What is the job of a financial manager. Financial Manager. Requirements for knowledge and qualifications of a financial manager

A financial manager is a person who manages an enterprise's money. The quality of his work largely depends on the circle job responsibilities which he performs. Let's take a closer look at this.

What does a finance manager do?

Earlier on large enterprises accounting issue Money was engaged exclusively in accounting. However, the employees of this department, in fact, only reacted to those changes in the assets and liabilities of the enterprise that had already occurred. They did not influence decision-making and were not involved in management or management.

It is clear that in a small company it is enough that important financial decisions will be developed and made by the head. However, as the company develops, its growth, this work will become more and more difficult. Therefore, the responsibilities of financial management must be delegated to a separate employee. And here you can't make a mistake and impose financial management responsibilities for an accountant.

But why not an accountant? After all, he also works with finances, keeps track of them. Why do you need one more person on the staff? The answer is simple. The accountant sums up the results of the company. It uses numbers and data from the past. And the financial manager looks to the future. He plans activities, analyzes market data, ... This is a critical difference and it is important to understand it so as not to force the accountant to engage in activities unusual for him.

So, is a financial manager who does what? In fact, this is a position that provides for work to increase the company's income, profitability, minimize costs and increase the value of the company. He makes decisions in conditions of uncertainty and risk, choosing the most promising options. And the accountant must keep a strict count, reflecting the state of affairs in the company as accurately as possible.

Finance Manager Job Description

Often the job description is introduced at the enterprise for the first time. And when compiling it, it is important to clearly delineate the area of ​​responsibility of the future manager. It is necessary to exclude situations in which one issue may be in the area of ​​interest of an accountant and a financial manager. It can provoke conflict. professional interests and complicate the work of the enterprise.

In addition, the job description of a financial manager solves the following tasks:

  • clearly denotes the range of activities and tasks assigned to the employee;
  • indicates a place in the service hierarchy, to whom he is subordinate, who is subordinate to him;
  • defines the area of ​​responsibility of the employee for the implementation of the assigned tasks;
  • denotes the duties of the employee, as well as his rights and powers - to make inquiries to other divisions of the company, to request and receive information, etc. .

Financial Manager Job Description

The legislation does not regulate the composition and content of the instruction. But it must include the rights and responsibilities of a financial manager. The following document structure can be taken as a sample:

  1. General Provisions. Here are indicated general information about the company, about the position, and General requirements to the applicant for the position.
  2. Functional responsibilities of a financial manager. The more detailed this section is, the easier it will be to identify the range of actions performed by the manager. This is what the finance manager is doing in the enterprise.
  3. The employee's rights that are given to him to do his job. The financial manager should have the right to demand profile information from the divisions, as well as conclude contracts, affix the seal and signature within the framework of his competence.
  4. Responsibility of the parties. This is a standard section that additionally notifies the employee about the measures of responsibility that he bears in the framework of his activities - from disciplinary to administrative and criminal. These norms must comply with the laws of the Russian Federation and not replace them.
  5. Working conditions, as well as a place to mark that the instruction has been approved, as well as a place to sign that the employee is familiar with the text.

Financial manager and job responsibilities

Perhaps the most important section in job description- duties of a financial manager. Each company must take into account the specifics of its activities in order to draw up the most accurate and clear instructions taking into account these activities. Otherwise, if these are vague requirements, the manager's performance will decrease.

What should a finance manager know? His responsibilities include

  • , its flows in order to maximize profit, including ;
  • development of relations with credit institutions and other financial institutions for the implementation of joint investment programs and attraction of financing ( );
  • analysis and audit of all financial aspects of the company's activities - risks, losses, profitability, current state, as well as planning investment and production activities, budgeting these plans;
  • work in drawing up the company's pricing policy, control of costs and internal tariffs of the enterprise, control of solvency and general financial discipline;
  • preparation of reports on financial condition companies, participation in planning the activities of the company, providing analytical information for the management of the enterprise, participation in the preparation and implementation of the investment plan.

This list is not exhaustive. Other functions of the finance manager can be added to it.

Knowledge and qualifications

A financial manager or executive combines two main areas of work, which must be understood. This is actually financial activity and management. The specialist must have competencies in these areas in order to fully meet the needs of the organization.

Usually the following requirements are imposed on the financial manager:

  1. Confident analytical skills and experience financial markets, risks, elaboration of investment strategies.
  2. Knowledge of legislation in the field of economic, financial and production activities of the company.
  3. Understanding of accounting.
  4. Ability to work with securities, credit and other organizations in order to attract financing for the enterprise.
  5. Organization and conduct of financial audit at the enterprise .

It is also important that the financial manager has knowledge of Excel and 1C - the main working tools that are needed for the analysis of reporting, development financial models etc. All this knowledge can be obtained in ... Together with .

Previously, applicants for the position of financial manager were required to have a higher education in economics. Recently, however, these requirements have been relaxed towards organizational skills.

- a document that defines the rights, duties and status of this specialist within the company. Also, the instruction determines the subordination and requirements for this employee. Let's figure out what exactly such a document is and how it is drawn up.

What is a financial manager?

The modern economy is developing so rapidly that new professions and positions are constantly appearing that no one has even heard of before. This is exactly what the profession of a financial manager belongs to. What does this specialist do?

In practice, the word "manager" is understood as a person engaged in one of the areas of management (management of a certain field of activity), increasing profits in it and reducing costs. Thus, a financial manager is a person who is involved in managing cash flows that move within the company, as well as between it and contractual counterparties.

Moreover, the position of a financial manager is introduced only at large enterprises. V small firms the tasks of financial management are solved jointly by the head of the company and the chief accountant, who is entrusted with control functions. In large companies financial management often a special department, department, or other subdivision within the internal structure is involved. If the creation of such a unit is impractical, the manager can act as an employee who reports directly to CEO(in this case, the finance manager is often referred to as the finance director).

With all this uniform requirements the law does not provide for the title of such a position, nor has a common practice been developed for all companies operating in the financial sector. However, determining the place of the financial manager in the structure of the company is extremely important, therefore it is highly desirable to display this information in the job description - a document that defines the rights, duties and responsibilities of an employee.

The role of a financial manager's job description

Job descriptionfinancial manager does not apply to documents that are always required by law. However, such a document is extremely useful, because in most cases it is drawn up at those enterprises where the position of a financial manager is being introduced. The benefits of having such an instruction are as follows:

Don't know your rights?

  1. It makes it possible to clearly delineate the responsibilities of the financial manager and other employees working in related areas. For example, a partial overlap can be observed between the duties of a financial manager and an accountant - and it is precisely the instruction that allows you to specifically determine which of them and how will act in different situations.
  2. It allows the employee to clearly know what exactly he is obliged to do. This allows him to clearly focus on specific responsibilities and understand what management requirements may be unreasonable. It also improves the manageability of the company, since the administration knows exactly what and from whom to demand.
  3. The instruction allows you to objectively judge the quality of the employee's work. If he does not cope with the responsibilities listed in this document, this may become the basis for the application of disciplinary measures (reprimand, deprivation of the award, etc.). Also, in the event of a dispute between an employee and a company on issues related to the justification of dismissal, the courts require the submission of a job description. If it is not available, it can be a serious problem for the company.

In addition, the job description defines:

  • what place does the manager take in general structure the companies to whom he reports and whom he can lead;
  • what is his competence, what are the requirements for a person applying for this position;
  • what rights he is endowed with;
  • exactly what and in what cases he bears responsibility in accordance with the legislation and internal regulations of the enterprise.

The structure of the job description of a financial manager

The law does not establish mandatory requirements for how a financial manager's job description should look and what parts it should consist of. However, there is regulations, which should be guided by when developing such documents. These include, in particular:

  1. Qualification reference book of positions (KSD), adopted by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in 1998. In 2003, it was updated with a CFO job description that can be used as a basis for instructions for a manager, with the amendment that he may not be one of the executives.
  2. GOSTs for office work. They relate only to the external registration of documents, however, they may be important in the preparation of any internal act of the enterprise, including the job description. For example, GOST R 7.0.8-2013, concerning office work and archiving, gives definitions of terms used in document flow; GOST R 6.30-2003 describes the rules regarding the placement of the stamp and other details, forms of documentation, etc. All this information will allow you to prepare the job description properly.

Typically, the job description of a financial manager is structured as follows:

  1. General Provisions. Here it is fixed to which category the financial manager in a particular organization belongs (he can be both a specialist and a leader if he has subordinates), to whom he reports, who is appointed and dismissed. If necessary, it is also prescribed here what qualifications he must have for the position (education, work experience, knowledge of specific regulations, etc.).
  2. Responsibilities assigned to this employee. They will be described in more detail below.
  3. Employee rights. With regard to the financial manager, it is required to indicate at least the right to sign the relevant documents, the right to correspond with the divisions / branches of the company and third-party organizations, the right to request and receive information necessary for work.
  4. Responsibility of the person holding this position. It is usually indicated that the manager bears disciplinary liability for failure to comply with the orders of the management, as well as civil, administrative and criminal liability in cases stipulated by Russian law.

Responsibilities assigned to the financial manager

The section of responsibilities is the main part of any job description. The instructions for the financial manager are no exception. The exact list of responsibilities will depend on the area in which the company operates, since the activities of, for example, the financial manager of a bank and the financial manager of a manufacturing company differ quite significantly. However, there are some common points:

  • managing company finances focused on making them profitable;
  • development of plans, forecasts and budgets in various areas of the enterprise;
  • control for working capital and acceleration of their turnover;
  • managing the organization's capital and taking measures aimed at increasing its price;
  • analysis of the economic condition of the organization, the results achieved, audit;
  • ensuring solvency and increasing the profitability of the enterprise;
  • control for financial discipline and targeted use of funds;
  • development of methods to regulate the financial component of the enterprise (cost allocation, setting prices and tariffs, etc.);
  • control financial assets companies;
  • search for additional sources of funding required for the organization's activities, as well as analysis of the associated risks and potential losses;
  • consulting the management on the financing of production activities (if any);
  • establishing and maintaining business relations with financial institutions that finance the work of the enterprise;
  • preparation, together with accountants, of documents for all payments of the company;
  • implementation of the investment policy of the organization;
  • analysis and assessment of how effectively the enterprise has invested;
  • calculation of the expected profit and loss from the operation of the enterprise;
  • participation in the distribution of the received profit, taking into account the pre-prepared plans;
  • optimization of tax and other payments to state budgets, municipalities, as well as to extrabudgetary funds;
  • preparation of reports for the management and founders (shareholders) of the enterprise concerning its financial condition;
  • consulting the company's management on current financial issues.

If necessary, this list can be expanded.

Requirements for knowledge and qualifications of a financial manager

Equally important is the section of the job description devoted to the description of the requirements that apply to the candidate for the position. With regard to the financial manager, when developing this section, you can rely on the provisions of the KSD, since there are specified requirements that are equally applicable to CFO, and to the finance manager.

In particular, the financial manager should know:

  • regulations governing financial, economic and production activities companies;
  • norms and methodologies used in the field of accounting and financial management;
  • at least the basics of civil, financial, tax and commercial law;
  • specialization and organizational structure companies;
  • methods used for analysis financial activities, markets, risks and planning in this area;
  • the procedure for concluding contracts in the field of the company's work;
  • the procedure for concluding and executing loan agreements, investment methods;
  • the procedure for working with securities;
  • the procedure for organizing an audit;
  • legislation concerning the work itself and its protection.

KSD as a requirement for qualifications also indicates the need for higher economic education and work experience in the financial or accounting field for at least 5 years. However, the norms of KSD are only advisory, therefore the employer has the right to establish requirements independently.

How is the job description developed and applied?

The procedure for developing and applying instructions for a financial manager is as follows:

  1. The head of the company issues an order for the preparation of the relevant document. If necessary, he appoints a commission that will prepare the instruction, or a specific person with the necessary experience to draw up it.
  2. A draft text is being prepared. If there are representatives of the personnel or legal service in the training commission, they are directly involved in the training, but if they are not there, the project is coordinated with the relevant departments of the company.
  3. The prepared document is approved by the head of the company.
  4. The manager gets acquainted with him under the signature.

If necessary, a copy of the finished instruction is handed over to the employee.

Work schedule: full time
Higher education
Experience from 2 years

Leasing projects management Check financial statements and legal documents Lessee Formation and sending of a lease application for consideration Preparation of contracts, add. agreements, acts on leasing transactions Creation and maintenance ... partnerships with leasing companies Monitoring lease payment schedules Building relationships with managers and management of leasing companies. Assessment of the quality of assets of credit institutions, including assessment of credit risk Quarterly preparation of monitoring for banks on open credit lines (transcripts and references to the balance sheet, collection of references from servicing banks) Interaction with credit institutions on financing the company's activities, preparation of all necessary documentation, accounting reports, financial documents for banks when lending and issuing bank guarantees and other banking products, their analysis Analysis and processing of financial indicators for submitting documents to the bank within the framework of monitoring (quarterly and monthly), financial control Assessment of factors influencing the decision to provide credit products Control over the fulfillment of the company's credit obligations Monitoring the receipt of funds from customers, control of accounts receivable Implementation of budgeting based on 1C Participation in the optimization of existing accounting processes of the company Formation financial monitoring reports for management (preparation of Cash flow on a weekly basis) Execution of instructions from management Transport company Logist's dream has been working on Russian market transportation by refrigerators and isotherms. We carry out routes on an ongoing basis in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in nearby regions, including Vladimir, Ryazan, Kaluga, Yaroslavl, etc. We carry food, medicine, flowers and other goods that require maintaining a constant temperature regime, while observing all sanitary standards. Of course in the segment transport services there are many companies offering an integrated approach for clients in the implementation of transport tasks. It doesn't scare us, on the contrary! We know how to work and are ready to work within the framework of a professional perfect competition... We focus on the needs of the client, focused on achieving the most high performance, we solve impossible tasks, we have expert knowledge in the field of transport services, so market leaders trust us with their goods. We are rapidly growing and developing in the domestic Russian market for the provision of transport services, our portfolio of projects is expanding, we want to accept a specialist in our team who is ready to really develop the project and work actively. We want to see the best in our team !!! Our conditions: PROSPECT FOR CAREER GROWTH Payment system: salary + motivational component (bonuses and bonuses) Registration in the company staff according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Corporate mobile connection Working in a friendly close-knit team DECISION-MAKING PROCEDURE: We value your and our time, therefore, when making decisions, we focus on the most constructive and productive one or two meetings (acquaintance + assessment of professional skills); We make a decision within 3-5 days; Salary based on the results of the interview, the proposal is voiced when making a decision; Registration and start of work is possible the next day after the decision is made. Higher education in the field of economic or financial accounting; Knowledge of the budgeting process, principles management accounting; Ability to work with a large amount of information; Excellent knowledge of MS Excel (pivot tables, formulas) and 1C; Confident PC user, skills in working with office equipment. PERSONAL AND BUSINESS COMPETENCIES: responsibility, willingness to show the result of work (NOT PROCESS!) Analytical thinking, personal charisma, charm and optimism, stress resistance, high level intrinsic motivation, loyalty to the company, strong communication skills, mobility, striving for professional development, initiative, communication skills, customer focus, creativity.

The rapid development of the market has led to the emergence of many previously unknown professions. A special direction in the work of many companies has become management methods in which all areas of activity are affected. Depending on the assigned functions, such an employee can perform various duties. For example, control and organization of sales or financial management.

Economic relations involve the management of capital and other funds of the company. The enlargement of the business has led to a demand for specialists who can professionally handle financial affairs and carry out their correct accounting.

A financial manager is a manager who combines an accountant and a specialist who owns the market situation at the same time. He directs that the efficiency of their use becomes even greater, and the company's goals are achieved in the shortest possible time.

Financial Manager - a person reporting to the Chief Financial Officer

This position involves the performance of several functions. Firstly, it is the achievement of a balance between material and financial resources in the process of capital turnover. Secondly, it is a distribution function, which implies the right direction cash flows... It is also about the creation of funds and the competent use of their funds. The last function is control over all financial resources and comparing the received profit with the expected result.

The main task that a financial manager performs is to maximize profits with minimal production costs. He also needs to restructure to ensure a reasonable balance.

Responsibilities of a financial manager include finding sources from related activities, from the sale of unused types of property, long-term investments and fixed assets.

It must revise according to the market environment in order to increase sales revenue. He is also responsible for improving financial relations with subsidiaries.

If the company is large, then its staff has a group of people who are engaged in the initial task that the financial manager performs, is to build an organization structure that allows you to effectively allocate and control funds.

He is obliged to identify the magnitude of the company's need for financial injections. The search for alternative sources of funds and their development with obtaining the final result is encouraged.

The financial manager should always be aware of the current market situation. It controls fluctuations in supply and demand, as well as the price level.

That is why a person applying for this position must be sociable, economically educated, inquisitive, striving for self-improvement. He must be well versed in the structure of the market and finance. The well-being and prosperity of any company depends on his work.

In the priority purposes of any company there should be a point, the essence of which is good governance resources. Much depends on the strategy chosen by the firm. This can influence the formation of the principles of cash flow management, as well as the definition of the relationship that has developed between different business entities. And in this review, we will try to consider what such a specialty as a financial manager is.

Who can influence the efficient operation of the company?

Accounting, control, resource allocation and other similar functions are assigned to the economic department. Its employees are responsible for the correct implementation of the relevant enterprise policy. They are obliged to create conditions that will facilitate the efficient operation of the company. A financial manager must solve a variety of tasks, of which there can be a lot. Among them, it is worth highlighting only those that the employee will have to deal with most often.

The main tasks that a specialist should solve

So what tasks need to be accomplished?

  1. We need to find the most effective use available resources.
  2. It is necessary to optimize cash flow and minimize possible risks.
  3. It is required to correctly assess the potential of the enterprise.
  4. Solutions should be sought that will help achieve economic stability.
  5. You need to plan and control costs.
  6. A specialist must work with clients.

It is also necessary to solve organizational problems. The functions of the finance manager should include participation in the budget process and ensuring the functioning of the treasury. The activity of a specialist involves exercising control over economic activities, analysis of cash flows, research into the possibilities of using a variety of instruments in the framework of company policy.

Simple duties to be performed by an employee

What else can you say about such a specialty as a financial manager? The duties of this employee are quite extensive. Only the most important of them can be identified.

  1. He must analyze the balance sheet.
  2. He is obliged to understand the reporting (accounting, operational and static).
  3. He has to check financial information.
  4. What else should a finance manager do? The duties of this employee include the analysis of the results of production, trade and financial activities.
  5. He should analyze and evaluate the economic efficiency inherent in measures with regards to investing money.
  6. The employee is obliged to exercise control over the movement of cash flows.
  7. He must predict the outcome of the investment of money, evaluating and making final decisions.
  8. His responsibilities include developing programs for the use of financial resources.
  9. He should draw up financial plans, reports on the use of resources and the achievement of indicators.
  10. He is obliged to prepare documentation regarding financial issues for submission to banking, tax organizations.
  11. Its functions include monitoring the achievement of indicators inherent in financial plan and programs for efficient use of resources.

More complex responsibilities

The activities of a financial manager involve the implementation of more complex responsibilities. They are as follows:

  1. The specialist must deal with the formation of monetary policy.
  2. He is obliged to provide foreign exchange activities.
  3. His responsibilities include developing a strategy, as well as participating in the formation of business plans.
  4. He must deal with financial risk insurance.
  5. He is obliged to carry out pledge, trust and leasing operations.
  6. The specialist must analyze the financial and economic activities of the company, while considering the market conditions.

Subtleties to be considered

What other nuances should such work take into account? Financial manager at the present stage must be able to adapt to conditions external environment that are capable of changing rapidly. At the same time, he needs to quickly develop an enterprise strategy.

What should a finance manager consider? Management of a strategic nature is closely related to the process of developing a long-term course for the development of the company, as well as with its implementation, through the use of these business plans.

Depending on the size of the company, as well as what goals are inherent in it, the above functions and tasks of the financial manager can be modified, detailed or expanded. For example, investment policy can affect not only the implementation of monetary investments. It can also mean investing in authorized capital another company or the release of its own valuable papers... The funds from their placement should be used in the best possible way.

Using software tools to solve problems

A finance manager has to use a variety of tools in his job. The process, implying accounting and control, is quite complex and responsible. A specialist cannot be mistaken, since he is engaged in enterprise asset management. In order to improve the quality, as well as to systematize the processes as much as possible, the company implements all kinds of programs with wide functionality. This approach allows you to optimize labor and time costs, increasing efficiency. Accordingly, the activity of such a specialist as a financial manager is simplified.

Key points regarding job description

What should the employee's job description include? It must reflect absolutely all the responsibilities that will be assigned to a specialist. In addition, it must take into account the powers that the financial manager will be vested with. This will help him understand his rights. Accordingly, in the future he will be able to more effectively implement his activities in full compliance with the provisions of the instruction.

The development of job descriptions takes place taking into account the peculiarities of the activities of specialists in certain companies. However, there are also similar parameters.

  1. Basic provisions.
  2. Requirements for the level of qualification.
  3. Responsibilities.
  4. Criteria for assessing the quality of tasks performed.
  5. Employee rights.
  6. Powers and responsibilities assigned to the leader.
  7. The responsibility of the specialist.

Items should be described clearly and fully.

When compiling a job description, it is necessary to clearly and fully prescribe all the provisions. This approach will not allow the employees of the company to irresponsibly approach the solution of the assigned tasks. In addition, based on the provisions of the instructions, the financial manager will be able to more systematically organize the work process, while using his rights and powers more productively.

If the job description is prepared with high quality, then the recruiting specialist will be able to fill the vacant vacancies in the most efficient way. He will evaluate the resume, guided by the provisions of the job description. Using this approach, you can find not only a professional financial manager, but also other specialists, regardless of their specialization.


In this overview, the main tasks, functions and responsibilities that are assigned to a financial manager were considered. However, it should be understood that this is only general information, and much will depend on a particular company, on its size and specialization.


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