Further of locomotive brigades. Job Instructions for Locomotive Brigades Further Locomotive Brigades

Job description Inlayer locomotive brigades

I. General provisions
1. The choice of locomotive brigades belongs to the category of specialists.
2. To position:
- Blasting 4 discharge locomotive brigades assigned a person having a secondary
Professional (technical) education and work experience for at least 1 year;
- Investigator 5 discharge locomotive brigades assigned a person having a secondary
Professional (technical) education and work experience in the position of the choice of locomotive brigades at least 1 year;
- Blast 6 discharge locomotive brigades assigned a person having a secondary
Professional (technical) education and work experience in the post of failover of locomotive brigades at least 2 years;
3. Discovery to the post of verbal and exemption from it
By order of the head of the depot on the submission of a senior belief of locomotive brigades.
4. Propertile of locomotive brigades is subordinate to the senior elementary
locomotive brigades.
5. At the time of the absence of the uniform of locomotive brigades (illness, vacation, pr.) His responsibilities performs the uniform of locomotive brigades.

II. Must know
- Regulations on the discipline of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation;
- the charter of the enterprise;
- applicable instructions, orders, orders and regulatory documents on
Brigades work;
- the procedure for organizing the work and change of brigades;
- Machinist routes and rules for making them;
- schedules of traffic and sections of circulation, served by brigades;
- the location of the receiving and equipment tract;
- Labor and recreation regimes of team workers;
- job description;
- Basics of labor legislation;
- Regulations on the working time and time of recreation of railway workers
- Rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and
fire protection.

III. Official duties
1. Replaceable planning for the production of locomotive brigades
variant graphics.
2. Weekends with locomotive brigades to provide an approved schedule or
After two nights in a row. At the same time, weekends provide a duration of no more laid and at least 42 hours.
3. Follow the correctness of the recruitment of locomotive brigades.
4. Recommend the head of the Machinist Depot and Machine's Assistant for
The formation of a newly formed brigade on moral and psychological compatibility.
5. Comply with the established fixing of locomotive brigades, especially young
Machiners working less than a year with their assistants.
6. Strictly observe the consolidation of student students of the driver's assistants for
Mentors during production practices.
7. Monitor the development of hours, not allowing the unevenness of them among the brigades and
8. Inform the locomotive brigades about all the marks from the facial list for accounting for hours.
9. Get acquainted with train safety documents.
10. It is responsible for the timely and reliable entry of information in the AsUT on Arma.
11. Carries out control over ensuring the safe operation of locomotive brigades.
12. Provides the optimal mode of operation and recreation of locomotive brigades.

IV. Rights
1. The choice of locomotive brigades has the right to:
- demand the full-time appearance of any member of the locomotive brigade after negotiation with the phrase

1. For the implementation of a removable plan for setting the locomotive brigades in the outfit.
2. For the removal of members of the locomotive brigades from the outfit without the necessary grounds.
3. For late provision of weekends without specifying the head. locomotive brigades or deputy. Head Depot Operation.


Informatics, Cybernetics and Programming

Locomotive farm as an automation object. Information flows of locomotive farm. Methodological approach to working places as to automation elements. Depot as an element of the management of traffic processes. The overall characteristics of the locomotive depot. Depot duty officer. Further Locomotive Brigades ...

MPS of Russia

Moscow State Technical University

Communication paths

Course project

"Development of an automated workplace of the unable to the locomotive depot"

Performed: Student 5 Course Faculty UPP

Konov Vitaly Viktorovich 0316 - P \\ ISZ - 1104

Checked: Professor, D.T.N. Samme G.V.




Transport is an important component of the Russian economy, sinceeat mat e the rial carrier between districts, industries, enterprises. Specializationareas, Their complex developmentit is impossible to b e s systems sports. Transport factor has influencee. for the placement of production, be. z his accounting can not be achievedrational RA Z. coems of productive forces.

Important transport has in solving socio-economic problems. Provision of a well-developed territory transport system serves as one of important factors attracting population and production.

The specifics of transport as the sector of the economy lies in the fact that it does not produce products itself, but only participates in its creation, providing production of raw materials, motherl. ami, Equipmente. m and delivering finished products to the consumer.

Well rail transport takes a leading place in the turnover of all types of transport (56.7%) and in passenger traffic (33,7 % ). It has a number of advantages that determined its preferential development in the country.J. elezaan transport is characterized by relatively freesh ince, reliability, regularity, versatility, regardless of the time of year, day, weather conditions. It makes it possible to carry out mass transport of goods and passengers, which strengthens its advantages, increases productivity and significantly reduces the cost of transportation. In addition, it saves liquid hydrocarbon fuel due to broad electrification.J. elezoan transport is particularly effective in transportation on long distances, and taking into account the huge territory of Russia, he and in the future will remain a leading type of transport in mass freight transportation on long distances and in passenger traffic on average distances and suburban messages.

The main directions of development of railway transport are developed as part of a comprehensive program." Transport of Russia. "

One of the stages of reforming railway transport is the full automation of the entire railway.

The introduction of specialized programs in the depot that will replace paper work, creating staff databases.

Without databases today, it is impossible to present the work of most financial, industrial, shopping and other organizations. Information flows circulating in the world that surrounds us are huge. In time, they tend to increase. Do not be databases, we would have caught a long time in the information avalanche. Databases allow information to structure, store and extract optimal to a user.

Thus, the task is to develop a software product that automates the workplace of the uniform of the locomotive depot.

1.Okomotivational economy as an automation object

1.1 characteristic

The locomotive economy is one of the most important elements of railway transport infrastructure, from whose work is largely dependent on both the sustainability of the road and the cost of transportation.

The costs of the locomotive economy make up a third of all operating costs of railways. In the economy, according to the end of 2007, 257.3 thousand people were employed, including 112.2 thousand people. - locomotive brigades and 50.0 thousand people. - Fixer repair of traction rolling stock. Total number Inventory Park of traction rolling stock - more than 39 thousand traction units.

The objects of the infrastructure of the locomotive economy include:

  • main depot
  • conductable depot
  • points of maintenance locomotives
  • warehouses Fuel, Lubricants and Sand
  • points of shift locomotive brigades
  • traction rolling stock

The locomotive economy, as the system, is characterized by the autonomy of it in its various to the appointment of economic subsystems and organizational links, multi-level information relationships and the need for rigid and centralized management. For a system of such a level of complexity, the main control objects should be identified, the organization of the work of which and information about which would contribute to a sustainable, reliable and efficient work Systems in general.

1.2 Information flows of locomotive ownersth

Based on the need for tight accounting, mobility and validity of management decisions, a system of accounting was developed as a paper information technology in the structure of locomotive farm, containing the technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise: "Technical passport of the main or current depot with an asscript park", as well as the documentation system The database of accounting and reporting forms in various areas of activity of the economy.

The procedure for taking into account the primary information and its processing in the locomotive depot is strictly regulated by the instructions of the MPS. Locomotive depot managers are prohibited to be and submitted statistical reporting to not established addresses and for forms not approved by the State Statistics Committee and MPS of Russia.

Figure 1 - Accounting in repair facilities

The incoming information characterizes the operational work of the depot, repair work and maintenance of locomotives. Reporting information is transmitted to the department of services and departments: on the level of separation of the road (NOD), in the service of the locomotive economy, in the department of statistical accounting and reporting of the road, to the management of statistical accounting and reporting of the ministry, etc.

Locomotive depot, as an infrastructure object is most important to managing the infrastructure of the locomotive economy in the following areas of its work:

  1. work with the dispatching center for shipping management;
  2. processing machine routes, salary calculation, frames;
  3. traffic safety;
  4. control technological processes repair;
  5. organization of the work of the management of the Depot;
  6. material and technical support;
  7. organization of personnel training;
  8. accounting, reporting, analysis, decision-making support.
  9. monitoring the health status of personal personnel;
  10. preparation, internship frames;

Sources of primary information in existing technology are:

  1. locomotive brigades (driver routes);
  2. accounting group (machinist routes processing);
  3. depot duty officer;
  4. harder;
  5. production and technical department;
  6. repair personnel;
  7. locomotive maintenance points;
  8. and etc.

1.3. Methodological approach to working places as an element machineand ki.

The automated control system of the locomotive farm (ASUU) implies primarily the introduction of all levels of a single computer information and control system at the enterprises of the locomotive economy, which allows you to switch to paperless work technology and automatic formation of reporting forms. Pure information functions astem will simultaneously add control functions. This is, above all, an automated analysis, control of the actions of the operator, prompts in real-time tasks, etc.

When automation of workplaces, two approaches are possible: adaptation of new information technology to the existing organizational structure and reorganization of this structure. Information in that and is redundant. More than 50% of the time, specialists spend on the analysis of information and its visibility largely determines the quality of the decisions made.

Computer techologies allow you to form any reporting forms.

Therefore, the system of that and especially the introduction of AWS begins to play a minor role. However, in case of actual refusal of the system, it is necessary to create new technology Processing and storage of information. You should analyze the existing system of that and that. When analyzing the created AWS, you need to pay attention to the degree of waste from the adopted technology processing technology and the proposed new approaches. Last remark applies to all arms.

1.4. Depot as element of the control systemabout Zok

General characteristics of locomotive depot

Locomotive depot is the most important to manage the infrastructure of the locomotive farm. The main task of the locomotive depot - the timely issuance of locomotivesand locomotive brigades under the train. From the sustainable operation of the locomotive depot largely depends on the sustainable work of the road as a whole.

Locomotive depot are divided into main and revolving. By the nature of the traction service, the locomotive depot is divided into passenger, cargo and mixed.

Basic locomotive depot - Linear enterprise of locomotive farm, having an asscript fleet of locomotives; Includes a traction area with railway track development, which hosts a locomotive building with workshops for maintenance and repair of locomotives, equipping devices with fuel warehouses, sand, lubricants, service and technical, social and domestic premises and other devices of locomotive farm. All of the listed structures, as well as locomotive brigade substitution points and locomotive maintenance points are managed by the head of the main depot.

Crowded locomotive depot Designed to carry out maintenance, equipment, preparation and issuing locomotives to trains in their change, as well as for the organization of shift and recreation of locomotive brigades.

Cover depots are subject to the head of the Locomotive Department of the Railway Department.

Operational operation of operation begins with the compilation of the circulation. This uses information about train schedule and information about the window on the train schedule. The brigades are then assigned to work, and work on the line (trip).

In the process of operational work, employees of the workshop, as well as the locomotive brigades, the form of Tu-3 (Machinist route) is being conducted. At the end of the trip, the driver's route is processed.

The main task of locomotive depot is the timely issuance of locomotives and locomotive brigades under the train.

From the sustainable operation of the locomotive depot largely depends on the sustainable work of the road as a whole. Automation of the locomotive farm should be carried out in close connection with the automation of the transportation process as a whole.

The shipping management process has a powerful information and computing system.

All information about the train composition, the place of its formation, the destination station, etc. There is a road in the road.

The query and information transfer protocol system supports a special ASOP software package. ITS itself does not create information. It comes from the ELC of other roads, from the stations of the formation of trains, from sorting and intermediate stations, locomotive depot, etc.

To account for the operation of the locomotive depot as the divisions of the road to the ASOP, two subsystems have been created - operational control of locomotives dislocation (OKDL) and operational control of locomotive brigade dislocation (OKDB).

Information on the dislocation of locomotives is not the primary in the work of the ASOP system: on roads with depot usually do not require timely receipt of information and its accuracy. In addition, the exchange protocol is believed and relatively time consuming. This led to the fact that in the ASOP majority of the road, the OKDL system had unreliable information about the locomotive location.

Interactions of information, in turn, gave birth to distrust with OKDL and as a result of an even less use.

The situation was aggravated by the desire of the depot to hide the non-planning locomotives in the depot. All this led to the fact that with the existing system of interconnection of the depot with the dispatching center for the transportation of the ABDL subsystem, it was actually non-visual. Support for these systems with relevant AWP in the depot is necessary.

The fundamental improvement in the connection of the depot from the ILC is achieved when creating unified dispatching centers for transportation management (Ether or PC).

In this case, the depot is more rigidly tied to the transportation management process.

When creating an Entin, one of the main problems is complete and the accuracy of the original information and, above all, about the deployment and composition of trains.

Train movement as a point is tracked using existing and newly created dispatching centralization systems. However, the issue of reading the numbers of cars and locomotive is not resolved.

Despite the large amount of experimental work, today this task has no satisfactory technical solution for a variety of reasons.

In practice, the task comes down to the following: Entering information on the preparation of the train at the site of its formation, the automatic transmission of the inventory sheets of the train ( email), the account number of the train axes and locomotive numbers at intermediate stations.

The task of the account of the axis of the train seems relatively simple. The account of the axes is carried out at the detection points of the heating of the BUX (PONAB) - with the help of the so-called electromagnetic pedals. Experiments are shown: the use of these pedals for an etern is impossible due to a large number of failures and strong dependence on the speed of the train.

Complex climatic conditions, difficulty difficulty and even safety issues (the sensors of the number of axes must be installed before the station's input arrow) made it difficult to solve this technical task.

As well as for the account of the axes, many solutions are offered and to read the locomotive number. The most interesting of them includes fastening on board the locomotive of special sensors with "sewn" in them the locomotive number.

Special antenna blocks read the number when the locomotive passes by them. there is technical solutions and on the basis of locomotive radio stations, magnetization of wheeled steam, etc.

When solving the task of the account of the axes and reading the locomotive number, when creating an Entrent, the problem of controlling locomotives dislocation is simultaneously removed: a simple installation of the corresponding equipment at the deposit and ptol will automatically fix the locomotive approach to maintenance.

Information may come, for example, in the armor of the depot.

After that, it is possible to programmatically achieve the accuracy of information about locomotives.

Control of locomotive brigad dislocation is easier. Processing machine routes allows you to control the scope of work performed by locomotive brigades.

Accounting for the location of the machinists in real time is solved in the workshop of the units of locomotive brigades.

The exact location of the brigade during the trip can be taken from the ASOP system, where the locomotive train brigade is recorded and is transferred by duty at the station in the IVT.

Thus, the tasks of controlling the dislocation of locomotives and locomotive brigades should be solved within the framework of the overall task of creating an EDUCH and the development of ASOPA by using type-one or road sensors of the axes and devices for reading the numbers of locomotives installed, including when entering the depot.

Both tasks are attached to the ASOP system databases: the exchange of information between the depot and the ILS is based on the standard protocol.

All information required for normal operation information is available in the ASOPA database.

For communication, it is advisable to use ART on duty on the depot. In working with expensive, arm of the unite and AWP of the accounting group are also involved.

Recent years has been developed and implemented automatic control Tracking trains (South), which is a device for the safety of outdoor execution. Information South is not related to the depot, however, onboard electronic devices require maintenance - South work should also be taken into account when creating a depot information network.

The ASOP provides information to almost all levels of management through existing systems at stations and other linear enterprises, as well as by interacting with top-level systems.

The ASOP of the adjacent railways interacts with each other in such a way that in the end the railway network operated a single automated system Operational shipping management.

The weakest place of ASOP is the preparation and transfer of data to the computer, since the process is mainly not automated. But for locomotive economy, this data can be considered in advance (the rigged train sheet is formed before the train is sent) and automatically obtained. In the future, it is assumed to create a new information support, the transition to the automated compilation of the main primary documents and receiving messages about the operational events directly from the computer, as well as railway automation devices.

The basis of the ASOP system is the dynamic modeling of the process of transportation on a computer based on machine-oriented reports on trains, cars, locomotives, their characteristics, as well as operational events that change the location of the rolling stock and its condition. Creating dynamic models is considered as one of the most important tasks of the system.

Processing data on the formation and movement of trains to Arm depot, you can automatically generate information that is currently submitted manually to the driver route, and then manually transferred to the computer.

1.6. Depot duty

Depot duty officer carries out guidance by employees of its shift, which provide preparation and issuance of locomotives for train and other types of work.

He directly subordinate to the Deputy Head of the Depot of Operation (TCE), and in operational terms - the operational and administrative apparatus of the department of the road.

The duty officer is responsible for the state labor discipline, Performance of the daily plan for issuing locomotives, their equipment, for the timely turnover of locomotive brigades, for compliance with safety and much more. Obviously, the arm of the duty officer (ART TCD) must have operational access to the entire database through the local computing network of the depot.

Accordingly, the arm of the duty should allow the database to be based on both locomotive and locomotive brigades. According to the teams, the duty receiving information from the Database of the Harrifier (ARM TCB). The arm of the duty should allow not only to view the database for brigades, but also to make certain changes and additions to it. But access to the database change must be limited.

2. Distributor of locomotive brigades

1. Independents of the locomotive brigades are appointed by persons who usually have a profile formation not lower than the average internship in the workplace and sustained tests in the knowledge of the basic provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory acts related to the organization of the work of Locomotive Brigades.

  1. When a failure of the locomotive brigades, the belief of the locomotive brigades takes place at the depot of the safety and safety of trains, it is familiar with the current position of the outfit, checks the performance of the ART of the unlike Makes the installed marks in the journal of receiving duty. If necessary, it is necessary to adversely instructing the safety of trains by the instructor driver or the head of the depot, depending on the requirements in conducting the briefing.
  2. During the work shift, theft:

Provides planning for incident locomotive brigades on the thread of graphics by name schedules or a low-estelling system.

It makes a challenge to the locomotive brigades on the turnout on time, defined by the work schedule of locomotive brigades or the garter of locomotive brigades under the train, specified by the depot duty.

Ensures the maintenance of established reporting documentation in paper or in electronic format.

Controls the observance by the locomotive brigades of the established continuous duration of working time in terms of service, recreation rates in turnover points.

He maintains electronic forms of magazines and transferring reports of an unchart.

Informs its immediate and higher leaders about all the facts of late and non-appearance of workers of locomotive brigades.

Together with the depot duty and the locomotive dispatcher, it produces a garter of locomotive brigades under the threads of trains specified by the locomotive dispatcher. In accordance with the adjustment carries out a call to locomotive brigades.

In the locomotive depot, where such an order is established, it is reserved for places of passenger trains to follow the passenger locomotive brigades.

Controls the blanks of the machine routes.

  1. The operation of locomotive brigades is organized by nameplates of replacement or by a vast system. In other cases, as well as in cases of violations of work on shift schedules, locomotive brigades are appointed to work on call. Call methods are set by the Internal Labor Regulations.
  2. Upon arrival of the locomotive brigade after the trip, the belt of locomotive brigades determines the time of the next intercession to the work of the locomotive brigade:

With a graphic system - according to the schedule of work, the locomotive brigade of the date, time and place of the next intercession with the painting of the locomotive brigade in the journal of the outfit.

With an unsubstantial system, it determines the date and time of the next intercession according to the calculations of the necessary home rest of the locomotive brigade by the formula:

T House OT \u003d (T slave x 2,6) - T Dep. about. depot.

Where the house is deposited at home;

T slave - working time for a trip to both directions;

T Dep. about. Depot - resting time in the turnover point.

2.6 - calculation coefficient set Labor Code The Russian Federation, which determines the attitude of the working time for the week to non-working time based on the 40-hour working week.

Upon calling system, the unable to call the locomotive brigade is determined by the time of a possible challenge to work with a similar order, which informs the locomotive brigade with the painting of the locomotive brigade in the journal of the outfit.

In exceptional cases, it is allowed to reduce the time of home aboutt. response Locomotive brigade between travel. About reducing rest in the magazine of the outfit is madetop marker.

  1. Providing leave to employees of locomotive brigades.

The woven of locomotive brigades makes familiarization of the locomotive brigade under the painting notice of the provision of leave, the date of the actual leave of vacation, the date of employment.

  1. Upon receipt of information, the choice of locomotive brigades on the impossibility of turning on the work of one of the members of the locomotive brigades, the unchecker makes the appropriate movement of this employee in the Armenian ART, puts a mark in the journal. He reports the head of the reserve of locomotive brigades, deputy head of the depot of operation. The selection of the missing member of the locomotive brigade is made from the lists recommended by the instructor's instructor and psychologist for workers for collaboration In accordance with the requirements of the work and the qualification class of the driver or the experience of the work and the availability of the management of the Assistant Machina.
  2. After each trip, the belitter of locomotive brigades calculates the working time of each member of the locomotive brigade, controls in order to prevent overtime hours of operation.
  3. Before the end of the change, the uniform of locomotive brigades compiles the report of the established form, which reflects the performance of the time of service by locomotive brigades for a trip for each site of service, disruption of the established duration of working time, the facts of irrational use of working hours of locomotive brigades, dislocation of locomotive brigades for each turnover deployment, provision Dresses on the upcoming change and day, as well as other data provided for by regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, the railway, the separation of the railway and the locomotive (motor-wagon) depot. It is possible to form a specified report in automated mode.
  4. In the process of labor activities, the wifters of locomotive brigades are trained at least once a year at seminars organized by the locomotive service service at least once a quarter. Quarterly technical classes with supervisors conducts deputy head of the depot of operation, monthly - head of the reserve (senior belter) of locomotive brigades.

The chief instructor is the book of outfits. Information of this document is used by depot on duty to fill the reporting forms of Tu-1 and Tu-2. The unchart records additional information about the work of the brigade.

For example, traveling with machinists instructors, interns, etc. According to the existing in the uniform data, the development of watching hours and their assistants from the beginning of the month is calculated.

The workshop of the uniform should automate the maintenance and reporting information, allow you to receive operational reporting information on request.

Externally, the functions of the workshop are relatively simple. This led to the emergence of numerous programs that allowed to automate the maintenance of documentation. However, it was not taken into account that the Armed Forces of the Blaty, as well as arm of the duty officer, is AW in real time.

The lack of understanding of the features of AWP operational staff often leads to the creation of non-working programs.

Programs of operational personnel should allow you to track non-standard situations in a real time, allow you to quickly change the work schedule, find the replacement of brigades and locomotives.

All information should be presented quickly and in a visual form. If you can choose, the program must draw up priority lists for one or another criteria.

At the same time, the most responsible staff actions should be automatically tracked and, if necessary, blocked. And this is possible only with full failure from paper technology: only if the existing "paper" form of documents can be achieved by the accuracy of information in the computer.

Another feature of AWP operational personnel is increased requirements for the reliability of information entrusted.

The program should make a comprehensive analysis of the information entrusted, allowing you to quickly track as many possible errors.

Operational work with locomotives and locomotive brigades in the depot performs the operation shop. The key jobs are duty officer (TCD) and the uniform (CBC). It is these two arm arm to form the basis of the group under consideration. Operational communication with external for depot divisions is mainly duty on the depot.

3. Conclusions

In this term paper Locomotive farming is considered in terms of its automation. Present general characteristicswhich includes data on the number of railway facilities. The structure of the locomotive management system management system is considered. Also analyzed the methodological approach to workplaces as the elements of automation.

Topics such as

  • Locomotive economy as an automation object
  • Depot duty officer.
  • Further of locomotive brigades.


  1. MPS of Russia. http: // mps. RU.
  2. Typical regulation of the organization of operational work and ensuring the safety of trains in the locomotive economy of Russian Railways
  3. Railway track: Tutorial for technical schools and colleges w. D. Tranc. / Z.L. Crainis, I.V. Fedorov
  4. Information Technology on railway transport: studies. For universities, J.-D. TransP. E.K. LETSKY, V.I. Pankratov, V.V. Yakovlev etc.; Ed. E.K. LETSKY, E.S. Poddavashkin, V.V. Yakovlev. - M.: UMC MPS of Russia
  5. Guide to the organization and operation of automated workplaces ACS "Express-2" -M: VNIIII;
  6. Gruntov P.S., Dyakonov Yu.V., Macarochin A.M. and others. Managing operational work and quality of transportation on railway transport

Notlan repair

Change of equipment

Changing bearing bugs

Changing wheeled steam

Measuring wheel steam

Lock damage and malfunctions

Inspection Book, Rolling Bearing Repair

Logomotive technical status log

Locomotive repair book repair book

Locomotive Welcome Couple

Pocket Bandage Charger

Book of accounting of the status of bangs of wheel pairs of locomotive and their run



Master flaw detector

Lok. Brigadier




Master flaw detector


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Locomotive, train, refrigerated brigades

4 - 6 categories

Official duties. Provides the work of brigades along the graphics along with the daily plan and route schedules. Fills, gives and receives the routes of the machine. Consides and regulates the duration of their work and recreation. Participates in the development of route schedules and work schedules. Makes a brigade work report. Provides timely access to the work of team workers, as well as the necessary reserve for the implementation of economic and additional work. He carries out control over the passage of employees of the locomotive brigades of medical examination before and after travel. Performs operational management Work brigades in accordance with the established plan. In the event of a change in the schedule of passenger traffic and maneuver work, it makes a decision in the prescribed manner on the organization of work in the changed conditions. Participates in the work on the analysis and evaluation of the activities of the brigad. Provides timely provision of holidays on schedule and weekends to employees of the Brigades. Leads established documentation. Provides the provision of approved reporting.

Must know: Regulations on the discipline of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation; Company's charter; current instructions, orders, orders and regulatory documents on the work of the brigad; The procedure for organizing the work and change of brigades; Machineist routes and rules for registration of them; Traffic charts of transport and sections of circulation served by brigades; location of receiving and sending and equipping pathways; Labor and recreation regimes of team workers; job description (card); Basics of labor legislation; Regulations on the working time and time of recreation of railway workers; Rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Requirements for qualification in the ranks of the payment.

4 COMPANY: Average professional (technical) education and work experience in profile at least 1 year;

5 discharge: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the position of the choice of locomotive, train, refrigerated brigades at least 1 year;

6 Discharge: Average professional (technical) education and work experience in the position of the choice of locomotive, train, refrigerated brigades for at least 2 years.

Official duties. Makes up monthly schedules of drivers, taking into account the specifics of local conditions (the presence of daytime inspection of rolling stock, the provision of personnel, professional training Drivers, the availability of service routes for the delivery of brigades to work and to the place of residence, etc.), as well as the development of regulatory work, compliance with the alternation of workers and weekends, morning and evening shifts based on the schedules for the routes fixed by the depot. Discharges and gives drivers on the basis of interchangeable tasks primary documents, on the basis of which the development of regulatory work time and wages of drivers (outfits, statements, etc.) are taken into account, as well as surcharges caused by violations of normal working conditions, not in fault Drivers, for overtime works and others leads to the accounting of discharged outfits and documents, normalized time, transfers them to accrual wages, is the necessary information for the Master of the Labor Region and Engineer. He account for drive time drivers. Conducts accounting and registration of hospital sheets of drivers. Takes the necessary measures to use modern technical means.

Must know: Provisions, Instructions, Other Guidelines and Regulatory Documents on the Organization, Labor Regulation and Wages of tram and trolleybus drivers, the procedure for their use; deadlines, and the rules for registration of primary documents on the accounting of working time and wages; Methodical, regulatory and other guidelines concerning the operational activities of the tram (trolleybus) depot; rules of operation of technical means; Fundamentals of labor legislation; The rules of the internal labor regulation; Rules and norms of labor protection.

Requirements for qualifications. Primary vocational education without presentation of work experience or secondary (complete) general education either the main general education and special training on the established program without the presentation of the work experience.

2 discharge - the dress of train brigades: general secondary education and individual training at least 3 months.

3 category - Timing Brigad Categories Categories: secondary vocational education without providing requirements for work experience or secondary education and work experience in the post of fabriced brigades for at least 3 years.

4 COMPANIES - Timing Brigades Category I category: secondary special education and work experience in the position of todded brigades II category at least 1 year.


The regulations for organizing the work of reserves of conductors of OJSC "Federal Passenger Company" (hereinafter referred to as the regulations) ensures the unification of production processes, aims to achieve the company's goals and determines the main activities of branches of the Federal Passenger Company OJSC (hereinafter JSC FPK) and their structural divisions.

The requirements of these Regulations are mandatory for all employees of OJSC FPK.

The planning of the work of structural divisions for the coming year is carried out by the branch of OJSC FPK and is united to an action plan to improve the quality of service of passengers and working conditions of workers in the following blocks of questions:

the work of the elegant part, the balance of working time;

sanitary conditions (job features, food, office premises);

uniform clothing, personal protective equipment, overalls;

interaction of wire reserves with other production sites (formation, operation and repair of wagons, operational department of the branch, etc.);

interaction with counterparties;

organization of training for workers (including technical);

ensuring the safety of trains in the following way, SMBD;

the introduction of electronic technical means and software in passenger trains;

conformity staff schedule Conductor reserves Volume of work performed;

staff attraction plan;

reduction and optimization;

organization of targeted checks of conductors reserves;

cool ranks professional skill, "Passport trust", "Talon of Quality";

branded and international trains;


the work of the instructional composition;

information security of reserves of conductors (the presence of Armov "Express" ACS, ASS SSPS GIS Railways, etc.)

Organization of the work of fabrics on the formation of train brigades

2.1. Tasks of the elegant part:

formation of train brigades, taking into account the established standards and requirements for service classes;

monitoring the observance of the regime and recreation, the standards for working out work time;

planning the formation of train brigades in accordance with the approved schedule of work;

implementation of functional problems and work in the ekaster;

registration and maintenance of the route of the passenger car carrier and the shipping receipt and luggage forms No. FTU-33 (hereinafter referred to as the route list);

monitoring the timeliness of passing by employees of the medical commission and their employment;

familiarization of employees with a schedule of work and recreation;

maintaining a reporting and regulatory documentation;

Accounting documentation of the elegant part.

2.2.1. On the paper carriers:

schedule of work and rest of the train brigades for the accounting period (half-year, year) - posts on information bench;

conducting lists passenger cars (hereinafter - the wagon conductor) behind the brigades;

lists of fastening train brigades for compositions;

orders for conductors of cars certified for the right to maintain trains category "Corporate";

orders for the consolidation of conductors of cars - first amenities for experienced conductors of passenger cars;

orders for the purpose of trains, replenishment / reduction of schemes, sending wagons to / from repair, etc.

schedule of vacationiers of wagons for the current year;

routes of the conductor of the passenger car and the cargo receptor and the luggage form No. FTU-33;

prints of extracts from books of formation with personal signatures of train workers;

prints of extracts from personal cards of train workers with their personal signatures.

2.2.2. In electronic form in the EC ASUTR:

orders for the provision of vacations of passenger wagons;

oRDERS ON OPENING disciplinary penalties on wagon conductors;

orders about moving train workers;

orders for the personnel of train workers (reception, dismissal);

orders to encourage train workers;

personal cards of train workers;

books of the formation of train brigades for each train (hereinafter referred to as the formation book);

general book of exit conductors of wagons to work;

book of hot reserve.

For the organization of the work of the elegant part, the senior belitter is answered, which submits directly to the deputy chief structural unit- Provincial reserve holder (hereinafter referred to as the head of the reserve) or his deputy.

2.4. Requirements for the organization of the workplace of the clothing of train brigades:

personal computer, keyboard, mouse;

software SAP Logon, Express ACS, email;

multifunctional device (printer, copier, scanner);

telephone with access to long-distance calls;

consumables (Paper A4, Stationery)

The duties of the uniform for the formation of train brigades.

2.5.1. To form train brigades together with the head of the train in compliance with the norms of labor and recreation.

2.5.2. Control the working time of employees of train brigades, compliance with the norms of intersdency recreation.

2.5.3. Perform the alignment of wagons conductors in accordance with the train formation scheme and the consideration of the requirements of existing carrier service standards by conductors.

2.5.4. Control by intercession from the employees of the train brigade, the presence of identity cards, certificates with checks about the verification of PTE knowledge, labor protection requirements, fire and technical minimum, the rules for the technical operation of electrical installations by voltage up to 1000V, for the right to maintain the tail of the tail ), the sanitary book of the conductor The timeliness of the passage of the medical commission;

2.5.5. Issue route lists to employees of the train brigade under the signature in an extract printed from the ECE ECD from the formation book. It is prohibited to issue a route list to unauthorized persons, including the boss.

2.5.6. To make data on the formation of train brigades in the ASUK EC. 2.5.7. Compile an act together with the head of the train, a senior uniform and instructor of train brigades about the unauthorized care of the wagon conductor from work, indicating the date, time and creature of the case.

2.5.8. Control the turnout of employees of train brigades. In the case of a long non-appearance to work (more than 2 weeks) and the absence of information on its causes, the senior belitter reports to the report by the head of the reserve for further informing the head of the structural unit and its deputy personnel and social issues to organize work to clarify the causes of the long-term failure of the employee. Upon receipt of information on the long-term non-appearance of the employee, the personnel management department prepares and sends a letter to the Wagon conductor with a notice in which he asks to inform the reason for his nebid to work. In the absence of an answer within 2 weeks after receiving the delivery notification, the procedure is repeated. Upon receipt of 2-3 notifications and the continued passage of the conductor of the Wagon, the deputy for personnel and social issues is preparing a report on the name of the head of the structural unit for making a decision on the dismissal of the employee. In the case of the conductor of the Wagon Explorer to work and detects the absenteeism, a senior believer on the formation of train brigades is obliged:

require a written explanation from the Wagon Explorer with a mandatory indication of a specific failure time and the causes of its absence at work;

put on the explanation of the conductor of the wagon date of his unbelievable work and sign (the presence of production and unauthorized use of the days of the rank does not exempt the employee from responsibility);

to report to the report by the deputy head of the structural division-chief of the reserve of conductors for the organization of a service investigation of the case of absenteeism and determining the measures of disciplinary responsibility.

2.5.9. Require documents from the employee of the train brigade documents confirming the lack of in the workplace on the path (hospitalization in medical institutions, detention by police officers, upon arrival in the reserve of conductors).

2.5.10. Prevent employees of train brigades about the timely passage of the medical commission no later than the month before the expiration date of the previous one, with a mandatory signature for familiarizing the extract from the personal card printed from the EC.

2.5.11. Issue by train supervisors a schedule of duty of conductors of wagons to familiarize themselves under the signature of all the members of the train brigade.

2.5.12. Control records in personal cards of wagons and heads of trains to Ec Asutra.

If there is an entry on the appointment of a service investigation into a violation of work or technological discipline in a personal card, the wagon conductor is sent to the guide of the conductor's reserve. If the service investigation is postponed, then the decision to provide the work by the Wagon conductor is made by the senior verdict in coordination with the head of the reserve of conductors.

2.6. The order of registration of the route of the passenger car carriage and the shipping receipt and baggage form No. FTU-33:

choose the route lists of workers planned on the trip;

in the turnover of the train brigade worker, put the date and time of the opening of the route sheet (columns 1 and 2), in column 4 of the train number, in the column 5 inventory (factory) room of the car, in column 6 direction, and sign in column 29;

in the case of the Conductor of the Wagon Explorer to work in column 4, note "N / I" (non-appearance) and sign in column 29;

if necessary, rewrite the wagon conductor to a later date, opposite the old date in the column 4 and 5 "rewritten to ....", sign in column 29 and the string below to write a new output date;

when you pass the wagon conductor of the route leaf, make a mark on closing the flight in graphs 7 and 8, sign in column 30 and record the date of the next exit in column 1;

duplicate entries from the route list to the electronic route of FTU No. FTU-33 in the ASUK EC;

when transferring the conductor to another production site to record "Order from CC.MM.YYYY No. XXX with CC.MM.YYYY on CC.MM.YYYY - (Production Plot Name)";

in case of loss or damage to give a duplicate of the route sheet only on the personal application of the wagon conductor and the obligatory permission, the head of the reserve for the issuance of a duplicate, while in the duplicate of the route list to restore flights based on the data of the ECD EC (stamps are not transferred, because this form of form No. FTU-33 is a copy).

the calculated route sheets before passing into the structural division of "Jellytheet" are stored in separate folders on the tablet numbers;

corrections in route sheets by destroying the previous record is not allowed by the proofreader - if necessary, an erroneous record is stricken, the painting is put and the new information fits;

2.7. The procedure for filling the book of the formation of train brigades in the EC ASUK:

after the formation of a train brigade, in accordance with the standard installed to maintain the train, the ordinal and factory numbers of the wagons are made to the appropriate graphs of the formation books, Fm.o. Conductors of wagons, their tablet numbers, the total number of cars and conductors;

next, a printout is done from the book of formation, in which there are conductors of passenger cars (for receiving a route sheet), an adhesive for the formation of train brigades and the head of the train, which assure the formation of a train brigade on the departure of the train;

upon arrival of the train to the formation point, the book of the formation is made by the sequence and factory number of the Vagon, Fm.o. Wagon conductor, planned date of arrival of the conductor wagons to work, total number of wagons and conductors;

next, a printout of the formation is made in which the passenger wagon conductors are drawn (for the delivery of a route list and familiarization with the date of the next turnout of work), the uniform to form train brigades and the head of the train.

2.8. Registration of sheets of disability of train workers. In case the conductor of passenger cars is scheduled to work, the senior believer on the formation of train brigades on back side disability sheet fills the top of the sheet with a mandatory mark "is scheduled to (date) ", Further, the brigade schedule for the absence of a conductor of passenger cars for illness and personally subsequently transfers to the structural unit of Zhelekorekta. In case the conductor of passenger cars was not painted to work, there is no "not planned" in a sheet of disability. All records are assigned by the signature and date. Further, the uniform for the formation of train brigades is obliged to present a passenger wagon conductor compiled earlier act of self-friendly care home, demand an explanation, after which all the necessary necessary documents are transmitted to the head of the reserve of conductors to pars.

in the event of a certificate of the conductor (they reported on the phone), in column 4 write "N / I" and only after presentation of a sheet of disability to record "b / l № xxxxxh with CC.MM.YYYY on CC.MM.YYYY", sign in the column 29 and put out the date of employment in column 1;

2.6. Registration of the next and educational leave of train workers.

The provision of vacation is published. The believer on the formation of train brigades after receiving the order determines the work out of each conductor of passenger cars, taking into account the schedule of work and the hours of hours, with compulsory painting for access to work in the "Book of Formation" and the "General Book of Outputs".

In the case of provision regular holidays Out of the schedule due to the transfer at the request of the employee and coordination with the leadership in the application of the employee about the provision of vacation, visas are affixed:

the uniform in the formation of train brigades, which marks the "hours of hours" with the accuracy of working time taking (or the number of hours available in the reserve, with the total working time accounting), the information necessary attention to the head of the reserve of conductors (the presence of absenteeism, prohibition, etc.);

the personnel department, which notes the right to use the vacation; Head of Reserve Conductors, who reflects its opinion on the possibility of providing leave.

2.5.12. The procedure for making days without payment earned during the summer, holidays without salary salary is similar to the procedure for providing regular leave outside the graph, established by clause 2.5.11. Regulations.

2.5.13 When assigned to the maintenance of a trailer car (group of cars), it determines and assigns one conductor to execute additional duties (hereinafter - the senior conductor).

The senior conductor is an employee, from among the conductors of the wagons on which the order of the head of the structural unit is entrusted with functions (determined by the order) under the leadership of the employees of the trailed car (group of cars) with the establishment of an additional labor intensity coefficient.

The direction of the senior conductor to the responsible person as defined by the head of the structural unit, to obtain a set of necessary documents (travel report, a regular magazine, the formation of the population of population and consumption of bed linen Lou-72, the books of complaints and suggestions, the receipts of the VU-9 form, etc.) .

2.9. During the period of mass summer passenger traffic, the consolidation of conductors of cars for brigades, if necessary, is revised. If train brigades are formed from student detachments or conductors adopted under the contract, then conductors with work experiences of at least one year are appointed to maintain head and tail wagons.

2.10. At one uniform for the formation of train brigades can be fixed from 150 to 300 people.

Checking the route sheet before issuing:

records in the personal card of the Wagon Explorer in the EC ASUK (mark on the analysis, failure to appear, the compliance of the employment after illness, the passage of medical examination, etc.);

working hours of working time;


availability of unagnation;

passage of certification for servicing right branded trains train workers if a branded train is formed.

3. Organization of work with blanks and documents

The number of forms and documents in the reserves of conductors include:

tickets, receipts of surcharges and other documents of all forms for registering passengers (including decorated with software and hardware);

receipts of different fees of RS-97;

receipt for the use of bedding form

acts of the form LO-4;

passenger population account forms in the wagon and consumption of bed linen Louz 72, Inu-4 (numbered by the numberer, with a stamp of the enterprise);

flight Journal Wu-6;

book of complaints and suggestions of the form of the AU-20;

travel report;

form route No. FTU-33.

Forms of tickets, receipts and shades of strict accounting are established, manufactured and obtained centrally. The manufacture of these forms in local printing houses is not allowed.


3.1.1. FUND ROUTE No. FTU-33 is used to take into account the used workers and non-working time of conductors of cars, heads of passenger trains, train electromechanics serving passenger trains in the following way.

3.1.2. Inspection of train brigades to the 24th of the previous month, the Flua-33 FUND routes fit on the front of the FTU-33 route on the front side: "Enterprise", "Profession, surname, name, patronymic", "number of the route", month And the year to which the route of Form No. FTU-33 was issued, "Tabel Number", "Date of filling the route", "The tariff rate of the employee". In the prescribed routes of form No. FTU-33, according to personal cards of train workers from the EC ASUK, set the causes and period of absence in the workplace (vacation, days of rest earned for the summer period of "special regime", the lack of workers on the disease "b / l № xxxx with CC.MM.YYYY on CC.MM.YYYY "and other distractions), assigned discharges.

3.1.3. In the formation of train brigades, the FMU-33 No. FTU-33 routes are selected by outfits for the next day and write entries in personal cards. During the passage of the passenger wagons of the brigade, the units form a train brigade, filled in the section "Indicators of work and recreation times" Graphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 29 and issue them directly to passenger cargo wagons and the head of the train, which are complained Obtaining routes forms No. FTU-33. With paired trips, each flight (turnover) is drawn up in the FTU-33-33 form route. During the trip, the Flua-33 FTU routes are stored at the Wagon Explorer.

3.1.4. In the turnover, the train head collects the routes of FTU No. FTU-33 from wagon conductors, produces a section of the "mark in turn point": Fills the Counts "Train Number", "Number and Month", watches and minutes, "all this is wrapped in a stamp and signature The station on the station, fills in the "Indicators of Work and Recreation" section of the following graph: 16 and 33. In the routes of form No. FTU-33 conductors of wagons serving the tail carriage, records the number of hours of work on the tail car. At the end of these operations, the head of the train distributes the routes forms No. FTU-33 conductors of passenger cars.

3.1.5. During the delivery, the section "Information about the reception and passing of cars" is filled: Counts "Train number", "Vagon's room" - factory and ordinal, "Date of delivery of the car", "The car passed", "the car accepted", "the state note Wagon and equipment. "

3.1.6. After the change of shift, the head of the train and conductors of passenger cars personally passes the filled form routes
No. FTU-33 Inspection on the formation of train brigades, which checks the correctness of the filling of the routes of FTU No. FTU-33 by the head of the train and the conductor of the passenger car, closes the route forms No. FTU-33 (fills in graphs 7, 8, 30), indicates the date of the next appearance (Fills graphs 1, 2).

3.1.7. No later than the next day, after the change of change, the uniforms for the formation of train brigades are filled in the section "Indicators of work and recreation" following graphs: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 25, 21, 23, 24, 25 , 26, 27, 28.

3.1.8. Until the end of the reporting month, but no later than the last day of arrival in the reporting month of this conductor of the Wagon, the wagon conductor puts his signature on the back of the route of the form No. FTU-33 in the column "Explorer, signature, signature decoding", head of the train on the back of the form route
No. FTU-33 puts its signature in the column "Head of Train, Signature, Signature Decoding" and makes marks about the bonuses. In case of deprivation of premium payment, the train head makes a mark with reference to the document, on the basis of which deprivation of premium payment is made and takes a written explanation from the conductor of the Wagon, which is transferred to the instructor of train brigades.

3.1.9. Up to 1 day following the reporting month, uniforms for the formation of train brigades in the EC ASUT, the final calculation of the form No. FTU-33 - 33 and filling in the section "Wage calculation: Counts" Payment type ", payment cipher, hours and interest in this type of payment "Calculation made, position, signature, signature decoding," "Actual clock", "no clock."

3.1.10. After the taxation, the FMU-33 No. FTU-33 routes are transmitted to the structural unit of Zhelekorette to accrual wages. In the structural division of "Zhelekorukhta", the routes forms No. FTU-33 are transmitted to the painting in the book of routes, indicating the name of the accountant and the number of transmitted routes.

3.1.11. All paid routes of FMU No. FTU-33 are stored in the structural unit of Zhelekorette in a liner on the tablet numbers.

3.1.12. During the month following the reporting, uniforms for the formation of train brigades, a selective verification of the correctness of the calculation of the routes of form No. FTU-33 of the passenger wagon conductor (train chief) and error correction, if any will be detected.

3.1.13. Corrections are not allowed in the FMS-33 routes by destroying the previous record by the proofreader. You must cross the erroneous entry, sign and write new information. When filling out the mold route No. FTU-33 records to produce strictly in the respective graphs. Unnecessary entries in the mold route No. FTU-33 are not allowed.

3.1.14. In case of loss or damage to the form No. FTU-33, fabrics for the formation of train brigades write down a duplicate in the presence of a statement of a wagon conductor (head of the train) on issuing a new route forms No. FTU-33, indicating the cause and mandatory permission of the head of the reserve of conductors on the issuance of a duplicate. In the formation of train brigades on the basis of entries in the book of the formation of train brigades and personal cards restore lost flights and put their signature for each reconstituted trip.

3.1.15 In column 19 of the route forms No. FTU-33, the opening hours of the conductor operator at coal heating in accordance with the labor and recreation of wagons conductors are affixed.

3.1.16. The section on the back of the "Markingkeeper mark on the issuance of a conductor and obtaining bed linen, tea trading products" is used to determine the amount of deductions for lost bedding. It is forbidden to receive routes without a storage engineer to generate train brigades.

3.1.17. The head of the train reflects the right of the Wagon Explorer to pay the award on the results of the flight. In case of deprivation of premium payment, the number of the document point and the name of the document, on the basis of which deprivation of premium payment is made.

3.1.18. The Count "Norm of Hours" is filled with uniforms to form train brigades as follows:

with accurant accounting of working hours - the norm of working hours of the reporting month;

with summarized accounting of working hours: in the first month of the accounting period, the norm of working hours is affixed for the entire account period; In the second and next months of the accounting period, the norm of the working hours of the accounting period minus the previously spent hours at this accounting period is affixed;

when recalculating the norm of the clock due to the lack of an employee for illness, in all types of vacations, recreation days earned during the period of "special regime", recalculated norms of hours are recorded.

3.1.19 The deadline for storing routes of form No. FTU-33 - 3 years. Forms FTU-33 routes are mounted in packs according to the tablet rooms and stored in the structural unit of "Jellyphet". The destruction of the routes of Form No. FTU-33, after 3 years, is made after drawing up the act by burning.

3.2. Procedure for working with the form of form Wu-9

3.2.1. The form of VU-9 form is allowed to use on railway transport when calculating passengers for the use of linen. Vu-9 forms forms are a document of strict accounting. The receipt form consists of 2 parts (sheets) of the self-copying paper marked with one number and series:

1 sheet - receipt root - remains with a book for reporting the head of the train at the cashier of different fees;

2 sheet - receipt with a protective mesh - a payer is issued.

The receipt book contains 50 receipts or 100 sheets.

In branches, where the code and the name of the road is inflicted, the strategic division stamp is not required, as this does not lead to a violation of the implementation of cash settlements with railway transport clients.

3.2.2. Accounting forms in structural divisions is conducted in books of accounting for strict accounting and reporting books, sewn, numbered and signed by the head of the structural unit or materially responsible person and certified by the seal. Storage of blanks is carried out in the safes of structural units.

3.2.3. The head of the passenger train, the senior guide is obliged to receive the receipts of VU-9 form receipts. The receipts of the VU-9 form are issued to the heads of passenger trains (senior conductors) at the checkout of different fees, with registration in the issue of issuing. The number of books of Wu-9 receipts, issued by the head of the train or conductor of the trailed car, is determined from the number of bed linen in the train (trailed car), taking into account the need for receipts for the entire way. Numbers of Wu-9 receipts, issued by the head of the passenger train (senior conductor) at the ticket office of different fees, are recorded in the traveling report indicating the date and are certified by the signature and stamp.

3.2.4. Receipts forms of Wu-9 are issued by the head of the train wagon conductors prior to the departure of the train from the formation point and during the following way as needed. It is not allowed to use one book of receipts for several cars. The rooms of the issued receipts of the VU-9 form are entered by the head of the train in the formation of the population accounting and consumption of bed linen F. Lou-72 (in the column code of the destination) of that car, in which the receipt was issued.

3.2.5. Woo-9 form receipts are stored by a passenger carrier in a ticket folder along with money obtained for use bed lover From passengers. Responsibility for the preservation of VU-9 receipts and money Lies on the duty warrior of the car.

3.2.6. When making a receipt of Wu-9, the wagon conductor is mandatoryly fills all the colitors. A stamp with a fixed value of bed linen can be imposed on the receipt form in advance. The design and issuance of the Passengers of the VU-9 form receipts are carried out simultaneously with the issuance of bedding passengers and the recovery of their cost.

3.2.7. The head of the passenger train, when monitoring the work of the train brigade, checks the timeliness and correctness of the design, as well as compliance with the rules for storing passenger cars of the receipts of the VU-9 form.

3.2.8. No corrections are allowed in receipts. In the case of damage or improper decoration of the VU-9 receipt, both sheets of receipts are separately crossed out and the word "is spoiled" is written, the stamp of the train chief, its signature and date. If the spoiled receipt is escaping from the book, the reason for the receipt of the receipt should be specified.

3.2.9. Upon arrival at the train turnover, the Wagon conductor records the number of used and spoiled forms of receipts and the total amount of received payments on the turnover of the last receipt. The roots of consumed forms of receipts of the receipts of passenger cars pass the boss (senior conductor). The head of the train at the same time the compliance of the amount of bed linen sold by the passengers of the bed linen, according to the bookcases of Lou-72. After reconciliation, he makes the appropriate entry in the LD-72 account form. Then the head of the train seals bags with used bed linen

3.2.10. Before arriving at the receipt of the train, the wagon conductor records the number of used and spoiled forms of receipts and the total amount of received payments on the turnover. The roots of the consumed forms of receipts and the payments received on them, as well as the remaining unused forms of strict accounting, passenger car conductors pass the train head (senior conductor).

3.2.11. The head of the train gives monetary revenue from the sale of bed linen, the roots of receipts with a report on used forms in the cashier of different fees with the PC-97M discharge receipt within two hours after the arrival of the train.

3.2.12. In case of not the delivery of the remaining receipts of Wu-9, the head of the train after the flight, the employee responsible for issuing receipts, immediately reports in writing the head of the structural unit.

3.3. Procedure for working with receipts of different fees of the form of PC-97,

Receipts forms of PC-97, RS-97M are allowed to use on railway transport when calculating passengers for rail transport services.

3.3.1. The receipt of the form of RS-97 (RS-97M) is a document of strict accounting and is issued to the payer when receiving fees, tariff and surcharge, for the recovery of which special forms of the forms are not established. The receipt form consists of three parts (sheets) of the self-copying paper marked with one number and series.

1 sheet - receipt root - sent to the financial department of the branch;

2 sheet - receipt coupon - remains with a book in the affairs of the structural unit;

3 sheet - receipt with a protective grid - issued a payer.

The receipt book contains 25 receipts or 75 sheet numbers. A stamp of the structural division of receiving payments is put in the form of receipts in advance.

3.3.2. In the case of payment for rail transport services in the passenger train, the head of the receipt of different fees of RS-97 is charged the following fees and payments:

insurance fee;

commission fee;

baggage procurement rate (hand-made);

the cost of lost or spoiled equipment (only on the RS-97M receipt).

3.3.3. The receipts of the form of RS-97 (RS-97M) are issued to the heads of passenger trains at the ticket office of different fees, with registration in the issue of issuing. The number of books of the RS-97 receipts (RS-97M), issued by the boss, is established by local technology. RS-97 receipt books (RS-97M), issued by the head of the passenger train at the box office of different fees, are recorded in the travel report indicating the date and are certified by the signature and stamp.

3.3.4. The receipts of the form of PC-97 (RS-97M) are stored in a safe along with money obtained from payers. Responsibility for the preservation of RS-97 receipts (RS-97M) and cash lies with the head of the passenger train.

3.3.5. The book of receipts of the form of PC-97 (RS-97M) is filled in necessarily in the order of the number of numbers. With simultaneous payment by the payer of different types of payments for each type of payment, the receipt is discharged separately. Payments from different payers are made separately for each payer. It is allowed on one receipt of payment for the passage of family members, but not more than three (one name, indicating the number of people). All graphs must be filled with clearly, without corrections, especially when writing numbers. The name of the payer is indicated without a reduction.

3.3.6. No corrections are allowed in receipts. In the case of damage or improper design of the RS-97 receipts (RS-97M), indicating the numbers and sum in words, all three sheets of receipt are separately crossed out, and the word "is spoiled" is written, the station stamp certified by the signature on the station on the station and the date is set. In the case of a spoofing of the receipt without specifying the amounts of payments, all three sheets of receipts are separately crossed out, the word "is spoiled" is written, the head of the train chief, its signature and date. Spoiled receipts remain in the receipt book.

3.3.7. The procedure for filling the receipts of the form of PC-97 (RS-97M):

in the upper left corner of the receipt of the RS-97 form (RS-97M), the name of the railway and the name of the branch (structural unit) is indicated, in which the employee is located, making the receipt of the RS-97 form receipt (RS-97M), as well as the route of the passenger, for which payments are charged;

in the upper right corner, the train number is indicated, the car number in which the passenger follows and the room is provided for the passage;

in the column "Type of transport" indicates: "Far" or "local";

the surname, the passenger initials, its address (in the absence of a document indicating the address, is filled with the passenger words);

the Code column indicates the codes of articles of various fees;

the "Collection Name" column indicates a service for which payment or collection is received;

the Count "Date and Document number" indicates the date and number of the document to which the payment is made, payment received (when the following cuts are used: Mon (passport), WB (military ID), Wed (birth certificate), UD (certificate) ), its series and number;

in the column "sum (rub.)" indicates the amount of charges of payment with numbers, the sum of all on the receipt is indicated, and the amount is indicated in the words;

the Cassir column is the signature of LNP, which made the receipt of the form of PC-97 (RS-97M);

the amount accurate on the receipt is confirmed by the payer's signature.

3.3.8. The filled receipt is separated from the coupon and the root of the receipt and is issued to the payer. Coupon and spine receipts remain in the receipt book.

3.3.9. On the back of the root of the last receipt, which is written for this number, is indicated by the figures of the sums of charges with the payments division, according to the codes.

3.3.10. All RS-97 form receipts (RS-97M) receipts, as used and not used, after the end of the trip, within an hour after the arrival of the train surrenders to the cashier of different fees, together with cash charges for the Form Relations of the RS-97 (PC -97m).

3.3.11. Cashier cashier of different fees, checking the compliance of recovered payments and paid cash, draws out money on its receipts of the PC-97 form (RS-97M). Making advocating in the correctness of the financial statement, the cashier puts in the track report to the cash register, the date and its painting, thereby seeking the fact that the receipts of the Form of PC-97 (RS-97M) in the cashier of different fees.


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