How to start a beach business. New business ideas. Summer business ideas

IDEAS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ORGANIZING BUSINESS ON THE BEACH The first warm days have already begun to please Russians, which means that the long-awaited vacation is just around the corner. The warm sea, sand and soft drinks attract people, forcing them to forget about work and everyday problems. Someone chooses foreign resorts with a five-star hotel, others buy a train ticket to visit domestic beaches and sanatoriums. But both of them are united by the feeling of having a good rest, carelessly spending the money earned during the year. That is why the residents of resort cities rub their palms with anticipation, because they will make good money on housing rent, trade and beach activities. Business on the beach is considered the simplest and most profitable way to make money at the resort; every year it brings its owners thousands of profits in just three to four months. The beach business is considered one of the most profitable and highly profitable. SEASONAL Beach entertainment earnings are seasonal, usually lasting three to four months a year. But, despite such a short time, organized business on the beach can bring profit, which will give you the opportunity to live the rest of the year carefree or start a new business. In addition, these three to four months of working days will be spent on the beach, near the warm sea, so it is difficult to imagine a more pleasant working atmosphere. WHERE TO BEGIN? First you need to decide on the type of beach business. Usually all options successful business on the beach are divided into several types: No major investment. A type of business that does not require a serious initial investment from the owner. With significant investment. This category of business will require owners to spend money on expensive equipment, repairs and improvements. Experienced entrepreneurs claim that for opening small business on the beach you only need five hundred to seven hundred dollars. Anyone can find these funds without much difficulty. For example, for the sale of sunflower seeds, dried fish, corn, you will need "pennies", and the profit will pay off all costs dozens of times. In order to start offering your services and goods on the beach, it is not even necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, but if you are a law-abiding citizen, you can go through this procedure. Whether you need to rent a seat on the beach or whether you will be a free wanderer with a bag of groceries on your shoulder depends on the type of business you choose. CONS OF BEACH BUSINESS Starting a beach business is a very promising business path, but it also has its drawbacks. Beach work is very exhausting. The whole day is under the scorching sun, not every person will be able to, and entrusting the case to an employee is unprofitable. Often, staff withholds part of the proceeds from the owner or even runs away with it. SES employees will be very closely watching your business, waiting for the moment when you can be fined. As mentioned, many beach businessmen work without a permit because these documents are expensive to obtain. BUSINESS TYPES Now let's give a few beach business ideas that will bring the owner the long-awaited profit. PROVIDING COMFORT Russians are already accustomed to relaxing in comfort, no one goes to the beach with a towel on which he will sunbathe. Everyone wants to take a sun lounger and an umbrella for a comfortable stay. Therefore, the rental of umbrellas and sun loungers is the most popular beach business. The cost of purchasing equipment pays off from the owners in the first days of the season, and then brings a stable profit until closing. Dry closets, showers and changing cabins are the next item of comfortable rest. People do not mind giving twenty or thirty rubles for the convenience that the owner of this type of business opens up to them. Indeed, for one person this is a trifle, but if you count the number of daily visitors, it turns out that this type of income is very promising. ATTRACTIONS The most popular beach business is the opening of attractions. Entertainment, both on land and on the water, is in constant demand among beach visitors. Of course, this type of business will require investments, but they will pay off to their owner with interest. Riding in water zorbs (giant balls); Running in a large inflatable ball is one of the favorite pastimes of vacationers. Trampolines; The trampoline can also attract the attention of vacationers Banana rides and water slides; Water scooters and ATVs. All these types of attractions bring joy and fun to the customers, which is the main goal of this business. The main expenses are the costs of purchasing equipment for amusement rides, renting and registering a business in all instances: SES, tax, state inspectorate for small vessels. But all these little things will be justified by the profit received from the rental of attractions. Remember: An entrepreneur must pass a test of knowledge of the rules for organizing water recreation in a shipping company. The total amount of investments in this type of business is three or four hundred thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the purchased equipment. For example, a rubber water zorb costs twenty thousand rubles, in order to get a good profit, you need to buy 4-5 balls. A ground trampoline, depending on its size, costs from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles, but costs can be reduced if the trampoline is rented. A water scooter costs from forty thousand rubles, for full-fledged work you will need to purchase 3-4 such scooters. Rent for the occupied space will cost from 15 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the attraction. The salary of the employees who instruct clients and take the money is 18-20 thousand rubles. But it is possible to save on this if the entrepreneur himself does it. SALE OF GIFTS AND SOUVENIRS Any person who has come on vacation at sea will definitely buy a souvenir as a keepsake, as well as gifts for his family and friends. Particularly popular are unique souvenirs that are difficult to find in hometown... Often these souvenirs are seashell figures, sea stone bracelets, talismans, wicker items. In order to sell these products, you will need to find suppliers, which are local craftsmen, and also rent a place on the beach. The markup for such a product on average ranges from one hundred to three hundred percent, so this type of business is considered very profitable. SALES OF ICE CREAM AND DRAFT KVASS Ice cream and kvass are the most popular products on the beach. The lines near ice cream stands and kvass stalls do not decrease from morning to evening. Therefore, this beach business option attracts many entrepreneurs. The initial investments for opening a point for the sale of ice cream and kvass are approximately the same and amount to about one hundred thousand rubles. Usually, points of sale do not take up much space on the beach, so the rent will not exceed thirty thousand per month. BEACH SHOP A swimwear store is another high-margin beach business. Vacationers are no doubt ready to spend money on buying inflatable rings, balls, sunblock creams and lotions, diving maxi, towels, swimwear, swimming trunks. Also, in addition to the sale, it is possible to rent equipment - surfs, balls, circles and even boats. Every year, enterprising businessmen find new types of services to entertain vacationers, however, there is enough profit for everyone. Therefore, if you are choosing where to start your way in business, then stop at the beach business. Because more than sixty percent of the people doing the beach business pay off their business and make a steady profit during the season.

The open waterfront business is seasonal and will only generate income during the summer period. For the rest of the year, entrepreneurs prepare so that they don't miss their own at the moment of the season. Preliminary preparation will help you better prepare and purchase necessary equipmentif required. In this article, we will talk about the best business to open on the waterfront.

Where to start?

At the start of starting a beach business, you need to decide on the type of activity that you will carry out on the beach. You types of such a business boil down to two ramifications: a business that requires significant cash costs and a business without large cash investments.

In the first case, the money will be spent on the purchase of expensive equipment, attractions, furniture, etc. In general, if you plan to spend every holiday season on the beach, then over time all the costs that were required to start a business will be covered. Practice shows that some experienced entrepreneurs can receive revenue that pays for all the funds spent after the season.

The second case is characterized by freedom of action that does not require large monetary investments. For almost any kind of activity, thousands of dollars will be enough for you. Any novice entrepreneur can find this amount. Moreover, such a business does not require mandatory registration. However, if you want to go through this procedure, then registration as individual entrepreneur that's enough for you.

TOP 5 Popular Beach Business Ideas

The main areas of the beach business are reduced to five thematic areas. The benefits of these ideas are the payback that can occur at the end of the first season.

Providing services that increase the comfort of vacationers

It is no longer fashionable to just relax with a towel. And most of the beaches are packed with amenities. This idea implies the rental of various beach components. An entrepreneur can buy and rent:

  • Deck chair;
  • Umbrellas;
  • Dry closets;
  • Showers;
  • Dressing cabins.

People are willing to pay for comfort. Therefore, if you set reasonable prices, your daily revenue can be very good. And the money spent on the purchase of these goods can pay off already in the first season.

Creation of amusement zones

One of the most popular beach businesses in high demand. Such entertainment can be installed both on land and on water. Most of them are expensive. However, they will quickly pay off at the time of a large influx of people. The most popular attractions on the beach are:

  • Giant water balls;
  • Various trampolines;
  • Swimming on bananas;
  • Waterslides;
  • Powerful water scooters and ATVs.

The main costs will depend on the number of attractions purchased. In addition, this business requires registration in: tax office, SES and registration of GIMS.

The total investment required to open their own amusement zones will not exceed 400 thousand rubles. This amount will be enough to buy several balls, trampolines and water scooters. Besides, you don't have to buy such things. They can be rented, which can significantly reduce start-up costs... The cost of renting a place on the beach ranges from 15 to 50 thousand rubles.

Sale of gifts and souvenirs

Who has not been to the sea and brought home souvenirs. Unique souvenirs are very popular. therefore open shop souvenirs on the waterfront will bring a good profit. It is best if you find local craftsmen who make souvenirs. You need to sell such goods with a margin of 100 to 300%. It is best to have a wide assortment that has both small souvenirs and large gifts.

Opening of points of sale of ice cream and kvass

Highly profitable business, especially on the embankment, where everyone wants to quench their thirst. Some kvass producers provide an opportunity to rent everything from them. necessary equipment... In this case, the cash costs of starting such a business are significantly reduced. To open several points for the sale of ice cream and kvass, 100 thousand rubles will be enough.

Store opening

A store that has all the beach accessories you need is also a lucrative venture. In the assortment of the store, you need to include:

  • Children's inflatable circles;
  • Balls;
  • Tanning creams;
  • Swimwear and swimming trunks;
  • Towels, etc.

Since the embankment is considered a resort zone, the mark-up for such goods can be from 100% or more. Depending on location and suppliers.

Thus, starting a business on the beach can be fully recouped by the end of the holiday season. In addition, such a business does not require large cash costs. However, you will need to work hard to get the profit you want.

Beach business pitfalls

Basically, a beach business is all a profitable undertaking if properly organized. As an entrepreneur, you need to coordinate all operations to avoid downtime that negatively affects general position cases.

It will be very difficult for an unprepared person to work under the scorching sun. If you hire workers, your daily earnings depend on their word of honor. It is not uncommon for people to steal their own from you. For example, if you install a video camera, you will be able to estimate the average daily number of visitors, and, accordingly, the daily revenue. Anyone who has done business on the beach knows that a hired employee can secretly trade in his goods.

To avoid checks by the SES, then you need to have all the appropriate permissions. And your employees should have a health book. This condition is neglected by most beach businessmen. In this case, there is a possibility of getting big fines.

Summer, sun, sea - here it is, the magic formula for a successful holiday. It is at her call, with the beginning of the beach season, that the rows of vacationers, pale to green, are drawn in the hope of finding happy relaxation and a bronze tan. But there is a special breed of people for whom the gentle whisper of the surf sounds like a thunderous call to action. These people never have a summer vacation because they are the owners. resort business.

Every vegetable has its own time, or the subtleties of seasonal business

Almost everything that surrounds us and that is designed to satisfy human needs (be it a product or service) can be sold and bought. But among the endless variety of things bought and sold, there are such goods and services that are most profitable (and reasonable) to sell at a certain time of the year. For example, it hardly makes sense to try to persuade a client to ride an inflatable "banana" on the stormy November sea. And even if there is a casual fan of such an extreme vacation, the proceeds received are unlikely to cover the costs incurred.

Christmas toys are a prime example of a seasonal product: they are in demand and bring profit only at certain times of the year.

A business is called "seasonal" if the profits it brings are more or less dependent on the season. Such a business project is designed for a limited period of time and does not require a long-term strategy; this is an option for people who want to make money “here and now”.

Features of seasonal business

The seasonal business has a number of features due to its limited time:

  1. For relatively short term Such a business goes through all stages of development of a full-fledged commercial project: preparatory stage, start ("entry" into the season), the actual implementation of the project (season), its closure ("exit" from the season) and summing up.
  2. The limited time for the project implementation requires particularly careful preliminary preparation.
  3. In general, the profitability of seasonal goods (services) is much higher than that of all-season ones, since at the “peak” of the season the demand for the corresponding product is very high.
  4. At the same time, the strong dependence of consumer demand on external factors (for example, from the weather) is the reason for the increased commercial risks of seasonal business.
  5. Seasonal merchandise must be offered in sufficient quantities in the right time: both the surplus of such a product, and its deficit equally lead to a decrease in the level of expected profit, since the principle "sell not now, so later" does not work in this case.
  6. The seasonal business has no time to reschedule and regroup; all decisions must be made promptly and based on current market conditions.

The main goal of any seasonal business is to maximize profit during peak season. Summer resort business in this sense is no exception, and with careful preparation and competent organization, its profitability can reach 100% or more.

The "golden" rule of resort business

The basic rule of the resort business says: any business activity, regardless of its type, should be carried out in the most crowded places. Do business in parks, recreation areas, beaches and promenades, in shopping and entertainment centers and near train stations: the more nearby potential clients, the higher the chances of decent revenue.

The resort business needs to be set up in "walk-through" places: the more people around, the more potential customers among them

Traditionally, the industries most suitable for the resort business are trade and services.

Resort business: trade

You can trade at the resort with anything you like: there is a buyer for every product. To organize summer shopping, you need to rent a suitable place and equip it with retail equipment. You should also consider hiring a salesperson, unless the business owner plans to stand behind the counter on their own.

Refrigeration units may be required if food is to be traded. Therefore, in this case, access to electricity will be required. For such trade, you will have to obtain a number of special approvals and permits (for example, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion and a list of products agreed with the SES).

Against this background, the sale of manufactured goods has a number of comparative advantages:

  • no electrical equipment is needed for its implementation;
  • it does not require permits required when selling food;
  • goods in this group are not perishable.

The level of the business will depend on the amount of start-up capital invested in it. However, if you do not have any significant funds to organize your own business, do not be upset: the economy option is also suitable, in which the necessary equipment is rented, and the goods are sold.

Tasty and cold? Give two

The business of selling soft drinks and ice cream is guaranteed to be successful in the summer heat. Despite the fullness of the market, these products are always popular among both children and adults, and during the season the demand for them increases by an average of 300%. So, whether you are organizing a small cafe or just setting up a trade stall, there will be clients in any case.

Ice cream is one of the favorite treats for children, and in the summer the most impatient lines line up for it.

In September 2017 marketing agency DISCOVERY Research Group Completes Research russian market ice cream. The market volume of this delicacy in 2016 in natural terms amounted to 397.4 thousand tons, which is 13.2% more than in 2015. In the first half of 2017, the volume of the ice cream market amounted to 196.2 thousand tons.

DISCOVERY Research Group

You can sell ready-made goods bought in small wholesale directly from manufacturers, or you can start preparing yourself, for example, fresh juices or frozen yogurt.

Low-calorie frozen yoghurt is a healthy and tasty alternative to ice cream that will be appreciated by healthy food lovers and ordinary sweets alike. Yogurt is served with a variety of additives: syrups, berries, nuts, cookies, sweets, candied fruits. This significantly expands the range of products and increases the amount of the check.

The main equipment for the production of frozen yoghurt is a blender and a freezer. Depending on your financial capacity, buy new or used equipment, or rent it.

For a small private business, a desktop freezer is suitable, such as the Italian Frigomat Kiss 1 Y. Its capacity is 18 kg / h, the cost is 480 thousand rubles, and the power is 2.4 kW.

To prepare the product, you will also need a special dry mixture, water (or milk), cups and spoons. Instead of dry mix and water, it is possible to use ready-made pastes. Sufficient area of \u200b\u200bthe outlet is 4–6 sq. m.

The technological process for the production of frozen yogurt is extremely simple: the dry mixture is dissolved in water using a blender and poured into a freezer, where it is whipped and enriched with air. The average cost of a portion of the product is about 25 rubles, the selling price is from 100 rubles. (for example, in the Tutti Frutti chain in September of this year, 100 g of frozen yogurt cost 145 rubles), business profitability - up to 400%.

Low-calorie frozen yogurt is tasty, healthy and very beautiful, and it will also successfully replace ice cream that everyone is used to.

And if, in addition, using the same freezer to make frozen juices, which contain 90% water, the profitability will be even higher.

Plush sofa, dummy from China and fan of an unknown country

The resort trade in non-grocery goods pleases the eye with its color and variety and traditionally includes the sale of souvenirs and beach accessories. Are constantly popular:

  • souvenir magnets;
  • custom-made cups and T-shirts;
  • hand-made decorations from wood, shells, ornamental stones;
  • sunglasses;
  • sunscreen cosmetics;
  • inflatable rings and mattresses;
  • diving masks and fins;
  • beach towels and bedding;
  • bathing suits and pareos.

A relatively new, but very promising position on this list is the paravan (or fensby) - a beach fence that protects from the wind and / or restless neighbors. It is a lightweight, portable windproof fabric screen that is easy to attach to the sand.

Paravan - a lightweight portable windproof fabric - protects from the wind on the beach and is very popular with vacationers

The profitability of trade in souvenirs and beach accessories is about 100%. This is partly due to the unspoken rule, according to which the price of any product sold in the resort area (even in chain stores), contains 10-15% additional markup in addition to the usual average trade mark.

Let's say you have funds in the amount of 94,000 rubles to start a small business selling souvenirs:

  • on trade software (glass counter made of chipboard-5 from the "Standes" factory (Russia)) - 3,000 rubles;
  • for renting a place - 2,000-3,000 rubles. per month, depending on the size of the city, the distance of the point from the beach and crowded places;
  • for the salary of the seller - up to 20,000 rubles. per month;
  • for other expenses (including income tax at the rate of 6%) - 8,000 rubles. per month;
  • for the purchase of goods - 60,000 rubles. per month.

With an average trade margin of 115% and the volume of monthly sales at the level of 90% of the purchase volume, the monthly proceeds will be 116,100 rubles; monthly profit - 22,100 rubles; the payback period of the project is one month.

But for the “souvenir” business to be stable and successful, it is necessary to offer customers a really wide range of goods for every taste and wallet, literally - from a dummy from China to a fan or at least a fan.

Resort business: service sector

The service sector generally promises the resort business higher incomes than trade, but costs are also very significant.

In order to provide services to vacationers (unless these are services for the provision of housing for rent), you will need to rent a larger area than for organizing a retail outlet. In addition, in some cases the main cost item will be the cost of the corresponding equipment. True, this equipment itself, as a rule, is not energy-consuming.

Relatively low-cost types of resort business in the service sector include:

  • renting out housing;
  • creation and maintenance of lockers - beach cells for storing things;
  • organization of walking or car excursions;
  • braiding and temporary tattooing;
  • fortune telling by hand or on cards.

Much more serious investments require:

  • rental of beach equipment (sun loungers, umbrellas, air mattresses);
  • attractions on land and water (slides, trampolines, zorbs - inflatable spheres with space for a passenger inside);
  • organization active rest on the water (jet skiing, water skiing or inflatable "banana").

It's good to have a house by the sea

Perhaps only a very lazy or very wealthy resident of the resort area, who has free living space, does not rent it out. Housing for rent has long been a convenient source there. additional income owner. All that is needed to organize such a business is to put in order the rented premises. The size of the rent and the income received will depend on the location of the housing and its condition.

In 2019, housing prices in the private sector of Kabardinka (Krasnodar Territory) were in the range of 750-3000 rubles. per day. Thus, owners of economy class housing can earn from 400 US dollars per month, while in the luxury sector the income of landlords will be several times higher (from 1500 US dollars per month).

To increase the profit received, the landlord can offer additional services to the guests:

  • transfer from / to the station;
  • served breakfasts and / or lunches;
  • washing personal belongings;
  • barbecue or boat rental.

Of course, the competition in this business is very high. Therefore, during the preparatory stage (before the start of the season), it is necessary to pay serious attention to advertising and active search clients. And it is advisable for a newcomer to the market to set the price below average in order to interest potential tenants.

How much does it cost to arrange a shadow

Lying in the shade on a sun lounger at the edge of the surf is not only comfortable, but very pleasant. And taking with you on vacation a bulky sun umbrella and an air mattress is both unpleasant and inconvenient. Therefore, the rental of beach equipment is one of the most popular and quickly recouped types of resort business.

Rent of sun loungers and parasols is in high demand in resorts and allows you to quickly recoup the costs of its organization

To organize such a business, you will need:

  • purchase the necessary inventory.

Starting costs will amount to about RUB 97,000:

  • purchase of sun loungers at the price of 5 800 rubles. per piece in the amount of 10 pieces - 58,000 rubles;
  • seat rental - 9,000 rubles. per month;
  • the employee's salary - 20,000 rubles. per month;
  • other expenses (including income tax at the rate of 6%) - 10,000 rubles. per month.

The cost of renting a sun lounger is 50 rubles. in hour. With a ten-hour working day and a workload of 85%, monthly revenue will amount to 127,500 rubles; monthly profit - 88,500 rubles; the payback period of the project is one month.

And for a business to be successful, it needs to be located in a suitable place, crowded and central. Of course, there are always enough people willing to take such a place. Therefore, negotiations with the beach administration should be started long before the start of the season.

The beach equipment rental business is certainly seasonal, but potentially multi-year. And its owner should remember that in the off-season, the inventory needs to be stored somewhere, which means that an appropriate room will be required.

Keep your money in beach safes

A good addition to the sun lounger rental business can be the rental of special cells for storing things on the beach - lockers. This relatively new service has a high potential for profitability: just remember what tricks vacationers do not go to in order to protect valuable things from thieves. And the use of a beach safe will allow them to finally plunge into the atmosphere of summer carefree headlong.

Lockers - beach safes - allow you not to worry about the safety of valuables on vacation

To organize such a business, you need:

  • secure agreements with the beach administration;
  • rent and equip the territory;
  • purchase sections with cells.

Since this service is quite new and unusual, many vacationers may take it with some distrust. Therefore on initial stage it is important not to overcharge so as not to scare off potential customers.

It will take about 91,000 rubles to set up a business:

  • for the purchase of sections for 100 cells - 59,000 rubles;
  • for rent of a place - 1,000 rubles. per month;
  • for the employee's salary - 20,000 rubles. per month;
  • for other expenses, including income tax at the rate of 6% - 11,000 rubles. per month.

The cost of renting one cell is 10 rubles. in hour. With a ten-hour working day and a workload of 60%, monthly revenue will amount to 180,000 rubles; monthly profit - 148,000 rubles; the payback period of the project is one month.

Scythe - maiden beauty

Many girls, young and not so, like to look original. Therefore, any beauty services will always find their grateful audience.

The business of weaving braids or applying mehendi (body painting with henna) requires minimal start-up costs:

  • for rent and arrangement of a suitable place;
  • for the purchase of consumables.

In online stores, 105 g of henna for mehendi of the Indian brand NEHA costs 135 rubles. This amount of material is enough to paint both hands up to the elbow. The time required to complete the work is 2–3 hours (depending on the complexity of the pattern). At the same time, the cost of painting one hand from hand to elbow is 1,200 rubles. The service profitability is above 1700%.

With Afro-braids more time is spent, and the profitability is significantly lower, but in general it turns out very well too: in 4 hours of work, the master braids 100 pieces of Afro-braids up to the shoulder blades. The cost of the fiber is 900 rubles, and the cost of the work is 3,000 rubles. Service profitability - 333%.

Summer holidays are the right time for bold beauty experiments, and Afro-braids are one of them.

So if you have artistic ability, perseverance and patience - henna is in your hands! Well, and fiber for weaving Afro-braids.

Let's walk along Aprikosovaya, turn to Vinogradnaya

The organization of walking tours is the absolute leader in low-cost among the types of resort business: you have to spend only on legal registration of entrepreneurship and advertising. You will need to invest not money, but knowledge, love for your native land, talent of a storyteller and the ability to get along with people.

In order for such a business to become successful in the presence of fierce competition, customers should not only be interested. It is necessary that no one else can show them what you are ready to show. Therefore, visiting the "promoted" sights will not suit you. Your routes should go through places that even local old-timers don't know about. Show the city from an unexpected angle, reveal its secrets to people - and it will pay off handsomely.

An effective tool for attracting the attention of the youth audience can be the organization of quests, during which a group of clients performs the tasks of the guide and searches for the places he has hidden.

Well, if you are ready to invest in a business, then interesting idea can be conducting excursions on segway. It is easy to get to the most remote corners on such electric scooters, they are environmentally friendly and allow you to see more interesting things than with a walking tour of the same duration.

In this case, the start-up capital is needed much more solid - 1,904,200 rubles:

  • purchase of 6 pieces of second-hand segway with mileage up to 500 km at a price of 300,000-1,800,000 rubles;
  • 6 pieces of helmets at the price of 700 rubles. per piece - 4,200 rubles;
  • other expenses (storage, charging and maintenance of segways, advertising, taxes) - 100,000 rubles.

Of the six purchased segways, only five will generate income, since one is needed by the guide. Segway charging is enough for 30 km, and its rental costs an average of 200 rubles. in 5 minutes. Let it be planned to conduct one four-hour excursion every day. Then the monthly proceeds will be 1,440,000 rubles; monthly profit - 1,335,800 rubles; payback period of the project - two months.

Squeals and splashes

Perhaps the noisiest and funniest type of resort business is the amusement ride business. Trampolines, water slides, zorbs can be used both on water and on land, bringing genuine joy to children and adults.

Since all these attractions do not pose a threat to human life and health, it is permissible and profitable to use inexpensive Chinese equipment that has passed the appropriate certification. The water slides and floating trampolines are inflated using a regular household vacuum cleaner or compressor, are quick and easy to install, and cost between $ 500 and $ 1,000.

To increase the attractiveness of the attraction for customers, you can equip a complex of slides of different heights or install an attraction for children on the shore, and for adults - on the water.

With a service price of 50 rubles. for 10 minutes and operating mode "40 minutes per hour / 8 hours a day / every day" two water slides with a total cost of 120,000 rubles. will bring revenue of 96,000 rubles per month. The amount of monthly costs will significantly depend on the cost of renting the territory, but even at a cost of 50% of the proceeds (48,000 rubles per month), the payback period for the project is three months.

It's hard to tear off even adults from floating trampolines and water slides, what can we say about children

The main problem in organizing such a business is renting a suitable territory. It may be most convenient to place an attraction on the beach of a hotel or recreation center, as this will immediately resolve the issues of equipment safety at night and its storage during the off-season.

Risk is a noble cause

At the preparatory stage of organizing a summer business, it is very difficult to predict demand: it is not known how many vacationers will choose this particular place for their vacation; it is not known what the weather will be next summer; it is not known what funds the visiting vacationers will have. Therefore, any resort project has very high risks:

  • the risk of low or no demand;
  • the risk of falling effective demand;
  • the risk of higher prices for raw materials;
  • the risk of refusal to rent or an increase in rental prices.

They are due to:

  • instability and unpredictability of consumer demand;
  • a strong degree of business dependence on external factors;
  • the increasing availability of overseas recreation;
  • economic situation in the country.

It's no secret that affordable holidays in Turkey, Egypt and Montenegro have deprived the domestic resort market of a huge number of clients. It is clear that a rainy and cold summer has the potential to destroy the financial expectations of ice cream vendors and water attractions. Of course, the level of salaries in the country will affect the amount of funds allocated by people for recreation and entertainment.

All these risks are objective and inevitable. But, unlike many other types of entrepreneurship, the resort business, with its profitability above 100%, can quite afford these risks.

Frozen yoghurt outlet business plan

Opening a retail outlet selling frozen yoghurt is an interesting and highly profitable project

A typical example of the calculation economic indicators resort business is a business plan for a retail outlet for the sale of frozen yogurt: in the same way, you can calculate the profitability and profitability of any other project.

Project Description

The aim of the project is to organize a seasonal business for the sale of frozen yoghurt in the resort area.

The outlet for the sale of frozen yoghurt will be located on a rented area of \u200b\u200b5 sq. m on the territory of a shopping and entertainment complex. Indoor placement minimizes the negative impact of weather conditions on business. In addition, the shopping and entertainment complex is characterized by constant high attendance by both vacationers and the local population.

One person will work at the outlet. Working hours: six days a week (except Monday) from 12:00 to 21:00, a break from 15:00 to 16:00.

Competitive risks are not significant, since there are no other sellers of frozen yogurt on the territory of the shopping and entertainment complex. Nevertheless, to create a memorable trade image and attract customers, it is planned to use a bright branded disposable tableware, custom made.

It should be remembered that it is illegal to conduct business without proper registration. It will be enough for the resort business to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. The cost of the procedure is low - 800 rubles (you can pay the state fee online at a specialized service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation). To obtain the status, you need to apply to the tax authority at the place of residence with an application in the form No. Р21001, passport (and a copy thereof) and payment receipt. Registration is carried out within three working days.

Production cost

Frozen yoghurt is supposed to be made using a Frigomat KISS 1 Y freezer from a Speedy Gelato mixture "Frosen yogurt", 1.5 kg package (Comprital, Italy). The low fat mixture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1.5 kg of the mixture to 3.5 liters of water. Thus, one packet of the mixture is enough to prepare 5 kg of finished yoghurt. The cost of one package of the mixture is 1,390 rubles.

The freezer capacity is 18 kg / h, therefore, it will take 17 minutes to prepare 5 kg of yoghurt. With a power of 2.4 kW. h in 17 minutes, the freezer will consume 0.68 kW of electricity. The cost of electricity for industry during peak hours is 5.6 rubles per 1 kW. h.

Disposable paper bowls with a volume of 200 ml will be made to order. The cost of a pack of six bowls will be 2.7 rubles. when ordering from 100 pcs.

Disposable multi-colored plastic spoons made in Italy will be purchased in the online store at a price of 4,840 rubles. for 6 600 pieces.

Table: calculation of the planned cost of one serving of frozen yogurt

Planned income from product sales, profit and project profitability

The sales target is set at 50 servings of 100 g yoghurt in one working day. The selling price of one serving of yogurt is 100 rubles. Consequently, the planned daily proceeds will be 5,000 rubles, and the monthly revenue (25 working days) - 125,000 rubles.

Then the tax at a rate of 6% (with a simplified taxation system) is 7,500 rubles.

The prime cost of products sold per month will be: 31.84 * 50 * 25 \u003d 39,800 rubles.

Planned net profit for the month: 125,000 –39,800 - 7,500 \u003d 77,700 rubles.

Planned profitability - 164%.

As for the payback period of the project, they will strongly depend on whether own or leased equipment is used and whether it is new or used.

The resort business is risky: firstly, the number of holidaymakers and their preferences are constantly changing, and the coming consumer demand is very difficult to predict. Secondly, any resort business is highly competitive. And, thirdly, you won't even wish your enemy to depend on the weather. On the other hand, the resort business is profitable: the average vacationer is generous and open to miracles, and therefore is always ready to exchange his savings for bright beads or a T-shirt with a portrait of his beloved dog. After all, beads, a T-shirt, and a cheburek of dubious origin are all part of the blissful nirvana for which he came. And whatever the resort owner does, he sells us bits of our summer and vacation mood. And this product will always be in demand, regardless of the level of the trade margin.

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With the arrival of summer, many people have a desire to escape from a cramped apartment and replace the bustle of the city with a good rest near the sea coast. But not everyone travels to resorts to sunbathe on the beaches. After all, someone has to serve the crowds of tourists hungry for everything at once. That is why working at sea is a great opportunity to acquire good money in a relatively short period of time.

Start your own business

Beach Boy

To sell goods on the beach, first of all, you need to be in very good health. Summer - heat under + 50 ° C, complaints and inquiries from vacationers, lack of days off can break even the strongest seller. But if you are confident in your own abilities, then feel free to get down to business. Because at the peak of the season you can earn 10 thousand rubles. per day, and this is far from the limit.

“From mid-July to the twentieth of August, I manage to sell 200-300 pasties a day. Price per piece - 100-120 rubles. Actually, my wife fries these pasties, and I spread them. So myself family business, only in miniature. The earnings, of course, are good, I don't pay any taxes, only the price list has to be coordinated with competitors who work for the owner and live on the same salary, ”says Sergey from Yalta.

On a note! The most popular products for the beach trade:

  1. Beer and soda. Be sure to be cool, use a thermal bag with cold accumulators for this occasion.
  2. Ice cream. Here, too, you cannot do without a mobile refrigerator.
  3. Seafood: shrimps, shish kebabs and mussels.
  4. Eastern sweets. The most popular among buyers are baklava, churchkhela and kozinaki.
  5. Food: pasties, pies, donuts, samsa, homemade waffles with honey or condensed milk.
  6. Nuts, seeds and corn sticks.

Photo for memory

How to make money from photography? Actual questionwhich is sure to confuse you. After all, the abundance of sunlight creates ideal conditions for creating high-quality images against the backdrop of a seascape, even with a moldy soap dish. Moreover, now every first person has his own digital camera on his phone, and every second has a professional or semi-professional "DSLR".

Therefore, here you have to show your imagination. Your goal is to force the tourist to want to take a picture in such a way as to pay you in addition. The task, at first glance, is not easy, but there are ways to solve it and are successfully implemented in practice.

Option number 1. It is unlikely that a chic convertible or a cool bike will not be in demand among vacationers. And if you don't have such equipment available, just rent it. The costs will certainly pay off, just do not miscalculate with the location, it must be crowded.

Option number 2. In the same way, you can buy or rent professional sets, costumes, wigs and take pictures in vintage style for the summer. Judging by the reviews of seasonal photographers, nowadays periacts are especially in demand, recreating the aristocratic surroundings of the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

Option number 3. The classic of the genre is to use exotic animals: parrots, turtles, peacocks, pythons, monkeys. By the way, they can also be rented, this is just in case you do not have your own zoo.

Sale of souvenirs

After taking a vacation at the sea, on the eve of departure, what do we necessarily buy with us? That's right, souvenirs! And we are not even afraid of the cost of such trinkets. Simple magnets with images of local attractions and the signature "Summer 2015" sometimes bring 1000% benefits to the distributors. So, why not earn extra money ourselves, the product is very liquid!

home kitchen

As a rule, there are a dime a dozen establishments with home cooking at a seaside resort. Therefore, if you do not have the start-up capital to open a cafe or canteen, you have no choice but to go and negotiate with local residents who rent out private apartments for beach lovers for the summer.

An important point! Make sure that there are no competitors in the courtyard you like.

If everything fits together, including the deal with the landlord, is a success, feel free to cook and treat hungry tourists with homemade breakfasts, lunches and dinners. The main thing is to set affordable prices, observe the schedule and monitor the quality of food. In this case, rumors about tasty and inexpensive food, by themselves, will bring crowds of customers, from whom there will be no end to the whole summer and the entire velvet season.

Realization of snacks and sweets

A separate material can be devoted to this method of earning money.

Cotton candy, popcorn, gummies, chocolate fountains, milkshakes, soft ice cream - this is not a complete list of our favorite products.

We should also mention the hit of this summer - spiral potato chips on a stick. They are produced using a special cutting machine and an 8 liter deep fryer, powered by an electrical network or a battery and a gas cylinder. Both devices cost from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Now let's calculate income and expenses:

  • The price of one stick is 60 rubles.
  • Average daily sales - 150 pcs.
  • Half Filled Deep Fryer (4 L sunflower oil) with three substitutions - 900 rubles.
  • Bamboo sticks 150 pcs. - 300 rubles.
  • Medium-sized potatoes 35 kg - 600 rubles
  • Electricity / gas costs - 300 rubles.
  • Rent trading platform - 1,000 rubles. per day.

Total: net profit we got 5,900 rubles. in one work shift. That is, the device itself pays off in less than four days! A tempting offer, isn't it?

Sea fishing

Fishing is now no less profitable than employment in the service sector. All thanks to extremely high food prices. However, such a business requires an appropriate license, tackle, boat, etc.

The catch of the Black Sea rapan is another matter. There is no need to chase after him, it is enough to be able to dive to a depth of 8-12 m and collect endless crops of mollusks, thereby saving the ecology of the Black Sea. The fact is that rapans are predators brought from Southeast Asia, which feed on delicious scallops, oysters and mussels, thus destroying the habitual habitat of the local fauna.

Meanwhile, 1 kg of peeled rapans costs about 300-400 rubles. Beach vendors will take them away with their hands and feet. In turn, the shells are used as souvenirs. Waste-free production is obtained, and you can save up for scuba gear.

On a note! Among at least profitable business ideasconcerning summer earnings, it is worth highlighting:

  • conducting creative and educational master classes;
  • henna tattoo;
  • water attractions;
  • beach massage;
  • organization of outdoor wedding ceremonies;
  • work as a private animator, entertainer, host of show programs.


With the onset of the holiday season, employers simply fill the labor market with their offers. But here you should not rush, and select only those vacancies where applicants are promised either a good salary, or the presence of bonuses or any other incentives for overtime work... Because at the height of summer, along with the influx of tourists, you will not be able to relax.

The most in-demand specialists for seasonal employment, according to Yandex. Work:

  • service personnel at hotels, bars, restaurants;
  • sellers;
  • skilled and unskilled chefs;
  • animators;
  • freight forwarders;
  • tour guides;
  • rescuers;
  • promoters.

Good evening!
Much will depend on what exactly your a store... Unfortunately, you did not specify this in your question.
If we assume that you will carry out distribution trade, then you need certificate about state registration You as an individual entrepreneur and resolution local government to carry out fair trade on the beach.
You also need to notify the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities, ensure the availability medical books, as well as compliance with the requirements of the "Rules for the sale of certain types of goods", approved during trading Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.01.1998 No. 55 and SP 2.3.6. The organization catering... Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Public Catering Organizations, Manufacturing and Circulation in them food products and food raw materials. Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules ", approved by The main state sanitary doctor RF 11/06/2001 "

4. The range of goods offered for sale, the list of services provided, as well as the forms of service are determined by the seller independently in accordance with the profile and specialization of their activities.
When implementing retail at the location of the buyer outside the stationary places of trade: at home, at the place of work and study, on transport, on the street and in other places (hereinafter referred to as - distribution trade) no sale allowed food products (except for ice cream, soft drinks, confectionery and bakery products in the packaging of the manufacturer of the goods), medicines, medical devices, items made of precious metals and precious stones, weapons and ammunition for them, copies of audiovisual works and phonograms, programs for electronic computers and databases.
10. The seller is obliged to bring to the attention of the buyer the firm name (name) of his organization, its location (address) and mode of operation, placing this information on the sign of the organization.
The seller - an individual entrepreneur must provide the buyer with information on state registration and the name of the registering authority.
If the activities carried out by the seller are subject to licensing, then he is obliged to provide information about the number and duration of the license, as well as the authority that issued it.
Specified information placed in places convenient for the purchaser.
Similar information should also be brought to the attention of buyers when trading in temporary premises, at fairs, from stalls and in other cases if the trade is carried out outside the permanent location of the seller.
When carrying out retail trade, the seller's representative must have a personal card certified by the signature of the person responsible for its registration and the seller's stamp, with a photograph, indicating the last name, first name, patronymic of the seller's representative, as well as information about the seller.
19. The seller is obliged to ensure the availability of uniform and clearly defined price tags for the goods sold, indicating the name of the goods, grade (if any), price per weight or unit of goods, signature of the financially responsible person or the seal of the organization, date of registration of the price tag.
When selling goods, carried out through tradable trade, the seller's representative must have a price list certified by the signature of the person responsible for its registration and the seller's seal, indicating the name and price of the goods, as well as services provided with the buyer's consent.


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