Download the Veteran's Letter of Appreciation. Compositions on the topic “Letter to a Veteran. Letter to a Veteran from a Student

Hello dear veteran!
I greatly admire the feats that you have accomplished together with your compatriots in the name of the motherland. I am very glad that many people are not indifferent to your act. A huge number of monuments have already been installed and continue to be installed. They convey all the horrors of the life of the Soviet people during the war. And no less films have been made that convey the full burden of your fate and those fighters who, unfortunately, did not live up to our time. A lot of poems, stories, stories have been written, and all of them are about the heroic fate of the citizens of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War.
It is unfortunate that some people are not yet fully aware of the price of peace - a clear blue sky above their heads, in which shells do not explode, the right to freely study, develop and live in independent Russia with their families. And because of this, quarrels occur, and not only between people, but also countries, developing into wars. I hope that all armed conflicts will end very soon and forever.
The war left its mark on my family too…. According to the stories of my grandmother, I know that many of my relatives went to the front. The fate of some of them after World War II is unknown, and almost all of the survivors were badly injured.
Many thanks to you, veteran of the Great Patriotic War. After all, if not your feat, then me and my loved ones would never have been in the world. health and long happy years To you, dear veteran.
Sincerely, student elementary school No. 24, Mikhailovsk, Stavropol Territory Umnova Maria.

Hello Unknown Soldier!
A 4th grade student Masha Umnova is writing to you. Your name is not familiar to me, but I know and admire the feat that You performed together with Your compatriots. Many wonderful books have been written about the heroic fate of your comrades. Some of them I have already read, but I strive to read them all. I also heard a lot of songs dedicated to the war. In all countries of the former Soviet Union many monuments have been erected and a huge number of films have been shot that convey the full burden of the fate of the Soviet people.
I, like my classmates, appreciate the world and the fact that Russia is an independent country in which children can freely study and live in a family. What a pity that some people do not appreciate this, and there are quarrels not only between people, but countries that develop into wars. I hope that soon they will realize that they were wrong and stop the conflicts.
I know that my two great-grandfathers went to war and only one returned. I am very grateful to those who gave their lives for mine. After all, if you had not won, then I probably would not have been born.
I bow before your feat, unknown soldier!

Teacher lower grades asked her students to write a letter

veteran of the Great Patriotic War on the occasion of the Victory Day.

Here is one of them. I wrote a poem for him.

Hello, dear veteran of the Great Patriotic War!

Ilya Rubtsov, a student of the 2nd grade of the gymnasium No. 22 of the city of Barnaul, is writing to you.

We have never met, but I know that you are a brave and courageous person. Because only people like you could survive in difficult times. war time and protect our country.

Perhaps you participated in the Battle of Kursk with my great-grandfather Philip Alexandrovich Bezgodov. Or maybe you fought along with my other great-grandfather near Stalingrad.

From books and stories at school, from movies, I know how hard it was at the front. When your comrades were dying nearby, and you courageously went into battle.

I know how brave they were.

You did not know fear in battle.

Sons of our faithful Motherland.

You protected my life.

How did you defend your homeland?

My grandfather told me.

You were freezing, moaning in pain,

I did not give up Soviet land.

I, too, will be brave like you.

Thank you, dear veteran, for standing up for our Fatherland without sparing your life, for defending peace on earth!

I congratulate you on the Victory Day!

how to write a letter to a WWII veteran

Everything will pass, and this will pass. Thinker (6827) 5 years ago

I found it on the Internet, perhaps it will help you write your letter, a letter to a veteran.

"Hello dear veteran.

I cannot express my gratitude to you for… that I breathe, live, speak, hear, see… It is impossible to describe my gratitude to you for what I see around me… the faces of loved ones, the smiles of passers-by, the sun, parents, grandparents , cars, planes, helicopters - it's all thanks to you. After all, it was you who, risking your life, defended the Motherland, because it was you who helped save such a Great Power as Russia, because it was you who saw how your comrades died from enemy bullets ... and at the same time did not give up. Know that each of us ... whether it be a child or an adult will always remember what you have done for us. I am proud that I live in the same country with you. Russia is proud of you!

I know that my letter will not return your comrades who died in the war ... people close to you, but I wrote this letter in the hope that you would know ... WE will forever be grateful to you ... for your courage, courage, honor, LOVE TO TO YOUR MOTHERLAND… "

P.S. By the word "veteran" I meant all the defenders of our fatherland.

Mavlikhanova Dilyara (student of the 7th grade)

"Hello, Soldier of Victory, dear veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

A sixth-grade student, Zadorozhnaya Iya, is writing to you.

When I think about the Great Patriotic War, I try to draw your image in my mind in order to understand what You were like, Soldier of Victory? What helped you get through the horrors of war and win?

Images rise before my eyes: It's You, Soldier, in Treptow Park, in one hand you squeeze a huge sword, and with the other hand you gently press the German girl you saved to your chest. This is You, Soldier Alyosha, in Sofia, the hero of the Russian land with a machine gun on his chest. This is You, the Soldier-Liberator in Tallinn, who took off his cap and lowered his machine gun in a moment of sorrow. So you were, strong in spirit, invincible Soviet Soldier. I know that selfless love for your native land and a sense of responsibility for all future generations helped you win this most terrible war.

In my letter, I want to thank you on behalf of all the children for that great deed, for the feat that you accomplished in the name of peace and freedom on earth.

I know about the Great Patriotic War from books and films, but I am sure that not a single work, not a single film is able to convey everything that you experienced and overcame in those distant days of the war for the sake of our future. Thank you.

Thank you for the fact that, overcoming fatigue, hunger and even death itself, you rose to fight for your native land.

Thank you for the fact that, losing relatives, friends, loved ones, you continued to move towards the Great Victory. "

Iya Zadorozhnaya, 12 years old,

"Dear grandfather! I am writing about the main thing: you did not have time to find out that then, near Moscow, you defeated the Nazis! And then there was the Battle of Stalingrad, then the famous tank battles near Prokhorovka ... And there was a Great Victory in May 1945. We never I saw you, grandfather: after all, I, your granddaughter Masha, was born more than 50 years after your death. I live in Belgorod, with my mother and grandmother. It is a large and very beautiful city, rebuilt after the war. I am 13 years old, I am studying in the 6th grade. Whom I will be, I don’t know yet ... But whoever I become, I will try to be like you, to be worthy of your memory. "

Maria Shtalman Age 13

Other answers

letter to a veteran

Ignatov Nazar

On this day, I want to congratulate YOU veteran!

You have traveled over a hundred thousand kilometers. They carried heavy weapons. As soon as you finished school, many of you went to the front. They went on the attack, drove the enemy out of our country, bled, but fulfilled their duty to the end. Thanks to your feat, we live in our country free and happy

I want to TELL YOU THANK YOU for SAVE US LIVES. Low bow to you for YOUR FEAT, dear veteran.

Alina Semyonova

Letter to a veteran.

Hello dear veteran! I congratulate you on May 9th - Victory Day. On this day, you won the Great Patriotic War, which lasted four long years. I sincerely wish you happiness, health and long life.

Reading books about the years of the war, I admired your exploits. Many rose to defend their homeland, took up arms and went to the front. You were there too. The rest worked in factories and made ammunition for our soldiers. The Nazis did not expect such powerful resistance from the Russians. Your main quality during the war was unity, which helped to win this terrible, unjust and cruel war. Those who could not get to the front organized partisan detachments and also struck at the enemy.

Therefore, on this solemn day, I want to tell you, dear veteran:

Thank you for living in a free country - Russia!

Alexandra Nikishova

Letter to a Veteran

Dear comrade, veteran! I address you with words of gratitude.

I want to wish you health, happiness, love, so that you live happily ever after. And they never got sick. If you have children or grandchildren, then I want to wish them to always help you. Cheer up, life is full of joys. Be happy and enjoy every minute of your life. Get younger and younger and younger.

I want to express my gratitude to you. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here right now. Thank you for everything! Happy holiday to you on May 9th.

Dear Veteran! For 4 long years you fought the Germans. You were very brave and brave, endured pain. At that time, everyone was engaged in business: someone fought, and someone worked in the rear for the front. The war was very terrible. Over 20,000,000 people died. Thanks to you, we are alive now. I wanted you: "Thank you!" and congratulate you on May 9th.

Polina Isaenkova

Hello dear veteran!

On the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory over the Nazi invaders, I decided to write you a letter and congratulate you on this bright holiday. First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for protecting our Fatherland from the German occupiers and saving our people from Nazi slavery. A lot of blood was shed, many people died, but despite all this, you did not surrender to cruel enemies, did not lose heart in the crucible of war, and defended our long-suffering Motherland. The logical result of your hardships, your sleepless nights, your unparalleled courage was the Great Victory on May 9, 1945. On this beautiful spring day, grateful descendants remember all those who never returned from the battlefield, they carry flowers to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And let the names of those who lie under these granite slabs be unknown, but their feat, accomplished in the name of all mankind, is known to the whole world.

Blessed memory to them!

And I wish you and your family good health and simple worldly happiness. In conclusion, I want to tell you that your feat, heroism and courage will forever remain in our hearts.

Khvorostov Vadim

Happy Holidays to you! Happy 67th anniversary of the Victory! Happiness to you! health! long time to live! Let each new day give you joy, peace! We remember your feat, we know the price of Victory. I bow to you and thank you very much for saving the world. Happy anniversary of victory! Happiness to you and your loved ones, combat comrades-in-arms who forged the Victory!

Dychkova Alina

Hello dear veteran!

Congratulations on Victory Day!

Please accept my words of deepest gratitude and heartfelt gratitude for your great feat, for your love for life and for the Motherland.

Let me apologize for all the people who could ever offend you with a word, deed or indifference. I wish you good health and long life. May peace, love and happiness reign in your life!

Bondarenko Regina

Hello dear veteran!

On the eve of the 67th anniversary of the Great Victory over the Nazi invaders, I decided to write you a letter and congratulate you on this bright holiday. First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for protecting our Fatherland from the German occupiers and saving our people from Nazi slavery. A lot of blood was shed, many people died, but despite all this, you did not surrender to cruel enemies, did not lose heart in the crucible of war, and defended our long-suffering Motherland! The logical result of your hardships, your sleepless nights, your unparalleled courage was the Great Victory on May 9, 1945. On this beautiful spring day, grateful descendants remember all those who never returned from the battlefield, they carry flowers to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And let the names of those who lie under these granite slabs be unknown, but their feat, accomplished in the name of all mankind, is known to the whole world.

Blessed memory to them!

The paths leading to these sacred places will never be overgrown!

The feat accomplished for the sake of the Fatherland will not be erased from our memory!

And I wish you and your family good health and just worldly happiness. Finally, I want to tell you that your feat, heroism and courage will forever remain in our hearts!

Trunyan Zarine

Letter to a veteran.

Hello dear veteran. We are very proud of you. Thanks to you, we have a bright future. I will never forget what you did. You fought for your Motherland, risking your life. Many died in the war, but the names of the dead will always remain in our hearts. Every year on the ninth of May we celebrate Victory Day. This holiday is dedicated to you and other soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. I wish you happiness, health and prosperity.

Matrosova Xenia

Letter to Veteran

Hello dear Veteran! I am very grateful to you for reaching Berlin with your soldiers and saving our Motherland. You endured, you endured...

We thank you for your courage and heroism.

On your shoulders you endured all the hardships of four terrible years of war, not

thinking about your own life. You defended the honor and freedom of the Fatherland!

I wish you good health, prosperity and all the best. May your family and friends be happy!

Thank you today

For life, for childhood, for spring.

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

Hello soldiers of Victory!

Hello dear veteran of the Great Patriotic War!

A student of class 4 "B" is writing to you Tyurina Kristina. With a warm wind, a clear sky, delicate spring flowers, with tears in our eyes, the brightest holiday on earth comes to us - Victory Day!

We live under a peaceful sky, not knowing hunger and bombing, not knowing how to lose our loved ones, they don’t shoot at us, they don’t take us prisoner, and all this is thanks to you, your heroism and courage.

Now it is even difficult to imagine what you and your generation had to endure. What trials have fallen to your lot!

Only selfless love for your native land, your loved ones, a sense of responsibility for the coming generation helped you win your terrible war. Your courage did not allow you to retreat, and you won.

We owe our lives to you, to your heroism. We owe it to your comrades who died and survived. I will never forget those who gave their lives defending their Motherland.

Many thanks to you soldier of Victory and low bow to you Veteran of the war, for saving our Motherland, saving our shrines, for giving us, unborn boys and girls, life, for a serene childhood on this flowering land.

Your heroism, courage and ability to win will always be a guiding star for me.

I am proud that I am a descendant of great people who defeated fascism.

I wish you, kind person, health, and that you are always surrounded by attention and warmth.

We are forever indebted to you, soldier!

Biryukova Alexandra


Hello dear Veteran! In our country we celebrate every year a lot different holidays: New Year, Knowledge Day and others. But for all of us there is only one most important, dear, beloved and important day that we celebrate on May 9 - this is Victory Day.

On this day, we bring flowers to the mass graves of fallen soldiers. Silently we stand at the Eternal Flame, crushed by greatness, fortitude, power, unparalleled feat and your heroism.

On this festive day, military orders and medals shine on your tunics and jackets, and we say our gratitude to you, watch films, listen to poems and songs of the war years and your memories of that terrible war.

And late in the evening, a bright and colorful fireworks in your honor takes off into the sky. We know, understand and will forever remember that this clear sky and even me did not exist, this would not have been anything, without you, dear veteran, and without your Great Victory in May 1945.

Thank you so much for your courage, courage and perseverance. I wish you health, love and attention of people dear and close to you.

How to Write a Thank You Letter to a Veteran

Veteran is an official title given for special merits. Veteran of war, labor, any industry (for example, a veteran nuclear industry) is a person whose qualities are marked on state level. Therefore, such people should be treated with special attention. And the first thing to do when writing a letter to a veteran is to clarify how his last name, first name and patronymic are spelled correctly, and what is his full veteran rank.

Compose a thank you letter. based on the rules of official business style.

A letter to a veteran must begin with an appeal, for example: “Dear Viktor Kuzmich!”. Remember that the surname of the veteran is not indicated in the appeal, it is entered only when filling out the “header” of the letter (where the name of the addressee and his full veteran rank are entered), or when writing the postal address.

It must be remembered that when writing a letter of thanks, the addressee must be addressed to "You", with a capital (capital) letter.

After the main text, you need to put the date and indicate the name of the sender. If you plan to type the letter on a computer or typewriter, leave room for a handwritten signature - a veteran will be doubly pleased to receive a letter with the sender's personal signature, because this is a kind of sign of respect.

After the draft of the thank-you letter is drawn up, you need to transfer the text to a letterhead or postcard. This is required by the rules of good manners. After all, if the usual official letter(notice, warning, notice) is allowed to be written on plain paper, then a thank-you note requires a more solemn design.

Computer postcards

Teacher: Tamara Sergeevna Avdeeva

Editor: Raisa Nikolaevna Smirnova

Hello dear Veteran.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you have done for me, my family and our Motherland! I want my letter to become a small drop in a sea of ​​respect, love, and gratitude towards you.

I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, Victory Day! I wish you health, longevity, Have a good mood. Let life please you and give you pleasant surprises.

I sincerely thank you and say goodbye to you. Goodbye, with the next one.

From a student of 5 "b" class Tarbeeva Xenia.

Hello dear veteran!

A student of the 5th grade "B" of gymnasium No. 587 is contacting you.

Allow me to express to you the words of the most sincere gratitude, the deepest gratitude for your heroic deed in the name of our great Motherland, which you carried out during the Great Patriotic War.

What do I know about war? War is terrible time trials, grief and deprivation for every person who cherishes the world. In this difficult time for a person, our Russian troops managed to overcome their fear, gather strength and courageously fight for their home country, for freedom, for the future generation - for us!

Men of all ages volunteered for the front - there were adult fathers and grandfathers, and there were very young sons, but, despite the years, everyone fought on equal terms. Brave women went to battle, sacrificing their lives, they helped the wounded, while others worked in the rear, worrying about each of you.

Bit by bit, our warriors collected victory, sacrificing their lives, their dreams. They were ruled by love for the Motherland, for their loved ones, for freedom.

You won! For the future, for us, and we say to you: “Thank you! Human thanks for your feat, for a peaceful life, for the happiness of seeing the sun every day, mom!

I wish you good health, long life and if there are tears in your eyes, then only from happiness! Low bow to you!

Dear veterans!

I know how hard it was for you in those years of the war, when you were worried about the defeat and death of your friends. loved ones and relatives, when they rejoiced for the victories and for the fact that you went as a team against the enemy!

And so on this day, May 9, I congratulate you and wish you happiness, love and health! Congratulations, dear veterans.

Petrova Yaroslavna

Dear veterans, we congratulate you on Victory Day!

We are grateful to you for the fact that you, risking your life, defended our Motherland, served the Motherland and fought for the life of your descendants. Thanks to your courage, we all live under calm skies. If not for your courage, fascist soldiers would have captured Russia.

On this sunny and festive day, we want to thank you for your courage, courage and faith in victory! Listening to your stories about the war, we are surprised at your stamina and fortitude and are very proud of it. We sincerely believe that this was the last war.

We want to wish you all the best in health and smile more often!

Gavrilov Ivan 5"B"

My great-grandmother Evgenia Ivanovna Zharova is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. If she were alive, I would write her this letter:

Dear grandmother Zhenya!

Tell me, please, about the Great Patriotic War.

I'm very curious, where were you during the war and what did you do? Were you scared? Have you been evacuated? When the war ended, was it unusual for you without the bombing? Was it crowded in the bomb shelters?

Your great-grandson Vova Tatarev.

But, unfortunately, I will never hear the answers to these questions. We understand that we did not have time to ask or tell people a lot, only when they were no longer there ....

We need to ask more questions while people are with us ... While they are alive ...

Dear veteran! With all my heart, I congratulate you on the most dear holiday for all of us - Victory Day!

In my letter, I want to thank you very much for everything you have done to ensure that people live in peace and friendship, in happiness and joy, that they save the lives of others, while risking losing their own. It is very difficult for us, children of the 21st century, surrounded by the care of parents, to imagine what you had to go through. But every time, standing next to the monument to the fallen soldiers, I think that thanks to your courage and heroism, our country was saved from fascism. And the least that I can do is lay flowers at the foot of the monument.

The terrible war also touched my family. My great-grandfathers also fought. They are long gone and I have never seen them. But what they told about the Great Patriotic War, I know from my relatives.

One of my great-grandfather from the first days of the war took an active part in military operations to defeat the German invaders in the Belarusian partisan detachments. My other great-grandfather was the commander of an automobile battalion. This battalion ensured the uninterrupted supply of the army with weapons, clothing and food. My great-grandfathers were lucky, they went through the whole war and were not even seriously injured.

Our dear veteran, I will always remember you and your exploits! I wish you well, the attention of the younger generation, a worthy old age and all the best. Low bow to you and boundless gratitude!

Yulia Braitseva, 5th grade student

Hello dear Veteran! Happy Holidays to you! Happiness to you! Health! Long time to live! Let each new day bring you joy, we know the price of Victory. Thank you very much for giving best years, health, so that we can live under a peaceful sky, enjoy every new day. Day after day, in rain and frost, losing loved ones, you went to Victory. We will try not to upset you, we will appreciate the world won by such labor, we will remember your feat all our lives. You are our pride! Happiness to you and your loved ones, combat comrades-in-arms who forged the Victory! You will always be an example for us!

Narayr Iskandaryan

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - pen;
  • - information about where the person fought;
  • - envelope;
  • - a computer with a text editor;
  • - folder address.


The form and letters depend on which war veteran you are writing to. Member of the Great Patriotic War - old man. Most often, he does not own a computer and is used to letters written by pen on paper. Therefore, it is best to write a letter to him by hand. Write it in as large and legible a hand as possible, since a person of advanced age is most likely to have poor eyesight. No information about the addressee and sender is needed on the sheet itself, you will indicate all this on the envelope.

In a letter to a veteran you don't know very well, start with "dear" or "dear". You can refer to grandfathers and neighbors with whom you have a warm relationship with the words “beloved” or “dear”. This is followed by the name and patronymic of the veteran or the usual address for you and for him. Address an unfamiliar person with "you". Treat your grandparents the way you would in your family.

Gather information about where the person fought. This information can be obtained, for example, from social protection population, in the council of veterans or in the museum of local lore. But do not completely rewrite this data - the addressee knows much more about his military path than what is written in museum certificates. Think about how his military past touched you directly. If a veteran had a chance to fight in those parts where your village or city is located, be sure to mark this.

Congratulating a veteran on Victory Day or on the anniversary of a battle, write that you remember history and are grateful to the people who fought heroically at the front. Find sincere informal words. Write the way you would speak to this person, but try to avoid jargon.

Try to do without harsh statements about anyone, even if you have a negative attitude towards a particular era. Remember that what means nothing to you may be sacred to your addressee. Older people are usually very sensitive to such manifestations, it is already impossible to change their views, so take them for granted.

Find beautiful envelope. It is not at all necessary to stylize it as a military triangle or look for something with military symbols. You can take a beautiful neutral picture - a view of the city or a bouquet of flowers. How to send a letter is up to you. If you are confident in the good work of the local post office, then it is better to send the message by mail. Older people are used to looking forward to the postman. Until now, many of them look into the mailbox every day. Let a pleasant surprise await them there. In the end, you can put the letter in the box yourself.

A veteran of the Afghan war is not yet old and full of strength. That's why thank you letter needs to be done differently. It is best to congratulate him on the Day of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan or on the holiday of the branch of the troops where he served. The letter will be shorter. Address the addressee with respect and by name and patronymic. Write about what you and your friends have not forgotten about what he did during the war years for the country. Be sure to celebrate his achievements in civilian life. Such a letter can be typed on a computer and arranged in a folder-address.

4th grade students

Children write to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Years have passed... But everyone still remembers the price of our victory. The memory of the immortal feat, heroism and courage lives in our hearts, the hearts of our children.



Panichkina Ksenia Nikolaevna,

Pupil of the 4th grade, MOU-SOSH No. 18, Neryungri

Class teacher: Larionova E.P.

Letter to veterans.

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War, I congratulate you on Victory Day! I wish you with all my heart happiness, health, so that you are always cheerful, live for a very long time and be a living example of masculinity, stamina and courage for us!

When I look at films about the war, my heart skips a beat. I understand what horrors, what grief you experienced in those fateful war years.

Dear veterans, thank you very much for these peaceful days, for which you risked your life. I know how painful it is for you to see that we do not do what you expected from us. Forgive us for everything. Without you, we would not be in this world today.

Verse to Veterans

All of you fought

The country was protected.

Wishing good and peace to all

Protected the hearts of the people.

But sometimes you

I see pain in my eyes.

Like we are now

Everyone forgot about everything.

We remember! We know,

As it was then.

We say thank you

That we live in peace!


Migita Victoria Yurievna,

Our grandfathers fought

Our country was saved.

Children stood on the machines

Childhood is deprived.

Dads, brothers fought.

Mothers and grandmothers suffered.

Four long years

Fought for victory.

Because the spirit is stronger

Willpower is the most.

People believed that it would

Life and peace in this world.


Stribul Anna Andreevna,

student of the 4th grade MOU-SOSH No. 18

Class teacher: Larionova Evdokia Prokopievna

Letter to my dear great-grandfather Gondar Savely Andreevich

from the great-granddaughter Stribul Anna.

Dear great-grandfather! I am writing you a letter of gratitude for the fact that you fought and withstood all the trials of the Great Patriotic War. Thank you for not sparing your life, standing up for the defense of the Motherland, defending peace on earth! I know that at that time the entire Soviet people fought heroically against the Nazis. It is terrible to think what would have happened if they had given the Motherland to the Nazis. But you fought like everyone else, bringing Victory closer and driving the enemies away from your native land. You were wounded several times, but still did not leave the front. Thanks to you, war veterans, we exist and live. Your Victory is our current peaceful life. Dear great-grandfather, let me once again express my sincere gratitude for your courage, for your feat, for everything that you have done for me and all of us. A low bow and many thanks to all veterans of the war and home front for the Victory, for peace and tranquility in our country!


Shiripova Elvira Alexandrovna,

student of the 4th grade MOU-SOSH No. 18

Class teacher: Larionova Evdokia Prokopievna

Letter to veterans.

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War! Shiripova Elvira writes to you. I congratulate you on the great holiday of Victory Day! With words of deep gratitude, I say to you Thank you for saving the lives of many people, giving us a peaceful happy childhood. I understand how hard it was for you, but you did not give up in difficult trials. You saved our country from fascism. You went through cold and hunger, shed your blood on the battlefield, many did not return from that war. But thanks to you, we live and enjoy every new day. I admire you, your feat, your devotion to the Motherland.

Hello dear veterans! You have always been and will be for us an example of courage, loyalty, love for the Motherland.

How many difficult roads you have passed. These roads were heavy, uneven from explosions of bombs and shells. But you walked along them, not paying attention to it, because you had one goal - to liberate our country from enemies.

You froze in the winter in the trenches, you were burned by the summer sun, which seemed even hotter from the fact that shells were exploding nearby, houses and trees were burning, but you went further and further, and drove the Nazis until you reached Berlin and did not hoisted a red flag over the Reichstag.

Thank you, veterans, for your courage and for the fact that my friends and I live under a peaceful sky. May your wounds never hurt again, and may the roads be only peaceful.

Dear veteran!

In 1941 you went to the front. At home, your wife and children were waiting for you. In each of your letters, they seemed to hear grenade explosions, the screams of soldiers, but they knew that there was no stronger Soviet army.

Every morning the children were left alone at home, and the mother went to work in the field. Together with the rest of the women, she sewed overcoats and looked after the wounded. One morning, she came all in tears and read to the children a letter in which you wrote that you were wounded and were in the hospital. You survived because you knew your family was waiting for you.

Now your great-grandchildren are proud of you. After all, you have invested so much courage and courage in the Victory that no one now doubts it. We will always remember this. This war will always remain in our memory. Thank you for the victory!

Dear Veteran!

I am grateful to you for everything you have done for us. Your courage, perseverance, spiritual strength helped you survive this war. Many of you gave your lives for the lives of others. Thanks to you, we now have a calm, prosperous life. Thank you for everything you have done for the Victory!

There are fewer and fewer veterans now. I want you to live, to please us, your great-grandchildren, and we would take care of you.

I appeal to you, war veteran, to express my gratitude for defending our beloved Motherland from enemies, for having withstood all the trials, for reaching the end.

I read how at that time you lived, starved, slept, worrying and worrying about your relatives. You saw the deaths of others, but did not give up and went forward.

Thank you for the fact that we now live in a beautiful country. I am proud of you. You are honest, loyal, brave. Thank you, thank you for everything!

Dear veterans!

Now, after the war, we live in peace and harmony. You participated in the war and gave your lives. How many were wounded and killed in the war... However, you went through many trials, withstood and won.

My great-grandfather was a participant in the war, he returned from the war with a shrapnel in his heart and, having lived a short life, died. I miss him very much.

I wish you health and longevity.

Dear veterans, thank you for saving our Earth from the enemy and for the fact that I now live and enjoy life. Thank you for saving the survivors of the concentration camps. Thank you for saving children from death. You were not afraid of the enemy's bullets and death, you liberated cities and villages.

Dear veterans, thank you for everything, we all people living now will keep the memory of you.

A lot of people died during World War II.

I am grateful to you for standing guard over our country with weapons in your hands.

We have no right to forget about those who worked in the rear, who, in the cold and cold, brought victory closer with sweat and blood. We have no right to forget about those who went missing on the battlefields, who brought victory closer by working in the fields and in factory shops.

After all, thanks to you, now we are a free and great people.

I am proud of you and proud that there are real heroes in our country.

Hello my dear veteran!

Don't think that we have forgotten you. We will remember you as long as we live in this world.

You went through the war, which means that you have a memory that will live forever. You defended the Motherland and did not spare yourself. And what you did is a feat that needs to be remembered.

This long war, which lasted four years, brought a lot of grief. You survived that war.

I want to wish you a long life, joy and happiness. And if I met you, I would firmly shake your hand and say "Thank you!"

Dear my grandfather!

You went through the whole war. He defended our Motherland so that we can now live under a peaceful sky. You have many awards, you were honest, brave, fair. I'm proud of you.

Now you are far from us, I miss you. How are you not sick? If you feel bad alone, and you are sick, I will come to you and bring gifts and medicines. I love you very much.

Dear grandfather, you are very dear to us.

Dear veterans!

The Victory Day is approaching, your holiday, the veteran and the holiday of all the people of the Earth. And once again we say:

Glory to the heroes, glory! ..

You deserved this holiday and this glory with your feat of arms in the war. Bowing my head before the eternal memory of the fallen, and before the eternal glory of the living, I am grateful to you for giving us life, freedom and peace on our Earth. This victory cost us dearly. About 20 million people did not see the Victory salute, many died from severe wounds in hospitals after the war. That is why every peaceful dawn over the country, every day you live is so dear to you. You conquered this world and deserved this happiness.

I have had a great honor to live in a peaceful country, and I thank you for this gifted right to be happy.

With our worthy life and memory of you, we must make up for the pain of loss and loss that you, veterans of the Second World War, feel every time you come to the Victory Day. To perpetuate the memory of that war is our sacred duty.

But not everything is so cloudless in this world. In some countries, which were liberated by the Soviet Army, monuments to our soldiers are dismantled, graves are desecrated, and instead of this, monuments are erected to former Nazis, traitors, they are considered heroes there. Even in our country, which defeated fascism, there are organizations of neo-fascists.

Honest people need to be very vigilant not to allow desecration of the memory of the dead and living veterans. We must always remember the price at which peace and happiness on earth have been won. We are with you, we remember you, veterans.

Dear veteran!

A significant date is approaching - the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

In this anniversary year, I want to wish you all the best: good health, happiness, long life. You have earned this right to happiness.

The Great Patriotic War was the most difficult and cruel of all the wars of the 20th century. And victory in this war went to you with sweat and blood. I assure you that the current young generation will be worthy of your feat, we will also be able to defend our Fatherland, as you did. After all, thanks to you, today we are free and happy: over Russia again quiet dawns, clear dawns.

Since the last volleys of the war died down, more than one generation has changed, but every year people remember the Great Victory, honor the memory of fallen soldiers, and honor living veterans. And for us today it is important that "no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten."

We share with you the bitterness of loss and the joy of victory. We are grateful to you for your courage and fortitude in the name of our bright future, in the name of Russia. I would like to end my address with the words of the poet:

A hundred will pass

And three hundred years will pass

But never the people

The war will not be forgotten.

Dear Veteran!

I sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day! Live long and happily. The world will never forget your feat in the name of life on Earth. You are the winners, once again showing the whole world the power of the Russian spirit by destroying the terrible "plague" of the 20th century - fascism. And it's worth a lot! The whole world was at your feet on May 9, 1945. She came, the long-awaited Victory ...

Maybe it's easy for us to talk about that Victory today. After all, we did not see the destroyed and plundered cities, burned villages, did not take out the burnt corpses of women and children from the ovens of crematoria. A lot of grief had to be seen by the soldiers - the winners in the liberated land. It was you who lost your best comrades on the military roads. Thank you for surviving and winning. Thank you for the clear skies over our Motherland. No one dares to attack us now. It was you who laid a solid foundation for the world after the war, restoring everything that was destroyed by the war, and making our Russia invincible.

Much is being done today to perpetuate the memory of each participant in the war. At the battlefields, excavations of old nameless graves are underway. I assure you that if I had the opportunity to enroll in a search party, I would take part in the work of such a detachment. It would be a great honor for me.

Years will pass, centuries will pass, but the world will never forget your feat. Victory Day will always be the main holiday of our country. Our generation promises you this.

Hello dear veterans!

Very soon the great holiday of our people will come - Victory Day.

For 70 years now, May 9, we all remember this long and terrible war, we remember the people who did not return from it.

There are no words to express gratitude to you for what you have done for us, because it is thanks to you that people living now can see the peaceful sky above their heads. It was you who saved the world from the black wave of fascism. It was you who did not spare your lives for us.

In conclusion, I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday and wish you happiness and long life. Know we remember you!

Hello, dear and respected veteran!

It has already been 70 years since you defended our Motherland at the cost of your life. On behalf of the entire present generation, I express my deepest gratitude to you.

What a pity that not all of your comrades lived to see this anniversary. Now everything has changed in the world. People different countries are becoming more and more united.

We appreciate your heroism and do not forget it. Every year, on May 9, on Victory Day, we bow our heads and lay flowers on the graves of your friends, at the monuments and obelisks of Soviet soldiers. Victory Day is, first of all, your holiday, because if it weren’t for you, it’s scary to think what would happen now.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart, veteran, for my life. You are a hero and it's true!

A great holiday is approaching - a holiday that, as the song says, "You must not forget" - a holiday - Victory Day!

And who is the main hero of the occasion, of course you, veterans. This word "veteran" we pronounce proudly and with gratitude for many years in a row.

If you think about this word, you can say that it is symbolic. The wind, which was sometimes gentle, sometimes fierce, then blew in the face of the soldiers, and then, as if driving them to conquer the heights, liberate cities and villages from the fascist invaders, driving them in the back.

And the second part heard in this word is wounds: combat, when you had to be treated in hospitals; sincere, when you found out that you left cities and villages at the beginning of the war, or when letters from home did not come for a long time, and your soul ached: how are my relatives and friends ...

After all, nothing is forgotten by you during this time. You close your eyes, and in front of you are fellow soldiers, their shoulder, substituted in a difficult moment or a hand extended in a moment of danger, a voice that warms the soul and gives strength.

The years are fleeting... there are fewer and fewer of you left. You, who fought, defending the Motherland with your chest, those who, without hesitation, went to the front in a difficult time for the country and endured so much grief and suffering that it’s hard to understand how you survived, how you had the strength to smile at halts, not to be afraid of attacks from heaven and on earth. How did you cope with the death of your friends? After all, they just ate with you, sometimes from the same pot, remembered the house, who went with you in a single attack, which they covered with their bodies, those who covered you in a difficult battle, and suddenly ... this frozen look looking at the sky.

Yes, this is real courage - to defend your homeland.

Thank you veterans! If it were not for your steadfastness, faith in victory, perhaps I would not exist now. I wouldn’t live now under this clear sky, I wouldn’t walk through the wheat fields, I wouldn’t listen to the birds singing, I wouldn’t go to school.

A low bow to the ground to you, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, for your courage, fearlessness, for faith in victory, for my happy childhood, for having friends next to me, for looking admiringly into the sky and not waiting from there the deadly roar of aircraft with crosses on their wings.

Thank you, veterans, for being on Earth.

And I say

I will kneel low

You've got a veteran!

For my golden childhood

Saved by you from wounds.

Live in the world for a long, long time.

You deserve this right!

And believe, your feat is the greatest

No one in the world has forgotten!


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