Vacation schedule, taking into account the opinion of employees. Rules for scheduling vacations and filling it out throughout the year. Crib. How to get rid of accumulated vacation arrears

All working people are entitled to annual paid leave. But so that all employees do not go on vacation at the same time, and the work of the enterprise does not stop, drawing up a vacation schedule is practiced, which, on the one hand, guarantees the workers' rights to rest, and on the other hand, protects the employer.

What is the vacation schedule?

Essentially, a vacation schedule is a schedule annual leave employees, which is drawn up in order to establish the sequence of rest and ensure that the required number of people stay at work.

There are certain rules for scheduling vacations. So, the vacation schedule is drawn up and approved once a year, without the right to make changes to it (you can write there only changes in the timing of the vacation, if any, and changing the timing of the vacation is possible only on the basis of such a document as an order to transfer the vacation, signed by the head of the organization). It is coordinated with the administration of the enterprise and the trade union body (if any).

The vacation schedule is drawn up taking into account the wishes of the employees and, of course, taking into account the specifics of the work process. A collective agreement or other normative act may establish the maximum number of people who, working in a particular unit, can be on vacation at the same time. This is done so that the work process does not suffer and does not stop.

It is necessary to start drawing up a vacation schedule in November, and it must be approved by the head no later than December 16, that is, two weeks before the onset of a new calendar year, as required by the Labor Code.

If new employees are hired during the year, they are not included in the schedule, and vacations are provided to them in agreement with the administration.

Do you need a vacation schedule if the organization is small?

A vacation schedule should be in any institution, no matter how many employees work there. According to the Labor Code, this document is mandatory for both the employee and the employer. It gives the employee the necessary guarantees, and forces the employer to comply with the law. In addition, it is the vacation schedule that sets the priority of employees' rest. Well, those who believe that it is not necessary to comply with the requirements of the Labor Code should be prepared for fines that the labor inspectorate imposes on employers for the absence of an approved vacation schedule.

Rights of certain categories of employees when drawing up a vacation schedule

When scheduling vacations, it must be borne in mind that some categories of workers (the list is presented in the table below) are entitled to receive another vacation at the certain time. For example, women who have two (or more) children under the age of 12 have the primary right to summer leave. The same benefits are provided for single fathers, Veterans of war and labor, employees under 18 years of age, guardians or trustees, Veterans of military operations, people holding the title of Hero of Russia, Hero Soviet Union, full holders of the Orders of Glory. In addition, at the same time as the husband (wife), the spouses of military personnel can also go on vacation.

Employee category Normative legal document
1 Citizens exposed to radiation from the Chernobyl disaster Law of the Russian Federation of 15.05.1991 No. 1244-I "On social protection citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant "(as amended on 25.07.2002)
2 Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory Law of the Russian Federation of 15.01.1993 No. 4301-I "On the status of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory" (as amended on 13.07.2001)
3 Citizens Awarded with the Badge "Honorary Donor of Russia" Law of the Russian Federation of 09.06.1993 No. 5142-I "On the donation of blood and its components" (as amended on 04.16.2001)
4 Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, other participants in the Great Patriotic War and military operations, labor veterans Federal Law of 12.01.1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans" (as amended on 25.07.2002)
5 Heroes of Socialist Labor and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory Federal Law of 09.01.1997 No. 5-FZ "On the Provision of Social Guarantees to Heroes of Socialist Labor and Full Cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory"
6 Citizens who received a total (accumulated) effective dose of radiation exceeding 25 cSv (rem) Federal Law of 10.01.2002 No. 2-FZ "On social guarantees to citizens exposed to radiation as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site"

How to schedule vacations correctly?

The organization's vacation schedule is a local act that contains information on the sequence of vacations for all employees structural units... There is a certain form for its preparation, and a sample of a vacation schedule can be found on the Internet. Each structural unit of the organization has its own vacation schedule. This is done in many enterprises, and this scheme is considered the most convenient: first, department heads draw up their schedules depending on the department's need for quantity required staff, and then the HR department adjusts the submitted schedules taking into account the existing benefits.

After that, personnel officers transfer the corrected (if necessary) schedules for discussion to employees, whose vacations were moved for some reason, and to heads of departments for approval. This also makes sense, since only the head of the department can tell which employees should be present at the workplace at a particular time of the year. And as for the transfer of leave to employees, which may take place during the adjustment, sometimes when the leave of one employee is shifted, the leave and several more are shifted, which also requires coordination with those whose interests are affected.

After agreeing and resolving all disputable issues, the corrected schedules are again transferred to the personnel department, where a consolidated schedule for the entire enterprise is already drawn up.

Scheduling vacations in small establishments

For small enterprises, it is customary to conduct a preliminary survey of employees about the vacation time, which is carried out by employees of the personnel department or heads of structural divisions. To avoid unnecessary problems and discrepancies in the wishes of workers, labor inspectors recommend not just conducting a survey of employees, but formalizing its result officially, with the signature of the employee himself, which will confirm that he does not object to the specific vacation time that he was offered. After collecting data on the wishes of employees, you need to take a sample of drawing up a vacation schedule () and create a draft document, which will once again have to be coordinated with the heads of structural divisions.

Important points to consider when scheduling vacations

When drawing up a vacation schedule, in addition to the wishes of employees, it is also necessary to take into account the requirements current legislation... Namely:

  • Work experience- the right to paid leave is reserved for employees whose work experience at the time of drawing up the vacation schedule is at least six months (in this case, the employee must be warned that his vacation may be postponed). In addition, if during the period for which the next vacation is granted, the employee took additional vacation without retention wages with a term of more than seven calendar days, or was on parental leave, then this time is not included in the length of service, which gives the right to paid annual leave. Such situations provide for the postponement of vacation by agreement between the employee and the employer, even if the vacation is planned and included in the schedule, since the absence of the necessary length of service for the employee is a legally significant basis that allows changes to the schedule.
  • Separate categories of employees can get paid annual leave regardless of length of service. These include: workers who have not yet reached the age of 18, women before or after maternity leave, adoptive parents of children under three months of age. Of course, when scheduling, it's realistic to plan only vacations. underage workers or hired pregnant women. In all other cases, leave can be granted before the six-month period of continuous work of the employee in the organization expires, only at the request of the employee and in agreement with the administration. To date, the Labor Code does not provide for the granting of leave in proportion to the hours worked, therefore, when granting leave in advance - before the expiration of six months of work at the enterprise - vacation pay must be paid in full, and the vacation must be granted in full.
  • Additional annual leave are provided in many organizations. They can be associated with harmful or hazardous working conditions. Such vacations are also included in the schedule, but the length of service that gives the right to use such vacations includes only the hours actually worked. And the law does not provide for the opportunity to receive additional vacation in advance.
  • Two vacations can be obtained in one calendar year by those who were hired at the end of the last calendar year, for example, in October. In this case, according to the law, the employee can go on vacation in May and take another paid vacation before the end of the year, but for another year (the employee has the right to take vacation for the second and subsequent years at any time of the year at will). Such a possibility should be provided at the stage of drawing up the draft schedule and, of course, should be included in the form of the vacation schedule.
  • Vacation order is established not only according to the wishes of the employees, but also depending on whether the company has employees who have the primary right to use the annual vacation in the summer or at the one they choose at will. To take into account the interests of this category of employees, a list of those who have such a right is drawn up.
  • Part-time employees have the right to take annual paid leave at the same time as in their main job. To do this, they must submit a supporting document - a certificate from the main place of work on the timing of the vacation.
  • Employees who, for some reason, did not take leave for the last year, also have the right to go on vacation first or choose a time convenient for them.
  • Employees who are going to enter universities, as well as those who have children - graduates of 11 or 9 grades also have the right to choose the time of vacation on their own. This is especially true for employees of enterprises located in the Far North, if the education of their children is planned in another region. In this case, to accompany the child to educational institution the employee has the right to full vacation or part of it (at least 14 calendar days) at the time when the entrance exams are taking place.
  • Vacation duration in our country there are 28 calendar days. But if there are additional vacations at the enterprise, the next vacation can be increased. This also applies to some categories of employees for whom longer vacations are provided:
Categories of workers, types of work, production Length of annual leave Normative legal act
1 Employees under the age of 18 31 calendar days Labor Code of the Russian Federation - Article 267
2 Educational staff of educational institutions 42, 56 calendar days (the specific duration is established by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.10.2002 No. 724) Labor Code of the Russian Federation - Article 334
3 People with disabilities employed in organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership at least 30 calendar days Federal Law of 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" (as amended on 29.05.2002) - article 23
4 Elderly citizens and disabled people living in stationary social service institutions, working on conditions employment contract 30 calendar days Federal Law of 02.08.1995 No. 122-FZ "On social service elderly citizens "- Article 13
5 Civil servants Federal Law of July 31, 1995 No. 119-FZ "On the Basics public service Russian Federation "(as amended on 07.11.2000) -Article 18
6 Municipal employees at least 30 calendar days (for certain categories, vacation may be longer) Federal Law of 08.01.1998 No. 8-FZ "On the Basics municipal service in the Russian Federation "(as amended on 25.07.2002) - article 17
7 Judges 30 working days; 45 working days (in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, and in areas with severe and unfavorable climatic conditions, where coefficients to wages are established); 51 working days (in the Far North) Law of the Russian Federation of 26.06.1992 No. 3132-I "On the status of judges in the Russian Federation" (as amended on 15.12.2001) - article 19
8 Prosecutors (prosecutors and investigators, scientists and teaching staff) 30 calendar days Law of the Russian Federation of 17.01.1992 No. 2202-I "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" (as amended on 25.07.2002) -Article 414
9 Prosecutors and investigators working in areas with difficult and unfavorable climatic conditions at least 45 calendar days Note. The specific duration is established by the Government of the Russian Federation (Decree 06.03.1996 No. 242): 54 calendar days - in the regions of the Far North; 46 calendar days - in areas equated to the regions of the Far North.
10 Tax police officers 30 calendar days; 45 calendar days (when serving in areas with severe climatic conditions) Federal Law of 24.06.1993 No. 5238-I "On federal bodies tax police "(as amended on 25.07.2002) - article 13 of the Regulation on the passage of service in the tax police of the Russian Federation (Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of 20.05.1993 No. 4991-I (as amended on 30.06.2002)
11 Police officers 30 days plus the time required to travel to and from the holiday destination Law of the Russian Federation of 18.04.1991 No. 1026-I "On the Police" (as amended on 25.04.2002) - Article 20
12 Customs officers 30 calendar days excluding travel time to the place of vacation and back Federal Law of 21.07.1997 No. 114-FZ "On Service in the Customs Authorities of the Russian Federation" (as amended on 25.07.2002) - Article 36
13 Members of the Federation Council Deputies of the State Duma 48 working days Law of the Russian Federation of 08.05.1994 No. 3-FZ "On the status of a member of the Federation Council and the status of a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation" (as amended on 25.07.2002) - Articles 28, 40
14 Assistant to a member of the Federation Council, a deputy of the State Duma, working under an employment contract up to 36 working days
15 Citizens employed in chemical weapons work 56 calendar days (for the first group of works); 49 calendar days (for the second group of works) Federal Law of 07.11.2000 No. 136-FZ "On social protection of citizens employed in work with chemical weapons" (as amended on 25.07.2002) - Article 5
16 Rescuers of professional rescue services, professional rescue teams 30 days - having continuous experience work in professional emergency rescue services, professional emergency rescue teams in the positions of rescuers up to 10 years; 35 days - those who have worked in the above services and formations for more than 10 years; 40 days - those who have worked in the above services and formations for more than 15 years Federal Law of 22.08.1995 No. 151-FZ "On emergency rescue services and the status of rescuers" (as amended on 24.03.2001) - Article 28

Form T-7: why is it and where to download it?

Today, the T7 form of the vacation schedule is in force, which was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia in 2001. Some personnel officers believe that the vacation schedule can be arranged in any form. But, since there are unified forms of accounting documentation, to which the T7 form belongs, it is worth using it to draw up a vacation schedule. Moreover, for financial structure enterprises, the T7 form is a document on the basis of which vacation payments will be made to employees. So the question of whether or not to use the T7 form is meaningless.

Of course, sometimes when breaking a vacation into parts or the need to inform an employee that he is going on vacation (this must be done two weeks before the start of the vacation), difficulties arise, since the T7 form does not provide for such actions. But everyone solves this problem in their own way. For example, they use additional lines or add an extra column for the employee's signature (and some attach an additional information sheet to the vacation schedule).

Many people are interested in the question, is there an order to approve the vacation schedule? No, it is not needed. Since the T7 form contains the "I approve" section in the header, where the manager puts his signature, it is itself an order, so there is no need for another additional order.

You can download the form No. T-7 at.

Vacation schedule and union

The unified form of the vacation schedule was created taking into account the requirements of the Labor Code and, accordingly, has a stamp template for agreement with the trade union. Now the Labor Code does not require coordinating the vacation schedule with the trade union organization. But if a trade union exists at the enterprise, then the coordination of the schedule with the chairman of the trade union body is made. If there is no trade union, then this is indicated in the template.

The very agreement with the trade union is made at the stage of the draft vacation schedule. When it has already been drawn up, but not yet approved by the head of the organization. The project is signed by the head of the personnel department and heads of structural divisions. Then a representative of the trade union meets him. The schedule agreed with the trade union is sent to the head for signature, after which it is considered completely legal and cannot be challenged by employees.

How to reschedule a vacation for an employee?

If, for some reason, an employee cannot go on vacation at a certain time (this can be either a work necessity or personal reasons), then he must apply for the postponement of the vacation. If the issue is positively resolved, an order of the head is issued, and in the vacation schedule, appropriate entries are made in columns 7-9. If the vacation is canceled for a reason that is related to the production process, or the employee is recalled from the vacation, then the transfer of vacation to the next year is recorded in column No. 10 - "Note".

In order to correctly draw up a vacation schedule, you need to know the norms of existing legislation and remember that:

  • the boss and the deputy cannot go on vacation at the same time
  • the department should have enough staff to support its normal functioning
  • specialists of the same profile cannot go on vacation at the same time
  • the vacation accumulated over several years should not be summed up, it is better to break it down into several parts
  • there is no need to assign the duties of an employee on vacation to someone who has the right to go on vacation out of turn
  • it is necessary to distribute vacations so that the work process and employees do not suffer

And in order not to do unnecessary work, correcting the draft schedule, it is better to agree in advance with employees and heads of structural divisions the terms of vacations and the breakdown of the vacation into parts (if they want to divide it).

The 2011 holiday campaign ends. And again it is necessary to organize work on drawing up a vacation schedule for the next calendar year. It is advisable to carry out this work for the personnel service without waiting for the onset of the new year.

Organization of work on scheduling vacations

The vacation schedule is a local regulatory legal act of the organization, which determines the sequence of granting labor leaves in a calendar year and contains information about the time of distribution of vacations between employees of all structural divisions of the organization.

The procedure for scheduling vacations can be fixed in collective agreement... The procedure for the development of this document can be described in the instructions for HR administration approved at the enterprise.

Organizations with a sufficiently large number of employees should take care of the upcoming vacation campaign in November (for example, by issuing an order (order) of the employer instructing the heads of structural divisions to provide information about the vacations planned by their employees). If the organization has a trade union organization, it is necessary to determine the timing of the draft vacation schedule for consideration by this body. The vacation schedule must be approved by the head of the organization.

The sequence of granting labor leaves is established by the labor leave schedule approved by the employer in agreement with the trade union or the employer in agreement with the employee in the absence of a trade union (Article 168 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code)).

The schedule of vacations in the organization is drawn up for a calendar year no later than January 5 or another period established by the collective agreement, agreement or agreed by the employer with the trade union, and is communicated to all employees.

Coordination with the trade union of the vacation schedule is mandatory, subject to its availability in the organization. This schedule will not be valid unless agreed with the union.

Form and content of the vacation schedule

In Art. 168 of the Labor Code does not establish requirements for the content of the labor leave schedule.

At the same time, by order of the Director of the Department for Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus No. 25 dated May 14, 2007, the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation (USORD) was approved, which includes a unified form of the vacation schedule (see Appendix).

In the unified form of this document, the column for putting a mark on familiarizing employees with the vacation schedule is not provided.

There is no norm in the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus that directly stipulates the need to familiarize employees with the approved vacation schedule against signature, therefore, the methods of bringing the schedule to the attention of employees may differ. In practice, one of the following options is usually used to familiarize employees with the vacation schedule:

1) placement of the vacation schedule in a place publicly accessible to employees (information board, etc.);
2) familiarization with the vacation schedule of each employee against signature.

The most appropriate is the 2nd option. Such familiarization can be formalized with an appropriate mark in a form similar to the mark on familiarization of the employee with the order for granting leave. If necessary, you can include in the vacation schedule form an additional column "Mark of the employee about familiarization with the schedule", where the handwritten signature of the familiarized employee and the date of familiarization will be affixed. In addition, it is possible to draw up an attachment to the vacation schedule in the form of an employee familiarization sheet.

The legislation does not contain requirements to indicate the start and end dates of labor leave in the vacation schedule. The schedule can only indicate the months of granting labor leave. In this case, an additional agreement is required between the employee and the employer on a specific date for the commencement of labor leave. The agreed day should be recorded in the order, vacation note. The month and date of leave, determined by the employer in agreement with the employee, are binding on them and can only be changed by agreement between them.

What a HR Specialist Should Remember When Scheduling Vacations

Labor leave (main and additional) for the second and subsequent working years is granted at any time of the working year in accordance with the order of granting labor leaves, unless otherwise provided by the Labor Code (Article 167 of the Labor Code).

When drawing up a vacation schedule, the employer is obliged to take into account the desire of certain categories of workers who are entitled to the provision of labor leave at a certain time or periods (part four of Article 168 of the Labor Code).

It is also necessary to take into account the provisions of the collective agreement (if any in the organization) and the terms of the employment contract, since they may contain categories of workers who are granted labor leave at their request in the summer or any other convenient time... For example, a collective agreement may provide for a provision for the granting of summer labor leave to single mothers raising a child under the age of 14.

After the heads of structural divisions have submitted proposals to the personnel department about vacations planned by their employees within the time period set by the employer (for example, no later than December 15), their further analysis is carried out by a specialist. personnel service.

What a HR specialist needs to pay attention to when processing the proposals received from the heads of structural divisions

First of all, the HR specialist considers the proposal for the month (start date) of labor leave in relation to each employee, taking into account his working year. This need is due to the rule of Art. 170 Labor Code: labor leave must be provided to the employee during the working year (annually).

Working year- this is a period of time equal in length to a calendar year, but calculated for each employee from the date of employment (Article 163 of the Labor Code).


The employee was hired on July 4, 2010. His working year is calculated from July 4, 2010 to July 3, 2011. The duration of the leave is 30 calendar days. For the specified working year, the employee has already used labor leave in 2011. In the vacation schedule for 2012, he can be scheduled for labor leave only in the period from January 1, 2012 to June 4, 2012, i.e. in fact, the employee must use labor leave until the end of the working year - July 3, 2012.

If this employee wants to use his labor leave in another period, for example, in September 2012, then the vacation schedule should include 2 leaves: one - for the working year from July 4, 2011 to July 3, 2012 (until June 4, 2012 g.), the second - for the working year from July 4, 2012 to July 3, 2013 in September.

When dividing labor leave into parts (part one of article 174 of the Labor Code), incl. at the request of the employee, during the period of drawing up the vacation schedule, 2 parts of the vacation must be indicated in the schedule.

Changing the time of granting labor leave as a measure of additional penalty

The employer has the right to apply additional penalties to employees who have committed a disciplinary offense, regardless of the application of the measures disciplinary action(Article 198 of the Labor Code), for example, to change the time of granting labor leave. The types and procedure for applying these measures are determined by the internal labor regulations, collective bargaining agreements, agreements, and other local regulatory legal acts.

At the same time, the employee's right to receive labor leave during the period provided for in part four of Art. 168 of the Labor Code does not exclude the right of the employer to apply additional penalties to employees who have committed a disciplinary offense.

The best option is full labor leave every year.

When scheduling vacations, the HR department should check whether employees have unused parts of their leave (for example, by checking the information on their personal card) and include them in the vacation schedule by adding them to the next working year's leave or providing them as a separate part.

For reference: the employer is obliged to provide the employee with labor leave, as a rule, during each working year (annually) (Article 170 of the Labor Code).

At the same time, the right to transfer part of labor leave to the next working year is enshrined in 2 articles of the Labor Code - Art. 170 and 174.

In exceptional cases, when the granting of full leave to an employee in the current working year may adversely affect the normal activities of the organization, it is allowed, with the employee's consent, to transfer part of the vacation to the next working year (Article 170 of the Labor Code). The rest of the labor leave cannot be less than 14 calendar days and is granted before the end of the current working year. The transferred part of the labor leave at the request of the employee is added to the leave for the next working year or used separately.

In other words, the employer is obliged to provide in the current working year, and the employee must use at least 14 calendar days of labor leave.

At the same time, it is prohibited to fail to provide labor leave to employees under the age of 18 and employees entitled to additional leave in connection with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.

It is possible to transfer the unused part of the labor leave in the event of the employee's withdrawal from the labor leave with his consent (Article 174 of the Labor Code). However, the employee must use at least 14 calendar days of labor leave in the current working year.

It must be remembered that the recall of workers under 18 years of age and workers employed in jobs with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions from vacation is not allowed.

Labor leave for the first working year

The conditions for granting labor leave for the first working year are provided for in Art. 166 TC.

Labor leave (main and additional) for the first working year is granted no earlier than 6 months of work with the employer, with the exception of cases provided for in Art. 166 TC.

Before the expiration of 6 months of work, the employer is obliged to provide labor leave to the following categories of employees at their request:

Women before or after maternity leave;
- persons under the age of 18;
- employees hired by transfer;
- part-time workers, if the labor leave at the main place of work falls on a period of up to 6 months of part-time work;
- participants of the Great Patriotic War;
- women with two or more children under the age of 14 or a disabled child under the age of 18;
- employees studying in evening schools and institutions that provide vocational, secondary specialized, higher and postgraduate education, in the evening or part-time form of education;
- to other persons in cases stipulated by the collective agreement, agreement or employment contract.

Working wives (husbands) of military personnel, at their request, are granted labor leave simultaneously with the leave of their husbands (wives).

At the same time, the legislation allows the granting of leave in proportion to the part of the working year worked, but not less than 14 calendar days with the consent of the employer and other employees. In this case, the employer has the right, before the expiration of 6 months of work, he has to provide labor leave in proportion to the part of the working year worked, but not less than 14 calendar days. Thus, the granted part of the labor leave must be at least 14 calendar days, which in fact is the division of the leave into parts.

Six months is the minimum period after which leave may be granted for the first working year. Labor leave can be granted in the first working year after 6-11 months.

Features of granting labor leave to part-time workers

When scheduling vacations, consider the following.
Labor leave for part-time workers is provided simultaneously with labor leave for the main job (Article 347 of the Labor Code).

If the employee has not worked at a part-time job for 6 months, then the labor leave should be provided to him in advance.

If the duration of the leave of the employee at part-time work is less than the duration of the leave at the main place of work, the employer, at the request of the employee, grants him social leave of the corresponding length without pay.

The part of the part-time leave of work that exceeds the leave for the main job, by agreement between the employee and the employer, can be replaced with monetary compensation.

Granting leave to a part-time worker simultaneously with leave at the main place of work is an obligation, not the right of the employer, and he has no right to refuse to grant such leave.

The procedure for registration of granting labor leave

If the employee is granted leave in accordance with the vacation schedule, he is not obliged to apply for leave. Leave must be provided within the period agreed with the employer upon a written application from the employee in the following cases:

The schedule does not indicate the start date of the vacation;
- vacation is provided not according to the vacation schedule (vacation has been postponed for another period);
- the employee is not included in the schedule (for example, accepted new employee, the woman started to perform job responsibilities after parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3);
- there is no vacation schedule.

The employer is obliged to notify the employee of the start time of the labor leave no later than 15 calendar days (Article 169 of the Labor Code).

You can notify employees about the start time of labor leave in the following ways:

Post lists of employees indicating the structural unit, month and day of the beginning of the vacation and its end;
- by sending such a list to the heads of the relevant structural divisions;
- individually - by acquainting the employee, against signature, with the order for granting leave or a note on leave, which indicates the dates of the beginning and end of the labor leave.

The notification options generally depend on the workforce.

The ability to provide labor leave ahead of schedule

In the event of an unexpected suspension of work due to an accident, natural disaster, lack of energy resources, raw materials and other exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, Art. 172 of the Labor Code provides for the right of the employer to early (i.e., ahead of the deadline stipulated by the labor leave schedule or individual agreement) provision of labor leave to all or specific categories workers.

The peculiarity of this right is that the employer in this case acts unilaterally without the consent of the workers and the trade union.

Final provisions

When scheduling vacations, the personnel department should remember one more important circumstance - the need to ensure the organization's work in normal mode, i.e. on the implementation of production, financial and other plans. When planning labor vacations, it is also necessary to take into account the interchangeability of the head of a structural unit and his deputy, employees performing homogeneous functions, employees holding the same positions in one structural unit, and other cases that may be inherent in an organization of a particular industry.

When drawing up a schedule, it is important to remember about such a moment as the distribution of labor leaves during the calendar year, and not only in the summer period (from May to September). Note that labor legislation does not provide a definition of the term “summer period”. To avoid controversial situations in the local regulatory legal act of the organization, it is necessary to independently establish the boundaries of the summer period (its beginning and end).

A systematic approach to the priority of granting vacations will contribute to a streamlined production process, the implementation of plans and indicators.

Get started on your document on time to meet your deadline. Learn How to Create a Safe Vacation Schedule 2020. The Experts Have Compiled complete guide to action.

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Vacation schedule for 2020: who draws up and when

The vacation schedule is a mandatory document that is drawn up annually. It prescribes how the company's employees will rest in the next calendar year. Both employees and the employer are obliged to comply with the document. The latter needs to draw up a document with clearly defined dates.

A vacation schedule is needed to:

  1. Prepare a notice in advance, pay vacation pay and fulfill all other obligations in relation to the vacationer.
  2. Find a replacement in time for a specialist who goes on vacation.
  3. Prevent employees from accumulating unused vacation days - the company can be fined for this.
  4. Distribute vacation days among work groups, teams and departments so that no department is idle due to the simultaneous absence of several employees.

The scheduling of vacations for 2020 is entrusted to the personnel officer. You can take as a basis unified form No. T-7 , approved by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 of 5.01.2004. You can also develop your own document form by approving it by order. The document is certified by the signature of the head of the personnel department and submitted for approval to the director of the company.

Attention! The GIT monitors the deadlines for approving the document for 2020 and strictly monitors their compliance. The deadline is December 17, 2019 is Tuesday. You can play it safe and approve the 2020 document in advance. Consider the duration working week in your organization.

Information that should be in the sample:

  1. Employer details.
  2. Information about the employee: structural unit, position or profession, personnel number, last name, first name and patronymic.
  3. Vacation start dates.
  4. The number of calendar days of vacation.
  5. Information about the transfer and notes indicating the reason for it.

How to Get Rid of Vacation Debts in 2019

The personnel officer needs to calculate the vacation days that employees have accumulated over the past periods of work in the company. The correct number of days that the employee is entitled to use in 2020 must be indicated in the vacation schedule, or draw up a separate schedule for paying off vacation arrears.

Vacation debt repayment schedule

There are several ways to pay off vacation debts, if the employee does not mind receiving monetary compensation for them, and you do not want to drag on such debts for the next year. Each of them has its own pros and cons.

Crib. How to get rid of accumulated vacation arrears

Compilation procedure for 2020: step by step algorithm

Step 1. Find out what employees want

Who to add to the new schedule

Add all full-time employees, including external and internal part-time workers, to the 2020 document template. You may not include in the general list maternity women who do not plan to return to work in the next calendar year. But those whose decree ends next year, bring in immediately.

Newcomers who get a job in the company after the approval of the document, vacation for the first year is granted on application, and not according to the schedule.

Check if there are beneficiaries in the team. They have the right to vacation at any convenient time in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code.

If the company is large, authorize line managers to create preliminary draft timetables for each department, and then combine them into a master vacation schedule in Excel (you can download a sample template online). To do it quickly and without errors will help smart Excel spreadsheet from the experts of the Journal of Human Resources... It will help you figure out the end dates of vacations, taking into account the holidays, warn who will start a vacation in the near future and form a unified schedule.

Smart Vacation Schedule: Updated Version for 2020

Attention! Since October 2018, a new article 262.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation came into force, securing the right to employees with three or more children under the age of 12 to take annual paid leave at any convenient time.

Taking into account the opinions of employees will help to avoid grievances and conflicts when scheduling vacations. It is advisable to instruct the heads of departments to collect the wishes of subordinates. They will take into account the interchangeability of employees, seasonal workload. If the organization is small, then a personnel worker can collect the wishes of all employees.

Advice from the editorial board of the journal "Personnel business"

Discuss in advance the timing of your vacation or request information from writing... For example, instruct department and team leaders to draw up preliminary schedules and then consolidate them into one document. What you need for this, read the article:

Step 2. Make preliminary schedules

Often, it is simply not possible to take into account the desire of all employees. In this case, we only leave the wishes of the preferential categories unchanged. The rest are given the opportunity to independently agree on the time of the vacation.

Many workers want to go on vacation in the summer. To ensure this, you can schedule vacation breaks in installments. In this case, the employee will be indicated in the vacation schedule in two lines. Please note:

  1. A written confirmation will be required that the employee agrees to the division of the vacation into parts.
  2. One part of the leave must be 14 or more calendar days.

If the employees cannot agree, then the heads of departments can schedule them a vacation at a time when it is convenient for the organization. By the way, some months can be made "closed for vacations" at all. The employer has the right to do this if, due to the peculiarities of production, the absence of an employee during this period may adversely affect the normal course of work of the organization.

Step 3. Check preliminary schedules

The heads of departments submit the preliminarily drawn up schedules to the personnel department for verification. The recruiter will check if the vacation starts earlier than the period for which it is granted.

Step. 4. Draw up a draft vacation schedule

A project is a completed, but not yet signed and not approved document. To help employees less conflict over vacations, collect statements from them with the wishes of when and for how much they plan to take annual paid vacation next year. Draw up a draft schedule of vacations - 2020. This will save your nerves and save time - you will not have to explain to a forgetful employee why his vacation was scheduled for November, although he wanted to rest in the summer.

Crib. How to draft a vacation schedule

Step 5. Agree and approve a vacation schedule

The vacation schedule must be agreed with the trade union, but only if the company has one. The draft document in the trade union committee must be considered within 5 working days. If you didn’t wait for a reasoned opinion, you approve without consent.

You need to approve the vacation schedule 2 weeks before the next calendar year. December 17 is the latest schedule to be approved.

  1. The vacation schedule can be approved by the head of the organization. To do this, he puts the date and his signature in the upper right corner of the document.
  2. The vacation schedule can be approved by issuing an order on the main activities of the company and including the item "Approve the vacation schedule for 2020". The vacation schedule itself will be an annex to the order.

Attention! The law does not specify how the vacation schedule should be approved. The manager does this at his own discretion.

Before giving the 2020 vacation schedule to your manager for signature, check your document for these errors.

Typical mistakes in the vacation schedule

Experts advise to approve the document in the first way. Firstly, in the unified form T-7, a stamp of approval is provided by the head personally. Secondly, the shelf life of the vacation schedule is very short - only one year from the date of their expiration, and it is impractical to approve such documents by orders that are kept permanently.

The law does not require an organization to be stamped on a chart. This document is for internal use only.

Step 6. Familiarize employees with the vacation schedule

The Labor Code does not explicitly provide that employees need to be introduced to the vacation schedule on receipt. Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation only says that you need to notify the employee about the start of the vacation 2 weeks before it starts. But Rostrud (letter dated 01.08.2012 No. PG / 5883-6-1) believes that the vacation schedule is a local act of the organization, so the employer is obliged to acquaint employees with it under their signature.

Expert answer from "System Kadry"

Do I need to introduce employees to the vacation schedule?
By Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of the Ministry of Health of Russia

The law does not contain an unequivocal answer to this question. Currently, there are two opposite positions on this issue.

Amount of fines:

  • For officials(accountant, personnel officer) - a warning or a fine of 1000-5000 rubles.
  • For individual entrepreneurs - a fine of 1000-5000 rubles.
  • For organizations - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.
  • Those who do not approve the document at all face the same fines.

Where to download a sample schedule for 2020

An example of filling out the vacation schedule for 2020

Use a smart excel document to meet legal deadlines and avoid mistakes while working on your document. Attached to the table ready template for printing - unified form No. T-7 with all the necessary details. When drawing up a document, try to take into account the wishes of employees and respect the rights of parents with many children and other beneficiaries who are allowed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to take leave at any convenient time.

December 17 is the last day of approval of the vacation schedule, because it must be signed by the head of the organization no later than two weeks before the onset of the calendar year (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). There is very little time left to have time to correctly compose it.

We organize work on scheduling

The schedule reflects information on the distribution of annual paid leaves of the organization's employees for a calendar year by month. Developing a vacation schedule takes a lot of HR department's time. The collection and processing of the necessary data can be organized in different ways. It is convenient for someone to entrust this to a separate HR specialist who will be busy with the schedule "from and to". For others, it is more convenient to distribute responsibilities: to assign one or several structural divisions to each employee of the personnel department.

Scheduling is a responsible business, a lot needs to be taken into account in it: both the wishes of employees about the dates of leave, and the needs production process, and labor law norms. It is advisable to reflect the procedure for developing a schedule, conditions and rules for granting vacations in the organization's local regulations (internal labor regulations or a collective agreement). In the instructions for HR administration, you can describe in detail the procedure for filling out the vacation schedule both at the stage of its creation and in the process of maintaining it throughout the year. If the procedure for developing a vacation schedule is not spelled out in the organization's local regulations, it is worth starting its preparation with the issuance of an order, in which you need to indicate:

  • who is entrusted with the responsibility for preparing a vacation schedule (the schedule is signed by the head of the HR department, but a personnel specialist can carry out the preparation work);
  • at what time should employees submit their wishes regarding vacations;
  • the deadline by which the heads of structural divisions must agree on the wishes of employees with production plans departments;
  • the deadline by which the draft schedule must be submitted for approval to the manager.

The vacation schedule should take into account the peculiarities of the organization's production process, ensure its continuity and interchangeability of workers. The Labor Code gives all the possibilities for this, because the order of granting leave is determined by the employer (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In order to avoid disputes and disagreements with employees, the procedure for determining the priority of vacations should be prescribed in a local normative act (PVTP or collective agreement). So, for example, it should provide that the heads of structural divisions should not be on vacation at the same time as their deputies. In some organizations, it may be established that annual leave is provided to employees only in certain months (for example, in an educational institution, the provision of leave in the autumn-winter-spring period will negatively affect the learning process). It is possible for an employer to send a large group of workers on vacation at the same time (for example, a manufacturer of window structures, due to low demand for products, may schedule a vacation for all employees production department for the period from January 12 to February 8). For most organizations, the best option is to evenly distribute employee vacations throughout the year.

The draft vacation schedule is prepared by the HR department of the organization. The most convenient way to do this is using the modified form of the vacation schedule (Appendix 1). First of all, it is necessary to analyze the "vacation history" and determine how many vacation days in the next year each employee has the right to count, whether there are employees of preferential categories who enjoy advantages when setting the sequence of vacations. After that, the data on employees is transferred to the heads of structural divisions, who must find out the wishes of employees about the time of going on vacation and dividing the vacation into parts, and also coordinate these wishes with the plans of the division for the year, setting the optimal sequence of vacations. On the basis of the projects of the structural divisions, the personnel service prepares a consolidated vacation schedule for the organization and submits it for approval to the head.

What to include in the schedule

The vacation schedule should include:

  • annual basic paid leave;
  • annual additional paid leave;
  • leave that was not used by the employee during the current year and was carried over to the next year.

The duration of the main annual paid leave, as a rule, is 28 calendar days (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For some categories of employees, the legislation provides for longer leave - an extended main leave. These categories include, in particular:

  • workers under the age of 18. They are entitled to leave of 31 calendar days (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • disabled people. They are given leave of at least 30 calendar days (Article 23 of the Federal Law of 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation");
  • teaching staff. The length of their leave depends on the position and type educational institution and ranges from 42 to 56 calendar days (Article 334 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.10.2002 No. 724 "On the duration of the main annual paid leave provided to pedagogical workers");
  • civil servants have the right to leave from 30 to 35 calendar days, depending on the position (Article 46 of the Federal Law of 27.07.2004 No. 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation").

In addition to the main one, some employees may be provided with additional annual paid leaves (Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Such vacations are granted to employees:

  • employed in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions;
  • having a special character of work;
  • with irregular working hours;
  • working in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;
  • in other cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

In addition to the holidays provided for by legislative acts, employers, taking into account their production and financial capacity can independently establish additional holidays for employees, approving the procedure for their provision in a collective agreement or other local regulatory act, which are adopted taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization(part 2 of article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When calculating total duration annual paid leave, additional leave is summed up with the main one (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Example. Civil servant V.V. Tropinin has the right to:

  • extended vacation (30 calendar days);
  • additional leave for seniority (8 calendar days);
  • additional leave for irregular working days (3 calendar days);
  • additional leave for work during harmful conditions labor (7 calendar days).

This means that in the schedule you need to plan a vacation of 48 calendar days (in full or, by agreement with the employee, dividing the vacation into parts).

When drawing up a schedule, you need to check whether there are employees in the organization who are entitled to the provision of annual paid leave at a convenient time for them - their vacation is planned in the schedule in the first place. These workers include, in particular:

  • minors under the age of 18 (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • part-time workers (leave is provided simultaneously with leave for the main job) (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees whose spouses are military personnel (leave is provided simultaneously with the leave of the spouse) (clause 11 of article 11 of the Federal Law of 27.05.1998 No. 76-FZ "On the status of military personnel");
  • women before maternity leave or immediately after it, as well as at the end of parental leave (Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees whose wives are on maternity leave (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, it is worth remembering that even if the vacation was planned in the vacation schedule strictly in accordance with the wishes of an employee belonging to the above category, he has the right at any time of the year to change his mind and write an application to the employer requesting leave from a different date ... Such an employee cannot be denied the transfer of vacation.

Vacation schedule is a summary document. And although it is drawn up for a calendar year (in this case, 2015), the planned vacation period for each employee refers to his individual working year.

Example. Secretary Petrova I.V. hired on June 19, 2014. The vacation schedule should include her vacation for the period from 06/19/2014 to 06/18/2015. Leave for the next working year (from 06/19/2015 to 06/18/2016) can be provided at any time of the working year (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It can be scheduled:

  • in the vacation schedule for 2015 (after 06/19/2015);
  • part of the vacation, by agreement with the employee, can be included in the schedule for 2015 (after 06/19/2015), and some leave for 2016;
  • in the vacation schedule for 2016 (until 06/18/2016).

As you can see, an employee's vacation can be planned either in full or in parts. When dividing the vacation into parts, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. First, at least one part of the vacation must be at least 14 calendar days. This requirement is due to medical reasons: in order to recover from labor achievements, a person needs a full long rest. Secondly, the division of leave into parts is possible only upon reaching an agreement between the employee and the employer. If one of the parties labor relations against this, it is impossible to split the vacation. The employer's consent to the division of vacations is confirmed by the signature of the manager in the schedule (or in the vacation order, if the vacation is not provided according to the schedule). In which document the consent of the employee should be reflected is not established by law. In practice, organizations use different methods to obtain confirmation of employee consent:

Method 1. Before the approval of the vacation schedule, the employee writes a statement with a request to divide the vacation into parts, indicates the start dates and duration of the vacation parts, and the employer puts the resolution “Allow. Signature. Date". Good way if the initiative to share the leave comes from the employee. Otherwise, we are talking about coercion, which is unacceptable.

Method 2. When developing a vacation schedule, the employer sends the employee a proposal to divide the vacation into parts, indicates the dates of the vacation parts and their duration, and the employee ticks “I have read and agree. Signature. Full name. Date". This option is preferable when the initiative to share the leave comes from the employer and fully complies with the spirit of the law: there is a proposal, there is an answer to it, the parties have an agreement. Unfortunately, this method is the most time consuming.

Method 3. The form of the vacation schedule is supplemented by the column “I have read and agree. Signature. Full name". It is assumed that with one signature, the employee agrees both with the dates of the start of the vacation, and with the very fact of dividing the vacation into parts. This is a fairly common method that requires a minimum of time. However, it is not entirely correct. Imagine: ten employees of the department signed the column, and one flatly refuses, does not want to divide the vacation into parts. You have no right to force him. What to do? Make up new schedule? Collect employee signatures again? Moreover, the schedule has already been approved by the head (after all, they are acquainting with the document that has come into force). And how can a document be approved if the legal requirement to reach an agreement between the employee and the employer has not been fulfilled?

Some organizations prescribe in the Internal Labor Regulations clauses that employees are granted leave twice a year for 14 calendar days. It is assumed that the signature of the employee on familiarization with the PVTP and there is his consent to divide the vacation into parts. However, this worsens the position of the employee in comparison with labor legislation, which means that it cannot be applied in accordance with Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Do not forget that PVTP is a document containing the rules established by the employer and expressing his will, and not at all an agreement between the parties to an employment relationship. The fact that it is adopted taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers does not change the situation, because, for example, dismissal orders issued taking into account the opinion of the trade union still remain administrative documents of the employer, and do not become agreements on termination of the employment contract.

Question. Savelyev A.V. hired 12.12.2014. Should I include it in my 2015 vacation schedule?

Answer. The employee's right to paid leave arises after 6 months of his continuous work in the organization (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). By agreement of the parties, the employer can provide annual leave even before the expiration of this period. For some categories of employees, the employer is obliged, upon their application, to provide annual leave, regardless of the length of service in the organization (minors, part-time workers, etc.). In this case, the employee will have the right to leave from 12.06.2015. In the 2015 vacation schedule, you need to schedule his vacation after the above date. The vacation can be planned in full (28 calendar days) or, by agreement with the employee, divided into parts (for example, 14 calendar days can be planned in 2015, and the remaining days in 2016).

Question. How to plan a part-time vacation?

Answer. It can be difficult to plan a vacation for a part-time worker, because the exact date of his leaving on vacation at the main place of work is not always known (for example, if the development of vacation schedules is carried out in organizations in parallel or at the main job they formally approach the issue of vacations). In this case, the Labor Code is categorical: leave must be provided simultaneously with leave for the main job (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Schedule the start of the vacation according to the employee, but be prepared for the fact that it may have to be rescheduled, and take this into account when scheduling vacations for other employees in the same department.

Question. Is it obligatory to include in the vacation schedule women who are on parental leave?

Answer. Many organizations include vacation schedules for all employees, including women on parental leave. This is not prohibited by law, but it is not obligatory. In fact, it is not possible to realistically schedule their leave as they can interrupt their care leave at any time, and it is not known when they will want to take annual leave. In the event that such a woman goes to work, it is more convenient to grant her leave on request.

Question. What to do with unused vacations? For example, engineer-technologist Petrov V.G. haven't gone on vacation for two years. Can these vacations be included in the schedule? And is it true that the vacation that has not been used for two years "burns out"?

Answer. Vacations not previously used can be included in the vacation schedule or provided by agreement with the employee at his request (Rostrud letter dated 01.03.2007 No. 473-6-0). Inclusion in the schedule is more convenient, as it allows you to visually assess how many such vacations have accumulated in the organization. Leave must be provided to the employee annually (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), in exceptional cases of postponing the vacation to the next working year, it must be used no later than 12 months after the end of the working year for which it is granted (Part 3 of Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For example, if the employee was hired on 02/01/2014, he must be granted leave (and the employee must use it) no later than 01/31/2016. Failure to provide annual paid leave for two consecutive years is prohibited, and employees under the age of 18 and workers employed in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions must use the vacation annually (part 4 of article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Of course, if leave for some reason was not granted, it will not "burn out" at all, the employee will retain the right to it, but the employer in this case may be punished when checking the GIT or in court.

After the vacation schedule is approved, it becomes mandatory (part 2 of article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This means that the employer is obliged to provide the employee with a vacation within the period specified in the schedule, and the employee is obliged to use this vacation. Any deviations from the schedule must be documented in an appropriate organizational and administrative document and a note in the schedule. Employees hired after the approval of the schedule can be included in the vacation schedule on the basis of an order, or they can be granted leave on request.

We draw up a document

The organization can develop the form of the vacation schedule independently, while it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Article 9 of the Federal Law dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ "On Accounting". This article contains a list of the required details of the primary accounting document. When developing your own schedule form, it is advisable to take the unified form No. T-7, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1, as a basis, if necessary, remove unnecessary information from it and supplement it with the necessary columns. For example, you can remove codes for OKUD, for OKPO and the requisite for taking into account the opinion of the trade union body (if it is absent) from the vacation schedule form. You can supplement the schedule with a visa for coordinating the document with the legal service or other structural divisions of the organization. Rostrud's letter dated July 30, 2014 No. 1693-6-1 states that it is permissible to supplement form No. T-7 with columns 11, 12. In one of them, the employee will be able to sign that he knows the start date of the vacation, and in the other, indicate the date notice of the beginning of the vacation (a sample of filling out such a form is given in Appendix 2). The developed form must be approved by the head of the organization as advised by the accountant (clause 4 of article 9 of the Federal Law dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ "On accounting").

At the stage of scheduling, the personnel worker fills in columns 1-6. The name of the organization, structural divisions, positions, surnames, names and patronymics of employees are indicated without abbreviations. Column 5 reflects the duration of the vacation in calendar days. If leave is provided in parts, information about each part of the leave is issued on a separate line. Column 6 sets the start date of the vacation. In some organizations, it is customary to indicate not the start date of the vacation, but its entire period, for example, 04/01/2015 - 04/28/2015. This is not a violation.

The vacation schedule is signed by the head of the personnel department, and approved by the head of the organization. If there is a trade union, it is necessary to take into account the reasoned opinion of the elected trade union body (part 1 of article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The procedure for taking into account the opinions of the elected body of employees is established in article 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The Labor Code does not directly oblige the employer to familiarize employees with the vacation schedule. Experts differ on this issue. Some experts consider the vacation schedule to be a local normative act, and therefore, it is necessary to familiarize employees with it. Others believe that a local regulatory act establishes general norms for an indefinite circle of people, and in the vacation schedule we indicate the names specific workers, therefore, the graph cannot be attributed to local regulations and it is not necessary to introduce employees to it. In practice, most organizations still collect the signatures of employees, because this has a practical meaning: familiarization with the approved schedule gives the employee the opportunity to find out if his opinion on the date of the vacation was taken into account and, if this is not the case, to plan the vacation differently. You can familiarize employees in different ways: by including an additional column in the schedule, collecting signatures in a separate acquaintance sheet, or posting the schedule on information stand organizations.

Columns 7-10 are filled in by hand throughout the year as vacations are granted. In case of granting leave not according to the schedule, in column 8 indicate the name and date of the order on the basis of which the leave is postponed. In some organizations, it is customary to indicate as the basis for the transfer of leave at the initiative of the employee, his application. This is not correct, in order to make changes to the approved schedule, administrative document, that is, an order. Column 9 indicates the date of the proposed vacation (in the current year or next). Column 7 is filled in as the employees actually use the leaves (after all, in different situations, vacations can be provided earlier than the schedule, according to the schedule or later than the deadline set by the schedule).

Column 10 "Note" can contain any information, the main thing is that it is understandable to the personnel worker. Here, in particular, you can indicate the reason for the postponement of vacation (for example, at the request of an employee; part 2 of article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - recall from vacation; part 3 of article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - if vacation is not granted, because this will adversely affect the normal course of the organization).

The original of the vacation schedule is kept, as a rule, in the personnel department. A copy of the schedule may be required by the accounting department or the finance department for the needs of an accounting or management accounting(to estimate how much money needs to be reserved for vacation pay in different periods of the year). For other structural divisions of the organization, you can prepare extracts from the schedule - this will make it more convenient for them to organize their activities throughout the year.

The shelf life of the vacation schedule is one year (clause 693 of the "List of typical administrative archival documents generated in the course of activities government agencies, bodies local government and organizations, indicating the storage time ", approved. by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated 25.08.2010 No. 558). This period is calculated from January 1 of the year following the year of the end of his office work, that is, the vacation schedule for 2015 must be kept until 12/31/2016.

1 -1

The vacation schedule is designed to provide annual leave to the employees of the company. At the same time, according to Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2, the vacation schedule approved by the employer is mandatory for both each employee and the employer himself.

Important: scheduling is mandatory for all legal entities, regardless of the size of the organization's staff. If such a document is absent at the enterprise, then this is an administrative violation with the application of punishment.

Below you can download a template for a vacation schedule in Excel and an example of filling out for free.

Is it possible to divide the vacation period into parts?

Every employee has the right to divide his vacation into two equal parts, each of which must be at least 14 days. In this situation, there are some difficulties with filling out the T-7 form, since it does not imply such actions. However, the problem of how to fill out the schedule in case the annual rest is divided into parts is still resolved.

Some HR specialists use additional lines or add another column for the worker's visa. Other employees use an additional one that is attached to the schedule.

How to properly reflect the past year?

If for production needs or other reasons in the current year it was not possible to take all the days that are due to the employee, then such a remainder is called unused vacation... For forgetful subordinates or workaholics, unused vacation days tend to accumulate and increase.

What is the correct way to make a record in the T-7 form? It can be reflected like this: "Calendar days and start date - 14 for 2014 from 5.09.2016, 28 for 2015 from 29.09.2016, 28 for 2016 from 28.11.2016".

Can I specify only the month?

In most cases, personnel officers indicate only the month of the expected vacation of employees. However, no one forbids specifying specific dates. It all depends on how the work of the personnel department and the company's management is arranged.

Is it allowed to fill in after the start of the holiday?

This is not possible, since Art. 123 indicates that the schedule is drawn up at any enterprise no later than 14 days before the beginning of the next year.

Which employee should be included in the document?

The following types of vacation must be included in the schedule:

  1. annual basic paid;
  2. annual additional paid;
  3. not used by the employee in the current year and carried over to the next year.

A rest plan is drawn up for all workers:

  • employed at the main place of work;
  • for persons combining labor activity(part-time workers).

Citizens who work under a civil law contract are not included in the schedule, since they are not entitled to annual paid leave.

Also the plan does not include administrative leave (without pay), maternity leave, childcare leave.

Do I need to flash it?

No, you do not need to flash the schedule, since it is an informational document and you often have to refer to it.

Duration of main rest time

The duration of the main annual paid leave, as a rule, is 28 calendar days (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Duration of annual basic paid leave

The main annual paid leave is provided to employees for 28 calendar days.

Annual basic paid leave of more than 28 calendar days (extended basic leave) is provided to employees in accordance with this Code and other federal laws.

Filling procedure

The work on filling out the table begins with the entry of information by the personnel worker in the first six columns. You should be guided by the following prescriptions:

  • Column 2- the position of the employee indicated in the staffing table.
  • Box 4- indication of personnel numbers, if they are not assigned, then the column is skipped.
  • Columns 7-9- a specialist of the personnel department fills in handwritten text, noting the departure of employees on vacation. After the return of employees, the appropriate marks are made in column 7.
  • Box 8- the document is indicated, which is the basis for the transfer of leave.

The starting date for them is entered in column 6, and if it is subject to changes, then they are entered in columns 8-9.

The manager has the right to add an additional column 11 to the form, in which each worker must sign, confirming his knowledge. Along the way, you can compose notifications used as applications, as well as make certain changes regarding the date of leaving on vacation based on the application of employees.

Approval procedure

The order of providing rest to workers is always approved only by the manager of the company. The document is endorsed by the head of the HR department and the director of the company. Representatives of the trade union may take part in the process of forming vacation schedules.

Is there a stamp?

There is no need to stamp unless internal regulations the employer does not have a different procedure. The vacation schedule is an internal document of the enterprise. Therefore, it does not need to be stamped.

Organization stamp by general rule is an additional confirmation of the authority of the person who signed the document for external counterparties. There is no print requisite on the unified form of the schedule No. T-7, which was approved by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

If the employer uses an independently developed form of the schedule, then, if desired, he can provide for the stamp details on it and fill it out.

Common mistakes and ways to avoid them

To correctly draw up a vacation schedule, you need to know the norms of existing legislation and remember that:

  1. The boss and the deputy cannot go on vacation at the same time.
  2. The department should remain as many employees as can support its normal functioning.
  3. Specialists of the same profile cannot take rest at the same time.
  4. Vacation accumulated over several years should not be summed up; it is better to break it down into several parts.
  5. There is no need to assign the duties of an employee on vacation to someone who has the right to go on vacation out of turn.
  6. The distribution of vacation days must be formed in such a way that the working process, as well as the workers, does not suffer.

Familiarization of employees

Since the vacation schedule does not always reflect the wishes of employees, it is advisable to familiarize all employees with its approved version. To do this, you can provide a special column in the form of a vacation schedule ("I am familiar with the dates of the vacation"), or draw up a list of acquaintance.

The employer is obliged to notify each worker about the date of the beginning of the rest under his personal signature. no later than two weeks (part 3 of article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To do this, an additional column can be included in the schedule form ("Notified about the start date of the vacation"). Other options for notifying workers are also possible, for example, a statement, an acquaintance visa on a vacation order (). The employer independently determines the most appropriate way to notify employees about the vacation.

So we've covered how to manage your annual vacation schedule. Summing up, we note that this is a mandatory document that must be formed in every company with the formation legal entity... The document is approved and signed by the head of the organization.

A rest plan is drawn up 14 days before the start of the new calendar year. Changes are made in individual cases (if there is an employee's statement and other documents). For a clear and correct reflection of information, the unified form T-7 is used, however, a variant of an arbitrary shape is also allowed.

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Watch a video on scheduling vacations in the T-7 form:

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