How to organize an agricultural business? What is needed to open a farm? Perspective business for village

Agriculture is considered the most important industry. economic complex Russia. It not only produces food and produces raw materials for other industries, but also provides ample opportunities for private business development. The business plan for the cultivation of grain crops describes the main steps and procedures for the creation of a crop agricultural enterprise. Its implementation will solve several of the most important social tasks at once: to promote the satisfaction of demand in crop products, create new jobs in countryside, promote budget replenishment due to taxes.

Market analysis

The basis of state policy in agricultural production is the federal law No. 264-FZ, adopted in December 2006. This document enters into operation State program "Development agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020. ". In particular, it provides for a set of measures to increase production and processing crops, an increase in the profitability of agricultural enterprises (up to 15%), an increase in the size of the average monthly salary of workers in the agricultural industry to 25,490 rubles.

For entrepreneurs, it is important to enhance the activity of the work of OJSC Roselkhozbank to support peasant farms, consumer cooperatives and individual entrepreneurs carrying out the production of agricultural products on personal subsidiary farms.

This program during implementation made it possible to significantly increase the financing of the industry due to the provision of available loans for capital expenditures and the acquisition of sowing material. The task of 2020 to carry out lending to agricultural enterprises in such a volume, which will allow to produce a large-scale modernization of priority extensions of agriculture and bring the enterprise to a fundamentally new technical and technological level.

Over the past few years, the structure of sowing areas has significantly changed significantly. An example of this is a significant increase in sowing buckwheat, soybean, sunflower, rapeseed. The share of sowing barley and wheat was respectively: 140-260 thousand hectares and 260-480 thousand hectares. Such a oscillation is explained by changes in market conditions and external factors, in particular, the sanctions.

In accordance with these fluctuations, the crop structure has been changed, which, according to analysts, will not undergo significant changes in the coming years. In the country, about half of the crop will be wheat, a quarter - barley, and another quarter - all other grain crops.

Based on such trends, the yield of domestic agricultural producers experienced significant fluctuations in both the years and season. Such oscillations are smoothed by the application of various behavioral strategies on the market. One of the common is the realization of manufactured products immediately after harvesting in conditions of lack of own areas for conservation of products. Despite the fact that in such cases the cost of production will be minimal, it will allow enterprises to resist and not incur damages.

Project description

A business plan for growing grain crops with calculations aims to substantiate the creation of a profitable grain company, the main activity of which will be crop production. It is drawn up on the basis of the condition that the founder has already issued an agricultural land for an agricultural land with a total area of \u200b\u200b800 hectares and began to carry out work on their introduction to the agriculture and reclamation of another 400 hectares of land. This will require investments in the amount of 1.2 million rubles, aimed at acquiring seeds, agricultural equipment, fuel.

The implementation of the Plan suggests the introduction of unprocessable lands into circulation and the organization of crop products on them based on the use of 3-4-Pollen crop rotations and low-cost soil technologies. These activities will make a profit of at least 10 thousand rubles from 1 hectares of Pashnya. Additionally, 400 hectares of agricultural land will be introduced and created from 5 to 10 new jobs in rural areas (depending on the work season).

Created grain company will grow the following agricultural crops:

  • Wheat Wheat.
  • Rye winter.
  • Barley.
  • Sunflower.

A feature of the production of listed crops is that it has a seasonal nature, and the cost of its organization is carried out year-round. In winter, the repair of equipment and equipment will be performed and their preparation for field work.

The technology of growing grain crops consists of several stages:

  1. The harrowing of the soil (8-10 days) is produced in late April - early May.
  2. Spring Sitting (10-15 days), work is carried out after harrowing in the 20th of May.
  3. Post-Sea harrowing (15-18 days), end of May - beginning of June.
  4. Herbicidal treatment of crops, end of June - the beginning of July.
  5. Harvesting (18-20 days), the end of August - the beginning of September.
  6. Storage products.

In the technological process is widely used modern technologies cultivation of cultures and effective fertilizers. They are playing crucial Among all anthropogenic factors that affect the level of yields.

Standards for the purchase of elite seeds:

Culture Regulatory, t (per 100 hectares of sown areas) Price (rub / t) The amount of costs (in rubles)
Wheat 23 6 thousand 138 thousand
Barley 20 3.7 thousand 74 thousand
Sunflower 34 (P.E. *) 6.5 thousand (1 P.E.) 221 thousand

Equipment costs

As the experience of agriculture in Russia shows, the low level of technical security in crop production is one of the main reasons for the fall in the yield and reducing the quality of products. Equipment having high wear will inevitably entail an increase in costs to maintain it in a working condition, which, in turn, also leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of agricultural production. The company's strategy is lined with the need to provide it with modern technique, effective fertilizers and elite seeds of grain crops.

To provide high profitability Production, the enterprise acquires the following models of agricultural machinery and equipment:

Expenditure number Price (in thousand rubles) total amount

(in thousand rubles)

Sources of financing and amount (in thousand rubles)
State subsidy Own financial means Leasing
Agricultural sowing complex model "Horsh Airsid" 6,25 1 650 650 585 65
Tractor K-700 1 350 350 315 35
Disk harrow model BDM 1 650 650 585 65
Combine model "Palessa" G-812 1 3100 3100 3100
Construction of industrial premises 1 650 650 250 400
Total 5400 1735 3665

The capital cost plan for the project also includes the expenditures on the construction of production facilities, which will provide for the office for the office, for recreation staff, repair shops and other production and technological premises.


The enterprise being created is focused on the formation of a permanent state of highly qualified employees. For this, the loyalty program is being developed, the purpose of which is to increase the motivation of employees to high-performance labor activity. Annual fluctuation of the number of seasonal workers by the years of project implementation can be 3-10 people.

Expenses for the labor of full-time and seasonal workers for the first year of project implementation:

Job title number Salary per month Annual Foundation for Labor
Brigadier agronom 1 Responsibilities performs the founder
A wide profile tractor driver 1 16 000 192 000
Combine 1 16 000 192 000
Economist accountant 1 18 000 216 000
Poles (seasonal workers, at the rate of average wages for months per year) 3 11 000 396 000
Total 7 83 000 996 000

With such costs for labor, the amount of social contributions will be 142,000 rubles per year. This table reflects the optimal number of seasonal workers for the first year of the enterprise.

Financial plan

The financial part of this business plan presents calculations for the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the project. The data is formed on the basis of the average industry in the industry at the end of 2016.

Capital Expenditure Plan

The implementation of this project is designed for 5 years. The distribution of expenses by year is as follows (in thousand rubles):

Articles 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Volume material costsincluding:

1.1. Purchase of materials and raw materials

1.2. Foundation for labor


2.1. Payment for land rental

2.2. Fare


3.1. Fund for employees

3.2. Payment of communication services and communications

3.3. Acquisition of expenditure office materials

3.4. Accounting

3.5. Banking services

3.6. Outsourcing

Completed taxes:

4.1. Executions for employees

4.2. Discovers for IP and to the Pension Fund

Total 6 493 5 659 8 069 7 679 5 881

The plan for the production of agricultural products (crop production) for the 1st year of the project:

Products Source size, ha Indicators of yield, c / ha Gross grain harvest, t Sales volume, t Price, (thousand rubles / kg) Total revenue

(in thousand rubles)

Cost values, thousand rubles. The amount of profit gained, thousand rubles. Profitability ratio,%
Rye 200 30 600 600 6 3 600 1 000 2 600 150
Sneakers cultures

(Wheat, Oats, Barley)

200 25 500 500 6 3 000 1 400 1 600 100
Sunflower (mustard) 200 20 400 400 20 8 000 2 500 5 500 150
Wheat Ozimaya 200 30 600 600 6 3 600 1 500 2 100 120
Total 2 100 18 200 11 800

Indicators of the project implementation by year (in rubles)

Name of the indicator 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Revenue from sales of crop production, million rubles. 0,00 16,8 17,6 14,6 18,2
Current expenses, thousand rubles. 8 143 8 595 7 905 7 515 5 717
Size direct costs, thousand rubles. 5 350 4 352 6 762 6 372 4 574
Production costs, thousand rubles. 610 610 610 610 610
Administrative expenses, thousand rubles. 355 355 355 355 355
Taxes taken into account in expenditures, thousand rubles. 178 178 178 178 178
The magnitude of capital investments, thousand rubles. 1 650 3 100 3 100 2 500
Profit balance / loss from sales (+/-), thousand rubles. -8 143 8 205 11 005 9 015 12 483
ECHN tax, rub. -488 580 492 300 395 700 335 100 808 980
The magnitude of net profit, rub. -7 654 420 7 712 700 10 609 300 8 679 900 11 674 020

Risk assessment

Types of risks and activities for their minimization for business are presented in this table:

Views Events
Reduced financial stability Creation and development of enterprises at the expense of their own financial resources, more careful selection of creditors
High inflation Tracking the macroeconomic situation in the country
Tax and credit risks Tracking the macroeconomic situation in the country, analysis of the expediency of lending to business creation
Violations of raw materials and materials Creating a database of potential suppliers of materials and raw materials
Strengthen competition in the agricultural market Analysis of the market situation, development of new marketing programs
Personnel risks (insufficient qualifications and low discipline, fluidity due to low earnings, lack of necessary specialists) Foreign exchange by creating favorable social conditions, developing programs for improving material incentives for high-performance labor
Failures and equipment breakdown
Update technologies and technological equipment Systematic familiarization with achievements of scientific and technological progress in the agricultural industry
Losses of yields due to adverse weather conditions Formation of financial reserves
Change of state policy against agricultural producers
Lobbying the interests of certain manufacturers Participation in the activities of local bodies government controlled, tracking the economic and political situation


As the calculations are shown presented in this business plan, the creation of a grain company is a profitable and promising direction of entrepreneurship in rural areas. Production of grain and oilseeds based on the use of advanced milling technologies is investment-attractive for the regions of the middle strip of Russia.

This company will be able to provide 100% profitability of investment subject to the application of minimally possible prices for realized products. Increasing profitability is assumed to achieve steadily high yields. This stabilization is achieved through the use of scientifically based crop rotations, the implementation of integrated measures to increase soil fertility, use in landings of high-quality selection seeds.

With the continuous use of resource-saving technologies for agricultural production in crop production, the project will pay off at no later than 3 years since the opening of the enterprise, while the annual increase in the sale of products will be at least 10%.

  • Project description
  • Description of the company
  • Product description and services
  • Marketing Plan
  • Calendar plan
  • What equipment to choose
        • Related business ideas:

We offer you a typical business plan (technical and economic rationale) of the organization of the Farm for the content of the CRS. This business plan can serve as an example to obtain a loan in a bank, state support or attracting private investments. On the example of the farm of the Ulyanovsk region.

Business plan for the organization of the farm in the content of the CRS in a small village. On the example of the farm of the Ulyanovsk region.

Project description

The purpose of this project is the opening of the farm in p. Ryazanovo. The main directions of our activity:

  • cultivation of young cattle with the subsequent sale of meat to the population;
  • production and sale of milk;
  • production and sale of straw and hay.

To implement the project, it is planned to obtain a subsidy of 1.5 million rubles in the framework of the program support program of beginner farmers held by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ulyanovsk region. Also, the project is also planned to be sent own funds in the amount of 509 thousand rubles. Total total cost of the project is 2,009,000 rubles.

Economic indicators of project implementation:

  • Net profit per year \u003d 1,850 806 rubles;
  • Profitability of the economy \u003d 83%;
  • Playback of the project \u003d 13 months.

Social project implementation indicators:

  1. Registration of a new entity entrepreneurial activity in the territory of the Meleksky district;
  2. Creating new jobs;
  3. Admission to the budget of the Meleksky district of additional tax payments.

Description of the company

The organizational and legal form of our organization will be peasant farm economy (KFH). The head of the CFC will be Ivanov I.I.

What taxation system to choose for farming

As taxation systems Unified agricultural tax (ECHN) will be applied. Tax rate 6% of profits.

Location of the enterprise: Ulyanovsk region, Meleksky district, s. Ryazanovo.

Currently, practical activity on the project implementation has been launched:

  1. Registration of peasant farming in the IFTS;
  2. There is an agreement with a large farm for the acquisition of 50 heads of young cattle;
  3. The KFH property has a premises containing 24 CRS heads, including 14 bulls and 10 dairy cows. It is also planned to build an additional room with an area of \u200b\u200b1400m2 to keep another CRS.

The management structure of the organization will consist of 1 person - head of the CFC. Also, the organization is planned to involve hired work in the amount of 5 people.

Product description and services

The planned sources of income enterprise are:

  1. Realization of CRS meat to the population and processing enterprises;
  2. The realization of milk to the population and processing enterprises;
  3. Realization of the population of hay and straw in bales.

More than 52% of the economy revenue will come from the sale of CRS meat.

For the cultivation of the cattle of the meat direction will be purchased by the veal of the simmental breed. This breed is characterized by good meat productivity, by the 18th monthly age, the goby is gaining weight from 800 to 1000 kg.

The calves will be purchased between the ages of 3 months at an average price - 15 thousand rubles per head. The calves are better to acquire more adults and hardened. In this case, the risk of disease is reduced and, with proper feeding, the calf is very quickly gaining weight.

In addition, the farm has 10 goals of milk cows, from which it is planned to receive monthly and implement from 4500 liters. milk. Also, adult cows are planned to receive annual outbreak of young cattle, which will reduce the cost of acquiring calves from third-party organizations.

For effective use Production sites in the farm will simultaneously contain about 70 heads of cattle.

In the diet of feeding of young cattle and adult cows, there will be green food, root, corn, animal feed, barley, oats, straw, hay, etc. For the cultivation of one bull for the year, feeds will be spent in the amount of about 20,000 rubles, for the main cow content - about 10,000 rubles per year.

The collection of straw and hay will be carried out with the help of a universal front loader KUN 10 with a carrying capacity of up to 500 kg. In the season (per year), it is planned to implement hay and straw for a total amount of 725 thousand rubles.

Download Business Farm Plan

Marketing Plan

The main competitors will be similar manufacturers with. / X. products of Meleksky district, personal subscribed farms and larger agricultural production complexes.

It is worth noting that today the demand for high-quality agricultural products remains at a high level. This suggests that there should be no problems with the realization of products manufactured by our farms.

Sales products are planned to be carried out in the following areas:

  1. Sale of meat and milk to enterprises - recyclables with. / X. products;
  2. Realization of the hay and straw to the population and other farms of the Meleksky district;
  3. Sale of meat and milk wholesalers;
  4. The sale of meat and milk in the form of on-site trade, at fairs and on retail markets.

How much can you make money on this business

Let us turn to the calculation of the potentially possible annual income of the enterprise.

On average, 20 liters of milk per day are obtained from one cow. The first 2 months of 10 liters of milk goes to feeding calves.

In the future, all milk goes to implementation. Given that 2 months are discharged to the hotels, the planned volume of milk sales per year will be 5400 liters with one cow:

  1. 30 days * 20 liters / day * 8 months \u003d 4800 liters
  2. 30 days * 10 liters / day * 2 months \u003d 600 liters

Accordingly, with 10 heads per year you can get up to 54,000 liters of milk.

The price of the sale of milk wholesale - 24 rubles / l.


Bulls bought at the age of 6 months proper nutrition And care for 1 year will raise up to 450 kg of live weight. When the meat yields 70%, it turns out about 315 kg of commercial meat from each bull.

About 13,000 kg of commodity meat will be implemented in the farm farm. The price of the sale of beef meat wholesale is 170 rubles / kg.

Hay and straw

For the season farming, up to 10,000 bales of straw and 5,000 bales of the hay will be implemented. The price of the implementation of 1 bale of straw - 35 rubles, bale hay - 75 rubles.

The total amount of revenue from the sale of products for 12 months of work will be 4,231,200 rolls.

The main share in the revenue of the enterprise is the implementation of CRS meat (52%).

Technology for growing feed and breeding livestock

The room for the content of cows and calves will be convenient for servicing livestock, storage of feed and manure. Near the room will be placed the flowing platform. Based on the sanitary standards of the content of the cattle, the height of the ceilings into the room will be at least 2.4 m. The floor will be built by their well-fitted wooden boards. Such gender is in operation and creates good zoogigenic conditions.

For feeding of livestock in the room there will be a feeder from boards with a height of 600 mm and a width of up to 700 mm, the length of the feeders is about one meter.

The area of \u200b\u200bwindows of the room for the content of the cattle will be the tenth of the floor area. The distance from the windows to the floor is 1.3 meters. Such a location contributes to the best penetration of sun rays into the premises for the content of the cattle.

The premises will be made by cemented dull groove with a flat and smooth bottom of 10-12 cm deep and a width of up to 30 cm for urine flow. Stall for livestock will be spacious, area of \u200b\u200babout 2.5 meters square meters. Cow for the year gives about 10 tons of manure. Dung in the barn will be removed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

In the planned regular schedule Farm will include 5 people:

The duties of handymen will include feeding livestock, cleaning manure and other economic tasks.

Also, some workflows will be performed by third parties under contracts paid provision Services:

  1. Slaughter of livestock. For these purposes, an experienced kick will be involved;
  2. Accounting services;
  3. Supply of feed from agricultural producers.

The cost of these services will be about 100 thousand rubles per year.

Calendar plan

The list of events and their cost for opening a business are represented as a calendar plan.

In total, 136 days will take out the events for the opening of the farm and 2.0 million rubles will be spent.

How much money is needed for starting this business

Let us turn to the calculation of the main indicators of economic efficiency of the economy.

The permanent costs of the organization are presented in the following table:

TOTAL permanent expenses Enterprises per month will amount to 185,330 rubles.

The structure of the annual costs of the farm is presented in the form of a diagram:

The main expenses of the farm are the cost of acquiring feed - 40% of total costs per year. Next are the cost of paying wages Employees - 30% of total costs.

Net profit on the results of annual sales will be 1,850,806 rubles. The profitability of the farm is 83.0%. With such indicators of the business plan, the farming project will pay off for 13 months.

Our organization will produce tax deductions to various budget levels of the Ulyanovsk region up to 206,234 rubles per year.

Recommended download Business Farm Plan, Our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a full, ready projectwhich you will not find in free access. Business plan content: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the facility 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic substantiation of investment 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step open plan, where to start

It is worth noting that serious investments will be needed for the start of the business. However, the competent construction of activities will allow for relatively short time Match the invested costs and go into a stable plus. First you need to make up organizational plan and determine the main activities of which may be:

  • Growing grain crops, vegetables, greenery, berries and fruits.
  • Breeding pigs, cows, rabbits, bees, birds or fish.

In addition, additional activities are possible, for example, the production of frozen fruits, stews, flour, etc. After determining the main directions and calculation of preliminary costs, it is worthwhile to make a contract for renting the territory, the extractuation of premises / reservoirs, as well as procurement necessary equipment. At the same stage, you can begin the recruitment of personnel, which will serve the farm. Be sure to need to register your farm and get all the necessary permits for business. The final stage will be adjusting work with the market.

What equipment to choose

Any farming will not cost without equipment and accessories. Its choice depends specifically from the type of farm and what you are going to breed or grow it. For beekeeping, there will be a hive, refrigerators, indoors for wintering bees, as well as overalls. Large farm cattle It will require the presence of breastsos, as well as tractors, combines and other agricultural machinery, together with hinged equipment for the grass, etc. In the case of growing vegetables or grain crops, it will take equipment for watering and harvesting. Fish business will require filters, compressors and pumps.

What kind of OKVED indicate when registering a business

When making a business, you must specify oKVED codesAccording to the type of your farm. For example, if you have a crusted farm, then the OKVED 01.21 code is suitable - large cattle breeding. For fish farm - OKVED 2.03. Fisheries and fish farming, and for beekeeping - OKVED - 01.25.1.

What documents are needed to open

Implementation of business and product sales is possible only after registration of IP or LLC (find out what documents need to register LLC). In the second case, you can carry out partnership agreements with legal entities. To register the IP, you will need: a copy of the passport, ind code, an application with an indication of the OKVED codes and the receipt of the payment of state duty.

Do I need permission to open

To open its farm, you may need permission from fire service and epidemiological station, as well as territorial property management. In case of concluding an agreement for renting the territory under the placement of the farm, the permission of the fire inspection will not be required, and all obligations are automatically assigned to the landlord. Want to earn without leaving home? If so, watch offer 50 ways to make money on the Internet.

For those people who have its own plot of land outside the city, it is possible to propose to organize crop production as a business. His profitability is high enough, and the feedback feedback suggests that this is not difficult at all.

True, for a start, it will be necessary to delve into the particular cultivation of a particular culture, decide on exactly what you will do, and make a competent business plan. Only with this approach can count on successful implementation Project.

Advantages and disadvantages

The following advantages of making small business in the field of crop production are distinguished:

  • Many of the cultures of flowers, vegetables, mushrooms and even berries can be grown all year round in modern greenhouses.
  • Thanks to technologies, automated lines and special machines, physical labor becomes easier and requires less than your effort.
  • The demand for products of this kind is constantly and if sold seasonal vegetables, for example, in an unusual time for them, the cost of such a product will be much higher, which will bring high profits.
  • Due to the Internet, it is possible to significantly expand the circle of buyers and supply the goods to different cities of Russia or even abroad.
  • The availability of any technical and scientific information in the field of crop production opens up the secrets of growing even an inexplicable entrepreneur.

True, the shortcomings of this business also have:

  1. For some species of plants, large sown areas and special equipment will be required, which will entail large starting attachments.
  2. Such a product will quickly deteriorate and loses an attractive appearanceTherefore, you need to establish permanent sales channels.
  3. In most cases, even during the cultivation of unpretentious plants, certain experience and theoretical knowledge is desirable. Always consider the features and needs of selected crops, observe the optimal conditions for their growth and storage.
  4. Imported suppliers of such products are considerable competition, as they offer high-quality goods at low prices.

To reduce the risks and initial business costs, it is desirable to have already at the disposal of any section of the Earth and a small experience of a similar direction.

Paper decoration

Notable for beginner entrepreneurs in the field of crop production will be the laws of the Russian Federation, according to which you can just register as LPH, that is, a personal subsidiary farming. This opens up a number of perspectives at once:

  • first, you do not have to pay taxes;
  • the state provides various benefits;
  • minimum requirements for the organization of the case;
  • the availability of land for rent for a long time without participation in specialized auctions;
  • seed subsidies;
  • favorable interest on loans in banks and other guarantees.

The design process will take little time and the main forces will be spent only for the implementation of the idea itself.

Here you can download for free as sample.

Choice of culture

Before you buy seeds, sprouts, tubers or seedlings, you need to decide what exactly is going to grow. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on such criteria:

  1. The climatic zone and the lane of the region of residence. Stay on those options that grow well in this place, do not experiment with rare and exotic plants.
  2. Consider your experience or skills and knowledge of those people who you will beat the whole technological process. There is little theoretical training here, as some characteristics and features of plants in practice look a little differently.
  3. Volumes of available area, the ability to install one or another greenhouse. So, for wheat, a large field will be required, and for the cultivation of violets is enough just a properly equipped attic.
  4. Focus on the primary demand for the market, as well as the level of competition in this region. Perhaps some niches in the nearest area are already fully occupied, and others are completely free and still in demand.
  5. Remember the timing of the growth and ripening of each of the plants. Some of them pass from seeds to the commodity type of products in a few months or weeks, and others will need years for the first harvest. All this will be displayed in financial Plan.
  6. The whims of plants and the complexity of their cultivation. For certain varieties of cultures, it is necessary to take only in the presence of great experience and the ability to achieve some specific conditions, otherwise you are dealt with large losses.

Flower business

Having organized greenhouses and greenhouses, it is not bad to earn money on sale of any colors - violets, roses, tulips, whatever. They are always in demand in the market and the goods are implemented all year round. Demand increases in front of various holidays.

A pleasant feature is that the small area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth or the room will be required, for which one person is capable of care. Therefore, hire additional staff do not have to.

You can sell flowers not only in the near city, but also on the Internet. In convenient special containers, they will deliver any postal agency in a variety of cities of the country. It is even easier to establish the implementation of the goods - to open flower shop. Moreover, you can focus immediately on several varieties and gradually expand product range.

True, this business has its own minuses:

  • initial investments on the arrangement of greenhouses;
  • with the help of special lighting and heating, you need to maintain optimal conditions for their growth;
  • quickly lose its freight look.

If we talk about the financial component, the numbers look approximately as follows.

The profitability of this direction does not fall below 70%, and under favorable circumstances reaches 300%, which makes this business Favorable investment.


Such a vegetable enjoys special love in all segments of the population of our country. It is added to salads, marinate, salted and just eaten like a separate product. For an entrepreneur, he is an unpretentious vegetable, which is easy to grow in simple greenhouses and is distinguished by high yield in any latitudes.

If you achieve that there are no extra pesticides, chemistry, then the demand for fresh, environmentally friendly and useful, will be very high. And their cost in the winter will cover any initial investments on the greenhouse equipment.

But remember that in this case it will be necessary to hire a technologist and several simple workers. The first will follow the correctness of landings, control the conditions of cultivation, etc. And the second is needed for timely harvest.

With the cost of purchasing a small plot of land (for example, 500 square meters. M.), The arrangement of greenhouses and their heating can be achieved about 2,000,000 rubles. Profit for the first year. Such indicators are very attractive with all the simplicity of business organization.


A special place occupies a variety of greens. It can be parsley, dill, basil and other herbs. They are added to dishes almost all year round. Processing hostesses dried summer reserves and are used in this form in winter. But much more pleasant to buy on the shelves in a fresh dill store, which will give food a rich shade.

Green is also considered unpretentious and easy to grow, especially since requires much smaller areas and physical harvest forces. But here you need to pay attention to the established permanent channels of sales, as in major cities this niche is occupied by foreign suppliers.

Costs look as follows.

With one such greenhouse for the year, about 500,000 rubles can be made. The profitability is at least 40% and with a regular basis established after 5 months, it is possible to reach full payback and expand production volumes.


In artificial conditions, wept weighs and champignons. They are used for cooking hundreds of dishes. The main advantage is:

  1. Full security of such fungi compared with cases of poisoning when collecting forest varieties.
  2. A person does not have to go behind them far - today it's not everyone has time to get out on nature, it is much more convenient to buy a favorite product in the store.
  3. High yield rates and unpretentiousness enable the entrepreneur to make a profitable business almost without effort.

True, it will have to first understand the technologies of their cultivation, the characteristics of creating the required conditions and to equip the room must be a manner. While you will not have a certain experience, the first batch of the crop can disappoint. But after overcoming difficulties, a stable income is ensured.

For growing mushrooms, you will need a suitable room, even a basement is suitable, in which it will have to install watering system and maintain the temperature on the desired level. It is especially important to take care of creating a suitable microclimate for the selected variety. The substrate and mycelium is purchased. In some efforts and compliance with all rules, a high yield is achieved in a short period.


Not included in the list of simple and low-cost projects, but deserves attention. If there are large starting investments, then buying enough space in a suitable area can be established annual cultivation and distribution of wheat or other similar products.

The advantage of the business is that the product never falls on such a product. Any cereals, porridges, bakery products, feed, the base for recycled semi-finished products - for all this requires large batch of grains. Featuring suitable cultures and putting sales, you can achieve very high profits for several years.


This is the most popular product on the tables of our compatriots and it is worth earning. It grows in large volumes, which will require a suitable sowing area. Of special conditions The care is allocated only to establish land watering and the fight against the Colorado Bucket. Everything else is the case of automated equipment.

Average expenses:

The advantage of this culture is that it is not necessary to sell it immediately. You have enough time to implement the goods, as it is subject to long-term storage. But for this you will have to set up a suitable warehouse.

Whimsical cultures

With a certain experience and correct assessment of existing risks, you can try to grow by the cultivation of other plants:

  • - A sufficiently demanding berry, for which it is necessary not only to choose the appropriate region, but also to guess with weather conditions. With its production in the greenhouse, the benefit of sales is obtained low, which is unlikely to cover your expenses.
  • Grapes - brings a good income to its owners, especially if they immediately organize winery. But this is achievable only in conditions where there are sour soils and a lot of sun. In other regions, the product will be unsuitable.
  • Fruit gardens - are quite profitable and profitable affair. But require high costs and long waiting for the first harvests. Also, for stable profits, it is recommended to plant several types of trees at once so that in the event of an unsuccessful year for some varieties to receive income from other fruits. But this requires significant areas.

It is possible that you stop your choice for some of the crops that are not listed in the list. But the conditions for successful business are remaining the same. You need to understand what is required to grow one or another plant to provide them with optimal conditions and consider pre-channel sales channels.

Sales sales

Depending on the chosen culture, a variety of selling places are suitable. So, the flowers are conveniently delivered to specialized stores. And if you grow seedlings for landing, you can cooperate with green farms, the administration of the nearest city and various institutions that flower beds each year.

When growing food, it is enough to adjust sales through stores and outlets, wholesale warehouses and markets, as well as supply them in the catering establishment. If you are focused on feed crops, they will be a profitable acquisition for most nearby animal farms.

Video: crop production, compliance with agrotechnologies.

You have decided on the type of activity of your entrepreneurship and decided that it will be greenhouse crust. Now growing agricultural products, especially seasonal fruits and vegetables - this profitable business. First of all, it is necessary to create a business plan that will help to answer whether your business will be profitable and will help start it true and without extra costs.

A competently compiled business plan answers all questions that stand in front of a novice entrepreneur and, if necessary, will help to find an investor. The business plan will be able to reveal such highlights: the sum of the initial costs, who will be a supplier of greenhouses and what they will be, what kind of technology. Will give an answer as it will be built manufacturing processhow much employees need, and what is the size of the wage foundation, how much does the landing material need and how much it will cost how greenhouses will be heated, what fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides are used and what is the cost, the necessary transport, cost advertising company And the protection of the enterprise, in general, what will be the amount of costs and income and of course the size of pure income. What is the project payback rows, which risks are provided, the payback schedule and the break-even point.

Owned enterprise land plot 1.5 hectares. Plans to build 6 greenhouses for 25 square meters. One part will be occupied by the cultivation of cucumbers second - roses. Advanced technology maintenance technologies will be used. Planned production of cucumbers and flowers of roses. Grown products will be implemented in the trading network, thereby scheduled for a large sales of sales. To start business, the amount money will be 170,000 dollars.

Organizational plan.
First of all it is necessary to spend high-quality marketing researchwho will help answer the question which greenhouses are already available in the region, which products use the greatest demandIn which products there is a lack of the market, and will also help, it will be determined with the directions of sales (cafes, restaurants, trading network, recycling enterprises, etc.) All the studies will help choose the type of products for their greenhouse. In addition to vegetables and greens, you can grow color and seedlings.
Registration of the most attractive organizational and legal form can be individual entrepreneurthat will greatly simplify the maintenance of tax and accounting. It is assumed that the company will be cultivated, cleaning and selling products.

Production part.
Immediately the question arises where to take the land - for rent or purchase. Attention should be paid to the presence of communications and driveways. For year-round cultivation Cultures are important heating, lighting and watering. It is necessary to take into account global experience in the field of greenhouse and existing advanced technologies. Ideal will be the presence of your own land.

Financial part.
Greenhouse with an area of \u200b\u200b500 sq.m. costs 15 thousand dollars. Greenhouses with an area of \u200b\u200bone hectare require a managing, technologist and 3-4 workers. Personnel Payment Fund will be about 30 thousand dollars a year. In the structure of costs of products, the main part will be energy resources (electricity and gas) should be chosen energy-saving technologies and the most profitable culture. Taking into account all aspects, you can make a profit already in the first year. Significant costs are on boarding material, but it is not worth saving here as the further quality of your products and, accordingly, income depends on the quality of the planting material.

The exact amount of cash receipts is difficult to determine, it will depend on market value, and the quantities of the obtained crops.
We hope that the greenhouse plant's business plan will help you organize it is not easy, but an income business.


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