History of the profession conductor. A passenger wagon conductor is a profession for adventurers. The whole truth about work in the Russian Railways from the company's employee. Requirements for applicants

"Those who love to travel, receive bright impressions, watch a kaleidoscope of new faces and communicate with the most different people! We invite you to us in ... "This is what the announcement of the set of those who are ready to pursue Russia, Helping passengers, spread tea in iron cupboards and change linen on each, of course, stations. For those who are ready to choose a profession conductor passenger Vagon. To colorful descriptions that have already worked on this difficult profile, people can add permanent inapplication And day without sleep, disassembly with deboshirs, a broken work schedule, fines and low (relatively, however, in our country everything is relatively) wages.

Nevertheless, the profession of the conductor for many who chose it remains the most beloved. Example - Maria Ukolova and Pavel Skvortsov. In a big interview site Yozhmedia Young people told why they chose this profession and never regret it.

Masha architect, and Paul - car mechanic. But they combined their railway, the work of the conductor and the place of study - the Vladimir student detachment of conductors ( Sop) « Pulse».

To become a "car trades" and get on courses, you need to be not under 18 and not over 24 years old. To pass the medical commission, fill out the questionnaire and, as written on the site: "Collect things, do not forget bunch of positive and the sea of \u200b\u200benergy, and go for all summer to conquer the city on the Neva (learning passes in St. Petersburg) ". For other features, the site told the ex-head of Sop "Impulse" Elena Mishkova.

"Students, boys and girls go. Judging by the past year, the excitement already slept. Years 3-4 back on first stage Averaged more than 100 people. Training is lectures, exams, granting diploma. Everything is standard.

For a week you can see the polar day, and the dolphin in the sea.

There is a desire to work on the corporate train, there is already an increase in skills, other categories and training additionally. Just student immediately no one will deliver Work on the corporate train.

It is our squad that educated technical school teachers from Small virus. And so, in general, a lot of installation institutions, where there is such a specialty.

The charm of the profession is that Russian Railways - this is an incredible cluster different people and emotions. When you are a conductor, you are always out of the zone of your comfort, it is cool pumping your own personal qualities. And nobody canceled the beauty of nature outside the window. In a week you can see and polar day and dolphin in the sea"Elena Mishkaov explained.

At the end of the special courses, no one will force you to work the conductor. Everyone waves to do What is more interesting for him more importantly. Maria and Paul decided to continue no longer learning, but in practice, to find out what profession is a conductor. True, as the guys admitted, it is still more comfortable for them and calmer to work although in one train, but in different cars.

Working heroes interviews on the route Saint Petersburg - Adler In a two-story car. "The first fundamental difference is the capacity of the jewelry car. Here 64 people, not 32as in the usual composition. The second - everything works throughout the path of the following. This is a great happiness for the conductor, as, however, for passengers. In each coupe, 4 outlets, no one is standing near the toilets with the phone to charge it. By the way, the car is heated without coal, just press the button, and the temperature will be perfect. Not titanium with boiling water - Passengers come directly to the conductor with a small electric kettle. In many cars, there is no coupe of the conductor, in its place - coffee machine. And the video cameras do not leave the smokers a single chance to break the ban. "

Maria and Paul work according to the scheme: two flights killed, Two flights rest. But already summer, the girl says, and now you can only dream about holidays.

When working in the last car, we still need to keep up to follow the health of the tail signal lights.

In essence, the most important thing for the conductor is to ensure maximum comfort to everyone without exception to passengers. In addition, his obligations include work with all technical equipment Trains: water supply, ventilation, electricity, as well as sanitary processing. Conductor should be able to To provide medical care, help when issuing documents (if the composition crosses the border). When working in the last car, you need more watch worst Behind the health of the tail signal lamps.

The salary of the conductor depends on several factors: it seasonality (in summer and flights more, and passengers), type of train (The new equipment is modern, it is more difficult to work with it, which means that the salary is higher). IN branded trains The salary is higher than in the usual. We will not talk about any specific amounts: they change too often. For example, this year salary has already grew from March 1And once again will be indexed in October.

If you go through the sites on the Internet, the next picture is evaporated. On average, the conductor receives about 23 thousand rubles. It's if we assume that it works according to the norm, that is 176 hours a month. But very often conductors, wanting to get more, recycle this limit. If we consider the option when the awards, overtime and other surcharges are charged, then receive "car trades" can 50 thousand rubles. But, as clarifying on sites, it is extremely problematic to fulfill such a norm.

In addition, in every five years of continuous operation, the conductor receives a premium in the amount of 3-4 salaries. Annually allocated beeings in the sanatorium and summer camps - Free or partially paid. Conductors frequently served In clinics in Russian Railways.

If there is a desire and forces, you can "reach" to the head of the train, shifts and, in the end, the station.

There is also their graduation. The first link is a worker of local trains, then up career stairs - Explorer long distance and corporate composition. If there is a desire and forces, you can " relax"To the head of the train, shifts and, in the end, the station. And this contributes to the fact that there is no restriction on age in the profession. From 18 and ... if there is a desire and health, you can work and reached a pension.

There are guides and interesting administration. After the flights they " go for a smile" This means a visit to a psychologist. There they teach to recognize different types of people, determine the most conflicted, learn how to behave correctly with such frames.

The profession of the conductor is not always monotonous trips between cities. Two thousand employees of this sphere have already passed additional training courses before starting June 14 in Russia World Cup. We are about it. And who would be uninteresting to communicate with fans from Panama, Australia or Costa Rica? Yes, and for not one feast, but a whole many hours of trip? There is no longer guess what acquaintance can end.

P.. S.. We contacted the main characters of the material and in the near future we will try to write about them in more detail.

Maxim Yaroshevsky

People choose a profession conductor of a passenger carriage for a number of reasons. Someone attracts the opportunity to travel around the country and even abroad. Others hope that the list of their official duties will limit itself to the distribution of bed linen and tea spreading. There are those who believe that the train does not need to have some special education. In fact, it is possible to get a position on railway transport only if there is an appropriate diploma. Even the conductor must have profile skills and knowledge identified personal qualities.

To fulfillment official duties The conductor of the car starts even before the departure of the composition. He takes part in the preparation of the plot entrusted to him, visits instructions and planners. Worker gets bed linen, detergents, food and other consumables. Often it participates in cleaning the car, inspects it for troubleshooting and causes a brigade to eliminate them.

While following the composition, the train conductor should:

  • place passengers to the places specified in the tickets;
  • monitor the operation of electricity, lighting, ventilation, heating, bathrooms;
  • passengers bed linen, tea and other things depending on the type of carbon;
  • report passengers on the arrival of the train to the destination or the final item of its following;
  • if necessary, the conductor must be able to provide first aid and report an incident to the head of the composition;
  • conduct training interns or young professionals;
  • remove entrusted to him with a dry or wet way;
  • in the trains of international following, the conductors distribute customs Declaration, draw up road statements.

At the stations, train staff provide uninterrupted movement of passenger flow. While following the composition, they follow the compliance of order in the car. If necessary, they cause the police outfit or the boss on the internal communication.

Requirements for applicants

Qualified conductors accept Russian Railways, Service and Transport Commercial and State Companies, Metropolitan. To go to work, the applicant needs to be offended in the profile educational institution and issue a sanitary book. The novice specialist is initially taken by the second conductor. An experienced curator for several trips should teach a young colleague practical nuances of the service, after which he becomes independent.

To work in the specialty and have chances for career growth, you must have such personal qualities:

  • punctuality, organization, the ability to quickly make decisions;
  • responsibility, sociability;
  • ability to show high results of work in the absence of external control;
  • communicability, teamwork skills;
  • frequent stay in a moving and vibrating composition requires physical endurance, so, planning to study on the conductor, you should test your health;
  • accuracy, attentiveness, the ability to clearly estimate the situation and analyze large amounts of information;
  • frequent stay in a moving and vibrating composition requires physical endurance, so, planning to study on the conductor, you should test your health.

Employee wages on international flights are significantly higher than on the inner. To work in this area, the knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis required.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

The main advantage of the direction in Russia is his relevance. The number of internal and external flights is systematically increasing to create the most convenient graphs for the population. Even novice employees are able to easily find work within 2-3 months after receiving a diploma. Some of them receive such proposals already in the course of study.

Here are another number of advantages of the direction of the conductor of passenger cars:

  • no requirements for age indicator - even old man It is allowed to work under the condition of a normal physical condition;
  • to learn on the conductor, it is enough to get a secondary special education in this profile;
  • a high level of salary from conductors who work on corporate formulations and admitted to international flights;
  • social benefits and additional bonuses.

There is a profession and somewhat significant minuses. First, the salary of the employee is formed in such a way that to obtain a solid financial remuneration for the work of riding a lot. Secondly, it is necessary to constantly communicate with a lot of people, including not the most pleasant. Thirdly, the conductor carries material responsibility and is responsible for its passengers. Finally, it is impossible to forget about the effect on the body of traveling work, high indicator Injury on transport and little time on rest during the flight.

How to become a conductor and advance through the career ladder

To get the profession of the conductor of the passenger car, it is necessary to enter the technical school, college or school on the specialty of the same name. The term of study after grade 9 is 3-4 years, after grades - 2-3 years, depending on the features of the direction. People with higher education are enough to pass profile courses.

The second option is optimal for those who count on career growth. Conductors with experience are not bad, but promotion increases these numbers. The one who has proven itself on local flights is moving to long-distance trains. This is where the work on the corporate formulations. For the entire cycle, with a responsible approach to official duties, you can spend 1-2 years. Next, you need to take advanced training courses to become the head of the train. This is followed by such posts as the main shift and director of the station.

Warry and social package content

How much the beginner conducts and workers with experience are obtained, depends on the development, position, experience, service seats. Each organization in which such employees are present in the state, allowance for allowances. When a device, it is extremely important to estimate all these moments to understand what conditions you can count on.

The principle of salary accrual

In Russian Railways, the salary of the conductors is calculated from the number of hours spent. There is a level below which cannot be descended. There is also an upper limit that is not recommended to move, as the time to work should not be more recreation periods. All figures are calculated so that the conductors on average earn 18 - 20 thousand rubles per month. On long-distance trains and in branded compositions, these numbers are significantly higher. Additionally, there are surcharges for the experience, direction, seasonality, the implementation of transport plans. As a result, experienced employees A month can go to 50 - 60 thousand rubles, subject to testing of 15 out of 30-31 days.

IN large companies, such as Russian Railways, significant bonuses are provided. No matter how much getting concrete worker, every five years he is paid to a premium in the amount of 3-4 monthly salaries. This is a tradition, not the obligations of the company, so the situation may vary depending on the commercial success of the organization.

Additional bonuses and promotions

Often, the applicants are more interested in the position of the conductor, which is provided for the fullness of the social package. A significant increase in the pension is guaranteed when driving service, medical care in special polyclinics. Certain groups of employees can count on material assistance When leaving vacation, preferential conditions for vouchers for yourself in a sanatorium and a child in the camp. It is also provided to travel from the depot to the place of residence, and once a year, free Railway tickets to the backway through the territory of the Russian Federation.

Employee railway on pensions in the presence of 20 years of experience retains the right to preferential passage Once a year for life. He also relies with the "country" ticket - free movement on suburban trains (no more than 150 km from the place of residence).

Preferential conditions of work Conductors provide trade unions. The efforts of these people an interesting and responsible profession is becoming increasingly attractive every year. It is taught in many educational institutions The middle link, and universities allow employees to raise the level of qualifications and move through the career ladder.

From this article you will learn:

The conductor of long-distance trains is not easy, but at the same time an incredibly exciting profession! By the number of impressions received every day, it can be compared unless the job by the flight attendant of domestic and international flights. New cities and countries, magnificent landscapes outside the window, constant communication with interesting people - is it not a dream of any office workers absorbed by the daily routine?

Those who are tired of seating in one place, who craves fresh discoveries and wants the next business day to be similar to the previous one, welcome to the profession of train conductor, to master which is not even required to have a special education!

How to become a conductor

With a great desire to become a conductor of passenger cars, anyone who has reached the age of majority. To do this, it is enough for him to contact the nearest railway depot, from where it will be directed to three-month courses. After their completion, subject to successful overcoming all examination tests, which include both theoretical and practical part, a graduate receives a certificate with the category of employee who serves passenger cars assigned to it. Total categories 4: The first two have cleaners, the third is assigned to all the guides immediately after the courses ending with them, and they can earn the fourth in the process of work after the advanced level of qualification. As a rule, only work in simple trains is entrusted to the third category, and the maintenance of passengers of branded compositions is trusted.

Further prospects

Having passed all the qualifying steps of the position of the conductor, taking experience and proven themselves from best side, you can count on a raise to the brigadier (train chief). True, it still has to get higher education Or graduate from specialized courses. The second to seniority in the passenger composition is a mechanic, but only men can claim this position.

Working conditions

The schedule of any conductor depends on the route of the train to which it is attached. All flights are conventionally divided into local (travel time for no more than a day) and long-term (over this time). Serving the local direction, the conductor works on the schedule 10 workers shifting / 10 days off. And for long-range flight staff, an individual mode is established in accordance with how many days their composition is on the way (" work week"It is exactly so many days as required to get to the destination and back, and the same days of the service personnel can spend at home).

The wage of the conductor directly depends on how many hours he "rolled" for the month. In addition to the wreck part, it may be accrued some surcharges in accordance with district coefficient, premium and other bonuses.

Among other things, conductors, like other employees railway transporthave good benefits provided by the native enterprise. For example, they are paid to the depot to the station to the place of residence, 1 time per year, together with two minors, they can get at the expense of the employer to reach any point covered by the railway network, and back and 1 times a year alone to make a free trip "there -Ind "inside your department of the railway.

Preferential passage is not the only privilege that conductors can take advantage. From the trade union, they annually allocate free or partially paid vouchers into health facilities and preferential vouchers in the summer camps for their children. They can be served in medical institutions intended only for employees of railway transport, and in the event of an acute need for an employer, the employer has the costs of treating an employee in need.

For the loyalty of the profession, once every 5 years, the conductors are encouraged by a prize in the amount of 3-4 salaries, and for pensioners who have given the railroad over 20 years of their life, the right to the annual free trip "Round-back" and is given the possibility of free travel in suburban trains in limits 150 km from the place of residence.

Responsibilities of the conductor

If you still want to become a train conductor, you should know that official duties The conductor can be conditionally divided into 2 groups. The first is associated with the direct service of passengers: assistance to them when landing and disembarking from a car, checking travel and personal documents, supplying bedding, distribution of printed and food products, etc. By the way, on the last "commercial" charges of conductors I would like to stay a little more . Do not think that offering purchasing drinks, snacks or press, working in passenger cars, personnel is trying to "sculp"! And even very obsessive attempts to sell products should not be taken as the desire to "weld" at the expense of passengers who are bored in the path - all this is not at all! Doing the sale of conductors forcing the authorities, and non-fulfillment of the established revenue plan even punishes the ruble!

The second part of the functions of the conductor comes down to ensuring purity and order in the wagons, uninterrupted work of all technical means and comfortable conditions for passengers. We are talking about such duties as:

  • regular cleaning of interior premises;
  • maintaining a certain temperature and light mode in the carriage;
  • taking out the trash;
  • caring for passengers;
  • etc.

In addition, the conductor carries material responsibility for the safety of the entire property trusted. Tea and bedding, internal equipment of cars placed in it technical devices - In case of breakdowns of any of the objects belonging to the railway, the conductor reimburses the cost of its repair from his wallet.

Yes, the work of the conductor of passenger cars "and is dangerous, and difficult, and at first glance as if not visible"! However, if these patient workers, the services of the railway would use only those for whom it is not possible to get to the destination in a different way. Friendly glance and elementary thanks for the assistance rendered - this is the reward that will be immensely glad any conductor! Do not forget about it when you leave the train car next time, - scream the gray everyday life of a person spent away from home and family a third of their lives!

Eh, Road Romance! Peerly tapping the wheels, attractive landscapes flashed outside the window, cities, and maybe the countries ... ride themselves around the world or country, and even money pay for it. Which of the travel lovers did not seem attractive work of the train conductor? And how is it really? What is the salary conductor? How to become? What is responsible? If you are all interested, welcome to the article.

Medium salary conductor

We will immediately take a bull for the horns and deal with the most burning issue. Perhaps after this section, most readers do not even want to go down to the topic. So why tomorrow?

Explorer salary hourly. According to Russian Railways, there is a limit on the number of shifts per month - 15, the rate of hours is 176.

The amount of payment depends on the category of the train (they pay more for work in international flights), the season, the distance, the complexity of the flight, the number of night crossings, the region and much of the other. There may be surcharges for long service, the direction, for the implementation of the sales plan, premiums, in some regions the district coefficient is charged.

For 2017, the minimum payment is about 11,500 rubles, and the maximum one can really count on, - 33,000 rubles. If speak about medium salary Explorer train of long-distance followed, it is just over 22 thousand rubles per month. Such data are given in Russia.

If these numbers did not scare you, let's study the topic more.

Benefits for employees of Russian Railways

But not a salary one alive conductor Russian Railways. Work in this structure largely motivated benefits. They are provided not only to conductors, and all workers are allocated to several groups of benefits:

  • social;
  • labor;
  • on wages;
  • on labor protection;
  • social garant.

As you can see, there are quite a few. We will not list everything, with a complete list you can get acquainted in specialized materials or directly when taking a job, we call only the most "tasty".

Education is paid (higher or retraining) in absentia. Twice a year is guaranteed free travel to the place of study and back.

Living in the housing is allocated housing from the Russian Railways Fund. There are assistance programs for young employees.

Annually indexed (in 2017 even twice), holidays Paid at an increased rate, an annual paid leave is provided (28 days).

Employees pay overalls, medical examinations and dispensarization with travel and accommodation.

Young mothers pay extra allowance besides what is provided by the Foundation social insurance. Pay it up to 3 years.

Partially compensated by the enterprise costs for:

  • treatment in sanatoriums;
  • child learning;
  • sports of employees and their children.

For acquiring housing, loans and subsidies are provided with preferential terms.

After retirement, the employees left the right to a number of bonuses (subject to the development of the necessary experience). This is a preferential passage, treatment, trips to a sanatorium and much more.

Agree that all this gives an increase to the salary of the conductor.

How to get a guide

Make it easy. The applicant must have an education at least average. Special preparation that can be obtained in a school, college or technical school in the direction of the "Passenger Wagon Explorer" is necessary. There is an opportunity to study on the preparatory courses. The medical examination is also required, the delivery of safety examinations, labor protection, it is still necessary to successfully pass testing, withstand the competition.

For those who wish to try themselves in this profession and find out how much the conductors get in reality, it is possible to become a temporary employee. Such sets are carried out each year for a period of peak load in the summer months, when additional train compositions are formed.

As you can see, the requirements are enough, despite the fact that the salary of the conductor even with a high loading loading. Nevertheless, only candidates that meet all the issues and really want to work on the railway take this position.

Experienced people say that the profession of conductor of Russian Railways combines several: you need to be simultaneously a waiter, and a loader, and a cleaner, and a psychologist.

Requirements for a candidate

Experience is desirable, but without experience it is quite possible to get a second conductor. A sanitary book is required.

To work on international flights, knowledge of a foreign language is obligatory.

What is responsible

It is obliged to engage in passengers throughout the way: landing and disembarkation, checking tickets, issuing bed linen, tea, coffee, confectionery and souvenir products, etc.

It is also necessary to maintain train documentation, maintain a wagon state in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements (cleanliness, heat and light, water, work necessary equipment), ensure the safety of passengers in the way, including providing first medical care, keep records of inventive values \u200b\u200band inventory, and also amount to reporting for the head of the train and much more. In addition, you need to still prepare a car to the road, and after completing the trip, bring it in order and pass.

For the uninitiated person, this profession looks simple and even primitive, but actually requires a huge number of a wide variety of skills, because there are all sorts of situations on the road.

Disadvantages of profession

The work of the conductor is considered to be sufficiently heavy both in physical and in an emotional aspect. People meet different, often conflict situations arise, Rvania Day Mode. In addition, there is a long lack of home.

Advantages of profession

The positive aspects include the fact that it is work in state companyThat in itself for many people is synonymous with stability and confidence in tomorrow.

Career growth is possible, for example, before, in this case, a higher education is required, as well as experience in different parts of the railway.

The pros themselves are the opportunity to see the city, meet a large number of people. Changes at the conductors as a rule for 15 days, then the same time is given to rest.

In short, if you manit romance of the road, you are ready to withstand a variety of people in a huge amount, you want to work in a large stable company and you do not scare how much the conductors get for their hard work, maybe this profession for you?

Work conductor Many seems like romantic - long-distance trains, different cities and random interlocutors. It is easy to make it easy: Russian Railways take all those wishing in the presence of secondary education, only you need to pass preparatory courses. But the work is hard enough, and the salary is low. We asked the young man who dreamed of becoming a guide and is now working on the train, as he belongs to his work, as he gets and what he spends money.

How to become a conductor
I was born in the Biysk of the Altai Territory, later my family moved to Moscow, where he lived just a year and a half, but I loved this city very much. Then a lot had to ride on public transportAnd I really wanted to become a driver. Then we returned to the Altai Territory again. After the ninth grade, grief desire to become a driver, I entered the specialty "Fitzer of rolling stock, a conductor of passenger cars, inspector repairman cars, operator" in the technical school Novosibirsk (as learning in Moscow family budget I would not pull). He studied four years, and in the second year in the summer there was an opportunity to try himself in the work of the conductor and earn money. After that, I was lost all the desire: there was a terrible team, the money is incomprehensible as they paid - 47 thousand rubles came in two months. After studying, he got on the distribution in Russian Railways. Thanks to good estimates, I had a choice, and I chose the work of the conductor of passenger cars. In the future I want to move to Moscow.

In general, this is a job for people of 35-45 years old, who has a lot of experience in another sphere. For such even there are special three-month courses. To start working, the conductor needs to go through a medical examination, to take shape in the personnel department, pass examinations on labor protection and safety. You still need to take a test in which more than 250 questions. It needs to quickly and correctly calculate, remember the numbers, solve the puzzle and so on. It happens that some do not pass it.

Features of work
The conductor should be able to know everything: put a passenger, give him a set of linen, record in the form of strict reporting, warn it 40 minutes before it is released, land it. Monitor cleanliness in the cabin: Not less than two times the trip to get into the car, and in the toilet - at least four times. It's like the game sims, where the heroes have an indicator: if it is green, then everyone is happy. So passengers: almost heard, and immediately discontent.

The conductor has many professions - for example, a loader, a waiter, a psychologist. Large thick bags with dirty linen must be dragged into a coupe. You need to walk with a tray and speak passengers that there are tea products and souvenirs on sale. You still need to be a little encyclopedia - the passengers are asked at each station: "In which area we are?" Or "And what river goes here?", "And what is the number of this city?" etc. Sometimes we break the quarrel between passengers or they themselves come to talk, because a few days on the train hard for them. Many passengers approach me themselves and ask about work - like it or not. In general, we can not criticize your work, but I answer as it is that I get a little and that the enemy does not want to work.

Now it's cold outside, and the passengers are first asked about air conditioning. I had a case when the passengers did not have time to sit in the Rostov-on-Don, and only their son had remained in the car. He did not know the phone numbers. The head of the train contacted the station, the parents eventually went to catch up with a taxi train, gave 5 thousand rubles. And in the last trip, our locomotive caught fire between the stations, the driver made an emergency braking, my whole dishes fell and crashed. Passengers jumped up and began to panic. After 40 minutes, we drove, although it seems to be still a locomotive, if it were simple, the whole brigade would lose the award.

I am preparing for the trip like this: per day before sending food to the shop for shopping. It comes about 3 thousand rubles, and so twice a month. The next day at the appointed time (eight hours before the departure) I come to the Park on the planer. With you, I have a suitcase, a bag and a large package with food. On the Planerke there is a train head, an instructor and conductors with whom I will go to the flight. The head of the train spreads us on cars, usually in a pair of a boy girl. I work recently, and all the partners for me are new. They also say, in which class we will go - a second-class, jewelry or sv. I loved a departer, because all the passengers in sight, I know who and where, and even get out easier. Then we go to the wagons; For me, happiness when I see that the car is new. We accept the car - we consider inventory, we get cleaning products, garbage bags, soap, paper and goods that will sell. And the team does not have time to once at times, sometimes people in the reserve of matel words are more than ordinary.

Then the head of the trip bypasses the composition, checks whether everything is in order. In an hour we arrive at the station, and in 30 minutes the landing begins. I must be dressed strictly in shape and be the face of the company. Now it darkens early, and still need to include light and switch from the evening at night, rebuilding local time. Big minus - there is a little bit of little on the road, a lot of unhealthy food, and I lose weight (well, and the woman is the opposite).

A trip to one side takes four days. Climate, time zone and passengers change. In the last day, the warriors make a report and cleaning. Upon arrival we go to the shower, to the store for products, sometimes souvenirs, and on the same day I leave back with new passengers. But they should not see our fatigue. Upon arrival, the day is also not sleeping: after all passengers come out, we begin to consider the inventory anew, in the event of a shortage a certain amount Can deduct from the salary. If the train comes at 09:45, then I come home at 15:45, if you're lucky. All this time is not paid, only the time of the trip is paid.

It is also necessary to pass the passengers underwear, the lack is also deducted from the salary. Then we go to normalizers, they prescribe the following flight, call the date and direction. In a special mode (in summer, when trains go every day) Rest takes 30-50% of the time (for example, after an eight-day trip three or four days of rest), at regular time - after eight days of the trip seven or nine days of rest.

Salary and spending
In the summer, it was not possible to rest in any way: you sleep at night, the next day you go to the store, and then on the trip. Now I am more resting, but less hours, therefore, respectively, the salary is lower. Salary depends on the time spent on the road. In a good month, I get 34 thousand rubles, in the unsuccessful - 14-17 thousand rubles. On average, 22 thousand rubles leave. For August, I rolled 222 hours - this is 16 198 rubles plus a 20% coefficient and advance for the previous month - 7,700 rubles. This amount does not suit me. I want to move to Moscow and become a metro machinist.

My mother and I remove the apartment, and I cry half - 7 thousand rubles. I spend 6 thousand rubles on the products on the trip. We still eat Fast Food, and when we come to some city, I buy souvenirs there. There is no possibility to walk on the section and in the gym, and you can forget about healthy diet. More expenses - transport (500 rubles) and phone payment. After that money almost does not remain. Last month, a lot of money gave for temporary registration. And the rest I save something good, on the same clothes at least 5 thousand rubles must be given.


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