What is management experience. Management competencies. Kolb - Repetition

Management experience and a view on the role of the director in a modern school.

Every person is born

for some business.

Ernest Hemingway.

It seems to me that my colleagues and I were lucky, we were born for an extremely noble cause. Answering the question of the questionnaire why I like working at school, I said that it is extremely interesting for me to observe the development and formation of a personality and to take part in this development and formation.

I would not like to delve into scientific concept words "manager", "managerial activity" It is more interesting, in my opinion, to argue that a manager is not a profession and not a position, but a state of mind or a mission entrusted by the leadership, team, parent community.

Taking responsibility for the activities of the institution, you must have the desire and ability to work in a team and, moreover, not be afraid to take the initiative, to captivate the team with the idea and be responsible for the decisions made. If we argue this way, then the first experience of being the leader of a team (the pioneer squad named after Ulyana Gromova 10) was obtained by me back in 1976. Then there were the duties of a Komsomol organizer of the school, work as a pioneer leader, a teacher in his native school, since 1989, administrative work as a deputy director of the school, since 2005 - I have been a school director. And if the pioneer, Komsomol and pioneer leader work was based on a purely emotional desire to participate in collective creative affairs, then work as a deputy director for educational work and work as a director requires certain knowledge and experience in areas related not only to the educational process.

The managerial experience of each person is individual and develops depending on many components: education, experience, organizational flair, and also the knowledge or ignorance of the team plays an important role, whether the leader came to the team from the outside or grew up in this team.

A leader who comes from outside will need time to study the traditions of the school, get to know the staff, identify the opportunities and creative and intellectual potential of employees, and establish business and friendly partnerships. In my case, there was no need for “introduction” into the team. As a graduate of the school, having gone from a counselor to a director, I felt like a part of a mechanism in which everything necessary to achieve a result in terms of teaching and educating the younger generation was debugged and built.

All predecessor directors were individuals who left a significant mark not only in school, but also in society. The head of the school at its opening was a front-line soldier, a landowner, paid great attention to the upbringing of a citizen, a patriot of his Motherland. Together with him, we managed to visit the "Malaya Zemlya", conduct search work, collect material about the warriors, fellow villagers.

Having replaced the school director (a teacher from a large teaching dynasty), she devoted a lot of effort to establishing ties with subsidiary plots, the state farm - the fruit nursery "Krasnoe" and the development of the production team of schoolchildren, which won prizes in the All-Russian competitions.

The honored teacher of Kuban, who took over the baton, made a significant contribution to the history of the development of the school, having founded a museum of the military and labor glory of the village. The work of the museum has been highly appreciated more than once at the regional and regional levels.

The next director is "Excellent public education”Paid a lot of attention to the development of sports, creativity, work with“ Gifted Children ”. During the period of his activity, sports clubs and sections worked effectively, a collective "Enchanted by Music" was created, the parental community began to actively promote the participation of children in subject Olympiads for schoolchildren. The result of the work of these honored people was an excellently built system of the school's activities in the main areas: civil-patriotic, search, museum, creative, military-sports. High results were achieved thanks to highly qualified personnel and a close-knit team.

So my first managerial experience was working in a well-oiled mechanism of professionals - like-minded people, where the main thing was to keep everything that was gained and carry this invaluable experience further.

However, time makes its own adjustments, and even the most perfect system can and should undergo changes. It is only important to accept and introduce the new, while preserving the rational seeds of the old school, especially this concerns the educational system. The society, being the customer, dictates the terms. Employers and parents are inclined to the position that fundamental knowledge is losing its significance and functional knowledge is needed. This and other issues of education reform are highly debated. Now on the regional television there is a cycle of programs "I have the right" on request and with the participation of representatives of the region, the parental and pedagogical community. They use plots filmed in MBOU secondary school №10. As a participant in the program, I saw that the experience of the rural school was interesting to the audience, that the opinion of my colleagues and school graduates (now students) regarding the further ways of transforming the school aroused a keen interest in the studio, which means that today we are on the right path, trying to satisfy the customer's requests. For this purpose, the national educational initiative “Our new school", Within the framework of which the transition to new educational standards is taking place, the system of support for talented children continues and improves, teachers are systematically going on, school infrastructure is changing, painstaking work is being done to preserve and improve the health of schoolchildren. All this is the field of activity of the director. My managerial experience is movement together with the team towards the goal set by the government and society, backed by regulatory documents... I hope that this movement is by no means based on authoritarianism. The team consists of thinking, intelligent people, capable of analysis and creativity, who do not allow themselves and the leader to be just performers, without a clear understanding of the need to complete the assigned tasks.

At present, among the directors of rural schools, there is a rethinking and reassessment of their own activities, an attempt to adapt the basic ideas of management to the practice of managing a rural general education school.

Today, the managerial activity of the director of a rural school is realizing the potential educational services(main and additional) education systems and real resources of the rural society (intellectual, human, financial) in order to meet the educational needs of the state, society, citizens living in rural areas.

I see my task as a manager-director of a rural school by essential characteristics in the interaction of the subject of management with and further, through interaction, interpenetration - to projective connections, with further involvement in solving school problems, mutual stimulation of the reflective position of social partners, projecting the results of joint activities. My little (in proportion to the tasks) work experience allows me to think that the school today is a socio-cultural center, and without social partnership it is impossible to develop it, create a positive image that makes it possible to be attractive to future first-graders, which is very important in terms of per capita funding.

The peculiarity of management and special responsibility for the management of a rural school, as opposed to an urban one, I think, is that parents take their children not just to a school (educational institution), but to a specific director, a specific teacher. In the village, everyone knows each other, therefore, each member of the team, each teacher feels the gaze of fellow villagers, approving or disapproving reviews of the work, which is an additional incentive in professional pedagogical activity.

From the "Uchitelskaya Gazeta" for 2014 it became known that MBOU Secondary School No. 10 entered the rating of 500 best schools Russia. This is all the more pleasant because the team did not know about the ranking. Therefore, this is the result of painstaking, long-term and stable work of the institution, not for rating, but for vocation.

What is the role of the director in this? My role? I am absolutely sure that she is in fulfilling my duty to my school, my teachers, (some of them work effectively even now, educating and preparing prize-winners of the All-Russian Subject Olympiads)

What are my personal orientations in leading my team?

(and after all, under the gaze of my teachers, I still sometimes feel like a student) I strive, as I taught, to show such important qualities of a leader as the ability to listen and hear, psychological tact, a sense of proportion with people. To achieve the success of a team or an individual (be it a teacher or a student) I call on my "organizational flair", I try to present adequate requirements. It is very pleasing when the emotional and volitional influence, belief in the talents of people is justified by positive results.

Answering the question of I. Gordienko, the correspondent of the regional newspaper "Vperyod", (№18 (10233) from 5.04.2013) - what is my director's happiness, I said: "Support of the team, faith in it! Success for students and teachers!

The external and internal appearance of the school is changing, new standards of education are replacing the old requirements, but the main thing in the school was, is and will be a teacher with his mission to raise, teach and educate a person. And without this SIGNIFICANT figure, qualitative transformations in the education system are impossible. I expressed my understanding of the importance of a teacher in the poem "Hymn to the Profession", written on the instructions of one of the teachers.

Anthem of the profession.

We praise those at the stove

Bakes rolls for the people!

And those who all night long

The appearance of the baby awaits!

We praise the chef, the artist,

Both the carpenter and the tractor driver!

And those who are tired without knowing.

Extracts wealth from the depths!

We sing loud glory

And to those who are always driving

And to those who dry anchors,

Fearlessly sailing the seas

Glory to the miner and the pilot!

And to those who melt steel at the blast furnace,

Who fills the bins

Who builds schools and houses!

Bow to the ground, loving, we will weigh

We are people of thousands of professions !!

Double glory to the TEACHER !!

For the fact that someone heals, melts.

For the fact that someone is at the stove

He bakes rolls for the people.

Double glory to the TEACHER !!!

He taught, he is the MOST IMPORTANT !!!

General information DOE.

Priority goals and objectives management activities.

Presence of a preschool educational program. Achieving the goals of the development program.
Description of the results. Security educational activities in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the needs of consumers. Availability of an information base. Monitoring the results of the preschool educational institution. Creation of conditions in the preschool educational institution for the professional growth of teaching staff. The results of the activities of the preschool educational institution.



Managerial experience of the head of a preschool educational institution.

Runnova Irina Evgenievna.

1.General information about HBDOU

Our address: 195256, St. Petersburg, Nauki Ave. 24k.2

Phone 534-70-73

Commissioning -1966.

The design capacity is 168 children.

Occupancy 10 groups

The working hours of the educational institution are from 7.30 to 18.30.

The kindergarten has a musical and sports hall, equipped with modern musical and sports equipment and supplies, a methodological room, medical office, isolation ward, treatment room, 10 group rooms, art studio, offices of speech therapists, massage parlor, a number of office spaces.

The site of the educational institution is landscaped, equipped with sports and play equipment.

2. Priority goals and objectives of management activities.

My managerial functionality is determined by new values, categories and concepts, such as competitiveness, competence, the market for educational services, self-organization and self-government. On their basis, I build the areas of activity of the teaching staff, focusing on an innovative way of quality assurance preschool education and the search for social partners in creating optimal and effective conditions personality development of a preschooler.

The priority goal of my managerial activity is to improve the educational space of the institution as a childhood environment with a specific subculture that provides conditions for the development of the spirituality of the individual, knowledge of the culture and traditions of his people, awareness of the value of his own health, knowledge and self-realization of needs (intellectual, artistic, creative, physical), formation of readiness for schooling.

I consider the main tasks to achieve this goal:

Ensuring the competitiveness of the institution in the conditions of the educational services market at the expense of effective implementation variable educational programs and technologies that meet the needs of children and parents;

Modernization of management activities related to condition monitoring educational system, designing a model of the educational environment, designing a strategy and tactics for the development of an educational institution, integrating new management values ​​(continuity, competence, self-education);

Stimulating the motivation of teaching staff (material and moral) for innovative processes in kindergarten through the development of creativity, creation of copyright programs, implementation innovative technologies through integration with social partners, participation in competitive activities);

Involvement of parents in cooperation to support individual trajectories of children's development.

For this purpose, I competently build promising lines of development, test new mechanisms of management activity:

I carry out systematic work to improve the image of the institution (information about the institution is posted on the kindergarten website, is reflected in the newspaper "Educational Dialogue" at the MOU DPO Information and Educational Center);

I provide approbation in the institution of modern educational technologies(problem learning technologies, project activities);

I create conditions for the development of innovative processes in kindergarten through a system of incentive payments from the wage fund, a multilevel system of moral encouragement;

I involve teachers in the development of initiative projects with the participation of parents.

3. Presence of a preschool educational program development. Creation of conditions for the implementation of the program. Achievement of the goals of the development program. Characteristics of the results obtained.

The "Program for the Development of a Preschool Educational Institution" developed under my leadership is a strategic basis for my actions, both as a leader and a teaching staff, acts as a long-term plan, determines the stages of an educational institution in the development mode.

The system of managerial actions included in the program affects all participants in the pedagogical process: children, teachers, administration, parents.

^ The purpose of the program: transformation of the kindergarten into an open social and pedagogical system. Creation of a single developmental space for a kindergarten, family, society, aimed at the formation of a child as a person, ready for life in the constantly changing world around him, its conditions.

The main objectives of the program:

Ensuring the rights of the child to quality education;

Implementation of continuity and openness in the field of educational subsystems - preschool, school;

Building educational practice focused on raising children in the spirit of respect for their family, kindergarten, city, republic, Russia;

Updating the content of education and implementation modern technologies learning;

Introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process and connection to the Internet;

Experimental pedagogical work;

Improvement of the preschool institution management system;

Development of resource (material and technical, personnel, scientific and methodological) support of the educational process;

Improving the monitoring of the integral pedagogical process to track, analyze the results and adjust the implementation of the program;

Promotion of the role of the family in the upbringing of children;

Formation of culture healthy way life;

In accordance with the designated tasks, under my leadership, the system for the development of the institution is being competently built, which leads to the gradual achievement of results. On this stage kindergarten development can be said about the following achievements of the goals of the development program:

The quality of health-improving work with children has improved, aimed at the formation, preservation and strengthening of the physical, mental and social health of children by means of physical culture and health-improving activities (the level of morbidity in children is below the average city level for 3 years);

The competence of educators has increased in the individualization of the educational process through the mastery of modern educational programs and technologies that ensure the development of the individual abilities of the child (individual routes for the development of children are being developed);

The interaction of teachers with children is based on a personality-oriented model (the results of monitoring to determine the style of interaction between teachers and children - 85% of teachers are predisposed to a personality-oriented model of interaction);

Qualified counseling of the parents of the microdistrict is carried out on the issues of health improvement, education and urgent problems of the upbringing and development of children (group parenting meetings, general parent-teacher meetings of the kindergarten, counseling for parents whose children do not attend Kindergarten);

The level of legal culture of all participants in the educational space has increased (sociological surveys are carried out, a system for the work of a kindergarten and a department for minors and the protection of their rights for the administration of the urban district, the city of the district, the city of Rybinsk, is provided to improve the legal culture);

Cooperation between parents in the activities of an educational institution, in participation in the educational process has expanded; in holding joint events;

The opportunity for the creative development of the child's personality, the realization of his interests has expanded (circle work);

The educational-methodological and material-technical base of the institution is being improved, a subject-developing environment has been created that contributes to the strengthening of psychophysical health, the formation of the moral and aesthetic worldview of the child's personality;

^4 .Providing educational activities in the preschool educational institution in accordance with the needs of consumers. The variety and validity of the services provided.

One of the areas of my management activity is information and analytical activities for the study of the social order of parents.

The toolkit is a questionnaire of parents, the study of the experience of other institutions, sociological surveys. Together with the team, I constantly work on the image of the preschool institution, which ensures its competitiveness in the conditions of the educational services market.

The formation of a personality capable of successful life, professional self-determination is greatly influenced by the possibilities of additional education. The mission of the system of additional education for kindergarten No. 5 is to create conditions for the socialization of children, the fullest possible disclosure of the child's potential through the active use of innovative developmental technologies. The mission is realized through the organization of circle and studio work, which has acquired a number of qualitative characteristics that give this type of education uniqueness and special social significance. Currently, there are 4 circles in the kindergarten, conducted by the teachers of the kindergarten.

The results obtained demonstrate the high efficiency of activities, the interest of children and parents.

5. Implementation of mechanisms of state and public administration ^. Availability of documents, local acts confirming the participation of teachers, parents and public organizations in the management of the preschool educational institution.

As a leader, I understand that one of the areas of modernization of education is to increase the role of all participants in the educational process in educational policy - students, teachers, parents, representatives of civil society, which is determined by the increasing requirements for the quality of educational services.

State- public administration educational institution is carried out by local acts and documents. The procedure for the election of self-government bodies and their competence are determined by the Charter.

There are the following self-government bodies in kindergarten:

Preschool educational institution board.

It includes representatives teaching staff, head, parents of pupils. Parents, together with teachers and the head, participate in the discussion of issues of the educational process, determining the strategy for the development of the kindergarten.

Pedagogical Council.

Composition: the head of the kindergarten, the teaching staff, representatives of the psychological, medical and pedagogical support.

At meetings of the council, curricula are approved for educational program institutions, methodological topics of teachers.

General meeting of the team.

Composition: the staff of the educational institution.

Decisions are made on social protection employees, agreements on labor protection and safety in kindergarten.

Parental committee.

Composition: representatives of the parents of children, the leadership of the educational institution

With the participation of the parent committee, issues of providing practical assistance in conducting mass events, excursions, in strengthening the material and technical base, improving the educational process.

To ensure the activities of self-government bodies, the following local acts have been developed and issued:

Regulation on the pedagogical council;

Regulation on the parent committee;

Regulation on general meeting labor collective

6. Availability of an information base that provides management processes. Monitoring program. Monitoring of educational results of preschool educational institutions.

Information and analytical activity is one of the main tools for managing a preschool institution for me.

Information acts today as one of the main resources, along with material and personnel resources, so I not only own up-to-date and accurate information, but analyze and apply it in my management decisions.

The information is in demand by parents, the population of the microdistrict, employees, and the head.

In my work, I have identified such levels of information as:

Administrative and managerial (necessary for my decisions)

Collective-collegiate (for the collective)

Public (for children and parents)

I use various methods to collect information:

study of directive, informative, legal, methodological documents on the basis of which I organize the activities of my educational institution.

questioning of teachers and parents. Learning from the experience of other institutions;

One of the important ways to obtain information is monitoring, which I conduct in different directions:

Monitoring staffing gives me the ability to analyze growth professional excellence, professional development of teachers, educational level of teachers;

monitoring of the psychological climate in the team;

For three years, the institution monitored the social and educational level of parents. Analysis of the data obtained allows a differentiated approach to each family. As a result of monitoring the health of children, an individual approach to the organization of physical culture and health-improving work became possible. Monitoring is carried out by me as a method for studying the pedagogical process within the framework of the control and diagnostic function in the following areas:

Development of a control system for educational work with children, diagnostic materials, issues on the implementation of thematic and frontal control in different age groups;

Monitoring the activities of the educator in the process of working with children, the activities and relationships of children;

Fixation of observation results;

Analysis of results educational work, children's creativity, plans and documentation of educators;

Formation of conclusions and conclusions on the state of educational work with children;

Diagnostics of the professional competence of teachers, the development of children;

Development of measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings in the work of teachers;

Discussion of the results of control with educators, the use of these results in the preparation of decisions of the teachers' council, planning the work of the team.

7. Creation of conditions in a preschool educational institution for the professional growth of teaching staff. Dynamics of professional growth of teachers.

One of my main tasks as a leader is to create conditions for creative self-realization personality of the teacher, helping educators in finding a unique individuality, disclosing the creative principle of each teacher, searching for their own style of activity.

Management of methodological work in kindergarten No. 5 is aimed at professional adaptation, formation, development and self-development of educators.

The system of methodical work of the kindergarten includes different types activities focused on awareness, testing and creative interpretation of innovative programs and technologies.

The main areas of work are:

Introduction of advanced pedagogical technologies and PPE into the educational process;

Taking into account the individual capabilities and personal qualities of teachers and his professional interests;

Timely assessment of results in order to make adjustments to the process of professional development.

The system created at the preschool educational institution to improve the professional skills of teachers contributes to the constant growth of pedagogical skills. innovation activities showed that 64% of teachers constantly show a desire for creative growth, activity in relation to pedagogical activity, the work of methodological associations. The teaching staff of the preschool institution constantly and systematically improve their qualifications through continuing education and refresher courses, as well as methodical work in kindergarten and self-education.

8.Results of the preschool educational institution

I, as a leader, together with kindergarten teachers, are actively working to create conditions for high-quality preparation of graduates for school education. Implementing an individually differentiated approach and using individual cards allows you to provide an individual personal growth children. The effectiveness of pedagogical activity is clearly seen on the example of the development of children of the preparatory group.

The level of development of thinking, speech, memory, fine motor skills corresponds to age norms. Preschoolers demonstrate a high level of cognitive interest; the bulk of children have a motivational readiness for schooling - 69.5%. It can be concluded that the program for preparing preschoolers for a successful transition from one social status to another gives positive results.

On average, about 57% of children have systemic knowledge, the patterns mastered are distributed to the cognition of objects of the surrounding reality, regular connections of objects are established, the appearance of generalizations (generic, specific) and generalization of knowledge. Every year, 9-12% of children have narrow knowledge, there are frequent delusions, which are due to the psychological characteristics of children.

It is noted that 82% of children successfully master the program under the section "Development of elementary mathematical representations», They have formed ideas about quantitative relations, they use simple algorithms, operate with mathematical signs, have generalized ideas about the properties of objects.

The result of the kindergarten educational system is:

Manifestation in the majority of pupils of an emotionally - positive attitude towards their peers, their families;

Increasing curiosity, cognitive interest in nature, cultural heritage of the small homeland,

Development of communication skills of children,

The active participation of the family in the pedagogical process, the inclusion of parents in joint activities.

Kindergarten graduates have formed a cognitive interest, the operation of analysis, classification, generalization. Children, having received knowledge, apply them in different types activities. Tasks are performed with interest, independently, without needing additional external stimuli. They are able to independently solve creative problems, draw conclusions and conclusions based on existing knowledge. Speech is meaningful, emotional, expressive, phonetically and grammatically correct.

Children have developed the arbitrariness of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking. Formed intellectual skills, the foundations of artistic abilities: musical, visual, dance. They want to study at school, have a cognitive and social motive of learning. Teachers establish trusting relationships with parents and constantly provide parents with psychological and pedagogical information, strive to ensure that a unified approach to the child is implemented with the aim of his personal development.

Children of several generations are brought up in the kindergarten. A tree of such dynasties was created. Our team believes that if a parent brings a child to a kindergarten that he himself attended, this is a good indicator, which means that he has the most pleasant impressions about him.

You need a fundamentally different resume than the one you had for a performing position. Think back to anything that has been related to leadership or organizational activities in previous jobs. At this stage, do not pay attention to the nuances - prepare the foundation, and then move on to the fundamentally important details.

Leadership experience... In the list job responsibilities it is necessary to specify the management functions: setting tasks, organizing work, monitoring performance, keeping records, etc. It is even better if you have had experience of replacing a manager on vacation, but do not forget to indicate the initially temporary nature of the work, otherwise the recruiter may get the impression that you were already a manager, but did not cope.

Skills... Despite the fact that now you are applying for a management position, first of all, you must be a good specialist in their field. Therefore, immediately after describing the administrative and managerial functions, start presenting your skills as an excellent specialist.

Desired position... Do not position yourself simply as a manager - this way you will not tell a potential employer anything about the position you are going to take. Specify which department, sector or direction you want to become the head of.

Achievements... When completing this section, it should be remembered that it is important, first of all, expressed in numbers and percentages. But at the same time, one should not forget that the plausibility of the figures given is also of great importance; in no case should you take credit for the merits of the entire department. If you had your own project, then here you can already write meeting deadlines, meeting KPIs, improving productivity, etc.

Accents... Of course, it is important to emphasize the relevance of the job you are applying for whenever possible, especially if you have any of the listed requirements / characteristics that are given in the job. Such little things will turn out to be an additional plus, given an equal chance with other candidates, so for each employer the resume that you send should be individual.

Mandatory items

Here is a small list of actions that should be reflected in work experience - check if all of the points are on your resume:

  • experience in team leadership;
  • training and motivation of employees;
  • defining strategies, setting goals, setting priorities, assigning responsibilities, areas of responsibility, etc .;
  • control over the implementation of tasks, determination of efficiency, implementation of KPIs;
  • creation of reporting documentation;
  • own efficiency.

Using this diagram, you can formulate the skills you have so that the employer can see that they "cover" all the requirements for a manager.

Major mistakes

1. "Performing all duties appropriate to this position"... A person who has done a job that he did well will always be happy to talk about it. Otherwise, the conclusion is one - he does not like his business and does not want to do it. Why does an employer need such an employee?

How to fix: describe the functions (7 to 12 items) and.

2. Skills that are haphazardly described... A specialist who knows well the specifics of his work always clearly understands what is the main and what is secondary from his experience. Resume in the style of “ what I remembered I wrote», Where managerial experience is mixed with executive experience, is unlikely to interest the employer.

How to fix: Divide the skills into categories, and within each subsection, keep the sequence from general to specific. For example, first you indicate the management experience as such, and then the necessary options: remote control, motivation, control, building business processes, documentation, etc.

3. Carbon copy resume... You must understand what they want to hear from you. The more closely your portrait matches the image of the employee you are looking for, the more chances you have.

Leave one of the most complete CVs in the public domain, and when applying for a particular vacancy, use the CV intended for specific company.

Search technique

It must be remembered that a wait and see attitude will most likely not work. You have to be proactive - it's not enough just to post your resume on a work site and wait for responses to come. Look for your employer and try to interest him. Pay attention to, in which you must emphasize your managerial qualities and argue your readiness to take a managerial position. You can also use the service - in this case, your resume will be in a separate folder with the recruiter.

For those who are writing a resume for a management position for the first time, there is a great way to test its effectiveness -. Develop all doubts and get a new interesting job!

director, consultant trainer

LLP "BKT" (Business Consulting Training),

Almaty city

A correct forecast of market trends allows you to develop strategies, anticipate possible barriers to success and quickly find ways to overcome them. It is very important to be able to mobilize all resources in cases of difficulties and failures, clearly prioritize, analyze various alternatives and find the best solutions. Business efficiency is primarily determined by the managerial competence of managers.

Managerial (job) competence is a set of knowledge, practical experience, skills and personal qualities of the leader, which allows him to qualitatively solve certain problems to achieve certain results.

Qualified management is carried out on the basis of knowledge gained from training and practical experience.The basis of management is knowledge, useful experience of other companies, the manager's own experience, proven tools and skills to use them.. Practical knowledge in management is of greater value than theoretical knowledge; useful experience is scrupulously studied and passed on, and a well-designed tool for solving problems is much more useful than scientific theories.

Based on an understanding of the essence of management, we can say that the most demanded managerial competencies of a top manager are:

1. Strategic thinking (consistency, planning, the ability to foresee the "picture" - the result).

2. Knowledge basic foundations marketing to manage the company's position in the market.

3. Ability to manage financial flows incl. use mechanisms for investing in new projects.

4. Knowledge of production and operating activities(procurement, logistics, warehousing).

5. Understanding of the laws of the market, the ability to organize marketing and sales processes.

6. Ability to develop new products or services.

7. Understanding of information technology and approaches to process automation.

8. Implementation of business administration.

9. Knowledge of the relevant legislation governing business.

10. Personnel management skills

11. Security assurance - commercial, informational, economic, personnel.

12. Maintaining public relations (formation of the company's reputation and image in society, in the business community or in the market - at your choice).

At the same time, any manager performs a certain number of administrative functions, such as:

collection and analysis of information;

  • making decisions;
  • planning;
  • organization;
  • coordination;
  • control;
  • motivation;
  • communications.

A good manager should be an organizer, a friend, a mentor, an expert in setting goals, a leader, and a person who knows how to listen to others. He must have a good understanding of the capabilities of his direct subordinates, their abilities to carry out the specific work assigned to them.A manager must know the principles of interaction between heads of departments and employees within the company, develop teamwork in order to maintain the unity and correct functioning of the company. It is impossible to combine in one person the variety of skills and qualities of a top manager listed above, but it is possible to clearly define the list of requirements for a specific position of a manager, taking into account the specifics of the industry, the specifics of the management system and corporate culture of a particular company and the goals of its development.

The competency method is becoming more and more popular in a dynamic developing companies, since it involves the use of a single language in business processes. This is an effective way of describing a job, as most of the positions can be described using 10-12 individual competencies. For example, the international construction corporation Tarmak uses 10 competencies, and the management model of Xerox includes 32 competencies.

In a sense, the number of competencies used in a particular model does not matter, it depends on the specifics of the industry, the specifics of the company, the management system, corporate culture, etc.The number of competencies should be convenient for conducting managerial work and for assessing the performance of a manager.

In domestic practice, two main groups of competencies are used that are necessary for a manager:

1. WITHspecial competencies- those skills and abilities that are associated with the field professional activity... For example, CFO must be able to analyze the balance sheet, and the team leader must be proficient in critical programming languages.

2. Bbasic competencies- a group of competencies, which is based on the intellectual, communicative, emotional and volitional qualities of a person.

When defining basic competencies, it is necessary to take into account the general specifics of managerial work, which is that:

  • the work of the leader does not have a clear end in time. He is always busy, since the organization acts on the market every day and is constantly under the influence of changes in the external environment, where there are risks and opportunities that must be foreseen in order to make correct and timely management decisions;
  • the work of a manager forms the basis of the management process in any organization and is based on his knowledge, experience and perception of the new (the use of advanced experience, new techniques and methods in work);
  • the manager's management style forms the corporate culture of the organization, radically affects its image and business reputation;
  • an important part of managerial work is the ratio of the time spent by managers in accordance with the levels and functions of management. The higher the level, the more time is allocated in favor of representative communications: business meetings, negotiations and meetings. The lower the level of management, the more time the manager spends among his subordinates in the context of making operational decisions in a specific department on a specific issue.

The competency model describes the position of a leader in three dimensions:

  • vision (vision) - the ability to think at the strategic and tactical levels, the ability to predict the future and foresee the emergence of problems;
  • action (action) - the ability to dynamically and progressively move towards achieving the desired result (for example, clear planning of actions, persistence in striving for a goal);
  • interaction (interaction) - the ability to build such relationships with others that help to achieve the best result in work (for example, the ability to motivate subordinates, the ability to work in a team).

In 2007, Anthropos-Consulting published a dictionary-reference book "Competence of a Manager" (by V.E.Subbotin), which presents the most complete list of competencies for different job groups... According to experts on the development of competencies, the activities of a manager can be conditionally divided into several areas of competence:

  • Special professional competencies - the competencies necessary for the manager to solve the issues that make up the content of the processes and functions for which he is responsible. Specific competencies reflect the level of proficiency in issues related to the operation of equipment, procedures and technologies production process... Basically, these are knowledge and skills related to a specific subject area: for example, finance and accounting, information technology, engineering, chemistry, construction, etc.
  • Business competencies - these are general competences, they are necessary for managers in any field of activity. These competencies constitute the main content of MBA programs and include a systematic analysis of the situation, making strategic decisions, attracting external and internal resources of the company to solve business problems, budgeting, forecasting income and expenses, reducing enterprise costs, keeping records, etc.
  • Knowledge Management Competencies reflect the manager's ability to work with information, manage information flows, learning and development processes in the organization. Knowledge management competencies include skills such as information retrieval, conceptual, analytical thinking, problem solving, understanding the essence of processes organizational development, ensuring the process of acquiring new knowledge and skills by employees.
  • Leadership competencies relate to the field of leadership and management of people. They reflect the manager's ability to dispose of his own power, direct the activities of subordinates in a certain direction, provide support to subordinates, show participation in them and empower them. In addition, leadership competencies imply that the leader has the ability to create in subordinates a state of focus on common task, the ability to work with a diverse team, to support the creative activity of subordinates and to form a sense of community in the organization.
  • Social or interpersonal competencies refer to the manager's ability to build and maintain optimal relationships with people (the public, shareholders and other interested parties). The presence of this ability requires the development of certain social skills, such as understanding other people and their behavior, communication skills and interaction with others, creating proper motivation in people, as well as the ability to prevent and resolve conflicts. Ideally, a socially competent manager is able to put himself in the shoes of the other person, correctly assess their expectations, and build their behavior around those expectations. It is the ability to behave socially appropriately.
  • Intrapersonal competences ... They are based on self-confidence, a tendency to influence their living environment, the desire to improve and radically change the existing situation, focus on results and self-development, the ability to act in conditions of uncertainty, developed self-awareness and self-control skills.

Obviously, for different leadership positions each of the listed areas of competence has relatively different meaning... For example, for commercial director interpersonal competencies are required; for the production director, the area of ​​technical competence may come to the fore; for general director- leadership competencies. The relative importance of individual competencies and their groups is, of course, not automatically set by the title of the position. It all depends on the characteristics of the company and the content of the job description.

There are also different approaches to describing competencies. Let us show by example the use of different approaches to compiling the “Planning” competency. The Leader Competence dictionary states thatplanning -it is the ability to develop an effective program for their own activitiestakeaway .

The following types of assessment of this quality by a manager are offered:

1. Ability to organize and plan own work so that you can use your time efficiently, avoid unnecessary effort and meet deadlines.

2. An accurate estimate of the time it will take to completethis or that task.

3. Periodic tracking of the pace of work, whenthe need to adjust it to meet the deadline.

4. Ability to devote time to the analysis of a particular issue, but always remember that the work must be completed on time.

5. Preparation for business meetings, preliminary acquaintance with the necessary information.

6. Effective use time control tools (timers, calendars, weeklies).

7. Alignment of the sequence of performance of individual tasks, depending on their urgency and importance.

8. Planning work taking into account the plans of their partners, if the work requires interaction.

Business coach Z. Dmitrieva in her book "Employee and Company Management" emphasizes that the competence of a modern leader can consist of five components:

1. Formal requirements (education, health status, legal grounds, etc.).

2. Knowledge (possession of general and specific knowledge in a special area, business and economics, management, knowledge of a specific market, company regulations, etc.).

3. Skills (the ability to perform actions, make decisions necessary for the effective performance of duties).

4. Installations (worldview, attitudes and attitudes that contribute to the correct performance of duties, for example, the attitude "the client is always right").

5. Business and personal qualities (psychological characteristics of personality and character, contributing to the performance of the functions of a leader).

In this case, the competency model might look like this.

Competence "Planning"

1. Formal requirements: education, mental health, work experience in an efficiently working business structure, formal requirements for suitability for the position, and more.

2. Knowledge: knowledge of the methods of strategic, tactical and investment planning, knowledge of the course "Project Management", cost analysis, risk assessment, scenario planning, etc., basic time management techniques. Knowledge about the scarcity and scarcity of resources, including at the headed enterprise. Knowledge of business processes, similar to the MBA program.

3. Skills and abilities: skills of drawing up strategic, tactical, investment plans, risk management, self-organization, time management. Good ability to use planning tools in practice (methods of operational resource analysis, SWOT analysis, scenario planning, etc.). Skills for solving strategic and tactical problems. Information skills. Ability to identify and formulate business goals, prioritize. Skills of using applied computer programs.

4. Attitudes: understanding the need for strategic planning in business, willingness to follow previously set plans and goals, desire to develop the company.

5. Qualities: consistency of thinking, analytical skills, creativity, attentiveness, objectivity of thinking, consistency.

Despite the difference in approaches and a different number of constituent sections of competence, there are uniform requirements to the competencies, which should be:

  • Exhaustive. The list of competencies should completely cover all important work activities.
  • Discrete. Separate competence should relate to certain activities which can be clearly distinguished from other activities. If competencies overlap, it will be difficult to accurately measure performance.
  • Focused. Each competency must be clearly defined and there is no need to try to cover too much. For example, “technical competence” should be very specific.
  • Affordable. Each competency must be formulated in an accessible way, interpreted in the same way by all managers, so that it can be used universally.
  • Congruent. Competencies should reinforce organizational culture and long-term goals. If competencies seem too abstract, they will not be useful and will not be accepted by managers.
  • Modern. The competency framework should be updated to reflect the present and future (foreseeable) needs of the organization.

Successful management consists of the following types of training:hard skills and soft skills.

Formation of a top manager as a management specialist begins with the acquisition of skills, which are divided into two groups: hard skills and soft skills. (similar to hardware and software in computers).Hard skills - this is "hardware", those skills that are necessary to do their job at a high professional level. This is fundamental knowledge about the mechanisms of business functioning, understanding of the organization as an integral system, economics, marketing, finance, as well as production (professional) skills used in direct work. For a long time, it was believed that work efficiency depends on the level of development of these particular skills. An important role in this is played by a diploma of academic education, the level of intelligence, the number of certificates of completion of specialized courses.

Many managers focus on the development of hard skills: technical knowledge and skills. This is due to the fact that domestic managers really do not have enough high-quality knowledge of management and marketing, which has become possible in our country recently.Hard skills can be developed by receiving additional academic education, in MBA programs and attending various workshops. Hard skills trainingallows in a fairly short time to get the knowledge necessary for the head of business development management, strategic planning, operational activities, transformation modeling and organizational structure. Many discussions and interactive seminars are built into such programs, allowing you to learn how to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in the analysis of specific situations and in role-playing games. Within the framework of hard skills training programs, you can exchange management experience in the environment of “your own kind”, find out how this or that problem or task is being solved in other companies. Academic study programs are known to take more time and effort; for example, to get high-quality knowledge in marketing, it is not enough to attend a two-day seminar, you need to get a higher or additional education lasting several months.

However, only professional knowledge of hard skills for successful work not enough. The transition to the status of a senior executive is not limited to mastering only technical skills.In practice, managers often fail to cope with their responsibilities. because oflack of experience, and due toundevelopedsoft skills

A higher level of management requires possession of more complex qualities, skills of interacting with people: the ability to communicate, speak in public, convince in one's own rightness, manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others, and motivate. All this together makes up soft skills, which, in turn, require a deep personal restructuring from the leader.

The expected work of a manager at the top management level requires, first of all, diverse and multi-level communications, leadership qualities, the ability to form and develop management team making decisions in the face of uncertainty. The importance of these skills is due to the fact that successful managers communicate with other people up to 80% of their time. The higher a person climbs career ladder, the less technical skills are, and the more interpersonal skills become.

Feature of the acquisitionsoft skills iswhatRThe development of personal skills often requires significant efforts in working on oneself, since it is necessary to change the existing "picture of the world", long-term habits and behavior patterns. Many practitioner leaders take longer to develop new skills and abilities. The existing experience and the large number of developed technologies make it difficult to analyze behavior and find those "growth zones" that can be improved. The birth of a new personality (or new soft skills) is always associated with overcoming oneself and educating oneself. In addition, the fear of change sometimes gets in the way: if the previous behavior worked and worked quite successfully for many years, how will others perceive these changes? That's whytop managers need to be prepared for the fact that mastering real soft skills can take place after 3-5 months of training. Long-term training can be in demand when it is necessary not only to develop a specific skill, but to move to a new level of management (for example, the company has seriously expanded, competition has sharply increased, business reorganization is needed). In this case, attending one-off trainings may be an ineffective waste of time. Such programs are also useful for managers who are on the verge of emotional burnout, when business and work cease to interest and delight. Then the receipt of new findings and personal growth will allow us to overcome this "management crisis".

The automotive business is going through hard times today. Due to the global economic crisis some auto giants have already declared themselves bankrupt, some have gone for a radical reduction in capacity and personnel.

And only the largest Japanese automaker Toyota stands out on this list. The newly appointed president of the company, the grandson of its founder Akido Toeda, in his first speech announced that he did not intend to cut staff and production capacity, at least in Japan.

Rejecting radical Western-style measures, the Japanese auto giant decided to further cut costs by streamlining management processes. According to the calculations of the team of managers who came to the company with Toyeda, the company will be able to remain profitable even if the utilization of production capacity drops to 70% and workers free from their main activities are sent to refresher courses.

Experts consider the proposed measures too liberal and state that the way out of the crisis is if the company gets rid of excess capacity and personnel. But Akido Toyeda will never do this, and not because he cannot, but because he does not want to.

The management model of the company, created by his grandfather, “interferes”.

Leaders are the foundation of the management model

For management model the firm "Toyota" in general and the personnel management system, in particular, is characterized by a special approach to business and a special philosophy, which is based on an orientation not on "technology" (and even more so not on "finance"), but on people.

At Toyta, it is customary to say: "Before we create machines, we create people." The goal of the company leader is to develop people so that they can make a worthy contribution to the common cause, know how to think and follow the principles of Toyota at all levels of the organizational structure. From a Toyota culture perspective, a leader must be forward-thinking to figure out what to do, knowledgeable to teach others how to do it, and skillful to educate people to do what is required of them and do their job. the best way.

Leaders who have left a noticeable mark on the history of the company:

Prioritized strategic Toyota, creating added value for society,

Never violated the principles of Toyota Tao, professed these principles and were an example for others,

Worked their way upward with hard work and were constantly where value-adding (gemba) work was being done,

We looked at problems as an opportunity to educate and train people.

Judging by Western standards, Toyota has an ineffective organizational structure- one leader per small group of workers. The leader usually works with a group of four to eight workers and is not engaged in productive work most of the time. The group leader usually has three or four groups subordinate to him. Leader cannot apply disciplinary action, his role is to support the team members.

Toyota leaders have worked for some time in working positions, they know the functions of their subordinates and are able to take care of the development of people, they are ready to instruct them to lead.

Toyota leaders rarely give orders. They lead and train subordinates by asking questions. The leader asks questions about the current situation and what strategy the subordinate intends to follow.

Staff recruitment

Toyota has achieved a harmonious combination of work individual worker and small group... While teamwork is very important, it cannot compensate for the lack of qualifications of the individual employee. On the other hand, employees who do an excellent job of doing their job require the ability to work well in a team. That is why Toyota pays such attention to the search and selection of potential employees. She needs both highly qualified people and team players at the same time. The firm selects one person from hundreds of applicants for a job and can search for the right candidate for several months and prepares the employee for many years. The purpose of such training is to give a person technical knowledge, broad qualifications, growth prospects, and make Toyota's philosophy second nature.

The Tao of the Management Model

Briefly describing the model of work with personnel at Toyota, we can distinguish three of its main postulates:

Lifetime hiring - the fact that Japanese personnel management professes the philosophy of “life-long employment” is known to everyone, but what is implemented in Toyota can be called “life-long employment in the absolute”, the company's own philosophy has been developed, which its management is not ready to give up even under the threat of bankruptcy of the enterprise,

The role of leaders - in Toyota, leaders play a very significant role, there are significantly more of them than in other companies, they are carriers of the corporate culture of the enterprise,

- “training organization” - the management technology at Toyota is based on the ideology of “training”, not “command”, the leaders of Toyota do not give orders, but train personnel.

Is implementation possible in Russia?

In recent years, Toyota's management experience has been successfully implemented in many companies from countries that are very far from Japan in terms of mentality. Russia is no exception in this regard, especially since this experience does not differ so much from our traditions as it might seem at first glance.

If we consider in more detail the managerial experience of the "Southeast Tigers" in general and "Toyota" in particular, we will see a lot in common with what took place ... point of view of work with personnel).

The mentoring movement that existed in our country, socialist competition, and brigade contracts are very reminiscent of the corresponding elements of Toyota's personnel model. The fact that these concepts were ideologically emasculated in the days of "developed socialism" does not change the essence of the matter - repetition is the mother of learning.


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