Letter to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden sample. A letter from Santa Claus and a letter of commendation. Letter "Magic mirror of Santa Claus"

New Year is approaching - a time of miracles and magic, joy, fun, round dances around the Christmas tree and, of course, gifts. It's time to write a letter to Santa Claus!

To make your letter beautiful, we suggest using the base, which was drawn for you by the artist and children's writer Zhenya Yasnaya.

(to download a letter template, right-click on the picture. Further "Save Image As ...")

Santa Claus mail works all year round, and he and his assistants write a response to ALL letters received from children (sent to the address in Veliky Ustyug, I don't know how they respond to letters in Moscow)! Grandfather Frost is very fond of not just letters, but messages with pictures of children. He collects them, and the most the best hang on the walls at the post office in Veliky Ustyug... This is not a joke, it really is. We were at the post office and saw everything with our own eyes.

Addresses for sending letters:

  • 162390, Russia, Veliky Ustyug, home of the real Father Frost
  • 109472 Russia Moscow Kuzminsky forest Volgogradsky prospect, possession 168 d

Important! Santa Claus receives a lot of letters, so the answer may come after the New Year.

Maria Kostyuchenko,

P.S. This article is copyrighted and entirely intended solely for private use, publication and use of it on other sites or forums is possible only with the written consent of the author. Use in commercial purposes Absolutely forbidden. All rights reserved.

Appeal: Expensive...!

You may be surprised, but Santa Claus also sometimes writes letters. And they are received by the kindest, diligent, hardworking boys and girls. I am very pleased that you are one of them.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Happy New Year! I am sure that this is your favorite holiday, for which you have been preparing for a long time: you studied diligently, actively participated in olympiads and competitions, and helped adults. During the year you learned a lot, did a lot of useful and good deeds. That is why I wish you to have fun with all my heart, and to have a good rest during the holidays: walk more (even if I pinch your nose), make snowmen, ski, ice skate, sled, play with friends, read interesting books and watch funny cartoons.

Let in New Year all your dreams will come true!

Good girl

Appeal: Expensive...!

You may be surprised, but Santa Claus also sometimes writes letters. And they are received by the kindest, diligent, hardworking girls and boys. I am very pleased that you are one of them.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Happy New Year! I am sure that this is your favorite holiday, for which you have been preparing for a long time: you studied diligently, actively participated in olympiads and competitions, and helped adults. That is why I wish you to have fun with all my heart, and to have a good rest during the holidays: walk more (even if I pinch your nose), make snowmen, ski, ice skate, sled, play with friends, read interesting books and watch funny cartoons.

Let the beautiful snowflakes take you to a fairy tale, where all your wishes will come true!

The strongest

Appeal: Hello dear friend!

Thanks to my many assistants, I learned about your successes. You're a big lad! During the year you achieved incredible results in studies and sports, you tried to overcome difficulties, you were brave and dexterous. I am very glad that you have many friends, that your classmates love and respect you, that adults are proud of you.

Only to such strong, purposeful and responsive guys do I give the Most Important New Year's Assignment: to find and protect people who need help. I am sure that you will cope with this task the best!

I know that you have many glorious victories ahead of you, that a brilliant New Year and great gifts await you. But your main success (believe me!) Will be the gratitude of those whom you helped!

Creative personality

Appeal: Hello dear friend!

The real Santa Claus is writing to you from the very real Russian North. Although you live very far from my home, I closely follow your progress. I really like your creative work. You put so much fantasy, effort, soul and talent into them that it turns out unusually well. When I sometimes feel sad, I look at your work, and my heart becomes light and joyful.

Develop your talent, compose, create, give joy to your family and friends! And you will see: the coming New Year will bring you many pleasant surprises, give you attention and love, fulfill the most cherished dreams... I wish you creative inspiration and great happiness !!!

To the young wizard

Appeal: Hello baby!

Let me call you that, although in a year you have matured a lot and have become quite an adult. But for Santa Claus, all the guys remain kids, no matter how old they become. Once your mom and dad, like you, wrote letters to me and expected a miracle from me, and then they learned to do miracles themselves. So you are already a magician - you just have to believe in it very much! And then you will succeed in whatever you have in mind - to study well, win competitions, travel the world and discover new things ... What are you saying? Already getting it? You see!

I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! Always be healthy, successful, cheerful! Send my congratulations to your parents and be sure to tell them that I believe in them.

Caring parents try to develop their children from the very early age... The variety of forms of such development is enormous. Children will receive a lot of joy, emotions and other positive impressions when they receive a letter from Santa Claus. Especially if it is a response to a letter to Santa Claus from a baby.

The option of contacting the Russian post office has a number of disadvantages, this is the fact that you need to contact in advance, you need to pay money, congratulations are standard and cannot contain information known only to the child and parents. It is this kind of information that can make a lasting impression on the baby.

We bring to your attention templates of letters from Santa Claus, which can be edited. Since not everyone has experience with Photoshop, we offer colorful letter templates from Santa Claus in Word format. If your computer does not have the fonts used in the document, you can always use the ones that you have installed.

Template # 3 for those who are familiar with Photoshop template in PSD, Gif format - regular picture, Word - for those who are more comfortable using a text editor.

Sometimes, when typing in Word, background pictures are not displayed; they can be turned on in the settings of your text editor.

Examples of texts of a letter from Santa Claus:

I'm flying to you from a fairy tale
To give gifts
Wish you goodness and happiness
And, of course, to praise:
For a whole year you are smart, glorious,
I was a good girl
I helped mom and dad
Well behaved!
You deserve gifts
Get them in the new year!
The sweetest and most beautiful
And grow up cheerful!

In the Middle Ages, engravings depicting Christian motifs were used to decorate houses; they were given to relatives and friends for Easter and Christmas. These prints can be considered the ancestors of Christmas cards, however, they were very expensive.

It is generally accepted that the tradition of giving cards for Christmas originated in England at the end of the 18th century, when the English artist Dobson painted a small picture with a snowy winter forest and happy family near the Christmas tree. Such pictures have become widely used for congratulations and gifts. And the first batch of printed postcards with a winter landscape was released in 1843.

In 1874, an international standard size postcards: 9x14 cm. Most states complied with this requirement
Christmas and New Year cards came to Russia in the middle of the 19th century. At first, they were only imported, English, and congratulations were written on them by calligraphers, and not by the senders of the postcard.

But soon the production of our own postcards began in our country. Often they were a real work of art and interior decoration, they were decorated like paintings, collected, pasted into albums. Pre-revolutionary postcards were decorated with dried flowers, ribbons, beads, boric acid glitter that looked like real snow, and even scented.

Postcards usually depicted angels, a decorated Christmas tree, old Russian fortune-telling and rituals, winter forest and snow-covered peasant huts, churches, Christmas grandfather and Snow Maiden on a dashing troika of horses, cheerful kids playing snowballs and making a snowman. They often used the plots of paintings by famous Russian artists Lev Bakst and Alexander Benois.

The October Revolution, unfortunately, destroyed the already finally formed and beloved tradition of giving Christmas cards and decorating Christmas trees in houses. Even any mention of favorite winter holidays was forbidden.

However, during the Great Patriotic War tradition new year cards began to revive. Thus, in December 1941, the Iskusstvo publishing house issued special postcards to be sent to the front.

New Year's cards of the war years helped the soldiers and their families to believe in victory, united people, because instead of the usual wishes they wrote the following inscriptions: “ New year greetings heroic defenders of the Motherland! "," Happy New Year, comrade soldiers, commanders and political workers! In the name of the Motherland forward, to the complete defeat of the enemy! " The artists worked with only two colors - red and black to speed up the printing process, and, naturally, images of military themes prevailed.

But the real heyday of the Soviet New Year postcard came in the 1960s. Along with the usual motives of winter landscapes, Christmas trees and "Palekh" images of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden on a sleigh pulled by a troika, modern stories began to appear on the theme of space exploration and the development of technology. For example, Santa Claus carried his gifts by plane or space rocket.

At the same time, postcards began to depict the Kremlin chimes and joyful families celebrating the New Year on Red Square.

Post offices couldn't keep up with the influx of letters and postcards ahead of the New Year. People of the older generation remember that greeting letters and postcards had to be sent no later than mid-December (or even earlier) so that congratulations could arrive before the New Year. And all January belated congratulations "reached" ...

But even now, despite the huge libraries of New Year cards on the Internet and lightning-fast email Many of us sign "real" paper cards and send them to friends, family and friends. And the signed postcard enclosed in the gift will add human warmth and delight the recipient. Postcards are needed for this - so that we remember each other.

Etiquette Center "European format"

It is enough to pick up beautiful envelope, paper and write a few lines on behalf of the wizard. What should these lines be so that the child does not doubt the existence of Santa Claus?

How to write a letter from Santa Claus: an appeal

A letter from Santa Claus (2018 can be downloaded for free in word format) must necessarily begin with an appeal to the child. To start a letter successfully, you should follow a few simple guidelines:

1. You should not name the child in the letter as parents usually do at home. Otherwise, the kid will immediately understand that the letter he is holding in his hands is the handiwork of his parents, and not of a real magician, so "kukusik" or "sweet owlet" should be left for later.

2. The child should be called by name and surname. First and last name is the perfect address for a child in a congratulatory letter. These are best indicated at the beginning of your letter. And then - to call the child, if necessary, abbreviated. For example, not Andrei, but Andryusha.

3. Affectionate names should be kept to a minimum. You shouldn't call your child “Andryushenka” or “Nastyusha” every two sentences. There are parents for this. And Santa Claus should be a little stingy with pet names. He is still too serious for that.

The significance of the holiday

The fourth part of the letter from Santa Claus should be devoted to the significance of the holiday. For example, you can tell in a few words about traditions, celebrate the New Year in other countries. It will be very interesting for the kid to find out. In addition, Santa Claus should give the child several recommendations on how to spend his New Year's holidays, indicating that this is the best time to spend as much time with friends on the street as possible (weather conditions permitting) and pay attention to the parents.

You can download the templates from the link!

Congratulatory part

This is the most significant part of the letter from Santa Claus (template 2018 can be downloaded on the Internet for free). It is better not to use the poetic form. Otherwise, the child may doubt whether this letter was really sent by a real Santa Claus. It is much better to write, wishing the child success in school, hobbies and behavior. Do not focus too much on the last point.

Important details

You can also write that Santa Claus always follows all the children and knows how they behave throughout the year. In addition to the child's small victories, he sees his defeats. However, Santa Claus knows that in the future the baby will be able to correct his shortcomings, which means that he can become even better than before.

At the same time, you can indicate for what specific merits the child deserved his gift this year:

1. For excellent academic success.
2. For good behavior and help to parents.
3. For winning any competition or sports relay.
4. For something else (which parents also know about).

In addition, it should be said that Santa Claus will closely monitor the child's behavior in the future. To receive a gift next year, like other children, the baby will have to try hard. After all, Grandfather Frost does not like those who want to receive a gift not deservedly - without doing anything good for this.

You should definitely pay a few words to the Snow Maiden. It will be especially important for girls to receive valuable recommendations from the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

Parents, like no one else, know about the shortcomings of their baby. On behalf of the wizard, it is worth writing about what should definitely be corrected in the coming year:

1. Try to cry less over trifles.
2. Don't fight girls.
3. Read more.
4. Spend less time at the computer.
5. Put away your toys.
6. Obey grandparents and more.

How to choose a gift for a boy

In addition to a letter from Santa Claus 2016 (a template for a boy can be downloaded for free on the Internet), a child must be waiting for some one. There are many options for what to give a boy for the New Year:

Collectible car model

One car can be donated for a less significant holiday. And the New Year is a time of miracles. A collectible model of cars - of course, pleasure is not cheap. But your kid will be incredibly happy with such a "new thing". The cost of a set depends on the number of cars included in it, as well as the material of manufacture.

Sport equipment

A man should be athletic. This is practically "innate" in him. To make the process of getting involved in sports more active, the task of parents is to push the kid to engage in sports clubs in every possible way. To do this, you can give him a set for boxing, football or any other sport that interests him. As an alternative - several subscriptions to different circles, so that the child has the opportunity to independently choose what he wants to do, and possibly with what he will connect his future.

Creator's Kit

It all depends solely on the hobbies of the baby and on their knowledge of his parents.

Choosing a New Year's gift for a girl

To write a letter from Santa Claus 2016 (a template for a girl can be downloaded for free on the Internet) - this is too little for the child to remain 100% satisfied with Grandfather's attention to his person. You should also be sure to prepare the gift that the child asked for in his letter. If the baby did not indicate what she wanted to receive for the New Year, the parents will have to think for themselves what their child would be delighted with. Below will be presented the top ideas for a New Year's gift for a girl under the age of ten.

Sweet barbie

This is an original gift for a first-grader girl and a little older ladies (under the age of ten). If a young lady loves sweets and still plays with dolls, she will definitely like the sweet Barbie doll.

It's very easy to do this. To do this, you need to buy a doll that the girl dreams of, and a kilogram of her favorite sweets. Next, double-sided tape is glued onto the box with the doll, on which, in turn, sweets are glued. It is important that the silhouette of the doll is not pasted over (as a rule, the box should be transparent in this place). The gift is ready.

Suit for training

Dancing, sports, gymnastics - all this requires special costumes, both for performances and for ordinary everyday activities. Why not pamper your baby with a brand new suit. In one fell swoop, adults will kill two birds with one stone - in the near future there will be no need to buy clothes for the child separately, and the baby herself will certainly be happy with this new year gift... Especially if the gift is exactly the one she had dreamed of for a long time.

Illuminated mirror for nursery

An excellent gift in addition to a letter from Santa Claus 2016 (the template can be downloaded on the Internet for free) for the girl will be a mirror with lighting for the children's room. This is a gift that all ladies, young and old, dream of. If now the girl does not look at him so often, then in a few years the young fashionista will not be torn away from him.


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