Examples of successful EVENT in the world. Event Marketing. Instructions for implementation

For the past two decades, people without ceasing spending time on the Internet, which was marked by a surgery online marketing - banner advertising, search engine optimization, social networks, retargeting and hundreds of other ways to attract the attention of the user. Against the background of this boom offline marketing, which is formally known as ordinary "marketing" and from which it all began, recruits again.

People want to go outside, communicate, participate in contests, take photos and shares emotions with friends.

The Event industry is built at various receptions and tactics of offline marketing. How to make an advertising campaign to be fascinating and effective will tell examples of advertising actions from brands whose name is known to everyone.

The first part of our bombing selection for your inspiration.

Winter Olympics 2014 - 30 squats for a ticket in the subway

In 2014, on the eve of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, in Moscow at the metro station, an automatic was installed, allowing you to get a ticket for travel for 30 squats. On the one hand, it is promoting an active lifestyle, on the other - excellent advertising of the upcoming winter games.

The main conclusion. Everyone loves to get something for free. Cut the audience to task before picking up a prize. This will make your event cheerful and memorable.

IKEA - Unusual Boxes for Moving

In Montreal, Canada, there is a special day dedicated to the move in residents to new homes. Especially for this day, IKEA store distributed free boxes to move with the brand logo. In 2014, marketers decided to upgrade the advertising campaign, making these boxes in the form of real furniture. The inhabitants of the city had the opportunity for some time to test the IKEA furniture items at home, even if you could understand whether the furniture fit into new interior fits.

The main conclusion. Sometimes you do not need a new marketing campaign, all that is required is to upgrade the existing one.

Burger King - McWhopper

Burger King organized a bold marketing campaign, unexpectedly offering a truce with McDonald's to support non-profit organization called Peace One Day. Burger King printed an open letter to CEO McDonald's, and also bought billboards next to competitor restaurants to publicly offer cooperation with them. The campaign found McDonald's surprise, and they actually rejected their offer. But by that time, Burger King had a sufficient number of fans who followed the learning video from Burger King to create homemade "McWhopper".

The main conclusion. Consider how to use strong and weak Parties Your competitors in the market and act.

Starbucks - Loyalty Program

The promotion programs of loyalty are mainly the opportunity to save money, but the Starbucks program stands out against the rest of the rest. Customers earn a stars in Starbucks coffee shops that can then be used in exchange for complimentary drinks or food. The purpose of the campaign is to hold permanent customers.

The main conclusion. Investing in attracting new customers, do not neglect the ability to save existing ones. Wisdom says: find a new customer much more expensive than to keep those that you have.

PepsiCo - blind test taste

From time immemorial, people discussed one question: what is tastier - Coca-Cola or Pepsi? In the 1980s, Coca-Cola appeared an opponent - Pepsi. In response to Coca-Cola's aggressive policy, the new brand launched an equally aggressive share - nationwide blind testing of the taste of both products. Incredibly, consforcement preferred Pepsi, which immediately became part of an advertising campaign, marking a splash of the sales of the drink.

The main conclusion. Do not be afraid to challenge competitors, especially if your brand has just entered the market.

FOX TV - Live Poster

For the promotion of the new show, the Fox TV marketing team has placed interactive posters on the streets of Los Angeles. When anyone unsuspecting people passed by, Gordon Ramsay (the leading culinary show) began to speak with them through the screen. The interactive poster was equipped with a camcorder and microphones so that passersby could communicate with the chef in real time.

The main conclusion. Using digital technology may be effective way Attracting the audience.

Tomorrowland - Invitations in the form of a treasure chest

Sometimes it is customers doing better advertising Product. This feature successfully uses the Tomorrowland team, the largest electronic music festival conducted in Belgium. From year to year, tickets to the festival are sent to the owner by mail and delivered right before the threshold of his house. A ticket that is a bracelet is packed in an extravagant chest. The sense of exclusivity makes the participants make the process of unpacking the chest and share them with their friends and family in social networks.

The main conclusion. Give something special to the audience, and they will make an advertisement to your product.

Minnesota State Fair - Bingo Cards

In 2017, participants in the Minnesota State Fair festival at the beginning of the event distributed cards, where it was possible to celebrate each completed task - a visit to one or another stand, participation in events.

The main conclusion. Make an element of the game and the visitors will appear incentive to take part in all the activities prepared for them.

In 2016, the team of marketers of the film "Deadpool" conducted an advertising campaign, the stylistics of which was founded on an uncompromising humor of the main character. Part of this advertisement were billboards with an unusual writing name Deadpool. Soon the photos of billboards fell into the social network and spread throughout the Internet.

Main conclusions.Do not forget about traditional types of advertising. Even in the most banal methods of offline marketing, such as using billboards, you can manifest creativity.

Virgin Atlantic - First Class Service shop

As part of one experimental campaign, the airline posted a bench in Manhattan, where random passers-by could feel like guests of the first class of Virgin Atlantic. When a person sat down on a bench, he was met by the flight attendants who offered lunch and champagne, and that the guest was not bored, the musicians played him.

The main conclusion. Give the audience the physical opportunity to experience all the advantages of your product.

Alibaba Group - Evening Gala in honor of the online festival of discounts

Date November 11 is known in China as the day of bachelor. Alibaba Group decided to arrange the global online shopping festival on this day with huge discounts, like Black Friday or Cyber \u200b\u200bFront in the United States. To raise the online festival rating, Alibaba Group ran out the action by a grand concert with the participation of stars. In 2017, Nicole Kidman, Farrell Williams and Maria Sharapova attended the evening.

The main conclusion. An event that was originally conceived as an online event, you can sell by arranging offline EVENT.

Ben Sherman - Stolen!

During the New York Fashion Week Fashion Week in 2010, the Ben Sherman brand creed team organized an unusual advertising campaign: Shirts were deliberately awesome on the shop window that attracted passersby attention. Passing by people could hardly resist not to steal a casually hanging garment. So, more than 600 shirts went to move, on which it was written "stolen! From the store Ben Sherman Soho New York. But you are forgiven (just this time). " Within the framework of Fashion-week, this action has created a lot of noise around the brand.

Concept, goals and objectives of event-marketing

The basis marketing strategies The XXI century is customer focus. This is not just attraction, but holding the consumer and the formation of its loyalty. At the same time, the company does not impose its products, but adapts and guesses the needs and requests of customers. And the most important thing is not bored with annoying advertising, but creates a holiday from her.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to use and consumption of a product is presented to a potential client in the form of a bright and memorable event in which it is involved. Such a new I. innovative view Promotions are called event-marketing or event marketing.

Definition 1.

EVENT - Marketing is an organization of events as a site for a demonstration of products or services in order to enhance consumer attention due to emotional impact.

The key goal of events marketing is the effective promotion of goods or services through certain events (presentation, flashmob, corporate parties, etc.).

Event Marketing Tasks:

  1. creating a successful brand;
  2. management of the company's image;
  3. memorizing the introduction of goods on the market;
  4. promotion of impulsive demand goods;
  5. formation of a group of like-minded people among staff and customers;
  6. creating the effect of sarafined radio.

Event marketing types

Note 1.

Exhibitions can be organized for specific company and its products. Enterprises also participate in sectoral exhibitions. The main goal of those and other events is the presentation of the goods. It is important to bright place the exhibition, it should also be a convenient and affordable consumer. To stimulate memorism, many companies distribute free samples and souvenirs.

Presentations are closed events that certain people are invited. But open-type events are organized. Companies seek to convey maximum useful and necessary information about their products to attract potential consumers and investors. Presentations are drawn up with the use of multimedia technologies for better memorable and the appearance of interest.

The opening of a new store or company is organized to attract the attention of the target audience before entering the market. This event should also be remembered to future consumers and customers. The discovery should not be too long, but not short for duration. Temporary factor, availability and maintenance entertainment program affects the success of the ceremony. People must be satisfied and do not go long before the end of the event.

Holidays are organized in various formats and are a joyful and spectacular event dedicated to a specific date (company anniversary or leader, etc.). A similar event must be accompanied by a distribution of gifts, beautifully and brightly decorated (balls, flowers, fireworks, etc.).

Event - Marketing is not only entertainment events, but also business events to promote the enterprise. This is the organization of conferences, seminars, forums, round tables, days of outdoor doors, as well as meetings with journalists. Such events are held to solve the internal corporate tasks and establishing relations with representatives external environment Companies (partners, customers).

Event Marketing Events and Tools

The events conducted within the framework of event marketing are divided into several types, taking into account the goals achieved:

  • tradeEvents;
  • speciaLevents.

The first type of event is intended for partners, customers and intermediaries (dealers, distributors). Such events combine not only the business component, but also certain entertainment. The purpose of the organization is a visual representation of the goods indicating its advantages. These are activities such as techniques, presentations, PR-shares, exhibitions and fairs, forums, congresses and summits. They are aimed at sharing experience and attract potential partners.

The second type is corporate events, namely the organization of anniversaries, professional holidays, birthdays, departs of employees in nature or rest. Such events allow you to convey the ideas of an enterprise to staff. And also serve as an effective way to attract customers and partners. Therefore, external representatives who can feel significant for this company are invited to such events.

In addition to edited corporate events, they include new, recently emerging types: Family Day (family day) and TeamBuilding (Team Education).

Family holidays contribute to cohesion of workers and brings them closer on the emotional level.

A large role is played by the formation of a team or a group of employees working for the sake of a common goal. TeamBuilding is the organization of trainings with modeling business situations under the guidance of a professional trainer (coach). Such trainings help solve problems and tasks in the organization, while such an event is not only business, but also entertainment.

Under special events, they understand the holding of festivals, shows, the organization of advertising tours, measures for the press, concerts, etc. Such events have favorably affect the company's image or brand. IN this group Event marketing events also include sponsorship, charitable projects and programs, whose task is to promote the company's social reputation.

Note 2.

Recently, active growth in the popularity of event marketing is noted. Hence the increase in demand for Event managers. Such specialists should be not just professional marketers, but also good psychologists, creative people, have experience in organizing such events, and be able to work multitasking mode and be stress-resistant.

Event, or event-marketing - a set of marketing activities aimed at promoting a product or company in binding to a specific event. Most often it is world-famous events or events created specifically for the company: for example, thematic flash drives.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe event marketing was announced thousands of years ago: the Roman rulers said that the people need "bread and spectacles." In an independent industry, it turned about 30 years ago, and the most first modern event of event marketing is considered to be a contest from the company Procter & Gamble - the manufacturer of soap.

Event marketing is used when the upcoming known event and the target audience Product intersect. It makes no sense to advertise agricultural equipment within the framework of the Olympic campaign, but you can fine sell a sports form.

Types of event Marketing

Corporate Events.This is a corporate event marketing. The main task is to improve labor efficiency and improving the image in the labor market. Such events include corporate anniversaries, including the anniversary of the company, games, picnics, different festive parties. To ensure that partners and regular customers are appropriate for such events. The subject of corporate events may be different, but most often they are timed to some anniversary, a holiday or another significant date.

TRADE EVENTS.. These are events and events for dealers, partners and customers. These include various summits, conferences, stages, seminars, presentations, various techniques and other thematic events. Usually they are tied to the product or the company's activity - for example, pharmaceutical company Conducts a seminar for medical workers, and the car factory is a conference on the automotive industry. Such events significantly increase the image of the company in the eyes end consumerbecause they show an expense.

Special Events.. This kind of event marketing includes all third-party events - advertising tours, festivals, concerts and other entertainment events. And not necessarily organized by the company itself. This type of event marketing increases the coverage of the target audience, positively affects the loyalty of consumers and allows you to increase the number of sales in the complex. Special attention can be paid to sponsorship - the company sponsors famous event And gives advertising with reference to him. Or simply sponsors the world famous event, for example - the World Cup or Olympic Games.

Features Event Marketing

Event marketing has several specific features that pay special attention to. The main feature is that the company's audience and events must coincide. It will not be possible to sell the refrigerator at the event associated with household appliances, and professional kinologists are unlikely to be interested in neural networks. More precisely, some of them may be interested in the product, but as a result, the conversion will be low - lower than if the company had conducted an event among webmasters, editors, marketers.

The second feature of the event marketing is that the event itself should promote the product. Sometimes one mention is not enough as sponsorship. Events that are associated with the company itself or its product are much better. Therefore, it is better to use the brand name in the name of the event, as well as provide visitors the opportunity to test the product. For example, at the festival "Klinsky. Promotion »Visitors could not only experience themselves at the Sky Dive attraction, but also try beer. And the title shows the brand, which also influenced the reputation and loyalty of consumers to the company.

Event marketing has other features, and most importantly - advantages:

  • On the event event, you can organize direct sales of the product, thereby getting a quick result in the form of growth in sales;
  • Event Marketing can be used in industries in which advertising is impossible either has a large number of restrictions;
  • One event is valid for a long time, because the references to the company appear in the announcements before the event and the media - after;
  • One line of the company's product can be associated with a certain event and thereby get competitive advantages;
  • Event marketing significantly increases the susceptibility of the audience, because it is usually closely related to emotions and gives an element of entertainment.

Event Marketing Tools

The main tools of event marketing are precisely the thematic measures that allow you to promote the company or its product, or their PR methods. For example, they include:

  • Shock Promotysh. These are the original and unusual methods of the PR, which attract attention and create intrigue around the product or upcoming event. For example, posters with inverted upside down text is the most harmless embodiment of the shock promotion.
  • Competitions. They can be held for the target audience, regular customers and partners, or for employees, but in this case the purpose and objectives of marketing will be aimed at improving the company's image in the labor market.
  • Conference. They are usually created for companies - competitors or companies with similar type of activity to increase the level of expenses in the eyes of consumers.
  • Lottery. This event has a gaming element, so it can be used for a wide target audience. For example, you can create your lottery and advertise it to all customers and customers to attract participants.
  • Festivals. They are satisfied for the target audience - for example, a music festival for those who sings and like to listen to music, or a beer festival for those who drink a foam drink.

Often event marketing tools are limited only by the fantasy of the marketer. But at the same time, it does not use standard indicators to evaluate effectiveness, because it is very difficult to calculate from the thematic event, and sometimes it is impossible.

Examples of event-marketing

One of the most striking recent examples of event marketing is a ticket draw at the FIFA-2018 World Cup and the opportunity to accompany the judge on the playing field. The famous brand is not only a sponsor of the championship, but also holds an interesting lottery tied to the upcoming event. To get a chance to win the main prize, it is enough to buy a Coca-Cola jar with a special design, do with it creative photo And lay it out in VKontakte. The conditions for participation in the ticket drawing are similar.

Another good example of event marketing is competition from the Nokia brand. In September 2001, a snowboard competition was held at the Sparrow Mountains organized by the Agency BrandNew-Momentum on the order of Nokia. The event collected in one place over 30,000 people. A special "Nokia zone" was created, in which it was possible to vote for the participants of the competition, familiarize themselves with the model range of the company or receive advice on issues mobile phones. By the way, the event later repeatedly repeated, because it had a good effect.

But a foreign good example from the Nesquik brand. IN different countries World Nestle has organized several mobile attractions. They come to different cities to please children. Each child can chat with a brand symbol - Rabbit Roger - and drink a cup of drink. This perfectly improves the coverage of the target audience and improves the loyalty of consumers, including the youngest buyers.

By the way, in the field of event marketing, a joint cooperation of several brands is common. A good example is the Big Atlas Weekend Music Festival, which has passed in Kiev in 2016. He collected 157 participants - collectives and solo performers - and more than 10 brands. For example, Pepsi opened its scene Pepsi Stage with electronic music, and also conducted a graffiti-bault among the participants. And the Ticket Agency Karabas organized its autograph-zone, in which anyone could get the autograph of the participants of the festival. Johnnie Walker opened the bar near the central scene, Dirol created his own lounge zone, other brands also interact actively with visitors.

Event Industry Books

Despite the fact that the event marketing is a relatively young marketing industry, a lot of books have already been written about it. To increase the skill, you can read the following works:

Dmitry Rumyantsev. "EVENT-Marketing. All about the organization and promotion of events "

The author and co-author - Natalia Frankel - the creators of the largest blog on social networks on event marketing. In the book, they talked about the intricacies of holding and organizing events, how to make it so that everyone was satisfied, about attracting people to the events in the face of tough competition.

Alexander Shovovich. "Great events: technology and practice Event-Management"

This is one of the first books written by the practice. It tells the process of organizing an event, thought out to the smallest detail. There are even examples of documents, accounts and other important securities.


Event Marketing or Event-Marketing, has been successfully used for the promotion of goods and services abroad for many years, the RB began to develop relatively recently.

Say that traditional marketing Methods Become ineffective it is impossible. You just have to look for different tools for promoting brands, goods, as well as to create a image of companies.

Special events as one of the marketing tools, in recent years, is increasingly used by companies for their own promotion. Today, the concept of special events for brand promotion is used as a world-famous corporation and regional companies. The reason lies in the fact that the enterprises, for the most part, elect a strategy of long-term communications with the consumer, raising the level of loyalty, commitment to the brand, rather than a direct sales strategy that has lost its relevance in today's business conditions.

Objective: Development of measures to improve marketing activities of the Event Agency.

Object of study - LLC "Art-mix".

Research Tasks - Study financial situation Companies, its economic indicators, analysis of sales markets and competitors, as well as the study of distribution channels, pricing policies, structure marketing communications and etc.

Research methods: Analysis of literary sources, analysis of internal documentation and reporting of the enterprise, statistical methods for analyzing the dynamics economic indicators, SWOT analysis, ABC analysis.

Sources of information: scientific publications, specialized marketing literature, business plan, internal positions of the enterprise.

Event Marketing: Concept, Types, Goals and Tools

Event-marketing is a comprehensive organization of events aimed at promoting a brand or product of the company with bright and memorable events, such as shows, concerts, parties, presentations, etc.

Event marketing differs from ordinary advertising by providing direct contact with buyers and allows you to influence it a little differently. Festive events have a direct impact on human emotions and represent your company in a bright and positive image. In addition, such an event is not perceived as advertising, and this increases the benevolence of the consumer.

One of the most best ways The full disclosure of the brand's image, leave it in the public memory and achieve high and long-term sales, will help the full immersion of customers into the world of this brand.

Types of event marketing:

1) exhibitions.

There are 2 types of exhibition events:

1. The exhibition organized for a particular company and its product.

2. Company participation in the sectoral exhibition.

And in one, and in another case, it should be borne in mind that the main task of such an event is the presentation of the product.

Exhibitions are inherently similar to presentations. But in this case, there is no possibility of building the organic dynamics of the process, as the exhibitions are more stretched over time, and visiting participants takes place on free graphics.

When organizing the exhibition, the main focus is on static means of demonstration (stands), as well as ensuring the continuous presentation of the product. Such a continuous demonstration can be a small bright presentation that is broadcast on the screen. It is important to bright place the venue for the exhibition, as it should be remembered by a potential consumer. The place should also be convenient and in the advantageous light to represent the product to all visitors who wish to familiarize themselves. To stimulate the storage of the company, souvenirs are often used, which is distributed at the exhibition.

2) Presentations.

As a rule, presentations refer to closed-type events. But they are not always there. Presentation - Eventwhich is 80% devoted to the company or product, in connection with which the main time must be devoted to him.

In this case, the main emphasis should be done on the entertainment and maximum illustrative presentation. Otherwise, the audience will be boring. To do this, you can use projectors, flash presentations, demonstration movies and other technical meanswhich allow to provide better visualization.

But it is worth remembering that you should not take the most part of the entertainment elements, as it is inappropriate.

The purpose of the presentation is to interest the potential consumer as much as possible, providing him with full-fledged product information. Registration of the presentation must be clearly thought out. It may include elements such as mobile stands with a beautiful design, video naval.

Also, the presentation is appropriate distribution of various corporate attributes (folders with materials about the product, CD with electronic presentations record), which will contribute to the best remembrance of the information filed.

3) Opening.

You can organize opening ceremony both for a new boutique and for a new plant. But at the same time, the nature of the event and its scale will, of course, are different.

This type of event is the most popular. Despite the seeming simplicity of this event, it is quite difficult to make a successful and remembered.

The disadvantage is a banal information render. Also, the ineffectiveness of such an event may be associated with a poorly thought out concept. The purpose of opening is the attraction of the attention of the representatives of the Central Asian to enter the market of the new object. To implement such a task, many funds can be applicable. The demonstration of a new object occurs naturally by visiting guests.

In this regard, special attention is paid to the elements of the show. After all, it is they who contribute to attracting the audience and stimulate a visit to the object.

Before holding such an event, we should consider the duration of the event and the organization of the entertainment program. These factors can affect both the success of the opening ceremony and the failure. The discovery should not be tightened, it is impossible to allow visitors to start to leave, not disliked the climax. At the same time, the event cannot be too short when the audience arises a sense of dissatisfaction due to the wonderful time of the time for such a modest representation. It should also be borne in mind that the opening program must be ideally connected with the reason at least 30%.

4) Holidays.

The specifics of the organization of such an event varies depending on the type of holiday and represents a huge number of different options.

The brand representation can enter the format of such an event at certain points, while it should organically look against the background of the spectacular presentation. The effectiveness of the positioning of the brand by organizing an event is achieved by communicating the brand with a large number of positive emotions arising from the audience.

Spectators automatically capture information about the brand, experiencing positive impressions. But in order to ensure that information is correct, the brand must be associated with other components of the holiday elements.

When carrying out such an event, it is worth considering the distribution of gifts and treats. To maintain the entertainment and emotionality of the holiday, you can use balls, fireworks, etc. Bright decoration helps to create the right atmosphere.

5) Business events.

In addition to organizing entertainment events for promoting companies, both business events are also included in Event-marketing, which are various conferences, seminars, forums, etc. They are conducted both to solve internal corporate tasks and for foreign Policy - Building communication with dealers, customers, partners. Such events help firms in attracting the business community, as well as building a serious image of the company, which advocates responsible business. As a rule, business events are held for the press, providing publication in the media.

Press conference - This is a strict and formal event with a clearly thought out scenario, the purpose of which is to submit new information about the company for journalists.

The location of places, as a rule, is a table for speakers and places for journalists on the contrary.

The organization of press conferences is related to the following tasks:

Choosing a place. Business centers, hotels, cinemas are suitable for press conferences.

Time (from 11 to 14 hours). Duration usually varies from 45-60 minutes. The press conference is divided into 2 parts: 1 part are performances, 2 part - questions of journalists.

An important value is the choice of the day of the week. It is better if it is the middle of the week (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday), when the activities of journalists are most active.

Distribution material (press whale).

Selection of participants and distribution of roles. The PR manager usually performs the lead. Also necessarily the presence of a speaker.

"Round table" - Business partially a formal event with a presentation of an important and socially significant problem and its discussion. There may be a share of improvisation, questions and free communication are permissible. The goal of the "round table" is to increase the expert status of the company both in the business community and in society as a whole. Most often, independent experts, analysts, journalists, partners are competent as invited to such events.

The result of the "round table" can be the exits of deployed visual materials and stimulating the number of appeals from journalists for comments. There may also be a presentation of its own research, development or project, the significance of which is wider than corporate interests.

Press lunch is an informal event with a fairly arbitrary scenario. In the process of holding press Lunch, representatives of the company and journalists can discuss different problemswho are associated with the company. Discussion passes during breakfast or lunch. Tables are arbitrary. The essence of a similar event is a personal acquaintance and equilateral discussion.

And the main advantage is that journalists in open form ask their questions, thanks to which it is possible to assess their attitude to the company.

Also in such an event you can spend a series of mini-interviews.

Representatives of the company During the press Lunch, the press reaction and their prejudice can be experienced as best possible, and their main task is.

Press Briefing - Formal event with a specific scenario. The main feature of such an event is its efficiency. Usually, the press briefing is necessary when it is necessary to highlight any event of the company in the shortest possible time. It may be a major deal, holding a large conference, crisis situation et al. At first, representatives of the company (1-2 people) go to journalists, after which they make a brief statement and the rest answers the press questions. The result of such an event is the operational issues of the media with this news.

Internet press conference.

The main advantage of this type of event is to attract the most large number of participants, as well as in broad geographical coverage. Moreover, the participants can also perform the media, and consumers, and partners.

The cost of organizing the process of the Internet press conference is relatively low. When carrying out such an event, you should prepare a set of issues that will be monitored and selected during the process.

It is necessary to prepare a list of questions in advance - everything should be controlled. In the process of holding the flow of questions is controlled and selected.

Personal meeting with journalists (in a restaurant, cafe or business center).

A series of such meetings, properly organized and properly filed, can be more useful than a large event, because it allows you to initiate a series of overview divergent publications. The goal is to get the output of non-standard materials or detailed comments on a significant problem. The results of the meetings are a personal acquaintance, unique material. After such an event, the likelihood of contacting the company is significantly increasing to obtain comments, evaluations and additional information.

Press tour.

The essence of such an event is to travel media representatives to the Company's object, which is held at its expense. His advantage is a personal acquaintance with journalists, creating a positive emotional background, good photo shoots. As a result, the output of full-fledged materials in the media. Despite a large number of advantages, this event may be quite expensive. Another minus-complex logistics.

Days of open doors - This is a kind of excursion to journalists in the company or its office (plant, office). Such an event is usually long (from 1 day to a week).

One of the representatives of the company meets journalists, presents the company's object, represents the necessary specialists. At the same time, the departments of the company are decorated, guests receive gifts. Such an event helps to show the realities of the company from within. Journalists can see and understand the structure, work format, equipment, familiarize themselves with business processes and production. The goal is to expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe company ..

Advantages of event-marketing:

1. Event marketing allows companies to promptly pay attention to customers who are at the decision-making stage regarding products and services.

2. Event-marketing is a kind of ATL, BTL and PR mix, which affects several communication channels at once.

3. The promoted event itself becomes a brand, which allows you to use it widely when building a further strategy of the company.

4. Event marketing event has a "long-playing" effect, because it starts long before the event in announcements, bills, press conferences and continues in subsequent messages in the media.

5. Event marketing participants can be viewed as a large focus group on which the company tested its proposals. During the event, experts accumulate knowledge about the consumer, in some cases allowing to avoid unnecessary research expenses.

6. At event-marketing event, you can organize direct sales of goods.

7. High creativity and flexibility incorporated in event marketing make it possible to build original programs for companies of various areas of activity and with different financial capabilities.

8. The use of event marketing is possible where advertising is prohibited or does not work.

Event marketing allows you to achieve the following goals:

Build a successful brand

Create a reason for PR campaign

Starting the product to the market

Manage the image of the company

Promote a brand by promoting the brand event

To form consumer groups

Promote impulse demand

Raise sales for a long time

Create Word-Of-Mouth effect

To form teams of like-minded staff.

Companies that organize event projects for themselves or for the customer are increasingly facing the same task: make a draft bright, interesting, unusual or not at all innovative, but so that it is budget. Each event should fit into unified system Product promotion, which is a complex of integrated marketing tools.

The main event marketing tools are:

1) Special Event (Special Event) - organization of events in order to create an advertising message, immersion of participants in the action of the brand.

Objectives that solve a special event:

2. There is an emotional binding to the brand.

3. The effect of the sarafined radio is created.

4. Creating bright news for the media.

5. Event marketing can be used where advertising is prohibited or does not work.

6. Knowledge of consumer accumulate.

2) Corporate event (Corporate Event) is an emotional manipulating staff of the company with the possibility of command construction.

Corporate Event Objectives:

a) form a team of like-minded people.

b) Motivate employees to achieve positive results.

c) Create an atmosphere of partnership between employees of the company.

d) Strengthen the internal connections between colleagues.

Positive qualities in the fact that the collective cohesion and increase the status of the company.

3) B2B is holding seminars, trainings, schools, conferences to strengthen and expand the distribution network.

In Tasks, B2B should:

Create an atmosphere of emotional lifting

Strengthen partnerships.

Select the company's status among competitors companies.

To form a team of like-minded people.

Enhance the knowledge of dealers about the company's products.

4) Gaming Promotion (Play Promotion) - the involvement of customers in the game in order to conquer their interest in the product and brand.

The main task here is the achievement of the communicative effect that is not available to standard communications.

5) Provocative marketing (shock promotion) is the use of human curiosity and rapid response to a scandalous event for increasing interest in trademark or product. It occurs, for example, with the help of strange incidents, wall graffiti, phrases, tested people, legends or rumors.

Provocative marketing promotes its product under a shocking event and tries to quickly distribute the information you need among potential customers.

First of all, the mass event is important, which provides a powerful flow of positive emotions moving to the goods and form a loyalty to it from the consumer. Application in Event events different species and promotion tools allows to expand the range of impact on the target group of consumers, which is involved on a voluntary basis directly into the event, which ensures initiative to appear on its part, and thereby achieved a high degree of susceptibility of the transmitted information. Event marketing can be both successful and failed. To accurately determine the success of the future event is very difficult, and sometimes it is impossible. In this regard, attention should be paid to all aspects of the perception of the event by the consumer and keep their consistency under control, which will ensure advantages compared to traditional advertising instruments.

In the last decade, the demand for event marketing has increased. It is caused, first of all, the fact that he meets the needs of people, and a person, by virtue of its nature, always wants to get new impressions, to become part of any unique events. In this sense, Event Marketing is one of the most effective and fully meetings with these requirements. Appeated as a tool for short-term promotion of goods, social marketing evolved to a long-term market strategy that determines product positioning. Using social marketing, companies receive a rare possibility of building long-term and durable relationships with consumers.

With the help of special events, you can not only stimulate sales, but also increase the loyalty of consumers to the brand. Moreover, the application of event marketing is beneficial not only to remind itself, but also when the goods in the market appears, correctly operating with all advertising means in aggregate.

All well-known brands use marketing to attract customers and increase recognition. One of effective species Marketing is event marketing (event marketing). His definition and tools will look below.

Event Marketing - a procedure aimed at an increase in customer loyalty (visitors) and brand promotion through events.

History of origin

Conducting events as a direction appeared in the West in the 1970s, and as the concept of "event-marketing" with the advent of the idea of \u200b\u200bintegrated branding. In our country, it became known in the 2000s and today in Russia there are many event marketing agencies.

McDonalds was one of the first companies that applied the activities to promote the brand, we all remember clown, which became the "way" of the company. Such an approach and helped McDonalds to create a memorable image and attract children with parents to its network of restaurants.

To date, one of the bright examples of Event marketing is apple company. Presentations for their own new products This is a real show that is broadcast to the whole world and causes a storm of emotions, who observe the presentation of people, lighting fire in the eyes, prompting them to acquire a new iPhone, iPod, etc.

Trade events

Trade events (Trade Events) - carrying out activities aimed at dealers, distributors, wholesale buyers and those who are partners of the company. As an event, it can be held: a presentation, conference, summit, forum, seminar and exhibition.

With their help, the company presents its product and conducts a demonstration of development, gives a detailed description, thus obtaining the interest of investors, customers (partners) and the ability to create business relationship and distribution system. You can also hold PR-shares and shows to create an image of the company in the eyes of visitors.

Corporate events

Corporate events (Corporate Events or HR Events) - activities that are conducted by the company for their team. It can be: various holidays, the company's birthday, a joint holiday. Such an approach allows you to get a more cohesive team with a high corporate spirit, moreover, employees feel that the company takes care of them and appreciates.

There are two more subcategories of corporate events: Family Day and Teambuilding. The first includes the organization of family holidays, and the second organization of trainings, in which under the leadership of the coach personal Growth Or the psychologist is given different business situations and their employees decide.

Special events

Special events (Special Events) - common eventsaimed at attracting potential customers and all that will have a positive effect on the company's image. This can be attributed here: concerts, shows, city holidays, various festivals, etc. All this can cause positive emotions from the mass of people and in the case of a properly selected event, the corresponding target audience (CA) will be attracted.

Gaming promotion - as clearly from the name, implies lotteries and contests, including creative, prizes and gifts from the company-organizer.

When it is necessary to apply Event-Marketing

Professional marketers advise using event marketing and make it in all marketing plans. It is only necessary to determine exactly which kind of event it is necessary, depending on which goals, you are haunting and what effect should be provided thanks to the event.

If you want to submit to the company to consumers, it makes sense to hold the "ceremony" of opening or presentation.

As a rule, it is a small concert, various kinds of gifts and speech in which you talk about your company, companies and a store.

The presentation is also carried out according to the algorithm. The main part of the presentation expert gives information about the product itself (service) and its merits, showing an impression on potential buyers and causing their interest.

Holidays is the most ambitious event from the category of event marketing. Holidays are organized for a big Central Asian. Inviting famous personalities and entertaining people, the company produces an excellent impression on Central Asia, thereby having them to themselves.

The organization of sports competition is considered the original approach. It was he who applied the company "Mars", which in different cities of Russia organized the sports festival "Snikers Urbania" for ten years in a row (2001-2010). The festival was designed for a young Century and therefore competitions took place on street sports: break-dance, freestyle, graffiti, etc.

Advertising Event Development Method

Types of event campaigns

  • Events in order to exchange experience (Congresses, exhibitions and conferences).
  • Information Event Marketing (Presentations, Opening). Attracts the attention of potential customers without special intrusiveness. For example, a demonstration show of a new collection of clothing.
  • Entertainment event marketing (concerts, competitions and festivals).

Event Marketing Tools

  • Corporate event. A tool that allows you to manipulate the team at the level of emotions and form a command.
  • B2B. A tool that includes the organization, trainings, seminars and conferences. Conducted to expand and develop the network.
  • Special event. This event is carried out with the purpose of advertising the product to reveal the values \u200b\u200band the essence of the brand.
  • Shock promotion. It uses the curiosity of people and their reaction to the scandalous event to direct interest in their product and service.
  • Gaming promotion. Looks up people in the game to get an interest in your product.

These tools differ in the method. The tool you need to be determined based on the type of progressable product and its CA. Tools are designed to create a public opinion about the product and offered by its company.

The main types of events

In addition, the tools allow sending public opinion. Event-Marketing makes it possible to form and maintain relationships with clients, since it affects human emotions and creates the company's connection and consumers, which allows you to convince and demonstrate the product, as well as get feedback and research.

Event Marketing Feature

The peculiarity is that it is effective, exceptional and unobtrusive. People are worse perceived aggressive and annoying advertising. And the events give positive emotions and create a sense of involvement in consumers. And as a result, positive emotions caused by people give companies their loyalty.

Objectives and objectives of event marketing

The organization of events has the following goals:

  • increasing brand awareness;
  • increase sales;
  • demonstration (show) of the new product;
  • education of corporate image;
  • attraction of the media.

You can put several tasks. For example, by conducting a presentation of a new product, draw attention to the company, improve the image and recognition, in addition the event will attract the attention of the media.

What tasks decides marketing events

8 Rules for Successful Event Marketing

  • Whatever the event it should be limited to the place and time.
  • A symbolism (logos) of the brand must be present everywhere.
  • Be generous in gifts, prizes and souvenirs.
  • The brand is not what the founders created, but what the audience think about him. Therefore, you need to please consumers.
  • It is necessary to organize the event in such a way as to receive feedback from the audience (interact with it).
  • There must be people who in the event of the event will give the audience to "try" the product or check it in work.
  • When carrying out an event, it is important to take into account the interests of the target audience.
  • During the event, the majority will be supported by the media.

Event Marketing in theme holidays

In a situation with increasing competition, product companies are advisable to carry out thematic holidays. As an example, you can bring the day ice cream or a holiday of bread and milk, which is held in St. Petersburg every year.

This kind of event is organized with the consent of the local administration. Such holidays are beneficial to the authorities, as the events are of interest among tourists, also beneficial and companies, because they get the opportunity to declare themselves and present their products or show their advantage to consumers. And the local administration receives taxes in their treasury.

Examples of event Marketing

  • In the sphere of culture. Various leisure-related organizations make up serious competition to organizations in the field of culture, which causes the latter to change the approach to own out and resort to the use of marketing. Events allows you to remind the mass of people about cultural organizations, increases reputation and contributes to the creation of a better image. In addition, the product of cultural institutions themselves are specially held events.
  • In tourism. Under the event marketing in tourism implies the application of the current event to attract people to a certain territory. As an example, you can mention the city of Budapest, which is famous for the festivals.
  • In the museum. Museums need a different way to attract visitors. For modern society And in particular the younger generation, museums are perceived as a "repository" of historical items. With the help of event marketing, museum type institutions can be focused on the provision of cultural and educational and entertainment services.

Event Marketing Agency

Event marketing agencies are developing plans for conducting organizations to bring the desired result. The program of the conduct may include: a scenario, a description of seminars, presentations and events of entertainment topics.
Agencies make forecasts of efficiency from events and give a financial justification.

Work of event marketing in Russia

In Russia, event marketing in comparison with the countries of the West began to appear in the early 2000s, but even then, those who began to apply event marketing in Russia were international companies, the scale of which affected our country. Since 2003, he began to gain momentum and by 2013 the share of the event marketing market was 13.6 billion rubles. Currently, in Russia, the Event Marketing region continues to develop and hundreds of agencies are already working in it.

Books Pro Entity Marketing

  • Nazimko A.E. "Event Marketing: Guide for customers and performers." 2007
  • Romanzov A.N. Event-marketing: the essence and features of the organization. 2009
  • Alexander Shovovich, Alexey Berlov. Mix, but not to take up: recipes for organizing events. 2011
  • Ulrich Haltzbaur, Edwin Yettinger, Bernhard Knaus, Ralph Moser, Marcus Clerk. Event management. 2006
  • Mark Sonder: Event Management. Organization entertainment events. Techniques, ideas, strategies, methods 2006
  • Bernd Schmitt, David Rogers, Karen Vrozzos: Business in the style of the show. Marketing in the culture of impressions. 2005
  • Irina Schubina: organization of leisure and show programs. Creative laboratory screenwriter. 2004

Marketing efficiency depends on obsession. Event-marketing in our country is only gaining popularity and has not yet received consumers, which means its result with proper use will only benefit for the company.


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