority of the foreigner.
  2. The presence of a foreign passport. The main requirement for the document is its validity period. The document must be valid for the first 1.5 years from the date of submission of papers for registering a company in Poland.
  3. Experience in doing business in the vastness of the native state.

Where to begin

Initially, a person who wants to open his company in Poland should analyze the Polish market. It is necessary to study supply and demand, because the main task of a working business is to make a profit, so you should not take risks and open a company in Poland in a little-known field of activity. If you do not carefully analyze the market, then the likelihood that the company will become unprofitable and go bankrupt is very high.

As practice shows, novice businessmen should not open large companies. You need to start your own business with something small. In other words, it is worth starting a small business firm. Very inexpensive in terms of opening, but quite profitable are enterprises engaged in the service sector (small cafes, hostels, mini-hotels).

After the foreigner has decided on the field of activity of his organization, he should choose the form of responsibility ( legal form business). It should be noted that the procedure for registering a private enterprise and a company is different.

Registration under the form of state of emergency

The main legislative provisions regarding the creation of an IP in Poland are spelled out in the legislative act "On freedom of economic activity" dated 07/02/2014.

This piece of legislation states that individual entrepreneur maybe foreign citizen that meets at least one of the following requirements:

  1. The presence of a card of the Pole.
  2. The presence of permanent residence in the Polish state.
  3. The presence of a document confirming the right of residence of a long-term resident of the European Union.
  4. Being legally married to a citizen of Poland. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that if a couple lives outside the Polish state, then a foreign resident no longer has the right to become a private entrepreneur.
  5. The presence of a residence permit. But in the case of a residence permit, it is worth considering: under what conditions this permit was issued. If a foreigner received it on the basis of marriage or family reunification, then he has the right to become an individual entrepreneur.

Registration process

To open a company in the Republic of Poland, a foreign citizen must apply to the Center for Accounting and Information about Economic activity. In this state this organization called "Centralnej Ewidencjii Informacji o Działalności Gospodarcze" j. In this organization, you will need to fill out a registration application using the CEIDG 1 form.

This is what a completed CEIDG 1 registration application looks like

By completing the application, the foreign national simultaneously applies for a tax identification number (NIP). And also in the application, a request for the issuance of registration numbers (Regon) is prescribed.

After filling out an application, a foreign citizen should contact the city or district administration (Urząd gminy lub miasta) and register it. If a person does not have the opportunity to visit the administration in person, then he can register an application on the portal

If a potential businessman opens a company in Poland, which is obliged to pay VAT, then he will additionally need to visit tax office and fill out an application using the VATR form.

Opening a company with a Pole's card or a residence permit

Then the company must be registered. For registration, you should visit the State Court Register.

Registration in this body costs 500 PLN. Also, you will additionally need to pay 100 zł for the publication of an article in the bulletin of the board.

Employees of the organization themselves send applications for various numbers to public services. After receiving the numbers (TIN and number in the Register), the company can start its labor activity.

On average, registration of an organization takes from 3 to 14 days.

How to get a visa

A foreign citizen who has opened an LLC in Poland is entitled to.

To obtain this type of permit, you should contact the diplomatic mission of Poland and submit a package of papers consisting of:

  • Invitation from a company established by the applicant.
  • Questionnaire.
  • Two photos.
  • Original and photocopy of foreign passport.
  • Photocopy of internal passport.
  • Medical insurance.

How to get a Residence Card

The main condition for obtaining the right to stay (karta stałego pobytu) is the presence of a company in Poland and the provision of jobs to Poles.

Appearance Maps of Pobyt

Conditions for obtaining a card:

  1. Employment of at least two Poles on a full-time basis. It is very important that Poles are employed not for a certain period of time, but for an unlimited period.
  2. Annual profit more than 13 thousand euros.

It is worth noting that the owner of an LLC may not hire employees for his enterprise. But in this case, he will be able to stay in Poland on a national visa for no longer than 6 months. If the owner does not hire employees, then he is obliged to issue himself work visa for a year.

The owner has the right to employ in Poland not only residents of Poland, but also citizens of other republics (Russians, Belarusians, Moldovans, Ukrainians, etc.). But if a foreign citizen works in the company, then he will need to issue a work permit.

The Polish Republic is very well located in the central part of Europe. The country has a well-developed industry and Agriculture. There is access to the sea. The minimum wage is more than 520 euros per month, the level employment of the population - at least 94%. And relatively low taxes for merchants make it possible to conduct successful business in Poland.

The Republic of Poland is a country of the European Union. So general principles doing business are similar to other EU countries. The state does not interfere too much in the work of entrepreneurs, if they do not violate the laws. And the local economy feels stable even in the crisis years.

There are many Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians and other citizens of the CIS who are successfully engaged in entrepreneurship in the country. Some private entrepreneurs (PE) receive assistance from the state.

What is business immigration

If you decide to start a business in Poland, it is better to first come to the country for exploration on a regular tourist visa. Look around, get acquainted with local customs. Explore potential clients. It is possible to find future partners, choose the location of the future company, store, office or workshop.

It is important to have a clear idea of ​​what the new venture will look like. And you can register a company without a residence permit.

What is a business visa

The migrant card, which is issued to merchants from other countries, is called a business visa. It allows you to engage only in entrepreneurial activities in the country - you cannot study at universities or work for hire. You can get such a card at the diplomatic mission of the state. This is done after the opening of the company.

You will need one of the evidence of business activity:

  • Certificate of registration in the National Court Register;
  • Partnership agreement, if the applicant opens a joint business or wants to invest in an already ready one;
  • A receipt confirming the entry by the organization tax payments to the Polish budget.

In addition, they will ask you to collect the usual package of papers:

  • Questionnaire (the form will be issued by the embassy staff);
  • Passport, identity card of a citizen;
  • Photo - 2 pcs.;
  • A document from the bank on the existence of an account;
  • Copy work book(with seal and signature of a notary);
  • Medical insurance.

If the documents are in order, then in 6-10 days the business visa will be ready. In exceptional cases, the process will be delayed up to 30 days. The validity period is 12 months.

What type of business is profitable to open in Poland

The choice of direction depends on the amount of available capital and confidence in own forces. Most visitors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine start with a small business.

If there's financial opportunity, it is recommended to try to find finished project, relating to a medium-sized business that is being sold, or for which an investor is required. The main thing is to determine that the business is promising and will not become unprofitable in the near future.

Conditions for immigration to Poland for entrepreneurs

Any foreigner can come to the country and do business, provided that:

  1. He is of age;
  2. Has not been in jail and has no criminal record;
  3. There are no diseases dangerous to others.

Choosing the right visa, conditions for obtaining

First, you should use a regular Schengen visa. And after opening the company, initiate the process of obtaining a business visa.

The sequence of obtaining migration cards is as follows:

  • Business card;
  • Residence permit - a simple residence permit;
  • Permanent residence - permanent residence permit;
  • Passport of a citizen of Poland.

Some visiting merchants are content with business cards and do not apply for a residence permit.

Conditions for obtaining a residence permit, permanent residence, citizenship

A residence permit will be issued subject to the following points:

  • The applicant's firm employs at least two eligible people;
  • The enterprise brings real income for at least a year.

The term of issue is up to three years. Permanent residence can be obtained after 5 years of residence with a regular residence permit. And citizenship - in 10 years. Terms may be reduced, depending on the success of the merchant.

Buying a ready-made business and starting from scratch

The search for working enterprises that are being sold by their current owners should be searched on thematic sites. It is recommended to involve lawyers familiar with this subject. This way you can avoid scammers.

The contract for the transfer of cases should also be signed in the presence of intermediaries. After that, you will have to re-register the company in your name. This will save time, as it takes much longer to create a new company.

The creation of a commercial project begins with the development of a name, logo (if necessary) and so on.

Both physical and entity. There are 2 ways:

  1. Through the online service - the shortest way (3 days);
  2. Through a notary office - takes up to four weeks.

The difference is that a standard memorandum of association and the lawyer will prepare an extended one. You will have to stand in queues at the offices, independently receiving most of the information.

You will also have to:

  • Open an account at a local bank;
  • Register numbers: tax and insurance;
  • Contribute authorized capital.

What do Russian-speaking entrepreneurs do most often?

One of the most common solutions for businessmen from Russia and the CIS countries are small objects - stalls or shops selling food, alcohol and fast food. If the merchant decides to sell any products of his own manufacture or to repair something, he will have to rent a workshop. The location of the object is of utmost importance.

General examples of profitability, prices are in PLN for 1 month (PLN is the local currency):

  1. Cafe (fast food). A pizzeria in the center of Warsaw brings in about 15,000;
  2. Capital beauty salon - about 12-13;
  3. Bakery - 10-11 thousand;
  4. Shop selling alcohol. Profit - more than 15 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting that people will go to cafes and beauty salons, despite the abundance of such establishments. It is important to guess with the place and range of goods and services.

When opening a shop with strong drinks, it is important to consider that a 24-hour shop of this type makes a profit of 20% more than a regular one.

Demand is provided all year round. But there are limitations:

  • By location: you need to look for a place away from churches, children's institutions and playgrounds;
  • License required for this species activities.

One of the advantages of activities related to the sale of pastries, food and alcohol is that qualified personnel are not required. And in the salon you will have to look for specialized masters.

Business ideas with minimal investment

With virtually no funds, you can:

  • Organize a private kindergarten (2-4 children);
  • Offer tutoring services;
  • Conduct city tours;
  • Create and sell products own production(souvenirs, toys);
  • Engage in IT services (website development, web design, programming).

Real Examples

Marina, an entrepreneur from Minsk.

“We came to Warsaw in 2003. My husband was able to find a job in a taxi, and I decided to try opening a small cafe near the city center. I had a similar experience in Belarus, so I was ready for long fights with officials. However, the hardest part was finding a good location. The employees of the registration authorities were very helpful with advice, they were especially impressed by the fact that I speak Polish well. The cafe worked for three years, and during this time there was not a single check in the institution. We sent declarations to the tax office and that’s it.”

Legal nuances

The work of local non-governmental organizations is regulated by KSH - the code of commercial companies.

An entrepreneur can register an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. The rules of the enterprise will depend on this.

If the organization is large, then you should choose the form joint-stock company or partnerships (if there are partners).

Business registration

More than 80% of Polish companies exist in the form of "OOO". If a businessman does not have Polish citizenship, permanent residence and is not a resident of the EU states, then the company will have to be registered through intermediaries (lawyers).

Registration sequence:

  1. Choice of field of activity. You can choose one main and up to 9 additional;
  2. Creation of authorized capital - from PLN 5 thousand;
  3. Fixing the creation of a company with a notary, signing an agreement of founders;
  4. Registration in the State Register;
  5. Obtaining "Regon" - the identifier of the legal entity;
  6. Registration in the tax commission;
  7. Registration in ZUS (social insurance department) - this is only necessary if the company employs wage-earners. If there is only one merchant, then it is not required;
  8. Getting a print.

Reference. Online registration is carried out on the website


The tax rate is progressive. It all depends on the type of activity, income level:

  • Income tax (individuals/legal entities) – 19% or higher;
  • VAT - 0%, 5%, 8%, 23%. How much to pay - depends on the group of goods;
  • For dividends - 19%.

The tax authorities are trying to ease the burden for entrepreneurs who earn less than 2.5 minimum wages and have reduced their income tax to PLN 600.

Other subtleties

It should be borne in mind that goods from Poland can be transported through the EU without any duties. This can be used if organized trading company on sales/purchases and earn on distribution.

Business Tips and Common Mistakes

It is not recommended to open grocery stores because of the high risk of bankruptcy. The competition is very high, and the Poles are used to buying things from trusted sellers. In the same time small cafe will cost 20-25 thousand euros and will give a small but stable income.

Ready-made companies should be bought through intermediaries. The main thing is to choose a company with a reputation.

The Polish economy is the eighth largest in the EU. There are difficulties in the country, many indigenous people are forced to work in Western Europe, the unemployment rate is quite high, but still, with the ability to entrepreneurial activity, fresh ideas and a well-thought-out plan of action, here you can open enterprises and earn stable money.

One of the options for moving to Poland is to open your own business. This is not easy, both financially and legally. Business in Poland can be profitable. However, for this you will have to study all the nuances of its conduct in the state.

Where to begin

Business immigration to Poland allows a foreigner to move to the country for permanent residence. However, for this you will have to obtain the appropriate permission to enter and stay. best conditions are used by citizens of the European Union, since the doors of any state that is part of the EU are open to them.

Migrants from countries former USSR has to be more difficult. To carry out activities on the territory of Poland, legalization of stay is required. In addition, in order to conduct business and become a profitable company, it is necessary to determine the specific direction of its activity. To do this, you will have to study the market and identify in which area a win-win business option is possible.

Registration of a business visa

A prerequisite for entering the country in order to open your own business is to obtain a special permit. To do this, you will need to prepare a standard package of papers, including documents confirming the presence of a share in the authorized capital.

You will have to apply to the Consulate of Poland. To do this, you must immediately fill out an application and take the required documents. ? It all depends on the length of the planned stay in the country. The price starts from 35 euros. In addition, there may be additional costs for shipping, translation, notarization and other related services.

Preparation of documents

To obtain permission to enter Poland for the purpose of doing business, you will need to submit a set of documents:

  • questionnaire;
  • photographs sized 3.5*4.5 at least 2 pieces;
  • international passport;
  • internal passport;
  • medical policy;
  • confirmation of the purpose of entry.

The list of documents is not exhaustive, as additional papers may be required in a particular case.

Processing time and expiration date

It is difficult to name the final review period, as it ranges from 7 to 30 days. That is why it is advisable to submit documents in advance, so as not to be late with the visa application. The validity period depends on the purpose of the trip and whether the applicant already had a permit or is obtaining it for the first time. The length of stay varies:

  • 30/90 - you can stay in the country for 30 days within 3 months. This type, perhaps, will be received by the one who travels to Poland for the first time;
  • 90/180;
  • 180/360.

If a person has repeatedly visited the state on a business trip and has never violated any rules, he can apply for a permit immediately for 2 years.

How to open a company in Poland

On the initial stage There are many questions about starting your own business. To do this, you will have to act in stages: legalize the company, go through registration procedures in various instances, and so on. Small business in Poland feels quite confident. There are numerous small outlets that generate income for their owners. It welcomes foreign investment in the local economy.

Choosing a form of ownership

Depending on the scale of activity of the opened enterprise, you will need to choose organizational type. If a person works independently or with a small number of employees, an individual entrepreneur is opened. The enterprise must also necessarily have a main activity, depending on the classifier adopted in the country. If necessary, you can change the legal form, but this will require additional costs.

Company registration

All constituent documents are submitted to the State Court Register in order to register the organization. At the time of the appeal, the founders write an application and submit certified signatures. As a result of the procedure, information about the company will be placed in the Judicial Economic Bulletin. Also, registering a company in Poland allows you to assign a unique number to it.

Choice of field of activity and company name

One of key points when organizing a legal entity is to determine the direction of work. There is scope for the imagination of a businessman here. It is impossible to unambiguously indicate the most profitable and, conversely, the failed sphere. An entrepreneur should rely on personal preferences and analysis of the market situation. You can open a company in Poland in almost any field and with an adequate name. It also makes sense to think about acquiring a franchise of a well-known brand. This will facilitate the moment of implementation and reduce advertising costs.

Get documents certified by a notary

It is necessary to sign the founding papers, on which there must be resolutions of all participants. To do this, you will have to come to the notary's office and record the fact of the opening of the company. In addition, the signatures of the founders must be certified. Without the implementation of this step, the legal entity will not receive a work permit.

Open a bank account

For mutual settlements with counterparties, you will need to contact financial institutions. The account is opened in any bank registered in the territory of the country. The choice is made depending on the cost of maintenance and other factors. To open, you will need constituent documents, the presence of a representative of the company and a statement.

Registration in the CEiDG registry

Mandatory registration with regulatory authorities, including CEiDG - Central Accounting and Information on Entrepreneurship. This is a register of entrepreneurs - individuals operating in Poland. It has been conducted since July 1, 2011 in the teleinformation system created by the Ministry of Economy of the country on the basis of the provisions of the law on freedom of economic activity.

Getting a loan

If necessary, attract borrowed money often go to banks. Own business always requires an initial investment. In Poland, it is easier to get a loan for those who are a citizen of any EU country or for those who have one. For foreigners of other categories, other conditions are less favorable. However, the final parameters of the loan should be specified individually.

Acquisition of a ready-made business

As one of the options for running your own business - buying an existing one. However, such a step is not always justified, especially for a novice entrepreneur. You can buy a business in Poland. But we must understand that it is unlikely that anyone will want to sell a ready and profitable one. This occurs in exceptional cases. In most situations, the probability of acquiring a loss increases. Doing business in the country does not give the right to a simplified procedure, but after a certain time in the country, it is realistic to get it. Only for this you will need to go through the entire legalization procedure.

Ideas for starting a business in Poland

As in any other country, some types of business bring in more income than others. When considering options, it is necessary to rely on the features of the mentality, way of life, the fullness of niches, etc. Best Ideas for business in Poland can only be determined from experience - predecessors and personal. Let us single out the types of activities in which migrants managed to successfully “promote” their business in the country.

Fast food outlets

In Poland, franchises of fast food chains are successfully developed, which require certain investments:

  • Telepizza - from PLN 100,000 + PLN 10,000 lump-sum;
  • Biesiadowo - about 40 thousand zł;
  • KOKU Sushi - PLN 70-120 thousand.

The obvious advantage of such a business is the high demand for products, especially if they are good quality. Accommodation near tourist routes will bring additional income. The main drawback is the serious amount of required financial investments in the form of initial capital.

It is important to consider wishes target audience and focus on the assortment that Poles and guests of the country choose. If you resort to acquiring a franchise, then the entrepreneur can count on assistance in choosing premises, inventory, etc.

Pharmacy points

In almost any civilized country, the pharmaceutical business is one of the most profitable. In Poland, you should focus on well-known names, since everything new is treated with caution here. In this case, the franchise of the Polish network will come to the rescue. The cost of permission to use a well-known brand is from PLN 3,000 to PLN 400,000. Among the most popular:

  • Apteki Dbam o Health;
  • Apteka Bliska.

When opening a point with an unknown name, a lot of time, effort and money will be spent on promotion.


The main disadvantage of this choice is its complexity, the need for certain knowledge. In addition, the legislation governing this area is quite strict, and the amount of initial investment will be considerable. One option would be to purchase a franchise. Thanks to it, a foreign citizen will be entitled to open a branch of a Polish bank. Among the most popular:

  • Getin Bank;
  • Alior bank;
  • Bank B.P.H.

Income is generated from sales Money, issued loans, etc.

Beauty saloon

Beauty studios are popular in Poland. That is why this type of business brings considerable income and is one of the most frequently chosen ones for opening by foreigners. Some shortage of personnel among the local population in this area is noticeable due to the fact that the work of such a plan is considered not prestigious. That is why a foreigner has a chance to settle and take his place in a niche.

Language classes

Any kind of provision educational services will become a good source of income for persons with relevant knowledge and qualifications. Studios for the development of the baby, learning languages ​​make a profit and allow you to work for yourself.

second hand stores

In opening such a business, the decisive role is played by the countries from which the goods are received. If it is the USA, Switzerland, Great Britain, the point will be popular. A stock or second-hand store will become good option to start a business.

Laundry or dry cleaning

There is a wide range of services that can be provided for profit. They will be popular with the public if an appropriate level is provided. This niche covers the following activities:

  • laundry;
  • dry cleaning;
  • cleaning of premises.

It is important to understand that in the absence positive feedback and a good name will not be able to exist on the market for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to select responsible personnel and be responsible for the quality of the services provided.

Summing up

Opening your own business in Poland can become one of the methods of earning money in the country and moving there for permanent residence. The authorities welcome this option if the company is profitable, since the migrant will pay taxes to the country's budget. The issue of choosing a niche and a specific area of ​​activity is decided by the entrepreneur individually. It is worth paying attention to certain areas in which it will be easier for a migrant to get comfortable.


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