How to apply event marketing. Event Marketing Event Marketing in Emotion Marketing Concept

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From this article you will learn:

  • What are the benefits of event marketing
  • What are the types of event marketing
  • How to prepare for the event as part of event marketing
  • What are the novelties and trends in the field of event marketing now need to be armed

Suppose your company works fruitfully on the market for 10 years. Round dates to celebrate. And this is an excellent reason to organize a corporate event for workers: choose a restaurant, agree on the menu ... In the morning, after the event, discuss those who are different "distinguished", and forget about the corporate party forever. But there are many other options so that the iconic event contribute to the further growth and success of the business. We are talking about event marketing, or event marketing. In this article we will tell you what it is how you can use event marketing technologies, and how to turn the corporate in effective tool Attracting attention to business.

What is Event Marketing

Event or event Marketing - This is a set of marketing events aimed at promoting the goods, the company's services in binding to a specific event. As a rule, these are known for the whole world of events or events designed specifically for the brand: for example, thematic flash drives.

The essence of the event marketing several thousand years ago, Roman rulers were voiced. They said that people need "bread and spectacles." A full-fledged independent direction event marketing has been approximately 30 years ago. The first modern event-marketing event was a contest from Procter & Gamble - personal care products companies.

Among the companies that conducted events to popularize their product was McDonalds. All of us with this brand is associated clown. It was this approach that helped the company to form a bright image and attract children's restaurants into a network with parents.

The most striking representative using Event Marketing is Apple. Presentations of new products - real grand shows that sees the whole world. They cause people bright emotions and a strong desire to buy a new iPhone, iPad, etc.

Objectives of event marketing:

  • make a brand more recognizable;
  • increase sales;
  • demonstrate a new product;
  • form corporate image;
  • attract media.

You can pursue several goals at once. Suppose the presentation of a new product, strive to draw attention to the brand, improve the image, make it more recognizable. In addition, Event events are always interesting for the media, which is also on the hand of the company.

Event Marketing It has several specific features that need to pay particularly close attention. The main feature is that the audience of the brand and event events should be identical. It is impossible to sell jewelry jewelry at the event associated with Plumbing, and specialists in the field of cosmetology are unlikely to be interested in appliances. I expressing more precisely, for some, the product will be potentially curious, but the conversion rate will still be low - much lower than when conducting a presentation among representatives of the Century Organization.

The second distinguishing feature of the event-marketing - the event should contribute to the promotion of goods or services. Often, one mention as a sponsor is not enough. More efficient measures associated with a brand or product. That is why the company name is better to use event in the name, as well as give visitors the opportunity to try out the product. So, at the festival "Klinskoye. Promotion "Visitors could not only ride a Sky Dive attraction, but also to taste beer. And in the item was indicated by the brand, which was well reflected on the reputation and loyalty of consumers.

Event is one of the traditional ways to promote in the skilled hands of a marketing or competent PR. And, of course, the method has the mass of advantages:

All this allows you to get new useful information. Event participants are treated as a focus group on which the company test offers. That is, in the Event marketing process, preliminary knowledge of the buyer is accumulated, which avoids additional research.

Event Marketing Tools

Marketing experts recommend using EVENT and include it in all marketing programs. It is only necessary to understand what kind of format the events you are interested in the goals of event marketing are needed to come to, and the expected results of the event. That is, different event marketing tools are effective in different situations.

Taking into account the goals pursued, there are three directions of event marketing:

  • Event events for the exchange of experience (Congresses, exhibitions and conferences).
  • Information event marketing (presentation, discovery). Allows you to attract the attention of potential buyers without imposing them. As an example, you can bring a demo show of a new collection of clothing.
  • Entertainment Event Marketing (concerts, festivals, competitions).

If you wish to present a brand to potential customers, make a presentation or opening ceremony. A good decision will be a small concert, all kinds of prizes, speech with a story about your company, brand or shop.

The presentation is carried out according to a specific scheme. The main part consists of providing information about the product itself or service, its (its) advantages in order to impress and interest potential customers.

Holidays are considered the most ambitious events in Event Marketing. They are aimed at an extensive target audience. The company invites celebrities and conducts entertainment events, tries to make the right impression on the audience and arrange it.

The original way to declare yourself is to organize sporting events. It was them that Mars enjoyed it, which for 10 years, from 2001 to 2010, organized SNIKERS URBANIA Sportsfest. The event was designed for a young target audience, and the competition was conducted on street sports: break dance, freestyle, graffiti, etc.

You can organize as a point event - for a certain brand, product or a reason, and a large-scale cost project, aimed at promoting the brand as a whole.

From the perspective of potential buyers on which the impact is allocated, the Event events of two types are allocated:

  1. External events held for buyers, customers, media, partners, general public, etc.
  2. Events organized for the internal optimization of the company. Personnel participate in them, but representatives from outside can be invited. Examples:

If you take into account budgets and extent, there are two types of event-marketing:

  1. Spot event aimed at promoting a particular product, services, brand or a single case in the life of the enterprise. For example, a multimedia show for Samsung Galaxy Note8 Unpacked.
  2. Grand event events with millions of budgets aimed at promoting a company or several brands at once. Such events can be organized not only at the expense of the company, but also on the money of sponsors and partners. For example, the VK Fest Festival or Amoconf Business Forum from AMOCRM. As part of the country's popularization in the tourism market, the World Cup in Russia in 2018 was just such an event.

Types of event Marketing

But it is not enough to simply organize an event event to promote the brand and wait that immediately after it the participants with enthusiasm will start buying your goods. Be that as it may, this is a festive event, and the entertainment part in it should take at least 80%. Mention of trademark protruding independent enclosures against the background of a bright spectacle.

The advertising effect of such events is achieved due to the fact that your brand is associated with the emotions that the audience receives. In other words, the Central Asia automatically positively perceives the brand by participating in the event event. Suppose if leading every 15 minutes will shout the name of the brand, potential customers will push it out. It is preferable to give the most active participants of prizes with branded symbolism - it will give the best result. The focus will be in the focus, and you just act as a modest organizer of the event.

Determined that the event marketing will help to achieve the goals. Let us dwell on its types.

Focused on partners, dealers, distributors and customers. Usually worn business, and the goal is to demonstrate the product or service along with the advantages.

This category includes presentations, conferences, exhibitions, seminars, summits, fairs, forums. The purpose of the holding is to present the audience new products and services, find partners or exchange experience.

In the same group, Below-The-Line-shares are distinguished - a set of marketing activities that differ from direct advertising by impact on Central Asia. BTL-shares are held at sales points. The main goal is to cause interest in the potential buyer to product and appreciate it.

Basically, companies hire promoters who distribute product leaflets. This is the easiest method of promotion at such events. In addition, the method is unproductive. The indicator of its effectiveness is approximately 0.1-1%. Such events also branding equipment, promotion, stands with image pictures or information about the organization. Some companies offer potential buyers to taste the product, test the service or sample.

The profitability of such shares has decreased because they began to be used everywhere. At the same time, the costs of carrying out quite large, as it is necessary to pay not only the seal of leaflets. It is necessary to train a promoter, rent a place and prepare branded equipment.

The greatest effect is achieved from non-standard and creative promotion methods. What is the need to distribute leaflets with a list of services if you can work out the original program for a shopping event event that will support and develop a brand legend?

The standard of such events can be considered an Apple conference. Every year, the brand holds 2-3 presentations, where leading developers from Cupertino tell about all products and demonstrate them, as well as on and services. Since 2007, the company has collected thousands of journalists from all over the world. The demonstration of "apple" products is a real show that is broadcast in many countries. There are not only company specialists, but also partners are applications and software developers for brand devices. So, in 2015, Apple was invited to the author of the author of the Crossy Road game and even their competitors from Microsoft. Many remembered this chip.

Early competent commercial Event event can increase not only sales, but also the loyalty of the Central Asia non-standard approach to the promotion of the trademark.

We are talking about all events: professional holidays, anniversaries of the company, joint vacation workers, etc.

If the company's corporate culture is organized competently, then the staff is compulsory jointly resting on various family days, thymbynding, quests. Entertainment events allow employees to understand how the company is positioning, and to form corporate pride. In addition, in an informal setting, the head "Leader-Slave" is erased. Employees see that the "evil" boss is the same person with whom we can mentally talk.

Remember:as part of the preparation for event event, many parameters take into account. Order a lead and buy champagne - far from the most important. The priority is the meaning of the event, the goals of the event marketing. That is, it is necessary, for example, that the tag of # beloved in the "Instagram" employees were not influenced by alcohol, but under the impression of the quality of the corporate party.

So, Brisbane Flight Center has organized fun for the staff right in the office. The long corridor was covered with a loaf and well washed it. Everyone could ride away. Such a leisure I liked everything without exception: both employees of the company, and managers, and customers. There was a cheerful tradition - to ride a stomach! And now for each Christmas in the corridor of the office, such an adhesive rug appears.

To his twentieth anniversary, Tiens has prepared a grand event event. Managers presented 6400 employees a trip for two weeks to France. All this time, workers lived in the best hotels, ate in expensive restaurants, went on excursions. This corporate trip even got into the Guinness Book of Records! Employees created the longest live inscription "Tiens' Dream IS Nice In The Côte d'Azur" in history.

These are festivals, concerts, sporting events, shows, mass events. We sponsors such events, as a rule, trademarks and manufacturers.

Professional PR shares always cause a positive reaction from the target audience, and potential buyers become loyal to the brand. In addition, special vessels often cause a wide public resonance and favorably affect the reputation of the company.

Companies not only sponsor, but also participate in charitable programs that relate to their goals and objectives. Charitable events contribute to the proper positioning of the organization - with high social responsibility.

Often the sponsor of sports events worldwide is Coca-Cola. In the process of the Olympic Fire Relay along the cities of Russia among the main organizers, it was this company, along with the manufacturer of Bosco sports clothing, which developed a form for the Russian national team.

During the relay, 200 thousand gift cans and bottles of Coca-Cola was drunk. It was in 2014 that the company broke all records of sales. Such a result helped to achieve its large-scale sponsorship activities.

In 2010, Hublot's watch manufacturer became a partner of the legendary Depeche Mode group. Part of the funds reversed from each tour of the musical team, as well as the profit from sales of the clock limited series, went to deliver clean drinking water to the third world countries.

Hublot was reported to support the promotion and within the framework of the upcoming tour of the Global Spirit group. And when a new album comes out, a new model of the clock will release.

A separate direction in event marketing is sponsorship of existing events. There are advantages, shortcomings and specific characteristics.

When you are a sponsor of a particular event, then promote your brand in non-elastic events. Events that need financing are usually sufficient status, meaningful for Central Asia, who can interest it. We are talking about sports events and urban holidays, club parties, different competitions and shows. This is only a small list of events that you can finance and convey your advertising promise to potential customers.

Sponsorship as the method of marketing communications has a number of benefits:

Theories are enough. Let's talk about practical application Event marketing in business. To begin with, we note that this type of promotion is quite complicated and specific. That is why we should not expect dizzying success from the first event.

The fact is that the effectiveness of event marketing depends, above all, on how experienced the organizers, and what skills they possess. You can act in three ways:

  1. Hire a specialist in the organization of events.
  2. Periodically resort to the services of Event agencies and other third-party specialists.
  3. Do everything yourself, studying the literature on this topic, by the method of trial and error.

But even if you commissioned the Event Event Organization to specialists from the outside, you still need to know about the main stages of planning to understand the details and eliminate pitfalls.

Stage 1: Event Planning.

It is necessary to fully plan an event event. Your task is to work as much as possible every item.

It is absolutely all:

  • tasks and goals of event marketing;
  • time and venue of the event;
  • resources, including on the promotion of the product;
  • program or script;
  • target audience of the event.

The last item is especially important, since it is unacceptable to make a mistake in the definition of its CA. Otherwise, the Effect Event Marketing will not bring. Event or not gain coverage, or there will be few potential buyers among visitors.

These two components will partially depend on the goals and audiences, as well as external conditions. If it is wrong to choose time, your potential customers will not be able to get to the event. Carefully rectify to the definition of the venue, otherwise the audience may be afraid, and as a result you will attract unnecessary people.

When choosing the time of the event (both dates and duration), consider external factors: season, weather, calendar (festive, weekdays, weekends), traditional methods of segmentation of your Central Asian.

Suppose, on the day before the holiday, potential customers will not visit the event, since they will not be up to you. And there may be an inverse situation: people will come if the event event will fit into the usual format of their pastime before the holidays. Take into account the parallel events that are significant for potential buyers. The grandiose street event will collect little people only because on this day, for example, and at the same time there is a match in football.

Choosing a venue, take into account the goals and tastes of the audience. Very often, this factor becomes decisive for doubters. How long to get? Will there be a comfortable pleasant atmosphere? Can a person feel "how at home"? Is there a place that you chose, some established reputation? How will she affect the perception of potential buyers? All these questions should be answered in advance.

  • Preparation of the event itself

Only after you have identified time and venue, start planning the event (if we speak a professional language, form content). Each element, from the design of the site or performing artists, should organically fit into the concept of event-event and effectively work on achieving the main goal of event marketing. Do not tighten the script. It is important that the marketing, visual and entertainment component organically combat.

Preparing k. business Presentation Or a bright mass holiday, remember: 80% of the information person perceives visually. And only 20% - through the senses. If you do not understand how to make the audience pay attention to you, do not get the return. When developing a scenario, be sure to take care so that every minute of the event is entertainment.

And remember that the cultural and aesthetic component of events must correspond to your CA.

Stage 2: Promotion of the event.

To ensure that the event brought the desired fruits, inform him, interest the audience and, finally, remind you before starting. The event promotion consists of still three stages:

There are hundreds of options alert audience about the event. Tell about the most sought after. For example, the costs of promotion will be quite small if for announcement:

  1. place information about the event on your media resources: the official website, social networks of the company;
  2. distribute printed or other materials among the audience;
  3. introduce an announcement about the event to the script of employees who communicate with CA;
  4. create a separate group or meeting in social networks for the event.

Costs are minimal here. But if you want to increase coverage, you can connect and paid promotion channels.

  • Promotion.

Between the announcement and the event, as a rule, a period that can be from a pair of weeks to several months is set. During this period, your task is not only to develop a program of the event, but to work with the target audience at once in several directions.

First of all, you need to inform about the upcoming event to the maximum number of people. Make it will help traditional advertising tools and PR methods. A good effect can be obtained from targeted advertising in social media. And the abundance of filters during startup will allow you to show a message exceptionally to your potential customers and increase returns.

If promoting mass eventAnd for you the main thing is the number of the audience, pay attention to the entertainment sites by the type of "posters" and Kudago. There are other urban and regional projects.

It is necessary to prepare, "warm up" the audience. It is better to use mailing in messenger, social networks, e-mail in a complex with retargeting. This will allow longer to interact with potential visitors with smaller costs for advertising events. "Heated" is needed so that people remember what and what they should visit.

Open or free events are often forgotten, late, tolerate. If you are interested in event event, remind you to potential visitors. And better - tell in detail: when, where and on which transport you get there.

When organizing a paid event, you need to be activated 2-3 days before it. After all, this is the best moment for using the Deadline effect and the sale of recent tickets.

Increase the number of potential visitors to the event is not difficult. You just need to schedule the newsletter of letters or messages and remind them of the upcoming event to everyone who registered it.

The highest degree of event skill is to offer a super bonus immediately before starting. Promise to visitors a surprise, draw, etc. - in the word, do any action that a person will spill to postpone their affairs and come to you.

Stage 3: Intermediate Analysis.

Control by who registered for the event. This will make it possible to evaluate how the campaign is successful, and adjust its weaknesses. But do not forget that the indicators may deviate both in the greater and in a smaller side. You will learn the true indicator directly on the event event.

To collect feedback from participants, it is not necessary to wait until the program is completed. Do it at each stage. For example, survey potential participants before the start. This will help to work out weaknesses, adjust the script of the program, taking into account the wishes of visitors.

For example, you will avoid serious errors as uncomfortable for most people who want a place or time of holding, a boring program, lack of value, etc.

Stage 4: Conducting an event.

  1. Your task is to get a maximum of benefit from event event, write it on video, make a photo report, collect feedback from the participants.
  2. After or in the event process, place an event publishing on social networks, launch online broadcasts.
  3. Stimulate the participants to do the same in your pages, create a tag, issue a photocon.

What is it all? Do not just have an event, have fun, take a picture and finish on it? Not. This is not a party, but event marketing, business event. Therefore, it should set commercial objectives: increase the activity of participants, increase sales, encourage them to register and make other targets at the end of the event.

Stage 5: Summing up.

No matter how successfully the event passed, reaping the fruits early. Need a final statistics count. And at this stage it is important to calculate the costs of Event, to understand how much money went to attract one member, and what kind of return he brought the company. Only after the reconciliation of all data summarize.

Your task after the event is to answer three main questions:

  • Did it bring the desired results?
  • Is it possible to increase the figures next time and so?
  • Do I use event marketing on?

But remember that ineffective marketing does not happen. And since each extent is different, the indicators are also different. Yes, and the effect itself can last long enough.

To make it easier to understand in the formats of events and advertising opportunities, we will highlight key points And briefly describe their distinctive features.

  1. Opening.
  2. Already from the very name implies that there is a real infoovod: the opening of something. It is absolutely all: a new boutique, pastry shop. Of course, the degree of "grandeur" will be different.

    This is the most common event format. Despite the seeming simplicity ("make a program for such an event - easier than simple"), it is their most difficult to make interesting and memorable. Self-infected banal. Such events, as a rule, do not really think about. He drank champagne, cut the ribbon - here, in principle, all.

    The goal of discovery is the maximum attraction of the attention of potential buyers to a new object in the market. Many tools are appropriate here. At the same time, the presentation can be called natural - guests are visited. Special attention to the planning of the opening ceremony is paid to the elements of the show that will attract the public to the event and, therefore, will enjoy it to visit the object.

    When you plan an event-opening, be sure to determine how much the event will last, and make a entertainment program. It is at this stage that they are usually mistaken. Do not delay the event so that the audience began to disperse, without waiting for the climax. At the same time, it should not be too short. It is important that visitors are satisfied, and they did not have the impression that he saw was not worth their precious time. There should be an ideological connection between the program and the infoovod by 30%.

    This is usually closed events. But there are exceptions. The presentation of the novelty is an event, 80% dedicated to the product.

    Working out a presentation, try to make it so that it is the most illustrative and spectacular, visually reflected everything that will be discussed. Otherwise, visitors will become boring.

    Make accent only on entertainment part wrong. The event should be aimed at bringing the maximum interest in the presented product from a potential buyer. To do this, use projectors, flash presentations, demonstration videos and other technical meansallowing you to make an event visually bright.

    Registration of an open presentation must be thought out "from" and "to": make portable stands with high-quality design, use video shots so that the event becomes bright and dynamic. Prepare handouts: branded folders, discs with presentations in electronic format. All this will allow visitors to events at any time to view and recall important product information.

  3. Exhibitions.
  4. Allocate two types of exhibition events. The first is more rare when the event is devoted exclusively to your brand and the product. The second is commonly used. These are sectoral exhibitions. And in that, in another case, it must be borne in mind that the main focus is on the demonstration of the goods. Exhibitions and presentations have a lot in common. However, the first last longer, and the visiting schedule is free. In this case, you can miss the correct process dynamics.

    Working out the exhibitions, focus on static demonstration (stands) and continuous presentation methods, for example, small bright presentations on the screen. First of all, we will qualitatively define the space where the event is planned so that the present perceptions in the present has developed. The venue of the event-event should be convenient, memorable and most profitably represent the product to everyone who wishes to meet him.

    Often brands, practicing event marketing and exhibiting goods, want to make exhibition activities more diverse, including elements of the show in it.

    It is fine, but do not forget the important points:

    - First of all, Most of the exhibitions are aimed at corporate clients and potential intermediaries, quite serious and occupied people. Such events are more like a business, rather than a solemn character, and therefore entertainment elements do not always look organically.

    - Second. In order for visitors to remember bright and non-standard moves, ideologically tie them to your product. Otherwise, they will remember the event, but not a product.

    A fairly effective way to consolidate from visitors to get acquainted with you - in the course of the exhibition small souvenirs.

    There are also a lot of solutions here. You can participate in citywide holidays (for example, in the bottom of the city), work out activities for a national holiday (March 8) or create your own unique event (company anniversary). To carry out the event of this type, there is always a reason.

    Depending on the event, it is necessary to organize each of them in different ways. But the holiday in any case remains a holiday, and the entertainment part should occupy at least 80%.

    Against the background of a bright spectacle, the moments associated with your brand and product must be allocated to act as separate enclosures. The advertising effect of such event events is achieved at the expense of the brand associations with something pleasant and positive. The audience automatically "swallows" the trademark along with the information about the product and "absorbs" the holiday. In order for potential customers to have a good brand, it should be harmoniously combined with other components of the event events and act as a "spice" that gives special piquancy.

    At any holiday, there are necessaries and gifts. Your task is to leave the event happy and joyful. The solemn event is always associated with positive emotions and bright colors: balls, fireworks. Create the desired atmosphere by colorful design.

The most vivid examples of event marketing of large companies

Using event marketing, remember: Your fantasy is limitless. And if the reason is really standing, and you are not particularly limited in the means, which prevents a grand event event?

Bright examples of using event marketing.

In honor of its 257th anniversary, the company applied fresh marketing solutionwithout changing the product. The purpose of the organization was to call the audience of the brand association with luxury. Representatives of Guinness in the clothes of pilots visited Pubs and restaurants in the UK, the guests of which, which is not suspected, received from the company a lot of surprises. Including the main prize: a flight on a chic private plane along with four friends. The action instantly gained popularity among social network users.

You can organize a whole competition between brands. When Google has developed a photo application, marketing experts have formed a simple campaign. People offered a cupcakes in return on the pictures made in the app. Effective move was as long as the online store Zappos has arrived more original.

Zappos put mobile machines, which gave gifts: T-shirts, sunglasses, shoes and other accessories instead of bookers from Google. To receive gifts, people made a photo through Google app, gathered a cupcakes and lowered them into the Zappos machines.

Cooperation between brands turned out to be useful for both parties. In addition, the audience really liked gifts.

  • Behringer.

At the Lollapalooza Lounge Party from BMF Media, Behringer, who spent the role of the event, offered guests to create their own podcast in the improvised studio.

Brand L'Oréal Paris, financing the event People en Español's Lounge, placed his logo on displays in the form of flowers in a large acrylic vase. Each visitor had the opportunity to take with him one of the gifts from L'Oréal Paris located in flower vases near the stand.

  • Lean Cuisine.

Lean Cuisine firm became the author of the project in which fitness, proper nutrition And the continuous desire of women was raised to the achievements. On the wall of the railway station in New York, scales appeared, reflecting not kilograms of fair sex representatives, but their successes. The brand did not promote directly. On the wall simply placed the company logo together with special hashtags. A roller about how the project proceeded, scored 205 million views in social networks.

  • Sony.

Excellent example of successful Event marketing is a very beautiful action from Sony within the framework of the new camcorder advertising transmitting the entire color palette.

Sony along with residents little City In Costa Rica, there were over 3.5 tons of flower petals of various shades and sprinkled the streets. About the event reported in advance what tourists attracted. Photo taken on the advertised camera, flew around the whole world.

So, Sony introduced a new product in its assortment and caused the association among the chamber between the chamber and the real explosion of the color. This marketing campaign has significantly improved the demand for this product in travelers.

One of the largest and visited annual events event marketing in Russia Red Bull Flugtag. Red Bull releases a non-alcoholic energy drink, respectively, its Central Asians - young people, thirsty, new impressions and emotions. This is what the participants of the bright event are received, where homemade aircraft compete. The show turns out to be spectacular due to the fact that each team of participants is trying to create original, funny and grotesque equipment.

In 2016, such an event in the Krylatsky collected 9 participants and thousands of spectators. The show left all the very vivid impressions.

As a result, the company increases the loyalty to the audience. Such event marketing makes it possible to achieve that buyers associate a product with joyful emotions, freedom and ease.

With the help of event marketing, it is possible to strongly influence the company's audience. It allows you to draw attention to your activity, gives consumers the opportunity to "feel". An important advantage is a long effect. That is, the media will be referred to a competently organized event, social network users will begin to be actively commenting. The success of the event-event does not always depend on financial investments in its organization. Your task is to express the idea of \u200b\u200bthe event and give to understand the participants, what goals it pursues. As a result, it is possible to call real emotions from the audience, which right organization And the event form a positive reputation and bring income companies.

New and Trends in Event Marketing

One of the main trends in the field of event-marketing is that offline and online interact are still stronger. For example, online broadcasts, mobile applications allow participants to meet and communicate. At the same time, almost every Event event use digital technology. We are talking about sites, venues, VR and Ar-reality, interactive stands, projection shows (3D-mapping), chat bots, badges with individual barcodes. Formats change. Previously, reportage shooting, photowons and photographs used popularity. Today, the choice is increasingly making in favor of panoramic shooting 360 degrees, drones and Gopro.

The next trend is the development of the Customer Experience, with which you can interest the audience tired of the same name. Developed by shooting in the process of interactive films when participants provide the ability to determine the subsequent development of events. So the public becomes not only more active, but also establishes more close contact with each other (effective nonifying).

Another trend that appeared in recent years is immersive shows that allow you to maximize visitors to the process and turn them into participants in the formulation. An interesting version of the formation of the Customer Experience is the activity that the location changes. This, for example, Pop-Up objects or mobile sites where you can learn about the company, its goods and services.

The public with delight accepted the Louis Vuitton pavilion pavilion located in the form of a pavilion (exhibition "Swords of Westerns"). A vivid example of event marketing, which spoke lively.

Event-sphere allows you to conduct effective event marketing companies with different budget levels.

Event events - no longer secondary advertising tools. Gradually, they acquire paramount importance. In parallel, customers nominate higher demands to the organizers. If earlier it was allowed to offer interesting "chips", which almost did not correspond to the specifics of the brand, now it is impossible to form the concept of an effective event event, not immersed in the particular company, its philosophy and model of customer behavior.

Most of the companies gradually increases the amount of services provided using digital marketing, video broadcasting, VR and AR capabilities, PR support and other options. This is caused by two reasons. The first to consumers are more convenient to contact one agency and instruct him the organization of the "turnkey" event event, without singing a lot of contractors. The second - customers changed the requirements for events and are waiting for completely different results from them.

So how to impress the modern person becomes more difficult, the Event-agencies clients gradually leave the classic tenders, preferring to them creative. Here there are more qualitative competition between the agencies within the framework of the established budget. The task of the tender participants is to offer the concepts that relate to the customer's marketing strategy corresponded to the specifics and values \u200b\u200bof the target audience, and also attracted additional attention through the "sarafined radio".

The event event is designed to stimulate people to participate in it, and not to cause the feeling that "something similar has already passed somewhere." The stronger the visitors will impress the event, the more active they will comment on it in social networks, and the more distribution it will receive in the media. Original events wave rolling in Russia, and leading, of course, Moscow. Then they come to St. Petersburg, and much later - in the city millionth. During the year, fashion for Event instruments and concepts can change several times.

  1. Conduct event-event.
  2. Evaluation of his results.

If the customers were ready to invest in the crisis only for the WOW effect, now they, first of all, calculate how much you need to achieve the goal of event marketing. Set specific KPIs that indicate in brifs to conduct event events.

The most successful Event agencies that offer non-standard concepts with the predicted result. Given what goals in front of them are eventful marketing, it may be the price for contact, the conversion of participants in customers (Event-Event Sales Funnel) or the number of publications and photos on social networks after the event.

To evaluate the effectiveness and involvement of visitors, use both traditional ways and tools with digital technologies. In the latter case, we are talking about online surveys, voting panels during the event event, surveys by e-mail, collecting feedback in social networks, etc.

Due to the fact that the event marketing develops very rapidly, a lot of training programs for the organization of event events appeared.

Thus, the Internet playground for the organizers of the events of TimePad constantly conducts webinars. In October 2018, the 8th Annual Event Show Conference was held, and in January 2019, the Eurasian "Event Forum" was held, which led the leaders in the field of event marketing from all over Eurasia. Most advertising and PR premiums have nominations in the Event Marketing.

Agencies are very important to constantly improve skills and expand the expert sphere to survive in competitive environment. Many relevant trends are well known to modern customers. Consequently, agencies should always be headed above others, show that they are in the "subject", and offer new, "unresolved" decisions.

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Concept, purpose and objectives of event marketing

Exist various methods To do successful company and increase sales of its products or services. One of the non-standard promotion methods is the event marketing or event marketing (Event Marketing). It refers to the category of BTL events.

Definition 1.

Event marketing is a way to attract attention to a company, its products or a brand for the formation of close mutually beneficial relations with consumers. This is a combination of activities that are aimed at the attention of the target audience.

The main goal of the marketing event is to promote the interests of the organization, manipulating the behavior, opinion and consumer attitude. Event marketing is based on the establishment of an emotional connection between the company (brand) and the target audience.

Note 1.

The key tool in creating a "live" brand is the emotions. They are responsible for the loyalty of consumers to concrete brands.

The key task of event-marketing is considered to be a challenge of interest from the consumer, familiarity with the goods, the possibility of its approbation and the formation of a positive perception of goods, a company or brand.

The main tasks of event marketing are:

  1. creating a successful brand;
  2. creating a positive image of the company;
  3. formation of news for PR campaign;
  4. bright and memorizing release of a new product on the market;
  5. promotion of impulsive demand goods;
  6. stimulating sales for a long time;
  7. brand promotion;
  8. positioning of the brand;
  9. maintaining customer loyalty;
  10. the creation of a group of like-minded people among company personnel.

Event Marketing implies the creation of an event marketing campaign that gives certain advantages:

  • rising competitiveness and reputation of the company in the eyes of consumers;
  • spectacular demonstration and start selling goods;
  • organization and implementation of the advertising campaign of goods and attracting the attention of the media;
  • holding loyal buyers and attracting new;
  • creating and maintaining demand for goods in perspective;
  • improving the quality of relationships between employees of the enterprise.

Features and types of event marketing

The main types of event-marketing are:

  • corporate event Marketing (Corporate Events);
  • events for dealers, partners and customers (Trade Events);
  • special events (Special Events).

The purpose of the first type of event marketing is the increase in labor productivity and improving the company's reputation in the labor market. This is an organization of such events as various corporate events (anniversaries, trips on nature, parties, quests, etc.). Such events should invite partners and regular customers to enhance the image, and creating close mutually beneficial relationships.

As part of the second type of marketing event, conferences, seminars, round tables, presentations and other thematic activities are organized according to the company's activities. Such events also increase the image of the enterprise and emphasize its expense in certain matters.

The third group of event marketing includes third-party events: advertising tours, organization of concerts, festivals and other entertainment events. Such events are not always organized by the company itself. This type of event marketing contributes to the growth of consumer coverage, favorably affects customer attachment to the company or brand, and also contributes to increased sales. The sponsorship is important. The company finances a certain event, which is carried out by advertising a company and its products.

Note 2.

Event Marketing Tools

Event marketing is considered as a set of methods and tools used to conquer the target audience and forming loyal customers using certain events. This presentation, holidays, festivals, sports and other events carried out for entertainment and location to themselves consumers.

Event Marketing Tools:

  • corporate events;
  • special events;
  • shock promotion;
  • gaming promotion.

The first tool allows manipulation by employees at the level of emotions and form the team of like-minded people. The second tool is the organization of trainings, seminars, conferences necessary for the exchange of knowledge and experience in order to further develop and expand the company's activities. Special events are organized to advertise goods in order to disclose the essence and value of the brand. As part of such events, the company usually serves as a sponsor, which allows her to create a favorable impression of herself, remind of its products and get new consumers. Shock Promotion is a call to curiosity and interest in people to a certain scandalous event to draw attention to your product. The last tool of event marketing lays consumers to some game.

Tools differ in the event method. The choice of one or the tool depends on the type of product and the target audience.

The main components of a successfully organized event are:

  1. the right choice of all parameters of the target audience (demographic characteristics, social position, etc.);
  2. organization of communications between all participants and receiving feedback;
  3. emotional consumer involvement;
  4. organization of gifts and surprises for participation in the event.

Note 3.

The key to the effective use of event marketing is a creative approach to solving the tasks. It is important to clearly know who the target audience, what results want the company after the event. This will allow you to choose the appropriate format and the venue of the event, make it memorial and unique.

Attract attention modern consumers It becomes more and more difficult. In this situation, event marketing comes to help business, allowing to achieve goals by establishing emotional communications with consumers. With his goals, tools and trends, you will get acquainted by reading this article.

You will learn:

  • In achieving any goals will help event marketing
  • What are the tools of event marketing
  • What trends are characteristic of modern event marketing
  • What stages include the organization of events

In the context of increased competition and growth of information and communication influences on consumers through various channels, traditional promotion has ceased to give competitive advantages. Companies of the same industries and business areas use homogeneous tools, so the consumer is becoming more difficult to surprise. Growing advertising budgets No longer is the key to increase sales, and the usual approaches are rapidly lose effectiveness. Business is actively looking for new ways to involve consumers in communication, the event marketing is increasingly coming to help him in recent years.

Event Marketing (Event Marketing from English Event, "Event") is one of their marketing directions, in particular marketing communications whose goals are:

  • form or strengthen the company's image, its goods, services and brands;
  • convey on the target audience the philosophy of the business and value of the company;
  • inform consumers about the appearance of a new product or service;
  • attract the attention of consumers, media, partners and the general public to a significant event for the company (for example, the launch of a new production site, the opening of a branch in a new city or a victory in a significant competition);
  • increase the level of company recognition and its brands;
  • stand out among competitors;
  • increase and strengthen consumer loyalty;
  • build an emotional connection between the company and the target audience;
  • remind consumers about the company, its goods, services and brands.

The task of event marketing is to transform any even model event to an event that participants will remember for a long time. The main difference between event marketing from other marketing tools is the immersion of the target audience into the atmosphere of the company or brand and the formation of consumer experience (CustomerExperience) supported by positive emotions. Thanks to this, the objectives of the company, its goods, services and brands should be reached and strengthened.

Event Marketing is an activity that is an integral marketing tool based on the methods and approaches of marketing, advertising, PR, as well as in recent years of Internet marketing and diverse digital technology. Often the event is the core, which is "hanging" further a large number of other marketing activities.

The basis for event marketing is marketing and communication strategies, positioning and philosophy of the company or brand, as well as values, motivation and model of behavior of the target audience. If there is a mismatch between the event (IVERT) and the indicated factors, its effectiveness will be extremely low. In this regard, the activities should be implemented with specific goals that are subject to the company's corporate goal, and in accordance with the main provisions of the Company's activities.

The Russian event marketing marketing market is growing and structured. Today it contains not only major players, but also new Event agencies annually appear. You can already see the distribution of players in geography of work, sectoral specialization or measures of events. For example, agencies can specialize in automobile business, FMCG markets, fashion industry, in corporate events, on the organization of music festivals, etc.

Event marketing includes two large block of work - the formation of interest in the IVENT and the promotion of the company, its goods, services and brands through this event. As a result, the company benefits during or after the end of the event.

Event marketing is implemented with the help of attracted agencies (contractors) or by the staff of marketing or advertising departments. With the development of this marketing sector more and more large companies You can meet event managers.

The event can be organized as point - for a specific brand, product or occasion (for example, support for the new product to market) and become a major (large-scale) and costly project aimed at promoting the company as a whole (for example, a music festival) or at the same time Multiple brands, including with the support of sponsors and partners.

From the point of view of the audience, on which the impact is directed, two types of events can be distinguished.

The first is external events conducted for consumers, customers, media, partners, general public, etc.

The second - the events implemented for the internal goals of the company in which employees will participate, but third-party participants can be invited (thimbildings, corporate holidays and etc.). For example:

  • Futtrakov Future for Bank employees - Unique Timbilding, who combined the design, creativity, cooking and working out business processes;
  • Ferrero Family Day for the company's company and their families;
  • Intellectual Timbilding # Vastermannia for VTB24 -Mix out of 10 intelligent, creative and sports stages, where each participant decides what to make a bet, strength or intelligence.

From the point of view of budgets and scale, two types of event marketing can be distinguished.

  • A dotted event organized for a particular product, services, brand or a single event in the company's life. For example, Multimedia Show for SamsungAlaxy Note8 Unpacked (demonstration of features and new features).
  • Large-scale events with millions of budgets, promoting the company as a whole or immediately several brands, including with the support of partners and sponsors. For example, Festivalvkfest (VKontakte's social network) or Amoconf Business Forum (AMOCRM). In the framework of promotion in the world tourist market, the World Cup in Russia in 2018 was the same event.

Depending on the purpose of the company can choose one of three types of events.

1. Events that claim the free time of the target audience are leisure events on which participants rest are having fun, communicate and receive positive emotions, and sometimes the choice of energy. For example, shows, concerts, festivals, sporting events, theatrical performances, holidays and other trades - the formation of emotional communication with consumers.


  • the gastronomic performance "in the library" of the manufacturer of equipment for the house for partners and journalists;
  • a secular event in a party format from Amartini in honor of the launch of a premium sparkling Astivintage;
  • Nissan X-Tour - Test Drive for 6 cities of Russia, complemented by unique snowboard and FMX-sho

2. Events that transmit information about the company, its goods, services and brands in entertainment form. For example, the company's birthday, the presentation of the new model, the opening of a new store, awarding the best dealers, issuing a prize to the buyer who won in the competition, master classes, etc. The goal is to transmit information.


  • marykay bus tour "Travel of Beauty", during which everyone could get professional advice on caring from the company's consultants;
  • closed show Porschepanamera G2 "Be Others!" for constant and potential brand customers;
  • the solemn discovery of the second plantPuratosgroup, combined with the annual taste of tom tomorrow, who introduces new products and the results of a global marketing research on consumer preferences.

3. Meridity on which business (working) information is exchanged. For example, learning dealers, exhibitions, conferences, etc. The goal is to exchange information.


  • business Conference of Evraz partners - leisure on Spitsbergen, then rest and a closed concert in St. Petersburg at the Kempinski Hotel;
  • outbound meeting for the top 100 agents of the airline S7 in Georgia "100 Bestfriends";
  • culinary Forum "Gastronomic Voyage" from Elite Trejd (supplier of high-quality products for HoReca), behaved in order to increase the educational level of chefs and restaurants of the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Republic of Buryatia.

During any event, the company's goods and services can be sold in binding to the subject of the event (for example, souvenir products). At the time of the event, special prices can be established. In addition, event marketing can be used in those areas where advertising and other types of promotion are prohibited by law. For example, measures organized or supported by alcoholic and tobacco companies.

Instruments of event marketing are the events themselves, the classification of which is presented below. Each tool is aimed at work or with a mass target audience, or with each individual participant of the event.

  • Special events dedicated to specific reasons is the most common tool. As a rule, it is them most interesting to the target audience and best affect the company's image. In addition, they traditionally attract the attention of the media. For example, sporting events, shows, concerts, measures for the press, etc. According to the above classification, these are leisure activities or information transfer activities.
  • Trading (selling) activities are carried out for a limited range of participants. These can be investors, partners, suppliers and even competitors. Examples of such events are round tables, forums, exhibitions, presentations, training activities, participation in partnerships and other tasks in this case is or transferring, or exchange of information, depending on goals.
  • Corporate or HR events are internal and aimed at team building and motivation of personnel, as well as to maintain a favorable moral climate. It can be sports competitions (for example, football Cup), corporate new year, joint trips to nature, etc.
  • Gaming activity is aimed at attracting consumer attention and stimulate demand for goods, services and brands. As a rule, they are supported by advertising, including at sales points. It can be a lottery, draws of valuable prizes, creative contests, etc. These tools are not in the pure form of event marketing and can be attributed to the category of promotional tools.
  • Provocative activity in recent years is becoming increasingly popular because they often have a viral effect and run rumors and discussion. These may be unusual performances, flash drives, mobile installations, etc. All of them are focused on creating a wow effect and can be realized on the edge of the foul, i.e. have the character of scandalous advertising.

Event marketing is sometimes identified with BTL-oriented goods oriented goods or services in short term (for example, promotions in retail chains, night sales or customer services in the service sector). Unlike BTL, the event marketing is received for the implementation of the strategic business objectives, the promotion of the company or brands, formation or strengthening the image (reputation) and an increase in capitalization.


BTL: The company holds a price campaign in federal networks - the manufacturer's beer falls into the catalog, tastings are held, the products are held on the shelves with the "yellow" price tag. Sales growth is carried out primarily due to the attractive price compared with the products without a promotion. In this case, not only regular buyers, but also consumers focused on the products of a lower price segment are able to buy expensive beer at a lower price. Thus, a promotional increase is formed by sales, but without preserving the consumption of beer at the same level after the end of the action.

Event Marketing: A person participates in the music festival, annually conducted by a beer brand (company). During the festival, he not only enjoys a concert, drinking beer and watches salute, but also establishes a close emotional connection with the brand with the help of the event. When a person after the event comes to the store and will choose a beer for making a purchase, he will subconsciously emerge an emotional positive association with a beer brand that organized a festival. This will lead to a purchase with a much greater probability than with a traditional choice, by forming the long-term connection of the emotional relationship between the brand and the consumer.

Development and holding of any event involves several stages.

1. Suitable goals. In pursuit of the desire to surprise visitors, it is important not to rearrange and not forget that everything that is used during the event should serve its purpose. The event itself, in turn, is not conducted in order to master the budget, but within the framework of the company's communication strategy. This requires from event agencies of new approaches of work, but at the same time opens excellent opportunities for building long-term relationships with companies and brands.

2. Determination of target audiences that will be invited to an event to achieve goals. These can be consumers, partners, dealers, media, representatives of banks, etc.

3. Determination of the event of the event and the selection of specific tools, taking into account paragraphs 1 and 2.

4. Development of the concept of events.

As in general, in the field of marketing (first of all, in Internet marketing), Content comes to the foreground on the event market. Surprise consumers is more complicated, they are tired of the same events that wish the market to the market. Therefore, only new formats and venues of events allow to obtain coverage and launch a "sarafined radio" through the social network.

One of the key trends in the field of event marketing is an increasingly closure of offline and online. For example, online broadcasts and mobile applications for dating and communication participants of the event. At the same time, practically nor the sameness today is not without the use of digital technologies. These are sites, interactive sites, VR- and AR-reality, interactive stands, 3D-Mapping (projection shows), virtual or helper robots (artificial intelligence), chat bots, badges with individual barcodes, etc. Changes occur in Video filming formats. If earlier it was a reportage shooting, photowons and photobuds, today the panoramic shooting of 360 degrees, drone and Gopro are increasingly used.

The second trend is the creation of CustomerExperience, with which you can hook by the consumer who bored with the monotony. For example, it can be created by shooting during the event of interactive films that allow the participants themselves to determine the further development of the situation. This not only makes it possible to settle participants, but also to establish communications between them (effective non-Metoging).

Another novelty of the last couple of years is immersive shows, the most involuntary participants in the process and make them a participant. An interesting option for the formation of CustomerExperience is the activity that changes the location. For example, Pop-Up objects or mobile sites where you can get acquainted with companies, its goods and services. An example that caused a public resonance was the accommodation on the Red Square of the LouisvuitTone pavilion in the form of a road chest (exhibition "Soul of Stranges").

It should be noted that today's development of the Event-sphere allows you to carry out events with various budget sizes, which makes them affordable even to small businesses.

5. Definition of the budget of the event. If the events are organized by the contractors, a tender is held.

Events cease to be secondary marketing tools leaving the fore. At the same time, customer requests to the organizers are growing. Previously, the proposal was the proposal of interesting "chips", which could practically not integrate into the specifics of the brand. Today, develop the concept of a successful event without immersion in particular business, the brand philosophy and consumer behavior model is almost impossible. This requires from Event agencies to change approaches to developing concepts.

Another trend is the majority of market participants gradually expand the range of services offered by digital marketing, video broadcasts, VR and AR, PR accompaniment capabilities and other options. The need for this is determined by two factors. The first - customers are more convenient to work with one agency, receiving a "turnkey" event and docking a large number of contractors. The second is to change the requirements of customers to the events themselves.

Due to the fact that modern consumers surprise everything more difficult, Event-agencies are gradually leaving the classic tenders to creative tenders. In this case, competition between the agencies comes at a qualitative level within the budget "plug". Tender members must offer concepts that will not only fit into marketing strategy Customer and comply with the features and values \u200b\u200bof the target audience, but will be able to attract additional attention by running the "Sarafan Radio".

The event should cause the desire to take part in it, and not the feeling that "it all has already been somewhere." The stronger the organizers will be able to surprise the participants, the more feedback it will receive on social networks and in the media. Interesting event "chips" waves rolled around the country, starting from Moscow. Then they come to St. Petersburg and with the already significant lag in the city millionth. Within one year, the fashion for Event instruments and concepts may change several times.

6. The performance of the event.

7. Proceedings of the results of the event.

If, before the start of the crisis, the customers were ready to spend big budgets, only to produce a wow-effect, today it turns out the digitization of the desired result. Specific KPIs are installed, which are specified in the Breeding Brifs. The most successful today are those Event agencies that can offer the original concept with the predicted effect. For example, depending on the objectives, this may be the cost of contact, the conversion of the participants of the event in buyers (funnel sales of the event) or the number of posts and photos on social networks after the event.

To assess the effectiveness and involvement of visitors, both traditional methods and the use of digital technologies are online surveys, voting panels during an event, e-mail polls, collection of reviews on social networks, etc.

In conclusion, it is important to note that the active development of the direction of event marketing has led to the emergence of a large number of training programs and the implementation of specialized activities. For example, Internet service for the organizers of TimePad events regularly holds webinars, in October 2018, the Eighth Annual Eventshow Conference was held, and in January 2019, the Eurasian Event Community leaders will unite the leaders of the Eurasian Event Community. In addition, most marketing and PR premiums appeared nominations in the field of event marketing.

For the agencies themselves, continuous increase in competencies and expansion of the scope of expertise becomes a prerequisite for survival in competitive struggle. Modern customers are aware of many relevant trends, which means that agencies should always be a step forward, showing that they are in trend and offering non-standard solutions.

For the past two decades, people do not cease to spend time on the Internet, which was marked by a surgery online marketing - banner advertising, search engine optimization, social networks, retargeting and hundreds of other ways to attract the attention of the user. Against the background of this boom offline marketing, which is formally known as ordinary "marketing" and from which it all began, recruits again.

People want to go outside, communicate, participate in contests, take photos and shares emotions with friends.

The Event industry is built at various receptions and tactics of offline marketing. How to make an advertising campaign to be fascinating and effective will tell examples of advertising actions from brands whose name is known to everyone.

The first part of our bombing selection for your inspiration.

Winter Olympics 2014 - 30 squats for a ticket in the subway

In 2014, on the eve of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, in Moscow at the metro station, an automatic was installed, allowing you to get a ticket for travel for 30 squats. On the one hand, it is promoting an active lifestyle, on the other - excellent advertising of the upcoming winter games.

The main conclusion. Everyone loves to get something for free. Cut the audience to task before picking up a prize. This will make your event cheerful and memorable.

IKEA - Unusual Boxes for Moving

In Montreal, Canada, there is a special day dedicated to the move in residents to new homes. Especially for this day, IKEA store distributed free boxes to move with the brand logo. In 2014, marketers decided to upgrade the advertising campaign, making these boxes in the form of real furniture. The inhabitants of the city had the opportunity for some time to test the IKEA furniture items at home, even if you could understand whether the furniture fit into new interior fits.

The main conclusion. Sometimes you do not need a new marketing campaign, all that is required is to upgrade the existing one.

Burger King - McWhopper

Burger King organized a bold marketing campaign, unexpectedly offering a truce with McDonald's to support a non-profit organization called Peace One Day. Burger King printed an open letter to the General Director of McDonald's, and also bought advertising shields next to competitor restaurants to publicly offer cooperation with them. The campaign found McDonald's surprise, and they actually rejected their offer. But by that time, Burger King had a sufficient number of fans who followed the learning video from Burger King to create homemade "McWhopper".

The main conclusion. Consider how to use strong and weak Parties Your competitors in the market and act.

Starbucks - Loyalty Program

The promotion programs of loyalty are mainly the opportunity to save money, but the Starbucks program stands out against the rest of the rest. Customers earn a stars in Starbucks coffee shops that can then be used in exchange for complimentary drinks or food. The purpose of the campaign is to hold regular customers.

The main conclusion. Investing in attracting new customers, do not neglect the ability to save existing ones. Wisdom says: find a new customer much more expensive than to keep those that you have.

PepsiCo - blind test taste

From time immemorial, people discussed one question: what is tastier - Coca-Cola or Pepsi? In the 1980s, Coca-Cola appeared an opponent - Pepsi. In response to Coca-Cola's aggressive policy, the new brand launched an equally aggressive share - nationwide blind testing of the taste of both products. Incredibly, consforcement preferred Pepsi, which immediately became part of an advertising campaign, marking a splash of the sales of the drink.

The main conclusion. Do not be afraid to challenge competitors, especially if your brand has just entered the market.

FOX TV - Live Poster

For the promotion of the new show, the Fox TV marketing team has placed interactive posters on the streets of Los Angeles. When anyone unsuspecting people passed by, Gordon Ramsay (the leading culinary show) began to speak with them through the screen. The interactive poster was equipped with a camcorder and microphones so that passersby could communicate with the chef in real time.

The main conclusion. The use of digital technologies can be an effective way to attract the audience.

Tomorrowland - Invitations in the form of a treasure chest

Sometimes it is customers doing better advertising Product. This feature successfully uses the Tomorrowland team, the largest electronic music festival conducted in Belgium. From year to year, tickets to the festival are sent to the owner by mail and delivered right before the threshold of his house. A ticket that is a bracelet is packed in an extravagant chest. The sense of exclusivity makes the participants make the process of unpacking the chest and share them with their friends and family in social networks.

The main conclusion. Give something special to the audience, and they will make an advertisement to your product.

Minnesota State Fair - Bingo Cards

In 2017, participants in the Minnesota State Fair festival at the beginning of the event distributed cards, where it was possible to celebrate each completed task - a visit to one or another stand, participation in events.

The main conclusion. Make an element of the game and the visitors will appear incentive to take part in all the activities prepared for them.

In 2016, the team of marketers of the film "Deadpool" conducted an advertising campaign, the stylistics of which was founded on an uncompromising humor of the main character. Part of this advertisement were billboards with an unusual writing name Deadpool. Soon the photos of billboards fell into the social network and spread throughout the Internet.

Main conclusions.Do not forget about traditional types of advertising. Even in the most banal methods of offline marketing, such as using billboards, you can manifest creativity.

Virgin Atlantic - First Class Service shop

As part of one experimental campaign, the airline posted a bench in Manhattan, where random passers-by could feel like guests of the first class of Virgin Atlantic. When a person sat down on a bench, he was met by the flight attendants who offered lunch and champagne, and that the guest was not bored, the musicians played him.

The main conclusion. Give the audience the physical opportunity to experience all the advantages of your product.

Alibaba Group - Evening Gala in honor of the online festival of discounts

Date November 11 is known in China as the day of bachelor. Alibaba Group decided to arrange the global online shopping festival on this day with huge discounts, like Black Friday or Cyber \u200b\u200bFront in the United States. To raise the online festival rating, Alibaba Group ran out the action by a grand concert with the participation of stars. In 2017, Nicole Kidman, Farrell Williams and Maria Sharapova attended the evening.

The main conclusion. An event that was originally conceived as an online event, you can sell by arranging offline EVENT.

Ben Sherman - Stolen!

During the New York Fashion Week Fashion Week in 2010, the Ben Sherman brand creed team organized an unusual advertising campaign: shirts who attracted passersby were deliberately awesome. Passing by people could hardly resist not to steal a casually hanging garment. So, more than 600 shirts went to move, on which it was written "stolen! From the store Ben Sherman Soho New York. But you are forgiven (just this time). " Within the framework of Fashion-week, this action has created a lot of noise around the brand.


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